Help Atlan Eng
Help Atlan Eng
Help Atlan Eng
May 2014
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 7
1.1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................... 7
1.2 INSTALLATION .............................................................................................. 7
2 LICENCE SETUP .................................................................................................. 9
3 WORKING PROCESS ......................................................................................... 13
4 BASIC CONCEPTS AND TERMS ....................................................................... 16
4.1 WORKING ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................... 16
5 GETTING STARTED ........................................................................................... 17
5.1 CREATE A NEW PROJECT ......................................................................... 17
5.2 WORKING ON A PROJECT ......................................................................... 19
5.2.1 Open a Project....................................................................................... 19
5.2.2 Insert a new Device ............................................................................... 19
5.2.3 Edit a Device ......................................................................................... 22
5.2.4 Delete a Device ..................................................................................... 22
5.2.5 Locate a Device ..................................................................................... 22
5.2.6 Connecting Devices ............................................................................... 22
5.2.7 Multisource and Multitarget Connections ............................................... 24
5.2.8 Edit a Connection .................................................................................. 25
5.2.9 Delete a Connection .............................................................................. 26
5.2.10 Grouped connections............................................................................. 26
5.3 DRAWING FACILITIES ................................................................................ 27
5.3.1 Edition Mode.......................................................................................... 27
5.3.2 Zooming ................................................................................................ 27
5.3.3 Project overview window ....................................................................... 27
5.3.4 Grid ....................................................................................................... 27
5.3.5 Tiptool.................................................................................................... 27
5.3.6 Views ..................................................................................................... 27
5.3.7 Multiple Working Areas .......................................................................... 28
5.3.8 Undo/Redo ............................................................................................ 28
5.3.9 Selecting Devices and Connections....................................................... 28
5.3.10 Dragging devices ................................................................................... 29
5.3.11 Redrawing connections ......................................................................... 29
5.3.12 Manual redrawing of connections .......................................................... 29
5.3.13 Inserting background images ................................................................. 30
5.3.14 Insert user’s text box.............................................................................. 30
5.3.15 Aligning devices..................................................................................... 30
5.3.15 Re-dimensioning of devices ...................................................................... 30
5.4 IEC 61850 SPECIFIC FUNCTIONALITIES ................................................... 31
5.4.1 DataSet Definition .................................................................................. 32
5.4.2 DataSet Edition...................................................................................... 34
5.4.3 Reports Definition .................................................................................. 35
5.4.4 Reports Edition ...................................................................................... 36
5.4.5 Logs Definition ....................................................................................... 37
5.4.6 Logs Edition ........................................................................................... 38
5.4.7 GSE Control Block Definition ................................................................. 39
5.4.8 GSE Control Block Edition ..................................................................... 40
5.4.9 SMV Control Block Definition ................................................................. 41
5.4.10 SMV Control Block Edition ..................................................................... 42
5.4.11 GOOSE connections ............................................................................. 42
5.4.12 SMV Connections .................................................................................. 45
5.4.13 MMS connections .................................................................................. 47
5.4.14 Hybrid IEC 61850 Connections .............................................................. 50
5.4.15 Other Functions ..................................................................................... 51
The substation engineering process has experienced a number of changes due to the
introduction of new protection and control technologies. This has involved a gradual
reduction of the information contained in the substation project which drives to a loss of
knowledge. ATLAN has been designed to prevent this effect providing a working
environment that allows working criteria and methods to be unified thus facilitating
knowledge transmission inside the company.
ATLAN provides a working methodology that allows traditional drawings and wiring lists
to be generated providing, at the same time, the configuration files for the IEC 61850
substation devices. The tool is able to differentiate physical wires, which have only
documental information, from logical connections and their associated configuration
parameters that have to be contained in the configuration files. Thanks to this, it is
possible to work on a unified environment with a common information repository from
which all the documentation and configuration files are generated.
Technical Requirements
* Java: jdk 1.6 from Sun Microsystems Incorporated
* Adobe Reader 7.0 or higher from Adobe Systems Incorporated
* 100 MB of available hard-disk space (without object libraries)
* A screen resolution equal or higher than 1280x1024 or 1400x900 pixels is
To install ATLAN, invoke the file “ATLANInstall.exe” included in the CD and follow the
Once the installation process is completed, the ATLAN icon will appear in your desktop.
If you are already using ATLAN, it is mandatory to uninstall previous version before
proceeding with the new installation.
When ATLAN is started up for the first time, the user has to set the path of the Java
machine and the pdf reader. Once this is done, ATLAN is ready to be used.
ATTENTION! ATLAN requires that your computer be configured with the following
applications or complements:
Once the jdk environment is properly installed in your computer you have to set the jdk
java path. This has to be done the first time ATLAN is run. To set the path, click “Explore”
and select the “Bin” folder inside the jdk folder.
Once ATLAN installation is completed, you have to run ATLAN to register the licence as
explained in chapter 2. Once the licence is properly activated, you have to define your
own working environment as described in section 18.1.
Click on “Generate activation file” and the following Windows will be opened. Fill
in the required data including the serial number provided with the CD.
Include a valid email address in the former dialog box and any additional
comments in the second box.
This file has to be extracted from the email and stored in any folder. It is advised
to save it in the default ATLAN folder C:\AtlanEditorGrafico. Once you have the
file stored, you can proceed to validate the licence.
3. Licence installation. Restart ATLAN and the following Window will be shown.
The file can be browsed by clicking on “OK”. Once the file is manually located,
the licence installation wizard will be automatically started.
Locate the file “License<name>.lic” and click on “Install the licence certificate”.
The result of the operation will be shown. By clicking on “Next”, the Licence data
will be shown.
ATLAN generates the models of standard IEDs – and equipment in general – that will be
used in a project. The generation of new models of devices and connexions, as well as
the maintenance of the database of those models, is described in chapter 13.
IEDn.cid DOC
IEDs 61850
Substation design is carried out in the graphical working environment using standard
models, the documentation framework and the design rules.
Physical connexion information can be exported to Excel file using the detail engineering
facilities. Physical information of the project can be exported to an XML file that can be
transferred to a construction tool. See detailed engineering manual for more details.
ATLAN working environment is a very flexible tool that allows different types of projects
to be implemented:
Library area
A Menu bar and a Tool bar provide access to ATLAN functions and facilities.
By placing the cursor over every function icon, a description of its functionality is
automatically shown.
WARNING: The aspect of the windows and dialog boxes shown in this manual may
change depending on the operating system configuration. In any case, the contents will
remain the same.
The following window allows all the data required to start up a project to be fulfilled.
In addition to the name of the new project, the following information needs to be
- User data including name, password and level of every user.
- The name of user’s custom views. These views will be applied to IEDs and other
- The name of user’s connection views. These views will be applied to connections.
User views can only be defined when the project is created. It is advisable to create
enough views in order to have flexibility when generating documentation.
Connexion views can be created at any moment during the life of the project.
Multiple instances of both user and connection views can be created by choosing the
number of instance in the box “Multiple instances”. Views created using this method will
be identified by the name follow by an ordinal number.
Once the project is created, it has to be stored in the desired location. The internal data
structure of the project is automatically generated, including all the information related to
its associated versions and revisions.
Once all the signatures have been generated, the project has to be saved to store
signatures and related information. Now the project is ready to be used by the Author.
Connections’ views can be added, modified of deleted at any time during the edition of
a project by selecting submenu “Add Connections Views” within the “Tools” menu, which
provides access to the following window.
A new project has to be created not only for the design of a substation-engineering
project but also for the creation of a functional specification.
It is advisable to select only the codes related to the project in order to simplify
and clarify drawings and other type of documentation.
The following pop-up window is opened to allow the parameters of every port to
be set.
To configure all the parameters of a port, click on the corresponding “Edit” button.
The following pop-up window is opened to allow the parameters of the port to be set.
When the communication port supports IEC 61850 communications, the parameter
“ApName” can be configured as specified by the standard IEC 61850-6.
If the icd file of IED model has preconfigured information, it is possible to use these
parameters by clicking the button “ICD Data”. The following window will be opened
showing the list of all the “ConnectedAP” blocks of the icd file.
The button “Show” will open a window with the content of the “ConnectedAP” chosen.
When the automatic name insertion function is enabled, some limitations in the name
editing may apply. See chapter 15 for more details.
Multiple devices can be deleted by selecting them and following the same procedure. All
the Logical Functions totally or partially mapped to this device will also be deleted.
This action cannot be undone. If a wrong device has been deleted, quit ATLAN and open
the project again to recover previous state of the project.
Consequently, there are different modes of every one of the above-mentioned generic
These connections require the same information than the physical connections
explained in previous paragraph.
Logical connections require that both devices origin and destination have a
communication port connected to a LAN or directly connecting both devices.
- IEC 61850 connections. There are three types of IEC 61850 connections:
IEC 61850 connections are logical connections with and extra field of specific IEC
61850 information. See section 5.4 for detailed information.
To create such connections, the desired connection type has to be chosen from the
connection library. By clicking on the origin of the connection and while holding the right
button dragging the mouse to reach one of the devices to be connected. While dragging
the mouse a line will be drawn showing the actual origin of the connection. The following
window will be show after releasing the right button of the mouse over the target device.
The block “Target Device list” shows all the devices of the project. Devices associated
to this connection have to be selected by clicking the name of the device and clicking on
the button “>>”. This will add the selected device in the “Target Devices” block.
Select the connection terminal of every device associated to this connection by selecting
the device clicking on his name on the “Target Device” block. The available connection
terminal of the selected device will be shown on the block “Connection Point”. Click on
the terminal that has to be associated to this connection. This operation has to be
repeated for every device associated to the connection.
When editing Multisource and Multitarget connection a new button “Create new
Connections” allows new devices to be associated to this connection. By clicking this
button, the following window is opened.
Two connections can be grouped by selecting them and activating the contextual menu
“Join Connections”. A unique name has to be given to the group.
By activating the “Individual Visibility” box, all the corresponding connections will be
shown separately – i.e., as if they were not grouped –.Also, when selecting any of the
separate connections and disabling this option, they are shown again as a single
connection. Multiple point-to-multipoint connections that have the same origin and
destinations can also be grouped into a common connection. By activating the contextual
menu “Join multiple connections”, the following
window with all the connections that share the
same connection points – which can therefore be
grouped into a same connection – is displayed.
5.3.2 Zooming
The zoom can be continuously controlled by turning the mouse’s wheel. The following
functional icons permit also to control the zoom:
5.3.4 Grid
The grid can be activated as desired in order to facilitate the precise placement of the
devices in the working area. The grid can
be activated by clicking the icon. Grid
resolution can be set at the “Preferences”
submenu in the “Tools” menu.
5.3.5 Tooltip
The Tooltip help function permits to
visualise the relevant information of the
device or connection over which the
mouse is placed at any time. This function
becomes enabled or disabled,
correspondingly, by clicking on the icon.
ATLAN provides simplified views of the
project. The views are classified in
standard views and user defined views. By
activating a view, only the devices
associated to that view are shown on the
working area. Connections between these
devices are also shown. Connections
between the devices in a view and other
devices not included in that view are shown as labels, if the corresponding option has
been activated.
By choosing the submenu “View – Open New Scheme” a dialog box is opened allowing
the name of the new working area to be defined.
Once the connection is finished, a label will be shown including the IED origin
When a drawing including devices from more than one working area is produced, the
connections between devices originally placed in different working areas will be shown
as straight lines.
5.3.8 Undo/Redo
The icon undoes the last action.
These actions are limited to graphical modifications such as connection redrawing, node
dragging, etc.
- To select several devices at the same time, click on one of them and, holding the
“Shift” key pressed, click on every one of the rest of devices to be selected. The
selected devices will be also shown in dark grey colour.
By using the “Search” function and entering the name of the device, the device
will be also shown in dark grey.
Connections can be selected in the following ways:
- Place the cursor over the connection until the pointer change to , then click and
the connection will be highlighted in green.
When moving a device, all its connections will remain attached to it – and will be
automatically redrawn –. This may cause the loss of the correct appearance of the
connections, which may require the redrawing of some of them. It is recommended to
place all the devices in their final locations before drawing the corresponding
Redraws the selected connection using special rerouting algorithm. This allows
straight connections to be drawn crossing over other devices. This may be useful to draw
single wire diagrams.
- Changing the connection point of the connection line in the origin or destination
device. Click on the connection point and drag the mouse holding the left button
pressed. All the connection points of the device will be highlighted in red colour.
Move the line to the new connection point holding the left button of the mouse.
When the device has been created with forced terminal points, it is not possible
to change connection points.
- Adding bending points. Click on the point of the connection where the new
bending point has to be added.
- Moving connections segments. Click on a bending point and move the mouse
holding the left button.
- Deleting bending points. Select the connection and click on the bending point to
delete. Press key “Del” to delete.
To introduce or modify the text of a block, click on the block with the right button of the
mouse and select the “Edit Generic Name” contextual menu.
Return lines are introduced by pressing the “Shift+Return” keys simultaneously. The text
insertion is completed by pressing the Return key.
The font and the size of the inserted text can be defined in the “Preferences” submenu
located in the “Tools” menu. See section 18.6.
By selecting the device to be modified and clicking on the right button of the mouse, it
becomes activated the contextual menu which contains the device re-dimensioning
It is possible that, when re-dimensioning a device, its labels can only be relocated in
positions that are not appropriate for, for instance, developing documents. This is due to
the positioning of the labels when loading the device. In that case, the correct positioning
of the labels can be achieved by closing the project and re-opening it after having re-
dimensioned the devices.
The re-dimensioning functionality can be disabled from the same contextual menu, and
it is also automatically disabled when closing the project.
IEDs that are modelled according to the IEC 61850 standard have associated an icd or
cid file. It describes the capabilities of the device according to the definition of the
standard. When such an IED is instantiated in a project, a cid file is automatically
generated for every particular instance. This file will store all the configuration data that
can be defined in ATLAN:
When the icd file of the device does not have information regarding Datasets, Reports
or Logs defined – or when such information is incomplete –, users will need to define the
Datasets one by one in order to be able to define, afterwards, the Reports and the Logs
from those Datasets. It is recommended to define the Datasets, Reports and Logs before
carrying out the connections of a project. Hence, the information of a project needs to be
specified in the following order:
- Define all the Datasets.
- Define the Report controls and Log controls.
- Define the GSE controls if GOOSE messages are to be used in the project.
Users have to be aware of the limitations of the IEC 61850 device being configured.
Namely, the maximum number of Datasets, Reports and Logs, as well as its rules or any
other specific limitations – related to the data structure of the device –, as ATLAN does
not have the detailed specification of every particular IEC 61850 device and its main task
is limited to verify that the standard is fulfilled in the broader sense. ATLAN verifies the
service definition block of the icd file against the server data model. User is informed
about device capabilities detecting any mismatch between service declaration and
configured services in the server. Every time cid file is edited, the following pop-up
window informs the user about capabilities and limitation of the device.
If the user chooses to keep detected limitations, ATLAN will not allow new elements to
be created if they are out of the capabilities of the device. On the contrary, if the user
clicks “NO, I want to ignore validations” it will be possible to create new elements without
any limitation. User has to be sure about the real capabilities of the device in order to
prevent the creation of a file that will not be supported by the device.
IMPORTANT NOTE: icd and cid files cannot be edited using Windows notepad or other
text editor. By editing with these tools the file will be corrupted. It will not pass the
validation process and the scd file produced will not be IEC 61850-6 compliant.
It has to be considered that the buttons to create, modify or delete control block are
automatically activated depending on its possible use according to the standard IEC
Once the name and the description of the new DataSet introduced, the DO’s or DA’s that
will constitute the DataSet must be selected. A DO or DA is selected by browsing the
tree-folder of the cid. Once found and selected, such data is added to the DataSet by
clicking on the “Load Data Object” button. In the case of any mistake – or at any time if
required –, a DO or DA can be deleted by means of selecting it from the list and then
clicking on the “Remove Data Object” button. DO and DA can also be selected by
choosing a LN and selecting the Do and DA from the combo lists of the block DO/DA.
The information of the LN where the DataSet is being created is presented at the box
“LN information”.
The contents of the Datasheet can be visualised by clicking on “Show”, after which the
following window is displayed.
By clicking on the “Refresh Tree” button, the contents of the new cid file are shown.
All the information will be automatically stored when the project is saved.
Select DataSet that has to be edited by browsing the data tree. Once the DataSet is
selected, click on “Edit data Set”. If the selected DataSet is not being used by any Control
block, the following window will be opened.
To add more data to the DataSet, the same procedure as for DataSet creation has to be
followed. That is to say, select the data from the tree and click on “Load Data Object”.
When the DataSet selected for edition is already associated to any kind of Control Block,
A window with actual configuration will be shown. The user has to determine if this
operation can be executed in function of the engineering process carry out in the project.
By Clicking “Accept” the following notice will be shown describing the limitations that will
be applied to the edition process in order to keep the coherence of cid file content.
To create a new Report, the LN where the Data Report will be created must be selected
first from the tree-folder. Then, after clicking on the “Create Report Control” button, a
new area with the dialogue fields required to introduce the information of the new Report
will be enabled on the bottom-right part of the window.
Click on “Accept” to store the new Report. A new window will automatically show the
contents of the Report in scd format, allowing users to verify the correctness of the
structure and the information. The cid file of the device will be automatically updated with
this information when saving the project.
It is recommended to verify the compliance of the new file to the IEC 61850 standard by
clicking on the “Validate” button.
By clicking on button “Refresh Tree”, the contents of the new generated cid file are
Select the Report that has to be edited by browsing the data tree. Once the Report is
selected, click on “Edit Report Control”. If the selected Report is not associated to any
already existing connection, the following window will be opened.
The following notice will be shown describing the limitations that will be applied to the
edition process in order to keep the coherence of the project.
To create a new Log, the LN where the Log will be created must be selected first from
the tree-folder. Then, after clicking on the “Create Log Control” button, a new area with
the dialogue fields required to introduce the information of the new Log will be enabled
on the bottom-right part of the window.
The attributes of the Log, such as the trigger options and the rest of optional fields, can
be completed by introducing the required values in the corresponding dialog boxes.
Click on “Accept” to store the new Log. A new window will automatically show the
contents of the Log, allowing users to verify the correctness of the structure and the
information. The cid file of the device will be automatically updated with this information
when saving the project.
It is recommended to verify the compliance of the new file to the IEC 61850 standard by
clicking on the “Validate” button.
By clicking on button “Refresh Tree”, the contents of the new generated cid file are
Select the Log that has to be edited by browsing the data tree. Once the Log is selected,
click on “Edit Log Control”. If the selected Log is not associated to any already existing
connection, the following window will be opened.
When the Log to be edited is already associated to a connection, the following message
will be shown. The user has to determine if the edition process can be completed or the
connection associated to the edited Log has to be deleted.
The following notice will be shown describing the limitations that will be applied to the
edition process in order to keep the coherence of the project.
To create a new GSE Control Block, select the LLN0 where the GSE Control Block will
be located and click on “Create GSE Control”. A new frame will be opened to allow the
introduction of the information of the new GSE Control Block.
Select the GSE Control Block that has to be edited by browsing the data tree. Once the
GSE Control Block is selected, click on “Edit GSE Control”. If the selected GSE Control
Block is not associated to any already existing connection, the following window will be
Using this window, the attributes can be modified or a new DataSet can be assigned to
the GSE Control Block.
When the GSE Control Block to be edited is already associated to a connection, the
following message will be shown. The user has to determine if the edition process can
The following notice will be shown describing the limitations that will be applied to the
edition process in order to keep the coherence of the project.
To create a new SMV Control Block, select the LLN0 where the SMV Control Block will
be located and click on “Create SMV Control”. A new frame will be opened to allow the
introduction of the information of the new SMV Control Block.
Once all the related information has been introduced, click on “Save” to store the new
SMV Control Block. A window will show the contents of the DataSet to allow users to
verify its correctness. Click on the “Refresh Tree” button to view the contents of the new
file. The new cid file will be permanently stored when the project is saved.
NOTE: It cannot be defined a new SMV Control Block in a LLN0 when a GSE Control
Block already exists as specify in IEC 61850-6. This will produce a non-compliant scd
Select the SMV Control Block that has to be edited by browsing the data tree. Once the
SMV Control Block is selected, click on “Edit SMV Control”. If the selected SMV Control
Block is not associated to any already existing connection, the following window will be
Using this window, the attributes can be modified or a new DataSet can be assigned to
the SMV Control Block.
When the SMV Control Block that is being edited is already associated to a SMV
connection, a warning message will be shown. The user has to determine if the
modification will affect the coherence of the related connection. The edition process
should not modify any of the parameters of the SMV connection. If any of these
parameters has to be modified, the SMV connection will have to be deleted.
Although only the LLN0 can generate this type of messages, in order to make the drawing
more illustrative of its real functionality the connection can be drawn from any LN of the
origin device to any of the LNs of the destination device.
In the “Connection” block, the “Connection point” field must indicate the Ethernet port –
for each IED – through which both devices communicate. Both communication ports
The “Information” block shows the information that the source LN transmits. Such
information is composed of a “GSE Control Block”. At this point, it can be selected a
“GSE Control Block” defined in the LN0 of the LD in which the LN origin of the connection
is allocated, or any other “GSE Control Block” of the IED, independently of the LN0 that
contains it.
The symbol shows that the selected GSE Control Block is not assigned to any other
GOOSE connection and therefore, can be used in the definition of the actual GOOSE
connection. On the contrary, the symbol shows that the GSE Control Block chosen is
already assigned to other GOOSE connection thus it cannot be assigned to any other
GOOSE connections can be established in multicast mode; that is, from a source to
several destinations. In this case, the following pop-up window is displayed.
By clicking on the “Edit received data” button, it is displayed a pop-up window as that
shown next where, on the upper left area, the contents of the “GSE Control Block” are
shown for each of the IED associated; and, at the tree-folder on the right, it is shown the
selected IED.
By clicking on button “Add”, it is created an association between the received data and
the selected DO.
DO/DA can be selected directly from the data structure tree or by clicking the LN and
choosing DO/DA from their combo lists.
These type of connections will be documented at the scd file so the corresponding XML
code will be automatically generated.
The “Connection” block allows the communication port to be selected. Both, source and
target ports have to be connected at the same LAN.
The “Information” block shows the reference of the information to be published by this
connection. The SMV Control Block allows selecting the desired Control Block. The icon
shows that the SMV Control Block selected is not being used by any other SMV
connection otherwise the icon will be displayed.
By clicking the button “Edit received data” the window of the following figure is opened.
The left part shows the content of the “SMV Control Block” whereas the right part shows
the cid file of the IED subscribing to this connection.
SMV connections can also be defined as multicast. The way multicast SMV connections
are defined is like for multicast GOOSE.
MMS connections are run time established between client and server. Therefore, MMS
connections are not included in the scd file. They are included in ATLAN for
documentation purposes. Thanks to this, it is possible to document the implementation
and functionality of some protection and control functions showing the use and
functionality of reports and Logs.
When a new MMS connection is drawn between two IEDs, the following pop-up window
is opened:
In the “Connection” area, the Connection point field must contain, in each case, the
Ethernet port through which both IEDs communicate themselves. Both ports must be
connected to the same LAN, as the system verifies the communications for every
connection between two IEDs.
The “Information” block defines the Data Object, DataSet, Report or Log that is located
at the server device and will be access by the client. Data can be access in the following
5. If the data is not located in the LN, it is possible to use any other data of the IED.
Clicking “Explore IED” a pop-up window will show the data structure of the IED
including DataSets, Reports and Logs. Browsing the IED any DO, DataSet, report
or Log can be chosen. The selected element will be included with the whole path
/Accesspoint/LD/LN/Data). This facility may be used when a LN has several
instances and only one is shown in order to simplify the diagram.
WARNING: These facilities have been made available for advanced users with in-depth
knowledge of the IEC 61850 standard. It is strongly recommended to verify the
correctness of DataSet, Reports, Logs, GSEControl and their associated connections
against the IEC 61850 standard and the real limitations of the devices that will implement
the project.
By clicking on “Edit Received Data” the contents of the “Report Control” is shown in a
pop-up window. If the data block transmitted by the MMS message contains some data
not relevant for the receiver side – who is acting as server – it is possible to select only
the data that has to be received. This information is not included in the scd file, although
a specific document is generated to allow devices to be properly configured using their
proprietary application.
By clicking “Remove Received Data”, the former data filtering is disabled allowing all the
data of the “Report Control” to be received.
For all the IEC 61850 devices as well as for other IEDs
with Ethernet ports, ATLAN provides control on the
connectivity features of the communication
infrastructure. Every Ethernet port has to be associated
to a LAN number. GOOSE connections can only be established between IEDs
connected to the same LAN.
When a new device with Ethernet Switching capabilities is inserted in the project, a
unique LAN identifier “LANID” has to be provided – every Ethernet Switch is regarded
as a unique LAN, unless it is connected to another Switch –. Therefore, every time that
a new Ethernet Switch is inserted, as it is not yet connected to any other Switch, ATLAN
considers that a new LAN is inserted in the project. Consequently, every new Switch
requires a unique LAN identifier (“LANID”) in the corresponding field. If a LANID has
already been assigned previously, the system will display the following error message.
When two Ethernet Switches are connected, they become a single LAN so they have to
have the same LAN identifier. Once the connection between two independent Ethernet
Switches have been defined the following pop-up window will be shown
The common LAN identifier has to be chosen from the identifier list.
It is possible to modify the configuration of the LANs of the project by using the menu
“Tools – Configuration – LANs Configuration”.
By means of this window, users can change all LAN Identifiers at once.
By clicking on the “Verify” button, configuration errors are checked. This function verifies
those errors that may drive to miss operation of IEC 61850 communications such as
connected IEDs with different LAN identifier, IEDs attached to the same LAN but not
connected, etc. A report is automatically generated.
The designer of the project should determine the most suitable solution for the reported
ATLAN Logical Functions framework provides a set of tools that cover the full lifecycle
of substation protection and automation logical functions. This working environment
comprises the following facilities:
ATLAN licence includes few examples of Logical Functions that may not be adequate
for real implementations. These examples can be used following the instructions of
section 6.2. New Logical Functions can be defined by the user following the instruction
in section 6.1.1.
The new Logical Functions created by the user will be stored in the Logical Function
Library. They can be structured in functional groups or families according to the criteria
of the user, without any limitation.
Library management functions provide facilities to modify the folder hierarchy where
Logical functions will be stored.
By clicking this icon, the Logical Editor Window is opened on a new window, allowing
users either to select an existing function from the library or to create a new function from
By clicking on the icon it starts the procedure of definition of a new Logical Function.
Once the name is entered, users can start the process of defining a new Logical Function
as described next.
Once a name has been assigned to the logical function during the edition process, new
data will not need to be entered every time that the “Save” function is used, as the system
will use the data introduced when invoking the “Save” function for the first time. Users
will not be able to overwrite an existing Logical Function.
The “File” menu contains the “Remove Logical Function” functionality, which permits to
delete those functions that are not required any more. The use of this function is
restricted to ATLAN’s Administrator, reason why it is required to know the password of
the Administrator to be able to remove an existing logical function.
Once deleted all the logical functions contained in a folder, it is not necessary to delete
the folder as it will be automatically removed by system, as explained before.
Logical Functions provided with ATLAN’s licence are not shown in this window, since
they are stored in a protected area and cannot be deleted.
User notes, comments and legends can be added by means of text blocks – framed or
unframed –. To add a block of text, click either on icon if the block needs to be framed,
or on icon if it needs to be unframed.
The rest of drawing functions – such as zoom, grid, etc. – are also available for this
working environment.
Once a logical function saved in the library, it will not be able to be modified. The same
applies when a logical function is used in a project. Its graphical appearance cannot be
Before exiting the logical functions edition environment, the carried out design must be
saved, otherwise all the modifications performed since the last time that the design was
saved will be lost.
In order to save a logical function, use the “Save” submenu or click on the icon. Any
time that a function is saved, a new name must be assigned to it.
The function will be automatically created in a new folder within the Logical Function
area. All the elements that have not been yet mapped will appear highlighted in red
Once the new function has been added, its logical generic components, inputs, outputs
and logical elements need to be mapped to the signals of the project and to the IEDs
that will implement such logical elements in the final design.
When initiating the process of mapping a logical function, all its components appear
highlighted in red colour. As the components become assigned to devices and signals
of the project, their colour changes to black and every one of them adopts the name of
the device or the signal by which is implemented in the project. At the same time, when
selecting an element of the logical function, it becomes highlighted in green colour, in
the same way that the associated device becomes highlighted in green or grey in a
project, for IEDs with internal functions.
The previous figure shows a logical function that has not been mapped yet, and therefore
all its components are highlighted in red colour.
The mapping process can be carried out either by assigning all the elements of the
Logical Function to a same device – as it has been described previously –, or by
distributing the Logical Function among several devices in the project.
The process of mapping or assigning the elements of a logical function to devices and
signals in a project must be carried out by following the next sequence of steps:
Click with the right button of the mouse on one of the logical elements and choose
the “Device Assignment” context menu. The following window will be displayed:
When clicking on the “Accept” button, the logical element adopts the name of the
IED that implements it, and the IED as well as the logical element are shown in
green colour.
This process has to be repeated for every element of the function. Connection
between logical elements associated to the same IED will not require mapping
and will change its colour to black automatically, as shown in next image.
The mapping of logical elements to wired logic requires a direct mapping over a
multi-source connection with exactly the same number of terminals as the wired
logical element. All the logical elements connected to the wired logical element
have to be previously mapped before proceeding to map the wired logical
function. “Multi-source wired connection” describes the wiring of several inputs or
outputs in parallel or in series. The equivalent function, AND or OR respectively,
indicates the wiring type.
The contents of the first list depends on the assignment of functions; for example,
when the function to which the input or the output is connected is a wired function,
all the IEDs of the project are listed; whereas if the function has been assigned
to a single IED, only that IED appears in the list.
This window displays the connections that have been defined between the source
and destination devices, to which the two logical elements to be connected have
been assigned.
When a Logical Function has been successfully mapped, all its elements are
shown in black.
When the cursor is left over an input or output of a Logical Function, if the Tooltip
function is activated the name of the assigned signal is shown, whether the
physical connection name or the IEC 61850 Do/Da path name.
ATLAN includes a simulation functionality that allows users to carry out time-discrete
binary simulation sessions for the Logical Functions included in a project. This permits
to perform a functional evaluation of all the logics included in a project, allowing users to
have exact knowledge in advance of their respective eventual time responses.
The simulation process is of functional type, which allows evaluating the behaviour of
the logical functions when binary digital signals are injected in their inputs. The evaluation
of the responses is discrete in time, and its resolution can be user defined.
ATLAN allows different simulation environments for every Logical Function to be saved.
Thanks to this, once a Logical Function is validated in the library of functions, it is possible
to verify the correct behaviour of different implementations of that function in different
Only those logical functions that are completely mapped – i.e., having all their
components and connections displayed in black colour – can be simulated. Also,
simulations can only be carried out if the project has been saved after completing the
mapping process. If a logical function has been mapped but the project has not been
saved, the system will produce errors if attempting to perform its simulation.
The flowchart depicted below shows the stages of the simulation process in detail. When
the simulation menu is selected, a new window is displayed showing on its bottom left
part the logical functions that have been defined in the project. This window also allows
users to select the logical functions one by one or to load them on the left side of the
simulation environment.
Provided that they are interconnected, it is possible to simulate several logical functions
in a row.
The next step consists of defining the test scene, which is based on the excitation trace
of the simulation. Existing traces can be used or new ones can be created by selecting
“New Trace”. This new trace can be also saved for further simulations.
Once the trace is selected, each of the generic signals in the trace must be mapped one
by one to the real signals of the logical functions that need to be simulated. As well as it
happens in the mapping process of logical functions, the assigned signals change colour.
The simulation of the logical function will not be able to be performed unless the function
has all its inputs assigned to signals of the traces. It is possible to assign more than one
input to the same trace, as well as allowing that input signals that has not been assigned
any trace signal to become assigned with a logical “0” signal.
Signals with flanks allow users to configure – by means of a dialogue window – the
instant in which the flanks occur.
From the individual signals, there can be defined the test scenes – or the set of individual
signals that define flaws and typical operations of the system –.
The following figures illustrate the process of definition of a new simulation scene.
Each control point indicates the value of the output of the element to which it is
associated. Therefore, those elements having signals from terminals in their outputs
cannot be assigned to control points, as it would be redundant.
It is possible to assign a common delay to all the logical gates. When selecting the
corresponding submenu, the “Insert general delay” window is displayed, where it can be
assigned the delay that will be applied to all the gates. This delay does not apply to the
logical elements that have own delay parameters, as for example the timers.
By selecting the “Insert delay” submenu, the window shown in the next figure, where
users can customise the delay of every single logical element, is displayed.
By placing the cursor over the box of one element, this becomes highlighted in green
colour, so that the element being configured every time can be easily identified.
By right-clicking over a logical element with own delay, a contextual menu that contains
the “Insert special parameters” submenu is displayed. When selecting that submenu, the
following pop-up window is shown, where the timing value can be introduced.
Once the validation passed, the process of preparing the simulation for each of the single
functions involved in the simultaneous simulation needs to be continued. That is:
- Signals assignment. For every LF, it must be carried out the assignment of
signals as explained in section 7.2.1. Inputs coming from another LF cannot be
assigned to signals of the trace, and for this reason they will appear inhibited in
the signals assignment window.
- Control points. For every LF, control points can be selected as described in
section 7.2.2.
- Introduction of delays. For every LF, delays can be introduced as described in
section 7.2.3.
From this point, the simulation process continues as described in chapters 6 and 7.
This window allows the definition of the simulation parameters. The simulation process
is exactly the same as that described in section 7.2.
When clicking on the “Simulate” button, the simulation is executed for the configured
simulation time or until there is no signals activity, whichever first happens. The
simulation results window shows the chronogram of the outputs. By moving the cursors,
the time between state changes can be measured.
When clicking on the “Save” button, the simulation results are stored in document format.
The resulting document contains a display of the traces as well as all the information of
the function simulated in the usual format in which Logical Functions are documented.
- Zoom in. This menu contains submenus “All axes”, “Horizontal axis”, and “Vertical
axis”. By means of them, it is possible to adjust the size of the traces in one or
both axes. By dragging the mouse from left to right and holding the left button
pressed, the original size is re-established. By drawing a window in the signals
traces area, a zoom-in of the selected area is applied.
- Zoom out. This function has exactly the same menus as the zoom in function. In
this case, the size of the signals traces is decreased.
- Automatic scale. It allows adjusting the size of the signals to the horizontal axis,
the vertical axis, or both.
- Cursors. To be able to work with cursors they need to be defined first. This can
be done by selecting the “Create cursors” submenu. Two cursors positioned at
25% and at 75% of the horizontal scale are created, as shown in the next figure.
It is possible to store the results, so that they can be analysed at any time by initiating
the simulator and selecting the “Open” function. When doing so, the analysis window is
displayed with the results of the selected simulation.
When very complex simulations involving a large number of signals are performed, it is
possible to define a customised configuration of the signals display. Thanks to this, it is
possible to create reports or documents that contain a predefined subset of the signals
involved in a complex simulation. This capability can be relevant and illustrative of details
of a part of the whole simulation that may require specific documentation.
In addition, user can define the order in which the signals are presented by clicking on
button “Sort signals”. This can make easier to establish relationships between events.
The result of a simulation can be saved as a trace, which at the same time can be used
as excitation signals in new simulations.
By clicking on button “Save trace”, the following window is displayed, where users can
select the signals to be part of the new trace.
The lower part of the window depicts how signals progress by means of a colour code,
active signals at a given time being shown in red colour; inactive signals in blue; and
Once the simulation is finished, by activating the contextual menu on the upper part of
the window – where the traces of the simulation results are shown –, users can access
a set of graphical functions that allow analysing in detail the obtained result. The
available functions are:
- Zoom in. This menu contains submenus “All axes”, “Horizontal axis”, and “Vertical
axis”. By means of them, it is possible to adjust the size of the traces in one or
both axes. By dragging the mouse from left to right and holding the left button
pressed, the original size is re-established. By drawing a rectangle in the signals
traces area, a zoom in is applied to the selected area.
- Zoom out. This function has exactly the same menus as the zoom in function. In
this case, the size of the signals traces is decreased.
- Insert cursor. It allows inserting a cursor in the selected instant of time. The lower
part of the screen shows the logical state by means of the colour code.
- Automatic scale. It allows adjusting the size of the signals to the horizontal axis,
the vertical axis, or both.
- Cursor. It includes submenus “Enable”, “Disable” and “Delete cursor”. Once the
cursor enabled, when clicking over the graph, the cursor is positioned over the
selected point and, on the lower part of the window, the corresponding state of
the logic is displayed.
The result of the simulation can be stored in file format so that new analyses can be
performed afterwards; and new reports containing different aspects of the results can
also be generated.
ATLAN starts the process from a database file that includes the IEDs terminals and the
name of the signals involved in Telecontrol. From this information, establishes
appropriated associations so that the connections linked to Telecontrol can be drawn
Note: As the Telecontrol Database file is generated by a specific tool that is external to
ATLAN, any modification performed in such file will interrupt the process just described
and the generation of a new TC_DB file, by means of the same tool, will be required. In
consequence, it is important to verify that the TC_DB has all the signals of the project
before starting the work process in ATLAN.
The import process includes a verification of the format of the TC_DB file. This
verification just checks if all the mandatory fields are properly defined:
- Type of signal. P/L. Physical or Logical
- Type of associated element
- Name of associated element
- Signal description
- Connector
- Terminal
The files imported by means of this menu will be stored in the “tlcLib” folder that will
become automatically created in ATLAN folder when performing the importation.
As many TC_DB files as required will be able to be imported, whereas it will only be able
to exist one dictionary of signals file in every project.
When activating the “Interpreter Telecontrol data base”, it will be displayed an explore
window that will allow selecting the TC_DB file to be processed. Once selected, the
following window showing the contents of the file will be opened.
By double-clicking on “Element name”, the name can be edited in order to adapt it to the
distribution of the IEDs of the project.
The first step is carried out from the context menu “Associate Telecontrol data base file”,
as described in the next section. The rest of the steps are performed from the
“Telecontrol Associations” context menu, which opens three windows in sequence – one
for each of the steps previously indicated –. It will not be possible to go from a current
stage to the next unless the former is totally completed. If any of the steps cannot be
completed, it will be necessary to generate the corresponding documentation in order to
be able of modifying the TC_DB file and restart the process with the new file.
For this type of IEDs, when activating the context menu by right-clicking on the IED, it is
displayed the new submenu “Association Telecontrol data base file”.
When selecting this submenu, it will be opened an explore window that allows selecting
the TC_DB corresponding to such IED.
After selecting the desired file, ATLAN carries out a compatibility verification test at
terminal level. The selected file must not have more signals than the number of terminals
available in the IED. In the case that the number of terminals is smaller to the number of
signals to be mapped, it will be displayed the next message error and the mapping
process will become interrupted.
Once the TC_DB file correctly associated, it is displayed a table that allows associating
the RTU terminals to the Telecontrol signals defined in the TC_DB file.
Before initiating the association process, it is important to verify if all the signals shown
in the table correspond to those signals required to implement the project. In the case
that it is necessary to delete or add signals to/from the table, the deletion/addition must
be carried out first; the generation of a new TC_DB file needs to be instantiated; and
then the process has to be reinitiated.
In first place, ATLAN verifies exact concordances and maps automatically the names of
the terminals that match with those indicated in the TC_DB file. These signals are shown
highlighted in green colour in the table.
Those terminals for which there is not any match will remain highlighted in yellow colour.
By mean of the “Up” and “Down” buttons, , it will be possible to establish the
appropriate associations. When clicking in “Document generation” the system will
approve the association although the names do not match. It will be generated a
document showing the correspondences of name and from that moment the internal
names of the RTU model will be used. The terminals associated in a forced manner will
remain highlighted in green colour.
By clicking on the “Accept” button it is performed a process of data validation. If all the
associated terminals are not found, the system will display the following error message.
As for the previous case, those devices whose name matches with the name indicated
in the TC_DB file are highlighted in green colour. The devices for which there is not name
match remain highlighted in yellow colour.
It will be possible to arrange adequately the devices by selecting the device to be moved
in the table and using the buttons in order to place it in the desired row. When
clicking on the “Device rename” button, the selected device will automatically change its
name by the name indicated in the TC_DB file and then it will pass to be highlighted in
green colour.
In the case that any of the names indicated in the TC_DB file cannot be used in the
project, users will be able to generate associated documentation where it will be shown,
in yellow colour, the devices that have not been correctly defined in the TC_DB file. The
process will need to be interrupted and once there is access to a new TC_DB file that
includes the applied modifications, the association process will be to be reinitiated.
For the physical signals – identified by the “F” acronym in the “Signal Type” column –,
by clicking on the element placed in the same row under the “Terminals” column it gets
displayed a “Combo” drop down menu that shows the current free terminals in the
corresponding device shown under the “Element name” column. In the “Combo” menu,
it must be selected the terminal where the signal indicated under the column
“Description” will be cabled.
When the model of the destination IED includes in the “comments” field of each terminal
the name of the Telecontrol signal, it will be carried out an automatic association between
the signal and the terminal.
For the logical signal – identified by the ”L” acronym in the “Signal type” column –, by
clicking in each of the rows of the “Terminals” column it becomes displayed a “Combo”
menu that shows the communication ports. Logical signals will need to be mapped over
the communication port that it is used for routing the protocol by means of which the
signal is transmitted.
When the association process is completed and the “Accept” button is pressed, ATLAN
checks automatically that all the signals have a terminal associated. In the case that any
of the terminals has not been associated, the following error message will be displayed.
The association process cannot be terminated unless all the terminals are assigned. If
the process is cancelled for any reason, it will be necessary to start it again from the
Once the association process finished, it can be performed the automatic drawing of the
connections included in the TC Database. If it is detected any sort of error that requires
changes in the TC_DB file, all the connections established automatically by the system
must be deleted. Then, the context menu “TLC Association” must be selected, after
which it will be shown the following dialog box.
By clicking on the “Remove” button, the associated file is deleted and the association
process can be initiated as described in the previous sections.
Telecontrol signals can only be drawn automatically. That is, the table of connections
associated to the drawing of signals can be opened by means of the context menu of the
device to which it has been associated the TC_DB file.
Activate the signal that requires to be drawn by checking the corresponding selection
box on. The connection will be automatically drawn. These connections adopt the name
of the signal. Their name cannot be modified manually. These connections will not
become associated to any view of connections. Their assignment must be carried out
The drawing of signals can be performed in the basic engineering tool and in any detailed
drawing, which allows the Author of the project to decide which level of detail is shown
in each drawing. Connections drawn in the basic engineering of the project will be treated
as the rest of connections, reason why they will be able to be exported to those detailed
drawings in which they need to be shown.
Drawn signals will be shown with their selection box checked on in the “Telecontrol
connections drawn” table.
If any of those connections is manually deleted, then its check box will become
automatically deselected and the connection will then be able to be drawn again if
selected in subsequent stages of the design.
The generated documents can be classified in two categories: drawings, and list of
connections. Both options can be selected from the “Documentation” menu. The
generation of the documents is based upon the corresponding documentation templates.
These templates define the format of each type of document to be generated, and
contain the size, text orientation, drawing area, data box, etc. By means of the
configuration menu, the format of every type of document can be defined, as well as new
formats can be created.
The system’s data box is inserted by default. Using the menu “Tools – Choose template”
or clicking the icon , any previously user defined data box can be selected. See
chapter 19 for additional details on how to create and maintain customised template data
1. Arrange devices’ and connections’ layout and size so that they have the desired
2. Add the drawing frame and the data box by clicking on the icon.
3. Reduce the size of the drawing to be able to visualise its final appearance.
The size and final appearance of the drawing contained in the document can be adjusted
in two steps. When generating the drawing, neither its frame nor the data box is shown.
The window adopts the size equivalent to that of the paper size previously selected in
the frame. The size of the drawing can be modified by means of the zoom functionalities
so that it can be adjusted to the paper size selected. When inserting the frame, the size
of the drawing cannot be modified. Also, from that moment on the zoom functions just
modify the view of the document on the screen, but not its actual size. If the size and/or
the position of the drawing are not appropriate, the frame can be disabled so that the
size of the drawing can be modified.
In order to move a whole drawing, all its elements must be selected first, and then
dragged as required by holding the right button of the mouse pressed.
Once the drawing has the required size and position, the frame and the data box must
be inserted by clicking on icon .
From that moment on, it is shown the effective area of the drawing considering the paper
size, margins and size of the data box. This area is shown by a dotted outline, as it can
be seen in the following figure. The outline can be removed just by clicking again on the
icon, so that the size or the position of the drawing can be again modified as desired.
It is the responsibility of the Editor of the document to place all the elements of the
drawing, IEDs and connections inside the dotted area as those parts being outside this
area. Elements placed outside the drawing area will not be drawn, or will be hidden by
the data box.
Once the edition process is finished, the resulting document can be saved by using the
icon, after which it is opened the following pop-up window, which allows entering the
file name and the type of document to be generated. Documents can be generated
whether in pdf or svg format.
That file will be stored in the documentation folder of the corresponding project. When
the file generated is a draft, this will be stored in the folder of project drafts. Once a
current version of the project is closed, it will not be possible to generate new draft
documents, although the generated documents will also remain available in the
documentation folder of the project.
The procedure to view and print documents is described in section 9.10.
If at the time of saving a document it is required that the user fills-in any of the fields of
the data box, a pop-up window allowing the introduction of the required data will be
displayed. Those data that can be automatically documented – such as the name of the
project, version or revision – will not appear on this window, as the related information
will be automatically inserted in the corresponding field of the data box. See chapter 19
for additional information regarding data boxes functionality.
When the user wants to quit the drawing editorial session before ending the edition job,
it is possible to save the job by using the submenu “File – Temporarily Save”. The job
will be saved and the project automatically closed. When opening the project again,
editorial job can be continued.
When the menu “Generate frame drawing” is selected, the following window is opened.
All the frames shown on this list has been ´previously generated following the procedure
explained at chapter 20.
The list shows the connections classified according to their type. The boxes on the
header block allow selecting the fields that will form the generated document, together
with the template and the chosen type of document.
By entering a name in the “Name:” field and clicking on the “Accept” button, a pdf
document with the selected information becomes generated and subsequently stored
together with the rest of the documentation of the project.
This list shows the GSE – SMV connections. From the selection boxes on the header
block, users can select the fields that will form the document generated, together with
the template and the type of document having been chosen.
By entering a name in the “Name:” field and clicking on the “Accept” button, a pdf
document with the selected information becomes generated; once generated, the
document is stored together with the rest of the documentation of the project.
The list of the MMS connections in a project is generated by using the “Generate a
document with connection List MMS” submenu in the “Documentation” menu.
This list shows the MMS connections defined in the project. From the selection boxes on
the header block, users can select the fields that will form the document generated,
together with the template and the type of document having been chosen.
By entering a name in the “Name:” field and clicking on the “Accept” button, a pdf
document with the selected information becomes generated; once generated, the
document is stored together with the rest of the documentation of the project.
That document will be generated by selecting the “Connection list without SCD” submenu
in the “Documentation” menu.
Once the additional filtering criteria have been set, click on the “Search” button to
continue. The following window containing the tracked information will be then displayed.
Introducing a unique name and clicking on “Accept”, a document with the selected
information is produced.
By selecting the previous submenu, it is automatically displayed a window that shows all
the devices of the project that have associated a Telecontrol Database.
By selecting the device and clicking on “Accept”, it is shown the mapping information
regarding Telecontrol signals.
By selecting this menu, ATLAN generates automatically a list of the VLAN’s defined in
the project. This information is obtained from the configuration parameters of the GOOSE
messages. In consequence, if all the parameters of the GOOSE connections have not
been previously configured, the information presented by means of these menus may be
By activating the “LAN Viewer” submenu, it is shown the list of VLAN’s. When a VLAN is
selected, it is opened a new working environment in which it can be seen all the IEDs
that are interconnected in that VLAN, as well as the Ethernet Switches that form the
VLAN. Once that window is displayed, it will be possible to work at VLAN level.
This drawing will show the Switches of the selected LAN and all the IEDs connected to
the Switches through the communication ports. Only the physical connections of
communication will be shown.
- Generate Document. Generates the drawing of the selected LAN with the VLAN’s
views that have been selected. As for the generation of drawings, it is necessary
to add the frame of the document as a previous step to generation of the
document by clicking on icon . By modifying the scale of the zoom, it can be
visualised the aspect of the document that will be generated.
The “Tools” menu contains submenus: “Define new VLAN” and “Edit Created VLAN”.
These menus apply only to VLAN’s that are not related to GOOSE messages.
By selecting submenu “Tools – Define new VLAN”, the following form is displayed:
- Participant IEDs. All the IEDs that are connected to the LAN are shown in the list
of IEDs. In this list, the IEDs that participate in the new VLAN need to be selected.
- VLAN Identification.
- Comments. Free text field. They will be shown by activating the Tooltip and place
the cursor over the new VLAN.
By clicking on the “Accept” button, the new IEDs selected will be shown in the drawing
as well as the LAN connections of the new IEDs and the newly defined VLAN will be
automatically drawn.
By selecting submenu “Tools – Edit created VLAN”, it is possible to add or remove IEDs
associated to Created VLANs.
By selecting this function, it is displayed the following window, where the IEDs that
participate in the VLAN.
In order to modify VLAN participants it is necessary to perform again the selection of the
IEDs involved and then click on “Modify”.
Documents are classified by types. Select a file and click on “Open” to view it, or just
double click on it.
The “Open 61850 file” window also includes the “Validate” button, by means of which it
is possible to validate any of the files included in the list.
It is possible to validate the file against three different version of the standard. The
following window allows the version to be chosen.
If the system finds any error during the validation of a selected file, the following pop-up
window is displayed.
By clicking on the “Details” button, it is displayed a window that shows the type of errors
and their possible cause.
By selecting the “SCD list” submenu in the “Documentation” menu it is displayed the
following pop-up window, which allows users to define the contents of the documentation
that requires to be generated.
The Data type block in the “SCD list” window is used to define the type of information to
be included in the document. Select the boxes of the information that has to be included
in the document.
The “Range” block defines whether the document will include the whole .scd file; only
.scd data related to an IED; or just .scd data included in a Logical Device or in a Logical
By entering a name for the document and clicking on the “Create Documentation” button,
an intelligible pdf file with the selected information will be automatically created, together
with its XML code.
From the moment in which a project has been signed, it gets blocked and all the
generated documents become definitive as well as identified with the version and the
revision of the project from which they have adopted the information.
A new project MODIFY SIGNS
A new Project
Vn+1.0 is generated APPROVER
As shown in the previous diagram, the project management process starts the creation
of a new project by the Administrator. The new project is identified with the V0.0 version
and once it is signed by the Author, it will be stored in the file structure of the project,
11.1.1 Users
There are four types of users in ATLAN:
The Administrator is unique for every ATLAN licence. A password is required to activate
administrator menus when installing the application.
The Author, Reviewer and Approver are unique for every project. They are defined by
the Administrator when a new project is created.
Once the signatures of the project have been created it is necessary to save the project
in order to store the information associated with the signatures. Once this done, the
Author can work on the project.
The edition of a project by the Author does not have any effect
on the traceability.
The signature of the project guarantees its integrity and certifies that the user has signed,
accepts and/or becomes responsible for the created documentation.
The signature of a project by the Author, Reviewer and Approver modifies the version
and revision identifiers, and automatically creates the tree-folder where all its information
and the documents are stored as they are generated.
To sign a project use the “Tools – Sign” menu or click on icon . This gives access to
the following pop-up window, which allows signing the project or the documents with the
same version and revision as the project, having been generated prior to the introduction
of the signatures of the Author, Reviewer and Approver.
ATLAN keeps a register of the project, consisting in a chronological listing of the events
of creation in the project, with their dates. In this file it is also registered the date of
creation of all the documents associated to the project, including the drafts. This file can
be exported and visualised by selecting the “See Loogbook” submenu in the “Tools”
Drawings generated before introducing the signatures of the Reviewer and the Approver
can be signed subsequently, always that any modification has been introduced in the
project – and thus this maintains its version and revision identifiers. In such a case, the
“Signed” submenu must be used – or the icon on the tools bar clicked – to select the
document(s) to be signed, as shown in the next figure.
Once the document has been signed by the Author, Reviewer and Approver the following
pop-up window is displayed, where the fields of the data box can be defined.
The signature of a draft document does not erase the draft but generates a new
document with the same name, followed by the “signed” indicator. In such a document,
the watermark “Draft” has been eliminated, and the fields in the data box have been filled
in with the data introduced by the user; system’s default data if applicable; and the visible
data of the signatures. In addition, the document has been signed with the electronic
signatures of the Author, Reviewer and Approver, and for this reason its integrity can be
verified at any time.
When a customised data box is used – see the data box definition tool described in
chapter 19 –, the introduction of data related to the data box is carried out by means of
a window that contains the form to enter the data defined in the data box. The number
of inputs and format of the form depends on the definition enter by the user.
Documentation related to Logical Functions and connection lists that have been
generated before the signature of the project cannot be signed again. To be able
introduce different signatures it is required to generate the documents again so that the
new signatures and the information of the data box can be introduced as explained
By activating this function, the following pop-up window is shown. It is possible to verify
the whole project or any of the documents of the project.
The next figure shows the verification of a document that contains three valid signatures,
which certifies that the document has not been modified since it was generated.
Note that the “Verify document” option has been selected – and then the required has
been chosen from the corresponding pop-down menu – in the “Verify” area on the upper
part of the window.
It is also possible to verify the signatures of the project selecting “Verify Project”. The
result will be shown as seen in the following window:
If the project contains any document that has not been signed, a pop-up window as that
shown next will be displayed.
ATLAN provides a log of the project activity. The log records chronologically all the
operations performed over the life of the project.
Basic operations such as opening, saving, closing or signing projects can be recorded
together with the identification of the user who has carried them out and the timestamp
of the event.
Selecting the menu “Tools – See notes” the following log information will be displayed:
This function is always activated. Hence, the information required to document changes
is automatically stored by the system and always available for the user. Therefore,
changes can be documented when required.
The graphical control of changes becomes operative once the Author finishes and signs
the project. At that moment, it is generated the V1.0 version, over which the Reviewer
must work. All the changes carried out by the Reviewer over version V1.0 are registered
in such a way that when the Reviewer saves the changes – thus the V1.1 version being
generated – all the elements and connections added and/or deleted will be able to be
automatically generated by the system. This documentation can be generated by the
Author as well as by the Reviewer.
Once the changes are accepted by the Author and he signs version V1.1, the V2.0
version will be automatically generated. If new modifications arose, the process would
start over again.
The edit functions available in this environment are exactly the same as those described
in section 9.1.1.
From the documentation of changes window, lists of added or deleted connections can
be generated by activating the “Documentation” menu. This provides access to the
submenus that allow creating list of connections and of added or deleted devices, as well
as of the logical functions implied. These documents keep the same format as those
generated for the project.
The configuration process implies the generation of a set of files that define the
communication scheme of the project, and the connections between the devices and the
Logical Functions having been mapped to every device. In projects that include IEC
61850 devices, all the .cid files, the .scd file and the ssd file will be generated.
The process of generating the files and the documentation of the configurations can only
be carried out by the Author. Configuration files can be generated at any time; that is,
regardless the project has not been signed, it has been partially signed or it has been
definitely approved. The corresponding generated files and documents include the
signatures of the project, and for this reason, their authenticity and traceability must be
The function used to configure LFs generates information that is documented in graphical
format. In these documents, ATLAN creates automatically the graph of all the logical
elements that require to be configured on the selected IED. Such diagram will be able to
be used by the programmer of the IED in order to – by means of the configuration tool
proprietary of every IED – program all the logical elements involved in the implementation
of the different LFs configured in the project.
The configuration files of the LFs can be generated in a single stage by selecting the
option “Configure all devices”. This will generate a configuration file in pdf format.
When putting the service into service as well as if specific tests for a LF or debugging of
the interactions between LFs are required, it is possible to generate the configuration of
an IED in an individual manner, being also possible to select the LFs that require to be
programmed with the configuration files.
By clicking on the “Generate” button, the corresponding files will be generated according
to the selection carried out.
ATLAN includes a set of functions that allow users to configure IEDs as well as Ethernet
Switches in such a way that it can be verified whether the GSE or MMS connections
defined along the design of a project are feasible for the communication system or not.
In addition, an important part of the configuration data must be included in the .scd
Once the project is finished, it can be generated a text file that includes the configuration
data of those devices which include communication functions.
The process of configuration of devices IEC 61850 consists of two parts: the generation
of the .scd file that includes all the data being relevant within the IEC 61850 environment;
and the generation of each of the IED’ configuration .cid files. This latter part is optional,
as it depends on the capabilities of the own IED configuration tools; that is, whether such
tools are able to work with the .scd file, or on the contrary they need a particular file for
every IED.
Next figure shows the possibilities offered by ATLAN at the time of generating the IEC
61850 configuration. The upper “SCD files content” block is used to define whether the
.scd file must include the part related to the description of the substation and if it is
required to generate individual configuration files for every IED. If so, the lower “IED’s
individual configuration” block allows selecting the IEDs for which it is required to
generate a .cid file.
Once all the options selected, the configuration files are automatically generated by
clicking on the “Generate” button.
The ssd file can be generated before the project is finished as it can be used as
specification or formal and functional documentation of the single-wire project.
Once the single-wire design is finished, all the LNs or IEDs containing LNs that will have
functional relations have been defined, the process depicted in the following paragraphs
has to be followed.
Clicking on “Generate SSD”, the file generation process is started up as described in the
following paragraphs and sections.
The “Edit” button will only be active if a former session has been stopped without the ssd
file being generated.
The lower part of the window allows voltage levels to be renamed using a standard
notation or the proprietary location chosen by the user. It is important to consider that
the voltage list is automatically generated by ATLAN from the internal information of the
models and IEDs used in the project. If a voltage level is not included in this list, IEDs
configuration and models definition has to be checked.
The association of an IED to a Bay is determined form the user view associated to every
IED. That is to say, all the IEDs associated to the same user’s view and the same voltage
level will form a bay. The same given to a view can be freely chosen by the user. These
views have to be generated when the project is created.
The left part of the window shows all the elements that will be added in the ssd. The
upper part of the block “SSD Elements” shows substation Bays, voltage levels, etc
whereas the lower part shows the equipment associated to the upper selected element.
The mid part the IEDs of the project and the right part the LNs of the IED selected in the
middle part. The LNs contained in an IED may have been defined from a valid icd file or
defined using ATLAN library tools.
Functional association between single-wire equipment and LNs is carried out following
the next procedure:
If the process has to be halted before defining all the functional association, click on
“Save” and finish the session clicking on “Cancel”. The process can be resumed starting
up the ssd generation process again and clicking on “Edit”.
Voltage Levels
Voltage levels are automatically determined from the voltage configuration of the IEDs
that have their “Functional Association” Field activated.
Out of Power Transformers, all the elements of a bay have to have the same voltage
level. Otherwise, an error will be reported and the generation of the ssd file will be
A bay includes all the elements that have the same voltage level and are associated to
the same user’s view. The name of the common view is used as bay identifier.
The name of a Bay cannot be associated to several elements with different voltage
If any IED does not comply with this rules, an error message will be generated nad the
generation of the ssd file will be aborted.
Power Transformers
Power transformers have a specific procedure. The voltage of every high voltage winding
is used it to a voltage level.
In order to include the bus bars as an element of the single-wire diagram and therefore,
be part of the ssd file, it is mandatory to model this special IED with the proprietary
functional code “BUSB” (Bus Bar).
Device naming
Even though IED naming in ATLAN is fully open, In an IEC 61850 project, naming of
IEDs containing LNs have to start with a character [A-Z, a-z]. Otherwise, when the
validation of the ssd file will report the following error:
LNs identification
LNs are identified using three attributes lnClass, lnInst and prefix. When generating the
ssd file, the attribute prefix is not taken into account so if there are two or more IEDs with
the same lnClass and lnInst the validation process of the ssd file will report LN repeated
and will generate the following error:
NOTE: This case can only happen when the IED model is created from an icd file. IEDs
modelled using ATLAN library cannot produce this error. Please, check icd syntax in
case of finding this error.
By clicking the icon of the tool bar a list of the project bay will be displayed allowing
the user to choose the bays to highlight. Once selected the primary devices and its
associated Logical Nodes, they will be coloured as shown in the figure.
The edition of the project can only continue when this function is deactivated as advised
by the message.
ATLAN includes a special function which makes possible to document this sort of
connections. Then, from the generated document, it will be possible to configure the
devices by using the proprietary configuration tools of each of them.
ATLAN’s libraries include devices which model all type of IEDs; connections; and Logical
Functions. The editor of objects permits to create new devices and connections, either
from scratch or from other existing objects. Anyhow, the created devices and
connections are based upon ATLAN’s generic classes and hence inherit their properties,
which are complemented with the information entered at the time of creating the element.
The elements created are stored in the library of objects in the form of a hierarchical tree
with the structure defined by the user.
The editable generic classes that can be user modified or extended are:
- “Voltage Levels”. Voltage levels in the substation. This information will be used
to generate the substation description file according to the IEC 61850 standard.
- “Terminal Voltage”. Voltage/Current levels at the terminals. The values
introduced in this list will be used in order to analyse the compatibility of the
terminal to be connected. It is possible to define voltage/current levels as a range
of values. The range is specified with the syntax “<Min.Value>-<Max
Value><Units>”; for instance, “10-50V” defines a terminal that can accept
voltages between 10 to 50 Volts. It is important to consider that space between
characters is not allowed. Compatibility is checked by matching string so 12v is
not compatible with 12V. It is important to check that units, multiplers and ranges
are properly written.
- “Protocols”. Communication protocols. This list is used to verify the compatibility
of the communication connections.
- ANSI codes.
The setting of new values can be carried out by selecting the “Generic Classes” submenu
within the “Library” menu.
By clicking on the “Save” button, the new values are stored in the library of objects. It is
required to restart ATLAN to get new settings operative every time that they are modified.
When a new generic class is defined, it will be available to the project the next time the
project will be opened.
By selecting the “IED editor – New IED” submenu in the “Libraries” menu, a pop-up
window as that shown in the following window is displayed. This window is made up four
sheets, which become sequentially active as filling in the data fields in previous sheets.
It must be emphasised that the model must contain all the Logical Nodes
that the modelled device can support. When the model is used in a
project, the Logical Nodes wished to be shown can be selected. They will
be shown in the project and therefore will be able to be interconnected
with the rest of the elements of the project. The window used to create a
model allows the insertion of several instances of a same LN.
- Image. In every project, IEDs are represented by means of an image. This image
is a JPEG file that must be included either indicating its name and path or using
the “Explore” button to locate it. If a user needs to have access to rotated views,
they must be selected previously.
- Voltage level. It indicates the voltage level or levels that the IED being modelled
can be used with. It can be a fix value, normally in the case of elemental IEDs, or
selectable within the range of voltage levels of the project.
In order to be able to correctly form the descriptive part of the substation .scd file it is
required that the primary elements and the IEDs not being IEC 61850 have a normalised
functional association (Bay, equipment, subequipment, connectivity node, terminal, etc.),
as it is specified in IEC 61850-6 (Fig 10) (List in page 88). With regard to this point, it
must be possible to distinguish between Ethernet Switches that form “Subnetworks”, or
routers that interconnect them.
Many protections do not allow internal connections between Logical Nodes as they are
prefixed by the device’s internal design. In the case that this functionality is supported by
the IED being modelled, the “Internal connections LNs” box must be selected. When this
functionality is not supported, the connections between LN’s will not be able to be drawn.
On the opposite case, they will be able to be drawn although their addition to the
configuration of the device will depend on the device own capabilities. In the case that it
is not possible to add such connections in the configuration file, they will be included in
the list of logical connections still to be established.
Once the introduction of all the information is finished, the “Terminals” sheet becomes
active by clicking on the “Next” button.
In order to introduce a group of 8 entries, their characteristics must be selected and also
the number of instances needs to be incremented to 8. Automatically, 8 terminals will be
generated with the same name, followed by an ordinal from 1 to 8.
The terminals generated are shown in the lower list. To eliminate a terminal incorrectly
introduced, just select it and click on the “Delete” button.
It is possible that the manufacturer of an IED provides a XML file that describes the
physical terminals. In this case, by clicking on the “Import” button the terminals described
in the XML file will be added to list of terminals. Users can accept the list or introduce
For IEDs that are modelled according to images or drawings in which the connections
must be established in specific points, it is necessary to select the “Forced physical
connection” option. In this case, the terminal number will appear in the list of assigned
terminals. The terminals will need to be introduced in such a way that the terminal
number matches with the position of the image in which the corresponding signal must
be connected. See section 13.2.1.
Certain devices, especially those of electrical type as bars, may have not in fact particular
connection terminals or their modelling not being relevant for the engineering of the
project. For this reason, they can be modelled with the “Limitless terminals” characteristic
by clicking on the corresponding box. In this case, there can be connected as many
devices as it is required as ATLAN does not limit the number of connections – always
that all of them correspond to one same type of terminal –.
The terminals included in the list of assigned terminals can be sorted by using the up
and down keys. The order in the list determines the order in which there will appear the
terminals in the documentation of the device.
By placing the cursor over a terminal, an info box shows all its properties.
By activating this function, it gets displayed an explore window that allows selecting the
terminals description XML file. Before initiating the download of the information, it is
performed an automatic verification of the format and the contents of the file. If the
verification results to be correct, the list of assigned terminals becomes automatically
updated. The use of this facility is not an impediment to being able to add or delete
terminals in the list. Also, to be able of implementing this function, there must not be
assigned terminals.
ATLAN includes also the functionality of generating; editing and loading templates of
terminals in .xls format.
Options “Define Terminals Template” and “Edit Terminals Template” within submenu
“IED Editor” in the “Libraries” main menu allow generating and editing terminals
templates in .xls format, respectively.
When the “Edit Terminals Template” option is selected, it gets displayed a window as
that shown next, where it just needs to be selected the desired template and then the
“Accept” button be clicked in order to get automatically opened the .xls file that needs to
be edited.
Note: Annex E contains a ‘Quick guide for the use of the Terminals Template’.
If it already exists a .xls file with a description of the terminals of the IED being modelled,
it also is possible to load such information just by clicking on the “Load terminals (XLS)”
When this function is activated, it is displayed the following window, where it can be
selected any of the templates available in the “Select the Template required” area; as
well as it is possible to import another existing template by clicking on button “Explore”.
Also, if despite having selected a template any error occurs during the loading process,
it will be displayed an error message as that shown next, with a description of the errors
that need to be corrected.
If after having selected a terminals template and pressed the “Accept” button the loading
process takes place correctly, the terminals loaded will be shown in the “Assigned
terminals” area, as it is illustrated next.
Once the “Next” button pressed, the introduced data will be saved and the “Logical
Functions” window will be activated. If a user detects that any parameter from the
previous window has not been configured, by clicking on the “Previous” button it is
possible to go back to the previous window without losing any of the data introduced so
The Logical Functions window permits to define the capabilities that the IED has for the
implementation of Logical Functions; that is, whether the IED can carry out this type of
functions and it has any limitation – functional as well as regarding the size and the
complexity of the function to be implemented –.
Once the “Next” button is pressed, the introduced data are saved and it becomes
activated the “Documentation” window.
The “Documentation” window allows generating an index card with the data of the new
element in the library.
Finally, when clicking on the “Save” button the system carries out a verifications of the
whole set of data in order to ensure the integrity of the new class generated; and a pop-
The “Remove folder” button allows deleting any of the folders. Folders can only be
deleted when they are empty.
When saving a new IED, empty folders will be automatically deleted.
In order to achieve a compromise between the quality of the graphs and the amount of
memory used, it is recommended that the size of the images be not above 100x100
pixels. 70x70 pixels is the recommended size. In fact, there is not real limitation in the
size, although large size objects will generate drawings with higher order of detail that
will need much more memory, possibly slowing down the application. It must also be
noted that the coexistence in the same project of elements with very diverse sizes makes
that it is not possible to visualise all their details in a same view. Consequently, it is
recommended that all the objects have associated drawings with similar sizes.
From a graphical point of view, the size of an object determines its number of different
points of connection. Exactly, the connection points are placed at a distance of 8 pixels
on each of the sides of the object. The number of points of connection determines the
number of connections that can be located in different places along the contour of the
object. There is not limitation regarding the placement of two different connections in the
same connection point, although this might make that the drawing does not reflect clearly
the functionality of the project. In objects with free connections, the point of connection
is not related to the terminal being used. For this reason, two connections located in the
same connection point will not be connected to the same terminal although the graphical
appearance indicates so, unless both of them constitute a multiple-connection with
several origins or several destinations.
ATLAN libraries allow any type of device to be defined. Connection terminal may
represent whether real connection point or the specification of signal generated or
processed by the device.
In the IEC 61850 environment, it is possible to model “Virtual” devices for specification
purpose only. These models may contain from one to a limitless number of LNs. All the
device models must have at least one connection terminal. It is advisable to include at
least a communication port so that communication links such as GOOSE or SV signals
might be defined for specification purposes only.
An object library not included in the basic license is available containing the LNs defined
in the standard and its extensions. ATLAN basic license includes some specific functions
to define virtual models.
By selecting the “Edit IED” submenu, the following pop-up window is displayed, where
one of the IEDs in the library of objects can be selected.
By selecting the IED that requires to be edited and clicking on the “Open” button, a pop-
up window similar to that shown in section 13.2 will be displayed, with the data of the
IED being edited. Users will be able to modify those data that are not correct, and also
will be able to use that IED to create a similar one by just modifying those data that make
them different.
This process is carried out as described in section 13.2. The IED that has been modified
cannot be saved with the same name in the same folder. That is, the modified IED must
be saved either with another name, or with the same name in another folder.
By selecting the “Modify connection” submenu, a pop-up window similar to the former
one is displayed, in which it is shown the library of connections. By selecting the
connection that requires to be edited and clicking on the “Open” button, a pop-up window
similar to that shown in section 14.1 is displayed showing the data of the selected
connection. Users will be able to modify those data that are not correct, and also will be
able to use that connection to create a similar one by just modifying those data that make
them different.
The process of saving in the library the connection modified is similar to that described
for the case of the IEDs.
It is possible to delete elements from the library of objects, either IEDs or connections,
by selecting the corresponding submenu, after which it is displayed a pop-up window
similar to that shown in the following figure.
The “Move” function allows users to move an object from one folder to another one. By
means of this function, the objects that have been validated in the “User” zone can be
moved to the “System” zone.
The “Administrate IED” submenu allows users to maintain the structure and contents of
the library of IEDs. Selecting the “Administrate IED” submenu, the following pop-up
window is displayed.
The library of devices is split in two parts: the user part identified by the root folder “User”;
and the system part identified by the root folder “System”.
When selecting the documentation of devices the following pop-up window is displayed.
The documentation of the selected elements will be generated. It is possible to generate
the documentation of the whole library by selecting the
root folder, as well as it is possible to generated the
documentation of spare devices; of part of the library by
selecting a group (Primary elements, for example); or of
a single element.
By selecting the “New connection” submenu, the following pop-up window is displayed,
allowing users to create new connections.
The “Functional association” area at the bottom of the window applies only when working
in an IEC 61850 environment. By means of the “It must appear in SCD file” option, it is
possible to define whether a new connection will participate in the functional description
of the substation included in the .scd file.
By clicking on button “Save”, it is displayed a pop-up window as that shown next, which
allows users to save a created element in the library of objects.
In addition, it is possible to define the semantic rules used for automatic name
generation. By this means, users can easily have access to documentation containing
familiar nomenclature, which at the same time maintains IEC 61850 specification naming
This functionality allows, in addition, carrying out copy/paste commands, with automatic
re-naming of devices and variables.
Names are formed from composed name classes, which define the rules for automatic
naming creation; the format; and the contents of each of the name fields.
An object final name is made of by one or several – (n) – basic fields. These, at the same
time, are more elementary classes which, as for the previous case, define the rules for
automatically creating each of the fields, and its format.
The basic fields of the names are thus defined from elementary classes. The latter can
be fixed, as well as user defined.
- Integer. Integer number that represents a constant value. Range 0..32,000. (*)
- Free integer. Field allowing manual introduction of an integer number.
- Numeric incremental. Integer that can be modified by an incremental or
decremental operator. Range 0..32,000
- String. Series of fixed characters. Range 1 to 256 characters. (*)
- String incremental. String whose last character can be modified by an
incremental or decremental operator. (*)
- Free string. Field that allows manual introduction of a string.
- Referenced string (pointer). The string assigned to this class is selected from a
list of names of the project, such as:
o <Project name>
o <Project views’ name>
o <User views’ name>
- Fields separator. Character used for field separation. It corresponds to a string,
used for delimiting fields in a visual manner. (*)
- Incremental/decremental operator. It increments or decrements the preceding
integer or string, always that they can be incremented/decremented.
(*) Indicated elementary classes need to be user defined. The rest are by default system
Sub-menu “Edit basic classes”, at menu “Libraries”, is used to define basic classes.
ATLAN’s objects names are formed by one or several basic fields. Next section
describes how different formats of composed names – for each object type – can be
The dictionary of classes stores the rules used to form the names. It also establishes the
relations among each of the object classes included at ATLAN’s library of IEDs &
connections, and the classes of composed names. This is carried out in such a way that
a semantic rule corresponds to each of the object classes, so that a unique name can
be obtained for each of their instances. I.e., the dictionary of classes sets up which rule
to be used in order to name a project new element, whether an IED or a connection.
Rules to create names can be modified at any time. Modifying a rule does not have any
effect on the name of IEDs or connections already instantiated in a project. It will only
apply to elements added after the modification of the rule(s).
By this means, the separator and the incremental selected will be added to the name of
the original object, any time that an IED or a connection are copied within a project.
When generating names using predefined rules, automate copy/paste functions will be
possible always that copy rules have been previously assigned.
When setting a name definition at object library level, the new definition will apply to all
the projects which subsequently use that object.
The use of this function can be set on and off by clicking on icon at the tools bar.
15.4.1 Configuration
A different window for each class type will be used to configure the classes defined in
previous sections, as shown before.
Once the composed names’ classes defined, the objects of the library will be associated
to one of the classes previously defined. Such an association will be carried out in three
stages: the first part for the classes of IEDs; the following for the connections; and the
third sort of association, for the internal variables of the LNs. The latter only allows
defining a unique criterion for all the variables of the IEDs 61850. Once such an
association defined, each time that a MMS or a GOOSE is established – assuming of
course that all the variables that take part in the connection have been defined – it will
be possible to work with the defined names instead of with the internal variables.
The following window is displayed, when the rules for names generation include any field
that needs manual introduction of names or numbers.
In this case, only those fields allowing manual introduction will be enabled.
Any import function must be implemented before starting the design process of a project,
so that every time a new device is defined, a name can automatically be associated to
On the left hand side, all the documents and documentation files of a project are
classified by types.
Users can choose one, several or all files to be transmitted. Also the transmission mode,
which can be:
In order to either select or deselect all the files, there are two icons on the top part of the
left window:
Navigation within the directory, either to upper or lower folder levels, it is possible by
means of the icons on the tools bar, or by double-clicking on the corresponding folder:
Icons on the tools bar give access to the following specific functions:
Discharge selection
Refresh present directory
Rename selection
Create new directory
Change directory
Remove selection
Go up one level
In order to make use of the FTP transfer facility, its function parameters need to be
configured. This can be done by selecting option “Connect to FTP server” at main menu
“File”, which will give access to the following configuration window:
Once the connection established, the selected files can be exported by double-clicking
on the send icon .
In order to make a SFTP connection, the process would be the same, although it would
require entering additional parameters related to this type of connection:
The active server can be disconnected by selecting “Disconnect server” at menu “File”.
At menu “File”, there is a list with the last servers’ connections. By clicking on any of their
labels and introducing the required parameters, it is an easy and quick way of accessing
to them. For example, if a connection to a FTP server has been previously established,
the system will only request the password, as the rest of the parameters will have been
From menu “Bookmarks”, most used connections can be administrated. For example, a
frequently used FTP connection can be created, its parameters set, and then saved, in
order to easily have access to it. Old connections, which are not used anymore, can also
be deleted:
To do so, after getting the project signed, it is required to activate the “Communication
Detail Engineering Export project – Detail Engineering” submenu, by means of
which the XML description file of the project is automatically generated.
Once the process finished, it will be generated a XML file named “<project
name>EngDet”, which will be saved in the “Signed” folder of the corresponding project
Once uncompressed, ATLAN can open and work with that project, as for any other
The import process starts after selecting the desired elements in each group, and clicking
on the “Import” button.
A library can also be imported by selecting the corresponding submenu. In this case, the
following window is displayed – where the differences between the components of the
library to be imported and the components of the local library are shown –.
- Archive
- Backup
- Recover
In order to exchange projects between remote users it is required to use the functions
related to files exchange, described in chapter 16.
The backup function allows storing a project as for the previous case, except that now
project files will not be deleted from the user’s computer. Both projects – the filed in the
data repository and the one kept by the user – remain associated in such a way that
automatic and coherent information retrieval can be carried out afterwards.
When clicking on button “Recover”, it is displayed a window which shows the differences
between the current project and the project to be recovered. By this means, the user can
decide whether to retrieve a project backup or not.
The selected logo will apply to the template data box used by default. User defined data
boxes must include their own logo – which can only be changed by editing the template
data box –.
A tooltip with a brief explanation of the meaning for each of the variables is displayed by
placing the mouse cursor on any of the variables’ labels.
By selecting one of the projects and clicking on “Recover”, an Explorer window will be
opened in order to select the location where the recovered project will be installed.
Certain notice messages generated by the operating system are always shown in the
system’s language.
Certain functioning parameters, such as the format and the appearance of the
documents; the shape and the colour of the connections; etcetera; can be modified at
ATLAN by means of submenu “Preferences”.
Menu “Edition” can be used to configure the type and the size of the blocks of text; and
also the grid squared pattern which determines the resolution available to place objects
(IEDs, connections, etc.) within a drawing.
It is recommended not to activate grids with squared patterns lower than 10 points, as it
would require high amounts of memory and then ATLAN’s operation would slow down.
Menu “Documentation” can be used to create documentation templates.
By selecting this function a window is opened allowing browsing the file to be validated.
Once the file is selected, the validation can be carried out against any of the three
versions of the standard.
The result is shown in same way and format as per other validation functions.
By clicking on icon at the tools bar, the template creation environment is opened.
Inside this environment, the following window is used to define the general parameters
of a new template:
- Document format within which the template will be framed (I.e., A4 Horizontal,
A3 Horizontal, etcetera)
- Personalisation of template labels and contents
- Initial number of rows and columns
- Template size
By clicking on “Accept”, data are stored and a template with the number of rows and
columns indicated is created.
The graph environment has a set of tools which allows the graphical edition of a template.
A description of those basic tools is presented in next sections.
Templates size is expressed in pixels. There are three different template models
available. These are combined with the several paper sizes as follows:
- A4 Horizontal: it is used for listings of connections and devices; also for drawings
with that size and orientation. Its size is 842 x 80 pixels.
- A4 Vertical: it is used for drawings with that size and orientation. Its size is 595 x
154 pixels.
- Letter Horizontal: it is used for listings of connections and devices; also for
drawings with that size and orientation. Its size is 792 x 74 pixels.
- Letter Vertical: it is used for drawings with that size and orientation. Its size is 612
x 154 pixels.
- General: it is used for other sizes of drawings (i.e., A3, A2, A1, A0 and Tabloid,
horizontal or vertical). Its size is 550 x 250 pixels.
A line is drawn by pressing the mouse right button and dragging the mouse from the
initial to the final point. Separation lines are always orthogonal and are automatically
delimited within the template frame.
If when tracing a line it crosses another line, and the distance between the end of the
drown line and the existing one is less than 5 pixels, the line will be terminated at the
existing one.
Separation lines not beginning and ending on the template frame must be traced from
the exact initial and final points. By clicking on icon , the line tracing using coordinates
tool is activated, as shown in the following window.
As lines are always orthogonal, this tool only allows to define increments for one of the
coordinates – either x or y –. The example shown above will draw a horizontal line
between points (0,100) and (200,100).
The conversion to real measurements depends on the chosen paper size and margins.
For example, a template of type A4 Horizontal will be created with 842 x 80 pixels. The
template will be afterwards adapted to the page size and margins. If an A4 stencil has
been generated with a margin of 15 mm in all its sides, and if the page size is 297 x 210
mm, the template size will be 297-15-15 = 267 mm.
In this case, the equivalence between pixels and mm is of 267 to 842. Therefore, the
measurement of each pixel will be 0.3171 mm.
The page size corresponds to 842 pixels in Horizontal and to 595 pixels in Vertical. The
template proportions are kept regardless of its size.
Templates within page formats A3 Vertical and larger – as they do not fit within the page
width – always keep its original proportions of 550 x 250 pixels, regardless of the
margins. The exact unit conversion is 2.8357 pixels/mm. Thus, 550 pixels correspond
to 193.95 mm.
A new separation line can also be automatically generated using the cursor. By pressing
buttons “CTRL – A” simultaneously, the cursor colour will change from green to yellow
indicating that the system has taken the cursor position as the initial position of the new
separation line. Then, by moving the cursor to the desired final position and afterwards
pressing buttons “CTRL – A” simultaneously, the new line will be automatically drawn
from the initial to the final position.
- Select option “Values Position” to insert a referred value. Then, by opening the
associated list in the active box, choose the value type to be inserted. Click on
the exact position of the corresponding box, where the value should be placed.
The value identification will be shown in the template and, at the moment of
signing a document which makes use of this template, the system will request
the user to introduce the value or the text that should be included in the data box
associated. For more details, see section 10.2.4.
Depending on the original image resolution and the template size, zoomed in images
can show low resolution. Anyhow, the will be shown with its original resolution at the real
By selecting menu “Load Template”, the following window allows the selection of the
template which requires to be modified.
Texts – fixed and variable – could be inserted above the image, although fixed texts
could be part of the background image.
It is recommended to dimension the background image with the same aspect ratio than
the template. That is, for an A4 Horizontal template an image of 842 x 80 pixels – or
similar – should be used. If, for example, an image of 1000 x 100 pixels is used, this
will need to be automatically resized in order to fit within the dimensions of the template,
and this might change the width of any of the lines, to a point that the background image
might not be able to be shown on the edition window, as shown in the next example.
By clicking the icon a new working environment is opened. This tool allows new custom
frames to be imported and integrated in the drawing production process.
To start this process the image of the custom frame has to be available in any of the
following formats: gif, jpg, jpeg or svg.
Click on “Explore” to find the file that contains the image of the
custom frame to be used. Once the file is selected, size of
paper, format and margins have to be defined.
Clicking the icon the area were the drawing has to be fitted can be set. Clink on the
upper left corner of the desired drawing area and holding the left button drag the mouse
to the desired lower right corner. If the lower part of the drawing area is not visible, the
drawing can be moved using the keyboard arrow keys.
Clicking on the icon the area of the data block can be defined. Use the same procedure
as described before to define the area were the data block has to be fitted.
Once the data block area have been defined, a data block design has to be associated.
Any of the previously defined data block can be used. To
associate a data block select the menu “Edition – Adjust-
Template”. The list of available data blocks will be shown.
Once one data block is selected, ATLAN will verify if the format fits the assigned area
and will shows the differences express in pixels.
By clicking the icon and clicking the green area, it will be erased so the user will be
able to define a new one with the proper dimensions.
If the user decide to use this data box its dimensions will be automatically modified.
Once the editorial process is finished, the new frame template has to be saved using the
menu “File – Save Frame as”.
The main application of this functionality is the modular design of normalised positions
in order to be able to develop projects afterwards by inserting the normalised positions
that are required, depending on the particular design of each substation.
When initiating the import project function, the system displays a new window where it
will be possible to visualise the project that is going to be inserted. The system will verify
automatically that the IEDs and the connections used in that project are defined in
ATLAN’s library. In the event of finding any discrepancy, an errors report will be
automatically generated identifying the aspects that may cause compatibility problems
and, consequently, loss of information.
Users need then to evaluate whether the reported messages may cause loss of
information or incompatibility, and decide whether the project can be imported or not.
When clicking on the “Accept” button, the system will proceed to import the project.
Only totally signed projects can be imported and thus the signatures are automatically
verified. However, the signatures and certificates of the Author, Reviewer and Approver
of the imported project will not be applied to the project under execution.
Once all the verifications carried out, a visualisation window of the project will be
displayed allowing users to check its contents.
The .icd/.cid files of the IEDs 61850 will be included in the import process. The
documents; the simulations; and the user certificates of the inserted project will not be
copied. The Logical Functions; the template data boxes; the preferences; and the
backups will not be imported either.
The particular basic classes of the inserted project will be imported to the project under
execution, automatically and transparently to the user.
The user views of the IEDs will not be imported to the project; however, there will be
imported the views of the connections.
The file downloaded from this web page contains a project together with the library
elements required to be fully operative. Automatic import facility simplifies the process of
installation of every component associated with the project. Every type of file is
automatically extracted and process accordingly.
This menu starts up a wizard that automatically will carry out the importation process
following the steps depicted in the following sections.
The location of the imported device in the device library cannot be modified. If the device
that is going to be imported already exists in the device library, the following warning will
be shown. The user should decide whether the existing device has to be replaced by the
imported one or keep the old device as it is.
The import of generic classes works in a similar way as connection import. Similar actions
and similar decision has to me make choosing between complete import of generic
classes, import of a selection or replacement of generic classes.
The user can chose which file will be imported. Nevertheless, it is strongly advisable to
import all the files otherwise some of the IEC 61850 functionality of the imported project
may crash. Furthermore, the generation of IEC 61850 configuration files may produce
corrupted files.
Once the project has been imported in the indicated location, the wizard will inform and
the import process will be finished. The project is now ready to be used being all its
functionalities and properties available to the user who may continue working on this
project or use it as a template for future projects.
It is not allowed that another project with the same name of the imported project be
located in the same folder. In this case, the import process will be automatically aborted.
Consequently, before starting the project import wizard, it is very important to check if
there is another project with the same name in the folder that we want to store the
imported project. It this is the case, the existing project has to be archived or the imported
project will have to be stored in another folder. If the wizard detects that there is another
project with the same name, a warning will be reported before aborting the process.
Once a project completed, in order to carry out its complete exportation the project needs
to be opened in ATLAN’s working environment, as otherwise the “Export complete
Project” option in submenu “Export” within the “Communication” main menu will not be
shown activated.
If the export process is completed correctly, the following message will be displayed.
Each time that a minor error occurs during the export process, ATLAN will ask whether
to continue with the export process or not.
On the contrary, if a critical error occurs during the export process then the process will
be automatically cancelled.
- Project without Nodes or with issues found in some device. (Critical Error)
- Error when extracting the information from the project destination file (*.zprjexp)
(Critical Error)
- Logical Functions: One or both required file(s) missing (.flxml or/and .flygf) (Minor
- Generic Classes file not found (.flxml or/and .flygf) (Minor Error)
The Detailed Engineering package allows users to implement the particular details of the
engineering design of a substation from the corresponding basic engineering project, this
having been generated from the set of rules and procedures described in this manual.
Also, this functionality provides the additional advantage of being able to develop the
basic engineering of a project to the desired degree of detail and, from that point, to
export if required all the information to another detailed engineering market tool – thus
not being necessary to generate with ATLAN absolutely all the documentation of the
detailed engineering of a project–. This export process is implemented by means of a
XML interface included in ATLAN.
WARNING! The execution of all the functions in ATLAN requires that your operating
system has the following applications of complements installed:
- Java Machine appropriately registered in the system. Otherwise, ATLAN will not
be able to initiate its execution.
- Java “jdk 1.6” environment. The functionality of documental management and of
management of electronic signatures requires that your computer has installed
the environment java jdk 1.6 update 43. If you do not have the java jdk installed
in your computer you can get a free of use licence in Once the
file has been downloaded, install the jdk following the instructions.
ATLAN V3.2 has been certified for the version 1.6 of JDK. If you have installed a different
version, you should disable it and leave the version 1.6.
In order to disable other versions of Java (JDK 1.7 or JRE 1.7), open the “Control Panel”
Windows Start “Configuration” menu. Then double click on the “Java” input.
Then click on the “See” button on the lower part of the window. The following pop-up
window will be displayed:
Once this done, it is required a PC restart so that the changes take place.
This Annex includes a practical example of creation of names and semantic rules
(chapter 15 of this manual), applied to devices and connections.
This is a practical and visual application of how to generate a simple naming and copying
rule for devices and connections. At the end, we will see an example of its application to
the creation and copy of devices and connections.
From the “Libraries – Library of Names” submenu, we can access to any of the four
stages of creation of rules.
To carry out a complete creation, the first stage will be selected: Edit Elementary classes:
The window of creation of elementary classes is then displayed. They are the
fundamental piece, the atomic elements, from which the rest of them are created. Texts
and fixed numbers will be able to be created, as well as we will be able to assign our
own separators. For example, let’s define the text ‘Addsys’ and the numeric ‘2009’ in
order to use them afterwards as fixed elements. The separators that we will use in this
case are the hyphen and the underscore. It needs to be taken into account that there are
characters that cannot be used for being system reserved for incremental and
decremental numerics and texts.
In this example, it has been inserted a basic class for the IEDs and another for the
connections. Both classes consist of a fix text, a separator and a numeric incremental
(the latter to be used for the subsequent copying rule). Any combination can be carried
out, as a text or a free numeric instead of the fixed text – for example –, etc.
In the first place we will enter the name, then the number of components will need to be
chosen, we will select each one of them, and finally we will press on button “Add” so it is
aggregated to the library.
Here we can carry out any combination of up to 8 basic elements. In our case, in order
not to introduce too much complexity, we create just one for devices with an only basic
element (the one formerly created) and another similar one for connections.
The sequence of steps is similar as before, firstly having to enter the name; then
choosing the number of components; selecting the required option in each one of the
columns of basic classes; and finally clicking on the “Add” button to aggregate it to the
elements of the library.
Finally, we will apply to each device the class of name that is going to be used. To do
so, on the left part of the “Classes Dictionary” window there is a tree with the devices of
the system. We will choose one; subsequently we will select the Rule of name that we
wish to apply; and then we will establish this assignment by clicking on the “Assign”
button. This assignment will be reflected on the lower part of the window, in the
By clicking on the “Generate RC” (generate copying rule) button, we will have access to
a pop-up window in which it is fully displayed the rule that applies to the device.
The procedure would be similar for the connections, except that in that case we have a
rule of names for the labels (Rule or R), and another one for the alias (Alias Rule), being
able to define a copying rule (CR and ACR respectively) for every one of them – in a
similar way as for the devices –.
In the case of having copying rules, when the copy is carried out with devices or
connections that have such rules assigned, only the assigned fields will be used. If there
are not copying rules but there are rules of names, the latter are assigned.
At this point, it is advisable to make a last save of the information, in order not to loose
the changes.
Let’s see now some cases in which these rules of names are applied.
In the first place, it needs to be verified whether the Rule of names is activated, by means
of the icon on the icons bar. The set square’s background highlighted in grey colour
indicates that the rule is deactivated, whereas a yellow background indicates that the
rule is activated.
If the Rule of names is not active when creating new devices and connections, the fields
of the corresponding names will appear enabled so that the texts can be manually
Once the name is shown, the device insertion window will be shown with this field
disabled and the adequate value, the rest of the fields required for the creation of the
device being able to be set:
For a higher degree of automation of the copy function, it is recommended to use copy
rules with automatic fields, as they make this action much easier.
This time we will need to enter a free text, for the label as well as for the alias, depending
on the generated rule. The load of data will be double in this case, and we will finish with
Following, the window corresponding to the connection carried out will be displayed, with
the Label and Alias fields disabled:
For those devices and connections not having assigned any names and/or copy rules, if
a copy of them is carried out, the system will consider the copy general rule. This rule
consists in applying a suffix – made by a separator and an incremental – to the name of
the original element. In order to modify this rule, we must select the “Libraries – Library
of Names – Copy Rule” submenu.
This is a practical and visual application involving the generation of the dictionary, and
how to use it.
From the “Libraries – Naming library” submenu, we need to select the “Edit DO/DA Alias
Dictionary” option.
Following, we choose the device with which we wish to work and then we click on the
“Load data” button. Note: Those devices that have associated a valid ICD file appear
filtered in the corresponding pop-down menu.
Once all the alias of the DO’s has been aggregated, we proceed with a “Save” before
leaving the window.
The example shown next shows the import of the project ‘Test Siemens1’, from the files
that can be found in the CD provided for this purpose.
NOTE: We will need to repeat this process as many times as IEDs to be import, unless
that they are placed in a same folder. If this was the case, we can import all the elements
in the folder at once.
Project import:
Then we can open the project ‘Test Siemens1’, as shown in the following figure, and
from that point we can continue working on it in our project.
The contents in this Annex provide a description of the fields included in a Terminals
Template in .xls format and show how it can be used, by means of the following parts:
Columns structure
Mandatory fields
Solution of errors
D (Terminal Type) – Type of Terminal. There can be selected 4 types: Contact, Analog
Signal, Communication and Power Supply.
H (Voltaje Power) – Voltage of the Terminal. It is activated only for terminals of types
Contact, Analogical Signal and Power Supply.
J (InOut) – Indicates the Input/Output of the Terminal. Possible selections are In, Out or
Mandatory Fields
28.2 Recommendations
It is recommended:
- Neither doing copy/paste nor deleting information for more than a column at a
time, as it may cause errors in the formulas or even their loss.
- Not to try to edit those cells which are selectable, as in this case it is only allowed
to select an option from the list of options included.
- Neither attempting to create new sheets nor changing the name of existing
- In order to be able to import a new template, this will need to have been previously
placed in folder “/config/” of ATLAN’s tool.
- If it is wished to copy the information from a terminal to other cells, data need to
copied column by column, by means of the ‘dragging downwards’ copy option in
excel, as shown in the following examples. This process is not valid for drop-
down menus (i.e., Columns D, F, H, I, …)
- The system has not detected Terminals in the selected Template. It means
either that the .xls file does not contain any Terminal, or that the terminals that it
has have no Name.
- General error message, where the several errors found during the loading of
Terminals Template are detailed.
- A Voltage is not present in ATLAN’s Generic Classes. It means that the voltage
indicated is not registered in the Generic Classes of the tool. In order to be able
to use Voltage (xxx) it is necessary to define the new value in
‘Libraries/GenericClasses/Terminal Voltage’.
- A Protocol does not appear in ATLAN’s Generic Classes. It means that the
indicated protocol is not registered in the Generic Classes of the tool. In order to
be able to make use of such protocol it is required to define it first in
- A Terminal does not have a valid Protocol assigned. The indicated Terminal
does not have any Protocol associated, i.e. the cell is blank.
- A Terminal has a Forced Port that is being used by another Terminal. The forced
port number needs to be exclusively unique for every Terminal; i.e., 2 terminals
cannot be connected to a same port. Only Position numbers of the Terminals with
Forced Position (i.e., Forced Position ->) are verified. The rows highlighted in
green colour in the following example do not involve any error, as although the
position number ‘10’ is repeated one of both terminals does not have Forced Port.
- A Terminal has a non-numeric Forced Port assigned. It means that the indicated
Terminal is a forced Terminal but its position is not a numerical value.