Implication of Syntax To Pedagogy

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Language is the most important medium of communication, without our

language, we cannot impart information to every person we’re talking with. There are
many types of language such as oral language, written language, body language, gesture,
and etc. However, language also has some features such as grammar and vocabulary.
Grammar is the system governing the word in the sentence. However, vocabulary is also
important part of language as quoted in Singleton (1999: 9) “without grammar very little
can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” (Wilkins, 1972: 111).
Thus, vocabulary is part of grammar.

Nevertheless, from all those important parts of language, it also has some parts
such as morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Phonology is the study of
structure of sounds including especially the history and theory of sound changes in a
language or in two or more related languages, Morphology is the study of internal
structure of words and how they are formed, syntax is a branch of linguistics which deals
with the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language
arrangement of words to form phrases, clauses, and sentences. Semantics is Semantics is
a branch of linguistics which deals with linguistic meaning. It studies the descriptive of a
word/sentence. Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics which studies meanings in context.

From all those kinds of language parts, there’s this one important part of language
that needs emphasis cause some students find some difficulties in learning English
because they cannot produce correct or meaningful sentence. Given that a good sentence
structure is needed to form meaningful information to another person. They cannot
produce it because they do not understand the grammar of the sentence, another factor
that affects the students’ difficulties in writing is the lack of vocabulary, since students
lack vocabulary, there’s a chance that they also do not know the types of words and types
of clauses, thus, it will be hard for them to arrange a sentence in a correct grammatical
I would like to discuss about the implication of syntax in the pedagogy. What is
Syntax? It the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a
language. There are cases that makes the statement anomalous like “colorless green ideas
sleep furiously which there are conflict in the word’s meaning, like first word has a
positive meaning and the second one has a negative meaning which makes the sentence
ungrammatical but acceptable, which is why syntax is very important for students to
know. There are two categories in syntax, first one is the lexical, which is an open class
the second one is grammatical which is a closed class. Syntax also deals with the
grammar or the system governing the word in the sentence, now I will discuss about what
makes a statement ungrammatical, there are 4 factors that affects the grammar of a
sentence, the first one is the word order, it often makes the statement ungrammatical
when the word order of the statement is incorrectly arranged, the second one is the word
form, such as choice of words to indicate, the common mistake here is the improper use
of preposition, some students don’t know the difference between in and on, the third one
is the unnecessary items, some students add redundant words in a sentence which makes
a sentence ungrammatical and the last one is the absence of the necessary item,
sometimes students add unnecessary items to their sentence but in this case, they miss the
word that needs to be applied in a sentence.

Now what does syntax have to do with pedagogy? By letting the students know
the syntax of language in student’s grammar the students will learn about the types of
words, types of clause, how to form words to become clause, from clause to phrase, and
from phrase to sentence, the students will understand about the language more and can
make good sentence which is grammatically correct. I want to say that knowledge of
syntax can be used to improve students’ oral communicating skills as well as written.
Being able to know syntax is like being able to make ambiguous statements turn into an
easy to identify statements, Weaver (1998) proposes a similar approach to teaching
grammar in the context of writing. She writes, "What all students need is guidance in
understanding and applying those aspects of grammar that are most relevant to writing."
Which simply means that students just need guidance in terms of being aware what is
relevant in a statement and what is not.
To conclude, syntax really needs to be taught because will help the students in
arranging the sentence because it is a big help for the students to know how to form
words become clauses, from clauses become phrases, and from phrases become
sentences. And it will also help students to form sentence in a correct grammatical form,
letting them be aware of the correctness of a grammar and to describe whether it is
correct or not.

Oktavianus Yulianto: Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta Indonesia. (n.d.). Retrieved


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