Preboard IP (265) MOCK TEST Paper 2

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MOCK TEST 2019 – 20

Informatics Practices(265)
Time: 3 hrs Class XII M .M. 70

General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Answer the questions after carefully reading the text.

1. Answer the following questions:

(a) How do Computer networks reduce hardware costs of an organization? Explain with the help 2
of example.
(b) Compare BUS topology with STAR topology. Give example. 2
(c) (i) Why is a switch called an intelligent hub? 2
(ii) When is a repeater used in a computer network?
(d) Expand following term: 2
(i) OSS (ii) HTTP
(e) Explain the term Firewall and Cyber Law. 2

2. Answer the following questions:

(a) Write the value that will be assigned to variable C after executing the following statement: 1
C = 25-5*4/2-10+4;
(b) Consider the statement: 1
first_name ="Ayana";
(i) What is the datatype of first_name?
(ii) Is 325 the same as “321”? Give reason.
(c) Sujata changed the “Text” property of a Checkbox named jCheckBox1 to “Reading”. What 1
change (if any) will be reflected in its name property?
(d) Ariya has typed the following comments. Write the comments using another way. 1
//This is a comment spreading
//over two lines
(e) Given below is HTML code. Rewrite the correct code underlining all the corrections done. 2
<o1 type = "A" start="D">
<li>Bake in oven for an hour
<li>Remove from oven
(f) Explain the meaning of the following statement with the help of example. 2
“Tags are not predefined in XML”
(g) Name two properties and two methods that are common in jTextField and jLabel. 2

3. Answer the following questions:

(a) What is the relationship between SQL and MySQL? 1
(b) Write SQL statement that gives the same output as the following SQL statement but uses 1
‘IN’ keyword.
(c) Which one of the following SQL queries will display all Employee records containing the 1
word “Amit”, regardless of case (whether it was stored as AMIT, Amit, or amit etc.)?
(i) SELECT * from Employees WHERE EmpName like UPPER '%AMIT%';
(ii) SELECT *from Employees WHERE EmpName like '%AMIT%' or '%AMIT%'
OR '%amit%';
(iii) SELECT * from Employees WHERE UPPER (EmpName) like '%AMIT%';
(d) If there are 10 rows in ‘Emp’ table and 5 rows in ‘Department’ table, how many rows will be 1
displayed by the following query?
SELECT * FROM Emp, Department;
Write the term used for the join being used on the two tables mentioned above.
(e) Kunal has entered the following SQL command on Table ‘STUDENT’ that has TotalMarks 2
as one of the columns.
The output displayed is 20.
Then, Kunal enters the following command:
The output displayed is 15.
Then, Kunal enters the following command :
He predicts the output of the above query as 5. Do you agree with Kunal?
Give reason for your answer.
(f) In a hospital, patients are allocated to wards. A database named ‘Hospital’ is created. One 2
table in this database is: ward with Wardid, WardName, NumOfBeds as columns and Wardid
as the primary key.
Write another suitable table you could expect to see in ‘Hospital’ database, with 3 suitable
columns identifying Primary key and Foreign key.
(g) Given below is the ‘Department’ table: 2
INSERT INTO Department VALUES (104, 'HRD');
SELECT * FROM Department;
What will be the output of the above given SELECT statement?

44. Answer the following questions:

. (a) Write the values of c and d after execution of following code: 1
int a = 1;
int b = 2 ;
int c;
int d;
c=+b; d=a+
c ++;
( 1

b) What is the difference between getSelectedIndex( ) and getSelectedItem( ) methods?

(c)What will be displayed in jTextField1 after the following code is executed? Also write 1
how many times the loop will execute.
a = 5;
b = 2;
while (b !=0)
{ r = a%b;
a = b;
b = r;
jTextField1.setText(" "+a);
(d) Write the values that will be assigned to x, y, z and t after executing the following Java code : 2
String s1, s2, s3, x, y, z;
int t;
s1 = "classxii";
s2 = "cbseboard";
s3 = "aisse2016";
x = s1.substring(5, 8);
y = s2.concat(s1);
z = s3.trim();
t = z.length();
(e) Write the value that will be stored in variable num and sum after execution of following 2
code: 2
int sum=0, num = 2;
do {
sum = sum + num;
} while (num < 1);
(f) The following code has some error(s). Rewrite the correct code underlining all the 2
corrections made :
int Total = 0, Jump = 5;
int I;
for (i = 0, I =< S, i++) {
Jump += 5,
Total += Jump;
jTextArea1.showText (" "+Total)
(g) Ms. Asna works as a programmer in a Bus Tour Company named “Heritage Experiences”. 6
Groups of people come and reserve seats. There are 3 stopovers for the bus. First stop is at
Alwar, second at Jaipur, third at Udaipur. A group may choose any one destination out of
Alwar, Jaipur and Udaipur.
Ms. Angela has designed software to compute charges to be paid by the entire group. A
screenshot of the same is shown below:
A group can opt for one destination out of Alwar / Jaipur / Udaipur. If the group is “Frequent Traveller Group”, the group
gets a 10% discount on Total charges.Help Ms. Angela in writing the code to do the following :

(i)After selecting appropriate Radio Button and checkbox (if required), when ‘Calculate Charges’ button
is clicked, ‘Total Charges’, ‘Discount Amount’, ‘Amount to Pay’ should be calculated and displayed in
the respective text fields. The Charges per person for various destinations are as follows :

Destination Amount(in Rs)

Alwar 200.00 per person
Jaipur 500.00 per person
Udaipur 900.00 per person

‘Total Charges’ is obtained by multiplying ‘Number of People in Group’ with Amount per person.
If ‘Frequent Traveller Group’ checkbox is selected. ‘Discount Amount’ is calculated as 10% of ‘Total
Charges’. Otherwise ‘Discount Amount’ is 0.
‘Amount to Pay’ is calculated as :
Amount to Pay = Total Charges - Discount Amount.
(ii) When ‘CLEAR’ button is clicked, all the textfields, radio button and checkbox should be cleared.
(iii) When ‘EXIT’ button is clicked, the application should close.

5. Answer the following questions:

(a) Consider the table RESULT given below. Write commands in MySql for (i) to (vii) and 10
output for (viii) to (x)
No Name Stipend Subject Average Division
1 Sharon 400 English 38 THIRD
2 Amal 680 Mathematics 72 FIRST
3 Vedant 500 Accounts 67 FIRST
4 Shakeer 200 Informatics 55 SECOND
5 Anandha 400 History 85 FIRST
6 Upansna 550 Geography 45 THIRD

(i) To list the names of those-students, who have obtained Division as FIRST in
the ascending order of NAME.
(ii) To display a report listing NAME, SUBJECT and Annual stipend
received assuming that the stipend column 'has monthly stipend.
(iii) To count the number of students, who have either Accounts or Informatics
as Subject.
(iv) To display the records whose name start with ‘S’.
(v) To display the names of students who is getting stipend more than 500.
(vi) To count the total number of divisions in each.
(vii) To insert a new row in the table EXAM :
6, "Mohan", 500, "English", 73, "Second".
(x) SELECT MIN (Average) FROM EXAM WHERE Subject = "English";

6. Answer the following questions:

(a) “ABC”Event Management Company requires data of events that are to be 2
organized. Write SQL query to create a table ‘Event’ with the following structure:

Field Type Constraint

EventId Integer Primary key
Event Varchar(50)
DateEvent Date
NumPerformers Integer
(b) Consider the tables given below and answer the questions that follow 2
Table : Workshop
WorkshopId Title NumSpeakers MeantFor Fee
551 Time Management 3 Senior Manager 7000
553 App Development 1 Computer Programmer 9000
554 Planning 2 Senior Manager 8000
556 Marketing Strategies 2 Junior Manager 9000

Table : Participant
ParticipantId Name WorkshopId
100 Prabhu Shankar 551
101 Dev Sen 554
102 Fauzia Khan 551
103 Tom Winters 553

(i) WorkshopId ‘552’ is missing in the table workshop. Is there any discrepancy (something
not correct)? Give reason for your answer.
(ii) WorkshopId ‘551’ is present twice in the table Participant. Is there any discrepancy? Give
reason for your answer.

(c) With reference to the above tables (in Q.6-(b)), write commands in SQL for (i) to (iii) given 6
below :
(i) To display names of Participants along with workshop titles for only those workshops that
have more than 2 speakers.
(ii) To display ParticipantId, Participant’s name, WorkshopId for workshops meant for
Senior Managers and Junior Managers.
(iii) To display WorkshopId, title, ParticipantId for only those workshops that have fees
in the range of 5000.00 to 8000.00

7. Answer the following questions:

(a) What is the impact of e-Learning sites on students' learning process? 1
(b) Write three important features of e-Governance. Give URL of one of the commonly used e- 2
Governance portals.
(c) Jaina is creating a form for her practical file. Help her to choose most appropriate controls 2
from List Box, Combo Box, TextField, TextArea, Radio Button, Check box, Label and
Command button for the following entries from user:
(i) A message "Enter Name" in front of a Text Field.
(ii) An input to choose more than one subjects from a set of given choices.
(iii) An input for entering comments of user.
(iv) An input for accepting the residential area out of Rural and Urban as options.

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