Drug Study Pantoprazole
Drug Study Pantoprazole
Drug Study Pantoprazole
Patient: Mailo, Florencia Room and Bed No.: 505 Bed C
Diagnosis: Acute Pancreatitis
Generic/ Trade
Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Pantoprazole 40-mg Known hypersensitivity to Gastrointestinal Disorders: Pantoloc IV: A ready-to-use
(Pantoloc) Tablet/Vial: any of the constituents of Common: Upper abdominal solution is prepared by
Duodenal Pantoloc or of the pain, diarrhea, constipation, injecting 10 mL of
Dosage: 40 mg IV ulcer; gastric combination partners. flatulence. Uncommon: physiological sodium chloride
OD ulcer; Nausea. solution into the vial
moderate and Mild gastrointestinal containing the dry
Classification: severe forms complaints eg, nervous Immune System Disorders: substance. This solution may
Anti Ulcer Drug of reflux dyspepsia. Very Rare: Anaphylactic be administered directly or
Gastric Acid Pump esophagitis. reactions including may be administered after
Inhibitor anaphylactic shock. mixing with 100 mL
physiological sodium chloride
Musculoskeletal, Connective solution or 5% glucose.
Therapeutic Tissue and Bone Disorders:
actions Very Rare: Myalgia subsiding Pantoloc IV must not be
Gastric acid-pump after termination of therapy. prepared or mixed with
inhibitor: solvents other than those
Suppresses gastric Nervous System Disorders: stated. The solution should
acid secretion by Common: Headache. have a pH of 9.
specific inhibition of Uncommon: Dizziness,
the hydrogen- disturbances in vision (blurred After preparation, the
potassium ATPase vision). solution must be used within
enzyme system at 12 hrs.
the secretory Psychiatric Disorders: Very
surface of the Rare: Mental depression As soon as oral therapy is
gastric parietal subsiding after termination of possible, treatment
cells; blocks the therapy. with Pantoloc IV should be
final step of acid discontinued and
production. Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue pantoprazole 40 mg should
Disorders: Uncommon: be administered orally
Allergic reactions eg, pruritus instead.
and skin rash.
Very Rare: Urticaria; The drug should be
angioedema; severe skin administered intravenously
reactions eg, Stevens-Johnson over 2-15 min.
syndrome; erythema
multiforme; photosensitivity;
Lyell syndrome.