Srt-Tsi Application Guide 2019 en PDF
Srt-Tsi Application Guide 2019 en PDF
Srt-Tsi Application Guide 2019 en PDF
Document History
Version date Section number Modification description
0.1 First draft according to the new template.
Including comments from WP meeting of 29 May
0.2 – 12th June 2019 2019.
Version ready for publication on ERA website
0.3 – 13th December Clarification on the class of cables satisfying the
§ 2.3.6
2019 functional requirements expressed in the TSI
Table of Contents
1. SCOPE OF THIS GUIDE ..................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Content of the guide ....................................................................................................... 4
1.1.1. Scope............................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.2. Content of the guide ....................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Document reference/s.................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Definitions and abbreviations......................................................................................... 6
2. GUIDANCE ON THE APPLICATION OF THE SRT TSI ......................................................... 8
2.1. Scope and definition of the subsystem .......................................................................... 8
2.2. Essential requirements ................................................................................................... 9
2.3. Characterisation of the subsystem ............................................................................... 12
2.3.1. Scope related to tunnels (clause 1.1.1) ........................................................................ 12
2.3.2. Risk scope (clause 1.1.4) ............................................................................................... 12
2.3.3. The role of emergency response services (clause 2.3) ................................................. 12
2.3.4. Prevent unauthorised access to emergency exits and technical rooms
(clause .............................................................................................................. 13
2.3.5. Fire resistance of tunnel structures (clause .................................................... 13
2.3.6. Fire reaction of building material (clause 14
2.3.7. Fire detection in technical rooms (clause ....................................................... 15
2.3.8. Evacuation facilities (clause 15
2.3.9. Access to the safe area (clause .................................................................... 15
2.3.10. Communication means in safe areas (clause ............................................... 16
2.3.11. Emergency lighting (clause ........................................................................... 16
2.3.12. Escape signage (clause ................................................................................. 17
2.3.13. Escape walkways (clause ................................................................................. 18
2.3.14. Evacuation and rescue points (clause ............................................................. 18
2.3.15. Emergency communication (clause ................................................................ 23
2.3.16. Requirements relative to electrical systems (clauses, and . 23
2.3.17. Reliability of electrical systems (clause ......................................................... 24
2.3.18. Sectioning of contact line (clause .................................................................... 24
2.4. Operational rules .......................................................................................................... 24
2.4.1. Emergency rule (clause 4.4.1) ...................................................................................... 24
2.4.2. Tunnel emergency plan (clause 4.4.2) .......................................................................... 25
2.4.3. Provision of on-train safety and emergency information to passengers
(clause 4.4.5) ................................................................................................................. 26
2.4.4. Operational rules related to trains running in tunnels (clause 4.4.6) .......................... 26
2.5. Conformity assessment and EC verification ................................................................. 28
2.5.1. Assessment of conformity for the Safety requirements applying to the Infrastructure
and Energy subsystems (clause 6.2.6) .......................................................................... 28
2.6. Implementation ............................................................................................................ 27
2.6.1. Upgrade and renewal measures for tunnels (clause 7.2.2) ......................................... 27
2.6.2. Operation of new rolling stock in tunnels (clause 7.2.4) .............................................. 30
3. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS........................................................... 31
[1] (EU) Regulation (EU) 2016/796 of the European L 138, 26.5.2016, Agency
2016/796 Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on p. 1-43 Regulation
the European Union Agency for Railways and
repealing Regulation (EC) No 881/2004
[2] (EU) Directive (EU) 2016/797 of the European Parliament L 138, 26.5.2016, Interoperability
2016/797 and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on the p. 44-101 Directive
interoperability of the rail system within the
European Union
[3] (EU) Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament L 138, 26.5.2016, Safety Directive
2016/798 and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on railway safety p. 102-149
[4] (EU) Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) L 139I, 27.5.2019 SRT TSI 2019
2019/776 2019/776 of 16 May 2019 amending Commission p. 108–311
Regulations (EU) No 321/2013, (EU) No
1299/2014, (EU) No 1301/2014, (EU) No
1302/2014, (EU) No 1303/2014 and (EU) 2016/919
and Commission Implementing Decision
2011/665/EU as regards the alignment with
Directive (EU) 2016/797 of the European
Parliament and of the Council and the
implementation of specific objectives set out in
Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2017/1474
[5] (EU) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1303/2014 of 18 L 356, SRT TSI 2014
1303/2014 November 2014 concerning the technical 12.12.2014, p.
specification for interoperability relating to ‘safety 394–420
in railway tunnels’ of the rail system of the
European Union
[6] 2008/163/ Commission Decision of 20 December 2007 L 64, 7.3.2008, p. SRT TSI 2008
EC concerning the technical specification of 1–71
interoperability relating to safety in railway tunnels
in the trans-European conventional and high-speed
rail system
Table 2: Definitions
Basic parameter Any regulatory, technical or operational condition which is critical to
interoperability and is specified in the relevant TSIs (Article 2(12) of Directive (EU)
Conformity Process demonstrating whether specified requirements relating to a product,
assessment process, service, subsystem, person or body have been fulfilled (Article 2(41) of
Directive (EU) 2016/797)
Conformity Body that has been notified or designated to be responsible for conformity
assessment body assessment activities, including calibration, testing, certification and inspection;
a conformity assessment body is classified as a ‘notified body’ following
notification by a Member State; a conformity assessment body is classified as a
‘designated body’ following designation by a Member State (Article 2(42) of
Directive (EU) 2016/797)
Contracting entity Public or private entity which orders the design and/or construction or the
renewal or upgrading of a subsystem (Article 2(20) of Directive (EU) 2016/797)
Existing rail system Infrastructure composed of lines and fixed installations of the existing, rail
network as well as the vehicles of all categories and origin travelling on that
infrastructure (Article 2(16) of Directive (EU) 2016/797)
Harmonised standard European standard adopted on the basis of a request made by the Commission
for the application of Union harmonising legislation (Article 2(1)(c) of Regulation
(EU) No 1025/2012)
Infrastructure Anybody or firm responsible for the operation, maintenance and renewal of
Manager railway infrastructure on a network, as well as responsible for participating in its
development as determined by the Member State within the framework of its
general policy on development and financing of infrastructure (Article 3(2) of
Directive 2012/34/EU)
Non-application of a Certain circumstance, by which projects can be exempted from having to comply
TSI with all or part of a TSI or TSIs (Article 7 of Directive (EU) 2016/797)
Open point Certain technical aspect corresponding to the essential requirements, which
cannot be explicitly covered in a TSI(Article 4(6) of Directive (EU) 2016/797)
Placing in service All the operations by which a subsystem is put into its operational service (Article
2(19) of Directive (EU) 2016/797)
Placing on the market First making available on the Union’s market of an interoperability constituent,
subsystem or vehicle ready to function in its design operating state (Article 2(35)
of Directive (EU) 2016/797)
Project at an advanced Any project the planning or construction stage of which has reached a point
stage of development where a change in the technical specifications may compromise the viability of
the project as planned (Article 2(23) of Directive (EU) 2016/797)
Table 2: Definitions
Railway Undertaking Railway undertaking as defined in point (1) of Article 3 of Directive 2012/34/EU,
and any other public or private undertaking, the activity of which is to provide
transport of goods and/or passengers by rail on the basis that the undertaking is
to ensure traction; this also includes undertakings which provide traction only
(Article 2(45) of Directive (EU) 2016/797)
Register of Register of infrastructure indicates the main features of fixed installations,
infrastructure (RINF) covered by the subsystems: infrastructure, energy and parts of control-
command and signalling. It publishes performance and technical characteristics
mainly related to interfaces with rolling stock and operation (Article 49 of
Directive (EU) 2016/797)
Renewal Any major substitution work on a subsystem or part of it, which does not change
the overall performance of the subsystem. (Article 2(15) of Directive (EU)
Specific case Any part of the rail system which needs special provisions in the TSIs, either
permanent, because of geographical, topographical or urban environment
constraints or those affecting compatibility with the existing system, in particular
railway lines and networks isolated from the rest of the Union, the loading gauge,
the track gauge or space between the tracks and vehicles strictly intended for
local, regional or historical use, as well as vehicles originating from or destined
for third countries (Article 2(13) of Directive (EU) 2016/797)
Substitution in the Any replacement of components by parts of identical function and performance
framework of in the framework of preventive or corrective maintenance (Article 2(17) of
maintenance Directive (EU) 2016/797)
Upgrading Any major modification work on a subsystem or part of it which results in a
change in the technical file accompanying the ‘EC’ declaration of verification, if
that technical file exists, and which improves the overall performance of the
subsystem (Article 2(14) of Directive (EU) 2016/797)
Table 3: Abbreviations
CEN European Committee for Standardisation
CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation
CER The Community of European Railway and infrastructure companies
DeBo Designated Body
EC European Commission
EIM European Rail Infrastructure Managers
EN European standard
ERA European Union Agency for Railways also called “the Agency”
ERADIS Interoperability and Safety database managed by the European Union Agency for
2.4 Definitions
(a) Railway tunnel: A railway tunnel is an excavation or a construction around the track provided
to allow the railway to pass for example higher land, buildings or water. The length of a tunnel is
defined as the length of the fully enclosed section, measured at rail level. A tunnel in the context of
this TSI is 0.1km or longer.
Reference to a tunnel length being measured as the length of the fully enclosed section may lead to questions
where a construction with openings (i.e. not fully enclosed) can be considered a tunnel subject to the
application of the SRT TSI. In this case, the risk will be different compared to a fully enclosed section.
There can be no universal right or wrong answer to this question: the applicant should reflect on the risks of
the evacuation and rescue operations following a railway incident occurring in the structure and on the
measures which could mitigate the risks identified. This is equivalent to applying the CSM-RA for the fixed
installations, as permitted by the TSI.
Note: this principle is also valid for tunnels with particular geometry not directly covered by the TSI, e.g.
a single tube tunnel that splits into two tubes below the ground (in the area where the tunnel splits
in two);
two double tube tunnels crossing at different heights below ground;
and other particular tunnel geometries
(d) Technical rooms: Technical rooms are enclosed spaces with doors for access/egress inside or
outside the tunnel with safety installations which are necessary for at least one of the following
functions: self-rescue, evacuation, emergency communication, rescue and fire fighting, signalling
and communication equipment, and traction power supply.
According to this definition, technical rooms are purpose built spaces which are not exposed to the tunnel
environment. In some projects, it is planned to include ‘safety installations' within cross passages and this
may raise the question whether this constitutes a 'technical room' or not. If:
1. the equipment to be placed in the cross passage belongs to one of the categories listed in the
definition for 'technical rooms', and
2. the equipment is not enclosed separately inside the cross-passage,
then the cross passage itself is considered a technical room and needs to fulfil the requirement of point of the TSI.
Note: for compliance with the requirements (a) of the TSI, one can consider that people having access
to a cross passage are either authorized staff working in the tunnel or passengers evacuating a train that can
be considered as authorized to enter the cross-passage.
In the definition, the terms “safety installations which are necessary for at least one of the following
functions:” are to be understood as the installations that are necessary for operating the functions listed. For
instance, whereas lighting is necessary for evacuation, only the electrical cabinets with switches and fuses
are necessary for operating it; consequently, the requirement does not apply to each lighting device.
environmental protection,
technical compatibility.
and are addressed in chapter 3 of the TSI.
Being an essential requirement accessibility is listed in chapter 3 of the TSI, even if no basic parameter
correspond to this requirement.
(a) The following table indicates basic parameters of this TSI and their correspondence to
the essential requirements as set out and numbered in Annex III to Directive (EU) 2016/797
(b) For meeting the essential requirements, the corresponding parameters of sections 4.2.1,
4.2.2 and 4.2.3 shall apply.
3.1. Infrastructure and energy subsystems
(a) In order to meet the essential requirement ‘Safety’ applying to the Infrastructure and
Energy subsystems, the CSM on risk assessment may be applied as an alternative to the
corresponding parameters of sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.
(b) Accordingly, for the risks identified in point 1.1.4 and the scenarios listed in point 2.2,
the risk can be assessed by:
(1) a comparison with a reference system,
(2) an explicit risk estimation and evaluation.
The general rule, which is recalled in the introduction of section 3, is that for meeting the essential
requirements, the corresponding parameters of the TSI shall apply.
However, in the case of the essential requirements for ‘Safety’ that shall be fulfilled by the Infrastructure and
Energy subsystems, the TSI permits the use of the risk acceptance principles listed in the CSM-RA.
The CSM-RA lists the following risk acceptance principles for evaluation of the risk acceptability of a system:
the application of a code of practice
a comparison with similar systems
an explicit risk estimation
It is understood that the basic parameters of sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 of the TSI represent the code of practice.
According to the principles of the CSM-RA, for the risks identified in point 1.1.4 of the TSI and the scenarios
listed in point 2.2, the risk can alternatively be assessed by a comparison with a reference system or through
an explicit risk estimation and evaluation.
The principle of applying the CSM-RA is illustrated on the Figure 1 below.
On the figure, the risk acceptability level and the criteria for comparison are to be agreed between the
applicant and the National Safety Authority.
chapters 1 & 2
Technical & Is equivalent to
Risk scope
Risk scenarios
use CSM-RA
as alternative to the
‘safety’ parameters for
Figure 1 Principle for the application of the CSM-RA for fixed installations
(b) Stations that are in tunnels shall be in conformity with the national rules on fire safety. When
they are used as safe areas, they shall comply only with the specifications of clauses, and of this TSI. When they are used as evacuation and rescue points, they shall
comply only with the specifications of clauses (c) and (e) of this TSI.
National rules include requirements for evacuation and fire safety in underground stations. The boundaries
between the tunnel structure and the station area are best decided on a project-specific basis (i.e. case by
The length of an underground station contributes to the total tunnel length. For example, if an underground
station with 400m platforms is placed between two tunnels of 350 m length, then the result is a single tunnel
of 1100 m.
The IM and the RU are required to control the tunnel-specific risks as part of their safety management system
(SMS). Consequently, the TSI does not require the IM to perform a risk analysis for every single tunnel.
The risks for people in the neighbourhood of a tunnel where collapse of the structure could have catastrophic
consequences was covered by the previous version of the TSI.
With the amendment [4], the TSI focus is on the safety of passengers and on-board staff. This risks for people
in the neighbourhood of a tunnel are normally covered by National rules.
(f) If the expectations of the emergency response services expressed in emergency plans go beyond
the assumptions described above, the need for additional measures or tunnel equipment can be
The needs expressed by emergency response services can be considered when are within the scope of the
TSI and when they cover the risks expressed in point
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Any printed copy is uncontrolled. The version in force is available on Agency’s intranet/extranet.
GUI/Title TSI/year
2.3.4. Prevent unauthorised access to emergency exits and technical rooms (clause
All emergency escape doors should be fitted with an easy to open exit device (sometimes referred to as anti-panic
locks) from the inside without the use of a key or a tool.
This requirement applies to the load-bearing structure of the main tube(s) of the tunnel through which trains
An emergency plan, including the description of the foreseen emergency scenarios (clauses 2.2 and 4.4.2 (c)
of the TSI), is required only for tunnels of more than 1km in length.
Consequently, for tunnels shorter than 1km in length:
no report is necessary as there is no Emergency Plan
however the period of time which is ‘sufficiently long to permit self-rescue, evacuation of passengers
and staff and intervention of emergency response services’ needs to be evaluated
(a) This specification applies to construction products and building elements inside tunnels,
. These products shall fulfil the requirements of Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/364 :
(1) Tunnel building material shall fulfil the requirements of classification A2
(2) Non-structural panels and other equipment shall fulfil the requirements of
classification B
(3) Exposed cables shall have the characteristics of low flammability, low fire spread,
low toxicity and low smoke density. These requirements are fulfilled when the cables fulfil at least
the requirements of classification B2ca,s1a,a1. If the classification is lower than B2ca,s1a,a1, the
class of cables may be determined by the infrastructure manager after a risk assessment, taking
into account the characteristics of the tunnel and the intended operational regime. For the avoidance
of doubt, different classifications of cable may be used for different installations within the same
tunnel provided that the requirements of this paragraph are met.
(b) Materials that would not contribute significantly to a fire load shall be listed. They are allowed
not to comply with the above.
Consequently, exposed cables of class Fca that are flammable and likely to burn uncontrollably in a fire,
exposed cables of class Eca that do not have the characteristics of low toxicity and low smoke density and
exposed cables of class Dca that do not have the characteristics of low fire spread shall not be used. As an
additional prerequisite, exposed cables need to comply with additional classifications s1a, s1b, s1 or s2 to
meet the requirement of low smoke density and classification a1 or a2 to meet the requirement of low
The Applicant should identify the products which are captured by the requirements of clause (b).
Some examples of materials which do not contribute significantly to the fire load are:
Anti-panic devices in doors
Lighting bulbs, LEDs, switches.
Escape Signage
Signalling system balises, ordinary signals
Polymer rail pads
Figure 2 Example of measurement of the distance between doors giving access to a safe area
(c) Doors giving access from the escape walkway to the safe area shall have a minimum
clear opening of 1,4m wide and 2,0m high, alternatively it is permitted to use multiple
doors next to each other which are less wide as long as the flow capacity of people is
demonstrated to be equivalent or higher.
(d) After passing the doors, the clear width shall continue to be at least 1,5m wide and
2,25m high.
(e) The way the emergency response services access the safe area shall be described in
the emergency plan.
The evacuation route includes in particular the width of the walkway and the cross passages between the
walkway and the safe area as they are necessary for evacuation.
The clearway defined by a width of 1.5m and a height of 2.25m in point (d) above is sufficient for the
evacuation of passengers and if needed the intervention of the emergency response services. However, in
the case of evacuation routes with complex geometry (e.g. bends, chicanes) additional clear width and height
may be beneficial to permit evacuation of people on stretchers if necessary. This additional clearance should
be adopted by the applicant on a voluntary basis.
(a) Communication shall be possible, either by mobile phone or by fixed connection from
underground safe areas to the control centre of the Infrastructure Manager.
The communication to the control centre of the IM can be established by the RU, the emergency response
services or the IM, either directly, or through a telephone operator, as is the case for emergency telephone
If the tunnel on a line is fitted with GSM-R, it should be possible to communicate with the control centre of
the IM through the GSM-R mobile phone system. The passengers are not expected to contact the IM control
centre as this will be subject to the emergency procedures agreed between the RU, IM and the emergency
response services.
above the walkway, so as not to interfere with the free space for the passage of persons,
(4) The maintained illuminance shall be at least 1 lux at a horizontal plane at walkway
In case of smoke in the tunnel, the smoke plume will concentrate at the ceiling and will progressively get
lower: for that reason, it is permitted by the TSI to locate the emergency lighting into the handrail, i.e. low
above the floor of the escape route. Emergency lights would then trace the way to escape.
In particular situations where it is expected that the smoke will behave differently due to the particular tunnel
geometry, or where a ventilation system (not a requirement of the TSI) has been provided, it may be possible
for lights to be located above the handrails.
(c) Autonomy and reliability: an alternative electricity supply shall be available for an
appropriate period of time after failure of the main supply. The time required shall be
consistent with the evacuation scenarios and reported in the Emergency Plan.
An emergency plan, including the description of the foreseen emergency scenarios (clauses 2.2 and 4.4.2 (c)
of the TSI), is required only for tunnels of more than 1km in length.
Consequently, for tunnels between 0.5km and 1km in length:
no report is necessary as there is no Emergency Plan
however the time during which the alternative electricity supply will remain available needs to be
(d) If the emergency light is switched off under normal operating conditions, it shall be
possible to switch it on by both of the following means:
250m represents a maximum switch interval. Intervals of less than 250m are acceptable.
(e) Signs shall be provided in the tunnel to indicate the position of emergency equipment,
where such equipment is present.
To prevent people entering a technical area with no exit during self-evacuation, it is recommended that the
doors leading to the technical rooms are marked accordingly.
Note that for signage requiring electric power supply in order to fulfil Directive 92/58/EC the paragraph about reliability applies, unless luminous signage is used.
In single tube tunnels equipped with at least 2 tracks supported by a concrete slab, it may be acceptable to
use the adjacent track as a walkway, provided the slab track meets the requirements for walkways in the TSI.
In such cases, the conditions of use of the slab track as an escape walkway should be described in the
emergency plan.
For measuring the height of the walkway, the reference rail to be considered is the one nearest to the
(a) For the purpose of this clause, two or more consecutive tunnels will be considered as a
single tunnel unless both of the following conditions are met:
(1) The separation between tunnels in open air is longer than the maximum length of the
passenger train intended to be operated on the line + 100 m and
(2) The open air area and track situation around the separation between tunnels allow
passengers to move away from the train. The open air area shall contain all passengers
of the maximum capacity of the train intended to be operated on the line.
(2) Inside the tunnel, according to the category of rolling stock that is planned to be
operated, as summarized in the table below:
Category A 5 km
Category B 20 km
This guidance is intended to clarify the requirements for the distribution of evacuation and rescue points
within tunnels, including the case for a line fitted with consecutive tunnels.
New tunnels shorter than 1km may require evacuation and rescue points at one of their portals when they
are followed by another tunnel and:
the sum of the lengths of both tunnels is greater than 1km and
the open air area between consecutive tunnels is not sufficient for a safe evacuation.
However, new tunnels longer than 1km may not require an evacuation and rescue point at both portals when
they are followed by another tunnel and the open air area in between them is not sufficient for a safe
Some examples of TSI compliant configurations of evacuation and rescue points and tunnels are given below.
Evacuation and rescue points do not have to be provided when the requirements of either (a) (1) or (a) (2) are not satisfied.
Figure 3 Examples of configurations of evacuation and rescue points (ERP) and tunnels for lines accepting
category A and B trains:
a) The tunnel is longer than 1km and shorter than 5km: there are ERPs at both portals.
b) The first tunnel is shorter than 1km, but the separation in open air between both tunnels does not
fulfil the requirement of either (a) (1) or (a) (2). Consequently, both tunnels are
considered as one and in practice this case is the same as case a).
c) The first tunnel is shorter than 1km, and the separation in open air between both tunnels fulfils the
requirement of (a) (1) and (a) (2). The first tunnel has no ERP but the second one has
ERPs at both portals.
d) Both tunnels are shorter than 1km, but the separation in open air between them does not fulfil the
requirement of either (a) (1) or (a) (2). Consequently, both tunnels are considered as
one tunnel of more than 1km, and there are ERPs at both portals.
e) The tunnel is longer than 5km and, in order to accept category A trains, it needs to be equipped with
an ERP inside the tunnel in addition to the ERPs at both portals.
f) The second tunnel is shorter than 1km and the separation in open air between both tunnels is longer
than the maximum length of the passenger train intended to be operated on the line + 100 m
(requirement (a) (1)), but the open air area and track situation around the separation
between tunnels does not allow passengers to move away from the train (requirement (a)
(2)). Consequently, both tunnels are considered as one and in practice this case is the same as case
Figure 4 Examples of configurations of evacuation and rescue points and tunnels for lines accepting only
category B trains
a) The tunnel is longer than 1km and shorter than 20km: there are ERPs at both portals.
b) The first tunnel is shorter than 1km and the next ones are all shorter than 5km. However, the
separation in open air between consecutive tunnels does not fulfil the requirement of either
(a) (1) or (a) (2). Consequently, all tunnels are considered as one tunnel of more than 5km,
and there are ERPs at both portals.
c) The tunnel is longer than 20km and, in order to accept category B trains, it needs to be equipped
with an ERP inside the tunnel in addition to the ERPs at both portals.
d) The open air between both tunnels does not fulfil the requirement of either (a) (1) or
(a) (2). Consequently, both tunnels are considered as one tunnel of more than 20km and the case is
equivalent to case c).
The separation between consecutive tunnels defined in point (a) (1) is linked to the maximum length
of the passenger trains that will operate in the tunnel. This is required to ensure that all passenger and staff
exits of any train travelling on a line fitted with several tunnels, will remain outside a tunnel if the train is
evacuated in the separation gap between consecutive tunnels. Therefore,
Only the longest train operating with passengers should be taken into consideration. Passenger trains
with no passengers on board should not be considered (e.g. a passenger train being towed by
another after a breakdown)
The maximum train length is no longer defined in the revised LOC&PAS TSI. Therefore, the IM may
take into account the maximum train length already imposed by other requirements for operation
of trains on the line where the consecutive tunnels are fitted, e.g. length of the platforms at the
(2) Inside the tunnel, according to the category of rolling stock that is planned to be
operated, as summarized in the table below: [...]
The evacuation and rescue point locations outside the tunnel portals do not have to coincide exactly with
the portal position. They may be placed further away from the portal position outside the tunnel due to
topographical reasons, the length of the train, or urban environmental constraints, for example.
In all cases, the distances between evacuation and rescue points defined in table (b) (2), must be
The decision on “the category of rolling stock that is planned to be operated” is particularly important for
tunnels of a length between 5km and 20km. This decision between passenger rolling stock of category A or
B should be made as soon as the phase of design of the tunnel starts and should take into account a long-
term vision (see also clause Operational rules related to trains running in tunnels (clause 4.4.6)).
(1) The evacuation and rescue points shall be equipped with water supply
(minimum 800l/min during 2 hours) close to the intended stopping point of the
train. The method of supplying the water shall be described in the emergency
The water flow of 800 l/min is a minimum value. Local and operational aspects such as the response time of
the emergency response services, the type of water source, and the method of supplying the water, should
be considered by the applicant.
The water source can be a hydrant or any water supply such as a basin, river or other means.
(2) The intended stopping position of the affected train shall be indicated to the
train driver. This shall not require specific on-board equipment (all TSI compliant
trains must be able to use the tunnel)
Indicating the intended stopping position does not necessarily require a specific sign to be placed at relevant
positions in a tunnel.
(4) It shall be possible to switch off and earth the contact line, either locally or
This may be achieved either by direct operation or by a remote control system activated from a control centre
at the request from:
the train staff, from the train cab
the train staff, IM staff or the emergency response services, from communication equipment inside
the tunnel
(d) Requirements for evacuation and rescue points outside the portals of the tunnel
In addition to the requirements in (c), evacuation and rescue points outside the
portals of the tunnel shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) The open air area around the evacuation and rescue point shall offer a minimum
surface of 500 m².
The open air area around the evacuation and rescue point may consist of roads, parks or other areas suitable
for evacuation and rescue operations. It does not need to be a dedicated area as long as it complies with
points (c) and (d).
(e) Requirements for evacuation and rescue points inside the tunnel
In addition to requirements in (c), evacuation and rescue points inside the tunnel
shall comply with the following requirements
(1) A safe area shall be accessible from the stopping position of the train. Dimensions of
the evacuation route to the safe area shall consider the evacuation time (as specified in
clause and the planned capacity of the trains (referred to in clause
intended to be operated in the tunnel. The adequacy of the sizing of the evacuation route
shall be demonstrated.
(2) The safe area that is paired with the evacuation and rescue point shall offer a
sufficient standing surface relatively to the time passengers are expected to wait until
they are evacuated to a final place of safety.
The TSI does not specify a minimum surface area per person ratio in the safe area which is coupled with the
internal evacuation and rescue point. This is because this ratio depends on many factors, such as the layout
of the tunnel, the response time of the emergency response services, etc., and therefore a suitable value
may be determined on a case by case basis.
For example, the standing surface per person can be evaluated by taking into account the expected waiting
time before the evacuation to a final place of safety starts. The standing surface per person can be different
according to the specific situation.Facilities such as toilets, water, seats, etc. may be provided according to
the waiting time derived from the evacuation scenarios and reported in the Emergency Plan.
For a particular tunnel project, where ‘alternative technical solutions’ are adopted for provision of access to
the safe area, the adequacy of the standing surface area may be demonstrated through application of the
Common Safety Methods on Risk Assessment.
(3) There shall be an access to the affected train for emergency response services without
going through the occupied safe area.
If a parallel tunnel or parallel service tunnel is used as a safe area it is allowed to the emergency service to
use these tunnels as access to the affected train. Similarly, emergency response services can access to the
affected train through the safe area after its occupants have been evacuated.
[...](b) Radio continuity shall be provided for permitting the emergency response services to
communicate with their on-site command facilities. The system shall allow the emergency response
services to use their own communication equipment.
2.3.15. Requirements relative to electrical systems (clauses, and
The requirements of clauses, and are not new requirements in the SRT TSI, they
have been transferred from other chapters of the TSI: in the SRT TSI 2008 and 2014, they were in the chapter
about the Energy subsystem, they are now in the chapter about the Infrastructure subsystem.
The reason for the transfer is that according to its definition in the Interoperability Directive, the Energy sub-
system should consist only of the electrification system, including overhead lines, and the trackside electricity
consumption measuring and charging system. Electrification system here is understood as the electricity
supply to the train. Electricity supply to the systems in the tunnel (lighting, ventilation if any, etc.) does not
correspond to the definition for the electrification system.
For the assessment of the requirements of clauses, and, no electrical expertise is
needed: the assessment consists of a verification that the required functionalities of the electrical supply
system are fulfilled.
The alternative power supply can be a backup supply from batteries or powerpacks or it can be provided via
a redundant or two-sided power supply.
(a) (a) The traction power supply system in tunnels may be divided into sections.
(b) In such case, it shall be possible to switch off each section of the contact line, either locally
or remotely.
The traction power supply system in tunnels can be divided into sections when appropriate. This can be the
case when, for instance, the signalling system permits the presence of more than one train in the tunnel on
one track simultaneously, i.e. when two or more trains are running on the same track in the tunnel.
It’s considered that the requirement on sectioning should allow flexibility, depending on the expected
operation of the tunnel and also on the rules applicable by rescue services: for instance in some countries
there is an agreement to guarantee the total earthing of a tunnel for the emergency response services. When
this is the case, sectioning is not necessary.
When divided into sections, the length of each section could be determined according to the operational
conditions in the tunnel and the signalling system.
In light of the essential requirements in Chapter 3, the operating rules specific to tunnel
safety are:
(a) The operational rule is to monitor the train condition before entering a tunnel in order
to detect any defect detrimental to its running behaviour and take appropriate action.
The monitoring of the train before entering the tunnel may be achieved by:
trackside monitoring and/or
on-board monitoring
The definition of the appropriate equipment and operational measures is the responsibility of the IM and
RUs through their respective Safety Management Systems.
From a rolling stock perspective, the requirements of the LOC&PAS TSI, point “Axle bearing
condition monitoring” when they apply are sufficient to fulfil the requirement.
For wagons, there is no harmonised specification on the design of on-board axle bearing condition
monitoring equipment (Open point listed in the WAG TSI on clause Axle bearing condition monitoring)
When installed, track side detection systems should not impose additional requirements or equipment for
the rolling stock on top of those already required in the LOC&PAS TSI and in the WAG TSI.
This requirement applies only to the emergency plan developed by the Infrastructure Manager. Emergency
Response Services may have their own complementary plans, that are not in the scope of the Interoperability
Directives and therefore, not in the scope of the SRT TSI.
According to the TSI, an Infrastructure Manager emergency plan is required to contain at least the following:
Description of the foreseen emergency scenarios (clauses 2.2 and 4.4.2 (c) of the TSI)
Period of time for which the integrity of the tunnel lining is maintained in case of fire (clause
The way the emergency response services access the safe area (clause (e) )
Period of time of availability of the alternative electricity supply for emergency lighting on escape
routes after failure of the main supply. (clause (c))
The method of supplying the water to the Evacuation and Rescue Points (Clause (c) (1)).
The way the emergency response services access the Evacuation and Rescue Point and deploy
equipment (clause (c) (3)).
Electricity supply facilities provided for the emergency response services (clause (a))
Period of time of availability of an alternative electricity supply after failure of the main supply (clause (b))
Procedures to improve the familiarity of all organisations with the infrastructure and the frequency
of visits to the tunnel and table top or other exercises (clause 4.4.3 (b))
The responsibility and procedure for earthing (clause 4.4.4. (c))
Note: a few requirements mentioning information to report in the emergency plan apply to tunnels of less
that 1km in length (e.g. Fire resistance of tunnel structures); for such requirements, the information
needs to be reported only for tunnels of 1km in length or more.
2.4.3. Provision of on-train safety and emergency information to passengers (clause 4.4.5)
(a) Railway undertaking shall inform passengers of on board emergency and safety
procedures related to tunnels.
(b) When such information is in written or spoken form, it shall be presented in the
language of the country the train is running in as a minimum, plus English.
(c) An operating rule shall be in place describing how the train crew ensures the complete
evacuation of the train when this is necessary, including those people with hearing
impairments that may be in closed areas.
(1) Category A passenger rolling stock shall be deemed to comply with the
tunnel safety requirements for rolling stock on lines where the distance between
evacuation and rescue points, or the length of tunnels does not exceed 5km.
(2) Category B passenger rolling stock shall be deemed to comply with the
tunnel safety requirements for rolling stock on all lines.
Passenger Rolling Stock are categorised as A or B according to their running capability, i.e. their capacity to
continue running with a fire on-board so as to leave the tunnel or reach an internal Evacuation and Rescue
Passenger Rolling Stock of category A have a running capability of 5 km. They are designed to ensure that
they can continue running for a minimum of 4min at an average speed of 80km/h (without automatic
application of the brakes).
Passenger Rolling Stock of category B have a running capability of 20 km. They are designed to ensure that
they can continue running for a minimum of 15min at an average speed of 80km/h (traction power remains
available and without automatic application of the brakes).
Compliance is demonstrated according to the requirements detailed in the LOC&PAS TSI (see point 4.1.4 and
2.5. Implementation
2.5.1. Upgrade and renewal measures for tunnels (clause 7.2.2) Upgrade or renewal of a tunnel
(b) Assemblies and components that are not included in the scope of a
particular upgrade or renewal programme do not have to be made compliant at the time
of such a programme.
(c) When upgrading or renewal works are carried out, the following
parameters apply if they are in the scope of work:
According to the Article 18 of Directive 797/2016, major modification is understood as any work which
improves the overall performance of the tunnel. Due to the variety of existing tunnels, the decision for an
authorization or not will remain to the National Safety Authority on a case by case basis.
There are many tunnels already in service. Obviously they cannot be adapted at reasonable costs to the
requirements applicable to new tunnels. But safety in railway tunnels does not depend only on structural
measures — it could be enhanced also through operational measures.
In case of upgrade/renewal, the applicant decides what will be included in the scope of work, i.e. which
assemblies and components will be renewed/upgraded and for which part of the tunnel they will be
It is always possible to apply the requirements of parameters not covered by (c) if they are in the
scope of the proposed works.
In the case where an existing tunnel is upgraded or renewed by the addition of lighting, it may be that there
is no walkway or handrails, making it impossible to assess the conformity of the installed lighting system with
the above requirements. For that reason, in the case of tunnel upgrade/renewal, it is not required to check
the conformity of lighting with the requirements in (b).
(a) A tunnel is considered to be extended in the context of this TSI when its
geometry is affected (e.g. extension in length, connection to another tunnel).
(b) When a tunnel extension is carried out, then the following measures shall
be implemented for assemblies and components included in the extension. For their
application, the tunnel length to consider is the total tunnel length after extension:
In the context of this TSI, the extension of a tunnel is the act of making it longer by the creation of an
additional length of tunnel continuous to the existing one.
There are many possibilities for tunnel extension. Therefore the TSI gives only general rules for extension:
a) to determine the applicable requirements, the length of the tunnel to consider is the length of the
tunnel after it has been extended,
b) the extension shall apply the requirements listed in clause (b) of the TSI,
c) for the creation of access to safe areas and of evacuation and rescue points, the CSM on risk
assessment shall be implemented to demonstrate an acceptable level of safety; when it is not
economically feasible to fulfil the TSI requirements on safe areas and evacuation and rescue
points, proposals for modification should be accepted if it can be shown that basic parameters
are improved in the direction of the TSI defined performance.
The overall safety level of the existing tunnel should not be reduced by the tunnel after extension.
When creating a new tunnel near an existing tunnel, the new tunnel needs to fulfil all applicable TSI
requirements of clauses 4.2.1 and 4.2.2. The distance between the existing and the new tunnel should
be considered. In some cases, for the conformity to the requirements of point, the new tunnel may
be considered an extension of the existing tunnel: this is the case when the separation in open air
between the new tunnel and the existing tunnel does not fulfil the requirement of either (a) (1) or (a) (2). For such configurations, an ERP according to the requirements of point should be
created at the portal of the new tunnel. To determine the most appropriate location and characteristics of
the other external ERP, the CSM-RA shall be implemented.
Note: in case the new tunnel is shorter than 1km but the separation in open air between the new tunnel
and the existing tunnel does not fulfil the requirement of either (a) (1) or (a) (2), both
tunnels are considered as one tunnel of more than 1km in length.
An emergency plan also needs to be created when the total length of the tunnel after extension exceeds
1 km.
The Table 4 below provides some guidance regarding the compatibility between new rolling stock and
both new and existing tunnels
New Rolling Stock category
(including when relevant the dispositions
corresponding to specific cases)
Existing tunnels
Length < 5 km OK OK
Length from 5 km to 20 km
OK under conditions
Length > 20 km described in clause 7.2.4
Table 4 Compatibility between new rolling stock and both new and existing tunnels
Standards of voluntary use which have been identified during the drafting process of the TSI are listed in
the Table 5. As far as possible, the clause of the standard which is relevant for the conformity assessment
of the TSI requirement should be identified.
For consistency, the Table 5 should be read with consideration of the Appendix A of the TSI, titled
“Standards or normative documents referred to in this TSI”, which lists “Mandatory ref to clause(s) of
Standard”; both annexes have the same structure. Standards listed in the Appendix A of the TSI are not
always repeated in the Table 5 of this application guide, even if additional clauses to those identified as
mandatory may be used on a voluntary basis.
Index BP(s)
Reference Clauses Document name Version
No. concerned
Building hardware.
Panic exit devices
Relevant clauses. operated by a
1 EN 1125:2008 Doors Grade A or horizontal bar, for use March 2008 (b)
B to be selected on escape routes.
Requirements and test
Fire classification of
construction products
and building elements - December
2 EN 13501-1:2018 Relevant clauses
Part 1: Classification 2018
using data from
reaction to fire tests
Light and lighting —
Basic terms and criteria October
7 EN 12665:2011 Relevant clauses
for specifying lighting 2011
Emergency escape
8 EN 50172:2004 Chapters 1 to 5 March 2004
lighting systems
Table 5 List of standards of voluntary application
4. Annex 1 – table summarising the applicable requirements according to the length of the tunnel
Category A 5 km
Category B 20 km
5. Annex 2 – summary of the main evolutions between Regulation 1303/2014 and amendment (EU) 2019/776
The table below summarizes the main changes brought to the SRT TSI during the drafting of the amendment. It does not list the editorial changes nor
the reference updates.
Clause of the TSI Characteristics Evolution from the TSI 2014 Reason for the evolution Comment
1. Introduction
1.1.4. Risk scope, risks that Risks for people in the That type of risks is The TSI is covering the Such risks are covered by
are not covered by this TSI neighbourhood of a tunnel removed from the scope risks for passengers and Eurocodes and national
where collapse of the covered by the TSI on-board staff. regulations. They are not
structure could have in the scope of
catastrophic consequences Interoperability
2. Definition of aspect/scope
2.2.3 Prolonged stop Prolonged stop may lead to Removal of the term ‘Panic’ is not clear and
panic and spontaneous ‘panic’ not factual
uncontrolled evacuation
Definition of “final place of The term ‘final place of As this concept is used in
safety” safety” used in the TSI is the TSI, it was necessary
defined to define it. Discussions in
the WP showed that
Clause of the TSI Characteristics Evolution from the TSI 2014 Reason for the evolution Comment
3. Essential requirements
3.1. Infrastructure and Essential requirement ‘Safety’ The use of the CSM on risk Promote a risk-based This evolution gives more
energy subsystems applying to the Infrastructure assessment is introduced approach to meet the flexiblity to the applicants
and Energy subsystems. as an alternative to the Essential Requirement
corresponding parameters ‘Safety’.
of sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2. Fire resistance of Resistance of the main tunnel The requirement has been Consistency with the risks Simplification for the
tunnel structures structure during evacuation of removed. in 1.1.4 and with the applicants
the neighbourhing structures scope of the TSI (safety of
passengers and on-board
staff) Fire reaction of Reaction to fire of electric Requirement updated and Assessment is done by
building material cables moved to the the NoBo for the
Infrastructure section subsystem Infrastructure
and not Energy. Access to safe area Alternative technical solutions This 3rd alternative has The point is covered by For historical background
providing a safe area with a been deleted. the general possibility to on the reason for the
use the CSM-RA for all differentiation between
Clause of the TSI Characteristics Evolution from the TSI 2014 Reason for the evolution Comment Emergency lighting (3) Position of lights: Removal of the term ‘as This unclear requirement
on escape routes low as possible’ is very difficult to assess
• above the walkway, as
low as possible,… Escape walkway The height of the walkway The height of the walkway The top of rail level Keeping the ‘top of rail’
shall be at top-of-rail level or shall be at bottom of rail resulted from errors in requirement would have
higher level or higher translations and did not resulted in the creation of
reflect the actual one or more specific cases
1The differentiation made between emergency exits to the surface and cross-passages between adjacent independent tunnel tubes dates back 2001-2002,
when a working party combining the expertise of infrastructure managers and operators of most European railway tunnels produced a compendium of
possible measures to increase safety in tunnels: this compendium became UIC 779-9 “Safety In Railway Tunnels”.
The rationale behind the possible measures was to define a maximum distance to safe places (portal, emergency exit, cross passage) in the tunnel in order
to enable self-rescue. It was proposed that the distance be no more than 1,000 m. However, cross passages between two parallel tubes being cost-effective
compared to exits to the surface, it was considered reasonable to reduce the maximum distance between two cross-passages to 500 m based on that cost-
effectiveness criteria.
In its report from December 2005 on the presentation of the first SRT TSI, the European Association for Railway Interoperability (AEIF) added that:
“in comparison with twin tube tunnels, a single bore double track tunnel is relatively high. As a result, in the event of a fire, the plume of smoke and
hot combustion gases will rise to a higher level so that it will take longer for the smoke to descend to the level of evacuating passengers. This
provides more time for passengers to evacuate under the smoke layer. Consequently the conditions are more tenable in single bore double track
tunnels than in smaller bore twin tube tunnels allowing the greater distance of 1000m between emergency exits to be adopted. The option exists
to construct cross passages to other transportation system tunnels (eg road and subway tunnels) if these exist or are planned in the locality”.
Clause of the TSI Characteristics Evolution from the TSI 2014 Reason for the evolution Comment Fire fighting points For consecutive tunnels to be Clarification that it’s the Freight trains carrying no
(replaced by Evacuation and considered as two tunnels, the maximum length of the passenger, they should
rescue points) separation in open air shall be ‘passenger train’ that not be considered for
longer than ‘the maximum should be considered rules on evacuation.
length of the train’
NEW Requirements formerly Requirements are moved The assessment should Clarification
numbered, and from the chapter on the rather be done by the Electricity supply for in the TSI 2014 ‘Energy’ subsystem to the NoBo for the subsystem
emergency response chapter on the Infrastructure and not
‘Infrastructure’ subsystem Energy. Reliability of
electrical installations Communication
and lighting at switching
locations Sectioning of contact Requirement to to divide the The requirement is The requirement was too Simplification for the
line energy supply system into replaced by a possibility strict and, in many cases, applicants
sections of 5km given to the IM to have not justified.
such sections
Clause of the TSI Characteristics Evolution from the TSI 2014 Reason for the evolution Comment
4.4.2. Tunnel emergency Involvement of Railway It is clarified that RUs shall The requirement to Simplification for the IMs
plan Undertakings in the be informed, and may be involve RUs in the
development of adaptation of involved in the development of the plan
the Emergency Plan development of the plan was too complex with
many RUs to involve, not
all known at the time of
the development of the
6. Assessment of conformity and/or suitability for use of the constituents and verification of the subsystem
6.2. Subsystems
Clause of the TSI Characteristics Evolution from the TSI 2014 Reason for the evolution Comment
7. Implementation
Clause of the TSI Characteristics Evolution from the TSI 2014 Reason for the evolution Comment
7.2.2 Upgrade or renewal The minimum requirements to Replacement of a general Applicants need Simplification for the
of a tunnel apply for an upgrade or statement with detailed consistency and some applicants
renewal project are listed specification certainty on what needs
to be done
Appendix B: Assessment of The role of the NoBo in the The principles of a 3rd Additional site inspection
the Subsystems assessment on site is party inspection require generating additional cost
enlarged. the verification of
conformity to an
approved design.