HE Ystem: The Early Years
HE Ystem: The Early Years
HE Ystem: The Early Years
Herein is a streamlined appraisal of a typical modern American male’s pre-adult years. As you will
see, the pre-adult lifestyle in America is structured in a way that is conducive to personal failure. We will
refer to this destructive style of upbringing as the System.
After the age of six or seven, the System whisks away each child to public or private school. Suddenly
separated from his parents and family for the majority of his waking hours—something that will continue
until graduation from high school over a decade later—he is indirectly coached to find a substitute parent
and mentor in his teacher and new siblings in his classmates.
He begins to form bonds with his peers as he enters his preteen or tween years. They become
progressively influential over him and pull him into a tween society searching for wider peer acceptance
via the accumulation of material possessions, which often include boyfriends and girlfriends.
By now, he is being regularly exposed to his friends’ various musical and television preferences during
recess or when he goes over to their homes after school or for the weekend. In your authoritative absence,
he is free to watch or listen to whatever to which his friends can expose themselves. If that results in his
regular exposure to music featuring sexually explicit and aggressive lyrics (i.e., most rap), it doubles his
likelihood of engaging in premarital sex 1. The same thing is true for visual media; regular exposure
doubles the likelihood of his taking part in sexual activities 2.
Indeed, virtually all forms of entertainment in this twisted nation promote the contrived idea that
men and women of those ages are supposed to be consumed in never-ending inner journeys of self-
exploration, angsty struggles for peer acceptance, and dramatic, rebellious fall-outs with their parents.
Their interests are supposed to be concerts, video games, promiscuous sex, material wealth, substance
abuse, test scores, cheerleaders, more sex with more people, athletes, pin-up and celebrity gossip
magazines, even more sex with even more people, and, above all, living for the moment.
Of course, such unnatural lifestyles are promoted because they result in increased sales of such things
as clothes, video games, firearms, gang paraphernalia, tickets to concerts, movies, and sports events;
fashion and entertainment magazines, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, condoms, sex toys, and, yes, abortion
clinics, doctors, psychologists, and juvenile detention centers. Indeed, the American economy would take
a hit if there were no “teenagers.”
The pubescent years – the most dangerous years in the System – arrive. More than one-in-three new
cases of HIV occurs in people between the ages of 13 and 19 3. In these high school times, the sexually
frustrated young man, perhaps at his male peers’ insistence, will begin to have sex with his equally eager
female peers.
Something inside of the adolescent tells him that he is an adult. Although that voice is telling the
truth, his teachers and the parents with whom he has not had a very close relationship since the age of
seven tell him otherwise. Due to society’s having slowed the development of his psyche, they, too, are
telling the truth. Nevertheless, this results in conflicts between the person and his authorities.
Meanwhile, his adult body naturally begins to indulge itself in sexuality, which adds a new and
dangerous dimension to his search for acceptance among his peers. Actually, some of his friends have
already been having sex by now. By the age of 11, half of all Americans are dating, and half of those dating
at that age are in a sexual relationship4.
Elsevier Health Sciences.
RAND Corporation.
"Survey reveals abuse in teen relationships."
You (let us assume that he is your child), doting parent that you might be, might be certain that you
raised him well enough for him to know not to follow any of his friends who might be those ones-in-eight.
But studies show otherwise. In 2007, the journal Child Development published findings by the University
of Illinois that confirmed that your son’s or especially your daughter’s views on sexuality are largely
shaped by his or her friends. 5 Parents who become aware of that statistic often choose to either hope-
against-hope that their prayers will prove more influential than their children’s peers over their sons’ and
daughters’ lives, or they fret night-and-day about what objectionable ideas strangers might be putting into
their children’s minds.
According to a 1995 study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, by the age of 15, there is a 53 percent
chance that your son has already been masturbated by a female, a 49 percent chance that he has received
oral sex, a 39 percent chance that he has given oral sex, and an 11 percent chance that he has engaged in
anal sex 6. Another report, published in 2005, gave a similar revelation for his female counterparts: 15 is
the magical age by which a bare majority of females have lost their virginity 7. Even if, by some stroke of
fortune, your son is still a virgin, it might only be a matter of time before his peers compel him to join
them in premarital sex. For, 73 percent of his female peers and 79 percent of his male peers now approve
of it8.
We mentioned oral sex a moment ago. Never mind that, as stated in a later chapter, participation in
oral sex results in the loss of virginity, this author would like to address the claim by some that
adolescents are capable of limiting their sexual intimacy to oral sex – that is, refraining from vaginal sex.
This claim is incorrect. Published in The Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, a 2010 study
revealed that those adolescents who engage in oral sex typically proceed to vaginal sex within six months. 9
The young man’s teenage embrace of sexual debauchery will not only begin to establish a pattern of
dating followed by sex, followed by break-ups, followed by new sexual interests, which will ultimately
result in a string marriages and divorces; it will also likely result in his acquisition of at least one STD, as
more than one-in-four teenage girls is now a carrier. That figure is even higher for females who are
African American.10
By now, he has also almost certainly become engrossed in texting – potentially to his own peril.
Texting has been shown to accelerate the development of intimate relationships and hasten sexual
experimentation among children and adults11. This applies to everything from online social networks’
instant messaging features to even cell phones.
Speaking of cell phones, developing romantic relationships and scheduling sexual rendezvous are not
the only corruptive things for which modern American teens are using them. Nowadays, it is not
uncommon at all for them to employ them and other forms of digital cameras to produce erotic images of
themselves and others for distribution to their friends and potential sex partners. Although, most of the
time, this new trend goes unnoticed by the authorities, it does occasionally make the headlines. Consider
these cases:
In early 2007, a 16-year-old female and her 17-year-old boyfriend met at the girl's home and
proceeded to take digital photos of themselves having sex. Then they emailed the photos to the male's
private email account. Somehow, thankfully, the police learned of the images and quickly took control of
the situation.12
In spring of the next year, numerous teen males and females at a high school in Farmington, Utah,
used their cell phones to snap nude photos of their young bodies and distribute them to their friends. 13
Henry, David B., et al.
"U.S. Teen Sexual Activity."
Wells and Twenge.
Brady and Halpern-Felsher.
"Press Release 11 March - 2008 National STD Prevention Conference."
"Teens' Naked Photo Sharing Worries Prosecutor."
Several months later, two 17-year-olds in Louisiana were charged with possession and distribution of
child pornography after cops found that they and another teen had been videotaping themselves at home
having sex.14
There were a number of cases more recently in March alone of 2009, among which was that of a 13-
year-old male who videotaped himself receiving oral sex from a female of the same age at her home in
Middletown, Ohio15. In another incident, two males secretly videotaped a 15-year-old female having sex
with a 14-year-old male in a trailer. Both video clips came to the attention of authorities only because
those in possession of the videos were clumsy in hiding their crimes 16.
As if that is not rough enough for your son, the situation at high school is even bleaker for your
daughter of the same age. Not only is she having to fend off sexually eager male peers, she is also being
sexually seduced by her male teachers. Yes, as Martha Irvine and Robert Tanner of The Associated Press
Students in America's schools are groped. They're raped. They're pursued, seduced and think they're
in love.
The two published a report in 2007 that revealed that, from 2001 to 2005, there were over 1,800 cases
in which a teacher, school counselor, principal, or superintendent was disciplined for taking sexual
advantage of his or her authority over youths:
They're often popular and recognized for excellence and, in nearly nine out of 10 cases, they're male.
By the time he reaches 17, he is likely dealing with all of the above, plus one or more STDs, a
substance abuse problem, an inability to see women as anything but sexual outlets, and, yes, a child or
two of his own, assuming their mothers did not abort them.
But sex is not the only means by which the System is trying to corrupt him right now. A quarter of
everyone he knows already smokes18. Worse still, one-in-five of them uses marijuana, one-in-ten uses
hallucinogenic drugs, and more than one-in-ten uses inhalants 19. And nowhere is substance abuse more
available to him and his peers than the bane known as spring break.
During an annual vacation from school at the beginning or middle of spring, tens of thousands of
youths migrate from all across the USA to various resorts and getaways far from parental authority.
Popularly known as “spring break,” this weeklong departure from the stresses of school life has gained
unwelcomed notoriety over recent years for its relationship with a wide variety of dangerous activities, not
the least of which is sexual indulgence.
The American Medical Association interviewed over 600 female college graduates and
undergraduates between the ages of 17 and 35 in an effort to get to the bottom of what goes on at spring
break events. It published its conclusions in March 2006 as a public health warning. 20
Among its findings, 83 percent of those surveyed admitted that spring break involves even more
alcohol consumption than does the typical college campus lifestyle. Some 40 percent reported having
either passed out or been unable to recall the activities in which they engaged.
Seventy-four percent said that spring break involves excessive sexual activity, with three-out-of-five
ratting on their friends' having had unprotected sex during the break. And approximately 59 percent said
that they had friends who had been sexually active with a plurality of people in the course of the events.
Only 13 percent of the women surveyed actually admitted to having had sex with more than one person,
But its most ominous statistic was that most of those questioned admitted that, when they had first
consumed alcohol at a spring break event, they had been 17 or younger.
"Police: Sex images on Ohio teen's cell phone."
"Teen Arrested In Cell Phone Sex Case.”
"Teen sex video sent to students at Indian Creek High School."
Irvine, Martha, and Robert Tanner. "AP: Sexual Misconduct Plagues US Schools."
Irvine, Martha, and Robert Tanner. "Sex Abuse a Shadow Over U.S. Schools.”
"Tobacco Use Prevention - DASH/HealthyYouth."
"Alcohol & Drug Use - DASH/HealthyYouth.”
"Girls warned not to 'go wild' on Spring Break."
Add to all of this the fact that during the course of any child’s time in the System, there is a decent
chance that his or her parents will divorce and perhaps even remarry to different people. In that case, he
or she will probably be subject to the traumas of divorce described in a later chapter.
In a sharp, dramatic contrast, consider our forefathers during their own teenage years. A favorite
example of this author is Jeanne d’Arc, also known as Joan of Arc. “Soldier, virgin, hero, saint, 21” at the
age of 13, she chose to take a vow of celibacy, and four years later led the entire army of France in a holy
war. Right now in the USA, people that age do not even have the right to vote in national elections. 22
Likewise, look at U.S. Pres. John Adams 23, Thomas Jefferson24, and James Buchanan,25 who were but
16 when they entered college. Martin Luther King, Jr., was only 15 when he did 26. And by the age of 14, the
ninth president of the U.S., William Henry Harrison, was studying medicine at Hampden-Sydney
College27. How far we have fallen!
By the time a TMA male graduates from high school – if he graduates – he will have lost the ability to
see females as anything but sexual objects. He will have grown accustomed to temporary sexual
relationships, acquired an STD or two, and possibly sired a number of children through various women.
Alcohol and tobacco, as well as marijuana, will have become his best friends and worst enemies.
Such is the fate of a majority of youths in America. They are born into the world only to be pulled
down into the depths of ruin. And they give birth to children of their own who begin their lives at a lower
level of social damnation than the generation preceding them. The lives they lead exemplify the heavy cost
of our nation’s failed attempt to improve upon the child-rearing precedents set by our forefathers and
their forefathers before them.
In the coming chapters, we will explore the more successful child-rearing methods we Americans
willfully abandoned, and the beautiful Christian morals and ethics against which we modern Faithful have
rebelled, to the damnation of our children and children’s children.
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"Alcohol & Drug Use - DASH/HealthyYouth." National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention
and Health Promotion. 15 JUL 2008. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 30 Jul 2008
BBC - h3g3 - Joan of Arc and the Role of Medieval Women." BBC. 25 Feb 2003. BBC. 24 Feb
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Brady, Sonya S., Ph.D. and Bonnie L. Halpern-Felsher, Ph.D. "Adolescents’ Reported
Consequences of Having Oral Sex Versus Vaginal Sex." Journal of Pediatrics 119 (2007): 229-236.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Nationally Representative CDC Study Finds 1 in 4
Teenage Girls Has a Sexually Transmitted Disease, 2008 National STD Prevention Conference,
Press Release, March 11, 2008.
Colvin, John A. "Teens arrested in juvenile pornography, sex case." The Advocate 01 aug 2008:
suburban and state: 4B.
Dunham, Will. "Quarter of teen girls have sex-related disease." Reuters 11 Mar 2008. Thomson
Reuters. 22 Jul 2008
Elsevier Health Sciences. "Sexual Lyrics In Popular Songs Linked To Early Sexual Experiences."
ScienceDaily 25 February 2009. 19 March 2009 <http://www.sciencedaily.com
Elliott, Victoria Stagg. "AMA says it's time to fix broken spring break." American Medical
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