2010 DOE FEMP Exterior Lighting Guide

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For Federal Agencies
Sponsors Table of Contents
The U.S. Department of Energy, the Federal Energy Management Program, page 02 Introduction page 44 Emerging Technologies
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), and the California Lighting Plasma Lighting
Technology Center (CLTC) at the University of California, Davis helped fund and
page 04 Reasons for Outdoor
Networked Lighting
Lighting Retrofits
create the Exterior Lighting Guide for Federal Agencies. Photovoltaic (PV) Lighting & Systems
Energy Savings
LBNL conducts extensive scientific research that impacts the national economy at Lowered Maintenance Costs page 48 Exterior Lighting Retrofit &
$1.6 billion a year. The Lab has created 12,000 jobs nationally and saved billions of Improved Visual Environment Design Best Practices
dollars with its energy-efficient technologies. Appropriate Safety Measures New Lighting System Design
Reduced Lighting Pollution & Light Trespass Lighting System Retrofit
CLTC is a research, development, and demonstration facility whose mission is Lighting Design & Retrofit Elements
to stimulate, facilitate, and accelerate the development and commercialization of page 14 Evaluating the current
Structure Lighting
energy-efficient lighting and daylighting technologies. This is accomplished through lighting system
Softscape Lighting
technology development and demonstrations, as well as offering outreach and Lighting Evaluation Basics
Hardscape Lighting
education activities in partnership with utilities, lighting manufacturers, end users, Conducting a Lighting Audit
Automobile Spaces
builders, designers, researchers, academics, and government agencies. Lighting Audit Guidelines
Pedestrian Spaces
Lighting Audit Log
Outdoor Sport Lighting
page 20 Lighting Lifespan & Outdoor Retail Lighting
Maintenance Planning
Retrofit Economics
page 58 Conclusion
Life-Cycle Cost-Benefit Analysis page 60 Appendix
Relamping Best Practices
Funding Your Project page 67 Glossary
Recycling Tips
Case Studies
Lighting System Maintenance Log

page 28 Lighting Controls

Daylighting Control Systems
Occupancy Controls
Lighting Controls / Implementation

page 34 Source Technologies

Filament-Based Light Sources
Fluorescent Light Sources
High Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamps
Light Emitting Diodes (LED)
Best Practices for Selecting Products
Exterior Lighting: Source Technologies
Exterior Lighting Guide for Federal Agencies 3

Exterior lighting comprises a large portion of energy This document provides overviews of exterior lighting technologies that would
best be integrated into national parks as retrofits or new designs, as well as tips for
use at national parks. This guide should assist
evaluating light sources, performing a lighting audit, and pairing lamps with lighting
facilities managers in choosing the correct luminaires controls. The key issues to consider when performing a retrofit or new lighting
and practices for their spaces to reduce energy use design are energy, cost, and maintenance savings, and this guide is intended to
and make their spaces more visually appealing and help make these decisions easier.

safe for visitors. Lighting in national parks plays a significant role in keeping visitors safe and
enhancing their stays. For example, using the correct sources to light paths and
trails can contribute to visitors’ safety without upsetting the natural beauty of the
park. And illuminating key attractions with energy-efficient luminaires can make
their trips more memorable.

Exterior lighting often is on for extended periods of time, if not 24 hours a day.
By combining high-quality sources with occupant-responsive controls, the
energy use can be reduced with immediate results. In the past, high pressure
sodium lamps were the most efficient choice. However, the quality of light was
sacrificed for efficiency. Improved ballasts for induction lamps, emerging LED
luminaires, and new improvements in HID sources broaden the scope of choices.
When combined with the right sensors to maximize efficiency without compromising
safety, exterior lighting can be vastly improved, typically saving more than
50% in retrofit applications.

© Kathreen Fontecha
Table of Contents
4 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Reasons for Outdoor Lighting Retrofits 5

Reasons for Outdoor

Lighting Retrofits
In the United states today, most residents seldom Pervasive outdoor lighting, which allows myriad activities to continue outside even
after the sun goes down, obstructs the view of the night sky.
experience truly dark skies, no matter what
time of night they find themselves outdoors. People rely on exterior lighting for safety, security, guidance, and recreation.
Although traditional technologies and lighting designs initially met these
fundamental needs, light sources, controls, and lighting designs have improved
in recent years. These improvements, coupled with a nationwide push toward
increased energy efficiency, have prompted widespread implementation of lighting
retrofit programs. Advancements in exterior lighting technologies include increased
energy savings, reduced maintenance costs, improved visual environment,
enhanced safety measures, and reduced light pollution.

Energy Savings

Lighting retrofits can lower energy use and costs without sacrificing light
levels or quality. In addition, switching to more advanced technologies may allow
users to implement lighting controls, which deliver increase functionality and
energy savings.

The Energy Information Administration estimates residential and commercial

sectors used about 526 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity for lighting
in 2007 — enough energy to power all homes in New York state for 107 years.
This amount represents 19% of total electricity consumed by both sectors and
14% of total U.S. electricity consumption.1

Residences consumed about 215 billion kWh — about 15% of residential electricity

consumption.2 The commercial sector consumed about 311 billion kWh for lighting,
which is 23% of that sector’s electricity consumption. Exterior lighting is
included in this use and is an excellent opportunity for national parks to reduce
electricity consumption.

U.S. Energy Information Administration: http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/ask/electricity_faqs.asp.


U.S. Energy Information Administration.


© California Lighting Technology Center, UC Davis

credit. Kathreen Fontecha
Table of Contents
6 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Reasons for Outdoor Lighting Retrofits 7

Figure 1. Low pressure sodium California: Case Studies In another notable case study by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) for the Lighting Energy Quick Facts
streetlights (top) were retrofitted Emerging Technologies Program, several low pressure sodium (LPS) streetlights
Although California’s energy use per capita is the third lowest in the nation, The United States Energy
with LED luminaires (bottom) in San Jose (Figure 1) were retrofitted with LED systems. Lighting retrofits
in San Jose, CA, for 62% there is a growing movement to further reduce this use by implementing Information Administration
energy-efficient technology. Lighting is one sector targeted for improvement. consisted of a one-to-one replacement of 118 55 W nominal LPS fixtures with
energy savings. reports that 19% of lighting is
California Assembly Bill 1109 (Huffman, Chapter 534, Statutes of 2007), continuously dimmable LED luminaires rated at 75 W. The LED streetlight
for residential and commercial
in combination with federal lighting standards, requires inefficient exterior lighting systems, operating at 50% power, had an energy savings of 62% over the
use, and those sectors
technologies to be replaced with improved devices to reduce electricity use by no incumbent LPS system.4
account for 14% of total U.S.
less than 25% from 2007 levels by 2018. To accomplish this goal, exterior lighting In a last case study by the San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) for the electricity consumption.
retrofits for public and private properties are increasing across the state. city of San Diego, advanced street lighting technologies, including induction and
2. Consumers who retrofit
LED lighting systems, replaced high pressure sodium (HPS) lighting systems.
California Commercial and Industrial Outdoor Lighting existing lighting systems, use
In this study, one-to-one replacements of HPS were made using induction and
more efficient luminaires,
Consumption 3067 GWh LED systems. The LED and induction streetlight systems had average energy
and use bi-level and
savings of 31% and 43% over the incumbent HPS lighting systems.5
Winter peak 7 – 8 p.m. occupancy control systems
Implementing the knowledge from these case studies at national parks depends on can expect energy savings of
Summer peak 9 p.m.
the setting. Bollards could be effective outside park visitors centers and along trails more than 50% compared to
www.fypower.org/bpg/module.html?b=institutional&m=Lighting&s=Outdoor_Areas existing systems.
and pathways. Choosing one new technology over another to replace older lamps
will vary by location, and determining which light source will work best in a space is
The following summaries of four California case studies provide tangible examples 3. Many new lighting systems
addressed later in the guide, in “Evaluating the Current Lighting System.”
of the potential reductions in energy consumption that can result from exterior offer significant increases
lighting retrofits. in system lifetimes, resulting
Lowered Maintenance Costs in lower maintenance costs
In one California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) exterior lighting demonstration,
from less frequent lamp
several exterior lighting systems were retrofitted with improved luminaire systems. As observed in the previous case studies, improvements in lighting
The first retrofit involved replacing 18 compact fluorescent (CFL) bollards with technologies have led to increased lifetimes for components in lighting systems.
nine bi-level light emitting diode (LED) bollards. Given the observed 10% occupancy This, coupled with fewer failures, lengthens the time between maintenance
rate, the LED bollards consumed 78% less energy than the original luminaires, activities, which reduces labor and other maintenance costs.
while providing the same average light levels. In addition, lamp lifetime increased
Implementing a routine maintenance program in addition to a lighting retrofit will
from 10,000 hours to 70,000 hours, which reduced maintenance costs.3
simplify maintenance practices and reduce operational costs associated with
In the second study, eight 175 W metal halide (MH) shoebox luminaires were sustaining lighting systems. Lifetimes of alternative sources are steadily growing,
replaced by eight 100 W bi-level induction shoebox luminaires. The induction and life-cycle maintenance savings may alleviate some of the initial cost. Increasing
product consumed 67% less energy than the existing luminaires and produced efficacies of alternative light sources also are expected to reduce luminaire pricing
similar average light levels. In addition, lamp lifetime increased from roughly and expand energy savings.
10,000 hours to 100,000 hours, again resulting in reduced maintenance costs.

© Pacific Gas & Electric

© Energy Solutions

M. Bryan, J. Shackelford, M. Johnson, T. Cook, T. Pang; LED Street Lighting and Network Controls;

Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Emerging Technologies Program, November 2009.
C. Jackson, P. Arani; LED Downlight and Bi-level Exterior Lighting Demonstration Project;
M. Mutmansky, T. Givler, J. Garcia, N. Clanton; Advanced Street Lighting Technologies Assessment

California Lighting Technology Center and California Institute for Energy and Environment, Project-City of San Diego; Clanton and Associates, Inc, and San Diego Gas & Electric Company,
January 2010. January 4, 2010.

Table of Contents
8 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Reasons for Outdoor Lighting Retrofits 9

Figure 2. Correlated color Improved Visual Environment Any light source appears as a single color, but in reality, a light source is a Why this is important:
temperature scale conglomerate of colors that the eye blends together. When the color of a light
Lighting retrofits can help address general lighting quality problems, Understanding CCT, CRI, and
7500 K source is deconstructed into its individual colors, the result is a light source’s
and new technologies have improved visual quality characteristics, such as color types of vision will assist in
spectral power distribution, or SPD, and is usually represented in wavelengths
7000 K and flicker. When discussing lighting quality, two metrics commonly are used: making decisions about exterior
in the visible spectrum, which ranges from approximately 380 – 780 nm.
correlated color temperature (CCT) and color rendering index (CRI). lighting, about what color light
CCT and CRI are two ways of distilling a light source’s SPD into a single number.
6500 K
the lamps should have, and
6000 K How the human eye perceives the SPD also is critical. Perception of a light how the luminaire type can
Correlated color temperature (CCT)
source is a combination of the SPD of the source, and the surrounding visual affect people with different
5500 K Correlated color temperature is used to describe the color appearance of a conditions under which it is viewed. There are three general types of visual visual requirements.
light source. The light source (i.e., fluorescent, HID, etc.) is compared to a conditions. Photopic conditions account for the majority of applications including
5000 K
reference light source. The reference light source is taken to be an idealized source, all applications occurring under moderate to well-lit conditions; scotopic conditions
4500 K called a blackbody radiator. The color of light emitted by a blackbody radiator depends occur at very low light levels; and mesopic conditions are a combination of the
exclusively on its temperature. As a blackbody radiator heats up or cools down, it two and account for the majority of exterior, nighttime lighting applications.
4000 K
emits light, according to Figure 2. When its temperature is low, a blackbody radiator Photopic and scotopic luminous efficiency functions are well defined, although
3500 K will emit light with a “warmer” color appearance, and when its temperature is high, the photopic luminous efficiency function is the only function accepted for use in
it will have a “cooler” color appearance. CCT is calculated by measuring the color standard lighting practice. Much work remains to be done on the definition of a
3000 K of a light source, correlating that color to the blackbody radiator, and expressing mesopic luminous efficiency function.
2500 K
that color as the temperature most closely matching that on the blackbody
radiator temperature scale. CCT is stated in units of Kelvin (K). High pressure Measurable light levels are relative quantities based upon application of the scotopic
2000 K sodium lamps, for example, are considered to have low CCT (~2000 K), and deliver or photopic luminous efficiency function. Application of one function or the other
orange-yellow light. In contrast, most general illumination LED sources have high has the effect of biasing the measurable light level depending on the source’s
CCTs (5000 – 6000 K) and deliver white light. spectral power distribution; thus, it is important to understand which function has
been applied to obtain a particular value of light output. The lighting industry usually
Figure 3. CIE 1931 x,y chromaticity A more in-depth perspective on color specification uses the International provides light output values using the photopic luminous efficiency function.
(color) space, with the chromaticities Commission on Illumination (CIE) 1931 x,y chromaticity diagram (Figure 3). Figure 4 shows the scotopic and photopic luminous efficiency functions.
of blackbody light sources of Here, specific color matching can be achieved by plotting the chromaticity
various temperatures shown as Figure 4. Scotopic and photopic luminous efficiency functions
coordinates of light sources and comparing how close those points are to the
the locus plot.
reference light source (i.e., the long black line cutting through the middle of Figure 3).
Color rendering index (CRI)
507 nm

Color rendering index is used to describe the color rendering accuracy of a
light source. The color rendering ability of a light source (i.e., fluorescent or HID
lamp) is compared to that of a reference light source by using eight standard 2
pastel color samples. The color of each sample is measured under the test light
source and the reference light source with the same CCT as the test light source. 1
The degree of color shift between the two sets of measurements is calculated and
grouped as an average. This average is subtracted from 100, giving the CRI value. CRI 555 nm
is expressed as a number on a scale with no units ranging up to 100. High CRI value 400 500 600 700
© International Commission on Illumination denotes good color rendering ability. While CRI is an official way to describe color WAVELENGTH (NANOMETERS)
accuracy, it is not the only way. Other metrics include color quality scale (CQS). Winton FR, Bayliss LE: Human Physiology, 5th ed.Boston, Little, Brown, 1962.

Table of Contents
10 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Reasons for Outdoor Lighting Retrofits 11

Dark Sky Lighting Designs Appropriate Safety Measures the city by air or land. Such sky glow is common above all cities and towns,
and anyone interested in an unobstructed view of the night sky must travel well
According to the IDA, sky glow Although it can be assumed that “brighter is safer,” studies have shown that beyond the city limits. In addition, according to the IDA, sky glow can interfere with
and light trespass should always increased illuminance is not always beneficial. Too often, excessive lighting can astronomical instruments.
be taken into consideration lead to glare and overillumination — like at ATMs — sometimes making people more
in dark-sky friendly lighting vulnerable to criminal activities.6
Light Trespass
designs. To that end, the IDA
recommends the following: When designing exterior lighting systems, it is the quality of light instead of the Similar to light pollution, light trespass results from fixtures that shine light beyond
quantity of light that typically is related to safety. For example, to increase safety their intended target areas. This potentially undesired light can fall into neighboring
■■ Use full-cutoff or and perceived security, the lighting design should aim to reduce glare, employ buildings and infringe on people’s outdoor activities.
low-wattage luminaires. appropriate contrast ratios, and create “zones of recognition.”
In an effort to eliminate light pollution and light trespass, the IDA recommends
■■ Aim façade / architectural An additional concern for lighting safety is the spectral needs of the occupant. preventing the projection of light above the horizon. This is achieved by using light
lighting from the top down For example, different portions of the population may perceive areas to be brighter, fixtures with specifically designed optics (Figure 5).
when possible, or avoid depending on the type and color temperature of light sources used to illuminate a
allowing uplight to shine space. As a result, it is important to understand who, when, and why individuals will
past building lines. Figure 5. Semi-cutoff and full-cutoff streetlights
use the space being lit, and fit the lighting design to provide the type of illumination
that suits the needs of the expected occupants.
■■ Shield landscape and SEMI−CUTOFF STREETLIGHTS
security lighting so the
Glare and uplight
light reaches only its Reduced Light Pollution & Light Trespass
intended target.
Expanding urban environments often lead to deterioration of people’s
■■ Avoid overlighting areas by view of the night sky. It is estimated that two-thirds of the U.S. population
limiting reflected light. No uplight,
can no longer see the Milky Way with the naked eye.7 According to the FULL−CUTOFF STREETLIGHTS less glare
Keep lights off or in a International Dark-Sky Association (IDA), “light pollution is any adverse effect
■■ a
lowered mode when of artificial light, including sky glow, glare, light trespass, light clutter, decreased

they are not needed. visibility at night, and energy waste.” In addition, ecological light pollution produces Existing poles Reduced uniformity
documented effects on the behavior of many wild species. Therefore, astronomical
and ecological light pollution must be addressed, along with the public safety and
maintenance in national parks. This can be an especially difficult task to address b
when trying to balance public safety and the maintenance of the natural state of
national parks.

Higher poles
Light Pollution

Sky glow occurs when artificial light is projected into the sky and spreads, c
causing a glow above populated areas. The lights of Las Vegas, for example,
illuminate the night sky, and this sky glow is visible for miles to travelers entering
Closer poles
Lighting for Exterior Environments, IES Recommended Practice, RP-33-99.
IES RP-8-00
Cinzano, P., F. Falchi, and C.D. Elvidge. 2001. The first world atlas of the artificial night sky brightness.

Mon Not R Astron Soc 328:689 – 707.

Table of Contents
12 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Reasons for Outdoor Lighting Retrofits 13

Figure 6. Traditional light fixtures (left) and new designs to reduce sky glow and light trespass (right) The lighting industry follows particular specifications to control the stray light Figure 7. BUG System lighting
from outdoor luminaires using the BUG System, an acronym for “Backlight,” zone specifications

Unacceptable / Discouraged Acceptable “Uplight,” and “Glare.”8 This system, developed by the Illuminating Engineering
Society of North America (IES), rates the amount of light a luminaire emits in
Fixtures that produce glare and light trespass Fixtures that shield the light source, to reduce glare and light specific directions. The BUG System helps lighting professionals determine
trespass and to facilitate better vision at night.
appropriate lamp lumens for a given lighting zone: front, back, up (Figure 7).
Today, many exterior light fixtures include BUG-rated zonal lumen distributions
Non-cutoff floodlights Full-cutoff fixtures
based on photometrics of the light fixture. These BUG ratings for light distribution
can be used to estimate the fit of the lighting system within a desired application.

Many new light fixture designs optimize light output while reducing glare,
light pollution, and light trespass (Figure 6).
Non-cutoff streetlight or dusk to dawn security fixtures Full-cutoff streetlights IES TM-15-07
Light pollution obscures the night sky and is especially troublesome for astronomical
observatories. Specific light sources are more appropriate for use near observatories;
for example, low pressure sodium lamps produce light with a small number of
wavelengths, and this light is easily filtered out without substantially reducing or
affecting astronomical observatories.
Non-cutoff wallpacks Full-cutoff wallpacks
In contrast, white light of metal halides or some newer LED luminaires can be
difficult for observatories to filter. This is because a broad spectrum of electric
light emissions, often produced by white-light sources, may exist at the same
wavelengths as the cosmic radiation often studied by astronomers. It is difficult to
selectively filter the electric light from the starlight. Generally, astronomers prefer
Non-cutoff Colonial-type fixtures Full-cutoff Colonial-type fixtures
that major electric light emissions be reserved for LPS sources. If broad spectrum
sources must be used, it is preferred that they are dimmed whenever possible and
their spectrum be limited in short wavelength content, which is less likely to reflect
off surfaces back into the atmosphere and interfere with celestial observations.

Drop-lens canopy fixtures Flush-mounted canopy fixtures

Sag-lens / Drop-lens with exposed light source Full-cutoff fixtures

© BobCrelin.com
IES Luminaire Classification System for Outdoor Luminaires, TM-15-07.

Table of Contents
14 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Evaluating the current lighting system 15

Evaluating the current

lighting system
Evaluate the current lighting system and what will be Lighting Evaluation Basics
required for the future lighting system. Whether retrofitting an existing lighting system or designing a new one, a few
issues should be addressed before any new lighting components are selected:

■■ What is the intended lighting application, and what are the required color
temperature and color rendering requirements? In other words, how important
is it to have colors appear naturally within the desired lighting space?

■■ Where will the light fixture be located, and what are the cutoff, glare reduction,
and spectral considerations of the site? Are there any buildings, roadways,
or walkways that would require shielding of direct light, and are any
observatories nearby?

■■ How will the lighting system operate, and what control schemes are
best for the application? Can lights be fully extinguished during certain parts
of the night?

■■ What technologies are available to achieve the desired design? What are
the costs?

Conducting a Lighting Audit

Why Conduct a Lighting Audit?

Lighting audits are essential to efficiently determine the current state of a particular
lighting system or the need for a new one. An audit of the existing lighting system
can determine what type of retrofit is proper. This includes deciding if adding
occupancy-based controls, dimming capabilities, or daylight contributions into
the new lighting design is appropriate. Lighting audits also allow for an accurate
economic evaluation and light level comparison for the pre- and post-retrofit
systems. These evaluations become important when seeking additional funding
for the project.

How to Conduct a Lighting Audit

Many organizations provide professional services for large-scale lighting system

audits, and the processes for each individual audit vary. Several points recommended
for a lighting audit are provided in “Lighting Audit Guidelines.”

credit. Karin Higgins, UC Davis

Table of Contents
16 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Evaluating the current lighting system 17

Lighting Audit Guidelines Once all this basic information has been recorded, it is possible to make some
useful conclusions about the existing lighting system or space:
To conduct a thorough evaluation of the existing lighting system, the following
items are recommended for consideration: ■■ Does the lighting system meet the original or proposed lighting needs of
the space and occupants, given the required operations (energy use) and
■■ The age, condition, quality, and location of existing lighting fixtures, noting any maintenance costs?
lens discoloration, lens cracking, paint cracking, or burn marks.
■■ Calculate the system efficacy of each type of luminaire. How efficient is each
■■ Model and manufacturer of lighting system to obtain existing photometrics. system at delivering light to its intended surface?
■■ Lamp wattage and ballast type. ■■ Calculate the theoretical system illumination, determined from a rough lumen
■■ Observe the operational environment of the lighting system, noting the method or point-to-point calculation. Use lighting design software to determine
possibility of particulate, moisture, or dirt buildup in or around lighting fixture. if the theoretical measurements match the measured illumination values from
the site. This will help determine the level of deterioration of the current lighting
■■ Note the activities of and the type of work being conducted in the space, system as well as if the system meets code requirements.
as well as any special visual requirements.
■■ Calculate the existing lighting power density and determine if it meets any
■■ Observe how the lighting system is controlled and how often it is used. applicable codes or energy standards.

■■ Note the perceived color of objects within the space to characterize

color quality.

■■ Measure the physical layout of the existing lighting system noting luminaire Lighting System Power and Energy Use Estimation
height and spacing. 1. Compute the total power (kW) used by the existing system.

■■ Use an illuminance meter to measure the light intensity of the existing system
during dark sky conditions to determine if the existing design is appropriate for Existing Lamp or Number of Total Power
the space. Readings should be taken on the ground and at even intervals to luminaire Wattage Lamps Consumed

create a “grid” of measurements. These illuminance levels can be compared W x lamps = W

to the recommended levels for the application.
2. Compute the total energy (kWh) consumed annually by the existing system.

Total Power
consumed by Hours of Use Days of Use Weeks of Use Total Energy
System luminaire per Day per Week per Year Consumed

W x hrs / day x days / wk x wks / yr = kWh / yr

3. Compute the total energy cost (dollars) annually for operation of the existing system.

Total Energy Energy Total

Consumed rate cost

kWh / yr x $ / kWh = $ / yr

Table of Contents
18 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Evaluating the current lighting system 19

Lighting Audit Log

Fixture / Lenses Lamp

Item Number Location Description Age Condition Age Condition System Model Manufacturer Perceived Occupant Types
(soiled, cracked, etc.) Wattage Number color quality
(soiled, cracked, etc.) (age, work
(good, poor, etc.) activities, etc.)

Table of Contents
20 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Lighting Lifespan & Maintenance Planning 21

Lighting Lifespan &

Maintenance Planning
Many decisions are involved when performing a Retrofit Economics
lighting retrofit, especially when weighing cost versus
benefit and seeking funding for the project. Simple Payback

A simple payback is defined as the incremental cost of a new system over the
existing system, divided by the incremental annual energy and maintenance cost
savings received from the new system.

Examples of initial costs typically incurred for a lighting project (varies by project):

■■ Design
■■ Materials
■■ Installation
■■ Commissioning

Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA)

In general, life-cycle analysis attempts to capture all costs and benefits for the
entire life of a product — cradle to grave. This differs from simple payback, which
only considers the initial costs and the savings from energy and maintenance cost
reductions. A true LCA starts from manufacturing and ends at disposal, including
transportation costs and the related pollution effects. There are different approaches
for implementing an LCA, depending on the project. For a more detailed description,
please refer to the Economic Analysis of Lighting (IES RP-31-96).

© California Lighting Technology Center, UC Davis

credit. Kathreen Fontecha
Table of Contents
22 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Lighting Lifespan & Maintenance Planning 23

Life-cycle Cost-Benefit Analysis

Initial Costs System 1 System 2 Annual power and maintenance costs System 1 System 2

1. Lighting System­— initial installed costs, all parts and labor (Dollars) 1. Luminaire Energy (Operating hours x kW x $ / kWh) (Dollars)
An estimate is prepared for material and labor of the installation. The number of operating hours and cost per kWh depends on occupancy schedules
and local power rates. Ten hours a day, five days a week, 52 weeks per year
2. Total power used by lighting system (kW) represents 2,600  hours. In the United States, the average energy cost for commercial,
Connected load of the lighting system, including ballasts and transformers, if any. institutional, and industrial customers is $0.08 to $0.09 per kWh.

3. Utility Rebates (Enter a financial incentive as a negative number) (Dollars) 2. Other annual costs generated by the lighting system (Dollars)
To reduce peak demand, electric utility companies in the United States may offer Other costs may include costs for maintenance of the lighting system.
incentives for end users who retrofit or install energy-efficient lighting equipment in
their buildings. 3. Cost of lamps Annually (Dollars)
The cost of lamps per year depends on the relamping strategy. If spot relamping is
4. Other First costs Generated by the presence of the lighting systems (Dollars) used, then the lamp cost per year is figured from this formula:
Include any other differential costs, such as insulation, solar power, or tax credits. lamp cost per year = (labor and lamp cost for spot replacement of one lamp) x (number of lamps in the system)
(lamp life) / (annual burning hours)
5. Initial taxes (Dollars)
Usually 6 – 8% of the initial cost (Line 1). 4. Other annual costs generated by the lighting system (Dollars)
To annualize ballast costs, use:
6. Total costs (Dollars) ballast cost per year = (cost to replace one ballast) x (number of ballasts in the system)
The sum of lines 1, 3, 4, and 5. (ballast life) / (annual burning hours)

IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th ed. 25-4

7. Installed cost per square Foot (Dollars)
The installed cost per square foot.

8. Watts of lighting per square Foot (w / ft 2)

Watts per square foot, also known as the power density.

9. Residual (salvage) value at end of economic life (Dollars)

The amount the system will be worth at the end of its economic life (as scrap, for
example). Use the same life for each system under comparison. Note that this value
is negative if money is received for the salvage; it is positive if a cost is incurred to
dispose of the system at the end of its life.

Table of Contents
24 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Lighting Lifespan & Maintenance Planning 25

Figure 8. Scheduled group Relamping Best Practices Recycling Tips

relamping has proven to be more
cost effective than spot relamping. When relamping lighting fixtures, two strategies can be used: group and spot Fluorescent lamps contain a small amount of mercury and must be disposed
relamping. The debate between the two generally is reserved for fluorescent and of properly; a few states prohibit throwing fluorescent lamps in the trash.
HID lamps. A growing number of home improvement stores recycle CFLs, including
Home Depot and Ikea. For more information on where to recycle fluorescent lamps,
Group relamping requires lamp replacement to occur on a fixed schedule to
visit www.earth911.com.
maximize lamp life while minimizing lamp outages. Oftentimes, group relamps
occur at about the L70 life of the lamp (the length of time it takes the lamp to reach High intensity discharge lamps — including mercury vapor, metal halide,
70% of its initial light output). Depending on the size of the lighting installation and and high pressure sodium — contain various amounts of mercury. Fewer disposal
amount of time the relamping would take, the relamp normally occurs in phases. sites and stricter laws exist to recycle these lamps. Two sets of laws govern
This strategy saves labor costs by reducing setup time and fixture cleaning. HID’s disposal: Section C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act,
Furthermore, group relamping is easy to delegate to outside contractors who have and each state’s Hazardous Waste regulations. To find out more about both,
special equipment and training, which increases the labor efficiencies. visit www.epa.gov.

Spot relamping requires a technician to replace a lamp every time it fails. As a result, Fluorescent ballasts manufactured before 1978 might contain polychlorinated
lamps run until the end of their lives. This strategy saves material costs by allowing biphenyls and must be disposed of as hazardous waste.
lamps to last longer, but increases labor costs by forcing a technician to replace and
clean lamps regularly. Spot relamping may result in less constant illuminance levels
© BobCrelin.com Case Studies
because of delays between the lamp failures and replacement.

In general, a scheduled group relamping program has proven to be more Arcade Creek Recreation and Park District Arcade Creek
cost effective than spot relamping (IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th ed., 21-9). Recreation and Park Distric:
A recent CLTC case study demonstrated simple payback and LCA. LED bollards
Page 26 of this guide contains a maintenance log that can be used to track relamping. www.cltc.ucdavis.edu/content/
were installed at the Arcade Creek Recreation and Park District in Sacramento, CA,
and were analyzed over a 15-year evaluation cycle. If the LED bollards replaced view/667/353
Funding Your Project 42 W CFLs, the simple payback would be more than 10 years, and the LCA showed
a savings of $220 over the comparison time period. For a 70 W HID base case,
Agencies can look to federal, state, and local sources to fund exterior
the simple payback is about five years and LCA showed a savings of $350; for a
lighting projects.
100 W HID base case, the simple payback is about two-and-a-half years and LCA
■■ Federal stimulus money is available through government-awarded grants. returned a savings of $530.

■■ Local utilities offer incentives to support the use of energy-efficient technologies

Big Bend National Park Big Bend National Park:
in various applications.
Big Bend National Park in Texas recently upgraded a section of exterior lighting www.nps.gov/bibe/parknews/
■■ Lighting manufacturers also can help find incentives; contact the exterior upload/Chisos Basin Best Lighting
using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds, a Best Lighting Practices
lighting manufacturer for more information. Practices Release.pdf
Grant, and a grant from the Friends of Big Bend National Park. The retrofit resulted
in an estimated annual energy cost savings of $3,130 and a 98% reduction in watts,
energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. The goal is to retrofit all lights
within the park to reduce light pollution and energy use, improve the lighting quality for
park users, reduce energy costs, and make the park safer for visitors.

Table of Contents
26 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Lighting Lifespan & Maintenance Planning 27

Lighting System Maintenance Log

Figure 9. Bear Valley Visitor Center at Point Reyes National Park at dusk
Item Number Location of Fixture Date of Relamp Action Taken Employee NAme

© National Park Service

Table of Contents
28 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Lighting Controls 29

Lighting Controls
Many options are available for implementing lighting Lighting controls in outdoor lighting systems reduce the number of
operating hours, lower maintenance costs, and increase energy savings.
controls, and they can make outdoor lighting systems
Several types of exterior lighting controls are available, including photosensors,
much more energy efficient. energy- and time-management systems, and occupancy or motion sensors.
These technologies can be used either to dim the lights or extinguish them. Select
manufacturers offer luminaires with integrated controls, while others can be paired
with external options. They can be implemented with a variety of sources including
LED, induction, fluorescent, and HID. When exterior lights are coupled with
luminaire control packages, the end result is a smart lighting system that optimizes
energy use, offers the right amount of light output for the application, and reduces
operational costs.

Some lighting controls, such as photosensors, are useful in all exterior areas.
Others, such as bi-level occupancy controls, are appropriate only for certain
applications, such as spaces that are required to be illuminated but have low
occupancy levels after dark. National parks and other federal properties with
after-hours parking lots, garages, pathways, or exterior security lighting are ideal
candidates for lighting controls projects.

© California Lighting Technology Center, UC Davis

credit. Kathreen Fontecha
Table of Contents
30 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Lighting Controls 31

Daylighting Control Systems Occupancy Sensors

Daylighting control systems detect available sunlight and adjust electric light There are four types of occupancy sensor technologies that are available
output accordingly. Electric lights may dim or turn off completely, depending on on the market — passive-infrared, ultrasonic, microwave, and audio-based.
the type of daylighting controls used. Daylighting control systems may include Audio and ultrasonic technologies are inappropriate for exterior use because they
time scheduling, which can maximize energy savings. can be triggered unintentionally by small animals, wind, rain, etc.

Photosensors On / Off vs. Stepped-dimming Occupancy Controls

A photosensor is an electronic component that detects the presence of visible On / off occupancy controls consist of a lighting system that operates at full power
light, infrared (IR), and / or ultraviolet (UV) energy. Used in conjunction with and light output when the space is occupied and at zero power and light output
lighting controllers (e.g., dimmers, switches), photosensors can help reduce the when unoccupied. This function is appropriate for secondary use areas that are not
number of operating hours for exterior lighting. If the amount of light that strikes used at night.
the photosensor is greater than the preset threshold, a signal is sent to lighting
Stepped-dimming occupancy controls consist of a lighting system that operates
controllers to dim or extinguish the electric light. Photosensors often are integrated
at full power and light output when the space is occupied and at a reduced power
in the fixture, or placed in a location free from shadows or direct sunlight. Properly
level and light output (the level can be design or product specific) when unoccupied.
installed photosensors will require little maintenance, such as occasional wiping to
This design method balances energy savings and safety. This function is appropriate
remove dust from the surface.
for primary use areas.

Energy Management Control Systems and Time Clocks

EMCS and timers limit lighting to specific scheduled hours. EMCS often is used
to control lighting in an interior and exterior space, for example, a visitor center Figure 10. Various occupancy sensor configurations and ranges
and adjacent parking lot. Because spaces may need more light as the sky darkens, 15' 7' 0 7' 15'
daylight controls or photosensors can adjust lights on to reduced output, then
timers can increase their power later in the evening on a preset schedule. Energy
Infrared sensor range for Wall-mounted sensor
management control systems also can be used to monitor energy use, adjust detecting limb motion
luminaire light levels remotely, and indicate repair needs.

Ultrasonic sensor range for
detecting limb motion

Infrared sensor
range for detecting
full body motion


Ultrasonic sensor range for

detecting full body motion

Table of Contents
32 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Lighting Controls 33

Zonal vs. Individual Occupancy Controls Lighting Controls / Implementation

A zonal occupancy control design involves occupancy sensors controlling groups
■■ Lighting controls implementation methods can vary depending on the
of luminaires. For example, a single occupancy sensor located at the entrance
application. The first step in any lighting controls project is to define control
to a small parking area could activate all parking area luminaires when traffic
zones and control resolution within each zone. Exterior lighting controls zones
enters the lot. Zonal occupancy controls can be cost effective and provide desired
can vary from a residential walkway to an industrial parking lot.
performance features, but they may produce “blind” spots (i.e., it is possible to
occupy the controlled zone without being detected). ■■ Control resolution can be as fine as fixture-integrated photosensors for all area
luminaires or as coarse as one timeclock for an entire facility. Lighting controls
Individual occupancy control design involves each controlled fixture having an often are installed at the circuit or fixture level, and specific configurations will
integral occupancy sensor. This increases reliability and minimizes “blind” spots vary according to each lighting controls system type and manufacturer.
but can increase incremental cost.

Installation and Commissioning of Lighting Controls

Passive-infrared Occupancy Sensor
Care should be taken when installing lighting control systems as most sensors
Passive-infrared sensors require a direct line of sight to function properly. are visible to the public and can easily be manipulated, damaged, or stolen.
This means any obstructions such as buildings or trees between the sensor and To function correctly, sensors must be positioned and set up correctly. Consult the
the intended target will keep the sensor from activating luminaires. sensor manufacturer for installation and commissioning procedures.

Passive-infrared sensors have varied coverage ranges and patterns. An appropriate

range and coverage pattern should be determined based on application and Tips for Adding Controls as a Retrofit
traffic patterns. ■■ Determine the needs and usage patterns of occupants to determine the
best lighting control system.
Microwave Occupancy Sensor
■■ Evaluate sensor upgrade costs versus estimated energy savings using
Microwave occupancy sensors can detect motion through some, first- and second-level economic analyses.
but not all, mediums. These sensors can be useful when integrating an exposed
■■ Ensure the sensor is physically compatible with the space considering sensor
sensor into the luminaire is not possible. Exposing the sensor to open air or
ranges, ambient light, and sensor delays.
through a thin acrylic sheet can reduce blind spots due to unforeseen obstructions.
However, it is not typical for a microwave sensor to detect reliably through fixture
housings. Unless a fixture is offered with an integral microwave sensor and a detailed Steps for Successful Sensor Positioning and Commissioning

coverage pattern, beware of specifying a sensor to be integrated into a housing. ■■ Refer to the sensor manufacturer’s instructions for proper installation.

■■ Include building personnel in planning stages.

■■ Position sensors to minimize false triggers.

■■ Train building occupants on sensor maintenance.

Table of Contents
34 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Source Technologies 35

Source Technologies
Many light sources exist for exterior lighting Light sources come in myriad types, shapes, sizes, colors, light output,
and watts. Choosing the right lamp for the application can depend on factors such
applications. This section describes various lighting
as cost, lamp life, controls, and efficacy. The rapidly changing marketplace makes
products and provides a comparison of technologies to the decision challenging: CFLs are replacing incandescents, and LEDs are poised
assist in selecting the appropriate lighting technology. for tremendous growth.

When selecting a light source, keep in mind that each technology will be paired
with other elements to create an effective system. The source should be selected
in combination with the luminaire and proper controls for the specific application.

When planning a retrofit, not all fixtures are designed to seamlessly replace
one source with another. The new source may not perform the same way as its
predecessors. For example, compact fluorescent lamps typically do not perform
well in cold environments, and LED replacement lamps may not last as long as
intended when exposed to prolonged periods of heat. Careful evaluation of the
long-term goals of the retrofit may indicate, in some cases, that replacing the whole
fixture is more cost-effective than replacing the lamps, even though the up-front
costs may be higher.

For the past 150 years, electric light was mainly produced by a glowing filament
in a glass bulb or by the fluorescence of a gas-filled tube. Now, solid-state lighting
is a viable alternative for general illumination. Understanding the benefits and
limitations of the most prevalent light sources will aid in the selection of the right
technology for the application.

© BetaLED
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36 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Source Technologies 37

Filament-Based Light Sources Fluorescent Light Sources

Incandescent and halogen lamps both are filament-based light sources that operate Fluorescent technology is a low-pressure gas discharge source in which light is
by a similar principle but have unique differences. In these lamps, current flows produced by the fluorescence of a phosphor coating when excited by ultraviolet
through a fine filament wire, causing it to glow. (UV) radiation from a mercury arc. The phosphor coating on the inside of the glass
tube transforms the UV radiation into visible light. A variety of phosphors can be
Incandescent used to provide fluorescent lamps in various color temperatures and with various
color rendering qualities. Fluorescent lamps are available in many shapes, sizes,
Incandescent sources produce light from a filament heated by an electric current
wattages, and colors. Ballasts are essential to the operation of fluorescent lamps.
to incandescence. Traditionally, incandescent lamps have been used in nearly
Ballasts are electrical devices that provide proper starting voltage to initiate the arc
every application. These sources are known for their warm color appearance and
between the electrodes and then control current during operation.
high color rendering ability. Incandescent lamps are available in many different
lamp shapes and sizes to fit almost any application, although they are one of the
Preheat Lamp and Ballast
least efficient sources available. Incandescent lamps are the most common type of
lamp used in residential applications. Preheat (switch start) fluorescent lamps are designed to operate in a circuit
requiring a manual or automatic starting switch to preheat the electrodes to start

Halogen the arc. Preheat lamp and ballast circuits heat the cathode using a variety of
starter mechanisms before the high voltage is applied. The preheating takes a few
Sometimes called tungsten halogen or quartz halogen, halogen lamps are another
seconds and then the ballast attempts to strike the lamp; if the lamp does not strike,
type of incandescent filament-based light source. This lamp uses halogen gas
the preheating process starts over. When using a starter that cannot recognize a
inside a small quartz capsule that encloses the filament. The gas provides some
lamp failure, it is important to remove the lamp as soon as possible, or the ballast
protection for the filament and redirects filament particles back to the filament
will continue to attempt to strike the lamp until the ballast and/or starter fail.
itself, which results in a longer lamp life than standard incandescents and allows
Lamp flicker is usually an indication of lamp failure.
the lamps to operate at a higher temperature. Higher operating temperatures also
can increase the probability of fire or heat applications.
Instant-Start Lamp and Ballast

Halogen Infrared Reflecting (HIR) Lamp An instant-start fluorescent lamp is designed to start by a very high voltage without
preheating the electrodes. The high voltage in instant-start lamp and ballast circuits
This is a type of halogen PAR lamp with a coating on the inside of the lamp.
causes the electrodes to discharge electrons through field emission.
The coating not only absorbs ultraviolet (UV) radiation but also redirects heat
(infrared radiation) back onto the filament, which allows for a slight increase in
Rapid-Start Lamp and Ballast
efficacy over standard halogen lamps.
A rapid-start fluorescent lamp is designed to operate with a ballast that uses
low-voltage windings to preheat the electrodes and initiate the arc without
a starting switch or the application of high voltage. Rapid-start lamps require a
bi-pin configuration.

Program-Start Ballast

Program-start ballasts warm the electrodes before the high voltage is applied.
Once the arc is struck, the ballast stops the warming circuit.

Table of Contents
38 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Source Technologies 39

Electronic Ballasts vs. Magnetic Ballasts Induction Light Sources

Induction lamps are similar to fluorescent lamps and generate light in the
Magnetic and electronic ballasts provide the proper starting voltage and regulate
same way: The flow of electricity creates a gas discharge that is converted into
the amount of current flowing through the lamp. The magnetic ballast is an older
visible light by the white phosphor inside the lamp. Instead of using a standard ballast
technology that uses coiled wire as an inductor to regulate current. It is less effi-
and electrode system that is essential to fluorescent lamps, induction systems use
cient and larger than an electronic ballast, and may create a humming noise during
a high-frequency electromagnetic wave produced by a special ballast (also called
operation. The magnetic fluorescent ballast is currently being phased out of the
a generator) to induce a current in the lamp. Fluorescent lamps have electrodes
market. The electronic ballast delivers higher efficacy than the magnetic ballast and
that degrade over time and eventually fail. Induction lamps do not have electrodes,
uses improved electronic components that more precisely control the current. The
which is the primary reason for their long life. Because of their longevity, induction
electronic ballast does not emit a notable humming noise, but may have a shorter
luminaires are well suited for outdoor areas where lamps would be inconvenient to
lifespan than the magnetic ballast. Different lamps require different ballast tech-
maintain or replace.
nologies. It is important to check lamp and ballast compatibility before any retrofit
or maintenance project.
High Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamps
Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)
HID lamps are also gaseous discharge lamps. Typical HID lamps contain an electrode
CFLs are a type of fluorescent lamp designed to fit into roughly the same space within an inner arc tube that is mounted on a supporting frame. The frame and
as incandescent lamps. CFLs are available in three base types with many different support assembly are connected to a base, which provides the electrical contact.
geometries, wattages, and color temperatures. Most CFLs for residential applications The entire assembly is surrounded by a hard glass outer jacket that has been
are designed to fit into standard Type-A (arbitrary lamp) screw-base sockets. exhausted of air to protect the arc tube and lamp components from contamination
These are commonly known as screw-in or screw-base CFLs. Screw-in CFLs also and oxidation. The light-producing element of HID lamps is the electric arc discharge
are known as self-ballasted CFLs because the ballast is integrated into the lamp as a contained within the arc tube.
nonremovable part. The ballast is enclosed in the plastic shell in the base of the lamp.
Unlike fluorescent lamps, which provide visible light by the fluorescence of phosphor
On the other hand, pin-based CFLs have small, plastic bases that do not coating along the tube wall, HID lamps emit light directly from the electric arc.
contain integrated ballasts. Pin-based CFLs are designed with two or four pins and The efficacy and color characteristics of HID lamps are dependent upon chemical
are used with specially designed fluorescent fixtures that have the ballast remotely components present in the arc tube.
mounted to part of the housing.
The arc tube chemical composition determines the classification of the lamp
Finally, there is a new type of CFL known as a GU-24 lamp. This lamp is geared (e.g., mercury vapor, metal halide, high pressure sodium, and low pressure sodium).
toward using strengths of both screw- and pin-based technology. There are few
GU-24 lamp styles that are shallower than traditional CFLs for decorative fixture
Mercury Vapor (MV)
applications. All GU-24 lamp styles will keep the same screw-in motion as a
Mercury vapor is one type of HID technology in which a major portion of the light
screw-base CFL but with a modified twist-and-lock installation. Some styles will
is produced by radiation from mercury. The outer glass envelope of mercury lamps
contain integrated ballasts, while others will have separate, detachable ballasts
is made of borosilicate hard glass, which is needed to withstand the high operating
within the lamp configuration, allowing for easier ballast replacements.
temperature. The outer glass shell absorbs much of the UV radiation emitted by
the mercury arc.

MV lamps emit a greenish-blue light at efficacies of 30 to 65 lm / W and a

CRI of 15. Under this light, blues, greens, and yellows are emphasized, making the
lamps suitable for landscape lighting. However, orange and yellow spectrums are
lacking, which makes the lamps undesirable for areas occupied by people.

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40 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Source Technologies 41

In general, MV lamps are an older technology that generally underperforms Low Pressure Sodium (LPS)
in efficacy and lamp life compared with metal halide or sodium lamps.
Similar to high pressure sodium, low pressure sodium lamps produce light by
Thus, in retrofit applications, mercury vapor lamps often are replaced with
radiation from sodium vapor. This arc discharge produces a monochromatic
metal halide or high pressure sodium lamps. In addition, sales of mercury vapor
“yellow” light at a color temperature of 1800K; the lamps are not CRI rated. Not
lamp ballasts were banned in the United States in 2008.
only does the light appear yellow, but also any object whose color is not yellow
appears yellow or gray under this source. LPS lamps have the highest efficacy
Metal Halide (MH) of any lamp family, but because of their poor color characteristics, LPS lamps are
Similar in construction to mercury vapor lamps, metal halide lamps provide rarely used. However, the limited LPS spectrum lends itself well to exterior lighting
white light at higher efficacies and longer lifetimes than mercury vapor sources. near astronomical observatories, where it can easily be filtered out.
Metal halides present in the arc tube contribute to the improved light output
over time. MH lamps commonly are used for commercial, industrial, retail, sport, Light Emitting DiodeS (LED)
building façade, and high-ceiling architectural purposes. High CRI metal halide PAR
lamps are used in downlighting, accent, and display lighting in architectural and The light emitting diode is one of the newest source technologies in

retail applications. MH is the most suitable HID source when good color rendition lighting today. LEDs are made from solid-state materials that emit light.

is required. Light output quantity and characteristics depend on the specific material, chemistry,
size, color, and thermal environment of the LED. The color of the emitted light depends
MH technology is available in these three types of lamps: on the chemical composition of the material used and can be near-ultraviolet, visible,
or infrared. Red LEDs are the most efficient at producing light in the visible spectrum.
■■ Probe-start metal halide lamps contain a special “starting” electrode within
LEDs can be monochromatic (one wavelength of visible spectrum) emitters.
the lamp to initiate the arc when the lamp is first lit. This generates a slight
To make white light, there are two general approaches: color mixing or phosphors.
flicker when the lamp is turned on.
Color mixing is typically denoted as RGB (Red-Green-Blue). The RGB LEDs are
■■ Pulse-start metal halide lamps do not require a starting electrode and instead placed close together (typically with a diffusing lens), which combine to make
use a special starting circuit referred to as an igniter to generate a high-voltage white light. The other approach to making white light with LEDs requires a
pulse to the operating electrodes. yellowish phosphor coating over the top of a blue LED. The resulting mix gives the
appearance of white light.
■■ Ceramic metal halide lamps allow for an increase in color quality and are similar
to the pulse start, except the arc tube is made of aluminum oxide instead LEDs have been used for decades as indicators in most electronic equipment
of quartz. These lamps have better color rendering, lumen maintenance, and and more recently in exit signs and traffic signals. White LED technology has
color consistency over their lifetimes than metal halide lamps because of the improved significantly and has begun to find niches in the general lighting
improved arc tube material. market with the potential of considerable energy and maintenance savings.
Rapid improvements in LED efficacy along with the development of white LED
High Pressure Sodium (HPS) sources with very good color characteristics make LEDs a viable lighting source to
consider in many exterior applications.
The high pressure sodium lamp is a type of HID lamp in which light is produced
by radiation from sodium vapor. The outer glass of a high pressure sodium lamp is
made of borosilicate hard glass, which is needed to withstand the high operating
temperature of the lamp. The arc discharge is produced by a mixture of xenon and
sodium-mercury amalgam in the arc tube. HPS lamps are available with clear and
diffuse coatings. They produce an amber light and are widely used in outdoor and
industrial applications where color appearance and color rendering are not critical.
The lamps’ long life and high efficacy have made them popular for parking lots,
street lighting, and exterior lighting.

Table of Contents
42 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Source Technologies 43

Figure 11. Full-cutoff luminaire in Best Practices for Selecting Products

Tucson, Arizona. Exterior Lighting: Source Technologies
When selecting various lighting products, the lumens, efficacies, light quality, Lamp Type Demand source cct (k) cri Lifetime (Hours) Price
lifetimes, and cost all should be considered. On the next page is a technology (W)* Efficacy
selection chart.
High Pressure
■■ Luminaires should reduce power during vacant periods. 70–400 80–120 1,900–2,200 22–70 15,000–40,000 $$
■■ Photocontrols should switch luminaires off high mode when Low Pressure
55 – 180 130–170 1,700–1,800 – 16,000–18,000 $$
sufficient daylight is available. Sodium

■■ Photocontrols or time clocks should extinguish the entire luminaire Ceramic Metal
70–400 75–110 3,000–4,200 80–94 10,000–24,000 $$ – $$$
when sufficient daylight is available. Halide

■■ Luminaires should use long life sources to reduce maintenance metal halide 70–400 40–70 3,000–4,200 60–80 10,000–20,000  $$
and recycling requirements.
mercury vapor 75–1,000 20–40 3,200–6,700 15–50 16,000–24,000 $$
■■ Cutoff or full-cutoff luminaires should be used whenever possible.
CFL 20–70 80–85 2,700–5,000 80–85 6,000–20,000 $ 
■■ Sources should have correlated color temperatures below 6000 K
induction 70–250 50–85 3,500–5,000 80–85 100,000 $ $– $$$
(or 4200 K in residential areas).
LED 40–250** up to 130 2,700–10,000 50–80 35,000–50,000 $$$ – $$$$

Note: The numbers in this chart were compiled when this guide was created and change as the technology improves.

* Typical size of lamps used in exterior applications.

** Typical size of LED luminaires used in exterior applications, luminaire contains multiple LEDs.
*** Based on initial lumens, system efficacy should be determined and is dependent on the
specific fixture style, ballasts, and drivers employed.

© BobCrelin.com

Table of Contents
44 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Emerging Technologies 45

Emerging Technologies
Within exterior lighting, emerging technologies Plasma Lighting
have the potential to further increase Plasma technology has the potential for high efficacy, high lumen density,
energy efficiency. and long life. These characteristics, combined with plasma’s small form factor, show
promise for a future high-performance light source. Plasma lighting systems use
an electrodeless lamp that emits light as a result of an interaction of gas inside the
lamp and precisely focused radio frequency power. Because there is no electrode,
which is a common cause of failure for many HID lamps, plasma lighting systems
have the potential for longer lifetimes.

Plasma systems, because of their high power density, currently are being developed
for exterior lighting applications typically occupied by high intensity discharge lamps
for roadways, parking lots, and outdoor sport lighting. With further performance
and cost validations, these emerging plasma applications potentially could increase
lighting-related energy efficiencies.

Networked Lighting

An area with potential to increase energy savings and lighting performance is

networked lighting controls. Several networked lighting controls technologies exist
that allow stakeholders to access a system’s detailed energy-use profile, identify
maintenance needs, and view or edit operating schedules, all from a central access
point. Networked lighting control systems are quickly expanding to incorporate
new features and improved technologies.

Networked lighting is a fundamental improvement in how lights are managed.

Because instant control of every light is now possible, maintenance issues
can be quickly addressed and light can be delivered and maintained
with precision, saving money and energy. Some of the features of networked
lighting include:

■■ Remote data assessment, via Internet connections,

including maintenance tracking and outage detection.

■■ Demand response control for future electrical utility load-leveling.

■■ Power metering to take advantage of power savings from dimming.

■■ Easily adjustable light dimming profiles.

■■ Interoperable with motion sensors to create well-lit areas of light.

■■ Scheduling to replace photocell control.

© Luxim Corporation
Table of Contents
46 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Emerging Technologies 47

Networked luminaires can be connected in various ways: via a separate cable Photovoltaic (PV) Lighting & Systems Figure 13. Pathway lighting
stringing lines together, through pre-existing power or network lines using power throughout Juan Pablo II
line carrier communication, or via wireless radios. Direct cable connection from A single solar cell produces only 3 – 4 W of power, so cells are connected to form Park, an environmental green
units called modules, which can be joined to form larger groups called arrays. space centrally located in the
light to light can be more expensive to install and difficult to retrofit. Power line
municipality of Las Condes in
carrier communication can be effective but can suffer signal loss depending on the These arrays then are connected to other electrical components to create a
Santiago, Chile.
existing wiring. Wireless radio communication offers easy installation and adaptable photovoltaic system, which may be grid-tied or serve as a stand-alone source of
mesh networking, but the materials and commissioning can be excessively costly. energy generation.
A wireless network allows the radio in each luminaire to work together to reliably
Grid-tied PV systems are connected to the power grid. When the system creates
communicate messages across the network. Networked lighting controls provide
excess power, it is fed to the grid, and the customer earns credit for the electricity.
a user with enhanced access to all parts of a lighting system, which can lead to
When the building uses more power than the system can produce, the customer
decreased costs and improved quality.
draws electricity from the gird and is charged for that power. Grid-tied PV systems
are less costly and require less maintenance than stand-alone systems.
Figure 12. Network-controlled system
NETWORK OPERATING CENTER Stand-alone PV systems are not connected to the electrical grid, but store excess
CONTROL SYSTEM electricity in batteries, which then are used for power when the sun is not shining.
Batteries, however, add initial costs and maintenance costs to the system and
must be replaced every few years. Also, in many areas, stand-alone systems do not
receive the same kind of government incentives provided for grid-tied systems.

Solar street and parking lights can be used in off-grid exterior lighting applications
where wiring, trenching, or metering is not feasible. The solar panel and battery
© Carmanah
Network / System Interface Output Examples Input Examples pack can be placed in many locations on the fixture — at the top, middle, bottom,
■■ IP network ■■ Scheduling ■■ Lamp failures or with the battery pack underground — and several options are available for pole
■■ Internet ■■ Diagnostics ■■ Energy use
■■ Wireless protocol height and lamp style.
■■ Cellular signal
Additionally, PV bollards are well suited for stand-alone systems. PV bollards can
Communication Protocols be programmed to turn on at dusk and off when the sun rises. A solar panel on
■■ Wireless the fixture converts solar energy into electricity, which is stored in a battery to
HUB HUB HUB be used during the night. Bollards have myriad uses, including marking pathways,
increasing security, and creating traffic barriers.

© Delphi Group

Table of Contents
48 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Exterior lighting retrofit & Design best practices 49

Exterior Lighting
Retrofit & Design
Best Practices The exterior lighting retrofit and design best practices listed in this section are
derived from both professionals in the lighting industry and the IES recommended
practice guides for each lighting application.

When planning for a lighting retrofit or new design,

New Lighting System Design
establish the project’s goals and consider factors
based on the type of space that will be lit. When considering new designs for lighting systems, it is important to establish
goals for the new designs. These goals could include, for example, energy
efficiency, light characteristics, and light distributions.

Once the goals have been established for the new lighting system design,
the physical dimensions of the space must be determined. Following that,
it is important to verify application-specific light levels using the appropriate
IES recommended practices. A code-compliant lighting design should be obtained
from one of the following:

■■ The lighting system supplier

■■ A professional computer-aided design package

(e.g., AGI 32, Radiance, or Visual Pro)

■■ IES recommended practice appendix calculations

Lighting System Retrofit

Before beginning a lighting system retrofit, a lighting audit of the existing system
should be performed to determine the system performance and ability to meet
the needs of the space. Begin by establishing the goals of the retrofit. These goals
could be similar to or the same as the new lighting system design described above
(improved energy efficiency, light characteristics, and light distribution), but the
goals will be determined by the needs.

After establishing the retrofit goals, once again determine the physical dimensions
of the space while also considering any existing light fixture heights and locations.
That step will be followed by the same final steps described under the New Lighting
System Design subheading above:

■■ Verify application-specific light levels using the appropriate

IES recommended practices

■■ Obtain a code-compliant lighting design

© California Lighting Technology Center, UC Davis

credit. Kathreen Fontecha
Table of Contents
50 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Exterior lighting retrofit & Design best practices 51

Lighting Design & Retrofit Elements Surface Reflectance

The calculation of reflectance is used to determine luminance, particularly in the

There are several elements that are common to both the design of a new lighting
area of pavement reflectance for road designs. In the case of pavement reflectance,
system as well as to the retrofit of an existing system. These elements are specific
the IES follows CIE guidelines for the Four Class System.
to both the subject or space being illuminated and the intended use of the space.
The following are elements of lighting design and retrofits that should be considered
Road Surface Classifications
before beginning a lighting project.
Class Description Mode of
Illuminance (E)
Portland cement, concrete road surface.
Also known as light level, illuminance refers to the amount of light incident on a
Asphalt road surface with a minimum
surface from a lighting system and is measured in units of footcandles (lumens / ft2) r1 Mostly diffuse
of 12% of the aggregates composed of
or lux (lumens / m2). Typically, IES illuminance method tables specify recommended
artificial brightener and aggregates.
values of maintained illuminance for specific applications. Illuminance values also
are specified as minimum horizontal and vertical values in some applications. Asphalt road surface with an aggregate
Mixed (diffuse and
r2 composed of a minimum 60% gravel
Luminance (L) (size greater than 10 millimeters).

Luminance is the measure of reflected or diffuse light emitted from a surface. Asphalt road surface (regular and carpet
Typically, IES luminance method tables are used in roadway lighting design to seal) with dark aggregates (e.g., trap rock,
r3 Slightly specular
determine the level of “brightness” of a roadway surface by determining the blast furnace slag); rough texture after some
amount of light reflected from the pavement in the direction of the driver. Values months of use (typical highways).
for luminance are based on candelas per square meter (the SI units of light).
Asphalt road surface with very
r4 Mostly specular
smooth texture.
IES RP-33-99, Table 5

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52 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Exterior lighting retrofit & Design best practices 53

Area Classification Luminaire Choice Codes and Standards

For some exterior lighting designs, the area classification of the application Important characteristics to keep in mind: lamp technology choice for increased Always consider local building
environment is required for the appropriate level of illuminance. The table below energy efficiency and lower maintenance costs, cutoff visors and shielding to codes and restrictions when
lists the definitions of these area classifications. reduce lighting pollution, beam width / distribution. implementing a lighting design.
It is recommended that all
Area Classifications
Luminaire Positioning lighting designs be modeled
Commercial A business area of a municipality where ordinarily ■■ Including, but not limited to: setback, spacing, vertical / horizontal aiming. in a computer-based scenario
there are many pedestrians during some of the program to validate the light
night hours. This definition applies to densely ■■ See IES Recommended Practices or other reputable lighting guides for levels and uniformity. Life-Cost
developed business areas outside, as well as recommended spacing / aiming ratios applicable to your space. Analysis should be performed
within, the central part of a municipality. The for each potential technology to
It is recommended that all lighting designs be modeled in a computer-based
area contains land use, which frequently attracts evaluate its payback based on
scenario program to validate the light levels and uniformity. Life-Cost Analysis
a heavy volume of night time vehicular and initial costs such as materials,
should be performed for each potential technology to evaluate its payback based
pedestrian. installation, commissioning, and
on initial costs such as materials, installation, commissioning, and design as well as
design as well as annual savings
Intermediate Those areas of a municipality characterized by annual savings based on energy savings and reduced maintenance costs compared
based on energy savings and
frequent, moderately heavy nighttime pedestrian to incumbent lighting or alternate designs.
reduced maintenance costs
activity. This definition applies to blocks having Softscape Lighting compared to incumbent lighting
libraries, community recreation centers,
or alternate designs.
large apartment buildings, industrial buildings, Softscape lighting is the incorporation of surrounding plant and natural landscaping
or neighborhood retail stores. materials into one unified lighting design. Softscape lighting can occur in the
following areas: private yards, parks, gardens, boulevards, entry markers,
Residential A residential development, or a mixture of residential
earth markers (i.e., water), etc.
and small commercial establishments, characterized
by few pedestrians at night. This definition includes When implementing a softscape lighting design, the following characteristics of
Figure 14. High pressure
areas with single-family homes, town houses, and the space should be considered:
sodium exterior structure
lighting of a building small apartment buildings.
■■ Identify focal points to be highlighted in landscape and corresponding
IES RP-33-99, Table 4
material characteristics (shape, height, width, age, color, reflectance, texture,
Structure Lighting density, branching pattern, bark condition, root depth / spread, growth rate,
evergreen / deciduous, etc.).
Exterior structure lighting is accomplished through floodlighting, spotlighting,
outlining, and silhouetting. The strategic use of these structure lighting techniques ■■ Choose appropriate luminaires to accommodate material characteristics
develops an improved nighttime atmosphere. (important to keep in mind: lamp technology choice for increased energy
efficiency and lower maintenance costs, cutoff visors and shielding to reduce
Structural lighting design and implementation is guided by several key principles.
lighting pollution, beam width / distribution).
Some scenarios call for uniform illumination, while others need a more striking
approach to accentuate focal points. In general, uniform illumination leads to more ■■ Refer to IES Recommended Practices or other reputable lighting guides
lighting pollution and should be used in appropriate applications only. to determine suggested lighting spacing for each point of interest.

© California Lighting Technology Center, When designing and implementing a “Structure Lighting” plan, luminaire choice
UC Davis, Credit. Kathreen Fontecha
and positioning of the luminaire should be considered

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54 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Exterior lighting retrofit & Design best practices 55

Hardscape Lighting Automobile Spaces Figure 16. IES Standard light

distribution patterns
Hardscape lighting applies to man-made elements of landscape such as fountains, Lighting in automobile spaces is a safety measure, allowing for information transfer
outdoor sculptures, flat displays, and gazebos. All hardscape lighting follows between motorists and pedestrians. It is recommended that all lighting designs
these guidelines: be modeled in a computer-based scenario program to validate the light levels and
uniformity. Life-Cost Analysis should be performed for each potential technology Type I
1. Choose a focal point (i.e., structure or water)
to evaluate its payback based on initial costs such as materials, installation,
Structure: sculpture, flat display, gazebo
commissioning, and design as well as annual savings based on energy savings and
■■ Place lighting to accentuate structure focal point by considering critical reduced maintenance costs compared to incumbent lighting or alternate designs.
viewing angles and location of luminaire.
■■ Incorporate colored light effectively so it is not dominated by Type I
other lighting. Designing and implementing a roadway lighting system requires evaluating (4-way)
many factors: visibility, economics, aesthetics, safety, environmental
■■ Use shadows and highlights to emphasize surface texture and shape.
conditions, materials, space geometry (width of roadway, curb location, etc.),
■■ Avoid glare and “hot spots” by lighting structure to IES specifications: pavement reflective properties, extreme grades and curves of roadway,
intersections, landscaping, etc. Type iI
Light from both above and below.

■■ Use shielded luminaires and correct beam shape. A general guideline to follow when implementing a roadway lighting design:
■■ Determine the classification of roadway, area, and pavement to establish
■■ Take light / water properties into consideration when placing the set of lighting standards / local codes that needs to be followed
luminaire in landscape. (Refer to charts on pgs. 51 – 52).
Type II
■■ Choose luminaires that fit into space geometry and design. “Light Distribution Types” (4-way)
■■ Refraction: Known to cause rainbow in rough water.
apply to different geometries of spaces being addressed.
■■ Reflection: Angle of incidence / reflection determines luminaire location.
■■ Per luminaire choice, design geometry of space including mounting height and
■■ Diffusion: Potentially will obscure focal points under water in right pole spacing, etc.
conditions or add desired effects. Type iiI
Figure 15. Roadway lighting in a neighborhood in Danville, CA
2. Choose appropriate luminaires to accommodate
material characteristics

Important to keep in mind: lamp technology choice for increased energy

Type Iv
efficiency and lower maintenance costs, cutoff visors and shielding to reduce
lighting pollution, beam width / distribution.

3. Refer to IES recommended practices or other reputable lighting guides to

determine suggested lighting spacing for each point of interest.

Type V

IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th ed. 22-7

© BetaLED

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56 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Exterior lighting retrofit & Design best practices 57

Figure 17. Bi-level induction Parking Lots and Garages Pedestrian Spaces Sidewalks
parking garage luminaires at the
University of California, Davis Parking lots and garages share similar characteristics that should be considered
A common use of lighting is to illuminate spaces designated for pedestrian use. Sidewalk spaces typically are
North Entry Parking Structure when implementing a lighting design. These include traffic locations,
Adequate lighting can prevent accidents, assist police protection, and facilitate paved areas for pedestrians
security / emergency lighting locations, vertical / horizontal illuminance levels,
pedestrian traffic flow. Ideally, these things can be achieved while allowing for that extend along roadways for
color rendition, uniformity, glare, and obtrusive light. Lighting specific to parking
energy savings through the effective application of light. Below are site-specific vehicular traffic.
garages is for ramps, entrances, and stairways, as well as incorporating daylight
recommendations for several spaces designated for pedestrian use.
into the space. Walkways

General guidelines to follow when designing a parking lot / garage lighting system: Pedestrian walkways are within
Recommended Maintained Illuminance Levels for Pedestrian Ways
the right-of-way for vehicular
1. Maintain illuminance levels at entrances to at least match surrounding public Minimum average Average vertical traffic and include skywalks,
© California Lighting Technology Center, lighting. For parking garages, a daylighting contribution is suggested. horizontal illuminance
UC Davis, Credit. Kathreen Fontecha subwalks, walkways for access
illuminance levels levels for special
2. Choose an appropriate luminaire that has proper color rendering capabilities on pavement pedestrian security to parks or block interiors, and
(lux / footcandles) (lux / footcandles) midblock street crossings.
according to local ordinances and appropriate shielding / reflectors to reduce
glare and obtrusive light. Sidewalks (Roadside) and Type A bikeways Bikeways

■■ Bi-level luminaires are recommended for parking lots and garages because Commercial Areas 10 / 1 20 / 2
Bikeways are any path that
they act both as an energy saver and a safety precaution, letting users Intermediate Areas 5 / 0.5 10 / 1
is specifically designated for
know when the space is occupied. Residential Areas 2 / 0.2 5 / 0.5
bicycle travel.
3. Per distribution of chosen luminaire, design geometry of parking Walkways distant from roadways and type b bikeways
lot / garage light system including mounting height and spacing to achieve
Commercial Areas 5 / 0.5 5 / 0.5
required uniformity.
Intermediate Areas 5 / 0.5 10 / 1
4. Incorporate safety lighting into design to abide by local and building ordinances. Residential Areas 20 / 2 55 / 0.5
IES RP-33-99, Table 6

Figure 18. LED lighting for the

Tunnels Outdoor Sport Lighting
Crocina Tunnel in Arezzo, Italy When designing lighting for tunnels, the two main considerations to keep in mind
Outdoor sport lighting follows different guidelines for each specific sport area.
are the length and the geometry of the tunnel. These will affect the spacing and
In general, outdoor sport lighting should be designed to minimize sky glow through
mounting height of luminaires during installation.
the use of cutoff fixtures and proper geometrical placement of luminaires.
Other important factors that will influence tunnel lighting design:
Outdoor Retail Lighting
■■ Geographic location: surrounding area, type of landscape surrounding
the tunnel, and the solar altitude / azimuth. Proper lighting in an outdoor retail atmosphere is important for the customer
and the merchant. The customer will be drawn to storefronts that offer a secure
© BetaLED ■■ Climate factors: temperature, humidity, change in landscape growth per
environment in addition to a pleasing aesthetic.
season, precipitation type, and average cloud coverage.

Table of Contents
Exterior Lighting Guide for Federal Agencies 59

An exterior lighting design or retrofit should make a Energy-efficient lighting technology is improving and changing rapidly,
meaning any retrofits or new construction should not only meet the baseline and
space more energy efficient and visually pleasing to
conform to state codes and guidelines, but facilities managers also should strive
visitors. When planning for exterior lighting, ensure to be forward thinking as they plan their designs. Too often simple paybacks drive
all decisions are best for the space. decisions and trap enormous savings. The focus should be on the deepest and
most sustained energy-saving approaches as opposed to short-term payback
opportunities. These decisions should be based on life-cycle analysis.

This guide was intended to assist facilities managers and others who are planning
to install or replace exterior lighting. It addressed these issues:

■■ How to save the most energy and money through lighting design

■■ How to improve the light in a space

■■ How to determine the best technology for a space

■■ How to pay for the project

■■ How to recycle lamps

■■ How to implement lighting controls

■■ The differences between source technologies

■■ What emerging technologies have to offer

■■ Best practices for a retrofit and design

An exterior lighting project should be easier to plan and manage by following these
tips and guidelines, making the facility more energy efficient when the project is
finished. As more consumers, businesses, and agencies choose energy-efficient
lighting sources, technologies will become more affordable, more options will be
available, and more energy will be saved.

© California Lighting Technology Center, UC Davis

credit. Kathreen Fontecha
Table of Contents
60 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Appendix & Glossary 61

Resources included in this section are intended to be used as a preliminary guide Illuminating Engineering Society | www.iesna.org
for information on exterior lighting. Though it is not a complete list, each of the
resources included here provides links to a wide range of materials on this subject The Illuminating Engineering Society seeks to improve the lighted environment
as well as related topics. The information contained here is up to date at the time by bringing together those with lighting knowledge and by translating that
this guide was created. knowledge into actions that benefit the public.

International Dark-Sky Association | www.darksky.org

U.S. Department of Energy | www.energy.gov
A nonprofit member organization that teaches others how to preserve the night sky
The Department of Energy’s overarching mission is to advance the national,
through fact sheets, law references, pictures, and web resources.
economic, and energy security of the United States; to promote scientific and
technological innovation in support of that mission; and to ensure the environmental
Dark Sky Society | www.darkskysociety.org
cleanup of the national nuclear weapons complex.
The Dark Sky Society supports educational and legislative efforts to eliminate

U.S. National Park Service | www.nps.gov light pollution.

Since 1916, the American people have entrusted the National Park Service with National Renewable Energy Laboratory | www.nrel.gov
the care of their national parks. With the help of volunteers and park partners, the
National Park Service is proud to safeguard these nearly 400 places and to share National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is the only federal laboratory
their stories with more than 275 million visitors every year. dedicated to the research, development, commercialization, and deployment
of renewable energy and energy-efficiency technologies. Backed by 32 years
National Park Service Night Sky Team | of achievement, NREL leads the way in helping meet the growing demand for
www.nature.nps.gov/air/lightscapes/team.cfm clean energy.

The National Park Service Night Sky Team was formed in response to the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | www.pnl.gov
alarming increase of light pollution even in national parks. The team works across Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is one of the U.S. Department of
the country to document the effects of light pollution. Energy’s (DOE) 10 National Laboratories, managed by DOE’s Office of Science.
PNNL also performs research for other DOE offices as well as government
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | www.lbl.gov
agencies, universities, and industry to deliver breakthrough science and technology
Berkeley Lab is a member of the National Laboratory System supported by the
to meet today’s key national needs.
U.S. Department of Energy through its Office of Science. It is managed by the
University of California (UC) and is charged with conducting unclassified research
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | www.lrc.rpi.edu
across a wide range of scientific disciplines.
The Lighting Research Center is the world’s leading university-based research
California Lighting Technology Center | cltc.ucdavis.edu and education organization devoted to lighting — from technologies to applications
The California Lighting Technology Center’s (CLTC) mission is to stimulate, and energy use, from design to health and vision.
facilitate, and accelerate the development and commercialization of energy-efficient
National Electrical Manufacturers Association | www.nema.org
lighting and daylighting technologies. This is accomplished through technology
development and demonstrations as well as outreach and education activities in NEMA is the trade association of choice for the electrical manufacturing industry.
partnership with utilities, lighting manufacturers, end users, builders, designers, Founded in 1926 and based near Washington, D.C., its approximately 450 member
researchers, academics, and government agencies. companies manufacture products used in the generation, transmission and
distribution, control, and end-use of electricity.

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62 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Appendix & Glossary 63

Case Studies Articles

Lighting of Thomas Jefferson Memorial | Fort benning saves energy with wireless control of outdoor lights |
www.nps.gov/partnerships/lighting_jefferson_memorial.htm http://www.lonmark.org/connection/case_studies/
The National Park Service retrofitted the exterior and portions of the interior of the
Thomas Jefferson Memorial, one of Washington’s most recognized landmarks. Fort Benning, GA, updates its Energy Management and Control System to improve
performance and reliability and, ultimately, to save on energy costs.
UC Davis Smart Energy Initiative |
www.cltc.ucdavis.edu/content/view/560/334 Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light |
The California Lighting Technology Center, Energy Efficiency Center, and Facilities
Management at UC Davis launched the California Parking Garage Lighting Project All living things adjust their behavior according to natural light. Man’s invention
as part of the UC Davis Smart Energy Initiative. This project is directed at increasing of artificial light has done much to enhance the nighttime environment but,
safety, reducing maintenance costs, and achieving 50% or greater energy savings if not properly controlled, obtrusive light (commonly referred to as light pollution)
in standard parking garage lighting applications. can present serious physiological and ecological problems.

International Dark-Sky Association Exterior Lighting | Light Done Right |

www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/pdfs/29267-5.4.5.pdf www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA6696205.html

Exterior lighting improves security, enhances safety, and directs pedestrians and The haphazard lighting currently used to support 24 / 7 lifestyles affects humans’
vehicles. The IDA gives tips on how to improve exterior lighting. natural rhythm, physical and spiritual well-being, and the ability to see and study
the stars. Continuous illumination also relates to the natural rhythms of animals,
Lansing Board of Water & Light and Midwest Circuits | birds, reptiles, bugs, and plants. More conscious lighting design can help address
www.philipslumileds.com/pdfs/CS11.pdf these issues.

The Lansing Board of Water & Light provides outdoor area lighting for its customers,
LEDs, Centralized Control Illuminate Anchorage’s Green Initiatives |
and installs, operates, and maintains about 34,000 street lights throughout the
greater Lansing area.
Anchorage, Alaska, sought a way to make its 16,500 streetlights more
City of Los Angeles LED Street Lighting | energy efficient. What the city found was a plan to replace current streetlights — 
www.mwcog.org/environment/streetlights/downloads/ or high pressure sodium (HPS) lamps — with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that are
CCI Case Study Los Angeles LED Retrofit.pdf connected to a centralized control system.

Los Angeles’ street lighting system is owned and maintained by the Los Angeles
Light Emitting Diode Streetlight Systems Help Cities Save Energy |
Bureau of Street Lighting — part of the Los Angeles Department of Public Works.
With more than 209,000 street lights in its control, the city boasts the second
largest municipally owned street lighting system in the United States. The goal is State and local governments looking to improve efficiency and cut costs are casting
to replace 140,000 city street light fixtures with LED fixtures and install a remote their gaze skyward — at streetlights —  for an answer.
monitoring system.

Table of Contents
64 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Appendix & Glossary 65

Reports & Guides

LED Exterior Lighting: Above Ground Parking Garage | Action Energy: Energy efficiency in lighting — an overview |
www.etcc-ca.com/images/stories/pdf/ETCC_Report_435.pdf www.cibse.org/pdfs/energylight.pdf

Light-emitting diode (LED) lights are emerging as a viable alternative for outdoor This publication provides an overview of energy efficiency in lighting considering
locations such as parking lots, parking garages, and streets, which typically use all the elements and how they interrelate with one another. It is aimed at people
wallpacks and bollards lit with high wattage, high intensity discharge (HID) or who are concerned with improving lighting energy efficiency without inhibiting
fluorescent lights. In addition to increased energy efficiency, LEDs offer longer the quality of the lit environment. This includes architects, lighting designers, and
bulb life, reliability, and cool operating temperatures. LED sources are currently installers as well as building developers, facility managers, and building users.
considerably more expensive than fluorescent, but prices are expected to drop as
demand increases. LED Street Lighting - Phase III Continuation, Oakland, CA |
Oregon DOE Outdoor Lighting Report | This report summarizes the third phase of an LED street lighting assessment
www.oregon.gov/ENERGY/CONS/Codes/docs/MLO_report.pdf project conducted to study the applicability of LED luminaires in a street
Excessive outdoor lighting can have a number of harmful consequences. lighting application. In Phase II, fifteen 78 W LED luminaries replaced 121 W
Glare from high intensity light sources can be hazardous, light pollution can be high pressure sodium (HPS) luminaires (nominal 100 W) in a residential area of
disruptive to the nighttime aesthetic, and unnecessary artificial light is a waste Oakland. In Phase III, the luminaires on one of the Phase II streets were replaced
of natural resources. There are simple measures that can be implemented to with next generation LED luminaires (58 W) from the same manufacturer.
mitigate these problems. Use of shielded outdoor lighting fixtures that direct light Four of the LED luminaires installed in Phase II were replaced. The same suite
appropriately is a simple remediation of the adverse consequences of excessive of lighting performance, electrical power measurements, and economic analyses
outdoor lighting. performed in Phase II were performed for the Phase III LED luminaires.

LED Low-Bay Garage Lighting South San Francisco, CA | Section 5.4.5 Exterior Lighting: Greening Federal Facilities; Second Edition |
www.etcc-ca.com/images/stories/pdf/ETCC_Report_435.pdf www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/pdfs/29267-5.4.5.pdf

Energy Solutions provided monitoring, data collection, and data analysis services Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) Greening Guidebook: This section
for an LED Low-Bay Garage Lighting Demonstration project under contract discusses exterior lighting as it relates to greening federal facilities.
to the Emerging Technologies Program of Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
The project replaced low-bay metal halide fixtures of 175  W lamps with Lighting Fundamentals Handbook:
new low-bay LED Fixtures from Lighting Science Group Corporation of nominal Lighting Fundamentals and Principals for Utility Personnel |
85 W and 6,000 K color temperature. my.epri.com/portal/server.pt?Abstract_id=TR-101710
This comprehensive EPRI handbook provides basic information on lighting
LED Luminaires for Exterior, Porch, and Perimeter Lighting | principles, lighting equipment, and issues related to lighting design. It is intended
www.etcc-ca.com/component/content/article/33/2567-light-emitting-diode-led- as a primer and reference for utility personnel involved in commercial and industrial
luminaires-for-exterior-porch-and-perimeter-lighting lighting programs as well as customer assistance.
The overall goal of this project is to reduce energy consumption by researching and
developing a series of high-performance, energy-efficient, LED-based alternatives
to incandescent exterior, porch, and perimeter lighting in residential, commercial,
and institutional applications.

Table of Contents
66 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Appendix & Glossary 67

Explanation of Lamp
Identification Ordering Abbreviations Glossary
All lamps are designated by a code that provides information about operating A Bulb or lamp: The source of electric these test colors is measured to give
characteristics and physical dimensions. Note that manufacturers’ codes may vary. light. To be distinguished from the an average color rendering ability of a
Information on how to read lamp label ordering abbreviations is available in most Accent lighting: Lighting used to whole assembly (see luminaire). lamp. The greater the apparent shift,
product catalogs relative to a particular manufacturer. Two examples of lamp labels emphasize or draw attention to a Lamp often is used to denote the bulb the lower the CRI. The CRI scale
are listed below. special object or building. and its housing. ranges from 0 (does not render colors
well) to 100 (matched color rendition
Ambient light: The general overall
level of lighting in an area. c to that of the ideal source). If color
rendering is less important, a CRI in
Example 1: F40 T12 / 735 / rs / es Candela (cd): Standard SI unit of
the mid 70s may be less expensive
b luminous intensity, or candle power.
and / or more efficient and sufficient.
F This is a fluorescent lamp.
One candela is one lumen per
Baffle: An opaque or translucent On the other hand, if color rendering
40 Indicates nominal wattage, although this is a 34 W lamp steradian. Formerly called the candle.
element to shield a light source from is extremely important, it might be
T Tubular lamp shape direct view. Candlepower distribution: appropriate to sacrifice cost and / or
The plot graph representation of the efficiency for a CRI in the 90s. A CRI
12 Indicates diameter in eighths of an inch Ballast: A device used with
variation in light spread and intensity in the 80s is standard and should be
a discharge lamp to obtain the
735 Color; the lamp has triphosphor, with a of a lamp or luminaire. specified for most applications.
necessary voltage, current, and / or
CRI over 70 and a CCT of 3500 K
wave form for starting and operating Center Beam Candlepower (CBCP): Cones and rods: Retinal receptors.
RS Mode of starting; the lamp is a rapid-start lamp. the lamp. The intensity of light produced at the Cones dominate the response when
Note that preheat lamps do not have “RS” as a suffix. center of a reflector lamp; expressed the luminance level is high, and provide
Beam spread: The angle created by
in candelas. color perception. Rods dominate at low
ES This is an energy-saving lamp, a generic designation; two points of equal light intensity on
luminance levels. No rods are found in
actual manufacturer designations may be “SS” for either side of the beam’s axis and the CIE: Commission Internationale de
the central part of the fovea. Rods have
SuperSaver, “EW” for Econ-o-watt, “WM” for point where the axis and lamp surface l’Eclairage. The international light
no color perception ability.
Watt-Miser, or other variations. intersect. commission. Determines most lighting
standards. Conspicuity: The capacity of a
Brightness: Strength of the
signal to stand out in relation to
sensation that results from viewing Coefficient of Utilization (CU):
its background so as to be readily
Example 2: CF20EL / 830 / MED surfaces from which the light comes Ratio of luminous flux (lumens)
discovered by the eye (as in lettering
to the eye. from a luminaire received on the
CF This is a compact fluorescent lamp. on a sign, for example).
“work plane” (the area where the light
BUG: System created by IES based on
20 Indicates nominal wattage is needed) to the lumens emitted by
TM-15-07 to rate the amount of light
the luminaire.
EL Electronic ballast lamp emitted from a luminaire in unwanted
directions. The methodology Color Rendering Index (CRI):
830 Color; CRI over 80 and a CCT of 3000 K represents a comprehensive system The CRI rating indicates how well
MED Medium screw base that limits lamp lumens to values an object’s color(s) are rendered by
appropriate for the lighting zone. a light source. It is a comparison of
The BUG rating system replaces the eight specific test colors between
older IES cutoff classification system. an “ideal” light source (incandescent
or daylight) and the light source in
question. The apparent shifting of

Table of Contents
68 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Appendix & Glossary 69

Correlated Color Temperature Disability glare: See “Glare.” f by white light sources, including i Illuminating Engineering
(CCT): CCT is measured in Kelvin incandescent, fluorescent, high Society of North America (IES):
Discomfort glare: Glare that Fixture: The assembly that holds the Illuminance: The amount of visible
temperature, which is a reference intensity discharge sources, and The professional society of lighting
produces discomfort, but does lamp in a lighting system. It includes light that falls on a surface is referred
to the color produced by blackbody white LEDs. Lighting used for engineers, including those from
not necessarily diminish visual the elements designed to give light to as illuminance. Technically, the
emitters (such as stars) when indication or decoration often is manufacturing companies, and others
performance. output control, such as a reflector illuminance on a surface is the density
they are heated to different Kelvin monochromatic, as in traffic lights, professionally involved in lighting.
temperatures. As these emitters (mirror) or refractor (lens), the ballast, exit signs, vehicle brake lights, of luminous flux falling or striking that
become hotter, they move from
e housing, and the attachment parts. signage, and holiday lights. surface. The units of illuminance are Incandescent lamp: An electric

lumens per square foot or footcandles lamp in which a filament gives off light
appearing orange to white to blue. Efficacy: A measure of how Floodlight: A fixture designed to Glare: Intense and blinding when heated by an electric current.
In lighting, this can be confusing (fc). The metric units for illuminance
effectively a desired effect is “flood” a well-defined area with light light resulting in reduced visual are lumens per square meter or
because light sources that are achieved, also called “luminous Indirect fixture: A fixture that
with a beam angle of 30% or more. performance and visibility, often
commonly referred to as “cool” are lux. One fc is equal to 10.76 lux, directs the majority of its luminous
efficacy.” For lighting, it is used
accompanied by discomfort. although a 1 fc = 10 lux approximation
more blue and thus have a higher to quantify how effectively lamps Fluorescent lamp: flux in an upward direction.
Kelvin temperature than “warm” — A low-pressure mercury electric Group relamping: Practice is commonly made by lighting
transform electrical power (watts)
discharge lamp in which a phosphor practitioners. Typical illuminance levels Infrared radiation: EM radiation
more orange light sources. Typically, into visible light (lumens). A lamp of replacing lamps on a routine
coating transforms some of the UV or footcandles are recommended just to the long wavelength side of
an acceptable CCT range for indoor that consumes 100 W of power and scheduled basis determined by a
energy into visible light. for different visual activities. the visual.
environments is between 2500K and produces 2000 lm would have an percentage of estimated lamp life.
5000K. Warm lighting (which has a Recommended number of footcandles Intensity: The degree or amount of
efficacy of 2000 lm / 100 W or Flux (radiant flux): The flow rate of
for a space refers to the average light
low CCT) helps to create a homey 20 lm / W. For white, high-brightness energy moving a certain distance from h energy or light.
and cozy space, while cool lighting level required for a particular task
LEDs, luminous efficacy published by a source. Unit is erg / sec or watts. High intensity discharge (HID) International Dark-Sky
(with high CCT) is associated more measured in the horizontal plane at
LED manufacturers typically refers to
lamp: In a discharge lamp, the Association (IDA, Inc.): A nonprofit
with commercial environments. Footcandle: Illuminance produced desk height. Vertical footcandles
the LED chip only, and doesn’t include
emitted energy (light) is produced organization whose goals are to build
Refer to the typical correlated color on a surface one foot from a uniform is illuminance on vertical surfaces,
driver losses.
by the passage of an electric current awareness of the value of dark skies
temperature on the scale below. point source of one candela. such as walls. Recommendations for
Efficiency: A measure of the through a gas. HID lamps include and of the need for quality lighting.
illuminance levels can vary greatly
Cutoff angle of a luminaire: effective or useful output of a system Footlambert: The average mercury, metal halide, and high depending on location, types of IR Lamp: Infrared lamps feature a
The angle, measured up from the compared to the input of the system, luminance of a surface emitting or pressure sodium lamps. Other tasks performed, etc. The following coating that recycles the wasted heat
nadir (i.e. straight down), between the also called “luminaire efficiency.” reflecting light at a rate of one lumen discharge lamps are low pressure luminance levels are based on the generated by the filament. This coating
vertical axis and the first line of sight Often expressed as a percentage of per square foot. sodium and fluorescent. Some such Illuminating Engineering Society of allows visible light to pass through it
at which the bare source (the bulb or how much energy a system provides lamps have internal coatings to North America recommended light
Full-cutoff fixture: A fixture that while reflecting infrared heat back to the
lamp) is not visible. compared to the amount of energy convert some of the ultraviolet energy level for a particular task or space.
allows no emission above a horizontal filament, making the lamp more efficient.
supplied to it. plane through the fixture. emitted by the gas discharge into
Cutoff fixture: A fixture that
visual output.
provides a cutoff (shielding) of the Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum:
emitted light. The distribution of energy emitted by g High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lamp:
a radiant source, arranged in order of HID lamp where radiation is produced
General illumination: A term used
d wavelength or frequency. Includes
to distinguish between lighting that
from sodium vapor at relatively high
gamma-ray, X-ray, ultraviolet, visual, partial pressures (100 torr). HPS
Dark adaptation: The process by illuminates tasks, spaces, or objects
infrared, and radio regions. essentially is a “point source.”
which the eye becomes adapted to a from lighting used in indicator or
luminance less than about 0.03 candela Energy (radiant energy): Unit is purely decorative applications. In most
per square meter (0.01 footlambert). erg, or joule, or kWh. cases, general illumination is provided

Table of Contents
70 Lighting Retrofit Guide for Federal Agencies Appendix & Glossary 71

k Lumen: Unit of luminous flux; the flux m p human eye. Mixing the light from red, lamp has a diameter of 12 / 8 or one
emitted within a unit solid angle by a green, and blue in LEDs is one way to and a half inches. 38 mm diameter
Kilowatt-hour (kWh): A unit of point source with a uniform luminous Mercury lamp: An HID lamp where PAR lamp: Lamp with a parabolic produce white light. The other approach fluorescent lamps include specialized
energy equal to the work done by one intensity of one candela. One the light is produced by radiation from aluminized reflector. is known as phosphor conversion. models for work premises with low
kilowatt (1000 W) of power acting for footcandle is one lumen per square mercury vapor. temperature applications (exterior
Phosphor conversion: A method
one hour. foot. One lux is one lumen per square
Mesopic vision: Visual with fully used to generate white light with s lighting, refrigerated warehouse).
adapted eyes at luminance conditions LEDs. A blue or near-ultraviolet LED is Scotopic Vision: Vision mediated
l between those of photopic and coated with a yellow or multichromatic u
Luminaire: The complete lighting essentially or exclusively by the rods. It
Light pollution: Any adverse effect unit, including the lamp, the fixture, scotopic vision, that is, between about phosphor, resulting in white light. is generally associated with adaptation Ultraviolet “light”: The energy
of manmade light. Often used to and other parts. 3.4 and 0.34 cd / m .
to a luminance below about 0.034 output by a source that is of shorter
Photometry: The quantitative
denote urban sky glow. cd / m2. wavelengths than the eye can see.
Luminance: The amount of visible Metal halide lamp: An HID lamp measurement of light level and
in which the majority of the light is distribution. Some photographic films are sensitive
Light trespass: Light falling where light coming off a surface is referred Semi-cutoff fixture: A fixture that
generated through the radiation of to ultraviolet energy, as are many
it is not wanted or needed; spill light; to as luminance. The luminance of a provides some cutoff, but less than a
Photopic Vision: Vision mediated electronic detectors. “Black Light.”
obtrusive light. source or surface is defined as the metal halide vapors. full-cutoff fixture.
essentially or exclusively by the
intensity of the source or surface in Urban sky glow: The brightening
Light Emitting Diode (LED): An LED Mounting height: The height of the cones. It is generally associated with Solid-State Lighting (SSL):
the direction of an observer divided by of the night sky as a result of
is a semiconducting device made fixture or lamp above the ground. adaptation to a luminance of at least Technology that uses semiconducting
the area of the source or surface seen manmade lighting.
of inorganic (noncarbon-based) 3.4 cd / m . 2
materials to convert electricity
by the observer. This directionality is
material that produces light when n into light. SSL is an umbrella term
an electric current flows through it.
important to consider, as a source or
q encompassing both light emitting
surface often will have a luminance Nanometer (nm): 10 meter. Often
LEDs first were developed in the diodes (LEDs) and organic light Veiling luminance: A luminance
that varies depending on the angle used as the unit for wavelength in the Quality of light: A subjective ratio
1960s but were used only in indicator emitting diodes (OLEDs). produced by bright sources in the
from which it is viewed. The units of EM spectrum. Often used in office of the pluses to the minuses of any
applications until recently. field-of-view superimposed on the
luminance are candelas per square environment with intensive VDT use. lighting installation. Spot relamping: Practice of
Low Pressure Sodium (LPS) lamp: inch, or per square foot in the English image in the eye reducing contrast
replacing lamps as they burn out.
and hence visibility.
A discharge lamp where the light is (inch-pound) system, and candelas per o r
produced by radiation from sodium Spotlight: A fixture designed to light
square meter in the metric (SI) system. Visibility: Being perceived by the
Organic Light Emitting Diode Reflector lamp: Lamp in which the only a small, well-defined area with a
vapor at a relatively low partial pressure eye. Seeing effectively. The goal of
Luminous Flux: Lumens are the (OLED): OLEDs are based on organic outer blown glass bulb is coated with beam angle of 12 degrees or less.
(about 0.001 torr). LPS is a “tube night lighting.
unit of luminous flux, or visible light, (carbon-based) materials. In contrast to a reflecting material that helps direct
source.” It is monochromatic light. Stray light: Emitted light that falls
produced by a light source. In a very LEDs, which are small point sources, the light. Visual Acuity: Acuteness or
Lumen depreciation factor: away from the area where it is needed
simplistic model: A lamp receives OLEDs are made in sheets, which clearness of vision, especially form
Reflector: Controlling light output by or wanted. Light trespass.
Light loss of a luminaire with time power (watts) and emits light provide a diffuse area light source. vision, which is dependent on the
means of reflection (mirror).
because of the lamp’s decrease in (lumens). OLED technology is developing rapidly sharpness of the retinal focus within
efficiency, dirt accumulation, and any and is increasingly used in display Refractor: Controlling light output by
t the eye and the sensitivity of the
Lux: One lumen per square meter.
other factors that lower the effective applications such as cell phones and means of refraction (lens). interpretative faculty of the brain.
Unit of illuminance. T# (T8, T12, etc.): T stands for tubular,
output. PDA screens. However, OLEDs are Quantitatively, it is the reciprocal of
the number pertains to the diameter
RGB: RGB stands for red, green, and
still some years away from becoming of the tube in 1 / 8 th of an inch the minimum angular size in minutes
Lumen maintenance: Ability of a blue, the three primary colors of light.
a practical general illumination source. increments. A T8 lamp is 8 / 8 of an of the critical detail of an object that
source to maintain a given percentage When the primaries are mixed, the
Additional advancements are needed inch or a one-inch diameter, a T12 can just be seen.
of its original lumen output expressed resulting light appears white to the
in light output, color, efficiency, cost,
in percentage of total lifetime.
and lifetime.

Table of Contents
© California Lighting Technology Center, UC Davis
credit. Kathreen Fontecha

The Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Management Program’s (FEMP)

mission is to facilitate the Federal government’s implementation of sound,
cost-effective energy management and investment practices to enhance
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For more information contact: August 2010

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