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2018 2nd Int. Conf.

on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICISET)

27-28 October 2018, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Computational analysis of Microwave Imaging

(MWI) System for Post Stroke Screening Using
Unidirectional Antenna
Tahsina Islam Hosna Ara Begum Md. Abdur Rahman
Dept. of CSE Dept. of CSE Dept. of CSE
International Islamic University International Islamic University Dhaka Commerce College
Chittagong Chittagong Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Kumira, Chittagong-4318, Bangladesh Kumira, Chittagong-4318, Bangladesh mardcc@gmail.com
tahsinaislam385@gmail.com hosnaara94@gmail.com
Touhidul Alam
Tanveer Ahsan Mohammed Shamsul Alam Dept. of CSE
Dept. of CSE Dept. of CSE International Islamic University
International Islamic University International Islamic University Chittagong
Chittagong Chittagong Kumira, Chittagong-4318, Bangladesh
Kumira, Chittagong-4318, Bangladesh Kumira, Chittagong-4318, Bangladesh &
tanveer.ahsan@gmail.com alam_cse@yahoo.com Centre of Advanced Electronic and
Communication Engineering (PAKET)
Md. Samsuzzaman Sobuz Mohammad Tariqul Islam Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Dept. of CCE Centre of Advanced Electronic and Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Patuakhali Science and Technology Communication Engineering (PAKET) touhid13@gmail.com
University Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Dumki, Patuakhali, Bangladesh Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
sobuzcse@gmail.com tariqul@ukm.edu.my

Abstract— Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability today’s world, one among six people lose life unexpectedly
around the whole world. Currently computed axial tomography because of stroke. 6.7 million people in 2015 lost their lives.
(CAT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron 80% stroke [1] can be prevented if necessary steps arranged
emission tomography (PET) scan and ultrasound CAT scan, immediately within 4.5 hours [1, 2]. currently using
MRI, PET scan) and ultrasound are commonly used to detect technologies are x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
brain stroke. However, these scan facilities are not available computed tomography (CT), ultrasound (US), and positron
outside the hospital environment due to their large and bulky emission tomography (PET) [3]. A stroke can be happening in
structure and beside this MRI is a very expensive diagnose every 40 seconds and in every 4 minutes, the affected person
system. In this research, a microwave imaging system utilizing
die from stroke. two leading types of stroke are ischemic
unidirectional antenna is designed that uses the difference in
contrast in the electrical properties between healthy and
stroke and haemorrhagic stroke where causes blood clot in the
hemorrhaged brain tissues. Two unidirectional patch antennas brain and haemorrhagic results because blood vessel inside the
are used in MWI simulation. One is used to transmit signal and brain get burst. Defaults of Currently available techniques
another one is for receiving transmitted backscattered signal mainly are they are bulky in size and also not reachable at
from various parts of the head. A homogeneous head phantom remote places. Ambulances are also not designed for this kind
with the brain is placed between the transmitter and receiver of emergency services.
antenna. An elliptical shaped blood clot (having density of 1060
Microwave imaging makes different effects are detecting
Kg/m3, thermal conductivity of 0.51 W/K/m) is considered in the
the damaged tissue as the normal tissues and damaged tissues
simulation system. The received backscattered signals are post-
processed to generate a 2D image.
have different dielectric properties [4]. Statistics say within
2030 around 13.2 million deaths are expected as a result of the
Keywords—antenna, backscattered signal, microwave stroke. 2D image reconstructed using a non-ionizing
imaging microwave imaging system to detect breast cancer in [5, 6]. In
[7], an image of the phantom generated using a post-
I. INTRODUCTION processing confocal algorithm based on delay and sum
While today’s world is proceeding too fast with the help method detecting the location of the stroke. Antenna is a major
of modern technology, then the life of human comes to sudden component of the microwave imaging and directional
death if any destructive failure occurs in human health which radiation is highly desirable for MIS. Several antenna types of
is not curable within a short time. like that one of sudden but research have been investigated to design directional antenna
frequent occurrence is stroke which makes the blood [8, 9].
circulation blocked towards the brain and as a result, the In this paper, a unidirectional antenna-based microwave
affected life comes to an end within a twinkling of an eye. In imaging simulation is designed and investigated antenna

978-1-5386-8524-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 447

performance for MWI system. Raster scanning method is III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
utilized to scan head phantom and the backscattered signals The reflection coefficient of the proposed antenna depicts
are post-processed to generate scanning image. in Fig.2.The antenna exhibits resonance at 2.8384 GHz with
II. DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY reflection coefficient value of -16.753 dB. The achieved -
10dB impedance bandwidth of the antenna is about 82 MHz
The design of the proposed unidirectional microwave (2.795 to 2.877 GHz). The peak realized gain is also
imaging antenna is shown in Fig. 1. The antenna is designed investigated, presented in Fig. 2. The peak gain of 3.2 dB is
on FR-4 (Ԑr = 4.6 and h = 1.6 mm) substrate material because shown in Fig. 2.
it’s commercially available and cheap in price. The antenna
consists of an L-slotted square patch and a square ground
plane. The antenna configuration has been presented in
different view for better understanding. Commercially
available CST microwave simulation software is used to
designed and simulated the system. The optimized design
parameters value of the antennas is described in Table 1.

Fig 2. Reflection coefficients and peak gain of the proposed



Fig 3. Surface current distribution of the antenna at 2.83 GHz.

Fig. 1. Antenna design layout: (a) top view and (b) bottom view.


Parameters Value (mm) Parameters Value (mm)
L 50 W1 40
L1 40 W2 30
L2 10 W3 15
L3 20 g 1.0
W 50 (a)

tissue phantom consists of skin, brain white matter, brain,
brain gray matter. The dielectric property of the materials of
tissue phantom is different. A blood clot is placed inside the
tissue phantom, which acts as stroke or blood clot. The
electrical properties of the head phantom are presented in
Table II.


Material Name Material properties
1st layer (Skin) Dispersive eps: Nth order model, N=3 (fit)
Mu: 1, Rho: 1100 [kg/m^3]
Thermal cond.: 0.293 [W/K/m]
Heat capacity: 3.5 [kJ/K/kg]
Diffusivity: 7.61039e-08 [m^2/s]
Blood flow: 9100 [W/K/m^3]
(b) Metabolic rate: 1620 [W/m^3]
2nd layer (brain white Dispersive eps: Nth order model, N=3 (fit)
Fig 4. (a) polar radiation pattern and (b) 3D radiation pattern at 2.83 matter) Mu: 1, Rho: 1030 [kg/m^3]
GHz. Thermal cond.: 0.502 [W/K/m]
Heat capacity: 3.6 [kJ/K/kg]
Fig. 3 shows the surface-current distribution of the antenna Diffusivity: 1.35383e-07 [m^2/s]
at 2.834 GHz. A strong current is observed in the slotted Blood flow: 17280 [W/K/m^3]
Metabolic rate: 7100 [W/m^3]
structure of the patch, which experienced the directive 3rd layer (brain) Dispersive eps: Nth order model, N=4 (fit)
radiation characteristics. The radiation pattern of the antenna Mu: 1, Rho: 1030 [kg/m^3]
remains unidirectional over the whole operating band, which Thermal cond.: 1.13 [W/K/m]
can be validated by the radiation patterns shown in Fig.4. Heat capacity: 3.675 [kJ/K/kg]
Diffusivity: 2.98527e-07 [m^2/s]
Blood flow: 40000 [W/K/m^3]
Metabolic rate: 7100 [W/m^3]
4th layer (brain gray Dispersive eps: Nth order model, N=3 (fit)
matter) Mu: 1
Rho: 1030 [kg/m^3]
Thermal cond.: 0.502 [W/K/m]
Heat capacity: 3.7 [kJ/K/kg]
Diffusivity: 1.31724e-07 [m^2/s]
Bloodflow: 40000 [W/K/m^3]
Metabolic rate: 7100 [W/m^3]



Fig.5. (a) Four layered head tissue phantom and (b) imaging setup.

The microwave imaging simulation was performed using

the designed unidirectional antenna. Fig. 5 shows the
simulation configuration of a typical microwave-imaging
system to detect brain stroke in a human head tissue phantom,
shown in Fig.5(a). A rectangular tissue phantom is placed in Fig.6. Specific absorption rate (SAR) at 2.83 GHz: (a) 1g SAR
and (b) 10g SAR.
the middle of two antennas. The distance between the head
phantom and antenna is maintained at about 50 mm. The

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Fig. 7. Microwave imaging result using raster scan.

This research emphasizes on the unidirectional antenna for
microwave imaging system for brain stroke detection. An
improved directive patch antenna is presented which is
designed for proper signal penetration in head phantom. An
aperture-raster scanning setup was used to test the system
model. The detection of a blood clot inside the head tissue
model was also detected and the results were encouraging. A
blind de-convolution technique was applied to improve the
image quality. Using the proposed unidirectional radiated
antenna, an effective MWI system can be established which
can localize and find the size of the stroke.
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