Ieee STD 1441 2004
Ieee STD 1441 2004
Ieee STD 1441 2004
IEEE Standards
1441 TM
8 June 2005
Print: SH95304
3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA PDF: SS95304
IEEE Std 1441™-2004
Transmission and Distribution Committee
of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society
Abstract: Various approaches to good inspection practices for the construction of overhead
transmission lines are covered in this guide. Inspection responsibilities and reporting, as well as
inspection of various overhead transmission line components, are discussed. The guide is intended
to be used as a reference for those involved in the ownership, design, and construction of overhead
transmission lines.
Keywords: construction, inspection, transmission lines
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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 1441-2004, IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission
Line Construction.
This guide is one of several documents, covering all aspects of overhead transmission construction, that are
being prepared by the Working Group on Construction of Overhead Lines of the Towers, Poles, and
Conductors Subcommittee of the Transmission and Distribution Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering
Society. This guide presents, in one document, the considerations necessary for the inspection of overhead
line construction. This guide is intended to be used as a reference source for parties involved in the
ownership, design, and construction of transmission lines.
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This guide was developed by a task force of the Working Group on Construction of Overhead Lines. At the
time this guide was completed, the task force had the following membership:
William G. Eisinger, Chair
Glenn A. Davidson
Frank Denbrock
At the time that this guide was approved, the Working Group had the following membership.
P. D. Quinn, Chair
Dick Aichinger Jerome G. Hanson Robert Peters
Tom Alderton Ibrahim Hathout Craig Pon
W. L. Calhoun Magdi F. Ishac Doug Proctor
Bill Carter Arjan S. Jagtiani Tim Rahill
W. Caulkins Donald T. Jones Ron Randle
Len Consalvo Don Koonce Jerry Reding
Anibal Delao Sammy Krishnasamy James W. Reilly
Nicholas J. DeSantis Robert C. Latham Neil Schmidt
Robert L. Donelson Keith E. Lindsey Doug Sherman
Dale Douglass Sandy Martinez Robert Schultz
J. W. Duncan George B. Niles Paul Springer
Tom Evison Ron Odemann Ridley Thrash
Frank Ferracane Thomas J. F. Ordon L. L. Weitzel
Elias Ghannoum Robert G. Oswald H. Brian White
Phillip A. Hall W. B. Zollars
The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
William Byrd Randall Dotson Abdul Mousa
Anthony Baker Donald Dunn John Olenik
Thomas Blair Marcia Eblen Robert Oswald
James Bouford William Eisinger Thomas Pekarek
Joseph Buch Amir El-Sheikh Robert Peters
Thomas Buonincontri Clifford Erven Francis Peverly
Thomas Callsen Charles W Grose Orville Plum
Giuseppe Carbone Randall Groves Percy Pool
James Christensen Edward Horgan, Jr. Patrick Quinn
Robert Christman Magdi Ishac Thomas Rozek
Mike Clodfelder George Karady Bob Saint
F. Leonard Consalvo Leon Kempner, Jr. Surya Santoso
Tommy Cooper Gael R Kennedy Neil Schmidt
Luis Coronado Henry Kientz Devki Sharma
Jose Daconti Stephen R. Lambert John Teixeira
R. Daubert Gregory Luri Daniel Ward
Frank Denbrock John Merando William Wessman
Andrew Dettloff G. Michel Lewis Whisonant
J. Frederick Doering Donald W. Zipse
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 8 December 2004, it had the following
Don Wright, Chair
Steve M. Mills, Vice Chair
Judith Gorman, Secretary
Chuck Adams Raymond Hapeman Daleep C. Mohla
Stephen Berger Richard J. Holleman Paul Nikolich
Mark D. Bowman Richard H. Hulett T. W. Olsen
Joseph A. Bruder Lowell G. Johnson Ronald C. Petersen
Bob Davis Gary S. Robinson
Joseph L. Koepfinger*
Roberto de Marca Boisson Frank Stone
Julian Forster* Hermann Koch Malcolm V. Thaden
Arnold M. Greenspan Thomas J. McGean Doug Topping
Mark S. Halpin Joe D. Watson
*Member Emeritus
Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:
Jennie Steinhagen
IEEE Standards Project Editor
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 2
5. Inspection ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead
Transmission Line Construction
1. Overview
This guide contains a consensus of the industry related good practice for inspecting the construction of transmission
lines. It is not intended to be all-inclusive, and does not supersede the related typical practices of various utilities
formulated for their specific locations and conditions.
1.1 Scope
This guide covers the inspection procedures and practices for right-of-way issues, foundations, structures, and wire
installation for overhead lines.
1.2 Purpose
The objective of this guide is to provide a convenient tool to facilitate thorough and consistent administrative and
quality control techniques for the transmission line owner. The guidelines and procedures presented in this
document are intended to not only document the standards expected of the construction inspectors, but also to help
ensure that the project is constructed in compliance with the drawings and specifications.
The owner’s specification is the inspector’s primary source of direction when specific guidance is required. In the
absence of specific owner’s directions, this guide may be used.
1.3 Application
This guide is applicable to inspection methods and procedures used during the construction of overhead transmission
lines. Actual practices for transmission line construction will be governed and detailed by the individual owner’s
construction specifications, drawings, and instructions. This guide is intended as a reference for field personnel to
aid in ensuring that overhead transmission line construction is accomplished in accordance with the owner’s
1.4 Safety
Construction of overhead transmission lines requires the constructor to implement a safety and health program that
takes all reasonable precautions to protect the safety and health of workers and members of the public and to prevent
damage to private property.
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
In the United States, compliance with the latest applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
standards and other applicable federal, state, or local regulations is required.
a) In any state where the state OSHA’s plan is accepted by the federal government, the constructor must
comply with the state OSHA regulations.
b) The inspector should have completed at least the minimum level of OSHA Construction Safety and
Health training as applicable to the work.
c) The constructor should also keep a copy of applicable OSHA standards at the jobsite.
The inspector should have a working knowledge of applicable safety practices and requirements. Safety authority
and responsibility should be discussed at the start of construction with the owner and constructor. This is especially
important if the inspector finds or observes life threatening construction procedures or acts.
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references,
only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments or corrigenda) applies.
IEEE Std 524™, IEEE Guide to the Installation of Overhead Transmission Line Conductors.1, 2
IEEE Std 951™, IEEE Guide to the Assembly and Erection of Metal Transmission Structures.
IEEE Std 977™, IEEE Guide to Installation of Foundations for Transmission Line Structures.
IEEE Std 1025™, IEEE Guide to the Assembly and Erection of Concrete Pole Structures.
IEEE Std 1048™, IEEE Guide for Protective Grounding of Power Lines.
3. Inspection responsibilities
Inspectors should have practical experience and understanding of construction principles. An inspector should know
how the work is to be done and why it is to be done in a certain way. Knowledge of and consideration for typical
environmental construction stipulations is important. The inspector should also be aware of basic safety issues and
concerns, including the potential hazards of induction coupling to other nearby electrical facilities.
Ideally, the inspector should have previous experience in the construction of transmission lines or similar facilities.
IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
4) Review the constructor’s final drawings of record for compliance with the as-constructed
transmission line.
5) Ensure that access to right-of-way is according to arrangements with landowners.
6) Be proactive in observing any construction practices to avoid potential problems. Maintain good
communication with the construction supervisor and crews.
b) On-site inspector functions include the following:
1) Check preparatory work, such as preparation of subgrade, placement of reinforcement steel,
alignment of forms, and operations requiring inspection during progress of work.
2) Check the use of materials, equipment, and workmanship for conformance with specifications and
for acceptable construction practices.
3) Inform the constructor of the potential unacceptability of any phase of construction that is not being
performed in accordance with drawings and specifications.
4) Notify the constructor of any faulty construction.
5) Inform the constructor of violations of access conditions.
6) Observe constructor safety meetings or briefings.
c) Authority for requiring the removal of faulty construction or of construction performed without
inspection is a function generally reserved for the owner.
4. Inspection reports
Inspection reports are intended to document construction progress on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Specific
item reports document quality and verify conformance with the specifications. Sample inspection reports are
included in Annex A.
Inspection reports are a very important part of the construction process and serve as the ultimate project record in
terms of progress payments, contract compliance, and what was installed.
Inspectors should make daily field reports for work under their inspection. Daily reports should be complete and
Normally, field reports are to be written and submitted to the lead inspector at the completion of each day. A good
practice is to acquire the constructor’s signature on all reports as they are submitted. This practice will help to
reduce potential disputes as issues arise during the project.
a) Advise the lead inspector of work progress, difficulties encountered, noncompliance with drawings and
specifications, and other similar matters.
b) Substantiate or refute constructor’s claims.
c) Record details of methods and materials that can be referred to in later years in order to evaluate the
methods and materials involved.
d) Pass on to other inspectors details that will assist them in their work.
e) Record items completed.
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
The information contained in daily field reports answers the questions related to what, how, and who.
a) Time—date, shift starting and quitting time for both the inspector and the constructor
b) Description and location of each phase of the work
c) Description of weather, including approximate average temperature
d) Number of workers on the job
e) Description of work accomplished
f) A record of construction items completed Specifics
a) Location, quantities and/or limits from which quantities may be computed, and field measurement for
payment. If necessary, include a sketch to show work accomplished or payment quantity.
b) Constructor’s personnel and equipment including the following:
1) Number and classification of all workers including subcontractor’s personnel
2) Description of what each crew is working on
3) Number and type of major pieces of equipment, identifying by brand, year, model number, and size
4) Idle time for all equipment
The primary purpose of weekly inspection reports is for the lead inspector to summarize construction progress,
particularly those pay items that the constructors will be claiming in their monthly pay requests. Diligent accounting
for completed work on daily and weekly reports greatly simplifies the owner’s monthly verification of the
constructor’s pay request.
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
The lead inspector should prepare a narrative report of monthly progress during the last week of every month.
Pictures of constructor activities or unusual job-related occurrences might accompany this report. The purpose of the
report is to verify the constructor’s pay request.
Inspectors are to submit, for verification purposes, quantities of work for the respective contract bid items. If and
when contract modifications are executed and involve items for pay, a record of the quantities of these items should
also be reported with the original contract bid items. Use the copy of the latest contract summary and project
payment request to determine the pay quantities when making out each month’s quantity report. During the month,
pay quantities are recorded on respective daily and weekly inspection reports.
The inspector should prepare specific reports documenting certain construction activities for conformance with
specification requirements and for the owner’s records. These reports may include, but are not limited to, the
following at the owner’s option, as applicable:
a) Material receiving reports
b) Pulling site reports
c) Vendor shortage lists
d) Foundation reports
e) Stub angle checklists
f) Gate and fence grounding lists
g) Right-of-way clearing reports
h) Structure shakedown reports
i) Tree clearing inspection reports
j) Sag check reports (verifies location of sag checks and values measured)
5. Inspection
The inspection process includes the review of construction of the various components of an overhead transmission
Location and function of gates during and after construction is an important landowner concern. The inspector must
verify that gates are properly installed, function properly, and are secure against unauthorized personnel entry or
escape of livestock.
Permanent installation of gates prior to clearing is desirable because it provides orderly access, and constructor’s
crews and equipment are less likely to trespass beyond the limits of access provided. This is frequently a property
owner complaint. Fencing should not be cut until the gateposts are installed and fencing prepared for reinstallation.
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
Location of access roads should be coordinated with agreements made with landowners or in accordance with local
regulations for the safety of the public and constructor’s workers. Road access should be gated to prevent the entry
of unauthorized personnel to the right-of-way and private property.
A list of gate locations is important for the owner’s future operations and maintenance activities. A record of the
location, type, and size of gates will facilitate movement of workers and equipment when required for maintenance
or restoration.
Prepare and review, with the constructor, a list of all gate locations before the work commences, in order to plan and
organize the work and to rule out in advance the cutting of fences and leaving them temporarily unrepaired. The list
will note the type and location of gates to be installed and should correspond with quantities and requirements of the
Coordinate with constructor as to optimum location for installing the gates and approaches within the right-of-way,
and/or access easements. Report accurately as to stationing, type, and location with the right-of-way and other
pertinent information pertaining to the gates and approaches.
Right-of-way clearing is an important public relations issue. Frequently, the owner will have made commitments to
the local government or landowners regarding the method of clearing, appearance of the right-of-way after clearing,
and disposition of timber and slash. The inspector must be familiar with those commitments, and verify that they are
Review the specifications and field verify clearing areas for specific requirements. Clearing shall be in accordance
with specification requirements. Monitor and report any unnecessary clearing damage to property or the landscape.
5.3 Access
Access to transmission line facilities is a major concern to both the owner and the landowner once the facilities are
in operation. Separate agreements may have been acquired for construction access. The inspector should be aware of
any access stipulations that have been specified.
Identifying and documenting access to the right-of-way is important in maintaining a cooperative relationship
between the owner and landowner. Maps, pictures, and written correspondence should be utilized to properly
understand access agreements. The contractor should be kept aware of the agreements and unauthorized access
should be reported and prohibited.
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
Any special work that was performed to allow access should be identified and documented. In some situations
access improvements are of mutual benefit. The improvements need to be approved by the landowner. Such
agreements need to be identified at the time of construction and in writing, if possible.
It is important to verify the proper catalog number and quantity that has been received. Confirm that the material is
approved and that it is undamaged. The inspector, working with a constructor’s representative, should carefully
inspect the material as it is received. Responsibility for the care and custody of the material will be described in the
specification. The inspector should verify that the material is suitably stored and protected from the elements, as
Upon delivery of materials, verify the constructor’s receipt of property with documentation to ensure the constructor
is responsible for proper storage, protection, etc.
Notify the constructor if a material item appears defective or non-standard so loading, hauling, and possible
incorporation into the work is avoided.
Observe material deliveries and ensure that material items are neither dropped nor dragged along the ground from
one location to another. Inspectors cannot direct the constructor with regard to handling materials; however, the
inspector can caution the constructor that damage resulting from mishandling could be cause for materials to be
Inspection of materials should be done, if possible, at time of delivery, and signed off by both the inspector and the
constructor to avoid later disputes about the quantity and condition of material received.
a) Inspect material for possible substitution of unapproved items.
b) Have the constructor assemble each of the insulator, conductor, and overhead groundwire assemblies to
assure all pieces fit together as required. Check the constructor’s assembly to assure all pieces fit together
and the hardware allows free movement and does not bind up.
c) Verify that the orientation of the assemblies will connect to the structure attachment points and are in the
correct horizontal or vertical plane.
5.5 Excavation
Excavation for foundations and anchors is important to the structural integrity of the transmission line. Foundations
need to be founded in soil of suitable strength and installed at the specified depth in order to develop their required
strength. The walls of excavations should be secure and sound so that the foundation will bear on good soil and so
that loose soil will not fall off and contaminate the concrete used in the foundation.
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
Structure grounding is an engineering consideration in the design of the transmission line. The line’s lightning
performance is greatly affected by the structure grounding resistance. Good electrical connections between the
structure and the grounding system are important. The specified grounding resistance must be achieved during
construction, or the engineer notified to determine a remedial action.
Structure grounding is also important in the safety of maintenance personnel; however, structure grounding is
designed for operating and lightning performance. Maintenance activities require that the structure grounding
system be evaluated for the maximum anticipated fault current available at the structure and provide worker
protection as required. The importance of achieving the required ground resistance and the quality of the material
and connections used in the grounding system cannot be overemphasized.
Inspect grounding to ensure that proper ground rods, conductors, and connection materials are used in accordance
with the specifications. Check connections for tightness. Check attachments of grounding conductor to structure,
ground rods, or hardware for tightness and compliance with specifications.
Concrete foundations develop their strength from the interaction of concrete and reinforcing steel. The concrete
must properly bond to the steel. This is achieved by having clean, grease-free reinforcing bars and the proper
concrete mix. The concrete protects the steel from water and air in the soil that would cause it to corrode. The
strength of a concrete foundation is dependent on the proper number, size, and placement of the reinforcing bars.
Since the foundation will be buried and not visible for inspection in the future, it is important that the inspector
verify that the reinforcing steel is properly installed.
Many specifications require a continuous (monolithic) pour of concrete to avoid the possibility of a “cold joint” that
could weaken the foundation and allow the penetration of ground water into the foundation and corrode the
reinforcing steel. The inspector should be sure that the contractor has the proper amount of concrete ordered and that
the conductor is prepared for the pour with adequate equipment and workers.
Prior to the placement of concrete, the inspector should verify the following: Preparation
Monitor removal of excess material from around the ground line of the excavation.
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction Rebar
Assure rebar is the specified size, strength, or grade, and is in a condition to provide proper bonding with the
Prior to concrete placement, it is common to dampen rebar, excavation walls, and forms.
Advise the constructor to avoid applying excessive quantities of water, which can result in ponding and subsequent
detrimental increase to the water/cement ratio and reduction of strength.
Check all dimensions shown on the footing drawings. Forms for concrete should maintain the lines required and
should be tight to prevent the leakage of mortar.
Forms should be strong enough to maintain their shape without distortion while the concrete is being placed.
Wood or steel forms should receive a proper application of a release agent prior to placing concrete.
Assure that all concrete to be exposed is formed to prevent boil-out and that forms are sufficiently supported.
Forms that are damaged to the point where finished concrete will be distorted should be repaired or discarded.
Collect copies of concrete delivery tickets and check portions against approved mix design.
Verify that the constructor is prepared for concrete delivery, working concrete vibrators, curing compound, testing
equipment and personnel, finishing tools, pumps, tremie pipes, etc. Verify that the constructor has properly planned
for extreme ambient temperature conditions (excessively cold or hot) in accordance with specifications.
Assure concrete test samples are properly taken, stored, and tested in accordance with specifications.
Inspectors should be prepared to perform visual checks on the concrete and placement methods.
Honeycombs, shrinkage cracks, bug holes, and other defects should be repaired prior to application of curing
compound and in accordance with the repair of concrete section of the specifications.
The top of foundations that project above ground should be finished in accordance with the specifications (surface
finish, elevation, slope, and other characteristics).
The backfill material should be free of frozen, organic, and other unsuitable materials.
Verify that the backfill material has moisture content and other properties as indicated in the specifications.
Verify that compaction is carried out using approved equipment and achieves the required density values.
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
Lattice steel structures develop their strength through the size and straightness of their members. It is important that
structures be assembled with the members in their proper location and orientation. Bent and bowed members are
considerably weaker than straight members, and must not be used. The members are joined by bolts. The proper
size, strength, and length bolts are required in each splice. Bolts must be properly torqued to enable the joint to
develop its design strength. Joints transfer load from member to member through the friction between the members
developed by the pressure provided by properly torqued bolts, and through direct transfer of load through the cross-
sectional area of the bolts. Bolts that are not torqued sufficiently do not exert the proper pressure to develop the
required friction. They may also loosen due to wind-induced vibration of the structure. Bolts that are over-torqued
may be stretched and in danger of failure, or may have their threads stripped and not be capable of maintaining the
required pressure.
5.8.1 Assembly
When portions of structures are being ground assembled, such assembly shall be in accordance with the
specifications and supported on blocking.
If assembly occurs during the winter, a more observant inspection is required to assure that all ice and snow is
removed from splices.
It is common to find missing holes and corners, which need to be clipped. These are usually repaired in the field.
The specification will describe allowable field repairs. Written records of repairs and modifications should be kept
for future reference.
5.8.2 Fasteners
Review installation of nuts and bolts to ensure that placement and torque are in conformance with the specifications.
Discrepancies should be flagged with ribbon and documented to assure future location and correction.
When laying out and assembling tubular steel structures, the inspector should observe that the proper connection
bolts are used, that the bolts are torqued to the specified values, and that the individual members fit together
properly. Particular attention needs to be given to the slip joints. The manufacturer will specify a minimum slip
distance that must be achieved in order to obtain the design strength. The manufacturer will also specify the
minimum jacking force to mate the sections together. Proper orientation of the mating sections must also be
maintained so that the arms and other pole top attachments will be in the proper orientation with respect to the
ground and no gaps between sections are evident. The finishes on steel poles are susceptible to damage during
handling and erection. Care must be taken to minimize the damage to finishes (as applicable) and to repair the
damage that does occur. The finishes protect the steel poles against corrosion.
Hydraulic jacks supplied by the manufacturer or the constructor are typically used to properly assemble slip joints.
The force of the jacks and the length of the slip section determine the stress in the joint. Too much pressure can split
the wall of the female section of the pole.
The pole manufacturers typically supply connection bolts. They are usually high strength bolts. If they are lost or
missing, verify that replacements are in accordance with manufacturer’s requirements.
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
Observe pole delivery to the erection sites to assure that loading, hauling, and unloading are in accordance with the
specification to prevent damage to the surface of the poles and crossarms.
Assure that poles are handled at the erection site in accordance with the specifications, utilizing appropriate slings
and tools to prevent damage.
Inspect slip joints to ensure that specifications have been met, including any utilization of a hydraulic jack, specified
splice overlap and, if specified, fastening of the splice with bolts.
On certain types of steel pole structures, flange type connections may be used to join the pole sections. Confirm that
these joints are assembled with the correct size and type of bolts and that the bolts are torqued in accordance with
the specifications.
These types of foundations have very specific requirements in terms of the number and type of nuts and the
requirements for plate washers and other fasteners. Inspect all anchor bolt foundations to confirm that the proper
number of nuts and washers has been installed, the nuts have been torqued to the required values, and that any
required spaces under the baseplates have been provided. Where the baseplate sits directly on the foundation,
confirm that the bearing surface between the baseplate and foundation meets the requirements of the specifications.
Verify that depth of the excavation is in accordance with the specifications. Verify that backfill materials and
placement are also in accordance with the specifications.
Arms and braces are to be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s drawings with bolts, nuts, and washers
furnished by the manufacturer. When arms and braces are ground-installed, poles shall be supported by blocking in
accordance with the specifications to prevent distortion of the pole or damage to the finish.
Poles may be framed in the air or on the ground and raised intact. Either method yields satisfactory results. The
required method may be described in the specifications or may be left to the constructor’s discretion. Prior to either
aerial or ground assembly, wood poles should be laid out straight and in proper orientation for framing on the
ground so that the spacing and orientation of holes can be checked. The attachment of insulators, arms, and braces
must be in the proper orientation to develop both the strength of the structure and the electrical clearances.
Attachments to wood poles need to be installed within the owner’s specified tolerances in order to provide proper
fit-up and strength of the assembled structure. Holes should be drilled so that the attachment of insulators, arms, or
braces does not require bending of bolts or deformation (crushing) of the wood. Both are deleterious to the structure.
Framing on the ground is the easiest for the inspector to check. Important observations include the proper size of
bolts, installation of required washers and locking devices, and adequate bolt extension beyond the nut. Nuts or
hardware should be uniformly installed and tightened in accordance with specifications. Verify proper grade of steel
for bolts and hardware. The orientation and spacing of the assembled members should be checked for conformance
with the structure drawings.
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IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
When poles are laid out for framing, they should be supported so that they are straight. Blocking should be used to
keep the structure level and off the ground until erected. Lifting and handling should be performed carefully so that
the poles are not damaged.
If poles are field drilled, the inspector should check holes for proper size and location and also for parallel holes
where required. Many specifications call for field treatment of field-drilled holes through the application of a
preservative solution. If required in the specification, this should be carefully verified. Untreated wood is subject to
decay and an untreated hole may allow the penetration of water into the heart of the pole making it more susceptible
to decay.
Poles with minor damage or misdrilled holes should be field repaired and treated in accordance with the
Steel structures may be damaged by mishandling during erection. The proper size and number of bolts, properly
tightened, is important to allow the structure to develop its required strength. Structure Erection Diagrams show the
proper size and length of bolts required in each connection. It is important that the proper bolts be used. Many
connections require high strength bolts. Where specified, they must be used in order to provide the proper strength
Connections between members transfer the load from member to member. The holes in the joints are normally
factory drilled. Some misdrilling might be expected in normal manufacturing practice. Standard, catalogue-type
structures are sometimes drilled in the field. The specification will indicate the allowable tolerance for misdrilling
and corrective reaming to make holes match up. Reaming holes removes material from the structural members and
may result in oversized holes. Both the area of the member and the proper fit of the bolts in their holes are important
to the structural integrity of the structure. Many specifications require the touch up of holes after reaming with a
cold galvanizing and/or paint product to protect the joint from corrosion. If specified, it needs to be properly applied
as recommended by the manufacturer.
Verify that structures are erected plumb. Members bent during erection may be cause for rejection.
5.11.2 Lifting
Verify that slings or other equipment used for picking up members or portions of structures are of such material or
protected in such a way as not to cut into corners of the members, damage the finish, or distort or overstress
members when lifts are made. Observe that members or portions of structures are raised in such a manner that no
dragging on the ground or against portions of structures already erected will occur.
5.11.3 Cleaning
Verify that mud, dirt, and other foreign matter are removed from the members before erection with special attention
given to cleaning the contact surfaces of bolted and slip joints before bolting-up.
5.11.4 Bolts
Verify the use of the proper size and strength bolts. Verify that nuts have been properly tightened and torqued, as
specified, and that the specified locking method, if required, has been used. Verify that permanent climbing bolts
have been installed as applicable.
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IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
5.11.5 Raking
Poles will be erected on each foundation as shown on the construction drawing. Verify that poles are plumbed or
raked as directed.
5.11.6 Damages
Any painted or galvanized surfaces that are damaged for any reason shall be repaired in the field as directed in the
Wood structures may be damaged by mishandling during erection. Proper tightening of hardware is required and
appropriate lifting techniques should be used to keep the structure in proper alignment.
5.12.1 Spacing
For multi-pole structures, before tamping, the distance between pole centerlines should be checked at or near ground
line to see that it agrees with the specified distance.
5.12.2 Damage
5.12.3 Cleaning
Verify that mud, dirt, and other foreign matter is removed from the poles before erection to ensure safety of climbers
and workers on the ground.
5.12.4 Orientation
Verify that the pole is plumb or raked (depending on the application) and oriented properly before starting the
backfilling operation.
5.12.5 Backfilling
During the backfilling operation, verify that the soil is replaced and tamped in accordance with the specifications.
5.12.6 Completeness
After setting and backfilling, verify that all necessary pole framing and hardware has been installed.
During conductor stringing and sagging operations, it is important to keep the surface of conductors clean and
smooth. If the conductor comes in contact with the ground or structure, the soft aluminum strands may become
abraded and roughened. The rough surface of conductors becomes a source for radio and television interference and
corona when energized. For voltages over 115kV, protection of the conductor surface becomes more important, with
the importance increasing with increasing voltage.
Splices and deadends must be carefully made in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The conductor
surface must be cleaned immediately before the installation of compression accessories. The surface of aluminum
oxidizes quickly. The use of an oxidized conductor in a new splice or deadend will lead to a high resistance joint
that could overheat and fail under high current load.
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IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
Proper sag and tension is required because wires strung to tension in excess of the design tension may overload and
cause failure of the deadend and angle structures, or may cause the wires to vibrate in the wind and fail due to
vibration fatigue. Wires installed with a tension lower than designed will sag too much and may not provide the
proper clearance to ground to meet the requirements of the pertinent jurisdictional safety codes. This could produce
a danger to the public.
The equipment and methods used for transporting, handling, and stringing conductors should be such that the
conductors or structures will not be damaged. Particular care should be taken at all times to ensure that structures,
hardware, and insulator assemblies are not unduly stressed.
5.13.1 Sagging
The length of line that may be sagged in one operation is dependent upon the number and magnitude of angles in the
line, the irregularity of the terrain, and the tension to which the conductor is to be subjected.
a) In fairly level country, several kilometers of tangent line may typically be sagged in one operation,
depending on conductor reel lengths, constructor’s equipment, etc.
b) In rough or mountainous country or where there are numerous large angles, it may be necessary to sag
every few spans.
Conductors are carefully inspected at the factory prior to shipment, but all reels should be inspected again in the
field prior to installation.
a) Reels showing signs of careless or unusually rough handling, such as split frames or crushed outer
protective lagging, should be inspected carefully for conductor abrasion, crushing, and kinking.
b) Damaged sections of conductors should be repaired in accordance with the specifications.
c) Preparatory to unreeling a conductor from the reel, the outer protective lagging should be removed
carefully and all surfaces in contact with the running conductor should be examined for protruding nails,
screws, or other projections that might damage the conductor. Quality and workmanship of reels is very
important in protection of the conductor.
5.13.3 Set-ups
The constructor’s stringing set-up should be observed to verify that no damage to the conductor from stringing
equipment occurs and that specified conductor tensions are maintained during stringing operations.
Materials, insulators, hardware, etc. should be handled with care and stored on lagging as they are hauled to the
a) Verify insulator quantities and check hardware at the time they are installed in the structures. Require the
constructor to remove and replace chipped insulators.
b) Installing insulators: When hanging insulators, make sure the methods used will not bend the insulator
1) During lifting of insulator strings, the lifting force must be in line with the axis of the insulator string
or appropriate insulator cradles must be used to avoid bending forces on the insulator shanks.
2) Bent shanks will almost always break under load.
3) All insulators should be cleaned of dirt, mud, and other debris before being installed.
4) Polymer insulators require special handling. The constructor shall follow the manufacturer’s
recommendations, including the installation of any corona rings.
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IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
5) Make sure the constructor does not lay polymer insulators on the ground unprotected or drag them
along the ground during structure installation. During installation of insulators on structures, care
must be taken that no cantilever loads are applied to the insulators as a result of binding in any part
of the assembly. Any polymer fiberglass insulator damage to the sheds, sheath, or that which is
observed to have had a cantilever load applied, shall be noted and reported to the constructor. During
stringing, ensure that torsional loads are not applied to deadend type polymer insulators. This type of
loading can cause serious damage to the fiberglass core of the insulators.
c) Verify that the insulator, conductor, and overhead groundwire assembly hardware fit together properly.
The hardware should allow free movement and should not bind up.
The tension machine should be spotted in accordance with the specifications from the first structure to be threaded.
Proper placement of the tension machine allows the conductor sufficient space to position itself to proper alignment
before going into the first structure and minimizes the danger of the conductor strands being forced out of normal
position due to heavy tensions. Proper placement of the tension machine is also required to maintain specified
maximum stringing loads on the first structure. In most cases, this can be alleviated by using larger diameter blocks
on the first and last structures. The inspector should check for proper alignment of the reel trailers with the tension
machine to prevent damage to the soft aluminum conductor rubbing against the steel rim as it comes off the reel.
During stringing and sagging, the inspector should verify that temporary guying has been placed on structures, if
required by the specifications, to withstand the unbalanced strain of the conductors during stringing and sagging
Stringing blocks need to be properly sized for the conductor being strung. Construction specifications usually
indicate the minimum groove diameter, groove radius, and groove width required for the conductor, as well as the
proper working load rating of the block. Improperly sized blocks may cause the conductor to climb out of the groove
and be damaged, or produce a large longitudinal load that may damage the structure or insulators. Blocks should be
free running, or their friction will distort the pulling and sagging tensions producing wire that is improperly sagged.
The grooves of the blocks should be clean and free of sharp abrasions that might damage the surface of the
conductor. High voltage conductors must be smooth to avoid generation of radio and TV interference and corona. If
the blocks are lined, the lining should be checked to see that it is in good condition and properly bonded to the
sheave groove.
Stringing blocks should be checked to be sure they are in accordance with the specifications.
The blocks should be inspected prior to use and regularly thereafter. Any blocks showing evidence of broken
housings, broken or chipped sheaves, defective bearings, or loose rivets should be repaired or replaced. The use of
damaged blocks may result in abrasion or serious damage to conductors. Many sagging problems can be traced to
bad blocks.
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IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
The inspector should verify that stringing blocks are supported so that the conductor will lie in the sheave at
approximately the same elevation as in the suspension clamp on the insulator string. This is important because the
conductor is sagged while hanging in the blocks.
Installation of joints and splices is a critical procedure in the construction of a transmission line. Manufacturer’s
instructions must be carefully followed. The inspector should check for the use of the proper dies and properly
functioning presses. A joint or deadend serves two purposes: as strength members and as electrical contact members.
Their proper function and long life both depend on proper installation. The correct size dies, which fully close in the
press, are critical to reliable operation. Cleaning of the conductors prior to insertion into the fittings is necessary for
good electrical contact. Dirty conductors will produce poor joint contact and could lead to premature failure. Even
new, clean conductors have a layer of aluminum oxide on their surface and should be cleaned immediately prior to
making the presses. Aluminum oxide is a good insulator and needs to be removed to provide a good electrical
When aged conductors are joined, the cleaning process is especially critical. On severely old conductors, it is
sometimes advisable to unwrap the outer layer of strands and clean the inner layer prior to compressing the joint or
The manufacturer’s instructions regarding proper insertion of the ends of the wires into the fitting and the number of
presses to use must be observed in order to provide a joint or deadend of the proper strength.
All joints or splices in conductors should be made in accordance with the recommendation of the manufacturer in
order to assure maximum strength in the joint or splice.
5.15.2 Placement
Placement of joints or splices should be in accordance with the specifications. Separation between splices and
structures should be per the specifications.
Repair sleeves or formed patch rods may be used to repair minor damage, in accordance with the specifications.
5.15.4 Jumpers
The inspector should verify that jumpers are assembled and have proper clearance to the structure, in accordance
with specifications.
Sleeving is very important and should be observed very closely by the inspector. The inspector should verify all
measurements and marks. Sleeves should be checked for make, conductor, size, and die number. The inspector
should verify that the operator of the press lets the dies go completely together before releasing the press to insure
that the sleeve is properly pressed.
It is recommended that the outside dimensions of completed splices and deadends be checked with a go/no-go gauge
or micrometer to verify that the compression meets specifications. This check will also confirm that the dies are not
worn and that the dies have closed properly. The quality of the compression connection may be confirmed by the
use of approved go/no-go gauges.
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IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
The inspector should verify that the constructor maintains and stores dies and die seats in a manner suitable to keep
them clean and protected from the effects of weather.
The inspector should verify that, upon completion of the sleeving operation, the completed sleeve is straight, or
within the specified (approved) tolerances.
Conductor sagging operations are critical in the future operation of the transmission line. Most specifications require
that the sagging operation be done continuously and smoothly. Aluminum is a soft metal, which stretches when it is
under tension. This stretch is known as “creep.” The creep in the conductors is taken into account in determining
what clearances and tensions the wires will experience during the operating lifetime of the wires. Creep occurs
quickly when tension is initially applied. Conductor’s tensions should be held as low as possible during the sagging
operation. Most specifications require that the conductor be brought up to sag quickly and smoothly. It should not be
pulled up too tight and then dropped down to proper sag because the higher tension resulting would cause excessive
creep and would influence the conductor’s future sag and tension characteristics.
Since the wire tension is generally applied by the puller or sagging winch at one end of the sag section, the smooth
operation of all the stringing blocks is important so that the tension in the conductor is uniform throughout the sag
The inspector is responsible for checking the sag during the constructor’s sagging operation. This check span may or
may not be one of the spans used by the constructor for sagging. The constructor shall be responsible for sagging the
conductor to the specified tolerance. Final approval of sag should be given only after the deadending and clipping-in
is complete, except that in areas where snubs are required, approval of sag should be given only after all clipping-in
has been completed, the snubs removed, and the adjacent sag section sagged and clipped-in.
It is the constructor’s sagger’s duty to pick the sag spans, if not detailed in the specifications. Wherever possible, the
longer, more level spans or spans approximately the same length as the ruling span lengths should be picked.
The inspector should verify that the amount of sag in each conductor is in accordance with sag tables furnished in
the specifications. The inspector should note that the sag is in accordance with the given span and conductor
temperatures as defined in the sag tables.
5.16.4 Temperature
The inspector should document the temperature with an accurate thermometer each time a sag is set.
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
The inspector should verify that the constructor’s method for checking sag is in accordance with the specifications.
The inspector also needs to verify that the method employed is suitable for spans being sagged and the terrain in
which the line is located.
The inspector should be observant of potential problems as they arise during a sagging operation. Potential areas of
concern are:
a) Sticking sheaves, which can occur from poor maintenance of the sheaves or inclement weather.
b) Uneven terrain.
c) The type of equipment used may potentially cause difficulties, such as the equipment causing problems
in controlling the conductor pulling tension.
d) Errors in the sag check due to misreading the sag tables, sighting in the wrong span or phase, incorrect
positioning of the target, or errors in the set-up and use of the instrument. If structures are guyed,
movement of anchors on deadend structures may affect the sag measurement. The flexibility of self-
supporting structures such as steel poles may also affect the sag.
Transmission lines in mountainous terrain often have several spans in a row going up or down hill. During stringing
and sagging, it can be observed that the insulators in these sections do not hang plumb. Offset clipping as required in
the specification is necessary to insure proper sag and tension in these areas. The drawings and specifications should
indicate where offset clipping is required and provide instruction as to the methods and procedures to be used and
the measured offsets required. These instructions must be carefully followed.
Conductor (overhead groundwire, cable, etc.), like water, tends to run downhill. The purpose of the offsets is to
mechanically pull a measured amount of conductor upward from the downhill side of the sag section; the result
being a section of line with all insulators plumb and with the conductor at tabulated sag in every span.
When sagging out of snubs in an offset section, especially when there are large offsets near the last clipped structure,
it is imperative that the first clipped structure be made immobile so that it acts just like a deadend structure while the
next section is being sagged. This is generally accomplished by tying at the clip point to keep it from moving.
Where conductor supports on a series of structures are at considerably different elevations, conductors tend to run
down from the high spans into the low spans. So, if a conductor were clipped-in at the desired sag with the insulator
strings of the adjacent structures in a vertical position, the insulator strings would soon move out of their vertical
position and the sags would no longer be correct.
a) To avoid inaccurate sagging, it is necessary to sag the conductor in free running sheaves at a sag other
than that shown in the sag tables and then to offset the suspension clamps before clipping-in the
conductor. When the proper sag corrections and insulator offsets are used, the conductor should assume
the correct sag after the conductor is clipped-in with the insulator strings at each structure in a vertical
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
b) The entire length of a conductor between deadends should be sagged in one operation, except where
otherwise discussed in 5.17.4.
c) The constructor will determine which sections of each line require insulator offset and sag corrections.
d) These required insulator offsets and sag corrections will be calculated by the constructor.
e) Insulator offset and sag correctional data will be furnished to the inspector.
f) The conductor should be brought to sheave sag by checking the corrected sag (tabulated sag plus
correction) of several spans in the section of line between deadends.
1) After the sheave sag has been checked, a reference mark should be placed in the conductor directly
under the point from which each insulator string is supported. This should be done for every
structure in those sections of line requiring correctional sags and offsets.
2) Clip structures adjacent to energized crossings first. The center of each suspension clamp should be
placed at the proper offset distance and in the proper direction from the reference mark.
Where the distance between deadend structures is too great to permit the conductor to be sagged in one operation,
intermediate temporary deadends should be established.
a) For the purpose of this guide, a temporary deadend is the last structure in the section of line being sagged
at which the suspension clamp will be clipped to the conductor.
b) There should be at least one structure between the temporary deadend and the point at which the
conductor is snubbed to maintain tension during the clipping operation.
c) The locations of all temporary deadends will be designated by the constructor. The insulator offsets and
the correctional sags cannot be calculated until the temporary deadends have been located.
1) Selection of temporary deadends so as to isolate hilly sections from relatively level sections of the
line will reduce to a minimum the number of insulator offsets and sag corrections required.
2) Before stringing between temporary deadends is begun, the insulator string of the last previous
temporary deadend should be held in a fixed vertical position. If the insulator string is not properly
held in a vertical position, the difference in horizontal tension after the conductor is transferred from
the stringing sheaves to the suspension clamp may cause it to swing toward or away from the section
of line being sagged. This may cause a serious error in the sagging and clipping-in of the conductor.
5.18 Clipping
After the stringing and sagging operations are completed, the final operation is to clip-in the conductor. While
conductors are in the stringing blocks they are more susceptible to vibration damage than after they are clipped-in,
especially if they are required to be protected by vibration dampers. Specifications usually limit the amount of time
that the conductor may remain in the blocks after sagging before they are clipped-in. In the absence of specific
information, a good rule of thumb is to limit this time to no more than 24 hours.
Installation of proper strength and size hardware should be verified. The free movement of parts should be checked
to avoid binding. Proper tightening of bolts, especially U-bolts in suspension clamps, is important to avoid damage
to the conductor. Vibration damage to the conductor usually occurs at the mouth of suspension clamps. Cushioned
supports, armor rods, and vibration dampers are often used to control vibration damage. The proper installation and
location of these devices affects their performance in protecting the conductor.
The inspector should verify that clipping is performed as soon as practicable following sagging and within the time
period defined in the specifications.
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IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
The inspector should verify that slings used for lifting the conductor from the sheaves are of sufficient design so as
not to severely bend the conductor.
The inspector should observe the placement of cushioned supports or armor rods, if applied, to verify that they are
properly centered and installed in accordance with the specification.
Vibration dampers and spacer dampers are used to eliminate vibration damage on conductors as well as potential
damage to supporting structure members. Their performance is dependent on their location. The manufacturer’s
directions for placement and bolt tightening must be followed explicitly. A vibration damper that is improperly
located may have no effect in controlling vibration and avoiding conductor damage.
Conductors (overhead groundwire, cable, etc.) of any material supported above ground in long spans under
relatively high tension are frequently subject to vibration. When a steady wind blows across the conductors, eddy
currents of air are created along the conductor, and if the frequency of eddies corresponds to a natural frequency of
the conductor, there exists a tendency for the conductor to vibrate. Under certain conditions, the vibration may build
up alternating stresses large enough to cause conductor failure due to fatigue. Vibration is not continuous and
prevailing conditions are variable. Therefore, a failure may be experienced after a period of many years or it may
occur within a few months.
The problem of vibration in aluminum or aluminum alloy stranded conductors has been the subject of extensive
study and experimentation. The inspector should verify that vibration dampers and spacer dampers are installed in
accordance with the specification. Items to be verified include:
a) Damper manufacturer number
b) Number of dampers per span
c) Location and placement of dampers
d) Alignment of damper to verify vertical placement of the drain hole, if applicable
Conductors that run parallel to energized wires will acquire an induced voltage due to electromagnetic coupling with
the energized conductor. This voltage may be high enough to cause annoying sparking to a worker’s hands or may
be high enough to be fatal or cause serious injury. Grounding is an essential safety measure to protect workers.
There is also a remote possibility that the conductor being worked on may swing into an adjacent energized
conductor, producing an extreme safety issue. Smooth movement and handling of the conductor being installed can
prevent this hazard.
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IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
Stringing conductors adjacent and parallel to an energized transmission line requires special safety precautions.
Unless adequate grounding measures are used, excessive and hazardous voltage could be induced on pulling cable,
conductors, or overhead groundwires that parallel energized circuits. When such conditions exist, the specifications
require special grounding procedures.
Temporary grounds are required for the safety of the workers and public. Wires being pulled or sagged should have
rolling grounds to protect the workers from transferred potential in the event that a moving wire contacts a remote
energized parallel or crossing line. Clearance poles are a great assist in eliminating or minimizing these contacts.
The inspector shall verify that rolling-type grounds are adequately maintained. Items to observe are that the contact
rollers move, they are properly lubricated, free running, and they are spring loaded to ensure adequate control
pressure on the cable. The inspector should verify that all structure and equipment grounding is in place in
accordance with the specifications prior to stringing operations.
Inspectors should watch for paper and trash that is obvious debris from the line construction not only on the right-of-
way, but also off the right-of-way.
5.23 Cleanup
Project cleanup is important so that the right-of-way is left free of residual materials, debris, and potential safety
Punch lists of items not completed or needing attention should be made up and maintained throughout the entire
construction schedule.
As a minimum, the inspector should verify that the constructor makes every effort to restore property to original
conditions or to the satisfaction of landowners. In order to avoid conflicts with landowners, completion of the
reclamation within a reasonable time after the completion of construction is desirable. Deadlines for restoration
should be agreed upon by the constructor and owner and should be documented for sign off by the inspector.
5.24 Closeout
Upon completion of all cleanup activities, the inspector should transfer all project documentation and materials to
the owner. When necessary, the transfer of documentation may be in advance of the completion of the cleanup
activities should circumstances exist where conditions prohibit the cleanup work being done. In such cases, it may
be necessary to negotiate and document a new deadline for project completion.
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
Annex A
Sample forms
This annex includes a number of sample forms that may be used by inspectors for documenting the inspection
process. This annex is included for information and example only. Users of this guide may freely reproduce and
modify the forms in this Annex so that they can be used for their intended purpose, so long as each page is
reproduced in its entirety, including any and all copyright language.
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IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
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Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
PROJECT:_____________________________________________________________________ DATE:
CONTRACTOR:_________________________________ INSPECTOR:
CONT. No._________________ W.O. No._______________ OPERATION No.____________ SHEET OF .
1 2 3 4
Specified Depth & Diameter
Final Excavated Depth & Dia.
Ground Rod Installed
Water Level In Excavation
Excavation Soils
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
PROJECT:__________________________________________________________________________ DATE:
CONTRACTOR: ___________________________________________ INSPECTOR:
CONT. No.________________ W.O. No.___________________ OPERATION No.____________
3 4-1
4 1-3
LEG 2 As Built: LEG 3
As Spec.:
LEG: 1
As Built: As Built: LEG: 2
As Spec.: As Spec.: LEG: 3
Diff.: Diff.: LEG: 4
As Built: As Built:
As Spec.: As Spec.:
Diff.: Diff.:
Hub Or
P.I. Elev. ( )
As Built:
LEG 1 As Spec.: LEG 4
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
Between Date
Plan & Profile Tower Gate Type/ Completed REMARKS
Sheet No. No./ No. Fence Type Initials (Include fence grounding locations)
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
PROJECT:___________________________________________________________________ DATE:
CONTRACTOR: ___________________________________ SUB CONTRACTOR (S):
CONT. No.____________ W.O. No. ______________ OPERATION No.
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std 1441-2004
IEEE Guide for Inspection of Overhead Transmission Line Construction
PROJECT:___________________________________________________________________ DATE:____________
SUPPLIER:_______________ INSPECTOR:
CONT. No.________________ W.O. No.____________ OPERATION No._______________
Copyright © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.