VLC Vegan Candy For Vegetarians
VLC Vegan Candy For Vegetarians
VLC Vegan Candy For Vegetarians
Marketing Plan
The mission of Vegan Life Corporation is to produce high quality,
great tasting, and healthy, vegetarian products – “World’s Best!”
Focusing on both the traditional vegetarian consumer and looking to
expand the choices for those seeking a full-time or partial vegetarian
plant-based lifestyle. Also, those consumers that are looking for
assistance with current health issues that include Vegan, Gluten-Free,
and Non-Genetically Modified products.
From the beginning it has been our goal to continue the heritage of
health and to join the leaders in the health movement. Our vision moving
forward is to not only join the leaders, but to forge a new inroad into this
ever-evolving field.
Vegan soft candy isn't actually that hard to come by. Unlike many
other specialty foods, we want to make a plant-based candy that can be a
vegan option that can be readily available right in the middle of the
candy aisle of your local grocery store—or even in the Halloween aisle
of many major retailers in our country.
Tag Line:
Strengths are within your control. The following are the control of the
The following are the strengths of Vegan Life Company:
the Vegan Life Company: The company has little
High Quality Products, low market presence
cost manufacturing Small number of staffs of the
Excellent Customer Service company
Leaders in product Changing taste of customers
The following can be claim by The following can be the threats
Vegan Life Company: that can be faced by Vegan Life
Take advantage of increasing Company:
popularity of vegetarians. Other candy manufacturing
100% organic and eco- businesses in competition is
friendly products increasing.
Uniqueness of the new Expense of running ads
product of the company Rising cost of ingredients
A. Economic
Gross domestic product, abbreviated as GDP, is a measure of
the total value of goods and services produced in a given area of the
course of the year. As far as the economy is concerned: the higher the
GDP, the better.
As a business, high GDP is typically a good thing, since it
signals a strong economy. In a strong economy, consumers are more
likely to purchase your product, and vice-versa.
B. Politico-Legal
In external environment, political factors are Government
actions, rules and regulation. Change in political situation can be a
very sensitive issue to a company. Political factors that affect
business are uncontrollable like political stability, current and
impending legislation. The only solution is
to conduct environmental analysis. It will help to know the threats
and opportunities and take precautionary measures as desired.
C. Sociocultural
Demographic changes are important and can be used as lead
indicators in certain areas, such as health care and education.
However, other critical areas such as social/cultural values and beliefs
that are central to changes in consumer behavior are harder to predict
and can be subject to more dramatic shifts.
D. Demographic
Another very interesting factor at play in the macro environment
is the ethnic breakdown. This can refer to the race or religion of an
area’s demographic, and may prove to be an important variable in
some businesses’ analysis. This is because some products or services
are only targeted at some ethnicities.
E. Technological
Technological factors are those variables rely on current,
available and change in technology. These factors may be
technological products and process.
The changing trends in the advancement of technology are very
rapid. These technological changes can affect business negatively or
positively, if not responded properly. These changes can positively
improve business productivity, cut costs and minimize production and
distribution cost.
F. Natural
Ecological, or natural forces in the Macro Environment are
important since they are about the natural resources which are
needed as inputs by marketers or which are affected by their
marketing activities. Also, environmental concerns have grown
strongly in recent years, which makes the ecological force a crucial
factor to consider. For instance, world, air and water pollution are
headlines every marketer should be aware of. In other words, you
should keep track of the trends in the ecological environment.
A. The Company
Trade Unions are a major component of a modern business.
Trade Union of workers is an organization formed by workers to
protect their interests, improve their working conditions etc.
All Trade Unions have objectives or goals to achieve, which are
contained in their constitution, and each has its own strategy to reach
those goals Trade Unions are now considered a sub-system, which
seeks to serve the specific sub-group’ s interest (i.e. workers’) and
also considers itself a part of the organization.
From the point of view of the company, industrial relation is
more important to improve the company, otherwise conflict between
labor and management leads to Sick Unit.
B. Suppliers
Suppliers are either individuals or business houses. They
combined together; provide resources that are needed by the
company. Now the company necessarily should go for developing
specifications, searching for potential suppliers, identifying and
analyzing the suppliers and thereafter choose those suppliers who
offer best mix of quality, delivery reliability, credit, warranties and
obviously low cost.
C. Customers
Now a days, a business firm to be successful, must find
customers for its products. This is the reason the customers thus
constitute the most important element in the micro environment of
business. Products sales depend mainly on the degree of consumer
D. Competition
The competitive environment consists of certain basic things
which every firm has to take note of. No company, howsoever
large it may be, enjoys monopoly. In the original business world, a
company encounters various forms of competition. The most
common competition which a company’s product now faces is
from differentiated products of other companies.
E. Publics
The company has a duty to satisfy the people at large along
with competitors and the consumers. It is an exercise which has a
larger impact on the well-being of the company for tomorrow s
stay and growth. Create goodwill among public, help to get a
favorable response for a company. Kotler in this regard has viewed