Socio Economic Impact Study For SHS

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(Name of Company)

(Names of Proponents)

Prof. Ramoncito D. Onia

Applied Economics

March 2020

Socioeconomic factors are characteristics that define the quality of life in a

society. They influence the behaviors, attitudes, trends, tastes and lifestyles
of individuals. In fact, the different class segments of the society – that is,
upper class, middle class and lower class – are attributable to the
socioeconomic factors.



Income is the amount of money individuals earn from their daily economic
activities, be it employment, business or investments. In the case of our
business, the income _____

(Discuss the sources of income of your company. How will they be

generated? What percentage (%) and volume (amount in pesos) of your
income will be allocated for expenses? What is the target income of the
company during the inception (start of business) and during the operations?
Remember, these are all projected figures/estimates. How much will be the
business tax that will be generated from the business? How much will be the
amount allocated for CSR programs (charity/advocacy)?

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Education equips members of the society with the skills and knowledge they
require to be employed in different jobs and professions. Our product is

(Discuss here the educational background of the proponents and workers

required. Also, mention the qualifications, skills and experience needed to
effectively perform the operations. As part of education is the literacy level
of the consumers which affects their acceptance/patronage of the products.
What information drive/ promotions strategy will be undertaken by the
company to have better volume of sales?)

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Occupation refers to the type of jobs people perform by virtue of their skills,
experiences and choices.
(Discuss here the manpower requirement of your business from initial
(product awareness/campaign to soft opening) and during the operation
stage (management and personnel. Explain here the
importance/advantage/benefits of generating employees from immediate
community/vicinity. )

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Political changes relate to changes in government influence.

(Discuss here the current government laws/policies/activities that affect the

operation of the business. Be specific about the government agency/ies that
directly influence your business. Discuss the clearances/permits/regulation
that they enforce with your business. Discuss the specific laws/ordinances
that you have to comply. Also discuss, potential problem that may affect the
profitability and sustainability of the business)

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Economic changes are closely related to social ones. The economy goes
through a series of fluctuations associated with general booms and slumps in
economic activity.

(Discuss here the contributions/share of the business to the economy such as

government income thru the business taxes that the company shares, the
number of laborer that you employ in the business, and others such as
foreign exchange, etc)

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Social factors relate to the pattern of behavior, tastes and lifestyles.

(Discuss here the description of your target market-marketing strategies.

The type of customers has a deep impact on the viability of the business.
Discuss the demographics and present statistics (research) about the
demographics. Finally, emphasize the critical factor the directly impact on
the sales of your product. On the other, especially if your product is an
innovation, what contributions that you give the buying public especially on
lifestyle or image? )
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Changes in technology have also become particularly significant in the post-

millennium world.

(Discuss here the development in technology of your chosen product or

industry to where it belongs. Will the business adapt the technology or use a
different/or simple technique? If it will be adapted, what particular benefit
does the business acquires? If not, what is the major reason for not adapting
it? )

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The environmental factors include geographical location, the climate,

weather and other such factors that are not limited to climatic conditions.

(Discuss here the elements in the business, especially the product materials
which affects the environment. For recycles, discuss the benefit of doing
recycling. For the business operation, especially costs, what is the benefit
for the business. Explain that the technology used and the materials used do
not harm the environment. Discuss here the business waste management
system to make sure they comply with the government policy.)

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The legal factors include the laws relating to employment, consumer

protection, copy and patents, and healthy and safety laws.

(Discuss here the particular law about the business – labor law, product
standards, health, sanitation and hygiene law, registration and clearances,
consumer rights and product safety.)

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Discus the strengths or distinct advantage or edge of the
business/product over its competitors. It should be internal factors.

Discus the weakness or identified disadvantage or inadequacy of the
business/product over its competitors. It should be internal factors.

Discus the potential opportunities which the business can identify
which can be its advantage or edge against its competitors. It should
be external factors.

Discus the potential threats which the business can identify which it
fears that may happen or that is uncontrolled. It should be external
factors or happening outside the business


(Discuss here about the program/project that the company identifies as its
advocacy in helping its customers, suppliers, the government and the


(Discuss here the statistical highlights of the company’s market state.

Define how the company generates the figures on demand (customers) for
products (estimates based on survey or government records and supply
(competitors), the current seller of similar or accessory product. Also, show
by means of Desmos graphing the diagram of Demand-supply gap. Describe
the diagram generated showing the findings which made the company
continue to pursue the proposed product/business.)


(Cite all literary sources of information)

Leano, Jr., Roman D., Applied Economics for Senior High School,
Mindshapers Co. Inc. Manila, 2016

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