Wastewater Treatment
SEWERAGE, SEWERAGE WORKS - a comprehensive Activated Sludge Process:
term (construction, collection, transportation, pumping Arrangement
treatment and final disposition of sewage) The general arrangement of an
SEWAGE - the liquid wastes conducted away buildings, activated sludge process for
and with such ground surface, and storm water as may removing
be present/any wastewater containing animal or carbonaceous pollution includes
vegetable matter in suspension and solution and may the
include liquids containing chemicals in solution following items:
SEWER - a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage and • Aeration tank where air (or
waste liquids oxygen) is injected in the mixed
NPCP Chapter 2 liquor.
MAIN SEWER - (Public Sewer) • Settling tank (usually referred
PUBLIC SEWER - a common sewer controlled by public to as "final clarifier" or
authority "secondary settling tank") to
DOMESTIC SEWAGE (SANITARY SEWAGE) - allow the biological flocs (the
liquid/water-borne wastes free from industrial wastes sludge blanket) to settle, thus
SANITARY SEWAGE - human excrement/liquid Wastewater Treatment
household waste (DOMESTIC SEWAGE) Activated Sludge Process:
SANITARY SEWER - with or without industrial wastes/ 1. Coarse Screen House
without and admixture of storm water or ground water 2. Grit Chamber
NPCP Chapter 2 3. Fine Screen House
DRAIN - a sewer, pipe or conduit (conveying ground 4. Mixing Tank or Activated Sludge Tank
water, surface water, storm water, wastewater or 5. Aerating Tanks
sewage 6. Clarifier Tanks
DRAINAGE SYSTEM - the drainage pipe of a plumbing 7. Chemical House
system take the waste water from the plumbing fixtures 8. Filter House
and deliver it to the sewer 9. Drier House
INDUSTRIAL WASTE - free from fecal matter 10. Warehouse
LIQUID WASTE - does not receive fecal matter Preliminary treatment is the first step in the treatment
WASTE - (LIQUID WASTE/INDUSTRIAL WASTE) process. Its purpose is to
WATER TREATMENT - conditions/treats water supply remove those materials that are untreatable and can be
to improve water quality, remove suspended solids by separated by physical means.
filtration Screenings and grit removal are used to separate the sand
NPCP Chapter 2 and other inorganic
PRIMARY BRANCH - a primary branch of a building material that can be harmful to the pumps and other
drain is the single sloping drain from the base of a equipment in the treatment
stack to its junction with main building drain or with processes.
another branch
SECONDARY BRANCH - any branch in a building
drain other than that of the primary branch
LATERAL - secondary pipeline Classes of Sewage Systems - Definitions
MANHOLE - an opening of sufficient size for a man Class 1- a chemical toilet, an incinerating toilet, a
to gain access thereto recirculating toilet, a self-contained portable toilet
and all forms of privy
Class 2- grey water system
Class 3- a cesspool
Manholes shall be installed at the end of Class 4- a leaching bed system including sewage
each line; at all changes in grade, size, or systems utilizing treatment units
alignment; at all Class 5- a system which requires or uses a holding
• intersections; and at distances not greater tank for the retention hauled sewage at the site
than 120 meters for sewers 380 mm in where it is produced prior to its collection by hauled
diameter or less and sewage system
• 150 meters for sewers 460 to 760 mm in
diameter. Greater spacing may be permitted Waste Water Treatment
in larger sewers. Waste Water is defined as water which carries
• (e) The minimum diameter of manholes shall wastes from homes, industries, businesses or any
be 900 mm; larger diameters are preferable other sources; a mixture of water and dissolved or
for large diameter sewers. A minimum suspended solids. Treatment is necessary because
access diameter of 560 mm shall be it in the reduction of physical, physiological,
provided. radioactive, biological and chemical pollutants.
Types of Waste Water Treatment Plants
Depending on the nature of the Waste Water to be
treated, Waste Water can be classified as:
1. Sewage Treatment Plants
2. Sludge Treatment Plant
3. Industrial Waste Water Treatment
4. Agricultural Waste Water Treatment Plant
5. Radioactive Waste Water Treatment Plant
6. Recycling Waste Water Treatment Plant
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) Most Common Types of Municipal Sewage Treatment
• now being used for large developments in lieu a. The Activated Sludge Process
of septic tanks or municipal sewages • Involves a series of stations where the raw
• perform the same general function of septic sewage must pass through
tanks in decomposing sewage • First Phase- gets rid of heavy materials with
• However, STPs make use of mechanical the use of three different filter houses
equipment and usually consist of 1 large • Second Phase- clarifies the effluent
basin. • Third Phase- hardens the sludge and converts
Some typical features of an STP: it to fertilizers
An aeration system within the tank; • Produces water with 99-99.5% purity
A submersible mixer to mix the waste;
A sludge waste pump that aids in clarifying; SANITATION, PLUMBING DESIGN
C. Water Supply and Distribution
Some typical features of an STP: WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM
• Wastewater from the TYPES
building enters the Screen a. Large Water Supply System - more than 5,000
box (1). Here coarse air service connection.
bubbles are used to b. Small Water Supply System - less than 1,000
physically break down solid service connection.
matter in the sewage and DEFINITION OF TERMS
form a mixed liquor with the Aesthetic - perceived by senses (odor,taste, color
water prior to treatment. and clarity)
• The mixed sewage liquor Capillary attraction - the force that allows a porous
flows into the Aeration material to soak up a liquid.
Chamber for treatment (2). A Cistern – a water tight tank used to store water
bacterial culture is present in Coliform Organism – any rod shaped, non spore
the Aeration Chamber which forming, gram negative bacteria capable of
digests the pollutants in the growth in the presence of bile salts, other surface
wastewater. The bacterial active agents with similar growth inhibiting
culture must have a constant properties which are cytochrome-oxydae
oxygen supply and this is negative and able to ferment lactose at either 35
provided by a fine bubble deg C or 37 deg C with the production of acid, gas
diffuser at the base of the and aldehyde within 24-48 hours.
• The mixed sewage liquor Complete Treatment – a series or combination of water
Some typical features of an STP: treatment processes
• The blower is on a Basic Methods of Water Treatment and Purification
plug-in timer and • Coagulation - treated with compounds that make small
runs 30 minutes on suspended particles stick together and settle out of the
and 15 minutes off, water.
saving a lot of This particle conglomerate is removed from the water prior to
electricity for the filtration.
treatment process. • Sedimentation - passed through a settling basin or clarifier
It also allows the allowing time for mud, sand, metals and other sediment to
blower to cool settle out.
down. • Sand Filtration - passed through a dual media (sand and
Some typical features of an STP: anthracite) filter, which removes many remaining pollutants.
• The Sludge Management • Aeration - process of increasing the oxygen saturation of
System (SMS) the
• In the Clarification Chamber water.
sewage sludge accumulates • Chlorination - the process of adding the
at the bottom (settled element chlorine to water (method of water purification to
sludge) and top (floating make it fit for human consumption as drinking water)
sludge) of the tank (1). DEFINITION OF TERMS
• Air from the blower is DrinkingWater - direct human consumption or
spurred from the air for use in food preparation
regulator valves (2) to two Ground Water – portion of the rainwater which
sludge return pipes. has percolated into the earth to form
• This creates a vacuüm that underground deposits (aquifer)
sucks the sewage sludge Polluted Water – water whose physical, chemical,
from the bottom of the bacteriological, biological and radioactive
Clarification Chamber back properties have been altered due to the
to the Aeration Chamber presence of domestic sewage. e.g. industrial
constantly (3). waste.
• The valve that removes the
Some STPs consist of several chambers:
Primary, Aeration, Settling, and Disinfection
Public or Private Water Supply System – a government or Well – man made hole for recovering ground
private water from the water bearing strata by
owned system for the provision of potable water for human digging, boring, drilling
consumption. Types of Well:
Level of Water Supply System: a. Artesian Well – water is confined under
a. Level I (Point Source) – a protected well /developed spring hydrostatic pressure between two rock
with an outlet without distribution system, for rural areas ; 15 formations
households b. Bored Well – constructed by manually
b. Level II ( Communal faucet system or standposts) – driven augers into the ground
system c. Deep Well – with depth greater than 20
composed of source, a reservoir, a piped distribution network meters constructed in areas characterized by
and communal faucets, for rural and urban fringe areas . aquifers
faucet serves 4 to 6 households. d. Drilled Well – constructed by percussion or
c. Level III (Waterworks system or individual house rotary drills.
connections) e. Driven Well – constructed by driving an iron
- a system with source, a reservoir, a piped distribution pipe with a well point at lower end into the
network and a household taps for densely urban areas ground water bearing stratum
DEFINITION OF TERMS f. Dug Well – normally circular or rectangular
Raw water - untreated, undisinfected surface or in shape, with diameter from 1 to 1.5 meters;
groundwater. a lining is placed made of masonry, brickworks
Reservoir – a pond, lake or basin, either natural of reinforced concrete to protect against
or artificial, designed for storage, regulation surface or outside contamination
and control of water. DEFINITION OF TERMS
Surface Water – a mixture of surface run-off and g. Shallow Well - measured from the ground
groundwater. e.g. rivers, lakes, streams, ponds surface with a depth of not more 20 meters
and impounding reservoirs. h. Test Well – an excavation made to
DEFINITION OF TERMS determine the quality and quantity of water.
Standard Methods - Methods of analysis Methods for the Detection and Estimation
prescribed by American Public Health of Coli-form Organisms
Association, American Waterworks Association, a. Standard Methods
Water Pollution Control Federation or US a.1. Membrane Filter
Environmental Pollution Control Federation or technique gives a direct count of total
USE environmental Protection Agency; accepted coliforms and fecal-coliforms present in a
by authority given sample
Water Quality - used to define those a.2. Multiple Tube Fermentation
bacteriological, chemical, physical, biological or technique used to enumerate positive
radiological characteristics which evaluates the presumptive, confirmed and completed tests.;
acceptability of the water. gives a Most Probable Number (MPN) of
DEFINITION OF TERMS coliforms present in a given sample
Minimum requirements : WATER TREATMENT
BACTERIOLOGICAL QUALITY of drinking-water Chemically Derived Contaminants
a. All drinking water supplies ( Level I, II, III, a. Aluminum - Naturally occurring aluminum as
bottled water & emergency supplies). The well as aluminum salts used as coagulants in
presence of E-Coli or Thermo-tolerant (fecal ) drinking-water treatment are the most
coli-form bacteria is an indicator of fecal common sources of aluminum in drinking
pollution. The detection suggests possible water.
presence of organisms that can cause disease. Effect : exacerbation of discoloration of water
Water that is free from E-Coli or Thermotolerant by iron.
coli form bacteria is considered safe b. Alkalinity - measure of the water’s ability to
DEFINITION OF TERMS neutralize acids and bases (buffering). As
Water Quality Guideline - a water guideline level alkalinity increases, the water becomes more
for a water constituent which does not result stable and less likely to corrode household
in significant health risk and which ensures WATER TREATMENT
aesthetically acceptable water. Chemically Derived Contaminants c. Chlorides - soluble
DEFINITION OF TERMS mineral compounds that are dissolved by the
Well – man made hole for recovering ground water as it filters through the earth. The amount of chlorides
water from the water bearing strata by in
digging, boring, drilling water are determined by the type of rocks and soils it has
Types of Well: contacted.
a. Artesian Well Cause:
b. Bored Well 1. the leaking of sea water into a well cause of increased
c. Deep Well chlorides.
d. Drilled Well 2. human and animal waste
e. Driven Well Effect:
f. Dug Well 1. salty taste
g. Shallow Well 2. corrosion of household appliances and domestic plumbing
3. average life of water heaters has been estimated to
shorten by
one year for every 100 mg/l chloride over the first 100 mg/I.
1. reverse osmosis (RO) Chemically Derived Contaminants
2. deionization (DI) f. Fluoride - occur in groundwater supplies, fluoride is added
Chemically Derived Contaminants water to help prevent dental cavities.
d. Copper – Copper in a drinking-water supply Cause:
usually arises from the corrosive action of water 1. Fluoride is dissolved into water from fluoride bearing
leaching copper from copper pipes. minerals that occur naturally in the earth.
Cause: Effect:
1. Acidic Water: A soft, acidic water will dissolve 1. Dental fluorosis
small amounts of copper from the plumbing Treatment:
2. Dissolved Solids: increase the ability of the 1. Reverse Osmosis (RO)
water to conduct an electrical current. 2. Distillation
3. Galvanic Corrosion: occurs when two different 3. Deionization (DI)
metals come in contact with each other. The WATER TREATMENT
differences between the two metals produce an Chemically Derived Contaminants
electrical current, causing one of the metals to g. Hardness - measured by the amount of soap that had to
corrode. E.g. a brass fitting to a galvanized pipe. be
WATER TREATMENT added to water to produce a lather. Also measured as the
Chemically Derived Contaminants concentration of dissolved calcium and magnesium
Effects: compounds (expressed as calcium carbonate).
1. blue green stain on plumbing fixtures. Cause:
2. can cause temporary stomach cramps and 1. naturally occurring calcium and magnesium compounds
general intestinal discomfort dissolved by the water
Chemically Derived Contaminants 1. hard, chalky scale (boiler scale) when water is heated
Treatment: 2. white, powdery residue on plumbing fixtures, and will
1. Acidic water - by neutralizing the acidity of the cause spots on dishes.
water done by using a metering pump to add Treatment:
small amounts of an alkaline solution (such as 1. water softener (Ion exchange softeners produce a water
soda ash and water) to the water, or by using a with near zero hardness)
neutralizing filter WATER TREATMENT
2. Dissolved Solids – Chemically Derived Contaminants
a. reverse osmosis filter to drastically reduce the h. Iron and Manganese - naturally occurring metallic
solids content elements.
b. use a polyphosphate compound Cause:
3. Galvanic Corrosion - by placing a dielectric 1. Metals are dissolved from soils and rocks as the water
(plastic or rubber) joint between the two passes
WATER TREATMENT through the earth
Chemically Derived Contaminants 2. Corrosion of galvanized or steel plumbing materials
e. Acidity (Corrosive) Water - Neutral water, neither acidic or Effect:
basic, has a pH of 7. As pH values decrease from 7 to 0, the 1. produces a gray or black deposit; cause a coating to form
acidity of the water increases; pH values from 7 to 14 show inside
increasing basicity. the plumbing and will break free, causing black particles to
Cause: appear in the water.
1. Water’s natural acidity is caused by the presence of 2. water - bitter, metallic taste
carbonic acid and carbon dioxide. Treatment:
Effects: 1. Chlorination and Filtration
1. Metal surface - slowly dissolving the metal into the water. 2. Zeolite Filters
Constant exposure to corrosive water will shorten the life of 3. Birm Filters
household plumbing, causing pin-holes in pipes 4. Water Softeners
WATER TREATMENT 5. polyphosphates
Chemically Derived Contaminants WATER TREATMENT
2. Copper plumbing - corrosion cause blue-green stains in Chemically Derived Contaminants
sinks and tubs; give the water a bitter medicinal taste Treatment:
3. Steel or galvanized metal - rusty stain in fixtures, give the 1. Chlorination and Filtration
water a metallic taste, and may produce cloudy water on 2. Zeolite Filters
occasion 3. Birm Filters
4. Interfere with other water treatment. Iron and manganese 4. Water Softeners
cannot be easily removed from acidic water. In this case, the 5. Polyphosphates
acidity must be neutralized prior to the iron removal
1. pH Adjustment
2. Neutralizing Filters
3. Polyphosphates
WATER TREATMENT Water Distribution to Metro Manila
Biologically derived contaminants • Located in Novaliches, Quezon City, the La Mesa Dam
a. Actinomycetes and fungi can sore up to 50.5million cubic meters of water
found in surface water sources, including reservoirs; can from Angat River and Alat River.
grow on unsuitable • The Novaliches Treatment Plant supplies the west
materials in the water supply distribution systems i.e.rubber zone.
Effect: objectionable tastes and odours in the drinking-water. • The Balara Treatment Plant supplies the east
b. Animal life zone.
Invertebrate animals are naturally present in many water
resources used as
sources for the supply of drinking-water and often infest
shallow, open wells. Classification of Public Water Distribution
Cause: a. Direct Pressure Distribution
1. invertebrates may pass through water treatment works • Water is obtained through a large intake
2. motility and larvae penetrate filters at the treatment works installed on the lake basin & extended into
and vents on deep water
storage reservoirs Components:
Treatment : 1. Water basin
1. Production of high-quality water, 2. Receiving well
2. maintenance of chlorine residuals in the distribution 3. Filtration plant
system b. Indirect Pressure Distribution
3. regular cleaning of water mains by flushing or swabbing • Water is taken form a drilled well or
WATER TREATMENT underground water (“deep well” construction)
Biologically derived contaminants MPLE
c. Cyanobacteria and algae Where is surface water for domestic use
Effect: collected?
1. coloration and turbidity of water after filtration a. seas
2. They can also give rise to geosmin, 2-methyl b. streams
isoborneol and other chemicals, which have taste c. mountains
thresholds in drinking-water of a few nanograms d. oceans
per litre. MPLE
d. Iron bacteria Water collected from spring and as well as
Cause: In waters containing ferrous and source of water for domestic water supply is
manganous salts, oxidation by iron bacteria (or by called
exposure to air) a. underground water
WATER TREATMENT b. natural water
Treatment of taste, odor and appearance c. surface water
problems d. ground water
The following water treatment techniques are MPLE
generally effective in removing organic What water is a portion of rainwater which
chemicals that cause tastes and odours: percolates into the earth to form underground
a. aeration deposit?
b. activated carbon (GAC or PAC) a. spring surface
c. ozonation b. ground water
c. dew
d. surface water
Sources of Water Supply for Domestic Usage Where does Level III type of water service
1. Rain Water – soft, pure, suitable for hot water referred?
supply a. individual shallow well handpump
stored in cistern or ponds installation
2. Natural Surface Water – used for irrigation, b. public faucets
industrial purposes, water supply (treated) c. individual house pipe in connection with
• Rivers meter
• Lakes d. artesian well
• Impound reservoirs MPLE
3. Ground Water – requires less treatment Rain water for domestic use is collected from
because of natural filtering a. roofs
• Wells b. lakes
Water Distribution to Metro Manila c. grounds
• Water is diverted through a 13km tunnel from d. plants
Umiray River in Quezon toward Macua & Angat MPLE
rivers, which in turn flow into the Angat Reservoir. What produces when magnesium salt is present
• Angat Dam supplies 97% of the water needs of in water?
Metro Manila residents and most of the irrigation a. Mineral hardness
requirements of farms in central Luzon. From here, b. Permanent hardness
water flows through 2 tunnels down to the Ipo Dam. c. Total hardness
• Water is conveyed through three intake structures at d. Temporary hardness
the Ipo Dam going to three connecting tunnels.
Water then travels through a distance of 6 km to
Bicti, Norzagaray, which in turn passes through five
aqueducts, each about 16km long.
MPLE • Riser- a water supply pipe extending vertically to one full
The hardness of water can be either story
• temporary or or more to convey water into pipe branches or plumbing
• permanent fixtures
Temporary hardness can be removed simply by • Fixture Branch- the water supply pipe between the fixture
boiling the supply pipe and the water-distributing pipe
water. Temporary hardness is caused by calcium • Valves- used for control, isolation and repair of the water
and/or distribution system
Magnesium hydrogencarbonate. These are formed • Storage Tanks
as Supplementary Definitions
carbonated rain water passes over rocks containing (Water Distribution System)
carbonate • Air Gap (Water Distribution) - An unobstructed vertical
ions distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest
MPLE opening from any pipe or faucet conveying potable water to
Total Permanent Hardness = Calcium Hardness + the flood-level rim of any tank, vat or fixture
Magnesium • Backflow - The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or
Hardness substances into the distributing pipes of a potable supply of
When measuring hardness, we typically water from any source other than from its intended source
consider total hardness which is the sum of all • Battery of Fixtures - Any of two or more similar adjacent
hardness compounds in water, expressed as a fixtures which discharge into a common horizontal soil or
calcium carbonate equivalent. Total hardness waste branch
includes both temporary and permanent • Cross- Connection - Any connection or arrangement
hardness caused by calcium and magnesium between a
MPLE potable water supply system and any plumbing fixture or any
How can acidity of water be neutralized? tank, receptacle, equipment or device through which enables
a. Crust stone filtration contaminated water or other substances to enter into any
b. White sand filtration part
c. Marble stone filtration of the system
d. Green and filtration Supplementary Definitions
(Water Distribution System)
• Fixture Branch - The water supply pipe between the
MPLE fixture supply pipe and the water distributing pipe
How can sulphur in the form of hydrogen sulphates be • Flood Level - The level in a fixture at which water
removed from water? begins to overflow over the top or rim of the fixture
a. Aeration • Gooseneck - A flexible tubing connection between a
b. Evaporation service pipe and water main; A return bend of smallsized
c. Filtration pipe commonly used as a faucet
d. Sedimentation • Roughing in - The installation of all piping and fitting
Aeration parts of the plumbing system, which can be
Aeration is another option and is accomplished by completed prior to the installation of fixtures and
spraying water into a ventilated storage tank. The H2S accessories. These include sanitary and storm
gas is separated from the water as it is sprayed and drainage, tap, hot and chilled water supplies, gas
drawn off as a gas by a ventilation system. Aeration pipings and the necessary fixture supports.
will remove most of the H2S, but chlorination may still
be necessary. Some sulphide odours will remain due to
the high pH of most waters. The lower the pH, the
MPLE Maximum and Probable Demand
What is the cause of objectionable tastes and Maximum Demand: refers to the maximum
odor of water? water discharge for plumbing fixtures in terms
a. Mineral of units. The maximum demand of water
b. Nitrogen supply is equal to the total fixture units in a
c. Oxygen plumbing system wherein one unit is
d. Algae approximately valued at 7.5 gallons of water
Many tastes and odours are caused by discharge per minute
decomposition of Probable Demand: also referred to as the Peak
plants, algae and fungi load, it is the probable amount of water
discharge at any given time. The fewer the
number of fixtures installed the higher the
percentage of probability of their
Parts of the Cold Water Distribution System WSFU
• Service Pipe- pipe from the street water main or other • WSFU are used to determine water supply to
source fixtures and their service systems
of water supply to the building served • The Water Supply Fixture Units (WSFU) are
• Water Meter- device used to measure in liters or gallons defined by the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC),
the and can be used to determine the water
amount of water that passes through the water service supply to fixtures and their service systems.
• Horizontal Supply Main- the principal water distribution
running from the water meter from which the various
and risers to the fixtures are taken
What is the recommended size of service pipe What is the FU of a restaurant with 7WC,
approved by MWSS for a 2 storey residential 4Urinal, 4 Lav., 5 FD, 1 Bar Counter, 1 Veg.
house? Sink, 1 slop sink?
a. 1 ¼” ø – 31mm MPLE
b. 1” ø – 25mm What is the FU of a restaurant with 7WC,
c. ½” ø – 12mm 4Urinal, 4 Lav., 5 FD, 1 Bar Counter, 1 Veg.
d. ¾” ø – 19mm Sink, 1 slop sink?
MPLE WC 7x6= 42
What system uses an assembly of mechanical UR 4x2= 8
device which raise water using compressed air LAV 4x2= 8
as delivery method? FD 5x2= 10
a. (pneumatic) air pressure system VS 1x3= 3
b. Down feed system SS 1x3= 3
c. Overhead feed system TFU 74
d. Deep well system MPLE
What is the FU of a 25 storey hotel building with
MPLE 8 private bathroom on each floor, use Class 1.
What is the distance between the faucet outlet Note:
and the flood rim of the basin into which it Class 1 Residence
discharges? Class 2 Office Bldg, Dorm
a. Air chamber Class 3 Schools, Gym, Public Comfort Rooms
b. Air gap Unrestricted use
c. Air valve MPLE
d. Air bubble What is the FU of a 25 storey hotel bulding with
MPLE 8 private bathroom on each floor, use Class 1.
A flush valve urinal wall hung type should have a WC 1x4= 4
minimum water supply size LAV 1x1= 1
a. 5/8 inch BT/SH 1x2=2
b. ¾ inch TFU 7x 8=56x25=1400
c. 1 ¼ inches MPLE
d. 3/8 inch What is the FU of 10 hospital private rooms
• Urinal, 1.0 GPF Flushometer Valve - ¾” using Class 2 bathroom group?
• Urinal, greater than 1.0 GPF Flushometer MPLE
Valve - ¾” What is the FU of 10 hospital private rooms
• Urinal, flush tank - ½” using Class 2 bathroom group?
MPLE WC 1x4= 4
The minimum size of water supply to bath tub LAV 1x1= 1
a. ¼” BT/SH 1x2=2
b. 3/8” TFU 7x 10=70
c. ½” MPLE
d. 1” Situational
• Bathtub or Combination Bath/Shower (fill) ½” Situation 1 – The total fixture units in a house
• ¾” Bathtub Fill Valve ¾” sewer receiving sewage from townhouse is
MPLE with 90 flush tank WC, 90 shower heads, 30
What is the minimum size of water supply for bath tubs, 30 kitchen sinks, 210 floor drains,
water closet flush valve type? 90 lavatories, 30 bidets.
a. ½ inch What is the total fixture units?
b. 1 inch MPLE
c. 1 ¼ inches Situational
d. ¾ inch Situation 1 – The total fixture units in a house sewer
• Water Closet, 1.6 GPF Gravity Tank ½” receiving sewage from townhouse is with 90 flush tank
• Water Closet, 1.6 GPF Flushometer Tank ½” WC, 90 shower heads, 30 bath tubs, 30 kitchen sinks, 210
• Water Closet, 1.6 GPF Flushometer Valve 1” floor drains, 90 lavatories, 30 bidets.
• Water Closet, greater than 1.6 GPF Gravity What is the total fixture units?
Tank ½” 90 FT x 4 = 360
MPLE 90 SH x 2 = 180
One of the first steps in the selection of a 30 BT x 2 = 60
suitable water supply source is 30 KS x 2 = 60
a. (water) demand 210 Fd x 2 = 420
b. Budgetary cost 90 Lav x 1 = 90
c. (Water) potability 30 Bid x 2 = 60
d. Topography TFU 1230
Plumbing fixtures are classified as Class 3 are
intended for
a. Condominium Building (Class 2)
b. Cinema Theater
c. Office Building (Class 2)
d. Factory Building (Class 2)
& INSTALLATION French Drain - A covered trench that has been excavated
E. Storm and Sub-surface and filled with
Drainage System washed gravel around a perforated delivery pipe installed to
Planning and design of ground and subsurface receive
drains, downspouts, floor and roof stormwater. A French Drain is only effective where the soil
STORM DRAINAGE – conveys storm water to a where it is
satisfactory terminal installed is porous enough to permit
Sec. 904. Storm Drainage System NBCP Grade - Grade or Slope is the vertical change in elevation
(a) Rainwater drainage shall not discharge to the divided by the
sanitary sewer system. horizontal distance between the same two points. Slope is
(b) Adequate provision shall be made to drain low usually
areas in buildings and their premises. expressed in feet per foot (rise over run). Grade is often
Definition of Terms expressed
Building Storm Drain - A building storm drain is that part of as a percentage (rise divided by run X 100).
the piping of Impervious Surface Area - Areas of land that do not absorb
a stormwater drainage system that begins at the connection or resist
to the absorption of rainwater or runoff. Under normal conditions,
building drain at a point five (5) feet outside the established soil and
line of gravel areas on undeveloped land absorb a significant
the building or structure, and that conveys stormwater to the amount of
approved point of disposal. surface water, mitigating runoff effects on downhill
Catchbasin - A structure that captures surface runoff and properties.
discharges it Impervious surface areas created by development include
into an underground storm drain pipe system. but are not
Creek - Any and all surface water routes generally consisting limited to roofs, concrete and asphalt sidewalks, patios,
of a driveways,
channel having a bed, banks, and/or sides in which surface parking lots and compacted, graveled, oiled, macadam and
waters other
flow from the drainage of higher to lower ground, whether prepared surfaces.
perennial Definition of Terms
or intermittent, but excluding flows that do not persist for Invert - The bottom or flow line of a channel, pipe, or
more than manhole.
twenty-four (24) hours after cessation of a one-half (½) inch Leach Line - Same as “French Drain”, above.
rainfall Natural Location - The location of those channels, swales
within a 24 hour period, October through March. and other
Curb and Gutter - A concrete surface facility that directs water conveyance systems existing prior to human
runoff into development and
catchbasins of curb inlets. as indicated on the earliest available documented
Definition of Terms topographic
Design Storm - The high water level for the frequency storm contours or other reliable information such as maps or
that a photographs.
particular system or system component must be designed to On-Site Detention - Storage of excess runoff on a
carry. To development site prior
determine which frequency storm is to be used in a particular to its entry into the public storm drain system and gradual
situation release of
Detention Facilities - The holding of runoff for a short period the stored runoff after the peak of the runoff event has
of time and passed.
then releasing it at a controlled rate into the area storm drain Peak Discharge - The maximum water runoff rate (cfs)
system. determined for
Drainage Facilities - Pipes ditches, detention basins, creeks, the design storm.
culvert Plans - Construction plans, including system site plans,
bridges, etc., used singularly or in combination with each storm drain
other for plans and profiles, cross sections, detailed drawings, etc., or
the purpose of conveying or storing runoff. reproduction thereof, showing the location, character,
Easement - An area along the line of any public storm drain dimensions,
(or other and details for the work proposed, and approved or to be
utility line) that is located outside of an existing dedicated approved
storm drain by the Director and/or City Engineer. When approved such
easement, road easements or right-of-way, and that allows plans
practical become a supplement to these standards.
access to the facility for maintenance and other necessary Definition of Terms
work Invert - The bottom or flow line of a channel, pipe, or
related to the facility. manhole.
Floodplain - Any area of land subject to inundation by water Leach Line - Same as “French Drain”, above.
from any
source; particularly any area designated as being within the
or one-hundred year flood boundary in the most recent
available data
Natural Location - The location of those channels, swales Domestic Hot-Water Supply
water conveyance systems existing prior to human Two Types of Tanks:
development and Range Boiler – small hot-water tank; 12 –
as indicated on the earliest available documented 24”Ф/6’ long
topographic Storage Tank – large hot-water tank; 24 –
contours or other reliable information such as maps or 54”Ф/15’ long
On-Site Detention - Storage of excess runoff on a Hot-Water Distribution Systems – convey heated water
development site prior storage unit to fixtures
to its entry into the public storm drain system and gradual Three Types of Installations:
release of 1 Upfeed and Gravity Return – small
the stored runoff after the peak of the runoff event has residential/industrial installations; constant circulation of
passed. hot water within the piping arrangement.
Peak Discharge - The maximum water runoff rate (cfs) 2 Overhead Feed and Gravity Return System –
determined for buildings of extreme height; in the closed system of
the design storm. piping water rises when heated. As it reach the high
Plans - Construction plans, including system site plans, point of the system, gravity return it to the storage unit.
storm drain Pump Circuit System – circulation of hot water to by
plans and profiles, cross sections, detailed drawings, etc., or means of mechanical device; larger buildings
reproduction thereof, showing the location, character, The Indirect and Direct Plumbing System
dimensions, 1 Indirect - has only the amount of pressure
and details for the work proposed, and approved or to be from the gravity created from the cold water
approved storage tank
by the Director and/or City Engineer. When approved such 2 Direct - has the same cold water pressure that
plans is available from the mains water in the street.
become a supplement to these standards.
Definition of Terms
Private Storm Drain - A storm drain that is located on private Things to Consider in Sizing the Hot Water
that serves more than one structure on a premises and/or
– Design of the building
parking lot
– Number of occupants
catch basins
– Heating capacity of the supply device
Sedimentation - The deposition of soil, other mineral
Water Heating Devices:
materials and
• Water back – installed in a range
debris carried by stormwater runoff and deposited at a lower
• Furnace coil – placed in the fire box directly above the live
elevation as a result of slack water or the withdrawal of flood
Silt - Fine textured soil particles including clay, colloidal
• Coal heater – large heating surface
materials and
• Gas heater – gas burner placed below the coil
sand, as differentiated from coarse sand and gravel.
• Instantaneous water heater – operates by gas and water
Siltation - 1) The deposition of waterborne silt and 2) the
smoothing or
which open and close by turn as the water is drawn
cementing effect of the deposition of silt over sand and
• Automatic storage water heater – thermostatic control;
gravel beds
magnesium rod to control rust and corrosion. gas-operated
when the transporting water evaporates.
Slope - Expressed as a horizontal measure over a vertical
• Steam heater
Spring Line - The centerline of a pipe.
• Under water-line heater – the inlet and outlet of the coil are
Standard Details, Standard Drawing, Standard Construction
connected to the boiler of the heating plant below its water
Specifications - The drawings and specifications for
• Electric heater –controlled by a thermostat
Sizing Rain Water Piping
• Solar heater
Some places permit this water to run off into the
septic tank or public or private sewer; others to be
drained into a dry well. It is recommended that rain
water be kept separate from sewage and a CENTRIFUGAL PUMP
separate pipe be used to connect the drained utilizes an impeller to pull water into the suction side of the
area with the disposal area. The drainage piping pump;
can be a smaller, more economical size; the danger impeller spins and lscoops the water up and pushes it out
of flooding the sewage system during cloudburst is the pressure
eliminated. side of the pump. The action and angle of the impeller is
Storm-water piping size is determined by the area typically
drained in horizontal projection (the flat area in engineered for the suction side to be horizontal and the
pressure side of
the pump to be vertical.
PISTON PUMP SLIP JOINT - compression nut, a friction ring,
utilize valves and a mechanical piston to move fluid. As the compression washer, fit a threaded adapter fitting or a
piston moves standard taper pipe thread
outwards, the valves move toward the chamber of the pump, SOLDERED JOINT - melt at below 427°C/above 149°C
opening the WELDED JOINT OR SEAM - plastic molten state
incoming valve (bottom) and closing the outgoing valve (top),
drawing in • Installation
fluid from the incoming valve into the chamber. As the piston • Trench bottom preparation: The trench load design is
compresses, based upon the stability of
the valves move outwards, closing the incoming valve and the bedding and the foundation. It is important that the trench
opening the bottom remain
outgoing valve, forcing fluid from the chamber through the stable during backfilling. The trench should not be excavated
output in advance of pipe
laying, and should be backfilled as soon as possible.
RECIPROCATING PUMP Pipe laying: Pipes are not be lowered into a trench by a rope
mechanically quite simple; the pump utilizes a piston that is as shown without
driven forward touching the trench wall. The pipe should be laid on the
inside the cylinder by the motor the action of retracting the leveled bedding. To
piston pulls provide full longitudinal support of the barrel of the pipe, a
liquid in the inlet and the contraction of the piston pushes the hole or bell is made for
liquid out the socket of the pipe in the bedding as shown below
the outlet port. The lack of complex parts allows the
reciprocating pump to
be utilized for many corrosive liquids
The paint mark: The paint mark (on the pipes)
SUBMERSIBLE PUMP shall be shown at the crown of the pipeline.
The water that is forced in a diffuser produces a pressure This guarantees a perfect flow line.
that will keep the
pump working. To accurately determine the capacity of a
pump, the width of the impeller is taken into consideration • Pipe Bedding
while the • Trench Bedding
pressure that the pump can provide is determined by the • The term "bedding" is used to mean the complete arc
number of built-in material (granular or concrete) that supports the pipe
impellers of the pump. within the trench against the total external load on the
pipeline. The type of bedding, depend on pipe size, type of
JET PUMP sub-soil, the load on the surface of the trench, the cover
used frequently for domestic water supply. It is a typical depth and trench width.
centrifugal pump Bedding Factor
with the difference that the suction is augmented by a venturi • The load required to produce failure of a pipe in the ground
which creates is higher than the load required to produce failure in a
a vacuum allowing water to be lifted from a deep well. It is an crushing test machine. The ratio of the failure load for the
ingenious use pipe installed in the ground to the failure load in the
of the pump own discharge pressure and flow to provide crushing test machine is known as the Bedding Factor. The
pressure water at Bedding Factor varies with the support angle of
the inlet of a venturi which is located in the pump suction. granular material under the pipe. The Bedding Factors for
Class D, N, F, B, S and A beddings are 1.1, 1.1, 1.9, 2.5
SUMP PUMP and 2.6 respectively.
used to remove water that has accumulated in a Class N & D bedding
watercollecting sump basin, • For Class N bedding these materials may be used:-
commonly found in the basement of homes. The water may All-in aggregate
enter via the All-in aggregate can be of 20 mm diameter for all pipe sizes.
perimeter drains of a basement waterproofing system, Where available, 10 mm nominal size may be used for
funneling into the basin 100 & 150 mm pipes.
or because of rain or natural ground water, if the basement is Sand
below the water Sand may be coarse, medium or fine.
table level. As dug material
As dug material is suitable where it has a compaction
COMMON METHODS OF JOINTING PIPES fraction of up to 0.3 and does not exceed 20 mm or 40 mm
1. Caulking for 600 mm or larger diameter pipes.
2. Threading Classes F, B and S beddings
3. Flanging • Single size granular material
4. Soldering Single size granular material of Nominal single sizes of 10
5. Welding mm, 14 mm or 20 mm may be used for pipe sizes from
BLANK FLANGE - not drilled for bolt holes 100 mm to 500 mm diameter and 14 mm, 20 mm or 40 mm
BLIND FLANGE - closes the end of a pipe may be used for pipe sizes larger than 500 mm
BRAZED JOINT - melt at higher than 449°C diameter.
CALKING - plugging an opening with oakum, lead
OAKUM – hemp soaked in oil/tar to make it waterproof
SHIELDED COUPLING - elastromeric sealing gasket
Graded granular material of 14 to 5 mm or 20 to 5 mm may attached to pipes via a number of
be used for all pipe sizes and in addition 40 to 5 mm may be different connection methods, each with its
used for pipes of larger than 500 mm diameter. own conveniences and advantages.
Class D – Trimmed trench bottom. Compression Fittings
Bedding Factor 1.1 connect pipes using compression on a gasket, ring, or
Class N – Granular or “as-dug” material. ferrule;
Bedding Factor 1.1 compression is
Class F – Granular material typically made by tightening a nut onto the fitting over the
Bedding Factor 1.9 piping and
Class B – Granular material ferrule, compressing, and securing the piping inside
Bedding Factor 2.5 Standard compression fittings do not require tools to
Class F – Granular material. assemble,
Bedding Factor 1.9 making
Class B – Granular material. them convenient for quick, simple installation
Bedding Factor 2.5 cannot withstand very high pressures and do not have as
Class S – Granular material much
Bedding Factor 2.5 flexibility as
Unreinforced concrete bed soldered fittings, making them less functional in systems with
Bedding Factor 2.6 vibration,
Unreinforced concrete surround thermal cycling, and other dynamic forces
Bedding Factor 2.6 limited number of materials (most commonly brass) and are
Reinforced concrete bed best suited for
Bedding factor 3.4 (0.4 % Steel) metal on metal connections.
Reinforced concrete surround Bite-type fittings:
Bedding factor 4.8 (2X 1.0 % steel) compressive fittings
Key Information about the figures with a sharpened
Vitrified clay pipe ferrule that "bites"
Graded or all-in aggregate or the pipe when
compacted sand or suitable as-dug compressed and
material provides the
Fill selected from excavated material and seal. Bite-type
lightly compacted by hand fittings, like standard
Concrete with 28 day cube strength compressive fittings,
Single size or graded granular require no special
material tools to assemble, but
Notes: provide a stronger,
• Precautions are necessary for pipes laid in higher pressure
water bearing soils to prevent the fine sand Mechanical grip
and silt being carried by water into the fittings are twoferrule
granular material. assemblies.
• The thickness of bottom bedding (a) = min. Of The back ferrule grips
100mm or 1/6 Bc whichever is greater under the piping while
the pipe barrel and 50mm minimum under pressing up against
the socket but in rock min. 200mm or 1/4Bc the front ferrule,
which is greater under pipes barrel and which spring-loads
150mm minimum under the socket. the front ferrule and
• The minimum depths of cover are 1.2m under creates a seal
roads and 0.6m in fields and gardens. Where between the piping
and fitting body.
• Cold Jointing Method for Cast Iron Soil These fittings can be
Pipes reassembled multiple
As an alternative method of jointing, times without
without the use of a naked flame (as in Flare fittings consist of a
traditional caulked lead method), we body with a flared or
can provide the following cold jointing coned end. Special
products. flaring tools are used to
Caulking Cord; black sealant install the pipe inside
Centrally align the pipe spigot within the the flared end, providing
socket and wet the cord a deep seal. Flare
Caulk this into the socket, up to 30mm fittings can handle
from the top. This will centralise the higher pressures and a
and provide a backing for the wider range of operating
top 30mm of the joint. parameters than
Fill the top 30mm with CT1Black standard compression
Sealant, applied with a skeleton gun. fittings.
When filled smooth off level with the End Fittings
top of the socket, to provide a sealed End fittings provide specific
joint and neat appearance. No further surfaces for connecting
painting will be required if the pipes are pipes.
• Clamp ends are fittings ARTICLE XIV - HANGERS AND SUPPORTS
which allow pipes to be P-1. - Vertical Piping
clamped to the A. Attachment. - Vertical piping…secured at …close
connection. intervals to keep…pipe in alignment and carry…weight of …
• Plain ends are fittings pipe and
which allow pipes to be contents. Stacks…supported at their bases,…if over two
connected by adhesive, stories
solder, welding, or other in height at each floor, by…metal floors clamps.
Flange Fittings B. Screwed Pipe. - Screwed pipe (IPS)…supported at not
Flange fittings are rims, less than
edges, ribs, or collars every other story height.
with flush surfaces C. Copper Tubing. - Copper tubing…supported at each story
perpendicular to the for
attached pipe. These piping 3.81 cms. (1-1/2 inches)…larger in diameter…not
surfaces are joined more than
and sealed via clamps, 1.82888 meters (6 feet) intervals for piping 3.175 cms. (1-1/4
bolts, welding, brazing, inches)
and/or threading. and
Threaded Fittings smaller in diameter.
• Threaded fittings have screw D. Lead Pipe. - …supported at intervals not exceeding 1.292
threads (built-in grooves) on meters
their inner (female) or outer (4’)
(male) surfaces designed to E. Plastic Pipe . - Plastic pipe…maintained in…straight
accept piping with alignment.
matching threads. Threads ARTICLE XIV - HANGERS AND SUPPORTS
which provide a simple P-2. - Horizontal Piping
connection but no seal are called A. Supports. - Horizontal piping…supported at…close
straight threads. Tapered intervals…in
threads are designed to provide alignment and prevent sagging.
a tight seal for gases or fluids B. Cast Iron Soil Pipe. - Where joints occur, suspended
under pressure. Seal CISP…supported
reliability can be improved by at…1.524 meters (5 feet) intervals;…pipe exceeding 1.524
adding a coating or seal tape meters (5
(Teflon). Especially precise feet) in length,…supported at …3.0488 meters (10 feet)
Supports shall…maintain alignment and prevent sagging…
• Applying the solder. Let the flux be your guide: within 45.72 cms. (18 inches) of the hub joint. Hubless or
When it bubbles out and begins to steam, the compression
melting temperature of solder has been reached. gasket joints supported…at every other joint except that
Touch the solder to the pipe. If it melts on contact, when the
you can be sure it’s sufficiently hot. developed length between supports exceeds 1.2192 meters
• Remove the flame from the fitting before you apply (4’)…at
the solder (it’s the heat of the fitting that melts the each joint.
solder, not the flame of the torch). If possible, apply ARTICLE XIV - HANGERS AND SUPPORTS
the solder from above so that the combination of P-2. - Horizontal Piping
gravity and capillary action can draw the solder into C. Screwed Pipe.- Screwed pipe (IPS)…supported at
the joint. You may need to apply the solder to approximately 3.0488 meter (10 feet) intervals.
several points around the joint. D. Copper tubing.- Copper tubing…supported at
• Brazing is a technique rapidly taking the place of approximately
many operations formerly performed by soldering 1.8288 meters (6 feet) intervals for piping on 388.1 mm. (1-
because it is simpler and quicker and results in a 1/2
stronger joint for plumbing and hvac systems. Like inches) and smaller in diameter and 3.048 meters (10 feet)
soldering, the brazing alloy is applied at temperatures intervals for piping 50.8 mms. (2 inches) and larger in
below the melting point of the metal being diameter.
brazed. Both brazing and soldering differ from E. Lead Pipe. - Lead pipe shall be supported by strips
welding which forms a joint by melting or fusing the F. In Ground. - Piping in the ground shall be laid on a firm
metal at temperatures above its melting point. bed
for its entire length…
G. Plastic Pipe.- Plastic pipe…supported…not to exceed
concealed in builSdinugp ports 1.292
partitions meters (4’)
2. 2” x 4” studs in wood
3. long runs of exposed
horizontal waste pipes –
suspended from band