Nessus and OpenVAS
Nessus and OpenVAS
Nessus and OpenVAS
M.Sc.(IT) Part-II
Analysis of Detecting Vulnerability in Network
Abstract— In the age of fast internet and global communication systems, computer security is a big challenges for
any public or private organization. There exists many more threats to such organization and required some top level
of security in the organization for securing company’s critical information. Therefore each individual computer
system is very important to secure them because a single system is responsible to compromise whole organizations
network. To verify the security checks and strengthen the organizations network, a vulnerability assessment of the
whole organizations network must be performed regularly. Vulnerability scanners are useful to discover security
flaws within each individual system as well as whole network also. If already known security flaws are not fixed then
an attacker might try to exploit vulnerability and gain information what they wants. This paper focuses on the
different vulnerability scanners and their methods to discover various vulnerabilities available in the networks or
remotely connected host system and make a comparative analysis on the bases of their ability to detect different flaws.
With exponential growth of advancement in information technology, the security of those system has more serious
concern. Commonly most of the software developing industries are not aware of various security misconception that is
automatically exist in the system due to programming languages because their intention to make the good software that
runs smoothly and gives desired output without considering the security flaws; to provide the safety and security of each
individual, it is very much significant to plan new strategies and methodologies that will consider the security breaches
to which the user is prone to. Not only the software developed with flaws makes the user vulnerable to attacks, most
often network also becomes a key factor by compromising the security aspect of the users.
Assessing and eliminating the vulnerabilities requires the knowledge and deep understanding of these vulnerabilities
or security flaws. A vulnerabilities in a system’s security that can lead to attackers exploiting the system in a different
manners that the designer intended . Many more methods have been implemented to identify these vulnerabilities and
different approaches to fix these vulnerability as well. Some of them are attack graph generation method, static analysis
methods to discover the vulnerabilities is quite popular and prominent today. They play a major role to design the safety
model and generate the attack graphs.
In this paper involves the study of various vulnerability scanners, scanning the organization’s network, applications
and host systems on the remote locations as well. Also analysing the results of various scanners on the bases of their
capability to detect potential vulnerabilities.
Section 2 shows the basic structure of vulnerability scanner and division of major components existed in vulnerability
scanners and further Section 3 shows the study of two most popular vulnerability scanners such as Nessus and
OpenVAS and in Section 4 presents the study of comparative analysis of Nessus and OpenVAS scanning results and try
to develop an idea that will help to provide the secure network for an organization.
Report Module: The report module generate the different types of report such as a detailed report, a list of
vulnerabilities, a graphical report with their recommendation to mitigate the detected vulnerabilities.
Figure 2: Nessus vulnerability scanning details for host with IP adress
B. OpenVAS
The Open Vulnerability Asssessment System(OpenVAS) have the features of sevral services and tools makes it very
powerfull to scanning and provides the significant vulnerability managemnt solution. OpenVas is freely available as it is
open source. OpenVAS have a web interface and also works on the principle of clien-server architecture. The client
component is responsible for configuring the scan and access the report while server component is used for scheduling
the scan and managing the plugins.
There are some important features of OpenVAS inclues:
Authenticated scan: In authenticated scan user can supply a user id and password of target host to perform the
scan after log in and list the vulnerabilities of installed components such as Adobe reader, wireshark etc.
Compatible for customized plugin: The OpenVAS is fully compatible with customized plugins where user can
create a plugin and configure the scan for Nessus Attack scripting Language (NACL).
Export of report: The OpenVAS scanner have the features to export the scan result in different formats as like
in HTML, XML, TXT, and PDF.
Act as port scanner: The OpenVAS scanner have also the options for port scanning . It performs TCP scan,
SYN scan, IKE-scan to locate IPSec, VPN scan etc.
Safe checks: OpenVAS have also the safe checks options. In the safe check mode, the scanner will depends on
the banners of the remote host instead of sending all the payloads to the remote host. This option is useful in
case where old host crash during the default scan.
Figure 3 shows the scan result using OpenVAS with same target address. OpenVAS detect the total 48 vulnerabilities
and also there is 25 vulnerability with very high risk and 23 have moderate risk.
In figure 2 we observe that Nessus detcted the total 53 vulnerabilities, where 4 are very critical with associated high
risk and also 4 are moderate risk and 45 are just informational; while in case of OpenVAS figure 3 depicts that after
excluding logs and and false positive, OpenVAS detected total 48 vulnerabilities, where it categoriese 25 are critical and
23 are moderate level for a particular host system. Table 2 shows the comparative outputs to detect the vulnerability after
using Nessus and OpenVAS.
There are number of techniques available to present the list of vulnerabilities present in the web application or remote
host system. Regular vulnerability assessment of organization plays a significant role to secure the network. Our
observation in this paper shows that different scanners detect so many other types of vulnerabilities and collective
approach is very useful to fix the issues. This paper addressed the various techniques with different tools and analyses
their results. We come to a conclusion that a tool have the capability to detect the vulnerabilities and shows their level of
Nessus has so many features exist within it and hence it can be integrated with the other tool that work differently and
produces more efficient results. These steps may more beneficial for network administrator to fix the overall issues. In
future our work is to integrate more scanning tools to gives the better performance and takes less time.