About ECI-New
About ECI-New
About ECI-New
2. There are separate National Registers under each category for different engineering
fields/ disciplines: Construction, Consulting, IT, Computers/Telecom/ Civil/ Electrical/
Mechanical/ Chemical/ Mining/ Metallurgy/ Industrial/ Aeronautical Engineering, etc.
3. The National Registers are uploaded on the website of ECI (and respective Member
Association) so as to provide recognition to those whose names appear on the
5. Fee: The initial registration fee will be Rs. 3000 for PE, Rs. 2000 for APE, Rs 2000 for
Ap.E, Rs 2000 for JAp.E, Rs 1000 for SE, and is non-refundable. Half of fee received
will be passed on to the respective member association which helps in enrolling of
PE/APE/Ap.E/JAp.E/SE. The fee structure is also subject to change in future. The
registration is subject to renewal after 5 years.
(Note: - GST (at present 18%) is extra, and needs to be added to the Registration Fee
For Employer - Due to the higher technical competence levels of these Professional
Engineers, better Indian products shall be available, thus enhancing the Indian Industrial
might in the world arena. Better products mean more orders, implying expansion of the
Indian manufacturing base, resulting in more business opportunities. - Due to higher
skills, lower rejections, higher outputs, implying higher profit margins, increased
Advantage to nation
ii. Due to higher skills, lower rejections, higher outputs, implying higher profit
margins, increased profitability.
Advantage to Individual
11. Criteria for registering as Associate Professional Engineer (APE) - As for P.E. above,
with experience reduced to 4 years. APE can register as PE after 7 years of experience,
of which at least 2 years is in a responsible position of significant engineering activity,
without any further examination/interview.
12. Criteria for registering as Apprentice Engineer (Ap.E) - As for P.E. above, with
experience up to 4 years. Ap.E can register as APE after 4 years of relevant experience,
without any further examination/ interview.
13. Criteria for registering as Junior Apprentice Engineer (JAp.E)- As for P.E. above, but
with Engineering Diploma instead of a Engineering Graduate degree, and with
experience up to 5 years. JAp.E can register as Ap.E after 5 years of relevant
experience, without any further examination/interview.
14. Criteria for registering as Student Engineer (SE): Enrolled as a student in Bachelors’
Degree or Diploma in Engineering / Technology in a recognized university /
institution or equivalent qualification as approved by the All India Technical Education
/ Government of India. The SE can enroll as Ap.E/ JAp.E after graduation, after
undergoing an examination/interview.
15. After you are registered as professional Engineer. You have to follow the guidelines
on ‘Continuous Professional Development’ (CPD) for continuous upgradation of
knowledge and upgradation of profession engineer level. These guide lines are
available on the website of ECI.