Offer Letter 27-Dec-2019 PDF

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LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.

Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu

Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000


executed on 27 December 2019 and registered under No. ……………………………… on

……………………………… in the general registry of employees


(1) LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L., a company organised and functioning under the laws of
Romania, registered with the Trade Registry under number J40/5052/2018, sole registration code 39176747,
and having its registered office in Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4 ("
Employer" or "Company"), duly represented by Tim Jones, in his capacity of Group Head of Human
Resources and proxy;


(2) Mr. Ionut Asaftei, domiciled in Str.Inginerilor Tei nr.2 bl.T30A sc.1 ap.3, Mun.Bucuresti Sec.2,
Romania and holder of ID series RX no 414044 issued by S.P.C.E.P. Sector 2 on 08 January 2014 Personal
Identification Number: 1891222471360 ("Employee"),

(each of them a "Party" and collectively referred to as "Parties"),

following of Law No. 53/2003 - Labour Code, as republished and amended ("Labour Code"):


(1) The Employee is employed by the Employer under the conditions of an individual employment

(2) The object of this Agreement is the performance by the Employee of attributions for the position of
Programmer, with the internal title of QA Analyst - Automation, in exchange of the remuneration received from
the Employer, as further detailed below.


(1) This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time, starting with 20 January 2020.

(2) The probationary period during which either Party may terminate this Agreement without notice, cause
or remedy, by only sending a written notification to the other Party is of 90 calendar days.


(1) The Employee's workplace is established at the Employer's headquarters or at any other fixed

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

location, as organised by the Employer and indicated by the Employer to the Employee, before the 20 January

(2) Notwithstanding the above, the Employee and the Employer agree that the Employee: (a) may be
assigned or seconded within or outside the territory of Romania, pursuant to the Labour Code, and (b) will also
perform his/ her work activity in other locations than the one mentioned in para. (1) above (including by
making business trips, in or outside Romania), as determined by the Employer's business needs and to
ensure due fulfilment of his/ her attributions.

(3) The Employee will be entitled to reimbursement of travel and other expenses incurred during
performance of work for the Employer, upon presentation of the supporting documents which justify such
expenses, in accordance with applicable Romanian law and/ or the Employer's regulations.

(4) In case the Employee will perform his / her activity abroad, the information provided in Art. 18 para. (1)
of the Labour Code will also be provided in the Agreement.


The Employee is employed by the Employer in the position of Programmer, (code under the Romanian Job
Classification, as included Annex 1 (Job Description) hereto), with the internal title of QA Analyst - Automation.



(1) The main duties and attributions of the Employee's position are provided in the job description,
attached to this Agreement as Annex 1 (Job Description). With the observance of the legal provisions, the
Employer may request the Employee to also perform duties and attributions, other than the ones expressly
listed in Annex 1 (Job Description), to the extent such duties and attributions correspond to his/ her position.
The duties of the Employee's position may change over time in line with the above, as required by changes to
the business.

(2) The Employee will report to Head of Software Development, unless the Employer determines

(3) The evaluation criteria for the Employee's professional activity are the following:

i. achievement of agreed targets and objectives set out by the Employer; and

ii. fulfilling the attributions included in job description.

(4) The individual evaluation criteria for the Employee's professional activity, as per paragraph (3) above,
will be further developed by the internal policies of the Employer and also be completed with the general
evaluation criteria, as provided by the Employer's internal policies and decisions and/ or in the Human
Resources system used by the Employer (as a rule, being available within 3 months as of the starting date as
per Clause C (Term of the Agreement. Probationary period), para. (1) of this Agreement).

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000


(1) The activity of the Employee will not be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Law
No. 31/1991 establishing a working time duration below 8 hours per day for employees working in special
conditions - lessening, difficult or dangerous.

(2) The Employee’s activity pursuant to this Agreement is carried-out in normal working conditions, in
accordance with Law No. 263/2010 regarding the unitary public pension system, as subsequently amended
and modified.


(1) The Employee has one full work load, the duration being 8 hours/ day, 40 hours/ week. The schedule
is established and may be subject to variation according to the Employer’s internal regulations.

(2) Overtime will be firstly compensated with corresponding free paid hours or, if this is not possible within
the term provided by the Labour Code, with a salary bonus, according to the relevant legal provisions.

(3) For the avoidance of doubt and except as otherwise provided by law, any overtime will solely be
undertaken by the Employee, subject to a prior, clear and express request of the Employer.


(1) The duration of the annual leave is of 25 working days, period during which the Employee will benefit
of an indemnity, to be calculated pursuant to applicable legal provisions and to be pro-rated based on working
time and corresponding salary rights. The annual leave will be taken according to the planning approved by
the Employer, in accordance with the relevant legislation and / or the Employer’s internal policies.

(2) The Employer’s holiday year runs from 1 January to 31 December.

(3) Where the Employee commences employment during a holiday year, he/ she will accrue paid annual
leave entitlement on a pro-rata basis.

(4) The annual leave must be fully taken during each calendar year, the unused holidays will be carried
forward pursuant to the applicable legal provisions.


(1) Gross monthly base salary

The gross monthly base salary of the Employee is fixed at L17,417.

(2) Other constitutive elements of the salary

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

(a) Permanent bonuses (provided by law or applicable collective labour bargaining agreements): all
permanent bonuses provided by law and/ or applicable collective labour bargaining agreements (if the case)
are included in the gross monthly base salary provided under Section J (Salary), point 1 above. For clarity, this
does not include the discretionary bonuses expressly mentioned under paragraph (c) below;

(b) Indemnities: the indemnities provided by the law and the applicable collective labour bargaining
agreement are included in the gross monthly base salary provided under Section J (Salary), point 1 above;

(c) Other discretionary bonuses:

(c1) Discretionary Performance Bonus: the Employee may be considered for a discretionary bonus,
subject to the rules of the applicable scheme in force at the relevant time, within the Employer. For clarity, the
Employee does not have any contractual right to receive this bonus. Entitlement to this bonus does not accrue
in the course of a year, and the making of any payment in any year does not oblige the Company to make a
payment in any future year.

(c2) Benefits: the Employee can participate in the Company's private medical insurance scheme, life
insurance scheme, and income protection insurance scheme in place at the relevant time and subject to the
terms and conditions applicable to these benefits.

(3) No salary indexation

The salary will not be indexed, except to the extent the Employer will be required to do so by law or by a
collective labour bargaining agreement applicable to the Employer.

(4) Responsibility for taxation matters

From the salary rights provided under Section J (Salary), appropriate deductions will be made in respect of
income tax, social security controbutions and any other contributions, pursuant to any applicable legal

(5) Payment date

The monthly salary is paid into the Employee’s bank account on the 10th of the following calendar month, for
the previous month. In case this falls on a non-working day, payment will be made on the immediately
preceding working day.

(6) Means of payment

The Employee and the Employer agree that the salary will be paid to the Employee by a bank transfer to the
Employee's bank account, as indicated in writing by the Employee to the Employer, before the 20 January
2020. Changes to bank accounts will be processed by the Employer, starting with the next available payroll
processing month following notification of the change by the Employee.

(7) Special provisions with respect to salary rights

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

Considering GEO 79, which regulates - among others - certain amendments with respect to the legal regime
and quantum of mandatory social contributions and income tax ("New Fiscal Regime"), entered into force on
1 January 2018, the Parties expressly agree that (1) the amount of the Employee's monthly gross base salary,
as provided in para. (1) above, apply (I) strictly under the terms and conditions set out in this para. (7), and (II)
for a determined period of time, namely exclusively for as long as the New Fiscal Regime remains into force.

For clarity, if (a) the New Fiscal Regime is repealed or amended or otherwise ceases its applicability in any
other way, or (b) any other taxes or contributions of any nature are imposed to the Employer in relation to
employees or the salaries, as of any date, then: (I) the amount currently provided as monthly gross base
salary of the Employee, as provided in para. (1) above, will be decreased, and (II) the Employee hereby
expressly consents and undertakes to negotiate and sign with the Employer an amendment to this Agreement,
as well as to fulfil any and all necessary formalities in this sense, agreeing to decrease each of the monthly
gross base salary of the Employee, as provided in para. (1) above, to such respective amounts as to ensure
that the total cost of the Company in respect of the abovementioned salary rights is maintained as before
occurrence of the abovementioned circumstances (a) and/ or (b).

For the scope of this Agreement, GEO 79 means Government Emergency Ordinance No. 79/2017 on the
amendment of Law No. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code, published in the Official Gazette of Romania
No. 885/ 10 November 2017.


(1) If the Employee is ill or unable to perform work for any reason, he/ she is obliged to follow the process
provided under the Employer's internal policies, as these may be unilaterally amended by the Employer from
time to time.


(1) The legal requirements on occupational safety and health will be observed by the Parties to this

a) individual protection equipment: according to the law;

b) individual work equipment: according to the law;

c) hygienic and sanitary materials: according to the law;

d) protection alimentation: according to the law;

e) other rights and obligations related to work security and health: according to the law.


(1) The Employee and the Employer shall have the rights and obligations provided by the relevant

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

applicable legislation. The main rights and obligations of both Parties are provided below.

(2) The Employee has the following main rights:

a) the right to be remunerated for the work performed;

b) the right to daily and weekly rest;

c) the right to annual leave;

d) the right to equal opportunities and treatment in accordance with the applicable law;

e) the right to dignity in work;

f) the right to occupational safety and health, in accordance with applicable law;

g) the right to accede professional training, in accordance with the applicable law and the addendums

h) the right to participate in the determination and the improvement of work conditions and work

i) the right to protection in case of dismissal;

j) the right to personal data protection, in accordance with the law; and

k) any other rights provided by the law or by the applicable collective labour bargaining agreements.

(3) The Employee has the following main duties:

a) to perform his/ her duties or to observe his/ her prerogatives according to the job description;

b) to observe work discipline;

c) to observe the provisions of the internal regulations and any other internal policies, as such were
notified to the Employee by the Employer, the applicable collective labour bargaining agreement (if case) and
this Agreement;

d) the duty of loyalty to the Employer, when performing professional prerogatives for the entire period of
this Agreement, as described below;

e) to observe the occupational safety and health measures with the Employer;

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

f) to observe professional secrecy; and

g) any other obligations provided by the law, internal policies of the Employer or by the applicable
collective labour bargaining agreements (if case).

(4) The Employer has the following main rights:

a) to determine the Employer's organization and functioning;

b) to establish the Employee’s duties and attributions, in accordance with the law;

c) to give mandatory directives / instructions to the Employee, subject to the legality thereof;

d) to control the performance of the job duties;

e) to acknowledge disciplinary offences and apply the proper sanctions, according to the law, the
applicable collective labour bargaining agreement (if case) and the internal regulations; and

f) to establish the individual performance objectives and the evaluation criteria for the performance
thereof. The evaluation criteria for the professional activity of the Employee are provided in Section F (Job
attributions and evaluation criteria for the professional activity of the Employee) from this Agreement.

(5) The Employer has the following main duties:

a) to handover to the Employee an original of the Agreement, prior to the Employee starting his / her
working activity;

b) to grant all rights provided by the law, the applicable collective labour bargaining agreement (if case)
and the Agreement to the Employee;

c) to permanently ensure observance of all technical and organisational requirements of the law taken
into account when drafting the labour regulations and adequate working conditions;

d) to inform the Employee on the work conditions and on the elements related to the development of
labour relations;

e) to establish the general registry of employees and enter the data provided for in the law;

f) to issue, upon demand, all documents attesting the Employee’s capacity, and

h) to ensure the confidentiality of the personal data of the Employee, in accordance with the law.

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000


(1) During the term of the employment relationship established hereunder and for an indefinite period after
its termination (regardless of the grounds), the Employee (A) must not (other than in the proper performance
of his/ her role) directly or indirectly use, communicate or disclose, or authorise to be used, communicated or
disclosed, to any person any trade secrets or Confidential Information, and (B) will not make use or attempt to
make use of the Confidential Information to his/ her benefit, nor will use it to the benefit of a third party nor
facilitate access to such information to third parties, in any manner which may directly or indirectly harm or
damage the Employer and/ or other Group companies or their business. Correspondingly, the Employee must
use his/ her best efforts to prevent the unauthorised publication or disclosure of any such trade secret or
Confidential Information.

(2) The Employee will not make copies of any document, memoranda, correspondence (including emails),
computer disk, CD ROM, memory stick, video tape or any similar matter (including in any electronic format) or
remove any such items from the premises of the Company or of any Group company other than in the proper
performance of his/ her duties, except with the prior written authority of the Company.

(3) The Employee will not (unless permitted and authorised to do so as part of his/ her role) make or
authorise any public statement (whether written or oral) to the media or on a Networking Site (namely,
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ or any other similar social or professional networking online sites or
applications) or otherwise relating to the affairs of the Company or any Group company. Also, the Employee
will not write any article for publication on any matter concerned with the business or other affairs of the
Company or any Group company without the prior written consent of the Company. After the termination of
his/ her employment, the Employee will not make any adverse, untrue or misleading statement (in any
medium) about the Company, any Group company, or its/ their directors or employees.

(4) For the purpose of this Agreement, "Confidential Information" means any information relating to the
business, affairs, finance, clients, customers or trade connections of the Company or any other Group
company or any of their agents, members' firms, customers or counterparties, or any prospective customers
or counterparties or suppliers received or acquired by you in the course of employment , including but not
limited to: (a) the business methods, processes, technical information and know-how relating to the business
of the Company or any other Group company (including prices charged, discounts given to customers or
obtained from suppliers, product development, corporate strategy, marketing and advertising programmes,
costings, budgets, turnover, sales targets or other financial information, inventions, designs, programmes,
techniques, source code, database systems, formulae and ideas), (b) business contacts, lists or details of
clients and suppliers and details of contacts with them, their business or affairs, including client names and
client contact details, financial and personal affairs, and trading history and methodology, (c) information on
employees and the terms and conditions of their employment, details of employee benefits, incentive schemes/
plans, salary scales and/ or current or anticipated disputes, (d) information or details of any actual, potential or
threatened litigation, legal action, claim, dispute or arbitration against or with any member of the Group or any
current or former director, officer or employee of the Group in such capacity and any information in respect of
provisions for any such action, (e) details and terms of the Company’s or any other Group company's
agreements with current or prospective suppliers, clients, agents, investors, members and customers, (f)
commercially sensitive information or trade secrets, (g) unpublished price sensitive information relating to
shares or securities listed or dealt in on any Recognised Investment Exchange, (h) confidential details as to
the design of the Company’s or any other Group company's and/ or their suppliers' products and inventions or
developments relating to future products, (i) details of any promotions or future promotions or marketing or
publicity exercises planned by the Company or any other Group company; (j) details of any budgets,
management accounts, trading statements, sales reports, financial reports or business plans of the Company
or any other Group company, and (k) any information which may affect the value of the business or the shares
of the Company or any other Group company, whether or not, in the case of documents or other written

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

materials or any materials in electronic format, they are or were marked as confidential and whether or not, in
the case of other information, such information is identified or treated by the Company or any other Group
company as being confidential.

(5) Failure to comply with the present obligation may trigger the Employee's disciplinary liability (up to and
including the dismissal for disciplinary reasons) and/or patrimonial liability or any other type of liability, in
accordance with the relevant legal provisions.


(1) For the term of the employment relationship established hereunder, the Employee: (A) undertakes not
to perform, take or be involved in any way, in his / her own interest or a third party’s, (i) any activity competing
with the work performed by the Employer, (ii) any activity which may interfere in the performance of the
Employee's work activity under this Agreement, or (iii) any activity that could prejudice the Employer in any
way or be harmful to the interests or reputation of the Company, (B). will use his/ her knowledge, skills,
abilities and experience only for the Employer’s benefit and undertakes not to perform any activity deemed to
compete with the Employer including, without limitation: (i) working for the benefit of a competing company, (ii)
supplying the same with information deemed confidential by the Employer, (iii) attracting customers
(regardless of such being the Employer’s or not) in favour of any competing company, (iv) promoting in any
way whatsoever any competing company, (v) solicit or assist in soliciting to work as an employee,
independent contractor, partner, or otherwise, any employee of the Employer about whom the Employee
acquired knowledge through his employment with the Employer, (C) comply with all reasonable requests given
by the Company and promptly provide any explanations and information on his/ her involvement with the
business as the Company may reasonably require, (D) report to his/ her manager or the Human Resources
team or as otherwise instructd any information that may harm the interests of the Company, Group or any
actual or proposed unlawful activity or behaviour affecting the Company or the Group, whether by him/ her or
any other employee, officer, contractor of the Company or of Group or any other person, immediately on
becoming aware of it, and (E) will comply with all legal, regulatory and governance obligations, including
applicable provisions of the regulatory and compliance policies that are relevant to him/ her.

(2) This loyalty clause shall be effective for the entire validity period of this Agreement. Failure to comply
therewith may trigger the Employee's disciplinary (up to and including the dismissal for disciplinary reasons)
and/ or patrimonial liability or any other type of liability, in accordance with the relevant legal provisions.


(1) In accordance with fair market practices and with the general principle of good faith and the applicable
law provisions regarding unfair competition, the Employee agrees that after termination of this Agreement with
the Employer, he/ she will neither directly nor indirectly perform any activities which might jeopardise the
Employer's [or the Group's] business, including, without being limited to, the following: (a) persuade or attempt
to persuade any employee of the Employer or any Group company to terminate his/ her employment
relationship with the Employer or other Group company in order to set-up a competing company intended to
attract the Employer's clients or hire the Employer's employees for the purpose of disrupting/ disorganising the
Employer's business, and (b) persuade or attempt to persuade any contractor of the Employer or of any Group
company that had entered into a collaboration, provision of services/ supply of materials agreement or any
other type of agreement with the Employer or any Group company, to unilaterally terminate or suspend such
agreement, for the purpose of disrupting/ disorganising the Employer's business.

(2) The Parties expressly acknowledge that the above restrictions are essential and reasonably necessary
to protect the legitimate interests of the Employer with respect to its trade secrets and established customer

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

connections, by preventing the unlawful appropriation of the goodwill such as Confidential Information or
knowledge of and influence over its clients.

(3) Failure by the Employee to observe this obligation entitles the Employer to recover any prejudice
suffered, in accordance with the law.


The termination of this Agreement will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the law. The
applicable termination notices are the following:

a) the termination notice in the case of resignation is 20 business days; and

b) the termination notice in the case of dismissal, when and if this is requested by law, is 20 business


(1) Upon termination of the employment relationship or any time during the employment, upon the
Employer's request, the Employee shall be obliged to immediately return to the Employer any materials,
documents, information copied in whatever form, articles, keys and any other things belonging to the

(2) The Employee and the Employer hereby agree that, anytime following termination of the Agreement
(irrespective of the termination ground), the Employee will not present himself/ herself as a representative of
the Company or of its group or as being connected to either of them (to this end, he/ she will also
correspondingly update his/ her profile on the LinkedIn platform or any other social networking application, if
the case).


(1) The provisions of this Agreement shall be corroborated with the provisions of the Labour Code and
with the applicable collective labour bargaining agreements, if case.

(2) The Employee hereby confirms, represents and warrants that (a) he/ she is not under any
confidentiality, non-compete or any other type of obligations to his/ her previous employers/ other contracting
parties, which could hinder him/ her in performing his/ her activity for the Employer, si (b) he/she satisfies the
necessary immigration requirements of, and is entitled to work in, Romania and will notify the Employer
immediately if he/she ceases to be so entitled during their employment, and (c) to the extent any permit,
license, authorisation or alike requirement is necessary for the performance of the position pursuant to the
Agreement, the Employee has obtained this and this continues to be in full force and effect and has not been

(3) For the scope of this Agreement, "Group" means the Company together with any Affiliate thereof. For
the purpose of this definition "Affiliate" means, with respect to the Company, any other person that, directly or
indirectly, alone or through one or more intermediaries, Controls, is Controlled by, or is under common Control

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

with, the Company and "Control" (including the terms "Controlled" and "Controlling") means in relation to
the Company (a) the direct or indirect ownership or possession of 50% or more of the equity capital and/ or
voting rights in the Company; or (b) the ability to appoint or remove directors having a majority of the voting
rights exercisable at meetings or in respect of resolutions of the board of directors of the Company; or (c) the
possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the policies of the Company
(whether through ownership or of voting rights, the right to nominate the majority of the senior executive
management, by contract or otherwise).

(4) For the avoidance of any doubt, the Employee acknowledges, by signing this Agreement that the
Employer informed him / her, prior to the execution of this Agreement, of all elements provided by Article 17 of
the Labour Code, including, without limitation: (a) about his / her rights and obligations coming from this
Agreement; (b) the job description with the specification of the job attributions; (c) the evaluation criteria of the
Employee's professional activity applicable at the level of the Employer; (d) duration of the probationary period

(5) The annex hereto, i.e. Annex 1 (Job Description), form an integral part of this Agreement.

(6) This Agreement has been concluded in two originals, each one in Romanian language and in English
language, each one for each Party. Each Party hereby confirms the receipt of its/his/her originals of this
Agreement, as well as the Annex 1 (Job Description), prior to the Employee starting his / her activity within the
Employer. In the event of discrepancy between the English and Romanian versions, the Romanian version
shall prevail.


In the event that any of the provisions of this Agreement is or becomes thereafter illegal, invalid or
unenforceable for any reason under the applicable law, the legality, validity and enforceability of the other
provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected or prejudiced by it. The Parties will use their best efforts in
order to perform those acts and/ or modifications as are necessary to generate and achieve, to the extent
possible, the same legal and/or economic result that was intended by the Parties upon the conclusion of this


This Agreement shall be governed by Romanian law. Disputes arising in relation to the conclusion, execution,
amendment, suspension or termination of this Agreement shall be deferred to the materially and territorially
competent court, according to the relevant law.


incheiat la data de 27 December 2019 si inregistrat sub nr. ……………………………… din data de
……………………………… in registrul general de evidenta a salariatilor


(1) LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L., o societate comerciala organizata si functionand in

conformitate cu legislatia din Romania, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului sub nr. J40/5052/2018, cod unic de

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

inregistrare 39176747, avand sediul social situat la Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu Nr. 6F,
Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4 ("Angajatorul" sau "Societatea"), reprezentata de Tim Jones, in calitate de Group
Head of Human Resources si imputernicit;


(2) DI.Ionut Asaftei, , domiciliat in Str.Inginerilor Tei nr.2 bl.T30A sc.1 ap.3, Mun.Bucuresti Sec.2,
Romania si posesor al C.I. seria RX nr.414044, eliberata de S.P.C.E.P Sector 2 la data de 08 January 2014,
cod numeric personal:1891222471360 ("Salariatul"),

(fiecare denumita in mod individual "Partea" si in mod colectiv "Partile"),


art. 10 si urm. din Legea nr. 53/2003 - Codul muncii, asa cum a fost republicat si modificat ("Codul Muncii"):


(1) Salariatul este angajat de Angajator in baza unui contract individual de munca.

(2) Obiectul prezentului Contract este executarea de catre Salariat a atributiilor de Programator, cu
denumirea interna de QA Analyst - Automation, in schimbul remuneratiei primite din partea Angajatorului,
conform detaliilor de mai jos.


(1) Prezentul Contract se incheie pe o durata nedeterminata de timp, incepand cu data de 20 January

(2) Perioada de proba, perioada in care oricare dintre Parti va putea inceta prezentul Contract fara
preaviz, fara a indica motivele si fara plata de daune, doar printr-o notificare scrisa transmisa celeilalte Parti,
este de 90 de zile calendaristice.


(1) Locul de munca al Salariatului este situat la sediul social al Angajatorului sau la orice alta locatie fixa,
astfel cum este organizata de Angajator si indicata de catre Angajator Salariatului, inainte de 20 January 2020.

(2) Fara a aduce atingere celor de mai sus, Salariatul si Angajatorul sunt de acord ca Salariatul: (a) poate
fi delegat sau detasat in Romania sau in afara teritoriului acesteia, conform Codului Muncii, si (b) isi va
desfasura activitatea si in alte locatii decat cea mentionata in para. (1) de mai sus (inclusiv prin efectuarea de
calatorii de afaceri in Romania sau in afara teritoriului acesteia), in functie de necesitatile operationale ale
Angajatorului si cu scopul de a asigura indeplinirea corespunzatoare a atributiilor sale.

(3) Salariatul va avea dreptul la rambursarea cheltuielilor de calatorie si a altor cheltuieli determinate de

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

prestarea muncii pentru Angajator, sub rezerva prezentarii de documente justificative, conform prevederilor
legii romane aplicabile si/ sau reglementarilor Angajatorului.

(4) In cazul in care Salariatul urmeaza sa-si desfasoare activitatea in strainatate, informatiile prevazute la
art. 18 alin. (1) din Codul Muncii se vor regasi si in Contract.


Salariatul este angajat de Angajator in functia de Programator (codul conform Clasificarii Ocupatiilor din
Romania, astfel cum este mentionat in Anexa 1 (Fisa Postului) la prezentul), cu denumirea interna de QA
Analyst - Automation.



(1) Principalele sarcini si atributii aferente postului sunt prevazute in fisa postului, atasata ca Anexa 1
(Fisa Postului) la prezentul Contract. Cu respectarea prevederilor legale, Angajatorul va putea solicita
Salariatului sa presteze si alte sarcini si atributii decat cele prevazute expres in Anexa 1 (Fisa Postului), in
masura in care acestea corespund postului sau. Atributiile Salariatului se pot modifica in timp conform celor de
mai sus, dupa cum va fi necesar din punctul de vedere al business-ului.

(2) Salariatul va raporta catre Head of Software Development, cu privire la activitatea sa, cu exceptia
cazului in care Angajatorul decide altfel.

(3) Criteriile de evaluare a activitatii profesionale a Salariatului sunt urmatoarele:

i. indeplinirea tintelor agreate si a obiectivelor stabilite de catre Angajator; si

ii. indeplinirea atributiilor incluse in fisa postului.

(4) Criteriile individuale de evaluare a activitatii profesionale a Salariatului, potrivit alin. (3) de mai sus, vor
fi detaliate in politicile interne ale Angajatorului si, de asemenea, se vor completa cu criteriile generale de
evaluare, astfel cum sunt acestea prevazute in politicile interne si deciziile Angajatorului si/ sau in sistemul de
gestionare a Resurselor Umane utilizat de catre Angajator (ca regula, fiind disponibile in termen de 3 luni de la
data inceperii activitatii conform Clauzei C (Durata Contractului, Perioada de proba) alin. (1) din prezentul


(1) Activitatea Salariatului nu se desfasoara in conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 31/1991 privind
stabilirea duratei timpului de munca sub 8 ore pe zi pentru salariatii care lucreaza in conditii deosebite -
vatamatoare, grele sau periculoase.

(2) Activitatea Salariatului, in conformitate cu prezentul Contract, se desfasoara in conditii normale,

potrivit Legii nr. 263/2010 privind sistemul unitar de pensii publice, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare.

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000


(1) Salariatul are o norma intreaga, cu o durata de 8 ore/zi, 40 de ore/saptamana. Programul de lucru
este stabilit si poate fi modificat potrivit regulamentelor interne ale Angajatorului.

(2) Orele suplimentare vor fi compensate, in primul rand, cu ore libere platite sau, daca nu este posibil in
termenul prevazut de Codul Muncii, cu un spor la salariu, conform prevederilor legale specifice.

(3) Pentru evitarea oricarui dubiu si cu exceptia cazului in care legea prevede altfel, nicio ora
suplimentara nu va fi prestata de catre Salariat, decat la solicitarea prealabila, clara si expresa a Angajatorului.


(1) Durata concediului anual de odihna este de 25 zile lucratoare, perioada pe parcursul careia Salariatul
va beneficia de o indemnizatie, urmand a fi calculata conform prevederilor legale aplicabile si prin raportare la
timpul de lucru si drepturile salariale corespunzatoare. Concediul de odihna va fi efectuat potrivit planificarii
aprobate de catre Angajator, in conformitate cu legislatia aplicabila si/ sau regulamentele interne ale

(2) Perioada anuala de efectuare a concediilor este cuprinsa intre 1 ianuarie si 31 decembrie.

(3) In cazul in care Salariatul nu isi incepe activitatea odata cu inceputul perioadei anuale de efectuare a
concediilor, acesta va avea dreptul la o durata de concediu anual calculata proportional cu perioada lucrata.

(4) Concediul de odihna anual trebuie efectuat integral in decursul fiecarui an calendaristic, zilele de
concediu neefectuate se vor reporta conform prevederilor legale aplicabile.


(1) Salariul de baza lunar brut

Salariul de baza lunar brut al Salariatul este stabilit la suma de L17,417 .

(2) Alte elemente constitutive ale salariului:

(a) Sporuri permanente (prevazute de lege sau contractele colective de munca aplicabile): toate sporurile
permanente prevazute de lege si/ sau de contractele colective de munca aplicabile (daca este cazul) sunt
incluse in salariul de baza lunar brut prevazut la Sectiunea J (Salarizare), punctul 1 de mai sus. Pentru
claritate, acestea nu includ bonusurile discretionare mentionate expres in alin. (c) de mai jos;

(b) Indemnizatii: indemnizatiile prevazute de lege si de contractele colective de munca aplicabile sunt
incluse in salariul de baza lunar brut prevazut la Sectiunea J (Salarizare), punctul 1 de mai sus;

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

(c) Alte adaosuri discretionare:

(c1) Bonus discretionar de performanta: Salariatul poate fi eligibil pentru plata unui bonus discretionar,
in conformitate cu si sub rezerva regulilor schemei aplicabile in vigoare la momentul relevant, in cadrul
Angajatorului. Pentru claritate, Salariatul nu are nici un drept contractual de a primi acesta bonus. Dreptul la
acest bonus nu se acumuleaza in decursul unui an, iar efectuarea oricarei plati in orice an nu obliga
Societatea sa efectueze o plata intr-un an ulterior.

(c2) Beneficii: Salariatul poate participa la schema de asigurari medicale private, schema de asigurari de
viata si la schema de asigurari de protectia a veniturilor in vigoare la momentul relevant la nivelul Societatii si
in conformitate cu termenii si conditiile aplicabile acestor beneficii.

(3) Neindexarea salariului

Salariul nu se va indexa decat in masura in care Angajatorului i se impune astfel prin lege sau prin contractele
colective de munca aplicabile Angajatorului.

(4) Raspunderea pentru aspecte legate de impozitare si taxare

Din drepturile salariale prevazute in Sectiunea J (Salarizare), se vor face deducerile corespunzatoare pentru
impozitul pe salariu, contributia de asigurari sociale si alte contributii, conform prevederilor legale aplicabile.

(5) Data platii

Salariul lunar este plătit în contul bancar al angajatului în a 10-a lunii calendaristice următoare, pentru luna
precedentă. În cazul în care acest lucru se încadrează într-o zi nelucrătoare, plata se va efectua în ziua lucră
toare imediat precedentă

(6) Modalitati de plata

Salariatul si Angajatorul sunt de acord ca salariul sa fie platit Salariatului prin transfer bancar in contul bancar
al Salariatului, astfel cum este indicat in scris de catre Salariat Angajatorului, inainte de 20 January 2020.
Modificarile cu privire la conturile bancare vor fi avute in vedere de catre Angajator, incepand cu luna
disponibila de payroll urmatoare datei notificarii schimbarii de catre Salariat.

(7) Prevederi speciale cu privire la salariul de baza lunar brut, aplicabile pe o durata determinata
de timp

Avand in vedere OUG 79, care reglementeaza - printre altele - anumite modificari in ceea ce priveste regimul
juridic si cuantumul contributiilor sociale obligatorii, precum si al impozitului pe venit ("Noul Regim Fiscal"),
intrat in vigoare de la data de 1 ianuarie 2018, Partile sunt de acord in mod expres ca (1) suma reprezentand
salariul de baza lunar brut al Salariatului, astfel cum este prevazut in alin. (1) de mai sus, sunt aplicabile (I)
strict in conditiile stabilite de prezentul alin. (7) si (II) pe o durata determinata de timp, respectiv exclusiv atat
timp cat Noul Regim Fiscal ramane in vigoare.

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

Pentru claritate, daca (a) Noul Regim Fiscal este abrogat sau modificat sau isi inceteaza aplicabilitatea in
orice alt mod, sau (b) orice alte impozite sau contributii de orice natura sunt impuse in sarcina Angajatorului in
legatura cu salariatii sau salariile, in orice moment, atunci: (I) suma reprezentand salariul de baza lunar brut
al Salariatului, astfel cum este prevazut in alin. (1) de mai sus, vor fi micsorate, si (II) Salariatul este de acord
si se obliga in mod expres, prin prezentul, sa negocieze si sa semneze cu Angajatorul un act aditional la acest
Contract, precum si sa indeplineasca orice formalitati necesare in acest sens, fiind de acord cu/ pentru
micsorarea fiecaruia dintre salariul de baza lunar brut al Salariatului, astfel cum este prevazut in alin. (1) de
mai sus, la sumele corespunzatoare pentru a asigura ca costul total al Societatii cu privire la drepturile
salariale mentionate mai sus ramane nemodificat, respectiv la acelasi nivel ca cel anterior intervenirii
circumstantelor mentionate mai sus la (a) si/ sau (b).
In scopul prezentului Contract, OUG 79 inseamna Ordonanta de Urgenta a Guvernului nr. 79/2017 pentru
modificarea si completarea Legii nr. 227/2015 privind Codul fiscal, publicata in Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei
nr. 885/10 noiembrie 2017.


(1) In cazul in care Salariatul se imbolnaveste sau nu isi poate desfasura activitatea, indiferent de motiv,
va avea obligatia sa urmeze procedura prevazuta in politicile interne ale Angajatorului, altfel cum acestea pot
fi modificate in mod unilateral de catre Angajator din timp in timp.


(1) Prevederile legale privind sanatatea si securitatea in munca vor fi respectate de Partile prezentului

a) echipament individual de protectie - potrivit legii;

b) echipament individual de lucru - potrivit legii;

c) materiale igienico-sanitare - potrivit legii;

d) alimentatie de protectie - potrivit legii;

e) alte drepturi si obligatii privind sanatatea si securitatea in munca - potrivit legii.


(1) Salariatul si Angajatorul vor avea drepturile si obligatiile prevazute de legislatia specifica aplicabila.
Principalele drepturi si obligatii ale ambelor Parti sunt prevazute mai jos.

(2) Salariatul are, in principal, urmatoarele drepturi:

a) dreptul la salarizare pentru munca depusa;

b) dreptul la repaus zilnic si saptamanal;

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

c) dreptul la concediu de odihna anual;

d) dreptul la egalitate de sanse si de tratament in conditiile legii aplicabile;

e) dreptul la demnitate in munca;

f) dreptul la securitate si sanatate in munca in conditiile legii aplicabile;

g) dreptul la acces la formare profesionala, in conditiile legii aplicabile si ale actelor aditionale;

h) dreptul de a lua parte la determinarea si ameliorarea conditiilor de munca si a mediului de munca;

i) dreptul la protectie in caz de concediere;

j) dreptul la protectia datelor cu caracter personal, in conditiile legii; si

k) alte drepturi prevazute de lege sau de contractele colective de munca aplicabile.

(3) Salariatului ii revin, in principal, urmatoarele obligatii:

a) obligatia de a realiza norma de munca sau, dupa caz, de a indeplini atributiile ce ii revin conform fisei

b) obligatia de a respecta disciplina muncii;

c) obligatia de a respecta prevederile cuprinse in regulamentul intern si in orice alta politica interna, astfel
cum acestea i-au fost aduse la cunostinta de catre Angajator, in contractul colectiv de munca aplicabil (daca
este cazul), precum si in prezentul Contract;

d) obligatia de fidelitate fata de Angajator in executarea atributiilor de serviciu pe intreaga durata a

executarii Contractului, asa cum este detaliat mai jos;

e) obligatia de a respecta masurile de securitate si sanatate a muncii;

f) obligatia de a respecta secretul de serviciu; si

g) alte obligatii prevazute de lege, de politicile interne ale Angajatorului sau de contractele colective de
munca aplicabile (daca este cazul).

(4) Angajatorul are, in principal, urmatoarele drepturi:

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

a) sa stabileasca organizarea si functionarea Angajatorului;

b) sa stabileasca obligatiile si atributiile Salariatului, in conditiile legii;

c) sa dea dispozitii cu caracter obligatoriu pentru Salariat, sub rezerva legalitatii lor;

d) sa exercite controlul asupra modului de indeplinire a sarcinilor de serviciu;

e) sa constate savarsirea abaterilor disciplinare si sa aplice sanctiunile corespunzatoare, potrivit legii,

contractului colectiv de munca aplicabil (daca este cazul) si regulamentelor interne; si

f) sa stabileasca obiectivele de performanta individuala, precum si criteriile de evaluare a realizarii

acestora. Criteriile de evaluare a activitatii profesionale a Salariatului sunt prevazute in Sectiunea F (Atributiile
postului si criteriile de evaluare a activitatii profesionale a Salariatului) din prezentul Contract.

(5) Angajatorului ii revin, in principal, urmatoarele obligatii:

a) sa inmaneze Salariatului un exemplar din Contract, anterior inceperii activitatii;

b) sa acorde Salariatului toate drepturile ce decurg din lege, contractul colectiv de munca aplicabil (daca
este cazul), si prezentul Contract;

c) sa asigure permanent respectarea conditiilor tehnice si organizatorice avute in vedere prin lege la
elaborarea normelor de munca si conditiile corespunzatoare de munca;

d) sa informeze Salariatul asupra conditiilor de munca si asupra elementelor care privesc desfasurarea
relatiilor de munca;

e) sa infiinteze registrul general de evidenta a salariatilor si sa opereze inregistrarile prevazute de lege;

f) sa elibereze, la cerere, toate documentele care atesta calitatea de Salariat a acestuia, si

h) sa asigure confidentialitatea datelor cu caracter personal ale Salariatului, in conformitate cu legea.


(1) Pe intreaga durata a raportului de munca stabilit prin prezentul Contract, precum si pentru o perioada
nedeterminata de timp dupa incetarea acestuia (indiferent de motivul de incetare), Salariatul: (A) nu va utiliza,
comunica, divulga sau autoriza utilizarea, comunicarea sau divulgarea, in mod direct sau indirect (altfel decat
in legatura cu exercitarea adecvata a functiei sale), catre nicio persoana, orice secrete comerciale sau
Informatii Confidentiale, si (B) nu va folosi sau incerca sa foloseasca Informatiile Confidentiale pentru
beneficiul sau sau pentru beneficiul unui tert si nu va facilita accesul unor terte persoane la aceste informatii,
in niciun mod care direct sau indirect ar putea afecta sau prejudicia Angajatorul si/ sau alte societati din Grup
sau activitatea lor. In mod corespunzator, Salariatul va depune toate eforturile pentru a impiedica publicarea

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

sau divulgarea neautorizata a oricarui astfel de secret comercial sau a Informatiei Confidentiale.

(2) Salariatul nu va face copii ale documentelor, memorandumurilor, corespondentei (inclusiv

corespondenta electronica), discului calculatorului, CD-ROM, dispozitivului de memorie, inregistrarilor video
sau oricaror altor materiale similare (inclusiv in orice format electronic) si nu le va scoate in afara sediului
Societatii sau al oricarei societati din Grup, altfel decat in indeplinirea corespunzatoare a obligatiilor sale, cu
exceptia acordului scris in prealabil al Societatii.

(3) Salariatul nu face sau nu va autoriza nicio declaratie publica (scrisa sau orala) catre media sau pe un
Site de Socializare (respectiv, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ sau orice alta retea, site-uri online sau
aplicatii de socializare) sau altfel in legatura cu activitatea Societatii sau a altor societati din Grup (cu exceptia
cazului in care este autorizat in acest sens ca parte a functiei pe care o detine). De asemenea, Salariatul nu
va scrie niciun articol pentru publicare cu privire la orice chestiune legata de activitatea sau alte activitati ale
Societatii sau ale altor societati din Grup fara acordul scris in prealabil al Societatii. Dupa incetarea
Contractului, Salariatul nu va face nicio declaratie negativa, neadevarata sau inselatoare (in niciun mediu)
despre Societate, oricare societate din Grup sau administratorii sau salariatii acestora.

(4) In scopul prezentului Contract, "Informatii Confidentiale" inseamna orice informatii referitoare la
activitatea, afacerile, aspectele financiare, clientii sau legaturile comerciale ale Societatii sau ale oricarei alte
societati din Grup sau ale oricaror agenti, firme membre, clienti sau patri contractante sau orice potentiali
clienti sau parti contractante sau furnizori, pe care Salariatul le-a primit sau dobandit pe durata raportului sau
de munca, inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la: (a) metodele comerciale, procesele, informatiile tehnice si know-
how-ul in legatura cu activitatea Societatii sau a oricarei alte societati din Grup (inclusiv preturile aplicate,
reducerile acordate clientilor sau obtinute de la furnizori, dezvoltarea produselor, strategia corporativa,
programme de marketing si publicitate, costuri, bugete, cifra de afaceri, obiective de vanzari sau alte informatii
financiare, inventii, proiecte, programe, tehnici, coduri sursa, sisteme de baze de date, formule si idei), (b)
contacte de afaceri, liste sau detalii ale clientilor si furnizorilor si detalii de contact ale acestora, activitatea sau
afacerile acestora, inclusiv nume de clienti si detaliile de contact ale clientilor, afacerile financiare si personale,
istoricul si metodologia tranzactiilor, (c) informatii privind salariatii si termenii si conditiile contactelor de munca
ale acestora, detalii privind beneficiile salariatilor, schemele/ planuri de stimulente, grilele salariale si/ sau
disputele actuale sau anticipate, (d) informatii sau detalii cu privire la orice litigiu, actiune in justitie, cerere,
disputa sau arbitraj, real, potential sau posibil, impotriva sau cu orice membru al Grupului sau orice actual sau
fost administrator, functionar sau salariat al Grupului in aceasta calitate si orice informatii privind instructiunile
in acest sens, (e) detalii si conditii din contractele incheiate de Societare sau oricare alta societate din Grup cu
furnizori, clienti, agenti, investitori, membri si clienti actuali sau potentiali, (f) informatii comerciale sensibile sau
secrete comerciale, (g) informatii nepublicate privind preturile referitoare la actiuni sau titluri de valoare cotate
sau tranzactionate pe orice bursa de investitii recunoscuta, (h) detalii confidentiale cu privire la proiectarea
produselor si a inventiilor sau elaborari de produse viitoare ale Societatii sau ale oricaror altor societati din
Grup si/sau ale furnizorilor acestora, (i) detalii privind orice promotii sau promotii viitoare sau exercitii de
marketing sau publicitate planificate de catre Societate sau oricare societate din Grup, (j) detalii privind orice
bugete, conturi de gestiune, situatii privind vanzarile, rapoarte privind vanzarile, rapoarte financiare sau planuri
de afaceri ale Societatii sau ale altor societati din Grup, (k) orice informatii care pot afecta valoarea activitatii
sau a actiunilor Societatii sau ale oricarei societati din Grup, indiferent daca acestea sunt sau au fost marcate
ca fiind confidentiale in cazul documentelor sau al altor materiale scrise sau al oricaror materiale in format
electronic, si, in cazul altor informatii, indiferent daca aceste informatii sunt identificate sau tratate de catre
Societate sau oricare alta societate din Grup ca fiind confidentiale.

(5) Nerespectarea prezentei obligatii poate atrage raspunderea disciplinara a Salariatului (inclusiv
desfacerea disciplinara a Contractului) si/ sau raspunderea patrimoniala sau orice alt tip de raspundere, in
conformitate cu legislatia aplicabila.

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000


(1) Pe durata desfasurarii raportului sau de munca cu Angajatorul, Salariatul: (A) se obliga sa nu
presteze, sa desfasoare sau sa fie implicat in niciun fel, in interes propriu sau al unui tert, (i) nicio activitate
care se afla in concurenta cu cea desfasurata de Angajator, (ii) nicio activitate ce poate afecta desfasurarea
activitatii Salariatului in temeiul prezentului Contract, sau (iii) nicio activitate ce ar putea prejudicia in vreun fel
pe Angajator sau care ar putea altfel sa lezeze sau contraveni intereselor sau reputatiei Societatii, (B) isi va
folosi cunostintele, abilitatile si experienta numai in interesul Angajatorului, obligandu-se sa nu realizeze nicio
activitate care poate fi calificata drept activitate concurentiala fata de Angajator, cum ar fi, dar fara a se limita
la: (i) a lucra in interesul altei societati competitoare, (ii) a-i furniza acesteia informatii caracterizate drept
confidentiale de Angajator, (iii) a atrage clientela (indiferent daca este clientela Angajatorului sau nu) in
favoarea oricarei societati competitoare, (iv) a face publicitate, in orice mod, unei societati competitoare, (v) a
solicita sau sprijini orice salariat al Angajatorului, despre care Salariatul a dobandit informatii in cadrul relatiei
de munca cu Angajatorul, in solicitarea de a lucra ca salariat, contractant independent, partener sau altfel,
(C) va respecta toate solicitarile rezonabile ale Societatii si va oferi in mod prompt orice explicatii si informatii
privind rolul sau in activitate, conform solicitarilor rezonabile ale Societatii, (D) va raporta superiorului ierarhic
sau echipei de Resurse Umane sau astfel cum este instructat orice informatii care ar putea leza interesele
Societatii, Grupului sau orice activitate sau comportament ilegal, real sau potential, care afecteaza Societatea
sau Grupul, intreprinsa de el/ ea sau de alt salariat, functionar, contractant al Societatii sau al Grupului sau
oricare alta persoana, imediat ce ia cunosinta de acesta, si (E) va respecta toate obligatiile legale, de
reglementare si de guvernanta, inclusiv dispozitiile aplicabile ale politicilor de reglementare si de conformitate
care ii sunt relevante.

(2) Prezenta clauza de fidelitate isi va produce efectele pe intreaga durata de valabilitate a prezentului
Contract. Nerespectarea acesteia poate atrage raspunderea disciplinara (inclusiv desfacerea disciplinara a
Contractului) si/ sau patrimoniala a Salariatului sau orice alt tip de raspundere, conform prevederilor legale


(1) In conformitate cu bunele practici de piata si cu pricipiul general al bunei credinte si prevederile legale
privind concurenta neloiala, Salariatul este de acord ca dupa incetarea acestui Contract incheiat cu
Angajatorul, nu va desfasura, in mod direct sau indirect, activitati care sa afecteze activitatea, Angajatorului
[sau a Grupului], inclusiv, dar fara limitare la, urmatoarele: (a) convinge sau incerca sa convinga orice salariat
al Angajatorului sau al oricarei societati din cadrul Grupului sa inceteze raportul de munca cu Angajatorul sau
cu orice alta societate din Grup in vederea infiintarii unei societati concurente cu scopul de a atrage clientela
Angajatorului sau de a angaja salariatii Angajatorului in scopul perturbarii/ dezorganizarii activitatii
Angajatorului, si (b) convinge sau incerca sa convinga orice contractant al Angajatorului sau al altei societati
din Grup care a incheiat un contract de colaborare, prestare de servicii/furnizare de materiale sau oricare alt
tip de contract cu Angajatorul sau orice societate din Grup, sa denunte unilateral sau sa suspende respectivul
contract, in scopul perturbarii/ dezorganizarii activitatii Angajatorului.

(2) Partile confirma in mod expres faptul ca limitarile de mai sus sunt esentiale si necesare intr-o masura
rezonabila pentru a proteja interesul legitim al Angajatorului cu privire la secretele sale comerciale si relatiile
stabilite cu clientii, prin prevenirea insusirii ilegale a fondului de comert, cum ar fi Informatii Confidentiale sau
informatii privind clientii sau influenta asupra acestora.

(3) Nerespectarea de catre Salariat a acestei obligatii indreptateste Angajatorul sa recupereze orice
prejudiciu suferit conform legii.

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000


Prezentul Contract va inceta in conformitate cu prevederile legale. Termenele de preaviz aplicabile sunt

a) preavizul in cazul demisiei este de 20 zile lucratoare; si

b) preavizul in cazul concedierii, cand si daca acesta este impus de lege, este de 20 zile lucratoare.


(1) La incetarea relatiilor de munca sau oricand pe durata acestora, la solicitarea Angajatorului, Salariatul
va avea obligatia sa restituie imediat Angajatorului orice materiale, documente, informatii copiate indiferent
sub ce forma, articole, chei si alte obiecte care apartin Angajatorului.

(2) Salariatul si Angajatorul sunt de acord ca, in orice moment ulterior incetarii Contractului (indiferent de
temeiul incetarii), Salariatul nu se va prezenta drept reprezentant al Societatii sau al grupului din care aceasta
face parte sau ca avand legaturi cu oricare dintre acestea (in acest sens, inclusiv isi va actualiza profilul de pe
platforma LinkedIn sau orice alta aplicatie de socializare in mod corespunzator, daca este cazul).


(1) Prevederile prezentului Contract se completeaza cu dispozitiile Codului Muncii si ale contractului
colectiv de munca aplicabil, daca este cazul.

(2) Salariatul confirma, declara si garanteaza prin incheierea prezentului Contract faptul ca: (a) nu este
tinut de nicio obligatie de confidentialitate, neconcurenta sau orice alt tip de obligatie fata de angajatorii/ co-
contractanti anteriori care l-ar putea impiedica sa-si desfasoare activitatea in cadrul Angajatorului,
(b) indeplineste cerintele necesare privind imigrarea aplicabile in Romania si ca are drept de munca in
Romania, si va instiinta imediat Angajatorul in cazul in care acest drept inceteaza pe durata valabilitatii
raportului de munca incheiat intre acestia, si (c) in masura in care orice aviz, autorizatie, atestare sau conditie
similara pentru exercitarea functiei conform Contractului este necesara, Salariatul a obtinut-o, aceasta
continuand sa fie in vigoare la data prezentului si nefiind retrasa.

(3) Pentru scopul prezentului Contract, "Grup" inseamna Societatea si orice Afiliat al acesteia. Pentru
scopul acestei definitii, "Afiliat" inseamna, in ceea ce priveste Societatea, orice persoana care, in mod direct
sau indirect, separat sau impreuna cu unul sau mai multi intermediari, Controleaza, este Controlat de, sau se
afla sub Control comun cu, Societatea si "Control" (inclusiv termenii "Controleaza" si "Controlat") inseamna
in ceea ce priveste Societatea (a) detinerea directa sau indirecta sau posesia a 50% sau mai mult din capitalul
social si/ sau drepturile de vot in Societate, sau (b) competenta de a numi sau revoca administratori avand
majoritatea drepturilor de vot ce pot fi exercitate in adunari sau in cadrul deciziilor consiliului de administratie
al Societatii, sau (c) competenta de a directiona sau de a influenta, in mod direct sau indirect, stabilirea
politicilor Societatii (indiferent daca prin detinerea drepturilor de vot, dreptul de a desemna majoritatea
management-ului executiv senior, prin contract sau altfel).

(4) Pentru evitarea oricarui dubiu, Salariatul recunoaste, prin semnarea prezentului Contract, faptul ca
Angajatorul l-a informat anterior executarii prezentului Contract cu privire la toate elementele prevazute in

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

articolul 17 din Codul Muncii, inclusiv, fara limitare la: (a) toate drepturile si obligatiile din prezentul Contract;
(b) fisa postului cu specificarea atributiilor postului; (c) criteriile de evaluare a activitatii profesionale a
Salariatului aplicabile la nivelul Angajatorului; (d) durata perioadei de proba etc.

(5) Anexa la prezentul Contract, respectiv Anexa 1 (Fisa Postului) face parte integranta din prezentul

(6) Prezentul Contract s-a incheiat in cate doua exemplare originale, atat in limba romana, cat si in limba
engleza, cate unul pentru fiecare Parte. Fiecare Parte confirma prin prezenta primirea unui exemplar original
al Contractului, cat si a Anexei 1 (Fisa Postului), anterior inceperii activitatii de munca de catre Salariat, in
cadrul Angajatorului. In caz de neconcordanta intre versiunile in limba romana si engleza, versiunea in limba
romana va prevala.


In cazul in care oricare dintre prevederile prezentului Contract este sau devine ulterior ilegala, nevalabila sau
imposibil de pus in executare pentru orice motiv conform legii aplicabile, legalitatea, valabilitatea si punerea in
executare a celorlalte prevederi din prezentul Contract nu vor fi afectate. Partile isi vor da silinta sa efectueze
acele acte si/ sau modificari pentru a atinge, in masura posibila, acelasi rezultat juridic si/sau economic, care a
fost avut in vedere de catre Parti la momentul semnarii prezentului Contract.


Prezentul Contract va fi guvernat de legea romana. Orice litigii referitoare la incheierea, executarea,
modificarea, suspendarea sau incetarea prezentului Contract vor fi solutionate de instanta judecatoreasca
competenta material si teritorial, in conformitate cu legea aplicabila.

Annex 1 to the


executed on 27 December 2019 and registered under No. ……………………………… on

……………………………… in the general registry of employees

Job description

Main responsibilities:

QA Analyst - Automation

251202 - Programmer

QA Analysts are gate keepers of systems who involved in testing of systems to make sure that no bugs
escape to user acceptance testing or production environments.

Over time, the effectiveness of the individual will be measured by:

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

• The number of functional defects leaked to UAT and / or Production.

• On time completion of functional testing.

QA Analysts will report to QA lead role or to a Project lead role.

Key Responsibilities
• Study requirement specifications and raise clarifications to business analysts and customers.
• Create, maintain and update test scenarios and test cases based on the requirement specifications.
• Create, maintain and update automated test scripts based on the test cases.
• Execute and report results of automated and manual tests.
• Troubleshoot issues in automated test scripts.
• Report issues and anomalies in the system in the issue tracking system
• Communicate any unforeseen issues that’s affecting own work to leads on time
• Provide daily, weekly status updates to leads and managers
• Assist QA Leads to create test plans and improvements to test process
• Assist/guide junior team members

Minimum Requirements
• Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/Engineering or related discipline or equivalent professional
• Minimum of 1 year hands on experience in Software development life cycle, preferably in testing multi-tiered
• Experience on Linux / UNIX environment will be a significant advantage.
• Experience in designing and writing test automation scripts including use of one or more tools; JUnit, Java
Script, Python, C++ or any other open source tools is highly desirable.
• Experience capital markets domain will be an added advantage
• Demonstrate a clear understanding of standard software QA processes and methodologies
• Ability to grasp technical and domain knowledge quickly is essential
• Outgoing personality with a strong mentality and desire to succeed
• High attention to details and strong communication skills with ability to work under pressure
• Maintain good working relationship with team members

With the observance of the legal provisions, the Employer may request the Employee to also perform duties
and attributions, other than the ones expressly listed in this Annex 1 (Job Description), to the extent such
duties and attributions correspond to his/ her position, according to Clause F para. (1) in this Agreement.

Health & safety matters: The Employee will duly observe all applicable laws and regulations, relevant from a
health and safety perspective.

Anexa 1 la


incheiat la data de 27 December 2019 si inregistrat sub nr. ………..din data de ………….in registrul general
de evidenta a salariatilor

Fisa Postului

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

Atributii principale:

QA Analyst - Automation

251202 - Programator

Analiștii în asigurarea calității sunt agenți de supraveghere a sistemelor care sunt implicați în testarea
sistemelor pentru a se asigura că nici o eroare nu scapă la testarea de recepție pentru utilizatori sau mediile
de producție.

În timp, eficacitatea individului va fi măsurată prin:

• Numărul defectelor funcționale descoperite la UAT (testarea de recepție pentru utilizatori) și/sau la producție.
• Finalizarea în termen a testării funcționale.

Analiștii în asigurarea calității vor raporta funcției principale în asigurarea calității sau către o funcție principală
în proiect.

Responsabilități cheie
• Specificațiile privind cerințele de studiu și clarificările aduse analiștilor și clienților în afaceri.
• Creați, mențineți și actualizați scenarii de testare și cazuri de testare pe baza specificațiilor cerințelor.
• Creați, mențineți și actualizați script-uri automate de testare bazate pe cazurile de testare.
• Executați și raportați rezultatele testelor automate și manuale.
• Depanați problemele din script-urile automate de testare.
• Raportați problemele și anomaliile din sistem în sistemul de urmărire a problemelor
• Comunicați la timp toate problemele neprevăzute care afectează propria muncă
• Furnizați actualizări de stare zilnică, săptămânală către conducători și administratori
• Asistați conducătorii asigurării calității pentru a crea planuri de testare și îmbunătățiri în procesul de testare
• Asistați/îndrumați membrii debutanți ai echipei

Cerințe minime
• Diplomă de licență în Știința Calculatoarelor/Inginerie sau o disciplină conexă sau o calificare profesională
• Minim 1 an de experiență practică în ciclul de viață al dezvoltării software-ului, de preferință în testarea aplica
țiilor cu mai multe niveluri.
• Experiența în mediul Linux/UNIX va reprezenta un avantaj semnificativ.
• Experiență în proiectarea și scrierea script-urilor de automatizare a testului, inclusiv utilizarea unuia sau mai
multor instrumente; JUnit, Java Script, Python, C ++ sau orice alt instrument cu sursă deschisă este foarte
• Experiența în domeniul piețelor de capital ar reprezenta un avantaj suplimentar
• Demonstrarea unei înțelegeri clare a proceselor și metodologiilor standard de asigurare a calității software-
• Abilitatea de a înțelege rapid cunoștințele tehnice și de domeniu este esențială
• Personalitate deschisă cu o mentalitate puternică și dorința de a reuși
• O atenție deosebită la detalii și competențe solide de comunicare plus capacitatea de a lucra sub presiune
• Menținerea unei bune relații profesionale cu membrii echipei

Cu respectarea prevederilor legale, Angajatorul va putea solicita Salariatului sa presteze si alte sarcini si
atributii decat cele prevazute expres in prezenta Anexa 1 (Fisa Postului), in masura in care acestea corespund
postului sau, conform Clauzei F alin. (1) din prezentul Contract.

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.
LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.
Bucureşti Sectorul 6, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu
Nr. 6F, Cladirea 6.1, Etaj 3-4
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000

Aspecte de sanatate si securitate in munca: Salariatul va respecta cu strictete toate legile si regulamentele
aplicabile, relevante din perspectiva sanatatii si securitatii in munca.


LSEG Business Services RM S.R.L.,

Tim Jones in his capacity of Group Head of Human Resources and proxy,

Sign: {{Signature_es_:signer1:signature}}
Email: {{Signature_es_:signer1:email}}

LSEG Business Services Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 08980140. Registered office 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS.

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