S.Y. 2016-2017
APRIL 2017
S.Y. 2016-2017
APRIL 2017
Mathematics is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and
arrangement. Math is all around us, in everything we do. Since the beginning of time,
more than a simple subject; it is a language that helps us describe ideas and
technology that enables people to explore concepts with idealized models before trying
factors for students to learn. A teacher must think of various ways and means of
stimulating and encouraging learning in the students. He should find strategies and
methods to provoke their interest and motivate them to learn as well as create
conditions in which they feel they need to learn. As spearheaded by the Department of
Mathematics Education in the Philippines. The objectives of the said training are: (a) to
enhance students’ competence and mathematical skills; (b) develop potential student-
teacher; and (c) foster the spirit of camaraderie and cooperation among students.
According to the results of the Third International Mathematics and Science
Study (TIMSS), despite the importance of Mathematics, research has found out that
Filipino students are still weak and low rate in Math. Also, a report of the Department of
Science and Technology (DOST) said that the 6,601 Filipino students who took TIMSS
last 2014 ranked 36th in Math test out of a field of 38 th countries. In Mathematics test, it
noted that Filipino students did best in Data Presentation, Analysis and Probability, and
Science Skills among primary and Secondary Schools. Moreover, according to Senator
Juan Edgardo Angara, “the government should upgrade the quality of Science and Math
teaching in the country where most students grapple with low test scores, lack of
Science laboratories and overall poor global ranking. The global ranking is no surprise
given the fact that local performance in Math is low”. He pointed out that Math and
Science are two subjects that remain the building blocks of a strong national economy.
A United Nations Development Program report says that results of the yearly-
administered National Achievement test (NAT) are quite disappointing. About one-fourth
of schools nationwide were able to reach the desired 75% cut-off score in Mathematics.
In fact, in 2006, the mean percentage score in Math was only 44%.NAT scores below
50% indicate a low mastery of the subject. To support the researcher gathered data
National Achievement Test (NAT) scores of the school on Math indicate a low
mastery. This means that each should exert effort for the improvement.
education that by the year 2018, Filipino who has finished basic education should be
able to demonstrate in all subjects, specifically Math and Science. Likewise, Filipino
spite of the shortcomings of Filipino students in mathematics, educators have been slow
to embrace the rapid change that has engulfed other areas of our life. Enter most
classrooms today and very little difference from a classroom of a hundred years ago
communication technology (ICT) infrastructure was one of the key priorities of education
policies of countries all over the world over the past decades. Despite the great amount
of money that has been spent of technology, today’s teachers still primarily convey
information to students in the form of lecture. Research indicates that the use of
demonstrates that the benefit of it is generally true of different ages and abilities and for
important to not utilize all available resources to their full potential. We must ensure that
can ran out of content. In classroom setting, for better or for worse, Technology can
decrease dwell time with a media (e.g., a video, a tweet, a meme, an essay).It can
increase the diversity and rate of consumption of information. It can emphasize need for
critical research skills, including data filtering, duration, evaluation, and citation. Lastly, it
1984). The teachers of mathematics are confused with the extensive amount of
‘ignorance’ attitude towards computers still continues, although its magnitude is weaker
compared to past years. This attitude is mostly shared by teachers who have had their
training before the start of the computer age who have the most negative attitudes
towards its pedagogical use and who insist on using the traditional modes of teaching.
Second major attitude is not being able to abandon their traditional habits completely
foreseeing its potential for the future of education. Most prevalent and widening attitude
Multimedia offers exciting possibilities for meeting the needs of the 21 st century
learners. The use of multimedia instruction can significantly enhance students’ learning
life-long process. Molders of society play a vital role in the learning of the child.
Today’s 21st century learners are very different from even their recently
graduated peers. These students are digital natives. They live in a world in which digital
technology is part of the texture of their daily lives. They have never known a world
without technology, Technology is their “native language” and they expect to use
shown us that the brain processes information using two channels, the brain can
Many may argue against or with such studies of evaluating the impact of
students’ interest in studying and improve their performance in school. In the present
days, without introducing educational games, students are already equipped in using
computers or other ICT equipment. They almost spend their time 24/7 watching and
playing video games. As their guardians, we must limit the amount of time that students
students, they might explore things such as addiction of computer games, and indecent
photo or video. It is important that the teacher must use technology or offer interesting
follow the new trends of education. Teachers use technology such as multimedia-aided
instruction to present their lesson. They spend money to buy computers, monitors, and
laptops for instruction. Moreover, there are some schools that need technologies and
not all schools are equipped with technology especially in rural areas. We can also
consider that some teachers are not prepared and trained for this innovation in the
learning system. The government is allocating the biggest budget in Education so there
of Mathematics. Educators continue searching for ideas to help their students increase
Since we are in the 21st century, the use of computer, internet and other ICT
equipment has become an eye opener. Teachers explore ideas to improve the
a good idea to make students learn in an interesting way. Teachers can easily employ
games. But it is important that the teachers should determine the individual differences
But, unfortunately, most government schools in the Philippines still use traditional
teaching method such as chalk and board; pen and paper. Computer-based instruction
(Sprackin, 2009)
been familiar with this multimedia instruction. The researcher wants to emphasize its
school on Math indicate a low mastery. It shows that from 2006-2014; the mean
percentage score of the school is ranging from 24.43 to 34.94. The result is quite
alarming because for those consecutive years, Mathematics was not improved. The
students. Due to this, all teachers exert efforts and find more time to review students.
Students are motivated to join quiz bee and attend MTAP classes every Saturday. So
the researcher is looking forward that the use of multimedia-aided instruction in learning
system particularly in Math will awaken greater interest in Mathematics in order to the
The researcher observed that some students especially from Bigaa National High
School show less interest in Mathematics. They are poor in problem solving, critical
thinking skills and basic mathematical skills. They ignored its importance and
interpreted the subject as useless and boring. Most math teachers are tired of hearing
about how awful people are at math, and many of us just don’t want to deal with this
typical response to our profession. However, researcher recently realized how this exact
nation’s math crisis. Let’s be honest here: in a world of i-Pods, MySpace, cell phones,
and video games, math is boring. Sure, most of the teachers don’t allow these particular
tech devices in our classrooms. However, we are still in direct competition with them.
Maybe it’s not the actual math that bores the students, perhaps it’s the way we are
presenting it to them. Many adults perpetuate this myth, even though they use math
everyday without knowing it. As math teachers understand, even if they don’t directly
involve numbers, skills such as solving problems, exploring options, and staying
organized are all math-related. It’s our job to make sure the students understand this,
too. This is a big challenge for Math teachers and administrators to improve teaching
The researcher believes that the use of Multimedia-aided instruction can awaken
and encourage them to master basic skills. There are many factors that are identified as
the cause of student’s low achievement in academic but the worst is the lack of interest
Since year 2000, it has been the policy of Department of Education (DepEd) to
give preference to the hiring of teachers who are computer-literate. Most teacher
training institutions offer computer education as a required course. Likewise, the DepEd
has intensified the provision of ICT training to teachers of English, Science, Math and
THE. Also, the Department of Education as the primary concern states that the
importance of technology in providing good and quality education cannot be taken for
granted. “The modern media like Television, computer, internet and other technologies
are all products of civilization in 21st century, making life in a sense more comfortable
Theoretical Framework
Multimedia Content Working Memory Long-term Memory
This study anchored our ability to process information is a multi-step process that
(Sweller, 2003). At the center of this process is long term memory. As the name implies,
our long term memory stores our accumulated knowledge. Our accumulated knowledge
allow us to organize information in meaningful ways and help us integrate and organize
new information (Chi, Glaser, and Rees, 1982). In short, our long term memory is where
what we know is stored and where we integrate new information. If information does not
find its way into long term memory, it is lost. Learning can be thought of as change in
Before information can be integrated into long term memory it must be received
and processed by our working memory. Working memory is very limited; it can only
handle small amounts of information before it has to be integrated into our long term
memory or lost. George Miller (1956) suggested that we can only process about seven
pieces of information at one time. And, we must do so quickly, as working memory can
Researchers now believe that there are multiple channels in working memory.
Baddeley (1992) proposes an auditory and a visual channel. The auditory channel
handles information that is heard, while the visual channel processes information that is
seen. Text seems to have unique processing requirements with words initially captured
by the visual channel and then converted to sounds in the auditory channel (Mayer,
Research suggests that the visual channel handles less information than the
auditory channel (Miler, 2005). However, when information is presented using both the
visual and auditory channels, working memory can handle more information overall.
Using multiple channels can increase the amount of information that the brain
can process (Sweller, 2005). But, there is still the risk of cognitive overload. Too much
information delivered in an ineffective manner can interfere with the brain’s ability to
The information in working memory is integrated into long term memory using
existing schema (Sweller, 2003). If there are no existing schema in which to ―fit‖ the
information, new schema need to be created and working memory may need to do
some extra work to help organize the information (Baddeley 1999). If information is
schema, working memory can handle even less information. This can be prevented
mathematical reasoning if attention and care is directed to activities of his interest, and if
by this method the emotional inhibitions that too often give him a feeling of inferiority in
alternative theory where imbalance and not equilibrium is considered normal. Piaget’s
suggested that when children do not understand or have difficulty with a certain
concept, it is due too rapid passage from a qualitative structure of the problem to the
patterns, reason deductively and think logically. This intelligence is mostly associated
Conceptual Framework
In this study, the multimedia and the traditional groups are the independent
variables. The respondents are the Grade 10- students at Bigaa National High School.
The respondents will be from a heterogeneous group of students of Grade 10-Zeus and
Grade 10- Apollo. Grade 10- Zeus will use multimedia-aided instruction approach and
The mathematical ability is the dependent variable. The researcher will give the
same test to both groups to measure the academic performance of the respondents.
Academic Performance of
Instruction Approach Pretest
Traditional Teaching Formative Test
Approach Summative Test
1. What are the mean scores of the two groups in the pretest and post-test
3. What are the means scores of students in the summative test taught with
instruction approach?
Null Hypothesis
The hypotheses were raised in the study and were tested at 0.05 level of significance.
formative and summative tests taught with traditional and multimedia-aided instruction
Ho.2. There is no significant difference between the mean scores of students in the
pretest and post-test taught with traditional and multimedia-aided instruction approach.
Pupils. This study will help them learn and progress at their own pace and profit
from the learning process by involving themselves actively in doing activities. The result
of this study is beneficial for them to increase their performance in Mathematics and
Teachers. This study helps replace ineffective learning activities and increase
student contact time for discussion and save time for more challenging topics in
Learning Leader. This study serves as their ever ready reference for better
insight on classroom and administrative practices. This also guides them in making
future plans for in-service trainings and seminars to improve teacher’s innovativeness
and competency.
District Supervisors. This study helps them and serves as a basis for
determining who among teachers are qualified to step ahead for promotion.
Future Researchers. This study serves as an enlightening to other researchers
especially those who will conduct studies related to this. This will serve as a reliable
source of information. As they discover the sources of problems they will be motivated
Commnunity. This study would produce graduates who are independent and
lifelong learners.
The researcher believes that this study will improve the teaching-learning
instruction approach shall serve as a springboard for further activities on the techniques
Grade-10 students from Grade 10-Zeus and Grade-10 Apollo for the School Year 2016-
The study will be conducted on June 2016 to November 2016, which comprised
First Grading
Module 1: Sequences
Second Grading
Module 4: Circles
Lesson 1: The Distance Formula, the Midpoint Formula, and the Coordinate proof
Definition of Terms
The following are the important terms used in the study. The researcher used the
operational definition in order to facilitate data analysis and comprehension of the future
refers to the scores obtained by the pupils during the first and second grading periods in
media devices used to store and experience multimedia content. In this research,
Multimedia is distinguished from mixed media in fine art; by including audio, for
Multimedia. This refers to the teaching approach that uses a combination of text
and graphics. This contrasts with media that use only rudimentary computer displays
interactivity content forms in teaching Mathematics of the selected Grade 10- students
Teacher. It refers to the facilitator of learning. In this study the teacher uses the
Variable. It refers to anything that may change or may be changed for one
present study.
Related Literature
ICTs play a fundamental role in daily life and to exclude or relegate it from the
educational context would be thoughtless (Yelland et al., 2001). It has been raised as a
concern among business leaders, educators, policymakers and parents that traditional
practices are not necessarily delivering the skills that students need, and it is evident
preparing student to be productive in the workplaces of the 21st century (Yelland,et al.,
2001). Various research findings indicate that ICTs need to be integrated into education
(Kim & Hannafin, 2011; Kozma, 2001; Liu, 2010; Mumtaz, 2000; Schacter, 1999) so that
children can learn in new and dynamic ways and be prepared for the challenges of life
Australia believe that all children in their early childhood years are capable of accessing
powerful mathematical ideas that are both relevant to their current lives and form a
critical foundation for their future mathematical and other learning. Children should be
given the opportunity to access these ideas through high quality child-centered activities
In Australia, there have been education policy shifts to include ICTs in the
schooling system. ICTs have begun to have a place in education and access to
computer-based technology in schools and classrooms has increased. This became
more important when the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young
Australians (MCEETYA, 2008) stated, “Young people need to be highly skilled in the
use of ICT” (Ministerial Council on Education & Affairs, 2008). According to the
Melbourne Declaration, schooling should support the development of skills in the use of
digital media and increase students’ effectiveness in learning over the next decade. In
Commonwealth Education Ministers some time ago agreed on a national goal that
states ‘every child leaving primary school should be numerate’ (Doig, McRae, & Rowe,
by TIMMS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) than they used to.
In the TIMSS 2003 results, Australian and US students achieved similar levels.
access to powerful new ways to explore concepts at a depth that has not been possible
through traditional ways of teaching. A multimedia approach is a powerful tool for the
learner’s abstract thinking. Using multimedia and computer-based tools can also allow
can instantly change a graph (Milovanovic, et al., 2011) or showing a numeral and
having multiple representations of the relevant number available in pictures, sounds and
even animation.
The proposed computer-based application is, as previously mentioned, based on
the Bloom/Anderson taxonomy and the aim is to produce educational multimedia texts
taxonomy. Since our target audience is lower primary students, a high level of computer
skills cannot be assumed and, hence, the system needs to be simple, clean and easy to
use to encourage mathematics learning without the technology ‘getting in the way’.
the cognitive learning objectives through the use of technology with a strong theoretical
underpinning. Teachers and educators should be able to use this interactive application
They will also be able to generate their own stories by choosing appropriate characters,
settings and multimedia content. Students have opportunities to interact with the story
and introduce variations (and even to pose their own problems) to permit engagement
with the relevant concepts more thoroughly and deeply. The My Math’s Story
application should offer teachers many opportunities to share and discuss a range of
mathematical concepts for various ability levels, within the motivational context of a
storybook that links mathematical concepts to real world events and settings.
Mathematical language is reinforced and extended and cross curricular links are made
with literacy. Moreover, the application can be adapted to multiple grade levels and can
more involved in their work. With multimedia technologies, they can create multimedia
applications as part of their project requirements. This would make them an active
participant in their own learning process, instead of just being passive learners of the
educational content.
John Locke claimed that knowledge is direct awareness of facts concerning the
agreement or disagreement among our ideas. By “ideas” he meant mental objects, and
by assuming that some of these mental objects, and by assuming that some of these
mental objects represent non-mental objects he inferred that this is why we can have
knowledge of a world external to our minds. Although we can know little for certain and
and not always to acquire our beliefs by accepting the word of authorities or common
superstition. Ideally our beliefs should be held firmly tentatively depending on whether
the evidence on whether the evidence is strong or weak. He praised the scientific
reasoning of Boyle and Newton as exemplifying the careful formation of beliefs. He said
that at birth our mind has no innate ideas; it is a blank, a tabularaza. As our mind gains
simple ideas from sensation, it forms complex ideas from these simple ideas by
processes of combination, division, generalization, and abstraction. Radical for his time,
Locke asserted that in order to help children not develop bad habits of thinking, they
should be trained to base their beliefs on sound evidence, to learn how to collect this
Whatever it is called, the means of delivery has been the computer, and detailed studies
do not exist of specifically using interactive multimedia CD-ROMS. Yet research into the
nature of the interaction and student’s response to the new media opportunities provide
valuable guidance for the instructional design of this project. Many of the relevant
places new learning potential into the hands of users. Information on the design and use
Educators should have access to appropriate ways to design software packages that
will take advantage of multimedia capabilities without losing the focus on the user's
needs or the content being presented. The scope of this paper is limited to a review of
article the effects of (a) screen design (visual elements: color, text, graphics, and
animation), (b) learner control and navigation, (c) use of feedback (d) student
interactivity, and (e) video and audio elements on the development of educationally
a format that must be read. Reading speed and reading rate arc important learner
characteristics to consider in the development of multimedia modules. Hannafin and
Hooper (1989) reviewed the literature about screen design and found that text is read
more slowly and comprehension is lower when it is read from the computer screen
rather than from print based media. People read text on a computer screen at a rate
28% slower than reading from a book. It is recommended that developers utilize as
many screens as needed and not fill individual screens with text information.
John Sculley (1993), former chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple
Computer Inc., states that multimedia allows for individualized learning, making
individual to interact With and control the flow of information with the computer,
interactive multimedia distinguishes itself from older multimedia formats such as books
and video. Learners must process information actively in order to comprehend and
the learner and instruction. Intera two of Gagne's events of instruction, eliciting and
affect learning (Wittrock, 1974). This means incorporating strategies that cause the
(1988) states that an instructional software program should be designed with specific
learning outcomes in mind. The instructional events of the lesson, with which the
learners must interact, should be based on a model of events of instruction that are
related to a known organizer for their thinking similar to Gagne's nine events of
Laurillard (1987) suggests that learners should be given more control over the
content, access to the content, and interaction with the multimedia content. One way
multimedia can give control to the learner is by providing the ability to navigate through
programs at the learner's own pace and ability level (Sponder & Hilgenfeld, 1994). One
student may learn all the intended information rapidly and never need to branch for
review or remediation (Hannafin, 1984), where others will want to review previously
presented material. It is suggested that complex programs should advise students about
the sequencing (Hannafin, 1984; Jonassen & Hannwn, 1987; Litchfield, 1993) and
(Hannafin, 1984). Litchfield (1993) states that students feel more confident with advice
of tradition from one generation to the next. This applies today in an even higher degree
than in former times, for through modern development of the economic life, the family as
bearer of tradition and education has been weakened. The continuance and health of
human society is therefore a stage higher degree dependent on the school than
According to Einstein (1954, as cited by Arch 2009), sometimes one sees in the
school simply the instrument for transferring a certain maximum quantity of knowledge
to the growing generation. But that is not right. Knowledge is dead; the school however,
serves the living. It should develop in the young individuals those qualities and
capabilities which are of value for the welfare of the commonwealth. But that does not
mean that individuality should be destroyed and the individual become a mere tool of
the community without possibilities for development. On the contrary, the aim must be
the training of independently acting and thinking individuals, who, however, see in the
that to teach a child how to learn is a complex enterprise. It requires a deep sense of
skills and attitude to the learners but rather it involves “ human engineering”. The role of
the teacher is to organize situations in which the content of the curriculum can perform
integrated human personality. He further states that an art of teaching embraces the act
The classroom therefore must be made a place in which every student can perform the
magazines, books, newspapers, and other media instructions like tape and projected
visuals together with the lecture hand outs are provided. Enrichment activities provided
for students who may be interested in pursuing the concepts further for developing more
sophisticated skills. Self-evaluation exercises are the questions after each activity has
been realized. Progress check test: test given that serves as indicator if the subject can
be produced to the next learning session if there is a need to review more the lesson.
Gilakjani (2012) cited that one of the important uses of technology is that it
makes it easy for instructors to incorporate multimedia into their teaching. There are
different multimedia tools. Three of the most popular ones are visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic in which students take in information. Some students are visual learners,
while others are auditory or kinesthetic learners. While students use all their senses to
take in information, they seem to have preferences on how they learn best. In order to
help students learn, teachers need to teach as many these preferences as possible.
Therefore, teachers can incorporate these multimedia tools in their curriculum activities
developed a learning system around a computerized Reading Partner, with four reading
principles and meta-cognitive questions during the reading. Vygotsky’s theory states
that social interaction gradually came to serve a cognitive function for self-regulation
students’ interactions with the computer. This is called “zone of proximal development”.
Vygotsky determined that the difference between learners can alone and with the
Experience with CAI in the classroom have yielded positive results, however,
example of integrating technology into the classroom. The goal of the project CHILD
was to accommodate and embrace technology by merging the strengths of the teachers
with the delivery medium (Butzin, 2002). Teachers in this project have been to use the
effective (Butzin 2002). The lessons of Project CHILD can be found in the role of the
teacher, the role of the student, and the role of the technology. The efforts outlined were
not out of ordinary, but simply maximized the available resources to progress. The
design was a synthesis of the educational roles in the classroom, where the teacher
was freed to teach by experimenting with learning styles. One student may have
performed better under CAI, while another favored the traditional methods. The logic
behind this was to use the adaptability of the system to fit the needs of the student. By
transforming the visionary aspects, CAI into a working model adapting to performance,
the program was the first systemin integrating CAI into the curriculum (Butzin, 2002).
can take an active part in guiding how it is first utilized to enrich the current classroom
curriculum. She highly recommends including internet safety, media awareness and
Also, consider how computers are beneficial to children with learning challenges,
including dyslexia, autism, and for students that are considered, “highly distractible”.
Teach students that technology is not necessarily always a toy. It is a learning tool
should be well taken care of for optimal use. (Mc Carter, 2013).
The review of related literature has led to the researcher to the conclusion that if
one wants to improve the performance of the learners some method of teaching
benefit both students who are able to process information easily and students who need
more time to learn and digest study content (Tsai, Hwang, & Tseng, 2008); Shen et al.,
2008; Caruso, as mentioned by most of the software developers lack teaching
experience, and the products often fail to include theoretical background. Moreover, the
software presentations and interfaces are too distracting”. (Volume 54, TechTrends,
Related Studies
According to Abbas (2012) one of the most important uses of technology is that it
makes it easy for instructors to incorporate multimedia into their teaching. Some
students are visual learners, while others are auditory or kinesthetic learners. While
students use all their senses to take in information, they seem to have preferences in
how they learn best. In order to help students learn, teachers need to teach as many of
the preferences as possible. Therefore, teachers can incorporate these multimedia tools
in their curriculum activities so that students are able to succeed in their classes.
English Language and Literature Eissa Amir (2011) found out that the use of technology
in various fields has been so successful and beneficial for teachers to reach some
particular goals especially in education and for those who are learning a foreign
language and literature. In every step of our lives the significance of technology is seen
and enjoyed in these days. Communication has never been so easily available and fun.
“The barrier of location for people different parts of the world has been removed by
some of the latest technologies such as the web, internet, and mobile devices such as
Personal Digital Assistant (PDA’s), iphone etc”. (Sarica & Cavus, 2008). Web-based
technologies and powerful internet connections provide various new possibilities for the
development of Educational Technology. English is the only language that has attracted
many people around the world for the most part due to globalization.
Overbaugh (1994) indicates research findings are not conclusive that students in
control of their instruction will achieve higher results. Although the findings are
inconsistent, learner age and ability have been found to affect the extent to which
learner control strategies can be effectively applied (Hannafin, 1984). Older students
and more able students perform more effectively under guided learner control; younger
and less capable students perform best under lesson control (Hannafin, 1984).
control the path, pace, and/or contingencies of the instruction, typically by specifying
path." (p. 6) Low ability students are especially confused when control depends on a
wide range of options. They do not have the mental models and schema necessary to
Laurillard (1987) suggests that learners should be given more control over the
content, access to the content, and interaction with the multimedia content. One way
multimedia can give control to the learner is by providing the ability to navigate through
programs at the learner's own pace and ability level (Sponder & Hilgenfeld, 1994). One
student may learn all the intended information rapidly and never need to branch for
presented material. It is suggested that complex programs should advise students about
the sequencing (Hannafin, 1984; Jonassen & Hannwn, 1987; Litchfield, 1993) and
(Hannafin, 1984). Litchfield (1993) states that students feel more confident with advice
detailed material, but is better used for broader, abstract material, possibly with an
emotional appeal. An abstract video segment may serve well as the medium for an
advance organizer, and, similarly, for a lesson summarization. Hooper and Hannafin
(1988) have found that media that employ both print and video are likely to result in
deeper processing than a medium that employs just print. Taylor (1992) also reports
that most learning occurs when audio and video are redundant, is synchronized with
Valentine and colleagues (2005) found evidence that using ICT at home
increased students’ confidence and motivation. ICT was regarded as making homework
less boring and more interactive and interesting. They also found, unsurprisingly, that
online revision sites were more likely to be used closer to exam time. Their study found
that “In year 11, use of revision web sites was extensive. Online revisions sites are
overwhelmingly popular and well used.” (p33). However, there are also potential
in the form of notes and quizzes – compared to printed ones. They found that students
expressed a preference for printed notes, saying that they are easier to read, and that
the group working with the printed documents had a higher performance. The authors
hypothesise that this may be due to the higher perceived cognitive load of processing
web documents.
Cranmer (2006) studied young people’s use of the Internet for homework,
argues that parental contribution is key to homework success but those factors such as
time and perceived parental academic ability can limit this. Within the study the majority
of examples of students using the Internet for homework were for children between the
ages of 11 and 15, either with a parent or alone; younger children tended to work with
the support and guidance of a parent. Most examples of use centered on the use of the
web to search for information, in particular images. The study found that young people
tend to use a variety of sites depending on their purpose, either ‘trusted’ or the results of
searching. BBC Bitesize was provided as an example of a trusted site that the children
return to again and again. Young people use online rich media interactive revision sites,
such as that provided by BBC Bitesize in formal and informal ways, but the tendency for
home use is informal. Sefton- Green (2004) defines three characteristics of informal
learning: children’s’ digital cultures, social context and identity; play and interactivity;
and production and design. Sites such a BBC Bitesize clearly exhibit these
hierarchies; time to develop trust and relationships; built-in formative evaluation and a
positive ethos. The ways in which learners take part in the communities that support
online learning and revision sites has also been the subject of research. Manchester
Metropolitan University (2003), in the study of the Grid Club site, found that the
communities associated with the site had the potential to foster interaction between
children and adults, a sense of belonging and peer learning, but warned that “the norms
Practice.” (p4). In a recent large-scale study of web 2.0 for learning, Luckin and
colleagues (2008) found that social networking was used by the majority
of students surveyed (74%) and the use of email and instant messaging was almost
ubiquitous. The BBC Bitesize web site was the preferred homework web site by 24% of
school work (although some reported ‘chat’ about work). There is also evidence that
most online communication takes place with local friends rather than people they have
In research with primary school children and the use of multimedia to learn
the benefits of multiple media for learning (e.g. Mayer, 2001) there is also evidence
representations for learning did not hold true for the 11–12 year old age sample on
which the effects were tested. There is also evidence that increased media richness can
different ways in which multimedia was used within secondary science classrooms.
They found that over structuring of tasks and curriculum constraints led to students not
achieving the full value of the activity. This has clear implications for the benefits of
students’ studying at home in a more independent manner and being able to gain the
full potential of the interactive media – it is important to balance structure with freedom
learner engagement with science simulations, including distraction and vividness, the
The research evidence regarding learning benefits – real rather than perceived
instances of multimedia resources used in particular disciplines and age groups over
short time periods. Again the evidence of impact of these types of learning materials on
different types of learner, such as studies carried out with large diverse user
populations, using a wide variety of learning materials, over long periods of time, is
limited. Another issue highlighted by this review is that research in this area tends to be
Richard Mayer (2005), one of the leading researchers in this area: ―People learn better
from words and pictures than from words alone. In this context, words include written
and spoken text, and pictures include static graphic images, animation and video. That
using both words and pictures is more effective than words alone should not be
surprising in light of what we know about how the brain processes information.
Research tells us that the use of both words and pictures lets the brain process more
information in working memory (Sweller, 2005). Extending this basic principle, Mayer
(2005) and his colleagues tell us that narration and video is much more effective than
narration and text. Similarly, narration and video appear to be more effective than
narration, video and text. Narration and text rely on the same channel to process
information (Baddelley, 1999). It seems that text heavy multimedia presentations may
student enthusiasm and interest for learning when using computers supports teachers‘
reports that students are more attentive, interested, and alert in a technology-based
students know their mistakes or if they are doing well. Computers in education provide
faster and immediate feedback, while traditional teaching styles may require a longer
theories of Pavlov and Skinner, included factors of positive and negative reinforcement.
feel about their subject and learning in general (Pytel, 2007). Pytel‘s findings concluded
that students had a high level of enthusiasm for learning and showed an increased level
support a major emphasis of the JRL Enterprises Inc. program. Also, Warschaur (2006)
found similar results when studying a group of students who used laptops in their daily
learning process. At the same time, he found students who use laptops daily have
higher test scores. Middleton and Murray (1999) showed a direct correlation between
student achievement and the amount of time spent using computers for class work and
learning. The study on the Laptops program showed students who spent more time with
laptops scored significantly higher than students with no laptops or limited time with the
learning process, Digital integration of Text, Graphics, Animation, Audio, Still Images,
Motion Video is effective in teaching. Multimedia helps educators to get attention of the
learners. This also helps the educators make their learners participate and performed
In the study of Rose and Meyer (2012) revealed that students spend copious
amounts of their free time socializing, shopping and even studying on the internet,
where they are flooded with text, images, video, animation, and sound in what is a
strategies are very effective in a way. Thumbs up/thumbs down a strategy to encourage
students to listen to other students in the class. Students must learn to evaluate both
the solutions and the explanations of other students in the class. Another one is Think-
Pair-Share, Ask the students to keep quiet “think” time. This wait time encourage each
student to be actively involved in a question. Ask students to tell their partner the
answer or explain or this allows students the chance to practice on one person before
talking before the whole class. This practice helps reluctant students as they can always
use some or all of their partner’s words. Ask a couple of students to share with the
class, especially those you have overheard who have different ways of explaining or
This chapter describes the methods and procedures used to give answers to
problems from the preceding study. This includes research designs, the respondents,
population and sampling techniques, procedures, instruments, and statistical techniques
Research Design
its target population. This is used to estimate the causal impact of an intervention on its
differences between the academic performances of the two groups would be observed.
The respondents involved in this study were eighty (80) students studying
Forty (40) students from Grade-10 Zeus were exposed to teaching using
multimedia-aided instruction approach while forty (40) students from Grade-10 Apollo
Male Female
Respondents Total
f % f %
Grade-10 Zeus 20 50 20 50 40
Grade 10-Apollo 20 50 20 50 40
Total 40 100 40 100 80
Research Procedure
Pretest with 40 item test was conducted. A pretest was administered in the
Grade-10 Apollo. A formative test administered at the end of the lesson to see the
Post-test with 40 item test was administered after a grading period. Collecting of
test results after each test followed. After administering the pre and post test and other
formative tests, there was a comparison done to come up with the result of the study.
conduct the study in Bigaa National High School, City of Cabuyao, Laguna, and Division
of Laguna S.Y. 2016-2017. Immediately after its approval, permission from school
learning leader to distribute and apply the method to the students was done.
Research Instrument
Formative test was the main instrument used in this research to gather data from
the respondents. The questions included in the discussion or during the lessons were
designed in a way that respondents would simply answer the given test made by the
researcher. The test was patterned in Learner’s Material Module and Teacher Guide
given by Department of Education (DepEd). Lessons were also patterned from the
teacher’s manual.
The data gathered from the scores were classified, tallied, tabulated, statistically
The mean, standard deviation and t-test were used for the description and
analysis of data.
T-test for independent means was utilized for research question 4 to determine