Bonus Payment
Bonus Payment
Bonus Payment
Who should use this table? How to work out the amount to withhold
Use this table if you make a bonus or similar payment to If the bonus or similar payment relates to work
a payee. performed in a single pay period
Where the bonus or similar payment relates to work
Bonus payment performed in a single pay period (for example one week or
This refers to payments usually made to an employee one month) the amount is added to all other earnings for
in recognition of performance or services and may be the current period. An amount should then be withheld in
calculated as a percentage of the proceeds of the particular accordance with the normal PAYG withholding tax tables.
business transaction. These payments may not be related
to a particular period of work. If the bonus or similar payment relates to multiple
pay periods
Other similar payments Where the bonus or similar payment relates to a period in
This refers to payments that are amounts of a one-off nature excess of one pay period or is paid on an irregular basis,
which do not relate to work performed in a particular period. you should work out the correct amount to withhold using
Examples of these type of payments include: the steps below.
■ a once only allowance payment made to an employee as 1 Use the relevant tax table to work out the amount to
compensation for a changed work location that is further withhold from the payee’s normal earnings for one pay
away from their home, or period.
■ an amount paid as a sign-on bonus to a worker entering a 2 Divide the bonus or similar payment by the number of pay
workplace agreement. periods to which it relates.
Any payments that are considered back payments of salary 3 Disregard any cents. For example $1.75 becomes $1.
or wages are not covered by this table. Payers making If the result is nil, there is no amount to withhold on the
back payments should refer to PAYG withholding tax tables bonus or similar payment.
– back payments including lump sum payments in arrears 4 Add the amount in step 3 to the normal earnings amount
(NAT 3348-9.2004) to work out the amount to withhold. for a single period.
5 Use the same tax table used in step 1 to determine the
Date of effect amount to withhold on the combined payment amount
The rules in this tax table replace the rules outlined in PAYG calculated at step 4.
withholding tax tables – bonuses and similar payments 6 Subtract the amount worked out in step 1 from the
(NAT 7905-6.2003). amount worked out in step 5.
If you cannot apply the rules contained in this tax table 7 Multiply the result by the number of pay periods to which
immediately, you may continue to use the old tax table until the bonus relates.
30 June 2005.
If the payment is a one-off payment and does not
relate to a particular pay period or relates to a number
of pay periods in excess of 12 months, for the purpose
of this table, the payment is treated as being paid over a
12 month period.
NAT 7905-9.2004 1
Example two
The following examples use Weekly tax table – incorporating
A company relocating premises pays an employee who
Medicare levy with and without leave loading (NAT 1005)
is required to travel further to work a relocation payment
effective from 1 July 2004. The calculations are made using
of $520. Their weekly wage is $750. As the payment is
column 3, with tax-free threshold and no leave loading.
one-off and does not relate to a particular pay period,
the payment is spread over 52 weeks.
Example one
An employee whose weekly wage for the current period Step Method Result
is $383.75 receives an end of year bonus of $45. 1 Use the tax table to work out the $164
As the bonus relates to the full year of work, it equates withholding on $750.
to 52 weekly pay periods.
2 Divide $520 by 52. $10
Step Method Result0 3 Add this to the normal weekly $760
1 Use the tax table to work out the $52.00 wage of $750.
withholding on $383. 4 Use the tax table to work out the $167
2 Divide the bonus by the number $0.86 withholding on $760.
of pay periods to which it relates 5 Subtract the amount in step 1 $3
ie $45 ÷ 52. from the amount in step 4.
3 As the final amount is less than $1, $0.00 6 Multiply this amount by the $156
according to the tax tables you do number of pay periods ie $3 x 52.
not need to withhold an amount.
There is no need to calculate any The total withholding on the payment of normal weekly
further steps. pay of $750 plus the relocation payment of $520 is $320
(ie $164 + $156).
The total withholding on the payment of normal weekly
pay of $383 plus the bonus of $45 is $52 (ie $52 + $0).
PAYG withholding publications
All PAYG withholding tax tables and other PAYG publications
can be accessed quickly and easily from
Copies of weekly and fortnightly tax tables are available from
most newsagents. Newsagents also hold copies of the Tax
file number declaration and the Withholding declaration.