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Moistrex MX8000

The Definitive At-Line Moisture Measurement Solution for Paper & Board Making,
Converting and Printing Processes


– Safe & easy-to-use

– Non-destructive

– For all paper types

– Moisture Range: 1-15%

– Suitable for Incorporation into

ISO Quality Systems

The Measure of Quality

Moistrex MX8000
For fast, accurate at-line moisture measurement...

Fast & easy to use, MX8000

is supplied pre-calibrated
for instant results:

1 select the paper type

2 key in the grammage

1 2
3 4
3 insert the sample, and...

4 in just a few seconds

the moisture value will
be displayed on the
easy-to-read LCD screen

The MX8000-T80 and How the MX8000 works:

MX8000-T20 are optimised
for moisture measurements MX8000 contains a waveguide...
down which a microwave signal is
over wide grammage ranges
transmitted. When a paper sample
is inserted, the waveguide is split in two
For LIGHTER papers by the paper and the water molecules
within the paper attenuate the
The MX8000-T80 optimised for microwave signal, the attenuation being
moisture measurement of lighter paper proportional to the amount of water in
basis weights from 30 to 400gsm. the paper; the detector then measures
the "microwave loss" and converts this
signal to a per cent moisture value.
For HEAVIER papers & boards
By keying in the paper type and
The MX8000-T20 optimised for the grammage, MX8000 automatically
heavier 150 to 1200gsm range. adjusts the settings to give reliable
results time after time, without the
need for special skills.

In addition to the factory pre-sets, the

user can configure and store settings
for up to 90 different paper types.
Moistrex MX8000
Guarantees a rapid return on investment thanks to...

Time Savings Product Savings Quality and Conformance

Compared to traditional loss-on-drying Because MX8000 is fast, it can be MX8000 is manufactured by
methods, MX8000 is many times faster used effectively to test product NDC within the framework of an
and measures a much larger, more when process indicators suggest ISO9000:2000 system.
representative sample. specifications are not being met.
Each instrument is supplied with
Labour Savings Testing Stock its Certificate of Conformance,
Using MX8000 to replace slow and MX8000 is also ideal for testing and can be returned to NDC or
labour intensive laboratory gravimetric specifications of supplier stocks and tested by NDC’s engineer on-site
testing means time and effort can be in-coming paper products – before and the Certificate re-issued
used more productively. you process them. annually or as required. MX8000
can become part of an ISO
Quality System for product trace-
ability and process control.
lightweight construction designed
for maximum portability* Flexible Connectivity

MX8000 has an optional plug-in

Communications Module
*carrying case optional
providing the following
connectivity options:

• RS232
precision moisture measurement... in seconds!

Unaffected by colour, printing, surface High stability for optimum • Ethernet

finish or sizing... performance...
Because the technique measures MX8000 has some key enhancements
through the paper, the measurement to ensure performance keeps pace
is unaffected by colour or surface with today’s demand for precision
treatment, or stratification of moisture at-line moisture measurement.
within the paper. The solid alloy plates With a "smart" detector module
Connected to a label printer, via
quickly stabilise the paper sample and and high precision oscillator,
RS232, MX8000 generates reports
an on-board sensor automatically MX8000 achieves reliable accurate
of the current measurements for
compensates for temperature. measurements – even on heavier
hard copy filing. The USB port
papers – with reproducibility
Since polythene and similar plastics enables connection to a PC running
better than +/-0.1%.
do not cause microwave loss, paper NDC’s GaugeTools ™ Data
samples can be stored in polythene Management and Calibration
bags and inserted, within the bag, Software. The Ethernet connection
into the MX8000. This means the is used when data is required
integrity of samples is maintained to be transmitted via a
and avoids the rapid changes which network for storage
paper samples exhibit when stored elsewhere or to a
unprotected, even for a short time. remote PC.
Technical Specifications
Moistrex MX8000 System

Moisture Range: 1 to 15% for most paper types Language: English plus all major world languages (user selectable)
Accuracy: +/-0.1% moisture content CE Compliance: All NDC products are compliant with EN61010-1 Low
Resolution: better than 0.1% moisture content Voltage Directive and EN 50082-2 EMC Directive
Paper Specifications: Dimensions: See diagram below:
Basis Weight: MX8000-T80 for basis weights from 30 to 400gsm Weight: 7.2kg (Carrying Case optional)
MX8000-T20 for basis weights from 150 to 1200gsm Power Supply: Universal input 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz
Thickness: Up to 3mm R F Power: Less than 2mW/cm 2
Fibre Orientation: MX8000 measures independently of fibre orientation Sealing: IP53 with lid closed
Type: MX800 is delivered with Product Stations pre-calibrated for Connectivity: Optional Communications Module providing:
common paper & board types including: - RS232 to Printer
Mechanical Pulp: Newsprint, Woodchip, Wallpaper - USB to PC
Mixed Pulp: Fibreboard, Coated Board, Cartridge - Ethernet to Network
Chemical Pulp: Brown Paper, Blotting, Writing, Bond, Quality Print Options: Communications Module
Highly Beaten: Glassine Paper GaugeTools ™ Calibration & Data Management Software
Cotton Linters: Banknote Paper Handy Carrying Case
There are 90 additional user-configurable Product Stations Operational
Sample Size: Minimum A4 [210 x 297mm] or US Letter [8 x 11 in] Temperature: 10° to 40° C
Display: Back-lit LCD display. Tactile Keypad with 4 multi-functions
keys with intuitive operator interface software

Moistrex MX8000

264.99mm 313mm


25.4mm 60.68mm


NDC Infrared Engineering Ltd Represented in over 60 countries NDC UK NDC Germany
Bates Road, Maldon, Tel: +49 (0)1801-977112
Essex, CM9 5FA, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1621 852244
NDC China
Fax: +44 (0)1621 856180
Tel: +86 (0)20 8666 2790
NDC Japan Tel: +1 626 960 3300
Tel: +81 (0)3 3255 8157
An ISO9001:2000 Company

In line with its policy of continuous improvement NDC reserves the right to revise published specifications and details of this equipment without prior notice. 79/8816-01 Iss 11 09/05

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