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Er. Prakash Sen
Assistant Professor, AKS University Satna (MP)
The analysis has been made mainly based on the primary data that is by the employees’ opinion survey method.
The project work entitled “Employee’s attitude towards the private organization” with special reference to the
Satna city private higher education institute the various factors that are concerned towards the attitude of the
employees. The analysis has been made mainly based on the primary data that is by the employees’ opinion
survey method. The researcher has taken a sample size of 180 and has used the stratified random sampling
method to select the samples from the total population. The study gives the opinion of employees about all the
H.R. functions of, private higher education institute employment conditions, wages and incentives, interpersonal
relationship, working conditions, management practices, etc.The researcher has used percentage analysis and
CHI-Square test, and the study reveals that there is no relationship between JOB ENRICHMENT educational
qualification of the respondents, and there is no relationship between length of service of the respondents, and
welfare facilities, and there is no relationship between the salary of the respondents and welfare facilities. The
study has also revealed that most of the respondents have a positive attitude towards the welfare facilities,
management practices and employment conditions, WELFARE
Attitude: The importance of attitude in understanding psychological phenomenon was given formal recognition
early in the history of social psychology. From the time of the concept‟s entry in to the language of psychology
until now, interest in attitude has been strong and growing. However, over the years attitudes have been studied
with differing emphasis and methods.Concept of Attitude: It is necessary to be precise in defining attitudes,
because the variety of published definitions and descriptions is almost endless. Like any other concept, attitude
may also be defined in two ways, Conceptual and Operational. There is quite a difference in the conceptual
definition of the term attitude, and divergent points of view regarding the concept of attitude have developed.
Features of Attitude
Attitudes affect behavior of an individual by putting him ready to respond favorably to things in his
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Attitudes are acquired through learning over a period of time. The process of learning attitudes starts
right from the childhood and continues throughout the life of a person.
Attitudes are invisible as they constitute a psychology phenomenon which cannot be observed directly.
They can be observed by observing the behavior of an individual.
Attitudes are pervasive and every individual has some kind of attitude towards the objects in his
environment. In fact, attitudes are forced in the socialization process and may relate to anything in the
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1.2 Methods of Attitude Change
There are various methods through which a positive change in attitudes may be brought. In the social context,
Cohen has suggested four methods for attitude change. They are
Communication of additional information.
Approval and disapproval of a particular attitude.
Group influence, and
Inducing engagement in discrepant behavior
In some or the other, all these methods involve introducing discrepancies among the elements making up the
individual‟s attitudes in the hope that the elements will be rebalanced through the effective component of the
attitudes. From the organization point of view, a Manager can take following actions in brining change in
attitudes of its organizational members.
Group action
Persuasion through leadership
Persuasion through communication and
Influence of total situation.
These actions involve the analysis of different variables affecting a particular action.
Attitudes are not the same as values, but the two are interrelated. You can see this by looking at the three
components of an attitude: cognition, affect and behavior. The belief that “discrimination is wrong” is a value
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2.1 Types of Attitudes
A person can have thousands of attitudes, butOrganizational Behaviour focuses our attention on a very limited
number of work-related attitudes. These work-related attitudes tap positive or negative evaluations that
employees hold about aspects of their work environment.
2.2 Job Satisfaction
The term job satisfaction to an individual‟s general attitude towards his or her job. A person with a high level of
job satisfaction holds positive attitudes about their job, while a person who is dissatisfied with his or her job
holds negative attitudes about the job Organizational Commitment
The third job attitude is organizational commitment, which is defined as a state in which an employee identifies
with a particular organization and its goals, and wishes to maintain membership in the organization Attitudes
and Consistency Research has generally concluded that people seek consistency among their attitudes and
between their attitudes and their behaviour.
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2.7 Physical and Mental Health
The degree of job satisfaction affects an individual‟s physical and mental health. Since, job satisfaction is a
typed of mental feeling, its favorableness or unfavourableness affects the individual psychologically which for
example, “Lawler” has pointed out that drug abuse, alcoholism, and mental and physical health results from
psychologically harmful jobs.
2.8 Improving Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction plays a significant role in the organization. Therefore, Managers should take concrete steps to
improve the level of job satisfaction. These steps may be in the form of job re-designing to make the job more
interesting and challenging, improving quality of work life, linking rewards with performance, and improving
overall organizational climate.
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satisfied with their jobs, that two out of every five 41% of the workers aren‟t satisfied. In addition, one-third of
the workers feel they are in dead-end jobs, and “trying to cope with feeling of burn out”. Burn out is much more
prevalent among the workers‟ ages between 18-24 years, 47% report feeling burned out, compared with 28% of
the older workers.
Ms. B. Nagalakshmi, 2006, had done a project on “Employee Attitude towards the Organisation in “Lakshmi
Machine Works Limited” and she suggested that Management/HR department may be changing the procedures
or approaches to improve the employees‟ positive attitude towards them by participation from them. Attitudes
change from person to person. In an organization, the functions and procedures followed by the management/
HR departent should accepted and negative attitudes if any may be identified at an earlier stage. Relationship of
the employees with the HR Department may be enhanced to reduce negative attitude among the employees in
general which will lead to prosperity of the company through profits and that of the employees through
enhanced quality ofwork life.
Ganguli (1964) has argued that the factors that determine performance of the workers in an industrial job can be
classified under three heads.
1. Personal factors
2. Work factors
3. Environmental (physical and social) factors
Personal Factors refer to skills of workers and the degree of motivation that determine the extent to which he
will apply his skill to the job. Work factor refers to tools and equipment, method of work and materials used.
Examples of environmental factors are (a) physical lighting, ventilation, etc. (b) social and psychological nature
of leadership (supervisory and managerial), social climate in the shop, nature of the group formation amongst
members, etc and (c) Nature of organizational controls, communication patterns, etc.
Mr. Vijayanand, 1999, had done a project on “job satisfaction”, among the employees in “Sakthi Sugars” and he
suggested that the organization has to concentrate more on labour measures and also with regard to the
maintenance of buildings.
Mr.Vasudevan.C, 1999, had done a project on “job satisfaction” among the workers in “ELGI Electric and
Industries Limited” and he suggested that the organization may provide better working conditions, can reduce
the hours of work and provide more career advancement opportunities.
According to Vroom(1964), productivity depends upon two major
variables viz., employees‟ job performance and resources utilized. In most organizational performance of the
employees is relatively more important than the equipments and raw materials. Even in automated operations,
productivity in strategic and coordinate systems largely depends up on the human performance. Performance of
a worker on a task or job is a direct function of his motivation.
According to Hark Mantel(1971), the nature of the relationship between job characteristics and employee
reactions to their work(including satisfaction, performance, and absenteeism) will depend upon the need status
of the employees.
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Maslow proposes that employees‟ emerge in a hierarchical fashion and it is important for the organization to
satisfy their needs, failing which the employees may exhibit non productivity and effectiveness of the
Fleishman (1953) has studied the relationship of supervisory behaviour with the productivity and morale of the
sub ordinates, superiors create certain climate in their department and high consideration results in high
productivity and morale.
Mr. R.K. Selvam has made „A Study on Worker‟ Expectations on Labour Welfare Facilities in 1998. In TTK
Prestige Limited, the sample size was 60. He used the interview schedule for primary data collection; the
secondary data was collected through discussion with officials of the Personnel Department from the data it was
found that almost every one were satisfied.
Mr. Rajaprabakaran has conducted a research on „The Study on level of Motivating the Employees with special
reference to TTK Prestige Limited in 2002. The sample size was 300 and he used the interview schedule for the
primary data collection. He found that 28% of employees were motivated with the working conditions of the
company. All of them were motivated with the first-aid facilities.
Argyris (1957) identified a style of leadership ranging from immaturity.
He holds that the effective leader or manager will help people to move from a style of immaturity or dependent,
towards a style of maturity.
5.1 Introduction
Research is an active, diligent and systematic process of inquiry in order to discover, interpret, and revise facts,
events, behaviors or theories or to make practical applications with the help of such facts, laws or theories. The
tem research is also used to describe the collection of information about a particular subject.
Employees’ attitude towards the organization should be known by the
entire organization to reduce the grievance. The main objective is to find out the number of employees who are
having positive attitude and or negative attitude and what tends to the same.Here, the general employee opinion
survey method has been followed. The questionnaires were directly handed over to the employees of the
organization for their responses.
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5.2 Sampling Method
The sample size taken is 180 which has been selected through Stratified
1.It is interpreted from the table 7 % of the respondents belongs to 31 to 40 years, 63 % of respondents belongs
to 41 to 5o years and 30% of respondents belongs to 51 to 60 percentage
2. It is interpreted from the table 19 % of the respondents belong to below high school, 24 % of respondents
belongs to high school, 17% of respondents belongs to graduate and 40 % of respondents belongs to technical
qualification and diploma.
3. It is interpreted from the table 87 % of the respondents belongs to below married, 23 % of respondents
belongs to single.
4. It is interpreted from the table 8.9 % of the respondents belongs to 3 years to 6 years, 26.1% of the
respondents belongs to 6 years to 9 years, 35.6 % of the respondents belongs to 9 to 15 years and 29.4 % of the
respondents belongs to 15 years and above.
5. It is interpreted from the table 3.3% of the respondents belongs to bachelor, 6.1% of the respondents belong to
2 members of the family, 38.9% of the respondents belongs to 3 members in the family, 50% of the respondents
belongs to 4 members in the family, and 1.7% respondents belongs to 5 member family.7. It is interpreted from
the above table , 25% of the respondents draw rs 6000 to 8000, 40 % of respondent draw 8000 to 10000, 16% of
the respondents belongs to 10000 to 12000, and 17% of the respondents belongs to 12000 and above.
8. 85% of the respondents are highly satisfied of type of work, 14.4% of the respondents are satisfied on type of
the work and .6% percentage of respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied on type of the work
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9. 91.7 % of the respondents are highly satisfied of work load, 3.9 % of the respondents are satisfied on work
load and only 4.4 % of respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied on work load .
Working Hours
Frequency Percent
Frequency Percent
Responsibilities/Assignment Given
Frequency Percent
Discipline action
Frequency Percent
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Coordinal relationship
Frequency Percent
Frequency Percent
Job Security
Frequency Percent
Frequency Percent
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1. Employee‟s mental status with respect to do their work when providing good environment obtained good. it
works like 2x2=4 (2% of employee efforts and 2% of good working condition).
2. Psychological behaviour of employees during positive environment going to be positive .and attitude of
employee also become positive. like 10-2=8(if positive is more and negative is less efforts always come to
3. Good salary, good working condition, respectful job, good relationship between employer employee are the
best sources of positive attitudes.
4. Discipline action regarding employee is the first step to improve employee attitude.
5. Degree of absenteeism low when organization provides cordial relationship with their work. even stress will
be low and behaviour will be positive when organization provide better working condition.
Job Security is a potential tool for the motivation of the employees which in this study shows that, the
employees have a negative attitude towards it. The management may make the employees understand that they
are the partners of the business and the employees‟ organization life depends up on the constructive
contributions made by them.Only half of the respondents are satisfied with the medical facilities and safety
procedures provided in the organization which means that the remaining half of them are not satisfied.
Therefore, the management with regard to the medical facilities along with ESI may offer a minimal amount
exclusively for the medical expenditure as a special package for different levels of employees. This may
motivate them and restrict them to avail leave. As per the respondents‟ opinion, safety procedures followed are
not up to the mark which also is one of the reason for regular absenteeism. The respondents also feel that the
leave facilities provided are also not adequate. Management in this regard may identify the ways by which leave
facilities may be improved without disturbing the regular schedule of work, by giving restricted holidays, by
increasing the number of paid holidays etc.Workers‟ Participation in Management is one of the criteria which do
not have a good satisfaction from most of the employees in any of the organization. This also happens to be true
in this organization, which reduces the morale and motivation of the employees.Therefore, the management may
formulate strategies based on theWorkers‟ Participation in Management bill or prepare a tailor-made guideline
for the extent of participation by the workers in the management decisions because when decision marker
execute, the execution proves worthy.
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