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INTRODUCTION: Everyone has their own perspective on

feminism, but according to oxford dictionary feminism is defined
as “The belief and the aim that women should have the same
rights and opportunities as men; the struggle to achieve this aim”.

Feminism puts women’s voices front and center. The narrowing of

feminism has presented itself in subtle and not so subtle ways. A
person who supports the belief that women should have the same
rights and opportunities as men is called as “Feminist”. The first
wave of feminism emphasized on women’s emancipation and
equality, whereas the second wave focused on female oppressions
and struggled for their liberation. The third wave stressed the
individual empowerment.

Feminism is not a static notion; rather it evolves with us

throughout our lives and is shaped by the various lenses we use to
view the world at large and, most importantly, ourselves. Today,
more women than ever before are active participants in higher
education. For example, more than 50% of all undergraduate
students are women and the numbers of women graduate,
professional, and doctoral-degree recipients and faculty are

Women have something valuable to contribute to every aspect of
the world. As an oppressed group, women have been unable to
achieve their potential, receive rewards, or gain full participation
in society. Equality in culture doesn’t require sameness. There’s a
different equality in looks, strengths and ways of thought, and
sameness in looks, strengths and ways of thought. We still need
feminism because when people get married it is assumed the
woman will take the man’s last name. Because when women are
assaulted, they’re often the ones who feel ashamed. Feminist
research should do more than critique, but should work toward
social transformation.

Review of Literature:
1. Dr. Kalpana P. nehere (2016)

In her research report she discussed about the feminism

movements around the globe and they’re categorized into three
waves and her study also focused on various theories based on
feminism. Her study mainly speaks about patriarchy, Feminism,
Feminist theories, Feminist Waves, Marxism, Socialism,
Liberalism, Womanism and women empowerment.

2. Penny A. Pasque & Brenton wimmer (2011)

Penny did research on the various feminist perspectives and it was

developed by Brenton wimmer. In this report they focused on the
perspectives of the feminism. In her report she defined feminism
and she explained how biological sex is different from gender and
she has built a classroom activity which helps to draw the
perspectives on feminism. And she also spoke about the three
waves of feminism. She also studied about Arab American

3. Jeni Hart (2006)

In her research she used a feminist framework to know whether

women as a subject of study and as scholars continue to be
marginalized in academe because of gender. Her research mainly
focused on women and feminism in higher education scholarship.
She investigated the academic literature in the field of higher
education, using gender and feminism as lenses due, in part, to
the increased presence of women in the academy. By analyzing
data collected from three leading journals in higher education,
The Journal of Higher Education (JHE), The Review of Higher
Education (RHE), and Research in Higher Education.

4. Rabha Medini (2014)

Feminism and its impact on woman in the modern society is

focused in her study. In this research she explained the wide
concept of feminism and how it changed the life of women. She
spoke about women in modern times and how feminism affected
them. She highlighted barriers and obstacles in the political
representation of women. She also explained sufferings and
discrimination of woman to find limited recognized place in the

5. Melanie James (2015)

In this paper she explored feminism and public relations through

the diverse perspectives of three public relations scholars. The
diverse reflections point to the political urgency of feminist
intelligences and modalities in public relations scholarship and
practice. The paper suggests feminist intelligences and modalities
can be applied to public relations as a form of struggle to majority

1. To know if still modern need feminism
2. To understand what feminism is like in India?
3. To understand the teenagers perspective on the concept of


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