Circuit Workouts PDF
Circuit Workouts PDF
Circuit Workouts PDF
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1. Pyramid Workout
Pyramid Circuit Structure
o Example Structure
Level 1 – 2 reps of each exercise
Level 2 – 4 reps of each exercise
Level 3 – 6 reps of each exercise
Level 4 – 8 reps of each exercise
Level 5 – 6 reps of each exercise
Level 6 – 4 reps of each exercise
Level 7 – 2 reps of each exercise
o Structure can also be reversed – Aka. Start and end with 8 reps
o Structure Examples
Cardio Example
• 20 second sprint
• 10 second rest
Strength Example
• Single activity
o Multiple Tabata’s of one activity
• Chain activity
o One Tabata for each exercise
• Pair activity
o One half (4 cycles) Tabata for one exercise, second half (4 cycles) Tabata
for another exercise, repeat
Sample Tabata
- Exercises are organized into four stations, each of which contain five exercises.
o Each station is its own individual circuit
- Complete to each of the four stations once (to increase difficulty do each station a second time)
- Each exercise should be performed for 1 minute (Totaling 5 minutes per station) and 1 minute
transition/rest between stations – no transition between exercises
o Total time = 24 minutes
o Structure Example
Station 1
• Exercise 1 (1 min)
• Exercise 2 (1 min) You can easily modify the amount of
• Exercise 3 (1 min) time or the number of exercises for this
• Exercise 4 (1 min) type of circuit
• Exercise 5 (1 min)
Transition (1 min)
Station 2
• Same as above (5 min)
Transition time (1 min)
Station 3
• Same as above (5 min)
Transition time (1 min)
Station 4
• Same as above (5 min)
Transition time (1 min)
- Quick 10-20 minute simple workout you can do first thing in the morning
- Include cardio exercises and strength training (whole body or targeted body area)
- Go through each exercise once as a whole circuit (to increase difficulty or length go through circuit
- To keep it simple, ensure all rep amounts are divisible by 5
o Structure example
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 15
Simple Circuit
- 20 high knees
- 20 Jumping jacks
- 10 Reverse Crunches
- 10 Crunches
- 5 Push-ups
- 5 Push-ups
- 10 Calf Raises
- 10 Calf Raises
- 15 Sec Plank
- 5 Push-ups
- 20 Jumping Jacks
- 25 Russian Twists
- 10 Squats
- 10 Squats
- 10 Sec Side Plank (each side)