Liehberr Engine Technology

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The key takeaways are that Liebherr produces powerful and reliable diesel engines that are suited for off-road applications in industries like construction, mining, and agriculture.

Liebherr diesel engines are specially developed for off-road use, suited to tough environments, and ideal for equipment requiring powerful and reliable engines. They have proven efficiency and are manufactured to high quality standards.

Liebherr engines achieve high performance through optimized engine architecture, injection systems, and engine management working together to produce optimal and flexible torque curves tailored to applications. This results in high efficiency and torque.

Powerful, Robust and Reliable

Diesel Engines by Liebherr

Powerful diesel engines by Liebherr

2 Diesel Engines by Liebherr

Liebherr diesel engines are designed and manufactured in Bulle, Switzerland. The
first 6-cylinder inline engines came off the production line in 1985. Since then, both
the product portfolio and the manufacturing systems have been continuously ex-
panded. Currently the product range of series production engines comprises six
different basic engines in the power class from 130 kW to 750 kW. Starting with the
4- and 6-cylinder inline engines and through to the 8- and 12-cylinder-V-engines, a
wide power and torque range is covered. Further engines which will enhance the
portfolio in the upper range are being developed.

Diesel engines from Liebherr have been tens of thousands of times in Liebherr
specially developed for use in off-road equipment, and are also in demand
applications. They are outstandingly from a growing number of customers
suited to the toughest environmental outside the Liebherr group who value
conditions, and are thus ideal for ag- the engines above all because of their
ricultural equipment, construction ma- performance capability, reliability, and
chines, and mining equipment. The outstanding smoothness.
engines have proved their efficiency

Outstanding performance Service and maintenance
High efficiency and ideal torque curve Global organization for local availability
and support

Very smooth running Exhaust gas aftertreatment
Low noise and reduced vibration Simple solutions for low total cost
of ownership

Quality and reliability Modular engine system
Reliable and robust in every situation Everything from a single source
for maximum flexibility

Diesel Engines by Liebherr 3

Outstanding performance
Diesel engines from Liebherr are distinguished by their high specific performance. This can be called
upon at any time thanks to the responsive engines. Engine architecture, injection system and engine
management are adapted ideally to each other in order to achieve an optimal, application-specific torque
curve. This is decisive not just for the performance but also for the degree of efficiency and thereby fuel

4 Diesel Engines by Liebherr

High efficiency and ideal torque curve

Flexible torque curve Matched turbochargers

The torque curves have been specifically adapted to every To achieve a high level of torque and optimal combustion,
application. In this way, the maximum torque is available just Liebherr matched the turbochargers specifically to each
when it is needed, even at low engine speeds. engine and employs a one or two stage charging system
depending on the requirement and application. The turbo-
Powerful auxiliary outputs (PTOs) chargers are designed to provide the required amount of air
The engines from Liebherr feature up to four generously pro- at all times. In this way, the air-fuel mixture and working pres-
portioned power take-off units with which, for example, fan sure in the piston can be adapted ideally to the application.
pumps, power steering pumps and other auxiliary consum- Thanks to efficient charging, diesel engines from Liebherr can
ers can be driven in the machine. also be used at high altitudes.

Excellent cold starting properties

Diesel engines from Liebherr are designed for hydrostatic
drivetrains. As such, their cold starting properties are excel-
lent even with a high level of drag torque.

Powerful auxiliary outputs (PTOs) Liebherr injection system Engine characteristics
Diesel engines from Liebherr feature up to The performance of a combustion engine is Diesel engines from Liebherr are distin-
four powerful and generously proportioned largely determined by its injection system. guished by development of the maximum
power take-off units depending on the model. The Liebherr Common Rail system generates torque over a very broad speed range. For
high injection pressures (up to 2,200 bar) for an additional increase in performance and
maximum efficiency. efficiency, the torque curves are also adapted
to the application.

350 2000

325 1900

300 1800

275 1700

250 1600

225 1500

200 1400

175 1300

150 1200

125 1100
900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100

Diesel Engines by Liebherr 5

Very smooth running
Diesel engines from Liebherr run absolutely smoothly, evenly and with low vibration – even under arduous
operating conditions. By low noise combustion with an optimised combustion pressure characteristic,
vibrations are minimised right from the outset. A rigid design and generously proportioned components
also contribute towards reduced vibrations.

6 Diesel Engines by Liebherr

Low noise and reduced vibration

Low noise combustion Balance shaft on 4-cylinder engines

For low noise combustion, the injection timing and combus- Generally, the more cylinders an engine has the smoother
tion pressure curve must be absolutely accurate. In addition, is runs. On its 4-cylinder engines, therefore, Liebherr has
a precise and even injection across all cylinders is crucial. implemented specific measures to reduce the level of vibra-
The Liebherr-developed Common Rail system, including own tions. Thanks to a balance shaft, the engines run much more
engine control unit, therefore features a separate pressure smoothly than comparable 4-cylinder engines. The level of
accumulator for each cylinder and the means of multiple in- smooth running is almost the same as that on a 6-cylinder
jection. engine.

Rigid engine design

All of the mechanical parts in Liebherr diesel engines have
been optimised to reduce the noise and oscillation level to
a minimum. With the extremely stiff design of engine block,
crankcase, oil sump, valve cover and subframe, diesel engi-
nes from Liebherr set a benchmark in terms of noise emissi-
ons. Where possible, gear trains are used for auxiliary drive
systems. Optimised gear pairing facilitates low noise trans-
mission of very high torques.

FEM analysis
of connecting rods Balance shaft Multiple injection
The rigidity and optimal weight distribution Dynamic forces in a 4-cylinder engine The combustion pressure curve can be
of the connecting rods is optimised among are compensated for by a balance shaft. optimised through multiple injection. Together
other things with the aid of FEM-based Therefore, the 4-cylinder engines from with an ideal injection point and an extremely
analyses (finite element method). Liebherr have much lower vibrations and uniform injection quantity for every cylinder,
much smoother operation than comparable the combustion procedure can be configured
4-cylinder engines. so that noise is very low.





0 2 4 6

Diesel Engines by Liebherr 7

Quality and reliability
Diesel engines from Liebherr have proven their worth for decades in the toughest of situations and under
extreme working conditions the world. Contributing towards their high level of reliability is not just their
solid and secure design but also consistent quality assurance and process monitoring in all areas of

8 Diesel Engines by Liebherr

Reliable and robust in every situation

Reliable design Quality assurance throughout

In order to endure the toughest work loads reliably, Liebherr To safeguard quality, Liebherr uses a contemporary com-
diesel engines are distinguished by rock-solid, robust puter-assisted quality management system (CAQ system)
mechanical engineering. One-piece steel pistons allow high that is implemented as early as the production creation
ignition pressures with a long service life. Components, opti- process and covers the entire product life cycle. Statistical
mised with the finite element method, demonstrate ideal load assessments, FMEA (failure mode and effects analysis) and
distribution and optimal material utilisation. CIP (continual improvement process), lean management, and
the 8D method are examples of consistent process thinking.
Operating safety
For high operational safety, high tensile pipes are used Highest standards of quality
instead of standard fuel lines. A special oil sump and oil cir- Before it is delivered, each engine is subjected to a perfor-
cuit configuration makes it possible for the machine to be mance test under operating conditions (operational test).
employed on gradients of up to 45° with the same level of End-of-line tests are used to ensure the product quality.
operating safety. Every electronics component also complies Quality assurance at the Bulle site is certified in accordance
with high demands on safety. In engines for mining equip- with DIN EN ISO 9001 / 2008 and is based on VDA standards
ment, connectors in engaged and disengaged state have a (reliability control system). The systematic life cycle analyses
protection class as high as IP6k9k. are carried out according to Weibull.

High-quality and
Modern measuring devices One-piece steel piston long lasting materials
3D measuring machines with measuring For a long service life with high combustion Aside from high safety factors, Liebherr
accuracy down to the µ-range offer the pressures, Liebherr employs one-piece steel employs the highest quality materials, such
best prerequisites for attaining the level of pistons. Developed using modern construc- as composite bearing shells, to ensure
quality expected by the customer. Parts tion and simulation programs, the piston the longevity of crankshaft bearings under
from inhouse production are checked on an features maximum strength even under high increasing loads.
ongoing basis. Parts produced externally are thermal load and can be cooled efficiently
submitted to a receipt inspection

Diesel Engines by Liebherr 9

Service and maintenance
Liebherr diesel engines are designed to support the highest level of service friendliness. The clear
arrangement of the installed parts and a well-structured documentation facilitate the performance of
maintenance work. Ongoing training makes efficient customer service operations possible. The rapid
availability of original spare parts and practically-orientated assembly of maintenance and repair sets
also contribute towards maximum operational readiness of the equipment.

10 Diesel Engines by Liebherr

Global organization for local availability and support

Qualifying training for technicians Spare parts availability

The comprehensive training offering prepares our customers‘ Parts required for maintenance and repair are stored in
technicians to provide efficient customer support. Liebherr central Liebherr warehouses or are available directly from
consequently offers hands-on basic and advanced training. Liebherr service centres around the world. In this way, quick
In the well-equipped Training Centre the experienced trainers availability is assured. The quality of repair work is increased
can also simulate extreme repair operations. by the use of original spares and maintenance parts.

Optimal accessibility Low total cost of ownership (TCO)

To make maintenance and service as easy as possible, care- Long maintenance intervals and short service operations
ful attention was paid during the design phase to the clear ensure high availability of the Liebherr engines. The option
arrangement and accessibility of all service-relevant parts. As of a general overhaul or reconditioning of the engines to an
such, the oil filter is easy to reach and the cylinder heads can as-new status enables the service life of the engines to be
be replaced individually. significantly extended, thus reducing the total cost of owner-
ship (TCO).

Maintenance and
Service operations Diagnostic tools spare parts sets
When required, customers are supported by With their self-explanatory user guidance, Practically-orientated maintenance and repair
experienced Liebherr technicians worldwide the electronic diagnostic tools Lidia and sets, such as packs of seals, facilitate joint
in customer support operations and trained Skully enable a simple and rapid search for ordering of parts which need to be replaced
on site. malfunctions and faults. together and ensure a high level of repair

Diesel Engines by Liebherr 11

Exhaust gas aftertreatment
Diesel engines from Liebherr protect the environment and resources by low fuel consumption and
reduced emissions. Liebherr offers exhaust gas aftertreatment systems that are adapted to the applica-
tion and to legislative requirements applicable in each region respectively. For Stage IV and Tier 4 final
Liebherr relies fully on an innovative SCRonly system, and for Stage V on the SCRFilter system, both
in-house developments.

Liebherr Engine Control Unit Heater circuit valve

Treated exhaust gas
cooling fluid
Diesel Exhaust
Fluid tank
SCR coated
particulate filter Air pump

Diesel Exhaust
Fluid pump


Mixture path

gas DOC-catalytic converter

Electric wiring NH3-sensor

CAN-Bus Fill level sensor
Temperature sensor Quality sensor
NOx-sensor Differential pressure sensor

12 Diesel Engines by Liebherr

Simple solutions for a low total cost of ownership

SCRonly for Stage IV and Tier 4 final SCRFilter for Stage V

In order to be able to reliably comply with the emission The SCRFilter system incorporates a DOC catalytic converter,
limit values for Stage IV and Tier 4 final, Liebherr engines only an SCR catalytic converter, and an SCR-coated particulate
require the SCRonly system. No further subsystems, such as filter. The DOC catalytic converter is maintenance-free, and
exhaust gas recirculation, are necessary. The SCRonly sys- the coated particulate filter has passive regeneration, making
tem consists of an SCR catalytic converter and an AdBlue the system reliable and easy to operate. The maintenance in-
feed with a tank, as well as various sensors for controlling tervals can be stretched to more than 4,500 operating hours.
the system. It is practically maintenance-free, and extre- The SCRFilter system requires only a little more installation
mely compact and space-saving in comparison with other space than SCRonly.

System optimization
As part of innovative exhaust gas aftertreatment strategies,
Liebherr put the entire fuel combustion process under
scrutiny. This resulted, for example, in optimized combustion
chamber geometry, more efficient turbocharger loading, and
optimization of engine friction loss. Together with the deve-
lopment of the company‘s own injection systems and engine
controls, this enabled the creation of soot particles to be re-
duced to a minimum.

Engine-internal measures Emission reduction

to reduce emissions with SCR aftertreatment Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF)
An efficient and precisely metered fuel injec- Emission reduction aftertreatment makes it Exhaust gas aftertreatment with the SCR
tion makes it possible to minimise particles of possible to markedly minimise nitrogen oxide system requires a diluted urea solution as an
soot in the engine itself already. with the aid of the innovative SCR catalytic additional reducing agent. This substance is
converter system. The SCRFilter also contains distributed in Europe under the brand name
a SCR-coated particulate filter. Adblue® and is added to the engine‘s exhaust
gas. The diesel exhaust fluid is non-toxic,
odourless and available around
the world.


Diesel Engines by Liebherr 13

Modular engine system
Powerful and durable diesel engines which are highly efficient and ensure low emissions can only
be achieved through ideal coordination of the engine architecture, injection system, engine control,
and exhaust gas aftertreatment. Liebherr consequently develops and designs all these components
itself, and manufactures important parts in its own factories. An engine can be extended into a drivetrain
by means of robust splitter boxes and hydraulic pumps.

14 Diesel Engines by Liebherr

Everything from a single source for maximum flexibility

Same interfaces Extension to drivetrain

Liebherr has structured its engines in an innovative and well- Liebherr also offers splitter boxes and axial piston pumps
designed modular system. The engines of the D93X, D94X, that can supplement the diesel engines to create a customer-
and D95XX series for regulated and unregulated markets specific drivetrain. All of the components are developed and
(Tier 0, Stage IIIA, Stage IV, and Stage V) therefore have iden- manufactured at the Bulle site. They are therefore adapted
tical performances, the same requirements for the machine‘s optimally to each other and form a compact, powerful system
cooling system, and the same interfaces when installed. This with a high degree of overall efficiency.
enables the customer to use the same machine design for
different emission standards.

Common Rail injection system Engine control Exhaust gas aftertreatment
The Common Rail system developed by Liebherr‘s engine management system Depending on the application and national
Liebherr permits injection pressures of up to includes a number of physical parameters of emission regulations, the technologies used
2,200 bar, and precise multi-point injec- the engine for optimal control of the injection in the engine are complemented by measures
tion for low-noise combustion. It has been system. In the case of engines with a for reducing particles and emissions outside
adapted specifically to the requirements of Liebherr exhaust gas aftertreatment system, the engine. The systems offered by Liebherr
Liebherr engines, and, through high effi- the ECU also handles the functions required are space-saving and simple in design in
ciency and efficient combustion, ensures low for this purpose. The engine control also order to keep the effort for integrating them
fuel consumption and emission values. incorporates integrated, intuitive, operable into the equipment as low as possible.
diagnostic software.

Diesel Engines by Liebherr 15

Modular system for every
emission standard

SCRonly for Stage IV

and Tier 4 final
In order to comply with the emission limit
values of Stage IV and Tier 4 final, Liebherr
diesel engines only require the SCRonly
system – no further technologies, such as
particulate filters, exhaust gas recirculation,
or DOC catalytic converters, are needed.

EGR technology for

Stage IIIA compliant
The basic engine is equipped with exhaust gas
recirculation for slightly regulated markets.

Common Rail system
The injection system from Liebherr is ideally
matched to the engines – for high perfor-
mance capability with low consumption.

Engine control unit
In addition to injection and the combustion
process, the electronic engine control also
regulates the exhaust gas aftertreatment.

16 Diesel Engines by Liebherr

for Stage V
The SCRFilter system designed by Liebherr
incorporates a DOC catalytic converter, an
SCR catalytic converter, and an SCR-coated
particulate filter.

Engine without exhaust gas

aftertreatment for unregulated markets
Liebherr‘s basic engines are extremely robust
and work very reliably with fuels of different

Diesel Engines by Liebherr 17

Product portfolio inline engines

Engine D934 A7 Engine D944 A7

Configuration Inline 4 Configuration Inline 4
Displacement dm3 7 Displacement dm3 8
Bore mm 122 Bore mm 130
Stroke mm 150 Stroke mm 150
Dry weight kg 900 Dry weight kg 950
Dimensions (L × W × H) mm 1,173 × 918 × 1,131 Dimensions (L × W × H) mm 1,173 × 918 × 1,131
Rated power kW 200 Rated power kW 230
Rated speed rpm 1,900 Rated speed rpm 1,900
Max. torque Nm 1,245 Max. torque Nm 1,373

Options Options
Auxiliary outputs (PTO) available 4 Auxiliary outputs (PTO) available 4
Flywheel housing SAE 1 / SAE 2 Flywheel housing SAE 1 / SAE 2
Air compressor available Air compressor available
Air conditioning compressor available Air conditioning compressor available

Emission standards Emission standards

Stage V* available Stage V* available
97 / 68 EC Stage IV available 97 / 68 EC Stage IV available
EPA CARB Tier 4f available EPA CARB Tier 4f available
ECE R-96, H (IIIA compliant) available ECE R-96, H (IIIA compliant) available
IMO III available IMO III available
IMO II available IMO II available
Fuel optimized (Tier 0) available Fuel optimized (Tier 0) available

Torque curve Torque curve

* based on the published emission limits from October 2015

18 Diesel Engines by Liebherr

Engine D936 A7 Engine D946 A7
Configuration Inline 6 Configuration Inline 6
Displacement dm3 10.5 Displacement dm3 12
Bore mm 122 Bore mm 130
Stroke mm 150 Stroke mm 150
Dry weight kg 1,150 Dry weight kg 1,341
Dimensions (L × W × H) mm 1,592 × 903 × 1,151 Dimensions (L × W × H) mm 1,592 × 903 × 1,151
Rated power kW 320 Rated power kW 400
Rated speed rpm 1,900 Rated speed rpm 1,900
Max. torque Nm 1,970 Max. torque Nm 2,600

Options Options
Auxiliary outputs (PTO) available 4 Auxiliary outputs (PTO) available 4
Flywheel housing SAE 1 / SAE 2 Flywheel housing SAE 1 / SAE 2
Air compressor available Air compressor available
Air conditioning compressor available Air conditioning compressor available

Emission standards Emission standards

Stage V* available Stage V* available
97 / 68 EC Stage IV available 97 / 68 EC Stage IV available
EPA CARB Tier 4f available EPA CARB Tier 4f available
ECE R-96, H (IIIA compliant) available ECE R-96, H (IIIA compliant) available
IMO III available IMO III available
IMO II available IMO II available
Fuel optimized (Tier 0) available Fuel optimized (Tier 0) available

Torque curve Torque curve



Diesel Engines by Liebherr 19

Product portfolio V-engines

20 Diesel Engines by Liebherr

Engine D9508 Engine D9512 A7
Configuration V8 Configuration V12
Displacement dm3 16.2 Displacement dm3 24.2
Bore mm 128 Bore mm 128
Stroke mm 157 Stroke mm 157
Dry weight kg 1,600 Dry weight kg 2,050
Dimensions (L × W × H) mm 1,692 × 1,112 × 1,350 Dimensions (L × W × H) mm 1,856 x 1,236 × 1,314
Rated power kW 505 Rated power kW 750
Rated speed rpm 1,900 Rated speed rpm 1,900
Max. torque Nm 3,125 Max. torque Nm 4,675

Options Options
Auxiliary outputs (PTO) available 2 Auxiliary outputs (PTO) available 2
Flywheel housing SAE 1  Flywheel housing SAE 0 / SAE 1
Air compressor available Air compressor available
Air conditioning compressor available Air conditioning compressor available

Emission standards Emission standards

Stage V* available Stage V* available
97 / 68 EC Stage IV available EPA CARB Tier 4f available
EPA CARB Tier 4f available ECE R-96, H (IIIA compliant) available
ECE R-96, H (IIIA compliant) available IMO III available
IMO III available IMO II available
IMO II available Fuel optimized (Tier 0) available
Fuel optimized (Tier 0) available

Torque curve Torque curve

* based on the published emission limits from October 2015

Diesel Engines by Liebherr 21

Examples of use

22 Diesel Engines by Liebherr

Diesel engines from Liebherr prove their worth in challenging operations in construction and
civil engineering equipment worldwide. In mining excavators and mining crawlers they show
their performance capability under the toughest environmental conditions. Their reliability
and high availability are appreciated above all in material handling and recycling equipment
such as shredders, as well as in agricultural vehicles such as tractors and harvesters. Diesel
engines from Liebherr are suitable for use in all off-road applications in which powerful and
reliable engines are called for.

Diesel Engines by Liebherr 23

Liebherr Components

Gas engines Diesel engines Fuel injection systems Axial piston hydraulics Hydraulic cylinders

Large diameter bearings Gearboxes and winches Electric machines Remanufacturing

Human machine interfaces Control electronics Power electronics Switchgear Software

From A to Z, the components monitoring of the Liebherr to customers outside the Liebherr Group at Liebherr-
Group offers a broad spectrum of solutions in the area of Components AG and the regional sales and distribution
mechanical, hydraulic, electric and electronic drive system branches.
and control technology. The efficient components and
systems are produced at a total of ten production sites Liebherr is your partner for joint success: from the product
around the world to the highest standards of quality. idea to development, manufacture and commissioning
Central contact persons for all product lines are available right through to series production and remanufacturing.

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Subject to technical modifications.

Sales worldwide Sales North America Sales Russia Sales China

Liebherr-Components AG Liebherr-Components North America Co. Liebherr-Russland OOO Liebherr Machinery Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
P.O. Box 222, 1465 Woodland Drive, Saline, Office 2, Bolschoi Palaschewskij 13/2 Building No. 1, 88 Ma Ji Road,
CH-5415 Nussbaumen / AG MI 48176 USA 121104 Moscow, Russia 200131, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, V.R. China
 +41 56 296 43 00  +1 (734) 944 6334  +7 (495) 280 18 94  +86 21 2893 8039
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