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Dermatologic Therapy, Vol. 00, 2016, 00–00 C 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

ISSN 1396-0296


Efficacy of topical tranexmic

acid in the treatment of
KEYWORDS: melasma, topical tranexamic acid, treatment

Melasma is a common acquired dyspigmenta- 3. In a split-face trial, the efficacy of topical 3% TA

tion, characterized by light to dark brown was compared with topical3% hydroquinone 1
patches in the sun-exposed areas. The role of 0.01% dexamethasone. In this study, Ebrahimi
factors such as genetic susceptibility, ultraviolet and Naeini concluded that the topical TA was
exposure, hormonal factors, phototoxic drugs, effective and safe therapeutic option (1).
and cosmetics have been reported in its appear- 4. In a split-face trial, Banihashemi et al. com-
ance. Its therapy is a big challenge. Sunscreens, pared the efficacy of topical 5% liposomal TA
bleaching agents, tretinoin, topical corticoste- with 4% hydroquinone cream. The authors
roids, peeling agents, and lasers have been used showed that topical TA can be as an effective
in treating melasma (1). and safe therapeutic option (4).
Tranexamic acid (TA) is a hemostatic drug. 5. In combination with intense pulsed light ther-
This agent seems to be effective in treating mel- apy, Chung et al. in a randomized split-face
asma through its antiplasmin activity and subse- clinical trial compared topical TA with pla-
quent decreased levels of arachidonic acid and cebo. The authors revealed the effectiveness
alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (1). and safety of TA as adjuvant to conventional
Herein, we have summarized studies which have therapy (5).
assessed the efficacy of topical TA in treating Commentary: Although most of the mentioned
melasma: therapy revealed the effectiveness of TA in treating
1. In a split-face trial, Kanechorn Na Ayuthaya melasma, more robust studies with more cases are
evaluated the efficacy of topical 5% TA in com- needed to confirm this effectiveness.
parison with its vehicle. This study revealed
that not only the therapeutic response induced NOOSHIN BAGHERANI* & BRUCE R. SMOLLER†‡
by TA was not superior, but also erythema as *Dr. Nooshin Bagheran’s Office, Taha Physicians’
side effect was seen only with TA (2). Building, Khoramshahr, Khuzestan Province,
2. Na et al. assessed the effect of oral and topical Iran, †Department of Pathology
TA combination. This study revealed its clini- ‡
and Department of Dermatology, University of
cal effectiveness and also showed reversion of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry,
melasma-related pathologic changes like ves- Rochester, New York
sel number and increased numbers of mast
cells (3).
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Nooshin References
Bagherani, MD, Dermatologist, Dr. Nooshin Bagheran’s Office,
Taha Physicians’ Building, P.O. Box 6414715878, 1. Ebrahimi B, Naeini FF. Topical tranexamic acid as a prom-
Khoramshahr, Khuzestan Province, Iran, or email: ising treatment for melasma. J Res Med Sci 2014: 19 (8): 753–757.

Dermatologic Therapy

2. Kanechorn Na Ayuthaya P, Niumphradit N, Manosroi A, 4. Banihashemi M, Zabolinejad N, Jaafari MR, Salehi M,

Nakakes A. Topical 5% tranexamic acid for the treatment of Jabari A. Comparison of therapeutic effects of liposo-
melasma in Asians: a double-blind randomized controlled mal tranexamic acid and conventional hydroquinone
clinical trial. J Cosmet Laser Ther 2012: 14 (3): 150–154. on melasma. J Cosmet Dermatol 2015: 14 (3): 174–
3. Na JI, Choi SY, Yang SH, Choi HR, Kang HY, Park KC. 177.
Effect of tranexamic acid on melasma: a clinical trial with 5. Chung JY, Lee JH, Lee JH. Topical tranexamic acid as an
histological evaluation. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol adjuvant treatment in melasma: side-by-side comparison
2013: 27 (8): 1035–1039. clinical study. J Dermatolog Treat 2015: 2: 1–18.

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