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Oceans are considered as “Last frontiers to mankind”.

Traditionally transportation, defense, fisheries etc. were significant aspects of Ocean.
With growth of population, outstripping of resources on land, development of new
technologies for converting sources into resources, potential of Ocean resources have
gained significant importance.
Generally Marine (Ocean) resources are categorized into two major groups-
1 Abiotic Resources - which includes
a) Minerals
b) Fresh water
c) Energy
2 Biotic Resources
Abiotic Resources-
a) Minerals- Oceans are considered as “ware house of minerals”
“Poly-metallic nodules”

b) Fresh water- Ocean water is saline neither fit for drinking nor fit for agriculture, by using
appropriate technology saline water can be converted into usable resource by process
called as Desalination. Following are different methods –

1) Flash Distillation- involve change in physical state of water from liquid to vapor, this
method is feasible where temperature is high.
E.g. – Saudi Arabia

2) Electrodylasis- Use of electric field to transport ions out of solution & through semi-
permeable membrane.
E.g. – Kavaratti

3) Reverse Osmosis- Most widely used, by using suitable osmatic membranes, which
rejects salts & allow the water to pass through.

c) Energy- Both renewable & non-renewable energy (fossil fuels)

1) OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion)
2) Tidal Energy
3) Wave Energy
4) Energy from bio-conversion
5) Deuterium- (isotope of Hydrogen)

Petroleum, Coal, Natural gas etc. are fossil fuels of Oceans.

Biotic Resources –
These are classified as Planktons, Nektons & Benthos
1) Planktons - usually referred as “Floaters” these do not have self-locomotive, found at
bottom of food chain, further classified as
a) Phytoplankton &
b) Zooplankton
2) Nektons - referred as “Swimmers” have locomotive & swim freely (Pelagic & neretic)

Fish is considered as major food source in Ocean. It makes 27% of total protein
consumption in world (27% direct consumption & 9% indirectly as cattle feed, fertilizers etc.)

Fish is relatively cheaper, important source of protein for countries where agriculture
potential is low. Has omega fatty acids & rich in vitamins.

Basically three categories of fish-

a) Pelagic- Swim at or near surface of water.
E.g. - Herring, Mackerel, Tuna etc.

b) Anadromous- Migratory fish, live in sea but swim into fresh water for breeding.
E.g. - Salmon

c) Demersal- Deep water fish

E.g. - Cod, Haddock, Halibut etc.

Commercial fishing predominant in Northern Hemisphere, more specifically at temperate

regions of Oceans (coastal regions of mid-latitude). Following are reasons-
1) Region of meeting of warm & cold ocean currents along with wider continental
2) Areas of coastal upwelling.
3) Broken coastlines, safe place for breeding
4) Rugged land, hinder development of other activities like agriculture.
5) Accessibility of forest resources, for making boats, jetties etc.
6) Warm Norwegian currents, keeps bay always open throughout year.
7) Variety of Fish is less at temperate, so single type of fish catch is more.
8) Tropical fish have high oil content and more diversity of fish in tropical regions.

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