Energy Models For Demand Forecasting-A Review

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 1223–1240

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

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Energy models for demand forecasting—A review

L. Suganthia,∗, Anand A. Samuelb
Department of Management Studies, Anna University, Chennai 600025, India
VIT University, Vellore 632014, India

artic l e in f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Energy is vital for sustainable development of any nation – be it social, economic or environment. In the
Received 7 July 2011 past decade energy consumption has increased exponentially globally. Energy management is crucial for
Accepted 22 August 2011 the future economic prosperity and environmental security. Energy is linked to industrial production,
Available online 4 October 2011
agricultural output, health, access to water, population, education, quality of life, etc. Energy demand
management is required for proper allocation of the available resources. During the last decade several
new techniques are being used for energy demand management to accurately predict the future energy
Energy models
needs. In this paper an attempt is made to review the various energy demand forecasting models. Tradi-
Forecasting model
Energy demand management
tional methods such as time series, regression, econometric, ARIMA as well as soft computing techniques
Econometric models such as fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, and neural networks are being extensively use d for demand side
Demand side management management. Support vector regression, ant colony and particle swarm optimization are new techniques
being adopted for energy demand forecasting. Bottom up models such as MARKAL and LEAP are also being
used at the national and regional level for energy demand management.
© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1224

2. Energy demand management .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1224
3. Energy models ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1224
3.1. Time series models................................................................................................................................................................................... 1225
3.2. Regression models ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1226
3.3. Econometric models ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1226
3.4. Decomposition models ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1228
3.5. Unit root test and cointegration models ................................................................................................................................................... 1228
3.6. ARIMA models ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1230
3.7. Expert systems and ANN models ............................................................................................................................................................... 1230
3.8. Grey prediction ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1231
3.9. Input–output models ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1232
3.10. Genetic algorithm/fuzzy logic/neuro fuzzy ............................................................................................................................................... 1232
3.10.1. Genetic algorithm .................................................................................................................................................................... 1232
3.10.2. Fuzzy logic ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1232
3.11. Integrated models – Bayesian vector autoregression, support vector regression, particle swarm optimization models ....................... 1232
3.11.1. Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR) model ......................................................................................................................... 1233
3.11.2. Support vector regression ........................................................................................................................................................ 1233
3.11.3. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) .......................................................................................................................................................... 1233
3.11.4. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) ............................................................................................................................................ 1233
3.12. Bottom up models – MARKAL/TIMES/LEAP ........................................................................................................................................ 1233
3.12.1. MARKAL .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1233
3.12.2. TIMES G5 model (the integrated MARKAL–EFOM system) .................................................................................................... 1233
3.12.3. LEAP .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1233
4. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1234
References ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1234

∗ Corresponding author. Mobile: +91 98412 44331.

E-mail address: suganthi (L. Suganthi).

1364-0321/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1224 L. Suganthi, A.A. Samuel / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 1223–1240

1. Introduction • planning for the future requirement, identifying conservation

The twentieth century witnessed a transition from coal based • identification and prioritization of energy resources, optimized
to petroleum based resources. With the advent of industrialization energy utilization, strategies for energy efficiency improvements
and globalization, the demand for energy has increased exponen- • framing policy decisions
tially. Fossil fuels in the form of coal, oil and natural gas comprise • identification of strategies for reduced emission
80% of the world’s energy use. It is predicted that if the current • Energy models are developed using macro economic variables to
global energy consumption pattern continues, the world energy
forecast the energy demand. This helps in planning and drafting
consumption will increase by over 50% before 2030 [1]. In this
policies for energy management on the demand side.
scenario, protection of the environment becomes very vital for sus-
tainable living. Relevant factors of the environment include food,
water, energy, natural resources, etc. Among these, energy is the
3. Energy models
most important factor.
Energy is essential for the functioning of all activities be it
Energy models are developed for sustainable progress of any
a developed or developing nation. It is estimated that indus-
nation. Energy demand models can be classified in several ways
trial energy use in developing countries is around 45–50% of the
such as static versus dynamic, univariate versus multivariate, tech-
total commercial energy consumption. Yet at the same time, large
niques ranging from times series to hybrid models. Reviews of
scale production and consumption of energy causes degradation of
research done during the eighties and nineties are presented by
the environment. Also commercial energy resources are also non
Bohi [2], Bohi and Zimmerman [3] and David Wood Memorial
renewable in nature. This has led policy makers and industrialists to
Issue [4]. Chang et al. [5] reviews the production and consump-
identify efficient means of energy utilization and also look at alter-
tion of both the traditional and the renewable energy in China
nate sources of energy. In this backdrop, utilization of renewable
over the past three decades. A review of energy management
energy is slowly gaining momentum across the globe.
software tools are analysed to study the features of the tools in
Energy demand management is becoming an important issue
integrating renewable energy into various energy systems [6]. A
since the future world is dependent on today’s decision. Man-
review on the various optimization methods has been carried out
aging the energy resources in an optimal manner has become
by Baņos et al. [7] for optimum utilization of renewable energy
imperative among energy planners and policy makers. It is becom-
ing mandatory that the commercial and renewable sources of
Chen and Kung [8] have presented on how the forecasting
energy be understood in its totality – quality, availability and
accuracy can be improved by integrating qualitative and quan-
environmental effects. In recent times, with climatic conditions
titative forecasting approaches. Energy demand is forecast using
going for drastic reversals, the attention has shifted to the uti-
qualitative approaches such as survey whenever there is a dearth
lization of renewable energy sources. The renewable energy
of information or when the end users perception, awareness
sources have been established to be sustainable, nature friendly,
and acceptance are required. The energy consumption pattern of
non-polluting and renewable. An integrated energy management
households in different urban development forms is examined for
approach is essential for the sustainable development of any
Bandung City, Indonesia. A survey is conducted to determine the
energy consumption patterns [9]. Liu et al. have used a survey to
determine the household energy consumption pattern for a county
2. Energy demand management in Tibet [10].
Energy forecasting models are developed specific to a nation or
Energy demand management involves effective utilization of utility depending on the economic and market conditions prevail-
the energy resources, reliability in supply, efficient management of ing. Baines and Bodger have adopted market forecasting approach
energy resources, energy conservation, combined heat and power for energy demand analysis. Energy accessibility and energy sub-
systems, renewable energy systems, integrated energy systems, stitution are dealt with [11].
independent power delivery systems, etc. Demand management The Integrated Energy Planning Model (IEPM) is a technical and
has to consider a series of options be it technical, organisation and economic forecasting model. It is based on a detailed breakdown
behavioural solutions so as to decrease the energy consumption of energy consumption and energy transformation sectors. In this
and demand. Cost effective options, commercially viable alterna- paper detailed analysis is presented for industrial sector. The main
tives and environmental friendly solutions need to be explored. objective of the model is to balance energy supply with energy
Demand management consists of planning, implementing, and demand. The model considers variables such as: GDP growth rate
monitoring activities of energy utilization that are designed to and GDP structure, population growth rate, urbanization rate, num-
encourage consumers to modify their level and pattern of energy ber of households and industrial product share. The model presents
usage. various scenarios [12]. Unido’s energy model consists of three
Demand side management has changed focus during the sequential phases (i) analysis at aggregate level of current and
nineties with the several changes happening across the globe future national energy matrices (ii) analysis of perspectives for
– technological advancements, communication breakthroughs, decreasing energy intensity (iii) analysis of perspectives for increas-
improvements in manufacturing processes resulting in better qual- ing the supply and cost efficiency of sustainable (renewable) energy
ity at lower costs. The emphasis of demand side management sources. The model is examined for China’s energy situation [13].
had shifted from residential load management to commercial and Conditional demand analysis (CDA) is used to model the res-
industrial demand management. Demand side management pro- idential end-use energy consumption in Canada. The results are
motes energy efficiency for sustainable development. compared with neural network and engineering based models. The
Energy demand is found to be closely linked to energy price, comparison of the predictions reveals that CDA is capable of accu-
GDP, population to name a few. Energy demand management rately predicting the energy consumption [14].
should help in achieving self sufficiency and cost effectiveness to The Integrated Energy System (IES) developed at Honeywell
provide for a sustainable economic development. Energy demand Prague Laboratory integrates all forms of cooling, heating, power
management should thus help in generation, combined heat and power and cogeneration tech-
nologies. The system consists of a forecasting and optimization
L. Suganthi, A.A. Samuel / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 1223–1240 1225

mechanism. The forecasting module estimates the demand and i.Time series models
the optimization module optimizes the load among the various ii.Regression models
production units [15]. iii. Econometric models
A model is developed for Japan that simulates nationwide iv. Decomposition models
energy consumption of the residential sector by considering v. Cointegration models
the diversity of household and building types. The model is vi. ARIMA models
used to develop scenarios and project the energy require- vii. Artificial systems – Experts systems and ANN models
ment in the residential sector [16]. Hu et al. present an Economy– viii. Grey prediction models
Energy–Electricity–Environment (E4) framework [17]. It examines ix. Input–output models
the strategy for low carbon and also presents China’s economy x. Fuzzy logic/Genetic algorithm models
growth, energy–electricity demand, renewable power generation xi. Integrated models – autoregressive, Support vector regression,
and energy conservation and emissions mitigation until 2030. Particle swarm optimization models
Energy models are developed for sourcewise analysis – for oil, xii. Bottom up models – MARKAL/TIMES/LEAP
gas, electricity. Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) has used Oil
and Gas Supply Model (OGSM) to predict the oil and natural gas 3.1. Time series models
supply and demand for Canada. The various parameters consid-
ered in the model include investment ratio, oil ratio, cost of oil Time series models are the most simplest of models which
reserves, oil prices, oil supply/production [18]. A technical and eco- uses time series trend analysis for extrapolating the future energy
nomic planning model (MIPE – Integrated Energy Planning Model) requirement. Bargur and Mandel have examined the energy con-
is used to estimate natural gas demand in three scenarios – low sumption and economic growth using trend analysis for Israel [28].
growth, high growth, sustainable development in four applications Gonzales et al. have forecast energy production and consumption in
areas – industrial, electric power generation, domestic distribution, Asturias-Northern Spain [29]. A semi statistical cyclic pattern anal-
domestic distribution and vehicular fleet conversions [19]. A sys- ysis is used for forecasting the primary energy demand for Turkey.
tem dynamics model is used to forecast the growth of natural gas The results are found to be similar to Winter’s exponential smooth-
consumption. It is found that natural gas will become an important ing technique [30]. Hunt et al. investigated the energy demand in
substitution for coal [20]. sectoral basis for the UK using time series approach [31]. Three
Electricity demand models are developed to study short term, time series models, namely, Grey-Markov model, Grey-Model with
medium term and long term load forecasting as well as for elec- rolling mechanism, and singular spectrum analysis (SSA) are used
tricity demand country wide. A belief network model is used for to forecast the consumption of conventional energy in India. Grey-
forecasting the demand and required generating capacity of elec- Markov model has been employed to forecast crude-petroleum
tricity. A dynamic simulation algorithm is applied to the belief consumption while Grey-Model with rolling mechanism to fore-
network to take into account the feedback effects of decision [21]. cast coal, electricity (in utilities) consumption and SSA to predict
Long term electric energy demand is determined using dynamic natural gas consumption [32].
simulation theory by Jia et al. [22]. Social, economical and envi- Sourcewise analysis is also carried out to determine the future
ronmental factors are found to affect the electricity consumption. demand. The consumption of oil and price is forecast under three
This results in seasonal, monthly, daily and hourly variations in scenarios: Parabolic, linear and chaotic behaviour [33]. Aras and
electricity consumption pattern. Macro economic decision mak- Aras [34] used the first-order autoregressive time-series model to
ing is applied for electricity requirement forecast. By clustering the predict the natural gas requirement for Eskisehir.
primary data and removing the periodic variance the complicated Load forecasting of electric energy demand has been exam-
pattern is decomposed. Simple models are then applied and the ined by several researchers. In short term forecasting ranging
electricity requirement is forecast [23]. from an hour to over a week, temperature, humidity along with
Decision drivers for electricity demand and supply are identified past consumption is considered for demand projection [35–38].
for China. The framework consists of technological and socio- Medium-term forecasts are usually for a week to a year. Researchers
economic drivers, including those affecting electricity demand who worked on medium term load forecast include Abdel-Aal and
namely economic growth, structure, energy efficiency, urbaniza- Al-Garni [39], Barakat [40] and Wills and Tram [41] have worked
tion, and change in per capita income and electricity supply namely on long term forecast.
deregulation, initiatives to promote natural gas, nuclear and renew- The potential of using simple logistic curves for forecasting elec-
able energy, air pollution regulations, price developments for coal tricity requirement sectorwise is analysed for New Zealand [42].
and natural gas, and changes in generation technology [24]. The Electricity demand for India is predicted using time series models
primary energy requirement is forecast for three scenarios – busi- [43]. A time-series-based decision support system that integrates
ness as usual, conservative and optimistic by quantifying the above data management, model base management, simulation, graphic
parameters [25]. display, and statistical analysis to provide near-optimal forecast-
Coarse modelling is used to develop a three stage electric energy ing models for electricity peak load forecasting in UAE is developed.
load forecasting model to predict the yearly, weekly, hourly electric The model base includes a variety of time-series techniques, such as
energy demand [26]. The model involves a stage wise predic- exponential smoothing, Box–Jenkins (BJ), and dynamic regression
tion process (nested) involving analytical models. The manner [44].
by which hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) can be com- Gonzalez-Romera et al. [45] used trend extraction method to
mercially utilized for power generation in remote locations is examine the electric energy consumption for Spain. In the field
examined by Deshmukh and Deshmukh [27]. Several HRES configu- of interval time-series (ITS) forecasting, different techniques have
rations such as PV–battery, PV–diesel, wind–battery, wind–diesel, been developed. Arroyo et al. [46] have developed three exponen-
PV–wind–battery, and PV–wind–diesel–battery are analysed and tial smoothing methods for ITS forecasting.
found to be commercially viable. Himanshu and Lester [47] have used time series analysis for
The review of energy demand forecasting models pre- predicting electricity demand in Sri Lanka. Electrical power require-
sented in this paper is categorized under broad headings as ment for Jordon is predicted using models that account for trend,
follows: monthly, seasonal and cyclic dynamics [48]. Amarawickrama and
Hunt [49] have presented a time series analysis of electricity
1226 L. Suganthi, A.A. Samuel / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 1223–1240

demand in Sri Lanka. Various time series estimation methods were for which parameters are estimated by a least squares technique
used to analyse using past electricity consumption. They have used will not have Gaussian residuals.
income and price elasticities to predict the future electricity con-
sumption in Sri Lanka. 3.3. Econometric models
Technology diffusion models such as Bass, Gompertz, Logis-
tic, Pearl are used for projecting the energy demand for irrigation Econometric models correlate the energy demand with other
water pumping in India. The renewable energy distribution source- macro-economic variables. Samouilidis and Mitropoulos [72] have
wise in the total energy scenario is determined based on the studied energy and economic growth in industrialized countries.
four models [50]. Pearl or logistic function is used to forecast the Econometric models are developed to forecast energy consumption
future wind energy patterns in India and in five states of India as a function of GNP, energy price, technology, population for India
[51]. [73–75]. Ramaprasad Sengupta [76] and Rao and Parikh [77] have
established that such models are effective in forecasting energy
3.2. Regression models patterns in developing countries.
Arsenault et al. [78] have predicted the total energy demand
Energy forecasts are very important in the framing of energy of as a function of previous year’s energy demand, price of energy,
environment policies. Regression models have been used to fore- real income and heating day for the province of Quebec. Ordinary
cast the coal, oil, gas, electricity requirement [52,53]. O’Neill and least square technique (OLS) is used and prediction is made sector-
Desai [54] analyse the accuracy in the projections of US energy con- wise – residential, commercial, industrial and street lighting. Yearly
sumption presented by Energy Information Administration (EIA). data has been used for demand side projection. Energy forecast is
GDP and energy intensity (EI) are used in the projection of energy influenced by weather conditions data.
requirement. It is found that the GDP projections are consistently Energy supply and demand for the Asia-Pacific region is ana-
too high while EI projections are consistently too low. This tends to lysed [79]. The demand is forecast for three scenarios – high, low,
underestimate the future energy consumption. Linear and nonlin- base case considering variations in economic performance, prices
ear effect of energy consumption on economic growth for Taiwan is and fuel substitution at the national and regional level. Four factors
examined by Lee and Chang [55]. It is found that a threshold regres- are considered for each country – econometric factors (GDP, foreign
sion provides a better empirical model than the standard linear trade) with oil prices, domestic oil prices, substitution. A bottom
model. up country by country approach is followed. Oil, natural gas, coal
Regression models are also used for electric load forecasting – and electricity requirements are projected. The effect of price elas-
short term electric load forecasting [56–59] and long term electric ticities, income elasticities and technical efficiency on residential
load forecasting [60]. energy demand is studied for OECD countries using econometric
Jannuzzi and Schipper [61] have examined the of electrical energy models [80]. The energy requirement and CO2 emission for
energy consumption for the residential sector in Brazil. It was Greece is forecast using econometric models. Demand equations
found that the increase in electricity demand was faster than the are derived for each sector of economic activity traded, non-traded,
income. Dynamic relationship between electricity consumption public and agricultural sector and for each type of energy – oil,
and weather, price, and consumer income are examined by Har- electricity and solid fuels. The energy system is integrated so that
ris and Lon-Mu [62] using 30 years data series from south east all interactions between energy, prices and production factors are
USA. Electricity demand based on the intensity of consumption is considered [81].
developed [63,64] to predict the future requirement. Sharma et al. [82] analysed the requirement of three major
The influence of economic variables on the annual electricity forms of commercial energy in the state of Kerala (viz electricity,
consumption in N. Cyprus is examined [65]. Using multiple regres- petroleum products and coal). Sectorwise/productwise econo-
sion analyses, the relationship between energy consumption, the metric demand models are generated using regression method.
number of customers, the price of electricity and the number of ZhiDong [83] has conducted an econometric study for China linking
tourists is determined. A linear regression model was used [66] to energy, economy and the environment. A three equation model [84]
predict the electricity consumption for Turkey based on the pop- is used for energy modelling and forecasting energy demand in UK
ulation and percapita consumption rates. Tunc et al. [67] used the and Germany. An economic model considers the price of electricity,
regression analysis to predict Turkey’s electric energy consump- oil, gas, coal, total energy demand and technological progress. The
tion. statistical model has the economic model embedded in its equa-
Bessec and Fouquau [68] have examined the non linear relation- tion along with the error correction term. The results from the two
ship between electricity demand and temperature in the European models are then processes for structural change and stability.
Union. A panel threshold regression with exponential and logis- Energy consumption in industrial, transportation, residential
tic functions is considered for the data collected from 15 European and commercial is determined for China using the consumption
countries. An empirical model based on multivariate regression is of fuel in a sector taking the case of a well off society [85]. Sec-
developed [69] to predict the electricity requirement of Jordon’s toral energy related parameters are identified to determine the
industrial sector. Industrial production outputs and capacity uti- final energy consumption in the sector. Econometric modelling is
lization were found to be two most important variables that affect used for energy forecasting. Rural, social and economic data is col-
electrical power demand. The residential and commercial sector lected for six provinces in China [86]. A sectoral energy demand
electricity consumption pattern in Hong Kong was examined [70]. analysis and a forecasting model are developed. Variables such as
Principal component analysis of five major climatic variables—dry- GDP, per capita income, agricultural production output, industrial
bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature, global solar radiation, production output, capital investment are used.
clearness index and wind speed—was conducted. It was found A modified form of econometric model EDM (Energy Demand
that sector-wide electricity consumption correlated with the cor- Model) is used by Gori and Takanen [87] to forecast the Italian
responding two principal components determined using multiple energy consumption. The possible substitution of various energy
regression technique. resources is investigated. In addition, the long term electricity con-
A non parametric regression model [71] is used to assess the sumption pattern in Italy is examined using cointegration and
wind energy forecasts. The conditional price distribution is found to stationary time series models. The primary energy demand in
be non Gaussian. The forecasting models for electricity spot prices Japan is determined by exploring the relationship between energy
L. Suganthi, A.A. Samuel / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 1223–1240 1227

demand, GNP and real energy price [88]. The resulting economet- Econometric models are developed for the various petroleum
ric model is used to determine long run price elasticity and income products and natural gas for India [105]. Variables such as
elasticity. The model is utilized to forecast the energy consumption GDP/capita, population, price are considered to forecast the
and CO2 emission. demand.
Raghuvanshi et al. [89] determine the characteristics of the Logistic curve function is used predict the oil demand by con-
drivers of energy development for India. The primary energy sidering consumption per capita against GDP per capita [106]. The
consumption is decomposed as a product of three variables, pop- IEA projections to 2030 for the OECD countries show no reduction
ulation, per capita GDP and energy intensity of GDP. Similarly in oil demand on a per capita basis. Historical data for China is pro-
the CO2 emissions are decomposed as the product of the primary jected using least squares technique. The results indicate that IEA’s
energy consumption and the carbon intensity of primary supply. oil forecast has been underestimated. Transport energy demand is
Ramanathan [90] has used data envelopment analysis to analyse forecast for China using Partial Least Square Error (PSLE) method
the patterns of efficiency in terms of world energy consump- based on gross domestic product (GDP), urbanization rate, passen-
tion, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth and CO 2 emissions. ger turnover and freight turnover [107]. Econometric model is used
The impacts of the changes in energy prices due to deregula- to model five most important crude oil products demand in Spain
tion of prices is examined [91] on aggregate energy intensity and [108]. The elasticity of demand is determined. It is found that the
coal/oil/electricity intensity is studied. Price elasticities by energy main factor driving demand is real income with prices having little
type are determined. impact on energy consumption.
The levels and types of demands for energy services in 2040 for Econometric models are used for electricity demand analysis.
Australia are determined by projecting the levels of economic activ- Liu et al. [109] have used econometric model to forecast electricity
ity [92]. Demand for 2040 is estimated by examining how energy consumption and has compared the results with a neural network
intensity has been changing in each sector in recent years and this model. Logistic function is used to predict the electricity demand
is used to project the future energy requirement. The changes in in Greece [110]. The correlation of gross domestic product, invest-
energy price elasticity and elasticities of substitution are examined ments and relative electric price on demand is also examined.
[93] between energy and non-energy (capital and labour) sectors in Regression and correlation analyses are carried out for Hong
China. It is found that accelerated market oriented reforms lead to Kong [111] to investigate the relationships between residential
energy efficiency improvements because the energy price elasticity electricity consumption, economic variables and climatic factors.
declines, and elasticities of substitution and cross price elasticities The seasonal and the yearly electricity use in the residential sector
between energy, capital and labour rise. An econometric model are forecast using the household income, household size, electric-
is developed to predict China’s energy demand [94]. The energy ity price and cooling degree days. The econometric relationship
requirement is forecast and an energy balance is presented for 2020 between electricity consumption and income, price of electric-
for China. ity and diesel (used in for captive power generation to meet the
Bhattacharyya and Timilsina [95] have stated that basically two shortages), and reliability of power supply from utilities in sectors
types of approaches namely econometric and end-use account- namely residential, commercial, agriculture, small and medium
ing are normally used in energy demand models. Lescaroux [96] industries, and large industries are examined for India [112].
presents a regional and sectoral model of global final energy Cobb–Douglas function is used for electricity demand projection
demand. The main end-use sectors of consumption (industrial, for China with parameters – GDP, electricity price and autonomous
commercial and public services, residential and road transporta- energy efficiency [113]. The income and price elasticities are deter-
tion), per capita demand is expressed as an S shaped function of mined. An engineering and econometric model is used to predict
per capita income. The effect of variables like energy prices, tem- the household electricity requirement for Norway [114]. The elec-
peratures and technological trends are also examined. The model tricity consumption in New Zealand is forecast using economic and
is applied on a panel of 101 countries. China’s energy intensity is demographic variables [115]. Models are developed using multi-
decomposed [97] to find the driving force that is increasing the ple linear regression analysis with electricity consumption as a
energy intensity. A two stage approach with factor cost function function of gross domestic product, average price of electricity and
and fuel share equations is used to determine the elasticities of population. The model is validated by comparing the forecasts with
substitution and price elasticities for interfactor substitution and those obtained using Logistic model.
interfuel substitution. In the context of climate change the future electricity demand is
Econometric models are developed to forecast energy demand determined for Greece [116]. The electricity demand is determined
sourcewise – coal, oil, electricity and sectorwise – industrial, trans- using regression equation which considers population, GDP, energy
port, residential for Korea [98] and for Nepal [99]. intensity, monthly seasonality of electricity demand, monthly heat-
The IEA and DOE projections are used to determine the coal ing and cooling degree days. It is found that economic development
demand of China [100]. The paper indicates that even with con- has a strong effect on the future electricity demand. The electric-
servative assumptions about Chinese GDP and income elasticity ity requirement in Italy is forecast using linear regression models
of electric demand, the coal demand in China will be high and [117]. The elasticities of GDP, price, GDP per capita for short run
consequently the CO2 emission. and long run and for domestic and non domestic electricity con-
A modified logit function model is used for extrapolating crude sumption are determined.
oil and natural gas demands for France [101]. Population and Two empirical models are developed based on multivariate lin-
GDP/capita are considered in forecasting the demand. A similar ear regression analysis to identify the main drivers behind changes
model is developed for Denmark [102]. in electricity and fuel consumptions in the household sector in Jor-
Elkhafif [103] presents an iterative econometric technique for dan [118]. The results indicate that fuel unit price, income level, and
energy forecast which corrects the abnormal weather conditions population are the most important variables that affect demand on
data. The model is applied for sectoral natural gas sales data electrical power, while population is the most important variable
for the province of Ontario, Canada. The study reveals that res- in the case of fuel consumption. The relationship between elec-
idential and commercial natural gas data require more weather tricity consumption and gross domestic product is examined for
correction than the data for the industrial sector. Eltony [104] has Malaysia using bivariate and multivariate models [119]. It is found
used econometric models to examine the natural gas demand in that electricity consumption, real GDP and price share a long-run
Kuwait. relationship.
1228 L. Suganthi, A.A. Samuel / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 1223–1240

The electricity consumption of China is forecast by categoriz- 3.5. Unit root test and cointegration models
ing the industry as primary, secondary and tertiary [120]. The
annual electricity consumption is determined as a function of gross An econometric model of fossil fuel demand is determined for
domestic product of primary industry, gross domestic product of eight OECD countries, relating coal, oil and gas demands to GDP
secondary industry, gross domestic product of tertiary industry, and prices [133]. In addition a model of endogenous technical
consumption of rural household, consumption of urban household progress has been estimated, aiming to include both price induced
and consumption of government using partial least square method. innovation in energy and structural change in the economy as long-
Zachariadis [121] forecasts the electricity consumption of Cyprus term determinants of energy consumption. Cointegration and error
using econometric analysis of energy use as a function of macro correction model is applied to examine their relationships. Cointe-
economic variables, prices and weather conditions. The research gration models were used with multivariate models to examine
determines the future electricity demand in Europe using log-linear the influence of gross domestic product (GDP), income, degree-
econometric model [122]. It also highlights how the electricity days, population, and energy price on energy demand in various
change impacts the climate, electricity costs including carbon costs. countries by Dincer and Dost [134].
Johansen’s multivariate cointegration tests preceded by various
3.4. Decomposition models unit root or non-stationarity tests are used to test for cointegration
between total energy consumption and real income of six Asian
A list of 51 studies related to industrial energy decomposition economies: India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the
are reviewed by Ang [123]. Two common approaches to decompo- Philippines [135]. A dynamic vector error-correction model is used
sition are the energy consumption (EC) and the energy intensity (EI) to analyse the direction of Granger-causation and within-sample
approaches. In the energy consumption approach, the basic speci- Granger-exogeneity or endogeneity of each of the variables. The
fied effects are associated with the change in aggregate production relative strength of the causality is determined using the dynamic
level, structural change in production, and changes in sectoral variance decomposition technique.
energy intensities, while in the energy intensity approach only the The disaggregated behaviour of UK energy crisis is examined
last two effects are considered. Relevant application issues, such [136]. The short and long run determinants of fuel demand, eco-
as method selection, periodwise versus time-series decomposition, nomic activity and real prices are examined. Cointegration analysis
significance of levels of sector disaggregation, and result interpre- has been used to determine the longrun relationships; the residuals
tation are reviewed in the paper. The decomposition of industrial which are considered adjustments to the long run, has been fitted
energy consumption in Singapore at two levels of sector disaggre- into an error correction model to determine short run elasticities.
gation is studied by Ang [124]. The impact of structural change and The researchers state that the real oil price is a major determinant
changes in sectoral energy efficiencies is examined for Singapore of real national income and energy consumption for Korea [137].
and Taiwan [125] by decomposing the industrial energy consump- It is also found that the combined effects of real money and real
tion. The decomposition is used to energy prediction. government expenditure on real income and energy consumption
A decomposition model is used for predicting aggregate energy are also substantial for Korea.
demand in 15 European Union countries [126]. The model is decom- Vector error-correction model estimation is used to examine the
posed into components to study the effect of sectoral energy relationship between energy consumption and economic growth
intensity, structure change and GDP. The energy consumption and for Greece [138]. The vector specification includes energy con-
economic growth relationship is determined by examining how sumption, real GDP and price developments – the latter taken to
much of the variance in national income growth can be explained represent a measure of economic efficiency. The results indicate
by the growth of different sources of energy consumption and that there is a long-run relationship between the three variables,
employment in Turkey [127]. A generalized forecast error variance supporting the endogeneity of energy consumption and real out-
decomposition technique is used to determine the information con- put. The demand for the different types of energy consumption for
tent of the growth rate of energy consumption in Turkey. Mexico is presented [139]. The Johansen procedure and the like-
The paper [128] applies an aggregate production function to lihood ratio tests are used to find the relationship between the
examine the relationship among energy consumption, capital types of energy and income. It is found that in Mexico the demand
stock, and real income (real GDP per capita) in G-7 countries. for energy is driven by income and relative prices. The stability
Granger causality test, the generalized impulse response approach, between energy consumption and GDP for Taiwan is examined
and variance decompositions in a multivariate setting to determine [140]. Aggregate and disaggregate data of energy consumption,
the extent and the magnitude of the relationship among variables. including coal, oil, gas, and electricity, is used. Unit root tests and
Decomposition models are also applied sourcewise – for oil, the cointegration tests allowing for structural breaks are performed
electricity. The studies carried out for oil, electricity are reviewed. on the data.
Factor Decomposition method and System Dynamics (SD) mod- Al-Irian [141] examines the causality relationship between
elling is used to predict the pattern of future oil consumption per gross domestic product (GDP) and energy consumption in the six
capita (OCPC) [129]. Three factors were used for decomposition, i.e. countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Panel cointegra-
economic activity, technological progress, and structure of energy tion and causality techniques are used to find the direction of
consumption. energy – GDP causality in the GCC. Panel unit root testing procedure
Short term load forecasting for Iran electricity market is done with multiple structural breaks is used to re-investigate the station-
using singular spectral analysis (SSA) [130]. SSA decomposes a time arity of energy consumption per capita across regions of the world
series into trend and oscillation components. Simulation results [142]. The cointegration between energy consumption and GDP are
show that the method gives better results. analysed for Turkey [143]. The short term variation is predicted
Energy consumption pattern is analysed using fractional inte- using a vector error correction model (ECM). The causality between
gration method. Gil-Alana et al. [131] have analysed the energy variables is determined using the Granger causality model.
consumption by the US electric power by various energy sources The energy imports in China is increasing at an enormous
using fractional integration. Research is carried out to test for long pace because of extensive energy consumption. China’s energy
memory in disaggregated petroleum consumption in the United import demand is predicted using cointegraiton and vector error
States using univariate and multivariate Lagrange Multiplier (LM) correction (VEC) model techniques [144]. The paper examines
tests for fractional integration [132]. the dynamic causal relationships between energy consumption,
L. Suganthi, A.A. Samuel / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 1223–1240 1229

emissions and output for France using cointegration and vec- analysed using cointegration model [159]. The models have been
tor error-correction modelling techniques [145]. The relationship estimated using cointegrating VAR framework, which allows for
between energy consumption and economic growth is examined endogeneity of regressors. The paper estimates the demand for
for China using cointegration and VEC approach at both aggregated gasoline in Kuwait using a cointegration and error correction model
and disaggregated level [146]. The relationship between energy (ECM) [160]. Gasoline demand is inelastic with respect to price in
consumption structure, economic structure and energy intensity the short and long run, while it is elastic in the long run. Gasoline
in China is examined [147]. Cointegration, causality tests and VEC demand is inelastic with respect to income in the short run. The
model have been applied to the energy data for China. relationship between gasoline demand, national income and price
The energy consumption in China is forecast as a function of gasoline is empirically examined using cointegration and error
of population growth, economic growth and urbanization level. correction techniques for India [161].
Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) cointegration approach is The short run and long run effects between oil consumption and
used to find the long run relationship between urbanization pro- economic growth in China is explored [162]. Cointegration tests
cess and energy consumption [148]. Unrestricted error correction suggest that these two variables tend to move together in the long
model (UECM) is applied. The specification of the Granger causal- run. Granger causality test indicates oil consumption could be a
ity test will be a vector autoregression (VAR) in first difference useful factor to forecast changes in the economy both in the short
form. Factor decomposition model is used to find the changes in and in the long run. The results indicate economic growth can be
total energy consumption (direct and indirect) through its own key used as a predictive factor to predict oil consumption in the long
elements. run.
An empirical model of renewable energy consumption for the The future demand for petroleum products in India is studied
G7 countries is developed [149]. Panel cointegration estimates [163]. Cointegration and error correction modelling approach is
show that in the long term, increases in real GDP per capita and CO2 used. The long term demand elasticity for petroleum products is
per capita are found to be major drivers behind per capita renew- also determined. The demand for imported crude oil in South Africa
able energy consumption. The intertemporal causal relationship is studied as a function of real income and the price of crude oil
between energy consumption and economic growth in Tanzania [164]. Johansen cointegration multivariate analysis is performed
is examined [150]. The auto regressive distributed lag (ARDL) is to find the long run relationship with income and price. The short-
used for the two types of energy consumption data, namely total run dynamics are estimated by specifying a general error correction
energy consumption per capita and electricity consumption per model.
capita. Causality tests are also conducted to find the causal flow. Gallo et al. [165] Q15 uses unit root tests with two endogenous
The causal relationship between energy consumption and eco- breaks to analyse the characteristics of oil prices, production, and
nomic growth in three sub-Saharan African countries is examined consumption for several countries. By taking into account struc-
[151]. Using the ARDL-bounds testing procedure, the causality tural breaks, the relationship between oil consumption and oil
between energy consumption and economic growth are deter- prices is examined. Causality tests are also performed to deter-
mined. The unit root null hypothesis is performed on the energy mine the direction of any possible relationship between oil price
consumption data for Australian states and territory [152]. The and oil consumption and production for Organisation for Economic
causal relationship between carbon dioxide emissions, energy con- Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries.
sumption, and real output within a panel vector error correction Cointegration models are used to study the relationship
model for eleven countries of the Commonwealth of Indepen- between electricity demand and economic variables for Kuwait
dent states is examined [153]. The impact of growth, energy [166]. Co-integration techniques are used in the analysis of short
and financial development on the environment in China is ana- and long-run effects of economic variables on energy use for US
lysed using Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) cointegration residential electricity demand [167]. An error correction model
approach [154]. The long run equilibrium relationship between is also applied on the data. Ranjan and Jain [168] have studied
financial development and environmental pollution is examined. the cointegrating relationship for electrical energy consumption
The impact of trade on energy consumption in a sample of 8 in Delhi. Econometric models are used to investigate the determi-
Middle Eastern countries using the panel cointegration data esti- nants of electrical energy consumption in post-war Lebanon [169].
mation techniques is examined [155]. Granger causality tests are The impact of the Gross Domestic Product, total imports and degree
conducted to determine the causality dynamics existing among days on electricity consumption is examined. Cointegration anal-
the variables. The long-run relationship between energy consump- ysis is performed. Error correction models are applied. Statistical
tion and real GDP including energy prices for 25 OECD countries is performance measures such as mean square error, mean average
investigated [156]. The cointegration model indicates that interna- deviation and mean average percentage error are determined to
tional developments dominate the long-run relationship between validate the models.
energy consumption and real GDP. Energy consumption is found The relationship between electricity consumption, employment
to be price-inelastic. Causality tests indicate the presence of a bi- and real income is examined using a cointegration and causality
directional causal relationship between energy consumption and framework for Australia [170]. It is found that electricity con-
economic growth. The causal relationship analysis between sumption, employment and real income are cointegrated. Using
Gross Domestic Product, Energy Intensity and CO 2 emissions in cointegration analysis and autoregressive integrated moving aver-
Greece using Johansen cointegration tests and Granger causality age (ARIMA) modelling, the electricity demand is forecast for
tests based on a multivariate Vector Error Correction Modelling is Turkey [171]. The projections are compared with government
studied [157]. based projections and analysed.
Cointegration and error correction analyses have been exten- Electricity consumption and its interaction with income, prices
sively adopted in the study of energy demand sourcewise. and the weather in the residential and the services sectors in Cyprus
Stock Watson dynamic (DOLS) and error correction modelling have been examined [172]. The analysis was done using time series
approaches have been used for estimating the demand for coal in techniques such as unit root tests with and without a structural
China [158]. Cointegration and error correction method is used to break in levels, cointegration tests, Vector Error Correction models,
find the short run and long run price and income elasticities. Long- Granger causality tests and impulse response functions. Cointe-
run structural relationships of coal demand with price and income gration analysis is carried out between electricity consumption
variables for the four major coal consuming sectors in India are and GDP for China [173]. Granger causality and Hodrick–Prescott
1230 L. Suganthi, A.A. Samuel / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 1223–1240

(HP) filter are applied to analyse the data for its directionality and consumption is studied for Balearics Islands, Spain [189]. ARMAX
decomposition. and GARCH models are applied to examine the daily electricity
Electricity consumption in G7 countries is determined using demand and the effect of tourism.
the panel unit root and panel cointegration techniques [174]. The
model presents the long-run and short-run income and price elas- 3.7. Expert systems and ANN models
ticities for residential demand for electricity in G7 countries. The
model is used to curtail residential electricity demand and to curtail In the past, expert systems and neural networks were being
carbon emissions in the long run. The cointegration analysis is also used extensively for electricity load forecasting. In recent times, it
performed for 30 OECD countries by Narayan and Prased [175]. is also being used for long term energy demand projections consid-
The causal relationship between electricity consumption and ering macro economic variables. Neural network is used to model
economic growth for Lebanon is examined using cointegration the energy consumption of appliances, lighting, and space-cooling
and Granger causality models [176]. Empirical results of the in Canadian residential sector [190]. The energy consumption for
study confirm the absence of a long-term equilibrium relationship Turkey is predicted using artificial neural-network (ANN) tech-
between electricity consumption and economic growth in Lebanon. nique [191]. Two models are used: population, gross generation,
Odhiambo [177] has examined the causal relationship between installed capacity and years are used in the input layer of the net-
electricity consumption and economic growth in South Africa. The work for Model 1 and other energy sources are used in input layer
employment rate as an intermittent variable in the bivariate model of network for Model 2.
between electricity consumption and economic growth is formu- Researchers have argued that green energy can be considered as
lated. This results in simple trivariate causality framework. a catalyst for energy security, sustainable development, and social,
Inglesi [178] examined the disaggregated behaviour of UK technological, industrial and economic development. The paper
energy crisis. The short and long run determinants of fuel demand, analyses the world green energy consumption through artificial
economic activity and real prices are examined. Cointegration anal- neural networks (ANN). The world primary energy consumption
ysis has been used to determine the longrun relationships; the including fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas is also consid-
residuals which are considered adjustments to the long run, has ered [192]. Sectoral energy consumption in Turkey is determined
been fitted into an error correction model to determine short run using ANN [193]. The model is then used for greenhouse gas pre-
elasticities. Lai et al. [179] have investigated the causal relation- diction and mitigation.
ship between electricity consumption and economic growth in a Sözen and Arcaklioglu [194] have used three different models
gaming and tourism centre in China. The gross domestic product is to train the ANN. In Model 1, energy indicators such as installed
co-integrated with quarterly electricity consumption. Vector error capacity, generation, energy import and energy export, in Model 2,
correction (VEC) models indicated a lack of short-run relationships GNP was used and in the Model 3, GDP was used as the input in
but showed that there was a long-run equilibrium relationship ANN. The output of the network is net energy consumption (NEC).
between electricity consumption and gross domestic product. It is found that the ANN approach presents greater accuracy when
The increase in economic growth and energy demand has led to economic indicators namely GNP, GDP are used for prediction. The
increased utilization of renewable energy especially in developing energy demand for South Korea is estimated using a feed forward
countries. Two empirical models for renewable energy consump- multilayer perception, error back propagation algorithm [195]. The
tion and income for a panel of emerging economies are presented model considered gross domestic product, population, import and
[180]. Panel cointegration estimates indicate increases in real per export. The results are compared with the multiple linear and expo-
capita income have a positive and statistically significant impact on nential regression energy demand models.
per capita renewable energy consumption. Pao [196] examines the following linear models: the exponential
smoothing model (Winters), the exponential form of the general-
3.6. ARIMA models ized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (EGARCH) and
seasonal EGARCH (SEGARCH) models, the combined Winters with
ARIMA models have been extensively used in energy demand volatility EGARCH model (WARCH) and ANN non linear model.
forecasting. A decision support system for forecasting fossil fuel Based on the above models, two hybrid non linear models SEGARCH
production is developed using regression, ARIMA and SARIMA – ANN and WARCH – ANN are developed to predict Taiwan’s con-
method for Turkey [181,182]. The method integrates each model sumption of electricity and petroleum. The models are validated
by using certain decision parameters related to goodness-of-fit and using root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE)
confidence interval, behaviour of the curve, and reserves. Different and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). The results indicate
forecasting models are proposed for different fossil fuel types. The the hybrid models give better accuracy and among the hybrid mod-
prediction is made sourcewise – oil, natural gas, hard coal, lignite, els WARCH-ANN is the better model.
wood, hydropower, petrocoke, plantain remains, geothermal heat, The extent to which an economy relies upon imports in order
solar, asphaltite, geothermal electricity, primary energy. to meet its energy needs is defined as Energy dependency (ED).
Erdogdu [183] has estimated short and long-run price and Turkey’s energy dependency is determined using ANN based on
income elasticities of sectoral natural gas demand in Turkey. The basic energy indicators and sectoral energy consumption [197].
future electric energy demand is forecast using ARIMA. Short term Two models have been used. In Model 1, main energy indicators
electric load is forecast using ARIMA transfer function model [184]. such as total production of primary energy per capita, total gross
A hybrid model with AR(1) and a finite impulse response filter is electricity generation per capita and final energy consumption per
used for forecasting Lebanon’s electricity demand [185]. The model capita were used in the input layer of the ANN while sectoral energy
is compared with autoregressive and ARIMA models and it is found consumption per capita was used in Model 2. A global optimization
that the hybrid model gave higher accuracy. Conejo et al. [186] have method called “Modal Trimming Method” is used to identify the
used ARIMA to forecast electric price while Pappas et al. [187] have values of model parameters [198]. In addition, the trend and peri-
used ARIMA to study the electricity demand load. odic change are removed from time series data on energy demand.
Sumer et al. [188] have used three models namely ARIMA, The converted data is used as the main input to a neural net-
seasonal ARIMA and regression model to predict the electricity work. Furthermore, predicted values of air temperature and relative
demand and have concluded that regression model with sea- humidity are considered as additional inputs to the neural network,
sonal latent variable gave better result. Tourism-induced electricity and their effect on the prediction of energy demand is investigated.
L. Suganthi, A.A. Samuel / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 1223–1240 1231

The Greek long-term energy consumption is predicted using behaviour is forecast using Fourier series function and the trend
ANN multilayer perception model. The input variables cho- is forecast using a neural network.
sen are yearly ambient temperature, installed power capacity, Azadeh et al. [265] have used ANN for forecasting the annual
yearly per resident electricity, consumption, gross domestic prod- electricity consumption in high energy consuming industries in
uct [199]. Energy consumption in Turkey is modelled based Iran. The ANN approach is based on a multilayer perception model.
on socio-economic and demographic variables (gross domes- The accuracy of the ANN results over regression models are val-
tic product-GDP, population, import and export amounts, and idated using ANOVA. Midterm load forecasting of power systems
employment) using artificial neural network (ANN) and regression is performed using a preforecast model (NN) and a hybrid model
analyses. The models are validated using relative errors and RMSE (neural network and evolutionary algorithm) [266].
[200]. The electricity consumption in the Asian gaming and tourism
Neural Networks is used to predict the oil and natural gas con- centre – Macao SAR, People’s Republic of China is determined using
sumption. Gorucu and Gumrah [201] have used ANN to predict the multiple regression, artificial neural network (ANN) and wavelet
gas requirement for Ankara. GNP, population and vehicle kilome- ANN [267]. Five factors, namely temperature, population, the num-
tre are used as input parameters in training neural network model ber of tourists, hotel room occupancy and days per month, are
for predicting the transport energy demand for Turkey [202]. The used to characterize Macao’s monthly electricity consumption. The
best network architecture is selected using the training and val- models are compared for their accuracy using mean squared error
idation data set. The final network is tested using the test data. (MSE), the mean squared percentage error (MSPE) and the mean
The transport energy consumption in Thailand is determined using absolute percentage error (MAPE). It is found wavelet ANN is best
the national gross domestic product, population and the numbers among the models to forecast the electricity consumption.
of registered vehicles as independent variables [203]. Log-linear Regression analysis, decision tree and neural networks are mod-
regression models and feed-forward neural network models are elled using SAS Enterprise Miner for the prediction of electricity
used in the study. energy consumption in Hong Kong [268]. The decision tree and neu-
Neural Network models have been extensively used for short ral network models appear to be viable alternatives to the stepwise
term load forecasting for electricity [23,204–238]. Several regression model in understanding energy consumption patterns
researchers have worked on NN models for medium term load fore- and predicting energy consumption levels. The monthly electric
casting [239–245] and also long term load forecasting [246]. Xia power demand per hour is forecast in Spain for two years using
et al. [247] have used NN to forecast short, medium and long term two approaches – vector autoregressive (VAR) models and internal
load forecasting. multi layer perception model (iMLP) [269]. The authors have con-
Wavelets are also used for short term load forecasting [248– cluded that for electric power demand forecasting for Spain iMLP
250]. Benaoudaa et al. [251] have used wavelet based nonlin- ear has given better accuracy.
multiscale decomposition model for electricity load forecasting. Meteorological and geographical data is fitted into an ANN
Adaptive wavelet neural network model is used for forecasting model to determine the solar-energy potential in Turkey [270].
short term electric load with feed forward neurons [252]. Scaled conjugate gradient (SCG) and Levenberg–Marquardt (LM)
ANN is used to forecast regional peak load planning for Taiwan learning algorithms and a logistic sigmoid transfer function have
[253]. The daily electric load profile is forecast using a combined been used in the network.
approach of unsupervised and supervised neural network [254].
Kohanen’s self organising map is used during the unsupervised 3.8. Grey prediction
stage. The neural network is trained using climate data along with
historical load data to find the influence of climate variability. The Grey prediction gained popularity in the past decade because of
model is validated to give good accurate results for short term load its simplicity and ability to characterize unknown system by using
forecasting problem. The power distribution load is forecast using a few data points. Energy demand forecasting can be regarded as
neural network for short term and medium term load in Nigde, grey system problem, because a few factors such as GDP, income,
Turkey [255]. population are known to influence the energy demand but how
Researchers have also used neural network to forecast electric- exactly they affect the energy demand is not clear. Grey forecasting
ity price. Gareta et al. have used a neural network model is used consists several forecasting models of which GM(1,1) is commonly
to forecast short term hourly electricity price [256] while Amjady used for forecasting. Grey relation analysis was used to predict the
[257] has used a neuro fuzzy approach to forecast electricity price. motor vehicular energy consumption in Taiwan [271]. The relative
Pao [258] has forecast the electricity requirement for Taiwan influence of the fuel price, the gross domestic product, the number
using nonlinear ANN and linear models – multiple log-linear of motor vehicles and the vehicle kilometres of travel (VKT) per
regression (LNREG), response surface regression (RSREG), and energy increase are evaluated.
regression with ARMA errors model (ARMAX) models. Four eco- Energy consumption in China is forecast using grey prediction
nomic factors namely the national income (NI), population (POP), model which incorporates genetic algorithm [272]. A grey based
gross of domestic production (GDP), and consumer price index cost efficiency model is used for optimal forecasting of power gen-
(CPI) are used to study its influence on the electricity consumption. eration cost of renewable energy technologies [273]. The model
Maia et al. [259] have used auto regressive moving average models quantifies the influences of cost reduction in power generation.
(ARMA) with neural network and Maia et al. [260] present models Grey prediction model (GM) to predict and explore the dynamic
for interval valued time series forecasting based on AR, ARIMA and relationships between pollutant emissions, energy consumption,
Artificial Neural Networks. and the output for Brazil [274]. In the long-run equilibrium emis-
Hamzacebi [261] used ANN to estimate the net electricity con- sions appear to be both energy consumption and output inelastic,
sumption of Turkey on sectoral basis while Sozen et al. [262] have but energy is a more important determinant of emissions than out-
used ANN to forecast sectoral energy consumption and greenhouse put. The causality results indicate that there is a bidirectional strong
gas emission and discussed on consequent mitigation policies causality running between income, energy consumption and emis-
for Turkey. Gonzalez-Romera et al. [263] used neural network sions. The GM model is compared with ARIMA model for validation.
approach to forecast the trend and monthly fluctuation of electric The trend in the number of motor vehicle, vehicular energy con-
energy demand. The monthly electric demand for Spain is analysed sumption and the resulting CO2 emission in Taiwan is studied using
and a hybrid forecasting model is proposed [264]. The periodic the grey prediction model [275].
1232 L. Suganthi, A.A. Samuel / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 1223–1240

Grey prediction model is used for electricity demand forecasting economic indicators namely gross national product (GNP), popu-
[276,277]. A taguchi method was used to optimize the parame- lation and import and export amounts. They established that the
ter settings for the grey based electricity demand predictor [278]. genetic algorithm (GA) model gave better accuracy as compared
The system when used in conjunction with a PC based electric- to the government’s model. Genetic algorithm demand estimation
ity demand control system was expected to reduce the usage of models (GA-DEM) are developed to determine the future require-
electricity. A grey prediction model with trignometric residual ment of coal, oil and natural gas in Turkey based on population,
modification is used for forecasting electricity demand in China gross national product, import and export [291].
[279]. The authors state that the model has improved the prediction Haldenbilen and Ceylan [292] have used genetic algorithm to
accuracy to a large extent. estimate the transport energy demand in Turkey. Ozturk et al. [293]
Grey prediction with rolling mechanism (GPRM) approach is used the Genetic Algorithm EXergy consumption model (GAPEX)
used to predict the total and industrial electricity consumption in for predicting the petroleum exergy demand. Transport energy in
Turkey [280]. The results are compared with the energy prediction Turkey is determined using meta-heuristic harmony search algo-
studies obtained using Model of Analysis of the Energy Demand rithm – HArmony Search Transport Energy Demand Estimation
(MAED). GPRM is found to have better prediction accuracy. Two (HASTEDE) considering population, gross domestic product and
models are developed. GDP and price elasticities are initially used vehicle kilometres as input [294]. Linear, exponential and quadratic
to estimate nonresidential short run electricity for Romania [281]. models are used in the HASTEDE methodology. Optimum values are
A Holt–Winters exponential smoothing method and a trigonomet- determined using sensitivity analysis (SA). A logistic based method
ric grey model with rolling mechanism (TGMRM) is then used for is used to forecast the natural gas consumption for residential and
nonresidential electricity prediction. The results of the two models commercial sectors in Iran [295]. Two methods are used to estimate
are then compared. the logistic parameters – one using nonlinear programming (NLP)
Grey prediction analysis is also used for prediction of renewable and the second using genetic algorithm (GA).
energy sources. Grey relative analysis and prediction is carried out Modern computational techniques using genetic algorithms are
for biofuels consumption on rural household in China [282]. being adapted for load forecasting [296]. Tzafestas and Tzafestas
[297] have used computational intelligence techniques for short
3.9. Input–output models term electric load forecasting. Ozturk et al. [298] used GA for fore-
casting the electricity energy demand of Turkey. The electricity
An input–output model is used to assess how social and consumption is determined based on gross national product, popu-
economic changes will affect energy requirements and energy lation, import and export data. Two different non-linear estimation
intensity in China [283]. Six scenarios were developed by intro- models are developed using GA. The models are validated using
ducing major impact factors, such as technological advancement, actual data.
population, income, and urbanization, in the input–output model Azadeh and Tarverdian [299] present an integrated algorithm
to project China’s energy requirements. Liang et al. [284] divided for forecasting monthly electrical energy consumption based on
China into eight economic regions. A multi-regional input–output genetic algorithm (GA), computer simulation and design of experi-
model for energy requirements and CO2 emissions in China was ments using stochastic procedures. Time-series model is developed
established. Scenario and sensitivity analysis for each economic as a benchmark for developing the GA and simulation models.
region is performed. The indirect energy consumption in the house- ANOVA is used to validate the results. Considering electricity con-
holds of China is evaluated using an input–output model [285]. The sumption, GNP, primary energy consumption, installed capacity,
indirect energy consumption of both rural and urban households population, a neural network is designed which is improved upon
is determined. Using the economic data, the input–output model using Genetic algorithm for the prediction of hydroelectric power
is used to evaluate how the alternative energy policies impact pro- in Turkey [300].
duction prices, consumption prices, and real income of rural and
urban households through the mechanism of indirect energy con-
sumption. 3.10.2. Fuzzy logic
A growth model is integrated with an input–output model Fuzzy logic is used for short term electric load forecasting
to analyse the impacts of economic growth on the energy con- [301–305]. Pai [306] has used hybrid ellipsoidal fuzzy systems
sumption in Brazil [286]. Renewable and nonrenewable energy are while Ying and Pan [307] have used adaptive network based fuzzy
considered. He et al. [287] have forecast the energy demand using inference system to forecast regional electricity loads.
the input–output table for Liaoning province in China. Scenarios are The short term gross annual electricity demand for Turkey is
developed for three cases. Energy intensity and energy efficiency forecast using fuzzy logic methodology [308]. GDP based purchas-
are considered in demand projection. ing power parity was the only parameter used in the model. The
An input–output table of electricity demand (IOTED) is devel- model is validated by comparing the forecasts with regression
oped for China based on the input–output table of national based forecasts and MENR projections (MAED).
economy (IOTNE) [288]. The electricity demand in various sec- Short term electric load forecasting has been predicted using
tors is determined using the IOTED. Electricity demand multiplier neuro fuzzy system [309,310]. Padmakumari et al. [311] have
(EDM) is used to identify dominant sectors that has a high electric- forecast long term distribution demand using neuro fuzzy com-
ity demand. Alcántara et al. [289] have developed an input–output putations.
table to study the electricity consumption pattern in Spain. The
table helps in effective utilization of electricity by increasing energy
efficiency. 3.11. Integrated models – Bayesian vector autoregression,
support vector regression, particle swarm optimization models
3.10. Genetic algorithm/fuzzy logic/neuro fuzzy
Some of the latest techniques such as Bayesian vector autore-
3.10.1. Genetic algorithm gression, support vector regression, ant colony, particle swarm
In recent years soft computing techniques are being in energy optimization models are being used in energy demand analysis.
demand forecasting. Ceylan and Ozturk [290] have used genetic A review of a few studies related to energy demand analysis is
algorithm to estimate the energy demand for Turkey using presented.
L. Suganthi, A.A. Samuel / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 1223–1240 1233

3.11.1. Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR) model improve the forecasting performance [327]. The CAS combines with
Bayesian vector auto regressive model is used to predict energy the chaotic behaviour of single ant and self-organisation behaviour
requirement for China [312]. The primary energy requirement of of ant colony. The empirical results indicate that the SVR model
coal, oil, gas, hydro is projected till 2010. A Bayesian Vector Autore- with CAS (SVRCAS) performs better as compared to SVRCPSO (SVR
gression (BVAR) model and Granger-causality are applied to study with chaotic PSO), SVRCGA (SVR with chaotic GA), regression model
growth in energy demand and the relationship between energy or ANN model.
consumption to real gross domestic product per capita in selected
few Caribbean countries [313]. The increased growth in energy 3.12. Bottom up models – MARKAL/TIMES/LEAP
consumption indicate the need for long-term commitments to
undertake a series of economic, market, and research and devel- 3.12.1. MARKAL
opment measures to advance the adoption and deployment of new The MARKAL (acronym for MARKet ALlocation) is a bottom-
energy technologies. Bayesian neural network approach is used for up, dynamic technique which was originally developed as a least
short term electric load forecasting [314,315]. cost linear programming model by the Energy Technology Systems
Analysis Program (ETSAP) of the International Energy Agency. The
3.11.2. Support vector regression equations for the initial MARKAL model are given by Fishbone and
Fan et al. [316] and Hong [317] have used support vector model Abilock [328]. Numerous improvements have been made in the
electricity load. Electricity consumption is derived as a function of model for in depth analysis [329–331].
socio-economic indicators such as population, gross national prod- The MARKAL model depicts both the energy supply and demand
uct, imports and exports [318]. SVR (support vector regression) was sides of the energy system. It is an analytical tool that can be
created for each of the input variables to predict the electricity con- adapted to model different energy systems at the national, state and
sumption for Turkey. RMSE was used to find the best e-SVR model regional level. MARKAL model is used to study the impact of pol-
for each variable. Moving average and e-SVR (support vector regres- icy changes. Carbon mitigation strategies can also explored using
sion) are used to forecast the short term electricity demand. ANOVA the model. Scenarios are developed using the ‘what if’ framework
is used to validate the accuracy of forecast obtained by comparing [332,333]. As of 2005, Loulou et al. [334] have documented that
its results with ARIMA model [319]. MARKAL and TIMES models have been used in more than 80 insti-
tutions in 50 countries for various purposes including economic
3.11.3. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) analysis of climate policies.
The energy demand in Turkey is determined using Ant Colony The MARKAL model is used for Shanghai to develop scenar-
Optimization (ACO) [320] with independent variables such as ios during various policy conditions. The study analyses how the
gross domestic product (GDP), population, and import and export air pollutant emission can be reduced using the MARKAL model
amounts. Toksari [321] again used ACO technique for forecasting when different policy decisions are taken and also the benefits that
Turkey’s electricity energy demand. accrue by mitigating the increase of CO2 emissions is also explored
3.11.4. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) Analysis for 2003, 2007 and the regulatory impact assess-
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) based energy demand fore- ment of the Climate Change Bill were undertaken using the UK
casting (PSOEDF) is used to forecast the energy demand of Turkey MARKAL and MARKAL – Macro (M-M) energy–economic models
[322]. Gross domestic product (GDP), population, import and by Strachan et al. [342]. To achieve 60% CO2 reduction, a range
export are used as energy indicators of energy demand. The results of scenarios focusing on energy supply, technology pathways and
are validated by comparing with the ant colony optimization (ACO) macro-economic cost implications are presented. MARKAL model
technique performed for energy demand estimation. El-Telbany is used to model the UK residential energy sector with an objec-
and El-Karmi [323] have used PSO for short term forecasting of tive of reaching a target of a 60% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2)
Jordon’s electricity demand. emissions by 2050 [343].
A particle swarm optimization method is used for annual peak MARKAL model is applied to allocate various energy sources
load forecasting in electrical power systems [324]. Actual recorded across sectors in India for Business As Usual (BAU) scenario [344].
data from Kuwaiti and Egyptian networks are used. The model is The paper analyses the sectoral energy consumption pattern and
validated using least error squares estimation technique. emissions of CO2 and local air pollutants in the Kathmandu Valley,
Nepal using MARKAL model [345]. The paper also presents various Hybrid models. The review states that SVR with genetic scenarios for emission reduction.
algorithm and SVR with simulated annealing are superior to other The drivers for increased utilization of natural gas is identified
competitive forecasting models. However genetic algorithm (GA) using the economic optimization model MARKAL [346]. The drivers
and simulated annealing (SA) algorithm loses the previous knowl- are identified to be government mandates of emissions standards,
edge of the problem once the population (GA) or the temperature reform of the Chinese financial structure, the price and supply of
changes (SA). Chaotic particle swarm optimization algorithm is natural gas, and the rate of penetration of advanced power gener-
used in the SVR for electric load forecasting model. The results ation systems.
indicate that the above model gives better accuracy than GA or SA
algorithm [325]. 3.12.2. TIMES G5 model (the integrated MARKAL–EFOM system)
A new combined model for electric load forecasting based on Long term energy demand and CO2 emission for China is forecast
the seasonal ARIMA forecasting model, the seasonal exponential using TIMES G5 model. Sourcewise and sectorwise energy demand
smoothing model and the weighted support vector machines is are determined using the key indicators such as population, GDP,
used for electric load forecasting [326]. The model is found to effec- person-km, GDP per capita, heating per capita, cooking per capita,
tively map the seasonality and nonlinearity normally present in the heating per GDP, cooling per GDP [347].
electric load data. The adaptive particle swarm optimization is used
to optimize the weight coefficients in the combined forecasting 3.12.3. LEAP
model. The Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning system (LEAP)
The paper presents an SVR-based electric load forecasting model model was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute at
that applied chaotic ant swarm optimization (CAS) technique, to Boston (SEI-B). It is a bottom-up-type accounting framework which
1234 L. Suganthi, A.A. Samuel / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 1223–1240

is used for forecasting. The LEAP Model also has been developed to that GNP, energy price, gross output, population are being linked to
model the energy needs at the national, state and regional level energy demand. Technological development, energy efficiency are
Lazarus et al. [348]. also linked to the energy demand in econometric models. Decom-
Energy demand and supply are calculated for different Mexican position models highlight the strength of the macro variables with
end-use sectors based on the data from the national energy bal- energy demand with reference to a certain nation. Cointegration
ance [349]. The transformation programme simulates the energy models and causality tests indicate the direction of the causal vari-
demand in terms of electricity generation and distribution, natural ables with reference with energy demand. It is found that ARIMA
gas, oil and coke production, etc. Based on the energy require- models are linked with neural networks and other soft computing
ments calculated in the demand analysis programme the primary techniques to improve the accuracy of energy demand forecasting.
energy supplies in transformation programme are matched with Grey prediction is yet another technique being tried successfully
the energy demand. for energy demand analysis. Genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, SVR,
In 1997, SEI-Boston along with five leading international AGO, PSO are emerging techniques in forecasting commercial and
research and training institutes – EDRC (South Africa), ENDA (West renewable energy sources. It is found that the models link energy,
Africa), ETC (Europe), FAO-RWEDP (Asia), IDEE (Latin America) economy and environment for planning the future energy utiliza-
– joined to create a new suite of tools for integrated energy- tion in a sustainable manner. It is expected that such models will
environment analysis. This was funded by the Netherlands Ministry help energy planners to accurately plan for the future and utilize
of Foreign Affairs (DGIS). The LEAP 2000 was designed to cater to the the sustainable and renewable energy resources to a larger extent.
needs of energy planners and policy makers. The model can be used The models will facilitate policy makers and administrators to take
to study the effect of introducing strategies, greenhouse gas mitiga- decisions for a greener tomorrow. The review indicates that macro
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