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Composite Sabot Us8695507

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USOO8695507 B1

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,695,507 B1

Musali et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 15, 2014
(54) COMPOSITE SABOT (56) References Cited
(75) Inventors: Saif Musali. Wharton, NJ (US); U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Munasir Harhara, Montclair, NJ (US); 4,953,466 A * 9/1990 von Gerlach ................. 102,521
Nicholas Payne, Hoboken, NJ (US); 4,958,571 A * 9/1990 Puckett .......... ... 102,522
Roger Joinson, Boonton, NJ (US); 5,259,321 A * 1 1/1993 Pahnke ....... ... 102,521
Velan Mudaliar, Parsippany, NJ (US); H1412 H 2, 1995 Kline et al. .... ... 102,521
Daniel Prillaman, Flushing, NY (US); 5,789,699 A * 8/1998 Stewart et al. . ... 102,521
Shri Singh, Randolph, NJ (US) 6,125,764 A * 10/2000 Kamdar ......... ... 102,520
7,935,208 B2* 5/2011 Parket al. ...... 156,212
2013/0000506 A1* 1/2013 Minnicino, II ................ 102,521
(73) Assignee: The United States of America as
Represented by the Secretary of the FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
Army, Washington, DC (US)
GB 2251676 A * 7, 1992
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 * cited by examiner
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
Primary Examiner — James Bergin
(21) Appl. No.: 13/302,183 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Henry S. Goldfine
(22) Filed: Nov. 22, 2011 (57) ABSTRACT
Related U.S. Application Data A lightweight composite sabot useful in large, medium and
(60) Provisional application No. 61/491.959, filed on Jun. small caliber rifled gun systems, wherein each of the sabot
1, 2011. segments are reinforced with thin aluminum, or other, metal
wedges to increase the torsional strength of the sabot body to
(51) Int. C. survive the torsional forces created when fired from a rifled
F42B I4/06 (2006.01) gun tube. And, which composite sabot also has a metal bulk
(52) U.S. C. head about the periphery thereof, to reduce the spin and
USPC ............................ 102/521; 102/524; 102/526 resulting hoop stresses, and to help protect the composite
(58) Field of Classification Search material during firing.
USPC .................. 102/520,521,522,523,524,526
See application file for complete search history. 7 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets


-1 Travel
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FIG. 3
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FG. 4

US 8,695,507 B1
1. 2
COMPOSITE SABOT APFSDS tank round designed for the 120 mm M256 main
gun on the M1A1, M1A2 and M1A2 SEP Abrams main battle
APPLICATIONS While aluminum is a relatively light weight metal, it is
certainly heavy when compared to modern composite mate
This application claims the benefit under 35 USC S119(e) rials. However, while composite sabot structures have suc
of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/491.959, filed cessfully been used in 120 MM Smooth bore gun systems,
on Jun. 1, 2011, which provisional application is hereby where there is no spin, i.e. no significant torsional loads; the
incorporated herein in its entirety. use of Such composite materials in rifled gun systems has
10 failed—composite sabot structures provide only a very low
FEDERAL RESEARCH STATEMENT torsional load capability of about the order of 7000 inch
pounds and the spin effect from being fired from a rifled gun
The invention described herein may be manufactured, causes loss of the sabots body integrity (i.e. the sabots com
used, and/or licensed by the U.S. Government for U.S. Gov posite structure literally comes apart). To strengthen sabots
ernment purposes, without the payment of any royalty there
15 for use in rifled gun systems, past attempts to introduce metal
fore. Supports in the molding process have failed due to incompat
ibility of coefficient of expansion and contraction of the dis
FIELD OF THE INVENTION similar composites and metal materials. Further, the obturator
of a composite sabot is subjected to significant friction, heat
The present invention relates to military sabots, and par and pressure forces during firing from a rifled barrel-Such
ticularly to Such devices with light weight construction, to that there is a significant risk of material failure. Regardless,
use of Such significantly lighter weight composite material
provide increased Velocity and kinetic energy upon impact, sabots, such as APFSDS, which could be fired at much higher
and enhanced hoop strength both along the length of the sabot muzzle velocities, to provide increased range, and target pen
and about the obturator band, to survive launch from rifled 25 etration which is certainly desirable to enhance the perfor
gun tube systems. mance of rifled weapons, such as 105 mm APFSDS and the
120 mm APFSDS
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Clearly there is a need in the art for a light weight, lower
mass, composite material sabot, that can be fired from rifled
High density, long rod penetrators in the form offlechettes, 30 gun tubes with greater velocity; but, which has the torsional/
pointed projectiles with vaned tails for stable flight, are uti hoop strength to survive the forces created by the launch spin
lized as anti-amour weapons, i.e. kinetic energy penetrators. ofa rifledgun tube; which are constructed such that there is no
Such kinetic energy (KE) penetrators are subcaliber and damage to the sabot’s composite material due to the physical
encased within a light weight aluminum alloy or composite conditions to which it is exposed; and, which is constructed so
material sabot that surrounds and builds out the diameter of 35 as to reduce the spin, thereby reduce the hoop stresses.
the unit to allow it to be fired from the particular caliber SUMMARY OF INVENTION
weapon. The sabot is typically constructed in three segments;
which segments are wrapped around the penetrator and typi
cally held together by an obturator band located near the The present invention comprises a lightweight, metal rein
sabot’s midsection, abourrelet ring in the front and a tipping 40 forced, composite sabot projectile, such as an APFSDS—
ring at the tail end of the sabot. The sabot has a windshield and useful with large caliber rifled gun systems, such as 105 mm
a windshield tip in the front and at its back end a tail fin. The or 120 mm rifled gun systems, as well as, with medium and
Small caliber rifledgun systems. In the present invention, thin
front bourrelet ring and the tipping tail end ring are both aluminum, or other thin metal, wedges or plates, are aligned
notched or otherwise weakened, or prestressed. Upon igni 45 with and joined along the longitudinal axis of each sabot
tion of the propellant charge inside a cartridge case which segment, or petal, that is manufactured of a lightweight com
holds the sabot the KE projectile is propelled from the gun posite material; one such wedge joined to each side of each
tube—the propulsion force being provided by a seal created composite sabot segment (whereby the composite sabot seg
between the sabot and the gun tube by the obturator ring. ments are each sandwiched between two metal wedges); the
Upon exit from the muzzle of the gun tube, typically the 50 sandwiched wedges are positioned so as to form the 360
sabot’s front Scoop catches the air rushing by the projectile degree sabot structure about the KE penetrator, and joined
and forces the sabot sections apart, such that the obturator together using the traditional weakened or pre-stressed
band and retaining bands about the nose and tail of the sabot bands—usually, one about the rear, one about the obturator
break, freeing the segments of the sabot to separate and fall band, and one about the front tip of the sabot. The sabot
away from the KE penetrator, Such as a typical 'Armor 55 formed by the composite segments and reinforcing metal
Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot’ or APFSDS. After wedges has proven to have the torsional strength necessary to
the sabot sections are discarded, the KE penetrator continues Survive firing from a rifled gun tube, i.e. a spin environment,
to fly down range to impact the target with enough kinetic without any loss of its body integrity—while being much
energy to defeat its intended target. lighter than the prior art all aluminum sabots.
As stated above, sabots have traditionally been manufac 60 The above detailed metal wedges are joined to each side of
tured of light weight aluminum wherein Such a relatively each composite sabot segment, after the composite segment is
light material provides increased muzzle velocity and corre molded, by either mechanical means, or glue, or a combina
spondingly increased range and penetration by the Subcaliber tion thereof. Such composite material sabots, with the rein
penetrator at the target. One example of Such an aluminum forcing aluminum wedges according to the present invention,
APFSDS is the M900 105 mm sabot, which can be fired from 65 provide about a 25% reduction in parasitic mass vs. the
the 105 MM M68 main gun on the M1 Abrams Tank or the present all aluminum construction. This reduction in mass
Stryker Mobile Gun System. Another, example is the M829 provides the desired significantly higher muzzle velocity,
US 8,695,507 B1
3 4
extended range capability of the KE penetrator, and enhanced ite material segment); each wedge 20, 30, having an identical
armor defeat by the KE penetrator. outline as the composite material sabot segment 40, 50, to
The present invention, in addition to utilizing the above which each is affixed; thereby, providing a reinforced com
detailed reinforcing aluminum, or other metal wedges; also, posite sabot having the torsional strength required to Survive
preferable has a metal surface joined to and about the periph 5 being launched from a rifled gun tube without any loss of its
ery of the obturator ring, i.e. the side facing the inner side of body integrity. The Subject Sandwiched composite material
the gun tube. Such a metal Surface, or metal bulkhead, helps sabot segments are aligned and held together by mechanical
protect the sabot’s composite material from the physical means to form the completed sabot, which contains, i.e.
forces created where the obturator rides on the sabot. Further, retains therein, the subcaliber KE penetrator (thereby allow
and importantly, such a metal Surface on the composite sabot 10 ing the subcaliber KE penetrator to be fired from the particu
provides a metallic surface to the obturator and the slip band lar caliber gun tube).
mechanism and thus reduce the spin, thereby reducing the The mechanical means by which the sabot segments held
hoop stresses on the sabot. together is known technology, typically a set of weakened
In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, a three ties. It is standard practice to join the sabot segments together,
segment or petal sabot can be constructed Such that each 15 about the KE projectile, with such a set of weakened ties or
composite segment or petal covers from about 90 to about 110 bands that are stressed, or notched, or otherwise designed to
degrees of arc about the circumference of the sabot, each Such fail after the sabot has exited the gun tube and is subjected to
composite segment being sandwiched between a thin alumi the force of the air being caught in its front Scoop during
num, or other thin metal, wedge covering from about 5 to flight. In the prior art, a set of three weakened ties are gener
about 15 degrees of arc about the circumference of the ally used—one located near and about the rear of the sabot,
sabot the six thin metal wedges being joined, one to the one about the obturator ring, and one near and about the nose
next, to form with the composite segments the 360 degrees of or front tip of the sabot (which bands are not shown in the
circumference of the sabot, as it encloses the subcaliber KE various FIGS).
penetrator. The thin aluminum wedges can preferable be as Shown in FIG. 3 is a metal wedge, 140, which is joined to
thin as about 5 degrees of arc but, to provide the necessary 25 each side of each composite sabot segment, to form the rein
hoop strength the wedge should not be anythinner than about forced composite sabot of the present invention. As men
3 degrees of arc. tioned above, each Such metal wedge, 140, is joined by
The sabot of the present invention has at least 3 segments mechanical means, or glues, or combinations thereof, to each
manufactured of a composite material, Sandwiched between side of each composite sabot segment (FIG. 1) 40, 50. The
reinforcing metal wedges; however, the sabot may have 4, 5, 30 aluminum, or other metal, wedges or plates (FIG. 1) 20, 30, or
or more such segments. As stated above, the reinforcing metal (HG. 2) 20, joined to each side of each composite sabot
wedges should be at least about 3 degrees of arc to provide segment (FIG.1)40, 50, or (FIG.2)55, increasesthetorsional
the necessary torsional strength to withstand the spin envi strength of the completed sabot (e.g. APFSDS) structure
ronment from a rifled gun tube. Maximizing the ratio of (FIG. 1) 10. Using the composite material segments (FIG. 1)
composite to aluminum is desired, to minimize the weight, 35 40, 50, or (FIG. 2) 55, along with the metal wedges (FIG. 1)
i.e. mass, of the sabot—to realize the greatest muzzle veloc 20, 30, or (FIG. 2) 20 provides a 25% weight reduction in
ity—for the greatest range and penetration of the penetrator parasitic mass. This reduction in weight significantly
on target—while providing the necessary torsional/hoop increases the performance of any KE penetrator that uses this
strength for the composite sabot to survive the launch from sabot technology in rifled gun system by providing higher
rifled gun tube. 40 muzzle velocity than prior technology all aluminum sabots,
leading to extended range capability, and armor defeat.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS As can be seen in FIG. 4, a preferred embodiment of the
present invention, a composite material sabot segment is
FIG. 1. is a perspective view of a lightweight composite shown, 160, which has a metal bulkhead, 80, joined to and
sabot projectile of the present invention with a metal wedge 45 about the exterior sides of the obturator ring that are opposed
on each side of each composite segment of the sabot. to the interior of the gun tube. This metal bulkhead, 80, is in
FIG. 2. is a perspective view of a single composite sabot addition to the above detailed metal reinforcements sand
segment according to the present invention—showing a metal wiching each composite segment of the sabot (reinforce
wedge joined to its lower side and a metal bulkhead about the ments which are not shown in FIG. 4). This metal bulkhead,
obturator thereof. 50 80, helps protects the sabot’s obturator, (FIG. 1) 100, from the
FIG. 3. is a perspective view of a sabot metal wedge physical forces created where the obturator rides against the
according to the present invention. interior Surface of the gun tube, and, more importantly, the
FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a single composite sabot metal surface created about the obturator and the slip band
segment according to the present invention, showing an alter mechanism reduce the spin and thus reduce hoop stresses—
nate embodiment metal bulkhead about the obturator thereof. 55 further allowing the subject inventive sabot to survive the
torsional stresses in a rifled, high spin, environment. Also, as
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION can be seen in FIG.4, the metal bulkhead can extend along the
tail side of the obturator to help protect the composite mate
The present invention comprises a lightweight metal insert rial exposed to the high pressure and temperature exploding
reinforced composite sabot projectile for use with large cali 60 propellant gases and particles impacting that tail side during
ber, such as 105 mm or 120 mm rifledgun systems, as well as, firing.
medium and Small caliber rifled gun systems. Referring to In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, a three
FIG. 1, a sabot of the present invention, 10, wherein, alumi segment, or petal, sabot can be constructed Such that each
num wedges or plates 20, 30, are inserted longitudinally composite segment or petal is from about 90 to about 110
along the longitudinal axis of the sabot, one aluminum wedge 65 degree of arc about the circumference of the sabot, FIG. 1 arc
being bonded to each side of each lightweight composite C. In Such a case, the thin aluminum, or other, thin metal
material sabot segment 40, 50 (i.e. sandwiching the compos reinforcing wedges of the present invention will be from
US 8,695,507 B1
5 6
about 5 to about 15 degrees of arc about the circumference of from TenCate Advanced Composites USA, Inc, Morgan Hill,
the sabot, FIG. 1 arc B. Therefore, the six aluminum, or other, Calif.; carbon fiber components available from Vermont
metal, wedges being joined one to the next, with the sand Composites, Inc., Bennington, Vt.; and the like.
wiched composite segments therebetween, will form the 360 We claim:
degrees of circumference arc of the completed sabot, to 1. A lightweight, metal insert reinforced, composite sabot
enclose the subcaliberpenetrator. The thin aluminum wedges projectile comprising:
can preferable be as thin as about 5 degrees of arc, FIG. 1 arc at least 3 lightweight, composite, sabot segments;
f; but, to provide the necessary hoop strength the reinforcing
metal wedges should not be anythinner than about 3 degrees wherein, each composite segment is sandwiched between
of arc, FIG. 1 arc B. 10 two metal wedges, each metal wedge covering at least
The present invention is based upon the fact that generally about 3 degrees of arc about the circumference of the
composite structures load carrying capability is directional. sabot, and wherein one metal wedge is affixed on each
Therefore, composite structures have more strength in the side of each composite segment, which wedges have an
direction of the orientation of fibers; but, little in the other outline identical to the composite sabot segment to
direction. In contrast, metals have much higher shear 15 which they are affixed;
strength, almost half of the yield strength of the material. each such sandwiched composite segment being aligned
Therefore, use of the subject longitudinally aligned alumi with the other sabot segments;
num, or other metal, wedges or plates between the composite the aligned segments joined together by mechanical
sabot segments provides the hoop strength necessary to with means; and
Stand the launch force from a rifled gun tube system, such as wherein the joined segments form a sabot projectile that
the 105 mm or 120 rifled gun tube systems. contains a KE penetrator, and which when fired from a
In the present invention, it is preferred that either a rifled gun, will withstand the torsion forces without any
mechanical, or glue, or combination thereof means be used to loss of the body integrity of the sabot.
connect the aluminum, or other, metal wedges to the compos 2. The lightweight metal insert reinforced composite sabot
ite segments, and to connect the metal bulkhead to the obtu 25 of claim 1, wherein the sabot has an obturator ring located
rator ring. One preferred means is to use screws or rivets or within and joined to a metal bulkhead, which metal bulkhead
pins to mechanically connect the aluminum, or other, metal is located about the periphery of the sabot near the midpoint
wedges to the composite segments. Alternatively, glues, such thereof in opposition to the interior of the gun tube; wherein
as Araldite RAV 8503 Resin/Hardener HV 8503 epoxy adhe said metal bulkhead protects the obturator ring from the
sive, a two-component paste with a one-to-one by volume 30 physical forces created where the obturator ring rides against
mix ratio, available from the Huntsman Corporation, The the gun tube.
Woodlands,Tex. 77380. Araldite(R) AV 8503 Resin/Hardener 3. The lightweight metal insert reinforced composite sabot
HV 8503 epoxy adhesive fixes itselfin one minute on a heated of claim 1, wherein each composite segment covers from
fixture at 240° F (116°C.). Generally, it requires only a dry about 90 to about 110 degrees of arc about the circumference
wipe for surface preparation before bonding. Finally, a com 35 of the sabot and wherein each metal wedge covers from about
bination of such mechanical and glue means can be used to 5 to about 15 degrees of arc about the circumference of the
Securely fasten the metal wedges to the composite sections of 4. The lightweight metal insert reinforced composite sabot
the sabot and the metal wedges, and the metal bulkhead to the of claim 1, wherein the number of sabot segments is selected
sabot segments.
In the present invention, the other metals useful as the 40 from the group consisting of 3, 4, and 5.
material of choice for the manufacture for the subject wedges 5. The lightweight metal insert reinforced composite sabot
include titanium, magnesium, beryllium, or similar light of claim 1, wherein the metal wedges are affixed by either
weight metals, or alloy thereof (or, with such a metal and with mechanical means, or glue, or a combination thereof.
aluminum). Further, many modern lightweight composite 6. The lightweight metal insert reinforced composite sabot
materials are useful in the subject invention and readily avail 45 of claim 1, wherein the metal wedges are manufactured of
able, including various boron/epoxy and/or boron/aluminum aluminum, titanium, magnesium, beryllium, or similar light
systems available from Specialty Materials, Inc., Lowell, weight metal, or alloy thereof.
Mass.: carbon fiber composites, available from Elementó 7. The lightweight metal insert reinforced composite sabot
Composites, Elbridge, N.Y.: HexTow(R) carbon fibers avail of claim 1, wherein the sabot is selected from the group
able from Hexcel Corporation, Stamford, Conn.; cured epoxy 50 consisting of 105 mm, 120 mm, medium and small caliber
systems available from Park Advanced Composite Materials,
Inc., Waterbury, Conn.; Thermo-LiteTM materials available

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