What Can Be Marketed
What Can Be Marketed
What Can Be Marketed
Services: These are intangible products that involve performing some service
for the customers. These are intangible items consisting of acts or deeds
directed toward people or their possession. As economies advance, a
growing proportion of their activities focuses on the production of services.
The U.S. economy today produces a 70–30 services-to-goods mix. Services
include the work of airlines, hotels, car rental firms, barbers and
beauticians, maintenance and repair people, and accountants, bankers,
lawyers, engineers, doctors, software programmers, and management
consultants. Many market offerings mix goods and services, such as a fast-
food meal.
Events: Time based shows such as New Year celebration, trade shows
artistic performance and company anniversaries are promoted by marketers
aggressively to both companies and consumers due to huge financial
rewards earned through sales. Global sporting events such as the Olympics
and the World Cup are promoted aggressively to both companies and fans.