Quality Management and Iso 9001 Requirem PDF

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Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 1
Chapter 1. Basic Notions on Quality...................................................................................... 4
1.1 Meanings of “Quality”, Key Concepts.................................................................... 5
1.2 Brief History of Quality Approach........................................................................ 10
1.3 Pioneers of Quality Management........................................................................... 12
Chapter 2. Quality Management: Functions and Basic Principles................................... 17
2.1 Quality Management, Definition and Functions................................................... 18
2.2 Quality Improvement, the Strategy of Continuous Improvement......................... 20
2.3 Principles of Quality Management........................................................................ 23
Chapter 3. Quality Management Sistems, ISO 9000 Standards........................................ 27
3.1 Standards for Quality Systems, History................................................................. 28
3.2 ISO 9001 - Quality Management Systems – Requirements.................................. 31
3.3 Documents of Quality Management System......................................................... 34
Chapter 4. Process Based Approach: Identification and Management of Processes...... 37
4.1 QMS and Process Based Approach....................................................................... 38
4.2 Identification of Processes, Processes Map........................................................... 40
4.3 Processes Management.......................................................................................... 45
4.4 Process Description............................................................................................... 50
Chapter 5. Quality Planning................................................................................................. 56
5.1 General Requirement on Quality Planning............................................................ 57
5.2 Overall Quality Objectives ....................................................................................58
5.3. Quality Characteristics of Products and Services................................................. 60
5.4 Quality Planning of Products and Processes.......................................................... 64
Chapter 6. Basic and Support Processes.............................................................................. 68
6.1 Operation/ Product Realization.............................................................................. 69
6.1.1 Customer Related Processes........................................................................ 69
6.1.2 Purchasing Process....................................................................................... 72
6.1.3 Production and Service Provision................................................................ 76
6.2 Support Processes.................................................................................................. 78
Chapter 7. Quality Control ................................................................................................. 83
7.1 Elements of Quality Control ................................................................................ 84
7.2 Satisfaction of Customer ...................................................................................... 85
7.3 Quality Control of Products and Processes .......................................................... 88
7.4 Statistical Control of Quality ................................................................................ 91
7.5 Quality Audit ........................................................................................................ 95
Chapter 8. Quality Improvement ...................................................................................... 100
8.1 General Requirements ......................................................................................... 101
8.2 Control of Nonconformities and Corrective Actions .......................................... 101
8.3. Methods and Techniques of Analysis and Improvement ................................... 104
8.4 Risk Approach in Quality Management, Preventive Actions ............................. 110
Chapter 9. Top Management Responsabilities ................................................................. 114
9.1 Leadership/ Management Responsability ........................................................... 115
9.2 Quality Politicy ................................................................................................... 116
9.3 Establishing Responsabilities, Quality Structure ................................................ 117
9.4 Communication ………………........................................................................... 120
9.5 Management Review ........................................................................................... 122
Chapter 10. Implementation and Certification of Quality Management Systems ........ 124
10.1 Design and Implementation of QMS ................................................................ 125
10.2 Certification of QMS ........................................................................................ 128
10.3 Causes of Failures in QMS Implementation ..................................................... 130
Chapter 11. Total Quality Management, Costs Related to Quality ................................ 136
11.1 Costs of Quality ................................................................................................ 137
11.1.1 Definition and Classification ................................................................... 137
11.1.2 Management of Quality Costs................................................................... 140
11.2 Total Quality Management ............................................................................... 143
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 147

The quality concept has been known since antiquity, but the significance and approach
to quality have evolved over time. Associated until recently within the technical field, quality
is currently associated with management. As Feigenbaum (1983) says, “quality is a way of
Quality has become a big issue in the 1980s since Japanese companies have won
international markets by investing in quality. The other industrialized countries have been
forced to participate in this competitive process and significantly improve the quality of their
products. Internally, enterprises concerned by quality have taken actions, such as: introducing
statistic control of quality, creating Quality Circles, further training of staff, implementing
total quality management (TQM), etc. In the '90s, enterprises’ initiatives regarding quality
have gained new relevance through the emergence of the international standards for quality
systems, namely ISO 9000 series.
Quality achievement is the only one able to ensure one company existence in a highly
competitive business environment that is specific to the contemporary society: they will resist
those who manage to better identify and satisfy the requirements of customers and other
stakeholders. This explains the interest shown everywhere in the world for the implementation
of ISO 9001 - "Quality Management Systems - Requirements", which provides the framework
and instruments for quality constant achievement. Application of ISO 9001 requirements
helps organizations to achieve consistently products that meet the established requirements
and to continuously improve their performances.
Given this reality, present book aims to describe how organizations should approach
quality by addressing the requirements and tools specific to quality management systems
(QMS) according to the ISO 9001 model.
The book refers to the modern approach to quality, generically named as quality
management. Simply defined, quality management represents the systematic actions taken to
achieve quality. In organizational context, quality management involves specific processes,
structures, resources, methods and tools for planning, achieving, controlling and improving
quality. All these define the quality management system. The concept of system suggests that
actions are not isolated, that quality issues are solved from the perspective of the organization
in a coherent and systematic way. QMS covers the entire organization, and includes all the
processes on which customer satisfaction depends.
Quality management integrates elements specific to modern management, focusing on
defining and implementing the management system that guarantees the systematic
2 Maria Popescu, Lidia Mandru and Eugenia Gogoncea, Quality Management, 2017

achievement of quality in the organization. The book presents in the first two chapters the
basic concepts - quality and quality management. The introductory comments also include the
evolution of the quality movement, and the basic principles of quality management. In the
central part of the paperwork - Chapters 3 - 9 - the configuration and elements of the quality
management system according to ISO 9001 are described. Given the dynamics of this
referential, which is periodically reviewed, the main changes between the 2015 edition of ISO
9001 and the previous edition (2008) are highlighted. Chapter 3 shows QMS configuration
and documents. A distinct chapter (Chapter 4) is meant for process approach, one of the basic
principles of modern management that has been expanded along with quality concerns. The
presentation of QMS components requirements follows the sequences that define the
management cycle, Plan-Do-Check-Act, a succession of processes that describes the
mechanism of continuous improvement. Thus: in Chapter 5 there are comments on the
requirements of ISO 9001 regarding the quality planning; Chapter 6 presents the requirements
of ISO 9001 related to basic and support processes; quality control is the subject of Chapter 7,
and Chapter 8 deals with quality improvement; Chapter 9 refers to leadership, synthesizing
the requirements regarding the role of management at the highest level and the tools specific
to the achievement of its attributions related to quality within the organization. The tenth
chapter describes the QMS implementation process, which usually ends with the system
certification. The last chapter goes beyond the requirements of ISO 9001, and refers to the
quality approach by costs, which is associated with more performing systems that characterize
a more effective approach known as Total Quality Management (TQM). This chapter also
clarifies what TQM means and which are its distinctive elements.

This book highlights that quality achievement is not just about products and is not the
appanage of technicians; quality management presumes an approach of quality within the
entire organization, given that satisfying customers and other stakeholders' requirements
represents the mission of the whole system. As Juran highlights, quality is a business issue,
and corresponds with the organization's mission: to satisfy the stakeholders' needs and
Far from exhausting the issue of quality management, this paperwork is just a useful
introductory work accessible to students from technical and economics faculties, as well as
managers from economic and nonprofit organizations. The book is primarily addressed to the
students from Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Management and aims to determine
the adoption of a "pro" quality attitude and the development of the skills of future managers in
terms of: understanding the specific language and the philosophy of quality management;
connecting to other elements of the modern management on which the performance of the
organization depends regarding strategy, innovation, change, risk approach, flexible
organization structure, human resource, etc.
Introduction 3

The book emphasizes, as well as the ISO 9000 standards do, the leading role of top
managers in the development and efficient operation of QMSs. First of all, they must be
motivated and understand that their determinant role is the achievement of the behavioral
transformations that quality management implementation requires. The first error with serious
consequences is the creation and certification of QMS because it is fashionable or believing
that such a "blazon" contributes to the improvement of the organization’s image. Managers
who think so do not understand that a firm has to work well in order to get certified, and not
the other way round.

The book is based on the latest editions of QMS standards and upon a series of
specialized papers recently published. It also integrates original ideas and practical solutions
resulting from scientific and consulting activities in management and quality management, the
competence field of the authors of the book.

We would like to thank all those who contributed to this

paperwork. Especially to our students from Management and MBA
programs, with the sincere desire that skills and competences they
gained help them become the promoters of quality in the economic and
social environment.



 Meanings of “Quality”, Key Concepts

 Brief History of Quality Approach
 Pioneers of Quality Management


Quality is a concept with many assigned meanings. From the perspective

of quality management, quality is the extent to which the requirements are
fulfilled, especially the customers’ ones. Clarification of concepts specific to
this field is important for understanding the approach to quality, which has
evolved over time, both in terms of coverage, but also of the content of
activities carried out. Many quality specialists have contributed to the
development of the theory on achieving quality and its application. The
collocation “quality management” - associated with the modern quality
approach - is characterized by the expansion of quality concerns from product
to enterprise level, considering both the products manufactured and the
processes that quality depends on. In this approach, achieving quality in
organization is a matter of management and corresponds with the
organization’s mission: to satisfy the stakeholders’ needs and expectations.
C1 –Basic Notions on Quality 5

1.1. Meanings of “Quality”, Key Concepts

“Quality is fitness for intented use.” (J.M. Juran)

The meaning of quality term is the first thing that needs to be clarified, taking into
account that different significations are assigned to it.

The concept of quality has been known since antiquity, when the meaning of this
notion was perfection or excellence, Cicero being the one who first used the word
quality ("qualis") in his book Academica (Devillers and Jeansoulir, 2006). Nowadays,
quality is a common term used in everyday speech, but with various meanings. The
term quality defines: “an essential or distinctive characteristic, property, or
attribute; character with respect to fineness, or grade of excellence; superiority;
excellence” (Dictionary.com).
For many people quality represents a superlative. Thus a Mercedes car is
considered a quality car, a Parker pen is considered a quality pen, and in
appliances field, Philips has the same status. In all these situations, quality term is
used as a synonym for luxury and prestige, quality assessment being made in
relation to the intrinsic performances of the product. This one is a product-oriented
Another sense that is given as usual to quality term is compliance with the project,
standards or the internal or external manufacturing rules specific to a certain activity
domain. This meaning corresponds to a production-oriented approach, the quality level
being expressed by the share of deviations (named also nonconformities) from product
specifications (norm, standard, project, etc.).
Another perspective in defining quality is customer-related: the quality is evaluated
based on the client requirements, and it means "fitness for use".

The above examples show three perceptions of quality, which usually determines its
different approaches.
In the modern approach, quality represents the extent to which the product meets the
need that led to its appearance. Quality is defined in relation to the requirements and it means
"suitable for intended use" ("fitness for use", simply expressed by Juran). If a product or
service meets expectations, then the quality has been achieved.
From the previous comment it is understood that the term "quality" does not have the
popular meaning of "best" in any absolute sense. It means best for certain customer
requirements. This quality approach is based on the reality that currently, high technical
performance does not guarantee product’s success on the market and its acceptance by
customers. What matters is that the product satisfies the requirements: firstly, the customer
requirements, but also other external and internal requirements which correspond to legal
regulations, rules, and procedures.
6 Maria Popescu, Lidia Mandru and Eugenia Gogoncea, Quality Management, 2017

► Quality: “the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills a set of

requirements”. (ISO 9000, 2015)

The above mentionned definition highlights some key points:

a) Quality is a relative measure - its level is determined in relation to the requirements

that constitute the gauge (benchmark) in quality assessment.

The quality - requirements relation is graphically shown in the following conceptual

diagram (Figure 1.1).

requirement: class:
need or expectation that category or rank assigned to different
is declared, generally requirements of quality for products,
implied or compulsory. processes or systems with the same
functional utility.

quality: capability:
degree to which a set of ability of an organization, system
inherent characteristics or process to realize a product
fulfill the requirements. which shall meet the requirements for
that product.

customer satisfaction:
customer perception about the measure
that their requirements were met.
Figure 1.1. Concepts Related to Quality
(Source: ISO 9000, 2000)

The concepts in the above scheme are used with the following meanings:

► Requirement : “a need, expectation or obligation. It can be stated or implied by an

organization, its customers, or other interested parties”. (ISO 9000, 2015)

A “stated requirement” is an explicit requirement, specified in a document (e.g.,

contractual document or national standard), and an “implied requirement” represents a need,
expectation or obligation corresponding to internal practices of the organization, its customers
and other stakeholders, as well as legal and regulatory requirements that are unexpressed by
customer but must be identified and expressed by the provider.

A customer expresses the need for a single hotel room, with a view of the sea, for
two nights, and he specifies his requirements at the reception. But he also wants the
C1 –Basic Notions on Quality 7

room to be clean, friendly service staff, etc. - implicit needs that do not have to be
The quality of a book is judged by size, paper quality, cover (number of colours,
quality of material), etc.- requirements usually specified in the contract drawn with the
printing press or in a contract addendum. Implicit requirements (e,g., to not exist
missing or folded pages) do not have to be specified.
In both previous cases, other requirements of the customer regarding deadlines,
delivery terms and payment conditions, etc. are also to be considered. Deviations from
the planned values, for example exceeding of the contractual delivery term of a product
or the defective post-delivery service, are also non-compliances.

Failure in requirements achievement, whether expressed (stated) or implied, represents

nonconformities and their weight is a measure indicator of quality.

► Customer : “anyone who receives products or services (outputs) from a supplier”.

(ISO 9000, 2015)

Examples of customers include: clients, consumers, users, guests, beneficiaries, etc., and
can be either people or organizations.
In the modern approach of the quality, the term “customer” is used in a broad sense, and
it includes both external and internal clients of the supplier organization. Within any
organization, each department or person is involved in supplier-customer relationships with
other departments or people, while being the supplier for the downstream, and client for the
upstream for those who come into contact with.
From this perspective, one can speak about external quality and internal quality, the
latter reflecting the extent to which requirements of internal customers are met on full length
flow of product manufacturing. The modern approach of quality is not only about the external
quality but also about the internal one, which requires systematic control and actions to reduce
nonconformities on the entire chain of processes that contribute to quality achievement.

If publishing a book, quality of product is valued by the client. But achieving

external quality depends on internal processes, on compliance with internal rules. For
example, purchasing an assortment of paper other than that provided in the
specification represents nonconformity in the supply process and affects the quality of
product. Quality problems may also occur in other processes, for various reasons:
faulty printing technology and/or binding, inadequate technical condition of
equipments, human carelessness, etc. This example illustrates the link between the
quality of products and the processes that influence quality. As set by ISO 9000
standards, focusing on processes, on their definition and coordination, is one of the
characteristics of the modern quality approach.
8 Maria Popescu, Lidia Mandru and Eugenia Gogoncea, Quality Management, 2017

b) Quality is a complex concept - given by its broad content and the ensemble of
characteristics that defines it.

► Characteristic: “distinctive feature or property of something”. (ISO 9000, 2015)

Quality is not an abstract notion, it is operationalized by quality features. Within the

development of society, it was passed to a more complex characterization of quality through a
growing number of features. For example, quality of products is defined taking into account
technical and functional characteristics, but also operational, ergonomic, aesthetic,
environmental and economic characteristics (Juran & Godfrey, 1999, pp.3.21, Sreenivasn &
Narayana, 2005, pp.48). Quality uptaking of economic issues (price, operating costs, etc.)
represents a feature of the modern approach to quality, based on the assumption that a too
high-priced product may not satisfy the consumer, and that the products have to meet the
needs also from this point of view.
The quality characteristics of services are harder to define. There are several models that
underpin evaluation for services’ quality. The most popular model, namely SERVQUAL,
defines five dimensions of services’ quality: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance
and empathy (Parasuraman, Zeithmal, and Berry, 1988). These aspects will be exemplified in
Chapter 5.

c) Quality has a broad scope: the notion of quality is associated not only to products
and processes, but one can speak about the quality of organizations and
organizational structures, the quality of people, life, environment, etc.


Resources Products
Information PROCESSES Information


Figure 1.2. Integrated Approach to Quality in Relation to

the Organization and the Environment
C1 –Basic Notions on Quality 9

Such entities may be treated separately, but through the systems theory point of view
these are linked elements/ subsystems, as shown in the Figure 1.2: quality of output elements
(products and services) depends on the quality of inputs and quality of transformation
processes inside the organization. In other words, the quality affects all aspects of the
organization. Interdependencies go beyond organizational boundaries, this influencing
environmental quality both through processes and products manufactured, but also through
the environmental resources used by the company.

In quality management, quality is approached across the organization, taking into

account the manufactured products and processes that quality depends on. This is in fact the
approach as a system.
The system concept can be defined as “a complex of interacting elements” (Bertalanffy,
1969, pp.55), or “a set of elements that interact each other in order to realize an established
scope” (David, 2011). Approaching as a system means studying the issues in an integrative
vision, starting from the overall objectives. In management, the approach of the organization
as a system means to see the organization as a whole, considering it as a part of the external
The purpose of quality management is to ensure satisfaction of customers and other
stakeholders’ requirements through planning, achieving, controlling and continuous
improvement of the quality of processes and products manufactured. Quality management
refers to satisfying external requirements but also internal quality, which is focused on
reducing losses, defects and errors within the activity of the organization. All these are
associated to processes developed inside the organization.

d) Quality is dynamic - it varies continuously according to the evolution of social

needs and of scientific and technical progress.

Achieving quality is an endless race. Big change rhythms characteristic for developed
society oblige organizations to continuously adapt products, processes, structures, system of
values to the new requirements. “Quality is a moving target” says Juran.
10 Maria Popescu, Lidia Mandru and Eugenia Gogoncea, Quality Management, 2017

Instead of conclusions, one can present other definitions of quality, with the broad sense
that is given today:

• "Quality in a product or service is not what the supplier puts in. It is what the
customer gets out and is willing to pay for."(Drucker, 1985)

• "Predictable degree of uniformity and dependability at low cost suitable to the

market." (Deming, 1986)

• "Narrowly interpreted, quality means quality of product. Broadly interpreted,

quality means quality of work, quality of service, quality of information, quality
of process, quality of division, quality of people, including workers, engineers,
managers, and executives, quality of system, quality of company, quality of
objectives, etc." (Ishikawa, 1985)

1.2 Brief History of Quality Approach

Quality is not controlled, it is built step by step.

Quality is nowadays an “umbrella” term whose approach was broadened continuously

over the last century. According to Juran, the contextual factors that brought a revolution in
the field of quality management from middle of 20th century are the next: a) An explosive
growth in science and technology; b) Threats to human safety and health and to the
environment; c) Expansion of government regulation of quality; d) The rise of the
consumerism movement; e) Intensified international competition in quality (Juran & Godfrey,
1999, pp.2.15-2.16).
The evolution of quality approach is in relationship with the massive movement that is
known as Scientific Management (Popescu, 2000). The most important feature of the quality
evolution is synthesized by Juran, who distinguished "Big Q" of "Little Q" to show the
transition from product quality approach in terms of compliance with the specifications, to the
application of quality concept at organization level. Adoption of “Big Q” philosophy grew
during the 1980s, and this trend is probably irreversible (Juran & Godfrey, 1999, pp.2.3).

The evolution of quality approach, shown schematically in Figure 1.3, is briefly

described below.
C1 –Basic Notions on Quality 11

Social dimension
of quality approach

Quality Management
Customer orientation Orientation to specific
Product Product orientation and quality processes of different type
orientation and defects prevention improvement of management system

1950 1970 1990 2000 Year

Scope: Defects Defects Customer satisfaction Satisfying all requirements
identification prevention and waste reduction and regulation

Figure 1.3. The Evolution of Quality Approach

(Source: Popescu &Paleriu, 2002, pp.19)

• The first stage consisted of products quality control, aiming to identify those
unsuitable in order to prevent the delivery of defective products to customers. In the beginning
was achieved the control of goods before delivery, then control was extended to the flow of
product manufacturing and supply. A distinctive feature of this stage is the introduction of
statistical control, in the '40 ÷ '50s of last century, which enabled the substantial reduction of
quality control costs.
• The next stage, corresponding to '70s, is known as quality assurance and is
characterized by shifting the focus from quality inspection to nonconformities’ prevention, by
organizing and controlling all activities of products life cycle that may affect their quality.
Attention is paid to substantiate quality, starting with identifying requirements through
marketing activities and establishing specifications and quality plans. There are also created
structures and instruments that enable quality control, being promoted new models and
concepts such as: zero defects, total quality control, participative control of quality, etc.
In Japan, which since 1945 has focused its activities upon quality, there is an intense
concern for training and involving people in quality assurance, through promotion of
selfcontrol and participation in Quality Circles.
• The '90s marked the application of integrative concepts of quality, based on the
efforts of specialists as Deming, Juran, Feigenbaum, Ishikawa and others (see § 1.3). Quality
was approached from the perspective of management, and quality systems were created to
enable controlling and continuous quality improvement within the enterprise. There were
developed international standards for quality systems (ISO 9000 series), which favored the
promotion of scientific methods of quality management in all areas of activity.
12 Maria Popescu, Lidia Mandru and Eugenia Gogoncea, Quality Management, 2017

It’s of note that the evolution of quality approach is linked to the perception of quality.
Thus, the approach limited to products’ quality control is based upon the idea of quality seen
as adaption/ compliance to standards and rules. Large losses caused by scraps, reshufflings,
mistakes - characteristic of this approach - came to light only at the past mid-century, within
increasing competition and difficulties of firms to sell their products. It is the period in which
is developing the relationship between organizations and market (marketing activities),
understanding that the existence of the company depends on customer satisfaction.
Accordingly, the perception of quality has changed: it includes customer, whose requirements
are the starting point on the activities chain that quality depends on. Customer orientation is a
distinctive feature of the stage generically named "Quality Assurance", to which other
principles were added - staff involving, continuous improvement, leadership, etc. These were
initially applied by Japanese companies, to subsequently be integrated into what one calls
“modern management”. The emphasis on improving quality through systematic actions,
increase of responsibility, and staff involvement to achieve quality are probably the most
important elements of “Quality Management” – an evolved stage of quality approach
associated to '90s. Regarding the perception of quality, its evolution has been oriented to the
shifting of interest from technical features to the economic, environmental, social aspects,
meaning that there are taking into account not only the customers, but also other interested
parties (stakeholders).

1.3 Pioneers of Quality Management

The experience without theory is blind,
but the theory without experience is a simple intellectual play.

The evolution of quality approach is based on theoretical and practical work of

specialists, the best known being: Deming, Juran, Feigenbaum, Ishikawa, and Crosby.

W. Eduards Deming (1900 – 1993)

Student of Shewhart, statistician, Deming was particularly concerned by the use of

statistical methods in quality. Later, he developed a model to improve quality and productivity
dedicated to company management, which Deming considered to be responsible for quality
improvement. The idea that quality problems are not due to mistakes in execution, but
mismanagement, was at the time of its enunciation a revelation for managers. To Deming is
also attributed the introduction of the action model for quality continuous improvement,
known as "Deming circle/ wheel".
Deming offered to managers fourteen key principles for transforming business
effectiveness. They were first presented in his book “Out of the Crisis” (1982), and formed the
C1 –Basic Notions on Quality 13

basis for Deming advice in helping the top management to improve the organization’s
performances regarding quality. The fourteen interrelated principles (points) may be applied
in any organization, either small or large, operating in the service industry as well as
manufacturing. They are described below, as follows (Mandru et al, 2011):
1) Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service with the
aim to become competitive, to stay in business and to provide jobs.
2) Adopt the new philosophy: we can no longer live with commonly accepted levels of
delays, mistakes, defective workmanship.
3) Cease dependence on mass inspection to achieve quality; require instead statistical
evidence that quality is built in.
4) End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag; instead minimize
total cost.
5) Find problems. It is management’s job to improve constantly and forever the system
of production and service, to improve quality and productivity and thus constantly
decrease costs.
6) Institute training on the job.
7) Institute leadership. The aim of leadership is to help people, machine and gadgets to
do a better job.
8) Drive out fear so that everyone may work effectively for the company.
9) Break down barriers between departments. People must work as a team.
10) Eliminate slogans, exhortations and targets for the work force asking for zero defects
and new levels of productivity (they create adversarial relationships).
11) Eliminate work standards (quotas) on the factory floor. Eliminate management by
numbers, numerical goals. Substitute leadership.
12) Remove barriers that rob workers of pride of workmanship.
13) Institute a vigorous plan of education and self-improvement.
14) Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation.
Transformation is everybody’s job.
As Deming said, quality should be checked at each step of a process not by inspecting
the product or service once it is completed.

Joseph M. Juran (1904 - 2008)

Juran defines quality as "fitness for use" and highlights that, to achieve quality, all
aspects of the business have to be taken into account. One of his outstanding contributions is
defining management in terms of "quality trilogy", quality improvement being considered as a
function of quality management, along with quality planning and quality control. Another
important theory of Juran is related to quality improvement methods: he distinguishes
between radical improvement of performances through innovation, and improvements based
14 Maria Popescu, Lidia Mandru and Eugenia Gogoncea, Quality Management, 2017

on identifying and solving nonconformities. Juran states that both are needed to improve
organization performances, contrary to some experts’ opinion according to whom, continuous
or “step by step” improvements can lead to neglection of some needed and more extensive
changes. Juran's formula for success is synthesized below:
1) Establish specific goals to be reached.
2) Establish plans for reaching those goals.
3) Assign clear responsibility for meeting the goals.
4) Base the rewards on the results achieved.
Juran first published his book “The Quality Control Handbook” in 1945, that is still a
reference book on modern approach of the quality. (Juran’s Quality Handbook reached its
seventh edition in 2016, being re-edited and enriched with the support of the Juran Institute,

Armand V. Feigenbaum (1922 - 2014)

Feigenbaum is best known for introducing the concepts of "Total Quality Control" and
"Quality Costs". His main contribution to the development of quality approach is the assertion
that the entire organization should be involved in quality improvement, Feigenbaum being the
first in the USA that succeed in the '50s, to extent the concern for quality beyond specialized
departments, through operators involvement. In his opinion, “Total Quality Control is a way
of managing a business to serve the user. In order to achieve it, every part of the company
needs to work in a coordinated way to accomplish that objective. ... Quality is a fundamental
user-requirement to user-satisfaction process that brings every man and woman in the
organization· into the service of quality” (Stevens, 2016).
Throughout his life, Feigenbaum encouraged treating quality as fundamental for
business strategies: in his view, quality is more than a technical matter, is a business approach
that make the organization more efficient. The essential ideology of Feigenbaum’s systematic
approach is summed up in the following tens (Total Quality Control, 1983):
• Quality is an organization wide process.
• Quality is what the customer says it is.
• Quality and cost are a sum, not a difference.
• Quality requires both individual and team-work zealotry.
• Quality is a way of managing.
• Quality and innovation are mutually dependent.
• Quality is an ethic.
• Quality requires continuous improvement.
• Quality is the most cost effective, least capital intensive route to productivity.
• Quality is implemented as a total system connected to both customers and suppliers.
C1 –Basic Notions on Quality 15

Through his work, Feigenbaum emphasized the importance of designing quality in

order to meet customer requirements such that they remain fully satisfied.

Philip Crosby (1926 – 2001)

Crosby is the originator of the concept of "zero defects" and of the statement "quality is
free". After Crosby, “zero defects” is a referential for any system performance
characterization, and quality approach in economic terms, through the costs of quality,
represents a modality of assessing the quality improvement proposals. In his main work,
"Quality is free" (1979), there is highlighted the need to create a culture of quality within the
enterprise by involving its top management. Management participation "is not only vital, but
it is everything", says Crosby.
The essential ideology of Crosby ("Total Quality Control", 1983) is summed up in the
following tenets:
• The definition of quality is conformance to requirements.
• The system of quality is prevention.
• The performance standard is zero defects.
• The measurement of quality is the costs of non-conformances.
According to Crosby, quality represents “conformance to requirements” and he states that
it is necessary to transpose requirements into measurable product or service characteristics. This
is possible by using numerical specifications that enables one to quantify the characteristics of a
product (e.g., diameter of a hole) or service (e.g., customer service response time), showing thus
the quality level (Mândru et al, 2011; Nanda, 2005).

Kaoru Ishikawa (1915 – 1989)

Ishikawa, the best known representative of the quality movement in Japan, developed
the theories of American experts Feigenbaum, Deming, and Juran. He promoted the idea of
involving all departments and every employee in the enterprise to achieve quality, stating the
need to disseminate theories on quality. His vision about quality underlies the origin of
“Quality Circles”, being also the one who designed the “Diagram cause-effect”, which bears
his name (Ishikawa diagram). There is also recognized his merit in the application of “Total
Quality Control Management” (Company Wide Quality Control) in Japan, whose defining
elements, in Ishikawa's vision, are as follows (1985):
• Quality is the priority, not short-term profits.
• The consumer comes first, not the manufacturer.
• Consumers represent the next process without organizational barriers.
• Decisions are based on data and facts.
• The management is participatory and based on respect for all employees.
16 Maria Popescu, Lidia Mandru and Eugenia Gogoncea, Quality Management, 2017

Management is carried out by cross-functional committees covering product planning,

design, production planning, purchasing, manufacturing, and sales and distribution.

Lessons learned

 In modern management, quality is not synonymous with prestige or luxury; it is always

defined in relation to requirements, and it represents “conformity with requirements”.

 Quality refers not only to goods and services but it also covers processes, material and
human resources, structures, organizations, etc.

 Operationalization of quality, in relation to user needs, is made through quality

characteristics; the system of characteristics reflects the specific of the entity whose
quality is determined.
 Quality is a dynamic variable; its development is closely linked to both the progress of
society and social needs, but also to the opportunities and constraints specific to
business environments.

 In the economic field, professional approach to quality may be found in specific

activities even at the beginning of last century.
 Quality approach and meaning given to quality are interdependent, their development
being headed to the coverage extension of the quality concept and of the activities
achieving quality.
 The evolution of quality approach has three main stages, commonly known as: Quality
Control, Quality Assurance, and Quality Management.
 The modern quality approach is associated to management and it presumes systematic
actions within the organization and a much more comprehensive involvement of staff in
quality achievement and improvement.
 Regarding the perception of quality, the evolution was marked by the extension of
interest from technical features to economic, environmental and social aspects, meaning
that there are taken into account not only the customers, but also other interested parties
 The evolution of quality approach is based on theoretical and practical work of
specialists, most important being Deming, Juran, Feigenbaum, Crosby, and Ishikawa.

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