Casner Book Sample
Casner Book Sample
Casner Book Sample
Martin Casner
Table of Contents
Descendants of Martin Casner 1
Source Citations 13
Name Index 20
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Descendants of Martin Casner 1
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Descendants of Martin Casner 2
casner 1840
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Descendants of Martin Casner 3
Telitha Cumar Casner34 was born on 29 Jan 1839 in Alabama, USA34 and died about 1885 in Gatesville, Coryell, Texas, USA
about age 46.
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Descendants of Martin Casner 4
Martin Van Casner3,7,11,14,15,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 was born on 1 Oct 1842 in Travis Co., Texas,
USA,3,11,14,15,40,41,42,43,44,45 died on 24 Mar 1923 in Fillmore, Ventura, California, USA 14,45,48 at age
80, and was buried in 1923 in Bardsdale Cemetery, Fillmore, Ventura, California, USA. 14 Another name for
Martin was Martin Vanburin.
General Notes: 1870 United States Federal Census Name:Martin Carner Estimated Birth Y ear:abt 1844
Age in 1870:26 Birthplace:Texas Home in 1870:Warners Ra ncho, San Diego, California Race:White
Gender:Male Value of real est ate:View Image Post Office:San Diego Household Members: Name
AgeMarti n Carner 26 Mary Carner 23 Allen Carner 4 Daniel Carner 1 1880 Uni ted States Federal
Census Name:Martin V. Cassner Home in 1880:Ballena , San Diego, California Age:35 Estimated Birth
Year:abt 1845 Birthplac e:Texas Relation to Head of Household:Self (Head) Spouse's Name:Mary J .
Father's birthplace:Alabama Mother's birthplace:Alabama Neighbors:Vi ew others on page MVcasner
Occupation:Farmer Marital Status:Married Race:Whit e Gender:Male Cannot read/write: Blind: Deaf and
dumb: Otherwise di sabled: Idiotic or insane: View Image Household Members: Name AgeMart in V.
Cassner 35 Mary J. Cassner 35 Allie B. Cassner 14 William D . Cassner 9 Lazarus P. Cassner 7 Effie J. Cassner 4 Victor A.
Cassn er 1
OBJE: _TEXT Location: Ballena, CA
OBJE: _TEXT Location: Ballena and Julian, California
OBJE: _TEXT From the book " An Illustrated History of Southern California" 898 pag
CONC es. Published in 1890
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Descendants of Martin Casner 5
• He has conflicting burial information of Bardsdale Cemetery, Fillmore, Ventura, California, USA.
• He resided at Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Self Ballena and Santa Maria
Townships, San Diego, California, USA in 1880.42
• He resided at Travis, Texas, USA in 1850.15
• He resided at Ballena and Santa Maria Townships, San Diego, California, USA in 1880. 3 Martin Van Casner
• He resided at Ballena and Santa Maria Townships, San Diego, California, USA in 1880.
• Anniversary 50th: California, USA, in 1915.
Noted events in her life were:
• She resided at Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Wife Ballena and Santa Maria Townships, San Diego,
California, USA in 1880.51
• She resided at Age: 56; Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Wife Ballena and Santa Maria Townships, San
Diego, California, USA in 1900.50
• She resided at Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Wife Ramona, San Diego, California, USA in 1910. 52
• She resided at San Diego, California, USA in 1922.46
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Descendants of Martin Casner 6
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Descendants of Martin Casner 7
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Descendants of Martin Casner 8
Sarah married Abraham Hatfield14,41,45,66,67,70 on 7 Dec 1876 in Julian, San Diego Co., California,
USA.67 Abraham was born on 6 Jul 1840 in Missouri, USA, 14,41,45,66,67 died on 13 May 1922 in San
Bernardino, San Bernardino, California, USA14,45 at age 81, and was buried in 1922 in Nuevo Memory
Gardens Ramona, San Diego, California, USA.14 They had two children: Ada M. and Charles M.
Marriage Notes: OBJE: _TEXT Year: 1900; Census Place: Santa Maria, San Diego, California; Roll: 99
CONC ; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 0174; FHL microfilm: 1240099
CONC ; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 0174; FHL microfilm: 1240099
• He resided at Age: 80; Age: 82; Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House Ramona, San Diego,
California, USA in 1920.66
Louisa Jane Casner12,14,15,21,47,60,71,72,73 was born on 20 Sep 1845 in Travis County, Texas,
USA,12,14,15,60,71,72,73 died on 18 Feb 1906 in Julian, San Diego Co., California, USA 12,14,60 at age 60, and
was buried in 1906 in California, USA. 12,14
Marriage Notes: OBJE: _TEXT Year: 1900; Census Place: Julian, San Diego, California; Roll: 99; Pag
CONC e: 10A; Enumeration District: 0184; FHL microfilm: 1240099
CONC e: 10A; Enumeration District: 0184; FHL microfilm: 1240099
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Descendants of Martin Casner 9
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Descendants of Martin Casner 10
Texanna Lester
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Descendants of Martin Casner 11
• She resided at Tulare, Tulare, California, USA in 1935.
• She resided at Tulare, Tulare, California, USA in 1920. 108
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Descendants of Martin Casner 12
• She resided at Marital Status: Widowed; Relation to Head of House: Mother Tulare, Tulare, California, USA on 1 Apr 1940. 111
Emiley married John T. Curlee3,60,105,107,109,112,113,114 on 2 Nov 1869 in San Diego Co.,
California, USA. John was born in Mar 1847 in Tennessee, USA, 3,60,105,107,109,114 died on 12 Jan 1917
in Woodville, Tulare Co., California, USA 60 at age 69, and was buried in Tulare Co., California, USA. They
had five children: Anna, Martin E., Margaret, Albert J., and Myrtle.
• He resided at Chino, Butte, California, USA in 1898.
• He resided at Chino Township, San Bernardino, California, USA in 1900. 105
• He resided at Chino Township, San Bernardino, California, USA in 1900. 105
• He resided at Sespe, Ventura, California, USA in 1880.3
• He resided at Woodville, Tulare, California, USA in 1910. 109
• He resided at Ballena and Santa Maria Townships, San Diego, California, USA in 1885. 3
• He resided at Ballena and Santa Maria Townships, San Diego, California, USA in 1892. 3
• He resided at Visalia, Tulare, California, USA in 1912. 112
• He resided at Visalia, Tulare, California, USA in 1913. 112
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Source Citations 13
1., Texas, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1820-1890 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA;
Date: 199 9;).
2., U.S., Indexed Early Land Ownership and Township Plats, 1785-1898 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA;
Date: 2 011;). <p><i>Public Land Survey Township Plats, compiled 1789–1946, documenti ng the period 1785–1946</i>. NARA microfilm publication
T1234, 67 roll s. Records of the Bureau of Land Management, 1685–2006, Record Group 4 9. National Archives and Records Administration, Washington,
3., California, Voter Registers, 1866-1898 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 011;).
4., U.S. General Land Office Records, 1796-1907 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 8;).
5., 1840 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 010;), Year: 1840; Census
Place: , Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: . Sixth Census of the United States, 1840. (NARA microfilm publication M 704, 580 rolls). Records of the Bureau of
the Census, Record Group 29 . National Archives, Washington, D.C.
6., Alabama, Marriage Index, 1800-1969 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 6;). <ul><li>Alabama
Center for Health Statistics. <I>Alabama Marriage Inde x, 1936-1969.</I> Alabama Center for Health Statistics, Montgomery, Al abama.</li><li>Dodd,
Jordan R., et. al. <i>Early American Marriages: A labama to 1825</i>. Bountiful, UT: Precision Indexing Publishers, 19xx .</li><li>Hunting For Bears,
comp. Alabama marriage information take n from county courthouse records. Many of these records were extracte d from copies of the original records in
microfilm, microfiche, or boo k format, located at the Family History Library.</li><li>Dodd, Jorda n R., comp. <i>Early American Marriages: Alabama, 1800
to 1920.</i></l i></ul>
7. National Park Service, U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 7;).
8., Texas, Land Title Abstracts,1700-2008 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 0;).
9., 1870 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 009;), Year: 1870; Census
Place: Poway, San Diego, California; Roll: M593_; Page: ; Image: . <ul><li>1870 U.S. census, population schedules. NARA microfilm publica tion M593,
1,761 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Record s Administration, n.d.</li><li>Minnesota census schedules for 1870. NA RA microfilm
publication T132, 13 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Ar chives and Records Administration, n.d.</li></ul>
10. Selected U.S. Federal Census Non-Population Schedules, 1850-1880 (Name: Selected U.S. Federal Census Non-Population Schedu les,
1850-1880 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operat ions, Inc., 2010;), Census Year: 1850; Census Place: Round Mountain, Blanco, Texas;
Archive Collection Number: T1134; Roll: 3; Page: 13; Line: 05; Schedule Type: Agriculture.
11., Texas, Muster Roll Index Cards, 1838-1900 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 011;).
12., Web: California, Find A Grave Index, 1775-2011 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 012;).
13. Selected U.S. Federal Census Non-Population Schedules, 1850-1880 (Name: Selected U.S. Federal Census Non-Population Schedu les,
1850-1880 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operat ions, Inc., 2010;), Census Year: 1850; Census Place: Travis, Texas.
14., U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1700s-Current (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 012;).
15. 1850 United States Federal Census (Name: 1850 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reprod uced by FamilySearch;), Year: 1850; Census Place: Travis, Texas; Roll: M432_915; Page: 137B; Image: 258.
16., Alabama, County Marriage Records, 1805-1967 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Lehi, UT, USA; Date: 20 16;).
17., Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 8;).
18., Texas, Index Card Collections, 1800-1900 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 012;).
19., Texas, Wills and Probate Records, 1833-1974 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 015;), Probate
Case Papers, 1848-1878; Index, 1848-1938 (Williamson County, Texas); Author: Texas, Probate Court (Williamson County); Probate Place: Williamson,
20., Tennessee, Compiled Marriages, 1784-1825 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 199 7;). Dodd,
Jordan, comp.. <i>Tennessee Marriages to 1825</i>. Electronic tr anscription of marriage records held by the individual counties in Ten nessee.
21. Ancestry Family Trees (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original dat a: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry
members;), Ancestry Family Trees. This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tre e files. This source citation points you to a current
version of thos e files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or ch anged information since this source citation was created.
22. and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 201 0;), Year: 1880; Census Place: Ballena, San Diego, California; Roll: 72; Family History Film: 1254072; Page: 587B; Enumeration
District: 071; Image: 0398. Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T 9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census,
Record Group 29 . National Archives, Washington, D.C.
23., Web: California, Find A Grave Index, 1775-2012 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 012;).
24. 1840 United States Federal Census (Name: 1840 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reprod uced by FamilySearch;), Year: 1840; Census Place: Walker, Alabama; Roll: 16; Page: 292; Image: 1204; Family History
Produced by Legacy
Source Citations 14
25. 1870 United States Federal Census (Name: 1870 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reprod uced by FamilySearch;), Year: 1870; Census Place: Poway, San Diego, California; Roll: M593_78; Page: 481B; Family
History Library Film: 545577.
26., 1830 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 010;), Year: 1830; Census
Place: , Morgan, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: . Fifth Census of the United States, 1830. (NARA microfilm publication M 19, 201 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the
Census, Record Group 29 . National Archives, Washington, D.C.
27., 1840 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 010;), Year: 1840; Census
Place: Regiment 39, Morgan, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: . Sixth Census of the United States, 1840. (NARA microfilm publication M 704, 580 rolls). Records of the
Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29 . National Archives, Washington, D.C.
28., Alabama, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1810-1890 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA;
Date: 199 9;). Jackson, Ron V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp.. <i>Alabama Censu s, 1810-1890</i>. Compiled and digitized by Mr. Jackson and AIS
from m icrofilmed schedules of the U.S. Federal Decennial Census, territorial /state censuses, and/or census substitutes.
29., 1850 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 009;), Year: 1850; Census
Place: , Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M432_909; Page: 881A; Image: . Seventh Census of the United States, 1850; (National Archives Microfil m Publication M432,
1009 rolls); Records of the Bureau of the Census , Record Group 29; National Archives, Washington, D.C.
30. Yates Publishing, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 4;),
Source number: 3929.003; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: .
31., Global, Find A Grave Index for Non-Burials, Burials at Sea, and othe r Select Burial Locations, 1300s-Current (Name:
Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 012;).
32., Texas, County Tax Rolls, 1846-1910 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 014;).
33., 1850 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 009;), 1850 United States
Federal Census. Seventh Census of the United States, 1850; (National Archives Microfil m Publication M432, 1009 rolls); Records of the Bureau of the Census
, Record Group 29; National Archives, Washington, D.C.
34., 1870 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 009;), Year: 1870; Census
Place: House Mountain, Llano, Texas; Roll: M593_; Page: ; Image: . <ul><li>1870 U.S. census, population schedules. NARA microfilm publica tion M593,
1,761 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Record s Administration, n.d.</li><li>Minnesota census schedules for 1870. NA RA microfilm
publication T132, 13 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Ar chives and Records Administration, n.d.</li></ul>
35. and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 201 0;), Year: 1880; Census Place: , Coryell, Texas; Roll: 1298; Family History Film: 1255298; Page: 485D; Enumeration District:
026; Image: . Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T 9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29
. National Archives, Washington, D.C.
36., 1850 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 009;), Year: 1850; Census
Place: Milam and Williamson, Williamson, Texas; Roll: M432_916; Page: 333A; Image: . Seventh Census of the United States, 1850; (National Archives
Microfil m Publication M432, 1009 rolls); Records of the Bureau of the Census , Record Group 29; National Archives, Washington, D.C.
37. Selected U.S. Federal Census Non-Population Schedules, 1850-1880 (Name: Selected U.S. Federal Census Non-Population Schedu les,
1850-1880 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operat ions, Inc., 2010;), Census Year: 1880; Census Place: District 26, Coryell, Texas; Archive
Collection Number: T1134; Roll: 20; Page: 29; Line: 1; Schedule Type: Agriculture.
38., Texas, Select County Marriage Index, 1837-1977 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 014;).
39., 1860 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 009;), Year: 1860; Census
Place: , Llano, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 373; Image: 170. 1860 U.S. census, population schedule. NARA microfilm publication M653 , 1,438 rolls. Washington,
D.C.: National Archives and Records Adminis tration, n.d.
40., 1900 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 4;), Year: 1900; Census
Place: Ballena, San Diego, California; Roll: T623_99; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 174. United States of America, Bureau of the Census. <i>Twelfth
Census of t he United States, 1900</i>. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Re cords Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls.
41., 1910 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 6;), Year: 1910; Census
Place: Ramona, San Diego, California; Roll: ; Page: ; Enumeration District: ; Image: . Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910 (NARA microfilm publicati
on T624, 1,178 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Gro up 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the content s of the film
numbers, visit the following NARA web page: <a href="htt p:// ensus/1910/index.html"
42. and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 201 0;), Year: 1880; Census Place: Ballena, San Diego, California; Roll: 72; Family History Film: 1254072; Page: 588D; Enumeration
District: 071; Image: 0400. Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T 9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census,
Record Group 29 . National Archives, Washington, D.C.
43., 1920 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 010;), Year: 1920; Census
Produced by Legacy
Source Citations 15
Place: Ramona, San Diego, California; Roll: T625_130; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 223; Image: . Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920. (NARA
microfilm publicat ion T625, 2076 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Gro up 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the
content s of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: <a href="htt p://
07.html" target="_blank">NARA</a>. Note: Enumeration Districts 819-83 9 are on roll 323 (Chicago City).
44., 1870 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 009;), Year: 1870; Census
Place: Warners Rancho, San Diego, California; Roll: M593_; Page: ; Image: . <ul><li>1870 U.S. census, population schedules. NARA microfilm publica tion
M593, 1,761 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Record s Administration, n.d.</li><li>Minnesota census schedules for 1870. NA RA microfilm
publication T132, 13 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Ar chives and Records Administration, n.d.</li></ul>
45. National Cemetery Administration, U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date:
200 6;).
46., U.S. City Directories, 1821-1989 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 011;).
47., U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA;
Date: 2 015;).
48., Web: Ventura County, California, Obituary Index, 1916-1996 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2
49. Web: California, Find A Grave Index, 1775-2011 (Name: Web: California, Find A Grave Index, 1775-2011 [da tabase on-line]. Provo,
UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012;).
50. 1900 United States Federal Census (Name: 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations Inc, 2004;), Year: 1900; Census Place: Ballena, San Diego, California; Roll: 99; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 0174; FHL microfilm: 1240099.
51. 1880 United States Federal Census (Name: and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . 1880 United States Federal Census
[database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA : Operations Inc, 2010. 1880 U.S. Census Index provided b y The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints ©;), Year: 1880; Census Place: Ballena, San Diego, California; Roll: 72; Family History Film: 1254072; Page: 588D; Enumeration District: 071;
Image: 0400.
52. 1910 United States Federal Census (Name: 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations Inc, 2006;), Year: 1910; Census Place: Ramona, San Diego, California; Roll: T624_95; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 0135; FHL microfilm:
53., 1850 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 009;), Year: 1850; Census
Place: District 50, Linn, Missouri; Roll: M432_405; Page: 17A; Image: . Seventh Census of the United States, 1850; (National Archives Microfil m Publication
M432, 1009 rolls); Records of the Bureau of the Census , Record Group 29; National Archives, Washington, D.C.
54. and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 201 0;), Year: 1880; Census Place: Ballena, San Diego, California; Roll: 72; Family History Film: 1254072; Page: 588D;
Enumeration District: 71; Image: 0400. Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T 9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the
Census, Record Group 29 . National Archives, Washington, D.C.
55., 1870 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 009;), Year: 1870; Census
Place: Julian, San Diego, California; Roll: M593_; Page: ; Image: . <ul><li>1870 U.S. census, population schedules. NARA microfilm publica tion M593,
1,761 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Record s Administration, n.d.</li><li>Minnesota census schedules for 1870. NA RA microfilm
publication T132, 13 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Ar chives and Records Administration, n.d.</li></ul>
56. and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 201 0;), Year: 1880; Census Place: Ballena, San Diego, California; Roll: 72; Family History Film: 1254072; Page: 587B; Enumeration
District: 71; Image: 0398. Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T 9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census,
Record Group 29 . National Archives, Washington, D.C.
57., 1900 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 4;), Year: 1900; Census
Place: Perris, Riverside, California; Roll: _; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 218. United States of America, Bureau of the Census. <i>Twelfth Census of t he
United States, 1900</i>. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Re cords Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls.
58., 1920 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 010;), Year: 1920; Census
Place: Riverside Ward 3, Riverside, California; Roll: T625_125; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 121; Image: . Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
(NARA microfilm publicat ion T625, 2076 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Gro up 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on
the content s of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: <a href="htt p://
07.html" target="_blank">NARA</a>. Note: Enumeration Districts 819-83 9 are on roll 323 (Chicago City).
59. Yates Publishing, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 4;),
Source number: 1573.076; Source type: Family group sheet, listed as a child; Number of Pages: 1.
60., California, Death Index, 1905-1939 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 013;).
61., U.S., Appointments of U. S. Postmasters, 1832-1971 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 010;).
62., Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 5;).
Produced by Legacy
Source Citations 16
63. 1860 United States Federal Census (Name: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reprod uced by FamilySearch;), Year: 1860; Census Place: Comanche, Texas; Roll: M653_1289; Page: 262; Image: 531; Family
History Library Film: 805289.
64. 1850 United States Federal Census (Name: 1850 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reprod uced by FamilySearch;), Year: 1850; Census Place: Burleson and Brazos, Burleson, Texas; Roll: M432_908; Page:
447A; Image: 436.
65. 1860 United States Federal Census (Name: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reprod uced by FamilySearch;), Year: 1860; Census Place: Llano, Texas; Roll: M653_1300; Page: 375; Image: 174; Family
History Library Film: 805300.
66., 1920 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 010;), Year: 1920; Census
Place: Ramona, San Diego, California; Roll: T625_130; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 223; Image: . Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920. (NARA
microfilm publicat ion T625, 2076 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Gro up 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the
content s of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: <a href="htt p://
07.html" target="_blank">NARA</a>. Note: Enumeration Districts 819-83 9 are on roll 323 (Chicago City).
67., 1900 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 4;), Year: 1900; Census
Place: Santa Maria, San Diego, California; Roll: T623_99; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 174. United States of America, Bureau of the Census. <i>Twelfth
Census of t he United States, 1900</i>. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Re cords Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls.
68. 1870 United States Federal Census (Name: 1870 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reprod uced by FamilySearch;), Year: 1870; Census Place: Poway, San Diego, California; Roll: M593_78; Page: 481B; Image:
148; Family History Library Film: 545577.
69., California, Select Births and Christenings, 1812-1988 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 20 14;).
70., California, County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1849-1980 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Lehi, UT, USA;
Date: 20 17;), California Department of Public Health, courtesy of Digital Images.
71., 1900 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 4;), Year: 1900; Census
Place: Julian, San Diego, California; Roll: T623_99; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 184. United States of America, Bureau of the Census. <i>Twelfth
Census of t he United States, 1900</i>. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Re cords Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls.
72. and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 201 0;), Year: 1880; Census Place: Augua Caliente, San Diego, California; Roll: 72; Family History Film: 1254072; Page: 623C;
Enumeration District: 073; Image: 0469. Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T 9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the
Census, Record Group 29 . National Archives, Washington, D.C.
73. 1870 United States Federal Census (Name: 1870 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reprod uced by FamilySearch;), Year: 1870; Census Place: Julian, San Diego, California; Roll: M593_78; Page: 472B; Family
History Library Film: 545577.
74. 1900 United States Federal Census (Name: 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations Inc, 2004;), Year: 1900; Census Place: Julian, San Diego, California; Roll: 99; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 0184; FHL microfilm: 1240099.
75. 1910 United States Federal Census (Name: 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations Inc, 2006;), Year: 1910; Census Place: Julian, San Diego, California; Roll: T624_95; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 0135; FHL microfilm:
76. 1880 United States Federal Census (Name: and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . 1880 United States Federal Census
[database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA : Operations Inc, 2010. 1880 U.S. Census Index provided b y The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints ©;), Year: 1880; Census Place: Augua Caliente, San Diego, California; Roll: 72; Family History Film: 1254072; Page: 623C; Enumeration District:
073; Image: 0469.
77. and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 201 0;), Year: 1880; Census Place: Saticoy, Ventura, California; Roll: 86; Family History Film: 1254086; Page: 251D; Enumeration
District: 104; Image: 0079. Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T 9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census,
Record Group 29 . National Archives, Washington, D.C.
78., 1930 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 2;), Year: 1930; Census
Place: Township 5, Fresno, California; Roll: ; Page: ; Enumeration District: ; Image: . United States of America, Bureau of the Census. <i>Fifteenth Census o f
the United States, 1930</i>. Washington, D.C.: National Archives an d Records Administration, 1930. T626, 2,667 rolls.
79., 1910 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 6;), Year: 1910; Census
Place: Santa Paula, Ventura, California; Roll: ; Page: ; Enumeration District: ; Image: . Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910 (NARA microfilm
publicati on T624, 1,178 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Gro up 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the content s of
the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: <a href="htt p://
ensus/1910/index.html" target="_blank">NARA</a>.
80. 1920 United States Federal Census (Name: 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations Inc, 2010. Images reproduc ed by FamilySearch;), Year: 1920; Census Place: Township 5, Fresno, California; Roll: T625_97; Page: 7A;
Enumeration District: 53.
Produced by Legacy
Source Citations 17
81., 1860 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 009;), Year: 1860; Census
Place: , Comanche, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 262; Image: 531. 1860 U.S. census, population schedule. NARA microfilm publication M653 , 1,438 rolls.
Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Adminis tration, n.d.
82., 1850 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 009;), Year: 1850; Census
Place: Milam and Williamson, Milam, Texas; Roll: M432_913; Page: 25B; Image: . Seventh Census of the United States, 1850; (National Archives Microfil m
Publication M432, 1009 rolls); Records of the Bureau of the Census , Record Group 29; National Archives, Washington, D.C.
83. and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location:
Provo, UT, USA; Date: 201 0;), Year: 1880; Census Place: , Gillespie, Texas; Roll: 1305; Family History Film: 1255305; Page: 299D; Enumeration
District: 155; Image: . Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T 9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record
Group 29 . National Archives, Washington, D.C.
84., 1910 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 6;), Year: 1910; Census
Place: Justice Precinct 4, Gillespie, Texas; Roll: ; Page: ; Enumeration District: ; Image: . Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910 (NARA microfilm
publicati on T624, 1,178 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Gro up 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the content s of
the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: <a href="htt p://
ensus/1910/index.html" target="_blank">NARA</a>.
85., 1920 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 010;), Year: 1920; Census
Place: Justice Precinct 2, San Saba, Texas; Roll: T625_1844; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 230; Image: . Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
(NARA microfilm publicat ion T625, 2076 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Gro up 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on
the content s of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: <a href="htt p://
07.html" target="_blank">NARA</a>. Note: Enumeration Districts 819-83 9 are on roll 323 (Chicago City).
86., 1900 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 4;), Year: 1900; Census
Place: Justice Precinct 4, Gillespie, Texas; Roll: T623_1638; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 34. United States of America, Bureau of the Census. <i>Twelfth
Census of t he United States, 1900</i>. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Re cords Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls.
87. 1870 United States Federal Census (Name: 1870 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reprod uced by FamilySearch;), Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 3, Blanco, Texas; Roll: M593_1576; Page: 357A; Image:
19; Family History Library Film: 553075.
88., Web: Texas, Find A Grave Index, 1761-2012 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 012;).
89., Texas, Death Certificates, 1903-1982 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 013;), Texas
Department of State Health Services; Austin Texas, USA.
90., U.S., Army Transport Service, Passenger Lists, 1910-1939 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Lehi, UT, USA; Date: 20
16;), The National Archives at College Park; College Park, Maryland; Record Group Title: Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774-1985;
Record Group Number: 92; Roll or Box Number: 193.
91., 1850 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 009;), Year: 1850; Census
Place: District 12, Coffee, Tennessee; Roll: M432_875; Page: 56B; Image: . Seventh Census of the United States, 1850; (National Archives Microfil m
Publication M432, 1009 rolls); Records of the Bureau of the Census , Record Group 29; National Archives, Washington, D.C.
92., 1870 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 009;), Year: 1870; Census
Place: Precinct 3, Blanco, Texas; Roll: M593_; Page: ; Image: . <ul><li>1870 U.S. census, population schedules. NARA microfilm publica tion M593, 1,761
rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Record s Administration, n.d.</li><li>Minnesota census schedules for 1870. NA RA microfilm publication
T132, 13 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Ar chives and Records Administration, n.d.</li></ul>
93., Texas Death Index, 1903-2000 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 6;).
94. 1930 United States Federal Census (Name: 1930 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations Inc, 2002;), Year: 1930; Census Place: Precinct 2, San Saba, Texas; Roll: 2389; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 4; Image: 358.0; FHL microfilm:
95., Texas, Death Certificates, 1903–1982 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 013;).
96. 1860 United States Federal Census (Name: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reprod uced by FamilySearch;), Year: 1860; Census Place: Caldwell, Texas; Roll: M653_1289; Page: 199; Image: 405; Family
History Library Film: 805289.
97., U.S., Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA;
Date: 2 011;), National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington, D.C; Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in
Organizations from the State of Texas; Series Number: M323; Roll: 384.
98., Texas, Voter Registration Lists, 1867-1869 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 011;).
99., North Carolina and Tennessee, Early Land Records, 1753-1931 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date:
2 013;).
100. 1840 United States Federal Census (Name: 1840 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reprod uced by FamilySearch;), Year: 1840; Census Place: Coffee, Tennessee; Roll: 519; Page: 185; Family History Library
Produced by Legacy
Source Citations 18
Film: 0024543.
101. 1830 United States Federal Census (Name: 1830 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reprod uced by FamilySearch;), 1830; Census Place: Lincoln, Tennessee; Series: M19; Roll: 177; Page: 252; Family History
Library Film: 0024535.
102., 1900 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 4;), Year: 1900;
Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Gillespie, Texas; Roll: T623_1638; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 34. United States of America, Bureau of the Census. <i>
Twelfth Census of t he United States, 1900</i>. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Re cords Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls.
103., 1860 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 009;), Year: 1860;
Census Place: , Caldwell, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 199; Image: 405. 1860 U.S. census, population schedule. NARA microfilm publication M653 , 1,438 rolls.
Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Adminis tration, n.d.
104. Web: Texas, Find A Grave Index, 1836-2011 (Name: Web: Texas, Find A Grave Index, 1836-2011 [databas e on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: Operations, Inc., 2012;).
105., 1900 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 4;), Year: 1900;
Census Place: Chino, San Bernardino, California; Roll: T623_97; Page: 15A; Enumeration District: 236. United States of America, Bureau of the Census. <i>
Twelfth Census of t he United States, 1900</i>. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Re cords Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls.
106., 1930 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 2;), Year: 1930;
Census Place: Tulare, Tulare, California; Roll: ; Page: ; Enumeration District: ; Image: . United States of America, Bureau of the Census. <i>Fifteenth Census o
f the United States, 1930</i>. Washington, D.C.: National Archives an d Records Administration, 1930. T626, 2,667 rolls.
107. and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc;
Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 201 0;), Year: 1880; Census Place: Saticoy, Ventura, California; Roll: 86; Family History Film: 1254086; Page: 251C;
Enumeration District: 104; Image: 0078. Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T 9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the
Census, Record Group 29 . National Archives, Washington, D.C.
108., 1920 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 010;), Year: 1920;
Census Place: Tulare, Tulare, California; Roll: T625_153; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 222; Image: . Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
(NARA microfilm publicat ion T625, 2076 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Gro up 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on
the content s of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: <a href="htt p://
07.html" target="_blank">NARA</a>. Note: Enumeration Districts 819-83 9 are on roll 323 (Chicago City).
109., 1910 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 6;), Year: 1910;
Census Place: Woodville, Tulare, California; Roll: ; Page: ; Enumeration District: ; Image: . Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910 (NARA microfilm
publicati on T624, 1,178 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Gro up 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the content s of
the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: <a href="htt p://
ensus/1910/index.html" target="_blank">NARA</a>.
110., California, Death Index, 1940-1997 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 0;). State of
California. <i>California Death Index, 1940-1997</i>. Sacrame nto, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Cente r for Health Statistics.
111. 1940 United States Federal Census (Name: 1940 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2012;), Year: 1940; Census Place: Tulare, Tulare, California; Roll: T627_360; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 54-68.
112., U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 011;). Original sources
vary according to directory. The title of the specifi c directory being viewed is listed at the top of the image viewer page . Check the directory title page image
for full title and publicatio n information.
113., Press-Courier (Oxnard, California) (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 7;). <i>Press-Courier
</i>. Oxnard, California, United States Of America. Da tabase created from microfilm copies of the newspaper.
114., California, Prison and Correctional Records, 1851-1950 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2
014;), California State Archives; Sacramento, California; Secretary of State California State Archives San Quentin Prison Registers.
115., 1900 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 4;), Year: 1900;
Census Place: Ballena, San Diego, California; Roll: T623_99; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 174. United States of America, Bureau of the Census. <i>
Twelfth Census of t he United States, 1900</i>. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Re cords Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls.
116., 1930 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 200 2;), Year: 1930;
Census Place: Escondido, San Diego, California; Roll: ; Page: ; Enumeration District: ; Image: . United States of America, Bureau of the Census. <i>Fifteenth
Census o f the United States, 1930</i>. Washington, D.C.: National Archives an d Records Administration, 1930. T626, 2,667 rolls.
117., 1920 United States Federal Census (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 010;), Year: 1920;
Census Place: Escondido, San Diego, California; Roll: T625_130; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 214; Image: . Fourteenth Census of the United States,
1920. (NARA microfilm publicat ion T625, 2076 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Gro up 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For
details on the content s of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: <a href="htt p://
catalogs/census/1920/part- 07.html" target="_blank">NARA</a>. Note: Enumeration Districts 819-83 9 are on roll 323 (Chicago City).
118. 1870 United States Federal Census (Name: 1870 United States Federal Census [database on-lin e]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reprod uced by FamilySearch;), Year: 1870; Census Place: Poway, San Diego, California; Roll: M593_78; Page: 481B; Image:
Produced by Legacy
Source Citations 19
119., California, Voter Registrations, 1900-1968 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 201 7;), California
State Library; Sacramento, California; Great Register of Voters, 1900-1968.
Produced by Legacy
Name Index 20
Emiley Elizabeth, 11
Francis M., 6
Isaac, 1
Isaac N., 12
Louisa Jane, 8
Martha E., 10
Martin, 1
Martin Van, 4
Sarah M., 7
Telitha Cumar, 3
Thomas J, 9
John T., 12
Catherine Olivia, 4, 8
Esther, 1
Caroline, 10
Abraham, 7
Calvin, 10
Texanna, 10
Mary Jane, 5
William W., 5
Jonathan, 3
Louisa Jane, 3
John W., 4
Madison Dekalb, 4, 8
Mary E, 10
Sarah Sally, 3
Ewuel, 10
William, 10
Produced by Legacy
Name Index 21
Nancy Ann, 7
Francis P, 7
Mary Ann, 7, 10
Mary Ann, 5
Produced by Legacy