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org clinical trial

A randomized, controlled double-blind study

comparing the efficacy and safety of dose-ranging
voclosporin with placebo in achieving remission in
patients with active lupus nephritis
Brad H. Rovin1, Neil Solomons2, William F. Pendergraft III3, Mary Anne Dooley3, James Tumlin4,
Juanita Romero-Diaz5, Lidia Lysenko6, Sandra V. Navarra7, and Robert B. Huizinga2; for the AURA-LV
Study Group8
Department of Internal Medicine–Nephrology, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA; 2Aurinia Pharmaceuticals, Victoria, Canada;
University of North Carolina Kidney Center, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA; 4GA Nephrology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; 5Instituto Nacional
de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion Salvador Zubiran, Mexico City, Mexico; 6First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia; and
St. Luke’s Medical Center and University of Santo Tomas Hospital, Philippines

Calcineurin inhibitors added to standard-of-care induction Kidney International (2018) -, -–-;
therapy for lupus nephritis (LN) may increase complete j.kint.2018.08.025
renal remission (CRR) rates. The AURA-LV study tested the KEYWORDS: calcineurin inhibitors; glomerulonephritis; kidney biopsy; pro-
teinuria; systemic lupus erythematosus
novel calcineurin inhibitor voclosporin for efficacy and
Copyright ª 2018, International Society of Nephrology. Published by
safety in active LN. AURA-LV was a Phase 2, multicenter,
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of two
doses of voclosporin (23.7 mg or 39.5 mg, each twice daily)
versus placebo in combination with mycophenolate mofetil

(2 g/d) and rapidly tapered low-dose oral corticosteroids upus nephritis (LN) is the most common serious
for induction of remission in LN. The primary endpoint was manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
CRR at 24 weeks; the secondary endpoint was CRR at 48 and can cause permanent and irreversible damage to the
weeks. Two hundred sixty-five subjects from 79 centers in kidney. In persons with LN the main goal of therapy is to
20 countries were recruited and randomized to treatment prevent the development of chronic kidney disease, end-stage
for 48 weeks. CRR at week 24 was achieved by 29 (32.6%) kidney disease, and death.1 Because these outcomes accrue
subjects in the low-dose voclosporin group, 24 (27.3%) slowly, short-term complete and partial renal remissions are
subjects in the high-dose voclosporin group, and 17 used to assess the efficacy of standard-of-care and novel LN
(19.3%) subjects in the placebo group (OR[2.03 for low- therapies.2,3 However, after 6 to 12 months of treatment,
dose voclosporin versus placebo). The significantly greater only 10% to 40% of patients achieve a complete renal remis-
CRR rate in the low-dose voclosporin group persisted at 48 sion (CRR) with standard-of-care therapy.4 These results un-
weeks, and CRRs were also significantly more common in derscore the need for more effective LN therapies.
the high-dose voclosporin group compared to placebo at Calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) are used to prevent allograft
48 weeks. There were more serious adverse events in both rejection in persons undergoing kidney transplantation by
voclosporin groups, and more deaths in the low-dose blocking T-cell activation.5–7 By attenuating T-cell responses,
group compared to placebo and high-dose voclosporin a CNI combined with a general immunosuppressive agent
groups (11.2%, 1.1%, and 2.3%, respectively). These results and an antiinflammatory drug could increase the CRR rate of
suggest that the addition of low-dose voclosporin to patients with LN. This concept formed the basis of a multi-
mycophenolate mofetil and corticosteroids for induction target regimen that has undergone considerable investiga-
therapy of active LN results in a superior renal response tion in China. In the largest randomized controlled Chinese
compared to mycophenolate mofetil and corticosteroids trial, the CNI tacrolimus was used in combination with
alone, but higher rates of adverse events including death mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and corticosteroids and was
were observed. found to induce a significantly higher number of CRRs at 6
months compared with standard of care with cyclophospha-
mide plus corticosteroids.8 To date, the combination of MMF
Correspondence: Brad H. Rovin, Department of Internal Medicine– and a CNI has not been applied to an ethnically diverse LN
Nephrology, Ohio State University, 395 W 12th Avenue, Ground Floor, Co- population.
lumbus, Ohio 43210, USA. E-mail: Voclosporin (VCS) is a next-generation CNI developed
See Appendix for members of the AURA-LV Study Group. using a pharmacodynamic approach for a variety of systemic,
Received 30 March 2018; revised 14 August 2018; accepted 16 August pulmonary, and dermatologic autoimmune indications. VCS
2018 is structurally similar to cyclosporine A (CsA) except for a

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clinical trial BH Rovin et al.: Voclosporin in lupus nephritis

modification of a functional group on amino acid–1 of the assigned to low-dose VCS (23.7 mg twice a day), and 88 were
molecule.9 This alteration changes how VCS binds calci- assigned to high-dose VCS (39.5 mg twice a day). Subject
neurin, leading to an increase in potency up to 4-fold when demographics and key baseline characteristics are provided in
compared with CsA. This modification also changes the Table 1. Prior immunosuppressive drugs used and concomi-
metabolic profile of VCS by shifting metabolism away from tant medications at trial entry are listed in Supplementary
amino acid–1, the major site of metabolism for CsA. The Tables S1 and S2. In the placebo group, 70 patients (79.5%)
altered metabolic profile leads to a faster elimination of me- completed 48 weeks of treatment compared with 73 patients
tabolites, resulting in lower metabolite exposure compared (82.0%) and 80 patients (90.9%) in the low- and high-dose
with CsA. The combination of increased potency and VCS groups, respectively. Numeric differences existed be-
decreased metabolite exposure for VCS results in more tween groups (Table 1), but these differences did not appear
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic predictability than to relate to outcomes. For example, the high-dose VCS group
does CsA, and therefore drug level monitoring is not included fewer men, which should have favored response, but
required.10 In nonclinical and clinical studies, VCS demon- it did not appear to do so. Similarly, the low-dose VCS arm
strated advantages compared with CsA and tacrolimus with had fewer white patients, which should have favored nonre-
respect to dosing and tolerability. sponse, but it did not appear to do so. Patient flow in the trial
To test the efficacy and safety of a CNI-based approach to is shown in Supplementary Figure S1.
LN remission induction in a global cohort, the AURA-LV
study compared VCS with placebo on background therapy
Primary endpoint
of MMF and low- to medium-dose corticosteroids with a
The CRR rate was significantly higher with low-dose VCS
rapid taper in a randomized, controlled, prospective, double- (23.7 mg twice a day) than with placebo at week 24 (Figure 2).
blind phase 2 trial. The study investigated whether 2 doses of
CRR was achieved by 32.6% of subjects in the low-dose group
VCS added to background therapy in persons with active LN
(odds ratio [OR] ¼ 2.03; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.01–
were more effective in inducing CRR than the background
4.05; P ¼ 0.046) and by 27.3% in the high-dose VCS group
therapy alone after 24 weeks. Secondary objectives were to
(OR ¼ 1.59; 95% CI: 0.78–3.27; P ¼ 0.204) compared with
assess the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of VCS compared
19.3% in the placebo group (Figure 2). Both low-dose and
with placebo after 48 weeks of treatment.
high-dose VCS were superior to placebo with respect to CRR
at week 48 (Figure 2). CRR was achieved by 49.4% of subjects
RESULTS in the low-dose VCS group (OR ¼ 3.21; 95% CI: 1.68–6.13;
The AURA-LV trial was designed to test the efficacy and safety P < 0.001) and 39.8% of subjects in the high-dose VCS group
of adding VCS to background MMF plus corticosteroids for (OR ¼ 2.10; 95% CI: 1.09–4.02; P ¼ 0.026), compared with
the initial treatment of LN (Figure 1). The trial randomized 23.9% in the placebo group. Using Kaplan-Meier analysis,
265 subjects from 79 centers in 20 countries across the CRRs were achieved more rapidly (P < 0.001) in both VCS
Americas, Europe, and Asia. In this intent-to-treat popula- groups compared with placebo (data not shown). The median
tion, 88 subjects were randomly assigned to placebo (44 to time to CRR was 19.7 weeks for the low-dose VCS group and
low-dose placebo and 44 to high-dose placebo), 89 were 23.4 weeks for the high-dose VCS group. Median time to CRR

Primary Endpoint Secondary Endpoint

24 weeks 48 weeks

Placebo (N = 88) Placebo (N = 88)

Low-dose placebo (n = 44) Low-dose placebo (n = 44)
High-dose placebo (n = 44) High-dose placebo (n = 44) Forced Corcosteroid Taper
MMF 2 g/d + Oral Corcosteroids Week Prednisone
0-2 20-25
2 15-20
Voclosporin 23.7 mg BID (N = 89) Voclosporin 23.7 mg BID (N = 89)
4 10-15

MMF 2 g/d + Oral Corcosteroids 6 10

8 5
16-on 2.5

Voclosporin 39.5 mg BID (N = 88) Voclosporin 39.5 mg BID (N = 88)

MMF 2 g/d + Oral Corcosteroids

Figure 1 | AURA trial design and corticosteroid tapering protocol. BID, twice a day; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil.

2 Kidney International (2018) -, -–-

BH Rovin et al.: Voclosporin in lupus nephritis clinical trial

Table 1 | Baseline demographics and disease characteristics

Variable Placebo (N [ 88) Voclosporin low dose (N [ 89) Voclosporin high dose (N [ 88) Total (N [ 265)

Age, yr
Mean (SD) 33.1 (10.0) 31.4 (11.8) 30.6 (9.6) 31.7 (10.5)
Sex, n (%)
Male 15 (17.0) 13 (14.6) 7 (8.0) 35 (13.2)
Female 73 (83.0) 76 (85.4) 81 (92.0) 230 (86.8)
Weight, kg
Mean (SD) 65.0 (16.3) 62.5 (16.7) 66.3 (19.2) 64.6 (17.4)
Race, n (%)
White 42 (47.7) 30 (33.7) 36 (40.9) 108 (40.8)
Black 5 (5.7) 3 (3.4) 6 (6.8) 14 (5.3)
Asian-Indian subcontinenta 18 (20.5) 22 (24.7) 20 (22.7) 60 (22.6)
Asian—othera 18 (20.5) 30 (33.7) 24 (27.3) 72 (27.2)
Other 5 (5.7) 4 (4.5) 2 (2.3) 11 (4.2)
Ethnicity, n (%)
Hispanic 13 (14.8) 9 (10.1) 13 (14.8) 35 (13.2)
Non-Hispanic 75 (85.2) 80 (89.9) 75 (85.2) 230 (86.8)
Region, n (%)
Americasb 19 (21.6) 12 (13.5) 20 (22.7) 51 (19.2)
Europec 34 (38.6) 25 (28.1) 25 (28.4) 84 (31.7)
Asiaa 35 (39.8) 50 (58.4) 43 (48.9) 130 (49.1)
Time since initial LN diagnosis, yr
Mean (SD) 3.5 (4.0) 4.2 (5.1) 3.2 (4.4) 3.7 (4.5)
Biopsy class, n (%)
Pure Class V 13 (14.8) 12 (13.5) 14 (15.9) 39 (14.7)
Class III/IV 59 (67.0) 56 (62.9) 63 (71.6) 178 (67.2)
Class IIIþV and IVþV 16 (18.2) 21 (23.6) 11 (12.5) 48 (18.1)
Baseline eGFR (ml/min per 1.73 m2)
Mean (SD) 100.2 (27.1) 95.3 (28.4) 104.0 (27.3) 99.8 (27.7)
Baseline UPCR (mg/mg)
N 87 89 88 264
Mean (SD) 4.43 (3.6) 5.16 (4.2) 4.48 (3.0) 4.69 (3.6)
MMF use at screening, n (%)
Yes 32 (36.4) 31 (34.8) 29 (33.0) 92 (34.7)
No 56 (63.6) 58 (65.2) 59 (67.0) 173 (65.3)
MMF dose at screening (g/d)
Mean (SD) 1.2 (0.5) 1.2 (0.4) 1.3 (0.5) 1.3 (0.5)
eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; LN, lupus nephritis; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; UPCR, urine protein to creatinine ratio.
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka (Asian-Indian Subcontinent) þ Hong Kong, Korea, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand (Asian—other).
Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, USA.
Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Ukraine.

could not be calculated for the placebo group because this urine protein to creatinine ratio [UPCR] from baseline in the
group never reached 50% survival probability. Treatment with absence of rescue medication, data not shown). Additionally,
VCS also was associated with a statistically significant earlier patients treated with VCS demonstrated a statistically signif-
time to partial remission (defined as a $50% decrease in icant decrease in UPCR and increase in serum albumin
(Supplementary Figure S2). After withdrawal of VCS at week
48, a small increase in UPCR was noted in all groups by week
50, but the difference between the VCS and placebo groups
remained statistically significant (P < 0.006).
A treatment effect of VCS on CRR at weeks 24 and 48 was
suggested but did not achieve statistical significance across the
covariates of sex, MMF use at screening, race, region, and age
(Figure 3). Interestingly, patients with a Class V component
did not show a benefit with VCS treatment. Durability of
remission was generally good, with all low-dose VCS subjects
who were in remission at 24 weeks remaining so at 48 weeks
(Figure 4).
Serologic indicators of SLE activity, including anti-dsDNA
antibody and complement levels, improved over time in all of
Figure 2 | Complete renal remission at 24 and 48 weeks for the
full analysis set. VCS, voclosporin. *P ¼ 0.046, **P <0.001, þP ¼ the treatment groups (Supplementary Figure S3), with a
0.20, þþP ¼ 0.026 versus placebo. statistically significant improvement noted in anti–double-

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Figure 3 | Covariate analysis. Forest plots of complete renal remission at (a) 24 and (b) 48 weeks for the full analysis set are shown. These plots
describe the odds ratios for voclosporin compared with placebo for several covariates of interest. All odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals

4 Kidney International (2018) -, -–-

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Figure 3b | (continued) (CIs) were generated from a logistic regression model. The overall model was adjusted for biopsy class and
mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) use at screening. Models for covariates also included terms for age, sex, race and region. P values test for the
main effect of treatment within the given level of covariate. Subcont, subcontinent.
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clinical trial BH Rovin et al.: Voclosporin in lupus nephritis

Paents achieving
complete response by 24
Addional paents
achieving complete
response by 48 weeks
Number of paents

82% of paents maintained 100% of paents maintained 75% of paents maintained


a complete response a complete response a complete response


24 weeks 48 weeks 24 weeks 48 weeks 24 weeks 48 weeks

Placebo Low-dose voclosporin High-dose voclosporin

Figure 4 | Durability of complete renal remission at 24 weeks. The number of subjects who attained a complete renal remission at 24 weeks
and maintained complete renal remission for an additional 24 weeks are shown (gray bars). Patients who did not achieve complete renal
remission by 24 weeks but who did by 48 weeks are also shown (black bars).

stranded (ds) DNA antibody at weeks 24 and 48 in the SELENA-SLEDAI scores fell 53%, 51%, and 67% in placebo,
low-dose VCS group and at weeks 12, 24, and 48 in the high- low-dose VCS, and high-dose VCS patients at week 48,
dose VCS group (P < 0.01). At 48 weeks, anti-dsDNA anti- respectively.
body levels fell 7% in the placebo group, 51% in the low-dose
VCS group, and 38% in the high-dose VCS group. A greater Safety/adverse events
overall improvement in SLE activity in the VCS groups was Adverse events (AEs) are summarized in Tables 2 and 3.
also demonstrated by changes in Safety of Estrogens in Lupus The majority of AEs and serious AEs occurred within the
Erythematosus National Assessment–Systemic Lupus Erthe- first 24 weeks of the study. The incidence of AEs and
matosus Disease Activity Index (SELENA-SLEDAI) scores. At treatment-related AEs increased with high-dose VCS sub-
week 48, more than one-half of the subjects in the placebo jects, but serious AEs were observed in more low-dose VCS
group (53.4%) still had SELENA-SLEDAI scores >6 subjects (28.1%) compared with the high-dose VCS
compared with 29.2% and 40.9% in the low- and high-dose (25.0%) and placebo (15.9%) groups. The most frequent
VCS groups, respectively. Although the improvements in the AEs in all groups were infections, followed by gastrointes-
SELENA-SLEDAI scores were primarily due to improvements tinal disorders. Regarding treatment-related AEs, a higher
in the renal components, when extrarenal elements were incidence of Investigations was found, which is a code
assessed alone, the VCS groups tended to have a similar or reflecting the need to assess estimated glomerular filtration
greater reduction in activity than did the control group rate (eGFR). The protocol mandated assessment of eGFR
(Supplementary Figure S4). For example, the extrarenal for any change in eGFR >10%. This algorithm drove the
increase in absolute treatment-related AEs. The actual
impact on renal function is discussed later in this article. As
Table 2 | Overall summary of adverse events (safety set, specified in the protocol, patients experiencing a change in
N [ 265)
eGFR were closely monitored to ensure that the dose of
Voclosporin Voclosporin VCS was decreased or that VCS was temporarily held. All
Placebo 23.7 mg BID 39.5 mg BID
patients were then monitored according to the protocol-
Distribution across (N [ 88) (N [ 89) (N [ 88)
categories of AE n (%) n (%) n (%) defined schedule even if the study drug was permanently
discontinued. This practice ensured completeness of not
Any AE 75 (85.2) 82 (92.1) 85 (96.6)
Any serious AE 14 (15.9) 25 (28.1) 22 (25.0)
only efficacy but safety data. The next most common
Any treatment-related AE 15 (17.0) 45 (50.6) 55 (62.5) related AE was infection, without a substantial increase in
Any serious 1 (1.1) 4 (4.5) 7 (8.0) serious infections across arms or a preponderance of any
treatment-related AE single infection leading to a safety concern.
Any AE leading to study 9 (10.2) 16 (18.0) 14 (15.9)
drug discontinuation Thirteen subjects died during the study, and unexpectedly, an
Any AE with outcome of 1 (1.1) 10 (11.2) 2 (2.3) imbalance of deaths was found between the treatment groups.
death More deaths occurred in the low-dose VCS group (n ¼ 10,
AE, adverse event; BID, twice daily. 11.2%) than in the high-dose VCS (n ¼ 2, 2.3%) or placebo

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Table 3 | Serious adverse events reported by >2% of subjects VCS. More than one-half of the deaths (7/13) occurred at 2 sites
in any treatment group (safety set, N [ 265)a in Bangladesh. Possibly relevant to the imbalance in deaths, 2-
Voclosporin Voclosporin fold more patients were randomized to low-dose VCS than
Serious AEs reported by Placebo 23.7 mg BID 39.5 mg BID placebo at these 2 sites. Similarly, in Sri Lanka, where 2 deaths
>2% of subjects in any (N [ 88) (N [ 89) (N [ 88) occurred in patients treated with low-dose VCS, 4-fold more
treatment group n (%) n (%) n (%)
patients had been randomized to low-dose VCS than placebo.
Infections and infestations 7 (8.0) 11 (12.4) 12 (13.6) Kidney dysfunction, hyperkalemia, diabetes, and an increase
Pneumonia 2 (2.3) 5 (5.6) 3 (3.4)
in blood pressure are well-known adverse effects of CNIs. A
Urinary tract infection 0 (0.0) 2 (2.2) 1 (1.1)
Gastroenteritis 1 (1.1) 1 (1.1) 2 (2.3) small decrease in mean eGFR was observed in the 2 VCS groups
Sepsis 0 (0.0) 1 (1.1) 2 (2.3) during the treatment period; however, within 2 weeks of the
Renal and urinary disorders 1 (1.1) 5 (5.6) 1 (1.1) study conclusion, mean eGFR levels returned to baseline
Renal failure acute 0 (0.0) 4 (4.5) 1 (1.1)
Respiratory, thoracic and 0 (0.0) 5 (5.6) 1 (1.1)
(Figure 5). Two patients who received placebo, 3 patients treated
mediastinal disorders with low-dose VCS, and 3 patients treated with high-dose VCS
Pulmonary embolism 0 (0.0) 2 (2.2) 1 (1.1) withdrew from the AURA-LV study because of a >30% decrease
Acute respiratory distress 0 (0.0) 2 (2.2) 0 (0.0) in eGFR. Mean blood pressure decreased from baseline in all 3
Nervous system disorders 1 (1.1) 4 (4.5) 3 (3.4)
treatment groups and remained lower than baseline for the
Posterior reversible 0 (0.0) 2 (2.2) 2 (2.3) duration of the study (Supplementary Figure S5). VCS had little
encephalopathy syndrome impact on serum potassium levels (Supplementary Figure S6),
Gastrointestinal disorders 1 (1.1) 2 (2.2) 2 (2.3) and no one withdrew from the study because of hyperkalemia,
Vascular disorders 0 (0.0) 2 (2.2) 2 (2.3)
Hypertension 0 (0.0) 2 (2.2) 2 (2.3) with similar results for hypomagnesemia. Diabetes was reported
Cardiac disorders 2 (2.3) 2 (2.2) 1 (1.1) in one patient who received placebo and in one patient who
Musculoskeletal and 2 (2.3) 1 (1.1) 2 (2.3) received low-dose VCS.
connective tissue disorders After study completion, a safety follow-up was conducted
Systemic lupus erythematosus 2 (2.3) 1 (1.1) 2 (2.3)
Blood and lymphatic system 2 (2.3) 1 (1.1) 0 (0.0) with subjects from the AURA-LV study to determine their status
disorders 3 to 6 months after the last subject completed the study. Three
AE, adverse event; BID, twice daily. deaths were reported in the placebo group, and no further
Results presented here do not include additional serious adverse events that deaths were seen in the VCS groups (Supplementary Table S4).
occurred after completion of the study: 3 deaths and 1 malignancy.

(n ¼ 1, 1.1%) groups. The details and causes of each death are The initial treatment used for patients with active LN is high-
shown in Supplementary Table S3. Most deaths (9/13) occurred dose corticosteroids plus MMF or cyclophosphamide. The 6-
within the first 2 months of entering the study. Between 6 and and 12-month CRR of these therapies are modest at best.11
12 months, only one death occurred in a patient treated with For example, the 6-month CRR in the Aspreva Lupus Man-
agement Study trial was 8.6%, and in the Lupus Nephritis
Assessment with Rituximab trial it was approximately 22%; in
both of these trials the target MMF dose was 3 g/d.12,13
Borrowing from extensive experience in solid organ trans-
plantation, where CNIs are successfully added to other
immunosuppressive agents to prevent organ rejection, we
combined VCS, a novel CNI, with a modest dose of MMF
(2 g/d) and a low dose of corticosteroids and have shown that
this approach is superior to MMF plus corticosteroids alone
in inducing CRR at 24 weeks (low-dose VCS) and 48 weeks
(low- and high-dose VCS). These data are consistent with a
large trial from China that also showed a significantly higher
24-week CRR after induction with tacrolimus plus MMF and
corticosteroids compared with cyclophosphamide plus corti-
costeroids.8 However, our trial is the first to demonstrate effi-
cacy in a multi-ethnic global cohort, suggesting that CNI-based
Figure 5 | Kidney function over time. For each group, kidney treatment may be applicable to all patients with LN. This finding
function was measured via an estimated glomerular filtration rate will need to be confirmed in another study because the per-
(eGFR) calculated by the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology
Collaboration equation. All raw eGFR values >90 ml/min per 1.73 m2
centage of black and Hispanic patients, who historically are less
were considered equal to 90 ml/min per 1.73 m2. Voclosporin was responsive to treatment, was low in the Aura-LV study.
discontinued at week 48. NS, Not significant. Furthermore, the VCS-treated subjects maintained a significantly

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greater proportion of CRR after 48 weeks of treatment effective randomization globally, more patients in these sites
compared with the placebo group. In contrast, after 1 year of were treated with low-dose VCS than with placebo, which
follow-up, the proportion of CRR was similar in the control may account for why deaths were not more evenly distributed
group and the tacrolimus group in the Chinese LN cohort.14 between patients treated with VCS and patients who received
Although more data are needed, this finding may suggest that placebo at these sites. An important observation from the
compared with conventional CNIs, VCS may have an additional mortality data was that most deaths occurred very early in the
therapeutic advantage in persons with LN. trial. This information suggests that patients treated with
Our CRR data at weeks 24 and 48 suggest that 7.5 and 3.9 VCS, MMF, and corticosteroids need careful follow-up for
patients with LN, respectively, would need to be treated with VCS adverse events early in the course of treatment when severe
to achieve one additional CRR. That is, if 3.9 patients are treated events appear to be more frequent.
until week 48, one additional CRR would be achieved compared The number of serious AEs, including 5 episodes of acute
with administration of standard of care for those 3.9 patients. kidney injury, was also higher in both groups of patients
Patients with a Class V component (pure Class V or Class treated with low- and high-dose VCS. The excess of serious
III/IVþV) did not show an improvement in CRR upon AEs in the low-dose VCS group may be accounted for by
treatment with VCS. This finding was unexpected and different multiple events that occurred in subjects almost exclusively
from the finding observed in Chinese LN cohorts treated with from the Indian subcontinent who ultimately died. Analysis
CNI-based regimens. Because this trial included so few pure of survivors revealed similar event rates between study arms.
Class V patients (15%), all Class V patients were analyzed Nonetheless, this multiple-drug regimen for LN does require
together. One possible explanation for the lack of benefit may very close monitoring for AEs.
be that Class III/IVþV patients take longer to achieve CRR. The design of the AURA-LV study included corticosteroids
Despite using 2 different doses of VCS, no apparent dose- that were administered in a lower dose and were more rapidly
response effect on therapeutic efficacy was observed. The tapered than in most LN trials. Initial dosing was equivalent
reason for this finding is unclear, but the finding may indicate to prednisone, 0.4 mg/kg/d, with a 12-week taper to 2.5 mg/d.
that the attained 6-month response rates are as high as can be Despite this abbreviated steroid course, the CRR of the
expected in a multi-ethnic LN population. This argument is AURA-LV placebo group at 24 and 48 weeks compared
indirectly supported by other trials such as the Abatacept and favorably with the CRR rates reported for other recent multi-
Cyclophosphamide Combination Efficacy and Safety Study ethnic LN trials,12,13,15–17 suggesting that the low steroid
and the Lupus Nephritis Assessment with Rituximab trial, in background did not compromise efficacy. Concern that
which only 20% to 30% of subjects achieved a CRR at 24 higher corticosteroid dosing in persons with SLE and LN is
weeks.13,15 In contrast, 6-month CRR rates reported in Chi- detrimental has been advanced by several investigators, and a
nese cohorts are much higher, suggesting that the magnitude handful of trials have shown that corticosteroids could be
of an early response may depend on race and ethnicity.8 reduced or avoided in persons with LN.18,19
Because renal response in LN is defined mainly by the reso- Although the results of the AURA-LV trial are encouraging,
lution of proteinuria, the rate of response likely depends on questions regarding CNI use remain. The optimal duration of
the severity of damage to the glomerular basement membrane therapy needs to be determined. In LN and other glomerular
and podocytes. It is conceivable that rapid responders have diseases, relapse rates are high after CNI discontinuation. This
less structural damage and quickly repair the basement outcome was observed in the Chinese CNI maintenance trial,
membrane to attenuate protein loss. Alternatively, adherence with LN flares beginning after the dose of tacrolimus was
to high-dose VCS could have been lower if adverse effects reduced.14 In contrast, in the AURA-LV trial, assessment of
were more severe, although this possibility is not borne out by proteinuria 2 weeks after stopping VCS showed no rebound
the number of patients who withdrew from the trial as a effect.
result of adverse events. Reduction of proteinuria is a major component of all
Most categories of adverse events were more common in currently accepted remission criteria for LN. In several
the patients treated with VCS compared with the placebo studies, reduction of proteinuria during the first year of LN
group. Although far more treatment-related adverse events therapy has been associated with good long-term renal
occurred in the VCS groups, only 4 and 7 serious treatment- function and survival.20,21 Underlying the relationship be-
related events occurred in the low- and high-dose groups, tween proteinuria and renal remission is the assumption that
respectively, compared with 1 in the patients who received resolution of proteinuria reflects resolution of inflammatory
placebo. Although overall mortality (4.9%) was similar to that kidney injury—that is, histologic remission. However, serial
of other recent LN trials12,16 and consistent with disease kidney biopsy studies of patients with LN show that histologic
severity and use of immunosuppression, the number of and clinical remissions are discordant.22,23 Furthermore, the
deaths was higher with low-dose VCS. It is difficult to account therapeutic effects of CNIs are unique. Although these agents
for this imbalance in mortality. The observation that mor- are immunomodulatory, they also can decrease proteinuria
tality was higher in the low-dose than in the high-dose VCS directly by altering renal hemodynamics and by facilitating
group suggests reasons beyond simply the addition of VCS. the repair of podocyte foot processes,24–27 which raises the
Most of the deaths occurred at a few sites, and despite question of what a reduction in proteinuria means for

8 Kidney International (2018) -, -–-

BH Rovin et al.: Voclosporin in lupus nephritis clinical trial

patients with LN who are treated with CNIs. In the Chinese specimens, whereas subjects with pure Class V LN were required to
trial of tacrolimus plus MMF, a handful of repeat kidney bi- have a UPCR $2 mg/mg (Table 1). Patients with an eGFR based on
opsies performed after 6 months of treatment showed a good the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration
histologic response in the patients treated with CNI.8 equation28 #45 ml/min per 1.73 m2 or serum potassium >5.5
mmol/L at screening were excluded.
Furthermore, in the Chinese trial and the AURA-LV trial,
Prior treatment for LN is outlined in Supplementary Table S1.
other indicators of SLE activity, such as complement levels,
Patients could not have received biologic drugs within 3 months or
autoantibody levels, and SLEDAI extrarenal activity indices cyclophosphamide within 1 month of screening.
also improved in the CNI groups to the same or greater extent
than in the control groups. Taken together, these findings Treatment protocol
suggest that the CNIs attenuate immune-mediated renal Eligible subjects were randomized at baseline to receive low-dose
injury in persons with LN. VCS (23.7 mg twice daily), high-dose VCS (39.5 mg twice daily)
Because of the encouraging data of the AURA-LN trial, the or low- or high-dose matched placebo in a ratio of 2:2:1:1, stratified
VCS regimen has now moved to a phase 3 randomized, by biopsy class (Class V vs. others) and by MMF use at screening.
placebo-controlled trial (Aurinia Renal Response in Active There was a randomization block size of 6, and kit numbers were a
Lupus With Voclosporin [AURORA], NCT03021499) that 5-digit number. Randomized patients were assigned the next avail-
will be up to 3 years in duration and will include a voluntary able sequential kit number globally via a centralized Interactive Web
Response System. VCS and placebo capsules were identical in taste,
repeat biopsy option with central nephropathology assess-
smell, and appearance. All study personnel and subjects were blind
ment and molecular analyses. This trial will allow us to
to the study drug administered using a double-blind method. To
address the important issues of how CNIs improve treatment preserve the double-blind design, subjects randomized to the pla-
efficacy in persons with LN. cebo group were matched to the active dosage groups. One-half of
In summary, in this phase 2 multicenter placebo- the subjects in the placebo group (n ¼ 43) were randomized to
controlled trial of VCS for the treatment of active LN, low- receive a total of 6 capsules per day, and one-half were randomized to
dose VCS was superior to placebo when combined with receive a total of 10 capsules per day. The dosing schedule in the
MMF and corticosteroids for induction of CRR. No placebo group was the same as that of the active treatment groups.
improvement in efficacy occurred with high-dose VCS. VCS To this end, the double-blind nature of this trial preserves the blind
was generally well tolerated, but additional AEs often asso- with respect to active treatment and placebo.
ciated with CNIs occurred in the VCS groups. More deaths Study treatment was continued for 48 weeks in all patients who
completed the study, even if a CRR was achieved. Adherence was
were observed in the low-dose VCS group, and although this
evaluated by pill counts at each visit and was estimated at 96.6%. All
outcome is difficult to explain, it mandates careful surveil-
subjects received initial treatment with i.v. methylprednisolone, 0.5
lance when this regimen is first initiated, because most deaths g/d on days 0 and 1, before beginning a forced oral prednisone taper
occurred very early. Further clinical assessment will be needed on day 2. Prednisone was started at 20 mg/d for subjects
to determine whether VCS is superior in safety, efficacy, and weighing <45 kg and 25 mg/d for subjects weighing $45 kg, and it
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles compared was reduced according to the protocol schedule (Figure 1). The novel
with other CNIs and whether VCS should be used as a aspect of the tapering schedule was the requirement that prednisone
treatment for active LN. be decreased to 2.5 mg/d at week 16, which was achieved in 75% of
patients in each study arm. Failure was declared if patients needed
>10 mg/d prednisone for 3 consecutive days or more than 7 total
METHODS days between weeks 16 and 26. Patients who were taking MMF upon
Study design and oversight entering the study continued to take the preexisting dose. All other
AURA-LV (NCT02141672) was a phase 2, multicenter, randomized, subjects began taking MMF at a dose of 1g/d, which was increased to
prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of VCS versus 2 g/d after 1 week.
matching placebo on a background of MMF and corticosteroids in At every scheduled visit, eGFR (Chronic Kidney Disease Epide-
patients with active LN. The study was conducted in accordance with miology Collaboration) was measured. The study drug was withheld
the Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice principles. if the eGFR fell by more than 30% relative to baseline. If the decrease
Institutional review boards at the participating centers approved the in eGFR could not be explained by factors other than treatment,
protocol, and all patients or their representatives provided written subjects stopped taking the drug but continued follow-up visits.
informed consent. The study was conducted in accordance with the An automated blood pressure monitoring device was used for all
protocol and amendments and was funded by Aurinia Pharmaceu- blood pressure measurements when possible. After week 4, the target
ticals Inc, Victoria, Canada. systolic pressure was #130 mm Hg, and the target diastolic pressure
was #80 mm Hg. Investigators were required to use all means
Study participants possible as permitted in the protocol to maintain the blood pressure
Subjects aged 18 to 75 years who fulfilled at least 4 American College below these limits, without changing angiotensin converting enzyme
of Rheumatology criteria for SLE and had a kidney biopsy showing inhibitor/angiotensin-receptor blocker doses.
active Class III, IV or V LN within 6 months of screening were To determine sample size, a 20% CRR for control subjects was
eligible for the AURA-LV trial. A potential limitation of the study was assumed. At a 2-sided a level of 0.05, 86 subjects per arm were
that kidney biopsies were read locally and not by a central neph- needed for 81% power to detect a doubling (to >40%) in CRR for
ropathologist. Subjects with Classes III and IV LN were required to either VCS arm (OR ¼ 2.78). The proportion of subjects achieving
have a UPCR $1.5 mg/mg in 2 consecutive, first morning void urine CRR at week 24 was determined for each treatment group and the

Kidney International (2018) -, -–- 9

clinical trial BH Rovin et al.: Voclosporin in lupus nephritis

relative remission rates for each active treatment group were Time to endpoints were analyzed using Kaplan-Meier method-
compared with placebo (low and high dose combined). Proc power ology and are presented in graphic format as a plot of survival
in SAS (Cary, NC) was used to generate the sample size. The test is a probability against time. A Cox proportional hazards model adjusted
likelihood ratio c2 test for 2 proportions. The calculated sample size for stratification variables was used to calculate hazard ratios. Deaths
was adjusted using a continuity correction. were handled as treatment failure.
Change from baseline variables (SELENA-SLEDAI, UPCR, serum
Outcomes albumin, anti-dsDNA, and complement levels) were analyzed using
The primary endpoint for the AURA-LV trial was the proportion of analysis of covariance, adjusting for baseline levels of the variable of
CRR at 24 weeks. CRR was defined as a decrease in UPCR to #0.5 interest.
mg/mg in 2 consecutive, first morning void urine specimens, plus an
eGFR >60 ml/min per 1.73 m2 or no decrease of $20% of baseline
eGFR on 2 consecutive occasions. Subjects who either died, received
As a requirement of publication author(s) have provided to the
a rescue medication for SLE during the study, or were given >10 mg publisher signed confirmation of compliance with legal and ethical
prednisone for more than 3 consecutive days or for more than 7 total obligations including but not limited to the following: authorship and
days from weeks 16 to 26 were declared treatment failures. Predni- contributorship, conflicts of interest, privacy and confidentiality, and
sone was increased in only 2 study patients, one in each of the VCS (where applicable) protection of human and animal research subjects.
arms. A key secondary endpoint was the CRR rate at 48 weeks. The authors have read and confirmed their agreement with the ICMJE
Extrarenal lupus activity was assessed by the SELENA-SLEDAI score authorship and conflict of interest criteria. The authors have also
at baseline and at weeks 24 and 48. confirmed that this article is unique and not under consideration or
AEs were aggregated by system, organ class, and preferred term published in any other publication, and that they have permission
from rights holders to reproduce any copyrighted material. Any
and are presented as summary tables. Laboratory values (based on
disclosures are made in this section. The external blind peer reviewers
results from the central laboratory), vital signs, and other safety
report no conflicts of interest. All the authors disclosed no competing
parameters were summarized by visit as absolute values and change interests.
from baseline.
An independent Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB)/
Data Monitoring Committee (hereafter referred to as the DSMB) ACKNOWLEDGMENT
was involved in study conduct and oversight and operated according This study was funded by Aurinia Pharmaceuticals Inc, Victoria,
to a written charter detailing well-defined operating procedures in Canada.
accordance with the US Food and Drug Administration document
Guidance on the Establishment and Operation of Clinical Trial AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
Data Monitoring Committees ( BHR, NS, MAD, JT, and RBH conceived and designed the
regulatoryinformation/guidances/ucm127073.pdf). The DSMB was experiments; BHR, NS, WFP, MAD, JT, and RBH analyzed the data;
composed of a rheumatologist, a nephrologist, and a pharmaceutical BHR wrote the first draft of the manuscript; BHR, NS, WFP, MAD, JT,
physician with DSMB expertise. The DSMB’s responsibilities JRD, LL, SVH, and RBH contributed to the writing of the manuscript;
included, but were not limited to, the following activities: reviewing BHR, NS, WFP, MAD, JT, JRD, LL, SVH, and RBH agreed with
collected data for indications of benefit or harm, reviewing sample manuscript results and conclusions; BHR, NS, MAD, JT, and RBH
jointly developed the structure and arguments for the article; BHR,
size assumptions, and suggesting data analyses. The DSMB evaluated
NS, WFP, MAD, JT, JRD, LL, SVH, and RBH made critical revisions and
the progress of the study and assessed data quality and timeliness, approved the final version; all authors reviewed and approved of
participant recruitment, accrual and retention, and participant the final manuscript.
benefit versus risk. All safety data, including deaths that occurred
during the study, were reviewed by the DSMB. The DSMB met 7
times and conducted 6 independent unblinded reviews of the data. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
Figure S1. Disposition of study subjects.
Post-trial follow-up Figure S2. Change in proteinuria and serum albumin over time.
Subjects were asked to remain in the study even after study drug was Figure S3. Anti-dsDNA (A), C3 (B), and C4 (C) over time.
discontinued, and they adhered to this request very well, with the Figure S4. Mean change from baseline in nonrenal SELENA-SLEDAI
exception of those who withdrew consent (<10 subjects in total).
Figure S5. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements over
Long-term telephone follow-up is being performed on a 6- to 12-
month basis (see Supplementary Table S4) to assess vital status.
Figure S6. Serum potassium levels over time.
Response thus far has been excellent.
Table S1. Summary of prior lupus nephritis treatment.
Table S2. Summary of concomitant medications reported for >10%
Statistical analyses of subjects.
The statistical analysis plan was prespecified and signed in advance of Table S3. Causes of mortality in subjects with lupus nephritis.
analyses. The primary endpoint (CRR) and other endpoints Table S4. Retrospective follow-up of 252 subjects: lupus nephritis
measured as rates were analyzed using logistic regression adjusting disease status.
for the stratification factors of biopsy class and MMF use at Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at
screening. Results have been expressed as ORs and are presented
with 95% CIs and P values. Covariate categories for complete
remission were prespecified in the analysis plan, and odds of com- REFERENCES
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APPENDIX Ruth Almeida

AURA-LV Site List Fomat - Hospital Teodoro Maldonado Carbo
Ihar Adzerikho Guayaquil, Ecuador
Minsk Regional Clinical Hospital of the Red Banner of Labor Fernando Jimenez
Minsk District, Belarus Fomat - Hospital Metropolitano
Elena Mikhailova Quito, Ecuador
Health Institution “Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital” Faud Teran
Gomel, Belarus Fomat - SIME, Av. Diego de Robles y
Natalya Mitkovskaya Quito, Ecuador
Healthcare Institution Irma Tchokhonelidze
Minsk, Belarus Ltd “ Clinical Center for Development of Nephrology”
Sergey Pimanov Tbilisi, Georgia
Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital Nino Tsiskarishvili
Vitebsk, Belarus Ltd. “Medulla-Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy Clinic”
Nikolay Soroka Tbilisi, Georgia
City Clinical Hospital #9 Maynor Herrera Mendez
Minsk, Belarus Clinica Medica Especializada en Medicina Interna
Boris Iliev Bogov (Reumatología Global)
UMHAT ‘Alexsandrovska’ Ciudad Capital, Guatemala
Sofia, Bulgaria Nilmo Noel Chavez Perez
Boriana Deliyska Centro de Estudio y Tratamiento de Enfermedades Reumaticas
UMHAT ‘Tsaritsa Yoanna - ISUL’ EAD Guatemala Ciudad Capital, Guatemala
Sofia, Bulgaria Arturo Reyes Loaeza
Valentin Ikonomov Osmo, Oaxaca Site Management Organization S.C.
MHAT ‘Sveta Marina’ EAD Oaxaca, México
Varna, Bulgaria
Sergio Ramon Gutierrez Urena
Eduard Tilkiyan
Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Fray Antonio Alcalde
“UMHAT - Kaspela” EOOD
Jalisco, México
Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Kidney International (2018) -, -–- 11

clinical trial BH Rovin et al.: Voclosporin in lupus nephritis

Juanita Romero Diaz Ivan Gordeev

Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Slavador Zubirán State Budgeted Healthcare Institution of Moscow city
México D.F., México “City Clinical Hospital #15 named after O.M. Filatov of Healthcare
Rodolfo Araiza Casillas Department of Moscow city”
Consultorio Médico Privado de Reumatología Moscow, Russia
Baja California, México Ashot M. EssAian
Magdalena Madero Rovalo St. Petersburg State Budgeted Healthcare Institution City
Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez Clinical Hospital #31
México D.F., México St. Petersburg, Russia
Stanislaw Niemczyk Alexey Frolov
Klinika Chorób Wewne˛ trznych Nefrologii i Dializoterapii State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Samara region
Warszawa, Poland Togliatti City Clinical Hospital #1
Antoni Sokalski Togliatti, Russia
Centrum Medyczne AESKULAP Rosa Jelacic
Radom, Poland General Hospital “Djordje Joanovic”
Andrzej Wiecek Zrenjanin, Serbia
Oddział Nefrologii, Transplantologii i Chorób Wewne˛ trznych, SPSK Dragan Jovanovic
Sla˛ ski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Clinic of Nephrology, Military Medical Academy
Katowice, Poland Belgrade, Serbia
Marian Klinger Branka Mitic
Katedra i Klinika Nefrologii i Medycyny Transplantacyjnej UM we Clinic of Nephrology
Wrocławiu; Uniwersytecki Szpital Nis, Serbia
Wrocław, Poland Gordana Pekovic
Olga V. Bugrova Clinical Hospital Center Zemun
State Budgeted Educational Institution of the Higher Professional Belgrade, Serbia
Education “Orenburg State Medical Academy” based on State Milan Radovic
Budgeted Healthcare Institution “Orenburg Regional Clinical Hospital” Clinical Center of Serbia
Orenburg, Russia Belgrade, Serbia
Tatiana M. Chernykh Goran Radunovic
State Budgeted Educational Institution of the Higher Professional Institute of Rheumatology
Education “Voronezh State Medical Academy n.a. N.N. Burdenko” Belgrade, Serbia
based on Budgeted Healthcare Institution of Voronezh Region Patricia Carreira
“Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital #1” Hospital Universitario doce de Octubre
Voronezh, Russia Madrid, Spain
Tatiana R. Kameneva Federico Diaz Gonzalez
Moscow Health Care Department “City Hospital #3” Hospital Universitario de Canarias
Moscow, Russia La Laguna, S/C de Tenerife, Spain
Lidia V. Lysenko Xavier Fulladosa
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge
Rossolimo ulitza, Russia Barcelona, Spain
Tatiana A. Raskina Eduardo Ucar
Regional Clinical Hospital for Veterans of Wars Hospital Universitario Basurto
Kemerovo, Russia Bilbao, Spain
Olga V. ReshEtko Shamila De Silva
State Healthcare Institution “Regional Clinical Hospital” North Colombo Teaching Hospital
Saratov, Russia Ragama, Sri Lanka
Natalia N. Vezikova Chula Herath
State Budgeted Healthcare Institution of Karelia Republic Sri Jayawardenapura General Hospital
“Republican Hospital n.a. V.A. Baranov” Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
Karelia Republic, Russia Anura Hewageegana
Tatiana V. Kropotina National Institute for Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation
Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Omsk region “Regional Clinical Sri Lanka
Hospital” Abdul Latiff Mohamed Nazar
Omsk, Russia National Hospital of Sri Lanka
Adelya N. Maksudova Colombo-10, Sri Lanka
Kazan State medical university A.W.M Wazil
Kazan, Russia Kandy Teaching Hospital
Vyacheslav Marasaev Kandy, Sri Lanka
Yaroslavl Regional Clinical Hospital Iryna Dudar
Yaroslavl, Russia SI “Institute of Nephrology NAMS of Ukraine”
Vladimir A. Dobronravov Kyiv, Ukraine
State Budgeted Educational Institution of the Higher Professional Olga Godlevska
Education Municipal Health Care Setting “Kharkiv City Clinical Emergency
“Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University” Hospital n.a. prof. O.I. Meshchaninov”
St.Petersburg, Russia Kharkiv, Ukraine

12 Kidney International (2018) -, -–-

BH Rovin et al.: Voclosporin in lupus nephritis clinical trial

Svitlana Korneyeva Mok Mo Yin Temy

Zaporizhzhya Regional Clinical Hospital Queen Mary Hospital
Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine Hong Kong
ViktoriIa Vasylets Harold Michael P. Gomez
Municipal Institution “City Clinical Hospital #9 named after prof. O.I Angeles University Foundation Medical Center
Minakov” Angeles City, Philippines
Odesa, Ukraine James Bermas
Nataliya Sydor Chong Hua Hospital
Volyn Region Clinical Hospital Cebu City, Philippines
Lutsk, Ukraine Bernadette Heizel Reyes
Mykola Kolesnyk Philippine General Hospital
SI “Institute of Nephrology NAMS of Ukraine” Manila, Philippines
Kyiv, Ukraine Llewellyn T. Hao
Samir V. Parikh Davao Doctors Hospital
The Ohio State University Davao City, Philippines
Columbus, United States Linda Charmaine Roberto
Nancy Olsen Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center
Penn State Hershey Rheumatology Manila, Philippines
Hershey, United States Eric Amante
Ellen M. Ginzler Manila Doctors Hospital
SUNY Downstate Medical Center Ermita Manila, Philippines
Brooklyn, United States Sandra V. Navarra
James A. Tumlin St. Luke’s Medical Center
Southeast Renal Research Institute Quezon City, Philippines
Chattanooga, United States Allan E. Lanzon
Amit Saxena Mary Mediatrix Medical Center
NYU Langone Center for Muskuloskeletal Care Batangas, Philippines
New York, United States Jung-Yoon Choe
Ramesh Saxena Daegu Catholic University Medical Center
UT Southwestern Medical Center Daegu, Korea
Dallas, United States Tae Young Kang
Richard Alan Lafayette Yonsei University, Wonju Severance Christian Hospital
Stanford University Gangwon-do, Korea
Palo Alto, United States Prof. Yon Su Kim
William Franklin Pendergraft Seoul National University Hospital
University of North Carolina Kidney Center Seoul, Korea
Chapel Hill, United States Prof Seung-Geun Lee
Amber S. Podoll Pusan National University Hospital
UT Health Science Center at Houston Busan, Korea
Houston, United States Prof Ji Soo Lee
Annie A. Arrey-Mensah Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital
Detroit Clinical Research Center Seoul, Korea
Farmington Hills, United States Jason Choo Chon Jun
Michael Bubb Singapore General Hospital
University of Florida Singapore
Gainesville, United States Archana Vasudevan
Jennifer Grossman Changi General Hospital
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine Singapore
Los Angeles, United States Shue-Fen Luo
Alejandro I Oporta Chang Gung Medical Foundation
Integrity Clinical Research, LLC Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Miami, United States Taoyuan County, Taiwan
Alireza Nami Tien-Tsai Cheng
Joint and Muscle Research Institutions Chang Gung Medical Foundation
Charlotte, United States Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Md. Mujibur Rahman Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College (ShSMC) Bancha Satirapoj
Dhaka, Bangladesh Phramongkutklao Hospital
Syed Atiqul Haq Bangkok, Thailand
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) Kajohnsak Noppakun
Dhaka, Bangladesh Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital
Tak Mao Daniel Chan Chiang Mai, Thailand
Queen Mary Hospital
Hong Kong

Kidney International (2018) -, -–- 13

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