Is 1727 PDF
Is 1727 PDF
Is 1727 PDF
( Reaffirmed 1999 )
Indian Standard
(First Revision)
Sixth Reprint OCTOBER 1996
0 Copyright 1968
NEW DELHI 110002
Gr 10 February 1968
Indian Standard
(First Revision)
Pozzolanas Sectional Committee, BDC 16
Ctilmfln Represmting
Dn R. R. HA~IAN~~I The Associated Cement Companies Ltd, Bombay
DR R. K. Grxosrs ( Afferna~ \
&RI K. K. NAYBL+R ’ ’ Concrete Association of India, Bombay
( Abmatu )
SHRl \‘. N. PA1 The Associatrd Cement Companies Ltd. Bombay
fiI3sU RABINDER SINGH National Buildings Oraanizaiion I Minirtrv of Works.
Housing & Urb& Development ) .
Smu C. T. BODE ( AI&raak )
( Cbntinurd on pug8 2 )
( Gmtinued from
MrmbaJ RqWscnring
SHRIR. R. SUKHRANI Kaudla Port Project ( Ministry of Traqort )
SUPERINTENDING ENGINEERIrrigation Department, Govemmcut of Madras
(EG Geological Survey of India, Calcutta
SUPERINTENDING SURVEYOR OF Central Public Works Department
DR H. C. VIS~ESVARAYA Canent Rcaearch Institute of India, New D&i
SHRXR. NAGARAJAN, Director General, ISI ( Ex-oficcioMember)
Director ( Civ Engg )
Deputy Director ( Civ Engg ), IS1
Senior Technical Assistant ( Civ Engg ), IS1
DR H. C. VISYZSVARASA Cement Research Institute of India, New Delhi
I.h IQBAS. ALI Hyderabad Engine,-ring Research Laboratory,
DR S. K. C~OPRA CentR~or~e~lding Research Institute ( CSIR ),
Indian Standard
f First Revision)
0.1 This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Indian
Standards Institution on 24 July 1967, after the draft finalized by the
Pozzolanas Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering
Division Council.
0.2 This standard was originally published in 1960. The various provisions
of the standard have been under the review of the Pozzolanas Sectional
Committee, for quite some time. Th e greater utilization of pozzolanic
materials in the country, the experience with the use of this standard and also
the latest developments in the field of pozzolanic materials has necessitated
a change in the approach to the testing of pozzolanas. In the light of these,
the Pozzolanas Sectional Committee has felt the need to issue this revision, to
incorporate the modification necessary to bring the standard in line with the
present thinking on the subject.
0.2.1 The revision incorporates a number of changes, the most important
of them being - the method of test for specific surface of pozzolana by Blaine
air permeability apparatus, the use of revised grading of standard sand for
various tests, introduction of ‘ absolute volume ’ concept for the test mixtures
for various pozzolanic activity tests, modified method of compaction of test
specimens and a test for specific gravity of pozzolanas.
0.2.2 The design of mix for various pozzolanic activity tests on absolute
volume basis was considered preferable as this would keep the binder plus
pozzolana volume same as that of binder paste volume in control mix. This
will control the workability, voids and yield of mortar which are affected by a
change in the specific gravity of pozzolanas. If the proportions are by
weight alone, any change in the specific gravity of pozzolana will alter
the water requirements for the mix and this will have a significant effect
on the strength with the result that a true assessment of the quality of
pozzolana would not be possible. Proportioning by weight will also not
give true comparison between the reactivity of two different pozzolanas
because even if they had equal efficiency in respect of their chemical reactiv-
ity, an artificial difference in the strength will be observed due to difTe-
rence in their specific gravities in case of proportioning by weight; on the
other hand, if the absolute volumes occupied by both pozzolanas were kept
r-------- ~
IS : 1727- 1967
1.1 This standard covers the following tests for pozzolanic materials:
a) Chemical analysis,
b) Fineness,
c) Soundness,
- ~Sice revis&.
,tRula for roundirlg off numerical valua ( r&red).
rs : 1727 - 1967
d) Setting time,
e) Lime reactivity,
f) Compressive strength,
g) Transverse strength,
h) Drying shrinkage,
j) Permeability,
k) Reduction in alkalinity and silica release, and
m) Specific gravity.
2.1 For the purpose of this standard, the definition of terms given in
IS : 4305-1967* shall apply.
3.1 Hydrated Lime - Hydrated lime for use in the tests shall conform to
the requirements for hydrated fat lime ( Class C ) of IS : 712-1964t and also
to the following additional requirements:
a) The calcium compound present in lime calculated as calcium oxide
shall not be less than 90 percent by weight of the ignited sample.
b) The residue on 212-micron IS Sieve ( see IS : 460-1962$ ) shall not
be more than two percent by weight.
3.2 Cement -Cement for use in the tests shall be ordinary cement con-
forming to IS : 269-1958s.
3.3 Standard Sand - Standard sand for use in the tests shall conform to
IS : 650-196611.
4.1 Temperature and Relative Humidity - Unless otherwise specified
the temperature range within which physical tests may be carried out should
be, as far as possible, 27 f 2°C and the relative humidity 65 f 5 percent
(see IS : 196-1966g ).
5.1 Reagents
5.1.1 Quality of Reagents-Unless otherwise specified, pure chemicals
and distilled water (see IS : 1070-1960** ) shall be used in the test.
NOTE- Pure chemicals shall mean chemicals that do not contain impurities which
affect the results of the analysis.
*Glossary of terms relating to pozzolanas. ( Since revisc0
tSpecification for building likes ( revised ) .
SSpecification for test sieves ( rcuised ) .
&ecification for ordinary, rapid-hardening and low heat Portland cement ( & ).
Since revised ).
@pecification for standard sand for testing of cement (/;rst rwition ).
~Specification for atmospheric conditions for tekting ( retied).
l *Specification forwater, distilled quaUty ( tied ).
53 LossonIgnition
5.3.1Ignite I.00 g of the air-dried, finely ground sample in a platinum
crucible of 20 to 25 ml capacity by placing it in a muffle furnace at
1000 f 25°C to constant weight ( for about 20 to 30 minutes ). Air should
have free access to the sample to maintain oxidizing conditions. Cool and
weigh the crucible to 0.1 mg and check the loss in weight by a second
heating for 5 minutes and reweighing after cooling.
5.3.2 The percentage loss on ignition nearest to 0.1 shall be calculated as
A = loss in weight, and
B = weight of moisture free sample used.
Nol~ -The significance of the determination of loss on ignition will vary according
to the nawrc of the sample. The figure obtained may include loss due to the
oxidation of any carbonaceous matter and gain due to the oxidation of any fcrrour iron
5.4.1Fuse one gram of the air-dried, finely ground, sample with about
7 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate in a covered platinum crucible. Raise
the temperature slowly until frothing ceases, then complete the fusion at
1 000°C for 30 minutes, occasionally swirling the melt to ensure thorough
mixing. Quench the melt by immersing the bottom half of the hot crucible
in cold water, then place the crucible and lid in about 100 ml of hot water
contained in a platinum or porcelain evaporating basin. Cover the basin
with a clock glass and add a few drops of absolute alcohol. Then gradually
add 30 ml of hydrochloric acid ( sp gr I.16 ). Warm until the melt is com-
pletely disintegrated and remove the crucible and lid, washing them
thoroughly and scrubbing them with a rubber-tipped rod. Crush any lumps
remaining in the solution.
5.4.2 Evaporate the solution, obtained from the fusion, to dryness break-
ing up from time to time the crust that forms and hinder evaporation. When
the residue is completely dry, cover the basin with a clock glass and drench
the residue with about 20 ml of hydrochloric acid ( sp gr 1.16 ). Allow to
stand for a few minutes, then add about 75 ml of hot, water to dissolve the
salts. Digest on a steam-bath for 5 minutes, then filter through an ashless
filter paper ( No. 40 Whatman paper or equivalent ). Transfer the silica
to the filter with a jet of. hot water; it is necessary to scrub the basin. Wash
the residue five times with hot dilute hydrochloric acid ( one percent )
followed by hot water until it is free from chlorides. Reserve the residue
and paper for the subsequent ignition, and transfer the filtrate and washings
back to the evaporating basin.
5.43 Again evaporate completely to dryness, cover the basin with a
clock glass and bake in an air-oven for one hour at 11O’C. Allow to cool,
then drench the residue with about 20 ml of hydrochloric acid ( sp gr l-16).
Allow to stand for a few minutes, add about 75 ml of hot water and digest
for 5 minutes on a steam-bath. Filter through another ashless filter paper
( No. 40 Whatman paper or equivalent ) transferring the residue to the
filter with a jet of hot water and scrubbing the basin with a rubber-tipped
rod. Wash five times with hot dilute hydrochloric acid ( one percent ),
followed by hot water until the residue is free from chlorides. Reserve the
filtrate and washings for the determination of ferric oxide and alumina.
5.44 Place the two residues and papers, without drying, in a weighed
platinum crucible and heat cautiously to dry the residue and char the papers.
Then burn off the carbon and finally ignite at 1 100 to 1 200°C for 30
minutes and then to constant weight. Cool and weigh to obtain the weight
of impure silica.
5.4.5 Moisten the weighed residue with a few drops of dilute sulphuric
acid ( 50 percent ) and add about 10 ml of hydrofluoric acid. Evaporate
slowly to dryness on a sand-bath ( or under a suitable radiant heater ) in a
fume-hood. Ignite the dry residue at 1 050 to 1 100°C for five minutes, allow
the crucible to cool and weigh. Subtract the weight of this residue from the
weight of impure silica to obtain the amount of silica in the sample taken.
If the residue weighs more than 5 mg, repeat the treatment with hydrofluoric
and rulphuric acids to ensure that all the silica is removed.
NOTB - For routine analysis, treatment with hydrolluoric acid may be omitted.
five minutes for the precipitate to settle and filter through an ashlesa filter
paper ( No. 41 Whatman paper or equivalent ). Transfer the precipitate
to the filter and wash five times with hot faintly ammoniacal ammonium
nitrate solution ( one percent ). Reserve the i&ate and washings and
transfer the precipitate back to the precipitation beaker. Moisten the
paper with hot dilute hydrochloric acid ( 50 percent ) and wash thoroughly
with water adding these washings to the precipitation beaker. Reserve
the paper for ignition. Dissolve the residue in a slight excess of hydrochlo-
ric acid, add one gram solid ammonium chloride and dilute the solution
to about 300 ml with water. Repeat the precipitation as before and when
the precipitation is complete add some macerated filter-paper pulp or filter
accelerator and stir vigorously. Filter through another ashless filter paper
( No. 41 Whatman paper or equivalent ) and wash the precipitate free
from chlorides with hot faintly ammoniacal ammonium nitrate solution and
reserve the precipitate and paper for ignition.
5.5.2 Acidify the combined reserved filtrate with hydrochloric acid and
evaporate to about 150 ml. Make it just alkaline to methyl red with dilute
ammonia solution ( 50 percent ). Any precipitate should be filtered off,
reprecipitated, washed as before and reserved for ignition. Acidify the
solution or the filtrate’ and washings with hydrochloric acid and reserve for
the determination of lime and magnesia.
5.53 Place the precipitates and papers reserved for ignition in a weighed
platinum crucible and heat, slowly at first, to dry the precipitates and char
the papers. Burn off the carbon and finally ignite the residue at 1050 to
1 100°C to constant weight taking care to prevent reduction. The weight
of combined ferric oxide, alumina and titanium oxide ( together represented
as RsO, ) is thus obtained.
55.4 If silica is suspected to be carried into the filtrate used for this esti-
mation, proceed as follows:
Treat the residue in the crucible with a drop of water, about 5 ml
of hydrofluoric acid and a drop of sulphuric acid and evaporate
cautiously to dryness. Finally heat the crucible to 1 050 to 1 100%
for one or two minutes, cool and weigh. The difference between
this weight and the weight previously obtained represents the
amount of residue silica. Subtract this amount from the weight
of combined ferric oxide and alumina found in 5.5.3. Add the same
amount to the silica already determined in 5.4.5.
5.6 FerricOxide
5.6.1 A separate de termination of the f&c oxide is often not required
but where called for shall be done as follows:
I-&at the precipitate ( see Note below ) obtained in 5.551 with
fused potassium or sodium pyrosulphate until solution is complete.
Dissolve the fused materials in 50 ml of sulphuric acid ( 10 percent )
and evaporate to fumes. Cool, dilute with water, and filter off the
silica washing with hot water. Reserve the filtrate for the deter-
mination of ferric and titanium oxides. Ignite the silica in a
platinum crucible and weigh. Treat to precipitate with 5 ml of
hydrofluoric acid and 2 to 3 drops of sulphuric acid. Evaporate
to dryness, ignite and weigh. The loss in weight represents extra
silica which should be added to that determined previously in
5.4.5 and also deducted from the weight of the combined oxides,
R,O,, obtained in 5.5.3.
Ncrra - Instead of ‘&sing directly in the platinum crucible in which the RIO,, was
ignited, the precipitate may be brushed into a porcelain crucible and then fused with
potasaium or sodium pyrcsulphate. This avoids loss of platinum by the action of the
pyrcsulphate, and nq platinum ia present in the filtrate to interfere with the iron deter.
5.6.2 Evaporate the filtrate obtained in 5.6.1 to about 75 ml. Cool and
dilute to 100 ml in a volumetric flask. Add 25 ml of dilute hydrochloric
acid ( 50 percent ) and heat to boiling. Reduce the iron by adding stannous
chloride solution drop by drop from a pipette with constant swirling of the
beaker until the solution is colourless. Then add one drop in excess.
Cool quickly in running water, then add at one stroke 15 ml of saturated
mercuric chloride solution. Allow to stand for 3 minutes and then transfer
with the washing to a 1 000-ml beaker containing 300 ml of cold distilled
water and 25 ml of manganese sulphate solution. Titrate with standard
004 N potassium permaganate solution, added very slowly while stirring
constantly, until a permanent pink end point is obtained, and calculate the
amount of ferric oxide present.
5.7 Uunina - Subtract the weight of ferric oxide calculated as in 5.6.2
and the small amount of silica found in 5.6.1 from the total weight of oxides
found under 5.55. The remainder is the weight of alumina and of small
amounts of other oxides which may also be reported as alumina for purpose
of this analysis.
5.8 CaIeisun Osidt- To the filtrate from 5.5.1 reserved after determina-
tion of the combined ferric oxide and alumina, add one gram of ammonium
oxalate. Roil the solution, then add, with stirring, dilute ammonia solution
( 50 percent ) until the solution is alkaline, followed by an excess of 10 ml
ofdilute ammonia solution ( 50 percent 1. Cover the beaker with a clock
glass and digest on a water-bath for two hours. Allow to cool and stand,
preferably overnight, then filter through a filter paper ( No. 42 Whatman
paper or equivalent ) and wash the precipitate four times with cold
ammotium oxalate solution ( one percent ). Reserve the filtrate and wash-
ings for the dete rmination of magnesia.. Wash the precipitate back into the
precipitation beaker. Moisten the filter paper with hot dilute nitric acid
( 50 percent ) and dilute the solution to about 80 ml. Add about Q2 of
solid ammonium oxalate, boil the solution and precipitate the calcium oxa& te
IS : 1727 - 1967
as before. Allow to cool and stand for at least three hours. Filter through
a filter paper ( No. 42 Whatman paper or equivalent ) and wash the preci-
pitate thoroughly with cold ammonium oxalate solution ( one percent ).
Combine the filtrate and washing with the solution reserved for the magnesia
determination and acidify with hydrochloric acid.
5.8.1 Carefully ignite the precipitate and papers in a weighed platinum
crucible slowly at first, to burn off the carbon and finally at 1 100°C for
15 minutes. Allow to cool over a good desiccant as the ignited precipitate
is very hygroscopic. Weigh rapidly to obtain the weight of calcium oxide.
5.9 Magnesia - Acidify the filtrate set aside in 5.8 with hydrochloric acid
and concentrate to about 150 ml. Add to this solution about 10 ml of
ammonium hydrogen phosphate ( 150 g/l ) and cool the solution by placing
in a beaker of ice water. After cooling, add ammonium hydroxide drop by
drop while stirring constantly until the crystalline magnesium ammonium
phosphate begins to form, and then add the reagent in moderate excess
( 5 to 10 percent of the volume of the solution ), the stirring being continued
for several minutes. Set the solution aside for at least 16 hours in a cool
atmosphere and then filter using filter paper ( No. 42 Whatman paper or
equivalent ). Wash with ammonium nitrate wash solution. Place in a
weighed platinum crucible, slowly char the paper and carefully burn off the
resulting carbon. Ignite the precipitate at 1 lOO”C, to constant weight,
taking care to avoid bringing the pyrophosphate to melting. From the
weight of the magnesium pyrophosphate obtained, calculate the magnesia
content of the material taken for test.
5.10 Sulpharic Anhydride - To one gram of the sample add 25 ml of
cold water and, while the mixture is being stirred vigorously, add 5 ml of
hydrochloric acid. If necessary, beat the solution and grind the material
with the flattened end of a glass rod until it is evident that the decomposition
of the pozzolana is complete. Dilute the solution to 50 ml and digest for
15 minutes. Filter and wash the residue thoroughly with hot water. Set
aside the filter paper with the residue. Dilute the filtrate to 250 ml and heat
to boiling. Add slowly, drop by drop, 10 ml of hot barium chloride solution
and continue the boiling until the precipitate is well formed. Digest the
solution on a stcambath for four hours or preferably overnight. Filter the
precipitate with filter paper ( No. 42 Whatman paper or equivalent ), wash,
place the paper and contents in a weighed platinum or porcelain crucible,
and slowly incinerate the paper without inflaming. Then ignite at 800 to
909X, cool in a desiccator and weigh the barium sulphate. From the
weight of the barium sulphate obtained, calculate the sulphuric anhydride
content of the material taken for test.
5.11 Dete rmination of Soluble Salts - Weigh 25 g of the sample and
transfer to a 500~ml beaker. Add 100 ml of cold distilled water and stir the
contents frequently for three hours. Decant through a filter paper ( No. 42
Whatman paper or quivalent ) into a 500-ml graduated Ilask. Refilter the
filtrate, if necessary, Return the tilter paper to the beaker. Add 250 ml
of distilled water and continue the extraction for another 90 minutes. Filter
and wash the material on the filter paper three times with cold distilled water.
Add the filtrate and washings to the first filtrate in the 500-ml. flask and
make up to the mark using distilled water. Shake the flask well and pipette
out 200 ml to a weighed platinum dish ( or porcelain dish, glazed inside and
outside). Evaporate to dryness, and heat to constant weight at 105 to
Calculate the percentage weight of the soluble salts as below:
Soluble salts, percent = 10 w
w = weight in grams of the dried material.
5.11.1 If the soluble salt content is more than 0.2 percent, analyse it further
for sulphates, chlorides and nitrate in accordance with the relevant standard
methods of chemical analysis.
5.12 Reproducibility of Resalts - Make blank determinations on the
reagents for each constituent of the pozzolana and apply corrections, where
necessary. In all cases, n&&e check determinations and repeat if satis-
factory checks are not obtained. The difference between check determina-
tions shall not exceed O-5 percent for silica and alumina and 0.2 percent
for the other constituents.
6.1s Applrratus
6.13.1 No&# of a@mttu -The Blaine air permeability apparatus
consists essentially of a means of drawing a definite quantity of air through a
prepared bed of definite porosity. The number and size of the pores in a
prepared bed of cement of definite porosity is a function of the size of the
particles and determines the rate of air flow through the bed. The apparatus,
E;traa$ in Fig. 1, shall consist specifically of the parts described in 6.14.2
. . Permeabili&cdl - The permeability cell shall consist of a rigid
cylinder 12.7 f 1 mm in inside diameter, constructed of glass or non-corroding
IS t 1727- 1967
metal. The top of the cell shall be at right angles to the principal axis of
the cell. The bottom of the cell shall form an airtight connection with the
top ofjhe manometer. A ledge 0.5 to 1 mm in width shall be an integral part
tif the cell or iirmly fixed in the cell 50 f 15 mm from the top of the cell for
support of the perforated metal disk. Disk - The disk shall be constructed of non-corroding metal
and shall be 0.9 f 0.1 mm in tlpickness,perforated with 30 to 40 holes 1 mm
in diameter equally distributed over its area. The disk shall fit the inside
of the cell snugly.
Is:17279l!J67 Plungtr - The plunger shall fit into the cell with a clearance of
not more than 01 mm. The bottom of the plunger shall have sharp square
edges and shall be at right angles to the principal axis. An air vent shall
be provided either in the centre or on one side of the plunger. The top of
the plunger shall be provided with ‘a collar such that when the plunger is
placed in the cell and the collar brought in contact with the top of the cell,
the distance between the bottom of the plunger and the top of the perforated
disk shall be 15-O f 1.0 mm. Filter jm@r - The filter paper shall be medium retentive
( corresponding to No. 40 Whatman ). The filter paper disks shall be
circular, with smooth edges, and shah have the same diameter as the inside
of the wall. (Filter paper disks that are too small may leave part of the sample
adhering to the inner wall of the cell above the top disk. When too large in
diameter, the disks have tendency to buckle and cause erratic results. )
6.11.6 iM,,r+& - The U-tube manometer shall be ,constructed
according to the design indicated in Fig. 1, using nominal 9 mm outside
diameter, standard-wall glass tubing. The top of one arm of the manometer
shall fbrm an airtight connection with the permeability cell. The mano-
meter arm connected to the permeability cell shall have a line etched around
the tube at 125 to 145 mm below the top of the side outlet and also others
at distances of 15, 70 and 110 mm above that line. A side outlet shall be
provided at 250 to 305 mm above the bottom of the manometer for use in
the evacuation of the manometer arm connected to the permeability cell.
A positive airtight valve or clamp shall be provided on the side outlet not
more than 50 mm Tom the manometer arm. The manometer shall be
mounted fumly and in such a manner that the arms are vertical. Marwmcter liquid-The manometer shall be filled to the mid-
point with a nonvolatile, nonhygroscopic liquid of low viscosity and density,
such as dibutylphthalate ( dibutyl 1, 2benzenedicarboxylate ) or a light
grade of mineral oil. Timer - The timer shall have a positive starting and stopping
echamsm and shall be capable of being read to the nearest 0.5 second or
%. The timer shall be accurate to @5 second or less for time intervals up to
60 seconds and to one percent or less for time intervals of 60 to 300 seconds.
6.19 CaMrarion of Appororur Sam#~%-The calibration of the air permeability apparatus
shall be made using National Bureau of Standards Standard Sample
No. 114 or any other cement sample having specific surface equal to the
appropriate certificate value of NBS Standard Sample No. 114. The sample
shall be at room temperature when tested.
NOTE- In the hence of NE3 Standard Sample No. 114, sampler of Indian cementa
b8viq rpecificsurfice cquivdmt to NB!3 Standard SaunpleNo. 1i4 may be uaal; mxh
nmpla ma be obtainal from the ACC Central Rcaearcb station, Bamhy-m
Rad, P.O. Lgk IadustrialEstate, ( Tbuu ).
Non I- It ir not nccusary to use the standard sample for the bulk volume
NWX 2 -The prepared bed of cement shall be firm. If too loose or if the cement
cannot be compressed to the d&red volume, adjust the trial quantity of cement used.
=-T?- Ill=”
6.1 A Procedure Tempraturt of tht test sample - The pozzolana sample shall be at
room temperature when tested.
6.1.41 S&e of test sam&?e- The weight of the pozzolana sample used for
the test shall be adjusted so that a firm, hard bed is produced in the cell by
compaction process. Preparation of the bed of test sample - The test bed of pozzolana
sample shahbe prepared in accordance with the method described in Permeability test -The permeability test shall be made in
accordance with the method described in except that only one time of
flow determination need be made on one prepared bed of pozzolana.
P(l --4dqwT8
8 PI ( 1 --G,) l/&d&d/ .....
S= ..I......................
P (1 -8) dqdZd/,
S = specifk surface in cm2/g of the test sample;
s, = specific surface in cm’/g of the standard sample used in
calibration of the apparatus;
PI = specific gravity of standard sample used in calibration of
apparatus ( assumed to be 3.15 ) ;
e, = porosity of prepared bed of standard sample used in
calibration of apparatus;
e = porosity of prepared bed of test sample;
7 = measured time interval, in seconds, of manometer drop
for test sample;
P = specific gravity of test sample ( for Portland cement value
of 3.15 shall be used );
T, = measured time interval in seconds of -nometer drop for
standard sample used in calibration of the apparatus;
*, = viscosity of air in poises at the temperature of test of the
standard sample used in calibration of the apparatus; and
u k viscosity of air in poises at the temperature of test of the
test sample.
NATE 1 -Values for t/7;- aud t/T may be taken from Tables I aud 2
NATE 2 -F+ation 3 shall. be used when tbe temperature of test and of the test
sample is within *3X of the temperature of calibration teat of the standard fineness
sample, and quation 4 shall be used if the temperature of tats is outside this range.
o-495 O-348
0.496 o-349
o-497 od50
O-498 Oa52
0.499 O-353
0400 0354
O?iOl 0-w
o-502 O-356
o-503 o-357
O-504 O-358
O-505 0459
O-506 O-360
O-507 o-361
0.508 O-362
o-509 OS3
o-510 O-364
O-525 0*380
O-526 O-381
O-527 O-383
O-528 o-384
o-529 O-385
0.530 o-386
o-531 o-387
o-532 o-388
O-533 &389
o-534 oa90
o-535 O-391
6.1.6 R&sts - A retest shall consist of two determinations made as
prescribed in 6.1.4 and 6.1.5, using a freshly prepared test bed of the sample
for each detqmination. Care shall be exercised in the preparation of the
test beds, and precautions shall be taken to ensure an airtight connection
between the permeability cell and the manometer arm. The fineness value
reported shall be the average of the values calculated from retest determi-
nations agreeing within 2 percent of each other.
NOTK-If tats are done at 8 other than @5, the actual rosity value shall be
reported a&n with finenas value, since it is known that the in xated value for fineness
ehangw with ht e decrease or increase ot’ the value of e.
7.0 Either of the methods given in 7.1 and 7.2 may be used for determining
soundness of pozzolanic test mixtures.
7.1 6 Le Chatelier ’ Method- The test shall be done as specified in
IS : 4031-1968* Methcds of Physical Tests for HydraulicCement ’ except
that in place of cement, a mixture of pozzolana and cement in the propor-
tion 0.2 Jv: O-8 by weight, blended intimately shall be used:
Jv _ Specific gravity of pozzolana
- Specific gravity of cement
7.2 Autoclave Test -The test shall be done as specified inIS : 4031-
1968* except that a mixture of pozzolana and cement in the proportion as
indicated in 7.1 shall be used in place of cement.
7.2.1 When determining soundness by this method, not less than six
specimens shall be tested at a time for arriving at an average result.
8.1 The test for initial and final setting time of pozzolana with lime and
cement shall be done in accordance with the requirements of IS : 4031-
1968* except that a mixture of pozzolana and cement in the proportion as
indicated in 7.1 shall be used in place of cement for making the paste. The
determination of standard consistency shall also be carried out in
accordance with IS : 4031-1968* using the mixture of pozzolana and
cements in the proportion as indicated in 7.1 instead of cement for making
the paste.
9.1 Scope - This method of test covers the procedure for determining the
reactivity of the pozzolanic material with hydrated lime, as represented by
compressive strength of standard mortar test cubes prepared and tested
under specific conditions.
IS t 1727- 1967
and the side of the bowl in the position of closest approach shall be
approximately 4 mm but not less than O-85 mm.
$31.3 Mixing bowl - The mixing bowl shall be removable and shall
have.a nominal capacity of about six litres. It shall be of the general shape
200 DIA 4
3% I
__ __ ____ -_____
*Flow table for use in tests of hydraulic cement and pozzolanic materials.
IS : 1727- 1967
obtained. Make each trial with fresh mortar. The mixing shall be done
mechanically by means of mixing apparatus as’ described in 9.9.2. Place the
dry paddle and the dry bowl in the mixing position in the mixer. Then
introduce the materials for batch into the bowl and mix in the following.
a) Place all the mixing water in the bowi.
b) Add the pozzolanic mixture to the water, then start the mixer and
mix at the slow speed ( 149 f 5 rev/min ) for 30 seconds.
c) Add the entire quantity of sand slowly over a period of 30 seconds,
while mixing at slow speed.
d) Stop the mixer, change to medium speed ( 285 f 10 rev/min ),
and mix for 30 seconds.
e) Stop the mixer, and let the mortar stand for one and a half minutes.
During the first 15 seconds of this interval, quickly scrape down into
the batch any mortar that may have collected on the side of the bowl,
then for the remainder of this iuterval, cover the bowl with the lid.
f) Finish by mixing for one minute at medium speed ( 285 f 10
rev jmin ) .
g) In any case requiring a remixing interval, any mortar adhering to
the side of the bowl shall be quickly scraped down into a batch with
the scraper prior to remixing.
Upon the completion of mixing the mixing paddle shall be
shaken to remove excess mortar into the mixing bowl. Carefully wipe the flow-table top clean and dry and place the
mould at the centre. Place a layer of mortar mixed in accordance
with about 25 mm in thickness in the mould and tamp 20 times with
the tamping rod. The tamping pressure shall be first sufficient to ensure
uniform filling of the mould. Then fill the mould with mortar and tamp as
specified for the first layer. Cut off the mortar to a plane surface flush with
the top of the mould by drawing the straight edge of a trowel ( held nearly
perpendicular to the mould ) with a sawing motion across the top of the
mould. Wipe the table top clean and dry, particularly taking care to remove
any water from around the edge of the flow mould. Lift the mould away
from the mortar one minute after completing the mixing operation. Im-
mediately drop the table through a height of 12.5 mm, ten times in six
The flow is the resulting increase in average base diameter of the
mortar mass, measured on at least four diameters at approximately equi-
spaced intervals expressed as a percentage of the original base diameter.
9.5.4 The materials for each batch of moulds shall be mixed separately
using the quantities of dry materials, conforming to the proportions specified
in 9.!%2 and the quantity of water as determined in 9.5.3. Mixing of mortar
shall be done mechanically as described in 933.1.
I8 : 1727- 1967
11.1 8cope -This method of test covers the procedure for determining
the transverse strength of the pozzolana mortars as obtained on standard
rectangular specimens prqared and tested under ape&led conditions.
IS : 1727- 1967
11.2 Apparatus
11.2.1 Miring Apflaratus - The mixing apparatus shall be same as
specified in 9.3.2.
11.2.2 Joltang A@aratus -A typical design of the jolting apparatus is
shown in Fig. 4. The apparatus shall consist essentially of a rectangular
table rigidly connected by two light arms to a spindle at a horizontal distance
of 800 mm from the centre of the table. The table shall incorporate on its
lower face a projecting lug with a plane face, beneath which is a small stop
with a rounded upper surface. When the projecting lug rests on the stop,
its plane face and that of the table shall be horizontal. There shall be pro-
vided a cam made of hard or case-hardened steel, by means of which the
table can be raised and then allowed to fall freely from a height of 15 mm
before the lug strikes the stop. The cam shall be driven by means of an electric motor of about
250 W and a reduction gear at a speed of one revolution per second. It is
recommended that the motor be provided with a device which automatically
stops it after 60 jolts. There shall be arrangements to place the mould shell on the
table,in such a way that the length of the three compartments is perpendicular
to the axis of rotation of the cam. The mould shall be located on the table
with the aid of suitable reference marks, so that the centre of the central
compartment is directly above the point of percussion. The mould sur-
mounted by its hopper shall be clamped rigidly to the table, for example, by
means of wing nuts. The combined weight of the table, mould, hopper and clamps
shall be 20 f 1 kg. The apparatus shall be fixed on a concrete base 1 000 x 300
mm and 800 mm high. The base plates of the two frames carrying the cam
and the spindle about which the table rotates shall each be fixed to the
concrete base by means of four anchor bolts, and when fixing them,
a thin layer of rich mortar shall be placed between the base plates
and the concrete base in order to ensure perfect contact. To reduce noise, the concrete base shall be placed on four-
rubber pads of suitable size. The table shall be horizontal when at rest,
and the common normal through the point of contact of the lug and stop
shall be vertical. The lug striking face and the stop shall be replaced as
soon as the above condition is no longer met. Ball bearings shall be em-
ployed for the spindles about which the table and the cam rotate. If plain
bearings are used, the play of the spindles in them shall not exceed 0.1 mm.
11.2.3 Moda3 - The moulds shall be made of hard steel not readily
attacked by the pozzolana mortar and shall embody three compartments
. 800 - &-IO04
AU dimensiona in miUimetra,
IS : 1727 - 1967
11.4.1 The mould and its hopper shall be fixed securely on the table of
the jolting apparatus by means of the clamp.
11.5.1 Clean appliances shall be used for mixing and the temperature of
the water and that of the test room at the time when the mixing operation
is being performed shall be 27 f 2°C.
11.5.2 The dry materials of the standard test mortar shall be pozzolana,:
cement: standard sand in proportion 0.2 IV: 0.8: 3 by weight, blended
N = Specific gravity of pozzolana
Specific gravity of cement
The weight of water shall be equal to half the weight of pozzolana
plus cement in the above mixture.
11.5.3 The materials for each batch of moulds shall be mixed separately
using the quantities of materials, conforming to the proportions given
in 11.55. Mixing of mortar shall be done mechanically as described
in 953.1.
11.6 Moulding Test Specimens - After Iixing the mould and its hopper
on the jolting table, introduce directly from the mixer the first layer of mortar
of about 320 g into each of the moulding compartment ( for example, by
using a spoon of known capacity). Spread this layer by means of a steel
plate levelling tool which is to be drawn twice forward and backward along
the mould while pressing its flanges against the top of the hopper. Give
66 jolts to the frrst mortar layer in 60 seconds. Then introduce a second
identical layer of mortar, level and compact as before. Lift the mould from
the jolting table and remove its hopper. Strike off the excessive mortar
with a metal straight edge held nearly vertical and moved slowly along the
length of the mould with a transverse sawing motion. Then smooth lightly
the surface, using the straight edge held almost flat.
11.7 Storage and Curing of Specimens -After completion of the jolt-
ing, cover the specimens in the mould by steel or rubber sheet and keep them
at a temperature of 27 f 2°C in an atmosphere of at least 90 percent rela-
tive humidity for 24 hours. At the end of that period, remove them from the
mould with due precautions, preferably with the apparatus shown in
Fig. 5. Immediately keep them submerged, preferably standing on end, in
saturated still water until the time for testing. The specimens shall be kept
apat from each other allowing free access of water to all their faces.
11.7.1 The volume of curing water shall be at least four times that of the
test specimens. Half the curing water shall be replaced every lifteenth day.
Is : 1727 - 1967
12.1 Scope - This method of test covers the procedure for determining the
drying shrinkage of pozzolana-cement mortar as obtained on rectangular
specimens prepared and tested under specified conditions.
12.2 Apparatis
12.2.1 &&-The scales shall conform to the following requirements:
On scales in use the permissible variation at a load of 1 000 g shall be
f 1.0 g. The permissible variation on new scales shall be one-half of thii
value. The sensibility reciprocal shall be not greater than twice the
permissible variation.
12.2.2 Weights - The permissible variations on weights in use in weighing
the cement shall be as prescribed in Table 3.
8 g
500 0.35
300 0.30
250 0.25
200 o-20
100 o-15
50 0.10
123.3 Trowel- This shall have a steel blade 100 to 150 mm in length
with straight edges.
12.2.4 Length Comparator - Changes 3 length of the test specimen shall be
measured by a dial gauge or micrometer comparator having a range of at
least 7.6 mm. The instrument shall be graduated to at least O-025 mm and,
when tested at any point throughout its range, the error shall be not greater
than fO*050 mm. The difference between repeated measurements shall be
not greater than O-025 mm. The comparator shall be equipped with a steel
reference bar having an insulating grip and shall be frequently checked with
this reference bar.
12.2.5 Flow Table - Components, accessories ( including mould ),
mounting and lubrication of flow table shall conform to IS : 5512-1969*
end uppermost with respect to the position of the specimens as when the
initial measurement was made. When making the measurements, the
specimens, comparator, and the reference bar shall be at a temperature
of 27 f 2°C.
13.1 - This method of test covers the procedure for determining khe
3Yo ‘ty to water of the pozzolana mortar prepared and cured under
specified conditions, by measuring the percolation of water through standard
cylindrical specimens.
133 l@tasi&
133.1 The dry materials for the standard test mortar shall be pozzolona :
z- z
100 g-
t- I
% ‘p
All dimensions in mihnetres.
13.4.2 The materials for each batch of moulds shall be mixed separately
using the quantities of dry materials, conforming to the proportions given
in 13.3.1 and the quantity of water as determined in accordance with the
procedure given in 9.5.3 to give a flow of 105 f 5 percent with 25 drops in
15 seconds. Mixing shall be done mechanically as described in
K = coefficient of permeability in cm/xc/unit gradient,
Q = quantity of water collected in g,
J= thickness of the specimens, in cm,
w= density of water in g/cm* normally equal to one,
a= area of cross-section of the specimen in cm*,
T = time of collection in seconds, and
h = net pressure head on the specimen in cm of water.
The average for three specimens shall be reported as the permeability
l&9 Fdty SpedlwM ad Retests -Specimens that are manifatly
faulty or that give permeability values differing by more than 15 percent
from the average shall not be considered. In such cases, a retest shall be
14.1 Sup- These tests will help to find out the efhxtiveness of a few
pozzolanas in reducing the harmful effects of alkali-aggregate reaction in
concrete. However, the tests are not applicable to all types of pozzolana.
141 A-
143.1 Rhn&on conta&s - These shall be of 50 to 75 ml capacity, made
of stainless steel or other corrosion-resistant material and fitted with
air-tight covers.
IS: 172711967
14.3 Reagents
a) Unless otherwise indicated, all reagents used shall be analytical
reagents. Water used shall be distilled water, unless otherwise
b) Standard sodium hydroxide - Prepare a 1900 f PO10 N sodium
hydroxide. solution and standardize to f OS001 JV. Use water
that has been boiled until free of carbon dioxide for preparing the
c) Hydrochloric acid - sp gr l-16.
d) Standard hydrochloric acid - Prepare approximately 0.05 X hy-
drochloric acid and standardize to f O*OOO1 JV. Standardize
the hydrochloric acid, for each day’s tests, against an approximately
@05 N standardized sodium hydroxide solution.
e) Phenoi~hthalein indicatory solution - Dissolve one gram of phenol-
phthalein in 100 ml of ethanol ( 1 : 1 ).
applied as the filtration time. Every effort shall be made to achieve an equal
filtration time for all samples in a set, by uniformity of procedure in the
assembly of the filtration apparatus and the packing of the solids in* the
14.4.4 Filter the blank according to the procedure described in 14.43
Apply the vacuum for the same length of time as the average filtration time
for the three specimens.
14.4.5 Immediately following the completion of filtration, stir the filtrate
to assure homogeneity. Then take an aliquot of 10 ml of the filtrate and
dilute with water to 200 ml in a volumetric flask. Reserve this diluted solu-
tion for the determination of dissolved silica and reduction in alkalinity.
NOTE-In some cases, it may become necessary to add more than 25 ml of sodium
hydroxide solution either due to the solution becoming viscous or to the formation of a
gel. In such cases, the quantity of sodium hydroxide may be increased.
14.5.5 Treat the silica thus obtained, which wilI contain small amounts
of impurities, in the crucible with a few drops of water, about 10 ml of
hydrofluoric acid, and one drop of sulphuric acid, and Mporatc cautiously
to dryness. Finally heat the residue at 1050°C to 1100°C f& 1 to 2 minufu
cool and weigh. The difference between this weight and the weight previ-
ously obtained represents the amount of silica.
145.6 Make a blank determina tion, following the same procedure as
dexribed in 14.5.1 to 14.5.4 using the same amount of dilute solution from
the blank and the same amounts of reagents.
14.5.7 Calculate the silica concentration in the solution originahy filtered
( su 14.4s ) as follows:
sc=(Wr-- W, j x 3 330 ( see Note )
SC = ;zoFtration of silica in milliioles/litre in the original
w.1 Appmtum
l5.1.1 The standard ‘Le chatelier’ flask confoaming to the dimenrionr
15.11 Warn Bath -A suitable water bath to accommodate the ‘h
1542 MateAl - Kerosine f%eeof water or naptha having a spcdk gravity
15.5 Procedure
153.1 Specific gravity of pozzolana shall be determined on the material
as received, unless otherwise speciiied.
153.2 Fill the Baskwith kerosine or naptha to a point on the stem between
the zero and the 1 ml mark and replace the stopper. Then immerse the
flask in a constant temperature water bath, maintained at about room
temperature, for sufficient interval to avoid variations greater than f 02%
in the temperature of the liquid in the flask. Take the reading of the liquid
15.53 Introduce a weighed quantity of pozzolana into the flask, taking
care that no portion of it adhere to the inside of the flask above the liquid,
by slightly vibrating the flask. Replace the stopper and roll the flask in an
inclined position to expel any air bubble in the pozzolana. The level of the
liquid will be in its final position at some point of the upper series of gradua-
tions. The reading shall be taken after the flasksimmersed in the water bath.
NOTE l-A~b~pPdonthe~blemrrykuwdwhcn~~m~tbcBuL.
Nur~ 2--e&rlrnuybeheldin8vatiulpaitioninthcmtahthby~ob
a burette clamp.
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MUMBAI 400093
Branch OiTices::
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Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Rqad. T.T. Nagar, BHOPAL 462003 554021
Plot No. 62-63, Unit VI, Ganga Nagar, BHUBANESHWAR 751001 403627
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lnstit&ion of Engineers (India) Building 1332 Shivaji Nagar, PUNE 411005 323635
( Page 6, chse 3.1 ) -Substitute the following for the existing clause :
‘3.1 Hydrated Lime - Standard hydrated lime supplied by National Gnmcii for
Cement and Building Materials, New Delhi shall be used in the tests. The
standard hydrated lime shall have the following composition :
CaO - 96 f 0.5 percent
MgO - 1 f 0.5 percent
SiO2, Max - 1.0 percent
Insoluble residue, Mar - 1.0 percent
(Page 6, clause 3.2 ) - Substitute the following for the existing clause:
‘32 Cement - Cement for use in the tests shall be 33 grade ordinary Portland
cement conforming to IS 269 : 1989.’
(Puge 6, clause 5.1.1) - Substitute ‘IS 1070 : 1977’for ‘IS 1070 : 1960’.
(Page 28, cluuse 9.7, Note) -Substitute the following for the existing note:
‘NOTE - For curing the s cimen at the specified relative humidity and tern nturc as giverr
above, it is recommended I%at the controlled humidity and temperature cham c r developed by
National Council for Cement and Building Malcrials may be used for proper pctformaaa.’