FIDIC Conditions
FIDIC Conditions
FIDIC Conditions
The scope of these Conditions thus embraces both old Yellow and
orange Books, for all types of Contractor-designed works.
The Engineer The Engineer has no authority to amend the contract.
The Engineer’s authority & limitations can be defined in the contract.
The Engineer’s approval does not relieve the contractor from any
responsibility, he has under contract. Engineer shall consult both
parties to reach agreement on claims otherwise proceed to make a fair
determination in accordance with the contract. Employer can replace
the ‘Engineer’ by any other person against whom contractors does not
have any reasonable objections.
The Contractor
the contractor to give notice to the Engineer. The contractor shall bear
all costs for special and or temporary rights of way & shall be deemed
to have been satisfied as to the suitability and availability of access
routes to the site. Contractor’s equipment when brought to site shall
be exclusively intended for the execution of the works & shall not be
removed without the Engineer’s consent.
Progress report
All articles of antiquity found at the site shall be placed under the
care & authority of Employer, if found by contractor, any delay and
extension of time due to delay on this account along with cost can be
Nominated Subcontractor
Staff and Labour
Contractor shall comply with all labour laws including those relating
to health, safety, welfare and immigration. No work shall be carried
out at site on locally recognised holidays unless specially permitted.
The contractor’s personnel shall be qualified & experienced in their
trades and provides necessary superintendence to manage the work.
The Engineer shall give the Contractor not less than 7 days’ notice of
the commencement date of work. Contractor should start the work
within 42 days from the Letter of Acceptance.
and/or Materials if work is suspended for more than 28 days. If work
is suspended beyond 84 days, the contractor may give 28 days’ notice
to resume the work, beyond which the work (whole/part) shall be
treated as omission or contractor may give notice of termination.
Test on Completion
Defects Liability
contractor shall have no responsibility for this work. If employer
agrees, the defective material can be removed for the site for repairs.
The contractor can be asked by the Engineer to search for the cause
of any defect. The cost-plus profit shall be paid to the contractor
unless the cause noticed is due to defective workmanship of
contractor. Contractor’s obligations are not complete until Engineer
issued Performance certificates with 28 days of expiry date of Defects
Notification Period. Only the performance certificates constitute
acceptance of the work. Both parties are liable for any unperformed
obligation & contract remains in force to that extent.
Evaluation of work shall be carried out by new rate other than agreed
in the BOQ if the quantity is increased by more than 10% and value
by more than 0.01% of accepted contract amount provided the rate
revision sought by contractor exceed 1% of the cost per unit quantity
as per rate schedule.
Base Date in the contract. Escalation clause applies only if provided
for in the contract. Such clause may or may not be sufficient for
compensation due to rise in costs, which have gone up compared to
‘Base Date’ data. If contractor fails to complete works within Time for
Completion adjustment of price will be linked to date 49 days prior to
Date of Completion or current prices whichever more favourable to
Employer under Escalation clause.
Any quantities as per BOQ are estimated quantities and are not being
taken as the actual & correct quantities. The Employer shall make an
advance payment as interest free loan for mobilisation, when
contractor submits. Advance payment guarantee, when such a
provision of advance payment is made in the Appendix to Tender. If
contract includes schedule of payment, it shall include an amount for
plant & Materials, which have been sent to the site for incorporation
in the permanent works. If contract does not include schedule of
payments, contractor to submit non-binding estimate of payment
during each quarterly period starting from 42 days after the
commencement date. The Engineer may make any corrections of
necessary to any previous payment certificates since payment
certificates shall not be deemed to indicate Engineer’s acceptance of
work. If contractor does not receive payments within 56 days of
submission to Engineer with necessary supporting document, he shall
be entitled to receive financing charges compounded monthly on the
amount unpaid. Financing charges for delayed payment is 3% above
central bank’s discount rate.
Termination by Employer
Suspension & Termination by Contractor
responsibility on contractor continuous even after Hand over to
Employer, if some balance work is still being carried.
over the provisions of this clause. The relevant insuring party shall
within the respective periods stated in Tender Submit to other party
evidence of insurance being affected along with details of premium.
Neither party shall change terms of insurance without approval of
other party.
Also payment not made by one party despite being due, can be made
by other party and adjusted in contract value or adjusted against
payment due. Any insurance claim, uninsured obligation, not
received fully from insurance shall be borne by the party, which is
responsible for these issue as per contract. Payment by one party to
the other party shall be subjected to ‘Employer’s claim’ or ‘contractor’s
claim’ as applicable. Insurance for works & Contractor’s equipment
shall be affected by the contractor, as insuring party in the joint name
for the full value of cost or replacement. The Payment shall be jointly
received & allocated between the parties for the sole purpose if
rectifying the loss or damage. Such insurance excludes losses due to
defects in design, materials and workmanship. Such insurance cover
excludes part of work taken over by the Employer.
If one year after the Base date the insurance cover is not available at
commercially reasonable terms. The contractor shall give the notice
to the Employer with supporting particulars. The contractor shall
also insure against injury to persons & Damage to Employer’s
Property arising out of contractor is performance of the contract other
than already covered under Insurance of Works & Contractor’s
Equipment or personnel As stated earlier, the insurance will be in
joint name of both the parties. Similar to Works & Contractor’s
equipment, contractor’s personnel shall be insured by contractor for
injury, sickness, disease or death. The insurance shall be maintained
in full force in effect throughout the execution of works. For
subcontractor’s employees subcontractor may draw insurance, but
contractor shall be responsible for the compliance by the
Force Majeure
• Cost of plant & Material delivered or which has left vendors for
• Cost or removal of Temporary Works & Contractor’s Equipment.
The parties shall jointly appoint a DAB by the date stated in the
Appendix to Tender, Disputes shall be adjudicated by a Dispute
Adjudication Board consisting of one or three suitable qualified
persons. In case of three-member DAB, one member each shall be
appointed by the Employer and the contractor & third member shall
be appointed by mutual consultation to act as chairman. However, if
a list of potential members is included in the contract, the member
shall be selected from those on the list. In case of failure to appoint
DAB, due to any disagreements, the appointing entity or official
named in the particular conditions shall appoint member/ members
of DAB. Appointment of any existing member of the DAB may be
terminated by mutual agreement of both the parties.
New provisions made in new Red book for contractor
I. In terms of Cost plus Profit for relief events, unless stated otherwise, a
Contractor will be entitled to a 5% profit (while under the 1999 Red Book,
there was no stated figure). The 2017 Red Book also specifically entitles
the Contractor to “any loss of profit or other losses and damages suffered”
for variations and termination for convenience.
II. Employer has to provide reasonable assistance to contractor to obtain
local permits/approvals and to confirm financial arrangement for
payment to contractor within 28 days of request for information. Also to
convey any changes in Employer’s financial arrangement. Employer’s
claims ratified by Engineer can be deducted from payment certificates
issued to the contractor.
III. For the first time, the 2017 red book introduces advance warning
provisions, which require each party to advise the other in advance of any
known or probable future events which may adversely affect the work of
the contractor’s personnel, adversely affect the performance of the works
when completed, increase the contract price or delay the execution of the
works or a section (if any). There is no time limit for giving an advance
warning, nor is there any explicit sanction for failing to do so.
IV. At least four important changes have been made to the Extension Of
Time (EOT) provision. First, unlike the 1999 Red Book, the Contractor is
not required to give a separate notice of a claim for an EOT for a delay
caused by a variation (as this notice has been built into the Variation
clause at 13.3). Second, delay for exceptionally adverse climatic
conditions has been qualified to be unforeseeable having regard to
climatic data. Third, the Contractor has an explicit entitlement to an
EOT if the delay is caused by an increase of more than 10% of an
estimated quantity. Fourth, the clause specifically contemplates the
parties adopt provisions in respect of concurrent delay.
V. The provisions relating to Claims and Disputes have been separated and
redrafted substantially. Clause 20 (Claims) sets out a procedure for
either one of the party or together against a common relief. Notably, the
existing 28-day time requirement for notifying claims now applies to the
Employer as well, and the old 42-day timeframe for the fully detailed
claim has been increased to 84 Days.
VI. The newly introduced DAAB, which stands for Dispute Avoidance /
Adjudication Board (in contrast to the previous DAB), brings with it a
number of important procedures. First, unless the Parties agree
otherwise, the DAAB members are to be appointed within 28 days after
the Contractor receives the Letter of Acceptance; there are also detailed
procedures for resignation, termination and new appointments. Second,
the DAAB may provide informal assistance if jointly requested by the
Parties, who are not bound to act on the DAAB’s advice. Third, in terms
of time-bars i.e., the DAAB must give its decision within 84 days after
receiving the reference, a Party must refer a Dispute to the DAAB within
42 days after giving or receiving a Notice of Dissatisfaction with the
Engineer’s determination, and a party that is dissatisfied with the
DAAB’s decision must give an NOD to the other within 28 days or else
the decision becomes final and binding on both Parties. Fourth, arbitral
tribunals are empowered to order the enforcement of a DAAB decision,
by way of summary or other expedited procedure, whether by an interim
or provisional measure or award.