Renderoc TGXTRA
Renderoc TGXTRA
Renderoc TGXTRA
Renderoc TGXtra is suitable for hand application to repairs Test method Typical result
where light to medium load bearing is required. Typical
applications would include, but not be limited to, the follow- Drying shrinkage to ASTM C 157-93
ing: 7 days : < 300 microstrain
28 days : < 500 microstrain
Vertical and overhead repairs to restore ‘covercrete’
Permeability : < 10 mm
General concrete and masonry repairs (DIN 1048 Part 5)
Flexural strength : > 6.5 N/mm2 at 28 days
Voids greater than 10 mm deep
(BS EN 196-1)
Repairs to honeycombing Compressive strength : Tolerance (±10%)
(BS EN 196-1) : 35 N/mm2 at 7 days
Larger scale repairs where formwork cannot be erected
40 N/mm2 at 28 days
Water absorption : < 2%
(BS 1881 Pt. 122)
Renderoc TGXtra features Dimensional Stability Technolo-
gy - a new materials technology which controls the rate of
drying shrinkage such that, when used correctly : Design criteria
i. the dimensions of the repair remain stable; and thus Dimensional Stability Technology is a major step forward
in the general compatibility of repair mortar systems with the
ii. eliminating failure, due to shrinkage cracking.
host concrete, and the control of shrinkage in particular.
This in turn leads to a series of associated benefits :
Attention to the basic design criteria given below should
Cost effective - shrinkage control enables repairs to be ensure that the full benefits of this technology are gained in
completed ‘right first time’ use :
Enhanced durability - works in tandem with extremely (i) Recommended limits for a single application are:
low permeability to prolong effective working life Minimum applied thickness : 10 mm
Compatibility - aligns performance closer than ever Overhead sections : up to 50 mm thick
before, to that of host concrete Vertical sections : up to 50 mm thick
Small pockets or horizontal : up to 100 mm thick
User friendly - specifically developed to provide an Maximum length : up to 3 m
easy-to-apply product, suitable for local conditions
NOTE : If the repair area exceeds 2.5 m2, consideration
Definable performance - positive benefits are easily should be given to the use of mass fill by means
demonstrated via a single, simple measurement of either Renderoc SPXtra* spray applied mortar
or Renderoc LAXtra* microconcrete.
(ii) In situations where a substrate/repair barrier is required,
Renderoc TGXtra is supplied as a ready to use blend of dry or enhanced bond strength/working time is required, or
powders, which requires only the addition of clean water to where the substrate is likely to be permanently wet or
produce a highly consistent, lightweight repair mortar damp (e.g. seawalls, quays etc.), Nitobond EP epoxy
suitable for general purpose concrete and masonry repairs. bonding agent should be used.
Renderoc TGXtra should be mixed and applied in strict Health and safety
accordance with the Product Method Statement, a copy of
Renderoc TGXtra contains cement powders which, when
which may be obtained from your nearest Fosroc office.
mixed with water or upon becoming damp, release alkalis
which can be harmful to the skin.
During use, avoid inhalation of the dust and contact with the
skin or eyes. Wear suitable protective clothing - eye protec-
Renderoc TGXtra : 25kg bags tion, gloves and respiratory equipment (particularly in
confined spaces).
The use of barrier creams to provide additional skin protec-
Renderoc TGXtra : 15.8 litres per 25kg bag
tion is also advised. In case of contact with the skin, rinse
with plenty of clean water, then cleanse thoroughly with soap
and water.
- Renderoc TGXtra should not be used when the ambient
In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of
temperature is below 50C and falling.
clean water and seek medical advice. If swallowed seek
- Renderoc TGXtra should not be part mixed, nor part bags medical attention immediately - do not induce vomiting.
- Renderoc TGXtra should not be exposed to running water
Renderoc TGXtra, is non-flammable and thus presents no
either during application or prior to final set.
fire hazard.
- Water ponding is not recommended for curing.
For further information, please refer to the Product Material
Safety Data Sheet for Renderoc TGXtra.
Standards compliance
Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions for the Supply of
Goods and Service. All Fosroc datasheets are updated on a regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to obtain the latest version.
Head Office
telephone: (+9714) 2039699 fax: (+9714) 2859649 email:
Al Gurg Fosroc LLC
Regional offices
Post Box 657, Dubai Abu Dhabi, Al Gurg Fosroc telephone: 673 1779 fax: 673 1449 email:
Bahrain, YBA Kanoo telephone: 17738200 fax: 17732828 email:
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Oman, Al Amana telephone: 24815080 fax: 24817554 email: