Sap Transaction Codes Venki Krishnamoorthy PDF
Sap Transaction Codes Venki Krishnamoorthy PDF
Sap Transaction Codes Venki Krishnamoorthy PDF
Chapter 6
6 Production Planning (PP) Production Planning (PP) 6
quires you enter a group number. The trans- Header Details screen requires you to enter
C261 Display Change Documents for a CA03 Display Routing
Recipe Group action shows the operations associated with the task list usage and the status key. Opera-
This transaction is used to display an existing the group number. You can review other as- tions can be added with on the Operation
This transaction displays the changes made to routing. The initial screen requires you to en- pects of the routing, such as production re- Overview screen. Inspection characteristics
a recipe group. The initial screen allows you ter a material and plant or a group number. source/tool and inspection characteristics. can be entered for each operation.
to enter the recipe group, a date range for The transaction displays all the operations for
changes to be displayed, and the user who the routing. You can review other aspects of CA21 Create Rate Routing CA32 Change Reference Rate Routing
made the change. The output shows the date the routing, such as production resource/tool
and time a change was made, the user who and inspection characteristics. This transaction is used to create a rate rout- This transaction allows you to change an ex-
made the change, and the transaction used to ing, which is used when you plan on a quan- isting reference rate routing. The initial
make the change. tity basis, for example, in repetitive manufac- screen requires you to enter a group number.
CA10 Standard Text
turing. The initial screen does not require you The Operation Overview screen allows you
C298 Deletion of Task Lists without This transaction is used to create, change, or to enter a group number. The Header Details to enter a new operation or change an exist-
Archiving display standard texts. The initial screen al- screen requires you to enter the task list usage ing one. For each operation, the inspection
lows you to enter a new standard text by en- and the status key. Operations can be added characteristics can be changed or added.
This transaction is used to delete task lists but tering a standard text key and a description. on the Operation Overview screen. Inspec-
without archiving. The initial selection screen The next screen gives you the option of enter- tion characteristics can be entered for each CA33 Display Reference Rate Routing
allows you to enter a material, plant, group, ing a full screen of free-format text. If a stan- operation.
status, task list usage, or planner group. The dard text exists, then the screen will show the This transaction is used to display an existing
transaction will propose a number of relevant existing text, which can be changed. CA22 Change Rate Routing reference rate routing. The initial screen re-
task lists from which you can deselect those quires you to enter a group number. The
that do not need to be deleted. This transaction allows you to change an ex- transaction shows the operations associated
CA11 Create Reference Operation Set
isting rate routing. The initial screen requires with the group number. You can review other
CA01 Create Routing This transaction is used to create a reference you to enter a group number. The Operation aspects of the routing, such as production re-
operation set. The initial screen does not re- Overview screen allows you to enter a new source/tool and inspection characteristics.
This transaction is used to create a routing, quire you to enter a group number. The operation or change an existing one. For each
which is a description of which operations Header Details screen requires you to enter operation, the inspection characteristics can CA51 Task List Print List
must be carried out, and in what order, to the task list usage and the status key. Opera- be changed or added.
produce a material. On the initial screen, you tions can be added in the Operation Over- This transaction is used to print a task list for
need to add a material and plant. On the next view screen. Inspection characteristics can be CA23 Display Rate Routing any number of SAP-defined task list types.
screen, you need to enter a value for the usage entered for each operation. These task list types include routings, refer-
and a status. Operations can be added to the This transaction is used to display an existing ence operation sets, rate routings, reference
routing, including the work center, control rate routing. The initial screen requires you to rate routings, rough-cut planning profiles, in-
CA12 Change Reference Operation Set
key, and description. enter a group number. The transaction shows spection plans, general maintenance task lists,
This transaction allows you to change an ex- the operations associated with the group equipment task lists, standard networks, mas-
CA02 Change Routing isting reference operation set. The initial number. You can review other aspects of the ter recipes, and functional location task lists.
screen requires you to enter a group number. routing, such as production resource/tool and The initial screen allows you to enter a task
This transaction is used to change an existing The Operation Overview screen allows you inspection characteristics. list type and a single or range of material
routing. The initial screen requires you to en- to enter a new operation or change an exist- numbers, plants, groups, and group counters
ter a material and plant or a group number. ing one. For each operation, the inspection CA31 Create Reference Rate Routing as well as a key date for task list validity.
The Operation Overview screen is displayed, characteristics can be changed or added. A number of optional program parameters are
where you can add new operations or change This transaction is used to create a reference
available, such as component assignment dis-
existing ones. rate routing, which is used when you plan on
CA13 Display Reference Operation Set play, various radio buttons for alternative bill
a quantity basis, for example, in repetitive
of materials (BOM) selection as well as a phan-
This transaction is used to display an existing manufacturing. The initial screen does not re-
tom assembly explosion option. Additional se-
reference operation set. The initial screen re- quire you to enter a group number. The
218 219
6 Production Planning (PP)
lection criteria for task list selection include Chapter 7
220 275
7 Sales and Distribution (SD) Sales and Distribution (SD) 7
DP93 Resource-Related Billing Request MCTA Customer Analysis: Selection MCTE Sales Organization Analysis: TK12 Change Condition Records
between Company Codes Sales Selection Shipment Costs
and Distribution This transaction uses the sales information
system application to report sales activities. This transaction is similar to Transaction Use this transaction to change pricing condi-
Use this transaction to create an intercom- This transaction specifically uses information MCTA but focuses on the sales organization tion records for shipment costs, which may be
pany billing document for the purposes of structure S001 (Customer). An information characteristic and uses information structure required if you need to change the rate, ex-
billing one company for using the resources structure contains characteristics (fields that S003 (Sales Organization). An information tend the valid-to date, or place a deletion indi-
of another company code in order to bill an are reported on) and key figures (results of the structure contains characteristics (fields that cator on the condition record. Input the con-
end customer. In this scenario, an intercom- report). This transaction has the following are reported on) and key figures (results of dition type, press (Enter), select the condi-
pany sales order is generated for using the re- standard delivered characteristics: sold-to, the report). This transaction has the following tion table that contains the condition fields
sources. Once time and/or expenses are sales organization, division, distribution chan- standard delivered characteristics: sales orga- (note that in Customizing you do have some
charged to a project, the selling company nel, and material. The standard delivered key nization, division, distribution channel, and flexibility to change some of the required
code can bill the end customer. The next step figures include, for example, sales order val- sales district. The key figures include, for ex- fields for the purposes of maintenance, which
is to use this transaction to create the inter- ues and quantity, open sales order values, ample, sales order values and quantity, open can be useful if you want the change multiple
company billing request, which is then fol- sales order cost, returns order values, billing sales order values, sales order cost, returns or- condition records at the same time), and click
lowed by an intercompany billing document. values, and sales order subtotal values. Input der values, billing values, and sales order sub- Execute. Then maintain the condition record
This in turn facilitates the payment from the customer, sales area, and posting period from/ total values. Input customer, sales area, and and click Save.
selling company code to the company code to range and execute. Multiple display func- posting period from/to range and execute.
providing the resources. Input the intercom- tions are available, including the ability to Multiple display functions are available, in- TK13 Display Condition Records
pany sales document, period, fiscal year, and switch the drilldown order, the characteristic cluding the ability to switch drilldown order, Shipment Costs
posting to date; choose a sales price; and press key and value, and the key figures related to the characteristic key and value display, and
(Enter). On the Sales screen, expand the top percentage values. key figures related to top percentage values. Use this transaction to display a condition re-
items and chose the cross-company line item cord previously created using Transaction
and then chose Billing Request and then TK11 Create Condition Records TK11.
MCTC Material Analysis (SIS): Selection
click Yes to confirm the billing request cre- Shipment Costs
ation. This transaction is similar to Transaction OV50 Customer Master Data
MCTA but focuses on the material characteris- This transaction is used to maintain pricing Comparison
DP96 Collective Processing Resource- tic and uses information structure S004 (Ma- condition records for shipment costs that ac-
Related Billing Request terial). An information structure contains cess pricing information automatically when This transaction is used to compare customer
characteristics (fields that are reported on) creating a shipment cost document via Trans- master records with general data created, but
This transaction is used to create a resource- and key figures (results of the report). This action VI01. Input a condition type, for exam- neither company code data nor sales area data
related billing request for multiple resource transaction has the following standard deliv- ple “FB00,” and press (Enter). Next select the have been created. Selection criteria include
usage postings across multiple sales orders. ered characteristics: material, sales organiza- condition table to be maintained (each condi- customer number, account group, creation
Resource-related billing is a special type of tion, division, and distribution channel. The tion type will be customized with an access date, company code, and sales area data (sales
billing based on resources consumed by an key figures include, for example, sales order sequence and condition tables with the condi- organization, distribution channel, and divi-
organization. For example, a consulting com- values and quantity, open sales order values, tion fields) and press (Enter). In order to cal- sion). A checkbox indicates if the report looks
pany agrees to sell services based on time sales order cost, returns order values, billing culate freight costs based on scales, you also for missing company code data (Not Created
spent on a sales order. Time is recorded to the values, and sales order subtotal values. Input need to assign the scale to the freight condi- in Fin. Accounting) or sales area data (Not
sales order, and then the customer is billed customer, sales area, and posting period tion type in Customizing (Transaction T_06). Created in Sale + Distr.). The report output
based on the hours charged to the sales order. from/to range and execute. Multiple display Maintain the condition record fields, rate, lists those customers that have either no com-
This transaction generates a resource-related functions are available including the ability to unit of measure, and valid from/to fields and pany code or no sales area.
billing request, which is followed by the ac- switch drilldown order, the characteristic key save.
tual billing document. Input the sales order and value display, and key figures related to OV51 Display Changes to Customers
and line items, pricing date, posting date, and top percentage values.
posting period and execute. This transaction is used to display changes
made to the customer master record. Selec-
276 277
7 Sales and Distribution (SD)
tion options include customer number/range, lection for the SD transaction group is “2,” Chapter 8
change date, changer user ID, and sales area which means that all incomplete sales quota- Plant Maintenance (PM)
data (sales organization, distribution channel, tions will be selected.
and division). Checkboxes to display the gen-
eral, company code (Not Created in Fin. Ac- V.14 Sales Orders/Contracts Blocked CA85 Replace Work Center in Task Lists COIB As-Built for Serialized Material
counting) or sales area data (Not Created in for Delivery
Sale + Distr.). The report output includes
You can use this transaction to replace a work You can use this transaction to create as-built
date/time of change, field name, sales area Use this transaction to report all sales order/
center in a task list. In the selection screen, configurations from production data. An as-
data, and new and old field values. contracts blocked for delivery according to
enter the plant, key for the work center, and built configuration describes the structure of a
the delivery block indicator. Note that the val-
key for the new work center. If a key date is serialized assembly that has been produced or
V.01 Incomplete SD Documents ues are determined from the confirmed quan-
not entered, all operations where the work the history of the individual components used
tities of the order items. Also note that, by se-
center is used are displayed. You can restrict in the product. An as-built configuration can
Use this transaction to list all sales documents lecting the new data selection indicator, the
the selection by entering additional search cri- be created after each individual order or at
that are incomplete according to the incom- program reads the whole database, and so if a
teria such as key date, status, usage, planner the end of the production of a finished prod-
plete procedure assigned to the sales document large dataset is being processed, selecting this
group, and material number. uct.
header or line item. Check the box for the doc- indicator is not recommended. Instead, it is
ument type(s) selected, status code, and sales recommended that you save the output. Se- Transaction CA85 has disadvantages such as
poor performance and lack of background pro- CS01 Create Material BOM
area information and execute. The output will lection criteria include delivery block indica-
list the incomplete documents with the af- tor and sales area. The display variant can be cessing capability; hence, the new Transaction
You can use this transaction to create the data
fected follow-on documents and provide the changed, saved, and used as a default at run- CA85N (Mass Replacement: Work Center) is
that identify the maintenance bill of material
ability to select the document, complete the time. available. While using Transaction CA85N, if
(BOM). Maintenance BOMs are different
missing data, and save the document. the target work center is same as the source
from production or engineering BOMs be-
V.15 Backorders work center but contains different validities for
cause maintenance BOMs contain only items
cost centers and activity types, the system is-
V.02 Incomplete SD Documents relevant to maintenance. The maintenance
(Incomplete Orders) This transaction is used for backorder pro- sues an error message. Refer to SAP Note
BOM has two main functions: structuring a
cessing, where you can list the materials that 1454538 – CA85N: Incorrect error message CR
technical object (equipment or functional lo-
This transaction is used in the same way as are on backorder and confirm them manually 061 for information on how to correct this er-
cation assemblies) and spare parts planning in
Transaction V.01, except the default field se- using available to promise (ATP) inventory ror message. You can refer to SAP Note 543400
the order. While creating the BOM, you can
lection for the SD transaction group is “0,” quantities. Input your selection criteria (for – New: Mass Replacement Work Center for
specify the effective date as well. You can en-
which means that all incomplete sales orders example, the plant, sold-to party, purchase or- more details about Transaction CA85N.
ter the plant if you want the BOM to be effec-
will be selected. der number) and click Execute. The output
tive in this specific plant. If the material for
displays a list of sales order line items and ma- CL02 Classes
which you are creating the BOM has a mate-
V.03 Incomplete SD Documents (Sales terials. Then you can branch to the sales order
rial type that cannot be combined with the
Inquiry) change function. To process the backorder You can use this transaction to create, change
BOM usage, an error message is displayed.
from the list, select your line item and select (edit and maintain), and display the master data
This transaction is used in the same way as Edit 폷 Backorder, select the MRP element, of classes. You can create a new class either di-
CS02 Change Material BOM
Transaction V.01, except the default field se- and click Edit 폷 Change Confirmation. Then rectly or with a template. Classification of equip-
lection for the SD transaction group is “1,” in the Sales Requirements section, you can ment, functional locations, and bills of materials
You can use this transaction to edit and main-
which means that all incomplete sales inqui- distribute ATP quantities or redistribute con- (BOMs) are often used to identify additional
tain the bill of materials (BOM) data. If the
ries will be selected. firmed quantities. technical specifications for maintenance objects.
BOM you are maintaining is allocated to mul-
The Product Structure Browser displays
tiple plants, the changes are relevant to all
V.04 Incomplete SD Documents (Sales V.21 Log of Collective Run which objects are assigned to the class. In the ini-
plants. If you process a BOM that is part of a
Quotation) tial screen, follow the menu path Environment 폷
BOM group with a change number, you must
Use this transaction to review a log of the bill- Product Structure to display the Product
use a change number to process all BOMs in
This transaction is used in the same way as ing collective run, which is generated by col- Structure Browser.
the group.
Transaction V.01 except the default field se- lective run transactions such as billing run via
278 311
8 Plant Maintenance (PM) Plant Maintenance (PM) 8
312 313
8 Plant Maintenance (PM)
then only items with material category L Chapter 9
314 337
9 Quality Management (QM) Quality Management (QM) 9
isting characteristic. Click on the Create by From the report output, you can also display a current notification, display a notification or
IP14 Where-Used List by Strategy
copying icon and enter the name of the char- graphical scheduling overview. switch to extended notification processing
acteristic that you wish to copy. SAP recom- For the specified strategy, you can use this re- mode, change the processing status of the no-
mends using Transaction CT04 to create char- port to generate a listing of maintenance IQS8 Worklist: Notifications (General) tification, approve or refuse approval to a no-
acteristics rather than using Transaction plans in which the strategy is used. The report tification, set user default values, change noti-
CT01. output displays the maintenance plan, short For the specified search filter, you can use this fication address, and display the current cata-
text, strategy, and number of maintenance transaction to select and process notifications log profile assigned to the notification type.
CWB QM – Engineering Workbench items. From the report output, you can navi- that exist in the system. To maximize perfor-
QM gate to the detail screen of the maintenance mance, specifying a layout in the selection KKF2 Change CO Production Order
plan. screen is a recommended best practice.
You can use this transaction to create a new For the specified Controlling (CO) production
inspection plan, to create a new task list and IQS9 Worklist: Tasks (General) order or Quality Management (QM) order,
IP16 Display Maintenance Plan
assign maintenance packages to it, or to trans- you can use this transaction to maintain the
fer Quality Management (QM) data to an SAP You can use this report to generate a listing of For the specified search filter, you can this general data of the order and verify the de-
system. You can perform data transfers of maintenance plans in the system. The report transaction to select and process tasks for no- fault settlement rule as well. Hence, when you
master inspection characteristics, inspection output displays the maintenance plan num- tifications that exist in the system. To maxi- create a CO production order, a settlement
methods, and inspection plans. ber, short text and, where available, mainte- mize performance, specifying a layout in the rule is generated automatically by the system.
nance strategy. From the report output, you selection screen is a recommended best prac-
DSAL Digital Signature – Logs can navigate to the detail screen of the main- tice. MB1A Goods Withdrawal
tenance plan or the maintenance call objects
You can use this transaction to display the dig- for a maintenance plan. IQS12 Process Task You can use this transaction to generate a ma-
ital signatures log. Using the log, you can get terial withdrawal posting, post a material is-
an overview and analyze all activities that You can use this transaction to process spe- sue, or post the shipment of goods to a cus-
IP19 Maintenance Scheduling
were performed during the signature process. cific tasks in a notification. You can process tomer. When you post a goods issuance, the
The following data are displayed in the log: immediate tasks and corrective tasks as well. warehouse stock will be reduced simultane-
for each signature, the header data includes You can use this report to generate a schedul- In the Process Task screen, you can do the ously.
the date, time, signatory, number of log mes- ing overview of the maintenance plans in a following actions (select menu Task or the
sages, and reason for the signature. For the se- graphical format. The graph displays the displayed push buttons): release a task, com- MB5M Shelf Life List
lected signature record, the signature steps maintenance call date, equipment, and main- plete a task, set a task as successful, and set
and other signature data are displayed at the tenance call objects for the maintenance user status. In the Process Task screen, you You can use this report to get an overview of
bottom of the screen. Messages displayed in plans. You will be able to simulate changes to can also display the associated notification the remaining shelf life of batches. In the se-
the log are marked according to the type (in- the maintenance plans in the graph as well. (the notification that contains the task), asso- lection screen, if you do not enter a remaining
formation, warning, error, or abandon). ciated objects (reference objects specified in shelf life, the report will display batches with
As per SAP Note 586914 – Workaround for IP24 Scheduling Overview List Form the notification), or the action log. In the ini- past expiration dates. For batches to be in-
printing signature via CJ00 or DSAL, SAP rec- tial screen, the notification number and task cluded in this report, the shelf life expiration
ommends using Transaction DSAL (Digital You can use this transaction to generate a list- number are required fields. date/production date must be maintained in
Signature – Logs) instead of Transaction CJ00 ing of a scheduling overview for maintenance the batch master record.
(Digital Signature – Find). plans. The report output contains the mainte- IQS21 Create Notification – Simplified
nance item number, maintenance plan, main- View MCXA QMIS – Material Analysis (Lot
tenance strategy, short text of maintenance Overview)
IP10 Schedule Maintenance Plan
item, call number, and date on which the You can use this transaction to create a simpli-
maintenance call object was generated (listed fied notification. Based on the Customizing For the specified analysis period, you can use
You can use this transaction to schedule a
in the report as start date). From the report, settings, the notification type is displayed in this report to get an overview of mean value of
maintenance plan, which the system will use
you can navigate to get a detailed overview of the Create Notification initial screen. In the quality score, percentage rejection rate, per-
to generate maintenance call objects, such as
a maintenance plan or maintenance item. Create Notification screen, you can perform centage skip rate, and lead time of the number
maintenance orders or service orders, for the
the following functions: make changes to the of the inspection lot that is generated. Similar
defined cycles.
338 339
9 Quality Management (QM)
340 7
Index Index
Accounting Editing Options (FB00), 42 Activation of Employee’s Planned Activity Type/Price Planning, Change Actual Data from LIS Activity-Dependent
Accounting, Release Billing Documents for Compensation Data (KP26), 102 Statistical Key Figures, LIS, Transfer
(VFX3), 294 (HRSFI_COMP_DATA_ACT), 455 Activity Type/Price Planning, Display (KVD5), 112
Accounts, Chart of (F.10), 24 Active IDoc Monitoring (WE06), 491 (KP27), 103 Actual Data from LIS Activity-Independent
Accrual/Deferral Doc., Enter: Header Data Active Parameters, Display (TU02), 490 Activity Types, Delete (KL14), 96 Statistical Key Figures, LIS, Transfer
(FBS1), 46 Active RF Monitor (LRF1), 198 Activity Types, Display (KL13), 96 (KVA5), 111
Accrual/Deferral Documents, Reverse Active, Garnishment – Pending Activity Types, Trip, Define Actual Data, Single Entry of, Control
(F.81), 29 (PC00_M10_IPIT1), 444 (S_AHR_61000689), 434 (LT63), 209
Acquisition from Affiliated Company Active->Inactive, Garnishment Actual Assessment Cycle, Change Actual Distribution Cycle, Change
(ABZP), 19 (PC00_M10_IPIT0), 444 (FAGLGA12), 38 (FAGLGA32), 40
Acquisition from In-House Production Activities per Payroll Period, Area Menu – Actual Assessment Cycle, Change Actual Distribution Cycle, Change
(ABZE), 19 Subsequent (PC00_M99_PAP), 448 (KSU2N), 108 (KSV2N), 109
Acquisition from Purchase w. Vendor (F- Activities per Storage Type (LX10), 212 Actual Assessment Cycle, CO-PA, Change Actual Distribution Cycle, Create
90), 36 Activities, Change (IW64), 332 (KEU2), 89 (FAGLGA31), 39
Acquisition Tax, Display, (F.19), 25 Activities, Display (IW56), 332 Actual Assessment Cycle, CO-PA, Create Actual Distribution Cycle, Create
Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview Activity Allocation – Participation (KEU1), 88 (KSV1N), 109
(KSC6), 107 (LSO_PV18), 422 Actual Assessment Cycle, CO-PA, Delete Actual Distribution Cycle, Delete
ACTEXP_APPR_LITE, 426 Activity Allocation, Direct, Display (KEU4), 89 (FAGLGA34), 40
Action for Requirement Profiles (PQ17), 388 (KB23N), 82 Actual Assessment Cycle, CO-PA, Execute Actual Distribution Cycle, Delete
Actions for Business Event Group (PQ09), 388 Activity Allocation, Direct, Enter (KB21N), 82 (KEU5), 89 (KSV4N), 109
Actions for Business Event Type (PQ04), 387 Activity Allocation, Direct, Reverse Actual Assessment Cycle, Create Actual Distribution Cycle, Display
Actions for Company (PA15), 381 (KB24N), 82 (FAGLGA11), 38 (FAGLGA33), 40
Actions for External Instructor (PQ19), 389 Activity Input Planning, Change (KP06), 102 Actual Assessment Cycle, Create (KSU1N), 108 Actual Distribution Cycle, Display
Actions for External Person (PQ08), 388 Activity Input Planning, Display (KPF7), 104 Actual Assessment Cycle, Delete (KSV3N), 109
Actions for Job (PQ03), 387 Activity Input, Display (KP07), 102 (FAGLGA14), 38 Actual Distribution Cycle, Execute
Actions for Location (PQ06), 387 Activity Input, Planning (KPF6), 104 Actual Assessment Cycle, Delete (KSU4N), 108 (FAGLGA35), 40
Actions for Organizational Unit (PQ10), 388 Activity Inputs, Change (CJR2), 371 Actual Assessment Cycle, Display Actual Distribution, Execute (KSV5), 109
Actions for Position (PQ13), 388 Activity Inputs, Display (CJR3), 371 (FAGLGA13), 38 Actual Distribution: Overview
Actions for Resource (PQ07), 388 Activity List, Change (QM16), 348 Actual Assessment Cycle, Display (FAGLGA36), 40
Actions for Resource Room (PQ18), 389 Activity Monitor, Operating System (KSU3N), 108 Actual Distribution: Overview (KSV6N), 110
Actions for Resource Type (PQ12), 388 (OS06N), 465 Actual Assessment Cycle, Execute Actual Indirect Activity Allocation, Change
Actions for Task (PQ14), 388 Activity Monitoring, Remote Operating (FAGLGA15), 38 Cycle for (KSC2), 106
Actions for Training Program (PQ02), 387 System (OS07), 465 Actual Assessment Cycle, Execute Actual Indirect Activity Allocation, Create
Actions for Work Center (PQ01), 387 Activity Monitoring, Remote Operating (KSU5N), 108 Cycle for (KSC1), 106
Actions, Fast Entry for (PA42), 392 System (OS07N), 465 Actual Assessment Overview (FAGLGA16), 39 Actual Indirect Activity Allocation, Delete
Actions, Personnel (PA40), 391 Activity Report, Create (IW55), 331 Actual Cost Line Items for Cost Centers, Cycle for (KSC4), 106
Actions, Personnel (PRMM), 393 Activity Type Group, Change (KLH2), 97 Display (KSB1), 105 Actual Indirect Activity Allocation, Display
Activate Availability Control (KO30), 99 Activity Type Group, Create (KLH1), 96 Actual Cost Line Items for Cost Objects, Cycle for (KSC3), 106
Activate Cost Estimate for Production Lot Activity Type Group, Display (KLH3), 97 Display (KKCS), 92 Actual Indirect Activity Allocation, Execute
(CKW4), 227 Activity Type Price Report (KSBT), 106 Actual Cost Line Items for Orders, Display Cycle for (KSC5), 106
Activate Planned Changes for a Key Date Activity Type, Change (KL02), 96 (KOB1), 100 Actual Indirect Activity Allocation: Overview
(MM13), 173 Activity Type, Create (KL01), 96 Actual Cost Line Items for Orders, Display (KSC6), 107
Activate Production Lot Cost Estimate Activity Type, Delete (KL04), 96 (KRMI), 104 Actual Interest Calculation; Project Collective
(CKW4), 76 Activity Type, Display (KL03), 96 Actual Cost Line Items, Project, Display Processing (CJZ1), 372
Activate/Deactivate SAP Learning Solution Activity Type, Display Change Documents (CJI3), 369 Actual Interest Calculation; Project Individual
(LSO_ACTIVATE), 418 (KL05), 96 Actual Cost Splitting (KSS2), 108 Processing (CJZ2), 372
Actual Line Items, Profit Center (KE5Z), 88
496 497
Actual Overhead Calculation Collective Addition to Storage Unit, Manual (LT08), 203
Processing (CO43), 79 Additional Data, List Entry of (PA62 ), 392
Actual Overhead Calculation: Order Additive Cost, Change (CK75N), 75
(KGI2), 89 Additive Cost, Create (CK74N), 74
Actual Overhead Calculation: Production/ Additive Cost, Display (CK76N), 75
Process Orders (CO43), 233 Add-On Installation Tool (SAINT), 468
Actual Overhead Calculation: Project/WBS Address Maintenance: Initial Screen \", 163
Element/Network (CJ44), 361 Ad-Hoc Query, Call (PAAH), 393
Actual Overhead Calculation: Projects/WBS Adjust Compensation Process Records
Elements/Networks (CJ45), 361 (PECM_ADJUST_0759), 414
Actual Overhead: Calculation: Sales Order Adjusting Requirements, Reorganizing
(VA44), 284 Independent Requirements (MD74), 263
Actual Payment Line Items, Project, Display Adjustment Sales-Purchasing (Selection Using
(CJIA), 370 Organizational Data) (VA08), 281
Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle, Change Adjustment, Subsequent (MIGO_GS), 138
(KSW2), 110 Administer SAP Licenses (SLICENSE), 475
Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle, Create Administrate Update Records (SM13), 476
(KSW1), 110 Administration of Secure Storage
Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle, Delete (SECSTORE), 454
(KSW4), 110 Administration Tool, TREX
Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle, Display (TREXADMIN), 490
(KSW3), 110 Administration, Archive (SARA), 468
Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle, Execute Administration, Central User (SCUA), 470
(KSW5), 111 Administration, Central User (SCUM), 471
Actual Price Calculation (KSII), 107 Administration, Client (SCC4), 469
Actual Report (FMR3), 61 Administration, Data Medium (FDTA), 439
Actual Results Analysis: Sales Orders Administration, IGS (SIGS), 474
(KKAK), 91 Administration, SAP Connect (SCON/
Actual Settlement: Cost Object (KK88), 90 SCOT), 470
Actual Settlement: Cost Object Collective Administration, Spool (SPAD), 482
(KK89), 90 Administration, TemSe (SP12), 482
Actual Settlement: Order (KO88), 99 Administration, Update Program (SM14), 476
Actual Settlement: Orders (KO8G), 99 Administrator, Cost Center Report
Actual Settlement: Product Cost Collector (PC00_MNA_CC_ADM), 450
(KK87), 90 Administrator: Appraisal Document
Actual Settlement: Production/Process Orders (LSO_EVAL_ADMIN), 418
(CO88), 234 Advance, Per Payroll Period
Actual Settlement: Project/WBS Element/ (PC00_M10_CDTB), 442
Network (CJ88), 362 Advances, Trip (PR03), 427
Actual Settlement: Projects/WBS Elements/ Advices, Print Zero Net
Networks (CJ8G), 363 (PC00_M10_RFFOAVIS), 445
Actual Settlement: Sales Orders (VA88), 285 AFAB, 20
Actual to Plan, Copy (KO15), 98 AFAR, 20
Actual to Plan, Copy (KP98), 103 AFBP, 20
Ad Hoc Cost Estimate, Edit (CKECP), 77 Affiliated Company, Acquisition from
Add Single Plan (IP41), 325 (ABZP), 19
Add Strategy-Controlled Plan (IP42), 325 Aggregate Collective Backflush (MF70), 266