Sample Cost
Sample Cost
Sample Cost
Direct cost
Total 50000
Indirect Expenses
M.S. welding rod cost from internet 100 Rs./kg
approx. cost indiamart
S.S. welding rod cost from internet 300 Rs./kg
Calculate volume of weld then wt of welding and then multiply wt of weld by welding rod wt.
Length of welding in m
thk of plate y
Multiply above value by length of welding in meter, k.m kg of welding rod required
Labour cost per hour 125 Rs/Hr assumed Rs. 20000 / month 160 hrs/m
cost of machine recover per hour 1.39 3) assuming 300 d x 8 hr use of machine
Total cost per meter for 10 mm thk. 146 Rs. Say 150 Rs./m
ing rod required