Narrative Report
Narrative Report
Narrative Report
Incorporate. I’ve experienced a lot of good things and bad. My OJT taught me
to be more responsible in life especially when it comes to work. In the near
future awaits for me I should be more prepared, more qualified and
productive through my training here in TCPI.
The first thing that I’ve learned here in TCPI is to listen very carefully to
the details from very thin information to high lightened information, for me
that is one of the most important learning that I’ve gained from my superior
especially when it comes to safety, because they think first our safety even
though it is easy to do but they need to for the sake of our safety.
And now the second thing that I’ve learned is the process of cement,
before I start there are four types of cement that they produce which is
Portland, premium, pozzolan and masson ray. The process comes first from
crusher there are Hopper, Stamler, Wobbler, and Hammer which is used to
crushed the limestone and pozzolan after it crushed it will covey to limestone
silo, limestone bin and limestone tent which have a maximum size of 50
mm. In Raw Milling there are Impact Hammer Mill, Roller Press, and Tube Mill
which is used to grind raw materials and these raw materials are limestone
which is 75%, clay 18%, silica 5% and lastly is iron concentrate 2%. In Pre
heater there are 6 cyclones which is east and west and it used to pre heat
the “raw meal” before it goes to another process. In clinkering there is Kiln
and it used to cook the raw milling product which is “raw meal” and the
product of kiln is “clinker”. In Finish Mill there are 8 ball mill which is used to
pulverized the materials that they need to put in the ball mill. Among of all
ball mill only 1k ball mill have a roller press and only 1k serve as a main
supplier of 2k, 3k, 4k, 5k ball mill. And 6k, 7k and 8k have separator and dust
collector. After all the process it will ready for packing.
The third things that I’ve learn is I learned how to use the instrument
that uses by the Autonomous Preventive Maintenance Team in their daily
routine. First one is the Heat Spy which is used to measure the temperature
of the subject. Next is Hearing Rod which is used to know it the bearing is in
misalignment. The third one is vibrometer which is used to know the
vibration of the motor. Stroboscope which is used to identified the rpm of the