Serverless Computing: Need, Impact and Challenges

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Emerging Trends in Big Data,

IoT and Cyber Security

Chief Editors
Mr. Manoj Kumar
Department of Computer Applications [M]

Ms. Rhythm Choudhary

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Applications

Mr. Shashi Kant Pandey
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Applications

Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Affiliated To Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Recognised By UGC U/s 2(f), NAAC Accredited (‘A’ Grade)
C-4, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IOT and Cyber Security
Mr. Manoj Kumar, Ms. Rhythm Choudhary

First Impression: 2020

Copyright © 2020, Maharaja Surajmal Institute


The authors are solely responsible for the contents of the papers compiled in this volume. All the
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Due care and diligence have been exercised while editing and printing this book. The editor,
publisher and printer are not liable to any copyright infringement or any damage or losses of any
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ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

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Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IOT and Cyber Security

Sh. Kaptan Singh
Surajmal Memorial Education Society

Prof. (Dr.) Rachita Rana
Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Mr. Manoj Kumar Ms. Rhythm Choudhary
(Head, BCA-[M]) (Assistant Professor, MSI)

Maharaja Surajmal Institute (i)

Advisory Counsel
Prof. Ved Prakash Prof. S.V.S. Choudhary
Former Chairman, UGC Registrar (Admn.), IGNOU
Prof. R.S. Dhankar Prof. A. K. Nayak
Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Raipur President, CSI
Dr. R.K. Vyas Dr. Manoj Kumar
Vice President, CSI DTU
Dr. Kavya Dasora Mr. Manoj Sethi
Dr. Pragya Jain Dr. Zahid Raza
Prof. A.K. Saini Dr. Zeeshan S. Hussain
Dr. D. P. Vidyarthi Dr. Vikram Goyal
Dr. R. K. Yadav Dr. Amit Chaturvedi
DTU GEC, Ajmer
Dr. Satish Chand Dr. Shampa Chakraverty
Prof. (Dr.) Sushila Madan Dr. Vinay Kumar
Professor, LSRCW, University of Delhi Delhi Chairman, CSI
Dr. Vinod Kumar Dr. Pankaj Lathar
Dr. Imran Ghani

Organizing Committee
Dr. Kavita Pabreja Dr. Amit Choudhary
Dr. Neetu Narwal Dr. Menal Dahiya
Dr. Neetu Anand Mr. Hemendra Kumar
Mr. Kumar Gaurav Mr. Suraj Pal Chauhan
Mr. Sundeep Kumar Mr. Ravinder Singh
Dr. Pooja Singh Ms. Tarunim Sharma
Mr. Harjender Singh Ms. Minal Dhankar
Ms. Vinita Tomar Ms. Kanika Kundu
Dr. Preeti Malik Ms. Nikita Malik

Maharaja Surajmal Institute (ii)

President's Desk

Hearty Congratulations to the entire team involved in the organization of National Conference on “Emerging
Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security”. Such platform brings together educators, academic leaders and
researchers to share ideas and contribute researches in these evolving technological fields. The term "big
data" began appearing in dictionaries during the past decade, but the concept itself has been around since at
least World War II. With the advent of Mobile communication and Internet 2.0, there is a massive generation
of heterogeneous data. This Big Data has a lot of knowledge and wisdom hidden in it which is very
significant for application domains like agriculture, medicines, industries, to name a few. Internet of Things
(IoT) is another source of generation of such huge data. It is possible to turn anything, from something as
small as a pill to something as big as an aeroplane, into a part of the IoT. Connecting all these different
objects and adding sensors to them adds a level of digital intelligence to devices that would be otherwise
dumb, enabling them to communicate real-time data without involving a human being. Such omnipresent
data poses severe security threats that need attention and action. Appropriate protective measures are
imperative, especially for critical infrastructure facilities. An approach that covers all levels simultaneously –
from the operational to the field level and from access control to copy protection – is essential for
comprehensively protecting data against internal and external cyberattacks.
I appreciate the support of our knowledge partner, Computer Society of India. I would also like toexpress my
appreciation to the all the resource persons for their valuable contribution in assemblingthe high-quality
conference program. A conference of this size relies on the contributions of manyvolunteers, and I would
like to acknowledge the efforts of every member in making the conference agrand success. I convey my best
wishes to all the authors who trusted the conference with their work.
I would like to conclude my message with a quote:
“Learning gives creativity, Creativity leads to thinking, Thinking leads to knowledge, Knowledge make you
great.” - Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

With warm regards,

Sh. Kaptan Singh

Surajmal Memorial Education Society

Maharaja Surajmal Institute (iii)

Excellence is a high quality, that delivers success and achievement.
-Mark F. Lamoure
Higher education has undergone significant transformation on account of widespread expansion, increased
autonomy and introduction of programmes in emerging areas. The fact remains that there is tremendous
quantitative increase in terms of access to higher education but at the same time it has also lead to the
widespread concern on the quality and relevance of higher education. The traditional set-up for imparting
higher education, comprising of mostly government funded public institutions of higher learning (IHL) is
facing competition from the competitive private sector in the age of globalisation. Over the years, inertia has
crept into the traditional set-up and despite having the faculty with better qualifications and experience, their
systems for service delivery and quality have not responded to the fast pace of change encompassing the
education sector.
Quality assurance in education is a methodology in the broadest sense of its application to check aprocess or
outcome with different purposes of compliance, control, accountability and improvement (Harvey, 2012).
Nowadays, quality assurance processes in higher education are becoming increasingly frequent and
widespread across the nation. As the government and the industry advocate the need for a well-educated
workforce, essential to increase productivity and maintain a competitive edge in the global knowledge
economy, this has resulted in an increase in public funding for higher education and a drive to make post-
secondary education more accessible, particularly for under-represented populations. This, in turn, has
brought about calls for greater accountability on the part of educational providers and the measuring of
outputs through quality assurance processes.
When quality has been successfully embedded within an educational system, there could potentially be
sustainable enhancements to the process and procedures, and consequently students will benefit in terms of
receiving better quality education and skills development, which in turn could also contribute to the nation’s
economic and social success for the future. As good quality assurance practices require a strong internal
quality assurance system, it requires balancing the policy roles and responsibilities of not only the higher
education providers, but also the government, quality assurance agency and professional bodies to ensure
that effective and sustainable quality management system can be successfully implemented in higher
education institutions across the nation.
This two days National conference held by Maharaja Surajmal Institute, isaimed to provide a platform for
educators, administrators, managers, leaders, policy makers, researchers, scholars, principals, supervisors,
graduate students, practitioners, academicians, professionals and teachers from different discipline
backgrounds to present and discuss research, developments and innovations in the fields of higher education
with reference to quality assurance. This conference proceedings presents more than 56 papers which
examine quality assurance and evaluation in higher education, including methodologies, procedures, and
ideas from various states across the nation.

Prof. (Dr.) Rachita Rana

Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Maharaja Surajmal Institute (iv)

We are in the era of the digital age with efficient communication practice. The issues and challenges of
communication are always an engagement of scientific as well as an artistic community since the ancient age
of human society. Big Data and the Internet of things (IOT) are two major trending subjects for scientific
research. The research community always immerged with various tools in Big Data, IOT and Cyber Security.
In the meantime, the questions based on security in terms of digital privacy, accuracy, and authenticity
contains some hardest problem of the digital era. We can resolve those challenges through better scientific
and technical education.
Maharaja Surajmal Institute has been established with a deep concern with the standards of education and a
determination to upgrade the quality, content, and direction of education. Maharaja Surajmal Institute is a
well-known institute in the field of scientific and technical education. In last two decades we organized
various conferences and seminars to make a bridge between academia and industry successfully. This
particular conference titled “Emerging Trends in Big Data, IOT and Cyber Security” has the major goal to
provide a platform for sharing the latest research and development in this area among students, academia and
industry. We received an overwhelming response from every section of the researcher viz. academia,
industry and students. Paper received for the conference contains an enlarge scope of work. The scientific
program consisted of plenary sessions and parallel sessions and included the following topics:
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Cloud Computing and Big Data
Cyber Security
Networks & Communications
ICT & E-Learning Methods
Internet of Things
This proceedings comprise written contributions of many of the presentations during the conference (13-14
March 2020); however, due to time constraint, a number of contributorswere unfortunately not able to
deliver their write-ups in due time. We Thanks all those participants from deep of our heart. We thank the
anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of all manuscript of this proceeding and their many insightful
comments and suggestions.
We express our heartfelt thanks to Prof. (Dr.) Rachita Rana, Director, MSI who has been with us with her
unwavering support and encouragement since the inception of this conference and in bringing the
compendium to its present state. We extend a sincere gratitude to our patrons: Sh. Kaptan Singh Ji
(Sr. Vice-President), Sh. Ajit Singhji (Secretary SMES), Sh. Rajpal Solanki (Treasurer, SMES) and other
office bearers of SMES, who directly and indirectly gave their support in this endeavor. We also extend our
deepest gratitude to the keynote speaker Mrs. Kusum Duggal (Cyber Law University), guest of honor
Mr. Pavan Duggal (Cyber Law Expert) and chief guest Prof. M.M. Pant (Pro Vice Chancellor, IGNOU) who
have added immense value to this conference by their valuable contributions and presence. And last but not
the least we extend our whole hearted thanks to the organizing committee of national conference “Emerging
Trends in Big Data, IOT and Cyber Security” 2020 comprising of faculty, technicians, staff and students for
their commendable team work in bringing the conference to its fruition. We are thankful to all members of
editorial team for bringing the compendium in a coordinated manner and providing all the requisite support.

Maharaja Surajmal Institute (v)

Editor's Desk

Mr. Manoj Kumar Ms. Rhythm Choudhary Mr. Shashi Kant Pandey

Dear readers
The idea of communication through the World Wide Web is the universal accessibility of large information. 6 th August
1991 was the date of the launch of the first website with these three magical words World Wide Web. Across the
world, the accessibility of the internet continues to transform how we connect with others, organize the flow of things
and share information. China has the biggest online population at 829 million users, followed by India at 560 million
and the United States at 293 million. East Asia has the top most internet users and English is the most popular
language on the internet from the survey of the top most business data platform Statista. The global growth of cyber
threats has pushed the world into the dilemma between information and miss information age. The following quote by
George Orwell reveals the significance of information security in this internet age,
“If you want to keep a secret you must also hide it from yourself”
George Orwell
This conference is dedicated to the various keen aspects of internet viz. emerging trends in big data, IoT and Cyber
Security. There are six sections in the proceeding that contains the paper related to Artificial Intelligence & Machine
Learning, Cloud Computing and Big Data, Cyber Security, Networks & Communications, ICT & E-Learning Methods
and Internet of Things respectively. The first section of artificial intelligence and machine learning contains the paper
on future prospects of artificial intelligence on education, virtual reality. In the second section major highlights on data
mining and big data is presented. Blockchain and cybercrime are discussed in the section of cyber security. The section
of network and communication contains its various use and application ideas. The use of the internet and cyber tools
for learning and teaching pedagogy presented in the section of ICT & E-Learning Methods. There are five papers
based on the very recent topic, the internet of things in the last section.
We hope the readers and presenters would get multi-dimensional benefits from the participation of the conference. We
are extremely thankful to all our contributors as well as the readers. Our sincere gratitude to the committee members of
Excellent publishing house, editorial board members, authors and reviewers for their great contribution and support in
realising this proceeding.
With kind regards

Chief Editors
Mr. Manoj Kumar Ms. Rhytham Chaudhary
Head Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Applications Department of Computer Applications
Mr. Shashi Kant Pandey
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Applications, MSI

Maharaja Surajmal Institute (vi)


Advisory Counsel ............................................................................................................................................... ii

Organizing Committee....................................................................................................................................... ii
President's Desk ................................................................................................................................................ iii
Foreward .............................................................................................................................................................iv
Preface ..................................................................................................................................................................v


1. BASE: Big Data Analytics for Social Events .......................................................................................1
Priyanka Dhaka
2. Cloud Computing: A Cost Effective and Efficient Approach for IT Services ..................................7
Harjender Singh
3. Serverless Computing: Need, Impact and Challenges ......................................................................12
Nikita Malik, Dr. Menal Dahiya
4. Data Mining and Social Network Analysis ........................................................................................16
Vinita Tomar, Tarunim Sharma
5. Survey on Privacy Preservation of Item Sets in Data Mining..........................................................20
Suman Ahlawat, Dr. Anoop Sharma, Dr. Aman Jain
6. A Review on Cloud Computing and Its Architecture .......................................................................26
Geeta Dalal, Asha Rani, Dr. Archana Dhankhar
7. A Critical Review of Data Warehouse Development: Business-Object Based Approach .............29
Minal Dhankar
8. Data Mining and Techniques ..............................................................................................................33
Kanika Kundu, Muskan Sharma
9. Analytics and Visualization Using Elasticsearch and Kibana..........................................................37
Vinita Tomar, Tarunim Sharma, Sehej Sharma
10. Big Data Analytics: An Approach for Banking Industry .................................................................42
Dr. Suhasini Parashar
11. Big Data in People Analytics: The New HR Imperative ...................................................................45
Dr. Shavita Deshwal


12. Noise Detector and Sound Recording SystemUsing IoT ...................................................................49
Manoj Kumar, Rhythm Choudhary, Karan Malik, Rishikant Sharma
13. Sustainable Smart Textiles-A thing of Today ....................................................................................54
Pooja Dabas, Chetna Grewal

Maharaja Surajmal Institute (vii)

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

14. Omnichannel Personalisation: Merging of Virtual and Traditional Retail Industry in

Dr. Rajeshwari Malik
15. Framework for Smart Grid Solar Photovoltaic Systems .................................................................67
Dr. Rajeev Dahiya, Dr. Nisha Kumari
16. The Internet of Things and its Application in Healthcare Industry ................................................71
Arundhati Baweja
17. A Study of Different Commercial Heart- Rate Monitors .................................................................76
Ravinder Singh


18. Electronic Health Record: Blockchain ...............................................................................................82
Rhythm Choudhary, Manoj Kumar, Himanshu Varshsney, Sidharth Kumar Gehlot
19. Internet User and Cyber Crime in India ...........................................................................................86
Dr. Jasbir Singh
20. Blockchain – Novel Applications Over Obvious................................................................................92
Tanya Arora, Arundhati Baweja


21. Algorithmic Analysis of Moss Results ................................................................................................97
Rhythm Choudhary, Bhupesh Varshney
22. A Framework for Recommendation System for Food Court.........................................................100
Amit Choudhary, Savita Ahlawat
23. An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence ........................................................................................105
Minal Dhankar, Nipun Walia
24. Can Virtual Reality Substitute for an Actual Reality? ...................................................................109
Pooja Singh, Seema Shokeen, V. Sree Lalitha
25. Artificial Intelligence in Education: The Journey So far and the Future Prospects....................112
Dr. Monika Tushir
26. Introduction to Machine Learning ...................................................................................................115
Suraj Pal Chauhan, Parichit Bahal
27. Data Science and eSports...................................................................................................................119
Sundeep Kumar, Hemendra Kumar


28. PingMe- a mobile App with a Difference .........................................................................................122
Kavita Pabreja, Aayushi Grover, Vinayak Sharma
29. Study of Code Optimization Techniques .........................................................................................126
Dr. Pooja Singh, Sargam Gupta, Deepak
30. 5G Next Generation Mobile Wireless Technology: A Review .......................................................129
Ajay Kumar Phogat

Maharaja Surajmal Institute (viii)


31. Role of Social Media for Brand building among Students of 21st Century ...................................133
Dr. Neetu Narwal
32. Equator Principles: Green Steps towards Sustainable Development............................................137
Preeti Malik, Anviti Rawat, Suraj Pal Chauhan, Harish Singh
33. 5G Technology – Progression to Upheaval ......................................................................................143
Tanya Arora
34. Assessment of White Label ATMs in India .....................................................................................148
Seema Shokeen, Pooja Singh
35. Web-Real Time Communication: An Overview .............................................................................155
Suraj Pal Chauhan, Mohit Dhaundiyal


36. Attend It – Attendance Management Application ..........................................................................157
Dr. Neetu Anand, Karan Sharma, Archit Bansal, Muskan Kanojia
37. MSI Event Management Web Application ......................................................................................160
Rhythm Choudhary, Manoj Kumar, Amritesh Chandra Shrivastava
38. In 2035, Quantum Processors Qubits will Run Small Applications ..............................................167
Pooja Singh, Ritika Mehra, Shrestha Priyal
39. ICT Supported Collaborative Learning: An Approach to Prevailing Learning
Environments .....................................................................................................................................169
Hemendra Kumar, Sundeep Kumar
40. Education 4.0 -The Future of Learning ...........................................................................................172
Dr. Neetu Anand
41. Catalyst for Innovation in Higher Learning: ICT and E-learning ................................................176
Sundeep Kumar, Hemendra Kumar
42. Challenges and Issues of E-Learning ...............................................................................................182
Manju Dhillon
43. Progression of Collaborative Learning and Its Importance for Critical Thinking......................185
Dr. Sarita S. Rana
44. ICT Based Individualized and Collaborative Learning .................................................................188
Dr. Monika Davar
45. A Study on United States Trade Deficit ...........................................................................................190
46. Challenges and Opportunities for MOOCs in Indian Higher Education .....................................195
Dr. Vijeta Banwari
47. Role of ICT in Education...................................................................................................................200
Dr. Ruchika Gahlot
48. Technology Integration in Planning Lessons in Pre Service Teacher Education
Programme .........................................................................................................................................205
Dr. Vanita Anand
49. Towards the Intention Method Engineering from Function Method Engineering ......................210
Neha Mathur

Maharaja Surajmal Institute (ix)

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

50. Transformation of Indian Education Panorama: E-Learning Platforms .....................................213

Ekta Kharbanda
51. Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Financial Management
and Financial Reporting ....................................................................................................................218
Preeti Bedi
52. Internet and Tertiary Education in India ........................................................................................222
Dr. Anita Sharma, Dr. Preeti Malik, Harish Singh
53. Role of Information Technology and Media in Environment Awareness ....................................225
Dr. Promila Dabas
54. ICT as Emerging Tool of E Learning ...............................................................................................230
Nisha Tokas
55. Role of ICT in Enhancing the Efficiency of Human Resource Management ...............................234
Dr. Anupama Sharma, Dr. Sumita Kukreja
56. Elementary Education: Quality Teaching is Base of Technical Education ..................................240
Dr. Abheyender Singh

Maharaja Surajmal Institute (x)

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

BASE: Big Data Analytics for Social Events

Priyanka Dhaka
Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi 110058, India

Abstract— In Today’s business world Big Data is becoming a multiple sources by multiple entities. The quantity of data
new era of analysis. World is trapped across Big social events produced across the globe and continue to grow at an
and there by jumping towards Big Data. There are number of accelerating rate causes the servers overflowing with log files,
practical applications which we require to process against message streams, transaction records, businesses records and
large amount of data and this data comes more overly in mobile device data records which are need to be effectively
unstructured form. Big Data typical deals with large size of analyzed through some major analytical processing where ‘Big
data with different prospects this may include data processed Data’ is commonly known With respect to the growth of data,
through- Big Social events, Internet of things, social different integrations and transformations among data incur
networking sites or from worldwide fundamental events. As new research challenges, which receive a lot of interest among
of the data is so large and coming from many different the research communities [2].
sources, it is becoming a miscellaneous mixture of semi-
This paper is organized as follows: Section 1 specifies about
structured and unstructured data. The data which is
various aspects of Big Data analytics, Section 2 specifies
constantly accumulating from these events is termed as Big
Recent Developments in Big Data Technology, Section 3
Social data. The social data explosion has resulted in a
describes Management of Big Data Analytics with NoSQL
complete deep study of emerging new topics in Big Social
Tools, Section 4Limitations of Traditional databases for
data. Research analysts have perceived an increase in data
Bigdata, Section 5 Case Study: Healthcare Analysis, Section 6
that contains both useful and useless entities. In extraction of
is the summary of this paper followed by references.
useful information, data warehouse finds difficulties in
enduring with increasing amount of data generated. This 2. ASPECTS OF BIG DATA ANALYTICS
Paper has focused on various aspects of dealing with
Recently, big data and business analytics approaches have
analytics with the reference of Big Data in Social events.
been developed and implemented to analyze a large volume of
data generated by different business organizations.
Keywords: Data, Social events, HDFS, MapReduce,
Consequently, every business needs faster insight into growing
volumes of transactional data. Analyzing data in real time
helps organizations view the past and foresee the future. This
is the beauty of streaming analytics and is endowed by
Everything in business world is influenced by analytics today. knowing what occurred (descriptive), understanding why it
On the arrival of new and modern techniques for analytics and happened (diagnostic), looking ahead to what might take place
potentially to mine Big Data processes, it is now becoming (predictive) and, ultimately, determining how to influence
essential to uplift the analytics in improved way. Big Data future occurrences (prescriptive). These Big data analytics
analytics is the method of examining Big Data to reveal hidden basically deals with large amount of data sets which are of
patterns, unmapped correlations and some other usable different sizes from terabytes to petabytes and zetabytes and
information that can facilitate to make better decision[2]. The this methodology is basically used to process the data with
major reason behind the rise of data emergence are tremendous reduced latency. It follows one of the following features-high
amount of data and ease in its accessibility [3], [4, 5]. Reasons levels of volume, velocity and variety Furthermore, mobile
behind the emergence of big data are: Network location data can be used for data management to
prevent data jams in big cities or better plan the public
firstly, is social media (Twitter as the one of the biggest social
transport system. The goal of this study is to implement a
media platform). The most difficult and crucial job is to build
comprehensive investigation into big data and business
it over big data sets for observing and perceiving different analytics methods for improved business decision making,
shifts in user’s behavioral patterns e.g.; (sharing views, technological approaches, applications, and open research
activities, opinions, likeness and dislikeness) to address
challenges. Furthermore, the study attempts to draw attention
different customer needs with requirements[8]. Secondly,
to the tremendous benefits big data has brought to companies
introduction to internet-ofthings (IoT), we are living in a fast,
in developed countries and how these can be replicated by
complex changing environment with increasing number of indigenous business organizations. Moreover, the study
connections between humans and smart technologies, that discusses various challenges facing big data analytics with a
leads us into a digital world. Data can be generated from

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 1

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

focus on data security, management, characteristics, regulation, the cloud and others great access for rapidly deploying big
and compliances. Analysing big data requires analysts and data solutions.
researchers to take improved and quicker decisions for data
V. Data analytics: This is a multistage approach that includes
that was formerly unserviceable and outback. Big Data
data collection, preparation, and processing, analyzing and
requires high performance analytics which is generally
visualizing large scale data to produce actionable insight
processed by specialized software tools and applications for
for business intelligence.
data mining, data optimization, text mining, and predictive
analysis and forecasting. Applying Big Data tools on highly VI. In-memory applications: These are significantly increasing
large volume of data sets helps the organization to find which database performance. The accessibility of new in-
data is relevant and can be analyzed to get good business memory technologies and high performance analytics that
decisions for future events. requires data visualization is giving a great way to analyze
data very much faster than ever. Visual analytics enables
business organizations to use raw data and represent it in a
meaningful way.
Big data emerged for business with the development of social
media and weblogs. This has placed basic analytics and
business intelligence (BI) activity on new data sources and
others deep, real-time analytics and business intelligence with NoSQL Databases are developing up with the popularity and
operational integration. The volume of data generated in the widely admired. These not only SQL databases are capable of
digital world grows exponentially and has become difficult to storing all sets of data including unstructured data. The
manage using data warehouse technology. The massive traceability ofNoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra and
amount of raw data generated using various data sources that HBase make them a significant option for Big Data
require big data technology for analysis have been reported by analytics[24, 25].
a number of studies recently [12]. For instance, Wal-Mart
The business analytics programs are becoming capable to
processes more than a million customer transactions hourly
provide business users to simply examine data in NoSQL
and stores 2.5 petabytes of customer data [14]. The challenges
related with analytics require more efficient algorithms to databases by the means of following factors:
receive the perfect outcome. Big Data faces various challenges • Rich visualization – Interactive web-based interfaces for
because it deals with heterogeneous data sets and there is also ad hoc reporting and charting.
a difficulty that all sorts of data cannot be obtainable at the
same time[15]. • Flexible exploration – Seeing data over dimensions like
time, product and geography and over measures like gross
The increasing volume of data is one more challenge for Big and quantity.
Data analysis as there is always a call for timely response with
acknowledgment to distributed processing of data. To take full • Predictive analysis – Effective predictive analytics
advantage of Big Data analytics, organizations will need to abilities by employing hi-tech statistical algorithms such as
address several challenges related to big data. Some of those classification, regression, clustering and association rules.
key challenges are as follows- 5. LIMITATIONS OF TRADITIONAL DATABASES
I. Distributed computing: Big data in large-scale distributed FOR BIGDATA-
computing systems, which is based on open-source Large variety of databases is RDBMS solution types. In such
technology, are providing direct access and long-term type of databases the data entered into the table is based on
storage for petabytes of data while powering extreme rigid schema, as per a SQL based query is required to
performance. read/write data to such databases. Because of having a rigid
II. Flash memory in solid-state drives allows computers to schema, the data stored into the table is not enough flexible
become universal. It delivers random-access speeds of less this causes the difficulty in scaling very large databases. Here
than 0.1 milliseconds unlike disk access of 3 to 12 the large queries are solved manually which makes these
milliseconds. There is a high possibility that future big traditional databases not feasible for Big Data Solutions.
data solutions will use a lot of flash memory to improve Why NoSQL?
access time to data [17].
NoSQL puts a different path to figure out the Big Data
III. Mobile devices: Which represent computers everywhere,
problem. Key-value document based storage is taken into
create much of the big data, and equally receives outputs
account in in most of the No-SQL databases, which are the
from big data solutions.
basic unit of information in NoSQL databases providing
IV. Cloud computing: This created an entirely new economy superior performance, high availability, and simplified
of computing by moving storage, databases, services, into

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 2
BASE: Big Data Analytics for Social Events

scalabilitywhich aggregates documents and functions as in give out key-value pair. Which is than reduced on the basis
relational database table. of keys having multiple values.
Detailed Study about the NoSQL tool- MongoDB: • Auto-Sharding: Sharding is the process of storing data
records over multiple machines as the machines may not be
MongoDB was developed by Dwight Merriman and Eliot suitable to store large amount of data and unable to provide
Horowitz and the database was librated to open source in 2009 an acceptable read-write throughput. Sharding provides all
and is accessible in terms of the Free Software rights of replication to master node, Single replica set has a
Foundation'sGNUAGPL Version 3.0 commercial license. limitatation of 12 nodes so there is a need to apply
MongoDB is an open-source database that uses document sharding. Sharding is necessary because memory size
oriented model and pre-eminent NoSQL database which is cannot be sufficient enough when active data set is large
written in c++. Instead of using tables and rows like in and vertical scaling is very large.
relational database, it comprises of key and value pairs which There are three primary elements which are described as
are the basic unit of information in MongoDBprovides, follows:
superior performance, high availability, and simplified
scalabilitywhichaggregates documents and functions as in A. Query Router: The query routers process the operations to
relational database table[26]. MongoDB endorse a dynamic shards and then return result to the clients. A Sharded
schema design enables a document to have different fields and cluster may carries multiple query router to split up the
structures. This database uses a Binary JavaScript Object client request load.
Notation (BSON) format for document storage which is abin- B. Shards: Shards are employed to store consistent data on
ary-encoded serialization of JavaScript Object Notation different machines providing high availability of
(JSON)-like documents. Binary JSON (BSON) is lightweight, requirements basically each shard is a distinguished replica
traversable and efficient to be used in MongoDB. MongoDB, a set.
Big Data tool is designed to assure data security and also
provides role based access control, encrypted communication C. Config Server: Config. Server contains cluster’s metadata
and robust auditing. It provides easy to use integrated key which carries mapping of cluster’s dataset to shards and
management and protects the data within a given directory, it query router utilize this metadata to object operations to
provides a clear structure of a single object and has no particular shard, basically sharded clusters contain 3
complex joins and it also uses internal memory for keeping the config. servers.
working sets and capable of providing faster access of data.
Basically MongoDB consist of 16 MB namespace file which
Mongo DB also adequate to assign index on any attribute.
can support approximately 24, 000 namespaces and a
Why to employ MongoDB on dataset: namespace files cannot be larger than 2047 MB. MongoDB
stores not more than 100 levels of nesting for Binary
• Document-Oriented Storage: Data is stored in the form of JavaScript Object Notation (BSON) documents and maximum
Binary JavaScript Object Notation (BSON) format, the document must be less than 232 documents. Maximum size of
maximum BSON format size is 16 Megabytes. This MMAPV 1(Original storage engine) of MongoDB based on
maximum size assures that a single document cannot use memory mapped files is 32TB.
Maximum amount of RAM and during transmission
inordinate amount of bandwidth.
• Indexing: Practice index on any attribute which reduces
the problem of scanning each and every document in
MongoDB because it supports effective resolution of
queries. Indexes keep a small part of dataset in a simple to
traverse form. Index Stores the value of set of fields
sequential to value of field as nominal to index.
• Replication: It is the process of synchronizing data around
multiple servers, it enhances the availability of data by
providing multiple copies of data on different data servers
hence offering redundancy, it protects the database from
the deprivation of single server, it keeps the data safe,
provides disaster recovery and replica set is transparent to
• Map-Reduce command: Map-Reduce functioninitially
Fig. 1. Running mongod command
queries the collection and then maps the result document to

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 3
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

In figure 1 it is being demonstrated that mongod command is The information was inserted in MongoDB. Now obtaining
running with a directory of gave and place storage information information by using OR criteria:
examining that the database is running correctly and waiting
Record 1:
for connection at port 27017.
Limitations: $or:[
{"Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV
• Every document in MongoDB consist of field name which 2013":
causes the data size usually higher. {"Initial Cluster 1":6300000,
• Only small operations are subsidised at a single document "Initial Cluster 2":100}},
level. {"Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV
• MongoDB provides less flexibility as it has no JOINs. {"Final Cluster 1":3866667,
"Final Cluster 2":163431}
• Less up to date information is available.
• At particular point in time the aggregation and data ]
analysis process i.e. Mapping and reducing process is not }).pretty()
very fast so faster configurations are required by adding Result obtained is:
Hadoop into admixture. {
6. CASE STUDY: HEALTHCARE ANALYSIS "_id": ObjectId("57109650974247ccc76987ef"),
"Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV
A better health care system requires a strong 2013":
financingprocedure, reliable datasets for building proper {
decisions and better healthcare facilities, but this procedure is "Initial Cluster 1": 6300000,
going tough while maintaining huge datasets by database "Initial Cluster 2": 100
management tools, there is a requirement to gather and analyse }}
the healthcare data by employing big data tools like {"_id": ObjectId("57109650974247ccc76987f4"),
MongoDB, this could improve treatment trials and also lows "Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV
down the cost of taking unnecessary trials by analysing dataset 2013":
deployed in the tool[2, 3]. MongoDB also minimizes the total {"Final Cluster 1": 3866667,
time and resources in conducting clinical research. In this "Final Cluster 2": 163431}
chapter the worldwide dataset of various healthcare diseases is }
collected and analysed using MongoDB.
Big Social Data Correlating Big Events
The desired information obtained from world health statistics
was inserted into MongoDB as key-value pairs and after The Big Social data is basically a combination of many
inserting the desired data one can find all the required different forms like-
• Big Data Science that provides tools to operate and
supervise social data including social media and social
• Big Data Analytics capable of extracting the inner nature
of social data.
• Social Computing provides technology-intercede social
Big Social events are generally processed to uncover the most
interesting and inspirational work form various organizations
whether related to businesses, ethical data, leading industries
or even new game processing methodologies, through some
planned strategies one can understand attendee behavior, a
primary concept to design the event layout and a thoughtful
process to attain varieties. There are many hosts that are
capable of engaging the events with relevant data and
information to their marked hearings.These type of hosts are-
Fig. 2. Tool Snapshot with records

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 4
BASE: Big Data Analytics for Social Events

1. Google I/O: The tech describes how to regenerate an 7. CONCLUSION

event to serve attendees.
This paper has discussed about that everything is derived from
2. Social Media Marketing World: The conference uses analytics today. Starting from the decisions at small businesses
Slack as the new tool in its big network strategy. to decision making at large companies certain type of analytics
is required. On an increase in popularity of Big Data and its
3. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting and
awareness on social media leads to its great extent of
Food Expo: The food Industry events are conducted in
involvement in many big social events like in healthcare and
order to understand how to get a deeper knowledge of
biomedicine conferences, rethinking data privacy, born digital
attendee and display behavior.
data in the humanities, Artificial intelligence and data science,
4. Code Conference: The conference ensures the diverse smart cities innovation and in many more events. The data
audience. Re/Code builds its attendee list. which is constantly accumulating from these events is termed
as Big Social data. In today’s world society constantly interact
with each other and this interaction is commonly mediated by
Digital Self- information technology in a digital form. The social data
Representation Data explosion has resulted in a complete deep study of emerging
new topics in Big Social data. Business Analytics arrives with
challenges and with efficient text analytics and data correlation
can get over from these challenges.
Digital [1] Hambrick JP, Turk CL, Heimberg RG, Schneier FR, Liebowitz
Humans MR “Psychometric properties of disability measures among
patients with social anxiety disorder”, Journal of Anxiety
Disorders, 2004.
[2] World Health Organization "The Global Burden of Disease:
Technology Mediated Digital Relationships 2004 Update”, Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Press, 2008.
Communication Data Data [3] Newton-Howes G, Weaver T, Tyrer P. “Attitudes of staff
towards patients with personality disorder in community health
teams” Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 2008.
[4] Rashidi, Parisa, et al "Discovering activities to recognize and
Classification of big social data types: track in a smart environment", IEEE Transactions on
1. Digital-self representation data: It consist of Data Knowledge and Data Engineering, April 2011.
corresponding to identity categorization and [5] Ali M, Lopez AL, You YA, et al. “The global burden of
communicative structure in digital environment for cholera”, Bulletin World Health Organization 2012.
example profile data that consist of information about [6] Jimeng Sun, Fei Wang, Jianying Hu, ShahramEdabollahi
login data like name, nickname, email address and “Supervised patient similarity measure of heterogeneous patient
records”, SIGKDD Explorations, 2012.
password, Mandatory data which consist of service and
[7] Ravneet Kaur, Amandeep Kaur, ”Digital Forensics”,
application required data- full name, contact number,
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012.
birthday and many more, Extended data which comprises
[8] Neelam Singh, NehaGarg, Varsha Mittal “Big Data – insights,
of profile pictures, education and qualification.
motivation and challenges”, International Journal of Scientific
2. Technology-mediated communication data- It consist of & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013
data that is related to two-way communication, knowledge 2172 ISSN 2229-5518.
innovation and dispersion by technology. It consists of [9] Puneet Singh Duggal, Sanchita Paul “Big Data Analysis:
data types like public communication data, private Challenges and Solutions”, International Conference on Cloud,
communication data and collaborative communication Big Data and Trust 2013, RGPV, November2013.
data. [10] Shilpa, ManjitKaur “BIG Data and Methodology-A review”,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer
3. Digital Relationships data- It consists of data that Science and Software Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 10, October
provides digital social relationships pattern. Digital 2013, ISSN: 2277 128X.
relationship data consist of explicit data and implicit data [11] Sanobar Khan, Vanita Mane “SQL Support over MongoDB
and these data is revealed through technology mediated using Metadata”, International Journal of Scientific and
communication data for example message posts and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013, ISSN
tweets can be analyzed through inter connections among 2250-3153.
individuals. [12] RupaliArora, Rinkle Rani Aggarwal “Modeling and Querying
Data in MongoDB”, International Journal of Scientific

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 5
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

&Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 7, July-2013, ISSN [15] MunawarHasan, “Genetic Algorithm and its application to Big
2229-5518. Data Analysis”, International Journal of Scientific &
[13] PreetiTuli, PriyankaSahu, “System, Monitoring and Security Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, January-2014, ISSN
Using Keylogger”, International Journal of Computer Science 2229-5518.
and Mobile Computing, 2013. [16] Cherie Bakker Noteboom, Sergey P. Motorny, SajdaQureshi,
[14] Katharina Ebner, ThiloBühnen, Nils Urbach “Think Big with SurendraSarnikar “Meaningful Use of Electronic Health
Big Data: Identifying Suitable Big Data Strategies in Corporate Records for Physician Collaboration: A Patient Centered Health
Environments”, 47th Hawaii International Conference on Care Perspective”, 47th Hawaii International Conference on
System Science IEEE 2014, 978-1-4799-2504-9. System Science, IEEE2014, 978-1-4799-2504-9.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 6
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Cloud Computing: A Cost Effective and Efficient

Approach for IT Services
Harjender Singh
Asst. Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi

Abstract: Cloud Computing is an innovative technology that foundation of cloud computing is the broader concept of
transforms businesses all over the world and help in so many converged infrastructure and shared services. The “Cloud” in
developmental strides in the Enterprise Information simpler term also focuses on maximizing the effectiveness of
Technology in Developed countries. It provides us the means the shared resources. Cloud resources are usually not only
by which we can access the applications as utilities over the shared by multiple users but are also dynamically reallocated
internet i.e. it refers to manipulating, configured, configuring per demand; this can work for allocating resources to users.
and accessing the application online as per requirements. This approach helps maximize the use of computing power
Therefore, enterprise and users are now considering while reducing the overall cost of resources by using less
migrating and adopting the Cloud computing technology power, air conditioning, rack space, etc. to maintain the
since it serves as a major driver in consumer-oriented system. With cloud computing, multiple users can access a
business because of its ease of use, availability, scalability single server to retrieve and update their data without
and other functions of delivering computing services – purchasing licenses for different applications. Cloud
server, storage, databases, networking, software and more. Computing permits the usage of information technology on the
But many enterprises are little more cautious in its basis of effective functionalities on-demand by users. The
acceptance due to security challenges related to it, which cloud technology offers lots of possibilities to businesses and
causes law acceptance and implementation. This paper organization having an inadequate capital, lack of human
investigates and reviews the challenges (i.e. reasons for low resources, and also lack access to marketing network.
implementation) and possibilities of cloud computing
The rapid development of cloud technology indicates certainly
acceptance in Emerging Countries. The paper is a review
non reduction in terms of acceptance and frequent utilization
research to explore some of the reasons for low acceptance of
from different sectors by emerging countries like India,
cloud computing technology in emerging countries; it further
Singapore, America and others. According to 2016 BSA
addresses the possibilities of overcoming these challenges
Global Cloud Computing Scorecard, estimates that by 2019
with recommendations on improving the level of adopting &
global market will exceed US$130 billion, The Scorecard
implementation cloud computing technology in the Emerging
positions the “IT infrastructure and policy environment — or
cloud computing readiness — of 24 countries that account for
80 per cent of the world’s IT markets”, that Cloud computing
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Acceptance,
as a current IT invention, has further supplement innovative
Challenges and Possibilities, emerging countries.
measurement to that significance by increasing access to
technology that pushes for economic growth generally at all
Cloud computing sets the giant stride for a new era of
But upon all these underlying possibilities the cloud
computing globally [1]. Cloud computing actually changes the
technology brought into businesses in emerging countries a lot
way and manner applications are developed and maintain as of challenges were faced that results to low implementation
well as the processes in which infrastructure are run by users. and will be discussed and recommend ways so as to improve
Cloud computing, also known as on-demand computing, is a
the level of implementing the technology.
kind of internet-based computing, where shared resources and
information are provided to computers and other devices on- 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
demand. It is a model for enabling ubiquitous, on-demand
Cloud computing evolved from several technologies and
access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources
business approaches that emerged over the years [3] the basic
[2]. Cloud computing and storage solutions provide users and
concept of Cloud Computing is separating the application from
enterprises with various capabilities to store and process their
the operating system as well as the hardware its self. This
data in third-party data centers. It relies on sharing of resources
processes of separation brought about the underlying
to achieve coherence and economies of scale, similar to a
technology of cloud computing called Virtualization.
utility (like the electricity grid) over a network. At the

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 7

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Virtualization plays a vital role in cloud computing processes

[4]. It is a method of installing and organizing computing
resources. It separates the different levels of the application
system comprising the hardware, software, data, networking,
storage etc. It also breakdowns the division between the data
centre, servers, storage, networking, data and the physical
devices, by recognizing dynamic architecture, then attains the
goals of organizing centralized and making use of dynamically
the physical resources and virtual resources, improving the
flexibility of the system, reducing the cost, improving the
service and decreasing the risk of management. Cloud
computing acceptances generally are attractive in planning
businesses for more profitability, success and cost
management. Most emerging Countries are not an exception
their role in the service provision sector thereby making some
giant strives and increasing their efforts to create more
awareness and contribute substantially in helping companies
migrate to the cloud [1] emphasized that the cloud technology
saves costs for servers and storage, offers speed in processes
and streamlines application deployment without upfront
Working models for cloud Computing
capital, that is why many organizations are now considering
acceptance of cloud computing to provide more efficient and There are various models:
cost effective network services while other are afraid of the
challenges. For those countries to overcome the challenges that Deployment Models: it defines the type of access to the cloud.
lead to low acceptance some obstacles need to be addressed. There are 4 deployment access methods, these are :

However, it is no coincidence that business executives in Public: services are accessible to general public.[less secure].
emerging countries have developed a limitless desire for Private: accessible within an organization.[more secure]
technology in order to drive and transform their businesses.
[5]Business and technology are inseparable that makes it Hybrid: it is the combination of public + private.
difficult to determine which one can work without one where Private -> Critical
profit maximization (revenue increase / cost reduction) is an
essential performance indicator upon which business successes Public ->Non Critical
are measured. Community: it is accessible by group of organization
3. CLOUD COMPUTING INFRASTRUCTURE Services Models: these are the reference models on which the
According to National Institute for Standards and Technology cloud computing is based.
(NIST) [6] - Cloud Computing is a model that enables • Software as a Service (SaaS): in this which application we
convenient on-demand network access to a shared pool of are using in the cloud are discussing in SaaS, like email,
configurable computing resources like (network, server, games and CRM application. most of the responsibility for
storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly security management lies with the cloud providers.
provisioned and released with minimal management effort of
service provider interaction‖. Typical Example of Cloud
Computing Technologies are: Google Search, Web based
Email (electronic mail, be it Gmail, yahoo mail), Google
Documents (create Doc, Spread sheet, presentation and edit
online) and others. The other components of cloud
infrastructure are :
• Front end interface for end users.
• Management for handling n/w resources.
• Storage for virtual machine.
• Constant storage tool working in VM.
• Monitoring tools.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 8
Cloud Computing: A Cost Effective and Efficient Approach for IT Services

• Platform as a Service (PaaS): it can provide different among one or many cloud service providers and commonly
plateform like database, servers and deployment tools. It offer on-demand and provisioned server space, applications
provides runtime environments for different applications. and services.
Cloud migration/acceptance is significant for attaining real-
time, up to date performance and efficiency. As a result, cloud
migration needs thoughtful exploration, planning and
execution to guarantee the cloud solution's compatibility
through organizational requirements.
The term "moving to cloud" also refers to an organization
moving away from a traditional Capital Expenditure (CAPEX)
model (buy the dedicated hardware and depreciate it over a
period of time) to the Operational Expenditure (OPEX) model
(use a shared cloud infrastructure and pay as one uses it).
Proponents claim that cloud computing allows companies to
avoid upfront infrastructure costs, and focus on projects that
differentiate their businesses instead of on infrastructure.
Proponents also claim that cloud computing allows enterprises
to get their applications up and running faster, with improved
manageability and less maintenance, and enables IT to more
• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): it provide infrastructure rapidly adjust resources to meet fluctuating and unpredictable
like we are required OS, virtual machines and storage, IP business demand.
addresses, provide infrastructure, enhanced scalability and
flexible. Cloud Security Challenge and Risk: The Main Reason for
Low Cloud Acceptance in Emerging Countries
In addition to the usual challenges of emerging secure IT
systems, cloud computing presents an added level of risk
because important services are regularly outsourced to a third
party (Cloud Service Provider) [8]. The externalizedaspect of
outsourcing makes it difficult to maintain data integrity and
privacy, support data and service availability, and demonstrate
compliance. In effect, cloud computing shifts much of the
control over data and operations from the client organization to
their cloud providers. Even basic tasks, such as applying
patches and configuring firewalls, can become the
responsibility of the cloud service provider, not the user.
There are several other challenges or reasons for low cloud
4. CLOUD COMPUTING ACCEPTANCE acceptance, all of which state to the challenges that any major
Cloud Acceptance is the procedure of partly or fully deploying paradigm shifts or new acceptance can run in to [9]. The major
an organization's digital assets, services, IT resources or issues that will need to be addressed to in order facilitate the
applications to the cloud, [7]. The migrated assets are easily acceptance and their possibilities are as follows:
reached at the cloud's firewall. Cloud migration is sometimes a) Difficulty in moving/migrating existing workloads to a
refers to as Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), which may Cloud. Although, new tools and techniques are already in
possibly involve transferring a total organizational place that addresses the issues of cloud migration.
infrastructure, where computing, storage, software and
platform services are moved to the cloud for ease of access. b) Expensive Equipment that comprises the Hardware and
Cloud computing is accepted to several organizations because software are expensive to users. Therefore, making it
to its scalability, ease of management and little costs difficult for smaller enterprises with little capital to adopt,
expenditure. Cloud migration enables the implementation of cheaper equipment is needed to address the issue.
flexible cloud computing. c) The service providers’ high expectations in revenue
An organization's cloud migration procedure sometimes generation as a business to their legacies which make
comprises merging an on-site IT infrastructure through a several businesses fear the exorbitant prices resulting to
hybrid cloud solution, which may be retrieved through the low or no implementation at all, should devise means of
Internet for a specific charge. Hybrid cloud solutions move generating revenue and make Services affordable.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 9
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

d) Security concerns about the Cloud, generally the security ways, cloud computing provides solid support for core
aspect need to be improved so as to increase acceptance. business functions with the capacity to develop new and
innovative services in businesses.
Even though, there are some general discomfort regarding
migrations and adopting Cloud, these discomforts will begin to Countries like India, Singapore, and America who are
change once the benefits and or possibilities of the Cloud are developed already now based their whole multi-billion dollar
taken into consideration. Some of them are : business models on putting information on the internet, and
storing the data in the cloud. Cloud computing offers
• By whom data and applications will be accessed. worldwide access to virtually unlimited processing power, new
• Security methods for the data storage and transmission. storage capabilities and much more but left countries like
Nigeria which is among the underdeveloped or emerging
• How data and applications from various consumers nation from possibly attaining this possibilities and boasting
reserved separately. business opportunities like measuring of used resources for
• Where will data be stored? smaller companies that is payment based model (Pay per use),
cost reduction, easing of Information Technology complexities
Apart from the reasons highlighted for low cloud computing and increasing the accessibility of update technology.
acceptance in emerging countries, some challenges are
discussed by many scholars but [2] added that technical 6. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
challenges like availability of service and data lock-in, lack of This research paper depends mainly on intuitive data and
scalable storage, performance unpredictability and data reviews which are derived from previous literal works done on
transfer bottlenecks are also challenges that could limit the the research paper topic obtainable from textbooks, journals,
growth of cloud computing acceptance in emerging countries. newspapers and from the internet resources. in order to
Moreover, he emphasized that Poor quality of internet service investigate and examine some of the challenges that lead to
can hinder prompt availability of data, Fear of hackers, Privacy low acceptance or implementation of cloud computing in
Issues, Lack of technical skills in the deployment of cloud emerging countries.
computing services, Lack of flexibility of the policy or legal
framework for cloud computing is discouraging a number of 7. LIMITATION OF CLOUD COMPUTING
companies to adopt cloud computing, ignorance of the cloud • Availability of services: accesses via internet.
computing technologies, lack of ICT infrastructures and social
amenities needed to establish cloud computing data centres • Data lock inn: shifting of large volume of data from one
across the country and Insecurity problem that hinders cloud platform to another.
technologies providers from investing in most emerging
• Data segregation: isolation of data of each other.
countries among many other challenges.
• Scaling resources: sudden demand of increased resource
• Location of data: geographically each country has its own
• Cloud Love Affair in Developing Economies
• The Perfect Rx for Healthcare Advancement
• Deletion of data : users demand complete removed of data.
• The Cloud as Class Act in Education
• Recovery and Backup: how free and fast it can be
• The Sky’s the Limit for the Cloud in Retail recovered.
• Manufacturing Looks for a Digital Makeover 8. CONCLUSION
• Our Money’s on the Cloud in Banking Services In conclusion, we discussed how developed countries are using
cloud computing to achieve scalability, agility, automation,
Cloud Computing Possibilities in Emerging Countries and resource sharing. Cloud computing can provide an
Cloud computing is a quite flexible technology approach, cost- efficient, scalable, and cost-effective way for business in most
effective, and proven delivery platform for providing business emerging countries if fully adopted and implemented. A
or consumer IT services over the Internet [10]. Cloud resources variety of different cloud computing services models are
can be rapidly deployed and easily scaled, with all processes, available, providing solid supports for core business functions
applications, and services provisioned on demand, regardless and the flexibility to deliver new services. However, the
of the user location or device. As a result, cloud computing flexibility and openness of cloud computing models have
gives organizations the opportunity to increase their service created a security challenges that hinders or result to low
delivery efficiencies, streamline IT management, and better acceptance in those countries. IT resources are shared among
align IT services with dynamic business requirements. In many many users, and security processes are often hidden behind
layers of abstraction and services are provided online so

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 10
Cloud Computing: A Cost Effective and Efficient Approach for IT Services

control over data and operations is shifted to the service online at
providers. [4] Sara Angeles (2014) Virtualization Vs Cloud Computing: What
is the Difference? Accessed online from
In this paper, we presented and examine various challenges
that lead to low acceptance and as well possibilities of cloud
acceptance in emerging countries. The major issues that need
[5] Micheal Ogunjobi (2015) Barriers to Cloud Computing
to be addressed in order facilitate the acceptance and their
AcceptanceIn Nigeria. Accessed online from
possibilities are discussed by given some guidelines for the
implementation and acceptance of cloud computing. We computing-acceptance-in-nigeria/
further recommend that the Ministry of Science, Technology
[6] NIST - National Institute of Standard and Technology, U.S
and Communication in Nigeria should set up a committee and Department of Coomerce. Guidelines on Security and Privacy
find out ways on how to improve the cloud computing in Public Cloud Computing. Special Publication [Home page on
acceptance in emerging countries, taking into consideration the the Internet] 2011. Available from
challenges that cause low implementation of the cloud http://csrc.nist/specialpublication/nistpubs/800-144.pdf
computing technology. [7] Tim Brophy (2016) Cloud Infrastructure: Cloud Migration
REFERENCES Considerations. Accessed online from
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Acceptance in Nigeria, 2016. Published by World Academy of considerations/1926792235
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[8] Al-Muslim W. and Li C. User Privacy and Security issues in
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[2] Kuliya Muhammad, Isma'ilZaharaddeen, Kabir Rumana & [Cited on 3rd March, 2017] Available from
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Volume 5, Issue 7, July (2015). [Cited on 20th April, 2018] Acceptance and How They're Being Addressed
Available online from [10] Salim Ahmad, Sanjeev Kumar and Suleiman Ibrahim. Cloud
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[3] Iwuchukwu, U.C., Atimati E.E., Ndukwe C.I &Iwuamadi Opportunities And Challenges, 2017. Published by International
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ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 11
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Serverless Computing: Need, Impact and Challenges

Nikita Malik1, Dr. Menal Dahiya2
Department of Computer Applications, MSI

Abstract: Serverless computing as a cloud technology offers depicted in Google trends (Figure 1). The “microservice
numerous benefits such as easy deployment, quick auto- architecture” has emerged as the clear winner for hosting web
scaling and pay-per-use model. It eliminates the majority of services since serverless makes it much easier to deploy
challenges that come with managing one’s own hardware microservices.
on-premise or using cloud services. Coupled with these
benefits and a boom in public cloud adoption, organizations
are migrating their services to serverless infrastructure at a
rapid pace. This trend reflects the growing need for simplicity
in managing cloud resources. Even though serverless
computing is being hailed as the next step in cloud
computing, it brings its own set of challenges and problems.
In this paper, the biggest advantages that led to the quick
adoption of serverless, its impact on the current technology
trends as well as the biggest problems that arise while using
serverless cloud technologies have been explored.

Keywords: Cloud Services, DevOps, Serverless Computing,

AWS Fig. 1. Google trend showing growing popularity of
serverless computing
Although serverless computing addresses most of the problems
It has been over a decade since the launch of cloud involved with provisioning, managing and scaling cloud
technologies such as AWS (Amazon Web services), GCP services, it comes with its own set of new challenges that make
(Google Cloud Platform) and Microsoft Azure. Since its it a less than an ideal candidate for the “future of cloud
conception, a growth has been observed in the number of computing”.
organizations that have adopted cloud technologies as it is
1.1 Defining Serverless Computing
easily accessible, more manageable and costs much less
compared to on-premise hardware [2]. Over the years, the term “serverless” has been given different
Despite the huge potential and constant advancements in but overlapping definitions by multiple cloud providers like
cloud-based technologies and tools, the cloud was still used as AWS, GCP and Azure. In an attempt to establish a basic
a platform for merely outsourcing computing services such as definition that qualifies any resource as a serverless computing
servers, databases, networking etc., as opposed to setting up resource, it can be stated:
on-premise hardware. Even though this made the provisioning “Serverless Computing is an execution-based model where a
of computing services fast and efficient, it failed to address the cloud provider manages the allocation, management and
numerous challenges involved in managing and scaling these distribution of resources automatically for handling dynamic
services [7] Most of the technological advancements in cloud computational tasks.” [4].
technologies are simply clones of legacy computing services
like relational databases, object storage, queueing systems and Serverless computing greatly simplifies the process of
web servers etc. deploying software to cloud by automating and abstracting
recurring tasks like scaling, capacity planning and maintenance
With time, software developers started realising the need for of cloud resources.
simplifying recurring operations required for the upkeep of
these cloud services. To address this growing need, cloud 1.2 Serverless Architecture
vendors started offering a new technology under the name of Serverless Architecture is based on the event processing
“Serverless Computing” [9]. Serverless computing is growing system, which is the basic requirement and functionality of a
in popularity and adoption at a rapid pace, and organizations serverless platform, as described in Figure 2. The architecture
are migrating their cloud services to serverless offerings, as works on two levels: first is event/client side and the second

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Serverless Computing: Need, Impact and Challenges

one is the master. The first level comprises of user interface technologies was visible, not a lot was done to bring down the
(UI), API (Application Programming Interface) gateways and time and effort required towards the upkeep of these services.
sources of cloud events. These events are sent over as HTTP
Another challenge when working with traditional cloud
requests. Before sending to the second phase, events are
technologies is to ensure resilience and availability. Some
validated by checking for authentication and authorization,
common techniques used to increase resilience are:
followed by checking for resource limits. All the valid events
monitoring, logging, replication and auto-scaling. Setup,
are then queued, and based on various criteria (like queueing
configuration and optimization of these techniques requires
states, event’s rate of arrival, allocation and deallocation of
time, effort and expertise [3]. This increases the need for
resources), these queues are processed. The platform follows
specialized teams like DevOps and Infrastructure engineers,
the sequence: dispatching of the event, finding a function’s
which further contribute towards complicating the software
existing instance or creating a new one if not already existing,
deployment process.
sending the event to thisinstance of the function, waiting for
the function’s response, amassinglogs for execution, making it 2.2 Growing Popularity of Microservice Architecture
available to the user, and stopping the function when not
needed anymore [1]. The request is fetched by the worker and Microservice architecture is a variant of the Service Oriented
assigned an appropriate container. It then copies from storage Architecture (SOA) where applications are arranged as loosely
to the container, the function use code, and runs the event. coupled services. The services/applications are kept fine-
Stopping of idle function instances and deallocation of their grained and lightweight protocols are used for communication.
resources is also managed by the platform [6]. Different programming languages, software and hardware
environments, and databases can be used to implement these
Implementing this functionality acts as a challenge in view of services, which are independently deployable. Creating,
metrics like fault tolerance, cost, scalability. Moreover, managing and deploying microservices using traditional cloud
management of scalability issues and failures in a cloud set-up services becomes more and more challenging as the number of
also needs to be carefully considered by the platform [1]. services increases.
However, serverless technology satisfies the fundamental
prerequisites to creating microservices and takes care of most
of the management overhead involved with the upkeep of
2.3 Better Software Quality
With the growing demand for software with new features,
technologies are becoming more complex than ever. The
frequency of software deployments to production is also
increasing to meet the pressures of the market and for staying
ahead of the competition [5].
Software development methodologies like agile development
are being practiced by organizations to better manage their
resources for releasing new software frequently.
Most serverless technologies come with GUI (graphical user
interface) based quick setup and one click deployments,
eliminating the need for provisioning, set-up and constant
Serverless computing frees up the developers from the
Fig. 2. Serverless Computing Architecture recurring management and optimization tasks associated with
2. NEED FOR SERVERLESS COMPUTING traditional cloud technologies. It allows the software
developers to focus on code and not the infrastructure.
This section discusses some of the popularly identified reasons
that led to recognizing the need and importance of serverless 3. IMPACT OF SERVERLESS
technology. Serverless computing offers a new range of opportunities and
2.1 Challenges with Traditional Cloud Services potentials:
3.1 Emergence of a New Paradigm of Technologies
No matter how accessible cloud services are, a user still has to
deal with capacity planning, management and scaling of these The advent and rapid adoption of serverless has caused an
services. Even though rapid introduction to new cloud-based explosion of new technologies based on the serverless

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Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

architecture. These technologies span across services like Using machine learning techniques to predict the pattern in
queueing systems, databases, file storage and web servers. The which requests will be received, based on parameters such as
biggest cloud vendors in the world, namely Amazon Web external events, related functions’ activities etc. [8].
Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform have all
Maintaining some warm containers (containers invoked for the
come up with notable services based on serverless
same user previously) whose resources can be multiplexed
technologies like:
between different inactive functions for readily handling their
• AWS Lambda Functions, Azure Functions and Google invocation until the main containers are started [6][8].
Cloud Functions for web servers,
For a set of functions, prepare warm containers or an always-
• AWS DynamoDB, Azure Cosmos and Google DataStore on service based on the service level agreements for latency-
for databases, sensitive serverless applications [8].
• AWS Kinesis, Azure Event Hub and Google PubSub for 4.2 Modelling, Monitoring and Debugging
queueing systems.
The relatively new concept of serverless computing poses a
Mirroring the success of serverless, these services are quickly challenge for its developers since the tools for development are
replacing traditional legacy cloud services at a rapid pace, not yet rich enough. Also, the code quality is reduced and it is
offering better availability, replication and latency, while a complicated task for developers to collaborate becauseof
bringing down the costs. non-unified approaches of development owing to lack of
proper paradigms of modelling. Besides modelling, just like
3.2 Changes in DevOps Trends
any software development approach, serverless computing also
Post the widespread adoption of cloud services, a new vertical includes tools for debugging and testing [8]. Tasks of
of technology has emerged, called DevOps, which is aimed diagnosing the performance or the problems relating to
towards automating the process between software development excessive resource usage creating bottlenecks are more
and software release. DevOps teams automate steps like difficult with serverless code as compared to traditional server
resource allocation, building the code, testing the code & code because it's hard to dig into detailed timing of functions
deploying the code. for different profiles and the only trace of function execution is
what was recorded by monitoring serverless platforms.
As organizations are seen migrating to the serverless cloud Different approaches that combine the process of monitoring
services, changes in the primary functions of a DevOps team and debugging or carry out integration testing have been
are also observed. Although serverless eliminates management proposed over the years for serverless functions [1][8].
and automation overhead, it poses the problem of monitoring
of the resources. Because it is so easy to deploy serverless 4.3 Pricing and Resource Limits
resources, organizations can quickly end up with hundreds of
As compared to the pricing of other cloud services, serverless
small microservices that are hard to monitor for errors and
services make more feasible online pricing. Different factors
performance. Thus, DevOps are now focussed on moving
have an effect on each company’s offered prices, ranging from
towards the automation of processes of monitoring, error
the platform used, revenue strategies adopted and the prices of
detection, log collection and performance insights.
energy in a particular region or time at which the function is
4. CHALLENGES AND OPEN ISSUES executed. Other key decision factors are the load level on the
provider at a time instant and the competitor’s offered price.
As serverless concept is relatively new, various challenges Based on the pricing scheme, customers can choose between
towards serverless computing need to be addressed for its vast various affordable options to reduce their costs as well as
adoption, as discussed: maintain the service quality (determined by response time).
4.1 Scheduling and Performance Therefore, with customer constraints and availability of
multiple service providers, it is a challenging issue to find the
In comparison to continuously running code, serverless code optimal pricing strategy, which needs to be addressed [8].
which is not used frequently may respond with higher latency.
Serverless service providers, in their attempt to save energy, Also, for high-performance computing like workloads,
usually make the execution environmentgo into a sleep-mode serverless computing doesn’t prove to be suitable because
after long durations of idleness by saving the unused function’s there are limits imposed by cloud providers on the resources
state in a persistent storage to be restored later on invocation and it is likely that bulk-provision of the numerous servers
[8]. Referred to as ‘cold starts’, the price paid for preparing the would be cheaper at a given time.
serverless code to run, even when scaled to zero, may render 4.4 Security and Privacy
the entire system useless and needs to be minimized [1].
Different approaches to scheduling the sleep mode of For any computation service, security aspects are always of
serverless services are: indispensable concern. Security issues specific to serverless
technology are [8]:

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Serverless Computing: Need, Impact and Challenges

• Implementation of effective authentication and [2] McGrath, G., & Brenner, P. R. (2017, June). Serverless
authorization schemes for incoming requests to access the computing: Design, implementation, and performance. In 2017
available functions IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing
Systems Workshops (ICDCSW) (pp. 405-410). IEEE.
• Vulnerabilities introduced due to shared execution [3] Al-Ameen, M., & Spillner, J. (2019). A systematic and open
environment among functions of different owners exploration of FaaS research. In ESSCA, Zurich, Switzerland,
December 21, 2018 (pp. 30-35). CEUR-WS.
• Attacks aimed at exhausting resources by introducing [4] Hellerstein, J. M., Faleiro, J., Gonzalez, J. E., Schleier-Smith,
fraudulent loads beyond the agreed service levels with the J., Sreekanti, V., Tumanov, A., & Wu, C. (2018). Serverless
providers computing: One step forward, two steps back. arXiv preprint
• Susceptibility to breach of user’s privacy.
[5] Eivy, A. (2017). Be Wary of the Economics of" Serverless"
5. CONCLUSION Cloud Computing. IEEE Cloud Computing, 4(2), 6-12.
[6] Castro, P., Ishakian, V., Muthusamy, V., & Slominski, A.
In this paper, the advent of serverless technology has been (2019). The server is dead, long live the server: Rise of
explored. The need for serverless computing environments in Serverless Computing, Overview of Current State and Future
the face of issues in the traditional cloud services has been Trends in Research and Industry. arXiv preprint
highlighted, focusing on the various opportunities that will be arXiv:1906.02888.
presented on adopting this computing platform. There also [7] Ajay, M. A. K., & Kumbhar, M. A. (2020). Journey of
exist numerous challenges to this new computing paradigm Serverless Computing. Our Heritage, 68(15), 144-151.
which have been discussed, and serve as open research issues [8] Shafiei, H., Khonsari, A., & Mousavi, P. (2020). Serverless
to be addressed. Computing: A Survey of Opportunities, Challenges and
[9] Al-Ali, Z., Goodarzy, S., Hunter, E., Ha, S., Han, R., Keller, E.,
[1] Baldini, I., Castro, P., Chang, K., Cheng, P., Fink, S., Ishakian, & Rozner, E. (2018, July). Making serverless computing more
V., ... & Suter, P. (2017). Serverless computing: Current trends serverless. In 2018 IEEE 11th International Conference on
and open problems. In Research Advances in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing (CLOUD) (pp. 456-459). IEEE.
(pp. 1-20). Springer, Singapore.

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ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Data Mining and Social Network Analysis

Vinita Tomar1, Tarunim Sharma2
Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Computer Applications, Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: Data mining is the drawing out of information Fig.1 shows the basic data mining task. The purpose of data
from large file; it is an eminent innovative technique which mining falls under two categories:
helps firms laid stress on the most essential information in
a. Descriptive Data Mining: which generates remarkable
their data storehouse. It makes use of number of analytical,
data sets from existing data sets?
illustration and machine learning methods to get the
knowledge which will be very useful for real world b. Predictive Data Mining: creates model for the system
applications. In this paper we focused to present the review from the given data set.
on data mining used for social network analysis which is
The objectives of these above aims are achieved by the
becoming a popular field of research.
following procedures:
Keywords: Data mining; social network; Analysis • Characterization - It generalizes, summarize and possibly
different data characteristics.
• Classification - It is a complex data mining technique
Data mining is a strong tool that helps find different patterns which segregates the data under different categories.
and relations from the data to generate new information. Data • Regression - This technique is mainly used for modeling
mining does not mean drawing out new data but it extrapolate and planning purpose it mainly predicts the likelihood of
new patterns and knowledge from the already collected data? certain variable in presence of some other variables.
To derive meaningful data mining results we should
understand data properly. There are number of reasons which • Association - It discovers the patterns but more precisely
have increased the interest of researchers in studying social dependently linked variables. In this we will look for
networks [5]. Few of those factors include the availability of specific events that are correlated to other events.
large amount of social network data and their graphs. • Clustering - Clustering involves grouping of data into
Data mining is an communal process in which patterns and several new groups such that it explains the data. It breaks
relationships are based on what user requests and progress is big data set into smaller data groups to make the designing
defined by discovering through either automatic or manual and implementation process in a simplified form. The main
methods. In other words Data miners find bundle of task of these techniques is to increase the similarity among
information based on logical relationships, classifications and objects and to reduce it between the classes.
association to draw conclusions about the behavior of their • Change Detection - This method shows the important
customers and their by effecting the performance of their changes in the data from the previously measured values.
business. Information available on web can be analyzed and
• Deviation Detection - Deviation detection lays stress on the
utilized to optimize information access. Thus data mining
major deviations between the actual measured values of the
generates story and unsuspected explanation of data.
objects and its expected values. This method finds out the
deviation according to the time and the deviation among
different subsets of data.
• Link Analysis - It recognizes the relations between the
objects to develop replica based on the patterns in the
relationships by applying graph theory techniques.
• Sequential Pattern Mining - This method involves the
discovery of the recurrent occurring patterns in the data.
The data mining process is divided into three main phases Data
Preprocessing: It involves data cleaning, data integration, data
selection, and data transformation.
Fig. 1. Basic Data Mining Tasks

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Data Mining and Social Network Analysis

• Data Extraction: It performs the exact data mining tasks representation are much smaller in size and parallel
in which pattern evaluation and knowledge representation maintaining integrity. Data reduction is performed using
of data is done. methods such as Decision Trees, Neural network etc.
• Data Evaluation and Representation: This phase finally 4) Data Transformation
analyses and represents the results. Fig.2 shows data
mining process. In this phase, data is converted into a form accurate for the
data mining process. Data is integrated so that the mining
process is more efficient and the patterns are easier to
understand. Data Transformation is implemented using Data
Mapping and code generation process.
5) Data Mining
Data Mining is a process to recognize engrossing patterns and
knowledge from a large amount of data. In these steps,
intelligent patterns are put in to extract the data patterns and
relations. The data is represented in the form of designs and
prototypes are structured using clustering and classification
6) Pattern Evaluation
This step involves identifying interesting patterns representing
the knowledge based on intrusiveness measures. Data
characterization and apprehend methods are used to make the
data understandable by the user.
7) Knowledge Representation
Fig. 2. Data Mining Process It is a step where data visualization and knowledge
There are many factors that determine the usefulness of data representation tools are used to represent the submissive data.
such as accuracy, completeness, consistency, timeliness. The Data is envision in the form of reports, tables etc.
data has to specify whether it satisfies the desired purpose. Social Network: It network is a miscellaneous and multi
Thus preprocessing phase is crucial one in the data mining relational dataset represented with the help of a graph.
process. Vertexes represent the objects (entities), edges represent the
The major points involved in data preprocessing are explained links (relationships among objects), and both objects and
below -: relationships may have attributes. They are usually very large
in capacity.
1) Data refinement
Social network can be used to represents many real-world
Data refinement is the first phase in data mining. It is scenarios, such as Phone calls, spread of computer virus.
considered important as impure data if used directly in mining Constructing the network from general, real world data
can create confusion in procedures and produce inaccurate presents number of unexpected challenges owing to the data
outputs. This step involves the deletion of incomplete data domains themselves, e.g., information extraction and
from the collected data. Many methods that generally clean preprocessing, and data structures used for knowledge
data by itself are available but they are not vigorous. representation and storage [6].
2) Data Integration A social network can be generically understood to be some
kind of computer application which facilitates the definition of
When various diverse data sources such as databases, cubie or
social relations among people based on acquaintance, general
files are combined together for analysis, this process is called
interests, activities, professional interests, family and
data integration. This helps in improving the accuracy and rate
associative relations, and so on. It is based on common relation
of the data mining process. It can be performed using Data
of interest. It can arise from information in sources such as
Migration Tools such as Oracle Data Service Integrator and
text, databases, sensor networks, communication systems, and
Microsoft SQL etc.
social media [1]. This question is due to many causes,
3) Data Reduction including the vagueness of human language, multiple pseudo
for the same user, representations of information which are
This technique is implemented to get the relevant data for mismatched.
analysis from the collection of data. The dimensions of the

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 17
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

3. METHODOLOGY • Most SNA research in organizations concentrates on socio-

metric approach
Methodology contains planning, conducting and reporting
phases where each stage contains of several phases. At the 2. Knowledge based Network Analysis
planning phase we generate a review protocol; which has six
stages. These are specifying research problems, designing the • Emerged in Computer Science.
search methods, identifying the study selection procedures, • Involves quantification of interaction between individuals,
specifying the quality assessment rules, describing the data groups and other entities.
extracted and synthesizing the extracted data to show the
review protocol phases. • Knowledge discovery based on entities associated with
actors in the social network.
3. Egocentric (personal) Network Analysis

• Egocentric (personal) network analysis.

• Emerged in anthropology and psychology.
• Make generalizations of features found in personal
• Difficult to collect data, so till now studies have been rare.
There are six different domains which applied various
techniques in nine different research areas to mine the flow of
big data from social media. The list is as follows -:
Fig. 3.
• Business and Management (BM)
Social Network Analysis and Data Mining
• Education (EDU)
Data mining tools can give solutions to industry queries that
were very time consuming to resolve. Data mining of social • Finance (FIN)
networks can be done by using graph mining methods for • Government and Public (GP)
instance classification/topologies, prediction, efficiency,
pattern detection, measurement and metrics, modeling, • Social Networks (SN)
evolution and structure, data processing and communities5. To
Fig.4 Illustrates that social networks and business and
take out the information represented in graphs we need to
management were the most dynamic domains used by data
define metrics that describe the global structures of graphs,
mining techniques with a percentage of 79% between all
find the community structure of the network and define metrics
domains. Government and public with percentage of 9%
that explains the patterns of local interaction in the graphs,
illustrates the third active domain [1].
develop efficient algorithms for mining data on networks and
understand the model generation of graphs.
Social network and its analysis is an essential field and it is
extensively spread among many young researchers. Social
networks research emerged from psychology, sociology,
statistics and graph theory. Based on graph theoretical
concepts a social networks explain the social relationships of
individuals as points and their relationships as the lines
connecting them.
The numerous kinds of Social network analysis are -:
1. Socio Centric (Whole) Network Analysis

• Emerged in sociology.
• Involves quantification of interaction among a socially well
defined group of people.
• Focus on identifying global structural patterns. Fig. 4.

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Data Mining and Social Network Analysis

Various Data mining applications are as follows -: Recent work in machine learning and data mining has made
very good pace towards learning highly accurate models of
• Viral marketing relational data. But to a small extent this work has made better
• Social analysis use of research in other areas, for instance a social network
analysis and statistics. Cross disciplinary efforts and joint
• Expert findings research efforts must be persuaded to raise quick development
• Fraud detection and spreading of useful algorithms and data representation.
This work must focus on the unique statistical challenges
• Image analysis raised by relational data. The rapid growth of social networks
• Financial data analysis gives strong efforts to the set of techniques developed for
mining graphs and social networks. Social networks are
• Retail industry
embedded in many sources of data and at many different
• Telecommunication industry scales. Data mining gives skilled way to execute and make use
of database. In this paper, we have in brief discussed various
• Biological data analysis and
data mining techniques which are used for social network
• Other scientific applications analysis and all its related applications.
Data Mining system can be classified into various basis. Fig.5 [1] Blau, H., N. Immerman, and D. Jensen (2002). A Visual
shows the classification. Language for Querying and Updating Graphs. University of
Massachusetts Amherst Computer Science Technical Report
[2] Breiman, L., J. Friedman, R. Olshen, and C. Stone (1984).
Classification and Regression Trees. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
International Group.
[3] Zafarani R, Abbasi MA, Liu H. Social Media Mining an
Introduction. Cambridge University; 2014.
[4] Mika P. Social Networks and the Semantic Web, 1st edition.
Springer; 2007.
[5] Han J, Kamber M. Data Mining: Concept and Techniques, 2nd
Edition. Morgan Kauffmann; 2006.
[6] Scott J. Social Network Analysis - A Handbook, Second
Edition. SAGE Publication; 2000.
[7] Kaur, G (2013). Social network evaluation criteria and
influence on consumption behaviour of the youth segment.
Fig. 5. Data mining classification

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 19
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Survey on Privacy Preservation of Item Sets in Data

Suman Ahlawat1, Dr. Anoop Sharma2, Dr. Aman Jain3
Research Scholar in Singhania University, Jhunjhunu
Dean Dept. of CS and IT, Singhania University, Jhunjhunu
Professor in Maharishi Arvind Institute of Science and Management, Jaipur

Abstract: Data mining denotes to knowledge mining or Data Mining contains an algorithmic procedure, which
extracting from huge amounts of data. Discovering proceeds preprocessed input information and abstracts designs.
association rules are at the heart of data mining. Mining of Several methods occur, like association rule mining,
suggestion instructions among items in huge database of organization, clustering, etc. A significant and broadly used
trades conventions has been accepted such as an main space data mining procedure is the unearthing of suggestion
of database investigation. Extracting meaningful instructions. Relationship rule excavating aims at determining
information plays an important role in the mining recurrent item sets from market carrier data and producing
process. More accurate data can give better result. suggestion instructions. Maximum association rule mining
Solitude protection of gainful items is too required. We algorithms indirectly study the benefits of the item sets to be
have presented the simple data mining; efficacy mining, the same [3]. A utility is a value attached to an item depending
unusual item fixed mining and repeated item fixed mining. A on its evaluation, e.g. if coke has supported 20 and profit of
brief numerous algorithm overview and methods defined in 2%, cookies may have support 10 but with a profit of 20%.
various research papers has been provided in this paper. 2. ASSOCIATION RULE MINING
Keywords: Data Mining, Association Rule Mining, Itemset There are various methods sufficient these purposes of data
Mining, Utility Mining, Privacy Preservation, k-anonymity, mining. Mining Suggestions are one of the methods
Anonymization, data mining convoluted in the procedure. These instructions can be
successfully used to expose unknown associations, creating
1. INTRODUCTION outcomes that can deliver a base for estimating and judgment
creating. The unique problem addressed by association rule
Data mining is the procedure of determining the exhaustive mining was to discover a association among trades of many
data around the big amount of data which is put away in data products as of the study of a huge set of information[4].
warehouses and data sources. Data mining is the data novelty
scheme from the big extent of data kept in numerous Association rule mining (ARM) is the procedure of producing
databases. Here the knowledge belongs to the valuable instructions built on the association among the set of items that
information which can be used further computation. The the consumers buying. Of dawn, data mining detectives have
simple goal of the data mining is to mine greater-level improved upon the superiority of connotation rule mining for
invisible data as of raw information profusion. Data mining occupational growth over assimilating issues such as charge
has been recycled in multiple areas of the data. Data mining (utility), size of items retailed (weight) and revenue. The
can be observed as an algorithmic process that proceeds data as instructions quarried lacking seeing efficacy principles
per input and produces several designs, for instance (revenue border) will top to a credible harm of gainful
instructions of the organization, item sets, and rules of instructions.
association, or summaries, as output. Current work largesse an Apriori-based isolated rare element
Association Rule Mining (ARM) is a well-designed way that set (recurrent item set) procedure. It exacts the boundary by
recognizes repeated item sets as of datasets and produces shortening connections. To address the tasks confronted via
suggestion instructions via supposing that all substances have remaining work, a solitude conserving FP-growth (PFP-
the similar implication and occurrence of incidence without growth) algorithm, which contain re-processing phase and
seeing their convenience [1]. However in a number of actual- mining steps, is planned. Now the preprocessing phase, the
world uses like trade advertising, medical diagnosis, client database is transmuted to perimeter the length of
separation, etc., efficacy of item sets is established on rate, communications. To apply like a limit, lengthy connections
revenue or profits. Efficacy Mining goals to classify item sets must be split end alternatively reduced. i.e., uncertainly a
using maximum benefits through seeing revenue, amount, rate contract has further items than the bound, it is distributed into
or further user references [2]. various subsets and assurance that every subset is in the limit.

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 20

Survey on Privacy Preservation of Item Sets in Data Mining

To reserve other occurrence data in subsets, a graph-placed frequent item set mining is used to indicate the frequent items.
method is suggested to expose the association of items inside But we can’t say if any item set which have sold frequently
trades and use like association to escort the excruciating will make a profit. Maybe those item sets which are less
procedure. In the mining stage, established on the specified frequent or rare item set can make more profit than frequent
converted database and a user-described inception, recurrent item set. One of the most stimulating tasks of data mining is
item sets were revealed. In spite of the possible advantages of the highest utility item sets mining efficiently. An
transaction splitting, it may bring frequency information loss. identification set of item with the high utilities is known as
Runtime calculation method is used to offset such information Utility Mining. Utility can be dignified in relations of profit,
loss. In specific, set the loud sustenance of an item set in the cost or other different user Preferences expression. Such as, a
database renovated by contract excruciating, 1stassessment its computer system may be more gainful than a telephone in
real provision in the converted database, and formerly other profit terms.
calculate its real provision in the unique database. In
For example- if in a mobile shop, 100 mobile sets of Nokia
calculation, using averaging the descending closure assets (that
worth rupees -2000/- are sold frequently, but at the same time
is, any supersets of an infrequent item set are infrequent),
in another shop a iPhone sold in 60, 000/- rarely so its cleared
dynamic reduction method was used.
that if any item which sold frequently but with less prices and
In common, the suggestion instruction is an appearance of the at the same time another item which sold rarely can make more
form X=>Y, where X is predecessor and Y is resultant. profit.
Suggestion instruction displays how many times Y has
Utility is a amount of an item set how gainful or beneficial X
followed in case that X has now followed reliant on the
is. Item set X utility, that is, u(X), which is the abstract of all
provision and sureness value. Provision: It is the possibility of
item set utilities X in enclosing X all the connections. An item
an item or item sets in the certain transactional database:
set X is called an item set of great utility supposing u(X)
Provision(X) = n(X) / n greater than or equal to the min_utility, where min_utility is a
user definite beginning of minimum utility. High-utility item
Where n is the complete number of connections in the database
set mining objective is to define every that item sets enclosing
and n(X) is the number of connections that encloses the item
utility greater or equal to the user- definite least efficacy
set X. So, provision (X=>Y) = provision (XUY). Assurance: It
is a provisional possibility, for an suggestion instruction X=>Y
and definite as per In the mining of utility based the term utility refers to the user
preference quantitative representation, i.e. an item set utility
Assurance(X=>Y) = provision (XUY) / provision(X)
value is the item set important measurement in the consumer’s
Recurrent item set: Let A be a set of items, T be the contract perspective. For e.g. if an analyst of sales concludes in few
database and σ be the user identified minimum support. An retail research requirements to discover out which item sets in
item set X in A (that is X is a subgroup of A) is assumed to be stores earn revenue of maximum sales for the stores user will
a numerous item fixed in T with deference to σ, if describe the any item set utility as monetary profit that store
providing(X) T>= σ. Mining suggestion instructions can be earns through selling all item set units. Now note that predictor
ruined down into the resulting2 sub-problems: of trades is not involved in the several connections that item
1. Creating all item sets that have provision greater than, or set hold, then the user is one troubled around the profits
equal to, the user identified least provision. i.e., creating created composed concluded each operation comprising the
all huge item sets. element set. In practice the item set utility value can be page-
2. Creating all the instructions that have least sureness. We rank, profit, popularity, measure of few aesthetic aspects, for
can produce the suggestion instruction using more than 1 example, design or beauty or few other different processes of
number of resultant items is produced through the customer’s reference.
resulting process: The conventional Association standard mining methodologies
a. Discover the instruction in which number of consider the utility of the items by its presence in the exchange
consequence =1. (transaction) set. The recurrence of item set is not adequate to
b. For the given rules p(x ->y) and p(x-> z), the rule p(x mirror (reflect) the real utility of an item set. For instance, the
->yz) is generated by the intersection of both the business administrator may not be occupied with continuous
association rules and get a new rule p(x ->yz) =p item sets that don't create significant benefit. Recently, one of
(xyz)/p(x). the most difficult information mining undertakings has been
c. Association Rule Mining Approaches For Itemset the mining of high utility item sets productively[5].
Mining Differentiating evidence of the item sets using HU (high
utilities) is known as UM (Utility Mining). The utility can be
A. Utility Mining measured as far as expense, benefit or different articulations of
In the data mining association rule mining approaches consider client’s inclinations.
an items utility through transaction set presence. As we know

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Information mining is the procedure of uncovering nontrivial, B. Frequent Item set mining
previously unknown and conceivably helpful data from huge
Frequent item sets [6] are the sets of item that present
(large) databases. An important role in multiple data mining
frequently in the any database transactions. Recurrent element
challenges, like recurrent design mining, weighted recurrent
set excavating, basic purpose is to find out every transaction
design mining, and high efficacy design mining show for
dataset item groups. Mining of frequent item set perform a
discerning beneficial designs secreted in a database. Between
significant role in the practice and theory of numerous
them, incessant design mining is an important. Mining high
significant tasks of data mining, for example rule of the mining
efficacy item sets as of databases mentions (refers) to
association, emerging pattern, long patterns. It has applied in
determining the item sets with great profits. Now, the
the telecommunications field, census analysis and analysis of
consequence of item set efficacy is interestingness,
text. Frequent criterion is expressed in item sets support value
consequence, or usefulness of an item for users. The utility of
terms. The item set support value is the transaction percentage
an item in an exchange (transaction) DB comprises of two
that include the item set after that the support value will be
compared with predefined threshold value, which was user
1) The significance of particular items, which is known as generated. If support is equal or greater than the minimum
external utility, and threshold value than those values will be further processed for
2k mining of the frequent pattern, those which not succeed the
2) The significance of items in communications, which is
least beginning will be unwanted.
known as internal utility.
C. Rare Item set mining
Utility mining of an item set is considered as per the outcome
of its outside efficacy and it’s inside efficacy. An item set is Item set that do not occur frequently in the database, Or we can
called as a great efficacy mining item set in case that its utility say infrequent items in the database. Rare circumstances
is no reduce than a client resolute minimum utility edge; else, justify specific consideration since they signify algorithms of
it is named a little-utility element groups. Removal high utility data mining main difficulties.
element sets from databases is a serious responsibility has an
Rare item sets finding, and in rare suggestion instructions
extensive variability of operations, for ex., site instant stream
originating order from rare item sets, may be generally
analysis occupational improvement in sequence hypermarkets,
appreciated in medicine and biology. Suppose an expert in
irritated publicity in trade sites, online e-trade management,
biology is involved to find out the cardiovascular diseases
and movable business atmosphere positioning, and even
(CVD) cause for a particular medical records database. A
determining authoritative strategies in biomedical customs.
repeated item set for instance “{prominent cholesterol level,
TABLE I: Transaction Database CVD}” may be validate hypothesis that these two altered items
are repeatedly connected, prominent to possible interpretation
Transaction Id X Y Z “people containing a high cholesterol level are at high CVD
Tr1 1 1 1 risk”. Another different hand, point that “{vegetarian, CVD}”
is a rare item set might be authenticated that 2altered item sets
Tr2 2 1 0 suggestion is relatively extraordinary, important to the
Tr3 3 0 2 conceivable understanding “vegetarian individuals are at a
Tr4 1 2 1 CVD small threat”. Moreover, the item sets {CVD} and
{vegetarian} can be both different frequent, while the item set
Tr5 0 1 0 {CVD, vegetarian} is rare.
Tr6 5 3 4 The next example is occupied from the pharmacy co vigilance
Tr7 2 2 0 field, i.e., pharmacology dedicated detection field, survey and
adverse drug effects study. Deliver an opposing drug things
Tr8 3 1 1
database, rare item set mining allows a official connecting
Tr9 4 1 1 drugs method using opposing effects, that is, finding cases
Tr10 2 0 2 where a drug had fatal or undesired effects on patients. In this
technique, a repeated association as “{drug} ∪ {A}”, where
“{A}” is an item set describing a desirable effect kind, means
TABLE II: Unit Profit Associated With Items that this suggestion describes an predictable and acting right
Item Name Profit way for a drug. Over divergence, a rare item set for instance
“{drug} ∪ {B}” may be inferred as the point that “{B}”
X 3 describes an unusual technique of drug acting, probably
Y 10 leading to an undesirable effect.
Z 8

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Survey on Privacy Preservation of Item Sets in Data Mining

So that this search can be fulfilled by identifying rare item set equal length. The highest component in the lattice is the blank
in the database. So in these type of condition rare item set set.
convert more appropriate than regular item set.
In this item we current an example of occasional and non-
current item-set removal. Input data is made up of a database • Luca Cagliero and Paolo Garza [8] proposed a paper in
of transaction, and every transaction is recognized through an which the discovering the rare issue and weighted item sets
ID and is made up of a set of items. In the actual world, was handled. i.e., the IWI (infrequent weighted item set)
transactions can be observed through a customer as a basket mining problem. 2 new quality processes are suggested to
bought until the set period of time (day, week, month, etc.). the drive IWI mining process. Furthermore, two different
Every basket is made up of a set of items that are bought algorithms that achieve IWI and Minimal IWI mining
consecutively. In Table 1 we signify an intellectual database, efficiencies, driven through proposed measures, were
which is represented by D, where the letter of the alphabet is presented.
examined an item. Looking at the transaction database like that • Younghee Kim et al. [9] proposed an efficient algorithm
obtainable in Table 1, our aim is to discover 2 types of set of named weighted Support Frequent item sets (WSFI) was
items, also known as item set. The 1st type is made up of those proposed which normalized weight mine over the streams
item-sets that are present in most of the 2contract, and the of data, along with that a original tree structure as well
2ndtype is made up of those item sets that are not in any suggested which is known as the WSFP-Tree (weighted
contract and are made up of the maximum items equivalent to support FP-tree), that stores compacted serious information
the biggest cardinality contracts. The number of items set in around repeated item sets. The suggested WSFP Tree is an
the database is known as item-set provision. Our case is equal protracted FP-tree built data structure. It is an extended
to supremeprovision3 [7]. prefix-tree structure to store compressed, critical
TABLE III: Transaction database knowledge about the frequent patterns. The estimation
demonstrates that the WSFI-mine outperforms the DSM-FI
ID Transaction and THUI-Mine in mining frequent item sets over the data
Tr1 {a, b, c, d}
Tr2 {b, d} • G.C. Lan et al. [10] proposed a novel pattern type, known
Rare Utility Item sets, which consider not only individual
Tr3 {a, b, c, e} profits and quantities but also usual current periods and
Tr4 {c, d, e} items branches in a multi-database atmosphere. An original
method of mining called as the 2-Phase Algorithm for
Tr5 {a, b, c} Mining Rare Efficacy Item sets in various Databases (TP-
RUI-MD) was suggested to efficiently see rare efficacy
item sets. The 2-Phase Algorithm for Mining Rare Efficacy
Item sets in Various Databases algorithm is planned to
discover rare-utility item sets environment. The 1st one is
that we suggested an original item set type called rare-
utility item set in a multi-database environment.
• Hua. Fu. Li et al. [11] Proposed two effective one pass
algorithm, which known as MHUI-TID and MHUI-BIT,
for mining high utility item sets from information streams
inside of the exchange sliding window. These two
distinctive successful thing learning representation and an
amplified lexographical tree-based rundown information
structure is created to expand the mining high utility thing
sets proficiency.

Fig. 1. Lattice representing a hierarchically ordered space • David j. haglin et al. [12] suggested minimal infrequent
of item-sets and their frequencies item sets (MINIT) discovery process which was the 1st
algorithm created particularly for classifying minimal
The set of all item-sets that can be produced as of the contract infrequent item set (MIIs). The computational period
database is accessible in Figure 1 using a diagram of the subset compulsory on the four dataset recommends a connection
lattice for 5 items by the related occurrences in the database. In amongst the amount of MIIs and the volume of calculation
the lattice every level is made up of item-sets consuming the necessary. The Insignificant occasional item set
problematic is NP-complete.

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Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

• D. J. Haglin and A. M. Manning. On minimal in- • V.S. Tseng et al. [15] suggest a novel method, specifically
Frequent item set mining. In DMIN, pages 141–147, 2007. Temporal High Utility Item sets (THUI) -Mine, for the
mining of temporal great efficacy item sets as of data
• J. Hu et al.[13] classify high utility item groupings. In streams excellently and efficiently. For our best
transaction to the traditional suggestion instruction and information, from data streams, Novel THUI-Mine
repeated item mining procedures, the goal of the algorithm influence is that it can capably temporal great efficacy item
is to discover data sections, definite using the few items sets classify over creating like that the presentation. Hence,
(instructions) sets, which satisfy several conditions extant the determining process every window can be succeeded
an actual assessment to crack it via specific partition trees, capably using restricted memory space, fewer applicant
called as high profit partition trees and considered the item sets and time of CPU I/O. This meets the critical
various splitting schemes performance. needs on efficiency of time and space for mining data
• H. Yao et al. [14] suggested the efficacy problem built streams.
mining is to find the item sets that are important agreeing • Liu et al. [16] proposed two different stage algorithms for
to their efficacy values. In this paper apriori assets and high utility item sets discover. In 1stphase, a model relates
unreliable restraint assets are not valid to the efficacy based “transaction-weighted descendant closure assets” to
item set mining issue. As an outcome, mathematical item advance the applicant documentation on the search space.
set utility value properties were analyzed. In another stage, one additional database scan is the high
utility item sets identify performed.

Method Advantage Disadvantage Approach

k-anonymity It reduces the granularity of data The method is disposed to several types k-anonymous method
representation. of attacks especially after background
This granularity is condensed information is accessible to the attacker.
adequately that any specified record The adversary can use an association
maps on partially k further records in between one or more identifier attributes
the information. with the sensitive attribute in order to
narrow down possible values of the
sensitive field more.
Randomization Data is altered using totaling noise to The method on its own is weak and does Additive Perturbation
the unique data. not offer complete reliability, hence it is Perturbation by random
Credentials of data openly is not used in combination with other projection technique
probable. algorithms.
The novel record values cannot be The quality of data is disturbed and the
simply estimated after the inaccurate procedure is irreversible.
data. Reconstructions leads to the leakage of
It is relatively simple, and does not Privacy, which relates to the possible
require knowledge of the distribution risks
of other records in the data
Encryption The method groups the data into It involves complex mathematical Integer dividing built
various classes and the encryption is computations. encryption
based on the key values generated
within each class.
Since the key is not a constant private
or public key, the method provides a
greater amount of protection.
Cryptography Isolated events can mutually There may exit Ruined events, who select Unconscious transfer
calculate any function of their inputs, their inputs freely of the truthful events'
lacking illuminating any further data. inputs.
It covers all data apart from for the This assets is critical in a closed mart
selected yield of the function

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 24
Survey on Privacy Preservation of Item Sets in Data Mining

Mining with Association Rules”, International Journal of

5. CONCLUSION Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 46– No.23, May
PPDM (Privacy preserving data mining) is a novel time of 2012.
study in data mining. Its eventual objective is to progress [7] Mehdi Adda, Lei Wu, Sharon White, Yi Feng, “PATTERN
effective algorithms that agree one to abstract applicable DETECTION WITH RARE ITEM-SET MINING”,
International Journal on Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence
information after huge data amounts, though check difficult
and Applications (IJSCAI), Vol.1, No.1, August 2012.
data as of disclosure or inference.
[8] Luca Cagliero and Paolo Garza, “Infrequent Weighted Itemset
Utility mining discovers each item sets whose utility values are Mining Using Frequent Pattern Growth”, inIEEE
equal or higher than a user identified threshold in a transaction Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
database. But, the item set utility value does not justify the 26(4):903-915 April 2014
“descendent closure assets”. i.e., a great efficacy item set [9] Younghee Kim, Wonyoung Kim and Ungmo Kim,
subset may not be a great efficacy item set. The utility mining “Mining Frequent Itemsets with Normalized Weight in
task is in limiting the applicant set scope and simplifying the Continuous Data Streams”, Journal of Information
efficacy computing calculation. Therefore, consideration was Processing Systems 6(1):79-90 March 2010
rewarded on privacy preserving utility mining (PPUM) and [10] G.C. Lan, T.P. Hong and V.S. Tseng, “A Novel Algorithm for
suggested limited algorithms for it. Mining Rare-Utility Itemsets in a Multi Database
Environment”, The 26th Workshop on Combinatorial
REFERENCES Mathematics and Computation Theory, 2009, pp. 293-297.
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Source For Consumer Behavior Analysis”, International Journal memory efficient mining of high utility itemsets in data
of Database Management Systems, Vol.3, No.3, Aug. 2011, streams”, in: Eigth International Conference of Data Mining
pp.45-56. 2008.
[2] Sudip Bhattacharya1, Deepty Dubey, “High Utility Itemset [12] D. J. haglin and A.M. Manning, “On minimal infrequent itemset
Mining”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and mining, in DMIN, 2007, pp. 141-147.
Advanced Engineering, ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 8, [13] Jianying Hu, Aleksandra Mojsilovic, “High-utility pattern
August 2012. mining: A method for discovery of high-utility item sets”,
[3] H. Yao and H. J. Hamilton, “Mining itemset utilities from Pattern Recognition 40 (2007) 3317–3324.
transactio databases,” Data and Knowledge Engineering, vol. [14] Hong Yao, Howard J. Hamilton, Liqiang Geng, “A Unified
59, pp. 603-626 2006. Framework for Utility Based Measures for Mining itemsets”, In
[4] Farah Hanna AL-Zawaidah and Yosef Hasan Jbara, “An Proc. of the ACM Intel. Conf. on Utility-Based Data Mining
Improved Algorithm for Mining Association Rules in Large Workshop (UBDM), pp. 28–37, 2006.
Databases”, World of Computer Science and Information [15] Vincent S. Tseng, Chun-Jung Chu, Tyne Liang, “Efficient
Technology Journal (WCSIT) ISSN: 2221-0741 Vol. 1, No. 7, Mining of Temporal High Utility Itemsets from Data streams”,
311-316, 2011. Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Utility-
[5] Mengchi Liu, Junfeng Qu, “mining high utility itemsets without Based Data Mining, August 20, 2006.
candidate generation”, Cikm '12 Proceedings Of The 21st Acm [16] Ying Liu, Wei-keng Liao and Alok N. Choudhary, “A
International Conference On Information And Knowledge Two-Phase Algorithm for Fast Discovery of High Utility
Management, Pages 55-64. Itemsets”, inLecture Notes in Computer Science 3518:689-
[6] Endu Duneja and A.K. Sachan, “A Survey on Frequent Itemset 695 May 2005.

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ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

A Review on Cloud Computing and Its Architecture

Geeta Dalal1, Asha Rani2, Dr. Archana Dhankhar3
Assistant Professor Pt.N.R.S. Govt. College, Rohtak, Haryana
Assistant Professor M. R. I. E. M. Rohtak, Haryana
³Assistant Professor Govt.CollegeJassiaRohtak, Haryana

Abstract: Nowadays Cloud Computing is one of the buzz • Improved performance.

word that is used in computer networking society. In actual
Cloud Computing is a broadcast of two terms namely “cloud” • Easy backup and recovery.
and the “computing”. Basically the term “cloud” is taken • High storage capacity.
from the telecom companies’. With the help of Clouds user
can interact with the cloud based application using internet • High data security.
connection from remote side areas and the resources that are • Automatic software updates.
used in a cloud are compute, storage and the networking.
The term “computing” mainly holds the computer hardware • Anywhere accessibility
and the computer software. So cloud computing is the
generic term that is used for the computation, storage and • Instant scalability
accessing the data from the remote side by using internet • Pay –per-use.
facility. Basically Cloud Computing is a utility computing.
Cloud computing is Internet based computing and the key 2. CLOUD COMPUTING TYPES:
characteristic of cloud computing is “computing in the
cloud”. Cloud computing is a generalized term and there is
no centralized infrastructure. The aim ofthis paperis to
understand cloud computing concept. Cloud architecture
have two parts back end and front end with enormous
facilities like security, services, storage, management and
client infrastructure to their users.This architecture enhance
the capability of user to share data with large storage areas
utilizing services with different application areas.

Keywords: Cloud computing, Iass, Paas, SaaS..

In current scenario Cloud Computing is an emerging
Technology. Cloud Computing is generally known as “the
cloud”. Term Cloud Computing is used for sharing the
resources that may include the whole infrastructure, software
and different types of application including business processes.
Cloud Computing totallyuses the virtualizations concept.
Cloud Computing is based on distributed architecture. In
distributed architecture data is stored at different locations Fig 1
(units) if one location(unit) fails then other will take over
In cloud computing the term cloud is categorized into different
forms namely:
Advantages of cloud computing
Public cloud: External cloud is another name for public cloud.
• Lower IT infrastructure. Public clouds are the clouds where both infrastructure and
control of these clouds is within the service provider. Google,
• Reduced expenditure. Amazon, Azure cloud are the few examples of public cloud.
• Lesser maintenance charges. Public cloud uses B2C i.e Business to Consumer types of

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 26

A Review on Cloud Computing and Its Architecture

Advantages of public cloud 4. COMPONENTS OF CLOUD COMPUTING

• lower cost Some common components of cloud computing architecture
• no maintenance
Hypervisor: Virtual Machine monitor is another name of
• Provides scalability hypervisor. It is hardware virtualization technique consists of
• more reliable software, hardware and the firmware which runs the virtual
machine. Hypervisor is categorized into two types namely
Private clouds: “Internal cloud” is another name for Private Type 1 and type 2 Type 1 is a native or bare metal hypervisors.
Clouds. In Private Clouds the computed resources are Vmware ESi, Microsoft hyper –V, oracleum are common
governed by the private organizations. They can be used by the examples of Type 1. Type 2 is also called hosted hypervisor.
government agencies, institutions and organizations. A private VMware workstations, VMware server, Microsoft Virtual PC
cloud uses B2Bi.e Business to Business types of interactions. are the examples of type 2 hypervisor.
Advantages of private cloud Management software: Management software consists of
• Private Clouds are flexible. various Strategies and plans, which help in increasing the
performance of cloud by providing on line delivery of storage,
• Private Clouds are secure. security, online accessing and many other features.
• Private Clouds provides scalability. Deployment software: The term cloud deployment refers to
initiate the working of the SaaS, PaaS and the IaaS. All the
Hybrid cloud: The combination of public as well as of private
mandatory installation and configuration of the cloud are done
cloud is known as hybrid cloud. Hybrid cloud uses B2B or
in the deployment software.
B2C types of interactions. In hybrid cloud all computing
resources are bounded each other by different clouds for Route of connectivity: Route of connectivity plays the vital
example Microsoft. role in cloud computing architecture because whole cloud is
connected by the virtual route.
Advantages of hybrid cloud
Server of the cloud: Cloud server consists of all types of
• More control software that are needed during the computing. These are the
• Flexible. virtual server running in the Cloud Computing atmosphere.
Cloud Service are quick, secured, stable in nature.
• Easyto use.
Cloud storage: Cloud storage is a service model in which data
Community cloud: This type of cloud provides computing is stored online in the form of Clouds. So whole data in cloud
resources for a community or for organizations. storage is maintained as well as managed and backed up

Based on previous Research and Analysis reports cloud 5. CLOUD SERVICES

computing architecture comprises of two main parts namely
the frontend and the back end. Front end consists of client part
of cloud computing system. It comprises of application and
interfaces which help in assessing the feature of cloud
computing. Example web browser.
Back End refers to the cloud itself. Back end is under the
provider’s control. Back End is responsible for providing all
the built-in security mechanism and it is also responsible for
providing the protocols and the traffic control signals.
Generally Back end consists of huge data storage, virtual
environment, serveretc. Its all over responsibility of this
architecture to gives facility to user and to enhance the work Fig. 2.
culture of internet. Their back end tools to gives overall
responsibility to smooth working on internet as well as Cloud Computing services are divided into three categories
flexibility in the work area of services, management, namely:-
infrastructure and security. Cloud computing techniques give a • SaaS: SaaS or Software as a Service is highly scalable
huge storage area where we share our data with other internet based applications that are hosted on the cloud and
resources. it offers services to the end user. Now days SaaS is offered

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Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

bymany companies such as Google docs,, 7. CONCLUSION
Cloud computing is a new paradigm for delivering IT services.
• PaaS: PaaSor Platform as a Service. It provides a platform In this paper wehave discussed on its architecture,
that is used to design, develop, and build & to representative platforms, cloud service providers. Today cloud
testapplications that are provided by the cloud computing is expanding its area in public as well as in private
infrastructure. Azure ServicePlatforms,, Google field.
App engine are some PaaS providers.
• IaaS: IaaSor Infrastructure as a Service normally provides [1] T. Dillon, C. Wu, and E. Chang, “Cloud Computing: Issues and
storage & computing capabilities as standardized services Challenges,” 2010 24th IEEE International Conference on
over a network. Amazon web services, Go Grid, 3Tea are Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA),
someexamples of IaaS. It allows a Company to pay for pp. 27-33, DOI= 20-23 April 2010
only a much capacity ofdata is needed. [2] Garrison, G., Kim, S., Wakefield, R.L.: Success Factors for
Deploying Cloud Computing. Commun. ACM.55, 62–68
Cloud antivirus is a software that consists of client & a web [3] Herhalt, J., Cochrane, K.: Exploring the Cloud: A Global Study
service componentsWorking together. Client is a small of Governments ‘Adoption of Cloud (2012).
program running on our local computer whichscans the system [4] Venters, W., Whitley, E.A.: A Critical Review of Cloud
for any malware. Where a web service is a software running Computing: Researching Desires and Realities. J. Inf.
onone or more servers some where on the internet. Panda Technol.27, 179–197(2012).
cloud antivirus is anexample of cloud computing. It is antivirus [5] Yang, H., Tate, M.: A Descriptive Literature Review and
software by Panda security. It is cloudbased antivirus, it is free Classification of Cloud Computing Research. Commun.Assoc.
Inf. Syst. 31 (2012).
as well as paid available on net.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 28
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

A Critical Review of Data Warehouse Development:

Business-Object Based Approach
Minal Dhankar
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: Data Warehousing is a developing industry which

Planning Business
is created for an organization to help in decision making and Action
forecasting. The difference between a Data Warehouse and a
Database is that a Data Warehouse is built with an aim of
query & analysis rather than a transaction processing. This
is the reason it contains historical and cumulative data
derived from transaction data from single or multiple Data Data
sources. The Data Analysis stage which comes after Gathering Analysis
Business Growth
Planning and Data gathering plays a key role in the design of
a successful Data Warehouse system. Not only for business Fig. 1. Business Intelligence process
organization but for any industry Data Warehousing and
OLAP are becoming the most important tool for decision 9. DATA WAREHOUSE-MEANING AND
making and forecasting. In this paper we described some of IMPORTANCE
the current tools and techniques available for Data
Warehousing. We further analyzed current problems and
challenges in the field of Data Warehousing and the success
factors that leaded to an efficient implementation of Data
Warehouse in different organizations. ODS ETL DW OLAP User

Keywords: Data Warehouse, OLAP, Business Intelligence,

Data Mar, ETL
Fig. 2. Data Warehouse Process
8. INTRODUCTION Data stored in various sources and stored in various databases
As we all know that business intelligence is the most important cannot be directly visualized. As we have seen in the figure 2
aspect for any company to grow well and do good. So, we have different Operational Data Stores (ODS), so the
Business Intelligence is the act of transforming raw/ problem comes when one team in the company is using one
operational data into useful information for business analysis. database and other team is using a different one. Now, the
The first thing which every organization does is the planning, biggest problem people would find while they are doing
i.e., they plan what they want to be and depending on the plan visualization or analysis of data is that data is in different
they start gathering data. Once they gather data they know that databases and they find a tough time while integrating them.
they are in right direction now, so they know what to do and Here, the Data Warehouse plays the role and integrates data
how to do. Now they do further analysis of that data and come from all the databases, and processes the data so that
up with the strategies. Finally, when they have a concrete plan visualization can be done.
they execute it into a business action. This is shown in Figure
1. So, a Data Warehouse is a central location where consolidated
data from multiple locations or databases are stored. It is
How does Business Intelligence work? maintained separately from an organization’s operational
1. BI supported Data Warehouse technology extracts database because the data should not be affected. So, you will
information from a company’s operational system. have your operational data at one end where all your legacy
data would be stored. Data warehouse extracts the data from
2. The facts and figures are transformed (cleaned and operational databases whenever needed and from there
integrated), and loaded into Data Warehouses. business users can visualize the data with the help of Online
3. Since this data is reliable, it is used for business insights. Analytical Processing operations. Also Data Warehouse is not
loaded every time new data is added to database.

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Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

10. PROPERTIES OF A DATA WAREHOUSE Data Warehouse Data Marts

According to Bill Inmon, Father of Data Warehousing, “A Multiple data sources Limited data sources
Data Warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant
Occupies large memory Occupies limited memory
and nonvolatile collection of data in support of management’s
decision-making process.” According to the definition above Longer time to implement Shorter time to implement
the following are the properties of a Data Warehouse:
Types of Data Marts:
1. Subject-oriented: Data is categorized and stored by
business subject instead of by application. This means that a. Dependent Data Mart: Data is first extracted from the
data in the data warehouse will be extracted in the form OLTP systems and then populated into the central Data
you wanted to. For example, if you have a retail company Warehouse. From the Data Warehouse, the data travels to
and you want to view data from three perspectives, i.e., the Data Mart.
from sales, services offered and customer preferences, b. Independent Data Mart: The data is directly received from
then it is the Data Warehouse which comes to the rescue the source system. This is suitable for small organizations
and allows you to integrate data from different areas. or smaller groups within an organization.
2. Integrated: Data on a given subject is collected from c. Hybrid Data Mart: The data is fed both from OLTP
disparate sources and stored in a single place. As we know systems as well as Data Warehouse.
data is collected from multiple sources and it is stored at
one single place, so you don’t have to go to searching for 2. Information Systems: OLTP (DB) vs. OLAP (DWH) –
data from multiple tables or sources.
3. Time-variant: Data is stored as a series of snapshots,
each representing a period of time, So, when you do your Contains present data Contains historical data
analysis you can do bases on a series of snapshots of time. Useful in operating the Useful in analyzing the
This means you can see your company’s status of a business business
particular month in a year or what progress has been made
so far and if the position is stagnant then what can be the OLTP uses Entity OLAP uses Star, Snowflake
reasons for that. Relationship Model for and Fact Constellation
working Schema
4. Non-volatile: Typically data in the data warehouse is not
Provides prehistoric and Provides summarized and
updated or deleted. Although, the data in the data
highly detailed data consolidated data
warehouse can be updated but it is highly recommended
that it should not be updated. This is why the data in the Used for inserting data into Used for reading data from
data warehouse cannot be corrupted and is a better option the database the data warehouse
for analysis operation. Database size ranges from Data Warehouse size ranges
11. KEY TERMINOLOGIES IN DATA WAREHOUSE megabytes to gigabytes from gigabytes to terabytes
1. Data Mart: Data Mart is a smaller version of the Data It provides fast results but not It is extremely flexible but
Warehouse which deals with a single subject. They are flexible not fast
focused on one area and hence they draw data from a Limited number of records Millions of records can be
limited number of sources. The time taken to build Data can be accessed accessed
Marts is very less compared to the time taken to build a
Ex; All purchase transactions Ex; Purchase transactions
Data Warehouse. For example, suppose your sales
made by a customer made by a customer at a
manager wants to view only sales data, so it can be done
specific period of time
with the help of a Data Mart as Data Warehouse contains
all the data and Data Marts are small versions of the Data
Warehouse which are used to satisfy the need of only a 3. ETL (Extract, Transform, & Load): ETL is the process
certain group of users. The following table1 illustrates the of extracting the data from various sources, transforming
difference between a Data Warehouse and a Data Mart: this data to meet your requirement and then loading it into
a target data warehouse. So, the need for ETL is to process
TABLE 1: Difference between a DW and a DM the heterogeneous data and make it homogeneous so that
analysis operation can be done and business intelligence
Data Warehouse Data Marts
can be derived. All this process is done with the help of
Enterprise wide data Department wide data ETL tools like Informatica, Jasper ETL etc.
Multiple subject areas Single subject area 4. Metadata: Metadata is defined as data about data. It
contains data about where your actual data is stored, size

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 30
A Critical Review of Data Warehouse Development: Business-Object Based Approach

of the data, location of that data and the source where it B. Data Integration
comes from. Metadata is also used to define which table is
source and target and which concept is used to build Data integration is a key challenge in the design of a data
business logic. warehouse solution. A data warehouse should present an
integrated and submissive view of organizational data to the
investors. The integration process should be efficient enough
S1 to manage large volumes of data and is able to eliminate any
Data Data
Staging Warehouse Mining redundancies and inconsistencies while data is integrated from
area various sources.
C. Data Warehouse Testing
Testing in data warehousing is a real challenge. A typical 15%-
20%-time allocation on testing is just not enough. One of the
Data Data Data reasons why testing is complicated is due to the reason that as
Mart Mart Mart organization develop, migrate or merge data warehouses, they
must employ best practices for data warehouse testing.
External sources
Data Warehousing plays a key role in the Business Intelligence
as it is the basis of automated decision support system. But
Figure 3: Data Warehouse Architecture there are still many issues to be tackled in the future in which
12. DATA WAREHOUSE ARCHITECTURE Performance & Management are among the top major research
areas. Some of the major research areas in Data Warehousing
As we know that data comes from the various sources, it can have been identified and the things to be done in future to
come either from the database or it can come from flat files. achieve the best out of our Data Warehousing. The future of
Much of the data comes from transactional or operational Data Warehousing is very bright as initially it is considered
systems such as production, accounting and marketing. Data only a repository of data used for analytical applications. But
may also come from an ERP, such as those produced by SAP today through the use of operational data stores it is used with
or PeopleSoft. Web data in the form of web logs may also feed operational applications to better understand market segments
into the Data Warehouse. And finally, external data may be and buying behavior of customers. Finally, industry is starting
included. These data sources time and again use different to provide resources to help in teaching about Data
hardware and software, and a mixture of hierarchical, network, Warehousing with the help of Data Warehouse stores like IBM
and relational data models for storing the data. It is not odd for (DB2), NCR (Teradata) & Oracle.
a Data Warehouse to draw data over 100 source systems.
After this an action of ETL (extract, transform, and load) is
[1] Stolba, N., Banek, M. and Tjoa, A.M. (2006): The Security
performed on that data and it goes to the staging area. The data
Issue of Federated Data Warehouses in the Area of Evidence-
stored in the staging area is the temporary data. Also when the Based Medicine. Proc. of the First International Conference on
data goes from the staging area to the Data Warehouse the Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES’06, IEEE), 20-22
process of ETL continues. The processed data may then be April, 2006.
used to support an operational data store. The data is also [2] Inmon, W. (2002): Building the Data Warehouse, 3rd edition,
ready for loading into the Data Warehouse. Wiley-New York.
The Data Warehouse contains the repository of data used for [3] SAS© (2002): Building a Data Warehouse Using
SAS/Warehouse Administrator®, Software Course Notes (Book
decision making and Business Intelligence. In the Data
code58787). SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC 27513, USA.
Warehouse we have Metadata and Aggregate data in addition
[4] Sen, A. and Sinha, A. P. (2005): A Comparison of
to raw data. This Data Warehouse can be used by the company
Datawarehousing Methodologies, Communication of the ACM,
as a whole or you can divide it into different Data Marts like 48(3), 79-84.
sales, purchase and stock as shown in the Figure3.
[5] Stephen R. (1998) .Building the Data Warehouse.,
13. KEY CHALLENGES IN DATA WAREHOUSE Communications of the ACM, 41(9), 52-60 (September 1998).
[6] Abello, A, Samos, J. & Saltor, F. (2000). A Data Warehouse
A. Understanding the Requirements Multidimensional Data Models Classification. Technical Report
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success, is to spend the time necessary on understanding and
[7] Greenfield, L.,” Data Warehouseing Gotchas” LGI Systems,
documenting the business and its needs. The most important Inc, ,, June 2001
activity is the modeling of the business goals and concepts.

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[8] Harinarayan V., Rajaraman A., Ullman J.D. “Implementing [16] W. Oueslati and J. Akaichi, “Querying a multi-version
Data Cubes Efficiently” Proc. of SIGMOD Conf., 1996. trajectory data warehouse,” International Journal of Business
[9] W. Hai, Z. Zeshui, H. Jujita, and L. Shousheng, “Towards Information Systems, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 403–417, 2016.
felicitous decision making: An overview on challenges and [17] M. Golfarelli and S. Rizzi, “A survey on temporal data
trends of Big Data,” Information Sciences, vol. 367-368, pp. warehousing,” International Journal of Data Warehousing &
747–765, 2016. Mining, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1–17, 2009.
[10] M. Blaschka, FIESTA: A framework for schema evolution in [18] D. Solodovnikov, L. Niedrite, and N. Kozmina, “Handling
multidimensional databases [Ph.D. thesis], Technische Evolving Data Warehouse Requirements,” in Proceedings of
Universitat Munchen, Munchen, Germany, 2000. the East European Conference on Advances in Databases and
[11] A. Abello and C. Martín, “The data warehouse: an object- Information Systems (ADBIS), vol. 539, pp. 334–345, Springer
oriented temporal database,” in Proceeding of the 8th CCIS, 2015.
Conference on Jornadas Ingeniería del Software y Bases de [19] G. Garani and C. E. Atay, “Comparison of different temporal
Datos (JISBD'03), pp. 675–684, Alicante, Spain, 2003. data warehouses approaches,” The Online Journal of Science
[12] B. B̧ebel, J. Eder, C. Koncilia, T. Morzy, and R. Wrembel, and Technology, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 17–27, 2017.
“Creation and management of versions in multiversion data [20] W. Ahmed and E. Zimanyi, “Querying multiversion data
warehouse,” in Proceedings of the Applied Computing 2004 - warehouse,” in Proceedings of the East European Conference
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS),
Computing, pp. 717–723, New York, NY, USA, March 2004. vol. 539, pp. 346–357, Springer CCIS, 2015.
[13] T. Morzy and R. Wrembel, “On querying versions of [21] N. Sarda, “Temporal issues in data warehouse systems,” in
multiversion data warehouse,” in Proceedings of the 7th ACM Proceedings of the 1999 International Symposium on Database
International Workshop on Data warehousing and OLAP Applications in Non-Traditional Environments (DANTE'99), pp.
(DOLAP'04), pp. 92–101, New York, NY, USA, 2004. 27–34, Kyoto, Japan.
[14] W. Ahmed, E. Zimanyi, and R. Wrembel, “Modelling Data [22] F. Ravat and O. Teste, “A temporal object-oriented data
warehouses with multiversion and temporal functionality,” in warehouse model,” in Proceedings of the 11th International
Proceedings of the 5th European Business Intelligence Summer Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications
School (eBISS'15), pp. 1-2, Barcelona, Spain, 2015. (DEXA'00), pp. 583–592, London, UK, 2000.
[15] C. Koncilia, “A bi-temporal data warehouse model,” in [23] R. M. Bruckner, B. List, J. Schiefer, and A. M. Tjoa, “Modeling
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Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'03), pp. 77–80, 12th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems
Klagenfurt, Austria, 2003. Applications, DEXA 2001, pp. 901–905, Munich, Germany,
September 2001.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 32
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Data Mining and Techniques

Kanika Kundu1, Muskan Sharma2
Dept. of Computer Science, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, C-4, Janakpuri, Delhi, India

Abstract: Data mining is a process which finds useful

patterns from large amount of data. The paper discusses few
of the data mining techniques, algorithms and some of the
organizations which have adapted data mining technology to
improve their businesses and found excellent results. It is an
interdisciplinary subfield of computer science. It is the
computational process of discovering patterns in large
datasets (from data warehouse) involving methods at the
intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning,
statistics, and database systems.

Keywords: Data mining, Data mining Techniques; Data

mining algorithms.

The term “Knowledge Discovery in Databases” (KDD) is
coined by Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro in 1989 and also at the
same time he cofounded the first workshop named KDD.The
term “Data mining” was introduced in the 1990s in the
database community, but data mining is the evolution of a field
with a slightly long history. Data mining techniques are the
result of research on the business process and product
development. This evolution began when business data was
first stored on computers in the relational databases and
continued with improvements in data access, and further
produced new technologies that allow users to navigate Fig. 1. Data mining process
through their data in real time.[1] In the business community,
data mining focuses on providing “Right Data” at the “Right Data mining is a logical process that is used to search through
Time” for the “Right Decisions.” This is achieved by enabling large amount of data in order to find useful data. The goal of
a tremendous amount of data collection and applying this technique is to find patterns that were previously
algorithms to them with the help of distributed multiprocessor unknown. Once these patterns are found they can further be
computers to provide real-time insights from data. We’ll learn used to make certain decisions for development of their
more about the five stages proposed by KDD for data mining businesses.
in the section on the framework for building machine learning 1. Data Cleaning:
Data cleaning is defined as removal of noisy and irrelevant
data from collection.
The development of Information Technology has generated
large amount of databases and huge data in various areas. The • Cleaning in case of Missing values.
research in databases and information technology has given • Cleaning noisy data, where noise is a random or variance
rise to an approach to store and manipulate this precious data error.
for further decision making. Data mining is a process of
extraction of useful information and patterns from huge data. It 2. Data Integration:
is also called as knowledge discovery process, knowledge Data integration is defined as heterogeneous data from
mining from data, knowledge extraction or data /pattern multiple sources combined in a common source (Data
analysis. Warehouse).

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Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

• Data integration using Data Migration tools.

• Data integration using Data Synchronization tools.
3. Data Selection:
Data selection is defined as the process where data relevant to
the analysis is decided and retrieved from the data collection.
• Data selection using neural network.
• Data selection using Decision Trees.
• Data selection using Clustering, Regression, etc.
4. Data Transformation:
Data Transformation is defined as the process of transforming
data into appropriate form required by mining procedure.
Data Transformation is a two-step process:
• Data Mapping: Assigning elements from source base to
destination to capture transformations. Fig. 2. Data Mining Algorithms
• Code generation: Creation of the actual transformation 4. DATA MINING TECHNIQUES
Data mining is highly effective, so long as it draws upon one
5. Data Mining: or more of these techniques:

Data mining is defined as clever techniques that are applied to 1. Tracking patterns
extract patterns potentially useful.
One of the most basic techniques in data mining is learning to
• Transforms task relevant data into patterns. recognize patterns in your data sets. This is usually recognition
of some aberration in your data happening at regular intervals,
6. Pattern Evaluation: or an ebb and flow of a certain variable over time. For
example, you might see that your sales of a certain product
Pattern Evaluation is defined as identifying strictly increasing
seem to spike just before the holidays, or notice that warmer
patterns representing knowledge based on given measures.
weather drives more people to your website.
• Find interestingness score of each pattern. 2. Classification
• Uses summarization and Visualization to make data
Classification is a more complex data mining technique that
understandable by user.
forces you to collect various attributes together into
7. Knowledge representation: discernable categories, which you can then use to draw further
conclusions, or serve some function. [4] For example, if you’re
Knowledge representation is defined as technique which evaluating data on individual customers’ financial
utilizes visualization tools to represent data mining results. backgrounds and purchase histories, you might be able to
classify them as “low,” “medium,” or “high” credit risks. You
• Generate reports.
could then use these classifications to learn even more about
• Generate tables. those customers.

3. DATA MINING ALGORITHMS Classification is the most commonly applied data mining
technique, which employs a set of pre-classified examples to
An algorithm in data mining is a set of heuristics and develop a model that can classify the population of records at
calculations that creates a model from data. To create a model, large. Fraud detection and creditrisk applications
the algorithm first analyzes the data you provide, looking for areparticularly well suited to this type of analysis. This
specific types of patterns or trends. [3] The algorithm uses the approach frequently employs decision tree or neural network-
results of this analysis over much iteration to find the optimal based classification algorithms. The data classification process
parameters for creating the mining model. These parameters involves learning and classification. In Learning the training
are then applied across the entire data set to extract actionable data are analyzed by classification algorithm. In classification
patterns and detailed statistics. test data are used to estimate the accuracy of the classification

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 34
Data Mining and Techniques

rules. If the accuracy is acceptable the rules can be applied to pattern or expected behavior. This technique may be used in
the new data tuples. [4] For a fraud detection application, this various domains like intrusion, detection, fraud detection, etc.
would include complete records of both fraudulent and valid It is also known as Outlier Analysis or Outlier mining. The
activities determined on a record-by-record basis. The outlier is a data point that diverges too much from the rest of
classifier-training algorithm uses these pre-classified examples the dataset. The majority of the real-world datasets have an
to determine the set of parameters required for proper outlier. Outlier detection plays a significant role in the data
discrimination. The algorithm then encodes these parameters mining field. Outlier detection is valuable in numerous fields
into a model called a classifier. like network interruption identification, credit or debit card
fraud detection, detecting outlying in wireless sensor network
Types of classification models:
data, etc.
• Classification by decision tree induction 5. Clustering
• Bayesian Classification Clustering can be said as identification of similar classes of
• Neural Networks objects. By using clustering techniques we can further identify
dense and sparse regions in object space and can discover
• Support Vector Machines (SVM) overall distribution pattern and correlations among data
• Classification Based on Associations attributes. Classification approach can also be used for
effective means of distinguishing groups or classes of object
3. Association but it becomes costly so clustering can be used as
preprocessing approach for attribute subset selection and
Association is related to tracking patterns, but is more specific classification. For example, to form group of customers based
to dependently linked variables. In this case, you’ll look for on purchasing patterns, to categories genes with similar
specific events or attributes that are highly correlated with functionality.
another event or attribute; for example, you might notice that
when your customers buy a specific item, they also often buy a Clustering is very similar to classification, but involves
second, related item. This is usually what’s used to populate grouping chunks of data together based on their similarities.
“people also bought” sections of online stores. [2] For example, you might choose to cluster different
demographics of your audience into different packets based on
Association and correlation is usually to find frequent item set how much disposable income they have, or how often they
findings among large data sets. This type of finding helps tend to shop at your store.
businesses to make certain decisions, such as catalogue design,
cross marketing and customer shopping behavior analysis. Types of clustering methods:
Association Rule algorithms need to be able to generate rules
with confidence values less than one. However the number of • Partitioning Methods
possible Association Rules for a given dataset is generally very • Hierarchical Agglomerative (divisive) methods
large and a high proportion of the rules are usually of little (if
any) value. • Density based methods
Types of association rule: • Grid-based methods

• Multilevel association rule • Model-based methods

• Multidimensional association rule 6. Regression

• Quantitative association rule Regression, used primarily as a form of planning and

modeling, is used to identify the likelihood of a certain
4. Outlier detection variable, given the presence of other variables. For example,
you could use it to project a certain price, based on other
In many cases, simply recognizing the overarching pattern
factors like availability, consumer demand, and competition.
can’t give you a clear understanding of your data set. You also
More specifically, regression’s main focus is to help you
need to be able to identify anomalies, or outliers in your data.
uncover the exact relationship between two (or more) variables
For example, if your purchasers are almost exclusively male,
in a given data set.
but during one strange week in July, there’s a huge spike in
female purchasers, you’ll want to investigate the spike and see Regression analysis can be used to model the relationship
what drove it, so you can either replicate it or better understand between one or more independent variables and dependent
your audience in the process. variables. In data mining independent variables are attributes
already known and response variables are what we want to
This type of data mining technique relates to the observation of
predict. Unfortunately, many real-world problems are not
data items in the data set, which do not match an expected
simply prediction. For instance, sales volumes, stock prices,

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 35
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

and product failure rates are all very difficult to predict 5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
because they may depend on complex interactions of multiple
Data mining has importance regarding finding the patterns,
predictor variables. [5] Therefore, more complex techniques
forecasting, discovery of knowledge etc., in different business
(e.g., logistic regression, decision trees, or neural nets) may be
domains. Data mining techniques and algorithms such as
necessary to forecast future values. The same model types can
classification, clustering etc., helps in finding the patterns to
often be used for both regression and classification. For
decide upon the future trends in businesses to grow[6]. Data
example, the CART (Classification and Regression Trees)
mining has wide application domain almost in every industry
decision tree algorithm can be used to build both classification
where the data is generated that’s why data mining is
trees (to classify categorical response variables) and regression
considered one of the most important frontiers in database and
trees (to forecast continuous response variables). Neural
information systems and one of the most promising
networks too can create both classification and regression
interdisciplinary developments in Information Technology.
Data mining is one of the most useful techniques that help
Types of regression methods:
entrepreneurs, researchers, and individuals to extract valuable
• Linear Regression information from huge sets of data.

• Multivariate Linear Regression REFERENCES

[1] Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber (2006), Data Mining
• Nonlinear Regression
Concepts and Techniques, published by Morgan Kauffman, 2nd
• Multivariate Nonlinear Regression. [2] Dr. Gary Parker, vol 7, 2004, Data Mining: Modules in
emerging fields
7. Prediction. [3] Crisp-DM 1.0 Ste, p by step Data Mining guide from
Prediction is one of the most valuable data mining techniques,
since it’s used to project the types of data you’ll see in the [4] Customer Successes in your industry from
future. In many cases, just recognizing and understanding
historical trends is enough to chart a somewhat accurate
prediction of what will happen in the future. For example, you
data-management/ 633425-1.html, last retrieved on 15th Aug
might review consumers’ credit histories and past purchases to 2010
predict whether they’ll be a credit risk in the future. [6]

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 36
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Analytics and Visualization Using Elasticsearch and

Vinita Tomar1, Tarunim Sharma2, Sehej Sharma3
Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Computer Applications, Maharaja Surajmal Institute
Sales Manager, Bytedance Technologies PVT Ltd

Abstract: Elasticsearch is a open source Lucene based search and ranges of these can be altered by the user according to
engine. Its main functionalities include organization, their need. It furnishes a simple yet coherent picture of the data
indexing and scalable full-text searching. It is developed in sets on hand.
Java and it uses the JSON format to input data and it offers a
Kibana offers some amazing visualization methods such as Pie
high level of functionality due to the simplicity of the format
charts, Histograms, Heat map, Region / co-ordinate maps etc.
and readability of it. Elasticsearch includes all the recent
security, speed and hardware efficiency. Kibana is an open Fig.1 illustrates the basic of kibana after it sources data from
source analytics platform designed to work with elasticsearch [3]. These are then compiled into user friendly
Elasticsearch, it is used to search, view and interact with data and readable formats. Visualize enables us to create
stored on the indices on Elastic search. It is a browser based visualizations of the data in your Elasticsearch indices. We can
interface assisting users in making dynamic dashboards and then build dashboards that display related visualizations.
queries in real time. It offers clean and easy to Kibana visualizations are based on Elasticsearch queries. By
understandable visuals of various kinds such as pie charts, using a series of Elasticsearch aggregations to extract and
line graphs etc. These functionalities were used to derive the process our data, we can create charts that show the trends,
monthly average and general trend of the CPI (consumer spikes, and dips we need to know about.
price index) of India over the past 20 years to better
Visualizations can be created from a search saved from
understand the monthly impact and attain knowledge about
Discover or start with a new search query. In the query bar,
high spending months and low spending months.
you can enter an Elasticsearch query to search your data. We
can explore the results in Discover and create visualizations of
Keywords: Elasticsearch; Kibana; Analysis; Visualization;
saved searches in Visualize. Fig.2 show different visualization
Open source
1. INTRODUCTION The current index pattern is displayed beneath the query bar.
The index pattern determines which indices are searched when
Elasticsearch is built on top of Apache Lucene and to fully
you submit a query. To search a different set of indices, select
realise the worth of it one needs to work in Java as lucene is
different pattern from the drop down menu. To add an index
extremely hard to work with. It is a distributed real-time
pattern, go to Management/ Kibana/ Index Patterns and click
document store where each field is indexed and searchable
Add New. We can construct searches by using the field names
leading to coherent search results and carry out real time
and the values we’re interested in.
analytics [2]. It is usually worked with on the terminal or the
command line. The hostname of Elasticsearch is “localhost: Elasticsearch: As it forms the groundwork for our analysis, we
9200” and for Kibana it is “localhost: 5608”. Once its up and begin with adding an index to Elasticsearch. An index is
running it uses “curl” inputs for direct commands. similar to a database. It is used to store the documents and read
Elasticsearch allows one to create indexes of various kinds them from it. Elasticsearch uses Apache Lucene library to
using JSON (java script object notation) which helps us define write and read the data from the index. Elasticsearch index
aggregatable classes for our data [1]. These classes can further may be built of more than a single Apache Lucene Index by
be worked on to eventually work our analytics. using “Shards”. Elasticsearch spreads data to several physical
Lucene indices these indices are called “Shards”, and all the
Kibana is the visual platform where it helps create visuals,
parts of the index is called sharding [4]. We start by defining
these visuals can be various kinds and the final outcome
our index name using a command similar to the one as curl -
depends on the depth of the aggregation terms and their values
XPUT ‘localhost: 9200/INDEX_NAME? pretty’ onto the
[2]. It is accessed from the browser and it performs real time
terminal, the index is created in the cluster. Now we can
changes on the data based on user inputs. The visuals can be
further add various data inputs to out index using the
histograms, pie charts, line graphs etc [3] and the frequency

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 37

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Curl- XPUT 'localhost:9200/megacorp/employee/1?pretty' -H >{"first_name" : "John",

'Content-Type: application/json' -d’. This forms the basic >"last_name" : "Smith",
concept of how we make entries onto our index in the JSON >"age" : 25,
form . The JSON document in itself is quite simple in nature >"about" : "I love to go rock climbing",
and a sample type of it is provided. >"interests": [ "sports", "music" ]

Fig. 1. Kibana (Discover interface) [3]

Fig. 2. Kibana Visualization Types

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 38
Analytics and Visualization Using Elasticsearch and Kibana

Once the index is created we can carry out searches on the data Kibana: To work on kibana we need to get it running on the
on hand right on elastic search, which we can also say is a mild terminal first and the sole requirement for that is that
form of analysis. Elasticsearch offers various kinds of search Elasticsearch cluster should already be functional on the
options such as searches using id number attached to each terminal. Once it turns green all one has to do is launch it on
input, full-text searches, phrase search etc. These commands their browser using the hostname. Kibana makes it easy to
will organize data according to the constraints set during the understand large volumes of data [6]. Its simple, browser-
search. based interface enables you to quickly create and share
dynamic dashboards that display changes to Elasticsearch
ID search - in these we simply specify the ID number of the
queries in real time.
input that we are looking for, it is to be noted that one needs to
be aware of the ID In the Management tab of Kibana one needs to add their index
curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/megacorp/employee/1? pretty' -H name and all the data is sourced onto kibana, it automatically
'Content-Type: application/json' -d’ sorts the data, defines terms which are aggregatable and which
aren't, it also defines the type of input the data is (string,
Full-text searches - The searches so far have been simple: integer, float etc) . This all is done automatically by kibana and
single names, filtered by age. Let’s try a more advanced, full- this is all available on the discover tab. Each input has it
text search—a task that traditional databases would really readable and JSON form available on kibana. All the user
struggle with. needs to do next is create visualizations of the data that they
Curl-XGET sourced to Kibana.
In the visualize tab users are provided with the options of
'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
Basic Charts (Area, line, vertical bar, horizontal bar, pie charts
etc) Maps (Coordinate, region), Time Series (Timelion, Visual
Builder) and Other (markdown, tag cloud). One can pick any
>"query" : {
type of visual based on their requirement and begin
>"match" : {
>"about" : "rock climbing"
> } For example if the user wants to make a line graph they are
> } provided with an option of either defining and x-axis or
>} splitting the entire series / chart. This way one an add averages
>‘ to an already full line graph with multiple values. After the
process is over we can save our visuals directly onto kibana.
Phrase search - Finding individual words in a field is all well
and good, but sometimes you want to match exact sequences Kibana offers a sense of simplicity and flexibility to the
mounting task of data analysis, it also has time stamp based,
of words or phrases.
real time based visual creation options for users [5]. Further
strengthening the aspect of creating visuals of any kind and of
any data sets.
'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
Data Collection: The basic CPI data was collected in JSON
>{ form from the government website It was then
>"query" : { manually added to the Elasticsearch cluster as JSON inputs
>“match_phrase" : { which were divided based on month and the percentile change
>"about" : "rock climbing" was considered to attain systematic and clean shifts in the data,
> } also it is not uncommon to data results to get haphazard due to
> } inclusion of extremely detailed values; this is why the said
>} choice was made. The percentile change was selected from
>‘ 2017 back till 1997, each holding a specific value for each
The following types of search commands will create
aggregations as well, they can settle data in accordance to the After addition to the cluster sample in terminal analysis was
prompt and hence help the user with understanding certain carried out to check the result scores (how high a search ranks
amount of information pertaining to the index. We also get a in terms of the keyword). After this the data was exported to
max score and score value with each search result by which we the Kibana online host. A simple transfer takes place that
can figure out how close each result is to the immediate correct allows for one to load on their data and check which of the
result. The issue with these results is that they are not easy to multiple constraints / terms are acceptable for aggregation. As
comprehend if the results are vast in number, this is exactly specified the month values are pure float numbers which
why we need Kibana. would make aggregation easier and workable.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 39
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

The graph type (line, area and pie) are selected individually approaches gave their own unique outlooks to the complex
and the data displayed in terms of the selected month. The past data on hand.
20 year values are included simply based on the month
(keyword). The said visualizations were carried out using the
below steps -
• Move to visualize and select the type of visual you want to
• Put in the type of data pointers and what function you want
to create a visual of .
• Run the visual
• Add the average y-axis pointer
• Save the visualization.
The average pointer intersects the general graph line and gives
the standard expected value from that month that is the sweet
spot in terms of CPI percentage analysis.
The following example results were attained and are explained Fig. 4. January Area Graph
below- Fig.3, Fig.4 and Fig.5 Show the result of Line graph,
Area graph and Pie chart respectively.

Fig. 5. January Pie Chart

The line graph gives the general acceptable value and the area
Fig. 3. January Line Graph graph gives the difference in the expected trends [3].
The January line graph shows the past 20 year percentile 3. CONCLUSION
changes. The Blue line shows the count hits and the green line
It is been used quite a bit at the Open Knowledge Foundation
shows the average hits [3]. As we can see they merge together
over the last few years. Plus, as it is easy to setup locally it is
at one point and that becomes the standard acceptable common
an attractive option for digging into data on local machine.
point and in turn the actual general CPI change of the month.
Elasticsearch is a standalone database server, written in Java
This is the actual result we were looking for to the trend of
that takes data in and stores it in a sophisticated format
monthly expenditure. Similarly for the line graph but this case
optimized for language based searches [1].
we see the gross difference in the size of the hits. The major
highlight of this approach is the intensive trends that are Kibana on the other hand is a visualization tool that creates
generated to give various outlooks to out data. These two easy to understand simple visuals based on data sourced from

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 40
Analytics and Visualization Using Elasticsearch and Kibana

elasticsearch. It is a browser based real time change including The research and results aim to highlight the functionality of
platform to bring out data to life in the form go graphs, charts the software used and the descriptive and understandability of
or clouds. These two tools are highly efficient and functional the model chosen (CPI percentile change). It created a sense of
in nature, as well as being simplistic in their approach. knowledge ability and affirmation regarding the resulting
These two combined helped us get a better picture of the
Consumer Price Index that in its general course is extremely REFERENCES
detailed and confusing. The approach helped us get a clear idea
[1] Elastic search in action - Matthew lee, Hinman, radhu George &
of the monthly trend of expenditure and the change percentile roy Russo
of the CPI. The addition of the average line / area also assisted [2] Mastering elastic search -Marek Rogozinski and Rafal Kuc
in understanding the sweet spot and the space differences.
[3] Kibana, (accessed 2017-
4. FUTURE SCOPE 06-07)
[4] ElasticSearch, (accessed 2017-06-07)
Data analysis will continue to grow with a compound annual
[5] Vozniuk, A., Rodríguez-Triana, M. J., & Gillet, D. CLEO -
growth of 11.7 % according to Forbes magazine, it is one of Workshop on Contextual Learning Analytics Enforcing data
the most dynamic fields of study in this era and is open to all Ownership. Building Interactive Learning Dashboards with
approaches and software developments. The work with CPI Logstash, Elasticsearch and Kibana (ELK). In Learning
has helped in understanding the monthly trend in a growing Analytics Summer Institute 2016 (LASI 2016), Bilbao, Spain,
economy such as our India not only highlighting the scope of June, 2016
the expenditure power but also given a simplistic and sensible [6] Kibana User Guide,
visual that is quite easy to read. Working with elasticsearch
and kibana has also been an asset, that made the complex l, state:07.07.2018
world of analytical inferencing much more viable and

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 41
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Big Data Analytics: An Approach for Banking

Dr. Suhasini Parashar
Reader, Department of Business Administration

Abstract: The motive is to study the feature, significance and customer preferences and information which helps in
uses of Big Data Analytics as an approach in Banking achieving marketing goals. The data acquired ranges from
Sector. The reforms in Indian Banking sector as structured, semi-structured to unstructured and also meta data
demonetization and digitalization, managing of data day to like data from internet channels (click stream data), data from
day becomes important issue. Sometimes banks are not social media content, web browser history survey responses
successful to utilize the information within their own and machine data. The big data analytics is being successfully
databases. The evolution called big data analytics with used in banking sector with aspects Spending pattern of
beneficial characteristics like volume, velocity and variety of customers, Channel usages, Customer Segmentation and
data, improve the quality by strengthening risk management, Profiling, Product Cross Selling based on the profiling to
optimizing human resources by providing new insights for increase hit rate Sentiment and feedback analysis, Security and
fraud detection, customer segmentation and monitoring fraud management etc.
client behavior in real time. Big data analytics is the analysis
The Motives of banks:
of large and varied sets of data to uncover hidden patterns,
markets demands and trends, unknown correlations, 1. Acquiring customers,
customer preferences and other useful information which
helps in reaching major marketing goals. The Indian 2. Retaining customers,
Banking Sector along with its new policies and application of 3. Developing customers
new technological trends proceeds for the efficient use of Big
Data Analytics. 2. SOURCES FOR BANK
(a) Credit card history: To track most used retailers.
Keywords: Big Data, Analytics, Risk management,
Technology, (b) Transactions: To identify loyal customers
(c) Branch visits: To compare e-banking and traditional
1. INTRODUCTION banking.
Bank is a financial institution, collects the money in current or (d) Web and social media interactions: For efficient
savings or fixed deposit accounts, collects cheques as deposits marketing of plans and schemes.
and pays money from the depositors' account through cheques.
The big data revolution happened in and around 21st century 3. KEY AREAS FOR USAGE OF BIG DATA
in banking firms. Considering the valuable data, storing since The traditional tools are no longer sufficient to process the data
many decades, this data has now unlocked secrets of money for all types of decision making, insights, behavior. Thus, big
movements, helped prevent major disasters and thefts and data was born out of the necessity to handle the growing data
understand consumer behavior. Banks have benefits from big from various sources, which if utilized properly, bring
data as they can extract information quickly and easily from exemplary growth.
the data and convert it into meaningful benefits for themselves
and their customers. 4. CHARACTERISTICS OF BIG DATA

Banks internationally are beginning, the power of data in order (1) Velocity – The term 'speed' is speed of age of information.
to derive utility across various spheres of their functioning, How quick the information is created and prepared to meet
ranging from sentiment analysis, product cross selling, the requests, decides genuine potential in the information.
regulatory compliances management, reputational risk Enormous Information Speed manages the speed at which
management, financial crime management etc.. Indian banks information streams in from sources like business forms,
are functional up with their international counterparts. Big data application logs, systems and web-based social
analytics is the analysis of large and varied sets of data. In the networking destinations, sensors, Cell phones, and so on.
Banking sector markets demands and trends, correlations, The stream of information is huge and consistent.

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 42

Big Data Analytics: An Approach for Banking Industry

(2) Volume – The name 'Huge Information' itself is identified problems that can handle any data type. Decision tress
with a size. The size of information assumes exceptionally spilt the data into small data cells. It aims at decreasing the
vital part in deciding of whether specific information can overall entropy of data.
really be considered as a Major Information or not, is
(7) Random Trees: The difference between possible errors
unlimited supply of information. Thus, 'Volume' is one
and noise of individual decision tree.
trade mark which should be considered while managing
'Huge Information'. (a)To increase personalization and 6. BIG DATA IS USED FOR THE FOLLOWING
convenience, (b) Expedite credit card risk checks, (c)
(a) Sentiment Analysis: Big Data is used to monitor the
faster credit and loan applications.
customer’s opinion for identifying key customers, to
(3) Variability – This alludes to the irregularity which can be examine customer feedback, to improvise the quality of
appeared by the information now and again, accordingly the products and services provided.
hampering the way toward having the capacity to deal
(b) Customer 360 Degree: We identify the customers profile
with the information successfully.
and capability, understanding product engagement,
(4) Variety – The following part of 'Huge Information' is its detection about when the customer is about to leave,
assortment, to heterogeneous sources and the idea of analyzing the causes for potential loss of customers.
information, both organized and unstructured. Generally,
(c) Customer Segmentation: Customer is segmented on the
spreadsheets and databases were the main wellsprings of
basis of the potential and frequency of usage. Customer
information considered by the greater part of the
Demographics play a vital role in this analysis and through
5. TECHNOLOGY promotions and marketing; the banks try to target the
target customers by building relationships. On the basis of
(1) Clustering: It is the automation of finding correlated and
segments banks decide targeted programs. They also
meaningful data.
create loyalty programs based on card usage. The pricing
(2) Text Analytics: They rely on probability theory and rarity is optimized according to the segments.
and occurrence of certain words which is used to predict
(d) Best offer: It can be used to anticipate the financial goals
the meanings and overall idea. Thus they assist in
of its customers, enhances the loyalty and increases the
automatic reading and compilation to provide a summary
propensity of the product, uplift the revenue product
from possible 1000s of documents. It is a classification
bundling technique is used. Banks partner with famous
algorithm to clearly define target field.
retailers to offer discounts on products and services
(3) Neural Networks: In this algorithm nodes are activated specifically used.
by a signal to active other nodes. Thus a transfer function
(e) Channel Journey: distributes relevant content in relevant
then outputs a signals based on total received signal. They
channels, records and analyzes multi channel behavior
assign the data to a predefined target field and it is useful
measure effectiveness of that particular channel, also
for answering questions related to event a leading to action
guides the customers towards favorable channels.
B or action C.
(f) Product Management: To identify where the customer is
(4) Link Analysis: It is a subset of mathematics and it is
in the product lifecycle. This can have over whelming
called the graph theory. It represents a relationship
impact on marketing communications.
between objects. Link Analysis constitutes both direct and
undirected data mining. It is useful for identifying key (g) Design Targeted marketed programs: This targets the
sources of information on the web by analyzing links for right group of potential customers, also used for mis-
findings influential customers from call patterns and to regulatory and disclosure reporting. It protects the
recruit new subscribers and so on. customer’s interest and detects any types of fraud before
its occurrence. It helps in being alert about suspicious
(5) Survival Analysis: It is called time to event analysis. It is
transactions. This technology also increases security of
a technique used to evaluate when you should start
investments and accounts and helps in efficient risk
worrying about an event. Survival Analysis answers the
following questions: when is the customer likely to leave
which factors likely increase or decrease customer tenure 7. BIG DATA AND BANKING SECTOR
affects of various factors time period of when the
Big Data analytics is now being implemented across various
customer moves to a new customer segment. Survival
spheres of banking sector, and is helping them deliver better
analysis is calculated using survival curves and hazard
services to their customers, both internal and external, along
with which is also helping them improve on their active and
(6) Decision Trees: They are the most powerful data mining passive security systems. The focus is on analyzed
techniques which are capable of handling diverse array of

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 43
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

transactional and sentimental analysis for the Banking Sector, information as messages, photographs, recordings, checking
and the outcomes of the same are mentioned below: gadgets, PDFs, sound, and so on is additionally being
considered in the examination applications. Big data analytics
(a) Customer sentiments are used to assess functioning of
and banking uses 'insight as a service'. It is used for Educating,
the bank. There are many more ways banks and other
the Information gathering and awareness about market
financial institutions have started to note customer related
observations. Exploring - the Developing possible correlated
data for sentiment analysis, starting from social media
strategies depending on the needs and challenges. Engaging for
websites to various market research channels.
plot initiatives, executing- the uninterrupted application of
(b) Transactional analysis observed how banks today use advanced analytics. Thus, big data analytics helps in the full
spending patterns of their customers. They monitor utilization and has the potential to anticipate unforeseen
consumer behavior based on channel usage, consumption benefits and insights into the existing banks and the services
patterns and segment consumers depending upon the provided by them.
aforementioned attributes, and identify potential
customers for selling financial products.
Conference Proceedings:
(c) Indications can be implemented easily into the financial
systems used at banks, which can help banks strengthen Pooja Singh Big Data Challenges & Opportunities -NCITPM-2014,
data security and prevent any type of attack. While some ISBN, 978-93-83083-54-1
of the checks, like suspicious wire transfers may result in
“false positives”; combining several such transactional
and sentimental indicators to arrive at a right decision Utkarsh Srivastavaa & Santosh Gopalkrishnan"Impact of Big Data
making approach and thereby implement sophisticated Analytics on Banking Sector: Learning for Indian Banks"
mechanisms is certainly the need of the hour for the ISBCC’15(Proceedings Computer Science 50(2015)643-652
Banking sector. Book
I.C. Dhingra, Indian Economy, Sultan Chand & Sons, Edition, 2019
The Indian Banking Sector along with its new policies and
application of new technological trends precedes for the
efficient use of Big Data Analytics The future scope is trying [1]
and quantifying the financial and non-financial benefits. [2]
Bank’s effort of implementation of Big Data Analytics and [3]
predict the improvements in financial statements of the bank [4]
and also cover the various data mining techniques that can be [5]
used by banks to improve the analysis quality. Now a days,

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 44
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Big Data in People Analytics: The New HR

Dr. Shavita Deshwal
Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: We are now entering in a new era of HR. In the old companies think about everything from attracting and
fashioned, traditional business model, HR has supportive developing talent to employee engagement and retention. We
role focused solely on managing employees. However, times are now entering in a new era of HR. In the old fashioned,
have changed and HR is expected to play a crucial role in traditional business model, HR has supportive role focused
achieving business outcome. We live in an incredibly solely on managing employees. However, times have changed
information-rich world where data drives business decisions. and HR is expected to play a crucial role in achieving business
The way we do business is transforming. We used to take outcome. We live in an incredibly information-rich world
decisions based on gut feeling, whereas now we analyze all where data drives business decisions. The way we do business
type of data to set smarter goals and make smarter moves to is transforming. We used to take decisions based on gut
reach those goals. This is where people analytics come into feeling, whereas now we analyze all type of data to set smarter
play. The People Analytics has emerged as a new fad for the goals and make smarter moves to reach those goals. This is
management leaders that captured the headline for business where people analytics come into play. The People Analytics
world news. The purpose of the paper to unveil some of the has emerged as a new fad for the management leaders that
hidden secrets of people analytics. captured the headline for business world news.
In an era when top talent is harder than ever to find and keep,
Keywords: New era, supportive role, employees, people
organizations that know how to plan for future talents needs
and predict and measure the impact of talent initiatives will
1. INTRODUCTION have a massive competitive advantage in their industries
Fredrick Taylor, an industrial engineer, started this trend in
Since the dawn of work, humans have been doing the work of
1911 when he published his report Scientific Management,
machines: executing repetitive tasks for allotted amounts of which studied the movement and behavior of factory workers
time. The structures surrounding work – schedules, the work in steel mills. Since then companies have deployed thousands
environment, tools – were devised to make humans more
of engagement surveys, studied thecharacteristics of top
machine-like. But now, actual machines, driven by artificial
leaders, done countless reviews of retention and turnover, and
intelligence (AI), are taking their rightful place as the agents of
built massive human resources data warehouses. All in an
monotonous work, and for humans there’s new – infinitely
effort to figure out “what can we do to get more out of our
more valuable – work on the horizon: human work. The Fourth
Industrial Revolution relies on human capability more than
ever, including empathy, complex problem-solving, creativity People analytics is the use of data and data analysis techniques
and of course, innovative thinking. Because work is changing, to understand improve and optimize the people side of
the way people work also needs to change. This means business. Peopleanalytics is known by different names: talent
investing in a better understanding of employees, and devising analytics, HR analytics, workforce analytics, people research
new work structures based on this workforce intelligence. and analytics, and HR business intelligence. And just as with
While it’s been an under-utilized asset thus far, employee data the name, there is no standard definition [1].
will be the key to finding and retaining top talent; fostering
It was reported that People analytics or HR analytics “is an
productivity, performance and well-being; and driving agile,
evidence-based approach for making better decisions on the
flexible attitudes toward human-to-human and human-to-
people side of the business; it consists of an array of tools and
machine collaboration that unlocks innovation. There is a quiet
technologies, ranging from simple reporting of HR metrics all
revolution taking place in human resources and talent
the way up to predictive modeling.” [2]
development departments around the world. Faced with a
growing need for meaningful insights into the workforce, ‘People Analytics’ (PA) has been appearing with greater
companies are beginning to recognize the enormous, untapped frequency in executive leadership and Human Resource
potential in what they already know, about their own people. It Management (HRM) circles. PA promises to help
is called “people analytics” and it is changing the way organizations understand their workforce as a whole, as

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 45

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

departments or work groups and as individuals by making data Three main types of talent-related data that can be analyzed
about employee attributes, behavior and performance more are:
accessible, interpretable and actionable.[3]
1. People data such as demographics, skills, and
People analytics enables HR professionals to make data driven engagement.
decisions to attract, manage and retain employees, which
2. Program data such as attendance, adoption, participation
improves return on investment. It helps leaders make decisions
in training and development and leadership programs, and
to create better work environments and maximize employee
outcomes of key projects and assignments.
productivity. It has a major impact on the bottom-line when
used effectively .HR professionals gather data points across the 3. Performance data such as performance ratings and data
organizations from sources like: captured from the use of instruments such as 360
assessments and succession programs.
• Employee surveys
• Telemetric Data
The term human resource management (HRM) comprises the
• Attendance records traditional core activities such as resource staffing, planning,
• Multi-rater reviews performance appraisal, training and development,
compensation, labor relations, and safety and health. Besides
• Salary and promotion history these activities, HRM includes aligning these HR activities,
• Employee work history managing organizational change and culture, and
organizational design activities as part of its strategic role.[4]
• Demographic data The role of HRM evolved greatly since the 1980s and has
changed from the role of an administrator of mandatory HR
• Personality/temperament data practices to a more strategic role by acting as a strategic
• Recruitment process business partner.[5] The evolution of HRM has mainly been
affected by the development of new technologies, which have
• Employee databases changed the different HR processes and the way the work is
HR leaders must align People/HR data and initiatives to the managed and done in organization.[6]This overall
organization’s strategic goals. Once data is gathered, HR development of HRM had a significant impact on the practice
analysts feed workforce data into sophisticated data models, and the overall focus of HRM. When looking back in the
algorithms and tools to gain actionable insights. These tools administrative role of HRM, its main objective was to make
provide insights in the form of dashboards, visualizations, and HR practices more cost-effective. However, since HRM takes
reports. An ongoing process should be put in place to ensure over a strategic role the objective is more related to generating
continued improvement. value for the overall organizational business, for instance by
improving customer satisfaction through enhanced employee
The promise of using analytics in HR is linking people data engagement[5].
with different types of business data to create outcomes
aligned with company goals such as increased revenues and 3. TYPES OF PEOPLE ANALYTICS
lowered costs. There are four types of data analytics:
The rise in the use of analytics has been caused by three main 1. Descriptive Analytics: It provides an answer to the
factors: following question: “What has happened?” It reflects on
1. The explosion in data and data analytics due to what has already happened in the past.
improvements in technology and software. 2. Strategic Analytics: It provides an answer to the
2. HR departments are increasingly being asked to justify following question: “Why did this happen?” This type of
their decisions based on measurable outcomes. This has data analytics is defined by developing causal models and
led to the push for business decisions to be made based on searching for the reasons behind a certain occurrence.
analytics and data rather than using gut instinct and 3. Predictive Analytics: It provides answer to the following
subjective judgment. question: “What could happen?” This type of data
3. Most HR departments are sitting on mountains of data analytics is defined by using statistical models and
about their employees including demographic data, forecast techniques that can predict the future based on the
performance data, job history, compensation, and training. past.
Until recently, this data has yet to be effectively and 4. Prescriptive Analytics: It provides answer to the
strategically leveraged by organizations. following question: “What should we do?” This type of
data analytics is defined by using simulation algorithms to

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 46
Big Data in People Analytics: The New HR Imperative

analyze a number of different possible solutions in order but also provides a better understanding of what motivates
to choose the one most likely to provide the desired employees to work productively, and how do the
outcome. organizational culture affects employee performance.
4. CREATING PEOPLE ANALYTICS PROGRAM • Better quality of Hire: Running machine learning
algorithms on jobseeker’s data allows companies to
• Invest at a senior level in people analytics: The function
identify the best matching talent for a vacant position, thus
should provide global support, not just technical analysis,
improving the quality of hire.
and requires CHRO and senior executive support, technical
resources from IT, and a strong business-focused leader. • Better Succession Planning: Looking ahead to divine
which key posts may become vacant, and what current
• Establish clear leadership: A single team and leader
options we have for filling or covering them, has often
should own the initial stages of an analytics effort, even if
been a process of doubtful accuracy. However, HR
that capability eventually becomes decentralized.
analytics brings hard data to the task, including workforce
• Prioritize clean and reliable data across HR and the demographics, training and skills records, and performance
organization: Analyses are only as good as the data fed information to identify our future potential high-flyers and
into tools and software. Working with consistent, timely, therefore reduce the risk of ongoing vacancies.
and accurate data is foundational to all analytics practices.
• Employee Retention: By using employee data, recruiters
Take concrete steps to ensure that data quality is a part of
can recognize a pattern of high performing employees and
every analytics discussion. Educate HR’s stakeholders and
accordingly modify their employee hiring and retention
implement data governance programs to clean and maintain
strategy. People analytics helps identify the departments
data accuracy and consistency across HR and operational
suffering from the maximum attrition and the reasons
data stores.
causing it. It can also help HR in identifying the activities
• Understand that analytics is multidisciplinary: Bring which have the maximum impact on employee engagement
together a multidisciplinary group from across the and thus allow organizations to invest in such activities.
organization, not just PhDs and statisticians. Technical
• Strategic Partner: The application of People analytics can
analysis is only a small part of the function. Data function,
provide a unique advantage point to HR department to
data quality, business knowledge, data visualization, and
validate its importance and its role as a strategic partner in
consulting skills are all critical to success.
a business’ performance. HR professionals can provide
• Increase analytics throughout the organization: business leaders with verifiable data to back their talent
Regardless of whether the analytics customers do the hiring, retention and engagement policies.
analysis themselves or have specialists supporting them,
• To predict the hiring needs of an organization: People
training for both HR and other business functions will be
analytics can help predict the changes that may be in the
critical to operating at scale. Identify a curriculum or other
organization’s future. Using People analytics, one can
partner to help with education, implementation of standard
predict the skills and positions which are needed to
tools, and standardization of reports and dashboards.
improve business performance.
• Develop a roadmap for investment in analytics: This 6. CHALLENGES OF PEOPLE ANALYTICS
investment is aimed at building a new business function for
the company, not just a technical team within HR. • It is true that the various HR tools being used today churn
out huge amount of data every day, but without the clarity
• Focus on actions, not just findings: To provide value, the of how that data can be useful for a particular decision
analytics team must translate information into solutions, making process, it is difficult to tap into the true power of
and stakeholders must take action. People analytics. Although there are many local challenges
• Integrate HR, organizational, and external data: that a company might face while implementing a People
Advanced people analytics programs increasingly rely on analytics strategy, the major challenges that HR analytics
the intersection of data from HR, operations, and external face globally boil down to:
sources. Organizations require a data strategy that • Multiple Sources of Data: With different HR tools
encourages the integration and use of structured and catering to different functions of HR, there are too many
unstructured data from internal and external sources. sources of data working in isolation. Whether it is human
5. BENEFITS OF PEOPLE ANALYTICS resource information system, applicant tracking system,
learning management system or an employee referral
• Better HR decisions: An important role of people analytics software, every tool creates its own data and integrating it
is to provide access to critical data and insights about the with the other sources is a major challenge. Also, we
workforce which can be then analyzed for making better cannot use the data from one source in isolation while
decisions. Not only does it improve the HR performance

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 47
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

making a strategic business decisions. Thus a major once enabled by analytics, may be made not only much more
challenge is to integrate these silo systems and make them quickly but also become embedded in the organization's
communicate with each other. processes and routines and become very difficult to change.
Thus, it is very important for workforce metrics and analytics
• Lack of Skills and Training: While it’s true that data systems to be grounded in the highest-quality social science
scientists are at the forefront of this data & analytics research methods and statistics. Going forward, many elements
revolution, hiring managers have a preconceived notion of our work and personal lives will be automated. New roles
that HR departments have little to no role to play in and jobs will be created, while others will undoubtedly be
analyzing the data. Considering the technicalities involved, eliminated through automation or efficiency gains. But what
they hesitate to learn and implement these tools, supported cannot be automated is a deep understanding of the cause–
by a mindset which is fearful of the learning curve. The HR effect relationships needed to execute a workforce strategy and
managers would rather rely on their human intellect and a concurrent understanding of the metrics needed to follow this
understanding than going through training for a HR process. The great promise of workforce analytics will require
analytic tool. They often fall back on a faulty argument that a much closer collaboration between scholars and practitioners
machine intelligence will take out human from human in the service of all of the firm's stakeholders.
resources, which is not at all true.
• Data Quality: As well as focusing on gathering the right
amount of data, we also need to ensure on data quality. [1] Marler, J. H., & Boudreau, J. W. (2017). An evidence-based
Data deluge can quickly lead to poor quality data, and we review of talent analytics. The International Journal of Human
Resource Management, 28(1), 3-26.
cannot create meaningful connections between different
data sets. It is essential to guarantee data quality by [2] Bassi, L. (2011). Raging debates in talent analytics. People &
Strategy, 34, 14-18.
focusing on ensuring data integrity and security.
[3] T. Pape (2016) Prioritizing data items for business analytics:
• Poor Executive Support: HR analytics has not yet become Framework and application to human resources European
the mainstream process for many companies and there is Journal of Operational Research, 252 (2) (2016), pp.687-698.
often a lack of executive support. But for the process to [4] Schuler, R. – Jackson, S. (2005): A quarter-century review of
work, HR departments must be able to convince the leaders human resource management in the U.S.: the growth in
on the benefits of using analytics. importance of the international perspective. Management
Revue, Vol. 16, pp. 1–25.
7. CONCLUSION [5] Ulrich, D. – Dulebohn, J. (2015): Are we there yet? What’s next
for HR? Human Resource Management Review, Vol. 25, pp.
The emerging field of people analytics holds considerable
promise for leaders hoping to significantly improve their
[6] Stone, D. – Deadrick, D. – Lukaszewski, K. – Johnson, R.
operational and strategic performance through more effective (2015): The influence of technology on the future of human
workforce management. By extension, better data and resource management. Human Resource Management Review,
analytics also have the potential to help employees manage and Vol. 25, pp. 216–231.
improve their own careers, through more effective feedback
and career pathing systems. Yet there is peril in this
opportunity as well. Incorrect, biased, or unethical decisions,

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 48
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Noise Detector and Sound Recording SystemUsing

Manoj Kumar1, Rhythm Choudhary2, Karan Malik3, Rishikant Sharma4
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications,
Student, Department of Computer Applications,
Maharaja Surajmal Institute, an Affiliate of GGSIPU, New Delhi, India

Abstract: Noise pollution is a growing problem in modern system on how and who will operate the system and what
cities, thanks to rapid population growth, urbanisation and are the prerequisites for operating it.
new technologies. Moreover, at times, it’s hard to catch the
source of the noise. Talking loudly is an annoying habit in • Economic feasibility: The monetary cost of production of
an office environment. Having a loud co-worker can distract the module should be negligible as compared to the size of
us from our work and harm our productivity, also, in silence the facility it is deployed in.
zone areas such as libraries and operation theatres, where • Technical feasibility: The proposed system is better
any unnecessary noise can disturb the decorum or the because it automates the existing non-automated system.
concentration of the people engaged. To help solve this The software and the hardware used is simple in build and
problem, we bring to you a noise detector with an automatic usage.
recording system. This device notifies users whenever it
detects loud noise (when the sound crosses certain limits), as • Operational Feasibility: The person operating the system
well as it automatically records the sound and saves this will not need to undergo any special training for operating
recorded sound in a file. the system.
A. Hardware used
Keywords: Noise detector, Recorder, Automatic Detection, 1. Vibration motor
IoT 2. Bluetooth HC05
3. Sound sensor module
1. INTRODUCTION 4. Arduino Uno
The aim is to build a Noise Detector with Automatic B. Software
Recording System using Arduino[1,2] with the concept of 1. Arduino IDE
Internet Of Things(IoT). The menace of finding out the source 2. Thunkable App Development Interface
of the noise pollution[3] is very difficult in libraries and
offices. Our app tackles this problem by recording as soon as 3. INTEGRATION AND TESTING
the noise in the surrounding crosses a certain threshold[4] and The implemented system can be deployed in libraries,
it also buzzes at the same time to ensure that the people talking hospitals, and other silence zone areas for monitoring and
loudly could refrain from doing so. If people ignore the alert surveillance purposes.
and continue to talk loudly, it starts recording as proof and
saves it for corrective action by the authorities.
• Feasibility analysis of a system is conducted to gauge the
possibility of the proposed system to be deployed in the
real world. The feasibility study measures the prospects of
the project in terms of its economic, technical, and
operational feasibility. Each aspect of these three is
important as they determine the applicability of the system.
The economic feasibility judges the system on its
deployment and operational costs in the context in which it
is proposed. The technical feasibility judges the system’s
prospects in terms of how it performs when compared to Fig. 1. Block diagram of IOT based Noise Detector with
the existing system. Operational feasibility judges the automatic recording system

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 49

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Power the Arduino[5] and connect the Bluetooth with our app. Detector[6] device will buzz to alert the person making the
After successful connection, we can test it by making loud noise to refrain from doing so and at the same time the app will
noises. start recording the sound and it will go on recording until the
noise level comes down below the threshold level.
When sound level crosses the threshold value, the Noise

Fig. 2. Application Interface

Fig. 3. DFDLevel 0 Fig. 4. DFD Level 1

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 50
Noise Detector and Sound Recording SystemUsing IoT

3. Connect the GND pin of your module to the GND pin of

your Arduino.
4. Connect the Input pin of your module to the pin 13 of your
5. Enter this program to your Arduino Integrated
Development Environment (IDE):
int buzzer = 13;
void setup() {
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);


6. Lastly, click the Upload Button.

Testing Results: The sample sketch above is a blink which is
Fig. 5. Logic Flowchart also applicable for LEDs. The output is the turning on and off
of the buzzer every other second.
1. Connect your Arduino microcontroller to the computer.
The app has been built on ‘Thunkable’, which is an online
2. Connect the VCC pin of your module to the to the 5V pin interface for block programming.
of your Arduino.

Fig. 6. Log into Thunkable ID

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 51
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Fig. 7. Interface to design App

Fig. 9. Shows the circuit connection

Fig. 8. Component and list of blocks


This section illustrates the snapshots and results of the overall Fig. 10. Shows the Recording folder

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 52
Noise Detector and Sound Recording SystemUsing IoT

CODE FOR BUZZER: slightest of variations in the decibels. It can also be used in
future to analyse which object emits how much decibels by
int buzzer = 13;
altering the structure a bit.
void setup() {
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); REFERENCES
} [1] Aurdino- Wikipedia
void loop() { [2] Programming Aurdino Getting started with sketches- McGraw
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); Hill Nov 8, 2011.
delay(1000); [3] Lalit Mohan Joshi PhD Research Scholar B.T.K.I.T. Dwarahat
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); (India)” Research paper on IOT based Air and Sound Pollution
Monitoring System” International Journal of Computer
Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 178
[4] Yuki Obuchi, Toshihiko Yamasaki, KiyoharuAizawa, Satoshi
To conclude, Noise Recorder can provide an insight into the Toriumi, Mikihisa Hayashi, “Measurement and evaluation of
sources of noise pollution in the institutions. It is easy to comfort levels of apartments using IoT sensors”2018 IEEE
implement and can be amended according to the requirements International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE)
by altering the threshold of noise. [5] Lorraine M. Herger, Mercy Bodarky, “Engaging students with
open source technologies and Arduino”,2015 IEEE Integrated
The project has a very vast scope in future. It can be used in a [6] IratxeLanda, AitorBlázquez, Manuel Vélez, AmaiaArrinda,
“Indoor measurements of IoT wireless systems interfered by
spectrum of fields and the sound sensor module can be
impulsive noise from fluorescent lamps”, 2017 11th European
replaced with a more powerful sound sensor to reckon even the Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 53
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Sustainable Smart Textiles-A thing of Today

Pooja Dabas1, Chetna Grewal2
Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, Delhi, India

Abstract: This paper aims to elicit insights about smart athletes towards the use of these products to prevent injuries
wearable technologies by investigating recent advancement and optimize their performance will have a positive impact on
in smart wearable’s technology and their application. the business. Additionally, incorporation of newly developed
Wearable technology is all set to revolutionaries’ the human and advanced fibers such as nanofibers and hybrid materials is
society by the kind of benefits they provide. This paper expected to drive the growth of smart clothing market.
provides an overview of the wearable technology and
explores its applicability and functionality. This paper aims
at finding ways to lessen the market and technology This includes wearable like military clothing used for tracking,
uncertainty to provide the best value from a human oriented secret camera bow ties, helmets and caps. These can be used
perspective and marks the basic problems associated with the well in sports and medical fields to keep a track of regular
use of these technology driven wearable’s and offers a activities. Smarttextiles are also known as smart clothing or
complete overview of the state of the art and of the evolution smart garments. They are the fabrics, which have digital
of SWTs overtime. The focus is on the trend of smart textiles components such as light, battery, smart chips, and other small
like bodily status monitoring, multi-wearable device control electronic devices fitted into it. Such fabrics are innovatively
and smart networking between wearable sensors. It discusses designed and engineered to meet the requirements of major
about the major barriers in adoption of the e-Textiles and the end user such as military, sports, textile, automotive, and
opportunities that exist for making it a part of daily human healthcare.

Keywords: Smart Wearable’s, wearable sensors, multi-

wearable device control

Smart wearable are those devices which have technology
incorporated in them. These include all devices which are worn
by humans and help them to ease their daily activities. Smart
wearable are not a recent trend, it started with the fashion of
wrist watches, followed by pocket and necklace watches,
leading to present set of devices like Bluetooth headsets,
GPRS trackers, smart watches etc. Smart devices are growing
well in all the fields like medical, education, women safety,
entertainment, gaming, and households, etc. With time smart
devices have become affordable and indispensable to enjoy
smart life style by using the capacity of perception, computing
and transmission. A recent survey by the World Economic
Forum (WEF) reveals that 92.1 percent of corporate leaders
believe 10 percent of people will wear clothes connected to the Fig. 1. Smart Clothing: The Future-Textile
internet by 2025, and 85.5percent believe 105 percent of 3. MARKET SIZE (E-TEXTILES)
eyewear will be internet connected[2]. Growing use across
various industrial verticals such as sports and fitness, The smart wearable market was valued at 216.18 million units
healthcare, military and defense is driving the smart clothing in 2019 and is expected to reach 614.31 million units by 2025,
market globally. The rising demand for monitoring body at a CAGR of 19.1% over the forecast period 2020 – 2025[9].
activities through sensors is expected to surge the demand for Advancements in research have been leading to increased
smart clothing market over the forecast time span. Growing innovation in the recent years and has been instrumental in
awareness among individuals regarding fitness is providing an driving the demand for the wearable market and led to new
impetus to the industry growth. In addition, the inclination of product categories like the smart fabrics and hearable, among

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 54

Sustainable Smart Textiles-A thing of Today

others which incorporate high-end technology and design in 4. THE INDIAN CONTEXT
daily living. Lately, the focus has been on providing an
The e-garment segment is still in nascent stages in India and
aesthetic design to devices to attract the customers. As per the
very under developed compared to others countries in the Asia
US based global market research and management consulting
Pacific region. The Indian ecosystem is still experiencing the
company Global Market Insights Inc., the size of the smart
wearable technology on the fitness and healthcare sector, there
clothing market was over US$ 150 million with shipments of
is still a lot to come in the existing product line-such as
around 800, 000 units in 2016. The market is expected to
gamification, and building augmented product by providing a
balloon to over US$ 4 billion by 2024, and shipments are
comprehensive set of services and charging based on usage.
forecast to grow at over 50 percent CAGR [9].
Following are the best Indian companies ‘ad venting in to the
Smart t-shirts are emerging as one of the most popular and smart garment industry.
widely used categories of this segment in recent times.
SYGNAL – Hyderabad based startup, Broadcast Wearables
Projected to grow at over 50 percent CAGR from 2017 to
Pvt Ltd. is an AI based wearable’s company on a mission to
2024[3], these smart garments can provide biometric data such
make everyday devices smart. It is the parent holding of
as heart rate, breathing rate and volume, muscle activity, etc.,
SYGNALS who has the distinction of producing the world’s
which are utilized to optimize performance and workout plans
first touch- enabled t-shirt [10]. Loaded with a bunch of
professionally. Smart jackets are set to witness growth over the
sensors packed in a small chip, the brand’s smart t-shirts are
future owing to the ability of these products to control the
equipped to track a plethora of things including, the number of
mobile devices of the wearer and connect to several services
steps taken in the entire day, calories burnt even in the slightest
such as music and camera, device charging, etc., directly from
form of exercise, floors climbed, distance walked or run. It can
the jacket. Despite the rapid growth of wearable technology in
also navigate the wearer to a desired location. All the data is
fitness tracker and smart watch categories, other categories
synched through Bluetooth to the app, and can be viewed for at
lacking dramatic growth. In particular smart clothing
least three days.
represents less than 1 % of the global wearable’s market [2].
Lack of expansion and adoption in this category is due to many LECHAL – Hyderabad based Ducere Technologies Pvt Ltd.,
factors: is another noteworthy name in the field of Indian smart
fashion. The company’s offering Lechal uses GPS to track
1. Technical Challenges with sensor size, sensor accuracy
down the users location through a GPS linked app, which then
and device power.
sends vibrations to his soles, thus telling him which turn to
2. Cultural challenges in data privacy, device cost and style take[10]. Built into the shape of a small pod which comes
fitted into insoles, it functions through an app installed on a
3. Lack of compelling use cases for personal electronic
Smartphone. The app also allows the user to keep a record of
consumers and the market value of developing and selling
his route and tracks the steps taken, the distance travelled and
devices to end users.
the calories burned. The pods have a claimed life of 15 days on
Donald Norman, a cognitive scientist and pioneer in applying each charge.
human cognition to design, mentioned that “much of what is
BOLTT – Boltt is a ‘sports tech-brand’ that is developing next
being done with wearable devices is happening simply because
generation consumer-centric solutions for personal health &
it can be done. What Norman pointed out is that the current
fitness. Known for its advanced artificial intelligence (AI)
wearable technology trend mainly focuses on core technology
ecosystem, Boltt provides ‘connected fitness solutions’
development while ignoring practical extensions of mind and
bundled with the hardware. The hardware includes smart
body through technology, which is an essential inherent
shoes, stride sensor and activity tracker [10]. The Boltt sensor
objective of wearable technology. Nonetheless, it is now quite
is powered by Garmin’s patented SDM Technology. Boltt’s AI
promising that more researchers and companies are focusing
is aimed at solving problems in health and fitness coaching by
on researching wearable applications and services that can
providing real-time audio feedback and provides customized
provide the best value from the users’ perspective.
workout suggestions. As of now, there are Boltt’s wearables
The US smart clothing market is estimated to behold huge portfolio encompasses such as Boltt Fit, Boltt Beat, Boltt Beat
adoption and is expected to dominate the industry with a 2.0, Boltt Ace, Boltt Verve Luxe, etc.
significant revenue share. The Asia Pacific smart clothing
ARROW – Popular shirt brand Arrow from Arvind Ltd.,
market is also expected to witness substantial growth over the
launched its first smart shirt and India’s first smart garment in
forecast time span. This can be attributed to the growing
2016. The Smart Shirt comes with an inbuilt chip on the cuff
adoption of various wearable devices coupled with the
that can be programmed by downloading the Arrow mobile
increasing demand for advanced features in the products.
app on a near field communication (NFC)-enabled
Rising security concerns and increasing military and defense
smartphone[10]. The Smart Shirt allows the wearer to share
budgets across countries such as India and China is predicted
things like his LinkenIn profile, his Facebook profile or
to witness huge demand for these products.[3]
visiting card through a tap on the shirt’s cuff with a

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 55
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

smartphone. Among other functions it performs are connecting machinery, skills and know-how in constructing them.
via Bluetooth to play your favorite songs on the phone or Enabling technologies, machinery and know-how are all
switching your phone to ‘meeting mode’. expanding, making it easier for brands and manufacturers to
access the technologies required to produce smart garments,
but a range of barriers to mass-scale manufacture and adoption
of e-textiles remain as challenges that the industry needs to
overcome in order to move from small scale to mass scale
•Passive production of these products. However, the potential disruptive
Market by Type •Active effect of smart garments also means that there are new ways of
•Very smart competing and new opportunities arising for innovative
suppliers to take advantage of this.
sensing •energy harvest 7. PORTABILITY BARRIERS
Smart phones, tablets and wearable electronics are incredibly
•military & Defense well designed and high performing pieces of hardware that can
•Building cope with a wide range of challenging environment. One of the
Market by end-use &construction
biggest challenges for e-textiles is the effect of laundering.
industry •Automotive
•Textile Naturally occurring minerals and salts in water can have a
•Medical detrimental effect on the conductivity of metal based yarns and
the effect varies from location to location due to the naturally
differing inclusion and concentration of these constituents’
indifferent geographies. The yarn manufacturers have been
improving their products to minimize this impact, but the
Fig. 2. Segmentation of market [8] addition of detergents to the washing process is a further
1. The global smarttextile market is segmented on the basis challenge. Detergents can also have an adverse effect on
of type, application, end use industry, and region. conductivity but also can tend to build up as residue in crevices
on connectors, reducing the effectiveness of the connections.
On the basis of the type, the market is divided into passive Many of these problems are being addressed by the designers
smarttextile, active smarttextile, and very smarttextile. and suppliers and it is not uncommon now to see garments
Among these segments, the passive smarttextile is holding capable of being washed over 80-100 times before their
the largest share of the market on account of lower cost as performance becomes affected. Ultra hydro and oleo phobic
compared to its counterpart and relative lesser complex finishes giving a “lotus leaf” effect to prevent moisture
operations. damaging the electronics modules by use of coating
2. By the application, the market is categorized into sensing, technologies such as HZO or P2i’s plasma coating are
architecture, medical, energy harvest, thermo-electricity, becoming common in wearable electronics and are also
and others. The sensing segment is growing at a robust particularly useful in the context of smart clothing. One of the
growth rate during the review period. This growth trend is biggest challenges presented by laundering is the mechanical
primarily attributed to the increasing demand for the stress caused during the spin cycle; particularly to connectors
protective gears with health tracking devices. Also, the and any part of the garment where there is a significant
sensing is the most significant characteristic of the difference in flexibility (the transition from soft conformable
smarttextiles. fabric to less flexible electronics modules). Primarily this is a
design challenge that requires the weak areas to be made more
3. Based on the end use industry, the global smarttextile robust or designed to cope with strain in other ways, but the
market is classified into military & defense, building & effects can also be mitigated by using a laundering bag (such
construction, automotive, textile, medical, sports, and as those used for lingerie items).
others. The military & defense segment is the largest
consumer of smarttextiles, which is holding over 30% 8. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) BARRIERS
share of the market. This is majorly attributed to the E-textiles is an area where many early high-risk developments
continuously increasing global threat driving the huge were developed by government sponsored academic projects.
investment in defense expenditure by the major countries In fact the sector is populated by a high number of academic
such as India, China, the U.S., and Russia. “spin-offs” which tend to have early stage Intellectual Property
6. BLOCKADES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN developed during these funded projects covered by patent
ADOPTION OF E-TEXTILES protection. Small entrepreneurial startup shave also invested
heavily in IP protections to not only protect their ideas, but
Some of the most frequently quoted barriers to successful mass also to enhance the attractiveness of their company to the
scale production of smart Garments using e-textiles involve the potential investors most need in order to grow their business.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 56
Sustainable Smart Textiles-A thing of Today

Due to this there has been a proliferation of in June 2015 was another interesting development. The firm
connectors/chargers similar to that in the early days of the showcased a fabric panel that acted as a capacitive touch
mobile phone market where each device manufacturer created screen. ATAP built a chip that interprets the signals from the
proprietary charging connectors. This represents a barrier in conductive yarns as users touch it and developed its own metal
both costs (costs of chargers and cables reduced significantly filament wrapped yarns to weave the conductive panels.
after legislation forced and suppliers agreed to use a small Google says it is building the entire supply chain to bring this
number of “standard” charger connections) and in complexity technology to market and to create an ecosystem around it. It
for users (who need to remember and carry around multiple has set out to adapt its technology and ideas to fit the textile
device chargers and cables). Unless using common materials and garment industry on a mass scale rather than the other way
or manufacturing techniques, many unique features created in around. The first partner it announced was Levi’s, but the
order to find novel solutions to common problems or to avoid applications were not discussed and there has been no further
paying licensing fee to use others’ solutions are likely to result information released to date. MAS Holdings, a leading
in higher production costs and lower efficiencies. Another supplier of sportswear and lingerie has recently invested in an
consequence of the highly fragmented IP landscape is that early stage monitoring start-up, Nanowear Inc. Following the
many small brands in the space are unwilling to license their acquisition of Zephyr Technologies by Covidien then
technologies to potential competitors. Instead of pooling Medtronic and the even more recent acquisition of Clothing+
resources to gain economies of scale and develop easier to use by Jabil, it appears that the sector is finally beginning to
products for users, IP protection is often simply blocking consolidate partnership sand leverage joint expertise.
potential improvements for the sector. Licensing could release
this potential and help to accelerate better and more common
solutions to connections. One more issue with IP is, Interpreting data from wearable sensors is challenging. The
universities and associated academics hold patents in the area data will be heterogeneous, coming from a variety of sensor
to protect their inventions in early stages Universities and types with different modalities. A second challenge is the non
associated academics and start-ups, with the products and uniform nature of the data. It may arrive sporadically, with
technology solutions remaining at a low Technology Readiness temporal gaps, and excess noise. This increases the analysis
Level (TRL). This also means a potential licensee is required complexity and can lead to false confidence in results. There is
to take on the cost and risk of developing the IP to a a significant amount of effort and research currently directed
commercially deployable form. All this can put potential new towards understanding how to interpret the type of multi
entrants off as they start to research the IP landscape and parameter, longitudinal data produced by heath monitors and
realize their options for successful development of many wearable systems56. However, the challenge remains to
concepts is limited by existing IP or their licensing automatically labeling a vector of features values indicative of
arrangements. health of an individual amongst the population at large.
E-textiles and smart garments require collaboration between With this we can conclude computers are incredible but using
the textiles & clothing and consumer electronics industries. technology in a conventional way by clicking, touching etc is
Both the products and technologies along with the underlying disappointing, it means the future looking in screen not at each
industry structures are very different, however. Many of the other. The idea is to use daily usage things to interact with
successful businesses in the sector are run by cross-functional digital life making world the interface and the use of
teams and have skills in both textiles and electronics. keyboards, mouses, keys etc becoming null. The biggest
Electronics and data processing experts need to work together challenges to it are:
with textile and garment developers in order to make a
successful product. • Changing purpose of things by invention technology and
hacking into things by changing them. Invented sensor,
“E-textiles are a highly interdisciplinary field. Our customers injecting structures, electrical fields into motion gestures.
usually come from either one of the two worlds (textiles or
electronics) and it is always difficult to make them realize and • Incorporating R&D to actual products, i.e., world of
accept the rules and restrictions of the other field. Therefore apparel is larger than world of technology. The key to
communication in advance of a project is dominated more by increase sustainability and usability is to make technology
the discussion of restrictions and not opportunities. With every in wearable’s as easy and common as sewing a ordinary
successful project and product in the market however things garment.
get easier, because it is something that can be related to and • Technology need to be streamline to make existing thing
built upon. This is still the challenge that e-textiles is facing.” better, original purpose would remain but digital
Forster Rohmer’s Jan Zimmer functionality will be added to avoid fragmentation and
Google’s announcement of Project Jacquard, a development create uniform user experiences.
from its Advanced Technology and Products (ATAP) division)

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 57
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Eventually we can say that the key to future e-textiles is giving 1195711992;
devices to maker of things and let people make these things 59
decide its functionality while it reconfigures along to the [6] Wearable technology show 2020,
particular product.
[7] SmartTextiles Market by Type, Functionality, End-user and By
REFERENCES Region - Global Forecast to 2025, https://www. industry
[1] "Gartner Says Worldwide Wearable Devices Sales to Grow ...", 1496929
2016. 17 Apr. 2016 Technavio, [8] Hanuska, Chandramohan, Bellamy, Burks: Smart Clothing
2016 Market Analysis, Pantas and Ting, Sutardia Centre for
marttextilesacceleratinggrowthprospectsintheglobalsmart entrepreneurship & Technology, University of California,
[2] Wearable Technology Market by Product, Type, Application Berkeley
and Geography –Global Forcast to 2022, SE 2763 jan, 2017, [9] Sugathan Manju, H.D Hendry; Market forcasts and personal adoption of smart Textiles in Fitness sector April 2018:
[3] IDTechEx. (2016). E-Textiles 2016-2016: Technologies, Researchgate
Markets, Players. Retrieve from [10] Gautam Shivam, Smart Garments: The next big thing in sportswear, March 26, 2019
technologies-markets-plyers-000459.asp [11] Ejoe Kar Ho Tso, Ka Yin Chau: Smart technology for
[4] He Li, Yan Luo “An empirical study of wearable technology healthcare: Exploring the antecedents of adoption intention of
acceptance in healthcare” Industrial Management & Data healthcare, Sep. 2019
Systems, 115(9):1704-1723, Oct.2015 [12] Mesut Cicek: Wearable Technologies and Its Future
[5] Matteo Stoppa and Alessandro Chiolerio, Wearable Electronics Applications, International Journal of Electronics and data
and Smart Textiles: A Critical Review, Sensors 2014, 14, Communication, April 2015

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 58
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Omnichannel Personalisation: Merging of Virtual and

Traditional Retail Industry in India
Dr. Rajeshwari Malik
Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration, Maharaja Surajmal Institute
(affiliated to GGSIP University), C-4, Janakpuri, New Delhi

Abstract: The Indian retail industry has emerged as one of players. It accounts for over 10% of the country’s Gross
the most dynamic and fast-paced industries due to the entry Domestic Product (GDP) and around 8% of the employment.
of several new global players recently. This paper integrates The Boston Consulting Group and Retailers Association of
extant literature on the retail industry covering both the India published a report titled, ‘Retail 2020: Retrospect,
traditional brick and mortar stores and the changed online Reinvent, Rewrite’, highlighting that India’s retail market is
landscape. India is on the way to become the world’s fastest expected to nearly double to US$ 1 trillion by 2020., driven by
growing e-commerce market, driven by robust investment in income growth, urbanisation and attitudinal shifts among the
the sector and rapid increase in the number of internet users. major drivers. The overall retail market is expected to grow at
Both organised and unorganised retail companies are 12 per cent per annum, modern trade would expand twice as
working together to ensure better prospects for the overall fast at 20 per cent per annum and traditional trade at 10 per
retail industry, generating new benefits for their customers. cent. The Indian retail industry is one of the fastest growing in
The industry is set to grow at a much faster pace as a result the world. The Indian retail industry is one of the fastest
of rising incomes, favourable demographics like young growing in the world. Retail industry reached to Rs 66.39 lakh
population, entry of foreign players, and increasing planned crore (US$ 950 billion) in 2018 at CAGR of 13 per cent and
urbanization in form of smart cities. In the last five years, expected to reach Rs 76.87 lakh crore (US$ 1.1 trillion) by
online retail -both direct and through marketplaces – has had 2020. India ranked 63rd in World Bank’s Doing Business
a great ride, going from nascence to critical mass. So much 2019. India ranked 73rd in the United Nations Conference on
so, today it has started to threaten the traditional brick-and- Trade and Development's Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-
mortar retail and recognizing the danger, many physical commerce Index 2019.
retailers have started to establish or beef up their online
India is expected to become the world’s fastest growing e-
presence thus blurring the lines between marketplace and
commerce market, driven by robust investment in the sector
marketspace. Through this paper we can understand the
and rapid increase in the number of internet users. India’s e-
transformation that has taken place in retail industry and
commerce market is estimated to expand to over US$ 100
also analyse various reports on future of Indian Retail
billion by 2020. Online retail is expected to be at par with the
physical stores in the next five years. According to a study by
Assocham-PricewaterhouseCoopers, Indian e-commerce
Keywords: Retail Industry, Omnichannel, Personalisation,
industry is expected to grow from its current level of US$ 17
Transformation, marketplace, marketspace, e-commerce and
billion to US$ 100 billion, a compound annual growth rate
online retail
(CAGR) of 35 per cent over the next five years. The country is
among the highest in the world in terms of per capita retail
1. INTRODUCTION store availability. India’s retail sector is experiencing
Asia Pacific region is becoming the leader of the e-commerce exponential growth, with retail development taking place not
industry with a 35 percent of the global market in 2015 and just in major cities and metros, but also in Tier-II and Tier-III
over 40 percent in 2019. India’s large and aspiring middle cities. Healthy economic growth, changing demographic
class of 75 million households or 300 million individuals want profile, increasing disposable incomes, urbanisation, changing
products that are value-driven. The country’s 500 million consumer tastes and preferences are the other factors driving
people under the age of 25 have access to more money that has growth in the organised retail market in India. India ranked
additionally resulted in independence, aspirations and a 77th in World Bank’s Doing Business 2019. The modern retail
demand for products. Today India is the world’s fifth-largest market in India is expected to grow from Rs 94, 421 crore
global destination in the retail space. In last two decades the (US$ 13.51 billion) in 2018 to Rs 1.86 lakh crore (US$ 26.67
Indian retail industry has emerged as one of the most dynamic billion) in 2021. The massive growth in e-commerce is mainly
and fast-paced industries due to the entry of several new due to a low base and rising internet penetration along with

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 59

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

improvements in broadband, logistics and internet-ready • Evolving consumption patterns of Indian customers
• New technology and lifestyle trends creating replacement
The current estimated value of the Indian retail sector is about demand.
550 billion USD and is pegged to reach 1.3 trillion USD by
2030. The penetration level of modern retail (currently 5%) • Increase in rural income as well as urbanization
will increase six-fold from the current 27 billion USD to 220 • Increase in easy access to credit and consumer awareness
billion USD in 2020. The Indian retail sector is expected to
grow at a CAGR of 15 to 20%. Factors driving the organised • Growth of modern trade format across urban, Tier I, Tier II
retail sector include the following: and Tier III cities and towns
• Higher incomes driving the purchase of essential and • Rapid urbanisation and growing trend towards nuclear
nonessential products families

Fig. 1. E-tailing Value Chain

Increased Internet penetration, improved security measures, models – just as it happened in the US. It's still a small
convenience of shopping, in lives pressed for time, and, of component of India's Rs. 38 trillion ($600 billion, roughly Rs.
course, dozens of retailers to choose from – these are a few 38, 08, 200 crores) overall retail trade industry. Yet, the e-
factors that are attracting more and more consumers to shop commerce format with sales of Rs. 1 trillion ($16 billion,
online. In fact, the recently concluded Google's Online roughly Rs. 1, 01, 552 crore) managed to create a buzz like
Shopping Festival (GOSF) saw some 16 million Indians never before - not just with mega promotions but also with
shopping online within four days. Yet, while online shopping mergers, acquisitions and some crazy valuations. Electronic
is an easy way for comparison of different products on the retailing, as it is generally being called now, is the direct sale
basis of their features and specifications—without going from of products, information and service through virtual stores on
shop to shop, many consumers do find it difficult to choose the the web, usually designed around an electronic catalogue
best and safest sites for making purchases. CRISIL Research format and auction sites. There are thousands of storefronts or
believes some of them, who play to their strengths of physical e-commerce sites on the internet that are extensions of existing
reach and multi-location presence, will be able to build retailers or start-ups.
successful and, more importantly, complementary, business

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 60
Omnichannel Personalisation: Merging of Virtual and Traditional Retail Industry in India

90% 80%
50% 40%
30% 20%

Fig. 2. Country’s Share of organised retail to total retail

Retail is mainly a volume game, (especially value retailing). sources included blog spots and interviews of executive
Going forward, with the competition intensifying and the costs managers working in retail in newspaper publications like
scaling up, the players who are able to cater to the needs of the Business Line and The Hindu.
consumers and grow volumes by ensuring footfalls will have a
Sahu (2010) describes that a rise in consumer confidence,
competitive advantage. At the same time competition, high
improvement in profitability and aggressive expansion plans
real estate cost, scarcity of skilled manpower and lack of
signal better tidings for listed players in the organized retail
infrastructure are some of the hurdles yet to be tackled fully by
space. Moreover, analysts believe listed retailers could attract
retailers. Luxury retailing is gaining importance in India. This
foreign investments by spinning off their subsidiaries into
includes fragrances, gourmet retailing, accessories, and
separate companies which can provide a great opportunity for
jewellery among many others. The Indian consumer is ready to
the improvement of this sector. Gellner (2007) explains in this
splurge on luxury items and is increasingly doing so. The
context that in most retail meetings and/or publications, hardly
Indian luxury market is expected to grow at a rate of 25% per
ever is there any talk on problems that modern retail formats
annum. This will make India the 12th largest luxury retail
are encountering doing business in India. There is a significant
market in the world. Rural retailing is another area of prime
profitability challenge, to deliver the brand promise in terms of
focus for many retailers. Rural India accounts for 2/5th of the
quality and geographic spread in line with the growth in
total consumption in India. Thus, the industry players do not
consumer demand. Also in year 2007, Nagesh describes that
want to be left out and are devising strategies especially for the
Indian retailing will see a sea of change in the next five years,
rural consumer. However, players should be ready to face
driving consumption boom never seen in the history of any
some imminent challenges in rural area. For instance,
country. From a drought situation we will see a flood of
competition from local mom and pop stores as they sell on
modern retail, So Indian retail will be on a steady ground of
credit, logistics hurdles due to bad infrastructure in rural areas,
sustained growth year after year and thereafter. Akash (2009)
higher inventory expenses and different buying preferences
says that Retail business in India, as anywhere else in the
amongst rural population.
world, plays a crucial role in an economy. Retail in India has
2. LITERATURE REVIEW the potential to add value over Rs 2, 00, 000 crore ($45billion)
business by the year 2010 generating employment for some 2.5
The extant literature analysis included assessment of
million people in various retail operations and over10 million
publications on the development of the Indian retail industry
additional workforce in retail support activities including
(, 2008; Gupta, 2005;
contract production and processing, supply chain and logistics,, 2005). These publications were
retail real estate development and management. Gibson, CEO
mainly published between the years 2000 and 2014 in order to
Retail Association of India opines (2007) that modern retailing
make sure that the most current industry and market activity
today is growing faster than expected while the current growth
were captured. Publications included popular Internet sites,
rate is around 30 percent, the sector is expected to grow at 40-
industry publications, and reports by major retail houses. Other
50 percent on a year basis. Shivkumar, Executive Director and

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 61
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

leader of Retail and Consumer Practices Price Warehouse Co- engage with the sector and utilize its potential for social
operatives, (2009) also holds the opinion that retailing is the development. So the Indian market and its consumers poised
next sunrise segment of the economic development of the for a retail consumption explosion that will continue for future.
country. Next-Generation Retailing in India: An Empirical
Study Using Factor Analysis 27 Mishra (2008) says, there is a
hectic activity in the sector in terms of expansion, entry of
international brands and retailers as well as focus on The retail sector can be broadly divided into two segments:
technology, operations, infrastructure and processes. All these Value retailing, which is typically a low margin-high volume
present a tremendous opportunity in this high growth industry. business (primarily food and groceries) and Lifestyle retailing,
Yuvarani (2010) opines that according to a study the size of a high margin-low volume business (apparel, footwear, etc).
the Indian Retail market is currently estimated at Rs 704 corers The sector is further divided into various categories, depending
which accounts for a meager 3% of the total retail market. As on the types of products offered. Food dominates market
the market becomes more and more organized the Indian retail consumption with 60% share followed by fashion. The
industry will gain greater worth. However, the future is relatively low contribution of other categories indicates
promising, the market is growing, government policies are opportunity for organised retail growth in these segments,
becoming more favorable and emerging technologies are especially with India being one of the world's youngest
facilitating operations. Biyani (2007) describes that we are on markets. Transition from traditional retail to organised retail is
the cusp of change wherein a huge, multicultural India is taking place due to changing consumer expectations, growing
transforming from a socialist economy to a consumption-led, middle class, higher disposable income, preference for luxury
creative economy. The scope and depth of change that is goods, and change in the demographic mix, etc. The
taking place due to the revolutionary retail market with a convenience of shopping with multiplicity of choice under one
gigantic opportunity for marketers and retailers, not only in roof (Shop-in-Shop), and the increase of mall culture etc. are
large cities but also in small towns. So retailing can play a factors appreciated by the new generation. These factors are
significant role in creating the India of tomorrow. Kearney expected to drive organized retail growth in India over the long
(2007) explains that the retail sector provides a unique run.
platform to India. Government, both central and state, need to

Fig. 3. Market Size and Details

In the last five years, online retail -- both direct and through proliferation of the internet has given rise to many new forms
marketplaces – has had a helluva ride, going from nascence to of businesses, such as business process outsourcing, call
critical mass. So much so, today it has started to threaten the centers based customer relationship management (e-CRM),
traditional brick-and-mortar retail. Recognizing the danger, medical transcription, remotely managed educational and
many physical retailers have started to establish or beef up medical services and of course, electronic retailing. There are
their online presence. Penetration of computers and certain essential ingredients like Attractive business to

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 62
Omnichannel Personalisation: Merging of Virtual and Traditional Retail Industry in India

consumer (B2C) e commerce portal, Right revenue model and government has approved 51 per cent FDI in multi-brand retail
Penetration of the internet etc for an electronic retailing and increased FDI limit to 100 per cent (from 51 per cent) in
business to be successful. One must consider these components single brand retail. The Indian retail industry in the single-
well in advance before setting up an electronic storefront. brand segment has received Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
equity inflows totalling US$ 275.4 million during April 2000–
To stay in the game, traditional retailers have been working on
May 2015, according to the Department of Industrial Policies
their internet strategy. For instance, Shoppers Stop, which
and Promotion (DIPP). With the rising need for consumer
started its online store in 2008, has boosted presence and
goods in different sectors including consumer electronics and
improved features and user interface to bring its online visage
home appliances, many companies have invested in the Indian
on a par with leading e-commerce websites. The company is
retail space in the past few months.
also trying to leverage its physical network by giving
• US-based Amazon commits $2 billion in India's e-
customers the option to return products at its stores. Apart
commerce space
from Shoppers Stop, Croma has an online store with options
such as store pickup and cash on delivery. Even manufacturers • Soft Bank invests $627 million in Snapdeal, $210 million
of retail products such as Titan Industries (watches, jewellery, in Ola cabs
eyewear, etc) and Aditya Birla Nuvo (apparel - Allen Solly,
• Flipkart gets $1.7 billion in funding, taking valuation to $7
Louis Philippe, Peter England, etc) have set up beachheads in
cyberspace. Going ahead, we believe more and more
traditional retailers will board the online bandwagon. The rapid • Reliance Group exits with 12-fold increase in
growth of online retail is, in a sense, reflected in the original investment
deteriorating financials of physical retailers over the past 3
• Paytm plans to set up 30, 000–50, 000 retail outlets where
years. At an aggregate level, operating and net margins of
its customers can load cash on their digital wallets. The
companies such as Shoppers Stop, Cantabil, Kewal Kiran,
company is also looking to enrol retailers – mostly kirana
Provogue, and Trent have all shown a declining trend. Even
stores – as merchants for accepting digital payments.
operating parameters such as same-store sales growth,
conversion ratio and sales per square feet have been on a • Mobile wallet company MobiKwik has partnered with
decline. For example, in the case of Shoppers Stop, sales per to provide mobile payment services to
square feet have declined from Rs 8, 518 in 2010-11 to Rs 7, Jabong’s customers.
837 in 2012-13, while the conversion ratio has come down
• DataWind partnered with HomeShop18 to expand its retail
from 24 per cent to 22 per cent. Footfalls during festive season
footprint in the country. Under the partnership,
drop in shops in favors of e-commerce, hence the traditional
HomeShop18 and DataWind would jointly launch special
stores are forced to explore the online options.
sales programmes across broadcast, mobile and internet
4. INVESTMENT SCENARIO: INDIAN RETAIL media to provide greater access to the latter’s tablet range.
• Fashion and You has opened three distribution hubs in
India’s population is taking to online retail in a big way. The Surat, Mumbai and Bengaluru to accelerate deliveries.
online retail market is expected to grow from US$ 6 billion to
• Abu Dhabi-based Lulu Group plans to invest Rs 2,500
US$ 70 billion during FY15-FY20. India is the fifth largest
crore (US$ 402.0 million) in a fruit and vegetable
preferred retail destination globally. The country is among the
processing unit, an integrated meat processing unit, and a
highest in the world in terms of per capita retail store
modern shopping mall in Hyderabad, Telangana.
availability. India’s retail sector is experiencing exponential
growth, with retail development taking place not just in major • Aditya Birla Retail, a part of the US$ 40 billion Aditya
cities and metros, but also in Tier-II and Tier-III cities. Healthy Birla Group and the fourth-largest supermarket retailer in
economic growth, changing demographic profile, increasing the country, acquired Total hypermarkets owned by
disposable incomes, urbanisation, changing consumer tastes Jubilant Retail.
and preferences are the other factors driving growth in the
• With an aim to strengthen its advertising segment, Flipkart
organised retail market in India. Increasing participation from
acquired mobile ad network AdiQuity, which has a history
foreign and private players has given a boost to Indian retail
of mobile innovations and valuable experience in the ad
industry. India’s price competitiveness attracts large retail
players to use it as a sourcing base. Global retailers such as
Walmart, GAP, Tesco and JC Penney are increasing their • US-based Pizza chain Sbarro plans an almost threefold
sourcing from India and are moving from third-party buying increase in its store count from the current 17 to 50 over the
offices to establishing their own wholly-owned/wholly- next two years through multiple business models.
managed sourcing and buying offices.
• Amazon, the world's largest online retailer, is readying a
The Government of India has introduced reforms to attract US$ 5.0 billion war chest to make India its biggest market
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail industry. The outside the US.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 63
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

• Wal-Mart India Private Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of portfolio investment up to 49 per cent will not require
Wal-Mart Stores Inc., plans to open 500 stores in India in government approval nor will it have to comply with
the next 10–15 years. sectoral conditions as long as it does not result in a transfer
of ownership and/or control of Indian entities to foreigners.
• British retail major Tesco invested Rs 850 crore (US$ As a result, foreign investments are expected to be
133.8 million) in multi-brand retail trading by forming an increase, especially in the attractive retail sector.
equal joint venture with Tata group company Trent; to
form the joint venture, Tesco purchased 50 per cent stake 5. OMNICHANNEL PERSONALISATION
in Trent Hypermarket Ltd (THL). THL operates the Star The Indian retail experience has gone beyond the traditional
Bazaar retail business in India. brick–and-mortar store and includes numerous touch points
The Government of India has taken various initiatives to such as online stores, social networks, call centres, etc.
improve the retail industry in India. Changing economic dynamics, diverse choices in products and
services, numerous shopping formats and unparalleled access
• IKEA, the world’s largest furniture retailer, bought its first to information has empowered customers to expect more from
piece of land in India in Hyderabad, the joint capital of their retail experience. The recent economic downturn has
Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, for building a retail store. taught discipline to the customers. In today’s rapidly changing
IKEA’s retail outlets have a standard design and each and digitally connected world, customers are more value-
location entails an investment of around Rs 500–600 crore conscious while making purchase decisions. We know that
(US$ 80.4–96.5 million). personalization across physical and digital channels is the next
• The Government of India has accepted the changes big marketing opportunity. Personalization across physical and
proposed by Rajya Sabha select committee to the bill digital channels is the next big marketing opportunity. E-
introducing Goods and Services Tax (GST). commerce has really flourished in India but there is no
Implementation of GST is expected to enable easier dedicatede-commerce law in Indiatill date. E-commerce has
movement of goods across the country, thereby improving introduced significant choices for Indian consumers and
retail operations for pan-India retailers. customers. However, e-commerce in India has also given rise
to many disputes by the consumers purchasing the products
• The Government has approved a proposal to scrap the from e-commerce websites. There is no formal e-commerce
distinctions among different types of overseas investments dispute resolution regulatory mechanism in India as we have
by shifting to a single composite limit, which means no dedicatede-commerce laws in India.

Fig. 4. Process of Omnichannel Personalisation

With consumers shifting more of their spending from physical rather than products, mall operators face serious headwinds.
stores to e-commerce and increasingly looking for experiences They’re using prescriptive and predictive analytics—built into

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 64
Omnichannel Personalisation: Merging of Virtual and Traditional Retail Industry in India

user-friendly tools with strong data-visualization capabilities— to 2018, which is further expected to reach $1.4 trillion by
to make smarter business decisions. Advanced analytics, in 2021, India ranks 2nd in A.T. Kearney’s 2019 Global Retail
particular, has the potential to revolutionize almost all areas of Development Index (GRDI). The GRDI is a bi-annual study of
the mall business. Unfortunately, many mall operators lag the global retailing landscape, serving as a source for retailers,
behind their tenants when it comes to using advanced consumer goods manufacturers, and international service
analytics. One oft-cited explanation is that malls haven’t providers to understand which economies are growing,
traditionally interacted directly with consumers, so they don’t stagnant, or declining, and why. The GRDI finds that rising
have much consumer data to analyze. consumer incomes and greater digital connectivity in India
have both contributed to a 9 percent growth in the country’s
Personalizing the in-person experience often results in changes
retail market from 2016 to 2018, which is projected to reach
to the customer-journey flow, which, if not done thoughtfully,
$1.4 trillion by 2021. Retail accounts for 11 percent of the
can hurt the customer experience. The bar is high in making
GDP, and is something the government continues to support
the physical experience intuitive and simple for the
through liberalized retail, e-commerce, and investment
customer—such as signing in at a kiosk, downloading and
engaging with an app, or providing information to an associate
in a live interaction. The front line needs training to understand Indian consumers love online shopping, says the GRDI,
and reinforce the customer benefit of these new journey steps. predicting that the online retail market will increase at a
Omnichannel personalization requires companies to rethink CAGR of 25-28 percent to reach $55-60 billion by 2020. It
their organizational structure, capabilities, and incentives will account for 25 percent of India’s total organised market,
across the digital and physical parts of the business. This shift and grow to 37 percent by 2030. The average online spend per
can happen only when incentives are aligned with outcomes shopper is expected to nearly double to $309 by 2030 from its
and measurement is done across online and in-store channels. current $183, with Indians favouring purchases of electronics
Traditionally, however, companies operate their digital and and lifestyle products the most. Online grocery promises to be
physical channels independently, each with its own strategy, the next growth wave at a whopping 87 percent CAGR by
goals, and ownership of the results. There is little incentive for 2022. Customers keep coming back only if earlier shopping
one channel to support the others. Further, channel-specific experiences have been pleasant and successful. E-commerce
teams lack visibility into what’s happening elsewhere, which will go deeper through displacing traditional processes in
prohibits meaningful collaboration. Omnichannel manufacturing, go wider by encompassing products and
personalization is challenging, but it need not be services provided by different enterprises and go higher by
overwhelming. Instead of waiting to develop a complete acquiring requirements intelligently and interactively so that
system, companies should start small, with the highest-value enterprise can deliver customized products. When business
use cases and existing touchpoints, to prove its value. That’s a inter-operation has achieved a kind of equilibrium, the
proven model for success and one that companies will need to technologies will surely expand. The Indian retail experience
develop as the lines between the digital and physical worlds has gone beyond the traditional brick–and-mortar store and
continue to blend. includes numerous touch points such as online stores, social
networks, call centres, etc. Changing economic dynamics,
diverse choices in products and services, numerous shopping
India’s sunrise retail sector is witnessing a major formats and unparalleled access to information has empowered
transformation as traditional markets make way for modern customers to expect more from their retail experience. The
and indigenously development retail formats. Standing on the recent economic downturn has taught discipline to the
threshold of a retail revolution and witnessing a fast changing customers.
retail landscape, Indian retail is still growing at an enviable
True omnichannel personalization should be delivered across
rate. In the new era of liberalization, there exists immense
engagement channels, throughout the customer lifecycle. In
opportunities for retail business. Progressive policies,
other words, personalization requires more than software. It
economic and political stability, liberal policies on technology,
requires creativity, knowledge, and resources—yet still, most
changing consumers profile and demographic character,
marketers have traditionally seen personalization as simply a
increasing urbanization, improved infrastructure, increasing
feature set that accompanies their technology investments.
number of nuclear families, increasing working women
With an estimated $800 BN to be put forth to personalization
population are new opportunities. Bulging of middle and upper
efforts in the next 5 years, personalization is more than a
middle classes, whose purchasing power is now substantial and
priority for marketers—it is a necessity. Part of the problem is
turning Indian economy as the fourth largest economy in the
that the customer data that marketers have is not unified.
world in terms of purchasing power, are opportunities galore
Identity linking is a core piece to fixing this issue—customers
for giving further boost to retail business in India.
engage with brands through various devices and channels, and
The experience of China and Indonesia shows that traditional marketers must figure out how to match customer identities
and modern retail can co-exist and grow, albeit at different across multiple touchpoints in 2019. Tying customer IDs
rates. After 9 percent growth in India’s retail market from 2016 together also involves audience management and

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 65
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

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ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 66
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Framework for Smart Grid Solar Photovoltaic

Dr. Rajeev Dahiya1, Dr. Nisha Kumari2
Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi
Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Sc. & Technology, Murthal

Abstract: A smart grid is an evolved grid system that economy and to keep the pace of financial development India
manages electricity demand in a reliable, sustainable and need to accomplish vitality security. Further, financial
economic manner, to facilitate the integration of all involved. development, expanding flourishing, a developing pace of
The smart grid refers to cutting edge power frameworks, with urbanization and rising per capita vitality utilization has
multi-directional progressions of power and data to make a prompted expanded interest for vitality in the nation. As on
wide circulated arrange. Smart meters and home energy July 2016 India is creating 304.76 MW of power making it
management systems allow customers to program how and world's fifth biggest force maker and flip side of it is that over
when their home uses energy. The interest of vitality 60% of this force originates from coal based warm force
changes, in the night typically most reduced and most plants. The force segment is confronting extraordinary
noteworthy from about early afternoon to evening time, difficulties from the twin viewpoints of reliance on imported
however it can fluctuate as per climate designs and what's coal and its quickly expanding cost [2, 3]. India is vigorously
going on during that time. Power plants and utilities have to reliant on imported fuel which can end up being impeding to
work harder to meet the needs of electric consumers when its monetary development because of unexpected
the demand is highest. The innovation will give buyers close topographical and political circumstance in the locale. So as to
to ongoing control of their vitality charges and encourage accomplish vitality freedom, the reliance on imported coal
enormous scope electric vehicle charging. Because of these must be diminished by creating exchange vitality sources. For
advantages keen matrix is future for electrical frameworks. the topographically differentiated nation like India, sustainable
power source is most suitable type of vitality as it can capacity
Keywords: Smart grid, Components, PV systems to thousand of remote towns and villages and reasonable
source to satisfy developing vitality need of the nation and to
1. INTRODUCTION seek after success without dirtying the earth.India being a
tropical nation lies somewhere in the range of 8o and 37o north
A smart grid is an electrical grid which includes a variety of latitude has normal yearly temperature going between 25 0 to
operation and energy measures including smart meters, smart 27.50, with around 300 clear bright days in a year and every
appliances, renewable energy resources, and energy efficient day normal sun powered vitality occurrence over India changes
resources. The first alternating currentpower grid system was 4-7 kWh/m2 offers extraordinary potential for using sun
installed in 1886 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts [1]. At oriented vitality [4] and being a long waterfront line give
that time, the grid was a centralized unidirectional system of plentiful breeze vitality consistently. To accomplish this
electric power transmission, electricity distribution, and mammoth objective of 100 GW, a thorough program covering
demand-driven control. Grid connected systems are system R&D, exhibition and usage, marketed, modern advancement
connected to a large independent grid usually the public and mindfulness advancement of PV innovation has been
electricity grid and feed power directly into the grid. These propelled by service of new and sustainable power source
systems are usually employed in decentralized grid-connected (MNRE) [5].
PV applications and centralized grid-connected PV
applications. Actually, Indian government is quick to improve sun based
limit inside coming five years by advancing decentralized and
The improvement of new vitality sources is constantly rooftop top scale sun based tasks. The investigation did by
upgraded on account of the basic circumstance of the synthetic TERI [6] assessed that potential for housetop SPV power plant
modern energizes, for example, oil, gas and others. In this (in view of market in urban settlement of India) is 124 GWp in
manner, the sustainable power sources have become a the nation.
progressively significant supporter of the complete vitality
devoured on the planet. Among the sustainable power source 2. GRID CONNECTED PV SYSTEMS
assets, the vitality through the photovoltaic (PV) impact can be
Framework associated sun oriented Photovoltaic (PV)
viewed as the most basic asset. India is a quickest developing
frameworks utilize the immediate change of daylight into

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 67

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

power which is nourished legitimately into the power matrix associating inverter synchronizing AC yield (sinusoidal) with
without capacity in batteries. This will be a generally excellent utility line voltage; and control power age of each PV cell [11].
approach to support the current power creation limit in the
Smart grids are not only aligned perfectly with the needs and
nation, which is fundamentally from hydro and warm sources.
demands of our time, they are also predicted to have
This will contribute emphatically to the compounding vitality
significant long-lasting effects. For example, the innovation
circumstance in the nation. Sunlight based vitality, being a
will update maturing gear and update things. This will assist
sustainable source, will likewise give vitality without poisons
with diminishing the probability of power outages, burnouts
and ozone depleting substance outflows. This can likewise
and power floods. The innovation will likewise diminish both
assist with alleviating the unfriendly impact of an Earth-wide
the expense of vitality utilization and creation. With its full
temperature boost just as add to feasible vitality advancement.
usage, savvy networks will make inexhaustible force practical
It will likewise establish the tone for comparative undertakings
and prepare the matrix to satisfy expanding vitality needs. All
to be created in different organizations there by accomplishing
the more critically, be that as it may, the innovation will give
the objective of 10% sustainable power source in the power
customers close to constant control of their vitality charges and
age blend set by the legislature. In the realm of the Smart Grid,
encourage enormous scope electric vehicle charging.
buyers and service organizations the same have apparatuses to
oversee, screen and react to vitality issues. The progression of 3. GENERIC FLOW CHART FOR PROVIDING
power from utility to purchaser turns into a two-way SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEM
discussion. Shrewd frameworks will give greater power to
Here is an attempt to develop a generic framework towards
satisfy rising need, increment unwavering quality and nature of
providing SPV power system. For this, authors propose
intensity supplies, increment vitality proficiency, can
framework in the form of a flow chart as shown in Fig 1. Step
coordinate carbon free vitality sources into power systems.
wise description of the proposed framework has been
Matrix interconnection of PV power age framework has the provided:
benefit of increasingly compelling use of created power.
Step 1: Solar Radiation- An initial step in this regard may
Framework interconnection of PV frameworks is cultivated
be ‘evaluation of site; and efficient measurement and
through the inverter, which convert dc power created from PV
modules to air conditioning power utilized for standard force recording of solar radiation amount’. This significant
supply to electric supplies. Inverter framework is in this advance is going to make us ready to comprehend
state of site, and accessibility of radiation (least, most
manner significant for lattice associated PV frameworks [7].
extreme and normal accessibility) for outfitting
The presentation of network associated PV frameworks can be
consistently and furthermore other related
assessed by researching the exhibition proportion (PR), which
is characterized by the proportion of the framework
effectiveness and the ostensible proficiency of PV modules Step 2: Functional Requirement of SPV Power System-
under STC. P. Sritakaew et. al. [8] Investigated the This step will help us in deciding specifications of
presentation of PV network associated frameworks by required components, modules, software etc.
examining recuperated genuine force, and stacking decrease of
tie time/switch. G. Ofualagba talks about the mounting Step 3: Safety Measures- Each part of safety should be all
enthusiasm for photovoltaic innovation including universal and around considered before we move towards planning
U.S. exercises [9]. The scientists have depicted Photovoltaic of SPV power framework including issues identified
frameworks and talked about displaying, structure and with regulating security, substantive wellbeing, saw
monetary contemplations remembering its for lattice and off security and security. This may incorporate basically
matrix applications.It is regularly accepted, in the investigation voltage security, current wellbeing, human security,
of framework associated generators, that the lattice supply physical auxiliary wellbeing, incidental wellbeing,
shows an ideal voltage waveform and that the installed safety against natural disaster and others in
generators themselves are unaffected by annoyances of the compliance with industry, state government, central
network, for example any unsettling influence created is government and international regulations.
expected exclusively to the installed sources. In all actuality, Step 4: Designing of SPV Power System-This progression
be that as it may, the activity of these force electronic will incorporate structuring of size of SPV power
generators, and henceforth the present waveform they source framework followed by various plan stepssuch as
into the system, can be altogether influenced by minor calculating maximum number of modules in series,
mutilation of the voltage waveform at the purpose of minimum number of modules in series, sizing of
association [10]. JinhuiXue Concentrate the impact of Inverter, strings in parallel to inverter etc.
intensity control strategy utilizing sinusoidal heartbeat width-
tweaked inverter with lattice associated PV System. The Step 5: Developing Site Layout- This step may include
scientists have portrayed plan of uninvolved fillers and evaluation of static load for housetop due to PV
topology of fundamental circuit; and propose neoteric network module and mounting, creating structure, completing
concealing investigation, tilt edge assessment for

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 68
Framework for Smart Grid Solar Photovoltaic Systems

ideal outcomes, choosing about module dividing, systematically designed preventive maintenance
doing cluster design, getting modules' wiring, schedule has to be done to either avoid if possible or
grouting of structure and every single other advance at least minimize any kind of ‘break down’.
to make SPV power framework.
Step 9: Future Extensions- A scope of future extensions has
Step 6: Techno-Economic Analysis- Evaluation of SPV to be provided considering successful performance of
power system is the next step to analyze technical and power system and future demands of electrical
economic outcomes SPV power system with respect energy.
to inputs.
Step 7: Analyzing limitations and scope- This step is about
To achieve a modernized smart grid, a wide range of
providing limitations of the SPV power plant to make
technologies should be developed and must be implemented.
us analyze impacts/implications of limitations for
These technologies generally grouped into following key
helping in deciding future course of actions.
technology areas as discussed below.
Additionally, scope should be chosen as far as issues,
for example, regardless of whether the unit is going to Intelligent Appliances: Wise machines have equipped for
run as 'remain solitary' or in joining with some other choosing when to consume energy dependent on client pre-set
force age framework utilizing other inclinations. This can lead to going away along toward
sustainable/custom vitality source. reducing peak loads which affect power age costs. For
example, smart sensors, like temperature sensor which is used
Step 8: Developing Maintenance Schedule and its
in thermal stations to control the boiler temperature based on
Compliance- Appropriate compliance of
predefined temperature levels.

Solar Radiation

Functional Requirements of SPV Power System

Safety Measures

Designing of SPV Power System

Developing Site Layout

Techno-Economic Analysis

Analyzing limitations and scope

Developing Maintenance Schedule

Future Extensions

Fig. 1. Generic flow chart for providing SPV power system

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 69
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

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power stream into numerous headings. Substations require [5] MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy).
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[10] Simmons AD, Infield DG. Current waveform quality from grid-
matrix tasks. The development of smart grid technologies will
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give friendlier environment for future, better force supplies operating conditions. Progress in Photovoltaics Research and
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ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 70
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

The Internet of Things and its Application in

Healthcare Industry
Arundhati Baweja
Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, Janakpuri, New Delhi, 110058

Abstract: The Internet of Things is a tool which has led to There are a number of serious concerns about dangers in the
creationof enormous advancements in industries, homes, growth of IoT, especially in the areas of privacy and security,
healthcare etc. The IoT revolution has redesigned modern and consequently industry and governmental moves to begin to
healthcare system. The IoT-enabled healthcare research is address these.
significant due to its valuable implications, including higher
Each ‘thing’ in the IoT network is provided with unique
quality and lower cost of services and reliable preventive
identifiers (UIDs) and has the ability to transfer data over a
care. Through IoT it has even become possible forpatients to
network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-
get the cure of their disease without actually visiting the
computer interaction .This technology, named as Internet of
hospitals i.e. telehealth has been made possible. This paper
Things (IoT), "provides an integration approach for all these
reviews the current literature on the IoT in healthcare and
physical objects that contain embedded technologies to be
discusses its applications and enabling technologies, as well
coherently connected and enables them to communicate and
as critical challenges.
sense or interact with the physical world, and also among
themselves" . The Internet of Things is a concept that’s reflects
Keywords: IoT, healthcare, telehealth
a "connected set of anyone, anything, anytime, anyplace, any
service, and any network"[2]. One of the most attractive
1. INTRODUCTION applications fields for IoT is the Healthcare, giving to us the
The Internet of things (IoT) is a system of interrelated possibility of many medical applications such as remote health
computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, monitoring, fitness programs, chronic diseases, and elderly
animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers care. The rapid advancement of cloud computing, mobile
(UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without applications and wearable devices supports the IoT‟s role in
requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. transforming the traditional approach to healthcare into smart
[1]. and personalised healthcare.
The definition of the Internet of things has evolved because of 2. HISTORY OF IOT
the convergence of multiple technologies, time period
The term Internet of Things was first introduced [4] by the
analytics, machine learning, commodity sensors, and
founder of the Auto-ID centre at the Massachusetts Institute of
embedded systems. ancient field of embedded systems,
wireless sensor networks, control systems, automation Technology. Auto-ID is used to describe all sorts of measures
(including home and building automation), and others all to identify and improve applications, such as work automation,
contribute to sanctionative the internet of things. In the client efficiency enhancement, error reduction etc. In 2003, the Auto-
market, IoT technology is most synonymous with products ID centre released the electronic product code (EPC) network.
bearing on the concept of the "smart home", covering devices The EPC enables tracking objects moving from one location to
and appliances (such as lights, thermostats, home security another.This gives an idea for the IoT implementation, where
systems and cameras, and alternative home appliances) that microchips can be used to create a network for mainstream
support one or a lot of common ecosystems, and might be commercial means.The radio frequency identification (RFID)
controlled via devices related to that scheme, like smartphones
implementation further cements the opportunities for
and smart speakers.
developing the IoT as a new IT paradigm in both academic and
The IoT has a wide range of applications and can be industrial environments.[8] In the 2005 report of the
successfully implemented in areas such as the healthcare International Communication Union, the IoT was proposed as
sector, retail business, travel and tourism, hypermarkets, event a collaboration of computing and sensor-based technologies,
management, the manufacturing sector, environmental such as sensors, wireless networks, embedded systems, object
systems, logistic systems, hotels and restaurants and a lot
identifiers and nanotechnologies.[10]This combination enables
more. This broad spectrum of application areas depicts the IoT
as playing a vital role in the smooth functioning of society.[1] the objects to be tagged, sensed and controlled over the

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 71

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

networks. The IoT is considered a combination of technologies these technologies may differ in terms of the installation cost,
aimed to provide interaction and communication among linked transmission rates, distance, the number of entities, power
devices. [3] consumption, maintenance cost and so on, based on
differences in working radio frequencies and security
The advancements of medical devices after the introduction of 3. Location Technology
IoT include the emergence of medical IoT systems that can be
connected to mobile phones. The medical IoT is basically a In modern tracking systems, real-time location systems
system comprising mainly health-monitoring devices. Firstly, (RTLS) help locate objects. The global positioning system
Patients‟ health parameters are remotely recorded by a back- (GPS) is considered the most important RTLS. This satellite-
end system, afterwards, the back- end system analyses the dependent navigation system is capable of locating objects
recorded data and provides appropriate feedback to the under various weather conditions. For healthcare applications,
concerned doctor. The feedback helps in determining the the GPS can help in precisely locating ambulances, patients,
current health situation of patients and immediately react to doctors and so on. Smart indoor positioning network systems
critical cases. A medical device can be used to monitor health can be created by combining the GPS or the BDS with an LPS
parameters. At the same time, it should be taken into in a high bandwidth wireless communication network. [12]
consideration that the dataset recorded by these devices is of 4. Sensing Technologies
utmost importance as it comprises the health records of
patients. This system is quite useful for healthcare clinics, Sensors form the heart of the IoT-based systems, as they are
hospitals or outpatient clinics. The medical IoT system is a on-the-ground devices performing the critical part of
sophisticated setup that contains a variety of mechanisms and monitoring processes, taking measurements and collecting
systems, such as medical equipment, smart sensors, network data. For example, the pulse oximeter that was invented in the
gateways, cloud computing, big data, clinical information 1970s is used as a major device for diagnosis.[16] It helps a
systems and so on, that cooperate to control the healthcare physician monitor a patient‟s heart rate (HR) and blood
environment. oxygen saturation (SpO2), which are critical for emergency
4. IMPLEMENTATION OF IOTTECHNOLOGY IN services. Other types of sensors include temperature, pressure,
HEALTHCARE water quality and smoke sensors. The instruments comprise
various sensors, including accelerometers, gyroscopes, surface
1. Identifying Technology electrodes, among others. It is possible to transform all the
received data from the sensors into a digital form and
IoT networks are based on heterogeneous frequencies, immediately transmit it over a network. The prevalence of
standards and transmission rates for transferring data. These wireless sensors has made it possible for people to wear
networks can be further be classified as long-distance and portable sensors capable of automated data collection and
short-distance technologies. Long-distance technologies are transfer.
intended to affect regular means of communication, like the
web or mobile phones. Short-distance communication mostly 5. Cloud Computing
utilises wireless technologies, like Bluetooth, Infrared Data
Association (IrDA), Wi-Fi, ultra-wideband (UWB), RFID then During its operations, an IoT system generates a huge amount
on. A working model of the IoT has a large number of of data that has to be stored, processed and shared[17]. Cloud
nodes/interfaces which generates data and have access to it, computing forms the building block of the IoT architecture as
it can support the storage and the processing of the immense
irrespective of its location.[3] To do so, it is necessary to
identify the nodes. The identification process assigns a unique data generated by individual sensors and devices. The cloud
identification number (UID) to each node in order to provide collects data from the individual devices in an IoT system to
unambiguous information exchange via the node. Each analyse and share it with other sensor devices on the network.
individual resource in a system is given a digital UID. This It is possible for the cloud data centres to enhance or decrease
helps create relations among different entities in the digital the computing capacity, depending on the demand.
Furthermore, research proves the huge potential of cloud
domain. It enables the prompt location of the available objects
within the network without fail. Various standards have been computing for the next-generation smart systems for people
proposed for the unique identification of objects in the digital with disabilities[17]. All the future IoT systems are supposed
domain, such as a universally unique identifier (UUID). One to be based on the cloud. The associated devices from the
such standard has been developed by the Open Software computers can be decoupled by cloud computing by avoiding
individual installation[18]. An additional benefit of IoT
devices is that they can be reconfigured without much user
2. Communication Technologies effort and time. Since cloud computing is reliable and platform
independent, the setup of cloud centres in hospitals and
While considering an IoT-based system, the communication medical centres facilitates resource sharing and leads to the
technologies enable the network infrastructure. The features of

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 72
The Internet of Things and its Application in Healthcare Industry

development of highly reliable medical monitoring and module that functions in collaboration with a body
management systems[19] temperature monitoring device.
5. EXAMPLES OF IOTSERVICES IN HEALTHCARE 5. Wheelchair Management: Several studies have already
been conducted to develop smart wheelchairs for people
An IoT-based healthcare architecture has three main layers:
with disabilities who use the IoT application. For example,
information perception, network transmission and application
Yang[23] proposes an IoT-based healthcare system for
service. The information perception layer primarily consists of
persons with disabilities. The system utilises Wireless
sensors that are used to continuously monitor people‟s health
Body Area Networks WBANs technology to control and
statistics[20]. The collected data is transmitted over the
coordinate different sensors. The vibrations in the
networks and stored in cloud data centres. Wireless
wheelchair are controlled by the system. It also keeps
technologies, such as Wi-Fi, ZigBee, EnOcean and so on, are
track of the status of the person using the wheelchair by
utilised to transmit data over the networks. The application
monitoring his or her sitting position, as well as giving
service layer involves the IoT applied in a medical centre,
information about the surroundings.
providing a remote healthcare service.[21]
6. Heart Rate Smartphones are increasingly used as integral
1. Electrocardiogram Monitoring: In electrocardiogram
parts of a medical IoT. All the newer electronic devices
(ECG) monitoring, the system keeps track of the HR and
are now controlled by smartphones. Several healthcare-
the basic rhythm, along with the identification of
related hardware products have been integrated into and a
multifaceted arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia and
lot of software applications have been developed for
prolonged QT intervals by recording the electrical activity
smartphones. Smartphones are currently equipped with a
of the heart. The ECG monitor consists of a wireless
large number of healthcare applications. Several
transmitter and a receiver. An automated application can
noncontact measuring sensors that work on image analysis
identify an abnormal heart activity. The data is transferred
algorithms are also used for healthcare applications[24]. A
in real time to mobile phones and the doctor‟s clinic via a
typical smartphone is now capable of diagnosing diseases
network. The IoT system utilises algorithms for
such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
continuous ECG monitoring
cystic fibrosis, allergic rhinitis, nose-related symptoms of
2. Glucose-Level Monitoring: A medical IoT system is the respiratory tract, HR, BP, SpO2, among others.
capable of continuously monitoring glucose levels in a
non-invasive way. The patients use wearable sensors
capable of tracking their health parameters, and the
collected data is transferred via an internet protocol
(IPV6) network to significant healthcare providers. The
tracking device consists of a blood glucose collector, a
mobile phone and an IoT-based medical acquisition
detector to monitor the glucose level[25].Glucose-level
monitoring provides individual patterns of modifications
in glucose levels that can be utilised to decide about
meals, physical activities, medication times and so on.
3. Blood Pressure Monitoring: A patient’s BP can
continuously be monitored by using a wearable sensor
device. The machine consists of a BP apparatus with Fig. 1. Application of IoT in healthcare industry[27]
network-based communication abilities. Blipcare is such a
device that uses a home Wi-Fi network to record BP and
upload the recorded data. The device also has an LCD
display to show the BP. A device for remotely monitoring
BP has been proposed.[21]
4. Body Temperature Monitoring: The change in body
temperature is used to identify homeostasis, which forms
an essential part of healthcare services. A TelosB mote,
used in a medical IoT, has an embedded sensor to record
body temperature. Jian and colleagues[22] propose a
system that uses a home gateway for monitoring body
temperature in a medical IoT. The home gateway uses
infrared detection to transmit the recorded body
temperature. The system primarily includes an RFID Fig. 2. Issues faced by patients[28]

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 73
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

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[22] L. Yang, Y. Ge, W. Li, W. Rao, and W. Shen, “A home mobile and Optical Communication Conference. Taipei, Taiwan: IEEE,
healthcare system for wheelchair users. In Proceedings of the 2015.
18th International Conference on Computer Supported [25] R. E. Samuel and D. Connolly, “Internet of Things-based health
Cooperative Work in Design. Hsinchu, Taiwan: IEEE, 2014. monitoring and management domain-specific architecture
[23] S. Sivagami, D. Revathy, and L. Nithyabharathi, “Smart health pattern,” Issues in Information Systems, vol. 16, pp. 58–63,
care system implemented using IoT,” International Journal of December 2015.
Contemporary Research in Computer Science and Technology, [26]
vol. 2, February 2016. [27]

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 75
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

A Study of Different Commercial Heart- Rate

Ravinder Singh
Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi, India

Abstract: With the increase in technology, recent the body, and many such additional health-related information.
developments have been seen in different fields of the study Heart rate monitors are mostly used by sports persons and
and health. Heart rate monitors are used to measure the individuals who practice rigorous exercise. These individuals
heart rate of individuals. There are a lot of different heart need to keep a regular check of their heart rate to avoid any
rate monitors available in the market and consumers harm. For such individuals, smartwatches would be the perfect
generally don’t have a clear idea about which device would alternative to the clinical equipment. This report analyses 4
be better. Objective: Compare the heart rate monitoring different commercially available smartwatches which offer the
technology of 4 different commercially available heart rate heart rate monitoring services.
monitors watches. Technology or Method: The purpose of
A. Heart Rate Monitor
this study is to measure the accuracy of the heart rate
monitor feature of four wrist-worn devices in comparison to A heart rate monitor (HRM) is a personal monitoring device
the ECG devices. The devices compared are the latest models that allows one to measure/display heart rate in real time or
of the respective brand in market. Four updated wrist-worn record the heart rate for later study. It is largely used to gather
devices commonly used by competitive distance runners heart rate data while performing various types of physical
include the Fitbit Charge 3, Garmin Forerunner 235, Apple exercise. Measuring electrical heart information is referred to
Watch series 5 and Polar Vantage V Results: The Apple as Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG). [1] There are commonly
Watch series 5, which uses ECG technology gave the most two different methods used in modern heart rate monitors to
accurate reading. Conclusions: Give brief concluding record heart signals.
remarks on your outcomes. Clinical Impact: By
understanding their accuracy as compared to an ECG device, • Electrical
athletes can design specialized, effective, and safe training • Optical
Both, the electrical and optical signals are able to provide the
Keywords: Heart rate monitor watch, Electrocardiography, same basic heart rate data. These use fully automated
Photoplethysmography, Heartbeat, Fitbit, Garmin, Polar, algorithms to measure the heart rate, such as the Pan-
Apple Tompkins algorithm. [2]
ECG (Electrocardiography) sensors measure the bio-potential
1. INTRODUCTION generated by electrical signals that control the expansion and
Heart rate is a crucial metric to lead a healthy lifestyle and in contraction of heart chambers, typically implemented in
this fast-paced world. Since the world is developing, there medical devices.
have been an enhancement in the technology to measure the PPG (Photoplethysmography) sensors use a light-based
heart rate. These days it is easy to measure the heart rate using technology to measure the blood volume controlled by the
the different devices available in the market. These devices heart's pumping action. [3]
may include activity trackers and built-in heart rate monitors in
smartwatches. However, there is no certainty whether these B. Electrical HRM: Working
devices give accurate readings or not. The heart rate which
Heart-rate monitoring chest straps consist of a long, belt-like
give accurate readings are generally those used commercially
elastic band that wraps around the chest, a small electrode pad
in clinics. These are used for medical purposes. They are,
that sits against the skin, and a removable transmitter.
however, too bulky to be used in everyday life since it consists
Electrocardiography is used by these heart-rate monitors to
of a lot of wires and circuits. Presently, modern wearable
record the electrical activity of the heart. This process involves
devices not only provide simple fitness tracking measurements
electrodes, which are present in the shiny, flat pad against the
such as step count but also monitor important physiological
skin. That pad requires moisture, water or sweat in order to
considerations, such as Heart Rate Variability (HRV), glucose
pick up any electrical signal. [4]
measure in the body, blood pressure readings, oxygen level of

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 76

A Study of Different Commercial Heart- Rate Monitors

Fig. 3. Working of Optical heart rate monitor technology

The wearable PPG sensors can only be positioned at certain
Fig. 2. ECG components body locations such as the finger, earlobe and forehead.
When the individual is doing heavy exercise which results in However, different measurement sites have different degrees
sweating, the electrodes are activated and they pick up the of accuracy.[7] The most common wearable PPG sensor
electrical signals given off by their heartbeat. This information available in the market is positioned on the wrist. There are a
is sent to the transmitter. few variations too, such as Moov's latest fitness tracker which
consists of the optical heart-rate monitor on the temple.
The transmitter is characteristically the only part of the chest
strap that is removable. There is a microprocessor inside the D. Bioimpedance Technology
transmitter that serves the purpose of recording and analyzing
Apart from the above discussed two technologies, there has
heart rate from those electrical signals, as well as a battery and
been introduction of a new technology to measure the heart
the chips needed for Bluetooth connectivity. The heart-rate
rate. It is known as bioimpedance technology. Bioimpedance
data is sent to a mobile device via the transmitter using
measures the resistance of body tissue to minute electric
Bluetooth and a connected smartphone. Here, the smartphone
current. This enables the capture of a wide range of
acts as a receiver.
physiological signals including the heart rate. This technique is
C. Optical Monitors similar to the measuring of the body composition such as fat
content. Bioimpedance fundamentally tests the amount of
Optical heart-rate monitors gather heart-rate data through the opposition to the electrical current sent through your body
process of “photoplethysmography" (PPG), or the process of tissues. [8]
using light to measure blood flow. A PPG device consists of a
light source and a photodetector. The light emitted by the light
source is reflected to a tissue which is then measured by the
photodetector. The reflected light gives the data of the blood
volume since it is proportional to blood volume variations. [5]
This data, along with motion information detected by the
device's accelerometer, is later processed with algorithms to
generate the comprehensible pulse readings.
The main source of light used in PPG sensor is an infrared
light emitting diode or a green LED as the main light source.
Infrared LEDs are generally used to measure the blood flow
concentrated intensely in certain parts of body such as the
muscles, whereas green light calculates the absorption of
oxygen in oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.[6] Fig. 4. Fig: measurement of resistance by body tissues in
(a) vertical and (b) horizontal direction

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 77
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

The heart pressure is measurement of pulse wave velocity 3. Compass and ground alleviation
(PWV), i.e. the measurement of the distance and the transit
4. Fall detection
time of the pulse between two arterial sites.
5. International SOS trigger
This bioimpedance technology was used by a brand Jawbone
for measuring the heart rate. However, the device only 6. Apps designed to keep health conditions like diabetes,
measures resting heart rate (just after you wake up) and passive stress in control
heart rate throughout the day. There’s no option to track the
7. Advanced workout metrics
active heart rate during a workout.
This company was shut down in 2017 due to financial issues. C. Garmin Forerunner 235
The bioimpedance technology is still however, experimented Characteristics:
and improvements are being made.
1. Technology name: Elevate- PPG [13]
2. Garmin works on the PPG technology to measure the heart
A. Fitbit Charge 3
Characteristics: 3. Smartphone compatibility with iOS and Android
Technology name: PurePulse – PPG 4. Live track
Although Fitbit doesn’t mention photoplethysmography, but 5. Step counter
the technology uses optical heart rate sensors that maintain
extended battery life. 10] 6. Move bar: to alert period of inactivity

SpO2 pulse oximetry sensor for sleep insights. 7. Sleep monitoring

1. This sensor is useful in making Pulse oximetry, which is a 8. Calories burned
test that measures what proportion of the oxygen-carrying 9. Distance travelled
molecules in the blood (called haemoglobin) are actually
carrying oxygen. This is known as oxygen saturation or 10. GPS based distance, time and pace
SpO2. Fitbit uses this sensor to generate the readings 11. HR Zones
while sleeping and reports of any abnormality in the
oxygen saturation while sleeping.[11] D. Polar Vantage V
2. Heart rate zones such as fat burn, cardio or peak zone Characteristics:
3. Automatic exercise recognition 1. Technology name: Precision Prime- PPG
4. All-day calorie burn 2. Polar technology also works using the optical HRM
5. Real-time pace and distance: connect with phone's GPS to technology. Its technology uses three methods to provide
see pace and distance during outdoor runs. accurate heart rate: nine optical channels using several
colors and wavelengths of light, 3D acceleration and an
6. Wireless sync to android, iOS and windows devices. electrical sensor that measures the quality of sensor-skin
7. 24X7 Heart rate tracking contact. [14]
B. Apple Watch Series 5 3. 9 LED Optical HR sensors

Characteristics: 4. Electronic sensors for skin contact measurement

5. Extensive fitness features
1. Technology name: ECG App
6. Multisport mode to track several different sports in one
The Apple watch uses ECG app to measure heart rate.
This feature replicates a single-lead ECG with a titanium
electrode in the watch's Digital Crown and a layer of 7. Support for swimming metrics and cycling sensors
chromium silicon carbon nitride on the back of the watch.
8. Bluetooth Connectivity
When you place your fingertip on the electrode, it creates
a closed circuit from finger to heart to wrist and allows the Comparision of Heart Rate Monitors
watch to record the electrical impulses that make your
heart beat. [12] The heart rate measurements of Fitbit Charge 3, Apple Watch
Series 5, Garmin Forerunner 325, Polar Vantage V watch were
2. Alerts when noise level increases. compared with an ECG device. The ECG device gives

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 78
A Study of Different Commercial Heart- Rate Monitors

readings with an accuracy of about 98%. These readings are 3. Garmin Forerunner 325
compiled from various sources. [15][16][17]
Graph description: Mean changes in heart rate (HR) over time.
Time represented in mins vs mean HR bpm on y-axis for both
HRM watch and ECG device.
1. Fitbit Charge 3

Fig. 7. Image source:

Observation: We can see from the graph that the Garmin
Forerunner cannot cope up with readings of the ECG device
under extreme conditions. The average reading is almost close
to the ECG readings.
4. Polar Vantage V

Fig. 5. Image source:

Observation: We can see from the graph that the readings of
FB Charge 3 are not in sync with that of the ECG device
though it has a similar pattern like that of the ECG device.
2. Apple Watch Series 5

Fig. 8. Image source:

Observation: We can infer from the graph that the Polar
Vantage V is lagging and takes time to warm up. The readings
are, however, similar to the ECG readings.
Comparing the accuracy rate and features of the four watches,
we observe the following.


5 325
Fig. 6. Image source:
Connectivity iOS and iOS iOS and Bluetooth
Observation: We can see from the graph that the readings of Android Android
the Apple watch are quite in sync with that of the ECG device
Accuracy Not very Accurate Accurate Accurate
(Mio Alpha). This may be due to the fact that Apple watch
accurate only for but slow
uses the same technology as the ECG device. Therefore, their
readings are similar.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 79
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security


CHARGE WATCH FORERU VANTAGE The present study compared four commercially available
3 SERIES NNER V online heart rate monitoring systems with its main focus on
5 325 their use in daily life of individuals. The Apple Watch series 5,
Sleep insight SpO2 Sleep Sleep Sleep which uses ECG technology gave the most accurate reading.
pulse tracking monitor tracking The athletes and other individuals competing in extremely
oximetry vigorous activity need to be able to track exertion levels and
design training plans that are appropriate, in order to avoid
Problems Incorrect Can only Slow heart Lagging injury, leading a healthy lifestyle and improving their fitness
occurred active connect rate heart rate training.
heart rate to iOS. monitor, monitor.
reading cannot Takes time REFERENCES
cope up to warm up. [1] Heart Rate Monitor
with chest [2] Available:
strap. [3] Pan, Jiapu; Tompkins, Willis J. (March 1985). "A Real-Time
Additional Heart rate Noise Move bar, 9 LED QRS Detection Algorithm". IEEE Transactions on Biomedical
features zones, all level Heart rate Optical HR Engineering. BME-32 (3): 230–236.
day calorie alertness, zones sensors [4] Neurosky, “ECG vs PPG for Heart Rate Monitoring: Which is
burn Fall Best?”
detection [5] Available:
[6] Valentina Palladino, “How wearable heart-rate monitors work,
From the result table and graphs, we could observe that all the and which is best for you”, 2017
systems were capable of generating the accurate reading under [7] Available:
normal circumstances, i.e. when the user is not doing any wearable-heart-rate-monitors-work-and-which-is-best-for-you/
heavy exercise. However, some of the watches show [8] Wang C, Li Z, Wei X. Monitoring heart and respiratory rates at
inaccurate readings when the user is doing heavy exercise. radial artery based on PPG. Opt Int J Light Electron Opt 2013,
Apple Watch Series 5 has stood out among the other 3 with Available:
accurate readings even under extreme circumstances. Light+Electron+Opt&title=Monitoring+heart+and+respiratory+
The heart rate monitoring accuracy of the four devices can be rates+at+radial+artery+based+on+PPG&author=C+Wang&auth
ranked in the following order: or=Z+Li&author=X+Wei&volume=124&issue=4&publication_
I. Apple watch series 5 [9] Kavsaoğlu AR, Polat K, Hariharan M. Non-invasive prediction
II. Polar Vantage V of hemoglobin level using machine learning techniques with the
III. Garmin Forerunner 235 PPG signal’s characteristics features. Appl Soft Comput 2015,
[10] Available:
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Since wrist-based HRM devices mainly depend on testing the teristics+features&author=AR+Kavsao%C4%9Flu&author=K+
light absorption of skin to determine the heart rate, it may face Polat&author=M+Hariharan&volume=37&publication_year=2
some challenges in order to get an accurate reading. The
following are a few such challenges: [18] [11] Tamura T, Maeda Y, Sekine M, et al. Wearable
photoplethysmographic sensors—past and present. Electronics.
• The light of the heart rate sensors may be blocked due to 2014, Available:
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since light sensors may not be able to penetrate through the hor=M+Sekine&volume=3&publication_year=2014&pages=28
skin. 2-302&
[12] How do fitness trackers measure your heart rate?
• Wrong positioning of the band may result in incorrect [13] Available:
readings. [14] Tushar Kanti Bera, “Bioelectrical Impedance Methods for
• The band needs to be tightly worn around the skin Noninvasive Health Monitoring: A Review”, 2014 Available:
• Cold weather may infer with the readings of the device

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[15] Fitbit Purepulse, Available” Houghtaling, Dermot Phelan, Nicole Gillinov, Barbara Bittel, Milind Y. Desai, “Accuracy of commercially available heart
[16] “SPO2 Sensor Probe for Pulse Oximetry”. rate monitors in athletes: a prospective study” Vol 9, No 4
[17] Available: (August 2019)
pulse-oximetry [25] Schilz SVW, Ender K Rolser N, Steinacker JM, Lazlo R.
[18] Apple, “your heart rate. What it means, and where on apple Validation and comparison of three different heart rate
watch you’ll find it.” measuring methods during treadmill performance diagnostics.
Dtsch Z Sportmed, 2019
[19] Available:
[26] Martin Schönfelder, Georg Hinterseher, Philipp Peter, and Peter
[20] Garmin forerunner 235 running watch, Spitzenpfeil, “Scientific Comparison of Different Online Heart
[21] Available: Rate Monitoring Systems”.
[22] Polar, “How to track heart rate”.
[23] Available: [27] Steven LeBoeuf, “Optical heart-rate measurement’s top 5
heart-rate-measurement-technology challenges”.
[24] Selena R. Pasadyn, Mohamad Soudan, Marc Gillinov, Penny embedded/4440217/Optical-heart-rate-measurement-s-top-5-

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 81
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Electronic Health Record: Blockchain

Rhythm Choudhary1, Manoj Kumar2, Himanshu Varshsney3, Sidharth Kumar Gehlot4
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications,
Student, Department of Computer Applications,
Maharaja Surajmal Institute, an affiliate of GGSIPU, New Delhi, India

Abstract: Social networking has been the need for every health centre to another is not efficient as it takes a lot of
human being on this earth. With the advent of Web 2.0, the physical space and carrying around everything whenever
Internet usage for social networking purpose has been made required is a hectic job. There can be a risk of misplacing some
possible. There is a wide presence of many Apps already in documents that is dangerous and could lead to inevitable
the market with various useful and interesting features but consequences.
the need was felt to develop an App that has features of
To overcome this we can use the technologies to create a
Parental control so as to know the emotion and sentiments
virtual database that is easy to use and reduce the use of
that prevail in a chat along with the knowledge of gender and
physical space and risk of losing the documents. There are
age group of the contact person. In addition to these features,
different technologies that can be used to develop the system
the next level of security that includes Biometric
that stores the Electronic Health Record. The different
authentication, Identity Protection, Intruder Alert and Hide
technologies that can be considered are cloud storage, database
App Icon have been added in this app to make it stand
management, blockchain database.
different from rest of the Apps in the market.
Keywords: Blockchain, Health Record System, Blockchain
During a health checkup [1] not only is there a prescription of
Security, Blockchain databases
a doctor but also several reports and past records are taken into
examination. A regular health checkup or during any kind of
diagnosis the doctor or the medical staff demands for the past
It is a well-known fact that health is a core pillar of human laboratory test reports, different allergies, past clinical records,
development and is a key indicator for assessing the radiology images, medications or immunization dates. All
achievements in capability of enhancements and well-being. these records are considered to be the health record which is
Good health is a cherished goal as it helps in realizing human essential for any kind of medical treatment.
capabilities and thus contributes to well-being. Studies show
2.1. Electronic Health Record:
that healthy people are more productive and their contribution
augments economic development and fuels growing incomes. Electronic Health Record: Traditional or current approach of
On the other hand, ill-health stifles the full realization of keeping these records is by maintaining the hard copy record
psychological, social and economic capabilities, and has of each and every date with oneself and then provide it to the
financial implications in terms of loss of income and medical officer whenever required. This method is hectic to
productive time as well as the need to avail of medical care. maintain and requires more paper storage. To overcome this
India being the second most populous country has a population and to provide an ease method to maintain the health record of
of 1.2 billion people who are responsible for the development a person the concept of Electronic Health Record[2] comes in
and betterment of the country and its people. Healthcare action. The electronic health record maintains the data of all
should be the main concern for the government at the current kinds of laboratory reports, radiology images, medications and
stage as the modern age habitation is leading itself towards an past clinical records in a digital medium where the centralized
environment where there are dominant unhealthy habits and server would help them to store it and carry it along whenever
surroundings. and wherever they want. The records here will be generated by
A person's regular health checkups and their periodic reports the help of digital medium and will be stored digitally hence it
are important to be updated and kept enact to provide better can be shared to anyone at any time with just the usage of
results and better diagnosis for them. During the course of authentication for security. This will reduce the time taken in
checkup or diagnosis there are series of test records and other sharing the health record and the medical officers can also
images or videos that are to be stored for the study of body or access this without any long duration of paper arranging and
for future references. Considering the traditional method of reading. Overall the Electronic health record can be a viable
storage of health records, this method to store the records option to upgrade the health records of a person.
physically and to carry them every time we move from one

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 82

Electronic Health Record: Blockchain

2.2. Need for Electronic Health Record Proof of work refers to the term where a user has to show that
he/she has performed some complex computational
Health records in general are an important part of the routine mathematics. This way a simple block addition also requires
health checkup or for any kind of diagnosis. While the time and system requirements to alter or corrupt the data in a
traditional method could result in losing some set of data due block that is not efficient enough for hackers or third party
to human error, Electronic health record will provide the applications.
history of a patient without any missing report.
Other than this the blocks are hashed and then their locations
Electronic health records will also create an arranged set of are saved into the next block and hence the locations are also
data according to the requirement of the users. secured enough and it also requires computation of complex
While there will be a centralized system there will be a set mathematical problems.
standard that will help the user to maintain the record and this Blockchain database system provides the security of data in the
will be helpful in data analysis also. sense that it is not open for editing by any third party or any
We are moving towards the age of data and data analysis, our kind of hacking elements since the blocks are protected by the
health record maintained with the standards will be also treated hash codes and is disintegrated that is a set of data maybe
as the data and analysis could be done on it which will again available at 10 different blocks in 10 different not known
yield some beneficial result that can be used for the betterment systems.
of people’s health. By default blockchain data is visible to the public but to even
3. BLOCKCHAIN secure the data inside the block we can use private key
encryption which will also protect the data stored inside the
Blockchain technology[3] is a disintegrated time stamped blocks. The private key encryption will allow just the
series of data connected with each other in a form of blocks. concerned user to view the information inside the block.
The blocks are the individual database where data can be
stored in any form and as soon as the transaction is completed Since the database is not centralized and the blocks are
the data is then hashed to return the hash code for reference scattered into disintegrated systems the private key will be
and is stored in the next block. Blockchain can be seen as a secure within the hands of the user and there will be no fear of
linked list where the data stored has the reference of previous sharing the data from a centralized server.
data block, but in a more secure way. The recording of data in While if someone manages to compute the equations and attain
the block is termed as transaction and for each transaction to access to one block, he will have to again perform the same
be done the user has to perform some kind of work in the amount or more to achieve the next block information as the
blocks to generate the hash code of the same block. hash values of the block keeps changing as soon as you access
To store the data in the blockchain database[4] the following the block.
steps are required: Hence this kind of threat is only possible if one has an access
• A transaction has to be done, transaction here refers to the of 51% of the blockchain system so that he will not have to
addition of any kind of data in the blocks and this is spend more and more time decoding the blocks and editing the
completed after the data is successfully mined into the data. Hence this concept makes the blockchain database
block. security hacking proof.

• After the transaction is completed the data is to be verified 3.2. Blockchain Database
by the concerned authorities that the data entered is valid Blockchain databases[6] will consist of different disintegrated
and relevant for that block. blocks that will store the data of the user. The concept is
• After the verification of the transaction the data is finally different from the traditional method of databases in a way that
stored into the block and is now a part of the blockchain. the traditional databases have a centralised system or server
that consist all the data that has been entered by the user. The
• Since the blockchain is secured by the hash keys therefore centralised database can have many security threats as all the
the last step of storing data is generation of the hash key to data are stored in one location any threat to even one database
secure it from public access. may hamper all the data stored in the database. The third party
3.1. Blockchain Security can have easy access to the data by just entering through one
Security issues related to blockchain can be acknowledged by
While in the blockchain database each and every block is
the functioning of any kind of blockchain [5]. The process to
separated from each other and has a hash code encryption to
introduce data into the blocks or add a new block requires
secure their locations. Over that to edit any kind of data in the
proof of work.
blocks it is difficult as they have to access the hash code,
retrieve the private key encryption and then edit the data in it.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 83
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Now to edit the whole bunch of data they have to perform the Applying blockchain[12] in the health sector without rigorous
same in several blocks which is time taking and ineffective. research and usability tests could be catastrophic. For example,
doctor’s access may get delayed due to the scalability issue of
blockchain[13] in a critical moment, which may cause bad
Electronic health records[7,8] are the most sensitive data for a
Other than this blockchain set up cost and each transaction cost
person as the data consists of all kinds of his past history and
differs for different kinds of blockchain that is present in the
medication data with laboratory reports. If these kinds of data
market, hence it may affect the efficiency of the idea. While
are kept out in public with high risk of vulnerability [9] then it
considering the amount of security provided by blockchain[14]
may cause life and death to a person. The proper diagnosis is
the cost factor can be ignored up to an extent.
only expected when the previous records are considered
without any alteration. 6. CONCLUSION
To overcome the risk of corruption of data one can include Electronic health record is the next big step that a nation
many terms and clauses or forms of security to the server or should take to advance the health sector. EHR in many ways is
system but the threat still lies as the data will be stored in one an efficient and well-conceived idea to help the different
location and attack to that location will lead to attack to all the Medical institutes and users when it comes to the storage and
data that has been stored there. usage of health records that can be laboratory test reports,
radiology images, personal health chart, immunization reports,
While blockchain[9] being a decentralized system the power
allergies list. All these records when kept in a digital medium
does not lie at one place and the whole system is distributed
will help them to deduce better and quicker results. While
and everyone has data in a network so there is no chance for
there is a traditional method to create database but there are
data loss and the security doesn't allow the corruption of data.
many points that makes the centralised database a non-viable
4.1. Security option when data regarding health of individuals are
The main concern for the blockchain system [10] inclusion is
the security of the system as the electronic health records Blockchain systems are a new method to create the database,
requires the highest level of security when a digital record is blockchain databases are decentralised and are secure enough
considered. to not let any kind of third party or hacker to corrupt the data
that has been stored there. This way the crucial and sensitive
4.2. Availability health records are stored securely as the data is digitally
signed. Studying about the blockchain many new possibilities
The users of electronic health records will have to keep their
records up to date and may require access to the record and new obstacles were discovered when it comes to store the
anytime of the day hence the centralised system failure may medical data. We have discussed some of the points and hence
came to a conclusion that the traditional databases are not as
result in delay if the records are required urgently. On the
efficient as blockchain databases when it comes to store the
contrary the blockchain system or the decentralised system has
Health Records because of the factors like centralised and
the copy of data in every system connected to that network so
decentralised, security, and transparency. While there are some
users can view the data even if one of the systems is hampered.
points that might raise a concern when it comes to storing the
4.3. Anonymity of the User data in blockchain.
The location of the blocks are stored in the other blocks in 7. FUTURE SCOPE
hashed form and does not reveal the exact location details. The Looking at the broader picture we are moving towards more
hash codes are not easy to crack if one doesn’t know about the advancement in all sectors with the help of technology. New
computational algorithm of that code. This way the data might methods to unfold better results are being used on a daily basis
be visible to all but the user of the data is still anonymous. so that new kind of information is deduced and helps in the
5. CONCERNS REGARDING BLOCKCHAIN research or new methods for diagnosis. Considering the health
department there are numerous amounts of data that can be
Health-care[11] is fundamentally a very complex and sensitive used for analysis like the medication history according to the
sector. Adaptation of technology is always very slow due to demographics. Number of patients of certain disease for the
legislative requirements. drug department to deal with it, or the diagnosis record for the
However, interoperability and collaboration are very important government to frame a scheme accordingly.
in this sector for service delivery and innovation. Electronic Health Record with the help of blockchain will
Blockchain can be used to enable interoperability and ensure the sharing of data without any disclosure of individuals
collaboration without compromising the security of the health identity.
care providers.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 84
Electronic Health Record: Blockchain

[1] B.L. Radhakrishnan, A. Sam Joseph, S.. Sudhakar, Securing
[9] Systematic Approach to Analyzing Security and Vulnerabilities
Blockchain based Electronic Health Record using Multilevel
of Blockchain Systems, Jae Hyung Lee, MIT, 2019
Authentication2019, 5th International Conference on Advanced
Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS) [10] What is blockchain technology?, Ameer Rosic,, 2017.
[2] Electronic Health Records Standards for India 2016, Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. [11] V M Harshini, Shreevani Danai, H R Usha, Manjunath R
Kounte, “Health Record Management through Blockchain
[3] Blockchain Explained, Nathan Reif,,
Technology”, 2019 3rd International Conference on Trends in
Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI)
[4] Chowdhury, Mohammad & Colman, Alan & Kabir, Ashad &
[12] Ayesha Shahnaz, Usman Qamar, Ayesha Khalid, “Using
Han, Jun & Sarda, Paul. (2018). Blockchain Versus Database: A
Blockchain for Electronic Health Records”, IEEE Access
Critical Analysis. 1348-1353.
10.1109/TrustCom/BigDataSE.2018.00186 [13] Andrei Cirstea, Florentina Magda Enescu, Nicu Bizon, Cosmin
Stirbu, Valeriu Manuel Ionescu, “Blockchain Technology
[5] How secure is Blockchain Technology,, 2018.
Applied in Health The Study of Blockchain Application in the
[6] Blockchain vs Relational Database, Luther Martin, Health System (II)”, 2018. 10th International Conference on, Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)
[7] Pirtle C, Ehrenfeld J. Blockchain for Healthcare: The Next [14] Yiheng Liang, “Identity Verification and Management of
Generation of Medical Records? J Med Syst 2018; 42:172. Electronic Health Records with Blockchain Technology”, 2019
doi:10.1007/s10916-018-1025-3 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics
[8] What’s the difference between a Blockchain and traditional (ICHI).
database, Kyle Schlapkohl,, 2019.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 85
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Internet User and Cyber Crime in India

Dr. Jasbir Singh
Associate Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: The phenomenal growth of computers and Internet the time it is detected. Computer is a major source for cyber
services has engendered the problem of cyber crime crime. Cyber crime is any illegal activity arising from one or
proliferation on the account of investigation difficulties and more Internet components. Cybercrime can include everything
lack of strong evidences further, existing laws and preventive from non-delivery of goods or services and computer
measures are not effective to curb such crimes. India has intrusions to
witnessed an unprecedented index of Cyber-crimes whether
There are two ways this is done - phishing and harming, both
they pertain to Trojan attacks, salami attacks, e-mail
methods lure users to fake websites, where they are asked to
bombing, DOS attacks, information theft, or the most
enter personal information. This includes login information,
common offence of hacking. Despite technological measures
such as usernames and passwords, phone numbers, addresses,
being adopted by corporate organizations and individuals, we
credit card numbers, bank account numbers, OTP and other
have witnessed that the frequency of cyber-crimes has
information criminals can use to "steal" another person's
increased over the last decade. Since users of advance
technology, computer system and internet are increasing
worldwide in large number day by day, where it is easy to India had 451 million monthly active internet users as on 31
access any information easily within a few seconds by using March 2019, which is followed to China's 800 million plus
internet which is the medium for huge information and a user base. India's internet users expected to register double
large base of communications around the world. Certain digit growth to reach 627 million in 2019, driven by rapid
precautionary measures should be taken by all of us while internet growth in rural areas. Internet usage in the country has
using the internet which will assist in challenging this major exceeded half a billion people for first time, pegged at 566
threat Cyber Crime. In this paper, I have discussed various million, driven by rural internet growth and usage. In 2018 it
categories of cyber-crime and cyber-crime as a threat to noted that the number of internet users in India has registered
person, property, government and society. In this paper I an annual growth of 18 percent and is estimated at 566 million
have suggested various preventive measures to be taken to as of December 2018, a 40 percent overall internet penetration,
snub the cyber-crime and consequences of cyber-crime. it observed.
It projected a double digit growth for 2019 and estimates that
Keywords: Internet User, Global, Cyber-crime. Computer
the number of internet users will reach 627 million by the end
crime, hacking, cyber fraud, consequences, Prevention of
of this year. Out of total internet user, 87 percent or 493
million Indians are defined as regular users, having accessed
internet in last 30 days. Nearly 293 million active internet
users reside in urban India, while there are 200 million active
Cyber crime is different from Conventional crime (“a legal users in rural India. A report found that 97 percent of users use
wrong that can be followed by criminal proceedings which mobile phone as one of the devices to access internet. While
may result into punishment.”(1)). Cyber crime is the latest and internet users grew by 7 percent in urban India, reaching 315
perhaps the most complicated problem in the cyber world. It is million users in 2018, digital adoption is now being propelled
defined as “Any criminal activity that uses a computer either as by rural India, registering a 35 percent growth in internet users
an instrumentality, target or a means for perpetuating further over the past year.
crimes comes within the ambit of cyber crime” (2 A
It is now estimated that there are 251 million internet users in
generalized definition of cyber crime may be “unlawful acts
rural India, and this is expected to reach 290 million by the end
wherein the computer is either a tool or target or both”(3)).
of 2019. "Increased availability of bandwidth, cheap data plans
Cybercrime is also substantially different from computer
and increased awareness driven by government programmes
crime. It's like the difference between people who use
seem to have rapidly bridged the digital gap between urban
computers for all they can be versus people who use computers
and rural India. Consequently, the penetration in rural India
as a tool like a typewriter. Cyber crime is hard to detect, thus
has increased from 9 per cent in 2015 to 25 percent in 2018.”
giving the perpetrators plenty of time to flee the area in which
Bihar registered the highest growth in internet users across
the crime was committed, because of this fact the criminals can
both urban and rural areas, registering a growth of 35 percent
be in another country far away from the scene of the crime by
over last year.

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 86

Internet User and Cyber Crime in India

The report also noted that the internet usage is more gender (2000) has increased by 85.4% in the year 2011 in compared to
balanced than ever before with women comprising 42 percent 2010, whereas the increase in incidence of the crime under IPC
of total internet users. There would be 2.1 billion networked is by 18.5% in compared to 2010. Visakhapatnam records the
devices by 2023 and M2M (machine to machine) modules maximum number of incidence of cases. Maharashtra has
would account for 25% (524.3 million) of all networked emerged as the center of cyber-crime with maximum number
devices, according to the report. of incidence of registered cases under cyber-crimes. Hacking
with computer systems, mobile phone and obscene publication
were the main cases under IT Act for cyber-crimes. Maximum
India will have over 907 million internet users by 2023, offenders arrested for cyber-crimes in the age group 18-30
accounting for 64% of the population, according to Cisco’s years. In 2010 age group 18-30, 563 people were arrested
Annual Internet Report. The report says devices and which had increased 883 in the year 2011 respectively. Table
connections are growing faster (7% CAGR) than the No-1 shows that cyber crime growth rate in 2014-15 in India
population (1% CAGR) in India, boosting the growth in the was 20.5% and in 2015-16 it was 6.3%. Table no 2 shows that
average number of devices and connections per household and cyber crime in above said time period under various act was
per capita. There would be 2.1 billion networked devices by found 1%.
2023 and M2M (machine to machine) modules would account
for 25% (524.3 million) of all network.
The different kinds of cyber-crimes are:
Out of the 451 million users, 385 million belong to the age
group of 12 years and above, while 66 million are aged 1. Unauthorized Access and Hacking: Unauthorized access
between 5 and 11 years, suggesting that a significant number means any kind of access without the permission of either of
of India’s demographic on internet are actually school the rightful or person in charge of the computer, computer
children. system or computer network. Hacking means an illegal
intrusion into a computer system and/or network. Every act
Despite the Smartphone penetration and availability of 4G
committed towards breaking into a computer and/or network is
services at shoestring prices across India, there is a huge
hacking. Hackers write or use ready-made computer programs
gender disparity that still exists in terms of internet usage by
to attack the target computer. They possess the desire to
destruct and they get the kick out of such destruction. Some
Maximum number of cases under cyber-crimes were reported hackers hack for personal monetary gains, such as to stealing
in Uttar Pradesh (2, 639 cases) (21.4%) followed by the credit card information, transferring money from various
Maharashtra (2, 380 cases) (19.3%) and Karnataka (1, 101 bank accounts to their own account followed by withdrawal of
cases) (8.9%) during 2016. money. Government websites are the most targeted sites for
the hackers.
During 2016, 48.6% of cyber-crime cases reported was for
illegal gain (5, 987 out of 12, 317 cases) followed by revenge 2. Web Hijacking: Web hijacking means taking forceful
with 8.6% (1, 056 cases) and insult to the modesty of women control of another person’s website. In this case the owner of
with 5.6% (686 cases). the website loses control over his website and its content.
Corruption, Cyber and Economic Crimes in States/UTs (2016): 3. Pornography: Pornography means showing sexual acts in
Cyber Crime (7.7%), Forgery (8.6%), Prevention of order to cause sexual excitement. The definition of
Corruption Act (2.8%), Counterfeiting (0.9%), Criminal pornography also includes pornographic websites,
Breach of Trust (11.7%), and Cheating (68.4%) pornographic magazines produced using computer and the
internet pornography delivered over mobile phones.
The advancement of technology has made man that dependent
on Internet for all his needs. Internet has given to a man easy 4. Child Pornography: The Internet is being highly used as a
access to everything while sitting at one place. Social medium to sexually abuse children. The children are viable
networking, online shopping, storing data, gaming, online victim to the cyber-crime. Computers and internet having
studying, online jobs, every possible thing that man can think become a necessity of every household, the children have got
of can be done through the medium of internet. Internet is used an easy access to the internet. There is an easy access to the
in almost every sphere. With the development of the internet pornographic contents on the internet.
and its related benefits also developed the concept of cyber-
5. Cyber Stalking: Cyber stalking is as the repeated acts of
crimes. Cyber-crimes are committed in different forms. A few
harassment targeting the victim such as following the victim,
years back, there was lack of awareness about the crimes that
making harassing phone calls, killing the victims pet,
could be committed through internet. In the matters of cyber-
vandalizing victims property, leaving written messages or
crimes, India is also not far behind the other countries where
objects. Stalking may be followed by serious violent acts such
the rate of incidence of cyber-crimes is increasing day by day.
as physical harm to the victim. Cyber Stalking means repeated
According to National Crime Records Bureau report (NCRB
acts of harassment or threatening behavior of the cyber-
2011), the incidence of cyber-crimes in India under the IT Act

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 87
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

criminal towards the victim by using internet services. Both counted on the e-mail being read by a percentage of people
kind of Stalkers i.e., Online & Offline – have desire to control who actually had listed credit card numbers with legitimately.
the victims life.
11. Sale of illegal articles: This category of cyber-crimes
6. Denial of Service Attack: This is an attack in which the includes sale of narcotics, weapons and wildlife etc., by
criminal floods the bandwidth of the victim’s network or fills posting information on websites, auction websites, and bulletin
his e-mail box with spam mail depriving him of the services he boards or simply by using email communication.
is entitled to access or provide. This kind of attack is designed
12. Online Gambling: There are millions of websites; all
to bring the network to crash by flooding it with useless traffic.
hosted on servers abroad, that offer online gambling. In fact, it
Another variation to a typical denial of service attack is known
is believed that many of these websites are actually fronts for
as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack wherein the
money laundering. Cases of Hawala transactions and money
perpetrators are many and are geographically widespread.
laundering over the Internet have been reported.
7. Virus attacks: Viruses are the programmes that have the
13. Email Spoofing: Email spoofing refers to email that
capability to infect other programs and make copies of it and
appears to originate from one source but actually has been sent
spread into other program. Programmes that multiply like
from another source. Email spoofing can also cause monetary
viruses but spread from computer to computer are called as
worms. These are malicious software that attaches them to
other software. Virus, worms, Trojan horse, Time bomb, Logic 14. Cyber Defamation: When a person publishes defamatory
Bomb, Rabbit and Bacterium are the malicious. Viruses matter about someone on a website or sends e-mails containing
usually affect the data on a computer, either by altering or defamatory information to all of that person’s friends, it is
deleting it. On the other hand worms merely make functional termed as cyber defamation.
copies of them and do this repeatedly till they eat up all the
available. 15. Forgery: Computers, printers and scanners are used to
forge counterfeit currency notes, postage and revenue stamps,
Trojan horse is a program that acts like something useful but mark sheets etc. These are made using computers, and high
do the things that are quiet damping. Trojans come in two quality scanners and printers.
parts, a Client part and a Server part. When the victim
(unknowingly) runs the server on its machine, the attacker will 16. Theft of information contained in electronic form: This
then use the Client to connect to the Server and start using the includes theft of information stored in computer hard disks,
Trojan. removable storage media, in mobile phones etc.
17. Email Bombing: Email bombing refers to sending a large
8. Software Piracy: Software piracy refers to the illegal
number of emails to the victim resulting in the victim’s email
copying of genuine programmes or the counterfeiting and
account (in case of an individual) or mail servers (in case of a
distribution of products intended to pass for the original. These
kind of crimes also include copyright infringement, trademarks company or an email service provider) crashing.
violations, theft of computer source code, patent violations etc. 18. Data Diddling: Data diddling involves changing data prior
or during input into a computer. The information is changed
9. Salami Attacks: These attacks are used for the commission
from the way it should be entered by a person typing in the
of financial crimes. The key here is to make the alteration so
data, a virus that changes data, the programmer of the database
insignificant that in a single case it would go completely
or application, or anyone else involved in the process of having
unnoticed. e.g. a bank employee inserts a programme, into the
bank’s servers, that deducts a small amount of money (say Rs. information stored in a computer file. It also include automatic
5 a month) from the account of every customer. No account changing the financial information for some time before
holder will probably notice this unauthorized debit, but the processing and then restoring original information.
bank employee will make a sizable amount of money every 19. Internet Time Theft: Internet time refers to usage by an
month. unauthorized person of the Internet hours paid for by another
10. Phishing: Phishing is the act of sending an e-mail to a user person.
falsely claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an 20. Theft of Computer System: This type of offence involves
attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information the theft of a computer, some part(s) of a computer or a
that will be used for identity theft. The e-mail directs the user peripheral attached to the computer.
to visit a web site where they are asked to update personal
information, such as passwords and credit card, social security, 21. Physically Damaging a Computer System: This crime is
OTP, Credit/Debit Card details and bank account numbers that committed by physically damaging a computer or its
the legitimate organization already has. The Web site, peripherals.
however, is bogus and set up only to steal the user’s 22. Breach of Privacy and Confidentiality: Privacy refers to
information. By spamming large groups of people, the phisher the right of an individual/s to determine when, how and to
what extent his or her personal data will be shared with others.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 88
Internet User and Cyber Crime in India

Breach of privacy means unauthorized use or distribution or deterrent provisions to deal with cyber threats and cyber-
disclosure of personal information. Confidentiality means non- attacks.
disclosure of information to unauthorized or unwanted
persons. In addition to Personal information some other type of • Established National Critical Information
information which useful for business and leakage of such Infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIIPC): This Centre
information to other persons may cause damage to business or give protection of critical information infrastructure in the
person, such information should be protected. country.

Generally for protecting secrecy of such information, parties • Formulated National Cyber Security policy (2013): This
while sharing information forms an agreement about the framework ensures a secure and resilient cyberspace for
procedure of handling of information and to not to disclose citizens, businesses and government.
such information to third parties or use it in such a way that it • Set up Indian Computer Emergency Response Team
will be disclosed to third parties. Many times party or their (CERT-In): This team solves the issues alerts and
employees leak such valuable information for monitory gains advisories regarding latest cyber threats and
and causes breach of contract of confidentiality. Special countermeasures on regular basis. It conducts regular
techniques such as Social Engineering are commonly used to training programmes for network and system
obtain confidential information. administrators and governments Chief Information Security
23. E-commerce/ Investment Frauds: An offering that uses Officers (CISOs) and critical sector organisations regarding
false or fraudulent claims to solicit investments or loans, or securing the IT infrastructure and mitigating cyber-attacks.
that provides for the purchase, use, or trade of forged or • Launched Cyber Swachhta Kendra (which is Botnet
counterfeit securities. Merchandise or services that were Cleaning and Malware Analysis Centre): This Kendra
purchased or contracted by individuals online are never work for detection of malicious programmes and provide
delivered. The fraud attributable to the misrepresentation of a free tools for their removal.
product advertised for sale through an Internet auction site or
the non-delivery of products purchased through an Internet • Cyber Crime Prevention for Women and Children
auction site. Investors are enticed to invest in this fraudulent (CCPWC) Scheme: Under this scheme Government of
scheme by the promises of abnormally high profits. India released grants to States/UTs to set up a Cyber
Forensic cum Training Laboratory and to organize capacity
24. Cyber Terrorism: Targeted attacks on military building programme on cyber awareness and cyber-crime
installations, power plants, air traffic control, banks, trail investigation. A Division has been established under
traffic control, telecommunication networks are the most likely Ministry of Home Affairs to deal with Cyber and
targets. Others like police, medical, fire and rescue systems Information Security.
etc. Cyber terrorism is an attractive option for modern
terrorists for several reasons. PREVENTION OF CYBER CRIME: Prevention is always
better than cure. It is always better to take certain precautions
STEPS TAKEN BY INDIAN GOVERNMENT: Indian while working on the net. One should make them a part of his
Government has undertaken number of legislative, technical cyber life. 5P mantra suggests for online security: Precaution,
and institutional measures for addressing cyber security issue Prevention, Protection, Preservation and Perseverance.
and strengthening cyber security system in country. Some
steps taken by Govt. are as like: • Identification of exposures through education will assist
responsible companies and firms to meet these challenges.
• National Cyber Coordination Centre (NCCC): It is an
operational cyber security and e-surveillance agency in • One should avoid disclosing any personal information to
India which is intended to screen communication meta-data strangers, the person whom they don’t know, via e-mail or
and co-ordinate intelligence gathering activities of other while chatting or any social networking site.
agencies. It generates situational awareness about potential
• One must avoid sending any photograph to strangers by
and existing cyber security threats and enables timely
online as misusing or modification of photograph incidents
sharing of information for proactive, preventive and
increasing day by day.
protective actions by individual entities.
National Cyber Security Coordinator (NCSC): Under this • An update Anti-virus software to guard against virus
National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS) coordinates with attacks should be used by all the citizens and should also
different agencies at the national level for cyber security keep back up volumes so that one may not suffer data loss
matters. in case of virus contamination.

Enacted Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000: This act • A person should never send his credit card number or debit
provides legal recognition for electronic communication, card number to any site that is not secured, to guard against
electronic commerce and cyber-crimes etc. IT Act has acted as frauds.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 89
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

• It is always the parents who have to keep a watch on the year, the average cost of a data breach will reach an estimated
sites that their children are accessing, to prevent any kind $150 million.
of harassment or depravation in children.
• Web site owners should watch traffic and check any In conclusion, computer crime does have a drastic effect on the
irregularity on the site. It is the responsibility of the web world in which we live. It affects every person no matter where
site owners to adopt some policy for preventing cyber- they are from. It is ironic that those who in secret break into
crimes as number of internet users are growing day by day. computers across the world for enjoyment have been labeled as
• Web servers running public sites must be physically deviance. Many hackers view the Internet as public space for
separately protected from internal corporate network. everyone and do not see their actions as criminal. Hackers are
as old as the Internet and many have been instrumental in
It is better to use a security programs by the body corporate to making the Internet what it is now. Hacking and computer
control information on sites. crime will be with us for as long as we have the Internet. It is
• Strict statutory laws need to be passed by the Legislatures our role to keep the balance between what is a crime and what
keeping in mind the interest of citizens. is done for pure enjoyment. Government is making an effort to
control the Internet. Yet, fully control over the Internet is
• IT department should pass certain guidelines and impossible, because Internet was created. Families and the
notifications for the protection of computer system and institution of education is needed, parents need to let their
should also bring out with some more strict laws to children know what is okay to do on the computer and what is
breakdown the criminal activities relating to cyberspace. not and to educate them on the repercussions of their actions
should they choose to become part of the subculture of
• As Cyber Crime is the major threat to all the countries
hackers. Natural truth is that nobody know about what
worldwide, certain steps should be taken at the
computer crime will include in the future is totally unknown.
international level for preventing the cybercrime.
What was criminal yesterday may not be a crime the next day
• A complete justice must be provided to the victims of because advances in computers may not allow it. Passwords
cyber-crimes by way of compensatory remedy and might be replaced for more secure forms of security like
offenders to be punished with highest type of punishment biometric security. Most of the recorded computer crimes
so that it will anticipate the criminals of cyber-crime. cases in most organization involve more than individual and
virtually all computer crime cases known so far are committed
4. GLOBAL CYBER-SECURITY STATS by employer of the organization. Criminals have also adapted
So far, 2019 has brought us a bumper-crop of incidents and the advancements of computer technology to further their own
concerns, and things will only become worse as we move into illegal activities.
2020 and beyond. Although cyber-security insurance spending Since users of computer system and internet are increasing
is expected to increase to $14 billion in US dollars by 2022, 68 worldwide in large number day by day, where it is easy to
percent of businesses have no liability coverage at all. In fact, access any information easily within a few seconds by using
80 percent of enterprises don't even have a comprehensive
internet which is the medium for huge information and a large
cyber-security prevention and mitigation plan in place.
base of communications around the world. Certain
Another trending threat is the rise of bring your own device precautionary measures should be taken by all of us while
(BYOD). It's estimated that 59 percent of employers allow using the internet which will assist in challenging this major
employees to conduct business on their personal smart-phones, threat Cyber Crime.
tablets, or laptops. Allowing staff to work from home or use REFERENCES
their own devices is convenient and cost-effective for business
owners, but it also leaves companies more vulnerable to social [1] A Guide to Cyber-Crime Investigations, August Bequai, Legal
engineering exploits and ransom ware attacks. Editor, 7921~otws Branch Drive, Suite 133, Mcban, VA 22102,
Globally, one of the most vulnerable sectors is healthcare, [2] Cyber Crime Information System for Cyberethics Awareness
which suffered three out of the top seven most costly breaches A.B. Patki S. Lakshminarayanan S. Sivasubramanian S.S.
in 2015. This is followed by manufacturing in second place, Sarma (Authors are with Department of Information
and the banking/finance industry to round-out the top three. Technology, Government of India)
As far as attacks and exploits, those are becoming more
sophisticated and harder to detect. There is a hacking attempt [3] Internet crime Cyber Crime – A new breed of criminal? Kit
launched every 39 seconds and more than half of those are Burden & Creole Palmer, Barlow Lyde & Gilbert
aimed at small businesses. Last year alone, more than half a [4] Computing Crime: Information Technology, Police
billion personal records were stolen by cybercriminals. By next Effectiveness, and the Organization of Policing _ Luis Garicano

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 90
Internet User and Cyber Crime in India

University of Chicago and CEPR Paul Heaton University of [10] Ramanatam R (2002). ‘Introductory Econometrics with
Chicago December 4, 2006 Application’ Fifth Ed. Published by Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd.,
[5] Cyber Crime (article), Silicon Times, Vol. 2, Issue 12, Singapore.
December 2002 [11] Statistical Abstract of India, Various Iss., Gov. of Haryana.
[6] Damodar NG (2005). ‘Basic Econometric’ Fifth Edition [12] Wayne WD (1990). ‘Applied Non-Parametric Statistics’ pub. by
Published by PWSKENT Publishing Company, Boston.
[7] Tata McGraw-Hall Publishing Company Limited-New Delhi. [13]
[8] Government of India, National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), _70.pdf
Various Iss., Min. of Home Affairs. [14]
[9] John EH, Dean WW (2007). ‘Business Forecasting’ Eight
Edition Published by Pearson Prentice Hall New Delhi. million-in-2019-

TABLE 1: Cyber Crimes in India in 2016

Crime Incidence Percentage Variation

Crime Head 2014 2015 2016 2014 -2015 2015-16
Total Cyber Crimes 9, 622 11, 592 12, 317 20.5% 6.3%

Source: Crime in India Statistics 2016

TABLE 2: Cyber Crime under various Acts in India

Crime Incidence Percentage Variation

Crime Head 2014 2015 2016
Incidence Crime Rate Incidence Crime Rate Incidence Crime Rate
Information Technology Act, 7201 0.6 8045 0.6 8613 0.7
Copyright Act, 1957 5236 0.4 5241 0.4 4606 0.4
Trade Marks Act, 1999 119 00 186 00 103 00
Total 12556 1.0 13472 1.1 13322 1.0

Source: Crime in India Statistics 2016

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 91
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Blockchain – Novel Applications Over Obvious

Tanya Arora1, Arundhati Baweja2
Maharaja Surajmal Institute, C-4 Janakpuri, New Delhi, India-110058

Abstract: The research paper gives a brief overview storage systems, proof-of-location, healthcare and so on[1].
ofimplementation of the Blockchain in domains beyond Recent research articles and projects/applications were
crypto-currency. Today, in the world of Internet of Things surveyed to work out the implementation of Blockchain for
and cloud computing, blockchain is an essential addition to enhanced security and to spot its associated challenges and
the technology. The accelarated development of blockchain thence to propose solutions for Blockchain enabled enhanced
and its multiple applications has made it a force to be security systems. The knowledge base of the research is within
recognized. But the scope of blockchain is not limited to the realm of the digital ledger, specifically, in Blockchain.
bitcoin or the cryptocurrencies implementation. This paper
enlightens the stipulation of blockchain beyond
cryptocurrency and reveals the insights of blockchain
technology concepts, evolution, mechanisms and challenges This section briefly describes the fundamentals of the
based on literature review. In Blockchain, Proof-of-Work technology behind the Blockchain. A Blockchain comprises of
(PoW), a cryptographic puzzle is used to confirm transactions two different components:
and produce new blocks to the chain, thus ensuring
1. Transaction: A transaction depicts the action triggered by
Blockchain security by maintaining a digital ledger of
transactions. Furthermore, Blockchain uses a Public Key the participant, in a Blockchain,
(PK) which is used to generate an actual cryptocurrency 2. Block: A block, in a Blockchain, is a collection of data
address which serves as a user’s account identifier to which recording of the transaction and other associated details
funds can be paid thus recording user's identity. Latest such as sequence, time of creation, etc. The Blockchain
research articles and projects were considered and surveyed may be public or private depending the scope of its use. A
to assess the application of Blockchain in field other than public Blockchain enables all the users with read and write
crypto-currency. permissions like in Bitcoin, access to that. However, there
are some public Blockchains that limit the access to only
Keywords: Blockchain, Public Key, Proof of Work, either to read or to write or private Blockchains which
Cryptocurrency limit the access to selected trusted participants only, to
keep the users’ details concealed. This is particularly
1. INTRODUCTION applicable amongst governmental institutions. One of the
major benefits of the Blockchain each participating
Blockchain is comparatively a new technology, a stratified
entities possesses is an updated complete record of the
sample of research is presented, spanning over the last ten
transactions and the associated blocks. Thus the
years, ranging from the early work in this field which included
information remains unaltered, as any changes are going
investigation in different types of usage of Blockchain,
to be publicly verifiable. Although, the data in the blocks
associated challenges, applications, security and privacy
are encrypted by a private key and hence cannot be
issues. The main focus of the review study is to identify the
interpreted by everyone. Another advantage of the
most beneficial direction for future use of Blockchain beyond
Blockchain technology is that it is decentralized ie
crypto-currency[1]. Key benefits of blockchain technology
include encryption, provenance and immutability.[2] • The transactions aren't subject to approval of any single
Blockchain is considered essential for forming the backbone authority or need to abide by specific rules.
for ensuring enhanced security and privacy for various
applications in other domains like the Internet of Things (IoT) • Its implementation technology is public. There is no single
eco-system. The Proof-of-Work (PoW) maintains a digital device which stores the info, they're distributed among all
ledger of transactions that is unalterable thus ensuring the participants throughout the network supporting the
Blockchain security. Furthermore, To provide an extra layer of Blockchain.
privacy, Blockchain uses a changeable Public Key (PK) to • The overall security of a Blockchain eco-system. Only new
record the users’ identity. The successful adoption of blocks are allowed to append in the system. Since the
Blockchain has been implemented in diverse systems like in previous blocks are public and distributed, they can't be
online voting, decentralized messaging, distributed cloud altered or revised. For a brand new transaction to be added

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 92

Blockchain – Novel Applications Over Obvious

to the present chain, it has to be validated by all the and verification process, are assorted together in a block.
participants of the relevant Blockchain eco-system. For The newly prepared block is then communicated to all
such a validation and verification process, a specific other participating nodes to be appended to the prevailing
algorithm must be applied by the participants. The relevant chain of blocks. Each succeeding block comprises a unique
Blockchain eco-system defines what's perceived as “valid”, digital fingerprint known as hash, of the preceding one.
which can vary from one eco-system to a different. A Figure 1 demonstrates how Blockchain transactions takes
number of transactions, thus approved by the validation place, using a step-by-step example.

Fig. 1. Step by step functioning of blockchain transaction[12]

3. BLOCKCHAIN USAGE BEYOND machine consensus. For example, if you wish to make any
CRYPTOCURRENCY transaction from one part of the world to another, you can do
that with Blockchain all by yourself within a few seconds.
Though Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies are the primary popular
Moreover, any interruptions or extra charges won't be deducted
application of Blockchain technology, they're not the sole
within the transfer.
ones. The nature of Blockchain technology has led businesses,
industries, and entrepreneurs from all round the world to Blockchain validates all the transactions and preserves a
explore the technology’s potential and make revolutionary permanent record of them while ensuring that any
changes in several sectors. identification related information of the users are kept
incognito. Thus all the private information of the users are
The Internet is a gigantic tool to aid every sphere of the
sequestered while substantiating all the transactions.
modern digital life but it is still very muchflawed in terms of
Blockchains are decentralized in nature meaning that no single
the shortage of security and privacy, especially when it
person or group holds the authority of the general network.
involves FinTech and E-commerce.
While everybody within the network has the copy of the
With the utilization of Blockchain, the interaction between two distributed ledger with them, nobody can modify it on his or
parties through a peer-to-peer model is definitely accomplished her own. This unique feature of Blockchain allows
without the need of any third party. Blockchain uses P2P transparency and security while giving power to the users.
protocol which allows all the network participants to carry a Blockchain thus appears to be the ideal “Trust Machine” [11]
uniform copy of transactions, enabling approval through a paradigm.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 93
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Liang et al. [4] puts forward a Blockchain based trusted cloud monitoring of transactions. Infact, Bitcoin is simply an
data provenance architecture, ‘ProvChain’, which is fully exemplary use of the Blockchain. Blockchain is considered to
decentralized. Such adoption of the Blockchain during a cloud be a novel revolution within the domain of computing enabling
environment can provide strong protection against records limitless applications like storing and verifying legal
being altered thus enabling an enhanced transparency also as documents including deeds and various certificates, healthcare
additional data accountability. In the cloud [9, 10] data, IoT, Cloud then forth. Tapscott [6] rightly indicated
environment, the history of creation of any cloud data object Blockchain to be the “World Wide Ledger”, enabling many
and its subsequent operations performed thereupon are new applications beyond verifying transactions like in: smart
recorded by the info structure mechanism of ‘Data deeds, decentralized and/or autonomous organizations/
Provenance’, which is a type of cloud metadata. Thus this is government services etc.IN an IoT ecosystem [12, 13], most of
often vital to supply the utmost security to the info provenance the communication is in the form of Machine-to-Machine
for ensuring its data privacy, forensics and accountability. (M2M) interactions. Thus establishing trust among the
participating machines is a huge challenge that IoT technology
Underwood [5] considers the appliance of Blockchain
still has not been met extensively. However, Blockchain may
technology to completely overhaul the digital economy.
act as a catalyst during this regard by enabling enhanced
Ensuring and maintaining trust is both the first and initial
scalability, security, reliability and privacy [3]. This can be
concern of the application of the Blockchain. Blockchain can
achieved by deploying Blockchain technology to trace billions
also be used to gather chronological and sequence information
of devices connected to the IoT eco-systems and used to enable
of transactions, because it could also be seen as a huge
and/or coordinate transaction processing. Applying Blockchain
networked time-stamping system. For example, NASDAQ is
in the IoT ecosystem will also increase reliability by axing the
using its ‘LinqBlockchain’ to record its private securities
only Point of Failure (SPF). The cryptographic algorithms used
transactions. Meanwhile the Depository Trust & Clearing
for encryption of the block data also because the hashing
Corporation (DTCC, USA) is functioning with Axoni in
techniques may provide better security. However, this shall
implementing financial settlement services like post-trade
demand more processing power which IoT devices currently
matters and swaps. Regulators are also interested for
suffer from. Thus further research is required to beat this
Blockchain’s ability to offer secure, private, traceable real-time
current limitation.

Fig. 2. Blockchain potential applications[8]

4. SCOPE AND FUTURE OF BLOCKCHAIN “Plateau”in “five to ten years”. However, this technology is
shown stooping into the region of the “Trough of
As per the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies
Disillusionment”. Because of the extensive adoption of the
2018, shown in Figure 2, below, Blockchain still is in the
Blockchain in a wide range of applications beyond
region of “Peak of Inflated Expectation” with forecast to reach

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 94
Blockchain – Novel Applications Over Obvious

cryptocurrency, forecasting is a shift in classification from precious commodities such as silver, gold and diamond,
“five to ten years” to “two to five years” to reach maturation. Identity management, healthcare and other commercial uses as
Blockchain possesses a great potential in empowerment of the well as in financial inclusion. However, this will immensely
citizens of the developing countries once broadly adopted by e- depend on national political decisions.
governance applications for asset ownership transfer of

Fig. 3. Gartner Hype Cycle, 2018 [7]

5. CONCLUSION component of the Internet that lacked in security and trust

before. Blockchaintechnology still has not reached its maturity
The application of the Blockchain concept and technology has
with a prediction of five years as offbeat applications continue
grown much beyond its use for Bitcoin generation and
to be implemented world-wide.
transactions. The properties of its traceability, time-stamping,
privacy, security and inherent data provenance has seen its REFERENCES
adoption past its initial application areas. The Blockchain itself
[1] Mahdi H. Miraz and Maaruf Ali, "Applications of Blockchain
along with its variants are now used to secure all types of Technology beyond Cryptocurrency”, Annals of Emerging
transactions, be ithuman-to-human communications or Technologies in Computing (AETiC), pp. 1-6, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1st
machine-to-machine. Its adoption appears to be secure all the January 2018, Published by International Association of
more with the global emergence of the Internet-of-Things. Its Educators and Researchers (IAER), Available:
decentralized application across the already established global
Internet is also very imploring in terms of assuring data [2] IBM:"Blockchainbeyomdcryptocurrency”, (December 2019)
redundancy and survivability. The Blockchain is especially Available:
identified to be suitable in developing nations where ensuring kchain-beyond-cryptocurrency/
trust is the main concern. Thus the invention of the Blockchain [3] Mahdi H. Miraz and Maaruf Ali, "Blockchain Enabled
can be seen to be an integral and much required additional Enhanced IoT Ecosystem Security, " (accepted) in proceedings

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 95
Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

of the First International Conference on Emerging Technologies on Cloud Computing (IJCC), vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-12, February
in Computing 2018 (iCETiC '18), London, UK, 23 August 2014, Available:
[4] Xueping Liang et al., "ProvChain: A Blockchain-based Data 001html-v1i1y2014/
Provenance Architecture in Cloud Environment with Enhanced [10] Maaruf Ali and Mahdi H Miraz, "Cloud Computing
Privacy and Availability, " in Proceedings of the 17th Applications, " in Proceedings of the International Conference
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and on Cloud Computing and eGovernance - ICCCEG 2013,
Grid Computing (CCGrid '17), Madrid, Spain, May 14 - 17, Internet City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2013, pp. 1-8,
2017, pp. 468-477, Available:
[11] Mahdi H. Miraz, "Blockchain: Technology Fundamentals of the
[5] Sarah Underwood, "Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin," Trust Machine, " Machine Lawyering, Chinese University of
Communications of the ACM, vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 15-17, Hong Kong, 23rd December 2017,
November 2016, Available: Available:
[6] Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott, Blockchain Revolution: How [12] Mahdi H. Miraz, Maaruf Ali, Peter S. Excell, and Richard
the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, Picking, "Internet of Nano-things, Things and Everything:
and the World, 1st ed. New York, USA: Penguin Publishing Future Growth Trends, " (to be published) Future Internet,
Group, 2016. 2018.
[7] Gartner, "5 Trends in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging [13] Mahdi H. Miraz, Maaruf Ali, Peter Excell, and Picking Rich,
Technologies, 2018, " Gartner, Inc., Gartner Hype Cycle 2018, "A Review on Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Everything
August 2018, (IoE) and Internet of Nano Things (IoNT), " in the Proceedings
Available: of the Fifth International IEEE Conference on Internet
trends-emerge-in-gartner-hype-cycle-for-emerging- Technologies and Applications (ITA 15), Wrexham, UK, 2015,
technologies-2018/ pp. 219 – 224, Available:
[8] Paulswansen, “Blockchain potential applications and
Disruption”, Steemit, 2019, 398
hain-potential-applications-and-disruption [14] RosicAmeer, (2017). What is blockchain technology?
Blockgeeks, 2017
[9] Maaruf Ali and Mahdi H. Miraz, "Recent Advances in Cloud
Computing Applications and Services, " International Journal [15] Available:

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 96
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Algorithmic Analysis of Moss Results

Rhythm Choudhary1, Bhupesh Varshney2
Asst. Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute
Student at Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: Moss or Measure of Software Similarity is a great We now define some new metrics for analyzing this data.
tool for professors to judge plagiarism in programming
assignments. Although Moss it still not a complete solution to
detect plagiarism, it has some limitations. Nodes are results returned by Moss i.e every individual file
name which is returned by Moss is a single node.
• It has no way of knowing why codes are similar.
For e.g In Fig 1, we have 7 nodes namely test_java5,
• Moss Results are not a proof of plagiarism. Someone test_java3 etc.
must still look at the code. 3. M-GROUP
1. INTRODUCTION We define m-groups (moss-groups) as groups of solution
Analyzing Moss data is not easy hence we try to provide some which have similar code. For example A student who solves a
algorithmic ways which can help professors make sense of programming problem may share their solution with 3 of
Moss results. his/her friends, that is a single m-group with 4 nodes.
Assuming that we are analyzing results for only 1 M-groups can be visulaized as Directed Graphs. A single m-
programming problem. (For e.g 40 students submitted a group may fall in one of the 2 categories:
solution to the same programming problem and out of those 20 1. Cyclic Graph
solutions were detected with plagiarism by Moss. We analyse
these 20 solutions.) 2. Acyclic Graph
For testing purposes we submitted 7 programming solutions Examples of valid m-groups.
coded in Java to a common problem of finding Fibonacci
The test data can be viewed at
Following results were obtained by Moss on submitting the
above mentioned test data.

Fig. 2.1

Fig. 2.2. Acyclic m-group with 3 nodes

Fig. 1. Moss Results

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 97

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Fig. 3.2
Fig. 2.3. Cyclic m-group
In Fig 2.1, Student A shared code with students B and C.
In Fig 2.2, A cyclic relationship arises when the same code
was shared exactly between 2 or more students.
In Fig 2.3, Student A shared code with B and Student B shared
code with student C.
Although m-groups show similar behaviour as Directed
Graphs, they have some unique properties:
1. m-groups do not have self loops.
2. Different m-group may be combined into a single
Disconnected Directed Graph. Fig. 3.3
5. TAGS In Fig 3.1, The distributor is A and the culprits are B & C.
Tags are roles which a file serves i.e. a tag is a potential In Fig 3.2, Both nodes B & C can be potentail Distributors or
distributor or potential culprit or both. In real world scenario Culprtis, this scenario arises when the percentage match of
when a student cheats there are 2 parties invloved one who both files is equal i.e a student both shares the code to someone
shares the code (the Distributor) & the one who copies it (the & copies it from someone.
Culprit). These two parties are termed as Tags.
In Fig 3.3, A distributed their code to B which makes A a
Note: In some cases the copied code may be shared with other distributor and B a culprit, B on other hand distributed the
too, this results in the person being both a Distributor as well code to C which make C a culprit and B as both a Distributor
as a Culprit hence both a potential distributor and a culprit at and a Culprit.
the same time.
Distributors: Students who distributed their code in a group.
Tags are assigned based on the percentage match which is
Culprits: Students who copied the shared code. returned by Moss. For example in Fig1, the 2nd result is read
as :
Tags are denoted as:
• D – Distributor 90% of matches with 46% of
• C – Culprit or simply stated,
• DC – Both a Distributor & Culprit
90% of is similar to 46% of
In following figures we assign tags to different nodes:
We assign test_java2 as a Culprit (C) & test_java3 as
Distributor (D) as 46 < 90, so there is a clear chance that the
student who coded test_java3 shared his solution to student
who submitted test_java2.
In case the percentage match of 2 different solutions is same
we assign both solutions/nodes as DC as we are not sure who
might have shared the code & who might copied it. This is
depicted in the 1st result of Fig 1 where percentage match of
both test_java4 & test_java5 is same i.e 94%.
Fig. 3.1

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 98
Algorithmic Analysis of Moss Results

Our goal of this analysis is to find students who actually did all Node 4 and Node 5.
the work (distributors) & students who copied (culprit). Based
on the previously discussed metrics namely m-groups and tags, 9. APPLICATION
we perform an analysis of the Moss data depicted in Fig 1. The analysis done in this paper is available as a software
With the help of below depicted graph we can extract out solution.
following relations: The code is Open-Source & can be viewed at
1. D to C


3. DC to C Our purpose for this analysis was to provide an insight on top

of Moss Data. The goal was to find all distributors and culprits.
4. DC to DC
D to C & D to DC paths yield more concrete results on who
might have copied & who distributed their code.
Using these metrics helps us give an insight to Moss results
hence helping the evaluator with making appropriate
Note: The above mentioned process and metrics for
determining potential distributors and culprits is based
on pure algorithmic assumptions in reality they may
not be 100% correct therefore professors and
evaluators are advised to go with their intution and
judgement while evaluating Moss Results.
[1] Moss - A System for Detecting Software Similarity
[2] How to read results
Fig. 4. m-group of the first 7 results
[3] Tips
8. ALGORITHM [4] Saul Schleimer, Daniel S. Wilkerson, Alex Aiken,
Step 1: Divide the Moss results into m-groups. “Winnowing: Local Algorithms for Document
Fingerprinting”, SIGMOD '03: Proceedings of the 2003
Step 2: For each node in a m-group assign a tag D, C or DC. ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management
Step 3: Display D-C, D-DC, DC-C & DC-DC paths from each of dataJune 2003 Pages 76–85
[5] Directed Acyclic Graphs
Based on the above algorithm following paths are computed.
1. D to C Acknowledgements
Node 3 distributed their code to Node 1 & 2. [6] Moss was written and is maintained by Alex Aiken,
2. D to DC
[7] The HTML interface was conceived of and designed by
Node 3 also distributed their code to Node 4 & 5. Guido Malpohl (, the author of
3. DC to C JPlag, a plagiarism detection system for Java programs.
[8] Syed Owais Ali Chishti, author of mosspy (Python client
Node 5 & 4 shared their code with Node 2. for Moss)

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 99
ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

A Framework for Recommendation System for Food

Amit Choudhary1, Savita Ahlawat2
Department of Computer Science, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi, India.

Abstract: These days, one of the most serious issue eateries sustenance courts until the point that the moment that they can
and food courts are confronting is the current queueing make up their cerebrums from accurately which sustenance
framework which makes the circumstance of long lines and counter they should need to put in their demand. This stances
charging difficulty. Clients need to hold up extended periods as a colossal endeavor of examining for a tried and true
to arrange their sustenance which brings about losing the sustenance counter as shown by the buyer reliability's.
clients' enthusiasm because of long hold up in the line. The
B. Electronic Token System
framework clarified in this undertaking utilizes portable
application innovation to empower correspondence between Electronic token-based framework utilizes a different
nourishment courts and their objective clients for request equipment gadget that is given to the client when the client
administration and charging that will guarantee great client lands at the counter. The client submits the request and takes
connection administration and enhance general execution of the equipment gadget along. When the request is prepared at
eateries. The motivation behind prescribing nourishment the eatery the eatery framework application makes an
things is accomplished by Machine Learning. Information impression on the equipment gadget which is associated by a
science is the entire procedure of finding important examples remote correspondence framework to the eatery application
and connections in information by utilizing strategies like server. When prepared request message is sent to the
machine learning and insights by means of complex equipment gadget and the gadget vibrates which flags the
information examination apparatuses. client that the sustenance is prepared to be picked from the
nourishment counter in this way lessens clients holding up
The point of this proposal framework is to kill downsides of time. The framework just saves money on the capricious
the current line framework and self-administrations; holding up time yet the charging and requesting capacities as
increment productivity of nourishment court and sparing found in the conventional strategy. The technique proposed in
client's time. this paper can additionally diminish the time taken for
remaining in the line at nourishment court and furthermore to
The problems that we face these days in food courts are: long C. Tablet Device Based System
waiting in the queues, billing lines and issues, and also, less
knowledge about which food item is most popular and which In this framework, each table has a tablet which is introduced
is not. We are well aware of the fact that in food courts there is with an application to take requests and make installments.
a wide range of food items available for the customers and so The client can get to the tablet on the table that he/she sits on
the quality of food and it’s taste is a major concern for the and places arrange by means of an application on the tablet
customer. which is associated with eatery server. The downside here is
that the framework is costly since each table requires a tablet
Some of the existing systems that are used in food courts to gadget. Regardless of whether single gadget is utilized for
improve their performance are: taking request the issue of long line isn't understood. Tablet
A. Traditional System gadget based framework will demonstrate wasteful considering
the situation at the sustenance court. Since wellbeing of tablet
The customary sustenance court orchestrate organization gadget can't be totally ensured. The point of the thought
structure uses a self-advantage contrive, wherein customers disclosed further is to kill downsides of the current line
need to visit each sustenance court to present their demand and framework utilized for nourishment requesting which prompts
should assemble their solicitations independently. The varieties loss of important client's time.
open in the sustenance courts powers a gigantic errand of
finding a fair sustenance counter for the customer to present D. Solution
their demand and to be content with the result. Much of the With the end goal to spare client's significant time, a
time customers need to visit more than seven to eight framework is utilized which interfaces the nourishment courts

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 100

A Framework for Recommendation System for Food Court

in shopping center utilizing portable application that will have suggested the MCDM approach as a way for personalized
maintain a strategic distance from the circumstance of long recommendation schemes in electronic commerce by
lines and charging bother and subsequently guarantee great considering multiple aspects of the products. This study
client connection administration. Associating Food Courts in constructed an intelligent e-restaurant system using RFID,
Mall utilizing Mobile App will make it feasible for the clients WLAN, database technologies, and a menu recommender to
to arrange sustenance online specifically shopping center. offer customer-centric service to enhance customer service
Moreover, the rundown of sustenance thing alongside the quality and improve restaurant industry competitiveness.
points of interest of cost and portrayal can be seen by the
client. The client can utilize the truck alternative to add things Global Positioning System (GPS), one of the growing
to the truck or expel things from the truck. This will empower technologies of geolocation, is widely used in taxis and a
the client to choose which things they need to request and look recommendation system for taxis is developed in [3] offering
at menu cards of various sustenance courts. When the request customer-centric service to enhance customer service quality
is set, the client will get the affirmation and can continue for and improved the restaurant industry competitiveness.The
the installment after which the client will get the affirmation work of [4] gives idea of relationship quality of customer-
message from the server. Additionally we utilize site for the owner which is increasingly emerging as a strategy for
sustenance court attendants to deal with the approaching organizations that strive to retain loyal and satisfied customers
requests and installments and furthermore we incorporate the in today’s highly competitive environment Particularly, in
component of input shape from which the nourishment court labor-intensive services such as restaurants. The quality is
chief ready to distinguish the most prominent sustenance, maintained during the process of service delivery or during
quality and the inclinations in nourishment determinations so servicing staff and customers encounter.
we propose or suggest the client the objective client's this is In [5], an instrument is described to measure service quality
finished by utilizing Machine Learning Algorithms. that must have adequate means of assessing customers’
The framework utilizes versatile application innovation to perceptions of service quality during these service encounters
empower correspondence among eateries and their objective Customers can thus appreciate high quality service, which in
clients for request administration and charging that will turn highly promotes enterprise image and increases business
guarantee great client connection administration and enhance revenue for the restaurant.
generally execution of sustenance courts. Information science
As QR barcodes are used extensively due to their beneficial
systems are named suggested and clear techniques. While the
properties, including small tag, large data capacity, reliability
reason for distinct techniques is characterizing the idea of
and high-speed scanning. A design of a secret QR code sharing
information, making future suggestion dependent on current
approach is used in [6]. In [7], a new rich QR code that has
perceptions is the primary objective of this framework.
Information science is the entire procedure of finding two storage levels and can be used for document authentication
important examples and connections in information by is proposed by the authors.
utilizing strategies like machine learning and insights by The growing popularity and development of data mining
means of complex information examination apparatuses. The technologies bring serious threat to the security of individual’s
prescient techniques utilized in this manner are very sensitive information. An emerging research topic in data
appropriate and versatile for up and coming nourishment mining, known as privacy preserving data mining (PPDM), has
requests of clients. With the assistance of these strategies, day been extensively studied in recent years [8]. The basic idea of
by day utilization designs are uncovered and a by and large PPDM is to modify the data in such a way to perform data
precise indicator is gotten for thing constructed nourishment mining algorithms effectively without compromising the
utilization expectation situated in light of their quality. security of sensitive information contained in the data. The two
2. LITERATURE REVIEW levels of security are public and private. Data mining has
attracted more and more attention in recent years, probably
In this work there are two ways of applying predictions, either because of the popularity of the ‘‘big data’’ concept. Data
applying decision tree or random forest. Albrecht Schimidt mining is the process of discovering interesting patterns and
talks about enhancement of food systems by presenting a knowledge from large amounts of data.
detailed description about recent advances in 3D printing
technologies and laser-cutting methods that could be a good As fluctuations and unpredictability in food demand generally
starting point for digitally produced food developments [1]. cause problems in economic point of view in public food
Tan Hsu Tan et al. [2] worked for a recommender for customer courts. To overcome this problem and to predict actual
centric services. The author work on changing the traditional consumption demand for a specified menu in a selected date,
methods for billing used in food outlets and providing more three decision tree methods (CART, CHAID and Microsoft
efficient ways to do so. Their system provides online menu- Decision Trees) has been utilized in [9]. The work used dataset
ordering and reservation-making functions, as well as a of two year which is gathered from food courts of Hacettepe
personal menu recommendation service. Many researchers University in Turkey during the analysis. In [10], the work

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 101

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

emphasized the theoretically aspects of optimal trade-off will ensure good customer relation management and improve
between accuracy and non-discrimination for pure classifiers. overall performance of restaurants. The purpose of
recommending food items is achieved by Machine Learning.
The aim of this recommendation system is to eradicate
The proposed android application aims to solve the issue by drawbacks of the current queue system/ self-service and
reducing the customer’s time waiting in the queue. The increase the efficiency of food court and saving customer’s
customer gets plenty of time having a look at the menu before time.
actually buying it, making it possible along with the queue
Key Features:
management. This app is useful for both the customers and
vendors. Customer can tally the menus of all the vendors in the 1. This app lets the vendors to take orders from the users
food-court by scanning the QR-Code which is available on the which automatically adds all the shops of a particular food
tables. Vendors have a web-app for registering and putting the court.
corresponding data. They get the customer request for deliver
2. User can order food from their table just by scanning a QR
their food on their table. The focus of this app is to reduce the
code available on that table in the app which will appear
time of the customer which they waste on long queues. It’s
on the vendor’s web app.
simple and attractive user interface helps the users to use the
app. The main screen of the app consists of option to scan a 3. Through this, vendors can update their menu if they want
QR code and then proceed to list of vendors at that food court. to depending upon the popularity of the food item.
Option for selecting vendors from the list of vendors are 4. It has a web portal for the vendors of that food court
available in the next screen. The web screen is the portal for which let them edit their food on daily basis and also
the vendors where the vendors can add, edit, and manage update special offers.
orders placed by the customer.
Key Features:
Machine learning is firmly identified with (and regularly
Step by step processing of food order using Food Court Order covers with) computational measurements, which additionally
Management System is described below: centers around forecast making using computer systems. It has
1. Initially, the user has to download the application on solid connections to numerical enhancement, which conveys
his/her android phone and install it. techniques, hypothesis and application spaces to the field.
Machine learning is once in a while conflated with information
2. User will scan QR code from a table and Various food
mining, where the last subfield concentrates more on
courts menu will appear. The user needs to click on one
exploratory information investigation and is known as
particular menu of their choice.
unsupervised learning. Machine learning can likewise be
3. After clicking on the food court icon, the menu page will unsupervised and be utilized to learn and set up standard social
be displayed. There will be a “ADD” button through profiles for different substances and after that used to discover
which the user can add the items to the cart. important peculiarities.
4. The next page will display all the items selected by the
Inside the field of information investigation, machine learning
customer. This page will also have the option of deleting
is a strategy used to devise complex models and calculations
the selected items.
that loan themselves to forecast; in business utilize, this is
5. After finalizing the items, the user can proceed for the known as prescient examination. These systematic models
payment. permit specialists, information researchers, designers, and
6. Payment can be done through credit card, debit card or experts to "create solid, repeatable choices and results" and
other payment gateway. reveal "concealed bits of knowledge" through gaining from
7. The payment details will be sent to the food court after authentic connections and patterns in the information.
which the food court will confirm the order via a message A. Decision Tree
on mobile application.
8. After the order is ready, a notification will be sent to the Decision tree or random decision forests are an ensemble
user through the app. learning method for classification, regression and other tasks,
that operate by constructing a multitude of decision trees at
9. The user can then collect the food from the respective training time and outputting the class that is the mode of the
food counter in the food court. classes (classification) or mean prediction of the individual
The system explained in this work uses mobile application B. Logistic Regression (Predictive Learning Model)
technology to enable communication between food courts and
their target customers for order management and billing that It is a statistical method for analyzing data set in which there
are one or more independent variables that determine an

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 102

A Framework for Recommendation System for Food Court

outcome. The outcome is measured with a dichotomous

variable (in which there are only two possible outcomes). The
goal of logistic regression is to find the best fitting model to
describe the relationship between the dichotomous.
In this work, we use Decision tree algorithms to classify our
dataset and predict the good quality food on the basis of the
dataset we have and also we recommend that predicted food
items through android app which helps customers to choose
tasty and better food for their meal. Fig. 3. Quality values representing Good with ‘1’ and Bad
with ‘0’
In Fig.3, we assigned two values 1 and 0 for good and bad
quality in the quality column. A ‘0’ represents bad quality and
a ‘1’ represents good quality food items.
The work here proposes a recommender system, which uses
android app, web app, data mining techniques and decision
tree algorithm. The proposed system predicts the food items
based on their quality to the customers. In android app, the
customer scans the QR code kept on the table of food court so
that the menu of all the restaurants of the food court gets
displayed to the user. Using this app, the customer can order
the food by sitting at a table and can also make his payments.
Fig. 1. Dataset with Food items and Quality values The food is served to them at the table and the issue of queues
and billing hassle gets reduced.
Sample dataset consists of two columns named food items and
food quality as shown in Fig.1. Both entries “Food” and The web app is developed for the vendors. The vendors have
“Quality” are collected by customer’s end. In “Food” items, an idea about the whole food court and which food item of
there are ten types of different food and in “Quality” there are their particular restaurant is famous and which is not.
only two type of entries good or bad. Predictions are made for customers about what they should eat
from the restaurant. The web app helps in managing the orders
and also tells about day to day sales. This idea helps them to
expand their business ideas and strategies, so that they could
provide better quality of food and get profits as well.
Now, the predictions in the system are made based on quality
of food. The decision tree algorithm helps in classifying the
data of the system. Thus, these predictions help the customers
to get an idea about what they should order at the food court.
In this work, we are applying Decision Tree and Logistic
regression algorithm from which the Decision Tree algorithm
gives the 70-75% accuracy in predictions while logistic
regression gives about 60-65% accuracy in predictions. Hence,
we have used decision tree algorithm for further executions
and operations in this work. Now by this work, we are able to
predict the food items on the basis of food quality. The
Fig. 2. Food items with unique code accuracy of various algorithms can be examined by creating
the confusion matrices and analyzing them.
In Fig. 2, every food item is assigned a unique number from
the help of label encoder to convert strings to numeric values. 8. CONCLUSION
By doing this, we can find the repetitive items and it also helps
The ultimate objective of our project is to provide a platform
to create a 2D matrix from which we can find in which entry,
where users can save their precious time standing in queues.
which food was ordered.
This system focuses on three major goals:

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• Recommendation of food items: on the basis of modified to cover various food courts. We can also use google
customer’s feedback food items is listed on the food menu. maps and current location of customer to get details of all the
nearby food courts. In this way, customers will have various
• Future prediction for food outlet owners: on the basis of options of meal and best deals offered to them. This
popularity of food items, outlet owners can get the idea of recommendation system can also be modified to get customer
current demand of food cuisine. feedbacks and on this basis, the vendors of respective
• Reduce queues and billing hassle: Customers have to restaurants can make changes in the food items they provide,
wait long hours to order their food which results in losing the food quality and many more customer suggestions.
the customer’s interest due to long wait in the line. Vendors will get an idea about the demands of particular food
items and how they can get profits as well as popularity.
To sum up, designing such system is a very useful exercise and
we believe that the literature survey we have done was very REFERENCES
useful for us in order to understand the logic behind the [1] Xiujuan Xu, Jianyu Zhou, Yu Liu, Zhenzhen Xu, and Xiaowei
recommendation systems. We have also searched about some Zhao “Taxi-RS: Taxi-Hunting Recommendation System Based
algorithms we wanted to use in this work. We have on Taxi GPS Data” IEEE Transactions on intelligent
implemented some prediction using Regression algorithm. transportation Systems, VOL. 16, NO. 4, August 2015
Moreover, implementing such a project demonstrated how a [2] Albrecht Schmidt, “Digitally Enhanced Food”, IEEE Pervasive
knowledge-based system can actually encapsulate knowledge. Computing VOL: 11, NO.3, March 2012
Moreover, the present system is dynamic in that if a vendor [3] Tan-Hsu Tan, Ching-Su Chang, and Yung-Fu Chen
wants to update menu of their restaurant, they can do it. “Developing an Intelligent e-Restaurant with a Menu
Recommender for Customer-Centric Service” IEEE
Thus, by using mobile application it enables efficient ordering Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics—Part C:
and payment system to reduce queues at food courts in malls. Applications and Reviews, Vol. 42, NO. 5, September 2012
The system discussed in the paper will ensure good service and [4] Sawant S, “Yelp Food Recommendation System”, 2013
improves overall food court experience of a customer making [5] Shashank S U, Raksha Hegde M, K Raghuveer, “A Survey on
the “poor order management process” a simple one for the Food Recommendation Systems”, IJARCSSE, vol 6, issue 4,
counters at the food court. Also, infrastructure needed is less April 2016
expensive. Hence it is a viable solution to the queues problem [6] Pei Yu Lin “Distributed Secret Sharing Approach with Cheater
faced at food courts in malls. Prevention Based on QR code” IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Informatics, VOL 12, NO.1, FEB 2016
9. FUTURE SCOPE [7] Iulia Tkachenko, William Puech “Two level QR code for
In future, review text and user rating evaluations (whether Private message sharing and Document authentication” IEEE
other users thought a particular user’s review was funny, Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol 11,
NO.3, March 2016
useful, or helpful) can be used as features in the prediction
model. Hybrid approaches can be explored for evaluating their [8] Lei Xu, Chunxio Jiang, Jian Wang “Information Security in Big
Data” IEEE Transactions on ATA Mining and Privacy, VOL 2,
NO.3, October 2014
As this work is done on the basis of restaurants, the prediction [9] Ahmet Selman Bozkir, Ebru Akcapinar Sezer “Predicting food
is done on food items only which are sold by different demand in food courts by Decision tree approaches” IEEE
restaurants in the food court. We have compared the food Transactions on Decision Tree and Data Mining, 2011
items on the basis of food quality and price. After application [10] Faisal Kamiran, Toon Calders “Data preprocessing techniques
of prediction we see the food items listed in our for classification without discrimination” IEEE Transactions on
recommendation column. Information Forensics and Security, Vol 3, No.3, December
This work is limited to one food court at a time but it can be

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 104

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Minal Dhankar1, Nipun Walia2
Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Computer Science, Maharaja Surajmal Institute
Student, Deptt. of Computer Science, Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: Artificial intelligence or AI for short is a way of 1. The Human Element

providing a computer or a robot or simply some machine to
think, process information and act on their own or in simple This refers to a link between humans with the machine. The
words providing the machines with an ability to think like a machine or simply an algorithm understands a language of 0’s
human. No doubt that recreating a human brain seems like a and 1’s which is hard to understand and process by humans.
dream and still we haven’t achieved it yet but that one thing Thus comes in the role of an interactive interface that can take
that is impossible to recreate is human consciousness. The AI direction from the user, process, and then provide accurate
includes several other fields like neural networks, deep results.
learning, statistics, machine learning which is proving to be 2. Knowledge Base
successful in various domains like security, research,
robotics, voice recognition, transportation, and many The AI works on analyzing data present in it. The more data is
more.AI is proving to not only reducing the workload of fed with, the more efficient result it will provide. The
humans but also opening new fields that once only dreamed knowledge base also includes previous results to review and
by us. look for some sort of patterns. The AI analyzes the data,
process and compares large chunks of information to provide
Keywords: Data science, neural networks, data mining, optimum results. It uses data algorithms and various other
statistical approach, probability. logic stored to find a solution to the problem present.
3. Algorithm set
The AI interface even though fed with a large chunk of data, it
AI is a branch of computer science by which we can create
requires a certain set of instruction or algorithm to process and
intelligent machines which can behave like a human, think like
perform operation on that data. Such algorithms are provided
humans, and able to make decisions on their own. Artificial
by programmers and data scientists working together using
Intelligence is composed of two words artificial which define
various mathematical tools such as statistics, probability,
something that’s made by humans and intelligence which
calculus, and algebra.
refers to the ability to think on its own, and hence this makes
artificial intelligence “thinking power made by human”. 3. COMPONENTS OF AI
This field was formed with an idea that one day machines will Mimicking human intelligence or creating artificial
be able to think or in other words, we can replicate the feature intelligence requires several qualities to be focused on. These
that makes us human, our intelligence along with our qualities rather than acting as a separate entity work as an array
consciousness. This may sound like a sci-fi or a new age of components comprising following items-
concept but the fact is, there has been reference to such things
1. Learning
in mythologies and several other texts, scriptures, and artifacts
as well.AI has been a turning point not only in the field of Learning can be categorized into various forms. One of the
research but has also been playing a keen role in simplest of them all is the hit-and-try method. For example,
revolutionizing industries and work as we know it today. while creating a drug to cure a disease various combination of
With an ultimate goal to create consciousness, AI goes through drugs are tested until a cure is found. The program analyzes
several stages of planning, reasoning, analyzing data, and remembers each combination along with its effects. Thus
prediction of outcomes and acting accordingly. when such a situation arises again the program is able to
produce an answer immediately or as fast as it could produce.
AI also involves the use of statistics and probability and The process of memorizing simple items like phrases of words
various other mathematical tools (neural networks and or solutions to a problem etc is known as Rote learning.
machine learning is mostly based on these).
Now suppose a program is made to learn tenses. So to make a
2. ELEMENTS OF AI word like “create” into the past tense the program has to
The basic elements of AI are- encounter the word “created” at least once. A better way of
dealing with this situation is by teaching it the “-ed rule” so

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 105

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

that it can change the tense without encountering the word 4. Perception
even once. This technique is known as Generalization.
Perception means to scan and analyze objects or the
2. Problem solving environment along with its features and relationship through
any sort of artificial organ or device at various depths and
Problems solving methods are divided into two categories-
angles. Today artificial perception has advanced itself to
special-purposes and general-purpose. Special-Purpose
enable cars on open roads or robots working as waiters at
methods are specifically designed to solve specific problems
like controlling the coolant release in a nuclear power plant.
General-purpose, on the other hand, is applicable to a wide 5. Language-understanding
variety of problems like instructing a robot to move right, left,
forward, backward. Language is not only the words we speak in certain form as in
english or hindi, it also comprises of our expression and
Further, the AI algorithm can be divided into two parts- gestures. The way we move our eyebrow or change our facial
classifiers and controllers. expression according to our mood all comes under the domain
Classifiers are pattern finders that find the closest pattern of language. There are some AI algorithms these days that can
match to a problem. They act as a backbone for AI systems. read facial gestures and depict the mood of the user.
Classifiers are fed with data and observation which gets stored 6. Neural network
in sets of predefined class according to some pattern
similarities among them. Thus more the data its fed with, the The human brain is filled with hundreds of neurons that
more accurate result we will get. actively work every second in us and help us to analyze things,
find a relation between them through electrical impulses.
Controllers are instruction givers and takers which work on the Collectively these neurons form the neural network of our
results provided by the classifiers. brain. Similarly, AI has its neural network that is a series of
For example, the purity of a mineral is tested and the algorithms that recognize the relationship between a set of
classifiers which are already equipped with the data classify data. These networks can adapt to changing input, thus the
them and then with the help of the classification, the controller need to redesign the model each time a new set/type of data is
separates the impure one form those that are pure. entered is not needed.
3. Logic & Reasoning The neural network incorporates set of layers of interconnected
nodes. Each node is a perceptron (an algorithm for supervised
Reasoning refers to creating conclusions that are relevant to learning of binary classifiers). In a multi-layered perceptron
the task or situation in hand. There are two types of reasoning- (MLP), perceptrons are interlinked in layers. The input layer
inductive and deductive reasoning. receives input patterns while the output layer contains
In inductive reasoning, general conclusions are drawn from classification according to which input patterns may get
specific instances like ‘All men are strong’. In deductive arranged. There are hidden layers present that fine-tune the
reasoning, specifics are taken into consideration to draw a input sets until the neural network’s error percentage reaches
general conclusion. For example ‘All cars have engine. I have its lowest. A simple neural network is shown in Figure 1.
a car. So my car has engine’. 7. Machine learning
Logic is used for information representation and problem- Machine learning is a part of artificial intelligence that allows
solving. There are several different types of logic used by AI the system to learn on its own.
• Propositional logic-Also known as sentential logic is a set
of statements that can either be true or false.
• First-order logic -This type of logic is used to show facts
about objects, their characteristics, and their relationship
with each other.
• Fuzzy logic- It is a type of logic that allows the result(truth)
to a statement between 0(false) and 1(true). This type of
logic is used when the results are uncertain. These logics
are mostly used in quantum computers.
• Subjective logic- This logic focuses on uncertain results
more explicitly.
Fig. 1. A simple neural network

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 106

An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

It is based on the observations, data, or instruction either with conversation. So each time it interacts, new nodes form and it
or without human intervention and observes patterns in learn some sort of speech.
previous decisions and thus provides optimum results or
Case study 2- A paralyzed player who can speak
approach towards a problem.
For example, machine learning algorithms are used by various Tim Shaw, a former NFL player had ALS (amyotrophic lateral
companies to study previous market trends to predict future sclerosis) which killed almost all of his neuron muscles
sales and new innovative ways to rise up their sales. making him completely bedridden and even made difficult for
him to even speak.
Project Euphonia has created an algorithm that not only
1. Genetic programming understands and speak words said by such people but to also
give them their original voice. It’s done with the help of voice
Just like humans evolved, the fittest genes mutated over
recognition. The voice recognition algorithm converts speech
multiple generations to evolve the human race. Similarly,
into waveforms. These waveforms, with the help of machine
inspired form the human evolution, genetic programming
learning, are labeled along with millions of other such
executes an algorithm that performs random mutation,
waveforms. Then using deep learning modules it produces
crossovers, over multiple generations to find a solution for the
output sound using rules such as grammar and syntax,
user-defined task.
predicting each being spoken. All these process all performed
2. Data mining on millions of voice samples to make the software learn better.
Data mining is a process in which a large chunk of raw data is Using this algorithm, Tim was able to hear his own voice after
turned into a useful set of information by the help of AI years. Even though the speech output wasn’t 100% accurate
algorithms which looks up for patterns or trends in the data, but still it was start.
filter it out, and brings in a clean set of useful information. Case study 3- A climber with a bionic limb
3. Pattern recognition
Hugh Herr, professor at MIT, made bionic limbs for his
Pattern recognition is a process in which a machine-learning mountain climbing friend who lost his limbs some years back.
algorithm is used to classify and sort large databases on the What made these limbs different from the synthetic one is the
basis of information previously obtained or statistical records feeling of having the limb as a part of him, and not as a tool.
based on certain patterns present in the data. This is done by linking muscles in pairs, so when a he thinks to
move his leg a signal is sent directly to his bionic limb in such
4. Expert system a way that not only helps move but also sends signals to his
neurons with a sensation of moving his leg. This is done using
An expert system simulates the decision-making ability of a
machine learning algorithm that interprets data taken form
human expert. These systems are designed to take complex
actions of neurons and thus imitating the same to send and
decisions, act the way that experts would have acted through
receive electrical signals to the brain. This is shown in Figure
complex reasoning algorithm and using if-else structures.
Case study 1- A baby that’s not real
Mark Sagar, CEO of soul machines, has made a software
called “baby X” a software that mimics her own 2-year-old
daughter. This software uses replicates the human brain of a 2-
year-old with the help of neural networks that works the same
way our brain does. Instead of neurons, nodes are created in
these networks. Each time the baby learns somethings more
nodes are formed. It’s very much similar to our human brain
where more the neurons are present, the smarter the person is.
Fig. 2. A climber with bionic limb
The software instead of using scripted information, Baby X
learns from each day’s events just like a baby. It uses object Case study 4- Meat that’s not meat
recognition to differentiate among objects, a thing that we
naturally. It analyzes various features that differentiate things NotCo. is a company that’s using AI to make people think they
like a car and a human. It also uses affecting computing a are eating meat when actually they are not. And not only meat
develop a stress system for the baby i.e it cries when it’s scared but also various dairy products like milk etc. This is achieved
and laughs when it’s happy, through perception, through with the help of genetic programming, which studies and
understands the DNA of various products to understand their

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 107

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

qualities, how they look, how they taste. Then through various [5] Andrew, A. M., Short paper: lifemanship and AI. Kybernetes:
algorithms, it mixes different DNA’s traits to recreate the taste The International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics, Vol. 30,
of the product as it originally had. No. 2., 2001.
[6] Argamon-Engelson, S. and Dagan, I., Committee-based sample
Case study 5- Looking for life out there selection for probabilistic classifiers, Journal of Artificial
Intelligence Research, Vol. 11, pp.335-360, 1999
Every minute space research facility is fed with data in
[7] Atkinson K. and Bench-Capon T., Practical reasoning as
terabytes. Such a huge chunk of data is impossible to infer by a presumptive argumentation using action based alternating
human and thus comes in AI. AI along with machine learning transition systems, Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 171, No. 10-15,
algorithm analyzes the data to look for patterns and look for pp.855-874, 2007.
something that doesn’t look natural or usual. It takes large data [8] Baader, F., Lutz, C., Sturm, H. and Wolter, F., Fusions of
to stack them up and then compares to find a difference. This description logics and abstract description systems, Journal of
pattern recognition is shown in figure 3. Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 16, pp.1-58, 2002.
[9] Bacchus, F., The power of modeling - a response to PDDL2.1.,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 20, pp.125-132,
[10] Baget, J. F. and Mugnier, M. L., Extensions of simple
conceptual graphs: the complexity of rules and constraints,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 16, pp.425-465,
[11] Balazinski, M., Czogala, E., Jemielniak, K. and Leslie J., Tool
condition monitoring using artificial intelligence methods,
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 15,
Issue 1, pp.73-80, 2002
[12] Barber, F., Reasoning on Interval and Point-based Disjunctive
Fig. 3. Pattern recognition using AI Metric Constraints in temporal contexts, Journal of Artificial
Intelligence Research, Vol. 17, pp.s 35-55, 2002.
6. CONCLUSION [13] Barzilay, R., Elhadad, N. and McKeown K. R., Inferring
strategies for sentence ordering in multidocument news
In this way Artificial Intelligence can achieve great discoveries
summarization, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol.
and advances for humanity due to its multiple possibilities. A 17, pp.s 35-55, 2002.
number of case studies have been discussed here which [14] Basu, C., Hirsh, H., Cohen, W. W. and Nevill-Manning, C.,
provides great possibilities for future research, Most artificial Technical paper recommendation: a study in combining
intelligence systems have the ability to learn, which allows multiple information sources, Journal of Artificial Intelligence
people to improve their performance over time. The evidence Research, Vol. 12, pp. 149-198, 2000.
suggests that AI can provide real value to our lives. AI bases [15] Baxter, J., A model of inductive bias learning, Journal of
its operation on accessing huge amounts of information, Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 12, pp. 149-198, 2000.
processing it, analyzing it and, according to its operational [16] Baxter, J. and Bartlett, P. L., Infinite-horizon policy-gradient
algorithms, executing tasks to solve certain problems. This estimation, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 15,
paper not only made comparison between different AI pp.319-350, 2001.
technologies but also raised a number of questions for future [17] Baxter, J., Bartlett, P. L. and Weaver, L., Experiments with
search as well. Due to the new computing architectures of the infinite-horizon, policy-gradient Estimation, Journal of
cloud, this technology becomes more affordable for any Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 15, pp.351-381, 2001.
organization. [18] Becker, A., Bar-Yehuda, R. and Geiger, D., Randomised
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multiple classifiers using the dempstershafer theory of evidence, [21] Bod, R., A unified model of structural organisation in language
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ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 108

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Can Virtual Reality Substitute for an Actual Reality?

Pooja Singh1, Seema Shokeen2, V. Sree Lalitha3
Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi

Abstract: Innovations and new technologies are changing the one of the most prominent and efficient technologies has been
world and our everyday lives. Many things that were preferred by many as it has made the human life simpler and
barelyimaginations of the past are now a reality. Gradually, easier.
these various technologies are being combined to provide us
Some of the growing needs of virtual reality are as follows:
with services and amenities. And most of the time a computer
is the heart of such integration. One such technology is 1) Military
Virtual Reality which is a combination of advanced
Militaries of countries like US, UK have adopted the use
of VR in their training as it allows them to get trained
under virtual safe environment and replaces dangerous
Virtual Reality is a technology based on computer which
training situations.
assimilates specialized input and output devices by allowing
the user to interact with and experience an artificial created 2) Sports
environment as if they were in the real world[2]. By
VR is heavily used in sports industry by both players and
artificially stimulating our senses, our bodies become tricked
viewers. It’s used by players as an aid for training for
into accepting another version of reality. Digital
analyzing athletic technique and performance. It’s used by
mechanismsare used to help generate the realistic images,
sounds and other sensations that represent and simulate a viewers to stream live games and to enhance viewing
user’s physical presence in this environment[5]. experience.
3) VR in Healthcare
Medical VR is used to reduce chronic pain which shortens
Virtual Reality induces targeted behavior in an organism by the duration of stay in hospital. VR is used to treat anxiety,
using artificial sensory stimulation, while the organism has depression and phobias. Patients are treated in a safe,
little or no awareness of the interference [6]. controlled and virtual environment to help them overcome
their fears. It is also becoming one of the primary methods
There are four key components of Virtual Reality:
to treat post- traumatic stress.
1) Targeted behavior: Virtual or Artificial Environment that
4) Education
the organism is experiencing. Examples include flying,
walking, exploring, playing sports and socializing with VR has been adopted for teaching and educating Students.
other organisms. They are able to experience and interact in a 3D
Environment. It’s used to teach student with special needs
2) Organism: This could be any human being or animal.
such as autism.
3) Artificial sensory stimulation: Through digital
5) Entertainment
mechanisms, one or more senses of the organism become
co-opted, at least partly, and their inputs are replaced by The Entertainment Industry is the most enthusiastic
artificial stimulation. consumer of Virtual Reality specially the gaming industry.
4) Awareness: While having the experience, the organism is Gaming Industry uses VR which are enabled with
completely unaware of the outer world, thereby being interactive software and hardware. VR games are
“fooled” into feeling present in a virtual world. This experienced and controlled by body movement which
unawareness resultsin a sense of presence in an alternative enables the user to immerse in the virtual world.
world. It’s accepted as being natural [2].
REALITY • Head Mounted Display

With the growing advancements in technology, needs and • Haptic Suits

preferences of people have changed. Virtual Technology being • Voice Recognition

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 109

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

• Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) Many issues can impact the design like Visual Perception,
Auditory Perception, and Haptic and Kinesthetic Perception.
• Gloves
For Auditory Perception audio should be realistic, Haptic
• 3D Mouse Sensation (touch) is linked to stimuli exposure, all these things
• Space Ball should be taken care of by the designers otherwise it may have
negative impact.
• Video Camera And Shadows
• Direct micro/macroscopic Effect
• Biological Sensors
Sometimes Health and safety of users may get compromised
• HEAD MOUNTED DISPLAY while using VR and can also lead to injuries. Developers
should ensure advancement but not at the cost of human lives.
A head-mounted displays (HMD) also referred to as VR
Brain needs to work more while experiencing VR which can
Glasses are a display device, which are worn on the head
cause dizziness, fatigue and nausea. It sometimes leads to
like a helmet, that has a small display optic in front of one
imbalance in body movements and may cause injury.
(monocular HMD) or both eyes (binocular HMD). Itis
usedin gaming, aviation, medicine and engineering. HMD • Cyber Sickness
are the primary components of virtual reality headsets.
Cybersickness is a kind of a motion sickness and discomfort
• CAVE AUTOMATIC VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT caused by using virtual reality technology. VR games involve
(CAVE) a lot of movements and might create imbalance in the body.
A cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE) is anvirtual 5. CAN VIRTUALWORLD REPLACE OUR
reality arena in which walls, ceilings or floor of an empty REALITY?
room are used to create an immersive virtual reality space.
Rear Projection screens are used to make the walls of the As the technology is advancing day by day, we people are
CAVE. People use Gloves, Joysticks, Wands and other getting habitual of newer technologies. Technologies which
input devices to interact. With CAVE users can see were impossible or unimaginable decades ago now seem pretty
objects floating in the air and can even walk around them trivial[9]. These days no one can imagine life without laptops,
as they get a proper view of whatever they are smartphones or Internet.Virtual Reality is one such technology.
experiencing. Virtual Reality is an artificially generated reality. Just by
putting headphones on, a person can get into virtual world, a
world which feels like real. Virtual Reality creates a
A haptic suit or a gaming suit is a wearable gadget that convincing world for the user to immerse in.
provides haptic feedback to the body. Haptic feedback is
VR may develop more and provide a more realistic experience
the sense of artificial touch created by applying forces or
to people but there some things which it simply can’t replace
like eating, sleeping, etc. Physiological needs of the body can
It creates a complete immersive virtual environment and neverbe simply replaced since they are the ones that make
let users feel it. living possible[17]. The use of Virtual Reality is only going to
increase in the future but it replacing actual reality seems
As we know, nothing interesting is ever completely one-sided.
Virtual Reality also hasit’s share of disadvantages. It has
technical, social and cultural challenges. These challenges can Future of Virtual Reality depends upon the attitude and belief
be minimized if proper measures are taken. towards science and the breakthroughs in technological
development. It also depends upon the interest and acceptance
Some of the challenges are:
of general population as adjusting to life with VR is different.
• Social Impact It doesn’t matter how much better VR gets but reality is always
There are many concerns expressed regarding the negative there to remind you that it’s there.
impact of VR towards society. Users who play VR Video REFERENCES
Games may become less sensitive because of violent games
[1] R Radharamanan; “A survey of Virtual reality technologies”,
and may show similar behavior in real world.
applications and limitations; International Journal of Virtual
• Human Sensory Limitations Reality (IJVR); Volume 14(2); 2015.
[2] Gandhi, R. D. and Patel, D. S., Virtual Reality – Opportunities
It is important for designers to understand the design and Challenges. International Research Journal of Engineering
constraints which are there because of human sensory and and Technology (IRJET). 2018, 05(01).
motor physiology.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 110

Can Virtual Reality Substitute for an Actual Reality?

[3] Parvinen, P., Hamari, J. and Pöyry, E., Introduction to [9]
Minitrack: Mixed, Augmented and Virtual Reality. Proceedings the-actual-reality-or_b_591ab153e4b0f31b03fb9ead
of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System [10]
Sciences, 2018, 1395-1396. reality.html
[4] Mujber M., Hashmi M.; “Virtual Reality applications in [11]
manufacturing process”; Journal of material processing [12]
technology; Issue 4; pp. 1834-1839; 2014.
[5] Steuer, J,. Defining virtual reality: Dimensions determining
telepresence. Journal of Communication. 1992, 42(4), 73-93 [14]
[6] VIRTUAL REALITY, Steven M. LaValle, University of Oulu, [15]
Cambridge university press, 2019. transforming-the-gaming-ind
[7] Naoufel Kraiem; “Virtual spaces and virtual manufacturing”; [16]
IEEE; 2001. [17]
[8] Saggio, G. & Ferrari, M. (2012). New Trends in Virtual Reality substitute-actual-reality/
Visualization of 3D Scenarios. INTECH Open Access Publisher [18]

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 111

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Artificial Intelligence in Education: The Journey So

far and the Future Prospects
Dr. Monika Tushir
Associate Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) can be described as a only be helping in the teacher in the delivery of their course
veritable area of computing related with building smart content and extending help in administrative tasks.
machines which are capable of performing tasks that
In the present paper an attempt has been made to highlight the
typically require human intelligence. AI is, basically, an
benefits of Artificial Intelligence in education.
interdisciplinary science with multiple approaches. In simple
terms AI can be defined as a computer system able to AI has already been applied to education primarily in some
accomplish tasks that ordinarily require human intelligence. tools that help develop skills and testing systems. Various
learning apps are popular now a days that provides global and
According to "Preparing for the Future of Artificial easy access to learning. These apps also ensure that the
Intelligence, "a 2016 report released by the Obama learners get a suitable learning experience based on their
Administration, AI, with its focus on performing specific capabilities.
tasks, has experienced numerous breakthroughs in the last
As AI educational solutions develop, it is hoped that AI can
decade that have had significant societal benefits and have
help fill need gaps in learning and teaching.
contributed to the economic vitality of the nation, " [1] A
world bereft of the wonderful things like Google search, Recently, a survey was conducted by McKinsey [3] to
Image recognition software, Siri, Alexa and other personal understand how teachers are spending their time today and
assistants is unthinkable. Self-driving cars and IBM's how that might change in a more automated world. More than
Watson are some of the well known examples of artificial 2, 000 teachers in four countries with high adoption rates for
intelligence being employed for human advancement. In the education technology: Canada, Singapore, the United
present paper an attempt has been made to highlight the Kingdom, and the United States were surveyed. The survey
benefits of Artificial Intelligence in education. was conducted to know how much time did teachers spend on
37 core activities, from lesson planning to teaching to grading
“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our to maintaining student records. It was found that only 49% of
children of tomorrow”. John Dewey the total time is spent on direct interaction with the students
Even in developed and technology advanced countries,
“Robots will replace teachers by 2027” (Anthony Seldon, majority of the time is being spent on other related work.
British Education Expert.)
AI can drive efficiency, personalization and streamline admin
tasks to permit teachers the time and freedom to supply
The research field of Artificial Intelligence in Education
understanding and adaptability—uniquely human capabilities
(AIED) embraces a wide diversity of research interests [2]. where machines would struggle. By leveraging the simplest
Over the years there have been various reforms in the attributes of machines and teachers, the vision for AI in
education system the world over bringing significant changes
education is one where they work together for the simplest
in the way the teachers and learners approach education. The
outcome and leaving more time with teachers for interacting
role of a teacher is no more restricted to the delivery of course
with the students.
contents to the students and to secure good grades in the exam
but is way beyond and above that. A teacher is expected to be a Artificial intelligence can benefit in the teaching-learning
mentor to all the students, the one who is able to offer process in the following ways:
guidance to the students and motivate them, inculcate values
facilitating them to come to terms with the meaning of life and A) Universal access for all students:
to guide them to be better citizens. With the advent of AI, a Artificial intelligence tools can help make global
revolutionary change in the teachers’ role and their approach to classrooms available to all or any including those that
teaching is likely. It is a widely believed fallacy that robots speak different languages or who may need visual or
will replace the teachers soon. But the question arises about the hearing impairments. Presentation Translator may be a
viability of this presumption and the when and how of it. Can free plug-in for PowerPoint that makes subtitles in real
robots be the facilitator and mentor like a teacher or will they time for what the teacher is saying. This also exposes

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 112

Artificial Intelligence in Education: The Journey So far and the Future Prospects

possibilities for college kids who won't be ready to attend Personalised communication is Chatbox can answer any
school thanks to illness or who require learning at a almost impossible due to scale questions
special level or on a specific subject that isn’t available in
their own school. AI can help break down silos between Source: EduTechAsia@Terrapinn
schools and between traditional grade levels.
Artificial intelligence is changing the teaching-learning process
B) Automate Administrative Tasks in education. Teaching methods across the world is being
revolutionized as per the change in technology and
AI can computerize basic activities in education, like grading
environment. AI is expected to meet the changing need and
system and assignments tasks. In education, grading
will provide more structured education system to offer better
homework and tests for a teacher requires a lot of efforts and
and to have rationalized results. It is also going to have a
consumes a lot of time of the teacher. It is assumed and
significant impact on the jobs in teaching field. A study states
believed that AI would help the teachers in grading the
that by 2021, the appliance of AI in education and learning
assignments and tasks and can save a lot of time of a teacher
will increase by 47.5%. Beyond academics, it also can
which can be used for more productive work and in building
streamline students’ career choices [4].
better teacher student relationship. The time saved can also be
used for the professional development. 7. CONCLUSION
C) Students can get additional support from AI tutors. The future of higher education is intrinsically linked with
developments on new technologies and computing capacities
AI is expected to bridge the gaps between education and of the new intelligent machines [5]. The World Economic
learning and will also provide additional support to tutors. Forum estimates that, by 2022, an outsized proportion of
D) AI-driven programs can give students and educators companies will have adopted technologies like machine
helpful feedback learning, and thus strongly encourages governments and
education to specialize in rapidly raising education and skills,
AI can't only help teachers and students to design courses that withattention on both STEM (science, technology, engineering
are tailored to their needs, but it also can provide feedback to and mathematics) and non-cognitive soft skills, so as to satisfy
teachers and students about the success of the course. Some this impending need. Microsoft’s recent study shows that, by
schools, especially those with online offerings, are using AI 2030, students will got to have mastered two facets of this new
systems to watch student progress and provides feedback to the world by the time they graduate -know the way to utilize ever-
faculty coordinator about the problems being faced by the changing technology, like AI, to their advantage and
teachers. understand the way to work with people during a team to
problem solving effectively, preparing students to figure
E) AI can make learning less frightening
alongside [7]. Technology giants like Apple, Google,
It is expected that AI will provide a judgement free learning Microsoft and Facebook currenly compete in the field of
environment to the students and will result in providing the artificial intelligence and are investing heavily in new
best support to the students. applications and research [8]
AI could change the role of teachers. There will always be a The learning environment for learners isn’t, nowadays,
task for teachers in education, but what that role is? Teachers restricted to the boundaries of classrooms. With the advent of
will supplement AI lessons, assist students who are struggling, technology, learners can learn anytime anywhere. Various
and supply human interaction and hands-on experiences. learning apps are offering a variety of courses targeting almost
every age group of learners. Universities also have various
In some ways, technology is already driving a number of these approved courses on their platter through such platforms
changes within the classroom, especially in schools that are ensuring global access to education for all. Anyone can learn
online or embrace the flipped classroom model. Some of the anytime. India, which will have over 907 million internet users
problems and solutions offered by AI are: by 2023, accounting for 64% of the population, according to
Problems AI Solution Cisco’s Annual Internet Report, is going to be a major
beneficiary of AI augmented learning [9].
Standardized curriculum does Personalized learning
not cater to individuals needs In future we may face threats, we will probably experience
cases where teachers are replaced by AIED solutions (2). This
Large class sizes means Virtual classroom assistants clearly indicates that online learning or learning through
children’s questions often go artificial intelligence will soon become indispensably
unanswered necessary for a country of millions of learners like India and it,
Increasing drop out rates at AI sentiments analysis arguably, will be a major tour de force throughout the world in
universities near future.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 113

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

REFERENCES artificial intelligence in education. International Journal of

Artificial Intelligence in Education, 26(2), 582-599.
[1] Retrieved from
[5] J.Alyssa, 5 ways AI is changing education industry, retrieved
Cumming, G. (1998). Artificial intelligence in education: an
from e-learning industry
exploration. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 14(4),
251-259. [6] Turbot, S. (Aug, 2018). ‘Artificial intelligence in education:
don’t ignore it, harness it!’. Retrieved from Forbes.
[2] B. Ake, Heitz, Sanghvi (2020), how artificial intelligence will
impact K 12 teachers, retrieved from [7] Popenici, S. A., & Kerr, S. (2017). Exploring the impact of
artificial intelligence on teaching and learning in higher
[3] M.Bernard (2018), how is AI used in education real world
education. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced
examples of today and a peek into future, retrieved from
Learning, 12(1), 22.
[8] India to have more than 907 million internet users by 2023:
[4] Roll, I., & Wylie, R. (2016). Evolution and revolution in
Report, retrieved from Economic Times

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 114

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Introduction to Machine Learning

Suraj Pal Chauhan1, Parichit Bahal2
Astt. Professor in MSI, 2BCA Student

Abstract: Machine learning is a trendy topic in this age of feasible for some applications, particularly those in which
Artificial Intelligence. The fields of computer vision and humans have a good understanding of the process to model.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) are making However, using handcoded rules to make decisions has two
breakthroughs that no one could’ve predicted. We see both of major disadvantages:
them in our lives more and more, facial recognition in your
smartphones, language translation software, self-driving cars • The logic required to make a decision is specific to a single
and so on. What might seem sci-fi is becoming a reality, and domain and task. Changing the task even slightly might
it is only a matter of time before we attain Artificial General require a rewrite of the whole system.
Intelligence. Machine learning is an integral part of many • Designing rules requires a deep understanding of how a
commercial applications and research projects today, in decision should be made by a human expert.
areas ranging from medical diagnosis and treatment to
finding your friends on social networks. Many people think One example of where this handcoded approach will fail is in
that machine learning can only be applied by large detecting faces in images. Today, every smartphone can detect
companies with extensive research teams. The applications of a face in an image. However, face detectionwas an unsolved
machine learning are endless and, with the amount of data problem until as recently as 2001. The main problem is that the
available today, mostly limited by your imagination. way in which pixels (which make up an image in a computer)
are “perceived” by the computer is very different from how
humans perceive a face. This difference in representation
makes it basically impossible for a human to come up with a
good set of rules to describe what constitutes a face in a digital
image. [1]
Using machine learning, however, simply presenting a
program with a large collection of images of faces is enough
for an algorithm to determine what characteristics are needed
to identify a face. From suggesting keywords whenever we
type a word in our smartphones keyboard to the big
multinational corporations like YouTube using machine
learning algorithms to suggest similar videos, ML is used in
almost every imaginable aspect of our life.
Netflix Cor., said in a press interview that their Machine
Learning algorithm saves them billions of dollars every year
and helps in maximizing profits. According to a study, the
Fig. 1 figure was more than $86, 000, 000, 000 !!
In this paper, I will be covering how ML will progress towards Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence
the future and why Python is widely used to develop ML (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn
models and improve from experience without being explicitly
programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of
computer programs that can access data and use it learn for
In the early days of “intelligent” applications, many systems themselves.[2]
used handcoded rules of “if” and “else” decisions to process
The process of learning begins with observations or data, such
data or adjust to user input. Think of a spam filter whose job is
as examples, direct experience, or instruction, in order to look
to move the appropriate incoming email messages to a spam
for patterns in data and make better decisions in the future
folder. You could make up a blacklist of words that would
based on the examples that we provide. The primary aim is to
result in an email being marked as spam. This would be an
allow the computers learn automatically without human
example of using an expert-designed rule system to design an
intervention or assistance and adjust actions accordingly. [4]
“intelligentapplication. Manually crafting decision rules is

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 115

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Machine learning algorithms are often categorized as • Sparse dictionary learning

supervised or unsupervised.
• Anomaly detection
Supervised machine learning algorithms can apply what has
• Association rules
been learned in the past to new data using labeled examples to
predict future events. Starting from the analysis of a known Self-Learning: Self-learning as machine learning paradigm was
training dataset, the learning algorithm produces an concluded introduced in 1982 along with a neural network capable of
function to make predictions about the output values. The self-learning named Crossbar Adaptive Array (CAA). It is a
system is able to provide targets for any new input after learning with no external rewards and no external teacher
sufficient training. The learning algorithm can also compare its advices. The CAA self-learning algorithm computes, in a
output with the correct, intended output and find errors in order crossbar fashion, both decisions about actions and emotions
to modify the model accordingly. (feelings) about consequence situations.
Unsupervised machine learning algorithms are used when Feature Learning: Several learning algorithms aim at
the information used to train is neither classified nor labeled. discovering better representations of the inputs provided
Unsupervised learning studies how systems can deduce a during training. Classic examples include cluster analysis.
function to describe a hidden structure from unlabeled data. Feature learning algorithms, also called representation learning
The system doesn’t figure out the right output, but it explores algorithms, often attempt to preserve the information in their
the data and can draw conclusion from datasets to describe input but also transform it in a way that makes it useful, as a
hidden structures from unlabeled data.[3] pre-processing step before performing predictions.
Sparse Dictionary Learning: Sparse dictionary learning is a
feature learning method where a training example is
represented as a linear combination of basis functions, and is
assumed to be a sparse matrix. The method is difficult to solve.
Anomaly Detection: It is also known as outlier detection. It is
the identification of rare items, events or observations which
raise suspicions by differing significantly from the majority of
the data. Typically, the anomalous items represent an issue
such as bank fraud, a structural defect, medical problems or
errors in a text. Anomalies are referred to as noise, deviations
and exceptions. In particular, in the context of abuse and
network intrusion detection, the interesting objects are often
not rare objects, but unexpected bursts in activity.
Fig. 2. Performing machine learning involves creating a model, which
is trained on some training data and then can process
Machine learning enables analysis of massive quantities of
additional data to make predictions. Various types of models
data. While it generally delivers faster, more accurate results in
have been used and researched for machine learning systems.
order to identify profitable opportunities or dangerous risks, it
We’ll learn about the most widely implemented one i.e.,
may also require additional time and resources to train it
Neural Networks. [6]
properly. Combining machine learning with AI and cognitive
technologies can make it even more effective in processing Artificial neural networks
large volumes of information.
Artificial neural networks (ANNs), or connectionist systems,
2. CONCEPTS AND MODELS are computing systems vaguely inspired by the biological
neural networks that constitute animal brains. Such systems
As in the previous section, we learnt about the supervised and
"learn" to perform tasks by considering examples, generally
unsupervised learning patterns.
without being programmed with any task-specific rules.
In this section, we’ll learn about the models and approaches
An ANN is a model based on a collection of connected units or
used in ML. Other than the supervised and unsupervised
nodes called "artificial neurons", which loosely model the
learning, there are following learning patterns:
neurons in a biological brain. Each connection, like the
• Self learning synapses in a biological brain, can transmit information, a
"signal", from one artificial neuron to another. An artificial
• Feature learning neuron that receives a signal can process it and then signal

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 116

Introduction to Machine Learning

additional artificial neurons connected to it. In common ANN

system, the signal at a connection between artificial neurons is
a real number, and the output of each artificial neuron is
calculated by some non-linear function of the sum of its inputs.
• The connections between artificial neurons are called
• Artificial neurons and edges typically have a weight that
adjusts as learning proceeds.
• The weight increases or decreases the strength of the signal
at a connection.
• Artificial neurons are aggregated into layers.
• Different layers may perform different kinds of
transformations on their inputs. For e.g., Signals travel
from the first layer (the input layer) to the last layer (the
output layer), possibly after traversing the layers multiple
The original goal of the ANN approach was to solve problems
in the same way that a human brain would. However, over
time, attention moved to performing other tasks as well.
Artificial neural networks have been used on a variety of tasks, Fig. 3.
including computer vision, speech recognition, machine
translation, social network filtering, playing board and video Why Python?
games and medical diagnosis.
Although, there is no such thing as a ‘best language for
4. LANGUAGES USED IN ML machine learning’ and it all depends on what you want to
build, where you’re coming from and why you got involved in
• Python leads the pack, with 57% of data scientists and
machine learning. But there are certain aspects to the point
machine learning developers using it and 33% prioritising
which weighs in favour of Python.
it for development. Little wonder, given all the evolution in
the deep learning Python frameworks over the past 2 years, Python has become the holy grail for many data science
including the release of TensorFlow and a wide selection of applications. It combines the power of general-purpose
other libraries. Python is often compared to R, but they are programming languages with the ease of use of domain-
nowhere near comparable in terms of popularity. The specific scripting languages like MATLAB or R. Python has
prioritisation to usage ratio for Python is at 58%, the libraries for data loading, visualization, statistics, natural
highest by far among the five languages, a clear indication language processing, image processing, and more.
that the usage trends of Python are the exact opposite to
This vast toolbox provides data scientists with a large array of
those of R. [9]
general- and special-purpose functionality. One of the main
• R comes fourth in overall usage (31%) and fifth in advantages of using Python is the ability to interact directly
prioritisation (5%). This means that in most cases R is a with the code, using a terminal or other tools like the Jupyter
complementary language, not a first choice. Notebook.
• C/C++ is a distant second to Python, both in usage (44%) Also, Machine learning and data analysis are fundamentally
and prioritisation (19%). iterative processes, in which the data drives the analysis. It is
essential for these processes to have tools that allow quick
• Java follows C/C++ very closely. iteration and easy interaction. [9]
• JavaScript comes fifth in usage, although with a slightly As a general-purpose programming language, Python also
better prioritisation performance than R (7%). allows for the creation of complex graphical user interfaces
• Other languages used in machine learning, including the (GUIs) and web services, and for integration into existing
usual suspects of Julia, Scala, Ruby, Octave, MATLAB systems.
and SAS, but they all fall below the 5% mark of In the image given below, we can clearly see why developers
prioritisation and below 26% of usage. [8] choose Python over other languages.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 117

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Fig. 4.

5. CONCLUSION [3] Alexander J. Stimpson and Mary L. Cummings in “Accessing

Intervention Timing in Computer-Based Education using
The basis of machine learning is hard to implement easily for Machine Learning Algorithms”.
beginners without Python. Even for data scientists, it provides [4] Li Deng, Geoffrey Hinton and Brian Kingsbury Microsoft
a plethora of libraries to use and implement on different Research, Redmond, WA, USA in “New Types of Deep
aspects of technological problems. Learning for Speech Recognition and Related Applications: An
The Deep Learning frameworks in the Python are implemented
[5] Maryam M Najafabadi, Flavio Villanustre, Taghi M
everywhere nowadays. Scikit, Pandas, Matplotlib help in Khoshgoftaar, NaeemSeliya Wald and EdinMuharemagic in
creating graphical and logical data with good GUI. “journal of big data”.
In fig.4, we already have seen the prioritization of Python by [6] Deep learning by Nando de Freitas
developers and data scientists. It’s because of the tools and [7] An Introduction to Machine Learning Theory And Its
libraries that Python supports Applications: A Visual Tutorial with Examples by Nick Mccrea
[8] A Deep Learning Tutorial: From Perceptrons To Deep
[1] D. Bouchaffra, F. ykhef in “mathematical model for machine [9] A.C Muller and S. Gaido – Introduction to Machine Learning
learning and pattern recognition”.
[2] ItamarArel, Derek C. Rose and Thomas P Karnowski in” Deep
Learning – A New Frontier in Artificial Intelligence Research”.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 118

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Data Science and eSports

Sundeep Kumar1, Hemendra Kumar2
Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute New Delhi

Abstract: In the past few years, eSports has become one of

the most popular forms of entertainment in the world,
rivalling traditional sporting events like the NFL Super Bowl
to the MLB World Series. The eSports industry has seen
tremendous growth over the years both in terms of viewership
and revenue. eSports is also experiencing growth in several
other aspects, which are interrelated in one way or
another.At the pace of the growing eSports scene is the need
and dependency for data science and data scientists.Just as
data analytics is helping golfers, athletes, F1 teams, football
clubs and cricketers improve their performance, eSports is
well-placed to follow suit.The winning strategy and the
analysis of past performance arethe secrets to success
depending on data and eSports is overflowing with it. For
data engineers, data scientists and game analytics, eSports is
becoming a hot spot for data science.
The relation between data science and eSportsis very vital to
the gaming ecosystem. Similar to game analysts and sports,
In eSports, there is access to both real-time and historical data is essential to understanding how to optimize gameplay.
data about any action taken in the virtual world. This aspect By using large samples of data, data analysts are able to
motivates the research presented here, the question asked discover different strategies, techniques, and gameplays that
being: can the information buried deep in such data, optimize results to ensure victory.After every game, data is
unavailable to the human eye, be unlocked and used to gathered and sorted, which can then be analysed and broken
improve the live broadcast compilations of the events? down step-by-step.
Electronic video gaming has extended from being a hobby into Mobalytics is one of the largest databases dedicated to League
a serious sport and business. Recently, eSports officially of Legends and other games developed by Riot Games such as
became a medal event in the 2022 Asian Games.There’s been Team Fight Tactics. This database contains different beginner
an explosive growth in eSports popularity over recent years, guides to getting started, top team compositions, characters
fuelled by games specifically designed with online with the highest win rates, and more. Other popular gaming
competition. websites like OP.GG,, and even more also
provide player statistics for gamers all over the world. These
According to Business Insider, the eSports industry is websites have become an integral part of optimizing gameplay.
estimated to generate over $1 billion of revenue for the first
time in history in 2019. The increase in revenue originates 3. AI AND ESPORTS
from the growth of investments, advertisements, and media AI and eSportsare divided into 3 different perspectives:
coverage that the eSports scene has built over the last decade.
The key eSports contributors in the revenue are League of • AI playing gaming sports themselves: Gamers have been
Legends, Overwatch, Fortnite, and Super Smash Bros. Newzoo pitting their wits and skill against computers since the
estimated that by 2022, the eSports market will be approaching earliest days of video games. The levels of difficulty were
roughly $1.8 billion. With more accelerated growth, this pre-programmed, and at a certain point in the game, the
number could increase to over $3 billion by 2022. computer was simply unbeatable by all but the most gifted
gamers.AI Gaming companies want to develop smarter AI
Along with funding, one of the factors that contribute to the
bots that would compete against each other in an effort to
growth of eSports is the consistent growth in viewership for
grow smarter and more competitive.
eSports competitions.

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 119

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

o DeepMind’sAlphaGo used some surprising tactics services in eSports are highly valuable to players and their
while playing against Lee Sedol, world’s best Go coaches, and to the betting industry.
player. A similar discovery of new tactics and
strategies can happen in eSports.
eSports introduce a set of interesting changes to content
o CSGO has a ‘6th man’ setup where an observer
production and delivery that sets them apart from traditional
advises the players on their strategies. AI bot can
sports. In eSports, live broadcast and on-demand content is
instead replace the ‘6th man’, a form of ‘Augmented
almost exclusively delivered online, via video-platforms such
advising’. Teams will have to augment the bot’s
as Twitch and YouTube. Many eSports titles also deliver live
recommendations into their gameplay. Teams who do
and on-demand matches as raw data streams that capture every
this well will be the winners. Since a lot of machine
aspect of the virtual world, such as the movement of the
learning algorithms are democratized there won’t be a
players. On the PC of a viewer, this data can be reassembled to
situation where teams are unfairly matched.
create an interactive view of the match in which spectators can
• Game analytics platforms: These platforms provide the change camera angles, rewind, and interact with virtual
insights and details about the players and their gaming objects. Match data also contains many statistics, timings and
behaviour and tactics. other additional layers of information that are not usually
visible to the eye. Using specialised tools, such data can be
o Shadow.g is a Counter-Strike analytics platform and extracted and translated into audience-facing content, such as
its creators claim will cause a significant leap in how graphs and statistics, enhancing the viewing experience.
eSports professionals currently approach preparing
for a match by giving fast and easy access to a large In eSports, the utilization of data and statistics has particular
number of in-game statistics for any match in the potential to benefit coverage and to help mainstream audiences
platform’s library. enjoy and extract meaning from watching professional
eSports.Compared to many traditional sports, gameplay in
o NXTAKE, anadvanced CSGO analytics, is built by eSports can be much more complex, making it hard for non-
former daily fantasy sports professionals. NXTAKE expert viewers to follow the action.
is a leader in eSports analytics and broadcast
augmentation. The company is focusing to provide eSports data is often publicly available, and in terms of its
real-time analysis, coupled with live streams. detail and volume rivals even the most data-rich traditional
sports, such as Formula One. The data-rich ecosystem
• Data science in the gaming industry focuses to manage surrounding eSports has attracted attention by a series of work
the business side of the games as products. Data science is in the area of Game Analytics, the practice of extracting
utilized for various aspects in eSports industry: insights from data generated through digital games.
o Targeting new gamers using data analytics 6. KEY APPLICATION OF DATA SCIENCE IN
o Competitive game pricing ESPORTS
o Improving gameplay experience • Game Development: The primary application of data
science in gaming for the development process of game
o Game analytics to improve gaming infrastructure process. Insights gained from gaming data are utilized for
o Analysing competitors the idea of game, its functionality, and design play a critical
part in keeping the player engaged and interested in
Data analytics has already become economically relevant in o Data science is utilized to build models, to analyse
eSports, and its impact on the sector is going to increase. Data and identify optimization points, make predictions
collection, aggregation, and analytics leads to highly scalable and empower machine learning algorithms, identify
business models, especially in a dynamic digital industry. patterns and trends to guide service maps and improve
Competitor and performance analysis is central to professional gaming models.
eSports preparation. This involves players watching and • Game Monetization: This is an essential factor in the
analysing their opponents' gameplay, strengths and weaknesses general increase in revenues. There are three substantial
before tournaments and trying to use this information in key models of video games subscription: pay-to-play, free-to-
moments during a game. AI-supported analytics tools analyse play, and freemium. In any case, Big Data analytics tools
hundreds of data points harvested from digitally recorded help make sure the game is profitable.
games. They provide significant statistics, identify weaknesses
of competitor players and teams, and predict the likelihood of o Thedata is used for predictions on behaviour and
an opponent’s next move in any given situation. Data analytics optimization of games in such a way that players will

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 120

Data Science and eSports

come back again and will be ready to pay money for competition and interest in achieving the same goals.
playing. Customer data, in its turn, contains feedbacks along
with the data that helps to segment the audience and
• Game Design: Gaming data insights along with the tailor the product better.
developers' creativity help to create an interactive and
complex scenario for the games. The insights from the o This interaction between multiplayer online networks
gaming analytics are utilized to obtain the specific often results in the creation of separate social
knowledge of what the player wants, to predict the gaming communities based on competition and interest in
bottlenecks, reasoning, and timing. New game concepts, achieving the same goals.
storylines, and mechanics are designed using the data
• Other major applications include identifying team
gained previously.
encounters in eSports data, predicting match outcome,
• Object Identification: Object identification models and identifying factors that determine success in professional
algorithms are used to identify body movements in order to play, as well as recommender systems that help players
transmit and reflect these actions on the screen for make better tactical decisions.
interactive games.
• Visual Effects & Graphics: Modern video games eSports teams want to gain the edge over their competition as
developers try to use advanced algorithms to push the they practice and develop strategies, while operators want to
visual boundaries of the game. Real-time rendering provide more enhanced viewing experiences and better
techniques are used for this purpose. Photogrammetry, in regulation. New ways of analysing the Big Data that are
its turn, involves taking photographic data and converting generated by the matches, giving a deeper understanding of
into engaging, realistic digital models. how teams play and what information streams fans demand.
• Personalized Marketing: Personalized marketing in Data scientists are developing more advanced forms of
gaming helps to increase the activity of the users and at the tracking and analysing match information on the cloud, the
same time attract new ones. Data mining allows marketers introduction of more sophisticated tools for players and
and game developers to focus on highly targeted interaction casters, and cross-collaboration on data analysis research
with customers and leads by creation of meaningful projects.
marketing messages and delivering them to proper people. REFERENCES
• Fraud Detection: Various solutions for verification of the [1] Narrative Bytes: Data-Driven Content Production in Esports, f
players are widely applied in gaming. These techniques Block, et. al., Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International
allow detecting doubtful accounts and action at early Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online
stages. Moreover, these techniques are used to avoid Video, June 2018 Pages 29–41
identity theft, which is quite widespread in the virtual [2]
world of gaming. esports/?utm_campaign=News&utm_medium=Community&ut
o Application of machine learning allows identification [3]
of suspicious activity and makes fraud detection more [4]
automated and efficient due to the amount of data
they can process. cases-gaming.html
• Social &Customer Analysis: It allows the video industry to [6]
get customers insights into their attitude towards the brand esports-performance-and-strategies-i-d511843b00a1
and predict customers purchase decisions and brand [7]
loyalty. big-bucks-for-esports
o The interaction between players often results in the management/cloud-analytic-hub/big-data-powered-esports.html
creation of separate social communities based on

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 121

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

PingMe- a mobile App with a Difference

Kavita Pabreja1, Aayushi Grover2, Vinayak Sharma3
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Applications,
Maharaja Surajmal Institute, an affiliate of GGSIPU, New Delhi, India
Student, Department of Computer Applications,
Maharaja Surajmal Institute, an affiliate of GGSIPU, New Delhi, India

Abstract: Social networking has been the need for every passcode lock, voice calls and web/desktop versions. Although
human being on this earth. With the advent of Web 2.0, the Telegram has some more additional features that make it more
Internet usage for social networking purpose has been made secure than WhatsApp. It allows sending messages through
possible. There is a wide presence of many Apps already in usernames when the mobile number is not shared.
the market with various useful and interesting features but
The features of Messaging services are inbuilt in some
the need was felt to develop an App that has features of
applications like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
Parental control so as to know the emotion and sentiments
Messenger[3][4][5] and provide an ease of communication
that prevail in a chat along with the knowledge of gender and
even on the social media platforms. These messaging activities
age group of the contact person. In addition to these features,
are generally used to share the data from the same platform, for
the next level of security that includes Biometric
example, sharing Instagram post from your account to your
authentication, Identity Protection, Intruder Alert and Hide
friend’s account without the help of any third-party messaging
App Icon have been added in this app to make it stand
application. Although these activities provide a connectivity to
different from rest of the Apps in the market.
people on the same app, they lack other features that are found
in any mainstream messaging application. Table I gives a
Keywords: Mobile application, Parental control, Security
comparison of features offered by various popular social
features, Google firebase, Android studio
networking websites [6]. As can be observed from Table I that
PingMe app developed in this research work offers very
important parental control features viz. finding sentiment of the
Over the recent years, we have seen a spike in the download chat, prediction of the age and gender of the person with whom
and usage of messaging and social media apps. This category chat was done. Such features are not offered by any other app
has maintained its grip on every smartphone used and it in the market. The paper is organized as follows: - Section II
continues to grow. People first started using messaging apps to explains hardware and software requirement of this app,
communicate with each other without actually having to call. section III explains the structure of the database, section IV
This is the dawn of the era where people spend a lot of time on elaborates the new features of the app, finally section V
their phones communicating rather that going out and actually explains the conclusions and future scope.
meeting up with people. As the years pass by, people expect
the messaging apps to be more and more secure. With every
new messaging app hitting the market, they bring something ANDROIDSTUDIO and GOOGLEFIREBASE have been
new to the table and the previously popular apps get inspired to used to create this app for android. PingMe works for android
inculcate those features to retain the users who switch devices with android version 9.0 and above.
platforms every time a better one comes along.
There are several highly successful and popular messaging
Android Studio was announced on May 16, 2013 at the Google
apps currently in the market, like WhatsApp, Telegram, Hike,
I/O conference [7]. It was in early access preview stage
and some social media platforms which added messaging
starting from version 0.1 in May 2013, then entered beta stage
features after the boom in the area, like Instagram, Facebook
starting from version 0.8 which was released in June 2014. The
and Twitter.
first stable build was released in December 2014, starting from
Both Whatsapp and Telegram are [1][2] strong contenders of version 1.0. The current stable version is 3.5, was released in
the messaging world. Both of them serve the basic purposes of August 2019.
a communication medium, i.e., sends and receives messages,
The motive of the company was to develop an advanced
media and documents in real-time. The additional features that
operating system which can be used in digital cameras, but
are common to both the apps are- gifs, stickers, audio message,
when they realized that the market required for that was not
image editor, cloud sync, internal media player, live location,

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 122

PingMe- a mobile App with a Difference

large enough to capture, and they diverted their efforts in automatically. This key is unique for every message and every
producing the operating system similar to Symbian and others. message creates a new child node under ‘chats’. Each message
is stored with date, seen status, delivered status, message body,
Software development kit consist of debugger, libraries,
sender, receive and time. All the above data is stored for each
documentation, sample code, tutorials, emulator which run has
and every message ever sent.
some default handset devices profiles [8].
Google Firebase is a Google-backed application development
software that enables developers to develop iOS, Android and
Web apps[9]. Firebase provides tools for tracking analytics,
reporting and fixing app crashes, creating marketing and
product experiment.
Firebase offers a number of services, including: Analytics,
Authentication, Cloud messaging, Real-time database,
Crashlytics, Performance, Test lab [10].The software used to
develop and test is Android operating System (9.0 and above)
and requires a minimum of 512 MB RAM.
PingMe was tested on android phones of various screen size
and specifications having the android version of 9.0 or above.
All Firebase Real-time Database data is stored as JSON
objects[11]. The database has an appearance of a cloud-hosted
JSON tree. Unlike a SQL database, there are no tables or
records. When data is added to the JSON tree, it becomes a
node in the existing JSON structure with an associated key. Fig. 2. Users’ node of PingMe
We can provide our own keys, such as user IDs or semantic In the ‘users’ node, shown in Fig.2, every user registered is
names, or they can be provided by using childByAutoId. given a unique key to encrypt the email ID used to register.
Therefore, the Entity Relation Diagram and Data Flow Each registered user is saved as a new node to the ‘users’ node.
Diagram cannot be created for a JSON tree. This node then contains the unique ID of the user, Image URL
for profile picture, date and time the user is registered and the
username is shown on the app.
Apart from utility features, there are some unique features of
this app, related to Security and Parental control. These are
explained below: -
Security Features
1. Biometric Authentication: PingMe uses fingerprint
authentication every time you need to access the app to
provide an additional layer of security[12] apart from the
existing phone lock. The fingerprint is matched with the
fingerprint used to set up the mobile lock. This
authentication works even when the mobile fingerprint is
disabled after logging the prints in the system. The
fingerprint authentication will be blocked for 1 minute if a
wrong fingerprint is used to access the app.
2. Identity Protection: PingMe never asks for your mobile
number so that you can chat with just the username. This
Fig. 1. Chats node of PingMe secures the identity of the user over the internet. At the
time of registration, PingMe asks for a valid email address
In the ‘chats’ node shown in Fig. 1, all the messages sent so that intruder alert can be sent.
through the app are stored under a unique key generated

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 123

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

3. Intruder Alert: While logging into PingMe, you need a application has been tested with live users and has provided a
password associated with an existing email id. When a successful result. Hence the application has proved to work
wrong password is entered to for your account, you will efficiently.
receive an intruder alert on your email id you used to
The system created met its objectives, by being simple to use,
register with the details of the device that was used to log
is easy to download from app store. This software is developed
into your account.
with scalability in mind. Additional modules can be easily
4. Hide App Icon: PingMe allows the users to hide the app added when necessary. However, there is still a lot of scope for
icon from the app drawer by the click of a button. The future improvement and add on in functionality.
button will direct the user to the phone dialer and a code
(**11 ##) would be pre-inserted that needs to be dialed to
hide the app. The app icon will show when the user enters [1] List of features of WhatsApp
another code (**22##) into the dialer.
[2] List of features of Telegram
Parental Control
1. Sentiment Analysis: With PingMe, a user can understand [3] Details about Instagram
the sentiment of the complete chat with just one click[13].
PingMe uses a trained model to analyze the sentiment of [4] About Direct Messages on Twitter
the chat and categorize them into positive, Negative and
[5] Features of Facebook messenger
2. Gender and age analysis: PingMe can also predict the
age and gender[14][15] of the person a user is talking to [6] Comparison between telegram and WhatsApp
with 95% accuracy rate. These models are trained using
blogs written by various men and women of different age the-basics/
groups. [7] About Android Studio
Utility Features
1. Text Translation: PingMe can translate a message [8] Griffiths D., Griffiths D., Head First Android Development,
[16]received into a preferred languagechosen by the user. O’Reilly Publishers, 2017
2. Reminder: PingMe also allows the users to set in-app [9] Details of Firebase
reminders for the day.
[10] Kumar A., Mastering Firebase for Android Development: Build
3. Works on multiple devices: PingMe can be used to log real-time, scalable, and cloud-enabled Android apps with
into different devices with one same account. Firebase, Packt publishers, 2018
5. CONCLUSION [11] About data structure in JSON tree
The application has been completed successfully. The system data
is designed as it was decided earlier in design phase. The [12] About implementation of Biometric authentication in Android
project gives good idea on developing a user-friendly
application which satisfies different users’ needs. The authentication-in-android-dbeb825aeee8
uniqueness of this app lies in providing features like sentiment [13] classifier for sentiment classification
of the chats, knowing gender and age group of the person with
whom chat has been done. This gives a very important facility [14] classifier for gender
to parents to get insight into the type of chats and knowledge
about the person with whom chatting has been done.
[15] Classifier for age
This application has a user-friendly screen that enables the user
to use the PingMe without any inconvenience. Validation [16] Text translation on
checks induced have greatly reduced errors in PingMe. Android
Provisions have been made to upgrade the application. The

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 124

PingMe- a mobile App with a Difference

TABLE I: Comparison between different messaging apps

Features PingMe Whatsapp Telegram Instagram Messenger Twitter
Fingerprint Lock yes yes yes no no no
Hide app icon yes no no no no No
Media Transfer no yes yes yes yes Yes
Text Translation yes no no no no no
Sentiment analysis yes no no no no no
Gender prediction yes no no no no no
Age prediction yes no no no no no
Profile Picture yes yes yes yes yes Yes
Phone number needed no yes no no no no
Multiple devices yes no yes yes yes yes

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 125

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Study of Code Optimization Techniques

Dr. Pooja Singh1, Sargam Gupta2, Deepak3

Abstract: This paper proposes to gives an insight on the code • Better workflow management- Easy to divide
optimization. It includes the various reasons for optimization responsibilities in code development among workforce if it
of code and how it can be implemented using various is simple, well-written and optimised.
techniques. It also includes the main factors that can affect
the code optimization of a given program. The emerging • Constant innovation- When we have the most efficient
application areas of all the various code optimization version of the code in hand, we can focus on the new
techniques are also listed. approaches and innovation without constantly worrying
about any errors or changes in the code.
In general, optimization refers to the changes or improvements • The machine itself- Different machines require different
made in any task or process to reduce the time taken for it to optimization techniquesbecause they have different
complete, make it easier to understand or reduce the cost(if specifications. Available system resources play an
any).Primary focus while doing optimization is to keep the important part in calculation of execution time of a
output and its after effects exactly the same as the non- program.
optimizedversion of the task.
• System architecture- More the no. of CPU registers and
Now in terms of code, when we talk about optimisation of a memory references, faster the speed of execution.[6]
code or a program, we optimize it in a way so that the lines of
code is reduced (in some cases some extra code may be written • Type of use- Optimization of code depends on theway the
to increase efficiency), the program executes faster than code is intended to be used.
before, takes less time to finish execution and take less storage. o Debugging- The code is generally not optimised
Code readability might be compromised after optimisation during the debugging phase as it will only complicate
because the extra blank spaces in the code may be removed to the debugging process and confuse the developers.
reduce lines of code. This optimization can be done manually
or with the help of few optimizer softwares.[1] o General Use- The code is optimised in such a way
that it can run efficiently in a general machine having
2. NEED FOR OPTIMIZATION common and popular configurations.
We need to optimize the code of a program so that it has o Special Use- The code is optimised differently for
following benefits- special uses on user-specific systems for ex- the same
• Increased speed of execution- An optimised code uses less code may be optimised to run just fine on a low
resources and takes less time for generating output saving specification system to perform any task but highly
both time and system resources. optimised for research purpose on high end systems.

• Easy debugging- An optimised code is easy to analyse, test 4. TECHNIQUES OF CODE OPTIMIZATION
and debug which speeds up the code development process. Code optimization techniques can be divided on two main
• Easier code maintenance- When we have an optimised basis. One, on the level of optimization being it low-level or
code, we understand the complete coding thoroughly and high-level. Second, on its dependency on the machine.[1]
fixing any errors or making changes becomes easier. • The low-level optimization techniques are very specific to
• Better code readability- With reduced lines of code and the design of the machine. These can be further divided
redundancy the code we get after optimization is better into many subparts:
readable. o Register Allocation- It refers to the assignment of the
• Modifying and improving the existing code- When we use huge number of program variables to the CPU
a pre-existing code it becomes easier to work on it and registers. This makes their access faster and hence
modify it if it is highly optimised. optimize the code. It can be performed on a simple
block where it is known as local register allocation or
on a complete function code called as global register

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 126

Study of Code Optimization Techniques

allocation or around the function boundaries which is • High Level Code Optimization is also language dependent
traversed by call-graph called as the inter-procedural type of optimization. This optimization works in proximity
register allocation.[2] with the source code of a program. It inlines the code of a
function call which is the replacement of the function call
o Instruction Scheduling- It is mainly used to enhance
by function body. It also includes the loop reordering, array
the instruction-level parallelism which in turn
alignments, padding and much more.
upgrades the performance of machines with an
instruction pipeline. It mainly tries to rearrange the Machine independent-
code to avoid the pipeline stalls and avoid the
semantically incorrect operation calls. It can be a In this we try to optimize the code of a program irrespective of
local scheduling ie., the code cannot be relocated the platform. Focus is on reducing the lines of code by
outside the block boundaries or global scheduling in removing unnecessary dead codes, conditions, loops, function
which the code can be relocated outside the block calls etc which are not getting used in any test cases.
boundaries. Other forms include modulo scheduling, Machine dependent-
Trace Scheduling and Superblock scheduling. [4]
The code is optimised according to the machine on which it
o Branch Prediction- It refers to an architectural
will be used. It involves understanding of the machine CPU
property which provides the compiler a different path
registers and memory references. The code is changed in a way
to transfer the control and implement the instructions.
so that it maximises the utilisation of system resources and
It mainly works by executing both the parts and then
hence increasing the efficiency of the code and resources.
allowing the actual execution of that alternative which
does not modify the architectural state.[3] 5. APPLICATIONS OF CODE OPTIMIZATION
Some other low level optimization techniques include Some of the various applications of code optimization
peephole and profile-based optimization which is executed on include:[5]
small code sections and make them faster and floating-point
1. Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing Systems- In the
units optimization that allows the execution of floating point
real world scenario, manufacturing industry requires an
operations in an efficient manner.
optimized method to produce a product that is exact in all
• The intermediate optimization techniques are very specific terms. For the manufacturing process to be fast and
to the language the code uses. These include:[1] accurate we need an optimized code to execute in the
machines that will manufacture goods at a faster pace and
o Elimination of general subexpressions – It basically with exact dimensions.
checks the expressions which return the same value
and then works to find out if it would be beneficial to 2. Engineering Design- Designing plays a crucial role in
replace them with a single variable that directly hold engineering. If a design created by the CAD machine is
the same value and use the same at every place. optimized then the result will be precise. The optimised
conversion of a 2D models to real world machines is a
o Constant Propagations- This is very similar to the vivid application of code optimization.
elimination of general subexpressions. The only
difference is that it evaluates the value of the 3. Multi criteria Design Making – While creating a design
expression at the compile and automatically replaces which has multiple conditions to be executed to get a
it everywhere without checking its need. perfect outline, we need the backend code to be the most
optimised and accurate.
o Dead code elimination- As per the name, dead code
elimination means the removal of the code that does 4. Operations and Supply Chain Management- To determine
not affect the result and execution of the program an optimum ordering policy and current stock status, a
which reduces the size and in turn the execution time software requires an optimized code that calculates the
also gets reduced. result the fastest.
o Strength Reduction- In this process, a costly 5. Genetic Engineering- Extraction of DNA, replication of
expression is replaced by an economical one. For cells and many more operations on the genes can only
example, in case a multiplication operation is being executed efficiently only when the code is optimized.
performed in a loop, it is replaced by addition being
an addition is faster and economical and
multiplication is repeated addition itself. It can be concluded that code optimization is a very useful
process which when done correctly can enhance a code’s
Other methods include jump threading and loop invariant
efficiency significantly. Optimization can be used in future
code motion.
applications as well as the already existing ones.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 127

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Earlier applications or programs were heavy on system [2]

resources when code optimization didn’t exist, but with [3]
today’s advancements and researches in code optimization, it need-to-know-da13ce05787e
is possible to create the lite versions of those heavy [4]
applications and run smoothly on low end systems. [5]

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 128

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

5G Next Generation Mobile Wireless Technology: A

Ajay Kumar Phogat
Maharaja Suramal Instituute

Abstract: Wireless technology is differentiated on the basis of more pervasive than anyone could have imagined when the
their range. Some offer connectivity within few feet’s viz. cellular concept was first deployed in 1960’s and 1970’s.
Bluetooth and other cover medium sized office space. The Mobile cellular subscribers are increasing 40% per year, and
mobile phone covers whole continents. Wireless technology by the end of 2010 there will be 4 times more mobile cellular
offer e-commerce more flexible and in-expensive ways to subscription than fixed telephone lines. The rapid worldwide
send and receive data. growth in cellular telephone subscribers has demonstrated
conclusively that wireless communications is a robust, viable
The ability to communicate with people on move has evolved voice and data transport mechanism. The wide spread success
remarkably, since Guglielmo Marconi, first demonstrated of cellular has led to the development of newer wireless
radio ability to provide continuous contact with ships. The system and standards for many other types of
mobile wireless evolved in a very short span of time. In this telecommunication traffic besides mobile voice telephone
paper, we will throw light on evolution of mobile Wireless calls. Why we use wireless communication Wireless
Communication Networks along with their significance and technology are differentiated on the basis of their range. Some
advantage of one over the other. offer connectivity within few feet’s viz. Bluetooth and other
cover medium sized office space. The mobile phone covers
In few past decades, the mobile wireless evolution whole continents. Wireless technology offer e-commerce more
progressed from Zero Generation (0G) to First Generation flexible and in-expensive ways to send and receive data. The
(1G), Second Generation (2G), Third Generation (3G), and four key benefits of wireless technology are as under: - 1.
now Fourth Generation (4G) systems are being deployed with Increased efficiency: - High technology communication
the aim Quality of Service (QoS), efficiency and systems lead to faster transfer of information within business
performance. Mobile wireless technology has reached to 4G and between customers. 2. Rarely out of touch: - No need to
or 5G of Technology. 1G technology made large scale mobile carry cables or adapters in order to access office Networks. 3.
wireless communication possible. Digital communication has Greater flexibility for users: - Wireless workers in the office
replaced analog technology in 2G which significantly can be networked without sitting at dedicated PC’s. 4. Reduced
improved wireless communication. Voice communication Cost: - Wireless networks are mostly cheaper to install and
was main focus in 3G technology, and converged networks maintain than wired networks.
for both voice and data communication was main focus in
3G technology, and converged networks for both voice and
data communication is emerging. A vast body of publications is relevant for 5G and more
articles come out every month. Therefore, the literature
Currently 5G term is not officially used. In 5G researches are selected in this section is restricted to very recent popular
being made on development of World Wide Wireless Web magazine level articles and selected white papers. More
(WWWW), Dynamic Adhoc Wireless networks (DAWN) etc. specifically, IEEE Communications Magazine has issued a
In buildings or crowded areas, using 5G will help improve two-part feature topic on 5G in February and May 2014,
the speed of data downloads, while in outlying areas, 4G respectively, and the papers therein are briefly summarized
seems to be the only option. here. A. Overview of IEEE Communications Magazine Feb.
2014 5G Section Paper [4] challenges us to rethink relationship
Keywords: wireless communication, LTE, 5G. between energy and spectral efficiency (EE vs. SE). Co-design
of these should be important part of 5G research. The ideal
1. INTRODUCTION future system should have EE improvement for each SE point,
larger win-win and smaller EE-SE trade-off region and smaller
Mobile wireless industry has started its technology creation, slope in EE-SE trade-off region. No more cells is another
revolution and evolution since early 1970. From Mid 1990’s statement that suggests 5G to shift from cell-centric thinking
the cellular communication industry has witnessed explosive towards soft user and C-RAN centric designs. The third point
growth. Wireless communication networks have become much

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 129

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

is to rethink signaling and control mechanisms for diverse b. x10 longer battery life for machine to machine
traffic types. As the fourth aspect [4] introduces the concept of communication
invisible base stations. It covers the deployment of massive
c. x5 reduced end-to-end latency
MIMO in the form of irregular antenna arrays where antenna
elements can be embedded into the environment (thus making Let’s take a closer look at these new use-cases which have
base stations virtually invisible). Finally, full duplex radio is ignited the design of the upcoming 5G standard, and consider
proposed as one useful technology component for 5G. the promises, as well as the challenges ahead.
Similarly to the previous article, Boccardi et al. in [5], list five
disruptive viewpoints toward 5G. Conventional base station
based cellular structures (up/downlink, control/data channels)
are expected to give way to more agile device-centric
architectures where diverse nature of traffic and network nodes
can be handled better. Additional broad bandwidths are
available in millimeter waves and should be taken into use.
Massive MIMO has potential for 5G as it is scalable
technology at node level and enables new deployments and
architectures. Devices are getting more intelligent and that
should be reflected both at node and higher architectural level.
As an example, D2D connectivity and mobile device caching
have implications on 5G system design. An integral part of 5G
should also be natural support for machine-to-machine (M2M)
communication where the number of connected devices can be
extremely large and high reliability and low latency are
required. 5GNOW project’s vision on 5G waveform design is
reflected in [8]. The idea is to loosen the synchronism and
orthogonality requirement by design and allow a controllable
amount of waveform crosstalk. The resulting multi-carrier
waveforms have some competitive edge over well-established When we think about the advancement from 2G to 3G, and
OFDM technology. Lower end of the frequency spectrum has more recently to 4G, the first “benefit” that comes to mind is
already been reserved to a large extent for various legacy speed. 5G, however, won’t simply be about faster speeds. 5G
systems. Therefore, broad contiguous bandwidths are only is also set to support IoT devices that will have varying
available at high center frequencies, e.g., millimeter waves. demands in terms of reliability, low latency and real-time
Reference [9] delves into millimeter-wave beamforming and communications.
its feasibility as a candidate technology for 5G. In addition to How 5G Works As any other cellular network, 5G networks
the theoretical prospects, prototyping status is reviewed so that will consist of cells divided into sectors and send data through
practical aspects of millimeter-wave communications become radio waves. Each cell is connected to a network backbone
addressed as well. through a wired or wireless connection. 5G may transmit data
3. A NEW ERA over the unlicensed frequencies currently used for Wi-Fi. It
promises a smarter, faster, and efficient network. The goal of
A. It’s not Just about the speed 5G is to have far higher speeds available, at higher capacity per
sector, and at far lower latency than 4G. In order to increase
In 2015, the ITU set about planning the target goals for 5G to
network efficiency, the cell is subdivided into micro and pico
address the deficiencies of 3G and 4G standards that are in use
cells [6]. 5G will be a new mobile revolution as it is expected
today. In addition to vastly improving the existing cellular
to provide gigabit-per-second data rates anytime, anywhere. In
voice and mobile broadband capabilities of these network
a 5G wireless network, every mobile phone will have an IPv6
standards, the ITU listed a number of goals to address several
address depending on the location and network being used. 5G
new needs driven by:
utilizes user-centric network concept World Wide Wireless
1. The huge increase of data volume (x1000) Web (WWWW) instead of operator- centric as in 3G or
service-centric as in 4G [7]. WWWW will be capable of
2. The massive increase of the number of connected devices
supporting applications and services and interconnected the
whole world. 5G includes the latest technologies such
3. The large diversity of use cases and their performance cognitive radio, Internet of things, nanotechnology, and cloud
requirements computing.
a. x10-x100 typical user data rate Recent research published by Darrell M. West, vice president
and director of Governance Studies and founding director of

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 130

5G Next Generation Mobile Wireless Technology: A Review

the Centre for Technology Innovation at Brookings, highlights popular fitness trackers, can transmit vital statistics to doctors
four factors which will distinguish 5G from its predecessors: and alert them to changes immediately. In addition to
connected devices, fast and intelligent networks, back-end expanding treatment options, IoT will provide medical
services, and extremely low latency. These qualities will researchers with more data on how diseases impact individuals
enable a fully connected and interactive world with a variety of so they can customize treatments to specific cases.
applications, including new possibilities in terms of health
The barriers to the rollout of 5G networks are not merely
care, such as imaging, diagnostics, data analytics and
technological; regulations must also pave the way for faster
networks that do not compromise privacy and security. As
Darrell describes a 5G world where “real-time health services industry groups agree on technical standards for new wireless
will become the norm rather than the exception”, bringing technologies, telecommunications regulators like the Federal
patients “closer to a science fiction concept of digital Communications Commission must free up new wireless
integration than ever before”. spectrum. Meanwhile, the addition of medical devices to IoT
will require the Food and Drug Administration to evaluate
B. Internet of things
their effectiveness for treating patients. Finally, health
The internet of things (IoT) promises to create a global insurance reimbursement rules must be changed so that in-
network of billions of data-collecting machines and mobile patient care is not privileged over telemedicine. Combining
devices. Transmitting and processing all of the data in the new technologies with appropriate regulations will unleash the
rapidly growing IoT will require new wireless infrastructure potential of 5G to lower costs and improve outcomes in health
with enhanced capabilities. In a new paper, Darrell West, vice care.
president and director of Governance Studies and founding We can expect a new generation wearables for tracking heart
director of the Centre for Technology Innovation at Brookings, health and fitness, diagnostics for proactive patient care,
discusses how fifth generation (5G) wireless technology will powerful data analytics and more. Just imagine a world where
provide the backbone for IoT that greatly improves data a patient’s condition can be assessed and treatment can be
transfer speeds and processing power over its predecessors. administered via wearable devices. Imagine a time when a
This combination of speed and computing power will enable patient’s data can be transmitted to a doctor on the other side
new applications for mobile technologies, especially in health of the world, who can then administer the treatment a patient
care. Rather than travelling to a doctor or specialist for needs — and even deliver a medication through the device
expensive medical treatments, IoT allows patients to receive itself. It’s not far off.
care nearby and in real time. Health IoT has the potential to
improve outcomes by expanding access to medical treatments The transition from 4G to 5G presents several transformational
and reducing the cost to patients and taxpayers. challenges which must be tackled to fully realize the 5G
vision. There are challenges faced with the new technologies
5G networks will combine numerous wireless technologies, enabling 5G. There are also challenges with the integration of
such as 4G, Wi-Fi, and millimeter wave technology to push this technology to provide services in different application
mobile connection speeds over 100 megabits per second. scenarios. Some have criticized 5G for its high projected cost
Instead of point-to-point communications provided by legacy and that it is incompatible with the previous generations. Just
mobile networks, 5G will move packets of data following the as 2G phones could not connect to 3G or 4G networks, 3G and
most efficient path to their destination. This shift enables real 4G phones will not connect to a 5G network. One is forced to
time aggregation and analysis of data, moving wireless buy a new phone which is likely to be more expensive than
technology from communication to computing. On-demand 4G/LTE service. To address these challenges, we need a
cloud computing and network function virtualization both drastic change in the design of cellular architecture. We also
decrease the cost of creating services that leverage 5G need to meet 5G system performance requirements such
technology. The advent of 5G will expand networks far Mfentocells, stringent latency, network scalability, very long
beyond computers and smartphones to include everything from battery life, and green communications. It is a challenge to
driverless cars to medical devices. satisfy these requirements and minimize costs at the same time
5G networks open up new avenues for the delivery of health INFRASTRUCTURE
care. Instead of bringing patients to a doctor for treatment, 5G C. 5G-connected cars
networks can connect patients and doctors from across the
globe. Connecting more medical devices to IoT will enable When cars can share data, maybe they’ll act in unison and
doctors to monitor patients without the need for costly in- drive themselves safely enough for us humans to sit back and
patient care. Digital imaging can be sent anywhere in the world daydream. But the car-to-car chat would have to occur at data
for analysis, expanding access for patients who live far away transfer speeds a lot faster than those our pokey 4G cellular
from health care providers and lowering the cost of getting a service can muster.
second opinion. Wearable devices, much like the already-

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 131

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

and ultra-reliability, and it will be essential in supporting the

billions of connected devices —everything from smart
buildings to internet-connected wineries.
The whole system must work in tandem, and each piece
requires a significant amount of compute power and data
synthetizations. The accumulated collected data enables them
to absorb and learn from aggregated experiences and
Again, it’s too soon to say for sure, but don’t count on it in the
next couple of years. The most optimistic targets would see the
first commercial network up and running by 2020, but even
that may be too optimistic. As with LTE, it will take years for
The necessary 5G cellular technology was demonstrated for the network to become widespread.
the first time at a BMW race track near Inchon, in South
Korea. Two BMWs shared information with the human REFRENCES
drivers; in a future, self-driving setup, such sharing of data [1] Amos Edward Joel (Bell Labs), “Cellular Mobile
might allow cars to coordinate actions almost instantaneously. Communication System.”
The purpose-built 5G network covered 240, 000 square meters [2] Andrew McGirr, Barry Cassidy (Novatel), 1992, “Radio
(59 acres, or about half the size of Vatican City) according to telephone using received signal strength in controlling
SK Telecom, the South Korean company that installed it along transmission power”.
with Sweden’s Ericsson. The back-and-forth communication [3] Douglas Fougnies et al. (Freedom Wireless) 1998, “Security
cellular telecommunications system”
had less than a millisecond of latency, par for the course for a
system with a peak transmission rate of 20 gigabits per second. [4] Friedhelm Hillebrand, ed. (2002): "GSM and UMTS, the
Creation of Global Mobile Communications", John Wiley &
Each car had a 5G station of its own, through which on-board Sons.
cameras could upload ultrahigh-definition video for displaying [5] Goldsmith, Andrea (2005), “Wireless Communications.
to an audience. The cars were from the X5 and the S7 series Cambridge University”
(the first production vehicle to park itself driverlessly, as IEEE [6] Martin Cooper et al. (Motorola)(2002), “Radio Telephone
Spectrum reported in April). System (Dyna-Tac)”.
[7] Michel Mouly, Marie-Bernardette Pautet (June 1992): "The
The coming of 5G is keeping the idea of cellular car-to-car GSM System for Mobile Communications". Artech House.
connections alive. It may even end up driving a stake through [8] Molisch, Andreas (2005), “Wireless Communications”. Wiley-
the heart of alternative wireless schemes—notably dedicated IEEE Press.
short range communications, or DSRC, based on IEEE [9] Moray Rumney, "IMT-Advanced: 4G Wireless Takes Shape in
802.11p. That’s the system upon which Europe’s Cooperative an Olympic Year", Agilent Measurement Journal, September
ITS Corridor, from Amsterdam to Vienna, is now being built. 2008
6. CONCLUSION [10] Noah Schmitz (March 2005). "The Path To 4G Will Take Many
Turns". Wireless Systems Design.
5G is the next “G” or “Generation” of wireless networks. It [11] Siegmund M. Redl, Matthias K. Weber, Malcolm W. Oliphant
will let more data move at higher speeds with lower latency (March 1995): "An Introduction to GSM".

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 132

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Role of Social Media for Brand building among

Students of 21st Century
Dr. Neetu Narwal
Asso. Prof., BCA[M], Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: Social Media has become prominent part of

everyone’s life. Different types of social media application
are there and each portrays different aspect of human
personality. Social Media has both positive and negative
effect on personal psychology. Social Media if wisely used
provides very fruitful results. This article studies few
celebrities who have achieved fame using Social media as
brand building tool. The paper discusses how we can use
Social Media as a platform for personal brand building. We
can harness the power of Social Media, reach masses and
build our own image.

Social Media are Interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based
User-generated content, such as text posts or comments, digital
photos or videos, and data generated through all online
interactions, is the lifeblood of social media. Social networks
like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have rapidly become a
part of many people’s everyday lives, especially for the
generations who have grown up with so much technology at
their fingertips.
According to BrandwatchSocial media statistics [1] as of Dec
2019, total worldwide population is 7.8 billion. The internet Fig. 1. Social Media User Statistics 2016
has 4.54 billion users. There are 3.725 billion active social
WhatsApp: Despite having been acquired by Facebook in
media users
2014, this instant messaging platform exists as an independent
On average, people have 7.6 social media accounts. entity. It arrived on the scene much later than Facebook but
has been able to capture the imagination of millions of people
The average daily time spent on social is 142 minutes a
across the world by giving them the ability to communicate
day91% of retail brands use 2 or more social media
and share instantly with individuals and groups.Number of
channels81% of all small and medium businesses use some
active users per month: 1 billion approximately
kind of social platform
Tencent QQ: Tencent QQ (more popularly known as QQ) is an
Some of the most popular Social Media Sites:
instant messaging (chat-based) social media platform. It
Facebook: It is the largest social networking site in the world became international (with more than 80 countries using it),
and one of the most widely used. Apart from the ability to after it was launched in China.
network with friends and relatives.
It even has a built-in translator to translate your chats. Number
You can also access different Facebook apps to sell online and of active users per month: 853 million approximately
you can even market or promote your business, brand and
Tumblr: Having been owned by Yahoo since 2013.Tumblr
products by using paid Facebook ads. Number of active users
serves as a social media cum micro blogging platform that can
per month: 1.59 billion approximately
be used to find and follow things that you like. Number of
active users per month: 555 million approximately

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 133

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Instagram: Instagram was launched as a unique social They are active on social networking sites, uploading things
networking platform that was completely based on sharing like videos, pictures or even comments, downloading music
photos and videos. and other files, chatting on various messengers and more.
This photo sharing social networking app thus enables you to The Negative Effects of Social Media on Teenagers
capture the best moments of your life. Number of active users
per month: 400 million approximately • Cyberbullying

Twitter: This social networking site enables you to post short • Sleep Deprivation
text messages (called tweets), containing a limited number of • Lower Self Esteem
characters, to convey your message to the world. Number of
active users per month: 320 million approximately • Social Isolation
Pinterest: This is a photo sharing and visual bookmarking • Poor Concentration
social media site or app that enables you to find new ideas for
• Decreased activity
your projects and save them.
• Internet addiction
So, you can do DIY tasks or home improvement projects, plan
your travel agenda and so on by using Pinterest.Number of • Guide your children/student about the Risk of Social
active users per month: 100 million approximately Media.

Linkedln: LinkedIn is one of the most popular professional • Talking about social media use is the best way to protect
social networking sites or apps and is available in over 20 your child and ensure his/her internet safety.
languages. • Work out how he/she wants to behave and be treated by
It is used across the globe by all types of professionals and other people online.
serves as an ideal platform to connect with different • Understand the risks involved in using social media – for
businesses, locate and hire ideal candidates, and more. It example, risks like being tagged in an embarrassing photo
boasts over 400 million members. Number of active users per taken at a party.
month: 100 million approximately
• Understand the dangers involved in sharing content and
Quora: Executives can use Quora to demonstrate their industry personal.
expertise, build their credibility and elevate their personal
brand. • Learn what to do if people ask for personal details, are
mean or abusive online, post embarrassing photos, or share
Try to answer questions, leave comments and upvote others' information that links back to child.
answers at least three days a week. Focus on positioning
yourself in one niche so people will know what to expect and Setting up Social Media Guidelines
want to follow you. Using Social Media
Gain exposure by asking insightful questions that resonate • When it’s OK to use social media and how long your child
with people. can spend on social media.
YouTube: YouTube is the world’s largest video-sharing social • Whether it’s OK to use social media during homework
networking site that enables users to upload and share videos, time, family meals and so on.
view them, comment on them and like them. This social
network is accessible across the globe and even enables users • Where it’s OK to use social media – for example, only in
to create a YouTube channel where they can upload all their family areas of the house, not bedrooms.
personally recorded videos to showcase to their friends and
Posting content and comments
• It’s important for your child to agree to:
YouTube's platform allows you to create your own channel
and post videos to build your personal brand. • Not uploading or sharing inappropriate messages, images
and video or oneself or others.
Impact of Social Media on Today’s Generation
• Being cautious about the information that child shares
Digital World and Children
• Being a responsible digital citizen by showing respect in
In today’s day a child knows more about the digital world than posts and when sharing content – for example, if it’s not
the parents. OK to say or do something face to face, it’s not OK online.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 134

Role of Social Media for Brand building among Students of 21st Century

Looking at Positive Side of Social Media Benefits of a strong personal brand

• Ensures better Engagement • Stand out from the crowd: Personal branding allows you to
distinguish yourself from everyone else and become more
• Enhances Communication Speed visible.
• It Finds Out Connection Between Detachment • Increased credibility: Having a personal brand can really
• Builds Productive Relationship help you boost your credibility and showcase your
expertise within your industry. It can set the path for you to
• It Helps To Boost The Participation Of The Communities become a leader in your field.
• It Builds Confidence • Increase your confidence: The first step in personal
• It Helps To Fight Depression branding is to look deeply at yourself and discover your
greatest qualities and passion. This can be a real confidence
Helps People To Identify Themselves boost.
People Can Realise Potential • Become more connected: By showcasing yourself in a
Teachers And Students Are Benefitted A Lot From Social certain light, you’ll be able to reach and connect with
Media likeminded professionals.

One Can Use It for Noble Cause Some Successful Stories Personal Branding via Social Media

It Benefits The Mental Health Sarah Cooper

It Is A Path To Save Lives Sarah Cooper [4] is a former Google employee turned
writer/comedian. Before she had a personal website, she had
According to a 2018 Career Builder Survey[2] :70% of her infamous blog, The Cooper Review, which she syndicates
employers use social media to screen candidates during the on Medium.
hiring process.
In 2013, her blog post about meetings went viral, which led to
43% of employers use social media to check on current a three-book deal:
• How to Be Successful Without Hurting Men’s Feelings
Personal Branding
• 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings
‘Personal branding’ is simply building a brand around your
career and personal name. It’s all about marketing yourself as • Draw What Success Looks Like
an expert in your given industry, which is why people should She built her comedy career in between working for companies
trust you and your opinions. like Yahoo! and Google, where she was fed free lunches and
Everything you do or say online helps to form your very own lots of material.
personal brand. In turn, your personal brand forms the building Aja Frost
blocks of your professional reputation – and that’s why you
need to take it seriously. We’re all our own brands. Aja Frost[5] freelance wrote her way through college. Her
writing has been featured literally everywhere you can imagine
According to Zarkada, Anna [3] Personalbranding is a new online.
marketing concept related to the marketing strategies that a
Today, she’s a senior SEO strategist at HubSpot, where she’s
person adopts in order to promote his or her major personal
worked since graduating a few years ago.
characteristics. Personal branding is heavily used by
celebrities’ politicians, and people who look for social Aja’s site is also simple but impressive because she features
integration, support or uniqueness. logos from very well-known media outlets and brands she’s
worked with.
The personal branding phenomenon is a relatively new
phenomenon for western societies, lately studied by Jasmine Star
sociologists as well as marketers. As a new social phenomenon Jasmine Star[6] is a photographer, so her photos are high
and marketing construct, the academic marketing literature
quality, but her highlights don’t just show the facets of her
examining it is still under-developed. The present paper aim to
life—they teach, too. Star is also a business strategist, and she
present a literature review of the popular press and academic
offers easy-to-try tips for entrepreneurs through her posts and
marketing perspective and attempts to define the construct and
her bio. She regularly writes captions that are longer than 300
set a research agenda to identify the variables of the personal words, and she speaks very deliberately to her audience, which
branding construct. is a critical element of personal branding.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 135

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Steps to build your own personal brand on social media: 2. CONCLUSION

• Choose your areas of expertise. Personal Branding talks about yourself on the social media. A
strong personal brand is not about how long you’ve been
• Think about consistency. building it, but how well you’ve been doing it. Like a great
• Post regularly. pair of shoes, it must: make you feel powerful and happy, good
fit, feel good and tell a story. Today’s generation spends plenty
• Create your own content. of time on social media, they must utilize it as platform to
make a brand for themselves.
• Make connections with others.
• Choose your platform
[1] Social Media Statistics 2019, URL:
• Who is your target audience?
statistics-and-facts/, uploaded as on 10-02-2020
• Which social media platforms do they use?
[2] Press Release: “More Than Half of Employers Have Found
• Options include: Blogging, Wordpress, LinkedIn Content on Social Media That Caused Them NOT to Hire a
publishing platform, etc. Candidate, According to Recent CareerBuilder” URL:
• Microblogging sites: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, [3] Zarkada, Anna, Concepts and Constructs for Personal Branding:
Google+, etc. An Exploratory Literature Review Approach (January 28,
2012). Available at SSRN:
• Video & audio sites or
• YouTube, podcasting, SlideShare [4] Sarah Cooper URL: as uploaded
on 20-07-2019
• Image posting [5] Aja Frost, URL as uploaded on 20-
• Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter
[6] Jasmine Star, URL as uploaded on 20-

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 136

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Equator Principles: Green Steps towards Sustainable

Preeti Malik1, Anviti Rawat2, Suraj Pal Chauhan3, Harish Singh4
Maharaja Surajmal Institute, Affiliated to GGSIPU, New Delhi

Abstract: Change is the need of hour for endurance in all financiers as well as advisors, they work in partnership amid
areas. Climate is the most complicated subject the world is their clients to identify access as well as manage
facing. The world has seen much focus on economic environmental as well as social risks as well as blows in a
progress, the side effects of this, has resulted in climate structured way, on an on-going basis. Such collaboration
alteration, environmental harm. The banks can play key role promotes sustainable environmental as well as social
linking economic growth as well as environmental defense. performance as well as can lead to improved financial,
The banking of this type is named as Green Banking. The environmental as well as social outcomes. Equator Principles
notion of green banking was developed in the western Financial Establishments (EPFIs) have accepted the Equator
countries. Green Banking was officially started in 2003 amid Principles in order to ensure that the Projects we finance as
a sight to protecting the environment. Then the Equator well as advise on are developed in a manner that is socially
Principles (EPs) were instigated. These are the financial responsibleas well as reflects sound environmental
trade benchmarks for deciding, considering as well as management practices. It recognises the importance of climate
managing environmental as well as social risk in projects. It change, biodiversity, as well as human rights, as well as
ways combining technology as well as changing punter believes negative blows on project- affected ecosystems,
habits in banking commerce. Green banking practices will be communities, as well as the climate must be avoided where
valuable not merely for environment but also direct to cost possible.
cutbacks in banking activities. To lessen the external carbon
The EP’s are accepted as well as applied voluntarily by what’s
emissions, bank must finance green know-how as well as
known as “Equator Principles Financial Establishments”, or
pollution reducing projects. Green banking is a part of green
EPFIs. More than 100 EPFI’s in 38 countries have officially
initiative taken by stakeholders to save environment. This
accepted the EP, covering the bulk of international project
paper has made an effort to highlight equator principles,
finance liability amid in developed as well as appearing
opportunities, challenges as well as payback of green
markets. The fourth review inform of the Equator Principles
was accepted in November 2019. Amendments as well as fresh
assurances were made related to human rights, climate change,
Keywords: Equator Principles, Green Banking, Financial
native people as well as biodiversity. The extent of the EPs has
Establishments, Banking Sector, Commerce
also been extended to capture more project-related
ING was one of the 10 first accepters of the EP in 2003 as well
Today “Go Green” is the mantra of every country to defend the
as was one of the process coordinators for the fourth review
environment as well as conserve the innate resources. Green
update. We acted as chair of the Steering Committee in 2012—
Banking is any form of banking from that the country as well
2014, where we played a key role in finalizing its second
as nation gets environmentally benefits. A conventional bank assess update. We actively advocate as well as enforce the EP,
becomes a green bank by directing its core operations toward as we recognize their ability to positively contribute to society.
the betterment of environment. The banking zone can play a
liaison role between economic growth as well as environment 2. APPLYING THE EQUATOR PRINCIPLES
safety by promoting environmentally sustainable as well as
As an Equator Principles Financial Establishment (EPFI) we
socially responsible investment. [1] The Equator Principles
don’t present project finance or project-related corporate loans
(EP) is a framework used by financial establishments to
to clients that are unable to or choose not to comply amid the
determine access as well as manage environmental and social
principles. We also implement the EP in our internal
risk in projects.
environmental as well as social policies, procedures as well as
Large infrastructure as well as industrial Projects can have standards. These are embedded in our ESR Framework, as well
adverse blows on people as well as on the environment. As as entail involvement of the following three banking areas:

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 137

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

1. Front Office: The departments that originate transactions • As for the original target—project financing—94 banks in
as well as have direct contact amid clients or sponsors. 37 countries now adhere to the Equator Principles.
2. Risk Managers: The departments that provide control over • This covers over 80 percent of project-finance transactions
Front Office activities as well as generally can sign off on in appearing markets.
the environmental as well as social blows for ‘low-risk’
EP deals. • In many of these markets, the Equator Principlesset the bar
above local entailments as well as standards.
3. Environmental as well as Social Risk: The dedicated
department amid in risk management that assesses • In fact, groups are now drawing on the experience of the
environmental as well as social blows associated amid Equator Principles to create similar standards for stock
’high-risk’ transactions. markets as well as capital markets.

4. If these blows are inevitable they must be minimised, 3. REVIEW OF EQUATOR PRINCIPLES (EP4) /
mitigated, as well as/or offset. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES IN EP4
• The Equator Principles—a global benchmark for
sustainable project finance—were created 15 years ago for For consultation June-August 2019
this fresh era. This text provides an overview of the main proposed changes
• They have made it possible for “real bankers to speak between EPIII as well as the draft of EP4 – it is not meant to
together profits as well as social benefits, ” says Graham be a comprehensive review of all of the proposed changes, as
Sinclair, Principal at Sustainable Investment Consulting well as we invite all stakeholders to read the full EP4 proposed
LLC. text. Changes have been made in four key areas. The review
focuses on four key thematic areas:
• The consequences, he believes, have transformed the one-
time status quo a. Scope of applicability of the EPs

• “The Equator Principles have altered the mode the b. Applicable standards in designated vs. non-designated
commerce of global project finance is conducted in countries
appearing market. The Equator Principles are the best c. Human Rights as well as social risk
practice that place environmental, social, as well as
governance issues inside every deal.” d. Climate change

• Their position as financiers affords opportunities to 1. Scope of Applicability

promote responsible environmental stewardship as well as Overall, the scope of applicability remains amid in the Project-
socially responsible development, including fulfilling our related realm. The total threshold or Project-Related Corporate
responsibility to respect human rights by undertaking due Loans (PRCLs) has reduced to US$50 million, where the total
diligence in harmony amid the Equator Principles. aggregate loan amount as well as the EPFI’s individual
Equator Principles at a Glance assurance (before syndication or sell down) meets the fresh
• 2003- Equator principles created.
Project-related Refinancing as well as Project-related
• 1994- Financial Establishments officially accepted the Acquisition Financing is added to the scope of the EPs amid
Equator principles. the following criteria:
• 80% of project finance transactions in appearing » The underlying Project was financed in harmony amid the
economies have accepted Equator principles. EPs;
• 2013- Equator Principles are updated to reflect » There has been no material change in the scale or scope of
International Finance Corporation Performance standards. the Project;
Convincing a Sceptical Audience » The Project is not yet completed.
• As the Equator Principles have become the most tested as 2. Applicable Standards in Designated vs. Non-Designated
well as applied global target for sustainable project finance, Countries
they continue to sway the growth of responsible commerce
standards across the globe. Principle 3 retains the list of ‘Designated Countries’ i.e. high-
income OECD countries as a proxy for governance. However,
• The Equator Principles have become a pioneering replica it clarifies that the EPFI will assess the specific risks of the
for other industry coalitions in developing as well as Project to determine whether one or more of the IFC
spreading responsible commerce standards.” Performance Standards could be applied to address those risks,

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 138

Equator Principles: Green Steps towards Sustainable Development

in addition to host country laws. 3. Human Rights as well as 4. BENEFITS OF GREEN BANKING
Social Risk
1. Avoids Paper Work: Paperless banking almost all banks
The Preamble states that EPFIs will fulfill their responsibility in India are computerized or operate on a core banking
to respect Human Rights in line amid the UN Guiding solution (CBS). Thus there is ample scope for the banks to
Principles on Commerce as well as Human Rights. Principle 2 accept paperless or less paper for office communication,
strengthens language on human rights, stating that the audit, reporting etc. these banks can change over to
Environmental as well as Social Blow Assessment (ESIA) electronic correspondence as well as reporting thereby
included in the Assessment Documentation must include the controlling deforestation.
assessment of potential adverse Human Rights blows. Two
2. Creating Awareness to Commerce People about
options related to ‘Free, Prior as well as Informed Consent’
Environment. [2] Many NGOs as well as
(FPIC) are presented:
environmentalists are propagating environment
Option 1: For projects amid blows on indigenous peoples as consciousness among the community in general by
described in IFC Performance standards, clients “are expected arranging attentiveness programs as well as organizing
to engage in meaningful consultation amid affected Indigenous seminars etc. Banks may associate themselves by
people, amid the goal of achieving their Free Prior as well as sponsoring such programs. Besides, many corporate
Informed Consent.” bodies are organizing similar program in their own line of
commerce such as “free pollution check program”
Option 2: For projects amid blows on indigenous peoples as
organized by a car manufacturer. Banks may tie amid such
described in IFC Performance standards, clients “must
corporate. These will help to brighten the image of the
demonstrate to the EPFI’s satisfaction, that the Free, Prior as
well as Informed Consent of the indigenous peoples affected
by the Project is obtained.” 3. Loans at Comparatively Lesser Rates: Banks can also
introduce green bank loans amid financial concessions for
4. Climate Change
atmosphere friendly products as well as projects such as
The Preamble recognizes EPFI’s role in the 2015 Paris Climate fuel efficient vehicles, green building projects, housing as
Change agreement, as well as responsibilities for reporting well as house furnishing loans to fit solar energy system
climate-related information in line amid the TCFD etc.
recommendations. 4. Environmental Standards for Lending: Banks follow
Principle 2 introduces Climate Change Risk Assessment as environmental standards for lending, is really a fine
entailment for certain Projects: scheme as well as it will make commerce owners to
change their commerce to environmental friendly which is
» For Category A as well as appropriate, Category B Projects, fine for our upcoming generations.
the climate change assessment will include consideration of
relevant physical risks. 5. METHODS ACCEPTING GREEN BANKING

» For all Projects, in all locations, when combined Scope 1 as 1. Online Savings Account: Online savings account as well
well as Scope 2 Emissions are expected to be more than 100, as mobile banking is the easiest way that you can do your
000 tons of CO2 equivalent annually, the climate change part to bank green as well as help the environment. [3]
assessment will include consideration of relevant transition Green banking includes setting up direct deposit to receive
risks as well as the completion of an alternatives analysis to your pay checks, receiving electronic statements from
assess less Greenhouse Gas (GHG) intensive alternatives. your bank as well as by paying bills online. All of these
steps can radically reduce the amount of paper produced
The depth as well as nature of this assessment will depend on by your bank. Online banking as well as mobile banking is
the type of Project, as well as the nature of risks, including also highly effective ways to keep path of your finances as
their materiality as well as severity. well as to avoid late payment fees. Another green banking
Annexure A entails clients to use the GHG Protocol or national step you can take is to suggest that the company you work
reporting methodologies if they are consistent amid or for sign up for a product called “Remote Deposit”.
equivalent to the GHG Protocol; specifies questions that the Remote customers have to physically deliver each check
climate change risk assessment must address including the to their bank to make a deposit. Remote deposits also
identification of transition as well as/or physical risks as well allow banks to easily clear checks digitally.
as mitigation efforts; as well as specifies that the climate 2. Paperless Statements: Sending out bank statements by
change risk assessment must consider the project’s mail is a big waste of paper. Signing up for online banking
compatibility amid the country’s most recent relevant at most banks includes an option for customers to obtain
climate/energy policies including e.g. Nationally Determined their statements electronically through a secure log – in.
Contributions. Copies of banking records as well as statements can then

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 139

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

be stored electronically instead of in a filing cabinet. 7. LIMITATIONS OF GREEN BANKING

Receiving statements electronically also reduces the
Banking as well as the Environment:
possibility of identity theft.
Paper is the Problem
3. Use Direct Deposit: Most employers will give employees
the option to receive their pay check electronically. Not It might seem that bank products do not directly affect the
only does this speed up the availability of your money as environment as well as banks are not immense burners of
well as save you a voyage to the bank, it saves paper, lots fossil fuels. But banking has historically been a paper-heavy
of paper work etc. industry in addition to this; pulp as well as paper mills are
6. GREEN BANKING STRATEGIES heavy producers of dimethyl sulfide, one of many toxic
pollutants associated amid the industry.
Indian Banks Can Accept Green Banking As Commerce
Model For Sustainable Banking. Some of following strategies The banking industry is in a challenging, somewhat
little reflected in their banking commerce or must be accepted contradictory situation. [5] Most banks provide electronic
by banks. platforms for numerous retail as well as wholesale banking
activities, yet for security reasons (however misplaced) many
1. Carbon Credit Commerce: [4] Under the Kyoto of their customers at rest insist on receiving paper records. So
Protocol, all nations must reduce green house gases many banks continue to provide these services.
emission as well as reduce carbon to protect our
environment. These emission must be certified by However, paperless penetration rates were lower for credit
Certified Emission Reductions (CERs), commonly known cards, as well as much lower for insurance as well as
as carbon credit. The Indian Bank may start this brokerage. These rates are nonetheless rising, albeit slowly, but
commerce as in London the commerce of carbon credit is banks will clearly be providing customers amid paper records
about 30 billion Euros. as well as statements for some time to come.

2. Green Banking Financial Products: Banks can develop That’s ironic, since customers want their providers to maintain
innovative green based products or may bid green loans on green commerce practices as well as have been shown to be
low rate of interest. As Housing and Car loan segments are willing to give their commerce to such organizations. But,
the main portfolio of all banks so they accept green loans even given this inconsistency, banks can leverage client
facility. SME loans on the basis of National preference for hard copies by using only certified paper that is
Environmental Policy as well as its certification harvested from sustainably managed forests; they can establish
a procurement policy that insists on ecologically sound
3. Paperless Banking: All banks are shifting on CBS or practices from their suppliers as well as providers; as well as
ATM platform, also providing electronic banking products they can commit themselves to social as well as economic
as well as services. So there is ample scope for banks to promotion in the regions as well as countries where paper is
accept paperless banking. Private as well as foreign banks produced – all of which demonstrates to clientele a assurance
are using electronics for their office correspondence but to protecting the environment.
still in PSU banks they are using huge paper quantity.
Paperless Resolutions are the Answer
4. Energy Consciousness: Banks have to install energy
efficient equipments in their office, use CFL as well as Because banking touches virtually all commerce around the
avoid wrong utilization of these equipments. Banks have globe, banks not only can make their own operations more
to convert this green banking in Hardware, waste efficient as well as paper-free but can also provide paperless
Management in office, Energy efficient Technology processing solutions to their clients as well as customers. This
products. Banks can Donate Energy Saving Equipments to not only offers commerce the opportunity to help make their
school, hospitals etc. own commerce green as well as to shrink their carbon
footprints, but also to improve their operating efficiency,
5. Using Mass Transportations Systems: Banks have to reduce processing costs, improve their cash forecasting,
provide common transport for groups of officials posted at mitigate risk as well as cut down on processing error.
one office. Consider, as examples, the effect of a few such paperless
6. Green Buildings: Banks have their residential houses, solutions:
branches or ATMs, so bank may accept green building to Electronic Bill Presentment as well as Payment
protect our environment.
Electronic bill presentment as well as payment (EBPP) is the
7. Plantation: Most of the banks are conducting plantation
process of delivering to customers bills as well as invoices in
program in the rainy season to save our environment.
electronic format, either email or short message service (SMS)
They plant trees, grass etc at local gardens, schools or
text, via the biller’s website as well as allows a customer to
colleges as well as shows that banks are very careful about
execute payment electronically. The process eliminates not

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 140

Equator Principles: Green Steps towards Sustainable Development

only the need for paper bills as well as envelopes but cuts the savings, as well as to exceed the benefits along to their
costs of postage as well as transportation. To give an example, customers as well as clients.
the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) reports that
While environmentally friendly living is a positive ideal, there
one bank, simply by reducing the mass of its ATM receipts,
are several possible disadvantages of going green.
saved US$500, 000 yearly.
Initial Costs
Such solutions are easily customizable to a biller’s needs;
provide a secure, user-authenticated system; can be used for Perhaps the greatest disadvantage of going green is that it often
together one-time as well as recurring payments; as well as can entails a large initial cost. For example, installing a fresh roof
be used together amid credit as well as debit cards as well as or fresh insulation to keep heat from escaping your home
amid automated clearing house (ACH) payments. would be considered a green home progress, but it would cost
Document Image Technology a large sum of money to get the work done. Similarly, buying a
hybrid vehicle that gets fine gas mileage can reduce energy
Document image technology replaces paper cheques as well as consumption, but hybrid vehicles often cost many thousands of
billing records amid images. It can capture a transaction as it is dollars more than similar vehicles amid out hybrid technology.
processed, providing an image of corresponding remittance Upfront costs present a large deterrent to going green.
documents such as invoices, cheque stubs, remittance
statements, correspondence, as well as envelopes. These Inadequate Savings
images can then be stored electronically, eliminating the need The aim of going green in many cases, such as building an
for paper archiving as well as also for courier as well as energy-efficient home or purchasing a hybrid vehicle is to
overnight delivery service of paper materials. Communications reduce environmental blow while saving money in the long
are improved as well as made more rapid as images can be term. Green buildings as well as vehicles tend to use less
shared via email or fax, as well as document retrieval is greatly energy, so initial costs can often be recouped over time
enhanced since transaction records can be located via a variety through energy savings. The difficulty is that the savings
of search options. generated by going green are often less than expected; they do
Mobile Bill Presentment as well as Payment Acceptance not make up for the initial cost quickly enough to make them
economically viable.
Increasingly banks are developing technologies that allow
customers, via their mobile devices, to pay bills, access Competition
banking as well as credit card accounts, receive notices of bills In the commerce world, going green can be an attractive goal
due or payments made or ready to be placed. Mobile devices to gain consumer support, but unless green progress is
can also be used as site-of-purchase payment receivers. Along economically viable, it can put commerce at a competitive
amid the obvious benefits of convenience as well as speed, disadvantage. For illustration, if one company decides to
mobile technology can also serve to generate fresh commerce, adhere to strict, self-imposed pollution standards which entail
particularly in developing nations where the number of mobile the installation of fresh technology as well as workers, while
phone users far exceeds the number of people amid bank another sets loose standards, the second company will be at an
accounts. advantage since they will have lower production costs. Even if
8. GOING GREEN IN THE CURRENT ECONOMY national standards were imposed to force commerce to go
green, this could put them at a competitive disadvantage amid
Although banks that develop such paperless, straight-through respect to overseas companies.
processing (STP) solutions can then offer them to their
customers, the upfront development costs can prove beyond 9. CONCLUSION
their means in terms of time as well as money for many small Paperless processing solutions as well as other efficient as well
as well as mid-size financial establishments; a situation as ecologically-friendly commerce practices can increase
exacerbated by the ongoing financial crisis. In addition, processing speed, reduce error as well as risk, save money as
technologies are constantly changing as well as evolving as well as attract customers. They can be made available not only
well as, for a bank amid limited resources, there is the risk of to banks but by banks to their customers, amid apparent as
investing in a technology that may be superseded as well as well as measurable benefits to the environment.
rendered obsolete by another.
There is an urgent need to create awareness as well as follow
At the same time, an inability to take advantage of paperless green banking in today’s commerce world of innovative
solutions as well as provide them to clients forfeits a bank’s technologies so as to make our environment human friendly.
opportunity for cost savings as well as risks shrinkage of its Green banking if implemented sincerely opens up fresh
client base. For such banks a private-label solution, markets as well as avenues for product differentiation. In India
particularly amid a non-competing partner, can reduce the risk there has not been much initiative in this regard by banks as
as well as cost of investment as well as enable the smaller well as financial establishments. They are not as green as
partner to benefit from inherent efficiencies as well as cost

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 141

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

foreign banks. As initially, these assurances will cause a huge Principles – and why Equator Members should urgently want it;
monetary burden for Indian banks. Transnational Legal Theory (5(3); 442-463.
[2] Nigaman & Biswas, “Sustainable green banking approach: The
10. SUGGESTIONS need of the hour”, Business spectrum, Vol.1, No.1 (2011)
For effective implementation of green banking, the RBI as [3] Ratori Anuradha “Green banking – A Practical Approach for
well as the Indian government must play major role as well as Future Sustainability”, Tajmmr, Vol.3, Issue 1 (2014)
devise green policy guidelines as well as financial incentive. [4] Kumari Sharda “A study of green banking trends in India”,
Some suggestions for the banks to support green banking are: International referred journal of research in management &
technology, Vol. 1 (2013)
• Converse through press [5] Dr. Kumar Dash Saroj, Dr. Parwez Asif & Mr. Parwez Firoz
• Construct websites as well as spread the news (2013) “Service Quality Measurement as well as its evaluation
of leading Private Banks of India in Delhi as well as NCR
• Impart learning during E-learning programmers Region”. An analytical study International Journal of
• Making green banking as element of yearly environment Contemporary Business Studies, Vol. 4, No: 1. January, 2013
reports [6] Bahl Sarita, (2012) “The role of green banking in sustainable
growth”, international journal of marketing, financial services &
• Training as well as development of relevant skills among management research, Vol.1 No. 2, February 2012, ISSN 2277
bank employees 3622, Online Available at
• Banks may devise innovative financial solutions to [7] Farooqi Rashid Md. & Shoeb Dr. Mohd. (2013) “Recent Trend
of e-CRM in Commercial Banks of India, IJAIEM, Volume 2,
incorporate environmental outlook.
Issue 4, April 2013.
• Banks can initiate green funds for customers who would [8]
like to spend in environment friendly projects. [9]
[1] Flohr, Anne (2014): A Complaint Mechanism for the Equator

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 142

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

5G Technology – Progression to Upheaval

Tanya Arora
Maharaja Surajmal Institute, C-4 Janakpuri, New Delhi, India-110058

Abstract: This paper gives a brief overview of the 5G-Key 1. INTRODUCTION

Capabilities & Applications. 5G and its inherent
The Internet has turned our existence upside down. It has
technological capabilities leading to larger bandwidth, higher
revolutionized communications, to the extent that it is now our
reliability and low latency etc are covered intimately. As
preferred medium of everyday communication. In almost
investments in 5G R&D and its commercial deployments pick
everything we do, we use the Internet.[1] In the field of
up momentum world over, different use case scenarios,
automation, Internet of Things (IoT) also started gaining
applications, and 5G network deployment scenarios are also
limelight. With connectivity and IoT technologies it became
discussed in this paper. Currently 5G term is not officially
possible for a doctor to perform surgery sitting miles away,
used. In 5G research is being made on development of World
through a robot, by using internet. Hence the need for faster
Wide Wireless Web (WWWW), Dynamic Adhoc Wireless
speed and better connectivity aroused. To meet these needs
Networks (DAWN) and Real Wireless World. At the end, it
fourth generation of mobile technology was introduced in
was also identified that 5G will provide disruptive
2010.[2] With the entry of new operator(s) within the mobile
capabilities, which will be an economy booster fostering new
services using 4G technology, these services expanded quickly
ways to organize the businesses as well as fostering new
particularly in India. Now focus is shifted to 5G (Fifth
business models, supported by advanced ICT.
Generation) technologies. Operators in countries like South
Korea, Japan and China are making efforts to start out 5G
Keywords: 5G, ICT, 4G, IoT
commercial services soon.[2]This paper is focussed on
discussion of 4G and 5G technologies.

Fig. 1. Comparison between 4G and 5G[9]

2. FOURTH GENERATION networks.[3] It has peak download speeds of 100 Mbps and
may support uploads at the speed of up to 50 Mbps.
4G could also be a loose term for the fourth generation of
cellular communications, offering speeds that are about 10 4G is an advance version of 3G and 2G standards. The 3GPP is
times faster than they're on current third-generation, or 3G, recently standardized LTE Advanced as future 4G standard.

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 143

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4G frameworks are expected to supply a secure IP based which is above the extremely high frequency band's lower
network with facilities like voice, streamed multimedia and boundary.[6]
data at much higher rates as compared to previously existing
technologies. One common characteristic of the new services
facilitated by 4G is their demanding requirements in terms of
QoS Wireless broadband access, Multimedia Messaging
Service (MMS), video chat, mobile TV, HDTV and Digital
Video Broad-casting (DVB) are being developed within the
4G network.[4]

Fig. 3. Mobile system generations [10]

Millimeter Waves: Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) make
use of frequency spectrum to send and receive data. With the
ever increasing number of consumers, more data is being
consumed. But this data remains crammed on same frequency
bands which would mean less bandwidth for everybody,
causing slower service and more dropped connections. To
avoid these problems, TSPs are experimenting with
transmission of signals on an entire new swath of spectrum of
20~50 GHz. This band, recognised as the mm Wave band,
makes use of higher frequencies than the radio waves which
have long been used for mobile phones. The mmWave band
from 20~50 GHz alone accounts for 10 times more available
Fig. 2. 5G technology[13] bandwidth than the whole 4G cellular band. Many
manufacturers are fostering components which will be
5G network is extraordinarily quick and reliable. The concept operated within the range of millimeter waves and
of hand-held devices goes to be revolutionized with the arrival semiconductor technologies that are suited to work at
of 5G. Now all the services and applications are getting to be frequencies up to 90 GHz, especially in V-band (57 to 66
accessed by single IP as telephony, gaming and lots of other GHz) and E-band (71 to 86 GHz) applications. There's one
multimedia applications. Since it isn't an unseen thing in disadvantage to the usage of mmWaves, i.e. due to such high
market and there are many users who have experienced the frequencies of mm Waves, they're unable to travel through
wireless services wireless technology, it's tough for them to buildings or obstacles and may be absorbed by foliage and
fiddle using this new 5G network technology. It only has to be rain.
made accessible so that a standard man can easily afford the
profitable packs offered by the businesses so that 5G network Small Cells: Small cells are often placed throughout the cities
could hold the authentic place. They have got to win the after every 250 meters approximately. They're portable
customer trust to create fair future reference to make a reliable miniature base stations that need minimal power to work.
position within the telecommunication field. To complete with Thousands of small cells installed within the city, due to the
the preceding wireless technologies within the market 5G short range of mm Wave signals, form a dense network called
network has got to tender something reliable something more the HetNet (Heterogeneous Network) that receives signals
pioneering. All the features like telephony, camera, mp3 from other base stations and send them to the users at different
player, are coming in new mobile models.[5] 5G millimeter locations, somewhat like a relay. This largely prevents signals
wave is the fastest, with actual speeds often being 1–2 Gb/s from being dropped. The term ‘small cell’ encompasses
down. Frequencies are above 24 GHz reaching up to 72 GHz picocells, micro cells, femtocellsand can comprise of
indoor/outdoor systems. Small cells are often like the size of a

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5G Technology – Progression to Upheaval

shoe-box. Such small cells are often bolted to light poles and This is often referred to as channel fading. The channel is
the sides of buildings, hence don't require separate towers. said to become hardened when the fluctuations in gain
don't impact the transmitted data. Channel Hardening
Massive MIMO: MIMO i.e Multiple Input Multiple Output
effectively removes the consequences of channel fading.
refers to a wireless system that uses two or more transmitters
Operationally, each terminal-base station link forms a
and receivers to send and receive more data directly. Presently,
scalar channel whose gain stabilizes to a deterministic and
4G base stations possess a dozen ports for antennas to handle
frequency-independent constant.
entire cellular traffic. But 5G base stations can support a few
hundred ports, which means that an array can accommodate 4. The reliance on reciprocity of propagation and TDD
multiple antennas and hence can send to and receive signals (Time division Duplex) operation reciprocates the
from bountiful users directly. This is results in a rise in necessity for prior or structural knowledge of the
capacity of mobile networks by an element of twenty-two or downlink propagation channel since the downlink
more.[2] Below is a list of key technological characteristics of channels can be estimated from uplink pilots.
massive MIMO:
5. The array gain offers the link budget improvement and
1. Fully digital processing: every antenna bear its own RF therefore the spatial resolution of the array leads to
(Radio Frequency) and digital baseband chain. The signals interference suppression. This facilitates the supply of
emitted from all the antennas at each base station (due to uniformly good quality ofservice to allterminalsin a
MIMO) are processed coherently together. Fully digital cell.[2]
processing allows to measure complete channel response
D. Beamforming: Beamforming reduces the interference for
on the uplink and also quickly responds to such changes
nearby users by recognising the foremost efficient data
within the channel[2].
delivery route from cellular base station to a specific user.
2. Computationally inexpensive precoding/decoding: As Beamforming can help massive MIMO arrays for more
there are more than a single transmitter and receiver in a skilled use of the spectrum around them. Massive MIMO
MIMO network, there exists one LOS path from each faces a challenge to scale back interference while
transmitter to each receiver ideally. However there could transmitting information from many antennas directly. At
also be reflection or diffraction from the encompassing massive MIMO base stations, the finest transmission route
atmosphere and therefore the signals could interfere is plotted using signal-processing algorithms to send
causing a low SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) at the receiver. individual data packets in many different directions,
Hence the info streams can't be decoded effectively. To bouncing them off buildings and other objects in a
avoid this precoding is employed on the transmission side precisely coordinated pattern. Beamforming permits
with the goal of equalising the signal reception across exchange of a lot of information between the users and
multiple receiver antennas. antennas on a huge MIMO arrays by choreographing the
packets’ movements and time of arrival. Beamforming
3. Channel hardening: Because of microscopic changes in
and therefore the devices that support beamforming work
environment, the channel gain tends to fluctuate randomly.
under the IEEE 802.11ac specification

Fig. 4. Evolution of 5G[11]

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5. NEED OF 5G organizations and National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs).

This represents one among the most important challenges for
NRAs within the successful deployment of 5G networks.[8]
Nanocore combined with Artificial intelligent (AI) will be able
to control an intelligent Robot using a mobile phone. Human
life surrounded by artificial sensors could be able to
communicate with mobile phones such that Mobile can
automatically type the message what one’s brain thinks.
Communication with people on other planets could be possible
using 5G mobile phones. We might get a circumstance where
Fig. 5. Need of 5G [12]
we don’t require any spectrum for communication.[4]
The major difference, from a user point of view, between
current generations and expected 5G techniques must be
something else than increased maximum throughout; other Rapid growth in data traffic suggests the necessity of the
requirements include: blending of existing network technologies that allows dynamic
switching amongst the available Radio Access Technologies
• Lower out age probability; better coverage and high data
(RATs) and therefore the efficient utilization of bandwidth.
rates available at cell edge.
For radio resource allocation, the concept of super core must
• Lower battery consumption. be implemented which will coordinate between RATs. The
network management modules got to be more dynamic, cost-
• Multiple concurrent data transfer paths. effective, and adaptable, making it ideal for the high-
• Around 1Gbps data rate in mobility. bandwidth and dynamic nature of today’s applications, e.g.
Software Defined Networks (SDNs).
• More secure; better cognitive radio/SDR Security.
The evolution path of telecommunication from the first
• Higher system level spectral efficiency. generation to the fifth generation provides distinguishedaspects
and approaches towards the present state of telecom. The onset
• World Wide wireless web (WWWW).
of 4G has already revolutionized the field of
• More applications combined with artificial intelligence telecommunication by taking the wireless experience to a
(AI) as human life are going to be surrounded by artificial different level altogether. Further, 5G is expected to be a
sensors which could be communicating with mobile milestone development for the success of IoT and M2M
phones. communications.
• Cheaper traffic fees thanks to low infrastructure REFERENCES
deployment costs.[7] [1] How the Internet Has Changed Everyday Life, March 2014:
For any new technology to be of practical use, it must not be [2] Evolution of Mobile Communications (4G and 5G),
prohibitively expensive. The mass adoption of 5G might face Technology Digest, TRAI, May 2018
some initial roadblocks regarding this. For starters, the initial [3] Wired Explains: Everything You Need to Know About 4G
subscription plans are likely to be costlier than those currently Wireless, April, 2010:
available. The annual investments required for upgrading to
5G might be very high, raising questions over the justifications [4] PriyaGoyal, Avtar Singh Buttar, "A Study on 5G Evolution and
of truly switching over from 4G to 5G. In addition, carriers Revolution" in Volume 2, Issue2, International Journal of
also will need to incur heavy expenses for upgrading their Computer Networks and Applications, March-April 2015
existing infrastructure to accommodate the new devices and [5] Professor T. Venkat Narayana Rao, Aasha. S.A,
antennas required by 5G systems. It is going to be a full-blown SravyaTirumalaraju, "5G Technologies – An Anecdote Of
overhaul, and it's not getting to be cheap. In some countries, Network Service For TheFuture", Volume 2, No. 7, Journal of
regulation and native authority policy have slowed the event of Global Research in Computer Science, July 2011
small cells through excessive administrative and financial [6]
obligations on operators, thus blocking investment. The [7] Akhilesh Kumar Pachauri and Ompal Singh, “5G Technology –
allocation and identification of globally harmonized spectrum Redefining wireless Communication in upcoming Years” in
across a variety of frequencies requires coordination among the Volume 1, Issue1, International Journal of Computer Science
worldwide community, regional telecommunication and Management Research, August 2012

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 146

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[8] "5G-Key Capabilities & Applications", FN Division, TECK.L. [11] 2015, Qorvo, Inc.
Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi March 2019 [12] BCG/GSMA Association, 2017
[9] Getting to 5G: Comparing 4G and 5G System Requirements, [13]
September 2017: holding-empty-digital-tablet-763512988
[10] 4G Technology,

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 147

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Assessment of White Label ATMs in India

Seema Shokeen1, Pooja Singh2
Faculty, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi

Abstract: Banks have played a major role in encouraging 4. BENEFITS OF WHITE LABEL ATMS:
ATM adoption and modifying behavioural strategies in the
The white label automated teller machines(ATM) are likely to
domain of personal banking. The banking space has seen
benefit customers as well as banks.
considerable growth through the ATMs, (approximately
87000 ATMs at present) but the same has been restricted • The expansion of ATM network will allow customers to
principally to the urban/metro areas. Tier III to VI withdraw funds at more varied locations.
unbanked/under banked areas have not witnessed much
ATM presence. There is an abundant scope to deploy more • WLA will make personal banking more convenient by
ATMs in the several areas of the country. RBI has reviewed facilitating cash withdrawal facilities near to a large
and formulated the policy on ATMs and it has been decided number of bank customers.
to permit non-banks to set up on their own and also operate • Banks support introduction of white label ATMs because
ATMs to accelerate their growth. Such ATMs will be in the these are likely to reduce pre-transaction cost for the banks.
nature of White Label ATMs (WLA) and would provide ATM
services to customers of all banks. This paper gives • Due to WLAs, banks will not have to deal with the
conceptual framework about White Label ATM in India. problems relating to maintaining and running the payment
Keywords: ATM, White Label ATMs, banking, non-banking, 5. PROBLEMS RELATED TO WHITE LABEL ATMS
For a white label ATM company, biggest challenges are office
1. INTRODUCTION rent and Security guard. If they want to make profit, every
White ATM needs to get at least 75-125 transactions per day
The Automated Teller Machine (ATM) has been hailed as one which is very unlikely, especially when RBI requires them to
of the most innovative and revolutionary technological setup 2/3rd of the ATMs in semi-urban and rural areas. Even
developments in the history of banking. Though banks initially in Bangalore, some of the white-label ATMs are getting barely
owned and deployed their own ATMs, over time a major 2-3 customers every week that is loss making business at the
change has been seen, with banks now preferring outsourcing moment. Despite the entry of White Label ATM companies,
all or many of the activities associated with ATM operations the regular banks have not slowed down their ATM expansion
such as maintenance, cash loading and technology upgrading. drive, because branded ATM requires passive advertisement
This has helped them reduce their operational costs and stay and customer loyalty. ATMs everywhere have too much
focused on their core business. Internationally, in addition to competition with small players will bleed out just like in
bank-owned and deployed ATMs, Independent ATM aviation business. SBI has the largest ATM network in India
Deployers (IADs) and Independent Service Organisations (30, 000+) economies of scale they’re supposed to be making
(ISOs) are engaged in the ATM business. Such ATMs are profit. But this week, even SBI chairman herself has admitted
called White-label ATMs (WLAs). their ATM business is making losses. So, it is unlikely that
2. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY White label ATM companies will run profitably for a long
period of time.
• To study the accessibility of WLAs
• To study the use of WLAs
1. ATMs offer convenience to customer (Because he doesn’t
• To study the need of WLAs need to visit Bank branch every time). ATMs are open
• To study the region wise deployment of WLAs 24/7, and even on holidays.

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2. Convenience to bank, because they don’t have to keep

large staff/office (compared to a system without ATMs). It
The research methodology is the descriptive research that is reduces their cost of branch-operation.
based on secondary data.
3. But in India, ATM penetration has been very low.

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 148

Assessment of White Label ATMs in India

7. OBSERVE • PIN change

Most of the ATMs concentrated in urban areas- that too only at • Request for a Cheque Book
prime locations e.g. near shopping malls and airports- financial
inclusion not achieved. • Any customer from belonging to any bank, can use it.

8. SERVICES AVAILABLE AT WLAS • Every month, Five transactions are free.

In addition to cash withdrawals, WLAs offer many other • White label ATM users can also withdraw a maximum of
services to bank customers. Some of these services may 10, 000 per transaction.
include: • open 24/7 and on holidays
• Account Information • Value added services like mobile recharge, utility bill
• Mini/Short Statement payments etc.


ANNEXURE I: Regionwise deployment of ATMs for the quarter ended December 2019
Urban Semi - Urban
Name of the Bank/ Entity Metro Centres Rural Centres Total
Centers Centres
Scheduled Commercial Banks
Public Sector Banks
Allahabad Bank 265 247 199 117 828
Andhra Bank 1135 939 1056 667 3797
Bank of Baroda 4459 3146 3005 2551 13161
Bank of India 977 2057 1573 1143 5750
Bank of Maharashtra 571 386 475 502 1934
Canara Bank 2008 2642 2666 1505 8821
Central Bank of India 644 653 1017 1314 3628
Corporation Bank 707 675 863 568 2813
Indian Bank 909 931 1282 866 3988
Indian Overseas Bank 712 673 952 676 3013
Oriental Bank of Commerce 699 688 651 565 2603
Punjab and Sind Bank 235 258 219 335 1047
Punjab National Bank 1792 3255 1957 2067 9071
Syndicate Bank 1141 1029 1221 1180 4571
UCO Bank 360 478 567 643 2048
Union Bank of India 2240 1669 1673 1104 6686
United Bank of India 284 575 497 661 2017
State Bank of India 10182 17797 19607 11013 58599
Total 29320 38098 39480 27477 134375
Private Sector Banks
Axis (UTI) Bank Ltd. 6008 3751 4391 3277 17427
Bandhan Bank 158 249 77 1 485
Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd. 47 87 143 15 292
City Union Bank Ltd 266 705 623 163 1757
DCB Bank Ltd 252 101 83 65 501
Dhanalaxmi Bank Ltd. 72 110 133 31 346
Federal Bank Limited 295 390 1165 115 1965
HDFC Bank Ltd. 5995 3565 3229 1060 13849
ICICI Bank Ltd. 9286 4239 2890 828 17243

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 149

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Urban Semi - Urban

Name of the Bank/ Entity Metro Centres Rural Centres Total
Centers Centres
IDBI Bank 1132 1241 903 407 3683
IDFC Bank Ltd 169 54 42 7 272
IndusInd Bank Ltd 1686 607 341 87 2721
Jammu & Kashmir Bank 330 264 293 455 1342
Karnataka Bank Ltd. 435 487 437 131 1490
Karur Vysya Bank Ltd 459 379 645 167 1650
Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd 1653 429 274 91 2447
Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd. 331 264 353 71 1019
Ratnakar Bank Ltd. 206 68 85 24 383
South Indian Bank Ltd 278 308 700 115 1401
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd. 228 258 612 221 1319
Yes Bank Ltd. 650 330 291 57 1328
Total 29936 17886 17710 7388 72920
Foreign Banks
CITI Bank 395 89 17 22 523
DBS Bank Ltd. 46 6 1 0 53
Deutsche Bank 20 12 0 0 32
HSBC 66 18 0 0 84
Standard Chartered Bank 163 43 1 0 207
Total 690 168 19 22 899
Payment Banks
Aditya Birla Idea Payments Bank 0 0 0 0 0
Airtel Payments Bank 0 0 0 0 0
FINO Payments Bank 0 0 0 0 0
India Post Payments Bank 0 0 0 0 0
Jio Payments Bank 0 0 0 0 0
NSDL Payments Bank 0 0 0 0 0
Paytm Payments Bank 5 2 4 0 11
Total 5 2 4 0 11
Small Finance Banks
Au Small Finance Bank Limited 61 109 132 8 310
Capital Small Finance Bank Limited 12 29 46 64 151
Fincare Small Finance Bank Limited 41 39 18 0 98
Equitas Small Finance Bank Limited 90 103 99 30 322
ESAF Small Finance Bank Limited 28 39 84 50 201
Jana Small Finance Bank Limited 70 53 7 0 130
North East Small Finance Bank
0 0 0 0 0
Suryoday Small Finance Bank Limited 12 4 0 10 26
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited 116 175 152 28 471
Utkarsh Small Finance Bank Limited 76 58 30 8 172
Total 506 609 568 198 1881
Total (Banks) 60457 56763 57781 35085 210086
White Lable ATMs
Tata Communications Payment
1225 1079 2183 3797 8284
Solutions Ltd.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 150

Assessment of White Label ATMs in India

Urban Semi - Urban

Name of the Bank/ Entity Metro Centres Rural Centres Total
Centers Centres
Hitachi Payment Services Pvt. Ltd. 212 431 1140 1192 2975
Muthoot Finance Ltd 34 70 89 28 221
BTI Payments Pvt. Ltd 166 414 2217 2844 5641
Vakrangee Limited 77 424 996 2821 4318
Riddhi Siddhi Bullions Limited 2 230 474 121 827
AGS Transact Technologies Ltd 6 5 34 49 94
SREI 0 0 0 0 0
Total (WLAs) 1722 2653 7133 10852 22360
Grand Total 62179 59416 64914 45937 232446

Regionwise deployment of ATMs in INDIA

Grand Total
Riddhi Siddhi Bullions Limited
BTI Payments Pvt. Ltd
Hitachi Payment Services Pvt. Ltd.
White Lable ATMs
FirstRand Bank
DBS Ltd.
Foreign Banks
Yes Bank Ltd.
South Indian Bank Ltd
Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd.
Karur Vysya Bank Ltd
Jammu & Kashmir Bank
IDFC Bank Ltd
HDFC Bank Ltd.
Dhanalaxmi Bank Ltd.
City Union Bank Ltd
Bandhan Bank
Private Sector Banks
State Bank of India
Vijaya Bank
Union Bank of India
Syndicate Bank
Punjab and Sind Bank
Indian Overseas Bank
Dena Bank
Central Bank of India
Bank of Maharashtra
Bank of Baroda
Allahabad Bank
0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000

Metro Centres Urban Centers Semi - Urban Centres Rural Centres


ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 151

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

The graph above states the region wise deployment of ATMs in INDIA for the year 2017. Semi-urban region holds the maximum
no. of ATMs with a total of 61314 atms, then comes the metro centres with 60643 atms followed by urban centres with a total of
59134 atms, rural centres has 40567 atms out of the total no. of atms in India.

Total no. of banks


Public Sector
27% PrivateSector
Foreign banks

66% of the total banks are public sector banks, 27% belongs to private sector banks and only 7% of the total ATMs penetration in
India belongs to white label ATMs. The data and stats mentioned above is the data for the year 2019.

Metro Urban Rural
White Lable ATMs urban Total
centres centres centres
Tata Communications Payment Solutions Ltd. 1665 1300 2280 3135 8380
Hitachi Payment Services Pvt. Ltd. 95 113 260 201 669
Muthoot Finance Ltd 31 72 83 25 211
BTI Payments Pvt. Ltd 163 260 1785 2376 4584
Vakrangee Limited 85 124 132 260 601
Riddhi Siddhi Bullions Limited 9 50 57 12 128
AGS Transact Technologies Ltd 60 2 61 100 223
SREI 0 0 0 0 0
Total (WLAs) 2108 1921 4658 6109 14796

Tata Communications Payment Solutions Ltd. Is the company with the maximum no. of white label ATMs with a total of 8380
with maximum atms in rural centres followed by BTI Payments Pvt. Ltd with 4584 no. of atms and maximum no. of WLAs in
rural centres, Hitachi Payment Services Pvt. Ltd and Vakrangee Limited giving a tough competition with 669 and 601 no. of
WLAs respectively.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 152

Assessment of White Label ATMs in India

Total no. of WLAs







Tata Hitachi Payment Muthoot BTI Payments Vakrangee Riddhi Siddhi AGS Transact SREI Total (WLAs)
Communications Services Pvt. Ltd. Finance Ltd Pvt. Ltd Limited Bullions Limited Technologies Ltd
Payment Metro centres Urban centres Semi-urban centres Rural centres Total
Solutions Ltd.


State Wise Deployment of WLAs

































Tata Communications Payment Solutions Ltd. Hitachi Payment Services Pvt. Ltd. Muthoot Finance Ltd
BTI Payments Pvt. Ltd Vakrangee Limited Riddhi Siddhi Bullions Limited
AGS Transact Technologies Ltd SREI


ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 153

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Interpretation: inclusion program. Banks need to open its more branches

within rural areas and creating more awareness about banking
Out of 14796 no. of White label ATMs in India, Tamil Nadu services among rural people by telling them about the benefits
has maximum no. of WLAs with a total of 3080 atms. The of the banking services. Financial inclusion requires efforts on
above data shows the state wise deployment of WLAs in India. the parts of three parties- RBI, all the banks as well as general
TCPSL has deployed maximum no. of WLAs all over INDIA. public for its better progress.
Hence almost 41 per cent of WLAs
The research study has been undertaken to assess the number =0
of WHITE LABEL ATMs in India and to find out the steps [2]
taken by the banks in the area of Financial Inclusion. It has [3]
been concluded that though the banks are complying with RBI [4]
norms in terms of opening branches, offering no frills account, [5] Reserve Bank of India – Notifications
kisan credit card, simplifying KYC norms, but still a lot of
effort is required for financial inclusion progress. Biometric
cards should be introduced for security in transactions as well
as saving time. Business correspondents should be employed design-contagion-risk.html#20
in villages and trained in advance for promoting financial

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 154

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Web-Real Time Communication: An Overview

Suraj Pal Chauhan1, Mohit Dhaundiyal2
Astt. Professor at MSI, 2BCA Student at MSI

Abstract: WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a Classic web architecture is based on HTTP request-reply
free, open-source project that provides web browsers and protocol over a TCP/IP client-server communication. WebRTC
mobile applications with real-time communication (RTC) via extends the classical web architecture, by introducing a peer-
simple application programming interfaces (APIs). It allows to-peer communication paradigm between the client's
audio and video communication to work inside web pages by browsers. Regarding security, WebRTC uses Secure Real-
allowing direct peer-to-peer communication, eliminating the Time Protocol (SRTP) and Datagram Transport Layer Security
need to install plugins or download native apps. Supported by (DTLS) to establish a secure end-to-end communication.
Apple, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, and Opera, WebRTC is
WebRTC has several JavaScript APIs:
being standardized through the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). • getUser Media() - Capture audio and video.

1. INTRODUCTION TO WEBRTC • MediaR ecorder() - Record audio and video.

WebRTC stands for Web Real-Time Communications and lies • RTCPeerConnection - Stream audio and video between
on the TCP/IP application layer. It is an emergent technology users.
embedded into compatible browsers that leverages a set of • RTCDataChannel - Stream data between users.
plugin-free APIs that can be used in desktop and mobile
browsers, to enable real time peer-to-peer multimedia In other words, with WebRTC you can add real-time
communication over the web. WebRTC internet is to communication capabilities to your application that works on
communicate peer-to-peer and for that it needs to know and top of an open standard. It supports video, voice, and generic
negotiate several details from the peers to peer's external data to be sent between peers, allowing developers to build
network IP address, network bandwidth, if there is a video and powerful voice- and video-communication solutions. The
audio feed and its characteristic, if it is behind a NAT service. technology is available on all modern browsers as well as on
Some of these communication details are negotiate by a native clients for all major platforms. The technologies behind
service call "signalling", that is used to exchange session WebRTC are implemented as an open web standard and
control messages implemented by Session Description available as regular JavaScript APIs in all major browsers. For
Protocol (SDP), to apply network configurations between native clients, like Android and iOS applications, a library is
peers. Signalling service can be implemented by several ways, available that provides the same functionality. The WebRTC
like WebSocket, and XMPP and SIP protocols. project is open-source and supported by Apple, Google,
WebRTC implements WebSocket protocol and provides full- Microsoft and Mozilla, amongst others. This page is
duplex real time communication channels over a single TCP maintained by the Google WebRTC team.
connection. SDP provides a standard representation of some 2. HISTORY AND EVOLUTION
proprieties of multimedia session such as media capabilities,
transport addresses and other related metadata. In May 2010, Google bought Global IP Solutions or GIPS, a
VoIP and videoconferencing software company that had
In a network topology with NAT the public IP addresses developed many components required for RTC, such as codecs
discovery is a critical task. Interactive Connectivity and echo cancellation techniques. Google open-sourced the
Establishment (ICE) is used to establish communication GIPS technology and engaged with relevant standards bodies
between two peers, designated ICE candidates, which provide at the IETF and W3C to ensure industry consensus. In May
information about the IP address and port number from where 2011, Google released an open-source project for browser-
the data is going to be exchanged through NAT. ICE uses two based real-time communication known as WebRTC. This has
distinct services to establish a link between WebRTC peers: been followed by ongoing work to standardize the relevant
i) STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) is a service protocols in the IETF and browser APIs in the W3C.
that respond to a client with his public IP address and port, In May 2011, Ericsson Labs built the first implementation of
ii) TURN (Traversal Using Relays around NAT) is a service WebRTC using a modified WebKit library. In October 2011,
that relays communication, so in this case, the the W3C published its first draft for the spec. WebRTC
communication isn't peer-to-peer. milestones include the first cross-browser video call (February
2013), first cross-browser data transfers (February 2014), and

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 155

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

as of July 2014 Google Hangouts was "kind of" using 4. DEVELOPMENT AND WEB INTERFACE
WebRTC API is designed around three main concepts,
The W3C draft API was based on preliminary work done in PeerConnection, MediaStream and DataChannel. The Peer
the WHATWG. It was referred to as the ConnectionPeer API, Connection interface represents a WebRTC connection
and a pre-standards concept implementation was created at between the local computer and a remote peer. It provides
Ericsson Labs. methods to connect to a remote peer, maintain and monitor the
connection, and close it once it's no longer needed. The
MediaStream is responsible for describing a stream of audio or
The client connects to an HTTP server through a web browser video data, the methods for working with them, the constraints
and access to the main HTML page that uses also PHP and associated with the type of data, the success and error call
CSS. The web page being accessed by the clients implements backs when using the data asynchronously, and the events that
JavaScript code to enable the connection to the signaling are fired during the process. Finally, the DataChannel interface
server, which acts as a broker to coordinate the per-to-peer represents a bi directional data channel between two peers of a
communication between the browsers. After both clients have connection. The developed application is divided into some
been connected are been signaled by the signaling server, the distinct but complementary modules.
communication between both browsers becomes peer-to-peer
using a STUN service to establish peer-to-peer connection
between both clients. An RTCPeerConnection instance allows an application to
establish peer-to-peer communications with another
RTCPeerConnection instance in another browser, or to
another endpoint implementing the required protocols.
Communications are coordinated by the exchange of control
messages (called a signaling protocol) over a signaling channel
which is provided by unspecified means, but generally by a
script in the page via the server.
Signaling is the process of coordinating communication. In
order for a WebRTC application to set up a 'call', its clients
need to exchange information:
• Session control messages used to open or close
Fig. Network Topology with NAT and STUN; Network communication.
Topology with NAT and TURN.
• Error messages.
Each computer (client) that wants to establish a WebRTC
• Media metadata such as codecs and codec settings,
connection has to have the following minimum requirements: a
bandwidth and media types.
web browser, a web cam (internal or external connected
through a USB port) and a microphone. At the moment the • Key data, used to establish secure connections.
browsers that support WebRTC are Google Chrome and
Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari. From the server- • Network data, such as a host's IP address and port as seen
side we need to have two servers: by the outside world.

i) a web server to host the WebRTC website; This signaling process needs a way for clients to pass
messages back and forth. That mechanism is not implemented
ii) and a signaling server to establish and maintain the clients' by the WebRTC APIs: you need to build it yourself.
The architecture also has to include one or more servers to
[1] APIs and RTCWEB Protocols of the HTML5 Real-Time Web,
implement ICE, STUN and TURN services. We have used
Third Edition
public servers both for TURN ( and
[2] WebRTC Web Browser Client SDK API Reference Guide
[3] WebRTC Cookbook by AndriiSergiienko
In other words: [4] Real-Time Communication with WebRTC by Salvatore Loreto
A STUN server is used to get an external network address. [5] Official WebRTC Site:
[6] WebRTCcodelabs:
TURN servers are used to relay traffic if direct (peer to peer)
connection fails.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 156

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Attend It – Attendance Management Application

Dr. Neetu Anand1, Karan Sharma2, Archit Bansal3, Muskan Kanojia4
Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute
Student, Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: Student management is becoming a basic necessity method consumes more time and adds more workload over the
in education in modern-day age. To manage the attendance faculty, staff and the authorities.
marking and management issues faced by many major
To overcome the above said issues, a mobile app has been
institutions and schools and to reduce the amount of paper
developed which can be installed on a user’s mobile phone. A
being used for marking attendance, an initiative was taken to
user can be either a faculty who use this application to mark
develop a mobile based application with the objective to ease
and manipulate the student’s attendance in a class or a student
the marking and management process of the attendance
who uses mobile application to know about his/her attendance
marking. The present paper discusses the design and
status. The proposed application stores student information in
development of a mobile (android) based application named
the server database, which can be retrieved through the mobile
as AttendIt that helps the faculty to mark, manipulate and
phone whenever needed.
oversee attendance of a student either at the end or any time
with in the semester. This application is mainly designed for 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
faculty and other staff members who maintain the attendance
This section carries out the survey of the past work and
regularly. Furthermore, it can be used by students to keep
research done by the researchers in this field. Various
track of their attendance and verify the number of classes
researchers and developer have developed either a mobile or
attended by the them.
web based application by using various languages, platform
and by using different type of databases. Generally data related
Keywords: Mobile application, Student attendance
to application is stored in a database stored over server for
management system, Android Based Application, Java
better and dynamic connectivity and retrieval of data.
K. Akhila et al proposed an android application for marking
1. INTRODUCTION attendance and to increase the reliability and reduce the efforts
of the staff and faculty.[1]
Nowadays, technology is being used by humans in each field
and various initiatives are taken to reduce the amount of Moreover, AmitaDhale et al presented a survey on “Smart
paperwork in each and every field. In this era, mobile phones Connect” an android and web based application for college
are being used by each and every person and mobile phones management system. It is developed using SQL server and
contain various applications for performing various tasks. mainly used to store the details required by institutions.[2]
In today’s competitive word, with increasing working hours Location-Based attendance management are also being used so
and less class room time, teachers needs a tool for marking and as to provide the authenticity in an institution. Mohammad
managing attendance in a class or lecture. Marking attendance Salah el al in 2014 presented a mobile based application for
is very essential tasks for the subject teacher to ensure the attendance system based on location. This application is used
regularity of students in attending class and to see the students to ensure that all the members of an organisation are presented
with short attendance. Marking of attendance are traditionally in a same geographical location or not. This application was
being carried out manually in a log book or attendance adopted by organisation to see if the members are presented
registers. inside the organisation.[3]
The main drawback of using a manual system is to keep the Various wireless technologies are getting popular such as
record of attendance of all previous classes. Keeping records Bluetooth or Wi-fi, these are used to reduce the time for
on paper is not an efficient method also a physical location is performing a task. RiyaLodha et al developed an android
required to store such logs. Faculties need to calculate the application which uses Bluetooth system to mark attendance of
attendance percentage of each student in every month and at the students. It is very much easier and less time consuming
the end of semester or year, also a large amount of paper is system than any other application.[4]
used to maintain such logs which later on are not of any use
Various other applications are used in organisation to mark the
once the student passed out the institution. These papers might
regular attendance of its employees. S.P. Avinaash Ram and J.
get recycled but it will be more efficient to reduce the use of
Albert Mayan presented a similar application used by different
paper to maintain a healthy environment. Pen and Paper

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 157

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

organisation irrespective of the type of industry to mark, his or her ids a teacher portfolio page is displayed containing
update and regularly keep track of the attendance of their the profile information about the faculty.
employees. This application provide the number of employees
Faculty have options to do the following task:
working in an organisation and give detailed information about
them.[5] a) Attendance Marking: Where a faculty must select the class
and section whose attendance is to be mark and the
Also, there are various applications on the play store which are
corresponding list of students is presented for the teacher.
used to keep track the attendance of the students, [6] by using
Now a teacher can mark a student present or absent and
the app students can mark their own attendance after
press the submit button in last to update the database.
uploadingtheir timetable and calculate the attendance
percentage. With this they came to know about the number of b) Update Attendance: To update the attendance of any
more classes to be attended to par the attendance criteria. But student in case wrong value is passed before and changes
these types of applications are not used by faculty and staffs as need to be made by the teacher.
these applications are based on single student or user and are
c) Listing and Counting of Present Students-To get the list of
not efficient for maintaining records of large number of
all those students present in a particular class and count
the total number of students.
So, it has been observed that various mobile and web based
d) Download attendance –It creates an excel sheet of the
applications play a key role in both educational and
attendance of students which can be stored locally in a
commercial sectors to keep track of the attendance of students
system for future references. Further any type of analysis
and employees with ease and no overhead workload. Various
can be performed on it.
types of applications were created for a number offunctionality
using many different languages, technologies and platform. As A faculty member can only see and manipulate the attendance
android is the mostly used and portable platform, maximum of only those subjects of those classes whom he/she is teaching
numbers of application are based on this so as to provide a a faculty can never update or mark attendance for any other
global reach of clients. This paper presents a Java-based faculty unless the username and password is shared.
mobile (android) application for attendance management
system in educational sector. The data related to the subjects being taught by a particular
teacher teaching a particular class is to be entered prior to
3. PROPOSED WORK begin of semester by an admin to ensure authenticity among
teachers and staff as well. Admin can be any one who is
The main aim of the application is to provide a user friendly
responsible for operating the app and is familiar with all its
and efficient environment for the faculty to take and update
attendance of the class studentsand reduce the overall
workload. The logfile containing attendance of students will be Second Module of the application is Student Module. First the
saved for later use where different type of analysis can be student needs to sign up into the application by entering
performed. various information such as name, enrolment number,
semester, course etc. All these data should be correctly entered
This application require android level 4.4 (Jelly Bean) or
to check the attendance of the student.
above to run on a mobile phone and also internet access is
needed so as to connect to the database dynamically. Amazon After sign up the student can sign in by entering enrolment
Web Services (aws) is used as a server where the database is number and password. Student module can be used not only by
maintained and php is used to create an api for the application. the student but also by the parents to check the attendance of
This application can be downloaded by both staff as well as their ward and ensure that their ward is attending lectures.
students or may be by any parent. Application is mainly After signing in the first page shows the details of the student
divided into 2 modules: Faculty and Students. The main focus such as course, batch, semester etc. Main page also contains
of the application is towards the faculty module where a the aggregated percentage of attendance of all subjects in a
faculty or subject teacher mark or update the attendance of a form of pie chart. By clicking the user portfolio section, a
class in which he or she is teaching and in student module a student can access attendance of each subject in the form of
students can only see and checks their attendance of each progress bar.
subject or calculate aggregated percentage of all subjects.
Attendance modules show the total number of lectures held
There are two registration pages each for modules and a and the number of lectures attended by the student.
student as well as a teacher must sign up before using the
application. Separate login modules have been created to 4. RESULTS
provide the security and to ensure that a student cannot update All the modules are working correctly and application is
or alter the attendance. Once the teacher signs in to by using working on each android device without any errors.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 158

Attend It – Attendance Management Application

There were many challenges faced during the development of Application (AttendIt) was tested and successfully
the application such as: implemented and able to mark attendance and generate report
at the end of each month. All the students are able to check
a) Multiple Devices:- As each student as well as faculty
attendance using the application at any phase of the semester.
contain different phones it is very important to check the
Database is able to hold record of many years and store the
compatibility of the application with every device.
data locally on the system at the end of year. The screen shots
b) Data Intensive App:- All the data related to the application ofvarious modules and functions of Attendance Management
cannot be stored in a mobile phone so it is very important System are shown in Figure 1 and 2.
to store all the data over a server.
c) Lack of Hardware Integration
As Smart Phones are becoming a major part of life it has
become necessary to move all the application from computer
level to mobile level. The development of application
described has given a strong understanding of various
challenges associated with design and development of
As of now this application is an Android application but soon
will be rolling an iOS version. Admin module of the
application is very important and more work will be done to
make admin module better and user friendly.
This application is only able to mark attendance but soon work
will be done on making marks module so as to ensure that
teachers or faculties are able to record marks of students in the
same application and thus able to reduce the work load.
[1] K. Akhila, Prathyusha, M. PavanKumar, M. Amrutha, 2013,” A
Novel Approach Of Mobile Based Student Attendance Tracking
System Using Android Application”, International Journal Of
Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2(4).
Fig. 1. Sign in and Student Total Attendance Module [2] Amita D., Madhav M., Tushar Z., 2014,” A survey on” Smart
connect” an android and web based application for college
management system” International Journal of Science,
Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), (3)11.
[3] Talukder Mohammad Salah Uddin, F.A., Allayear, S.M. Das,
N.C., 2014,” A location based time and attendance system”,
International Journal of Computer Theory And Engineering,
[4] Riya L., Suruchi G., Harshil J., Harshil N., 2015,” Bluetooth
smart based attendance management system”, International
Conference On Advanced Computing Technologies and
Application, Procedia Computer Science, 45, pp524-527.
[5] S.P. Avinaash Ram, Albert Mayan J., 2015,” Mobile
Attendance Management and Employee Registration”, ARPN
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10(8).
[6] Dr. D. Asir Antony Gnana Singh, Dr. E. Jebamalar Leavline, P.
Meera Vijayan, 2017,” Mobile Application for Student
Attendance and Mark Management System”, International
Journal of Computational Intelligence Research, 3, pp425-432.

Fig. 2. Student subject wise Attendance Module and

Various functions of Attendance Management System

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 159

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

MSI Event Management Web Application

Rhythm Choudhary1, Manoj Kumar2, Amritesh Chandra Shrivastava3
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications
Student, Department of Computer Applications
Maharaja Surajmal Institute, C-4, Janakpuri, New Delhi

Abstract: MSI event management is a web based application • No proper follow-up: Once a message has been delivered
that provides a better way to manage all the different events there is no proper follow-up where potential participants
that are to be conducted by the college, CSI Student Branch, can go back and look at the event details. They have to
students as individuals or any other organizations. It always search for that particular message.
organizes all the events that are to be conducted at college
level or national level. Students will have the privilege to view • Amendments need to be shared again: If there is a change
all those events and register into them with ease. in the details of the event, the new text message with new
Personalized experience can be experienced by just using the details would be again shared to all the conversation.
login feature, where students can also have a track record of • Lack of track record for participants: There is no proper
all the events that they have participated and get suggestions record for the participants from where they can see their
according to their choice. The Web application is designed by registered event or participated events.
using different technologies at different levels. ReactJS is
used for front end, NodeJS for backend and MongoDB for • Listing of events: No proper listing of events can be found
the Database. The application has an admin panel which has when we share the event details through text message or
limited access to the concerned authorities who can publish mail.
information about the events and then the application will 1.2 MSI Event Management App
display all the necessary information about the event, with
the registration link and due date timer. Sharing event details
will become a lot easier and less data and storage taking than
the traditional way of sharing the event details by sharing
messages and media documents.

Keywords: Event Management System, ReactJS, NodeJS,

MongoDB, Bootstrap, virtual DOM

MSI event management Web application is developed to
overcome the difficulties that are faced currently while
organizing and sharing the event that are being conducted in
college or around the nation. A Web Application based on
ReactJS for frontend and NodeJS for backend, will provide a
common platform for students and organizers to communicate
about the different aspects of an event. The application is Fig. 1. Home page of Event Application,
developed using different technologies like ReactJS, NodeJS,
MongoDB, Bootstrap, express.js and other tools used for • A single platform: It will provide a single platform for all
frontend and backend development. kinds of activities related to event management:
Registration, Venue, description, date, participant details,
1.1 Problems with the traditional way of event sharing poster and many more.
• Long descriptive message: whenever there is an event • Sorting: All the listed events can be sorted out into
being conducted, the details of the event doesn't get a different categories and subcategories. Participants will
proper place to be displayed. find it easy to look out for a particular event.
• Organizers use long text to describe all the aspects of an • Sharing: Now event sharing will be easy as there is a
event that are interruptive during a normal conversation. common platform open for all and to share the event details
one has to just share the URL of that particular event.

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 160

MSI Event Management Web Application

• No long Text: The description will be displayed in the web 2. SPECIALTIES

app itself hence there is no requirement for any kind of
Web application is being developed in several stages by
long text message explaining all the aspects of event.
dividing the features and achieving it as per the requirements.
Amendment can be also done and there will be no need to
The different stages are based on the priority of the features.
send the message again and again.
Stage I
• Dashboard: Data entry in the Web App will be much easier
by using dashboard. The concerned person can login into • The web application will provide a single platform for all
the dashboard and then add, delete, approve, amend the the event organizers and participants where they can share
different information on the web app. or register for a particular kind of event as per their own

Fig. 2. All the list of events and details,

A login feature to ensure that the users get the registration Sharing an event will become a lot user by using this
process done without filling the form each and every time they application as the set pattern won't make it difficult for people
would like to register in a new event. The credentials will be to fetch or feed details about the event.
asked for only once and then the user can edit it afterwards if
they wish to.

Fig. 4. Event card details and information, msi-

Fig. 3. Login page,

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Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Stage II • Monthly or Annual report for all kinds of events that has
been created or shared.
• A personalized experience will be offered to the user by
using different algorithms to analyses the previous
experience of the particular user.

Fig. 5. Super Admin Dashboard

Fig. 6. Users (Admin/Students)

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MSI Event Management Web Application

Fig. 7. Super admin can change the role of users

Fig. 8. Export as .csv button for admin to save the details of users registered locally for offline access of data

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Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Fig. 9. Team of MSI Event Management Web App

KEY POINT the application. It was initially developed and maintained

by Facebook and later used in its products like WhatsApp
1. The public can only view the events that have been put up
& Instagram.
for registering into the event user has to login into the
application. • Bootstrap: Bootstrap [2] is a front-end framework used to
design responsive web pages and web applications. It takes
2. The records can only be modified by an admin or super
a mobile-first approach to web development. Bootstrap
includes pre-built CSS styles and classes, plus some
3. The user interface should be consistent so that the user can JavaScript functionality.
handle the application with ease.
3.2. Backend
4. The application should be visually, conceptually clear.
• NodeJS: Node.js [3,4,5] is an open source, cross-platform
3. TECHNOLOGIES USED runtime environment for developing server-side and
Here we will have a look at the technologies used to develop networking applications. Node.js applications are written in
the web application. JavaScript, and may be run within the Node.js runtime.
Node.js also provides a varying range of library of varied
3.1. Frontend JavaScript modules which simplifies the event of web
applications using Node.js to a good extent.
• ReactJS: React JS [1] is a declarative, efficient, and
flexible JavaScript library for building reusable UI • Redux: Redux[6] is an open-source JavaScript library for
components. It is an open-source, component-based front managing application state. It's most ordinarily used with
end library which is responsible only for the view layer of libraries like React or Angular for building user interfaces.

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MSI Event Management Web Application


MongoDB: MongoDB [7,8,9] is an open-source document Technologies employed in the event of MSI-event
database and leading NoSQL database. MongoDB is written in Management Web App are the newest technologies with
C++. MongoDB is object based database and not relation several unique features that make it better than the most
based database. The article based database is quicker compared traditional web application.
with the relation based database. • React uses the Virtual DOM[10,11,12] that creates the
4. BEHIND THE SCENES appliance faster than the web site which uses real DOM,
because the time taken to amend each component during
4.1. Front end: ReactJS execution is minimized by the utilization of Virtual DOM.
ReactJS The application supported ReactJS at the frontend • React being a Single page application it renders itself that's
delivers the UI which is component based. the full homepage quicker than the multiple page application as only single
is split into different components which are merged together to page gets downloaded and not the full stack of pages every
make an entire view. Now these components respective DOM time we click.
contains a virtual DOM that's created only within the React
framework of JavaScript. The virtual DOM[7,8] creates a • The complete application is decoupled, both the backend
duplicate of the DOM and projects the replica to the user. and frontend are separated and performs individually. the
Using this the modifying of information becomes quick as appliance consumes API's built by server side developers
those objects don't seem to be always sent at the server site to to read/display data.
update itself, but as soon because the operation is completed • The database is object based and not relation based that
the Virtual DOM is compared with Real DOM and changes are creates the storage of information easily.
made into it. This protects lots of your time when he/she is
surfing the web site. 6. FUTURE SCOPE
4.2. Back end NodeJS The application being built with features like Event sharing,
event registration, post sharing and login feature mustn't be
Node JS Platform is employed for the rear end of an seen because of the final product. As there are several more
application. To perform the request of the user the standard features that are to be added into it at the subsequent stage, like
method of website development side used the Multi-Threaded the personalized experience to each individual user by
stateless mode, while the Node JS doesn't follow executing the algorithm which is able to show the user events
Request/Response Multi-Threaded Stateless Model. It follows that are kind of like their previous events. We are able to avail
Single Threaded with Event Loop Model. Node JS Processing more features to the user by providing them the scope to
model mainly supported Javascript Event based model with publish more styles of content associated with different events.
Javascript callback mechanism. As Node JS follows this Monthly reports of all the various events are often generated
architecture, it can handle more concurrent client requests very through the appliance in future.
easily. The Event loop is essentially the queue of the request
that has been made to the server. The queue contains all the The future scope of the application can be considered as a
requests and one by one it's fetched by the server to be single platform for every event management where users can
performed. Since Node JS works on one thread hence the get all the concerned details even an analyzed stats of event
request is totally processed when a next request is taken. The according to their history and preferences.
request also comes with a callback function which is executed 7. CONCLUSION
as soon as the request is completed.
The MSI-event Management Web App is a full-fledged
4.3. Database MongoDB website to overcome the problems that are being faced in
For the database we've used the nontraditional method for performing event management traditionally. The different
storing data, that's the article Based Database and not the aspects and features of the application provides all sorts of ease
standard Relation based database. The article[9] based of access to the user and reduce several difficulties that were
database creates different objects which will be accustomed to faced by them.
store data of any format into it and isn't because the electronic The application is based on the latest technologies and is one
information service where tables are created to store similar of the quickest among all other technologies. The future scope
reasonable data. MongoDB could be a document based of the application is also quite promising as the new
database that's accessible by the JSON object. The database is innovations will attract more and more users and a change in
quicker, easy to keep up as one object can have all reasonably the perception will be achieved which will improve the field of
data members in it. event management.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 165

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

REFERENCES MongoDB”, 2017. IEEE/ACIS 16th International Conference

on Computer and Information Science (ICIS)
[1] Tutorial: Intro to React,, 2019
[8] What is MongoDB,, 2019
[2] Documentation Bootstrap,, 2019
[9] Documentation MongoDB,, 2019
[3] Introduction to nodejs,, 2019
[10] What is Virtual DOM, Tony Fred, 2016.
[4] Aaron Sterling, “NodeJS and Angular Tools for JSON-LD”,
[11] Chęć, Dariusz & Nowak, Ziemowit. (2019). The Performance
2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on Semantic
Analysis of Web Applications Based on Virtual DOM and
Computing (ICSC)
Reactive User Interfaces. 10.1007/978-3-319-99617-2_8.
[5] Node and react a brief Introduction, Alankar Anand,
[12] Giuseppe Psaila, “Virtual DOM: An Efficient Virtual Memory, 2018
Representation for Large XML Documents” 2008. 19th
[6] "An Introduction to Redux", Smashing Magazine International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems
[7] Li Liang, Ligu Zhu, Wenqian Shang, Dongyu Feng, Zida Xiao, Applications
“Express supervision system based on NodeJS and

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 166

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

In 2035, Quantum Processors Qubits Will Run Small

Pooja Singh, Ritika Mehra, Shrestha Priyal

Abstract: “Necessity is the mother of invention”, well said by performance would roughly double every 18 months (with no
a Greek philosopher, Plato. Computers taking its pace to new extra consumption of electricity). Moore's law is closely
areas like Face recognition, sensors, wire-free computing, related to MOSFET scaling(MOSFETs, or MOS transistors)
advanced displays, and upgraded hard-wares. There is one are the key driving force behind Moore's law.
which remains untouched, which is Integrated Circuits in
Moore's prediction did prove to be accurate for several decades
our computer which stores major information.
and was in use within the semiconductor industry, for setting
targets for long-term planning and for research and
Recent predictions have revealed that it could be a tight
development (R&D). Progress in digital electronics is clearly
position for the power consumed by the chips and hence, to
linked to Moore's law: defines the memory capacities, quality-
overcome that problem the sustainable use of quantum
adjusted microprocessor prices, sensors, and even the number
processor qubits would come to the rescue.
or size of pixels in digital cameras. Digital electronics have
made a significant contribution to world economic growth in
1. INTRODUCTION the early twenty-first centuries and late twenties. Moore's law
As the use of computer chips is prevalent in the present day. It stands with describing a driving force to technological and
can be said that if the developers don’t come up with a new social change, economic growth and productivity. It is known
way to build computers then the computer chips would require to be an Empirical Relationship and not a Physical or Natural
more electricity than what our global energy production can existing law. Although it was noticed that from 1975 until
deliver. The prediction could mean that our ability to keep around 2012, the rate held steady, the rate was seen faster
pace with Moore’s law s going to be out of our hands. during the first decade. In general, it is not logical to
extrapolate from the historical rate to an indefinite future [2].
On the other hand, in a quantum computer operate with qubits
that can with a certain probability be zero and with a certain 3. SHOR’S ALGORITHM
probability be one. This means that qubits communicate with
Shor's algorithm is a quantum computer's polynomial-time
one another and act in cooperation, and the number of states in algorithm for integer factorization. It solves the problem:
a quantum registry increases in correspondence with the Provided an integer N, find the prime factors for N. Invented in
number of qubits. Operations can be performed on all these
1994, by Peter Shor, an American Mathematician. Shor's
states simultaneously, resulting in combined capability.
algorithm runs in polynomial time on a quantum computer, to
Moreover, many complex problems can be solved by Quantum
factor an integer N. Specifically, it takes quantum gates of
computer which may not be solved by fixed 2 state bits of
order O((log N)2( log log N)(log log N)) sing fast
basic computers [4]. multiplication, thus demonstrating that the integer factorization
2. MOORE'S LAW problem can be efficiently solved within the quantum
computer and is subsequently in the complexity of class BQP.
Moore's law was an observation that stated that the number of It is running almost at an exponential rate than those running at
transistors in a dense integrated circuit, doubles after every two most efficient known classical factoring algorithm, the general
years. The observation was named as Moore's law after number field sieve, which works in sub-exponential time. The
Gordon Moore, was the CEO of Intel and the co-founder of efficiency of Shor's algorithm is due to the efficiency of the
Fairchild Semiconductor, whose 1965 paper described a quantum Fourier transform, and modular exponentiation by
doubling within a year for the number of components per repeated squaring [6].
integrated circuit, and predicted this rate of growth would
continue for at least another decade. In 1975, looking towards 4. NEED FOR QUANTUM COMPUTING
the upcoming decade, he revised the forecast to doubling every
• A quantum computer stands enough to execute Shor's
two years, a compound annual growth rate.
algorithm for big numbers and is one of the primary
According to Moore's colleague, Intel executive David House, motivators for advancing in the field of quantum
the doubling period was often misquoted as 18 months. In computation. We require Quantum Computing to accessa
1975, House noted that Moore's revised law of doubling number of speed-ups for only specific types of programs
transistor count every 2 years, meant that computer chip and problems.

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 167

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

• Quantum computers will help in problems related to years from now? Today, our phones and computers seem
optimization, which play key roles in everything ranging perfectly capable of running any application or game, and for
from defense to financial trading. streaming video. The answer is: yes – the need for high-
performance computing will continue to increase.
• Two of the most prominent areas are
In 2035, we would still be able to produce a humungous
(1) Quantum Sensing and Metrology, which leverage the amount of data, without deleting the one available. Give
extreme sensitivity of qubits to the environment to realize thought to pictures and videos posted on social media, in
sensing even the classical short-noise limit whatever form they are available, the great amount of data is
(2) Quantum Networks and Communications, which may processed by companies such as Google, Facebook, and
lead to revolutionary ways to share information[5]. Amazon. Wearables and Ingestibles continuously monitor our
health and combine the data to our genetic imprint. To this a
5. HOW ARE DEVELOPERS TRYING TO GET IT? large amount of data generated by emerging technologies like
1. Qubits need protection from the environment as the IoT applications such as autonomous cars, smart buildings,
environment can destroy the delicate quantum states cities, and devices. Most of the data will be processed and
needed for the calculation. The longer a qubit survives in stored in the cloud. This can only sustain by increasing more
its desired state the longer is its “coherence time.” From performant computing and memory solutions.
this perspective, isolation is important. It will only be useful for certain applications like, for solving
2. For various algorithms, execution qubits need to be problems that have many variables as their input.
intertwined, shambled around physical architectures, and The search could be significantly advanced if a quantum
controllable on demand. The better the operations can be processor could be used such as a building block of the
carried out, the higher is their “fidelity.” Balancing the supercomputing systems. Besides material discovery, there are
required isolation and interaction is tedious. many other useful applications, including weather and climate
3. Superconducting systems, semiconductors, and trapped modeling, space exploration, fundamental science, the
atomic ions are some of the lead platforms to build modeling of economic or societal, machine learning, and the
quantum computers. There are various types of development of personalized medicine [3].
operational frameworks. Gate-based quantum computing 7. CONCLUSION
is the best identified. In it, qubits are prepared in initial
states and then subjected to a series of “gate operations, ” • Quantum computers have the ability to revolutionize
like laser pulse or current depends on qubit type. These calculations and computations by making a certain type of
gates, the qubits are put to superpositions, tangled, and classical problems solvable.
subjected to logic operations like the AND, OR, and NOT
• A few advanced companies and small start-ups now have
gates of traditional computation. The qubits are then
to function non-error-corrected quantum computers
measured and resultsare obtained.
composed of several tens of qubits, some of these are even
4. Highly tangled qubits also serve as the starting point. accessible to the public through the cloud.
Then, instead of performing change operations on qubits,
• Additionally, quantum simulators are making progress in
single qubit measurements are performed, which leaves
fields varying from molecular energetics to many-body
the targeted single qubit in a definitive state. Based on the
result, further functions are carried out on other qubits and
eventually a solution is reached. REFERENCES
5. The analog quantum computers or quantum simulators [1] 2015 International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors
envisioned by Feynman. Quantum simulators can be (ITRS)Published on Friday, Jun 05, 2015, 5:09pm, by
thought of as a specific purpose quantum computer that Semiconductor Industry Association
can be programmed to model quantum computers. With [2]
this ability, they can tackle questions such as how certain [3]
chemicals react, or how to design materials with certain energy-than-the-world-generates-by-2040
properties, or how high-temperature superconductors work [4]
[5]. january-2019/in-2035-quantum-processors-with-a-few-
Would we require more powerful computer chips in 10-20 [6]

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ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

ICT Supported Collaborative Learning: An Approach

to Prevailing Learning Environments
Hemendra Kumar1, Sundeep Kumar2
Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: In network-based learning environments various ways. For example, researchers in Computer
collaboration and communication is the main idea. Many of Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) have developed
the current studies, however, focus on collaboration through groupware systems that have been adopted for educational
the computer, or computer- supported collaborative learning purposes (e.g. Stahl, 2006). Groupware provide shared spaces
(CSCL), facilitated by different network-based collaboration (Bannon & Bødker, 1997) on the www for storing and sharing
tools. There has been an erratic increase in the use of information (messages, documents, pictures, videos) and
computer networks in education and training. Although all engaging the learners in social interaction (Girgensohn & Lee,
“e-Learning” or virtual learning environments do not 2002). When adopted in schools they allow teachers and
include any systematic collaboration, the ideas of CSCL are learners to interact online using a variety of communication
gradually increasingly applied in different practical methods and collaboration tools. Examples of shared spaces are BSCL
of network-supported learning. The communication tools can (Stahl, 2006), FLE (Mukkonen et al 1999), and Knowledge
be based on synchronic media or they can support Forum (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 2006).
asynchronous communication.It is anintense development
phase where creative ideas on ICT tools as well as new
organization of the learning environment and enhanced
pedagogical methods are tried out.This editorial paper Kaufman et al. (1997) define collaborative learning as a
elaborates on properties of ICT supported collaborative spectrum of instruction that involves small groups of students
learning, the use of the ICT tools that enhances the teaching who have assigned an academic goal; on the other hand, Prince
learning environment and also the various ICT tools being (2004) defines cooperative learning as a structured form of
used in today’s time for collaborative learning along with the group work where students pursue common goals while being
emerging trends in CSCL, paper also highlights the changing assessed individually. Although some authors (e.g.Kaufman et
role of teachers in CSCL. al., 1997) distinguish between collaborative and cooperative
learning as having distinct historical developments, this study
Keywords: Collaborative learning, ICT, ICT tools, CSCL, e- will assume the perspective of Panitz (1996) and Prince (2004)
Learning, Pedagogical methods. that collaborative learning encompasses cooperative learning
as, in either interpretation, the core element is the emphasis on
1. INTRODUCTION student interactions rather than on learning as a solitary
activity.The importance of computer supported learning is an
CSCL emerged in response to skills that are important in a emerging branch of the learning sciences concerned with
knowledge-based society. These are skills that were previously
studying how people can learn together with the help of
associated with deep learning of specialized knowledge, meta-
computers.ICT can be beneficial to promote active and
communication, meta-cognition, and task re-conceptualization
collaborative practices is that of fostering the change of a
(Jarvela & Salovaara, 2004). These skills are not easily taught
traditional teaching system to adopt and incorporate ICT in
through memorizing and fact finding using textbooks, which
teaching and learning.
are prevailing methods learning basic skills. In fact finding, for
example, the goal of the activity is most often invisible to The stimulating potential of the internet to connect people in
students and the focus tend to be on tasks (Hewitt, 2001). inventive ways provided a spur for computer supported
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is the collaborative learning research. As ICT developed, unpredicted
field concerned with how Information and Communication barriers to design, disseminate and effectively take advantage
Technology (ICT) might support learning in groups (co located of innovative educational software became more and more
and distributed). It is also about understanding the actions and apparent (Stahl et al., 2006). As mentioned in the report made
activities mediated by ICT. Educational applications range by the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-
from generic collaboration environments (e.g. forums) to tools first Century (1996), this technological revolution obviously
for developing domain-specific knowledge. Technical constitutes an essential element in the understanding of our
advances in computer science have contributed to CSCL in modernity, as it creates new forms of socialization and, even,

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 169

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

new definitions of individual and collective identity. ICT have But even with all of these resources available, it still comes
been played an important role in the development of new down to taking a risk and trying something new.Here are some
theoretical approaches on teaching and learning and how helpful and versatile technology tools to easily and quickly
important it is to understand technology-based environments integrate into your classroom and get your students in a
that can offer learners with new opportunity for activities classroom collaboration mindset.
which are beneficial for knowledge construction.Developments
4.1 Big Data: Services like Edutrends and Knewton are able
in ICT offer increasing possibilities for collaborative learning.
to anonymously mine data about students and turn that
E.g. technology enhanced learning environments can provide
data into usable information for the parents, teachers, the
advanced means for the production of knowledge and
school board, and other stakeholders in the schools. And it
constructive communication, and interactive and collaborative
isn't just large trends either. For example, the data may
learning in (and between) classrooms and between teachers
reveal that a student having trouble with word problems in
and learners.
math has decent math skills but is having trouble with
3. PROPERTIES RELATED TO ICT SUPPORTED reading. In the old system, the student would have to
COLLABORATIVE LEARNING: practice more math problems, but with the help of Big
Data, the teacher would know the students needs a reading
3.1 Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is the
tutor. Big Data gives us the ability to dynamically adjust a
field concerned with how information and communication
course along the school year.
technology (ICT) might support learning in groups.
3.2 Learning with ICT tools and services, learners enhance 4.2 User-generated content: also known as crowd-sourced
their knowledge of and ability to use those technologies, content, is media generated by one or more often many
and come to see them not only as necessary to their lay-persons rather than a single expert or group of experts.
immediate learning but also (and above all) as a means of The best known example of this is Wikipedia. Content
furthering their lifelong learning. generated by Wikipedia is not created or curated by one
group of elites. Instead, the content is generated by users
3.3 An important skill that must be acquired quickly if and then edited by other users.
cooperation is to be truly effective is that of the
mediation/negotiation of ideas and proposals in the group 4.3 Augmented reality: Virtual reality is something we
– a willingness to accept others’ proposals when these associate more with oversized headsets and a slight sense
appear better than one’s own. of dizziness. Augmented reality is a little more like
Google Glass. Using eyewear or holding your device in
3.4 Activities calling on learners to interact and compare
front of you, you can see the world around you, but you
enable them to analyse course content not just from their
can also see important information overlaid on it. This can
own viewpoint but also from that of other members of the
be anything from a translation of a foreign sign, the
learning group. This often stimulates observations and
constellations in the night sky or information from every
reflections which would not emerge in individual study.
social media and search engine at once.
3.5 This is a very effective way of helping learners grasp the
complexity and interdependency of the various knowledge 4.4 Survey Monkey: is a good way to ask a variety of
domains. questions, find out what students are thinking, use it for a
quick formative assessment, and many other possibilities.
3.6 Add flexibility of time and space for I have used it to find out how students prepared for tests,
cooperative/collaborative learning The new workspace is what areas they need help with, and even for voting for
increasingly a virtual one in which work is done by club officers and planning trips. You have the results
individuals who are distributed in place and time. quickly and can provide feedback instantly, to plan your
3.7 Academic Achievement The results of studies examining next steps in class. It can be a different way to find out
cooperative, competitive, and individualistic learning about your students and their needs.
using computers (Johnson & Johnson, 1989; Johnson et
4.5 Blogging: Through blogging, teachers can provide support
al., 1998b; Johnson, Johnson, Stanne, & Garibalde, 1990;
for students and help them to gain confidence in writing
Johnson, Johnson, Stanne, Smizak, & Avon, 1987) found
and speaking.
that computer-assisted cooperative learning yields higher
quantity and quality of daily achievement, greater mastery These tools provide ways to get students talking and share
of factual information, and greater success in problem their ideas, so that classroom collaboration can even be taken
solving than computer-supported individualistic learning. home.
Resources are everywhere like books, blogs, social media like 5.1 Technological inventions ranging from smart boards to
Twitter chats, Voxer groups, your PLN, or even conferences, tablets and softwares like google classroom, Google drive,
EdCamps and similar professional development opportunities.

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ICT Supported Collaborative Learning: An Approach to Prevailing Learning Environments

Khan’s academy etc. continue to proliferate everyday a software application based on internet technologies that
learning. support management and delivery of learning content and
services. These trends open new possibilities for the
5.2 Teachers are now drawn to use technology regularly and
educational process and create a new phenomenon in the field
in more collaborative ways.
of gradual and lifelong education for the learners. Hence
5.3 Technological transformations is witnessing the changing Computer-supported collaborative learning is one of the most
role of the teacher in the classroom. promising ideas to improve teaching and learning with the help
of modern information and communication technology.
5.4 Teachers need to harness the power of technology by
allowing students to learn at their own pace in a REFERENCES
collaborative way. [1] Andriessen, J., Baker, M. & Suthers, D. (Eds.) (2003). Arguing
5.5 Digital learning can enhance collaborative, creative, to Learn: Confronting Cognitions in Computer-Supported
interactive &research skills in the teachers. Collaborative Learning Environments. Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
5.6 Technology can also help to enhance effective [2] Arnseth, H.C. & Ludvigsen, S. (2006). Approaching
communication problem-based learning, as the learners institutional contexts: Systemic versus dialogical research in
already embrace social media 7digital communication in CSCL. International Journal of Computer Supported
their everyday lives. Collaborative Learning. 1, 2, 167-185.
[3] Bannon, L. and Bødker, S. (1997). Constructing Common
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large part of everybody’s lifestyle, teachers can use this on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW’97).
reliance to encourage collaborative learning. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 81-96.
5.8 Internet &online tutorials offer a more expansive world to [4] Crook, C. (1998). Children as Computer Users: The Case of
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5.9 Teachers can help to develop 21st century skills like [5] Collins, A., Joseph, D., & Bielaczyc, K. (2004). Design
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6. CONCLUSION Collaborative Learning. Computers & Education, 30 (3 & 4),
The advances of the learning sciences, combined with the 237–247. 10. de Jong, T. (2006). Scaffolds for Scientific
Discovery Learning. In J. Elen & D. Clark (Eds.), Handling
needs of the knowledge society, have heightened the complexity in learning environments: research and theory (pp.
requirements for flexible (time and space) and challenging 107-128). London: Elsevier Science Publishers 11. Dillenbourg,
(problem-solving and knowledge building) learning P. (Ed.) (1999). Collaborative Learning: Cognitive and
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understanding of technology in support of collaborative [7] Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2005). Knowledge convergence in
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CSCL. This might increase not only the level of quality, but representation tools. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 14 (3),
also the level of students' work due to activities pertaining to 405-441.
developing their learning with the help of technology. Also it [8] Kumpulainen, K., & Wray, D. (Eds.). (2002). Classroom
is essential that teachers need to be involved in collaborative Interaction and Social Learning. From Theory to Practice.
projects and development of intervention change strategies, London: Routledge/Falmer. 21.
which include teaching partnerships with ICT as a tool. [9] Lamon, M., Secules, T., Petrosino, A., Hackett, R., Bransford,
Teacher perceptions are a major predictor of the use of new J., & Goldman, S. (1996). Schools for thought: Overview of the
technologies in instructional settings. CSCL offers flexibility project and lessons learned from one of the sites. In L.
Schauble, & R. Glaser (Eds.), Innovations in learning: New
in learning methods and supports extensive interaction
environments for education. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
between the learner and teacher. It can manage learning using

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ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Education 4.0 -The Future of Learning

Dr. Neetu Anand
Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: Education systems have evolved over the centuries technologies and cooperation between man and machine.
in response to social, economic and technological As the fourth revolution takes hold, it will impact
innovations, which in turn are impacted by the evolution in everything that we do. It connects people, machines and
education system itself. The basic purpose of education and data in new ways, it democratizes (accessible to everyone)
training is to empower an individual to lead a successful life technologies that were previously only accessible to the
and contribute best to him, family, society, nation and specialized few.
humanity. Therefore education and training are the most
Education 4.0 leads to Quality 4.0 and Quality 4.0 strategies
effective tools to achieve a successful life. The World
will be built on the technologies and processes of the still-
Economic Forum announced the Fourth Industrial
emerging Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 is focused on the
Revolution, and predicted 'major shift about the education
system and future of jobs. Almost everyone is talking about
the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR). The 4IR wave is so The aim of the paper is to identify the impact of industrial
strong that change is inevitable; this makes Education 4.0 revolution on Education of Gen Z and hence need of Education
the famous buzzword among educationists today. So the 4.0. Section 2 explained the latest technologies trending in 4 th
question comes what is Education 4.0 and quality 4.0? Do Industrial revolution, Section 3 introduces Gen Z learners and
educators really understand it or they simply follow what learning process and section 4 described the Evolution in
others are doing? Quality 4.0 and Education 4.0 is a respond Educationsector and lastly conclusion has been given.
to the needs of IR4.0 where human and technology are
aligned to enable new possibilities. 2. LATEST TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT
The critical technology changes includes advances in AI/ ML,
Keywords: Industrial revolution, Quality 4.0, Gen Z learner, Big data, analytics, connectivity, scalability, and
learning process, Digitalization. collaboration[5] .For providing quality Education, these
technologies are important because they enable the
1. INTRODUCTION transformation of culture, leadership, collaboration, and
compliance. Let’s discuss some of the critical technology.
As the world is moving with Industrial revolution 4.0the
existing process of knowledge creation and research mustalso i) Artificial Intelligence /Machine Learning /Deep
be changed as per the requirement of time.[1] Upcoming Learning-AI, ML and Deep Learning all are interrelated
technologies, driven by Industry 4.0 have begun adding more and originate from one another and are the main building
fire to already volatile, uncertain, complex & ambiguous blocks of 4th Industrial revolution. The major difference in
(VUCA) world and impacting our life, our relationship, our all of these are shown in figure 1:
work, our environment, our Educationand even our future.The
brief introduction about the Industrial revolution is as follows:
• The First (real) Industrial Revolution embodied three
revolutionary changes: Machine Manufacturing, Steam
power and the move to city living, for people who had
previously been agriculturalists.
• During the Second Industrial Revolution, the production
line and mass manufacturing drastically reduced the cost of
consumer and industrial products.
• The Third Industrial Revolution used electronics and
Information Technology to automate production at a
significantly lower cost.
• The Fourth Industrial Revolution [2]is happening around us
right now. Industrial revolution 4.0 focus on Digitalization
and personalization in which emphasis is on implementing Fig. 1. Comparison between AI, ML and Deep learning

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Education 4.0 -The Future of Learning

ii) Big Data: Data-driven decisions have been at the heart of • Weather and sports programs continue experimenting with
quality improvements for decades. The4 V’s associated augmented reality as a way to improve the television
with Big data are: experience for viewers.
• Volume refer to incredible amount of data generated each vi) Virtual Reality: Virtual reality is an artificial environment
second from social media, cellphone, sensors etc. that is created with software and presented to the user in
such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a
• Variety is defined as different types of data vary from real environment.
structured, semi structured and unstructured.
• VR places the user inside an experience. Instead of viewing
• Veracity is the quality or trustworthiness of the data a screen in front of them, users are immersed and able to
• Velocity refers to speed at which vast amounts of data are interact with 3D worlds.
being generated, collected and analyzed. • Virtual reality helps people to do that task which they can't
Figure 2 show the difference between Traditional Data and Big do in the real world. Virtual realityare having many
Data. importance in different sectors such as education,
automobile, finance and many more.

• Virtual reality will be used in medicine, architecture and

many other spheres of life. Virtual simulators for training
future pilots and operators of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)
have existed for a long time. It gives them an opportunity
to test themselves in true to life situations. They can also
improve their skills without fear to fail.

• Virtual reality glasses or goggles are a type of eyewear

which functions as a display device. They enable the
wearer to view a series of computer generated images
which they can then interact with.
v) Analytics: Analytics unlock the insights captured within
data. Analytics fall into four categories namely descriptive
(What happened), diagnostic (Why it happened),
predictive (What will happen) and perspective (What
action to take).
Fig. 2. Difference between Traditional data and Big data
iii) Augmented Reality-Augmented reality (AR) is a type of vi) Connectivity: “Connectivity” is the connection between
interactive, reality-based display environment that takes Organization, Information technology (IT) and operational
the capabilities of computer generated display, sound, text technology (OT). It should be ensuring that data,
and effects to enhance the user's real-world experience. processes, and people all work together to enable
Some example of Augmented Reality are: effective, data-driven, and bidirectional communication.

• IKEA Mobile App-IKEA is known in the tech world as one vii) Connectivity: Broadly stated, “connectivity” is the
of the first companies to use augmented reality. The retailer connection between Organization, Information technology
began experimenting with augmented reality back in 2012, (IT) and operational technology (OT). It should be ensure
when shoppers could use the app to see how tables and that data, processes, and people work together to enable
shelves would look in various places around their house. effective, data-driven, and bidirectional communication.
IKEA is taking it a step further with its IKEA Place app,
viii) App Development: App development is something
which now allows you to select anything from the store’s
everyone can relate to quality– there are apps for
catalog and see how it will look to scale anywhere in your
everything. Apps are the mechanisms through which
house.This is an extremely helpful tool for people who are
Organization fulfill processes, collect and expose data,
wondering if a certain piece of furniture will fit in a tight
visualize analytics, and establish collaboration. Mobility
space, or if the color of their prospective purchase will
and interactive apps fuel quality management system.
match the motif of the room.
• Pokemon go App. ix) Scalability: Scalability is the ability to support data
volume, users, devices, and analytics on a global scale.
• L’Oréal Makeup App:L’Oréalhas a mobile app that will Cloud computing is an important contributor to scalability.
allow users to try out various types of makeup.

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Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

• Through Cloud, it is easy to provide Software as a Service 4. EVOLUTION OF EDUCATION

(SaaS), without the need to acquire, install, and manage the
• Education 1.0: Education in the ancient and Middle Ages
software on premise.
comprised of personalized education confined to few
• Cloud also provides Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) by students, low literacy rates and informal methods of
enabling globally accessible and high availability (high education, which gradually developed into formal schools
uptime) solutions. in later centuries.
• Platform as a Solution (PaaS), providing the core software • Education2.0: The invention of the printing press in the
plus an extended ecosystem of partners that all connect to mid-15th century completely transformed the education
enrich the core software. sector and helped increase literacy levels as it enabled rapid
dissemination of ideas through books.[4] Socio-economic
3. GENERATION Z LEARNER advances in this period led to Education 2.0, which took
The current learners are of Generation Z[3]. Generation Z several thousand years to transform from traditional
composed of those born between 1995 and 2010.17% of Gen Z Education 1.0.
want to start their own business and hire workers; 46%of Gen
• Education 3.0: The emergence of internet and IT changed
Z are true ‘digital natives’ and are tech experts by keep
the mode of delivery, providing a technology platform to
themselves connected10+ hours a day, 34% of Gen Z are most
learn. The instructional theory and foundations are
concerned about boosting their people management skills.
delivered to students across technology-enabled platforms.
Some of the characteristics of Gen Z learners are:
The focus of Education 4.0 is around “experiential
• Highly Connected and tech-savy. learning” of the individual by using dynamic technology. A
• A mind-set that technology can solve every problem. tighter integration with the Industry and society also
provide a robust platform for learning from the peers,
• Seek involvement in learning process but at their own pace. social interactions and real-world issues. The method and
• Welcome challenges, enjoy group working. practice of teaching also vary in education 4.0.

• Time and place agnostic learning; Love freedom • Education 4.0: The changing skill requirements from the
industry demand a competency-based learning model rather
• Engaging them in traditional way is more challenging. than a fixed learning structure. In Education 4.0, the learner
will always be at the center of the education ecosystem.
As we know learning is a continuous process but the question
originates “how do we learn?” The answer lies in the following Trends related to Education 4.0 which leads to Quality 4.0
lines: I see and I forget; I hear and I remember; I do and I are:
understand; this is what we can see in learning pyramid too • Learning can be taken place anytime anywhere. E-Learning
shown below in figure 3. It shows how much we learn by using tools shown in figure -4 offer great opportunities for
different methods of learning: verbal, visual and Action remote, self-paced learning. Flipped classroom approach
learning. We learn10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, also plays a huge role as it allows interactive learning to be
30% of what we see, 40 to 50% of what we watch, 70% done in class, while the theoretical parts to be learned
through activity, 90% by simulation and 100% by participating outside the class time.
in activity.
• Learning will be personalized to individual students. They
will be introduced to harder tasks only after a certain
mastery level is achieved. More practices will be provided
if the instructors see a need in it. Positive reinforcements
are used to promote positive learning experience and boost
students’ confidence about their own academic abilities.
• Students have a choice in determining how they want to
learn.[6] Although the learning outcomes of a course are
preset by the institutions/bodies in charge of the
curriculum, students are still free to choose the learning
tools or techniques that they prefer. Among the options that
teachers can adopt to enable students to be creative in their
learning are blended learning, flipped classroom and
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) approach.
• Students will be exposed to more project-based learning.
Fig. 3. Learning Process Students are required to apply their knowledge and skills in

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Education 4.0 -The Future of Learning

completing a couple of short term projects. By involving in • Universities need to equip learners with problem solving
the projects, they are practicing their organizational, and decision making skills
collaborative and time management skills which are useful
in their future academic careers. • Develop educational Content in collaboration with industry
so as to Inculcate 4Cs into students-Communication,
• Students will be exposed to more hands-on learning Collaboration, critical Thinking, Creativity[7].
through field experience such as internships, mentoring
projects and collaborative projects. The advancement of the • Make programming or ICT a compulsory Subject and
technology enables the learning of certain domains introduce big data analysis, machine learning &block chain
effectively, thus making more room for acquiring skills that technology as mandatory.
involve human knowledge and face-to-face interaction. • More weightage to skill domain, by implementing
• Students will be exposed to data interpretation in which competency based curriculum.
they are required to apply their theoretical knowledge to • Reform content and the methodology of education and
numbers and use their reasoning skills to make inferences should be on lifelong learning instead of front loaded
based on logic and trends from given sets of data.
• Students will be assessed differently and the conventional
platforms to assess students may become irrelevant or • The changes that take place in Education 4.0 really
insufficient. Students’ factual knowledge can be assessed describe the learning preference of the Gen Z students.
during the learning process, while the application of the • It is about time for class instructors to consider integrating
knowledge can be tested when they are working on their more current technologies in their teaching methodology.
• The students now have different preferences than students
• Students’ opinion will be considered in designing and of 10 years ago. Integrating more current technologies will
updating the curriculum. Their inputs help the curriculum make the instructors more creative in designing their
designers to maintain curriculum, up-to date and useful. lessons, thus making the learning more interesting.
• Students will become more independent in their own • Learning can also be more effective as the way it is
learning, thus forcing teachers to assume a new role as delivered matches the Gen Z students’ preferences.
facilitators who will guide the students throughout their
learning process. Now trained faculty will play the role of • With the addition of new skills in curriculum, student can
mentor and facilitator both. easily adapt themselves in revolution 4.0.
[1] Wilkesmann, M., Wilkesmann, U. (2018) "Industry 4.0 –
organizing routines or innovations?” VINE Journal of
Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 48
Issue: 2, pp.238-254.
[2] Baena, F., Guarin, A., Mora, J., Sauza, J., &Retat, S. (2017).
Learning Factory: The Path to Industry 4.0. Procedia
Manufacturing, 9, 73-80.
[3] Kozinski, S. (2017). How generation Z is shaping the change in
education. Retrieved from
education/#304059746520Shwab, K. (2016).
[4] The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to
respond. Accessed from
rev-olution-what-it-means-and-how-to-respondSoffel, J. (2016).
[5] What are the 21st century skills every student needs?
[6] Education 4.0 Made Simple: Ideas For Teaching.
Fig. 4. Future of e-Learning
[7] Gilchrist, A. (2016). Introducing Industry 4.0. In A. Gilchrist
What Universities or educational institutes need to do, to (Eds.), Industry 4.0 (pp. 195-215). Apress, Berkeley, CA.
instill quality in education

• Universities would need to focus on collaborative ways of

learning and build flexible program structures.

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ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Catalyst for Innovation in Higher Learning: ICT and

Sundeep Kumar1, Hemendra Kumar2
Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi, India

Abstract: ICT and e-leaning can enhance the quality of system, its effectiveness so as to deal with the challenges of
higher education through innovative methods by increasing global competitiveness in developing countries. Higher
the student’s enthusiasm, interest and engagement, by education of quality could be brought to many more people if
facilitating the acquisition of skills and by enhancing teacher only universities in the developing world could get on the
training which will sooner or later improve communication bandwagon of advancing ICTs and creatively tap into the
and exchange of information. The change in higher current Education system possibilities and innovations (cf.
education institutions doesn’t depend exclusively on these Mugimu, 2006)[33]. He acknowledges that the pursuit of
technologies, but more on the human resources and how they technological transformation in higher education has become
can come close to and use all the new technologies and widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa with the extensive
education system possibilities. Globalization and occurrence of global networks like the Internet and Intranet as
technological change are one of the main goals of ICT. This institutions take great effort to prepare students for effective
paper is an attempt to describe about ICT in general and participation in the emerging global knowledge economy.
Education system and also examines the role of ICT in Technologically based Education system education is further
higher education system, its effectiveness so as to deal with seen as a way to address the increase in the world demand for
the challenges of global competitiveness in developing tertiary education. Daniel (1998)[12] states that one new
countries. Hence the study leads to the conclusion that ICT education system per week is required to keep pace with world
and E- learning are catalyst for innovation in higher population growth but the resources necessary are not
learning available. For instance, since the time of the overwhelmingly
increased student enrolments in many public universities in
Keywords: ICT, Education system, Educational Technology, Uganda from the 1990s and onwards, existing resources and
Globalisation, E-learning infrastructure have not increased commensurate to the same
increase in the student capacity.
1. INTRODUCTION Lecture theatres and libraries are flooding and infrastructure
ICT is breaking through cultural, economic, political and and instructional materials and staff are all guarded with the
social barriers of nations (Mugimu, 2006). ICT represents the alarmingly increased student populations. For the effective and
international system that is shaping most societies today increased utilization of the public resources Higher education
including education system programs. It is a process that is must develop more cost-effective. A lecture theatre in a public
“super charging” the interaction and integration of cultures education system that sits over 300 students attending an
(Welsh et al, 2003). People around the world are thus required economics class will not be effective if more public address
to develop high level of creativity and imaginative skills as systems are not installed to enable each and every learner
well as innovative competencies needed to become benefit from the lecture. Likewise, if a education system lacks
competitive in the global economy (Lewin, 2000; Wende, internet facility to serve its ever increasing student population
2002). Through the adoption of low cost ICT and Education then it would be quite hard to make sure quality learning and
system technologies and approaches being promoted in research. By using technology for teaching, universities can
universities education will become more competitive globally. serve the public more cost effectively and in particular can
Universities are therefore challenged to become more prepare students better for a technologically based society. In
innovative in preparing and producing individuals that are view of the growing ICT and transnational exchanges in many
adequately and sufficiently equipped to function in the rapidly fields, scholars like Evans and Nation (1993) indicate that in
changing demands of the global job market. ICT means these circumstances politicians, policy-makers, and citizens
bringing the vast world so near. It implies that communication should make demands upon education systems to reform. Open
systems become so simplified and advanced to foster rapid learning and distance education are at the forefront of
development. There is, for instance, a lot of Internet learning educational responses to the changes that are taking place
around the global across one education system with another. locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
This paper examines the role of ICT in higher education

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Catalyst for Innovation in Higher Learning: ICT and E-learning

2. WHAT IS EDUCATION SYSTEM? implies that with information technological advancement,

universities have to prepare themselves to welcome such
E -learning may mean different things to different people.
crucial developments. It systematically relates to the fact that
According to Welsh, Wanberg, Brown and Simmering
education system management has to train or hire manpower to
(2003:246) “Education system can be defined as the use of
operate the technology; and the same universities should
computer net work technology, primarily over an intranet or
change the teaching approaches to cope with the demands of
through the Internet to deliver information and instruction to
the new information technology. As indicated also by Haddard
individuals” Halkett (2002:46) pointed out that Education
and Draxler (2002), the benefits associated with E-learning
system offers a number of new tools to teaching-e-lectures,
could be many. If only stakeholders become more creative and
message boards, chartrooms, interactive assessment marked by
innovative. Welsh et al (2003) highlighted six benefits of
computers, and prospects of unlimited access to electronic
Education system. They say that Education system could:
resources. However, Education system is more than computer
Provide consistent, worldwide training. Reduce delivery cycle
and Internet. All electronic devices such as CD ROMs, DVDs,
time. Increase learner convenience. Reduce information
Radios, Television, satellites, mobile phones, etc that could be
overload. Improve tracking learners’ activities. Lower
used to enhance learning through multimedia capabilities and
expenses of educational provision (Low-cost technologies).
network technologies can be a part of the education system.
Furthermore, Education system could also stimulate students
Network technologies have the potential to deliver timely and
to do independent work, hence promoting students’ ability to
appropriate knowledge and skills to the right people, at a
develop self-learning skills. Education system could also act as
suitable time, in a convenient place, which is what Education
a leverage to improve the day-today administrative and
system/ E training is all about. It allows for personalized, just-
management operations of universities in the Third world. For
in-time, up-to date, and user-centered educational activities
instance, by making dissemination of information about
(Haddard & Draxler, 2002: 12). Thus, Education system
students’ admissions, registration, assessment, schedules and
should and be required to permit ample execution of flexible
timetables etc…much easier and in a timely manner.
educational programs to meet the diverse needs of students
Universities in developing countries could bring knowledge
opting for higher education. For instance, Flood (2002)
closer to many students even those off-campus and could not
contends, “Education system can offer a rich choice of learning
otherwise afford to physically attend normal educational
experiences that fit in with specific needs, aspirations and
programs. Isolated students and professionals in the civil
learning styles, and so it can…facilitate personal growth and
service or private sector could be able to work and study at
professional development”.
their own pace, any time, and anywhere via the Internet or
Furthermore, the Education system approach could be a intranet (Haddard &Draxler, 2002). Education system could
powerful tool or means to facilitate association between also cultivate online interactions among participants, even
different learners across the globe (MacGonald & Thompson, when may be many miles apart. Students’ social construction
2005). However, Education system could be more than just of knowledge in terms of facilitating sharing of ideas in the
using technology to deliver the instructional materials but online discussion groups could be an immense possibility.
rather in using technology to build learners’ capacity to learn There are many students today who are pursuing studies in
on their own and at their own pace (Flood, 2002). many universities overseas but do not need to leave their
Unfortunately, the capacity and necessary infrastructure and mother country to be fulltime students in foreign countries.
human resources to support and embrace E-learning Instead, the Education system methodology has made it easy
capabilities may be lacking in universities in developing for such interaction to be possible because academic promoters
countries. An important arching question is that; how could can share smoothly with students via emails and with the aid of
universities in developing countries take advantage of the online library. Research (MacGonald &Thompson, 2005)
Education system innovations in order to make their services shows that Education system combined with instructional
easily accessible to more people, regardless of the existing strategies and multimedia tend to create positive attitudes of
obstacles? Justification of Education system innovation in students as well as promoting decent learning outcomes. Thus,
Universities in Developing countries Information technological stakeholders of universities in the developing world should and
transformation in universities, however, has major systemic ought to become creative and imaginative for their success in
implications and needs to be carefully managed as Drucker embracing Education system.
(1998) points out that as soon as an organization takes the first
tentative steps from data to information, its decision processes,
management structure, and even the way it gets its work done
begin to be transformed. Attempts to introduce any significant
reform will impact on all of its sub-systems. Some of the obstacles and challenges that could
undermine/hinder universities in the developing world to
The advent of information technology in any big education
implement and embrace Education system capabilities include:
system will in every respect impact tremendously on the
internal and external operations of that education system. It

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 177

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

3.1 Majority of education system administrators, teachers and somewhat complex and paradoxical. Involving academics in
students tend to lack awareness of Education system Education system reform in Universities Educational
innovations and its capabilities. Stakeholders are therefore institutions exist to open minds and challenge established
not willing to pay the cost necessary to embrace Education doctrine, but at the same time, the manpower that occupies
system. these institutions is extremely resistant to change (Robbins and
Barnwell, 1998). Higher education can be described as largely
3.2 Most universities in developing countries are ill equipped
bureaucratic and bureaucracies, by definition, resist change
in terms of technical support and administrative staff
(Tapscott, 1996). I recall an incidence during my education
required to facilitate the integration of Education system
system life when my old professor hated something called a
with existing programs.
computer and a projector used in teaching. Whenever I told
3.3 Most students and instructors do not have access to him that my research analysis was based on computer
personal computers and ICTs, besides being incompetent packages he retorted negatively “you are bound to fail
in Education system. research, please use the formulas I gave you in class”. Such an
expression and reaction depicts an “old fashioned academic”
3.4 Poor/ insufficient connectivity to Internet or intranet, who is not ready to accept recent global changes in the area of
telephone lines, etc is a serious problem. academics in universities, the Internet or even Education
3.5 Inconsistent electric power supply is a critical stumbling system in that matter. Many other students, in recent times,
block Education system growth in Third world face the same wrath of such unsighted professors. Because of
Universities given the fact that Education system the wide resistance to change in most higher education
equipments run on electricity. institutions, Education system innovation has often been
implemented as an isolated, top-down initiative of education
To compound this challenge even further, sources of system managers for efficiency purposes. In this scenario, the
alternative options for electric power are difficult to find. In wider systems within tertiary education are often not
addition, given that universities in developing countries are considered and neither affected by the innovation.
well known for their classroom/lecture room face-to-face Technological innovations have also experienced difficulty-
delivery strategies such as tutoring, lectures, conferences, etc., taking precedence in top offices in education system education
Education system may thus be perceived by many as being (Pastore, 2005). Higher education, similar to other sectors of
inferior in terms of academic integrity/rigor (MacGonald society, has often responded to new Education system and ICT
&Thompson, 2005). It is not surprising that many stakeholders applications on the basis of efficiencies rather than the use of
tend to be reluctant to introduce and accept Education system more strategic considerations. Some staff have resisted IT
because of the fear to undermine the reputations of their advocating remaining in use of the old systems of processing
institutions. Education system demands that teachers in higher student papers.
education must learn and develop unfamiliar innovative
teaching strategies far beyond their normal routines. For They type writer and old record keeping methods are still in
instance, teachers’ roles are shifting from being sole providers use creating managerial inefficiencies in the “transcript office”
of knowledge to facilitators of knowledge (Haddard & Draxler, and at the departmental examinations office. This traditional
2002). Students’ roles also are changing from being passive criterion of record management tends to stifle operational
recipients of knowledge to becoming active collaborators of effectiveness. Most changes in education in the twentieth and
knowledge. Inevitably, the resistance to Education system twenty first centuries respectively had been first order changes,
innovations by stakeholders in many universities in the which aimed at improving efficiency and effectiveness of
developing countries is and will remain of serious concern. current practices. One of such first order changes is the
introduction of the Internet and the computer in management
The practicability of establishing and embracing E-learning work and teaching methodology. Therefore, attempts to oppose
within the universities in developing countries is questionable. such lucrative developments in any global institution are a path
It is not surprising that Education system innovations have not in the wrong direction because technology is here to stay. To
yet taken deep roots, as it should be in many universities. With ensure ownership of sound educational quality in ICT and
the existing inadequate infrastructure, human resources and Education system, it is important that educators and
financial resources, exploiting technological innovations in educational policy drive and direct technological
ICTs and Education system is still a challenge in most of the transformation of higher education. Therefore, the structures
mushrooming and traditional universities in the Third World supporting technology-based education have to ensure an
(Naidoo, 2001:34). It is likely that the existing infrastructure educational focus and pre-eminence of educational principles
may be too old and therefore incompatible to the rapidly and policy grounded on administrative desires and attitudinal
changing technology. Universities may therefore be required to change. Caladine (2003), who reviewed the literature on non-
carry out expensive/costly major renovations to upgrade or traditional modes of delivery in higher education using state-
replace existing infrastructures to accommodate the advancing of-the-art technologies, indicates that the extensive use of
technologies in ICTs and Education system. The dynamics Education system in education poses previously un
involved in implementing and embracing Education system are

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Catalyst for Innovation in Higher Learning: ICT and E-learning

encountered problems in pedagogy which are attitudinal. In 4. IMPLEMENTING EDUCATION SYSTEM

addition, these problems are primarily to do with TECHNOLOGIES AND INNOVATION
conservativeness of those who fear technological change.
In Universities Technological transformation in higher
Technological decisions need to be preceded by policy and
education is based on new approaches to organizational
educational decisions and highlighting the importance of
processes. An innovation can be described as an idea or
bottom-up and more organic approaches during technological
behavior that is new to the organization adopting it (Swanson,
transformation in higher education in the developing world.
2004). Implementing and adopting something new to a culture
Engaging academics to appreciate Education system is a
requires commitment, patience and acceptance of change. In
significant management issue in higher educational reform and
this way, a bottom-up innovation process in the development
such reform has to be based on the development of 'learning
of ICT and Education system is important because it fosters
communities'. That means that the actual process of reform
the development of the will among members and generates
must engage academics in actual learning of how to use the
collective participation of lower cadres in decision making
new technologies and seeing that this technology is further
leading to consensus building. It is difficult to resist change
promoted creating self initiative so as to build self-confidence
that comes from the bottom from among the users. The
and sharing. In most cases, Education system training should
importance of a bottom-up process for a successful innovation
be made compulsory to every academic and don. This requires
aims at spreading leadership. If it does not aim at shared
serious bottom-up approaches to encourage and implement the
leadership right from the outset, therefore such technology is
reforms. Top down attempts to achieve educational reforms in
unlikely to be capable of establishing itself in the education
technological outlook have failed and will be doomed to
system system. In addition, there is need to ensure strong
failure until they confront the cultural and pedagogical
innovation diffusion into higher education systems. The
traditions and beliefs that underlie current practices and
innovation diffusion theory (Rogers, 1983) provides a general
organizational arrangements (Goodman, 1995). In
explanation for the manner in which new entities and ideas like
technological transformation in higher education, it seems
IT and technology based education over time, disseminate
necessary to address the concerns and perceptions of academic
through social systems, in higher education. The innovation
staff in the light of the need for changing their attitudes and to
diffusion theory is essentially a bottom-up approach based on
ensure ownership by academic staff (Evans and Franz, 2008
individual responses that can be used as a starting point to
April; Taylor, Lopez and Quadrelli, 2006).
depict technological transformation in higher education.
Ownership of the technological transformation by academic Initially, there is a takeoff stage during which an innovation is
staff is critical, as it requires major changes in professional introduced into a social system. An entrepreneurial group
roles. This points to the need for specialised roles and the need called the innovators often then adopts it. During the next
for academics to gain the skills and knowledge for effective phase of maturation the "early adopters", who are change
use of the new technologies, and the requirement for extensive agents or opinion leaders among the social system, will enter
training. Education system staff needs to change attitude the process thereby legitimizing the innovation and opening
towards technological advancement and need a more complex the potential for adoption to all members of the system. The
training session in how to use such technologies and come to final saturation stage in an innovation's adoption is
appreciate them. characterized by widespread adoption. The innovation
saturates the social system and growth tapers off. This process
Mason (1998) asserts that the new technologies in global
can be plotted as an S-shaped growth curve. Remedies for
education point to a new role for the teacher, for the student
ensuring successful Education system in Universities in
and for course material. It centres on the construction of
developing countries We have seen that technology cannot be
knowledge by the student. A lecturer becomes a facilitator and
separated from development of the education system because it
promoter and information becomes something to work with,
is transient with ICT and its intentions. Hence, there is need to
think with, discuss, negotiate and debate with partners. The
overcome any resistance from staff and management that
specialized skills needed to develop technology based learning
hinder technology to take root especially where the computer
materials further point to the rationale for using development
and internet age is resisted in most main stream teaching,
teams. Bates (1993) asserts that producing good quality
planning and record keeping. In order to cause a vibrant
technology based learning materials will require people who
attempt to allowing Education system to take root, there are
can combine good pedagogic practice with an understanding of
several policy directions that should be taken first hand and
the strengths and weaknesses of different media and
these are:
technologies. Garrison (1989) points to course design teams as
the accepted model in distance education and that the Open 4.1 To identify the objectives that justifies the need for
Education system uses course development teams extensively. Education system innovation. Haddard et al (2002: 13)
The predominant course-team model in distance education and rightly puts it that technology is only a tool: No
the main advantage of this model is that it operates on high technology can fix a bad educational philosophy or
professional standards. compensate for bad practice…educational choices have to
be made first in terms of objectives, methodologies, and

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Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

roles of teachers and students before decisions can be innovations such as [accessing Internet, using email based
made about appropriate technologies. This is extremely web browsing, downloading materials from the web, etc]
important because if Education system innovations do not rather than expecting them to be able to design fancy Web
make any significant difference in terms of improving Pages, multimedia, etc. This kind of training could be
quality, access etc. then, their cost is not worth it. carried out through tutoring courses to suit a variety of
Subsequently, the objectives for introducing Education educational needs and aspirations of stakeholders (O’Neill
system should focus on improving quality and access of et al, 2004).
educational provision. In other wards, Education system
4.6 To promote top-down and bottom-up strategies that
must be made cost effective.
promotes Education system development and utilization in
4.2 The question of what educational provision/programs universities through innovation diffusion. The level of
could be improved is critical. Conducting a needs resources made available to promote ICT usage would not
assessment analysis may be appropriate to inform the have been possible without senior management and staff
stakeholders in terms of identifying potential education support. When typical political problems like irrational
programs that could be complemented by the Education resistance to change are encountered, senior management
system innovations given the current available resources. is able to step in and direct matters. Middle management
But of critical importance are targeting areas like and staff, that is, heads of academic and administrative
registration of students; assessment, research, teaching, departments and lecturers, play an important role in
and general administration are areas that need critical controlling resources and running the support.
innovations with Education system technologies in
4.7 Try to grow the Internet technology literacy of the staff in
Universities in the developing world.
phases, that is primitive phase, medium phase, and
4.3 It is recommended that the change towards Education advanced phase (Al-Khanjari et al, 2005). According to
system must be gradual because if it is made quick it Al-Khanjari et al (2005) primitive phase-refers to a
might be too expensive and unworkable. This means that situation where instructors could use the email facilities
Universities need also to seek for donor funding in the reinforce their communication with their students.
area of Education system so as to quickly make changes Medium phase refers to a situation where instructors could
that will bring education system effectiveness. use web pages to deliver online course-related
information. And advanced phase refers to the situation
4.4 Naidoo (2001) suggests that four vital steps that
where instructors could implement more sophisticated
stakeholders should take especially in developing
pedagogical materials via the net while utilizing computer
countries during the process of implementing ICTs and
aided delivery tools (multimedia, etc).
Education system. The four steps include: planning,
management, education application, and support. Planning 4.8 Identify visionary staff that could act as catalysts in the
entails putting into consideration of the how the process of implementing Education system (Schonwald,
innovation could be organized, deciding what types of 2003). Starting with faculties that are more comfortable
programs to be offered etc. Strategic planning is crucial. with technology, and then extend it to other faculties that
Proper planning is a good basis for the final are less exposed to computers. For example, lecturers
implementation of Education system innovation (Naidoo, teaching computer science and information technology
2001). Management entails administrative and governance should be comfortable with technology and therefore
of the programs. Management involves planning how to could be introduced to innovative strategies via Education
create awareness to stakeholders, etc. Educational system capabilities to improve quality and access of
application entails focusing on teaching strategies that educational opportunities.
could facilitate lifelong learning to students to enable them
4.9 The diffusion can be sustained through the use of a
to meet the changing demands of the diverse needs of
distributed implementation structure. A Centre for
global job market. Support to the learners entails
Education system, for example, should be established to
provisions aimed giving students help to enable them learn
provide central support and to coordinate the progress of
how to manage their own learning, as they get exposed to
the technological promotion project in the universities.
various educational programs via Elearning.
Even learning should strictly adapt to these technologies
4.5 The better way to start Education system innovations is where teaching methodologies should acquire ICT
by starting with current available resources. Given the fact strategies and course work should be conducted using ICT
that establishing new systems is extremely costly, it is a facility.
smart idea to use and draw on the already existing
4.10 Universities should take time to ensure staff ownership of
infrastructure and human resources. Then, upgrade and
technologies even the most rigid type and conservative
introduce new systems as you go along. For instance, it
staff should see the benefits of Education system and ICT
could be much easier training staff and students in basic
in higher education development. Ensuring ownership by
ways to utilize Education system capabilities and

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 180

Catalyst for Innovation in Higher Learning: ICT and E-learning

academic staff is essential in the diffusion of Education REFERENCES

system strategies that promote effective teaching and
[1] Bhattacharya, I. & Sharma, K. (2007). India in the knowledge
learning. economy – an electronic paradigm, International Journal of
4.11 In order to ensure ownership of Education system in Educational Management, Vol. 21 No. 6, pp. 543–568.
universities by academic staff, it is important for educators [2] Cross, M. & Adam, F. (2007). ICT Policies and Strategies in
and educational policies to drive the technological Higher Education in South Africa: National and Institutional
Pathways’, Higher Education Policy 20(1), 73–95.
transformation. Staff development can be used as an
important strategy to advance the transformation of higher [3] Hilbert, M. (2012). Towards a conceptual framework for ICT
for Development: lessons learned from the Latin American
“Cube Framework”. Info.Tech. & Internat. Dev. ITID, 8, 4, pp
4.12 The implementation of educational technology into the 243-259;
curriculum requires the introduction of a very robust [4] Modal, A., Mete, J., (2012). ICT in Higher Education:
technology infrastructure. Every staff should have a Opportunities and Challenges, Bhatter College Journal of
Pentium computer, printer or access to a printer, access to Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol. II, 2012
the Internet and e-mail with power failures and network [5] Moore, J. L., Dickson-Deane, C., & Galyen, K. (2011). E-
shutdowns minimal. The library should also create a Learning, online learning, and distance learning environments:
Are they the same?, The Internet and Higher Education, 14(2),
technology rich learning environment.
5. CONCLUSION [6] Zelenika, I., Pearce, J. M. (2013). The Internet and other ICTs
as Tools and Catalysts for Sustainable Development: Innovation
With the impact of ICT, education in the developing world for 21st Century, Information Development Volume 29 Issue 3
have become competitive in terms of providing quality and August 2013 pp. 217 - 232. DOI:
flexible educational services to the diverse students’
communities (Wende, 2002). Therefore, creating an enduring [7] European commission (2011), Key data on learning and
vision and a strategic implementation framework for the innovation through ICT at school in Europe 2011
effective implementation of technological innovations and [8] UNESCO (2002). Open and Distance Learning Trends, Policy
Education system seems critical. The demand for skilled and Strategy Considerations, UNESCO
workforce equipped with technological skills and [9] UNESCO (2009).ICTs for Higher Education – Background
competencies to cope with the ever-changing responsibilities at Paper Commonwealth of Learning, Paris, UNESCO.
the work place (Lewin, 2000) warrants universities to adjust [10]
their teaching strategies beyond face-to-face instruction in the Communications-Technologies-for-Development>
classroom. However, it requires institutional leadership in [11]
order to promote technology use in education system education-textbook/teaching-resources-5/education-websites-
education. Berge and Schrum (2008) contends that the most and-blogs-23/websitesfor-educators-71-13001/, retrieved on
important function of institutional leadership may be to create 23.09.2014
a shared vision that includes widespread input and support [12]
from the faculty and administration, articulates a clear [13]
educational purpose, has validity for stakeholders, and reflects [14]
the broader mission of the institution. If rural community [15]
cannot take advantage of the information revolution and surf
this great wave of technological change, they may be crushed
by it. Catching this wave will require visionary leadership in
most universities on the Continent.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 181

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Challenges and Issues of E-Learning

Manju Dhillon
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration
Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi

Abstract: Providing education and training to the masses on • The general quality of life and freedom of expression.
huge scale, for commercial survival and to meet the ever-
changing requirements of the society and also to meet the • Demand for universal access in case of opportunities for
individual’s special requirements and tastes, is not possible the relevant education system for the economic survival.
through the traditional system of education based on brick- According to the above-mentioned challenges, if a community
and-mortar schools, colleges and universities. Now a days e- and nation want to survive and lead then it is essential that
learning is the new form of distance learning with the help of working-age group is provided with means for mass
advanced technologies like Internet and World-wide-web. learning/education so that it is well-equipped with latest
The World-wide-web is being used to recuperate required skills for the numerous economic and intellectual
communication, supporting active learning, collaborations, activities. Providing education and training to the masses on
transmission of education in distance learning mode and huge scale, for economic survival and to meet the ever-
sharing of resources. E-learning distance education and changing requirements of the society and also to meet the
fundamental Universities may provide the required solution. individual’s special requirements and tastes, is not possible
Distance Education, E-learning and Virtual Universities may through the traditional system of education based on old
provide the desired solution. In recent years, many of the teaching method in colleges and universities. Distance
universities and educational institutions worldwide offer Education, eLearning and Virtual Universities may provide the
online services such as for admissions, virtual (online) desired solution. Continuous efforts in the field of
learning environments in order to facilitate the lifelong communication technologies have resulted in more efficient &
learning and to make this compatible with other educational cost-effective mode of learning as compared to traditional
management activities. Current e-learning research brings strategies of learning. Now students & educators have better
together pedagogical, technical and Organisational concerns control on the process of teaching & learning. Now the
within a wider set of socio-cultural factors. Understanding question arises: What do you mean by e-learning? And Is e-
issues &challenges in respect of eLearning is of significant learning the best way to gain knowledge and education? The
importance to the research communities involved in e- answer to the first question cannot be given exactly, because it
learning and will have a significant role in forming future is still a topic of research and discussions are still going on.
practices. In consulting the INDIA research community, a The concept like e-Learning is relatively a new term and has
number of research issues & challenges are required to be been evolving over number of previous years. Through this
addressed to promote more efficient learning techniques. paper, author is trying to focus on various issues and
Through this paper, author is trying to focus on various challenges in implementing E-learning system. eLearning is a
issues and challenges in implementing E-learning system. very broad area of research in terms of education system.
Authors have given different definitions on e-learning.
Keywords: distance education, e-learning, education, WWW. According to Rosenberg (2001) the term eLearning as, the use
of Internet technologies to deliver a broad array of solutions
1. INTRODUCTION that enhance knowledge and performance”. e-learning is based
on three fundamental criteria. A) Networked for instant
In the earlier 20th century, we have seen technological
updating, distribution, storage/retrieval and sharing of
advancement in the field of electronic computing and
information. B) Content delivery via computer using WWW.
communication, it has changed our lives and perspective of the
C) It focuses on the broadest view of learning and learning
world in an unimaginable way. The revolution in the field of
solutions. Thus, e-Learning may be taken as the latest form of
education and communication has improve quality of life but
distance learning with the help of latest technologies like
side by side it has also brought in its wake a number of
Internet and World-Wide-Web. They must remember that e-
challenges with it. Now a days the world has become more
Learning is much more than online training or Computer-
universal. It has included so many challenges:
Based Training (CBT), encompassing knowledge management
• The patterns of exchange, competitions and technological and electronic performance support, Computer –conferencing
modernization are changing at an ever-increasing rate. enabling group communication, enabled by Internet and
WWW is one the key characteristics of e-learning which
• The growth of knowledge is exponential.

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 182

Challenges and Issues of E-Learning

makes it qualitatively much superior to the traditional distance new forms of interaction for learning experience. It generates
learning paradigm. Longmire (2001) in his research suggest new relationships between learner and computer and also form
that “e-Learning covers a wide set of applications and a new learning community. Key issues include:
processes such as computer-based learning systems, Web-
a. New forms of multimodal interface to support learning.
based learning systems, virtual classrooms, and digital
collaborative learning GroupWare packages. E-Learning b. New techniques to understand and support learning
content is mainly delivered via Internet, intranet/extranet, communities.
audiotape and videotape; satellite broadcast, interactive TV,
DVD and CD-ROM, and the still to emerge wireless c. The development of systems to support mobile
application protocols (WAP) Computer - based conferencing communities of learners.
that enables group communication, and is itself enabled by d. Personalization techniques that meet user personal needs
Internet and WWW - is one of the key characteristics of e- and current activity.
Learning which makes it qualitatively much superior to the
conventional distance learning paradigm. Key attributes of e- e. Techniques to promote and support interaction.
Learning are: f. Discovery of new learning communities.
a. Many-to-many (i.e. group) communication. g. Support for time to time assessment services.
b. Any place (place independence) 3. DEVELOPING NEW KNOWLEDGE FACILITIES
c. Any time (a synchronicity, time independence). FOR E-LEARNING

d. Text, enhanced by multi-media. E-learning environment needs to support the rapid increase in
the size and variety of data by appropriate semantic services.
e. Computer-conferencing (i.e., computer mediated The semantic services generate a surrounding semantic context
messaging) for learning support. Research that needs to work on:
In order to facilitate learning & education, web is being used a. Development of learning and reasoning theories for
as the backbone and we cannot underestimate its value in uncertain and incomplete knowledge.
delivery and promoting effective learning to the people. For
about last two decades, the World Wide Web (WWW) is being b. Support for the development of large-scale learning
used to improve communication, collaboration, sharing of facilities.
resources, promoting active learning, and delivery of education c. Support for a dynamic learning process.
in distance learning mode. The World Wide Web (WWW)
helps teachers in planning suitable online delivery structure, d. Support for information sharing across different learning
sharing goals of learning, and activities for their courses. In facilities.
recent years, many of the universities and educational e. Developments of lightweight knowledge capture
institutions worldwide offer online services such as for technique for promotion of lifelong learning.
admissions, virtual (online) learning environments in order to
facilitate the lifelong learning and to make this compatible 4. RESEARCH ISSUES FOR E-LEARNING
with other educational management activities. For example, a Current e-learning research brings together pedagogical,
teacher may create a purely Web-based delivery system technical and Organisational concerns within a wider set of
including online handouts in respect of student’s activities, socio-cultural factors. These factors influence the research
projects and lists of resources for reference. The students and agenda in e-learning system. Understanding these broader
other learners may access web-based material anytime from social and cultural issues is of significant importance to the
anywhere in the world, being connected through Internet. research communities involved in e-learning and will have a
2. ISSUES & CHALLENGES IN E-LEARNING significant role in informing future practices. In INDIA
number of research issues emerged:
Technological Challenges
i) Interdisciplinary, and the notion of multiple voices, is a
The e-learning raises significant challenges in the defining characteristic of the area. How do different
technological research area. For development of e-learning research perspectives influence the overall area? How do
resources that meet the user’s requirement need to be problems in the practice of different disciplines differ in
addressed. The technological challenges of e-learning can be the adoption and use of learning technologies?
considered as key technological research areas. Development
ii) Access and inclusion, includes issues around the widening
of New Forms of Learning community and Interactive
participation agenda. What are the barriers to inclusion
Learning In e-learning environments interaction, cooperation
and what are the issues surrounding the extent of the
and community play an important role to support learning. The
digital divide?
developments in the area of e-learning environments provide

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 183

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

iii) Change, and its relationship to learning technologies. How forms and different level of interest of learner. To make e-
does change impact upon motivational issues? What are learning system to more interactive for learner, researchers
the drivers and rationales for change? What are need to take decision at every level of learning cycle. A
appropriate strategies for managing changes and Decision Support System (DSS) is an interactive information
mechanisms for their implementation? system that provides models, data manipulation tools and
information. DSS helps to make decisions in semi-structured
iv) Convergences and Interoperability, in terms of exploration
and unstructured situation [12]. By offering such approach,
of different forms of convergences (Organizational,
education system could play much better for student centric
technological, pedagogical, sectoral and institutional etc.)
operation towards positive improvement of his performance
How well do they understand issues of globalization and
scalability standards to support interoperability? REFERENCES
5. ANALYSIS & RECOMMENDATIONS [1] Keegan, D. J. (1980). On defining distance education. Distance
education, 1(1), 13-36.
According to the study, learning contents and learning [2] Rana, H., & Lal, M. (2014, March). Rough set-based system for
communities got the highest priority in e-learning research. In effective E-learning. In 2014 International Conference on
these areas, lots of development has to be made. As technology Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom)
is growing day by day, learner interest in e-Learning increases (pp. 192-196). IEEE.
very rapidly. Now researcher has begun to work on the [3] Rosenberg, M. J. (2001). E-learning: Strategies for delivering
designing new e-learning methodologies that can work knowledge in the digital age. New York: McGraw-Hill.
according to learners' interest and preference. For predicting [4] Longmire, W. (2001). A Primer on Learning Objects. Managing
learner interest, they have to study learner behavior, learning Web-Based Training: ASTD.
style by their online activities and search criteria. Experts in [5] Mortimore, P. (Ed.). (1999). Understanding pedagogy: and its
the field believe that some of the most promising features of impact on learning. Sage.
modern e-learning platforms will be Web with intelligence, [6] Tomei, L. A. (Ed.). (2003). Challenges of teaching with
i.e., an intelligent web. Applications will work intelligently technology across the curriculum: issues and solutions. IGI
with the efficient use of Human-Computer interaction (HCI) Global.
and intelligence. Different Artificial Intelligence (AI) based [7] Harasim, L. (2001). The virtual university: A state of the art.
tools & techniques (such as, roughsets, fuzzy sets, neural Advances in computers, 55, 1-47.
networks, machine learning etc.) can be integrated with the e- [8] Witten, I. H., Boddie, S. J., Bainbridge, D., & McNab, R. J.
learning applications to support intelligence. In support of e- (2000, June). Greenstone: a comprehensive open-source digital
learning on the web, a new version of World Wide Web called library software system. In Proceedings of the fifth ACM
Web 3.0 has been proposed as a possible future consisting of conference on Digital libraries (pp. 113-121).
the integration of high-powered graphics (Scalable Vector [9] Lal, M. (2011). Web 3.0 in Education & Research. BVICAM's
International Journal of Information Technology, 3(2).
Graphics or SVG) and semantic data. There have also been
discussions around 3-D social networking systems and [10] Morris, R. D. (2011). Web 3.0: Implications for online learning.
TechTrends, 55(1), 42-46.
immersive 3-D internet environments that will take the best of
virtual worlds (such as Second Life) and gaming environments [11] Stojanovic, L., Staab, S., & Studer, R. (2001, October).
eLearning based on the Semantic Web. In WebNet2001-World
and merge them with the Web. Web 3.0 based e-learning Conference on the WWW and Internet (pp. 23-27).
services will be having constructive impact on education. Web
[12] Velmurugan, M. S., & Narayanasamy, K. (2008). Application
3.0 technologies offer benefits of 3Dwikis, 3D Labs; of decision support system in e-commerce. Communications of
Intelligent Agent based search engines, Virtual environments the IBIMA, 5, 156-169.
like Avatar, Semantic Digital Libraries that may result in [13] Han Xiaoting, Niu Li, (2010). Subject Information Integration
added advantage in delivery of effective eLearning to the mass. of Higher Education Institutions in the Context of Web3.0, 2nd
Semantic web is another promising technology for realization International Conference on Industrial Mechatronics and
Automation, 978-1-42447656-5/10, 2010, IEEE.
of e-learning requirement. In the simplest terms, we can define
Semantic Web as a relationship between things, described in a [14] E-Learning Market Trends & Forecast 2014 - 2016 Report, A
report by Docebo, March 2014, URL:
manner which makes people and machines able to understand market-
[9]. One of the objectives of Semantic Web is to identify, trends-and-forecast-2014-2016-doceboreport.pdf (accessed
recognize and extract the exact required data that matches the 30/06/14).
keywords provided by the user. Semantic web facilitates [15] Rana, H., & Lal, M. (2014). E-learning: Issues and challenges.
flexible and personalized access to the learning material. International Journal of Computer Applications, 97(5).
Semantic web is suitable platform for implementation of e- [16] Rana, H., & Lal, M. (2014, March). Rough set based system for
learning environment because it provides ontology-based effective E-learning. In 2014 International Conference on
annotation of learning materials, ontology development and Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom)
proactive delivery of the learning materials through e-learning (pp. 192-196). IEEE.
systems [11]. e-Learning is a complex system with multiple

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 184

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Progression of Collaborative Learning and Its

Importance for Critical Thinking
Dr. Sarita S. Rana
Assistant Professor, MSI

Abstract: For many years, theories of collaborative learning their peers. In all situations where people meet in a group,
tended to focus on the functioning of individuals in a group. offer a way of dealing with people who respect and enhance
More recently the orientation has changed, so that the group the individual group skills and contributions of members.
itself has become the unit of analysis. In terms of empirical There is an exchange of authority and an acceptance of
research, the original objective was to find out if and under responsibility between the group- members for group actions.
what circumstances collaborative learning was more effective The underpinning of collaborative learning is based in the
than learning alone. south on the search for consensus..
CL (Collaborative Learning) professionals apply this
Researchers controlled several independent variables (size of
philosophy in the classroom, at committee meetings, with
the group, group composition, nature of the task,
community groups, their families and, in general, as a way of
communication, etc.). However, these variables interacted
life and of relationships with others. The term "Collaborative
with each other in a way that almost made him impossible to
learning" refers to a teaching method in which the different
establish causal links between the conditions and the
levels of performance work together in small groups towards a
collaboration effects and critical thinking.
common goal. Students are responsible for the learning of
others, as well as their clean. Therefore, one student's success
helps other students succeed. Supporters of collaborative
For many years, joint learning theories have focused on how learning argue that the active exchange of ideas in small
units operate in a group. This reflected a dominant position in groups not only increases the interest of participants, it also
cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence in the 70s and promotes critical thinking. There is compelling evidence that
70s in the early 1980s, when cognition was seen as a product cooperative teams are reaching levels thought and kept
of individual information processors and the context of social information longer than students who work in silence the
interaction was seen more as fund for individual activities and details. Shared learning gives students the opportunity to
not as an object of research itself. More lately, the group itself debate, take responsibility for their own learning and,
became a unit of analysis in which it focused shifted to more therefore, become critical thinkers. Despite these advantages,
emergent and socially constructed interaction properties. most collaborative research studies, the learning was carried
out at the primary and secondary levels. So far there is little
Defining cooperation by division of labor is not avoidable empirical evidence of its effectiveness at the university level.
ambiguity. Miyake showed that there can be a spontaneous However, the need for uncompetitive collaborative group work
division of labor they collaborate: "A person who has more to is widely emphasized by higher education literature.
say about electricity the subject assumes the role of principal
and the other becomes an observer, monitoring the situation. 2. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY
Collaborative learning is a pedagogical approach to teaching This study examined the effectiveness of individual learning
and learning that involves groups of students working together compared to Collaborative learning to improve training and
to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a product. This practice skills and critical thinking skills. The theme was series
review article describes the benefits of learning in the style of and parallel DC circuits.
collaboration, begins with the concept of the term and 3. RESEARCH QUESTIONS
continues with the benefits created by collaborative methods.
This document outlines the main benefits of collaborative The research questions examined in this study were:
learning in four categories of; social, psychological, academic 1. Will there be a significant difference in performance in a
and evaluation benefits. Each of them is subdivided into more test?
specific subjects. 2. Will there be a significant difference in performance in a
Collaboration is a philosophy of interaction and staff lifestyle (Made up of elements of "critical thinking" among
where individuals are responsible for their actions and
students learning individually and students learn
included learning and respecting the skills and contributions of

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 185

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

4. DEFINITION OF TERMS that each member of the group should be an opportunity to

share your ideas. After that, the group devises a solution about-
Collaborative learning: an educational method in which
students work groups towards a common academic goal. • Group and size selection
Individual learning: a teaching method in which students work • Groups can be formed by self-selection, random
individually at their own level and assess towards an academic assignment or criteria based selection.
This study used self-selection, where students chose your own
Elements of critical thinking: elements that involve analysis, group members. Choosing group size implies difficult
synthesis and concept evaluation. commitments. According to Rau and Heyl (1990), smaller
The independent variable in this study was the teaching groups (of three) contain less the diversity; and may lack
method, a variable with two categories: individual learning and divergent thinking styles and a varied experience that helps
collaborative learning. The dependent variable was the post- lead collective decision making. On the contrary, in large
test score. The subsequent test consisted of elements of groups, it is difficult to guarantee the participation of all
"perforation and practice" and elements of "critical thinking". members. This study used a group size of four. There were 24
students in the collaborative learning processing group.
5. AGENDA Therefore, there were six groups of four students each.
The population of this study was composed of undergraduate According to Slavin (1989), for effective collaborative
students in industrial technology, enrolled in ITI, Delhi border. learning, they must be "group objectives" and "individual
The sample consisted of students enrolled in 271 Basic responsibility". When group homework is to make sure that
electronic course in spring 2018. The author gave a joint each member of the group has learned something, is in the
conference to the two treatment groups. The reading occurred interest of each group member to spend time explaining
simultaneously to both groups to avoid the effect of any concepts Research has always found that students who earn
stranger variables such as time of day, day of the week, room more cooperative work are those that give and receive detailed
lighting and more. explanations (Webb, 1985). Therefore, this study incorporated
both "group objectives" and "Individual responsibility". The
The conference lasted 50 minutes. It was based on DC circuits
post-test qualification consisted of two parts. Fifty the
in series and in parallel-DC circuits, then; a section was
percentage of the test score was based on how this particular
randomly assigned to "individual learning group "while the
group performed the test. The test points of all group members
other section was assigned to" collaborative learning group ".
were combined and fifty percentages of each student's
The two sections worked in separate classrooms.
individual score was based on the average score.
Individual learning
The remaining fifty percent of each student's grade was
In individual learning, the academic task was first explained to individual. and explained to the students before they start
students. The students then worked alone on the worksheet. working collaboratively.
We gave them 30 minutes to work on it. Final 30 minutes, Research design
students received a sheet with the answers to the questions
worksheet In case of a problem, the solution sheet shows how A non-equivalent control group model was used in this study.
the problem was resolved. The students had 15 minutes to The level of Significance (alpha) was set at 0.05. A previous
compare their own answers with those on the solution sheet test was administered to all subjects before treatment The
and find out how the problems would be solved. Then, preliminary test was useful to evaluate the student's history
participants received a subsequent test that included both knowledge of DC circuits and also to test the initial
exercises and critical thinking exercises. equivalence between the groups.
Collaborative learning A subsequent test was administered to measure the effects of
the treatment. It lasted 95 minutes. To prevent students from
When implementing collaborative learning, the first step was becoming "At the test level, " the previous and subsequent
specifying the academic task so; the collaborative learning tests were not parallel forms of the same results. A total of 48
structure was explained to the students. An instruction sheet subjects participated in this study. A nine point questionnaire’s
that highlighted the key elements of the collaborative process was developed to collect descriptive data about the
has been distributed. Students were encouraged to discuss the participants. Results of questionnaire found that the average
"why" they thought of made regarding solutions to problems. age of the participants was 22.55 years with a range of 19 to
They were also invited to listen carefully review the comments 35. The average weighted average was 2.89 in a scale, with a
of each group member and be prepared to reconsider their own range of 2.02 to 3.67. The questionnaire also revealed that
judgments and opinions. As experience shows, the group eight participants were women and 40 were men. Nineteen
decision making can be easily dominated by the loudest voice students were currently classified in the second year and 29
or by the student who talks more Therefore, it was emphasized

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 186

Progression of Collaborative Learning and Its Importance for Critical Thinking

were juniors. Forty-five participants indicated that they did not drilling and handling test. This result is in agreement with the
have education or work experience in DC circuits in high learning theories proposed by the promoters.
school or university. Three students said they had some
experience working in electronics, but formal education
[1] Rau, W. & Heyl, B. S. (1990). Humanizing the college
Discussion -Result classroom: Collaborative learning and social organization
among students. Teaching Sociology, 18, 141-155.
After performing a statistical analysis of the test results, it was
discovered that all who participated in collaborative learning [2] Slavin, R. E. (1989). Research on cooperative learning: An
international perspective.
achieved significant results, better in the critical thinking test
[3] Webb, N. (1985). Student interaction and learning in small
than students who have studied individually. It was also
groups: A research summary. Learning to Cooperate,
discovered that the two groups performed equally well in the Cooperating to Learn, 148-172.”

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 187

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

ICT Based Individualized and Collaborative Learning

Dr. Monika Davar
Assistant Professor, Education Department, Maharaja Surajmal Institute
C-4, Janakpuri, New Delhi- 110058

Abstract: All devices, tools and resources digital in form quality improvement in the pedagogies being used by teachers.
which are used for realizing the goals of teaching learning, Two major ICT based approaches for teaching are discussed in
enhancing access to resources, building capacities as well as this paper. These include Individualized instruction and
management of education system are included under Collaborative learning approaches.
Information and Communication Technology or ICT.
There are various ICT based approaches which can be Individualized learning or instruction is a teaching method
adopted to make teaching learning more effective and bring where the course content, the technology of instruction and the
about quality improvement in the pedagogy being used by pace of learning take into account the abilities and interests of
teachers. Two major approaches are discussed in this paper. each learner. It is based on the philosophy that each student is
These include individualized instruction and collaborative unique and their special needs should be catered. Computer
learning approach. Computer assisted instruction is an assisted instruction (CAI) is an individualized instruction
individualized instruction method to provide instruction to method to provide instruction to individual learners using
individual learners using computer. The paper discusses the computer. It can provide quality instruction to a large number
various modes through which computer assisted instruction of students at the same time, provided the infrastructure is
can be provided for the benefit of individual learners. This is available. Also, learners can learn at their own pace. Their
followed by a discussion on collaborative learning approach performance is monitored by the computer and immediate
using ICT. The major technology tools used for collaborative feedback is provided. There are various modes through which
learning includes social networking services, wikis and blogs. computer assisted instruction can be provided. These are as
Keywords: Information and Communication Technology,
1. Drill and practice
individualized and collaborative learning
The computer presents a series of exercises to which the
1. INTRODUCTION learner responds. The learner is then provided feedback on the
responses by the computer. A computer can provide endless
As per National Policy on Information and Communication drill and practice till mastery is achieved by the learner.
Technology in school education 2009 ICT can be defined as'
All devices, tools, content, resources, forums and services, 2. Tutorial mode
digital and those that can be converted into or delivered A tutorial begins with an Introduction which provides
through digital forms, which can be deployed for realizing the information to the student regarding the aim and nature of the
goals of teaching learning, enhancing access to and reach of lesson. This is followed by presentation of the content in small
resources, building of capacities as well as management of the units.
education system' The major challenges to education in India
This is followed by some questions to which the students
are accessibility and reach of education to marginalized
respond and the computer provides feedback. The learner
sections of the society as well as to remote areas. Information
proceeds to the next unit, if his answer is correct. He/ She may
and Communication Technology has the potential to make
be directed to an alternate pathway in case of wrong answer.
education accessible to remote areas as well as reach out to the
Thus, learners proceed at their own pace. Online tutorials
learners from marginalized sections of the society. This can be
maybe interactive or recorded. Khan Academy provides
done through integrating ICT in alternate modes of education
tutorials on various subjects. It has more than 3400 videos on
like open system of schooling, continuing education for adults
various topics.
and educational programs on television. ICT should also be
introduced into the formal schooling system to improve the 3. Simulation mode
quality of education. Simulation is a technique that teaches about some aspect of the
There are various ICT based approaches which can be adopted world by imitating it. Students interact with the program in a
to make teaching learning more effective and bring about manner similar to the way they would react in real situations.
For example, students can study chemical change and effects

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 188

ICT Based Individualized and Collaborative Learning

of increasing or decreasing the quantity of a reactant in a 4. ICT BASED PROCESS ORIENTED GUIDED
chemical reaction. This might be dangerous in real life but INQUIRY LEARNING TECHNIQUE(POGIL)
online it is quite safe. Some online simulation sites for
In POGIL, the students are divided into small groups of 3 to 4
education include PhET for physics phenomena, Explore
who work together on a specifically designed problem or task.
learning for science and mathematics and brainpop for topics
Students discuss and analyze the problems in their groups.
from Elementary and Middle School.
They are provided sufficient data to be able to develop the
4. Gaming mode desired concepts. This is followed by some guiding questions
Instructional game is somewhat similar in nature to simulation. to build upon their prior knowledge, recognize relationships,
But a game does not necessarily imitate reality. Rather it explore, inquire and reach valid conclusions. The students
throws up challenges. There is a set of rules that defines how develop process skills like critical thinking and information
the game will be played. Teaching is imparted to the students processing while working on the problems. The instructor acts
in play-way mode. Various types of educational games as a facilitator and guides them in the right direction.
available on the internet include brain games, adventure Current researches are directed towards implementing process
games, puzzle games, quiz games, interactive diagram games, oriented guided inquiry learning in a purely online
flowchart games and vocabulary games. Some free online environment. A trial course has been started at Griffith
educational games sites include National Geographic kids, University which follows an online POGIL format. The online
Poptropica, PBS Kids games and Sheppard software. platform consisted of a Wiki, a series of student blogs and a
3. COLLABORATIVE LEARNING Facebook group. Students were divided into groups of ten
members. Learning management system was used to provide
The second major approach where teachers can integrate content material online. This online content included links to
computers into teaching learning is Collaborative learning. In YouTube videos, instructions and lecture slides. Each
this approach, learners work together in groups to complete a individual student had to answer a series of questions to the
task, perform an activity or solve a problem to achieve given process oriented tasks. The other students in the group
common learning goals. Researches have shown many benefits had to comment on the posts of their group members.Thus the
of collaborative learning. Active participation of students in group members collaboratively contributed to the blogs. The
small groups promotes critical thinking, increases academic assessment by peers and comments posted initiated critical
achievement as well as improves social relations among the thinking and reflection and led to modification of the original
students working in a group. ICT has immense potential to blogs. Wiki was the central navigation which monitored and
allow learners from any place in the world to collaborate with kept track of the progress of all the students. Facebook was
each other on some project or any other activity. Also learners used as a forum for class discussion on the given tasks.
can work at any time suitable to them. The Australian German Students responded much in the same way as in face to face
report has listed the following technology tools which can be environment. Therefore the trial was successful in creating a
used for collaborative learning: collaborative online learning environment.
1. Social networking services- Nowadays social networking REFERENCES
is very popular among the students. Users at distant places
can collaborate on projects and activities using social [1] Subhashini N(2018) .Individualized Instruction teaching
method.Retrieved from
networking sites to share photos, information, videos and
presentations with their group members. instruction-teaching-method
2. Microblogs- Group members sitting at distant places can [2] Nazimuddin.S.K.(2014) Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI):
use microblogs like Twitter to update other members A New Approach in the Field of Education. International
about the activities they have conducted or the information Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER)
they have gathered. www.ijser.inISSN (Online): 2347-3878, Retrieved from
3. Wikis- These provide immense scope for collaborative
creation of the project report or group activity report as [3] Marjan L, Mozhgan .L.(2011).Collaborative learning: what is
each member can edit and add information on the common it? Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 31 (2012) 491 –
495. Retrieved from
4. Virtual worlds where the users take up an online persona tive_learning_What_is_it
and play online games with other users (in an online [4] K.Gertrude et al.(2015).Maximizing the Effects of
environment) can also be used for collaborative learning. Collaborative Learning through ICT. Procedia - Social and
Behavioral Sciences.Volume 176, 20 February 2015, Pages
Educational Resources available on the internet can be used to
curate and critique information regarding the project by the 1011
group members. Video conferencing and audio conferencing 2815006084#!
can also be used to discuss the topics or problems being
explored by the group.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 189

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

A Study on United States Trade Deficit

Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: China is the fastest growing economy in the world. in U.S. If U.S. becomes self-sufficient in oil, they can reduce
The growing number of imports by the US from China has their trade deficiency to some extent.
brought a trade deficit between import and export from
China in the US. China has a comparative advantage from Scopelliti Demetrio(2013)
the US in the context of cheap Labour and fastest technology Trade deficit with US has increased more since 2000. The
and good practices of trade and relation with their author focuses on the fact that we should focus on trade data
neighbouring countries. This paper compares China with related to value addition, not on the data of finished products.
U.S. on factors like GDP, export and import & dollar after Value added approach represents a different analysis of trade
taking data from World Bank records. interdependence than a commonly used finished-product
Keywords: GDP, FDI, Import, Export, trade deficit
Gallagher, K., & Porzecanski, R. (2008)
The objective of this paper is to find out the economic
China is a socialist and market-based economy. Now China is relationship between China and America and Caribbean.
the second largest economy in the world as per World Bank America and Caribbean is threatened by Chinese exports in
survey. Its 13th Five-year plan for the period 2016-2020 global market.LAC imports and more than export.LAC
address the environmental issue for reducing pollution, to countries are importing primary commodities from China due
improve education and social protection. Now China is to which dependence on China is increasing.
inviting people from other countries so that people of China
Wolf Charles (2002)
can learn new technology. China is growing in technology. It
is giving competition to other countries especially to the US. The current deficit will increase in U.S. Volume of exports
Due to fear of competition from China, the president of the US from Asia will increase due to price advantage. The increase in
has imposed various tariffs on Chinese goods. But in exports will be more in comparison of decrease in dollar
retaliation, China stopped the import of Soybean from US prices. Bailout packages given to some Asian economies will
which has affected the US economy. not increase their capacity to enhance import from America.
The author conclude that current account deficit is a false
alarm which may or may not happen.
Zhang Yuhan (2018)
Chevalérias Hilippe (1998)
This paper tries to focus on current status of US trade war with
The political and economic factors are responsible for trade
China. Trade balances can not be done with trade war with
deficit between China and U.S. There was a difference
China. US has a surplus of capital account. US should try to
between the statistical figures of trades given by U.S. and
reduce the capital account surplus by allowing foreign banks to
China which proved that American statistics overestimates the
accumulate a synthetic currency.
value of imports of goods from China and underestimate the
Scissors Derek (2016) export to China.
This paper give focus on that trade deficit with China does not Feldstein Martin (1987)
cause US employment. Dollar-Yuan exchange rates have no
This paper focuses on trade deficit in US which is increasing
affect on employment in US. The US should not try to balance
and there is need to balance that. One of reason of trade
the trade deficit through putting restriction on China trade and
imbalance is rise in dollar. Due to increase in dollar value, the
try to find out other ways to handle US trade deficit.US should
export from US has become costly and there is decline and
try to make American workers and firms more competitive.
there is increase in import which is one of the factors of trade
Lawrence Z. Robert (2014) imbalance in US. International debt crisis, budget deficit are
also reasons of trade deficit in US.
There is deficit in U.S. petroleum trade. Trade deficit in oil
was almost 55% of overall trade deficit in goods and services

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 190

A Study on United States Trade Deficit

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY • Export of goods and services

The research paper is based on the secondary source of data • Import of goods and services
collection i.e. reports of World Bank, reports from the census.
The comparative analysis of China vs. The US is analyzed • High technology exports
through charts and graphs. The analysis is based on the • US trade deficit with China
following reports:
• Control on US dollar
Gross domestic product annual growth rate


GDP Growth Annual (%)

2013 2014 %(change) 2015 %(change) 2016 %(change) 2017 %(change)

US 7.8 7.3 -6.410256 6.9 -5.479452055 6.7 -2.89855 6.9 -2.985074627
China 1.7 2.6 52.941176 2.9 11.53846154 1.5 51.72414 2.3 53.33333333




2013 2014 %(change) 2015 %(change) 2016 %(change) 2017 %(change)





The China GDP is growing in comparison to other countries if we look from the above report, there is a major fall in GDP in the
US than China
Export of goods and services (% of GDP)

2013 2014 %(change) 2015 %(change) 2016 %(change) 2017 %(change)

US 13.6 13.6 0 12.5 -8.088235294 11.9 -4.8
China 24.5 23.5 -4.081633 21.3 -9.361702128 19.7 -7.51174 19.8 0.507614213

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 191

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security




2013 2014 %(change) 2015 %(change) 2016 %(change) 2017 %(change) US



There is an increase in exports from China in 2007 to other countries in percentage than by the US
Import of goods and services (% of GDP)

2013 2014 %(change) 2015 %(change) 2016 %(change) 2017 %(change)

US 16.6 16.5 -0.60 15.4 -6.67 14.7 -4.55
China 22.1 21.4 -3.17 18.1 -15.42 17.4 -3.87 18 3.45




2013 2014 %(change) 2015 %(change) 2016 %(change) 2017 %(change)





ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 192

A Study on United States Trade Deficit

A company which is more export-oriented got more progress than which is import oriented. China's import to other country have
increased in comparison to the US.
High-technology exports (% of Manufactured Exports)

2013 2014 %(change) 2015 %(change) 2016 %(change) 2017 %(change)

US 17.8 18.2 2.25 19 4.40 20 5.26 13.8 -31.00
China 27 25.4 -5.93 25.6 0.79 25.2 -1.56 23.8 -5.56




2013 2014 %(change) 2015 %(change) 2016 %(change) 2017 %(change) US




US technology exports to other countries are more but the percentage of growth in China is more than the US.
U.S. trade with China

Year Export Import Balance

2013 121746 440430 -318684
2014 123657 468475 -344818
2015 115873 483202 -367328
2016 115546 462542 -346997
2017 129894 505470 -375576
2018 120341 539503 -419162

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 193

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

6 539503.4

5 505470

4 462542 Balance
3 483201.7 Export
2 468474.9

1 440430

-600000 -400000 -200000 0 200000 400000 600000

There is a large trade deficit in the US. There is an increase in from the US which could easily available from other
imports than exports to China. The reason for this is that most markets.US is taking these steps for the growth of the US
companies in the US send China raw material related to economy. China thinks that the US is trying to stop its growth.
computers and accessories to assemble because of cheap But in nutshell, China is growing fast in comparison to other
labour and later on they buy assembled product from China at countries.
a high price. It brings a trade deficit between China and the
[1] Zhang, Y. (2018). The US–China Trade War: A Political and
Control on US dollar Economic Analysis. Indian Journal of Asian Affairs, 31(1/2),
On October 23, 2018, the US Dollar was worth 6.94 Yuan. It 53-74
means China’s central bank guarantees it will pay 6.94 Yuan [2] Scissors, D. (2016). (Rep.). American Enterprise Institute.
against one dollar. China uses a fixed rate system to manage its Retrieved March 4, 2020, from
currency against the US dollar so that its exporters get a good
return. China's communist party has direct control in the [3] Lawrence, R. (2014). (Rep.). Council on Foreign Relations.
Retrieved March 4, 2020, from
management of currency but in the case of the US, the govt
can only regulate the exchange rate but management is not in
[4] Scopelliti, D. (2013). The U.S.–China trade deficit—a value-
hand of government. China takes the dollar in return of export
added perspective. Monthly Labor Review
and save that in the form of reserves and buy US treasury from
[5] Gallagher, K., & Porzecanski, R. (2008). China Matters: China's
that, it can affect the interest rate the US or dollar value the US Economic Impact in Latin America. Latin American Research
5. CONCLUSION Review, 43(1), 185-200
[6] Wolf, C. (2002). FALSE ALARMS ABOUT THE U.S.
The United States is growing but if we look up at the growth of TRADE DEFICIT. In Straddling Economics and Politics:
China, they are moving toward growth. Now China is the Cross-Cutting Issues in Asia, the United States, and the Global
number two country in growth in the world after the US. China Economy (pp. 71-74). Santa Monica, CA; Arlington, VA;
always tries to make a strong relationship with its Pittsburgh, PA: RAND Corporation. Retrieved March 4, 2020,
neighbouring countries. China is good at doing trade with from
other countries. China has cost competitive advantage in [7] CHEVALÉRIAS, P. (1998). China - US Trade: THE
comparison to other countries which helps in the growth of POLITICS BEHIND STATISTICS. China Perspectives, (19),
China. China is moving towards a growing economy after 66-67. Retrieved March 4, 2020, from
launching One Belt One Road programme to facilitate trade
between Asia, Africa and beyond these countries. The US [8] Feldstein, M. (1987). Correcting the Trade Deficit. Foreign
Affairs, 65(4), 795-806. doi:10.2307/20043094
imposed tariffs on Chinese goods worth $ 250 bn. In
retaliation, China strategically stopped the import of Soybean

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 194

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Challenges and Opportunities for MOOCs in Indian

Higher Education
Dr. Vijeta Banwari
Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: This paper examines the role of Massive online income security. They can also help connect workers to re-
open courses (MOOCs) in Indian higher education. MOOCs training and re-deployment opportunities, minimizing both the
have a major role to play in increasing Gross Enrolment social cost of labour market disruptions and the waste of
Ratio (GER) in Higher Education. One of the biggest previous investments into people’s skills through prolonged
problems that Indian higher education is facing is lack of non-use. Governments, insurers, non-profits, unions, and other
applicability for the industry. Most of the MOOCs offered are organizations will need to work together to determine the
closely related to industry demand and needs. Also in India, appropriate mix, reach and financing models. (World
the major part of population resides in rural areas and Economic Forum 2018).
people can’t afford to get quality education, Massive Open
In India, Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Higher education
Online Courses (MOOCs) are cost effective way of learning.
has increased from 24.5% in 2015-16 to 25.8% in 2017-18
MOOCs are becoming very popular, however they also suffer
which is calculated for 18-23 years of age group. GER for
from some challenges. Addressing to these problems will
male population is 26.3% and for females, it is 25.4%. For
decide how successful MOOCs will remain in future. The
Scheduled Castes, it is 21.8% and for Scheduled Tribes, it is
spread of MOOCs may be restricted by few barriers like high
15.9% as compared to the national GER of 25.8%. (AISHE,
dropout rate, financial sustainability, and dependence on
2018). Though there is slight improvement in GER but it is
availability of internet facilities, language barriers and
clearly not enough. Access of Education needs to be increased
limitations in comparison to face to face mode of learning.
in order to increase GER. Massive online open courses
However, MOOCs have great future because they are an
(MOOCs) has come up as a solution to the issue of quantity
economic alternative to formal set up of education without
and access. MOOCs have made it possible for anyone to
compromising on the quality of education.
pursue a course from any university in the world through
Keywords: Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER), Massive Online
Open Courses (MOOCs), fourth industrial revolution MOOCs have become increasingly more useful for societal
change and supporting the idea of inclusive education.
MOOCs are more flexible than formal higher education
Higher Education is of utmost importance for the economic courses as there are no formal requirements for entry, no
development of country. Its role in developing countries like formal requirements of distance, any no. of students can
India is even more. In the era of fourth industrial revolution, participate and the fees is generally not there for the course and
battles between nations are not fought with weapons but with only for the certificate.
knowledge. This new era has brought it with immense
This paper examines the Challenges and opportunities
opportunities along with immense challenges. Old jobs are
ofMassive online open courses (MOOCs) in Indian higher
being depleted and new jobs are being created. These new kind
of jobs require new skills. Reskilling, upskilling and lifelong
learning are some key words which have become more 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE
relevant than ever.
Malik, Sumeet(2015)[2] in his paper ‘Indian MOOCs
The quality of and access to reskilling, upskilling and re- (Massive Open Online Courses): Need of the hour’
training support will determine how three billion people discusses the concept, features and role that MOOCs can play
already in the world’s workforce will fare in the transition in Indian context and already existing popularity in terms of
underway and engage with new opportunities in the labour participation by Indian students in MOOCs over famous
market. The kind of jobs, the kind of skills that will be relevant platforms such as Coursera, EdX and Udacity. The
in future is highly uncertain. Thus, the only way of survival is participation by Indians has been overwhelming in the major
adaptability to changing situations and learning new skills platforms such as Coursera, edX and Udacity. Indian MOOCs
relevant. Agile, portable and sustainable safety nets can may also have subject topics that have not been explored yet,
provide short- and long-term benefits and services, as well as such as Classical Indian Music, Indian History, Yoga, etc.

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 195

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

They can also be used to provide high quality education to these needs. The time is not very far when MOOCs will be one
remote parts with subjects that require intensive graphics and alternative method for implementing green computing in HEI
visual illustrations. and giving degrees, diplomas to learners those who are situated
in a remote place. There is a lot of scope in India to introduce
Devgun, P (2013) [3] in her paper ‘Prospects for Success of
MOOCs to make more sustainable and financially viable
MOOC in Higher Education in India’ proposes a framework
education policy. The reputed universities in India should
for the success of MOOC’s in India to revolutionize the
come forward to start MOOCs in coming years to solve 100%
current education sector. If accurately implemented, the
literacy program and also to spread HEI
massive and economic nature of MOOC’s can provide a
solution to the problems of the youth. Author provides an Buhl, M., &Andreasen, L. B. (2018) [7] in their work
insight to the enthusiasm behind the MOOC woven into ‘Learning potentials and educational challenges of massive
blanket of MOOC for Indian youth providing them jobs from open online courses (MOOCs) in lifelong learning.’ discusses
the industry. about benefits and challenges of MOOCs. According to the
authors, recent developments of MOOCs seem to be driven by
Chauhan, Jyoti. (2017) [4] in her paper ‘An Overview of
commercial interests rather than by pedagogical concerns.
MOOC in India’ discusses theoretical and technical
MOOC providers are creating new business models which are
background of the platforms available in India. Currently,
gradually connecting the educational activities of MOOCs with
NPTEL, mooKIT, IITBX, and SWAYAM are the platforms
various degrees of payment. As an educational newcomer, the
used in India for offering courses. In recent years, the
MOOC phenomenon prompts optimism as well as scepticism
enrolment in Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) has
mostly because it is being considered within the discourses it
increased tremendously. India after US is dominating the
disrupts. As often happens when a new technology emerges,
global growth in enrolments. Seeing the growth of enrolment
hopes rise that the ultimate education formula has finally
from the country and satisfy their need of education, India has
arrived. The ‘‘massiveness’’ and the ‘‘openness’’ are
started various projects for offering MOOC courses. There are
intriguing thought patterns in a world with ever more
some challenges that are faced in implementing MOOC in
inhabitants, ever more need for education, and an ever-growing
India. With the launch of SWAYAM, some of these issues are
need for new solutions for societal and environmental issues.
already addressed.
But an exaggerated confidence that e.g. self-directed learners
Trehan.S, Sanzgiri.J, Li.C, Wang. R, Joshi.RM. (2017) [5] in follow learning patterns from well-known constellations by
their paper ‘Critical discussions on the Massive Open Online themselves or take up a new constellation – albeit on their own
Course (MOOC) in India and China’situates the discourse – may lead to misunderstandings of the ways in which
around ‘‘massiveness’’ and ‘‘openness’’ work for users.
MOOCs from the unique perspectives of India and China with 3. BACKGROUND OF MOOCS
three broad objectives of sharing MOOC development in these
Oxford dictionary defines MOOCs as “A course of study made
countries, conducting a high-level discussion of the potential
available over the Internet without charge to a very large
value of MOOCs for their HE systems and critiquing current
number of people.”[8] specifies the essential elements behind
issues with MOOC development there. This discussion is
each acronym of MOOC. Common in these definitions are the
timely, since MOOC discourse in the international literature
following aspects to give meaning to the elements of a MOOC:
has swung between trumpeting MOOCs as “disruptive”
technologies to warning of the “MOOC delusion”. We find • Massive: designed for in theory unlimited number of
that the concept and practice of MOOC in India and China are participants. This means that the course is designed such
emerging. From the supply side, there is a need to focus on that the efforts of all services does not increase
sound design, quality and accessible delivery, multi-lingual significantly as the number of participants increases.
facilitation and efficient regulation of MOOC-credits, besides
development of critical literacies for MOOCs in learners to • Open: access to the course is free without entry
realize the potential and promise of the MOOC. qualifications.

Nath.A, Karmakar.A, Karmakar.T (2014) [6] in their paper • Online: the full course is available through the internet.
‘MOOCs Impact in Higher Education Institution: A Pilot • Course: the offering is a course, meaning that it offers a
Study in Indian Context.’ Examined MOOCs methods and its complete learning experience, i.e. structured around a set of
impact on higher education institution. According to authors, learning goals in a defined area of study and includes the
following changes are almost unavoidable in Higher course materials, quizzes, feedback, examination and
educational Institutions (HEI) such as (i) Globalization and the certificate of completion.
increased momentum for internationalization in HEI, (ii)
Worldwide increased demand for access to HEI with a MOOCs were first started in 2008, created by George Siemens
projection that there will be 120 million students worldwide by and Stephen Downs, and was called “Connectivism and
2020 which means MOOCs will be one alternative to cater Connective Knowledge/2008” or CCK08. It was created as a

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Challenges and Opportunities for MOOCs in Indian Higher Education

credit course for the University of Manitoba. CCK08 had 25 taught in educational institutions. In the fourth industrial
students who had paid fees for the course and around 2200 revolution, where skills are becoming increasingly obsolete,
learners who took the course for free. MOOCs really took off new technology must be learned and new skill must be
in 2012, when Professors Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig of developed to survive in the competition. Most of the MOOCs
Stanford University offered the online course called offered are closely related to industry demand and needs. Also,
“Introduction to Artificial Intelligence”. This course had it is abundantly clear that in India there is a need to
approximately 1, 600, 000 students participating from 190 significantly expand opportunities for post-secondary
countries. After the success of Intro to Artificial Intelligence, education in a big way. This comes at a time when there has
Thrun and Nrovig started Udacity, a business model for online already been a very significant expansion in the last decade.
knowledge sharing. There are also a few other MOOCs The anticipated expansion should happen while we
providers, include Coursera and EdX. [9]. Since then MOOCs simultaneously and significantly improve the quality of
have experienced huge growth in number of registered users. instruction. Given that faculty is in short supply (itself an
According to a MOOC report by Class Central, an online understatement), we must resort to technology enabled
website that keep watch on MOOC trends Around 23 million learning to help fill existing gaps in access &quality as also
new learners signed up for their first MOOC in 2017, taking grow opportunities for post-secondary education. [12]
the total number of learners to 81 million. This is similar to the
Also in India, the major part of population resides in rural
23 million learners added in 2016. The top two MOOC
areas and people can’t afford to get quality education, Massive
providers in the world (by registered users) added similar
Open Online Courses (MOOCs) can definitely considered as a
numbers of learners in 2017 as they did in 2016. [10]
game changer. This cost effective way of learning through
Top five MOOC providers by registered users are: online medium definitely possess a bright future in India as
Government doesn’t have to spend money on the construction
1. Coursera – 30 million
of schools and colleges, students do not have to travel up to
2. edX – 14 million long distances. One only needs to get a laptop or desktop and
an internet connection.[13]
3. XuetangX – 9.3 million
4. Udacity – 8 million
MOOCs have the potential to drastically change the Indian
5. FutureLearn – 7.1 million Higher Education.Problem of lack of faculty and resource
MOOCs continue to rapidly evolve. The MOOC movement crunch
now has many different faces and is far more complex and
A new model built around massive open online courses
nuanced than simply being a platform where traditional elite
(MOOCs) that are developed locally and combined with those
universities offer free online courses to help promote their
provided by top universities abroad could deliver higher
international brands. Indeed, with the emergence of the third education on a scale and at a quality not possible before.
wave or generation of MOOC, and more specifically new University enrolment in India is huge and growing. It
global alliances and flexible credit earning pathways
surpassed the U.S.'s enrolment in 2010 and became second
contributing to micro-credentials and even full degree
only to China that year. Every day in India 5, 000 students
programmes, many governments, policy-makers and
enrol at a university and 10 new institutions open their doors.
institutional leaders would benefit from deeper appreciation
At more than 3 percent of the country's GDP, India's spending
and understanding of the evolution of the MOOC. Recent on higher education is one of the highest in the world. Yet per-
developments illustrate how the MOOC is starting to influence student spending is among the lowest. While recent expansion
thinking about the nature of traditional campus-based
has widened access to universities, it has further reduced per-
education and through new alliances opening up opportunities
student spending and motivated already acute faculty
for more flexible credit earning models of continuing
shortages. As a result, quality has declined. India must
professional development and life-long learning. It follows that continue to expand access to higher education while preserving
we can expect the MOOC movement will continue to evolve. quality and reducing costs. This situation is not unique to
[11] India, but given its enormous size and unique position, India's
4. MOOCS IN INDIA challenges are formidable. Digital technologies, particularly
the extensive use of MOOCs, could help. India has
Learning through Massive Open Online Courses will enable in experimented with online classes before, but their impact has
all Indians who want to learn, earn, teach or innovate, the been marginal. A decade ago the country began using the
capability to realize their true potential and transform our Internet to distribute video and Web-based courses under a
country. [12] government-funded program, the National Program on
One of the biggest problems that Indian higher education is Technology Enhanced Learning. Developers created more than
facing is lack of applicability for the industry. There is a huge 900 courses, focused mainly on science and engineering, with
gap between the demand of the industry and what is being about 40 hours of instruction each. With limited interactivity

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Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

and uneven quality, these courses failed to attract a large body overall development of personality and development of
of students. MOOCs have given Indian academics a better attitude.
sense of how a lecture could be restructured into short, self-
Opportunities of MOOCs
contained segments with high interactivity to engage students
more effectively. [6] • Lifelong learning: In the fourth industrial revolution,
Challenges of MOOCs: lifelong learning has become extremely important and
relevant. MOOC courses have huge scope because of ever
One of the biggest challenges of MOOCs is its completion increasing demand for developing new skills among
rate. people. Learning is now not restricted to any age or
profession. Because of the ever increasing demand,
• The drop-out rate is very highin MOOC
MOOCs have huge scope in Future
courses:[14]reported that completing MOOCs takes too
much time.Time is a significant factor, which may prevent • Increasing access to education: The idea of increasing
students from completing the course requirements. access to education has taken a central stage in government
Manystudents pointed out that watching online lectures and policy and all welfare programmes. MOOC courses are a
completing homework assignments and quizzes wassimply important way to improve access and thus they will receive
too much to incorporate into their schedules [15]. funds and huge support from government. Thus MOOC
Generally the students are working and have very tight courses as an instrument to improve access has great
schedules. Thus, it becomes difficult for them to stick to opportunity ahead.
timelines and thus they drop out. This challenge can be
overcome by making MOOC courses more flexible in • Inclusive education: MOOCs through their flexible
terms of time schedules. MOOCs should be made self- approach and negligible or nil fees are democratising
paced and have student centric approach. education by improving access to people across the gender,
economic or social divide.
• Accessibility: In a country like India where digital divide
is still very high, MOOC courses are not available or • Demand for improving skills from the industry: Due to
accessible to large number of people. Digital inequality or increasing demand of reskilling, upskilling among
digital divide is causing a challenge for MOOC courses to professionals, MOOC courses have wide scope in future.
increase their access. MOOC courses are generally seen as 6. CONCLUSION
a tool to promote inclusive education but that purpose is
unachievable until there is increase in access of technology. MOOC cannot replace the conventional system of education
Remote areas where access to internet is limited, MOOC and learning but it has a huge role in bridging the gap between
courses can’t be used to increase access. know and know nots. MOOC courses have wide scope in
future majorly because it not only provides scope for lifelong
• Financial sustainability: The cost of creating good learning, it supports the goal of improving GER of the country.
courses is very high. Private sector m driven by profit Negligible or no fees has improved the access of courses from
motive may not participate fully in creating access through good university across gender, economic and social barrier.
MOOC courses. In absence of any fees from students, the However, the spread of MOOCs may be restricted by few
model may be sustainable only if MOOC creators are able barriers like high dropout rate, financial sustainability, and
to arrange funds from other sources. The role of dependence on availability of internet facilities, language
Government will be significant in providing funds for barriers and limitations in comparison to face to face mode of
creating and offering good courses. learning. However, MOOCs have great future because they are
an economic alternative to formal set up of education without
• Student’s assignment and accreditation: It is difficult to
compromising on the quality of education. Also, in the era of
keep track of assignments and control the cheating aspect
fourth industrial revolution, where individuals need to reskill
since they are web based. Various technology based
or upskill themselves continuously, MOOCs is a great
solutions should be thought of to improve quality of
• Language barrier: In a country like India where majority
of population is still Hindi speaking, MOOC courses using [1] World Economic Forum (2018). We need a reskilling
English as a medium of instruction are restricted in their revolution. Here's how to make it happen Retrieved on 1 st
reach. December, 2018
• MOOC courses cannot replace the experience of real investing-in-people-inclusive-growth/
classroom learning and physical presence of a teacher. [2] Malik, Sumeet. (2015). Indian MOOCs (Massive Open Online
Interaction with teacher and other students is essential for Courses): Need of the hour. International Journal of Applied
Research 2015; 1(11): 930-932. Retrieved on 1st December,
2018 from:

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India and China. International Journal of Education and 2017_on_Open_Distance_Education_in_India_Emerging_Issue
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Vol. 4, Issue 7(Version 3), July 2014, pp.156-163. Retrieved on (2014). MOOCs Completion Rates and Possible Methods to
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ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 199

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Role of ICT in Education

Dr. Ruchika Gahlot
Department of Business Administration
Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: The ICT (Information and Communication 2. OBJECTIVES OF ICT

Technology) has been essential requirement in educational
The aims of ICT in Educationcan be classified under four
institution for learning and teaching in the present day of
digital environment. The learners are using, accessing,
capturing videos lectures, digital notes through electronic a) The utilitarian aims of ICT in education are:
gadgets and researchers, teachers uploading their article,
i. to help the students become skilled and sure clients of
videos, class lectures through ICT tools and techniques.
ICT who can make proficient, successful and
Similarly, educational institutions also adopting the ICT
imaginative utilization of essential application
tools and techniques for better teaching, administration and
management in the campus. This paper highlights the programming in their regular exercises; and,
importance and major challenges faced by ICT in education ii. to urge the students to become basic and intelligent
sector. clients of ICT who can assess the abilities and
confinements of the innovation and of social,
Keywords: Communication, Technology, Education, specialized, political, moral, authoritative and prudent
Learning standards related with its utilization; and,
iii. to set up the students for the general public of
tomorrow by making them versatile clients of ICT who
Information and communications technology (ICT) is an have the essential transparency and adaptability of brain to
extensional term for information technology (IT) that stresses have the option to acclimate to future changes in the
the role of unified communications and the integration of innovation.
telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals) and
b) The social aims of ICT in education are:
computers, as well as necessary enterprise software,
middleware, storage, and audiovisual systems, that enable i to urge the students to build up the proper social
users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information. abilities that are basic for co-usable and synergistic
learning based around ICT; and,
The term ICT is also used to refer to the convergence of
audiovisual and telephone networks with computer networks ii to engage ICT burdened students by guaranteeing
through a single cabling or link system. There are large adequate access for those students who have minimal
economic incentives to merge the telephone network with the out-of-school chances to utilize the innovation; and,
computer network system using a single unified system of
cabling, signal distribution, and management. ICT is an iii to encourage better correspondence between the
students in this way advancing more prominent social
umbrella term that includes any communication device,
comprehension and congruity; and,
encompassing radio, television, cell phones, computer and
network hardware, satellite systems and so on, as well as the iv. to guarantee value between all students by giving
various services and appliance with them such as video suitable subjective and quantitative chances to
conferencing and distance learning. conquer social and learning detriments.
ICT is a broad subject and the concepts are evolving. It covers c) The cultural aims of ICT in education are:
any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit, or
receive information electronically in a digital form (e.g., i. to help the students value the wealth of our social
personal computers, digital television, email, or robots). legacy by encouraging access to all parts of our one of
Theoretical differences between interpersonal-communication a kind culture; and,
technologies and mass-communication technologies have been ii. to help the students become refined residents of the
identified by the philosopher Piyush Mathur. Skills Framework cutting edge world by encouraging the disclosure and
for the Information Age is one of many models for describing valuation for the social legacy of different nations
and managing competencies for ICT professionals for the 21st around the globe.

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 200

Role of ICT in Education

d) The personal aims of ICT in education are: of training. It is crucial for the instructors to incorporate,
the educating learning techniques and instructional
i. to urge the students to build up the proper individual
methodologies in such a way, that they end up being
aptitudes that are basic for autonomous learning based
favorable to the understudies. The ICT can advance
around ICT; and,
understudy focused learning by utilizing web on a
ii. to help the students to build up their capability to their thorough scale. Aside from the utilization of web, the
fullest by encouraging the securing of information; by understudies typically utilize MS Word to get ready
helping the student focus on higher request assignments, undertakings and reports. MS Power Point is
intellectual undertakings as opposed to on lower utilized to get ready introductions and MS Excel is utilized
request routine assignments and by emphatically to get ready spreadsheets. Thus, these are utilized,
influencing the disposition of the student towards contingent on the instructive necessities of the
further learning; and, understudies.
iii. to help the students with unique needs coordinate 4. Supporting Knowledge Construction: The rise of ICTs as
themselves inside school and society by expanding the learning innovation has rendered a compelling
their freedom and by building up their capacities and commitment in the extension of information, yet
interests. additionally development of information. It is the activity
obligation of the educators to guarantee that they are
giving an acceptable comprehension of the scholastic
The job of ICT in achieving changes in learning have been ideas to the understudies. They have to guarantee that they
recognized as far as the perspectives, which have been are decidedly ready and have sufficient information and
expressed as follows: data as far as the subjects. Besides, they ought to have the
capacities to take care of the issues and answer the
1. Management Education: In the board training, the primary questions that are advanced by the understudies. The
factors that have been considered are, enhancements in instructors set themselves up through understanding
learning accomplishment; putting accentuation upon books, articles and different materials. Be that as it may,
grown-up lack of education and disposing of female the utilization of innovation has obtained conspicuousness
absence of education; extension upon the arrangements of in effectively getting ready themselves so they can meet
essential instruction and aptitudes improvement programs their activity necessities in an efficient way.
among the people and increment in the securing of
training by the people and their families, basically as far as 5. Supporting Basic Education: In India, there are number of
information, aptitudes and capacities, which are required people, who have encountered difficulties and have
for the sustenance of the living conditions. So as to give experienced number of obstructions inside the course of
satisfactory consideration on these variables, it is essential securing of training. At the point when the people have
for the people to expand their insight and comprehension dropped out of schools, even before their instructive
as far as ICT. The job of ICT has been completely abilities are sharpened or have not been taken a crack at
perceived being developed of aptitudes and capacities schools previously and try to secure training later, at that
among the people, so they can meet their employments point ICT is expressed to render a noteworthy
openings (Desai, 2010). commitment in helping them to sharpen their aptitudes.
There have been foundation of instructive establishments
2. Supporting Distance Learning: In higher instructive and preparing focuses in rustic networks. The people get
organizations, separation learning is normal (Desai, 2010). took a crack at them to upgrade their specialized aptitudes.
Separation learning is the realizing, when the educators As they are very much aware that using innovation and
and understudies are inhabiting a good ways from one web, they can create data as far as different angles, speak
another. At the point when they are inhabiting a with others and get occupied with relaxation and
separation, at that point innovation is respected to be of recreational exercises.
most extreme hugeness in encouraging learning. The
understudies and teachers speak with one another through 6. Supporting Constructivist Learning: Constructivism is the
messages, the understudies send their assignments and worldview of discovering that accept that learning is,
reports and get input. They gather and scatter instructive where people develop meaning and new information,
data and bolster the expansion of innovation proficiency. which depends on their earlier information and
Right now learning, understudies for the most part obtain experience. The educationists allude to it as the rising
a productive comprehension of scholarly ideas through teaching method rather than the long existing behaviorism
web. Class addresses are not sorted out and this is one of perspective on learning. The utilization of ICT in training
the significant inconveniences of separation learning. contributes more to constructivist learning. Right now,
perceive their duties and are progressively committed
3. Student Centered Learning: With the assistance of ICT, it towards learning. There is an expansion in the inclusion of
is conceivable to advance changes inside the arrangement

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 201

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

understudies towards usage of their assignments, utilizing procure information and comprehension regarding
PCs, cell phones and web. Right now, is a decrease in the different subjects and ideas. In increases, they utilize MS
job of educators towards prompting or managing word in composing data. Consequently, it tends to be
understudies. Besides, the instructors feel happy with the expressed that ICT is utilized to advance integrative
exhibition of understudies (Mikre, 2011). learning.

7. Promoting Active Learning: ICT upgraded learning 10. Transforming Curriculum and Course Content: Through
prepares apparatuses for assessment, investigation and the utilization of the web, the people can procure a
estimation of data. The principle objective is to make proficient comprehension as far as number of ideas and
arrangement of stage for the understudies to increase their subjects. For example, when instructors are giving
learning capacities by getting required into powerful information to the understudies as far as profound quality
correspondence forms and taking part in errands and and morals, at that point using the web, they can acquire
capacities effectively. Sometimes, when instructors are various models and contextual investigations, which
showing a thing or two arrangement, they will in general would encourage the comprehension of ethical quality and
actualize certain techniques and systems to excite morals among understudies. Inside reading material,
enthusiasm among understudies and invigorate their sometimes, the data that is given regarding ideas is brief.
mentalities towards learning. One of the most efficacious In this way, instructors utilize web in achieving changes
strategies is pretends. In pretends, understudies are inside the educational plan and course content. At the
solicited to expect jobs from characters and afterward point when educators are showing math ideas, at that point
showcase the plays. Through this strategy, they are not as well, they urge their understudies to utilize web to get
just ready to secure an effective comprehension of the access to models and issues that would encourage their
ideas, yet in addition enjoy learning. Subsequently, it very comprehension.
well may be expressed that to advance dynamic learning,
it is essential for the instructors and understudies to have 4. CHALLENGES OF ICT IN EDUCATION SECTOR
information as far as strong educating learning strategies. Although valuable lessons may be learned from best practices
around the world, there is no one formula for determining the
8. Promoting Creative Learning: The ICT is fundamentally
optimal level of ICTs integration in the education system. The
utilized to advance inventive learning. The significance of
concerns such as who will manage this process of ICTs
the term inventive is keen, imaginative, clever and
integration in education develop policy guidelines and
creative. This implies, when advancements and web is
strategies. There are significant challenges in integrating ICTs
utilized to expand instructing learning strategies, at that
use in education rising from environmental, cultural and
point innovativeness is engaged upon. At the point when
educational faced by policy makers, educators, educational
the educators are giving information and data to the
administrators and students in higher education. The following
understudies regarding the ideas, at that point they utilize
section we discuss these challenges in details:
current and inventive techniques. Then again, when
understudies are procuring a comprehension of the ideas, 1) Environmental challenges: Individuals are relied upon to
at that point they can teach the qualities of ingenuity, have the option to work, learn, and study at whatever point
cleverness and good faith. At the point when the and any place they need to; this in developing world this
understudies are required to set up a venture, at that point still unrealistic. A nation's instructive innovation
separated from recording ideas and data, they may framework sits over national media communications and
improve their undertakings by utilizing pictures from the data innovation foundations. There is a restricted local
web. Subsequently, right now, and web is utilized to foundation for the full ICTs incorporation in instruction. It
advance inventive learning. is significant for policymakers and organizers before any
ICT usage in training to painstakingly think about the
9. Promoting Integrative Learning: ICT upgraded learning accompanying:
advances a topical integrative way to deal with the
educating and learning forms. This methodology dispenses o Appropriate rooms or structures accessible to house
with the fake detachment between discrete orders and the innovation. In nations where they are numerous
among hypothesis and practice, which describes old structures, guarantee legitimate electrically
conventional methodology (Mikre, 2011). In basic terms, wiring, warming/cooling and ventilation and
when one is utilizing innovation in improving learning, at furthermore security and wellbeing will be required.
that point the people not exclusively can obtain proficient o Availability of power and communication in most
comprehension with respect to rehearse, yet they are creating nations where there still huge territories
likewise ready to create mindfulness regarding different without a dependable inventory of power and the
viewpoints. For example, when people are taking a shot at closest phones are miles away.
an exploration venture, at that point they utilize web to

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 202

Role of ICT in Education

o Policymakers ought to likewise take a gander at the become progressively sensible. The advantages of ICT in
pervasiveness of various kinds of ICT in the nation as training are perceived as far as different angles. These are,
a rule and in the instructive framework specifically. instructing learning procedures, quality and openness of
training, learning condition, learning inspiration and
2) Cultural difficulties: Diversities of culture in various piece
educational execution. At the point when the individuals from
of the world are likewise difficulties in presenting ICT in
the instructive establishments are well-prepared as far as
instruction. English is the prevailing language of the web.
utilization of innovation, at that point they can realize upgrades
Research has demonstrated that an estimation of 80% of
in instructing learning procedures, quality and openness of
on the web content is in English. A huge extent of
training, learning natural conditions and educational execution.
instructive programming created on the planet advertise is
Besides, understudies become spurred towards learning and
in English too. In many nations where English isn't the
work viably towards accomplishment of scholastic objectives.
primary language this speaks to a genuine hindrance in
The job of ICT in realizing changes in learning are as far as the
incorporating ICTs use in training framework. Utilizing
angles and these are, the executives instruction, supporting
the case of India and Pakistan, the lion's share all the sites
separation learning, understudy focused picking up, supporting
on the planet are in English. This circumstance restricts
information development, supporting essential training,
the data access for certain individuals who has need or no
supporting constructivist getting the hang of, advancing
capacity in English language. Like the circumstance in
dynamic picking up, advancing inventive getting the hang of,
South Africa, where understudy's multilingualism
advancing integrative learning and changing educational plan
foundation causes a significant test in the job of ICTs in
and course content. In the field of training, these are a portion
South African advanced education framework.
of the angles as far as which changes have been achieved
3) Educational challenges: One of the greatest challenges in through ICT. In the wake of obtaining a viable comprehension
ICT integration in education is balancing educational as far as these viewpoints, one can comprehend that ICT has
goals with economic realities. ICTs in training require been rendering an imperative commitment in enlarging the
enormous capital investment. Because of budgetary general arrangement of instruction. At the point when people
troubles, government in some part of the world have advanced their comprehension regarding ICT, at that
uncommonly developing nations need is the restoration of point they can sharpen their relational abilities. Right now, are
school structures and educator welfare. ICT for instruction even ready to send their reports and records to their educators
then again has not yet been viewed as a need. In term of and individual understudies. At long last, it very well may be
HR, the requirements are because of the absence of expressed that utilization of ICT is vital in encouraging
prepared showing labor and absence of inspiration among instruction and learning among understudies.
instructors to embrace and incorporate ICT as a device
into their instructing or instructive educational plan.
Additional exertion and time include in the utilization of [1] Afzaal, H. (2012). A Preliminary Study of School
ICTs in training. In some piece of the world because of Administrators’ use of information and communication
instructive foundation by and large there is need readiness technologies; Bruncian Perspective. International Journal of
for understudies entering advanced education in the Education and Development using Information and
Communication Technology (ijedict), 8(1), p. 29-45.
information and abilities required for the fundamental
[2] Aubrey, H. (2012). State adoption and use of ICTs by students
utilization of advances. Still in instructive, learning
and academic staff at Mzuzu university: Malawi. Emerald
difficulties emerge in the conveyance strategies for Publishers 2012.
utilizing ICTs (online-based, mixed and so forth.), content
[3] Chen, Y. (2007). A study of incorporating multimedia
not adjusted to the innovation and setting, restricted technology in Power point on demand. The new educational
collaboration among understudies and teachers. By and review, 27 (1), p 172-182.
large, incorporating ICTs use in training requires [4] Cross, M., & Adam, F. (2007). ICT policies and strategies in
foundation of infrastructural offices, obtaining of advances Higher Education in South Africa: national and institutional
and their intermittent refreshing, the board and expert help pathways. Higher Education Policy journal, 20 (1), 73-95.
administrations. [5] Davis, F., Bagozzi, P., & Warshaw, P. (1989). User acceptance
of computer technology: A comparison of two theoretical
models, Management Science 35: 982–1003,
The utilization of ICT has rendered a critical commitment in doi:10.1287/mnsc.35.8.982.
achieving enhancements in the arrangement of training from [6] Desai, M., Hart, J., & Richards, T. (2008). E-learning: paradigm
various perspectives. The individuals from the instructive shift in education. Education, 129 (2), 327-334. Retrieved
foundations are not just ready to upgrade their insight and March 10, 2009, from Ebscohost database.
comprehension as far as number of perspectives, yet in [7] Gay, L., & Airasian, P. (2000) Educational Research:
addition can do the errands and exercises in an employable Competencies for Analysis and Application (6th Ed).
way. At the end of the day, with the ownership of aptitudes Educational Australian journal, 18-40New Jersey: Prentice-
Hall, Inc.
and capacities, the execution of undertakings and exercises

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[8] Ghavifekr, S., Afshari, M., & Amla, S. (2012). Management [15] Rubina, B., Shakeel, K., & Aqeel, k. (2011). Use of ICT by
Strategies for E-Learning System as the Core Component of Students: A Survey of Faculty of Education at IUB.
Systemic Change: A Qualitative Analysis. Life Science Journal, [16] Selwood, I. (2004). Primary School Teachers Use of ICT in
9(3), 2190-2196. Schools: Strategies for school leaders. Educational
[9] Glesne, C. (1998). Becoming qualitative researchers: An Administration and Management Journals. Institute of
introduction. Educational Research Journal vol. 2. New York, Aminuddin Baki.
NY: Allyn and Bacon. [17] Singh, T., & Muniandi, K. (2012). Factor Affecting School
[10] Hood, C., & Margetts, H. (2007). The Tools of Government in Administrators Choices in Adopting ICT Tools in School- The
the Digital Age. London: Palgrave. Case of Malaysian Schools. International Education Studies, 5
[11] Jones, K. (2004). Using interactive whiteboards in the teaching (4), p. 21-30.
and learning of mathematics: a research bibliography. [18] Soneye, S. (2012). The Impact of Application of Information
MicroMath, 20, 5-6. and Communications Technology (ICT) in the Administration
[12] Kawade, D. R. (2012). Use of ICT in Primary School. Pioneer of Polytechnics in Ogun State, Nigeria. December 2012.
Journal. Retrieved on 27 April 2013 from: [19] Stallard, H., & Cocker, J. (2001). The promise of technology in schools: The next 20 years. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press.
national-conference/3798-use-of-ict-in-primary-school.html. [20] Kyakulumbye, S., Olobo, M., & Kisenyi, V. (2012).
[13] Mwalongo, A. (2011). Teachers’ Perception about ICT for Information Communication Technology (ICT) Utilization in
Teaching, Professional Development, Administration and Private Universities in Uganda: Exploring Strategies to
Personal Use. International Journal of Education and Improve. A Case of Uganda Christian University. Technology
Development using Information and Communication and Investment, 2013, 4, 22-29
Technology (IJEDICT). 7 (3), p. 36-49. [21] Marshall, S., & Taylor, W. (2015). Editorial: Exploring
[14] Rosen, L. (1995). Computer availability, computer experience adoption and use of ICT in learning, International Journal of
and technophobia among public school teachers. Computer in Education and Development using Information and
Human Behaviour, 11, 9-31. Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 2015, Vol. 11, Issue 2,

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 204

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Technology Integration in Planning Lessons in Pre

Service Teacher Education Programme
Dr. Vanita Anand
Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: Technology Integration has been the focus of in-service programmes for upgrading the knowledge of
various plans and policies of our government and the need existing faculty through online courses has been emphasized
has been reiterated in NPE 2019. In order to prepare our by NPE, 2019.
learners to face the challenges of 21st century, we have to
The first step in the inclusion of technology is to accept and
invariably equip them to be technology proficient. In order to
understand that technology cannot replace teachers. Since it's
meet this objective, ICT plays a critical role. The teachers,
clear that tech integration is here to stay, it is not a question of
therefore, need to prepare the lesson plans that utilize
whether teachers integrate technology into their classrooms,
technology such as NTeQ and 5 E Lesson Plan. Pre Service
but rather how to do it best. By taking small steps, teachers can
teacher education programmes across country are yet
begin to reap the benefits that technology can bring to their
making behaviourist lesson plans. This paper attempts to
teaching and to student learning. This can be achieved with a
integrate technology in lesson planning by giving examples
careful planning in the form of technology integrated lesson
of NTeQ and 5E Lesson plans. By taking small steps,
teachers can begin to reap the benefits that technology can
bring to their teaching and to student learning. Two major ways of Lesson Planning to Integrate Technology
The classrooms across India are witnessing a transformation
1. NTeQ Model
with Smartboards, net savvy teachers and digital learners; and
an emphasis on student centered approaches. This 2. 5E Model
unprecedented situation has posed new challenges in front of
the teachers who need to evolve their methods and strategies to 1. NTEQ LESSON PLAN
meet the demands of the changing times. NTeQ Model: NTeQ Lesson Plan is a ten step process for
integrating technology into problem-based, inquiry-based, or
Technology Integration has been the focus of national plans
and policies with a compulsory component of ICT in the pre project-based learning. The NTeQ model is a student-centered
service teacher education programmes across country. The approach to lesson planning that focuses on the use of
technology as a learning tool, rather than an instructional
New Education Policy 2019 reiterates the critical role of ICT
delivery or drill and practice tool. The ten steps comprises of:
in assuring quality education on global standards. The
objective of technology integration in NPE 2019 states, 1. Specify Objectives
“Appropriate integration of technology into all levels of 2. Computer Functions
education - to support teacher preparation and development;
improve teaching, learning and evaluation processes; enhance 3. Specify Problems
educational access to disadvantaged groups; and streamline 4. Research and Analysis
educational planning, administration and management.”
5. Result Preparation
Technology today impacts all the areas of teaching learning
viz. teaching, learning and evaluation. The rapid development 6. Activities during Computer Use
and need of technology demands preparedness on the part of 7. Activities before Computer Use
the schools as well as teacher education institutions. In order to
expedite the aforesaid need, NETF National Education 8. Activities after Computer Use
Technology Forum is being set up with an aim to facilitate 9. Supporting Activities
decision making on the induction, deployment and use of
technology, and to share best practices with each other. 10. Assessment

Thus, to prepare the prospective teachers, teacher education The use of computers is an integral part of this model.
institutions will leverage technology based resources, MOOCs Technology is utilized in research and analysis and in support
and assistive technologies for inclusion. Along with this, many activities and assessment too.

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 205

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

An NTeQ Lesson Plan order to build background knowledge and to make connections
to their upcoming projects.
Lesson Title: Maps as Teaching Aids
Computer Activities:
Subject Area: Teaching of Social Science
Use the Internet to research the types of maps.
Grade Levels: B.Ed.
• Get the printouts of maps of all the types they know about.
Lesson Summary: Students will read and research the
importance and usefulness of maps in teaching Social Sciences • Prepare a report on the use of each type of map using a
particularly History and Geography. Word Document.
Learning Objectives: • Thestudents will be discussing and brainstorming the
different ways the maps can be used while teaching
By the end of the lesson, the students will:
learning History and Geography and how can the maps
• Develop skills as active, critical readers make the understanding of the events better. The ideas
generated will be noted down.
• Develop map reading skills
• The students will be divided into six equal groups. Each
• Increase their understanding of how to use maps a s group will be required to prepare a presentation on one
teaching aids kind of map category explaining its use and importance on
• Become familiar with importance of maps in teaching any one suitable content of Social Science.The students
learning of Social Science will be given access to the internet for researching. The
teacher will provide necessary direction.
• Become familiar with Microsoft Word
• Create a Word /powerpoint presentation of their final copy
• Research via the Internet of their project.
Materials: Prior to going to the computer:
• Access to the Internet 1. Participate in brainstorming session to generate ideas
various topics of Social Science having scope of map as
• Maps of various kinds
teaching aids.
• Paper and Writing Material
2. Discussions related to usefulness and importance of maps
Computer Functions and Data Manipulation: as teaching aids.
Computer Function Computer Application 3. Forming groups of six.
Internet Searches Use the internet to search for 4. Independently research about the types of maps and their
information on respective importance.
Importance of maps 5. Outline their main topics and details gathered from the
Word Processing Use Microsoft Word to print final copy of
their research 6. Use their knowledge to prepare few points that would
form the basis of further research using internet.
Specify Problem:
At the computer:
What are the uses of maps? How important are the maps as a
teaching aid in the teaching of History? 1. Use the Internet to research more information.
Results Presentation: 2. Using template, create a presentation/report.
When the students complete their projects, they will share 3. Getting printouts of all the types they have researched
them with their classmates. They will also use these and their about.
new computer knowledge to teach and share the use and
4. Using word/powerpoint to prepare final project to present
importance of maps to their classes.
before class.
Lesson Introduction:
After going to the computer:
Students will be introduced to the use of maps as teaching of
1. Discuss the project/presentation with the teacher.
Social Sciences lessons with a numner of examples. Students
will also provide inputs on where and how they have their own 2. Modify on the basis of suggestions of teacher.
understanding of concepts got better due to use of maps in
3. Make oral presentations to peers.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 206

Technology Integration in Planning Lessons in Pre Service Teacher Education Programme

4. Take feedback and adapt, if needed. • The students must know about the Concept of Evaluation.
5. The students will submit a final presentation. Supporting • The students must be aware of the difference in various
Activities types of Evaluation.
Supporting Activities: • The students must have the knowledge of the drawbacks of
1. Use Internet to research about the utility of maps as the prevalent evaluation practices.
teaching aids. Essential Question
2. Using word document to note down ideas during What is the concept of Continuous and Comprehensive
brainstorming session Evaluation? How relevant is CCE in the present educational
3. Answer the discussion questions both at the beginning of Scenerio?
project and while getting the feedback from teacher and Engage
Thestudents will be discussing and brainstorming the different
4. Prior to presenting the presentation to the class, a peer ways problems of the examination system and What can be
review will be done to check for errors and/or make done to remove these anomalies. Then they will discuss about
suggestions to help finalize the presentations. the changing evaluation practices.
Culminating Activity/Assessment: Explore
1. The students will now present their final projects. The students will be divided into six equal groups. Each group
2. It is their opportunity to demonstrate their application of will survey one school. The evaluation of one class, all aspects
the information and to present their findings or related to formative and summative assessment, weightage to
conclusions to others. co-curricular activities, health record, discipline etc. Will be
taken into account. The teacher will provide necessary
3. Now the project is submitted for evaluation and direction.
completing the project or assignment.
The groups will have one to one meeting with the teacher to
Title: Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) discuss their reports. The students will be required to provide a
Grade Focus: 8, 9, 10 summary of what they have observed and recorded in the
Explore section. Now the students will be provided the
Subject: History handbook of the CCE booklet.
Recommended time to Completion: 5-6 days Elaborate
Context of the lesson: The functioning of CCE. Its The students will prepare a final presentation of CCE based on
effectiveness over the earlier evaluation system. both their report and the CCE recommendations of CBSE.
Materials: It is their opportunity to demonstrate their application of new
• Access to the Internet information and to present their findings or conclusions to
others. It is the time for submitting materials for evaluation and
• CCE Booklet-CBSE
completing the project or assignment.
• Newspaper Reports
• Paper and Writing Material
Work will be evaluated using the attached project rubric.
Evaluation Rubric

Criteria Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Exemplary

Research Limited research, Somewhat well Well researched, Thorough research
from limited sources research from from various sources from varied sources
somewhat varied presenting different
sources. points of view
Storyboard / planning Limited planning Some planning evident Planning evident Thorough planning
evident evident
Content Lacks detail Some detail Good detail Excellent detail

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 207

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Criteria Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Exemplary

Technology Use to Technology use with Technology use with Technology use with Intuitive technology
Demonstrate little purpose some purpose purpose use with specific
Understanding purpose
Overall Final Project Inconsistent and Somewhat consistent Consistent and Consistent, creative
inappropriate and appropriate appropriate and appropriate
aesthetics and aesthetics and aesthetics and aesthetics and
technical functionality technical functionality technical technical
functionality functionality

Write a self-evaluation reflective journal about what you have learned. What did you contribute to your class? What could you
have done better? What else would you still like to learn about the content?
Group Work Skills
Name: _______________________
Date: ________________________

Criteria 4 3 2.5 2 1
Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor
I worked toward the achievement of the
group’s goals.
I contributed to the group’s progress.
I self-assessed and monitored my own
behavior to stay on task.
I communicated well with group
I listened to other’s ideas.
I participated in adding ideas with a
positive attitude.
I consistently reviewed the criteria of
the final project to assist the group.
I participated in helping to manage
group work time effectively.
I knew how to disagree with ideas, not
I contributed well to the concept maps.
I contributed technology skills for the
multimedia presentation.

These are the two examples of the technology integrated catering to the challenges and aims and objectives of
Lesson Plans that the teachers can utilize in order to actively education.
engage the learners and providing learner centered,
participatory learning experiences. The NCF-2005 requires the
teacher to be the facilitator of student’s learning in a way that [1] Banerjee, S.(2012). Constructivist Approach in School Learning
the student is helped to construct knowledge for : Constructivism in education
himself/herself. In this endeavour, technology is the savior for [2] with special emphasis on Science. Education India Journal, Vol.
both teachers and learners alike. 21st Century skills demand a 1, Issue- 3
learning community that is well equipped with technology [3] Geier, D. (2006). Theory and theorists of instructional
skills to cater to the challenges of future. For this well trained technology - Jerome Bruner.
teachers at the pre service stage itself will go a long way in

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 208

Technology Integration in Planning Lessons in Pre Service Teacher Education Programme

[4] [10]

technology-for-inquiry-the-nteq-model/ ised_policy%20document%20ofICT.pdf
[5] [11] NCERT (2005), National Curriculum Framework for School
explained Education, NCERT, New Delhi.
[6] [12] Rao J., Prabhakar and Prasad, R. Siva., (2016) Educational
19_EN_Revised.pdf Technology Policies in India and Access Retrieved from
[7] website
implementation [13] Report on The National Policy on Information and
[8] Communication Technology (ICT) in School Education (n.d.)
[9] Jackson, S.R.(2006). Using Constructivists Methods to Teach Retrieved from website
Social Studies to Special Education Students (master’s thesis). [14] Richardson, V. (Ed.), 1997. Constructivist teacher education:
Available from (Document ID ED 7999) Building a world of new understandings. London: Falmer.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 209

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Towards the Intention Method Engineering from

Function Method Engineering
Neha Mathur
Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi, 110058

Abstract: Method Development Life Cycle (MDLC) consists situation can be conceptualized in many ways like it can me
of three phases: a) Requirement Engineering b) Design the contingency factors, project characteristics, environment,
Engineering c) Construction Engineering. The last two etc [1].
phases has already been explored in FME and assumes that
SME was developed to build methods for specific
the first stage is already done. But actually, the first phase is
development situations. SME assumes the existence of a
at highest level of abstraction. In this paper, we work upon
method base from which method components can be retrieved
the first phase of MDLC. This phase is based on the
and assembled to form the desired method. This choice of
Requirement Engineering techniques like interviews, brain
method from the method base is base on a situation. For
storming etc. But, we consider the intention in this phase.
example, an object chart schema has been derived from two
Objective of this phase is to filter out intentionally similar
other models, i.e., object model and state chart that were in
methods and supply to the next phase (Design Engineering)
method base repository.
of MDLC. This paper also contains the problem faced in
FME and need to move towards IME. Although SME was a solution to the problem mentioned
above, but there was a requirement for a better solution. The
Keywords: MDLC, Method, Method Intention, Method problem that was faced in SME is that it only considers the
Engineering, SME; non -functional parameter that could not fulfill the need of
selecting a “good” method from the method base. Therefore,
functional situation was introduced that determine functional
Methods can be used in diverse areas of computer science & and non- functional characteristics of the method. The
engineering (information system development, software technique that uses functional situation as its base is Functional
engineering, databases etc.), as well as in the business world Method Engineering (FME) [3].
(e.g., business process reengineering, business process
The purpose FME [3] is to break the method engineering task
management, knowledge management). Multiple application
into stages. Each phase has a dual purpose (a) to select a
domains, system analysis & design techniques, programming
‘good’ method for reuse and (b) to evaluate whether one is any
languages, development paradigms and project planning &
closer to the desired method or not, which would be beneficial
strategies can vary over different ranges. In spite of this
to get an assurance that we are proceeding in a right direction.
plurality, there is a need to customize methods that match
The selection of a method is driven by the intention to be
organization/ projects specific needs of different organizations/
achieved, which is at the highest level of abstraction.
Then the second phase i.e., Design Engineering phase is
Early method design was ad hoc and methods were developed
reached where the matching for functionally similar methods is
based on the experience of their designers. As the number of
carried out. The matching is carried out by determining if the
methods increased, the need for a systematic discipline for
components and component inter-relationships of the selected
engineering methods was felt and area of Method Engineering
method have relevance to the desired method. Once this is
is developed.
determined, the third phase, the Construction Engineering is
ME is an “Engineering discipline to design, construct and reached. Here the features of the selected method are examined
adapt methods, technique and tools for the development of to see the extent to which they fit the desired method.
information systems". Initially, it was thought that a universal
As mentioned that the first stage is at the highest level of
method that was capable of addressing the needs of all ISD
abstraction, therefore we can say that FME is based on the
projects could be defined. However, this view was rejected. To
assumption that the first stage is already implemented. Now
overcome this problem, the area of Situational Method
there is a need to remove this assumption and move towards
Engineering (SME) was developed. This idea was based on a
the more precise solution where we get greater and greater
“situation”. Actually situation is a non functional parameter of
confidence that we are indeed likely to produce the desired
the method that leads to the successful use of a method. The

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 210

Towards the Intention Method Engineering from Function Method Engineering

Proposed Work: The explanation of the inputs and outputs of the method
intention is as follows:
• Goal- It represents the aim that is to be achieved.
• Input1: Set of nouns- These represent the subjects about
which the method has to be carried out.
• Input2: Set of verbs- These represent the work that is
being carried out.
The combination of the verbs and nouns represents the
method name (verb, noun). For example, the method name
Admit Patient, gives an idea that the method is about the
Patient (noun) to admit (verb) him in the hospital.
• The output of method intention will be the method name/s
Fig. 1. Proposed Work that is intentionally similar to the method to be.
In situational method engineering, methods selection is based Ones that contain no sub method intentions, i.e., they
on the non-functional characteristics of method. This short cannot be broken further into sub parts. As the figure
coming is resolved with the functional method engineering. above shows that the method intention can be of three
Functional method engineering has considered the method types: Complex, Abstract and atomic. Complex method
selection based on the functional and non-functional intentions represents that there are sub method intentions
characteristics. But, functional characteristics can’t achieve also that are contained in the main method intention. This
until unless, we identified the method intention. So, method contains the “is part of” relationship. The Abstract method
intention is a major issue during the method development to intention is the generalization or specialization of the other
apply functional method engineering. So, we have done method intention. The atomic method intentions are the
experiments on the paper and build the sufficient confidence simplest
that without the clarity of method intention, we can’t apply
An Example for the method intention meta- model:
functional method engineering. We have identified the method
intention during requirement engineering stage which is
indicated in Fig.1.
The method intention is basically the goal that the method
fulfills. It is at the highest level of abstraction. The figure
below contains the meta- model for the method intention.
Here, method intention has three attributes i.e., input, output
and Goal. Three inputs are required in the method intention.
The figure 2 below represents the meta-model for the method
intention in the UML notation.

Fig. 3. An example
The example in the above figure 3 contains the intention of
conducting the exam. The exam can of offline and online.
Therefore these two methods are the specialization of the main
method, i.e., ConductExam. Here it shows the abstract feature
of the method discussed in the previous section. Now the
method ConductExam can be broken into three sub methods
Fig. 2. Meta-model for method intention i.e., RegisterStudent, PrepareQuesPaper and DeclareResult.

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These make the ConductExam a complex method. These Intention matching process is shown in Fig 4. Firstly, it asks
methods themselves are the atomic ones that cannot be broken for method name and then search in its repository. If this
further. method exists in the repository then display method’s
intention. Otherwise, it will check synonyms based on
synonyms defined in the repository during the development of
Now, we added the notion of method intention in method new method. Now, there are two possibilities, first, it may find
engineering and treated as Intention Method Engineering the synonyms then display the entire method list. We can pick
(IME). one by one individual method and apply our matching
operations of method intention. It can meet method
It is based on the Method Development Life Cycle [3] and requirement then display the method intention. Otherwise pick
shown in Table 1. In this life cycle, discovery and
another method till all method traced. If user requirement is
representation of method intentions is in the requirement's
not meet then build new method’ intention and store in a
engineering phase, definition of the functional method is in the
repository for future use. The second possibility is that it may
design phase, and finally development of method
not find any synonym and therefore build a new method’s
implementation is in the construction phase. IME starts with
method intentions and is therefore located in the Requirement
Engineering. Next, two phases of proposed life cycle covered 5. CONCLUSION
and explained in FME [1].
In this paper we have concentrated on the first stage of the
TABLE 1: Method Development Life Cycle method development lifecycle i.e., the requirement engineering
phase in which the intention of the method to be is matched
with the various other method that exist in the method
repository. The paper also contains the flow chart of the
intention phase of IME that will be helpful while implementing
the tool for the same. The output of the intention phase will be
the intentionally similar methods to reduce the method
engineer/application engineer’s effort.
In the future, we will explore IME towards Business Process,
Robotics etc. The IME will be applicable to multiple domains.
[1] S.B Goyal, Naveen Prakash, Functional Method Engineering,
IJISJMD, Nov. 2012
[2] Alexei Lapouchnian, Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering:
An Overview of the Current Research
[3] Naveen Prakash and S.B Goyal, “Towards The Life Cycle For
Method Engineering”.
[4] Sjaak Brinkemper“Method engineering: Engineering of
information systems development methods and tools”.
[5] F. Harmsen, "Situational Method Engineering" in Dept. of
Computer Science, Twente:University of Twente, pp. 310,
[6] J.-P. Tolvanen, M. Rossi, H. Liu, "Method Engineering: Current
Research Directions and Implications for Future Research" in
Method Engineering Principles of Method Construction and
Support, Chapman-Hall, pp. 296-317, 1996.
[7] F. Harmsen, S. Brinkkemper, H. Oei, "Situational Method
Engineering for Information System Project Approaches" in
Methods and Associated Tools for the Information Systems Life
Cycle (A-55), North-Holland:Elsevier Science B.V., pp. 169-
194, 1994.

Fig. 4. Flow Chart for Intention Phase

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 212

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Transformation of Indian Education Panorama:

E-Learning Platforms
Ekta Kharbanda
Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India

Abstract: In the contemporary world, development of the Video-Conferencing, satellite systems, cell phones and other
human resources is vital for the development of Indian medium of communication.
economy. It is these human resources who can transform the
It has been observed in the past few decades that these
panorama of India through these e-learning platforms by
technologies have shown their importance not only in the
incorporating computing technologies in the service sector.
urban areas but also covering rural areas. A majority of
But the lack of knowledge among human resources makes it
population indulge themselves in communicating with others
difficult for the education sector to grow. Therefore, E-
in different countries through instant messaging and video call
learning platforms such as Internet, Video-learning, Social
through whatsapp, maintaining networks through Facebook
Media learning etc. are addressing various benefits thereby
and also using social networking sites to run their business all
enhancing the quality of education. Therefore, the aim of the
over globe like Instagram etc.
study is to augment the skills of human resources by
providing not only e-learning platforms but also suggesting Therefore, there is a need for incorporating these technologies
measures to reconcile them with traditional learning via e-learning platforms which would augment the skills of
techniques. This would transform Indian education human resources of our country.
landscape in a better way.
Keywords: Computing Technologies, E-Learning, Education, In the traditional framework of education, students are
Transformation, Reconciliation etc. generally pushed forward where they are assessed on the basis
of tests. These tests are not sufficient to judge their excellence
1. INTRODUCTION as learning gaps are being found out for the students not
performing well. After identifying the learning gaps, the
In the contemporary era, there has been a significant
practice teachers generally follow is to proceed with the
importance of service sector in the Indian economy as it
curriculum. This is actually accumulating learning gaps in the
majorly contributes to GDP. It is specifically mentioned sector
field of school education. Same scenario is usually witnessed
getting influenced by latest computing technologies known as
in the university education where there is a need for extra
ICT (Information and communication Technologies). But the
tuition to cover up the syllabus.
major issue concerning this is the improper knowledge of these
technologies impacting the human resource of the Indian Thus, there is a massive requirement in India to invest
economy. These human resources should be provided resources for online platforms. This would urge students to
education in terms of training programmes so that they develop learn at their own pace and assess their performance
themselves with the fast changing updating environment. This themselves. As per Raghav Gupta, Director, India and APAC,
will help them to adapt the emerging e-learning methods Coursera, the quality of higher education in India is not
thereby enhancing the quality of education and in turn matching with International Standards. This arises a situation
transform India into the best in proving certain services. These in India to supplement physical classrooms by digital
personalized learning outcomeswould ultimately satisfy the classrooms. As a result, job skills which are not prominent in
expectations of major stakeholders, investors, financial our industrial workers would amplify by adapting with the new
institutions etc. and make our human resources more valuable. technologies and reskilling themselves. MOOCS (Massive
Open Online Courses) is one of the finest platforms to develop
E-Learning refers to the use of electronic media, educational
digital learning in employees having tie-ups at international
technology and information and communication technologies
level for skill-based course content.
(ICT) in education (Pavel, Fruth et al 2014) [6]. This is
basically widening the spectrum of education and excelling According to a report by KPMG, the Indian Online Education
beyond classroom horizons. A digital revolution is gaining Industry would grow from 1.6 million users in 2016 to 9.6
importance by accessing various ICT (Information and million users by 2021.
Communication Technologies), for example: Internet, Audio,

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 213

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

E-Learning is actually transforming the traditional methods of health, education etc. Sethughes. (2012) [7]demonstrated the
learning i.e. classroom teaching, formulating questions, importance of traditional learning over e-learning. Former is
monitoring discussions, solving lengthy questions etc. and better than latter as it involves face to face interaction,
heading towards learning virtually such as interactive discussion with the teachers personally thereby improving
whiteboards, role playing, simple modelling etc. In the 21 st inter-personal skills and resulted in better communication.
century, E-learning is equipped with certain devices where Saini, K., Wahid, D. A. et al (2014) reviewed the
they are far better opportunities for new generation learners advancement in the modern technologies which can enhance
than old-generation learners. This is represented in figure 1.1. their practical and analytical skills. Dr., S. S. (2015)[3]
(Vivekananda, Ruvan, 2017) [10] reviewed the importance of traditional learning over e-learning
emphasizing motivation through physical presence of the
teachers and feedback is attained immediately.Wong, W. K.,
& Ng, P. K. (2016) [9]described the benefits of e-learning
over traditional learning in the requirement of technical
knowledge whose cost would be low and convenience rate is
high. Vaona, Banzi et al (2018)[8] found that e-learning is
better than traditional learning as it allows the learners to
modify the content and pace according to the individual needs
thereby diminishing the cost, increasing the availability of data
to the learners which is quite impossible in traditional learning
because of bearing huge cost of material.
From the above literature review, it can be said that most of the
studies are confronting between traditional and modern e-
learning. Thus, a major question concerning the transformation
of an India through these e-learning platforms is to be taken
into consideration and solving this issue by comparing both
methods and judging their effectiveness which would show
which method is more prominent for an Indian economy to rise
and shine.
Fig. 1.1. Devices for E-learning in the 21st Century
In this study, certain aspects are analyzed showing the
It can be said that e-learning is considered as a blessing for the relevance of e-learning over traditional learning. But
people of the 21st century as an e-learner can gain significant something has been lacking in understanding the effectiveness
knowledge with this full-blown technological implementation of e-learning platforms via ICT because of improper channel
over traditional learning such as teacher-student learning. of communication between people across countries. E-learning
Thus, a future requirement is the need to prepare students in is necessary for developing the nation as a whole but for better
the information society where the most crucial factor is efficiency, traditional learning cannot be overlooked.
“knowledge” positively impacting the social and economic Therefore, the major objective of the study is to ascertain the
development of an Indian economy.(Spathis, 2004) platforms in which e-learning is relevant and the secondary
In view of the above, the major controversial question arises objective is to analyse the trends thereby distinguishing
regarding the transformation of India through e-learning between traditional and virtual learning to understand the
platforms leaving behind traditional learning aspects. effectiveness of these methods.


Cullen et al. (2004) [2]did a real case study where research is Indian e-learning industry is competing with the out-dated
done using questionnaire and students give effectiveness to curriculum, involving cost of education, quality of teachers
this method which would develop their research skills and and lack of infrastructure. There are certain institutes offering
should be included while teaching accounting quality education on one side reflecting our renowned position
problems.Omara and Salameh (2012)[1]explained the Jorden in the world such as Indian Institute of Management (IIM),
analysis regarding difference between traditional and modern Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), AIIMS etc. but on the
learning which revealed that e-learning is more relevant and other side, the system has been widened to offer online
enhances the skills and scores of the students. Li, Wang et al. education or e-learning. The spectrum has widened beyond
(2014) reviewed the changes in the 21st century demonstrating secondary, pot secondary and tertiary education which involve
dynamic changes covering certain aspects in individual’s lives building professional skills, modules for competitive exams
such as social interaction, dissemination of knowledge, media, and other non-academic matters.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 214

Transformation of Indian Education Panorama: E-Learning Platforms

There are certain categories of e-learning shown in table 1.1 figure 1.3, it can be said that India is the one adopting self-
paced learning in year 2015 at 55 per cent and the least growth
TABLE 1.1: Source: KPMG India’s Research and Analysis
rate of around 20 per cent attained by Colombia and Ukraine.
Primary and secondary Supplement to School Figure 1.3: Growth rate
Education Learning for students enrolled
in primary and secondary
classes in school 60% 55%
Higher Education Alternative to traditional 50% 41%
higher education courses 38%

Growth Rate
Test Preparation Objective is to coach students 28% 27% 26%
30% 25%
in preparation for competitive 20% 20%
exams 20%
Reskilling and Online Certain courses assist users in
Certification Market skill enhancements which may
result in certifications 0%
Language and Casual Learning of different
Learning languages like French and
playing guitar

It is mainly Information and Communication technologies

(ICT) in education which aids in quality education by bridging
the gap between teachers and students in traditional learning. Gro…
Various types of technologies have been emerged in this
industry which enhances the skills of students and thereby Different technological trends have been witnessed which
improving position of various Institutes. provide good learning techniques to a particular person
surpassing traditional learning:
Methodology: Descriptive Statistics has been used to see the
impact of online education in India over traditional learning. A INTERNET: India has attained second position with vast
wide variety of e-learning platforms are available for e- number of internet users who are majorly found in urban areas.
learning which is represented in Figure 1.2: 455 million users are connected as a whole. The benefit of this
platform is the updating feature which helps the user to track
updates by the system.
India is contributing well not only in terms of Internet users
MOBILE PHONES but also with respect to mobile phone users. As per KPMG
Research Analysis Report 2017, there are nearly 290 million
mobile users. The monthly consumption on an average is 8.3
COMPUTERS GB data by Indian mobile users. The report 'Digital India -
Technology to Transform a Connection Nation' by McKinsey
Global Institute said that Reliance Jio strategy to bundle free
TABLETS smartphones with subscription to its mobile service has
spurred innovation and competitive pricing across the sector.
The advantages related to mobile learning includes: mass
reach, convenient to use, cheap, etc.
This medium is the most democratic as an education medium.
This plays a pivotal role in driving engagement, participation
Fig. 1.2. Indicators or E-Learning Platforms
and involvement. 2019 is the year in which video-based
Analysis and Findings learning proved its worth. This platform serves the best
learning experience to a learner as it gives information in less
Vivekananda and Ruvn (2017) [10] explained the growth rates time.
showing the adoption of e-learning country-wise. From the

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 215

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security


This is a technological technique where bit-sized videos are Though E-learning platforms are considered a boom to our
shown to learners with useful information. Short busts make society and considered valuable for future generation as this
them learn quickly and resulted in good outcomes. generation can utilize these e-learning portals, websites etc. for
easy access to provide them good learning opportunities and
GAMIFICATION This is one of the new practices used for
thereby gaining benefits financially. Online education in India
applying game mechanics of fun, collaboration, competition
is likely to progress making a compound annual growth rate of
and rewards in non-game situations. It is adopted world-wide
around 52% in 2021 from 2016. This is represented in figure
for enhancing the skills of learns across stages of education.
1.5 where online education increases from USD 0.25 billion in
Globally, it is expected to reach USD 10 billion by 2020. The
2016 to USD 1.96 billion in Predicted 2021.
growth of gamified e-learning is represented in figure 1.4
where there is a relationship shown between level of
engagement and knowledge acquired. It can be said that the
level of engagement is the highest in case of gamification.

Fig. 1.5. Future of on-line education in India 2021. Source:

KPMG Research Analysis Report, 2017
There are certain proactive measures initiated by the
government for the growth of e-learning platforms in India.
• 5G enabled technologies expected to transform telecom
sector of the Indian Economy. It is likely expected that the
global investment in 5G would be around US$ 3.5 trillion
Fig. 1.4. Source: KPMG Research Analysis Report, 2017
over 2020-2035.
One can take advantage of different e-learning platforms which
reduces cost and time with regard to new information and • Internet Users in India is likely to rise by 40 per cent and
communication technologies. smartphone users would double by 2023.

Challenges Though there is no doubt that e-learning platforms would

improve the panorama of Indian economy through
Pande, Wadhai (2016) [5] pointed that though India is making incorporating computing technologies but undoubtedly it is
a progress towards adopting e-learning platforms for making posing great challenges to the government, human resource,
our human resource more valuable but economy is still lacking learners, stakeholders etc. Thus, for the proper development of
in making it available to the rural areas. The social implication the service sector of India, e-learning alone cannot bring a
is another factor which is considered important for the success substantial change. This can be possible if traditional learning
of e-learning. That basically comprises gender, religion, would be integrated with e-learning for proper technological
lifestyle, literacy level etc. Cultural factor also influence e- growth. Therefore, curriculum traditional techniques should
learning through computing technologies which contains reconcile with e-learning to make Indian economy more
matter, style of content writing, usage of defined material and investment-oriented thereby expecting good returns.
style of management. Some may find the content advantageous
whereas some may view the same disadvantageous to them. 7. CONCLUSION
Thus, these challenges should be handled with care so that e- The purpose of this study is to educate human resources of the
learning platforms transform our Indian economy and thereby Indian economy about computing technologies through certain
rising through all obstacles. e-learning platforms which in turn develop India’s panorama

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 216

Transformation of Indian Education Panorama: E-Learning Platforms

in an effective way. It has been found that certain ex-post [6] Pavel, Fruth et al.(2014). “ICT and E-Learning – Catalysts for
studies focussed on explaining the advantages of e-learning Innovation and Quality in Higher Education”, 2nd Global
over traditional learning but failed to explain the Conference on Business, Economics, Management and
synchronization of both traditional learning and e-learning Tourism, 30-31 October 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
required in making our human resources more valuable. This [7] Sethughes. (2012). Why Traditional Classroom Learning is
Better than Online Courses. Retrieved fromOwlcation:
implies that e-learning alone cannot give a new dimension to
the education space. Therefore, government is taking proactive Learning-is-Better-than-Online-Courses
measures in bringing a technological revolution thereby
[8] Vaona, Banzi, Kwag, Rigon, Cereda, Pecoraro, . . . Moja.
reconciling both traditional learning and e-learning. This (2018). Is e-learning more effective thantraditional learning for
would ultimately lead to a major shift in the India’s service health professionals?
sector. [9] Wong, W. K., & Ng, P. K. (2016). An Empirical Study on E-
REFERENCES Learning versus Traditional Learning among Electronics
Engineering Students. American Journal of Applied Sciences.
[1] AL-Omari, A. A., &Salameh, K. M. (2012). E-learning versus [10] Vivekananda, Ruvn (2017). “Emerging Trends of E-Learning in
Traditional Learning as Perceived byUndergraduate Students in India”, International Journal of Advances in Electronics and
Jordanian Universities. E – Learning and Digital Media, 9(2). Computer Science, ISSN: 2393-2835, Volume-4, Issue-6, Jun-
[2] Cullen, J., Richardson, S., & O’Brien, R. (2004). Exploring the 2017.
teaching potential of empirically-based case studies. Accounting
Education, 13(2), 251–266. most-internet-users.html
[3] Dr., S. S. (2015). Learning Outcomes in an online vs traditional Accessed on 31st Jan, 2020.
course. International Journal for theScholarship of Teaching
and Learning.
[4] Li, F., Qi, J., Wang, G., & Wang, X. (2014). Traditional landscape/articleshow/68850167.cms?from=mdrAccessed on
Classroom vs E-learning in Higher Education: Difference 2nd Feb, 2020.
between Students' Behavioral Engagement. International
Journal of Emerging Technologies inLearning, 9(2)
[5] Pande, wadhai et al (2016). “Current trends of E-learning in mckinsey/articleshow/69040395.cms?from=mdrAccessed on
India”, International Research Journal of Engineering and 2nd Feb, 2020.
Technology (IRJET), e-ISSN: 2395 -0056, Volume: 03 Issue: 01
| Jan-2016.
Education-in-India-2021.pdfAccessed on 4thFeb, 2020.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 217

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Role of Information and Communication Technology

(ICT) in Financial Management and Financial
Preeti Bedi
Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India,

Abstract: The pattern of human driven frameworks in the enhances the credibility of financial activities of corporate
form of manual system are decreasing from corporate sector sector in the form of better financial reporting (John and
which used to be once very popular in older times as Akhaiyea, 2013 [3]).
information and communication technology is inevitable in
The advancement in technological environment has affected
modern times. It is indispensable part of commercial
the business processes and standards of financial information.
transactions in competitive world where there is need of
It escalates the reliability, timeliness, accuracy, reliability and
timely and accurate disbursement of quality information for
interpretation of financial reports of companies (John and
necessary decision making. Growing role of governance,
Akhaiyea, 2013 [3]). Though ICT is used extensively been
informed investors, policy formulation etc. calls for modern
used the effect may vary from country to country as it is
computerized technologies to capture, store and transmit
contingent upon the level of technological development and
material information to end users. Information and
infrastructure. Use of ICT has witnessed resistance in
communication technology help in proper collection, storage,
adaptation particularly in public sector where employees
distribution and evaluation of important information
majorly belongs to old generation and are thus not very willing
belonging to corporate sector. The study recommends use of
to transform or learn (Gyaase et al., 2013 [7]). It is essential to
better technological infrastructure so as to improve financial
effectively integrate information and communication
standards and disclosure of information.
technology (ICT) in all spheres of working environment of
business to compete in global market. Information technology
Keywords: Financial Reporting, Financial management,
plays a major role in how reporting is being done nowadays. It
Information and communication Technology (ICT)
has raised the standards and expectations of content in it by
making it effective and efficient.
IT has evolved over time. It is one of the major growing
sectors amongst all other industries as it uses has now become Financial management is all about planning, organizing and
pervasive. Even the smallest form of organization is using managing financial activities with a view to maximize
computerized and automated technology for ease of business. shareholders wealth. It is mainly related with attainment and
Over past few decades the role of ICT has substantially adequate utilization of funds. The finance department is a
increased and completely redesigned the way we perform our subset of firms’ internal environment and is interlinked with
daily routine. Such impact can also be witnessed in business other departments of organization. Thus, there is a need to
usage of information technology. Business houses being an work efficiently to act as a integrated whole. Financial
open system is dynamic which calls for adaptation of changes management and planning performs various functions such as
in external environment by keeping a close eye on it. Such estimating funds requirement, procurement of funds from
ever changing phenomenon of business has resulted into different sources such as debt and equity, effective utilization
survival of business without information technology as simply of funds so attained with the help of working capital and
impossible. Information technology helps in exercising control capital budgeting analysis, fund control via cash management,
over resources which results in its effective utilization and funding expansion and growth requirement via retention of
management. Information and communication technology acts profit by taking dividend decisions etc. Each aspects of its
as a double-edged sword as it is the one of the major factor various functions performed requires bundle of decisions based
which makes the business environment dynamic but on the on relevant information which can only be possible with the
other hand it also helps the corporate world in fighting with it. help of information and communication technology.
Thus, companies should make the best use of updated
Large companies are required to publish and submit their
technologies for strategic decision making. Use of ICT
financial reports depicting financial conditions of a company

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 218

Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Financial Management and Financial Reporting

on mandatory basis. Such reports needs to provide timely, a) Owners’ funds: Comprises of Equity share capital,
adequate and accurate all material information which can preference share capital and retained earnings.
affect the decision making of interested parties. Large
b) Borrowed funds: Includes debentures, loans from
companies have bulk of information can only be summarized
banks and financial institutions.
with the help of advanced computerized technology.
IT helps in deciding the source of raising fund and also in
raising of funds. With the help of computerized
Earliest studies pertaining to impact of information technology technology company can calculate cost of raising funds
related to finance and accounting aimed at studying the effects from different sources and select the cheapest. Credit
of IT on accountants in context of threats and opportunities out scores and ratings helps the company in raising fund.
ofit. Once it has become integral part of system now the shift is
to study its benefits in terms of contribution in improving • Investment decisions: Funds so raised can be invested in
information content to end users. short term and long term assets. The former is known as
working capital decision and latter is called capital
Xiao et. al (1996) [10] studied the impact of information budgeting decisions.
technology on financial reporting of companies using a
theoretical model with the help of contingency framework Capital budgeting decision requires evaluation of long
which explains such relationship. The degree of influence of term investment proposal on the basis of various
information technology on reporting of companies is attributed techniques like NPV, ARR, Payback Period, Internal
by factors like environment, managerial and organizational Rate of Return (IRR). Such analysis can be easily done
characteristics. with the help of various applications and softwares.
Ramaswamyet. al (2010) [5] described that information • Working capital management: It refers to management of
technology lead to the automation of purchase procedures by current assets and liabilities of a firm. It consist of
company. management of various aspects such as:
John and Akhaiyea (2013) [3] tested the relationship between a) Cash Management: Involves ideal cash holding, cash
information technology and financial reporting in Nigerian budgets etc.
banking sector with the help of questionnaire on a scale of Five b) Debtor management: Management of credit
point. The result confirmed that information technology
customers of company. This involves selecting
positively affects financial reporting in banking sector of optimum credit policy, receiving timely payments,
Nigeria by enhancing its credibility and interpretation. follow up of customers.
Aldalayeen et al. (2013)[1] concluded that financial c) Inventory Management: It deals with the questions of
performance of companies are significantly impacted by what, when and how much to purchase?.
several variables of information technology. Information
technology enables processing of information and data in short Such functions require adequate information which
time span (Tokgoz and Erdogan, 2016[6]). ICT enables end can only be provided by information and
users of financial information and report to evaluate and judge communication technology.
qualitative information (Wilson & Sangster, 1992 [9]).
• Coordination: Finance department has inter-linkages with
4. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY all other departments of organisation as it deals with funds.
All departments work in harmony to achieve organisational
The major objectives of the study are:
objectives. ICT enables proper communication and thus
• To analyse the importance of ICT in financial management coordination between different departments via different
and reporting of companies. communication tools.
• To describe the current and emerging trends in the field of
ICT. • Meetings: A Joint stock company operates in large scale
with members dispersed across the globe. ICT helps in
5. ROLE OF ICT IN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT bridging this gap and enables communication amongst
• Estimating requirements of funds: The first step in members with the help of various technological
management of funds is estimating the need and advancements such web conferencing etc.
requirement of funds before procuring them. Funds are • Financial and non-financial reporting: With increase in
required for meeting long term and short term stakeholder awareness, there is increased pressure over
commitments of business. This can be estimated with the company to report accurate, adequate and timely
help of various budgeting and planning software. information to various interested groups particularly
• Funds attainment: Funds can be raised through different external parties. There is also a shift in voluntary to
sources which are broadly divided into owners’ funds mandatory non-financial disclosure to investors in India.
(equity) and outsiders’ funds (borrowed funds).

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 219

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Such bulk information can be managed only with the help 6. CURRENT AND EMERGING TRENDS IN ICT
of ICT by keeping proper records of data, preparation of
ICT has evolved overtime. It is immensely used in
reports and publishing of the same on company’s website.
organization from small scale businesses to large scale. Almost
ICT helps in presenting correct picture of financial health
every operation is automated and contributed to the emergence
of companies.
of the new concept of knowledge management. There are
• Miscellaneous uses: ICTcan also be used for several other considerable amount of practices which are in trend in the era
uses such as calculation and payment of taxes, performing of ICT which help in innovation and data management for
audit functions, fund transfers, computerised accounting companies. Few are the new and emerging trends are taking
software such as Tally etc. lead in market. Some of them are shown below in the diagram:


• Cloud Computing • Artificial Intelligence

• Mobile banking • Blockchain
• Mobile Wallet • Internet of Things
• Automation • Cyber Security
• Virtual Reality
• Augmented Reality
• Machine Learning
• Robotic Process Automation

The success and growth of business is now contingent upon [1] Aldalayeen et al. (2013). Information Technology and its
how smartly it uses and integrate the smart technology in its Impact on the Financial Performance: An Applied Study in
operations. It can help a business to achieve competitive edge, Industrial Companies (Mining and Extraction).European
save time and money, paperless records, manage its large data, Scientific Journal, 9 (10), 234-244.
maintain confidentiality, accurate and timely information, [2] Ghasemi, M., Shafeiepour, V., Aslani, M., &Barvayeh, E.
(2011). The impact of Information Technology (IT) on modern
decision making and quality reporting to interested groups.
accounting systems.Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences,
Effective financial management and credible reporting is 28, 112–116.
impossible without using ICT as it makes recording, tracking
[3] John and Akhaiyea.(2013).Effect of information technology on
and fast processing of financial transactions easy. Developing corporate financial reporting in NIGERIA.International Journal
economies still have a broader room for improvement of usage of Research in Commerce, IT and Management, 3, 31-35.
of updated technology for successful operations of business. [4] Lim Francis. (2017). The Impact of Information Technology in
The reason could also be attributed as resistance to change by Corporate Financial Management. Advanced Science and
old generation employees of organisation. Efforts must be Technology Letters (FGCN 2017), 146, pp. 114-119.
made to overcome such resistance or any hurdles in the [5] M. Ramaswamy, R. Calvasina, E. Calvasina and G. Calvasina.
integration of ICT in overall business workings. (2010). Information processing challenges in Financial Supply
Chains.Issues in Information Systems, 11(1), 23-28.
[6] N. Tokgoz and D. Erdogan. (2016). Information Technology
It would be interesting to see that which factors play important Outsourcing Reasons in Aviation Industry. Proceedings of 39th
role in between (contingent factors) in studying the impact of International Business Research Conference 15 -16 D; Tokyo,
ICT on financial aspects of company. Japan.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 220

Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Financial Management and Financial Reporting

[7] P. O. Gyaase, A. Anokye-Sarfo and Y. Bediako. (2013). The Management, 2(3), 01-08.
Adoption of Information And Communication Technology In [9] Wilson, R.A. & Sangster, A. (1992). The automation of
The Public Sector; A Study Of The Financial Management In accounting practice. Journal of Information Technology, 7, pp.
The Ghana Education Service (GES). International Journal of 65–75.
Scientific and Technology Research, 2 (12), 327-335. [10] Xiao, Z. Z., Dyson, J. R., & Powell, P. L. (1996). The impact of
[8] Shaikh, Arifusalam. (2018). Emerging Trends in ICTs and its information technology on Corporate financial reporting:
impact on Organizational Innovation through Knowledge AContingency perspective. The British Accounting Review,
Management.International Journal of Business and 28(3), 203–227.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 221

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Internet and Tertiary Education in India

Dr. Anita Sharma1, Dr. Preeti Malik2, Harish Singh3
Maharaja Surajmal Institute, C-4, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058

Abstract: Internet has brought novel progress in the audio, video, or both that can be downloaded online onto
traditional education system. Now, the education or computers, MP3 players, certain phones, and many more
knowledge will not remain limited to some people or places devices. Wikis, blogs, and podcasts could positively alter the
where they are stored or available as it can now be shared educational format of lectures for students. [2]There are many
and also be assessed from distant places through internet. benefits of use of internet in tertiary education viz, it provides
There are plenty of methods which can be used for this eminence education at low cost by removing the barriers
purpose. Search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. are related to distance etc., it also allows the direct interaction
providing great help to the students who want to explore between the mentors and mentees through video calling and e-
knowledge. This paper makes an attempt to understand the mails etc., teaching can be made more interesting by
use of internet in tertiary education system along with the explaining the concept through animations and power point
structure, autonomy and accountability of Tertiary education slides, teachers can provide the recorded lectures which will be
system in India. considered better than reading books. All these novel progress
result in the up and about tertiary education system.
Keywords: Tertiary education, Internet, Autonomy,
Today, Tertiary education in India can be categorized in three
broad Categories as University, College and Stand-Alone
Institutions. There are 799 Universities, 39071 colleges and
1. INTRODUCTION 11923 Stand Alone Institutions, privately managed
Internet has brought radical progress in the traditional Universities are 277. Indian Tertiary Education System is very
education system. Now, the education or knowledge will not Complex as comprising of the following
remain limited to some people or places where they are stored
• Central University
or available as it can now be shared and also be assessed from
distant places through internet. There are plenty of methods • State University
which can be used for this purpose. Search engines like
Google, Yahoo etc. are providing great help to the students • Deemed to be University
who want to explore knowledge. • Unitary and Affiliating University
2. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY • Institutes of National Importance
The objective of this paper is to understand the use of internet • Research Institutes
in tertiary education system along with the structure, autonomy
and accountability of Tertiary education system in India. • Inter-university Centers
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY • Under Graduate and Post Graduate Colleges
This paper is based on the secondary data collected through • Public and Private Universities and colleges
• General Institutions of Tertiary Education
• Minority Institutions
Internet is a powerful tool to listen, communicate and share
ideas among the professors and the students at ease. [1]Wikis, • Conventional Universities
blogs, and podcasts can be of great help for this purpose. Blogs • Open Universities
are either a website in itself or a part of a website where
something like an interactive journal is being used; a person • Institutions meant for certain groups such as women
can write about anything they wish, link or show images, and
decide whether other people can comment on the blog entry.
Wikis are websites or web pages dedicated to providing Government of India and the state governments provide
information about a topic and can be edited by either the support to Public universities, while private universities are
members of that site. Podcasts are digital files in the form of mostly supported by various bodies and societies. [3] The

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 222

Internet and Tertiary Education in India

types of universities controlled by the UGC, which draws its 8. CURRENT LEVELS OF ACCOUNTABILITY
power from the University Grants Commission Act, 1956,
include Central universities, State universities, Deemed • Currently, neither public nor private Tertiary Education
universities and Private universities. In addition to these Institutions in India are required to develop strategy plans,
universities, other institutions are granted the permission to although a few individual institutions do so voluntarily
autonomously award degrees, and while not called "university" • All public and private Tertiary Education Institutions are
by name, act as such. They usually fall under the regularly expected to update performance, though most of
administrative control of the Department of Tertiary them do not comply
Education. In official documents they are called "autonomous
bodies", "university-level institutions", or even simply "other • Most allocations to public Tertiary Education Institutions
central institutions", are for recurrent expenditure, which constitute about 90%
of the Major issues fall under two categories – restrictions
Autonomy and Accountability in Tertiary Education: Kinds of and limitations as per the regulations (University Acts and
Autonomy Regulatory/Guidelines from UGC) and operational
• The autonomy in education is of three kinds as Academic decision making. [7] They affect both government funded
autonomy, Administrative autonomy and financial and private universities, though in different ways and to
autonomy different degrees. In government funded universities, major
issues include government’s influence on vital aspects like
• Academic autonomy is the freedom to decide academic appointment of Vice Chancellor. Functioning funds. These
issues like curriculum, instructional material, pedagogy, funds are subject to external auditing
techniques of students’ evaluation
• There are currently no mechanisms to allocate money on
• Administrative autonomy is the freedom to institution to the basis of performance, for either public or private
manage its own affairs with regard to administration. institutions.
• Financial autonomy is the freedom to the institution to • NIRF- A step of HRD in this regard
utilize the financial resources at its disposal in a prudent
way keeping in view its priorities. Hence, over a period of time, there is a tendency not to focus
on predefined outcomes, unless driven by market forces.
On 20th March, 2018 UGC has approved the full autonomy for
Many Governing bodies like Senate, Syndicate, Academic 62 tertiary educational institutions of India. Five central
Council etc. and Government control on opening of new universities, 21 state universities and 26 private universities
colleges or grant of affiliation to new colleges. [4]Wide powers have been given this status. Eight colleges have also been
are vested in the Chancellor, which position is vested with given autonomous status under the autonomous colleges’
Governor in State Universities, who find it unwieldy to regulation. These eminence institutions will get complete
exercise, due to preoccupation with other responsibilities. In autonomy by which they can start
the case of private universities, most of the issues are with
regard to setting up the university, scope for expansion • novel courses
(geographical as well as mode of academic delivery) and • novel departments
sources of funding. [5]As per the current UGC guidelines, a
private university can be set up only through a State Private • novel programmes
University Act and has to be unitary in nature, thereby limiting • off campuses
the scope for expansion. A study of the Private Universities
Acts of various states reveals the difference in governing • skill courses
mechanisms as well as operational guidelines, including
admission of students. Besides, restriction on jurisdiction of • research parks
the state, there are regulatory restrictions with regard to mode • appoint foreign faculty
of delivery, like distance education. [6] Restrictions on type of
sponsoring institutions constraints the sources of funding. • take foreign students
Need for compliance to guidelines of multiple regulatory • offer variable incentive packages
bodies (Central and State government) affects governance.
• Introduce online distance learning
• institutes are also going to get into the academic
Broadly speaking, accountability exists when Institutions and
collaboration with the world’s top five hundred universities
their functionaries are subject to information or justification
for their actions. Therefore, the concept of accountability • admission procedure
involves two distinct stages: answerability and enforcement.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 223

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

• fees structure and curriculum 9. CONCLUSION

• Central Universities with Autonomous Status Internet in the form of Wikis, blogs, and podcasts can are
providing great help for enhancement and up gradation of
• The central universities include tertiary education in India. Tertiary education in India can be
• Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) categorized in three broad Categories as University, College
and Stand-Alone Institutions. Government of India and the
• Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) state governments provide support to Public universities, while
private universities are mostly supported by various bodies and
• Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
societies. The types of universities controlled by the UGC,
• University of Hyderabad and English and Foreign which draws its power from the University Grants
Languages University, Telangana. Commission Act, 1956, include Central universities, State
universities, Deemed universities and Private universities. The
Autonomous status to State Universities
autonomy in education is of three kinds as Academic
The state varsities include autonomy, Administrative autonomy and financial autonomy.
Major issues affecting autonomy fall under two categories –
• Jadhavpur University restrictions and limitations as per the regulations (University
• Andhra University Acts and Regulatory/ Guidelines from UGC) and operational
decision making. On 20th March, 2018 UGC has approved the
• Algappa University full autonomy for 62 tertiary educational institutions of India.
• National University of Law Five central universities, 21 state universities and 26 private
universities have been given this status. Eight colleges have
• Utkal University also been given autonomous status under the autonomous
colleges’ regulation.
• Kurukshetra University
• Osmania University
[1] › Research Programmes › HEIRA
• Guru Nanak Dev University [2]
• University of Jammu, [3]
_in_India_-_Issues_ Challenges and Suggestions
• University of Mysore [4]
• Anna University [5]
• Punjab University and [6]
[7] Sharma A., Singh H., Autonomy in Tertiary Education, GE-
• University of Madras among others. International Journal of Management Research, Vol. 6, Issue
10, Oct. 2018

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 224

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Role of Information Technology and Media in

Environment Awareness
Dr. Promila Dabas
Department of Education, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, GGSIPU, Janakpuri Delhi

Abstract: The basic tenet of environmental education and and research. Same way its application in environmental issues
media is using all available technology resource in a may lead to benefits suitable for our own conitions.
systematic manner to find viable solution to environmental
Environmental Awareness
problems. Though, the technologies change and newer ones
replaces the old and existing ones. This dynamic and ever- Environmental awareness means being aware of the natural
changing nature of discipline needs to be understood. Given environment and making choices that benefit the earth, rather
the fact that environment education problems are diverse, than hurt it. Some of the ways to practice environmental
taking care of the environment is the most significant awareness include: using safe and non-toxic building supplies,
concern of new millennium. The study explores fundamental conserving energy and water, recycling, activism, and others.
questions in this connection keeping in mind the role of For the better future of upcoming generations it is mandatory
future teachers in environmental awareness. Information to be an environmental steward Promoting environmental
Technology can enhance the compassion towards awareness.
environment issues. Media and IT reinforces the people to
inculcate positive attitude and perception towards Being a teacher educator there is a strong feeling that
environmental causes is undertaken in the study. The environmental awareness make us realize the pressing need to
millennium prospects lies inidentifying and solving take immediate action to stop harming the environment and
environmental problems and addressing them through start restoring the damage we have done to it. Unless there is
technological intervention. With the help of information awareness, there is no action or at least no proper action. And
technology effort should be directed towards betterment of this action must start from the individual level and spread
environmental conditions. through the people and organizations around the community.
The approach foe environmental awareness and protection
Keywords: Information Technology, Environmental relies on the local to global approach rather one can say a
Awareness, Media for environmental awareness and teacher GLOCAL approach fits better into the situation.
trainees. Once one have a thorough understanding of the environmental
issues such as deforestation, environmental pollution, water
1. INTRODUCTION crisis, global warming and climate change, loss of biodiversity
Information technology, environment awareness, Integration, etc. Every one of our actions will come out of a place of
Information and communication technology (ICT) and concern for our surroundings, out of love for Mother Nature,
environmental awareness. out of the willingness to contribute towards sustainable
development and make a positive change in the wor
Information Technology
Integration of information technology and environmental
The comprehensive uses of computers and other electronic awareness
devices to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data or
In the last decades different technologies have assisted the
information is called Information technology (IT). According
masses in environmental protection and environmental
to Information Technology Trends in 2019: “Information
conservation. Today because of technological advancement
technology in simply refers to anything related to computing
paper-less office have become a reality which directly bears a
technology. The Internet, for example, comes under the
fruit for environment as it lessened the number of trees cut for
umbrella term IT. So does computer hardware, software, and
making paper. Integration of information technologyin the area
networking.” Information technology (IT) is popularly used for
of environmental awareness plays a pivotal role in the field of
information processing, decision making, to support shared
environment education and dissemination of information
information through decentralized computing and innovation.
leading to promoting environment conservation in present
IT comes with multiple benefits and can be used for bringing
times. Green technology is the application of environment
various purposes like nature, social issues, education, health
science for sustainable development. An environmental

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 225

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

technology promotes sustainable models of development scientific information to students and teachers. The latest drive
necessary for protection and promotion of human existence. of radio channel FM 93.5 “MOUNT GHAZIPUR” has created
awareness among Delhites regarding the hazards of
culminating waste on our environment. The Radio magazine
Media utilized in a proper manner is responsible for the Living Planet shares environment stories from around the
advancement of people to become eco friendly and also world, digging deeper into issues that touch our lives every
develops a positive perception. It also acts as a risk day.
communicator and as a advocate of facts, information and fine
• Television:- Television is another very good mode to
practices helping people to establish cause effect relationship
communicate environmental issues among the society. In
responsible for environmental up gradation and degradation.
1975-76, SITE satellite instructional television experiment
Mass Media plays an important role for creating environment
was one of the earliest large scale systematic effort in this
awareness among people. Use of different digital platforms
direction. Site promoted innovations in devising and
and use of internet based approach is viable keeping in mind
deploying suitable hardware and original software. Certain
the expansion of technology in human lives. Text documents,
television channels like Discovery, National Geographic,
pictures, videos etc can be circulated instantly in a cost
animal planet extra Channels broadcast exclusively on
effective manner to a wide population. Digital educational
species who are in danger of extinction, wild life and sea
platforms like edu-blogs, wiki, forums, google forms gives a
and water life. Doordarshan Channel is being telecasted all
virtual space for exchange of ideas and information without
over India and has regular programs on Environment.
any liability of physical presence of persons everywhere.
“Earth Matters” focuses on one special environmental
Electronic mediums and platforms covers e-museums and
problem. It works for providing information on the sources
visual environment that gives the user an opportunity to
illuminating the consequences of the crisis and gives
navigate and interact with range of issues.
solution by altering individual behavior. ECO COMPANY,
In India, Newspaper, Radio and television has a major role to SESAME STREET, etc are some green TV shows for
play in environmental awareness as they are most widely used children.
modern mass media.
• Print Media- Print media is a powerful ally in educating
TYPES OF MEDIA FOR ENVIRONMENTAL the public on environmental matters. Newspapers, journals,
AWARENESS magazines, etc. play a key role in providing relevant
information with required facts and pictures to the
Newspapers, radio, television and even internet is providing
community. Articles and analyses explore the
comprehensive understanding of geographical knowledge to
environmental awareness in the common man about
people. What is happening in the world today, which place has
environmental problems. Sometimes separate column is
been ignored and the relevant representations made through
there for environmental issues.
different forms of media produces deep effects on the people.
Currently human beings are building an artificial man made • Social Media- Today’s young generation makes ample of
environment by over utilizing the natural resources in the name use of social media and internet platforms. They have
of economic and social development. Programs on guidance emerged altogether as a new form of media. Facebook,
about conversion of waste and garbage into compost by Twitter, WhatsApp are connecting today’s generation.
households to save environment is an illuminating illustration. Certain global environmental issues can be discussed on
Media can report and educate people about certain forces and these platforms continuously. Government agencies and
activities that adversely affect our environment. Electronic industries are also utilising social media a s a preferred tool
media and print media are a major medium of spreading of communication with the mass. Green on Facebook: One
information about environment among the population. Media Page for Eco Resources, Adopt a Tiger Through the World
educate people about various environmental concerns and Wildlife Fund, etc are some facebook pages on
ways to address them. Media create awareness among people environment.
and enlightens them about different problems of society.
Media educates people about their roles in changing society 3. ROLE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN
through certain events and programs. Helps to know how ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS
people can contribute towards environmental protection and Information technology has remarkable possiblity in the field
sustainability and build healthy environment. of research related to environment education, medical and
Radio- Mass media like radio and television have been used in health sector. Development of internet facilities, Geographic
a sporadic fashion for long time. Radio happens to be the Information System (GIS) and information through satellites
cheapest and easily accessible. The signals and frequencies of has generated a wealth of up-to-date information on various
radio are covering almost the whole country. Thus it can be aspects of environment and health. A number of software have
used as a significant medium of creating environmental been developed for environment and health studies which are
awareness. AIR Vigyan Vidhi programme to disseminate

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 226

Role of Information Technology and Media in Environment Awareness

used friendly and can help an early learner in knowing and useful for both the teacher and the taught who are in process of
understanding the subject. studying environmental studies.
Database on Environment System: Database is that the 4. LATEST RESEARCHES IN INFORMATION
collection of interrelated data on various subjects. it's usually TECHNOLOGY AND MEDIA FOR
in computerized form and may be retrieved whenever required. ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS
within the computer the data of database and may be very
1. Water Productivity Open-Access Portal (WaPOR)
quickly retrieved. the excellent database includes wildlife
database, conservation database, forest cover database etc. The WaPOR screens and reports on farming water profitability
database is additionally available for diseases like HIV/AIDS, over Africa and the Near East. The database utilizes satellite
Malaria, Fluorosis, etc. information to assist ranchers with accomplishing increasingly
National Management data system (NMIS): NMIS of the solid rural yields. This apparatus gives open access to the
Department of Science and Technology has compiled a water database over basic maps - the device permits quering of
database on Research and Development Projects together with information; time arrangement examinations, territory
information about research scientists and personnel involved. measurements identified with water and land use evaluations.
Environmental data system (ENVIS): The Ministry of The database look through satellite information and its
Environment and Forests, Government of India has created an calculation concentrated computations are controlled by
data system called Environmental data system (ENVIS). With Google Earth Engine.
its headquarters in Delhi, it functions in 25 different centres Source-
everywhere the country. The ENVIS centres work for profitability/wapor
generating a network of database in areas like pollution
control, clean technologies, remote sensing, coastal ecology, 2. SWALIM Flood Risk Management System (FRRMIS)
biodiversity, western Ghats and eastern environmental
The FRRMIS is an electronic data scattering and sharing stage
management, media associated with environment, renewable
that unites the basic data on floods under a solitary client
energy, desertification, mangroves, wildlife, Himalayan interface. The framework depends on GIS Major flood a long
ecology, mining etc. time in Somalia and web innovation and contains different
Remote Sensing and Geographical data system (GIS): Satellite sorts of flood data. It advances flood readiness and possibility
imageries provide us actual information about various physical arranging, just as salvage and reaction activities
and biological resources and also to some extent about their
Source- real
state of degradation during a digital form through remote
sensing. Satellite imageries provide us actual information
about various physical and biological resources We are able to 3. CHINA and China Agricultural University - Case Study
gather digital information on environment aspects like water on ICT Application for Rural Groundwater Management
logging, desertification, deforestation, populated area, river
and canal network, mineral and energy reserves then on. The contextual investigation centers around the utilization of
ICards in groundwater water system the board in China. This is
Geographical data system (GIS): GIS has proved to be a really against an issue be confronting China – a nation with rare per
effective tool in environmental management. GIS could be a capita freshwater assets. This exploration concentrated on four
technique of superimposing various thematic maps using townships in Sanhe City, Hebei Province, China as research
digital data on an oversized number of inter-related or inter destinations and led hands on work contemplating groundwater
dependent aspects. Several useful soft-wares are developed for the executives in six towns utilizing the ICard and two towns
working within the field of GIS. GIS also helps in identifying without ICard use. The exploration recommended that
some deadly and chronic diseases that come from the infested Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is
areas which are significantly at risk of vector-borne diseases promising with critical financial advantages when applied in
like schistosomiasis, malaria, etc. supported the geographical the administration of rustic groundwater.
map of that area. There are some distribution information
centers (DICs) in India that are interrelated with one another Source- i7082e.pdf
and with the central information network getting its access to 4. Nano Ganesh – a progressive ICT apparatus for ranch
the international database. water system
The World Wide Web (WWW): With the accessibility of Nano Ganesh is an electronic current straightforward and ease
assets on each angle, things like class and formal setup arrangement in e-water system that engages ranchers to control
exercises, computerized records of photographs, web-works water siphons with the assistance of a cell phone. "Subsequent
out, livelinesss, PowerPoint address introductions, and to introducing the Nano Ganesh unit at the siphon end, a
competition test and quizzes have end up being increasingly farmer can turn it on or off with the assistance of a cell phone
from any separation. His telephone likewise shows the

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 227

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

accessibility of the force supply at the siphon end just as on/off for trainee teachers towards the environmental awareness .
status. Subsequently, farmers need not turn it on physically and This scale consists of 40 items, grouped into 5 subscales, that
thus saves them from visiting dangerous pump sites.. respond using a 4-point Likert format (1 = Never, 2 =
sometimes, 3 = many a times, 4 = always ).
This study analysed a total of 40 items, corresponding to the
Objective of the study : The study aimed at examining trainee
subscales and Each subscale refers to different aspects of
teachers’ perceptions about how environmental issues can be
perception ranging from environmental attitude, knowledge of
addressed through the use of ICT. For this purpose a few
role of information technology, ways of creating awareness,
fundamental questions were considered for measuring the
concerns addressed by media in relation to their gender. The
perception of trainee teachers.
analysis of trainee teacher perception reflects that there is a
Population of the study: Teacher trainees pursuing regular high level of environmental attitude in teacher trainees and
b.ed programme in the capital territory Delhi. they have awareness on role of media and information
technology. There is positive interdependence among teachers’
Test of the investigation: 68 pupil teachers from two B.Ed
knowledge and attitude for information technology and media
offering self financing institutions of Delhi. The investigation
role in environment awareness.
populace was centered around second-year pupil teachers
pursuing a Bachelors of Education degree at two Result analysis on types of Media: The findings suggest that
establishments under the aegis of Guru Gobind Singh among all available types of media, the trainee teachers
Indraprastha University in the 2018-20 batch. The division of considers the role of T.V. and Radio most significant. At the
population in terms of gender represents, 94.3% of them are same time they also admits the value of newspaper and social
female and 5.7% are male. This is widely evident as there is media for those who are competent in reading and using
always a majority of females pursuing teacher training courses. different platforms of social media. The positive impact of
Majority of sample is undergraduate and a few of them have these media is correlated with teachers awreness of Radia
also post graduate degree. The age group under study is shows like Mount ghazi and T.V shows like Earth matters.
somewhere in the range of 22 to 39 years of age.
Result analysis on role of media for environmental
Technique for study: For the present research study awareness: Newspapers, radio, television and internet is
methodological analysis was followed that broke down providing comprehensive understanding of geographical
discernment on ecological mindfulness of pupil teachrs. Under knowledge to people. Trainee teachers are aware that human
the study, inquiry about the teacher trainees perception has beings are degrading environment by over utilising the natural
been completed from a quantitative standpoint on perception resources in the name of economic and social development.
scale, with the qualitative analysis and point of unfurling the They considers that Media can report and educate people about
truth with collected testable information. This quantitative the activities that adversely affect our environment and for
methodology has permitted evaluating of pupils' answers in a conservation of natural resources. Trainee teachers also accepts
numerical manner. Moreover, measurement clear qualities, an that Recent programs on guidance about conversion of waste
examination among gatherings, and the connection among and garbage into compost by households to save environment
information and mentality factors have been set up through should be promoted through various means. Media have a
qualitative analysis. positive role in spreading awareness and civic responsibility
among all the residents.
Research questions: In parallel, according to the aims of the
study, the following questions for the research were posed: Result analysis on Role of information technology in
environmental consciousness:
• What is the attitude of trainee teachers towards Role of
Information Technology and media in Environment Trainee teachers positively perceive the role of comprehensive
awareness? database on environment including wildlife database,
conservation database, forest cover database etc. These
• What are the ways of creating awareness about database are comparatively less awarded on role of national
environment using information technology? management information system and research on development
• What are the major concerns about environment being projects. Above 83% of the sample population are aware that
addressed by media? the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India
has made a data System called Environmental Information
• Is there any significant difference in the environmental System (ENVIS) having its home office in Delhi, it works in
attitudes in respect to gender? 25 distinct focuses everywhere throughout the nation. Teacher
6. DATA ANALYSIS trainees concedes the job of remote Sensing and Geographical
Information System (GIS) on perspectives like deforestation,
The analysis of environmental attitudes was performed by water logging, urban breakdown, stream and trench system,
applying a self made questionare; that is, the perception scale mineral and vitality holds, etc. Regardless of the gender

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 228

Role of Information Technology and Media in Environment Awareness

orientation, all the respondents acknowledges the job of World mirrors a piece of the truth that trainee teachers have a positive
Wide Web with the accessibility of assets on each angle, things perception for the role of media and technology in
like study hall exercises, advanced documents of photographs, environmental awareness. The future direction of research if
web-works out, movements, PowerPoint address introductions, all things considered, will be fitting for future examinations to
and educational quizzes. Web assets are viewed as generally incorporate other scholastic years, correlation of samples who
noteworthy for both the understudies just as the educators who are pursuing degrees and or after completion of degree. At last,
seek after ecological examinations. the fate of condition is in the hands of new age learners. So
research direction needs to revolve round the coverage of
environmental education of trainee teachers and regular
The perception scale has allowed the researcher to analyse the teachers.
environmental attitudes of trainee teachers towards the
environmental issues that can be addressed through the use of
ICT and media. Results reveal a positive predisposition [1] Roy, P.S., Behera, M.D. & Srivastav, S.K. Satellite Remote
towards the role of ICT and media in environment awareness, Sensing: Sensors, Applications and Techniques. Proc. Natl.
which suggests that trainee teachers are aware of global Acad. Sci., India, Sect. A Phys. Sci.87, 465–472 (2017).
challenges caused by environmental condition and the role
played by ICT and media. Overall, trainee teachers show [2]
TAL%20EDUCATION.pdf( topic 6.5)
positive perception in relation to environmental attitudes
towards environmental issues and role of ict and media. This [3]
technology-in environment-and-human-health/30230
fact is very important as the environmental education is key to
responding to current environmental issues through [4]
sesnitiation of present generations keepimg in mind the
futuristic goals teacher trainees are expected to fulfill. Further [5]
there is no significant differences is found in environmental
attitudes based on gender. This is evident from the findings
that trainee teachers with high positive perception and he_Future_of_Biodiversity_Preservation_and_Environmental_P
environmental attitude perceived the role of media and ICT ollution
much significant. All the individuals should be sensitized for [7]
being an active participant in solving environmental problems. education
It is of great significance to conduct this research study on [8]
future teachers given the fact that future environment [9]
preservation and conservation is in hands of these teachers.
It is more than sufficient for a first-example study, and it

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 229

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

ICT as Emerging Tool of E Learning

Nisha Tokas

Abstract: In this era of advanced technology we have to keep dissemination, effective learning and therefore the
a deep knowledge of everything. This research paper will development of more efficient education services.
discuss on importance of E-learning as an Emerging tool of
Objectives of the Study
ICT in education sector. The use of ICT in education adds
value to teaching and learning by enhancing the • To study the concept of ICT
effectiveness of learning. It added the dimensions that are
not previously available as students found E-learning as • To evaluate the challenges and opportunities in ICT in
more stimulating and engaging than traditional classroom Education sector.
environment. The finding indicated that the educator and
• To furnish information for further research work on ICT.
students do make use of ICT in their teaching learning
process which is a necessity in this fast changing world. • To understand the scope of E-learning in Education sector.
Therefore integrating ICT in education field will be very
effective but the main concern here to bridge the differences
among the students, parents and teachers leading to an Worldwide research has shown that ICT has improved student
effective interaction and transparency between the three.ICT learning and better teaching methods. Smart technology” is
has enhanced distance learning. The teaching community is that the familiar terminology that's widely being employed in
in a position to succeed in remote areas and learners are able every being’s life.
to access qualitative learning anytime & anywhere.
Smart phones, tablets, gadgets, smart televisions, etc., are the
products of smart technology that have made human life easier
Keywords: E-learning, ICT, Education
and accessible. Smart technology has not only enhanced the
way of living but also became an integrated part of everyone’s
life. The knowledge and Communication technology to be
Information and technology (ICT) refersto any or all the precise has become a thrust behind economic process and a
technology accustomed handle telecommunications, broadcast developmental tool moreover.
media, intelligent building management systems, audiovisual
ICT could be an extended term for Information technology
processing and transmission systems, network-based control
which is a technological source to create information available
and monitoring functions. Although ICT is commonly
at the proper time, right place within the right form to the
considered an extended synonym for information technology
proper user. Earlier, one had to attend for the newspapers to
(IT), its scope is broader.
urgethe knowledge across the globe. Now with the smarter
Converging technologies that exemplify ICT include the technology, information will be accessed from anywhere using
merging of audiovisual, telephone and computer networks smart phones and gadgets. All this is often made possible with
through a typical cabling system. Internet service providers the assistanceof data and Communication Technology.
(ISPs) commonly provide internet, phone and TV services to Information technology has been influencing our lives within
homes and businesses through one optical cable. The the recent years within the fields of education, healthcare, and
elimination of the phone networks has provided huge business. Going an additional mile, Information and
economic incentives to implement this convergence, which communication technology in schools has had a significant
eliminates many of the pricesrelated to cabling, signal impact.
distribution, user installation, servicing and maintenance costs.
Information and communication technology in schools are
Introducing ICT as a tool to support the education sector has often used as a faculty communication tool to enhance student
initiated substantial discussions. since the late 1990s.[1] learning and better teaching techniques. Now a days School are
During the previous few years an increasing number of adopting new emerging technology in education. During this
international development agencies have embraced the technological era, ICT in education has compelled many
potential of ICT to support the education sector. The widely collegesto induceacquainted with smart technology.
subscribed Dakar Framework for Action recognizes that, ‘these
Computer-based learning is one in every of the modules of
technologies (ICTs) have great potential for knowledge
faculty communication tool that helps students to

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 230

ICT as Emerging Tool of E Learning

reinforcetheir learning skills through computer aided dimension to learning that wasn't previously available. After
education. It imparts computer knowledge in students and the inception of ICT in schools, students found learning in an
enables them to get large amounts of data from various exceedingly technology-enhanced environment more
websites. After 20 years of introducing computers to varsities, stimulating and interesting than in an exceedingly traditional
education has been revolutionized ever since then. It reduces classroom environment. My Classboard is yet one more school
time spent on mechanical tasks like rewriting, producing communication tool that bridges the gap between teachers,
graphs and increases the scope of searching. parents, and students by using its school messenger module.
Parents and teachers can interact with one another using this
Internet tools like Email, social networks, newsgroups and
module emphasizing on transparency between the duo.
video transmission have connected the globe like never before.
Students can now communicate using emails and social ICT improves teaching and learning and its importance for
networking groups that provide knowledge based information. teachers in performing their role of creators of pedagogical
environment [3]. ICT helps of an instructor to present his
Distance learning, online learning is additionally enabled
teaching attractively and ready to learn for the learners at any
through the net. Students can learn online and also confer with
level of educational Programme.
experts online. Notes, readings, tutorials, assignments are often
received by students from anywhere. The net provides major 3. ICT IN E-LEARNING
information in texts, audios, videos and graphics which may be
E-Learning is learning utilizing electronic technologies to
accessed by the individual. Online learning allows students to
access educational curriculum outside of a standard classroom.
interact with one anotherand college to interact with students
In most cases, it refers to a course, program or degree
classroom Learning.
delivered completely online. We define eLearning as courses
With the introduction of ICT in education, classroom learning that are specifically delivered via the web to somewhere apart
is one attribute that produces learning experiential and from the classroom where the professor is teaching. It's not a
experimental to students. Students can hearthe trainer or course delivered via a DVD or CD-ROM, video tape or over a
teacher, receive visual cues through PowerPoint images, channel. It's interactive thereinyou'll also communicate along
handouts or whiteboard lists and participate actively. This with your teachers, professors or other students in your class.
helps in immediate interaction and students have opportunities Sometimes it's delivered live, where you'll “electronically”
to ask questions and participate in live discussions. This school raise your hand and interact in real time and sometimes it's a
communication software module further benefits in building lecture that has been prerecorded. There's always a lecturer or
and maintaining personal and professional relationships as professor interacting /communicating with you and grading
classrooms offer greater personal contact with other students your participation, your assignments and your tests.[4]
and teachers.
Video conferencing can beyet one more medium of EDUCATION:
communication wherein students can communicate with other
Current eLearning models
students or instructors online. It enables students to become
active participants in their own learning. Video Conferencing Online learning approaches can be implemented in a variety of
could be a powerful communication tool that has the potential ways within the context of higher education. Some of the more
to alter the way we deliver information to students. It'sonly one common models include:[5]
of the today’s integrative technologies that empower students
to arrange for a higherfuture.[2] • Blended or hybrid learning. In a blended approach,
traditional face to face instruction is merged with online
The characteristics which make ICT in education a prominent instruction. This combination allows educators to derive
school communication tool are as follows:- the best elements of each approach
• It offers the wide variety of services. • The flipped classroom. This approach, which is a type of
blended learning, allows students to watch lectures at home
• It is reliable and provides interactive learning experiences.
and complete typical “homework” assignments in class. By
• It is flexible and provides comfortable learning. doing so, students can focus on collaboration, class
discussion, and other high-value activities.
• It motivates students to learn.
• Self-paced online courses. These are courses delivered
• It facilitates communication and promotes creativity. entirely over the Web but with a timeline.
• It also provides access to the digital library where • Blended online courses. These are courses that are
information can be retrieved and stored beyond textbooks. primarily delivered online but have a smaller physical
The use of ICT in education adds value to teaching and instruction component.
learning, by enhancing the effectiveness of learning. It added a

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 231

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

• Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). This is an to students who might otherwise never have an opportunity
online course taken to enormous scale. An essentially at a high-quality education.
unlimited number of students can participate over the
• It opens an alternate revenue stream for teaching
Internet, though these courses are not for credit. Many of
institutions. Not only students have the benefit of the lower
the most prominent universities have some form of MOOC
cost of instruction, but institutions also reach students
across the world at low costs, allowing them to enroll
• Blended MOOCs. While not nearly as popular as standard within the courses from their locations.
MOOCs, blended MOOCs allow students to meet in a
physical location for further discussion.
These various models provide a good cross-section of how
While using ICTs in education has some obvious benefits, ICT
eLearning concepts are being implemented at today’s higher
also bring challenges. First is that the high cost of acquiring,
learning institutions. As online learning continues to mature,
installing, operating, maintaining and replacing ICTs. While
these models will continue to be refined, and new models will
potentially of great importance, the mixing of ICTs into
be developed.
teaching continues to be in its infancy. ICT systems for
Benefits of eLearning teaching in developing countries contains a particularly
Introducing high cost because installing them is
The advantages of electronic learning are not restricted to the sometimescostlier in absolute terms than in industrialized
students. Educators and institutions can also realize profound countries whereas, in contrast, alternative investments (e.g.
benefits from the successful adoption and maintenance of buildings) are relatively more cost effective (UNESCO,
eLearning programs. 2009).[6] The four most typical mistakes in introducing ICTs
Some of the more important eLearning benefits include: into teaching are
• Better educational outcomes for college students. Studies i) installing learning technology without reviewing student
have shown that students perform better when online needs and content availability;
learning is incorporated into the tutorial mix. ii) imposing technological systems from the highest down
• It lowers costs in post-secondary education. Research has without involving faculty and students; [7]
shown that eLearning offers efficiencies that can’t be iii) using inappropriate content from other regions of the
replicated with conventional face to face education. For globe without customizing it appropriately; and
example, the employment of eLearning can lower staffing
costs, while also lowering costs related to the physical iv) Producing quality content that has poor instructional
production of books and other materials. design and isn't adapted to the technology in use
(UNESCO, 2009).
• It deepens student engagement. Many students find that the
standard model of observing a lecture in an exceedingly Although ICT offers many advantages there are some
physical space doesn't allow room for collaboration or fast risks of using ICT in education which should be mitigated
feedback. Today’s students are acclimated to performing proper mechanisms.
on mobile devices and other digital tools. By incorporating It may create a digital divide within class as students who are
technology into classroom instruction, educators present more conversant in ICT will reap more benefits and learn
material in an exceedingly context that’s familiar to faster than those thatdon't seem to be as technology savvy.
• It may shift the eye from the first goal of the training
• It offers much greater accessibility. By making eLearning a process to developing ICT skills, which is that the
part ofthe tutorial mix, higher learning institutions offer secondary goal.
students greater flexibility to figure on material when and
where it’s convenient for them. It also extends educational • It can affect the bonding process between the teachers and
opportunities to those that may have difficulty meeting at a also the student as ICT becomes a communication tool
central location. instead of face to face conversation and thus the
transactional distance is increased.
• It can theoretically provide a world-class education to
anyone equipped with a broadband connection. The • Also since not all teachers are experts with ICT they will
pricesrelated toteachingstill surge, making affordability and be lax in updating the course content online which
access serious concerns. The appearance of MOOCs and mightpreventthe training among students.
other online learning offerings could herald a brand new
• The potential of plagiarism is high as student can copy
age where learning opportunities will be affordably scaled
information instead of learning and developing their own

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 232

ICT as Emerging Tool of E Learning

• There may be a need for training all stakeholders in ICT. Technology in Education”, First edition, Icfai University Press,
Hyderabad, pp.25-26.
• The cost of hardware and software may be very high. [2] Shukla, Bhavna (2016). ICT in Education: Visions and
6. CONCLUSION Realities. Agra: Agrawal Publication.
[3] Shukre S. 2008. The Future of Online Education in India, Anil
The increasing use of data and communication technologies Varma (Ed), “Information and Communication Technology in
(ICTs) has brought changes in teaching and learning the least Education”, First edition, Icfai University Press, Hyderabad,
bit levels of upper education systems resulting in quality p.94.
enhancements. Traditional kinds of teaching and learning are [4] Smyth G. 2008. Wireless Technologies: Bridging the Digital
increasingly being converted to online and virtual Divide in Education, Anil Varma (Ed), “Information and
environments.[8] There are endless possibilities with the Communication Technology in Education”, First edition, Icfai
combination of ICT within the education system. The University Press, Hyderabad, p.179. 23.
employment of ICT in education not only improves classroom [5] Mishra, S. & R. C. Sharma (2005). Development of e-Learning
teaching learning process, but also provides the ability of e- in India. University News, 43(11), March 14 – 20, 2005.
learning. ICT has enhanced distance learning. The teaching [6] ICTs for Higher Education, Background paper from the
Commonwealth of Learning, UNESCO World Conference on
community is in a positionto succeed in remote areas and
Higher Education, Paris, 5 to 8 July 2009, retrieved from
learners are able to access qualitative learning environment 7
from anywhere and at anytime. It's important that teachers or
[7] Aravindan, P. (2017) ICT in Higher Education: Opportunities
trainers should adopt technology in their teaching styles to and Challenges. New Delhi: University News, Vol. 55 (34) 21-
supply pedagogical and academic gains to the learners. 27 August, 22-29p.
Successful implementation of ICT to steer change is more [8] Upadhyay N. 2008, ‘Role of Artificial Intelligence in
about influencing and empowering teachers and supporting Enhancing the E-Learning Domain’, Anil Varma (Ed),
them in their engagement with students in learning instead of “Information and Communication Technology in Education”,
acquiring computer skills and obtaining software and First edition, Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, p.117.
equipment. ICT enabled education will ultimately cause the [9] Bhattacharya, I. & Sharma, K. (2007). India in the knowledge
democratization of education.[9] economy – an electronic paradigm, International Journal of
Educational Management Vol. 21 No. 6, pp. 543–568.
[10] Sharma, Pooja and Nigam, Shivani (2016). Information and
[1] Farahani A. J. 2008. E-learning: A New Paradigm in Education, Communication Technology. Meerut: R. Lall Book.
Anil Varma (Ed), “Information and Communication

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 233

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Role of ICT in Enhancing the Efficiency of Human

Resource Management
Dr. Anupama Sharma1, Dr. Sumita Kukreja2
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi -110058

Abstract: The aim of this study is to look at the impact of activities associated with any development within the
Information and Communication Technology on the technological systems of the entity, like product design
efficiency of Human Resource Management. This paper is to (research and development) and IT systems. Technology
research how the utilization of ICT affects the human development is a crucial activity for the innovation process
resources management practices including Human resource within the business, and should include acquired knowledge.
planning, recruitment and selection training and within the context, all activities may have some technical
development, compensation, performance appraisal and content, and leads to greater technological advancement.
others. This conceptual study is based on the knowledge
Information Technology may have a greater impact on
gathered through secondary sources like research papers, e-
organizations that exist during a dynamic environment. this
journals, online data bases etc. The results highlights the
may cause greater efficiency and effectiveness of the Human
utilization of ICT as an efficient tool in Human resource
Resources. Hence, utilizing IT application for management and
management of enterprises. HR IT tools can enhance the
advances recruitment system will increase the efficiency of the
proper interactions between Human Resource Management
business. Introduction of ICT in HR field have ensured the all
and the different departments which could lead to smooth
round success of Human resource Management. The effect of
functioning of the organization and upgrading status and
technology has enhanced the competitiveness of the HR
productivity of them.
department.ICT in HRM has captured all the field starting
from paperless office to time attendance, databanks,
Keywords: Information and Communication Technology,
automating work practices, transaction processing, reporting
Human Resource Management, HR Practices, Career
and tracking applications, E-recruiting, using internet for
Development, Human Capital
staffing, employee development using internet.
1. INTRODUCION HR managers face many challenges in present business
scenario like Globalization, workforce diversity, technological
Nowadays, corporate and other companies have acknowledged advances, changes in political and legal environment and
value of information technology (IT) tools for reaching
change in information technology. These challenges increase
business targets. It not only helps achieve the business goals
the pressure on HR managers to attract, retain and nurture
but also optimizes the work processes. Human Resource
talented employee. HR professional can‟t ignore these
Management (HRM) includes activities like recruiting,
challenges rather they need to be line to style and execute
training, developing and rewarding people within the
innovative mechanisms of developing skills and competencies
organization. HRM must aim at achieving competitiveness
of human resources to organize them to simply accept the
within the field of HR by providing constant educational and
emerging challenges.
training programs for the private and professional development
of the workers of the organization. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
It has been conventionally proved that Information and Human resources management (HRM) was recently re-defined
Communication Technology (ICT), like the web, mobile by Armstrong (2009) as a “strategic, integrated and coherent
communication, new media, and such in HR can greatly approach to the utilization, development and well-being of the
contribute to the fulfillment of personnel policies of the people working in organizations… it covers activities like
organization. Technological advancement can have an strategic human resources management, human capital
enormous impact on the HR department of a corporation. It management, corporate social responsibility, knowledge
allows the corporate to enhance its internal processes, core management, organization development, resourcing (human
competencies, relevant markets and organizational structure as resource planning, recruitment and selection, also as talent
an entire. management), performance management, learning and
development, reward management, employee relations,
Human Resource must mainly be focused on the strategic
employee well-being and health and safety and therefore the
objectives of the organization. These strategies must be led to
provision of employee services”.
include an IT strategic plan for the organization. These are

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 234

Role of ICT in Enhancing the Efficiency of Human Resource Management

According to Valverde et al. (2006), Human Resource function 3. OBJECTIVES

is “all managerial action administered at any level regarding
the organization of labor and therefore the entry, development 1) To understand the impact of ICT on improving the
and exit of individuals within the organization so as that their efficiency of Human Resource Management
competencies are used at their best in order to realize corporate 2) To knowledge innovation in Human Resource
objectives”. It includes the actors also as their relevant Management can manifest itself?
responsibilities and tasks. 3) To explore the simplest HR IT tools which will be
employed by companies
The relationship between HRM and productivity of industries 4) To understand the essentials of HR IT tools.
are extensively investigated. Mathur (2009) did financial
analysis of ICT industry. He attempted to quantify the 4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
technical efficiency of the ICT in 52 countries. The The research design of this study is descriptive in nature and
proportions of the productivity growth thanks to efficiency and relies on secondary sources of knowledge obtained from
technical change due to ICT were also quantified. The study research paper of reputed scholars, e-journals, online journals,
found that the productivity growth within the ICT sector is newspapers, articles published online etc.
developing and newly industrialized countries is slightly less
than the expansion in developed and transition countries, 5. DISCUSSION
suggesting a catching-up for developing and newly It has been usually proved that Information and
industrialized countries. the most limitation of this study was Communication Technology (ICT), like the web, mobile
that the info collected from all the countries wasn't firm level communication and journalism in HR can greatly contribute to
data to work out how ICT affects the HR performance but the fulfillment of human resource policies of the organization.
most of the info was country level data. Technological development can have a massive blow on the
In the same light with Mathur (2009), Zwick (2003) studied HR department of a corporation. It allows the corporate to
the impact of ICT investment on productivity for an outsized enhance its internal processes, core competencies, pertinent
and representative German establishment panel data set. Those markets and organizational structure as an entire.
establishments without ICT capital were also included within Human Resource must primarily be focused on the strategic
the data set to match the results with those having ICT capital. objectives of the organization. These strategies must be
the info set of his study involved information on about 1400 incorporated in an IT strategic plan for the organization. These
German establishments. The cross sectional multivariate are activities associated with any advancement within the
analysis of the info indicated that ICT investment substantially technological systems of the entity, like product design
increases the typical productivity of German establishments. (research and development) and IT systems. Technology
the restrictions of the study was that the corresponding size of development is a crucial activity for the innovation process
the ICT investment wasn't known, the sole thing known was an within the business, and should include acquired knowledge.
institution invested in ICT.
Information Technology may have a greater impact on
Using an equivalent approach, Saleem et al. (2011); attempted organizations that exist during a dynamic environment. this
identify Impact of ICT on Organizational Productivity may cause greater efficiency and effectiveness of the Human
(Efficiency and Effectiveness); which results in Organizational Resources. Hence, utilizing IT application for management and
Performance (Cost, Time, and Quality) using IRA (ICT role advances recruitment system will increase the efficiency of the
and adoption model). Barriers in ICT Adoption and impact of business.
ICT Literate human capital on organizational productivity
were also explored.
The target population included computer professionals, 1.
administrative staff and school members of upper Education To identify 3.
To identify
Institutes from various geographic locations of Pakistan, solutions
new ideas for To identify
including Islamabad, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, and quickly and
products and new markets
flexibly during
Multan, DG Khan and Faisalabad and a few other cities. The services
a negotiation
study found significant relations of ICT adoption on the
effectiveness; nonetheless ICT adoption is insignificant on
efficiency; however the connection between them is positive.
The barriers to adoption were found to be less evident. The Fig. 1. Manifestation of Innovation in Human Resource
study has some limitations too which include the sample is Management
simply from those members who were IT literate not from
other areas. The measurement was just supported correlation Innovation in Human Resource Management can manifest
analysis. itself in a number of ways:

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 235

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

These innovations are supplemented with Information entrepreneurship and inclusive management (encouraging all
Technology to provide a positive impact in HR. Rosabeth employees to participate in making decisions about work).
Moss Kanter, one among the leading management theorists of
her time, argued that the success of business organizations will Information and Communication Technology (ICT) impacts
depend on innovation, introducing new services, the Human Resource Management in following ways:-

Better services
to line managers
& customers
management Enhancing
tools and management
HRM tools

reduction Effective
and recruiting

Career Data
development managem
and human ent and
capital critical
management analysis

Access to
of HR
more data
Brand a

Fig. 2. Impact of ICT on Human Resource Management

The human resource’s main function is to support the Success Factors Solutions has developed an HR IT tool of
workforce needs of the organization. Strategic planning is talent management for Hilton Worldwide, which had a
required to satisfy the demand of talented and competent worldwide operational capacity. Organizations across the
personnel and to make future leaders which may fill the vacant planet are driving to enhance organizational performance no
positions and may help a corporation to become a brand icon matter the dimensions of the organization or the industry.
and employer of choice. Further training and developing the Today is an era of e-recruitment and most of the businesses are
road managers in IT tools will, therefore, prepare the road now using job portals to look the simplest candidates. Internet
managers for variety of leadership tasks. has made it easier for the all the candidates to use for any job
in any country. Currently, Envoy has developed Asana, an IT
Human Resource IT tools which will supplement management
tool for recruiting that analyzes details right down to where a
and enhance efficiency and effectiveness, which may cause the
possible candidate’s high priority values are.
success of the organization as an entire. for instance, currently,

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 236

Role of ICT in Enhancing the Efficiency of Human Resource Management

The HR IT tools not only help hire the simplest potential but process tool is resulting in endless development of the
also retain it. ICT in HRM has increased the efficiency of employee’s career. the good advantage of this tool is that data
workers and has made data management very easy. once entered into the system is stored within the database and
Employee’s performance data are often critically analyzed by may be attained within the future. This results in considerable
the HR IT tools more often if it’s online and becomes readily cost saving also. Recently, Standard Life Group provided HR
accessible to everyone. as an example, Zenefits has recently resource cost optimization tool to Oracle Human Capital
developed an HR IT tool, which has made Passport completely Management Solutions. it's further contributing to the strategic
paperless. Thus company’s are using HR ICT tools to supply a transformation of the corporate by building the empowered
universal set of products, to diversify the business by workforce.
providing improved products and services. to supply
According to the survey of 37 companies in Turkey applying
inexpensive access to global market, to satisfy customer
IT in HRM, the workers expressed that their business
demand at correct time, to make sure better quality of labor, to
environment satisfies them and that they work efficiently. The
reinforce organizational performance etc.
survey confirms that these companies use HR IT tools and will
The career websites and career planning tool are serving as a contain all HR processes which can sustain all parts of HR it
knowledge based system that help corporate to manage their means from” Recruit to Retire” functions within the corporate .
personal development and career paths along side those of The advancement of technology like automation of HR
their employees.HR IT tool database help a corporation to processes in HR field has enabled companies to use the newest
guage employee performance and rewarding high performing innovations, like machine learning to screen resumes and
employees who are striving towards accomplishing augmented reality to onboard new employees
organizational goals. Human Resource Development core

Easy Quick integra- Employ-
Multi Collection
Implemen of ready to tion with ee self Custom- Sociab-
to Channel third service ility
use reports ization
use -tation Access party portal

Fig. 3. Essentials of HR it Tools

Here are 8 essential aspects that should never be overlooked when you’re on the hunt for an ideal HR tool:
The Best 5 Human Resource Management Tools Every Company Needs

HR tools are the wide selection of technological solutions that help organizations manage their day-to-day HR activities
effectively. HR processes are compliance-driven and performing them manually is cumbersome, time-consuming, and arduous.
HR tools leverage the facility of automation allowing HR staff to save lots of time, cut costs, and manage their employees easily.

Kissflow HR Zoho iCIMS

Breezy HR ADP Talent
Cloud People

Fig. 5. 5 HR Tools – Demand of Every Company

way. Kissflow comes pre-equipped with an array of HR

Kissflow HR Cloud
management modules from applicant tracking and employee
Kissflow is an all-in-one HR Cloud that permits businesses to on boarding to performance reviews to off boarding and
make, modify, and manage their HR processes in an efficient succession management.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 237

Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

Breezy HR those profiles that strictly match the wants . This greatly
accelerates the search process and helps to seek out the
Breezy HR is another HR management tool aimed toward foremost suitable candidates.
small, medium, and enormous businesses. one among the most
important selling points of Breezy is that the incontrovertible 5) Platforms became the key source of data, and candidates
fact that it integrates together with your existing hr tools are presumably to look for a corporation on LinkedIn than
seamlessly. There’s no got to worry about data loss during through traditional sources. Hence, companies should
migration and integration. Breezy takes care of it all consider what quite image they might wish to build and
automatically. It isn’t limited to recruitment. you'll also keep what values and messages they need to transfer to the
track of current employees and streamline communication. users.
additionally, it also connects seamlessly to LinkedIn and Angel 6) Finally, Information Technology granted HR specialists
List to seek out quality candidates. access to stylish analytics, taking their work to a
ADP replacement level. Previously, HR specialists had to
believe guesswork and intuition when evaluating the
ADP may be a cloud-based HR tool. it's an all-in-one solution workers, their level of motivation and satisfaction, and
that unites HR, payroll, talent, time, and tax and benefits therefore the efficiency of HR processes. Now, they will
administration. believe the info and see all the processes and work results
Zoho People reflected in numbers.
Zoho People may be a cloud-based HR management software
wont to help organizations manage and organize employee Results of this study shows that ICT features a noteworthy
data. Designed with small and medium businesses in mind, it positive effect on the effectiveness of human resource
also can cater to enterprise businesses also. There’s variety of management. This study have contributed to literature by
tools on the platform, letting you track leaves, manage extending research on impact of ICT on organizational
timesheets, create custom forms, manage performance performance to verify impact of ICT on efficiency of HRM.
appraisals, and more. Extending this research to other sectors so on verify the
divergence are going to be very interesting. The findings
iCIMS Talent Acquisition therefore suggest that regular Information and Communication
This is an employee on boarding software that gives variety of Technology training and development should be enhanced so
dynamic features including a customizable career portal that on allow proper interactions between Human Resource
lets candidates look for career opportunities. For businesses Management and therefore the different departments which
curious about useful HR tool, this will go an extended way in could lead on to the organizational efficiency.
accelerating and simplifying the talent acquisition process. 8. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY
iCIMS Talent Acquisition is definitely among one among the
foremost competitive within the market. It’s one among the 1) This study is predicated on secondary resources only
most important Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers of therefore the results could also be unrealistic.
talent acquisition and management solutions. The software is 2) Access to information wasn’t that easy.
employed by almost 3,200 organizations round the world.
3) Self-report measures my equally portray potential personal
6. FINDINGS bias.
1) The transition to a digital working environment enables REFERENCES
modern HR specialists to perform certain tasks during a
faster way and thus, pay more attention to such issues [1] Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior.
because the satisfaction of the workers, optimization of the Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50
(2), 179–211.
recruiting and on boarding processes, employee
motivation, etc. [2] Ange, J., & Koh, S. (1997). Exploring the Relationship between
User Information Satisfaction. International Journal of
2) ICT/ Internet granted HR specialists a chance to look for Information Management, 17(3), 169–177.
candidates worldwide. [3] Armstrong, M (2009), “Handbook of Human Resources
Management Practice”, 8th edition. (In Czech.) Praha: Grada,
3) Website branding and style, presence on major 2002. 777p. ISBN 80-247-0469-2
marketplaces and online communication – of these factors [4] Chowdhury, S.K. (2006). “Investments in ICT- capital and
promote direct interaction between a candidate or economic performance of small and medium scale enterprises in
employee and a corporation. East Africa”, Journal of International Development. Vol (18).
pp. 533–552
4) HR specialists are using advanced tools (i.e. Artificial
Intelligence) to screen the resumes and concentrate only to

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[5] Cooper, R.B. & Zmud, R.W. (1990). Information technology [9] Niaz, Asma (2017), ”Impact of information technology on
implementation research - a technological diffusion approach, Human Resource Management”, Profiles, Article
"Management Science", Vol. 36, No. 2, pp 123–139. published in 2017.
[6] Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of [10] Piabuo, Serge Mandiefe, Piendiah, Ngwe Elwis, Njamnshi,
use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Njoh Lawrence & Tieguhong, Puatwoe Janice (2017), ”The
Quarterly, 13(3), 319–340 Impact of ICT on the efficiency of HRM on Cameroonian
[7] Dewan, S. & Kraemer, K.L. (2000). “Information technology enterprises: Case of the Mobile Telephone Industry”, Journal of
and productivity: preliminary evidence from country-level data” Global Entrepreneurship Research, Article no.7
Management Science. Vol. 46 (4) pp. 548–562 [11] The Best Human Resource Management Tools Every Company
[8] ELHAZZAM, Mohammed (2015),” The Effect of ICT on Needs, Kissflow, August 22, 2019HR Process,URL-
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(IJIREM), ISSN: 2350-0557, Volume-2, Issue-3.

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 239

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1

Elementary Education: Quality Teaching is Base of

Technical Education
Dr. Abheyender Singh
Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute

Abstract: The Right to Education Act was implemented in the Right to Education Act, the question of quality of
India from 1 April 2010. Under this, provision of free and education was raised by academics on priority. He says that
compulsory education for children from 6 to 14 years was ensuring attendance of children in a government school is
made. Provision was made to reserve 25% seats for socially not enough. If children are coming to school, it should also
and economically backward children in private schools. be sure that they are learning. Last year, reports of several
During that time private schools opposed the reservation and schools were published that children do not know to read,
the matter went ahead in the legal battle, but finally the they were having difficulty in counting. This issue is related
reservation of 25 percent seats was recognized. It is a special to the quality of education and children's learning. If a child
thing that for such children studying in private school, the is spending an important part of his daily life in schools, then
government pays money on its own behalf and this it should have some consequences. That is, the purpose and
expenditure is more than the expenditure on children purpose with which the schools have been opened… those
studying in government school. Since the implementation of objectives should be fulfilled.


2. RUCKUS OVER THE QUESTION OF QUALITY schools provide good quality education. Government schools
TEACHING do not have good education. Children of the same families go
to government schools that have no choice. That is, alternative
At present, many confusions or prejudices related to the
schools are becoming private schools. One fact to be noted
quality of education have been established. The first private
here is that trained teachers are selected in government

Maharaja Surajmal Institute 240

Elementary Education: Quality Teaching is Base of Technical Education

schools. Even after selection, training and training sessions of study. In this way, it was decided that from next session there
these teachers are organized from time to time. But an will be a board examination in classes three, five and eighth.
interesting aspect of training is to be noted here that in the Board examinations will be conducted at school level in class
context of government schools, many training programs are three, district level in five and division level in class VIII. ”
taken as a mere formality, requiring only attendance. In such a
situation, there is a tendency to send such teachers in these
training programs those have less work and low interest in
school work and teaching pupil. Because the school teaching is Many academicians consider this decision against the basic
affected by the departure of teachers. In this way the process of feeling of right to education which opposes the feeling of
training goes on and the school continues to operate on its old imposing pass-fail on children. Rajasthan teachers have long
pattern. Generally, all the paper work is done on time by been demanding that the board exams should be resumed so
government schools; the process of change in other areas is that the standard of education can be improved again. The
very slow. Or at least it is such that it does not have any special reasoning of the teachers behind this is that when there are
effect. The activities conducted there are conducted board examinations, all the teachers will teach their subject
mechanically. Order started, order ends, activity stopped. What seriously, their accountability will be fixed and the child will
is the impact of this on the children or not, it does not concern also be motivated (or forced) to study. The standard of
the teachers or the officers who are investigating the schools, education will increase in this way. The pressure of teaching
who should spend enough time in the field. It is difficult to only on teachers will not increase the standard of education.
break this trend of government schools. No headmistress Another reason behind this was that if the student has not
would like the idea of sending responsible people for training attained the first grade learning level then he should be given
by relieving them of responsibility. His simple answer would the opportunity to study again in the first grade so that his
be, if they leave then it will be difficult to handle the children. foundation can be strengthened and he should not be left
Hey, send it to them; at least their daily work will not be behind in further studies because every child the speed of
affected by their departure. ”Such concerns can be understood learning varies. Education psychology also recognizes the fact
in such language and terminology. Children training required that individual variation is found in children's learning speed,
and every child adapts, understands and learns things at his /
Secondly, quality is directly related to children… But our
her own pace.
government schools do not have the tradition of training
children to read, write and see things from the right But of all the arguments mental stress in children due to further
perspective. In private schools, this issue is given considerable examinations is being seen very commonly here. There should
attention. Such opportunities are provided to children so that be an initiative to change the exam environment so that the
their cognitive development can be improved. In the context of child is not afraid of examinations and based on the results, she
government schools, this work is deferred to the teachers. does not feel inferior in comparison to the other children. By
Teachers are also responsible for household and family in day- taking the examination of the children of the third grade, a
to-day engagements. In such a situation, they do not have time reality check will be made that what the child comes to at this
to read books and update themselves with changing times. The level, what level of support is needed. But it is more than
problem with women teachers is even more serious. After likely that the whole process will remain as an exercise to
school, they have to take care of all the responsibilities of the retrench the children and the emphasis of the teachers should
house and also take care of their children… years pass in such be on rote the facts by teaching, explaining and developing
a way. Their own development stops and they also try to their understanding to the children. The evaluation of written
convince the children to teach and calm their curiosities tests has its own limitations.
according to their understanding.
A teacher is well aware of the fact that it is difficult for any
But in such a situation, the teacher loses the ability to see child to write a line or to write it down. In such a situation, it
things in accordance with the children's curiosities and misses would be necessary to work towards improving the written
the understanding that children are facing this kind of situation expression of children. They should be given opportunities to
for the first time in their lives. The main aim of the education write. Be encouraged to write. But the whole process of
should be, to prepare them for future challenges. There is a writing cannot be seen by identifying the letters, developing
need to help find a way to solve problems and to motivate the understanding of quantities, reading the words apart.
them to solve problems. Such fear-free environment, Therefore it can be said that solving things with a simple
instructions such as not failing in examinations, serves to solution will open the way to a better result, it will be just a
increase the confusion of teachers. Children feel that we have fantasy. In order to get real results, there is a need to
to pass, that is why they stop studying. They feel that when understand things from the perspective of children so that their
they have to pass, then why take the pain of studies? It is examination-related fears are understood in their context, lest
difficult to explain to children at a young age. Therefore, the the old tradition of scaring children be returned to the question
board examinations in Rajasthan are returning at the primary of quality and children start getting harassed at school and
and upper-primary level so that children can be motivated to home for rote facts and getting low numbers.

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Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

4. PRIMARY EDUCATION ITS TRIBULATIONS AND their progress. Today, many types of attacks are happening in
TREATMENTS front of him, neighborhood, circle of friends, environment, and
not only family but also audio-visual media. Sometimes those
Whatever the level of education, its existence cannot be
who try to make it big at a young age, or they themselves try to
imagined without a teacher. The importance of teacher in
become like them by being influenced by them. It is necessary
primary education is immense. After the parents, the child
that the children of soft intellect do not inadvertently get
comes directly into contact with the primary teacher. In such a
caught up in the imaginary acts of Shaktimaan, Superman or
situation, the school has to adjust to the circumstances of the
Kamics, but the age-old society should make proper
family, which is a very difficult task. Taking advantage of the
development based on the circumstances of the country. In
domestic environment, curbing evils, arousing interest in the
such a situation, if someone is performing his responsibility
child to study, bring continuity in his activities, organize and
with the highest loyalty - faith and honesty, then he is the
regularize the routine and generate attraction for the school.
primary teacher. The more experience he has from his life and
The labor done for education of a child who falls behind in it is
work, the more he is skilled in work; his influence can be
wasted. Gradually, the mood of the parents also becomes the
clearly seen on children. His work is like that of a skilled
same. They stop explaining to children. Here children take
potter who makes a raw pitcher strong by beating his hands
shelter of many mishaps in school time itself. Many types of
from the inside and leaving them to cook in the fire. In the
participants start participating in anti-social activities. The only
same way, the primary teacher sends the child to the next
question that arises is how to not let them deteriorate? These
classes to cook like a pitcher. The key is not to cook, but to
should be controlled at the primary level only. Understanding
give it a certain shape. Initially, when the child comes to
their situation as required, guidance is given to them. The
school, his world is different. Every child comes in crying,
biggest responsibility for reforms rests with the teacher. He not
screaming and screaming.
only has to discharge such responsibilities but also has to do
many administrative-cruises, community-counting etc. Holding a pen, writing, scolding when necessary, then calling,
Sometimes the problem becomes more complicated due to lack singing, laughing, laughing at him, making him laugh, creating
of adequate teachers or teachers in the school. The teacher is a home for him at home, bringing him to regular school,
only able to surround the classrooms. Looking at five or five molding him according to school, getting up and sitting,
classrooms alone, supervising their work and assigning home speaking, walking, Teaching etiquette, etc. is the primary
work, syllabus pressure etc. are the aspects, due to which the teacher. If the teacher of the primary school is treated like a
lone teacher can only open the school, cannot run well nor in gardener, a skilled builder, then there will be no exaggeration.
any way in the children Can improve. The attractive tree standing in the garden cannot be imagined if
its skilled builder does not prick the gardener from time to
Apart from this, due to the presence of sound amplifiers in the
time, do not weed it, nor water it from time to time. In exactly
maximum impact area near the main gate of the school, being
the same way, the teacher gives the child an attractive look,
located in crowded places etc., the teacher not only attracts the
gets scolded, beaten and sometimes cuddles and laughs and
attention. Their concentration is always disturbed by outdoor
plays with him on the right path. However, some teachers in
activities. Even if the body is in the school premises, the mind-
primary education are not discharging their duties with full
brain keeps on running in the street, market, fairs etc. Not only
loyalty and honesty.
this, the intervention of the people of the area is more in
primary school. In the classrooms running in schools, every The school is considering a time pass or a place to handle
day there is a conversation with the children in front of their household tasks, but not all are like this. Most are discharging
teachers every day, sometimes there is a mess. their duties according to the needs of the country and society.
In some cases, even after external intervention, children are
Therefore, primary teachers are not able to leave their
being successful in the overall development. If they see any
influence on children and neither are children affected.
appropriate effect on the all-round development of children,
Similarly, teachers buried with extra work and burden also do
then they are putting it. In the field of science, technology,
not give more time to children. While primary education is the
communication, industry, trade, etc. In the field of
backbone of the entire education system, teachers are the most
development, the field of primary teachers' responsibilities is
important factor. In various classes of education, if a child has
also becoming wider. They have to keep discharging their
the greatest influence, then he is the primary teacher. The child
duties keeping all these things in mind. Therefore,
receives his first education after mother, mostly from the
governments should also continue to refine and change the
teacher of primary education. It is the responsibility of this
facilities of teaching and training over time and governments
teacher to decorate children completely for life, grooming,
and their organs should be avoided as far as possible from
beating and preparing them. . Today some people may be
unnecessary interference. The society should not only consider
underestimating the responsibilities of primary teacher, but
itself as a great servant but should be considered as the creator
their importance is more today than ever before. Because of
of children, the social worker, and the creator of future. Many
the limited foreign invasions of ancient time, today primary
parents are not supporting the teacher in the development of
teacher is under attack from all the sectors of society to stop
their wards.

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Elementary Education: Quality Teaching is Base of Technical Education

5. EDUCATIONAL PROVISIONS IN INDIAN 2. Provision for care and education of children from birth
1. Education is placed in the concurrent list - In 2002, there was 86th amendment to the constitution in
which Article 45 was amended - the state will provide
The Constitution of the Republic of India has three different
childcare and education until all children are attained 6 years
lists -
of age.
(i) Union List The central government has the power to make
3. Provision for compulsory and free education for
laws in this list.
children between 6 to 14 years of age.
(ii) State or provincial list State governments have the right to
make laws in this list. According to the 86th Constitution Amendment Act of 2002,
Article 21A was added, in which - the state will make
(iii) Concurrent List In this list, both the Center and the State compulsory and free system of primary education of children
Government have the right to make laws. in the age group of 6 to 14. Also, an amendment has been
Initially education was in the provincial or state list. Education made that it is the duty of every citizen to provide education
was included in the Concurrent List by the 42nd Constitution opportunities to his children or dependents in the age group of
Amendment in 1976. Since then, it has been the responsibility 6 to 14 as a mother drank or mentor. The Right to Education
of both the central and provincial governments to arrange Act 2009 is also important in this direction which we will read
education. in our next post.

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Emerging Trends in Big Data, IoT and Cyber Security

4. Equal right of entry into educational institutions Initially constitution has 15 languages, Later 7 more languages
were added by the Constitution Amendment. Thus, at this time
Article 29 (2) of the constitution provided that - No citizen the number of languages of national importance is 22.
shall be denied entry into any educational institution, funded
by the state or aided by state funds, on the basis of religion, 6. CONCLUSION
descent or caste. Primary education is the foundation of all human development.
5. Special arrangement for female education The primary teacher alone does not have the sole responsibility
to perform. Along with the teacher, the parents of the child,
Article 15 (3) of the Constitution made this arrangement - members of the family, and the society also have to give such
Nothing in this article will hinder the state from making any conditions to the teacher so that the teacher can perform his
provision for women and children. duty towards the development of the children with a healthy
6. Special arrangements for education of weaker sections mind. Teacher is a source of inspiration. The child wants to be
of the society like Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. carried forward in every situation, environment. But it is up to
her parents to fill her life force. As long as parents and other
First untouchability was abolished by Article 17 of the family members give enough time, pampering, try to calm
Constitution, after that Article 46 has been provided - The their problems, curiosities by understanding them, then the
State will advance the education and economic interests of the teachers have no difficulty in becoming the driving force for
weaker sections, especially the Scheduled Castes and the children, but rather their obligations They also feel proud
Scheduled Tribes, with special care and social injustice and to discharge.
Will protect them from all forms of exploitation.
In the end, it can be said that primary education is the most
7. Special arrangement for education of minorities important education, in that education, primary teacher has the
highest responsibility. He is ready every moment to fulfill his
According to Article 30 (1) of the Constitution - All minority responsibility, but his inspirational power can take meaningful
classes based on religion or language will have the right to form and give meaningful results only if the household, family
establish and administer educational institutions of their and society fulfill the responsibility of filling the life force of
interest. the children with full loyalty and honesty. If you consider it as
According to Article 30 (2) of the Constitution - The State a lamp, then pour oil in the lamp itself.
shall not discriminate against any school in assisting The phase required to change the quality of education in India
educational institutions on the basis that it is in relation to a does not require much policy change or a new education
minority class based on religion or language. policy. Till now, no steps have been taken on these because a
8. Education through mother tongue visible crisis is pushing us to act. India should regularly
participate in international assessments like international
According to Article 350 (A) of the constitution, each state and mathematics and science studies and program set goals for
every local authority has an obligation to provide appropriate international student assessment and trends such as benchmark
facilities of education to the children of minorities from the its performance and progress. The quality of national
linguistic point of view at the primary level of education assessments should be improved, and third-party assessments
through mother tongue. should be encouraged to provide periodic feedback, like the
situation on the annual education report, and educational
9. Ban on religious education.
According to Article 28 of the Constitution, religious The biggest problem in the education system today is a severe
education will not be given in any educational institution, lack of capacity. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
wholly maintained by state law. (CCE) and Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) - Two initiatives
And according to Article 22, children shall not be compelled to need to be considered. Some people do not agree that these
appear in any religious worship in any educational institution initiatives are based on sound principles and good ideas.
aided by the State Fund. Nevertheless, many cannot say the most noble-minded views
people achieve because of their goals not having the necessary
10. Education of languages of national importance. skills throughout the system.
Article 344 (1) of the Constitution declares 15 languages as Since independence, we have made considerable progress in
languages of national importance. These languages are - 1. the field of primary education. The constitution is a major
Assamese 2. Bengali 3. Gujrati 4. Hindi 5. Kannada 6. challenge as guided by the achievement of the goal of free and
Kashmiri 7. Malayalam 8. Marathi 9. Oriya 10. Punjabi 11. compulsory education at the primary level. It is seen that the
Sanskrit 12. Sindhi 13. Tamil 14. Telugu 15. Urdu 16. Konkani objective of universalisation of primary education is thus
17. Manipuri 18. Dogri 19. Bogey 20. Maithili 21. Santhali 22. gradually being achieved. But the rate of achievement in
Nepali. relation to various aspects like prerequisites, the increase in

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Elementary Education: Quality Teaching is Base of Technical Education

enrollment of students in primary and upper primary schools, organized activity rooms that encourage children to explore
retention of students and also increase their level of various knowledge based areas. There should also be enough
achievement in different classes like necessary condition to scope for greater digital learning in this era, so that students
provide target for primary education is improving gradually. can understand poems, stories, animation and more easily,
especially app based educational games.
A lot of effort is being made for qualitative improvement in
primary education in our country. Efforts have been made by REFERENCES
both the state and the Center to set up various agencies to
improve the quality of primary education. These organizations
play a pivotal role in the plan to increase the quality of primary education/53600/
education across the country. Various organization's roles for
qualitative improvement in primary education are discussed 2/
The language of fun, laughter and delight always clicks with Education-in-India.9380
the primary age group children, as primary school education in [5]
India should be made more enjoyable. To make primary school [6]
education more interesting, the school should be properly

ISBN: 978-93-86238-93-1 245

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