5000 TA User Manual Honeywell
5000 TA User Manual Honeywell
5000 TA User Manual Honeywell
Contents ........................................................................................................................................... I
1. Operat ing instruct ion .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Abbreviated Operating Procedures .................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Introduction to Fingerprint Recognition technology ........................................................................... 1
1.3 About attendance..............................................................................................................................2
1.4 Connection with PC ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Main menu........................................................................................................................................ 7
2. User management ......................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Add user .......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Manage user ................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Search user ........................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.2 Query attendance record ...................................................................................................... 12
2.2.3 Edit user ............................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.4 Delete user ........................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.5 Add user ............................................................................................................................... 14
2.3 Work code ................................................................................................................................... 14
2.3.1 Set work code ....................................................................................................................... 15
2.3.2 User work code ..................................................................................................................... 15
2.4 Card management ....................................................................................................................... 15
2.4.1 Enroll card ............................................................................................................................ 16
2.4.2 Enroll fingerprint card........................................................................................................... 17
2.4.3 Clear card information .......................................................................................................... 18
2.4.4 Copy card information .......................................................................................................... 18
2.4.5 Set card parameter value....................................................................................................... 19
2.5 Access Control Option.................................................................................................................. 20
2.5.1 Time Zone Setting ................................................................................................................ 20
2.5.2 Holidays Setting ................................................................................................................... 21
2.5.3 Group time zone setting ....................................................................................................... 22
2.5.4 Set Unlock Combination........................................................................................................ 23
2.5.5 Access Control Parameters .................................................................................................... 25
2.5.6 Duress Alarm Parameters ...................................................................................................... 25
2.5.7 Anti-pass back Setting ......................................................................................................26
2.6 Print setting ................................................................................................................................ 27
2.7 Printing attendance records ......................................................................................................... 28
3. Communicat ion option .................................................................................................................30
Not ice: Please enroll and verify your fingerprint by using the proper finger placement mode. We shall not be
held accountable for any consequences arising out of the degradation in verification performance due to
improper user operations. We shall reserve the right of final interpretation and revision of this document.
The picture displayed on initial interface can be picture uploaded by user (refer to upload user-defined picture
of 6.2 Upload data). It can also be time display (refer to 4.5 Interface option).
Select attendance state
Mode 1
When the device is on initial interface, press status key on the device to modify attendance state, and the state
information will be displayed on the screen. The current selected state is displayed in orange. Press ESC, the
prompt information will disappear. Refer to 4.4 Keyboard definition for default state key definition.
Mode 2
Various states can be set by user. Therefore, not all state information is displayed upon key press.
Corresponding states come out on the left bottom corner.
Ident ity Verification
After successful attendance record, the device will display the current time on the screen in clock mode.
Fingerprint Matching
1. 1: N fingerprint matching
Verify the fingerprint pressed on the sensor at present with all fingerprint data in the fingerprint reader.
Step 1: Press fingerprint properly on the sensor on initial interface.
Step 2: If the device says "Thank you", the verification is complete.
If the device says "Please press again", return Step 1 for second operation.
Employee can try another 2 times by default. The repeated times can be set in 4.5 interface option. If it fails
after 2 times, return Step 1 for second operation.
Password Matching
Step 1: Input User ID of employee to be verified on initial interface. Then press OK.
Step 2: If it says that the enroll number is wrong, it means that there is no such number or the employee doesn't
enroll password.
When the device says "password error", please input password again.
Employee can try another 2 times by default. The repeated times can be set in 4.5 interface option. If it fails
after 2 times, return Step 1 for second operation.
Card Matching
Step 1: Wave the card near the induction area on initial interface, after the induction equipment find the card,
remove the card.
Step 2: When the equipment gives the tip "Thank you", the certification completed.
Not ice: The card area in some devices is round the fingerprint sensor and others are round the keyboard.
User management: Browse the users' basic information like ID, name, fingerprint, card, password and privilege
and so on; Increase, edit or delete operation the basic information; Set the work code for user and card
Connection: Set up communication parameters between the equipment and the PC, including IP address,
gateway, subnet mask, baud rate, device number, communications password etc.
System: Manage the data and set the system parameters, including basic parameters, interface parameters,
fingerprint and attendance parameters, to maximize meet user's needs in the functional, display and other
Date/Time: Device time date should set accurate to ensure the accurate attendance time.
Not ice: The name, card and printing function are non-standard features and only some devices are configured.
ID.NO: Staff's attendance number.
Name: Input user's name with T9 input method.
FP (Fingerprint): enroll employee's fingerprint. Ten fingerprints can be enrolled at most. The employee with
fingerprint enrolled can use fingerprint to record attendance.
PWD (Enroll password): enroll user's password. The effective digit is 1~8. The employee with password enrolled
can use password to record attendance.
Card: Registered staff's Card, only the registered card is possible to check attendance.
Purview: Users are people whose identity must be authenticated before enter a menu. The ordinary consumer
can track attendance by the fingerprint, the password or the card only; the manager already may equally carry
on the daily checking attendance with the ordinary consumer, but may enter the menu to operate each option
(When there is no appointed the manager, any person all may entry the menu operation; after the manager is
appointed, anyone is unable to entry the menu until the manager status is confirmed, after the success can
entry the menu.).
Print: Set whether to print after matching is successful. If it is set as Yes, the device automatically prints
Press finger according to device's prompt. Press the finger three times in the proper way.
If one fingerprint is enrolled successfully, press OK to continue another finger, then press Menu and ESC to
return the last interface.
Press ▲
/▼to select "Enroll password" and press OK to enroll password.
Enroll password
Input password (1~8) according to device's prompt, and press OK to verify it. Then press OK save it or press ESC
to exit without saving it.
After saving, display will be on the device, which means the password has been set.
Enroll card
Scroll ▲
/▼keys to locate the cursor on "Enroll card" button, and press OK to enter the registration card
Slight ware the card near the induction area, after the equipment found the card number, press OK key to save,
press to ESC give up, then remove the card from the equipment, after the "Enroll successfully" the card
number will display on the register button.
Privilege setting
Scroll the ▲
/▼key and local cursor on the Privilege setting box, scroll / key to choose privilege.
Print sett ing
Press ▲
/▼, locate the cursor to Print, and press / to determine whether to print attendance records.
Save/exit user registration
To confirm the registration information is correct, after getting confirmation, save it.
The way for saving:
1. Scroll ▲
/▼key to locate cursor on the "OK (M/<-)" button, please press OK key again, If the prompt, "Save
successfully! Continues to input?" appear on equipment, want continuing to press OK, if you abandon this
operation, press ESC key.
2. Press the ESC key or scroll ▲
/▼key to locate the cursor on the "Back (ESC)"button, please press OK key again,
the prompt "the data has been changed, Are you sure to save it?" appear on equipment, press OK key to save
and return to the preceding of menus, does not serve and return to the preceding of menus, press ESC key.
Not ice:
(1) Means this employee is the administrator. Means password has been enrolled. Means ID card has
been enrolled.
Press ▲
/▼to select the item.
Input User ID of employee to be queried. Press OK, after successful query, the blue cursor will point to the
employee. If there is no such employee, "No enrolled data" will appear.
Not ice: The picture may be different from your device. The real product prevails.
Press ▲
/▼to read attendance record.
Press OK/Menu to query detailed information.
Not ice: Only some models have name and card options.
User ID cannot be modified. The operation is similar to that of add user. Fingerprint can be re-enrolled. Click
"enroll password" directly to set password or modify password. The access can also be modified.
Save edit ion/exit edit ion
Press Menu or ▲
/▼to select OK (M/<-), press OK, save edition and return to manage user interface.
Press ESC or ▲/▼to select Back (ESC) and then press OK, and the device will prompt "data has been changed.
Are you sure to save?" If you want to save it, press OK and return to the last menu. Or press ESC to return the
last menu.
Not ice: Only some models have Del ID Card Only options.
If the user has no fingerprint or password, the corresponding item is blue and cannot be operated. Press ▲/▼to
select the item to be operated. Press OK to pop out dialog box and verify whether to delete this item or not.
Then the device will give corresponding prompt. Press ESC to return to Manage user page.
Not ice: The picture may be different from your device. The real product prevails.
Press ▲
/▼to read work code.
Press OK to edit the selected work code.
Press Menu to get work code setting menu.
2.3.1 Set work code
1. Add work code
Press ▲
/▼in pop-out menu to add a work code.
Code: Work code
Name: To indicate the work code
Not ice: The picture may be different from your device. The real product prevails.
User can input work code directly or press ▲ /▼to select work code from the list and press Menu, then press OK
to save it and then return to the main interface.
Step 2: press keyboard to input the number to be enrolled (If the number has been there already, the device will
prompt you to copy the information to the card), and then press OK.
Step 2: Use keyboard to input the number to be enrolled (If the number has been there already, the device will
prompt you to copy the information to the card), and then press OK. The device will prompt you to "Move off
your finger".
Step 5: Put the card in the induction area, waiting for the device to read fingerprint data into card until the
enrollment succeeds.
Put the card in the induction area, waiting for device to delete all the information in the card. If the card data
has been stored in the device, the device will remind you whether to delete the information in the device or not.
"Yes" is to delete the user's fingerprint and information in the device. "No" is to keep the information.
Press ▲
/▼to select "User Info" or "User Info &&FP", and then press OK.
2.4.5 Set card parameter value
Set password of Mifare card and decide whether the information should be saved or not.
Fingerprint card password: After the password is set, the device will write password into the enrolled
fingerprint card. Then the fingerprint card can only be used on this device.
Save the information: Decide whether to save the enrolled information to the device when enrolling card or
fingerprint card. "No" means the information is only saved in the card. "Yes" means the information is saved in
both card and device.
Operat ion:
Press ▲
/▼to move cursor to the item to be set. If it is the input box, press numeric keys on small keyboard to input
the value. If it is the roll box, press / key to switch the values. After setting, press OK or Menu directly to
save the setting and return to the last interface. Press ESC to cancel setting and return to the last interface.
Not ice: Card induction area is 3cm–5cm above fingerprint reader.
Press ▲
/▼to select your desired item, press OK to execute the current selected item.
1. Add holidays
Press Menu to get operation menu.
Press ▲
/▼to select Add‚ press OK to get "New holidays".
Press ▲/▼to move cursor to the input box. Press numeric key on small keyboard to input the value. After setting,
press Menu to save it. Then press ESC to exit.
3. Delete holidays
Select the line to be deleted. Press Menu to select Delete in operating menu.
Not ice: If holiday access control time is set, user's open door time zone during holiday subject to the time
zone here.
Press ▲
/▼to select Add. For example, to add a group whose time zone is 2 and 3, shown as below:
Not ice:
(1) If holiday is effective, only when there is intersection between group zone and holiday time zone, can the
group member open the door.
(2) If holiday is ineffective, the access control time of group member won't be affected by holiday.
Press ▲
/▼to move cursor to the item to be set. If it is the input box, press numeric keys on small keyboard to input
the value. If it is the roll box, press / key to switch the values. After setting, press OK or Menu directly to
save the setting and return to the last interface. Press ESC to cancel setting and return to the last interface.
2. Edit Group time zone
In the Access Group setting interface, select the line to be edited. Press OK directly or press Menu to select Edit
in operating menu.
Press ▲/▼to move cursor to the item to be set. If it is the input box, press numeric keys on small keyboard to input
the value. If it is the roll box, press / key to switch the values. After setting, press Menu or OK can to save
directly and return to the last interface. Press ESC to cancel setting and return to the last interface.
3. Delete group t ime zone
In the Access Group sett ing interface, select the line to be deleted. Press Menu to select Delete in operating
Press ▲
/▼to select Add. For example, to add an unlocking combination, this needs the verification of both
group 1 and 2, as shown below:
Press ▲/▼to move cursor to the input box. Press numeric key on small keyboard to input value. After setting,
press Menu to save it. Then press ESC to exit.
2. Edit unlock combination
Select the line to be edited. Press OK directly or press Menu to select Edit in operating menu.
Press ▲/▼to move cursor to the input box. Press numeric key on small keyboard to input value. After setting,
press Menu to save it. Then press ESC to exit.
3. Delete unlock combination
Select the line to be deleted. Press Menu to select Delete in operating menu.
2.5.5 Access Control Parameters
Set device control locks and related device parameters.
Lock driver t ime length: Device control electronic lock is in enabling time. (Effective value 1~10 seconds)
Door sensor delay: After the door is open, delay the time to check door sensor. If door sensor state is different
from the normal state of door sensor mode, alarm will be given off. This time is called door sensor delay.
(Effective value: 1~99 seconds)
Door sensor mode: It includes NONE, NC and NO. NONE means there is no door sensor. NO means the door is
open normally. NC means the door is closed normally.
Door sensor alarm: When abnormal door sensor state is detected, alarm will be given off after some time. This
time is door sensor alarm. (Effective value: 1~99 seconds)
Alarm count: When the failed press times reach the set times, alarm signal will come out (Effective value 1~9
NC time zone: Set time zone for access control NC. Nobody can unlock during this time zone.
NO t ime zone: Set time zone for access control NO. The lock is always in enabling state during this time zone.
Whether holiday is effect ive: Define time zone for NO or NC. Whether the time zone set in time zone is
Not ice:
(1) When time zone is set for NO or NC, please set door sensor mode as none, or alarm signal may come out
during time zone of NO or NC.
(2) If time zone of NO or NC has no definition, the device will prompt it and add the definition in time zone
Operat ion:
Press Menu –> User Management –> Access Sett ing –> Access Control Parameters:
Press ▲
/▼to move cursor to the item to be set. If it is the input box, press numeric keys on small keyboard to input
the value. If it is the roll box, press / key to switch the values. After setting, press OK or Menu directly to
save the setting and return to the last interface. Press ESC to cancel setting and return to the last interface.
Press ▲
/▼to move cursor to the item to be set. If it is the input box, press numeric keys on small keyboard to input
the value. If it is the roll box, press / key to switch the values. After setting, press OK or Menu directly to
save the setting and return to the last interface. Press ESC to cancel setting and return to the last interface.
Operat ion:
Press Menu –> User Management –> Access Sett ing –> Misc Opt ions (as shown below).
The choice of Machine models: Press ▲ /▼to switch the input box. Press / to modify the setting. Select
Anti-Out, refer to out anti-pass back, only user's last record is in-record, can the door be open. Otherwise it will
trigger the alarm signal as illegal access. Select none, refer to none anti-pass back, and no alarm will be
triggered. After setting, press Menu directly to return to the last interface. Press ESC to cancel setting and
return to the last interface.
[Anti-pass back Function]
The master machine control "OUT" and the slave machine control "IN".
In ant i-pass back
Only user's last record is out-record, can the door be opened. Otherwise it will trigger the alarm signal as illegal
Enter: New user's first time access will pass.
In anti-pass back mode not restrict of OUT.
Out ant i-pass back
Only user's last record is in-record, the door can be opened. Otherwise it will trigger the alarm signal as illegal
Out: New user's first time access will pass.
In anti-pass back mode not restrict of IN.
In-Out ant i-pass back
New user's first time access will pass. Only user's last record is out-record, can the door be open when he/she
want IN. Otherwise it will trigger the alarm signal as illegal access. Only user's last record is in-record, can the
door be open when he/she want out. Otherwise it will trigger the alarm signal as illegal access.
Non ant i-pass back
Slave machine can verify to open the door, and the prompt "no enrolled data" on the master machine.
Anti-pass back function is available.
Machine status:
Press / to move cursor to the item to be set. If select "Control Out", the master control out, the other
machine control entry. Need two machines cooperation.
2. Press ▲
/▼to select the object item, and then press M/OK to enable ON or OFF. If ON is set, select one number
from 1 to 9 to set the printing order of items.
3. Press ▲
/▼, locate the cursor to OK (M/<-), and then press M/OK to save the setting.
Note: When the printing state is ON, set the printing order of items. Otherwise, the setting cannot be saved. In
addition, Print t ime is the last item by default.
ID. NO: Enter the ID of the employee whose attendance records need to be printed. If ID. NO is 0 or blank, print
attendance records of all employees.
Start or End: Set the time which need to print attendance records period by pressing the number key on the
1. Set the ID. NO as 100, start time as 00:00 on Feb. 29th 2012, End time as 24:00 on Feb. 29th 2012,
Press M/OK.
2. When the device displays "Whether to print?" press M/OK. The device automatically prints attendance
records of the employee with the ID of 100 in 00:00 on Feb. 29th 2012 to 24:00 on Feb. 29th 2012,
Not ice:
(1) Attendance records cannot be printed in continuous manner if they must be printed in batches.
(2) If the employee ID entered does not exist, a prompt is displayed to indicate that the user does not exist; if
the employee ID exists but no attendance records are available, the prompt is displayed to indicate that no
attendance records are available. If the employee ID entered exists and attendance records are available, a
prompt "Whether to print?" is displayed. If you press M/OK key to confirm, then the attendance records are
automatically printed. Otherwise, no printing is performed.
Press ▲/▼or / to move cursor to the item to be set. If it is the input box, press numeric keys on small keyboard
to input the value. If it is the roll box, press / key to switch the values. After setting, press OK or Menu
directly to save the setting and return to the last interface. Press ESC to cancel setting and return to the last
Press ▲/▼to move cursor to the item to be set and press / to switch the values. After setting, press Menu
directly to return to the last interface. Press ESC to cancel setting and return to the last interface.
Not ice:
(1) Only some models have RS232/RS485/USB communications.
(2) The picture may be different from your device. The real product prevails.
3.3 Security
When RS232/RS485 is used for communication of device and PC, it is necessary to set device ID.
Device ID: 1–254. If RS232/RS485 is used, this ID needs to be input on the software communication interface.
To improve the security of attendance data, connection password needs to be set here. Connection password
must be input when PC software is to connect device to read data.
Connection password: System password is 0 by default (namely, there is no password.). It can be set as other
value. After setting, the password must be input if software is to communicate with device. Or the connection
will fail. The password length is 1~6 digits.
Print mode: Print mode includes None, Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode3, Mode 4, Mode 5, Mode 6 and Mode 7. When
select None, it will shut down the print function. When select Mode 1 to 7, it will print the record after
fingerprint or password or card verification. The print function refers to this manual appendix
10.8 Print function.
Operat ion:
Input correct password. There are four passwords in WEP password. If the four passwords are set properly, only
the current selected password is the effective value.
WPA password
Input correct password, set password, press OK or Menu to save the setting, and then return to wireless opt ion
2. Specify IP
Specify the device IP in wireless network. It has nothing to do with network opt ion in communication
opt ion.
You need to use the software in CD-ROM to input the network ID, operation see to 10.17
WIFI software using instruction
Press M/OK to set the selected wireless network. Press to refresh the list.
Scroll ▲/▼key switch box or enter the cursor to the button to start the T9 input method type APN name or user
name, the other way that through the input box scroll / button to select the items need to, or directly type
a numeric value. After the set directly press /OK (F7) button to save your settings and return on an
interface, press the ESC (F8) to cancel and return to previous interface.
GPRS using:
1. Dial-up
After setting, make sure to restart the equipment, the equipment will automatically dial-up, dial-up successfully,
GPRS icon will appear on the bottom of the screen.
2. Data download
After Dial-up successfully, on the server start the download data program, when the staff verified successfully
on the terminal, the device will automatically send data to the server, while is downloading, the interface
prompt is "In communications……".
Not ice: More detailed operations about GPRS please refer to GPRS User Manual.
Press ▲
/▼to move cursor to the item to be set. If it is the input box, press numeric keys on small keyboard to input
the value. If it is the roll box, press / to switch the values. After setting, press OK or Menu directly to save
the setting and return to the last interface. Press ESC to cancel setting and return to the last interface.
Matching threshold
1:N 1:1
high low 45 25
middle middle 35 15
low high 25 10
Press ▲
/▼to move cursor to the selected button. Press OK or menu to start operation. The device will remind you
whether to continue the current operation or not. Then press OK or Menu to delete all the data, which won't be
recovered after deletion. Press ESC to return to the last interface.
Clear propaganda picture: Clear the propaganda pictures uploaded to the device from U disk (Refer to Upload
User Defined Picture in 6.2 Upload data for how to upload the propaganda pictures.).
Operat ion:
Press ▲/▼to preview the propaganda pictures in the device. Click OK to delete all these pictures. After deletion,
the next picture will appear. Click "Delete all" to delete all the propaganda pictures in the device. Then press
ESC to return to Data management interface.
Press ▲
/▼to read shortcut defi nition.
Press OK to edit the selected shortcut.
Press ▲ /▼to move cursor to the input box. Press numeric key on small keyboard to input the value. After setting,
press menu directly to save the setting and return to the last interface. Press ESC to cancel setting and return
to the last interface.
Not ice: More details about the function of Auto Switch refer to this manual appendix
10.5 WorkState Auto Switch.
2. Shortcut key
Set "0" as work code in setting.
Press "0" on standby interface to enter the interface of work code.
4.5 Interface option
Press ▲/▼or / to move cursor to the input box. Press numeric key on small keyboard to input the number.
After setting, press menu directly to save the setting and return to the last interface. Press ESC to cancel
setting and return to the last interface.
4.5.1 Verification
When user is using 1:1 match or password verification, he may forget to enroll fingerprint or does not press the
finger in the proper way. For user's convenience and to reduce repeat key, the device allows retry.
Matrix-Style Magic-Style
Not ice: "4.5.3 Picture cycle interval" and "4.5.4 Clock display delay" functions are fit use "common mode" of
interface style only. When you select "matrix" or "magic" mode, these functions are invalid, display screen show
the matrix or magic style all the while.
4.6 Reset
Make device's communication option, system option and so on reset to the state of factory.
Factory reset: Make all the parameters in the device reset to the state of factory.
Reset keyboard definit ion: Reset the corresponding setting of keyboard definition to that of factory.
Reset bell opt ion: Only reset bell option to factory state.
Reset other parameters: Only reset communication opt ion, system parameter and interface option and so on
to factory state.
Press ▲/▼to move cursor to the button to be operated. Press OK to start operation. The device will say "Are you
sure to execute the current operation?" Press OK to reset it to factory state and press ESC to cancel
Note: The employee's information and attendance data won't be deleted when this operation is being done.
4.7 Bell option
Many companies need bell for on-duty and off-duty. Some use manual bell. Some use electronic bell. To save
cost and provide convenience for management, we integrate bell functions to fingerprint sensor. You can set
time for bell. When it is the scheduled time, the fingerprint sensor will play the selected ring automatically. And
the ring will stop automatically when it is the end time.
Operat ion:
Press ▲
/▼to read bell option.
Press to set the selected bell and edit the bell.
Bell t ime: The bell rings automatically when it is the specified time.
Ring opt ion: Bell ring
Adjust volume: ring volume
Ring counts: Ring times
Bell status: Whether to enable this bell
Press ▲/▼to move cursor to the input box. Press numeric key on small keyboard to input the value. After setting,
press menu directly to save the setting and return to the last interface. Press ESC to exit.
Not ice: Ring time can be set with week as the period, namely, the bell rings automatically at some time of
some day in a week. This function is not the necessary configuration. If you want it, please contact our
businessman or technician.
2. Use the T9 input method (see 10.7 T9 input method) to enter the company name.
3. Press ▲
/▼, locate the cursor to OK (M/<-), and then press M/OK. The settings are complete.
Not ice:
(1) External bell function needs support of device hardware. If you need it, please contact with our businessman
or technician.
(2) Only device with power-off function has lock power-off option.
(3) More details about the function of PUSH refer to this manual appendix 10.22 About PUSH.
(4) More details about the function of DHCP refer to this manual appendix 10.23 About DHCP.
(5) The picture may be different from your device. The real product prevails.
Press ▲/▼to move cursor to the input box. Press numeric key on small keyboard to input the value. After setting,
press Menu or OK directly to save the setting and return to the last interface. Press ESC to cancel setting and
return to the last interface.
5.2 DLST
DLST, also called Daylight Saving Time, is a system to prescribe local time in order to save energy. The unified
time adopted during the system date is called "DLST". Usually, the time will be one hour forward in summer. It
can make people sleep early and get up early. It can also reduce lighting to save power. In autumn, the time will
be recovered. The regulations are different in different countries. At present, nearly 110 countries adopt DLST.
To meet the demand of DLST, a special option can be customized on our RF Card Time & Attendance recorder.
Make the time one hour forward at XX (minute) XX (hour) XX (day) XX (month), and make the time one hour
backward at XX (minute) XX (hour) XX (day) XX (month) if necessary.
Not ice: Only some models have DLST function. If you need it, please contact our business representative or
Operat ion:
When the device has DLST function, the option will be appeared on Datet ime interface:
3. Download SMS
Save SMS added to the device to U disk.
Operat ion:
Insert U disk into USB slot of the device. Press ▲
/▼to select download SMS. After successful download,
udata.dat and sms.dat can be seen in U disk.
2. Upload SMS
Upload SMS in U disk to the device.
Operat ion:
Insert U disk into USB slot of the device. Press ▲
/▼to select upload SMS and then press OK. Udata.dat and
sms.dat will be uploaded to the device.
Press ▲
/▼to select the item to be selected. Press OK to start it.
Press ▲
/▼to move the cursor to the line to be queried. And press OK to check attendance record.
For example, the detailed attendance information of employee 10001 on May8th as follows:
At the bottom of the screen, there are some remark, and the capital letters with their meanings:
Verificat ion
F: means Fingerprint verification
P: means Password verification
C: means ID card verification
It is the attendance status. The code displayed in the list is the status code. And status name will be displayed in
the information column.
key function
▲ 1. Upward.
2. Status key.
▼ 1. Downward.
2. Status key.
M/OK Menu, OK
Keyboard type 2:
key function
▲ 1. Upward.
2. Shortcut.
▼ 1. Downward.
M/OK Menu, OK
Keyboard type 3:
key function
▲ 1. Upward.
2. Shortcut.
▼ 1. Downward.
2. Shortcut.
1. Right.
2. Shortcut.
1. Left.
2. Shortcut.
10.2 USB
USB Host
The device will may be used as USB Host to exchange data with external U disk.
The data transmission speed is quick, the traditional fingerprint machine only supports the RS232, RS485 or
Ethernet way data transmission, when as a result of physical condition limit, data quantity big, and the data
transmission cost quite long time. But the USB data transmission is more quick than the former any
transmission mode, may complete downloading data by U disk in a short period of time, like this greatly
enhances the efficiency.
The operational steps of the device as USB Host please refer to the manual "6. PenDrive management" detailed
USB Client
The device will be as removable storage devices and the data in the device will transfer to a PC via connected
USB cable.
When the device is an USB Client, the Communication Option will have USB communication options. For more
details please refer to the manual "3. Communication Option"
After the user sets the workstate Auto Switch in a week, the system checks whether the workstate needs to be
switched by minutes. When the user saves the settings, the saving operation of the same day or same time
does not take effect.
10.6 Time Ring
In many factories, ringing apply to broadcast message to inform employee their duty are on or off, and the
traditional way is to ring bell by manual or special electron machine. We have already embedded the time ring
module into the fingerprint T&A system, you may benefit from the low cost and convenience management.
There are more two options that is Bell schedule and Bell duration in the device bell ring provide with. The
system total has eight Bell schedule to set, according to actual need you may set time bell, when the time
arrive at the appointed time, the device will automatically ring bell, the duration of ringing achieve assigned
hour, the ringing will stop automatically.
There are two to ring bell:
1. Send sound from the speaker of device.
2. Connect the electrical bell to the device, when arrive the appoint time, the fingerprint machine will send
signal to trigger relay.