Ann Berger Siop Lesson Plan

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SIOP Lesson Plan Template 2

Name: Ann Berger Grade: 9 Highlight one: Teach now - Future - Observation

Standards: CA Theater 9-12.

Creation/Invention in Theatre 2.2 Improvise or write dialogues and scenes, applying basic dramatic structure (exposition, complication,
crises, climax, and resolution) and including complex characters with unique dialogue that motivates the action.


Lesson Topic: Qualities of a Good Improviser

 Students will be able to write a well-organized paragraph with a strong topic sentence and supporting reasons and examples
(identifying what they think is a the most important quality of a good improvisor).
 Students will be able to relate their opinions orally to their peers.

 Students will be able to identify qualities of good improvisers and think critically about how cultivating those qualities can help
them succeed as actors as well as outside of acting.

Learning Strategies:
 Think – Pair - Share
 Focused notes
 Circle Share
Key Vocabulary:
 Improvisation

 Video: “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”
 Worksheet (with Circle Chart)
 Post-its & Markers
 Notebook Paper
Motivation: “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” video will be used to hook students interest and show them an example of skilled actors
participating in the improvisation

Presentation: (What the teacher says and does)

1. Pass out worksheets (attached below)
2. Direct students to look at 1st question – the definition of improvisation.
a. THINK/PAIR/SHARE: Students will THINK and write their answers (2 min), PAIR with an elbow partner and share answers (1
min), then SHARE ideas with the class. (This is a definition we have talked about in a previous unit).
3. Introduce video – episode of “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”
a. Explain premise of the show
b. Prompt students to watch and observe what skills and strategies the actors use to create successful improv scenes
c. Explain CIRCLE CHART on the worksheet and ask students to take notes on 5 general qualities of good improvisation that
they observe as well as 5 specific examples of those qualities in action in the video.
d. Preview question 3 (Write a paragraph explaining what you think the most important quality of a good improvisor is).
4. (STUDENTS WATCH VIDEO & TAKE NOTES) Teach periodically pauses video to point out specific things to watch for, ask questions,
5. Give students 15-20 minutes to write paragraph after showing the video. Stress to students that the answer should be their opinion,
but it should be backed up by observations and examples from the video.
6. Hand back graded worksheets.
7. Pass out post-its and markers to each table.
a. Ask students to reread their paragraphs and focus in on the topic sentence.
b. Show example of student work with topic sentence highlighted on the board.
c. Ask students to complete the phrase “A great improviser…” on their post-it note. (Show example that follows the example
from student work on the board.)
d. Ask students to add their post-its to a bulletin board with the phrase “A great improviser…” posted as a title. Remind
students to look at some of their classmates’ answers as they post their own.
9. QUICKWRITE (Project directions on front board one step at a time and go over verbally):
a. Ask students to get out notebook paper for quickwrite.
b. QUESTION 1: What is an important quality of a good improviser? (Tell students they may use their own original idea that
they wrote on their post-it or borrow one that they liked better when they read other students’ answers on the bulletin
board.) 2 minutes
c. QUESTIONS 2: How would developing this quality help you as an actor? (at least 3 sentences) 5 minutes
d. QUESTIONS 3: How would developing this quality help you outside of theater? (at least 3 sentences) 5 minutes
a. Direct students to line up at the door and bring their quickwrite papers
b. Direct students to form a circle outside on the field.
c. Count students off (A-B-A-B).
d. Ask all A’s to take on step into the circle to form an inner circle and then turn to face a partner (B) in the outer circle.
 First ask As to start and share their answer to QUESTIONS #1 and #2 with their partner.
 Second ask Bs to share their answer to QUESTIONS #1 and #3 with their partner.
a. Ask students to all take one step to the right and line up with a new partner in the circle
b. Practice some improv scene starts (assign a situation and either partner A or B to start the scene)
 1 minute improvs
 All students attempt to improvise the scenes with their partners simultaneously
 Step to the right for new partners after each scene
 Repeat 3-4 times
12. Direct students to return to the classroom and hand in their quickwrites.

Presentation: (What the teacher says and does)

1. THINK/PAIR/SHARE (definition of improvisation):
a. Students will THINK and write their answers (2 min)
b. PAIR with an elbow partner and share answers (1 min)
c. then SHARE ideas with the class.
*This is a definition we have talked about and taken notes on in a previous unit.
2. Students will PREVIEW the rests of the worksheet with the teacher
4. Students will write a paragraph explaining their opinion backed up by observations and examples from the video. (PROMPT: “What
is the most important quality of a good improviser?”)
a. Students reread their paragraphs and focus in on the topic sentence.
a. Students complete the phrase “A great improviser…” on their post-it note.
b. Students to add their post-its to a bulletin board with the phrase “A great improviser…” posted as a title. Students read
some of their classmates’ answers as they post their own.
a. Students answer the following questions in writing on notebook paper:
 QUESTION 1: What is an important quality of a good improviser? (Tell students they may use their own original
idea that they wrote on their post-it or borrow one that they liked better when they read other students’ answers
on the bulletin board.) 2 minutes
 QUESTIONS 2: How would developing this quality help you as an actor? (at least 3 sentences) 5 minutes
 QUESTIONS 3: How would developing this quality help you outside of theater? (at least 3 sentences) 5 minutes
a. Students line up at the door and bring their quickwrite papers
b. Students form a circle outside on the field.
c. Count students off (A-B-A-B).
d. All A’s take on step into the circle to form an inner circle and then turn to face a partner (B) in the outer circle.
i. As start and share their answer to QUESTIONS #1 and #2 with their partner.
ii. Bs share their answer to QUESTIONS #1 and #3 with their partner.
a. Students all take one step to the right and line up with a new partner in the circle
b. Practice some improv scene starts (assign a situation and either partner A or B to start the scene)
i. 1 minute improvs
ii. All students attempt to improvise the scenes with their partners simultaneously
iii. Step to the right for new partners after each scene
iv. Repeat 3-4 times
5. Students return to the classroom and hand in their QUICKWRITES.

*Collect and read and assess:
1. Worksheet with Focused Notes (Circle Chart) and paragraph on the most important quality of a good improviser (DAY 1)
Classwork – Jan. 27 (25 points)
Improv Theater

1. What does improvisation mean? (5 points)

2. Take notes below on the qualities you believe make a good improviser. (10 points)
Note at least 5 examples in each section of the circle diagram.

EXAMPLES from “Whose Line Is

It Anyway?”


3. What do you think is the most important quality of a good improviser? (10 points)
Write a paragraph (at least 5 sentences) with a strong topic sentence and at least 3

reasons or examples to support your choice.

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