Dear Deidre Students PDF
Dear Deidre Students PDF
Dear Deidre Students PDF
Dear Deidre I NEED to break up with my boyfriend but I just don't know what to
We're both 15 and we only been going out together for a month (nearly) but
already I want to break up with him.
He's loud. Annoying. Clingy. He's bites my neck really hard and doesn't even leave
a hickie.
And he practically pushes his tongue down my throat.
He wants to meet up everyday and I hate it.
He says that the only way we wouldn't be a couple is if I ended it.
I so want to end it but I also want to stay friends with him. I don't know how to go
about ending it. I don't know what to say.
Please help me because I want to do this soon.
B. You're right. Once you know a guy's not right for you it's best not to keep him
hanging on. It's not easy of course but next time you see him say something like,
"It's been good going out with you but I don't think we're really suited". Tell him too
that you'd like to stay friends.
C. The very least you owe your girlfriend is honesty. If you don't want to stay with her,
tell her now. Sort this relationship out before you turn your attention to any
thoughts of getting back with your wife. Her insistence that she won't have you back
may be a defence against the risk of getting hurt again.She's understandably angry
but, if you can convince her that you have learned your lesson, it is just possible she
may think again, especially for the sake of your children.
a. You must sort something out with your wife, and quickly. If she is likely to be a
single parent, she has some important decisions to make. Tell her the truth and
ask yourselves if there is any chance of getting the marriage right. Organise
some Relate counselling asap. In the meantime, tell your lover what you are
going to do and ask her to give you the space to sort this out.
b. You're right. Once you know a guy's not right for you it's best not to keep him
hanging on. It's not easy of course but next time you see him say something like,
"It's been good going out with you but I don't think we're really suited". Tell him
too that you'd like to stay friends.
c. The very least you owe your girlfriend is honesty. If you don't want to stay with
her, tell her now. Sort this relationship out before you turn your attention to any
thoughts of getting back with your wife. Her insistence that she won't have you
back may be a defence against the risk of getting hurt again.She's
understandably angry but, if you can convince her that you have learned your
lesson, it is just possible she may think again, especially for the sake of your