Preboard IP (265) MOCK TEST Paper 2
Preboard IP (265) MOCK TEST Paper 2
Preboard IP (265) MOCK TEST Paper 2
Informatics Practices(265)
Time: 3 hrs Class XII M .M. 70
General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Answer the questions after carefully reading the text.
(i)After selecting appropriate Radio Button and checkbox (if required), when ‘Calculate Charges’ button
is clicked, ‘Total Charges’, ‘Discount Amount’, ‘Amount to Pay’ should be calculated and displayed in
the respective text fields. The Charges per person for various destinations are as follows :
‘Total Charges’ is obtained by multiplying ‘Number of People in Group’ with Amount per person.
If ‘Frequent Traveller Group’ checkbox is selected. ‘Discount Amount’ is calculated as 10% of ‘Total
Charges’. Otherwise ‘Discount Amount’ is 0.
‘Amount to Pay’ is calculated as :
Amount to Pay = Total Charges - Discount Amount.
(ii) When ‘CLEAR’ button is clicked, all the textfields, radio button and checkbox should be cleared.
(iii) When ‘EXIT’ button is clicked, the application should close.
(i) To list the names of those-students, who have obtained Division as FIRST in
the ascending order of NAME.
(ii) To display a report listing NAME, SUBJECT and Annual stipend
received assuming that the stipend column 'has monthly stipend.
(iii) To count the number of students, who have either Accounts or Informatics
as Subject.
(iv) To display the records whose name start with ‘S’.
(v) To display the names of students who is getting stipend more than 500.
(vi) To count the total number of divisions in each.
(vii) To insert a new row in the table EXAM :
6, "Mohan", 500, "English", 73, "Second".
(x) SELECT MIN (Average) FROM EXAM WHERE Subject = "English";
Table : Participant
ParticipantId Name WorkshopId
100 Prabhu Shankar 551
101 Dev Sen 554
102 Fauzia Khan 551
103 Tom Winters 553
(i) WorkshopId ‘552’ is missing in the table workshop. Is there any discrepancy (something
not correct)? Give reason for your answer.
(ii) WorkshopId ‘551’ is present twice in the table Participant. Is there any discrepancy? Give
reason for your answer.
(c) With reference to the above tables (in Q.6-(b)), write commands in SQL for (i) to (iii) given 6
below :
(i) To display names of Participants along with workshop titles for only those workshops that
have more than 2 speakers.
(ii) To display ParticipantId, Participant’s name, WorkshopId for workshops meant for
Senior Managers and Junior Managers.
(iii) To display WorkshopId, title, ParticipantId for only those workshops that have fees
in the range of 5000.00 to 8000.00