AFM - Manual

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Atomic Force Microscopy:

A Guide to Understanding and Using

the AFM

Galloway Group
Spring 2004
Atomic Force Microscopy

I) How it works and why we do it?

II) Theory and History
i) STM vs. AFM
ii) Scanning Probe Microscopy
iii) Theory
(1) Repulsive and Attractive Forces

iv) Characterization at microscopic level

(1) Image of sample at this scale
(2) Different modes of imaging will reveal different properties of the sample
(3) What does Analysis tell us?
(a) RMS Roughness
(b) Distances, changes in heights

III) Getting Started Step by Step

IV) Hardware
i) AFM components
(1) Scanner, Scan head, tips,
V) Software
i) Imaging Software
(1) Scan Head Control Screen
(2) Image screen
(a) Scan Size
(b) Scan Speed
(c) Set P
(d) Gain
ii) Image Analysis Software

VI) Getting ready to scan

i) Sample Preparation and Handling
ii) Logging in Sample
iii) AFM tip check

VII) How to take an Image

i) Contact Mode
ii) Non-Contact Mode

VIII) How to Analyze an image

i) Flatten
(1) What it means

ii) Analysis
(1) Region
(2) Line
iii) Presentation
(1) 3D, 2D. Multi

IX) Good image vs. Bad image

(1) Noise
(2) Out of Range
(3) Bad Sample
(4) Changing Scanning parameters

X) Previous Problems and Tips

Note to Reader

The purpose of this paper is to provide the new user of the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) with

a more concise version of the manual in order to start utilizing the AFM. I will go into a little bit

of the theory of why it works but this is mainly something to get you started. It is always

necessary to continue your knowledge of this machine and try to explore using different aspects

of the software.


The Atomic Force Microscope is an instrument that can analyze and characterize samples

at the microscope level. This means we can look at surface characteristics with very accurate

resolution ranging from 100 µm to less than 1µm.

The AFM operates by allowing an extremely fine sharp tip to either come in contact or in very

close proximity to the sample that is being imaged. This tip is usually a couple of microns long

and often less than 100Å in diameter. The tip is located at the free end of a cantilever that is 100

to 200µm long. The sample is then scanned beneath the tip. Different Forces either attract or

repeal the tip. These deflections are recorded and processed using imaging software; the resulting

image is a topographical representation of the sample that was just imaged. If you want to know

about the sample rather than just a view of its surface, there are different imaging modes that are

used for different types of analysis. Either different hardware or scanning techniques are required

to obtain the data necessary for the analysis. The AFM can measure a number of characteristic

properties of the sample that other forms of microscopy cannot reproduce.

Brief History and Comparison

In 1986, the Atomic Force Microscope was invented by Gerd Binning to overcome a

limitation of the AFM’s predecessor, the Scanning Tunneling Microscope. The STM could only

image materials that could conduct a tunneling current. The AFM opened the door to imaging

other materials, such as polymers and biological samples that do not conduct a current. In some

cases, the resolution of STM is better than AFM because of the exponential dependence of the

tunneling current on distance. The force-distance dependence in AFM is much more complex

when characteristics such as tip shape and contact force are considered. The AFM wins in terms

of versatility easily. In comparison, with other forms of microscopy the AFM is better or


• AFM versus SEM:

Compared with Scanning Electron Microscope, AFM provides extraordinary topographic

contrast direct height measurements and unobstructed views of surface features (no

coating is necessary).

• AFM versus TEM:

Compared with Transmission Electron Microscopes, three-dimensional AFM images are

obtained without expensive sample preparation and yield far more complete information

than the two-dimensional profiles available from cross-sectioned samples.

• 4. AFM versus Optical Microscope:

Compared with Optical Interferometric Microscope (optical profiles), the AFM provides

unambiguous measurement of step heights, independent of reflectivity differences

between materials.
Interactive Forces

The main difference between these types of microscopy and the AFM is, as the name

suggests, interactive forces between the sample and the tip. The force most commonly associated

with atomic force microscopy is an interatomic force called the van der Waals force. The

relation between this force and distance is shown in Fig. 1.

In the contact region, the cantilever is

held less than a few angstroms (10-10m) from

the sample surface, and the interatomic force

between the cantilever and the sample is

repulsive. In the non-contact region, the

cantilever is held on the order of tens to

hundreds of angstroms from the sample surface,

and the interatomic force between the cantilever

Figure 1: van de Waals force vs. distance
and sample is attractive. Different

scanning modes operate in different regions of this curve: Non–contact in the attractive region,

contact mode in the repulsive and intermittent or tapping mode fluctuates between the two.

It is easier to understand this curve if you think of the point of the tip like a group of

atoms interacting with the surface which essentially another group of atoms.

At the right side of the curve, the atoms are separated by a large distance. As the atoms

are gradually brought together, they first weakly attract each other. This attraction increases until

the atoms are so close together that their electron clouds begin to repel each other

electrostatically. This electrostatic repulsion progressively weakens the attractive force as the

distance continues to decrease. Following the graph, the force goes to zero when the distance

reaches a couple of angstroms. Anything closer than this, the total van der Waals force becomes

positive (repulsive). This distance will not change, therefore any more attempt to force the

sample and tip closer will result in deformation or damage to the sample or the tip.
There are two other forces that arise during the scan: a capillary force that is caused by a

build-up of water, which is normally present without an inert environment, on the tip; the force

caused by the cantilever itself, which is like a force caused by a compressed spring.

Characterization at the microscopic level

Even though, the process of the scanning is straightforward and can be done at times

with your total attention, not all images are accurate representations of the actual topography of

the sample. There are parameters that can

be changed in each scan and other forces

outside the interatomic forces that can

alter the image or the sample. For

QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

example, Fig. 2 is a 5-micron scan of

Copper that has been treated with

Tetrahydrofuran. The two lines of raised

Figure 2: 5 micron Cu scan containing two lines of noise
peaks are not actual features on the

sample but points during the scan when the sample was inadvertently disturbed. A discussion of

what is a good image versus a bad one is located at the end of this paper.

ProScan Image Processing software provided with the AFM is used to process and

analyze the image, which can make it easier to recognize an image that is a misrepresentation.

Processing allows for modification of the image in order to remove artifacts without modifying

the surface features. In Analysis, quantitative measurements can be taken of individual cross

sections or surface regions. Surface statistics such as distance measurements, peak-to-valley

measurements and surface roughness are a few commonly acquired measurements.

Getting Started Step-by-Step

Now we will begin a discussion of the process of how to take an image. We will start

by giving an overview of the components of the AFM, the options on the probe head move mode

screen and options on the image screen.

AFM components

Probe Head

Probe Head Laser On/Off


Laser intensity and

position indicators
Laser beam
Position Sensitive Photo detector steering screws

PSPD adjustment screws

XY Translation Stage
XY Translation

Cartridge Position Screws

Probe Head: Interchangeable head slips into place on the XY translation; different heads have

certain scan mode capabilities, houses laser and photodiode

XY Translation Stage: Holds probe head, movable in XY direction by XY translation screws and

in Z direction by controls in software

Position Sensitive Photo detector (PSPD): Detects laser deflections, which is then converted into

a topographical map

PSPD adjustment screws: controls position of PSPD; screw on left controls up and down

adjustment; screw on right controls left right adjustment

Laser Beam Steering Screws: controls position of laser on back of cantilever

Laser Intensity and Position Indicators: Lights represent laser position and intensity on photo




Cassette Holder
Tip Holder

Cartridge: removable part of probe head that holds the cassette which in turn holds the


Cassette: removable from cartridge and is held in position be holder and three balls

which fit into slots in cassette

Tip: actually cantilever chip, which contains the probe tips

View from optical microscope of




Sample Holder

Scanner: component that moves sample under tip during scan. Voltage applied to
piezoelectric scanner tube housed inside moves sample precise increments
back and forth. Size at bottom indicates maximum size scan possible.
Extremely fragile handle with care

Scanner screws: unscrewing these four screws allows for removal and installation

Sample Holder: holds sample and piezoelectric scanner tube directly underneath
Proscan Data Acquisition and Image Processing Software

Once again, this is just an overview of the essentials that are needed for basic AFM
operation. After basic knowledge and familiarity with the instrument has been gained then a
more in depth understanding and knowledge of different capabilities can be acquired by reading
the manuals.

Proscan Data Acquisition controls the AFM and collects the data then converts it to an image. It
operates primarily in two modes: Move Mode and Image Mode. Each screen has certain
controls for the imaging processes but contain some of the same displays.

Data Acquisition Screen in Move Mode

Shortcut Icons
Status Bar

Active Display

Up/Down Control
of Stage
Image Gallery

Auto approach

Height of stage

When opening the Proscan Data Acquisition software, the opening screen is the move mode
screen. The stage can be controlled
Image Analysis

Now we will discuss the difference between a good image vs. a bad one. When I say good image

I do not only mean image quality but being able to recognize features which are really present

and some which are artifacts of the scan.

Bad Images

Bad images likes those which have poor resolution or which contain unreadable features

are not preferrable but can still tell us something about our sample. For instance, say the group

is producing sample which contain some sort of chemical on the surface. If the images show

lots of particles on the surface or irregular formations, then it can be assumed that the process

being used to manufacture these samples is not viable. These images are two examples of

manufacturing problems detected by the AFM. The image on the left shows coagulations of

what is supposed to be a thin film on the surface. The right hand image shows how dirt on the

sample ruins the scan as well, in this case it is not known wither the dirt came from the

manufacturing process or the imaging process.

With bad images, a lot of parameters can affect the quality of suitable sample images.

These changes will result in bad images that would have been fine if not for these changes in

parameters. One such example is deformation or dullness of tip. The AFM assumes that the tip
used for every scan is sharp and intact. These next two images are scan of Tungsten taken with

a tip that was either worn down by use or may have been broken during the change of samples.

To the left are the 2-deminsional

images of the same sample. At first

glance there is no sign that these

scans are bad images. It was only

seen through the 3-D representation

and questioning the truth of the

scan. A new operator will probably not be able to pinpoint these bad images. Unfamiliarity with

how different materials look does not allow it, but with experience it should be possible.

Other parameters that could be changed

that affect the scan are the options in the Pro

Scan Data Acquisition Image Mode Screen. The

options like Set Point and Scan Speed can not

only affect the image but can harm the sample.

The gain however only will affect the image.

Changing the set point effects the force that is

the tip senses between it and the sample. If the

Set Pont is too low then the scan will

not scan because the force is not

strong enough between the sample

and the tip to cause deflections of the

cantilever. If the Set Point is too high

then the tip can actually deform the

sample or itself. Unless it’s a really

hard material the sample will deform.

The images to the right shows the

deformation of the sample by a high Set Point.

There are other outside factors that cause bad images that at times cannot be controlled.

Ambient noise both acoustic and electric can affect the scan . Noise can be pinpointed as reason

for bad images when the rest of the scan is fine but there are random placed peaks or lines of

peaks on one scan but not he other.

The image above shows how the entire image how noise can affect the end of a graph.
This could have been caused by a constant noise that lasted a couple of seconds.

QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

The image above shows lines of noise that are very unlike the rest of the scan. These
were caused by sharp noises rather than a long standing noise.
Good Images

Good images are those that display clear definition and sharp characteristics that can be
analyzed. The images may show what you are expecting but it may not this does not govern if
it is a good image or not. The following images are show definite features which could then be
The following scans represent images that displayed what we wanted them to show.

The two images above are of Teravicta RF Switches.

The images above is of a Diblock Copolymer sample.

The following images show features that were not expected and help the research group
decide in which direction to continue.

Images of Diblock Copolymers.

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