Guide To The Preparation, Use and Quality Assurance of Blood Components

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9th edition

Founded in 1949, the Council of Europe is the oldest and largest of all European
institutions and now numbers 44 member states.1 One of its founding principles is that of
increasing co-operation between member states to improve the quality of life for all

Within this context of intergovernmental co-operation in the field of health, the Council
of Europe has consistently selected ethical problems for study. The most important such
ethical issue relates to the non-commercialisation of human substances i.e. blood, organs
and tissues.

With regard to blood transfusion, co-operation among member states started back in the
1950's. From the outset, the activities were inspired by the following guiding principles:
promotion of voluntary, non-remunerated blood donation, mutual assistance, optimal use
of blood and blood products and protection of the donor and the recipient.

The first result of this co-operation was the adoption of the European Agreement on the
Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin (European Treaty Series, No. 26)
in 1958. It was followed by the European Agreement on the exchange of blood grouping
reagents (European Treaty Series, No. 39) and of tissue-typing reagents (European
Treaty Series, No. 84) in 1962 and 1976 respectively. Around these three Agreements,
the Council of Europe has established a blood transfusion programme whose aim is to
ensure good quality of blood and blood products.

Since then, the Council of Europe has adopted a number of Recommendations covering
ethical, social, scientific and training aspects of blood transfusion. Whereas Agreements
are binding on the States that ratify them, Recommendations are policy statements to
governments proposing a common course of action to be followed. Major
Recommendations include Recommendation No. R (88) 4 on the responsibilities of
Health Authorities in the field of blood transfusion or this Recommendation No. R (95)
15 which contains as technical appendix guidelines on the use, preparation and quality
assurance of blood components.

1 1Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
2 Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany,
3 Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
4 Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Slovakia,
5 Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", Turkey,
6 Ukraine, United Kingdom


Work on Recommendation No. R (95) 15 started in 1986, when the Select Committee of
Experts on Quality Assurance in Blood Transfusion Services published proposals on
quality assurance in blood transfusion services. Based on these proposals, the Select
Committee produced a more comprehensive guide on blood components in 1995. The
immediate success and acceptability of this document was such that the Committee of
Ministers adopted it as a technical appendix to what then became Recommendation
No. R (95) 15.

Recommendation No. R (95) 15 also states that its technical appendix will be regularly
up-dated to keep it in line with scientific progress. The Select Committee is now charged
with producing annual up-dates. This is the 9th edition of Recommendation No. R (95)
15. Major changes are outlined below. Further amendments take into account comments
made during the consultation procedure of the 8th edition where National Health
Authorities as well as interested parties were invited to comment on the proposed text.
During the elaboration of the 4th edition this consultation procedure has been introduced
for the first time with great success. It is on the basis of this procedure that the
publication of future editions is envisaged.

The members of the Select Committee of Experts on Quality Assurance in Blood

Transfusion Services who worked on this 9th edition of Recommendation No. R (95) 15
are listed in the acknowledgements.

Major changes introduced in this 9th Edition

PART A – Good Manufacturing Practice: Principles for ensuring the quality of

blood components has been completely overhauled.

PART B – Blood collection

Chapter 1 on selection of donors was up-dated, in particular a section on

variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) has been introduced.

Chapter 2 on blood collection

In section 2 on equipment used at blood donation sessions labelling

requirements for blood containers have been introduced.

In section 3 on pre-donation checks and labelling requirements to allow

full traceability to all relevant data registered by the blood establishment
have been introduced.

Chapter 3 on principles of component preparation

A new section 13 on Microbiological safety of blood components has

been introduced.

In section 16 information on principles of labelling has been added.

PART C – Blood components

In PART C the labelling requirements have been completely overhauled in all

the monographs of the described blood components.

In chapter 15 on Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) sections on virus inactivation and

quarantine FFP have been introduced.

In chapter 16 on cryoprecipitate table 16 on quality control has been


Chapter 20 on haematopoietic progenitor cells has been entirely deleted.

Information on haematopoietic progenitor cells have been taken up in the first
edition of the Guide on safety and quality assurance for organs, tissues and
cells published in July 2002.


PART D – Technical procedures

Chapter 22 on blood group serology has been re-edited.

In chapter 30 on haemovigilance a new section 8 on Tracing and retrieval of

potentially infectious donations (HIV, HCV or HBV) has been introduced.


RECOMMENDATION No. R (95) 15........................................................................10


Introduction 13

Part A: 14

Principles for ensuring the quality of..........................................................................14

blood components.......................................................................................................14

Good Manufacturing Practice: Principles for ensuring the quality of blood components

SECTION 1: GENERAL PRINCIPLES.....................................................................15

Terminology ...............................................................................................................16

SECTION 2: BASIC REQUIREMENTS OF GMP....................................................18

Quality Management ..................................................................................................18
Personnel and organisation..........................................................................................18

Key Personnel 19
Training 19
Premises, Equipment & Materials...............................................................................19

Premises 20

Equipment 20
Storage, Issue and Transportation...............................................................................23

Investigation of Errors and Accidents.........................................................................25

Retention of samples and disposal of rejected products..............................................25
Self Assessment, Internal Audit and External Audit...................................................26
Part B: Blood collection..............................................................................................27

Chapter 1: Selection of donors....................................................................................28

Chapter 2: Blood collection.........................................................................................47
Chapter 3: Principles of component preparation.........................................................52
Part C: Blood components...........................................................................................76


Chapter 4: Whole blood..............................................................................................77

Chapter 5: Red cells....................................................................................................81
Chapter 7: Red cells, in additive solution....................................................................87
Chapter 8: Red cells in additive solution,....................................................................91
buffy coat removed (red cells : AS-BCR).................................................................91
Chapter 9: Red cells, washed......................................................................................95
Chapter 10: Red cells, leucocyte-depleted...................................................................98
Chapter 11: Red cells, cryopreserved........................................................................102
Chapter 12: Red cells: apheresis..............................................................................106
Chapter 13: Platelets: recovered................................................................................111
Chapter 14: Platelets: apheresis.................................................................................117
Chapter 15: Fresh frozen plasma...............................................................................123
Chapter 16: Cryoprecipitate......................................................................................129
Chapter 17: Cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma............................................................134
Chapter 18: Cryopreserved platelets: apheresis.........................................................137
Chapter 19: Granulocytes: apheresis.........................................................................141
Chapter 20: Autologous predeposit transfusion ........................................................144
Chapter 21: Blood components for prenatal, neonatal ..............................................148
and infant use..........................................................................................................148
Part D: Technical procedures....................................................................................165

Chapter 22: Blood group serology.............................................................................166

Chapter 23: Screening for infectious markers...........................................................176
Chapter 24: Control of equipment............................................................................183
Chapter 25: Data processing systems........................................................................188
Chapter 26: Record keeping.....................................................................................192
Part E: Transfusion practices.....................................................................................199

Chapter 28: Pretransfusion measures.......................................................................200

Chapter 29: Transfusion...........................................................................................202
Chapter 30: Haemovigilance....................................................................................206
8.2 Potentially infectious and / or inadvertent donations...........................................209

ANALYTICAL INDEX............................................................................................228






(Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 12 October 1995

at the 545th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)

The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 15.b of the Statute of the Council of Europe;

Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity between its members and
that this aim may be pursued, inter alia, by the adoption of common action in the health field;

Recalling its Resolution (78) 29 on harmonisation of legislations of member states relating to removal,
grafting and transplantation human substances;

Recalling also its Recommendations No. R (80) 5 concerning blood products for the treatment of
haemophiliacs, No. R (81) 14 on preventing the transmission of infectious diseases in the international transfer
of blood, its components and derivatives, No. R (84) 6 on the prevention of the transmission of malaria by blood
transfusion, No. R (85) 12 on the screening of blood donors for the presence of Aids markers, No. (86) 6 on
guidelines for the preparation, quality control and use of fresh frozen plasma, No. R (88) 4 on the
responsabilities of health authorities in the field of blood transfusion and No. R (93) 4 concerning clinical trials
involving the use of components and fractionated products derived from human blood or plasma;

Taking into account the Council Directive 89/38/EEC extending the scope of Directives 65/65/EEC and
75/319/EEC on the approximation of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to
proprietary medical products and laying down special provisions for medicinal products derived from human
blood or human plasma;


Taking into account Agreement No. 26 on the exchange of therapeutic substances of human origin;

Considering the importance of blood components in modern haemotherapy and the necessity to ensure
their safety, efficacy and quality;

Considering that such components are of human origin and that hence specific ethical and technical
principles have to be taken into account;

Considering that biotechnology does not provide substitutes for most blood products;

Convinced, therefore, of the need to provide health authorities, transfusion services as well as hospital
blood banks and clinical users with a set of guidelines for the preparation, use and the quality assurance of blood

Aware that the Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components published by
the Council of Europe has already become the generally-accepted European standard and that it is therefore
appropriate to give a legal basis to this guide;

Considering that this guide will be regularly updated by the committee of experts of the Council of

Recommends that the governments of member states take all necessary measures and steps to ensure
that the preparation, use and quality control of blood components are carried out in accordance with the
guidelines set out in the appendix to this recommendation.


to Recommendation No. R (95) 15

on the preparation,
use and quality assurance
of blood components


5 Introduction

The purpose of this recommendation is to provide transfusion services with a set of

guidelines and principles relating to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood
components. These guidelines should form the basis for standard operating procedures

These guidelines and descriptions of the different blood components should also be of
value to hospital blood banks and the clinical users of these therapeutic products. As
these guidelines were originally and primarily designed to provide information on
quality assurance, some emphasis is to be expected on this aspect including the selection
of donors, the control of laboratory reagents and competency testing of staff carrying out
the procedures necessary for the safe preparation, selection and transfusion of blood and
its components.

This Recommendation covers all of the normal components of blood which will be
prepared at a routine blood transfusion service. It does not cover plasma products
obtained by fractionation. In respect of plasma-derived products, technical matters are
addressed by the European Pharmacopoeia. The European Community has a substantial
body of legislation regarding pharmaceutical products including plasma-derived

It is inevitable, even in the best of laboratories, that some materials will fail some of the
tests, and a strict protocol should be drawn up showing action to be taken in such an
eventuality. It is essential that all staff in a blood transfusion service be trained to accept
quality control as a welcome and necessary part of everyday work. It is useful to
cultivate a positive attitude towards the detection and correction of errors though the
emphasis is on the prevention of problems and the production of blood components. A
sensible scheme of rotation of junior staff between routine departments and the quality
control department may help to foster such an attitude.

The Council of Europe has published in July 2002 the first edition of a new Guide on
safety and quality assurance for organs, tissues and cells. Following that publication, any
reference to haematopoietic progenitor cells has been deleted in this Guide on the
preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components.

Part A:

Good Manufacturing Practice

Principles for ensuring the quality of

blood components


Good Manufacturing Practice: Principles for ensuring the quality of blood


To maintain public and professional confidence in the safety and efficacy of blood and
blood products, careful attention must be paid to all aspects of the quality of the blood
components produced.

Blood products are a group of biological products derived from human blood and
plasma. They have special features arising from the biological nature of the source
material and, as such, the safety and efficacy of these products relies on the control of
the source material at all stages of the manufacturing processes, storage, transport and

Although the clinical use of blood products remains at the discretion of the treating
physicians, the principles of safe transfusion of components are outlined in various
national guidelines and these should be followed.

Systems of haemovigilance need to be instituted to enable any adverse and unexpected

events of transfusion to be monitored and analysed so that improvements can be made
throughout the transfusion chain, thus increasing the safety of the whole transfusion


The quality of the blood components produced depends on two distinct aspects:

1: The requirements or standards for the product; these are outlined in the various
chapters of this guide;

2: the quality management systems which enable the product to meet these
requirements with confidence.

In principle different quality systems can be applied in the Preparation, Use and
Quality Assurance of Blood Components. Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is
concerned with both the principles of quality management and requirements of
production. The International Organisation of Standards (ISO) covers a broader aspect
and involves the management of quality throughout the organisation, but does not on
its own cover sufficiently those issues that ensure the quality of blood components.


The principles of GMP are laid out in European Union Directive 91/356/EEC, and
they are published in The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European
Community 1992). Revised Annex 14 also includes elements of ISO 9002 with
additional requirements specific to medicinal products as does the PIC/S GMP Guide
for Blood Establishments, Aug 2001.

The International Standard ISO 9000 family (International Organisation of Standards)

has been approved by CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation) as a European
Standard covering Quality Management Systems in general. These should be used in
conjunction with the above mentioned references which include principles of GMP.

The EN ISO 9000: 2000 has 4 main components to the system:

- ISO 9000:2000: QMS fundamentals and vocabulary;

- ISO 9001:2000: QMS requirements;
- ISO 9004:2000: QMS guidelines for performance improvement;
- ISO 9011:2000: Guidelines on Quality and environmental auditing.

ISO standards distinguish between quality management systems and the requirements
for the product. They have been developed to assist organisations of all types and
sizes to implement and operate effective quality management systems. Although not
the only ones, they are gaining wide acceptance in the field of blood transfusion.

ISO 9001: 2000 QMS requirements is particularly relevant to the manufacturers of

blood components, and 5 distinct requirements are listed:

- Quality Management System;

- Management Responsibility;
- Resource management;
- Product and service realisation;
- Measurement, analysis and improvement.

Terminology in different quality systems tend to overlap, but the vocabulary used in
this Chapter is derived from the definitions used by the EN ISO 9000: 2000 series and
the EEC Rules and Guidance for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturer’s and Distributors.

Quality: Degree to which a set of characteristics fulfil requirements.

Quality Assurance: Part of quality management focused on providing confidence that

quality requirements will be met (ISO). This is a wide-ranging concept which covers
all matters which individually or collectively influence the quality of the product
(GMP). It also encompasses Good Laboratory Practice.


Quality management: The coordinated activities to direct and control an organisation

with regard to quality (ISO). A general term encompassing all aspects which ensure
the final quality of the blood component (GMP). This is the responsibility of the
senior executive management of any blood establishment. Blood and plasma for the
manufacture of medicinal products should be collected by establishments and tested
by laboratories which are subject to inspection and approved by relevant national

Quality Management System: A management system to direct and control an

organisation with regard to quality (ISO). To achieve the quality objective of the
manufactured components in a reliable and demonstrable manner a QMS which
ensures and documents that Quality Assurance is implemented in a consistent manner
needs to be in place (GMP).

Quality Control: Part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality

requirements (ISO). This is the part of GMP which is concerned with sampling,
specifications and testing and with the organisation, documentation and release
procedures which ensure that the necessary and relevant tests are actually carried out
and that materials are not released for use until their quality has been judged to be
satisfactory (GMP, see also Chapter 25 & 26).

Effectiveness: Extent to which planned activities are realised and planned results
achieved (ISO).

Efficiency: Relationship between the results achieved and the resources used (ISO).

Traceability: Ability to trace the history, application or location of that which is under
consideration (ISO). In GMP terms this requires an audit trail.

Audit: Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence
and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are
fulfilled (ISO). This is a tool for checking that work is actually carried out according
to the policies, protocols and procedures required (GMP).

Self Assessment: An organisation’s self assessment is a comprehensive and systematic

review of the organisations activities and results referenced against the QMS or a
model of excellence (ISO). It can help identify areas requiring improvement. Internal
audits are fulfilled by people within the organisation to ensure compliance with GMP
and regulatory requirements (GMP).

Proficiency testing: A specific tool for monitoring the competency (performance) of

laboratory personnel in carrying out their allocated tasks. This generally takes the
form of analysis of blinded samples distributed by an external source.


Standard Operating Procedures: Written instructions which document all steps in

procedures (GMP).

Statistical Process Control: A tool which enables the organisation to detect changes in
a process or procedure. (See Chapter 27)

Haemovigilance : Haemovigilance consists of the detection, gathering, and analysis of

information regarding untoward and unexpected effects of blood transfusion (see
Chapter 30). It has parallels with pharmacovigilance, focusses on the processes after
distribution of the blood components, and feeds back unto the hospital organisation
and the producer to enable continuous improvement.


For the production of blood components the basic requirements of GMP are generally
presented in the following format:

- Quality management;
- Personnel and organisation;
- Premises, equipment and materials;
- Documentation;
- Collection, testing and blood processing;
- Quality control and proficiency testing;
- Validation of all processes;
- Complaints and component recall;
- Investigation of errors and accidents;
- Retention of samples, disposal of rejected blood, plasma and intermediates;
- Self assessment and external audits.

Quality Management

Quality is the responsibility of all persons involved in blood component manufacture.

A systematic approach to quality management, a Quality Management System (QMS)
should be implemented and maintained.

Within any blood establishment there should be an independent unit with the
responsibility of fulfilling Quality Assurance and Quality Control functions.

Personnel and organisation


The correct manufacture of blood components according to a satisfactory system of

QA relies on the individuals who do the work. For this reason there must be sufficient
suitably qualified personnel to carry out all the tasks. Their tasks and responsibilities
must be clearly understood and documented. All personnel should have clear,
documented and up to date job descriptions.

There should be an organisation chart showing the hierarchical structure of the

organisation and clear delineation of lines of responsibilities.

Key Personnel

Key personnel in a production unit include at least a Head of Production (Production

Manager) and a head of Quality Assurance (QA Manager) and a Medical Specialist.
An Individual may have more than one function but the QAM and PM should be
different individuals, functioning independently.


Personnel should receive initial and continued training appropriate to the duties
assigned to them. Training programmes should be in place. The effectiveness of all
training programmes should be monitored by regular assessment of personnel
competency. Training should be documented and training records maintained.

Personnel should also be trained in the principles of GMP relevant to their work.

Personnel should have relevant knowledge of microbiology and hygiene and should
be constantly aware that microbial contamination of themselves, donors, components
and premises should be avoided. Hygiene instructions must be present in each
department and these instructions should be understood and followed strictly by all

Premises, Equipment & Materials

Premises and equipment must be designed, located, constructed, adapted and
maintained to suit the operations to be carried out.

Their layout and design must aim to minimise the risk of errors and permit operations
to proceed in an orderly sequential manner. Premises and equipment should allow
effective cleaning and maintenance, in order to avoid cross contamination and


There should be separate areas for:
- Donor selection;
- Blood collection;
- Blood processing;
- Storage;
- Laboratory facilities;
- Auxiliary areas.

Donor selection should be performed in premises allowing for confidential personal

interviews with due regard for the safety of donors and personnel.

Premises to which donors have access should be separate from other working areas.

Premises for the preparation of blood components should be separate from other areas
and used exclusively for this purpose. Sequential workflows should be ensured. Areas
for irradiating blood components should meet statutory requirements. Entry to both
these areas should be restricted to authorised personnel.

Storage areas should be of sufficient capacity to allow orderly storage of the various
categories of materials and components. There should be dedicated secure and
monitored areas for the storage of the different categories of components, with
effective segregation of quarantined and released products.

Storage conditions for components and materials should be controlled, monitored and
checked (see Chapter 3). Appropriate alarms should be present, which indicate when
the storage temperatures fall outside acceptable levels. Alarms should be regularly
checked. There should be Standard Operating Procedures which define the actions to
be taken in response to alarms.

Laboratory Areas
These areas should be separate from the component preparation areas.

Ancillary Areas
Personnel rooms and canteen should be separate from other areas.
Washing and toilets facilities and, if required, areas for changing should be adequate.


All equipment should be designed, validated and maintained to suit its intended
purpose and should not present any hazard to donors or operators. It should permit
effective cleaning. Maintenance, cleaning and calibration should be documented and
records kept.



Detailed specifications for the purchase of reagents and other materials are required.
Only materials from qualified suppliers that meet the documented requirements should
be used. Manufacturers should provide a certificate of compliance for every lot of
materials such as blood collection systems, filters and test reagents.

Equipment and materials should conform to international standards and European and
national licensing arrangements where these exist.

Inventory records should be kept for traceability and to prevent use of materials after
their expiry date. For critical materials (i.e.: blood bags and filter systems, test kits) a
quarantine and acceptance procedure should be in place. Apparent deviations in the
quality and performance of equipment and materials should be investigated and
reported promptly. Outcomes of these investigations should be reported in a timely
manner to the relevant authority. For relevant deviations a notice should be sent to the


Documentation ensures that work is standardised and that there is traceability in all steps
in the manufacture of blood components. Written documentation prevents errors that
may result from oral communication. Documentation must enable all manufacturing
steps and all data affecting the quality of the components to be checked, from the donor
to the recipient of the blood component and vice-versa. All documentation should be

Donors documentation in general and donor deferral records in particular must be

subject to the same controls as for documentation of components preparation.

Documentation should cover at least the following items:

- a quality manual;
- specifications (materials, labels, equipment, blood components, reagents);
- standard operating procedures (SOPs);
- other procedures (e.g. cleaning and maintenance);
- records on performance of operations (e.g. notes on donor selection, quality
- description of computer hardware and software;
- protocols (e.g. audits, complaints);
- training and competency records on personnel;
- batch protocols including for infrequently used components and materials;
- a product information leaflet for users should be issued at least annually and after
each modification.

Documents should be approved by appropriate and authorised persons. Documents


should not be hand-written except for those parts where data have to be entered. Any
alterations made on a hand-written record should be dated and signed.

Documents relating to the selection of donors and the preparation and quality control of
blood components should be retained according to local regulations.

Data can also be stored in 'non-written' form, for instance on computer or microfilm.
Users should only have access to those categories of data for which they are authorised.

Detailed specifications should be prepared for each blood component to be

manufactured. A processing record should also be kept and this document should be
dated and signed by the personnel responsible for component preparation and quality

Whenever applicable, records of equipment validation, calibration, maintenance and

repairs (and subsequent revalidation) should be maintained.

Use of Information technology

The hardware and software of computers should be regularly checked to ensure

reliability. Computer programs should be validated before use.

Only authorised persons should make changes to computerised systems and any such
changes should be validated before use. Users should have access only to those
categories of data for which they are authorised.

International rules and national laws on data protection have to be taken into
consideration including the mandatory requirements in the European Community of
Council Directive 95/46/EC on the processing of personal data.

Collection, Testing and Blood processing

Donor selection (Chapter 1)

The final quality of blood components depends on many factors and starts with the
selection of donors and blood collection. Donors should be carefully selected according
to national regulations.

Blood collection (Chapter 2)


The collection procedure should be carefully controlled.

Systems should be in place to ensure traceability and provide a complete audit trail.
For the preparation of the phlebotomy site a strict and effective disinfection procedure
must be followed. The blood collection system must be inspected before use for damage
and contamination. Defects that may adversely affect the quality of the contents must be
noted and reported to the quality control department who will be responsible for further

Component preparation (Chapter 3)

Blood components must be prepared in accordance with clear and detailed instructions,
and precise adherence to these instructions is required to obtain components of the
defined quality. The biological nature of the starting material results in a great degree of
variability in the composition of the components. Regular quality control during the
processing is therefore of great importance.

Blood components should be processed within a closed system where possible. If a

sterile connection device is used, the connection can be regarded as part of the closed
system subject to initial validation and regular process control. Processing involving an
open system should be carried out in a special area because of risk of microbial

New processing procedures must be validated before they are introduced and whenever
they are altered.

During the whole process all containers of blood or blood components should be clearly
labelled. There should be instructions concerning the type of labels and the method of
labelling. Harmonisation of labelling systems and the coding used is to be encouraged.

Storage, Issue and Transportation

Final components that have not yet been released for distribution must be kept in
quarantine and should be released only when all the required quality controls and
laboratory tests have been completed and laboratory results meet the established

Contract testing


If certain tasks, such as component processing or infectious disease testing, are

performed externally, these should be subject to a highly specific written contract. The
contract should ensure that the contractor meets good practice requirements in all
disciplines relevant to the contractor's activity, for example Good Manufacturing
Practice (GMP).

Quality Control and Proficiency Testing

Generally speaking, quality control refers to activities including steps of verification and
testing which are used to assure that materials and processes meet their intended

Internal Quality Control in laboratory includes following of laboratory procedures by

using control samples and all procedures to correct and prohibit deviations.

External Quality Assessment (sometimes also called proficiency testing) means analysis
of unknown samples and evaluation of the results by a third party.

Proficiency testing (or validation) of personnel means testing of the proficiency of the
personnel to perform tasks they are supposed to do.

Complaints and Component Recall

All complaints and other information that may suggest that defective blood
components have been issued must be documented, carefully investigated, and should
be dealt with as quickly as possible.

Written effective procedures must exist for recalling defective blood components or
blood components suspected of being defective. These written procedures must
encompass any look back procedures which may be necessary. The procedures should
be communicated with the hospitals.

Post donation information from donors relevant to the safety of the products issued
must be handled in such a way as to minimise the hazards to recipients.

A mechanism for appropriate review and assessment of actions taken to address

complaints should be established.



There must be a system in place that enables the path taken by each donation to be
traced, forward from the donor to the product and back from the medicinal product
and its final use to the donor. This system must fully respect confidentiality both of
donor and recipient.

Post collection measures

Systems must be in place which allow the blood/plasma collection establishment and
the manufacturing/fractionating establishments to communicate relevant post donation

Investigation of Errors and Accidents

Organisations which collect, process, store, distribute or transfuse blood components

should document and investigate errors and accidents (i.e. unplanned deviations from
established procedures or norms) in order to identify system problems for correction.

Priority should be given to investigation and reporting of incidents with demonstrated

or potential risk to cause serious adverse events (see Chapter 30).

“Near-miss” events as well as actual events with benign outcomes should be addressed
and documented as part of the quality system review related to errors and accidents.

Preventive and corrective actions should also be documented and assessed for
effectiveness after an appropriate period.

Retention of samples and disposal of rejected products

Where possible, samples of each individual donation should be stored for the length of
time specified by national authorities to enable any necessary further retrospective

For disposal of rejected blood, plasma and intermediates, there should be SOPs for the
safe and effective disposal of blood plasma and intermediates, with complete


Self Assessment, Internal Audit and External Audit

In order to monitor and document the implementation and compliance with GMP /
ISO and to propose necessary corrective actions systems of regular self-assessments /
internal audits need to be in place. This should be conducted in an independent way by
designated trained and competent persons from within the organisation, according to
approved protocols.

External audits by independent bodies are necessary. Inspections are external audits
carried out by designated approved/competent authorities.

All audits inspections should be documented and recorded. Clear procedures need to
be in place to ensure that appropriate suggested corrective actions are taken. These
actions and their completion should be recorded. A blame culture should be avoided.


Part B: Blood collection

1Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Selection of donors

Principles of self-sufficiency from voluntary and non-remunerated donations have

been recommended and promoted by the Council of Europe and have been defined in
article 2 of Council of Europe Recommendation No.R(95) 14 as follows:

“Donation is considered voluntary and non-remunerated if the person gives

blood, plasma or cellular components of his/her own free will and receives no
payment for it, either in the form of cash, or in kind which could be considered
a substitute for money. This would include time off work other than that
reasonably needed for the donation and travel. Small tokens, refreshments and
reimbursements of direct travel costs are compatible with voluntary, non-
remunerated donation.”

They have also been adopted by the Council of the European Communities in
Directive 2001/83 EEC which states (article 3 paragraph 4) that in respect of the use
of human blood and human plasma as a starting material for the manufacture of
medicinal products:

“Member States shall take the necessary measures to promote Community self-
sufficiency in human blood or human plasma. For this purpose, they shall
encourage the voluntary unpaid donations of blood and plasma and shall take
the necessary measures to develop the production and use of products derived
from human blood or plasma coming from voluntary unpaid donations. They
shall notify the Commission of such measures.”

The European Community has adopted Council Recommendation 98/463/EC of 29

June 1998 on the suitability of blood and plasma donors and the screening of donated

NB: Specific immunisation programmes are not considered in this document but
donors enrolled for this purpose should at least fulfil the minimum criteria outlined
above (see also Annex 2, Requirements for the collection, processing and quality
control of blood, blood components and plasma derivatives, WHO Technical Report
Series, No. 840, 1994.)

A. Whole blood donors

In selecting individuals for blood donation the main purpose is to determine whether
the person is in good health, in order to protect the donor against damage to his/her
own health, and to protect the recipient against transmission of diseases or drugs
which could be detrimental to the patient.

1 Selection of donors

Only persons in normal health with a good medical history should be accepted as
donors of blood for therapeutic use. For autologous donations, see chapter 21.

1. Interval between donations

It is acknowledged that current practices in some transfusion services in Europe allow

up to six standard donations per year to be taken from males and up to four per year
from females, with a minimum interval between standard donations of two months.

It is recommended that these donation rates never be exceeded under any

circumstances, and be accepted by any transfusion service only after careful
consideration of the dietary habits of the populations concerned, and in the knowledge
that extra care may be necessary, beyond routine haemoglobin or haematocrit
estimation, in the monitoring of donors for iron deficiency. It is further recommended
that an active donor panel be maintained of sufficient size to allow donors to be bled
less often than the maximum rates stated, with the recommendation that four
donations for males and three donations for females should ordinarily not be
exceeded, thus affording the donors extra protection and giving the system flexibility
to deal with large-scale emergency situations.

2. Quantity of donation

A standard donation is 450 ml ± 10% exclusive of anticoagulants. It is acknowledged

that current practices in some transfusion services in Europe allow 500 ml ± 10% as a
standard donation. No more than 13% of the estimated blood volume should be taken
as whole blood during one blood donation. The blood volume may be estimated from
sex/height and weight of the donor.

3. Donor details

Minimum: 18 years Maximum: 65 years

- Where allowed, bleeding donors may be considered at the age of 17 in

accordance with national legislation.

- Bleeding donors outside this age limit is at the discretion of the responsible
physician, as is the recruitment of any first-time donor above the age of 60.

A standard donation should not be collected from persons weighing less than 50 kg.

1Chapter 1

Hazardous occupations
Hazardous occupations or hobbies should normally entail an interval of not less than
12 hours between donation and returning to the occupation or hobby. Examples of
such hazardous occupations or hobbies include piloting, bus or train driving, crane
operating, climbing of ladders or scaffolding, gliding, climbing and diving.

Pregnant women should not be accepted, other than in exceptional circumstances and
at the discretion of the physician in charge of the pregnancy. Following pregnancy,
the deferral period should last as many months as the duration of the pregnancy, or at
least throughout the lactation period.

4. Laboratory examination

- Haemoglobin or haematocrit (Hct.): should be determined each time the donor

attends to donate;

- Minimum values before donation:

- Female donors: 125 g/l or 7.8 mmol/l (min. Hct = 0.38);

- Male donors: 135 g/l or 8.4 mmol/l (min. Hct = 0.4).

- Individual donations may be accepted below these levels after consultation

with the responsible physicians or as established by a national control authority
based on norms for their specific populations.

- Abnormally high and low values should be further investigated, as should a fall
in haemoglobin concentration of more than 20 g/litre between two successive

5. Donor Appearance, Blood Pressure and Pulse

A complete medical and physical examination of blood donors is generally not

possible in practice. One has to rely upon the donor’s answers to some simple
questions concerning his/her medical history and general health, combined with a
simple inspection of the donor’s appearance and simple laboratory examinations.

The donor’s appearance has to be judged by a suitably qualified person, trained to use
accepted guidelines for the selection of blood donors. This person should work under
the supervision of a physician.

1 Selection of donors

Special note should be taken of plethora, poor physique, debilitation, under-nutrition,

anaemia, jaundice, cyanosis, dyspnoea, mental instability, intoxication from alcohol or
drugs. The skin at the venepuncture site should be free from lesions including local

Persons clearly under the influence of alcohol should be deferred until sober. Illicit
parenteral drug taking if admitted or suspected must debar.

It is recommended that pulse and blood pressure be tested. The pulse should be
regular and between 50 and 100 beats per minute. It is recognised that recording the
blood pressure may be subject to several variables but as a guide the systolic blood
pressure should not exceed 180 mm of mercury and the diastolic pressure 100 mm.

6. Donor Screening process

Donors should undergo a screening process to assess their suitability. This process
contains the provision of pre-donation educational material to all donors and
questionnaires and appropriate interviews with specifically trained members of staff
and specific questions as required.

The educational material should be understandable by the donors and should explain
the donation process, the transmission of blood borne infections and the donor’s
responsibility in preventing such transmission.

The questionnaire should be understandable and given to all donors every time they
attend. On completion this should be signed by the donor and the person who carries
out the medical examination.

The questionnaire should be designed to elicit information relevant to donor



To obtain relevant information about the donor’s medical history and general health, it
is recommended that a pre-printed questionnaire be completed. Appropriate
questionnaires should be given to all donors. Different types of questionnaire adapted
to the type of donor (first time, regular, plasmapheresis donor, etc. ) may be used. The
questionnaire should be signed by the donor and the person who carries out the
medical examination thus certifying that the relevant questions have been asked.

1Chapter 1

The main issues to be covered either by questionnaire or by direct questions are

included in the following example:

General questions

- Are you in good health ?

- For women : Have you had a pregnancy in the past year ?

- Do you have a hazardous occupation or hobby ?

- Have you previously been told not to give blood ?

- Have you experienced any unexplained fever ?

- Are you currently on any medication, including aspirin ?

- Have you had any recent vaccinations or dental treatment ?

- Have you ever had medication with isotretinoin (e.g.: Accutane R), etretinate (e.g.:
Tegison R ), aciretin (e.g.: Neotigason R) finasteride (e.g.: Proscar R, Propecia R)?

- Have you ever suffered from any serious illness such as :

- jaundice, malaria, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever?

- heart disease, high or low blood pressure?

- allergy, asthma ?

- convulsions or diseases of the nervous system ?

- chronic diseases such as diabetes or malignancies ?

1 Selection of donors

Questions related to o HIV /HBV /HCV infection risk

Have you read and understood the information on AIDS (HIV infection) and hepatitis?

Have you ever injected any drugs?

Have you ever accepted payment for sex in money or drugs?

- For men : have you ever had sex with another man ?

- For women : to the best of your knowledge has any man with whom you have
had sex in the past 12 months had sex with a man ?

During the past 12 months have you had sexual contact with someone who:

- is HIV positive or has hepatitis ?

- has injected drugs ?

- receives or has received payment for sex in money or drugs ?

Have you been exposed to hepatitis? (family or job) ?

Since your last donation or in the previous 12 months have you had:

- an operation or medical investigations ?

- any body piercing and /or tattoo ?

- acupuncture treatment by anyone other than a registered practitioner ?

- a transfusion ?

- an accidental injury involving a needle and /or mucous membrane exposure to

blood ?

1Chapter 1

Questions related to CJD risk

Have you been told of a family history of Creutzfeldt - Jakob Disease (CJD) ?

Have you had a corneal graft ?

Have you ever had a dura mater graft ?

Have you ever had treatment with human pituitary extracts ?

Questions related to travel risk

Were you born or have you lived and/or travelled abroad ? where ?

Questions related to lifestyle risk

Have you had a sexually transmitted disease ?

Based on the information obtained by application of the questionnaire the following

guidelines should be followed. These are of necessity incomplete but encompass some
of the main conditions.

7. Donor medical history

The donor’s medical history shall be evaluated, and the donor accepted, by a suitably
qualified person trained to use accepted guidelines for selection of blood donors. This
person should work under the supervision of a physician. Abnormal conditions
should be referred to the physician in charge who should have the final decision on
whether blood shall be collected from a donor. If the physician is in doubt the donor
should be deferred.

1 Selection of donors

Conditions leading to permanent deferral (rejection)

Cancer / Malignant Diseases Individuals with a malignant disease, or a history

of such, are usually permanently deferred. The
physician in charge may make exceptions to this
rule in selected cases. For example, donors may
be accepted at the conclusion of successful
treatment for non-invasive cervical cancer and
rodent ulcer

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease All individuals who have in the past been treated
with extracts derived from human pituitary glands,
have been recipients of dura mater or corneal
grafts or who have been told of a family risk of
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease or any other
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy*

Diabetes If requiring insulin therapy

Drugs Any history of injectable drug abuse

Heart and blood vessel disease Persons with a history of heart disease, especially
coronary disease, angina pectoris, severe cardiac
arrhythmia, a history of cerebrovascular diseases,
arterial thrombosis or recurrent venous
thrombosis. (See also hypertension)

Infectious conditions There are infectious states and diseases

necessitating permanent deferral:
Carriers of HIV, HBV, HCV
Leishmaniasis ( Kala-Azar)
Q fever
Please see also section on Infectious diseases

Xenotransplant recipients Permanent deferral

Conditions leading to temporary deferral (suspension)

2 A family history of CJD carries a presumption of family risk unless it is determined that: (a) the
3affected family member had vCJD, not CJD, or (b) the affected family member did not have a
4genetic relationship to the donor or (c) the cause of CJD in the affected family member was
5iatrogenic or (d) the donor was tested and is known to have a normal genetic polymorphism for

1Chapter 1

Condition: Deferral period:

Endoscopy with biopsy using flexible instruments, 12 months. A deferral period of six months or less
inoculation injury, acupuncture*, tattooing* or may be adequate to address HIV, HCV and HBV
body piercing when a validated HCV NAT test with a sensitivity
of ≤ 5 000 geq/ml is in place in addition to
serological testing.

Epilepsy three years off treatment and without an attack.

Fever above 38 °C, flu-like illness two weeks following cessation of symptoms.

Kidney disease Acute glomerulonephritis: five years deferral

period following complete recovery.

Medication The taking of a medication may indicate an

underlying disease which may disqualify the
donor. It is recommended that a list of commonly
used drugs, with rules for acceptability of donors,
approved by the medical staff of the transfusion
centre, be available. Donors treated with
prescribed drugs, particularily those with proven
teratogenic effect, should be deferred for a period
consistent with the pharmacokinetic properties of
the drug.

Osteomyelitis two years after having been declared cured.

Rheumatic fever two years following attack with no evidence of

chronic heart disease. The latter complication is a
cause for permanent deferral.

Surgery Major surgery: generally six months.

Exceptions, for example: minor surgery (tooth
extraction, etc.): one week, if no complications.
Persons with a history of resection of the stomach
are usually permanently deferred.

Transfusion 12 months following transfusion with blood or

blood components. Injection of red cells as part of
an approved immunisation programme will need
clinical assessment.

Tropical Diseases 6 months following return from tropical areas and

then only if they have not suffered an unexplained
fever or illness (see infectious diseases).

Prophylactic immunisations

2 Exception could be made according to national risk assessment.

1 Selection of donors

Inoculations, vaccinations: Deferral period:

1. Vaccines with attenuated bacteria Four weeks

and viruses
BCG,yellow fever, rubella,
measles, poliomyelitis (oral)
mumps,live attenuated typhoid
fever vaccine, live attenuated
cholera vaccine

2. Vaccines with killed bacteria Accept if well

Cholera, typhoid,
Capsular polysaccharide typhoid
fever vaccine

3. Vaccines with inactivated viruses Accept if well

Poliomyelitis (injection), influenza

4. Toxoids Accept if well

Diphtheria, tetanus

5. Other vaccines

Hepatitis A vaccine Accept if well and no exposure

Hepatitis B vaccine (see section on jaundice and hepatitis)

Rabies, tick-borne encephalitis Accept if well

One year if post-exposure


Conditions requiring individual assessment:

As donors may present with a variety of medical problems, past or present only some
of the more common examples are considered here.

It is recommended that national authorities develop detailed guidance based on

prevailing conditions in the populations they serve.

Allergy Individuals with a documented history of

anaphylaxis should not be accepted as

Autoimmune diseases If more than one organ is affected this

leads to permanent deferral

Beta-thalassaemia trait Heterozygote carriers of beta-thalassaemia

trait may give blood provided they are in
good health and have a haemoglobin level
within acceptable values

Bronchitis Persons with symptoms of severe chronic

bronchitis should not be accepted as

Common cold Accept, if asymptomatic and feels well on

the day of donation

Hypertension A person who presents with a systolic

blood pressure of more than 180 mm Hg
or a diastolic blood pressure of more than
100 mm Hg should not be accepted as a
blood donor. A mild hypertensive whose
diastolic blood pressure is maintained at
less than 100 mm Hg may be accepted

1 Selection of donors

Infectious diseases

Following infectious diseases generally a deferral period of at least two weeks

after cessation of symptoms should be respected.

If there was contact with an infectious disease, the deferral period should equal
the incubation period, or if unknown, the nature of the contact and the deferral
period have to be determined by the responsible physician.

Reported cases of post transfusion infections should be investigated by

appropriate look-back studies.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)/ HIV infection

All blood donors should be provided with accurate and updated information on
HIV transmission and AIDS so that those indulging in unsafe sex practices or
other risk behaviour exposing them to potential infectious sources will refrain
from donating. The information provided may vary between countries
according to local epidemiological data. Blood and blood products with a
repeat reactive marker for HIV should not be used for therapeutic purposes.
All blood donors found to have a confirmed positive marker for HIV should be
informed, as part of a full counselling procedure, that they should not give
further donations. Donors found to have a repeat reactive marker for HIV
which cannot be confirmed should be informed according to the nationally
agreed algorithm.

Sexual partners:
- current sexual partners of people with HIV should be deferred;
- previous sexual partners of people with HIV are acceptable after one
year since the last sexual contact.

Brucellosis (confirmed)

Deferral for at least two years following full recovery.

Chagas disease

Individuals with Chagas disease or who have had Chagas disease should be
deferred permanently.

The blood of persons who were born or have been transfused in areas where the
disease is endemic should be used only for plasma fractionation products unless
a validated test for infection with T.cruzi is negative.


Jaundice and hepatitis

Donors should be provided with up-to-date information on the risk activities

which may be associated with hepatitis transmission to provide the opportunity
for self-exclusion. Individuals with a history of jaundice or hepatitis may, at
the discretion of the appropriate competent medical authority, be accepted as
blood donors provided an approved test for HBsAg and anti HCV is negative.
Persons whose blood gives a positive reaction for the presence of HBsAg
and/or anti HCV are excluded.

It should be noted that following hepatitis B immunization a false positive

HBsAg results may be obtained.

The presence of anti-HBs does not debar.

Persons who have been in close household contact with a case of hepatitis B
infection (acute or chronic) should be deferred for 12 months from the time of
contact unless demonstrated to be immune.

Hospital staff coming into direct contact with patients with hepatitis are
accepted at the discretion of the physician in charge of the blood-collecting unit
providing they have not suffered an inoculation injury or mucous membrane
exposure, in which case they should be deferred for twelve months.

Sexual partners:

- current sexual partners of people with HBV should be deferred unless

demonstrated to be immune;

- previous sexual partners of people with HBV are acceptable after 12

months since the last sexual contact.


1. Individuals who have lived in a malarial area within the first five years of
life are more likely to have sufficient immunity to make them symptomless
carriers of the malarial parasite. They may be accepted as blood donors if six
months have elapsed since their last visit to an endemic malarious area
provided the results of a validated immunologic or molecular genomic test for
malaria are negative. If the results are positive, the donor should be
permanently rejected as a cellular donor. If such a test is not available, the
individual may be accepted as a blood donor if a symptom-free period of a
minimum of three years has elapsed since return from the last visit to an
endemic area.

1 Selection of donors

2. All other persons who have visited an area where malaria is endemic can
be accepted as blood donors six months after returning, if they have had no
febrile episodes during or after their stay in the malarious area. Individuals
having had such febrile episodes can be accepted if the result of a validated
immunological or molecular genomic test is negative six months after
becoming asymptomatic and cessation of therapy. If validated tests are not
available, the individual may be accepted as a blood donor if a minimum of a
symptom-free period of three years has elapsed since return from the endemic

3. Individuals with a history of diagnosed malaria should be deferred until

asymptomatic and off treatment. They may then donate only plasma for three
years, and then donate red cells only if a validated test is negative.

4. The deferral periods and immunological tests mentioned above may be

omitted for those donors whose red cells are discarded and whose plasma is
used exclusively for fractionation into blood products, thus rendering it safe
from the transmission of malaria. It should be remembered that liquid or
frozen untreated plasma and frozen cryoprecipitates cannot be regarded as
wholly devoid of the cellular elements of blood and, therefore, of viable
malarial parasites.

5. Since questioning of the donor as to the country(ies) in which he was

born, brought up or has visited is essential for effective detection, every
transfusion service should have a current map of the endemic zones and an
alphabetical list of the countries concerned.


Deferral for six months following clinical recovery.


May be accepted two years after having been declared cured.

Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

A new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) has been described. It is

accepted that the agent for vCJD is indistinguishable from that of Bovine
Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE).

The scientific basis concerning transmission of this new agent by transfusion

remains uncertain and is under active study. As yet, there is no evidence that
vCJD has been transmitted by blood or blood products.


The Council of Europe, in its Recommendation Rec(2001)4 on the prevention

of the possible transmission of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) by
blood transfusion has recommended various initiatives to minimise the risk of
transmission of this agent by transfusion.

These recommendations suggest that the precautionary measures taken by

countries take account of both the endogenous exposure of the population to
bovine products from countries with a high BSE prevalence and the incidence
of vCJD in the population. Any proposed precautionary measures should also
take account of the impact on donors and the availability of blood and blood

Some measures currently taken by different countries include: leucocyte

depletion; deferral of donors for geographical reasons; exclusion of donors
transfused with components; decreasing the donor exposure for recipients; non-
use of indigenous plasma for fractionation.

It is important that such measures should always be based on appropriate risk

assessment. Increased attention should be given to the appropriate clinical use
of blood and blood products.

B. Apheresis donors

The supervision and medical care of apheresis donors should be the responsibility of a
physician specially trained in these techniques.

Other than in exceptional circumstances (to be decided by the responsible physician),

donors for apheresis procedures shall meet the criteria for ordinary whole blood

1. Frequency of donation and maximal amounts of removal of plasma and red


The following recommendations are made pending studies of outcomes from different
regimes of volumes and frequencies of plasmapheresis.

Donors should not be subjected to plasmapheresis more often than once every 2
weeks. Under exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the responsible
physician this frequency may be exceeded but the following guidelines on maximum
volumes removed should be followed:

- Not more than 15 litres of plasma should be removed from one donor per year;

- Not more than 1 litre of plasma should be removed from one donor per week;

1 Selection of donors

- In the absence of volume replacement, not more than 600 ml net volume of
donor plasma should be removed from one donor per apheresis procedure. The
net volume of donor plasma removed can either be calculated by subtracting
the actual amount of anticoagulant in the collection bag(s) from the total
volume of anticoagulated plasma in the bags, or can be approximated by
respecting an upper limit of 650 ml of anticoagulated plasma to be collected. A
suitable form of fluid replacement should be provided if the plasma plus
anticoagulant volume withdrawn in one session exceeds 650 ml;

- When combining the collection of plasma, platelets, and/or red cells in one
apheresis procedure, the total net volume of donor plasma, platelets and red
cells should not exceed 600 ml. A suitable form of fluid replacement should be
provided if the net volume removed from the donor in one session exceeds 600

- The total amount of red cells should not exceed the theoretical amount of red
cells that would bring the donor haemoglobin in isovolemic situation below

110 g/l or 6.8 mmol/l;

- The interval between one plasmapheresis or plateletpheresis procedure and a

whole blood donation or single unit red cell apheresis (combined or not with
plasma and/or platelet collection) should be at least 48 hours. The interval
between a whole blood donation, an apheresis red cell collection or failed
return of red cells during apheresis, and the next apheresis procedure without
red cell collection, should be at least one month. The interval between two
single unit red cell collections should be the same as for whole blood

- The interval between whole blood donation and the donation of 2 units of red
cells should be at least 3 months. The interval between a 2 unit red cell
apheresis and whole blood donation should be at least 6 months. Total
erythrocyte loss/year should not exceed that acceptable for whole blood donors;

- For autologous 2 unit red cell apheresis shorter time limits may be accepted at
the discretion of the responsible physician.

2 Calculated according to the following equation:

3Estimated Post Hb = (TBV x pre Hb – amount Hb removed) / TBV
6TBV = estimated donor total blood volume;
7Amount Hb removed = includes red cells collected plus samples taken and red cells in the apheresis
8set not returned to the donor under normal circumstances.


2. Donor Medical history

People with sickle cell trait should not be submitted to apheresis procedures. Special
attention should be given to the following conditions:

− abnormal bleeding episodes;

− a history suggestive of fluid retention (of special interest if steroids

and/or plasma expanders are to be used);

− the taking of drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid within five days prior
to thrombocytaphereis;

− a history of gastric symptoms (if steroids are to be used);

− adverse reactions to previous donations.

3. Examination of the donor

Requirements for plasmapheresis


- evaluation by a suitably qualified person working under the supervision

of a physician;

- pulse, blood pressure, temperature (if required);


- haemoglobin or haematocrit;

- protein analysis, such as determination of total serum or plasma protein

and/or electrophoresis and/or quantitation of single proteins, especially
albumin and IgG; total proteins should not be less than 60 g/l. This
analysis should be carried out at suitable intervals but at least annually.

1 Selection of donors

Additionally on donors undergoing plasmapheresis more frequently than once

every two weeks the following is required at suitable intervals and at least

- evaluation by a physician of the total serum or plasma protein values

and/or electrophoresis and/or quantitation of single proteins, especially
albumin and IgG. Special attention should be paid to any significant fall
in these values even though they may still come within the accepted
normal limits.

Requirements for cytapheresis


- evaluation by a suitably qualified person working under the supervision

of a physician;

- pulse, blood pressure.


- haemoglobin or haematocrit;

- for thrombocytapheresis: platelet count-routine thrombocytapheresis

should not be carried out on individuals whose normal count is less than
150 × 109 per litre;

- for routine provision of platelets by apheresis, an individual should not

be subjected to the procedure more than once every two weeks. In the
case of specific HLA/HPA cytapheresis, the interval may be reduced at
the discretion of the physician responsible for the procedure.

Requirements for 1 unit red cell apheresis (alone or combined with plasma and/or

- Haemoglobin or hematocrit should be examined before donation and

should conform with those specified for whole blood donation.

- The total collected volume of the red cell unit should be subtracted from
the total volume of plasma that can be collected in combined procedures
with platelet and/or plasma collections. The same restrictions apply for
the plasma and platelet portion of the procedure as for those procedures
without red cell collection.


- A standard collection is intended to yield a product containing 45 or

90 g Hb corresponding respectively to one or two units.

Requirements for 2 unit red cell apheresis

- The donor should have an estimated blood volume of > 5L (a

requirement generally met by a non obese person weighing > 70 kg).

- Haemoglobin should be examined before donation and the minimum

value should be >140 g/L or 8.7 mmol/L (minimal haematocrit > 0.42 ).
For the safety of the donor the haemoglobin level should not fall below
110g/L or 6.8 mmol/L after donation.

- For autologous 2 unit red cell apheresis lower haemoglobin levels can
be accepted at the discretion of the responsible physician.

- For 2 unit red cell apheresis, equipment should be used which has been
validated to show that following a procedure, the Hb value of the donor
does not fall below 100g/L.

1 Blood collection

Chapter 2: Blood collection

1. Premises for donor sessions

When sessions are performed by mobile teams, a realistic attitude towards environmental
standards is necessary. The premises should satisfy common sense requirements for the
health and safety of both the mobile teams and the donors concerned, with due regard to
relevant legislation or regulations. Points to check should include adequate heating,
lighting and ventilation, general cleanliness, provision of a secure supply of water and
electricity, adequate sanitation, compliance with fire regulations, satisfactory access for
unloading and loading of equipment by the mobile team, adequate space to allow free
access to the bleed, and rest beds. Facilities should be provided for a confidential
interview with each donor.

When the sessional venue is permanent and under the control of the transfusion centre,
provision should additionally be made for proper cleaning by, for example, the use of
non-slip, washable floor material installed without inaccessible corners, avoidance of
internal window ledges, etc. Where possible, ventilation should be by an
air-conditioning unit to avoid the need for open windows. Air changes, together with
temperature and humidity control, should be adequate to cope with the maximum
number of people likely to be in the room, and with the heat output from any equipment
used. A maximum/minimum thermometer should be installed and checked daily.

2. Equipment used at blood donation sessions

Reference should be made to Chapter 24 for quality control procedures to be applied to

equipment used at blood donation sessions.

The manufacturer’s label on the blood containers (blood plastic bags and bag systems)
should contain the following eye readable information: the manufacturer’s name and
address, the name of the blood bag and/or the name of the blood bag plastic material,
the name, composition and volume of anticoagulant or additive solution (if any), the
product catalogue number and the lot number. It is recommended that the
manufacturer’s identity and container information (catalogue number and the
container number of the set) as well as the manufacturer’s lot number should be given
in eye and machine readable codes.

3. Pre-donation checks and labelling

- The blood containers should be inspected before use for defects as well as after
the donation. Defects may be hidden behind the label pasted on the container. The
container should be inspected before use for the prescribed content (and
appearance) of the anticoagulant solution. Abnormal moisture or discolouration

1Chapter 2

on the surface of the bag or label after unpacking suggests leakage through a
defect. If one or more bags in any package is found to be abnormally damp all the
bags in the package should be rejected.

- At the time of the blood donation, the blood container as well as those of the
samples collected for testing should be labelled to uniqely identify the blood
donation. The labelling system should comply with the relevant national
legislation and international agreements. The blood donation should be identified
by a unique identity number which is both eye and machine readable. The unique
identity number may consist of a code for the responsible blood collection
organisation, the year of donation and a serial number. The labelling system
should allow full traceability to all relevant data registered by the blood
establishment about the donor and the blood donation.

- Careful check must be made of the identity of the donor against the labels issued
for that donation.

4. Preparation of the phlebotomy site

Although it is impossible to guarantee 100% sterility of the skin surface for phlebotomy,
a strict, standardised procedure for the preparation of the phlebotomy area should exist.
Of particular importance is that the antiseptic solution used be allowed to dry completely
before venepuncture, The time taken will vary with the product used but should be
subject to an absolute minimum of 30 seconds. The prepared area must not be touched
with fingers before the needle has been inserted.

5. Need for successful venepuncture and proper mixing

The bleeding should be carried out in the following manner:

1. The needle should be inserted into the vein at first attempt. A second clean
venepuncture with a new needle at a separate site is acceptable.

2. Proper mixing of the blood with the anti-coagulant should be guaranteed at all
phases of the bleeding. To achieve this, one should pay attention to the following

- as the blood begins to flow, it must immediately come into contact with the
anticoagulant and properly mixed;

1 Blood collection

- the flow of the blood must be sufficient and uninterrupted. Donation of a

whole blood unit should ideally not last more than 10 minutes. If duration of
the bleeding is longer than 12 minutes, the blood should not be used for the
preparation of platelets. If the duration of the bleeding is longer than 15
minutes, the plasma should not be used for direct transfusion or the
preparation of coagulation factors.

- In the case of apheresis, any interruption of the flow occurring during the
procedure should exclude that donation from fractionation of labile plasma
proteins or for the preparation of platelets;

- when manual mixing is used, the blood bag must be inverted every 30-45
seconds. When an automated mixing is used, an appropriately validated
system is required.

6. Handling of filled containers and samples

Plastic containers should be checked after donation for any defect. During separation
from the donor of the freshly filled plastic bag of blood, a completely efficient method of
sealing the tube is obligatory.

Immediately after sealing of the collection bag, the contents of the bag line should be
completely discharged into the bag. The test samples should be taken directly from the
bleed line or the sample pouch of the collection system.

The organisation should be such as to minimise the possibility of errors in labelling of

blood containers and blood samples, for example the taking of samples at the end of
donation should be directly linked with the cessation of donation with the minimum
possible time interval, and the blood bag and corresponding samples should not be
removed from the donor's bedside until a satisfactory check on correct labelling has been
carried out. In this respect, it is recommended that each bed should have its individual
facilities for the handling of samples during donation and labelling.

7. Special requirements


- Separation and collection of blood components by cell-separators requires

premises of suitable size, regular service and maintenance of the machines, and
adequately trained personnel for operating such machines;

- The donor should be observed closely during the procedure and a physician
familiar with all aspects of apheresis must be available in order to provide
assistance and emergency medical care procedures in case of adverse reaction;

1Chapter 2

- Routine premedication of donors for the purpose of increasing component yield is

not recommended;

- The volume of extracorporeal blood should not exceed 13% of the donor's
estimated blood volume.

8. Return of red blood cells of donors undergoing manual plasmapheresis

Since the biggest inherent danger in manual plasmapheresis is an interchange between

two bags of concentrated red blood cells during their centrifugation and return to
individual donors, a proper identification system to avoid this is an absolute necessity.
For instance the donor may be asked to sign the label of the bag and to confirm his
signature before the return of the red cells, though the ultimate responsibility lies with
the individual carrying out this procedure.

In addition, use can be made of the integral numbering system on the pilot tube of plastic
bags, perhaps by transferring this number to the wrist of the donor.

9. Storage of donor samples

The retention of donor samples for a period of time may provide useful information. The
provision of such systems is contingent on the availability of adequate human and
financial resources.

10. Donor clinic documentation

Full records must be maintained at blood donation sessions, to cover the following

i. the date, donation number and identity of the donor of each successful donation;

ii. the date, donation number and identity of the donor for each unsuccessful
donation, with reasons for the failure of the donation;

iii. list of rejected donors with the reasons for their rejection;

iv. full details of any adverse reactions in a donor at any stage of the procedure.

1 Blood collection

v. for apheresis donor: volume of collection, volume of blood processed, volume of

replacement solution and volume of anticoagulant.

As far as possible the records of blood donation sessions should allow identification by
blood transfusion staff of each important phase associated with the donation. These
records should be used for the regular compilation of statistics which should be studied
by the individual with ultimate responsibility for the blood donation session, who will
take such action on them as deemed necessary.


Chapter 3: Principles of component preparation

1. Blood components - why should they be used?

Transfusion therapy in the past was largely dependent on the use of whole blood. While
whole blood may still be used in certain limited circumstances, the thrust of modern
transfusion therapy is to use the specific component that is clinically indicated.
Components are those therapeutic constituents of blood that can be prepared by
centrifugation, filtration and freezing using conventional blood bank methodology.

Transfusions are used mainly for the following purposes:

- to maintain oxygen/carbon dioxide transport;

- to correct bleeding and coagulation disorders;

- to correct an immunological deficiency.

It is evident that one single product, whole blood, is not necessarily suitable for all these
purposes unless the patient requiring treatment has multiple deficiencies. Even then, the
storage defects of whole blood make it unsuitable for such replacement. Patients should
be given the component needed to correct their specific deficiency. This will avoid
unnecessary and possibly harmful infusion of surplus constituents. The change from
collection of blood in glass bottles to multiple plastic bag systems has greatly facilitated
the preparation of high quality components. Storage considerations are a major reason
for promoting the use of components. Optimal conditions and consequently shelf life
vary for different components. Red cells maintain functional capability best when
refrigerated: hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) maintain their functions and
effectiveness best when cryopreserved, the quality of plasma constituents is best
maintained in the frozen state while it is now accepted that platelet storage is optimal
when kept at room temperature with continuous agitation. Thus it is only the red cells
whose storage requirement is fulfilled when whole blood is stored refrigerated, with
consequent loss of therapeutic effectiveness of most of the other constituents.

Component therapy also offers logistic, ethical and economic advantages. The majority
of patients requiring transfusion do not need the plasma in the whole unit and certainly
not at a 1 to 1 ratio. Production of plasma derivatives can thus be facilitated by the use of
red cells rather than whole blood. Leucocyte depletion may further improve the quality
of blood components.

1 Principles of component preparation

2. Preparation procedure

Blood components may be prepared during collection using apheresis technology.

Plasma, leucocytes, platelets and red cell concentrates may be obtained thus.
Alternatively, whole blood may be collected in the traditional manner with the
components being made available by the post-donation processing of whole blood. HPC
may be harvested from bone marrow, peripheral blood or fetal blood by a combination
of different techniques dependent on the source.

Due to the potential deterioration of activity and function of labile blood components,
conditions of storage and time prior to processing are vital to the preparation of
components. Delays in preparation or unsuitable conditions of storage may adversely
affect quality of the final products.

3. Choice of anticoagulant and bag system

Whole blood is collected into a bag containing an anticoagulant solution. The solution
contains citrate and cell nutrients such as glucose and adenine. The first centrifugation
steps will remove more than half of these nutrients from the residual red cells. Thus it
may be more logical to provide the proper nutrients for the cells using a resuspension
medium instead of incorporating them in the initial anticoagulant solution. HPC are
collected in an anticoagulant solution either containing citrate or heparin; nutrients like
glucose may be present in the anticoagulant solution to bridge the storage period
between collection and cryopreservation.

Plasticware used for blood collection, apheresis and component preparation should
comply with the requirements of the relevant supplement of the European
Pharmacopoeia with regard to haemocompatibility in addition to its suitability for
achieving the respective technological goal. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) has been found
satisfactory for red blood cell storage. The biocompatibility of any plasticisers used must
be assured. Storage of platelets at + 22 °C require a plastic with an increased oxygen
permeability. This has been achieved by plastic materials of alternative physical and/or
chemical characteristics. Leaching of plasticisers into blood or a component should not
pose any undue risk to the recipient. Any possible leaching of adhesives from labels or
other device components should be kept within acceptable safety limits. Care should be
taken to minimize levels of residual toxic substances after sterilization, for example
ethylene oxide.

1Chapter 3

Whenever new plastics are to be introduced an adequate study of component preparation

and/or storage should be conducted. The following parameters could be useful:

- red blood cells: glucose, pH, haematocrit, haemolysis, ATP, lactate, extracellular
potassium and 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate;

- platelets: pH, pO2, pCO2, bicarbonate ion, glucose, lactate accumulation, ATP,
LDH release, beta thromboglobulin release, response from osmotic shock and
swirling phenomenon;

- plasma: Factor VIII and signs of coagulation activation, for example thrombin -
antithrombin complexes.

The evaluation of new plasticware can be completed by the evaluation of 24-hours post
transfusion in vivo recovery and survival of autologous red cells and by the assessment
of platelet recovery, survival and corrected count increments (CCI).

These studies would normally be carried out by the manufacturer before introduction of
the new plasticware and the results be made available to the transfusion services.

In order to maintain a closed system throughout the separation procedure, a multiple bag
configuration, either ready made or sterile-docked, should be used. The design and
arrangement of the pack system should be such as to permit the required sterile
preparation of the desired component.

Although only use of closed systems is recommended for all steps in component
processing, open systems may sometimes be necessary due to local constraints in an
environment specifically designed to minimise the risk of bacterial contamination. When
open systems are employed, careful attention should be given to use of aseptic
procedures. The red cells so prepared should be transfused within 24 hours of
processing. The platelets so prepared should be transfused within 6 hours of processing.

4. Principles of centrifugation

The sedimentation behaviour of blood cells is determined by their size as well as the
difference of their density from that of the surrounding fluid [See Table 3(a)]. Other
factors are viscosity of the medium and flexibility of the cells which are temperature
dependent. The optimal temperature with respect to these factors is +20 °C or higher.

1 Principles of component preparation

Table 3(a): Volume and density of principal blood constituents

Mean Density (g/ml) Mean Volume 10-15 litre

Plasma 1.026
Platelets 1.058 9
Monocytes 1.062 470
Lymphocytes 1.070 230
Neutrophils 1.082 450
Red Cells 1.100 87

In the first phase of centrifugation, the surrounding fluid is only a mixture of plasma and
anticoagulant solution. Leucocytes and red cells now sediment more rapidly than
platelets as they both have a bigger volume than platelets. In a later phase, depending on
the time and speed of centrifugation, most of the leucocytes and red cells therefore settle
in the lower half of the bag and the upper half contains platelet rich plasma. More
prolonged centrifugation results in platelet sedimentation driven by a force proportional
to the square of the number of rotations per minute and the distance of each cell to the
centre of the rotor, whereas the leucocytes being now surrounded by a fluid of higher
density (the red cell mass) move upwards. At the end of centrifugation, cell-free plasma
is in the upper part of the bag and red cells at the bottom. Platelets accumulate on top of
the red cell layer while the majority of leucocytes are to be found immediately below in
the top 10 ml of red cell mass. Haematopoietic progenitor cells have similar
characteristics to normal mononuclear blood cells. However their contaminants may be
immature or malignant cells from different haematopoietic lineages which commonly
have larger sizes and lower densities than their mature counterparts.

The choice to be made is the speed and time of centrifugation which will determine the
composition of the desired component, i.e. if platelet-rich plasma is desired,
centrifugation should stop prior to the phase where platelet sedimentation commences. A
low centrifugation speed will allow for some variation in centrifugation time. If cell-free
plasma is required, fast centrifugation for an adequate time will allow separation to cell-
poor plasma and densely packed cells. It is important that the optimal conditions for a
good separation be carefully standardised for each centrifuge. A number of choices exist
for the selection of a procedure for centrifugation for component preparation from whole
blood. Table 3(b) outlines five different methods of performing the first step in the
separation of whole blood as well as the approximate composition of the resulting initial

1Chapter 3

components. The choice of the initial separation step strongly influences the methods of
further processing of the initial fractions. This leads to a system of interdependent
preparation of a blood component is specified, reference should always be made to the
initial separation step.

5. Separation

5.1. Separation after the initial centrifugation

After centrifugation, the bag system is carefully removed from the centrifuge. The
primary bag is placed into a plasma extraction system and the layers are transferred, one
by one, into satellite bags within the closed system.

The choice to be made is whether or not the buffy coat is to be separated from the
packed cells. The advantage of this is that the red cells are leucocyte-poor and will
remain aggregate-poor during storage.

Table 3(b) provides an estimation of the results that can be obtained using initial
centrifugation (4 options) or filtration (1 option).

Dependent on the choice of technique for component preparation:

- methods I and II will be followed by recentrifugation of the platelet-rich plasma

for the preparation of cell-free plasma and platelet concentrate;

- method III will be followed by preparation of platelet concentrate from buffy


5.2 Separation after initial filtration

Whole blood may be filtered for leucocyte depletion prior to high speed centrifugation.
This procedure enables a separation into almost cell-free plasma and leucocyte-depleted
(and platelet depleted) red cells.

1 Principles of component preparation

Table 3(b): Five different methods of initial separation of whole blood and the
approximate composition of the fractions obtained (figures refer to
a standard donation of 450 ml ± 10% taken into 60-70 ml of

Method I II III IV V
Initial no no no no yes
Centrifugation low low high high high
Separation plasma + plasma + plasma + plasma + plasma +
into buffy coat red cells buffy coat red cells red cells
+ red cells + red cells depleted
crude fractions
Plasma, 200-280 200-280 270-320 270-330 240-290
volume ml ml ml ml ml
platelets, 70-80% 70-80% 10-20% 10-20% <1%
leucocytes 5-10% 5-10% 2-5% 2-5% <0.01%
Red cells:

Hct 0.75-0.80 0.65-0.75 0.85-0.90 0.80-0.90 0.80-0.90
platelets 5-15% 20-30% 10-20% 80-90% <1%
leucocytes 25-45% 90-95% 25-45% 95-98% <0.01%
Buffy coat:

Hct 50-70% 40-60%
red cells 10-15% 10-15%
platelets 10-25% 80-90%
leucocytes 60-70% 50-70%

∗ Haematocrit

The advantage of the removal of buffy coat is that the red cells can be resuspended into a
solution designed to offer optimal conditions for red cell storage, e.g. saline-adenine-
glucose-mannitol (SAGM) The resuspension may still be done within the closed system.
Cell-free plasma can now be frozen and be stored as fresh frozen plasma to be used as
such or as a starting material for further products.

1Chapter 3

5.3 Other separation principles

- Zonal centrifugation

Sedimentation of blood cells can be achieved when a centrifugal force is exerted on

flowing blood more or less perpendicular to the direction of the flow. The efficiency of
the separation depends on the ratio between the centrifugal force and the flow velocity.
At a high ratio the plasma obtained is platelet-poor, and at a lower ratio platelet-rich
plasma can be obtained.

A number of apheresis devices are available in which this principle is applied for the
production of cell-poor plasma or platelet-rich plasma.

A further application of zonal centrifugation is the removal of plasma protein from a

blood cell suspension. A unit of blood cells is introduced into the centrifuge bowl, a flow
of washing fluid is then maintained until the protein concentration in the effluent is
sufficiently reduced. Centrifugation is discontinued and the "washed" blood cell
suspension is harvested.

The same principle is also used for both the addition and the removal of cryoprotectant
before freezing and after thawing of blood cell suspensions in cryopreservation.

- Buoyant density centrifugation

Buoyant density centrifugation of blood, bone marrow or buffycoat cells on top of a

layer with a density of 1.077 g/ml leads to a layer of mononuclear cells floating on the
interface and a pellet of red cells and granulocytes which have penetrated through the
separating medium according to the density of the cells involved.

Buoyant density separation is generally applicable for separations based on density

differences between cells e.g. also for the separation of cells complexed with red cells to
rosettes from the non-rosetted cells.

- Counter current centrifugation (elutriation)

Cells subjected simultaneously to a liquid flow and a centrifugal force in opposite

directions tend to be separated according to their size. This property has been applied in
cell separators to collect apheresis platelet concentrates with a reduced leucocyte content,
which, for some devices, may reach the specification of leucocyte depletion, i.e. <106

Using specific centrifuges, counter current centrifugation is also used to separate

subpopulations of mononuclear cells obtained from blood or bone marrow.

1 Principles of component preparation

- Filtration

At present, two major types of filtration are available for blood component preparation:

- the separation of plasma from blood by cross-flow filtration;

- the removal of leucocytes from cell suspensions by depth-filtration or surface


i. Cross-flow filtration

When blood flows along a membrane with a pore size allowing free passage of plasma
proteins but not of blood cells, cell-free plasma may be obtained by filtration.

Plasmapheresis devices have been developed in which a pumping system takes blood
from the donor's vein, mixes it at a constant ratio with anti-coagulant solution and then
leads it along a plasma-permeable membrane (flat membrane or hollow fibre system).
Two pressures are exerted on the blood: one parallel to the membrane, keeping the
blood flowing along the membrane, and the other perpendicular to the membrane, the
actual filtration pressure. This system prevents accumulation of cells on the membrane
while plasma is removed from the blood (the haematocrit in the system may increase
from 0.40 to 0.75). In some devices, velocity of the flow parallel to the membrane is
increased by an additional vortex action or by movement of the membrane.

When a specified extra-corporeal cell volume has been reached, the cells are reinfused to
the donor, and the next cycle starts until the required volume of cell-free plasma has
been obtained.

ii. Depth and surface filtration

Owing to the specific properties of platelets and granulocytes as well as the low
flexibility of lymphocytes, these cells are more easily trapped in a filter bed of fibres
than red cells. Four mechanisms of trapping have been recognised in filters used for
leucocyte depletion of red cell concentrates:

a) the activation of platelets leading to the attachment of these cells to the fibres in
the top of the filter, followed by the interaction of the attached platelets and

b) the activation of granulocytes by another type of fibre leading to attachment of

these cells in the middle part of the filter;

1Chapter 3

c) the obstruction of the lymphocytes in the pores and fork junctions of the finest
fibre material in the bottom layers of the filter. Blow-moulded mats of fibre

material with different pore sizes and fibre thicknesses are now used to produce
leucocyte depletion filters for red cell concentrates;

d) surface treatment of the filter material may prevent activation of platelets and now
allows the production of filters which reduce the contaminating leucocytes from
platelet concentrates by sieving only.

Filters used for leucocyte removal from red cells or platelets show considerable
variations in efficacy and capacity. Besides filter properties, the final result of filtration is
influenced by several process parameters (e.g., flow rate, temperature, priming and
rinsing) and properties of the component to be filtered (e.g., storage history of the
component, number of leucocytes and number of platelets). When a standardised
filtration procedure is established, limits must therefore be set for all the variables
affecting the efficacy of filtration and the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) should
be fully validated under the condition to be used.

- Leucocyte depleted components

The introduction of any leucocyte depletion process either by filtration or special

centrifugation technique needs careful validation. An appropriate method should be
used for leucocyte counting after leucocyte depletion. This method should be

The validation should be carried out by the blood establishment using the manufacturer’s
instructions against the requirements for leucocyte depletion and other quality aspects of
the components including plasma for fractionation.

To enable comparison of filters aimed at leucocyte depletion and to allow selection

between them, the manufacturers should report data on their system performance
under defined conditions. Manufacturers should also provide performance data to the
blood establishment on variations between different modifications to a given filter
type and between batches.

Mathematical models have been developed to calculate the sample size necessary to
validate and control the leucocyte depletion process.

After full validation of the process, tools such as statistical process control could be
used in ongoing process control to detect any change in the process and/or the

1 Principles of component preparation

Particular problems may arise with donations from donors with red cell abnormalities
(e.g. sickle-cell trait) where adequate leucocyte depletion may not be achieved and
more detailed quality control procedures are necessary (e.g. leucocyte counting of
every donation). The quality of the red cells following filtration processes needs
further investigation.

- Washing of cellular components

This technique is occasionally used when there is requirement for cellular blood
components with a very low level of plasma protein.

6. Cryoprecipitation

The isolation of some plasma proteins, most importantly Factor VIII, fibronectin and
fibrinogen, can be achieved by making use of their reduced solubility at low
temperature. In practice, this is done by freezing units of plasma, thawing and
centrifugation at low temperature.

Details regarding the freezing, thawing, and centrifugation conditions required for
cryoprecipitate production are provided under Chapter 16: Cryoprecipitate.

7. Freezing and thawing of plasma

7.1 Rationale

Freezing is a critical step in the conservation of plasma Factor VIII. During freezing,
pure ice is formed and the plasma solutes are concentrated in the remaining water. When
the solubility of the solutes is exceeded, each solute forms crystals but may be influenced
by the used anticoagulants. Further studies on this aspect are ongoing.

The ice formation depends on the rate of heat extraction, whereas the diffusion rates of
the solutes determine their displacement. At slow freezing rates, the diffusion of solutes
copes with the rate of ice formation; solutes are increasingly concentrated in the middle
of a plasma unit.

Since all solutes are displaced simultaneously, the Factor VIII molecules are exposed to
a high concentration of salts for a prolonged time and thus inactivated. At a high freezing
rate, the ice formation overtakes the solute displacement and small clusters of solidified
solute are homogeneously trapped in the ice without prolonged contact between highly
concentrated salts and Factor VIII.

To achieve the highest yield of Factor VIII, plasma should be frozen to -30 °C or below.

1Chapter 3

Decrease of Factor VIII during freezing occurs when the solidification of plasma takes
more than one hour. This can be monitored by measuring the total protein content of a
core sample of the frozen plasma; this protein concentration should be identical with the
total protein content of plasma before freezing. An optimal freezing rate is obtainable
when a heat extraction of 38 kcal per hour per unit of plasma is achieved, and can be
monitored by the use of thermocouples.

In order to effectively incorporate these techniques into a coherent daily routine, the
blood bank staff has to be familiar with the thinking behind the technique as well as its
potential limitations and pitfalls.

7.2 Methods of freezing

When freezing plasma, the rate of cooling should be as rapid as possible and optimally
should bring the core temperature down to - 30 °C or below within 60 minutes.

Experience has shown that without the use of a snap-freezer it takes several hours to
reach this temperature. The time can be reduced, for example by the following means:

- plasma should be presented in a regular configuration to maximise exposure to

the freezing process (e.g. bags laid flat or in formers if vertical);

- immersion in an environment at very low temperature;

- if a liquid environment is used, it should have been shown that the container
cannot be penetrated by the solvent.

As for the required storage conditions, reference is made to chapter 3, 14.3 and the
individual monographs.

7.3 Methods of thawing

Frozen units should be handled with care since the bags may be brittle. The integrity of
the pack should be verified before and after thawing to exclude any defects and leakages.
Containers which leak must be discarded. The product should be thawed immediately
after removal from storage in a properly controlled environment at 37 °C according to a
validated procedure. After thawing of frozen plasma, the content should be inspected to
ensure that no insoluble cryoprecipitate is visible on completion of the thaw procedure.


The product should not be used if insoluble material is present. In order to preserve
labile factors, plasma should be used immediately following thawing and never
beyond 6 hours. It should not be refrozen.

Thawing of the plasma is an inevitable part of some of the current viral inactivation
processes. The final component, having been refrozen after treatment, should be used
immediately following thawing for clinical use and not further refrozen.

8. The use of an open system and devices for sterile connections

It is suggested that any new development in component preparation involving an open

system should be subjected to intensive testing during the developmental phase for
maintenance of sterility.

Blood components prepared by an open system should be used as quickly as possible.

Components prepared in systems using fully validated sterile connecting devices may be
stored as if prepared in a closed system. Monitoring should be carried out by pressure
testing of all connections and regular traction tests.

9. Additional procedures

9.1 Blood products treated with ionising radiation

Viable lymphocytes in blood products can cause fatal graft-versus-host reaction in

severely immuno-compromised patients, e.g. patients receiving immunosuppressive
therapy, children with severe immuno-deficiency syndromes and low birth-weight
neonates. Other categories of patients are also at risk of this rare complication e.g.
following intrauterine transfusion, transfusion between family members and transfusion
of HLA- matched components.

Lymphocytes can be rendered non-viable by exposure to ionising radiation. This

treatment does not cause significant harm to other blood components and an irradiated
component can therefore safely be given to all patients.

The protocol should ensure that no part of the component receives a dose not less than
25 Gray or more than 50 Gray. Exposure time must be standardised for each radiation
source and re-validated at suitable intervals to take decay of the isotope into account.

Red cell products may be irradiated up to 14 days after collection and thereafter stored
until the 28th day after collection. In view of the increased potassium leak from red cells


consequent to their irradiation, such cells intended for intrauterine or massive neonatal
transfusion should be used within 48 hours of irradiation.


Irradiated platelets can be used up to their original expiry date.

The use of radiation-sensitive labels to demonstrate that the component has been
irradiated is recommended.

9.2 Cytomegalovirus-free blood components

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common infectious agent that can be transmitted by

transfusion of blood components. The risk of disease transmission is highest with fresh
products containing mono- and polynuclear leucocytes. CMV infection is often
asymptomatic in healthy persons. Antibodies usually appear 4 to 8 weeks after infection
and can be demonstrated in standard screening tests. Since the infection is common, the
test has to be repeated on each donation from a previously sero-negative donor.

Infection caused by this virus is usually not clinically significant in immuno-competent

recipients, but can cause severe, even fatal, disease in certain patients not previously
exposed to the virus:

- transplant recipients;

- patients with severe immuno-deficiency;

- fetus (intra-uterine transfusion);

- anti-CMV negative pregnant women;

- low weight premature infants and neonates.

These patients should receive components selected or processed to minimise risk of

CMV infectivity. Use of components from anti-CMV negative donors or leucocyte
depleted products significantly reduce the risk of CMV-transmission and CMV-disease
in immunocompromised patients. However, neither method nor the combination can
completely avoid transmission from occasional case of CMV-viremia in the early stage
of acute infection.

10. Definitions and minimum requirements

Since blood components are used to correct a known deficit, each preparation must be
subjected to strict quality control. The aim is to produce "pure" components, but a very
high degree of purity can be difficult and expensive to obtain and might not even be
necessary in all instances. However, it is absolutely necessary to declare the quality and


to be able to make different types of preparations in order to give the clinicians a

reasonable choice for patients with different transfusion demands.
For example, a red cell concentrate can be produced with varying concentrations of
contaminating leucocytes and platelets. A buffy coat depleted preparation where the
majority of the leucocytes and the platelets have been removed is useful to the majority
of recipients since microaggregate formation during storage will be inhibited. If the
patient has antibodies against leucocyte antigens or if it can be foreseen that he/she will
need a very large number of transfusions, leucocyte depletion must be much more

In order to institute an adequate scheme of component therapy, all products must be

carefully defined and minimum requirements set. Clinical users should be informed of
the properties of all components.

11. Introducing component preparation in a blood bank

Laboratories with little or no experience of component preparation should allow their

staff to attend training courses and visit blood banks with extensive experience of work
of this type.

Equipment should be purchased with provision for adequate service and maintenance of
the machines. A method must be chosen which will achieve the desired results. All steps
in the procedure should be clearly explained in a manual which should be available at
the work bench.

Before the method is taken into routine use, it must be fully validated and a Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) established. Each prepared unit must be carefully checked
until it is verified that the intended quality is obtained. Routinely prepared products
should then be subjected to regular quality control.

12. Product control - quality assurance

In all respects the preparation of blood products and components should follow the
principles of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).

The purpose of product control is to help the blood bank maintain a high and even
quality of the prepared product. In this way, clinical outcome will improve, confidence
in component therapy will increase and the introduction of an adequate component
therapy programme will be facilitated.

Lack of accuracy, deviation from SOP or incorrect handling when blood is processed
will not give the intended component quality.


Method descriptions and product control go hand in hand; therefore an SOP for product
control is also necessary. The results of product control must be continuously evaluated
and steps taken to correct defective procedures or equipment.
Care should be taken of using fully standardised laboratory techniques for the quality
assessment of blood components. The suitability of each method to provide the intended
information must be validated.

In the following chapters, the different blood components will be defined and described.
Principles of good preparation methods, storage and transport will also be described, and
finally guidelines for quality control will be given.

13. Microbiological safety of blood components

Although blood collection and processing procedures are intended to produce non-
infectious blood components, bacterial contamination still may occur. Surveillance
studies have found rates of contamination as high as 0.4% in single donor platelets,
although rates at or below 0.2% more often have been reported. The causes include
occult bacteraemia in the donor, inadequate or contaminated skin preparation at the
phlebotomy site, coring of a skin plug by the phlebotomy needle, and breaches of the
closed system from equipment defects or mishandling. Platelet products are more
likely than other labile components to be associated with sepsis due to their storage at
room temperature, which is permissive of bacterial growth. For the same reason,
bacterial cultures of platelets provide the best indication of the rate of contamination,
provided that the sample for culture is obtained on a suitable sample volume and at a
suitable time post-collection.

A variety of procedures may be used to obtain a valid platelet sample for bacterial
culture. Aseptic techniques are required in order to minimize the risk of false positive
cultures due to contamination at the time of sampling or upon inoculation in culture.
Additionally, it is prudent to retain a sample that can be used for repeat culture to
validate a positive result. Large volume samples removed from a several unit platelet
pool or single donor apheresis unit can be cultured any time post collection. However
small volume samples (e.g. 2-5 ml removed from a single whole blood unit) should be
obtained only after a 48 hour delay post-collection. The delayed sampling of a small
volume permits bacterial growth to a level that subsequent assays will reliably detect,
thereby overcoming sampling errors at low contamination levels.

13.1 Quality control for Aseptic Collection and Processing of Blood Components

The goal of quality control testing for bacterial contamination should be to assure that
blood collection and processing procedures conform to current standards. Statistically
defined sampling of platelets for culture (or nucleic acid testing) by a validated
method will provide a reliable indication of the rate of contamination for all the labile
products. Quality control testing may be of value in long term process control, if
validated and conducted according to an appropriate statistical plan.


Based on these considerations one possible approach for monitoring this issue is as follows:

a. As a quality control for aseptic collection of labile components, blood collection centers
should determine the rate of bacterial contamination in platelets at least yearly by culturing
1,500 or more units (about 30 units per week or 5% of units released after 48 hours of
storage, whichever is larger.) Standard statistical methods should be used to identify
significant deviations from a baseline contamination rate not to exceed 0.2%. The chosen
method should be based on a predetermined level of confidence to exclude a maximum
tolerated rate of contamination, and an action limit should be established.

b. All instances of a positive culture should be investigated promptly to identify a

correctable cause.

c. Whenever the observed rate of bacterial contamination exceeds the defined action
limit, a comprehensive investigation into potential causes of contamination should be
undertaken and all collection and processing procedures should be revalidated.


A blood center wishes to establish surveillance to detect bacterial contamination rates significantly in
excess of 0.2%. The following chart is derived from binomial statistics:

Candidate Confidence in Power to detect actual

Action Limit Positive Result contamination rate @
#(+)/# sampled 0.4% 0.6% 0.8% 1.0%
>3 per 400 95.3% 22% 43% 62% 76%
>5 per 800 97.6% 22% 52% 77% 90%
>7 per 1600 95.5% 46% 84% 97% 99.6%

The blood center collects 12 units of platelets per day, five days per week. Cultures of units released
after 48 hours, plus outdated units, number 30 units per week that are processed as 6 weekly cultures
of five unit pools. An action limit is set to revalidate the collection procedures if the observed
contamination rate exceeds 0.42% for yearly samples of 1,560 units. The action limit was established
based on an expected contamination rate of 0.2%, a sample size of 1,560, and a cut-off determined as
baseline plus 2-sigma variation. For this scheme, the likelihood of rejecting a conforming process is
4.5% (once every 22 years). The confidence levels (i.e. power) to exclude actual contamination rates
of 1%, 0.8% and 0.6% are 99.6%, 97% and 84% respectively.

Over a one-year period, 7 positive platelet pools are identified, traceable to 7 individual units. The
individual cases were investigated, but no attributable cause was identified. The observed
contamination rate of 7/1,560=0.45% exceeds the action level. Confidence that the actual
contamination rate exceeds 0.2% is greater than 95%. An intensive review is conducted, and all
collection and processing procedures are revalidated.


13.2 “Culture-Negative to Date” – “Release”

Routine pre-release bacteriological testing of all platelets to establish a criterion for issue
of platelets as “culture-negative to date” obviates recommendations a, b, and c in section
13.1. Sampling of platelets for the purpose of establishing a release criterion based on a
negative result of bacterial cultures requires that the integrity of the closed system should
be maintained. This is because platelets may continue to be stored for a variable period
after sampling and before use. Suitable methods of sampling in this case would include
the use of integral satellite containers, or stripping, refilling, and then pinching off
duplicate pigtails. Sampling also may be done into collection containers via the use of
sterile connecting devices consistent with chapter 3, paragraph 8.

14. Storage of blood components

Storage conditions for blood components must be designed to preserve optimal viability
and function during the whole storage period. The risk of bacterial contamination
decreases substantially if only closed separation and storage systems are used. Storage
routines must also be controlled continuously, as should issue and return routines;
transport of blood components must also take place in a safe and controlled way.

14.1 Equipment

Blood components are stored at +20 °C to +24 °C, at +2 °C to +6 °C or at different

temperatures below 0 °C. Whatever type of storage device is chosen, the following
points should be considered before purchase:

i. refrigerators and freezers must have surplus capacity. The space should be easy to

ii. the operation must be reliable and temperature distribution must be uniform
within the unit;

iii. the equipment must have temperature recording and alarm devices;

iv. the equipment should be easy to clean and should withstand strong detergents. It
should also conform to local safety requirements.


14.2 Storage at +2 °C to +6 °C

Refrigerators for blood component storage should be restricted to whole blood, blood
components, sample tubes. Test reagents and kits should be stored in separate
refrigeration units.

Separate space should be reserved for:

- units for issue;

- units selected for certain patients including autologous donations;

- units kept in quarantine awaiting completion of testing;

- outdated and discarded units.

The space for each of these component types should be clearly indicated. The
temperature within the unit should be recorded continuously. The sensor of the
thermograph should be placed within a blood bag filled with 10% glycerol solution to a
volume of 250 ml or a volume equivalent to the normal volume of the stored component.
This container should be placed in the upper part of the refrigerated space. In large
refrigerated rooms, two such sensors should be applied.

The alarm system should preferably have both acoustic and optical signals and should be
tested regularly.

Refrigerators for blood components should ideally be connected to a reserve power unit
as well as the main supply.

14.3 Storage of frozen plasma components

The eutectic point of plasma is -23 °C. To allow for temperature fluctuation during use, a
transfusion centre should have a freezer routinely capable of running at below -30 °C.

The freezers should not contain non-therapeutic products. Separate space should be
allocated for the different types of products and be clearly marked to avoid mistakes.

Freezers with automatic defrosting should be avoided unless it can be guaranteed that the
low temperature is maintained during defrosting.

The temperature within the freezer should be recorded continuously. The alarm system
should preferably have both acoustic and optical signals, and should be tested regularly.


Freezers should ideally be connected to a reserve power source as well as the main

14.4 Storage at +20 °C to +24 °C

Platelets are stored at +20 °C to +24 °C. A closed device that permits temperature control
is recommended. If such a device is unavailable, the space chosen should be capable of
maintaining the required constant temperature.

The platelets should be stored in agitators which should:

- enable satisfactory mixing in the bag as well as gas exchange through the wall of
the bag;

- avoid folding of the bags;

- have a set speed to avoid foaming.

A closed device should have thermograph and alarm systems. Otherwise, a control
thermometer should be used at the storage site and checked several times daily. The
speed of the agitator should be tested regularly according to the manufacturer's

14.5 Aspects of red cell preservation

The anticoagulant solutions used in blood collection have been developed to prevent
coagulation and to permit storage of red cells for a certain period of time. While
originally designed for whole blood storage, they have also been used in blood from
which components are prepared. All of the solutions contain sodium citrate, citric acid
and glucose, some of them may also contain adenine, guanosine and phosphate.

Citrate binds calcium and prevents clotting of the blood. Glucose is used by the red cell
during storage and each glucose molecule gives two molecules of adenosine
tri-phosphate (ATP) which is formed by phosphorylation of adenosine di-phosphate
(ADP). ATP is an energy-rich molecule which is used to support the energy-demanding
functions of the erythrocyte, such as membrane flexibility and certain membrane
transport functions. During its action in energy-consuming operations, ATP is
transferred back to ADP. Citric acid is added to the anticoagulant in order to obtain a
hydrogen ion concentration which is suitably high at the beginning of storage at +4 °C.
Without this addition the blood would be too alkaline at storage temperature. During
storage, an increasing acidity occurs which reduces glycolysis. The content of adenosine
nucleotides (ATP, ADP, AMP) decreases during storage. By addition of adenine which
is a main component in the adenosine nucleotides, the erythrocytes can synthesise new
AMP, ADP and ATP and compensate for (or reduce) the losses.


When red cell concentrates are prepared, a considerable part of the glucose and adenine
is removed with the plasma. If not compensated for in other ways (e.g. larger amount
than normal of adenine and glucose in the anticoagulant or by separate addition of a
suspension/preservative medium), sufficient viability of the red cells can only be
maintained if the cells are not over-concentrated. Normal CPD-adenine red cell
concentrate should therefore not have an Hct above 0.70 on average. This also keeps the
viscosity sufficiently low to permit transfusion of the concentrate without
pre-administration dilution.

Platelets and leucocytes rapidly lose their viability at +4 °C. They form microaggregates
which are present in considerable amounts even after 3 to 4 days' storage of whole blood
and even more so in red cell concentrates. Microaggregates can pass through the filters
of ordinary blood transfusion sets. They are considered to be able to cause decreased
lung function by blocking the lung capillaries and this may be of clinical importance in
massive transfusions. Removal of platelets during component preparation reduces
microaggregate formation. Likewise, leucocyte depletion by buffy coat removal will also
reduce the frequency of febrile transfusion reactions and will help in obtaining high-
grade depletion of leucocytes when leucocyte-removal filters are used for this purpose.

The use of an additive or suspension medium allows maintenance of red cell viability
even if more than 90% of the plasma is removed. The use of sodium chloride, adenine
and glucose is necessary for viability while other sugars are used to further stabilise the
cell membrane and prevent haemolysis.

14.6 Erythrocyte preparations

Red cells may be stored in the fluid state at a controlled temperature of +2 °C to +6 °C.
The performance of the storage refrigerator must itself be carefully controlled (see
Chapter 24). The maximum duration of storage (expiry date) should be noted on each
container. This duration may vary with the type of preparation (concentration of cells,
formula of anticoagulant, use of additive suspension fluid, etc.) and should be
determined for each type on the basis of achieving a mean 24 hours post-transfusion
survival of no less than 75% of the transfused red cells.

Red cells in the frozen state should be prepared and reconstituted according to an
approved protocol, be stored at -80 °C or below, and produce satisfactory
post-transfusion survival figures.

14.7 Platelet preparations

Platelet preparations are particularly sensitive to storage conditions. Platelet

metabolism, and consequently post-transfusion function and viability, is dependent on
adequate oxygen availability, the temperature and the pH of the platelet preparation.


When stored at +22 oC, 100× 109 platelets consume approximately 10 µ moles of
oxygen per hour. The platelet demand for oxygen may be influenced by different
agitation modes and varying pH and temperature. Addition of acetate to the storage
medium may increase the oxygen consumption. Contaminating leukocytes also
consume oxygen but the small number present in a platelet storage bag contributes
little to the total need for oxygen.

When the number of platelets in a storage bag exceeds the number that can safely be
supplied with oxygen, the glucose consumption increases three to five times, resulting
in a rapid lactic acid production, decreasing pH, fall in ATP concentration and loss of
platelet viability.

Thus, the maximum number of platelets to be stored is limited by the oxygen diffusion
capacity of the platelet storage bag. When a new plastic bag is introduced for platelet
preservation, the maximum number of platelets that may be stored in that bag should
be determined for different modes of preparation and agitation, suspension media and

The use of special gas-permeable plastic containers, proper temperature (+20 °C to

+24 °C) and adequate agitation during storage are all features necessary for proper
storage of this component.

14.8 Granulocyte preparations

Ordinarily, granulocyte suspensions are prepared for a specific patient and administered
immediately. If intermediate storage is unavoidable this should be at a controlled +20 °C
to +24 °C for a maximum of 24 hours. Granulocytes should not be agitated on a platelet

14.9 Plasma components

Recommended storage conditions for fresh frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate and for
cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma are given in Table 3(c).


Table 3(c): Recommended storage conditions

Product Length of storage and temperature

Fresh frozen plasma,

24 months at below -25 °C
cryoprecipitate and
3 months at -18 °C to -25 °C
cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma

Note: The recommended temperature ranges are based upon practical refrigeration
conditions. Ideally the surface temperature of the product should not rise above
the eutectic point of -23 °C (e.g. during opening of refrigerators, etc.).

Validations on the exact relation between storage times and temperature are

For plasma intended for fractionation refers to the appropriate European

Pharmacopoeia monograph.

15. Issue and transportation

Blood components should be transported by a system which has been validated to

maintain the recommended storage temperature of the component over the proposed
maximum time and extremes of ambient temperature of transport. The containers used in
transport should be well insulated, easy to clean and easy to handle. Where a dedicated
refrigerated vehicle is used the principles applying to control of the refrigerators should
be observed. Alternatively, systems for road or rail transport using controlled cooling
elements may be considered. These coolants must not come into close contact with the
blood bags.

Red cell components should be kept between +2 °C and +6 °C. Validated transport
systems should ensure that at the end of a maximum transit time of 24 hours the
temperature should not have exceeded +10 °C. Platelet components should be kept
between +20 °C and +24 °C and frozen plasma transported in the frozen state as close as
possible to the recommended storage temperature (see appropriate chapters).

Transport conditions and containers should be validated. It is recommended that some

form of temperature indicator be used to monitor the in-transit temperature. On receipt,
if not intended for immediate transfusion, the product should be transferred to storage
under recommended conditions.


The temperature on receipt can be monitored as follows:

Take 2 bags from the container, place a thermometer between the bags and fix
them together with rubber bands. Quickly replace them into the container and
close the lid. Read the temperature after 5 minutes. The temperature of red cell
bags should not go below +1 °C nor exceed +10 °C. Alternatively an electronic
sensing device may be used to take immediate measurements from the surface of
a pack.

Returned blood components should not be reissued for transfusion if the bag has been
penetrated or entered, the product not maintained continuously within the approved
temperature range or if there is evidence of leakage, abnormal colour change or excess
haemolysis. The proper identification, time of issue and transit history should be fully

16. Component information and principles of labelling

Brief information about the various blood components should be made available to
clinicians with regard to composition, indications, storage and transfusion practices.

This could be done by showing it on the label or contained in a product leaflet.

This would include that the blood must not be used for transfusion if there is abnormal
haemolysis or other deterioration and that all blood components must be administered
through a 170-200 µ m filter, if not otherwise stated. The information should be
presented to the clinicians in a booklet and/or in a product information leaflet.

The labelling of blood components should comply with the relevant national
legislation and international agreements. Each single blood container must be
uniquely identified by the identity number and the component desciption, preferably
in eye and machine readable codes, allowing full traceability to the donor and the
collection, testing, processing, storage, release, distribution and transfusion of the
blood component.

The label on the component ready for distribution should contain eye readable
information necessary for safe transfusion, i.e. the unique identity number (preferably
consisting of a code for the responsible blood collection organisation, the year of
donation and a serial number), the ABO and RhD blood group, the name of the blood
component and essential information about the properties and handling of the blood
component, the expiry date.


Part C: Blood components


Chapter 4: Whole blood


Whole blood for transfusion is blood taken from a suitable donor using a sterile and
pyrogen-free anticoagulant and container. The major use of whole blood is as source
material for blood component preparation.


Freshly drawn whole blood maintains all its properties for a limited period of time.
Rapid deterioration of Factor VIII, leucocytes and platelets makes whole blood an
unsuitable product for treatment of haemostatic disturbances when stored beyond the
first 24 hours. Upon further liquid storage a number of changes occur, such as increase
of oxygen affinity and loss of viability of the red cells, loss of coagulation factor activity
(Factors VIII and V), loss of platelet viability and function, formation of
microaggregates, release of intracellular components such as potassium and leucocyte
proteases, and activation of plasma factors such as kallikrein.

Whole blood should not contain irregular antibodies of clinical significance.

Methods of preparation

Whole blood for transfusion is used without further processing.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in the
product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- - the producer’s identification;

- - the unique identity number;
- - the ABO and RhD group;
- - the date of donation;
- - the name of the anticoagulant solution;
- - the name of the blood component;
- - additional component information: irradiated, etc. (if appropriate);
- - the date of expiry;
- - the volume or weight of the blood component;
- - the temperature of storage;
- - blood group phenotypes other than ABO and RhD (optional);

1Chapter 4

- - that the component must not be used for transfusion if there is abnormal
hemolysis or other deterioration;
- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.

Storage and stability

Donations intended for transfusion as whole blood shall be stored at +2 °C to +6 °C. The
storage time depends on the anticoagulant/preservative solution used. For CPD-A 1 the
storage time is 35 days.

Microaggregates are formed on storage.

During storage there is a progressive decrease in the labile coagulation factors V and
VIII, an increase in potassium and acidity in the plasma and a rapid decrease in platelet
viability because of storage at +2 °C to +6 °C.

The haemoglobin oxygen release function is impaired during storage due to progressive
loss of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (2,3-BPG, previous name 2,3-diphosphoglycerate,
DPG). After 10 days of storage in CPD-A 1 all 2,3 BPG is lost. However, it regenerates
after transfusion in the circulation of the recipient.

Quality assurance

Much of the quality control necessary to ensure the safety and efficacy of whole blood
takes place at the time of blood collection. In addition to the measures carried out at the
time of collection, the parameters listed in Table 4 must also be checked.

Table 4: Quality control

Parameter to be Quality requirement Frequency Control

checked of control executed by
ABO, Rh D Grouping All units grouping lab

anti-HIV 1&2 Negative by approved All units screening lab


screening test
HBsAg Negative by approved All units screening lab
screening test
anti-HBc Negative by approved All units screening lab
(when required) screening test
anti-HCV Negative by approved All units screening lab
screening test
Syphilis (when required) Negative by screening All units screening lab
anti-CMV Negative by screening As required screening lab
(when required) test
anti-HTLV I&II (when Negative by screening All units screening lab
required) test
Volume 450 ml ± 10% volume 1% of all processing
excluding anticoagulant units with a lab
minimum of
A non-standard donation 4 units per
should be labelled month
Haemoglobin minimum 45 g/unit 4 units per QC lab
Haemolysis at the end of <0.8% of red cell mass 4 units per QC lab
storage month


After collection, blood should be kept at a controlled temperature, between +2 °C and

+6 °C. Validated transport systems should ensure that at the end of a maximum transit
time of 24 hours the temperature should not have exceeded +10 °C. Alternatively, whole
blood can be kept up to 24 hours in conditions validated to maintain temperature
between +20 °C and +24 °C, a prerequisite for the production of platelet preparations
from whole blood.

Indications for use

Where component preparation is routine, whole blood must be considered as a source

material and has no, or only a very restricted, place in transfusion practice. In the
absence of appropriate plasma substitutes and blood components, the use of whole blood
can only be envisaged in clinical settings where red cell and blood volume deficit are
simultaneously present.

Precautions in use

1Chapter 4

Compatibility of whole blood with the intended recipient must be verified by suitable
pre-transfusion testing.

Consideration should be given to the use of a microaggregate filter.

Whole blood is contra-indicated in:

- anaemia without blood volume loss;

- various types of plasma intolerance;

- intolerance due to alloimmunisation against leucocyte antigens.


- circulatory overload;

- haemolytic transfusion reactions;

- non-haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and urticaria);

- sepsis by inadvertent bacterial contamination of blood;

- syphilis can be transmitted when whole blood has been stored for less than 96
hours at +4 °C;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor selection
and screening procedures;

- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

- alloimmunisation against HLA and red cell antigens;

- citrate intoxication in neonates and in patients with impaired liver function;

- biochemical imbalance in massive transfusion, e.g. hyperkalaemia;

- post-transfusion purpura;

- transfusion related acute lung injury;

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.


1Chapter 5: Red cells


A component obtained by removal of part of the plasma from whole blood, without
further processing.


The haematocrit (Hct) of the component is 0.65-0.75; Each unit should have a minimum
of 45 g of haemoglobin at the end of processing.

The unit contains all of the original unit's red cells. The greater part of its leucocytes
(about 2.5 to 3.0 × 109 cells) and a varying content of platelets depending on the method
of centrifugation are retained, no effort having been made for removal.

Methods of preparation

For the preparation of the component, removal of the plasma from the whole blood unit
after centrifugation is performed.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in the
product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- - the producer’s identification;

- - the unique identity number;
- - the ABO and RhD group;
- - the date of donation;
- - the name of the anticoagulant solution;
- - the name of the blood component;
- - additional component information: irradiated, etc. (if appropriate);
- - the date of expiry;
- - the volume or weight of the blood component;
- - the temperature of storage;
- - blood group phenotypes other than ABO and RhD (optional);
- - that the component must not be used for transfusion if there is abnormal
hemolysis or other deterioration;
- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.


Storage and stability

As for whole blood. Microaggregates are formed on storage.

Quality assurance

As for whole blood with the exceptions indicated in Table 5.

Table 5: Quality control

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
Volume 280 ± 50 ml 1% of all units Processing lab

Hct 0.65 to 0.75 4 units per month QC lab

Haemoglobin minimum 45 g/unit 4 units per month QC lab

Haemolysis at the <0.8% of red cell 4 units per month QC lab

end of storage mass


Validated transport systems should ensure that at the end of a maximum transit time of
24 hours the temperature should not have exceeded +10 °C.

Transport by a non-refrigerated vehicle requires a cooled and insulated container.

Indications for use

Red cells are used for replacement in blood loss and for the therapy of anaemia.

Precautions in use

Compatibility of red cells with the intended recipient must be verified by suitable pre-
transfusion testing.

Consideration should be given to the use of a microaggregate filter.

Red cells are not recommended in:


- various types of plasma intolerance;

- intolerance due to alloimmunisation against leucocyte antigens;

- exchange transfusion in newborns unless supplementary plasma is added.


- circulatory overload;

- haemolytic transfusion reaction;

- non-haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever);

- alloimmunisation against HLA and red cell antigens;

- syphilis can be transmitted when red cells have been stored for less than 96 hours
at +4 °C;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor selection
and screening procedures;

- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;

- biochemical imbalance in massive transfusion, e.g. hyperkalaemia;

- post-transfusion purpura;

- transfusion related acute lung injury;

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.

1Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Red cells, buffy coat removed

(red cells: BCR)


A component prepared by the separation of part of the plasma and the buffy-coat layer
from red cells.


The Hct of the component is 0.65 to 0.75.

The unit contains all, except 10 to 30 ml, of the original unit's red cells. Each unit should
have a minimum haemoglobin content of 43 g.

The leucocyte content is less than 1.2 × 109 cells per unit and the average platelet
content less than 20 × 109 cells per unit.

Methods of preparation

For the preparation of the component, the plasma and 20 to 60 ml of the buffy coat layer
are separated from the red cells unit after centrifugation. Sufficient plasma is returned to
the red cell unit to give Hct 0.65 to 0.75.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- - the producer’s identification;

- - the unique identity number;
- - the ABO and RhD group;
- - the date of donation;
- - the name of the anticoagulant solution;
- - the name of the blood component;
- - additional component information: irradiated, etc. (if appropriate);
- - the date of expiry;
- - the volume or weight of the blood component;
- - the temperature of storage;
- - blood group phenotypes other than ABO and RhD (optional);


- - that the component must not be used for transfusion if there is abnormal
hemolysis or other deterioration;
- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.

Storage and stability

As for whole blood.

Removal of buffy coat during component preparation reduces the formation of


Quality assurance

As for whole blood with the exceptions indicated in Table 6.

Table 6: Quality control

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
Volume 250 ± 50 ml 1% of all units Processing lab
Hct 0.65 to 0.75 4 units per month QC lab
Haemoglobin minimum 43 g unit 4 units per month QC lab
Leucocyte <1.2× 109 4 units per month QC lab
Haemolysis at the <0.8% of red cell 4 units per month QC lab
end of storage mass

* These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested
fall within the values indicated.


Validated transport systems should ensure that at the end of a maximum transit time of
24 hours the temperature should not have exceeded +10 °C.

Transport by a non-refrigerated vehicle requires a cooled and insulated container.

Indications for use

1Chapter 6

Red cells BCR are used for replacement in blood loss and for the therapy of anaemia.

Precautions in use

Compatibility of red cells with the intended recipient must be verified by suitable pre-
transfusion testing.

Red cells BCR are not recommended in:

- various types of plasma intolerance;

- exchange transfusions in newborns unless supplementary plasma is added;

- transfusion in premature infants and recipients with a risk of iron overload.


- circulatory overload;

- haemolytic transfusion reaction;

- non-haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever), but less common than
after transfusion of red cells;

- alloimmunisation against HLA and red cell antigens;

- syphilis can be transmitted when red cells BCR has been stored for less than 96
hours at +4 °C;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor selection
and screening procedures;

- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;

- biochemical imbalance in massive transfusion, e.g. hyperkalaemia;

- post-transfusion purpura;

- transfusion related acute lung injury;

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.


1Chapter 7: Red cells, in additive solution

(red cells: AS)


A component derived from whole blood by centrifugation and removal of plasma with
subsequent addition to the red cells of an appropriate nutrient solution.


The Hct of this component will depend on the nature of the additive solution, the method
of centrifugation and the amount of remaining plasma. It should not exceed 0.70. Each
unit should have a minimum haemoglobin content of 45 g.

The unit contains all of the original unit's red cells. The greater part of its leucocytes
(about 2.5 to 3.0 × 109 cells) and a varying content of platelets depending on the method
of centrifugation are retained, no effort having been made for removal.

Methods of preparation

The primary anticoagulant solution should be CPD. Most additive solutions contain
sodium chloride, adenine, glucose and mannitol dissolved in water. Others contain
citrate, mannitol, phosphate and guanosine. The volume may be 80 to 110 ml.
Processing should commence as soon as possible after donation (up to a maximum of
three days) and be completed in one step.

After centrifugation of the whole blood unit the red cells and plasma are separated. After
careful mixing with the additive solution the red cells are stored at +2 °C to +6 °C.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- - the producer’s identification;

- - the unique identity number;
- - the ABO and RhD group;
- - the date of donation;
- - the name and volume of the additive solution;
- - the name of the blood component;


- - additional component information: irradiated, etc. (if appropriate);

- - the date of expiry;
- - the volume or weight of the blood component;
- - the temperature of storage;
- - blood group phenotypes other than ABO and RhD (optional);
- - that the component must not be used for transfusion if there is abnormal
hemolysis or other deterioration;
- - that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.

Storage and stability

The same storage conditions are applied as for whole blood and red cells.

Depending on the anticoagulant/additive system the storage may be extended up to the

approved limit of the system.

Microaggregates are formed on storage.

Quality assurance

As for whole blood with the exceptions indicated in Table 7.

Table 7: Quality control

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
Volume to be defined for 1% of all units Processing lab
the system used
Hct 0.50 - 0.70 4 units per month QC lab
Haemoglobin minimum 45 g/unit 4 units per month QC lab

Haemolysis at the <0.8% of red cell 4 units per month QC lab


end of storage mass



Validated transport systems should ensure that at the end of a maximum transit time of
24 hours the temperature should not have exceeded +10 °C.

Transport by a non-refrigerated vehicle requires a cooled and insulated container.

Indications for use

This component is used for replacement in blood loss and for the therapy of anaemia.

Precautions in use

Compatibility of this component with the intended recipient must be verified by suitable
pre-transfusion testing.

Consideration should be given to the use of a microaggregate filter.

Red cells AS are not recommended in:

- various types of plasma intolerance (may not concern units with a low plasma
content unless IgA incompatibility is present);

- intolerance due to alloimmunisation against leucocyte antigens;

- exchange transfusion in newborns unless used within 7 days of donation, with the
additive solution replaced by fresh frozen plasma on the day of use.


- circulatory overload;

- haemolytic transfusion reaction;

- non-haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever);

- alloimmunisation against HLA and red cell antigens;


- syphilis can be transmitted when this component has been stored for less than 96
hours at +4 °C;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor selection
and screening procedures;

- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;

- biochemical imbalance in massive transfusion, e.g. hyperkalaemia;

- post-transfusion purpura;

- transfusion related acute lung injury;

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.


1Chapter 8: Red cells in additive solution,

buffy coat removed (red cells : AS-BCR)


A component derived from whole blood by centrifugation and removal of plasma and
buffy coat, and subsequent resuspension of the red cells in an appropriate nutrient


The Hct of the component will depend on the nature of the additive solution, the method
of centrifugation and the amount of remaining plasma. It should not exceed 0.70. Each
unit should have a minimum of 43 g of haemoglobin at the end of processing.

The unit contains all except 10 to 30 ml of the original units' red cells.

The leucocyte content is less than 1.2 × 109 cells per unit and the average platelet
content less than 20 × 109 cells per unit.

Methods of preparation

The primary anticoagulant solution should be CPD. Most additive solutions contain
sodium chloride, adenine, glucose and mannitol dissolved in water. Others contain
citrate, mannitol, phosphate and guanosine. The volume may be 80 to 110 ml.
Processing should commence as soon as possible after donation (up to a maximum of
3 days), and be completed in one step.

For the preparation of the component, the plasma and 20 ml to 60 ml of the buffy coat
layer are separated from the red cells after centrifugation.

After careful mixing with the additive solution the red cells are stored at +2 °C to +6 °C.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- the producer’s identification;


- the unique identity number;

- the ABO and RhD group;

- the date of donation;

- the name and volume of the additive solution;

- the name of the blood component;

- additional component information: leucocytes <1.2x109, irradiated, etc. (if


- the date of expiry;

- the volume or weight of the blood component;

- the temperature of storage;

- blood group phenotypes other than ABO and RhD (optional);

- that the component must not be used for transfusion if there is abnormal hemolysis
or other deterioration;

- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.

Storage and stability

The same storage conditions are applied as for whole blood and red cells.

Depending on the anticoagulant/additive system the storage may be extended to the

approved limit of the system.

Removal of buffy coat during component preparation reduces the formation of


Quality assurance

As for whole blood, with the exceptions indicated in Table 8.


Table 8: Quality control

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
Volume to be defined for 1% of all units Processing lab
the system used
Hct 0.50 - 0.70 4 units per month QC lab
Haemoglobin minimum 43 g/unit 4 units per month QC lab
Leucocyte <1.2× 109 4 units per month QC lab
Haemolysis at the <0.8% of red cell 4 units per month QC lab
end of storage mass

∗ These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested
fall within the values indicated.


Validated transport systems should ensure that at the end of a maximum transit time of
24 hours the temperature should not have exceeded +10 °C.

Transport by a non-refrigerated vehicle requires a cooled and insulated container.

Indications for use

Red cells AS-BCR are used for replacement in blood loss and for the therapy of

Precautions in use

Compatibility of this component with the intended recipient must be verified by suitable
pre-transfusion testing.

Red cells AS-BCR are not recommended in:

- various types of plasma intolerance (may not apply to units with a low plasma

- exchange transfusions in newborns unless used within 7 days of donation, with

the additive solution replaced by fresh frozen plasma on the day of use.



- circulatory overload;

- haemolytic transfusion reaction;

- non-haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever) but are less common
than after transfusion of red cells AS;

- alloimmunisation against HLA and red cell antigens;

- syphilis can be transmitted when this component has been stored for less than 96
hours at +4 °C;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor selection
and screening procedures;

- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;

- biochemical imbalance in massive transfusion, e.g. hyperkalaemia;

- post-transfusion purpura;

- transfusion related acute lung injury;

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.


1Chapter 9: Red cells, washed


A component derived from whole blood by centrifugation and removal of plasma, with
subsequent washing of the red cells in an isotonic solution.


This component is a red cell suspension from which most of the plasma, leucocytes and
platelets have been removed. The amount of residual plasma will depend upon the
washing protocol. The Hct can be varied according to clinical need. Each unit should
have a minimum of 40 g of haemoglobin at the end of processing.

Methods of preparation

After centrifugation and maximal removal of plasma and buffy coat, the red cells are
processed by sequential addition of cold (+4 °C) isotonic saline and preferably
refrigerated centrifugation unless a closed system is used. A functionally closed system
can be prepared by using a sterile connecting device.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number;

- the ABO and RhD group;

- the date of preparation;

- the name and volume of the additive solution (if any);

- the name of the blood component;


- additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated, haematocrit, etc.

(if appropriate);
- the date and time of expiry;

- the volume or weight of the blood component;

- the temperature of storage;

- blood group phenotypes other than ABO and RhD (optional);

- that the component must not be used for transfusion if there is abnormal hemolysis
or other deterioration;

- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.

Storage and stability

The component should be stored at +2 °C to +6 °C. The storage time should be as short
as possible after washing and never exceed 24 hours when an open system has been

Quality assurance

As for whole blood, with the exceptions indicated in Table 9.

Table 9: Quality control

Parameter to be Quality requirement Frequency of Control

checked control executed by
Volume to be defined for the all units Processing lab
system used
Hct 0.65 to 0.75 all units QC lab
Haemoglobin minimum 40 g/unit all units QC lab
Haemolysis at end of <0.8% of red cell mass all units QC lab
the process
Protein content of final < 0.5 g/unit∗ all units QC lab

∗ This level of total protein should ensure an IgA content of less than 0.2 mg/unit.



Transport is limited by the short storage time. Storage conditions should be maintained
during transportation. Attention to strict control of temperature and time is required.

Indications for use

Washed red cells are only indicated for red cell substitution or replacement in patients
with plasma protein antibodies, especially anti-IgA, and in patients who have shown
severe allergic reactions in transfusion of blood products.

Precautions in use

Compatibility of the washed red cell suspension with the intended recipient must be
verified by a suitable pretransfusion testing.

As during the preparation the component may be transferred to another bag, measures
should be taken to ensure the identification of relevant cross match samples and proper
identification of each unit equivalent.


- circulatory overload;

- haemolytic transfusion reaction;

- alloimmunisation against HLA and red cell antigens;

- syphilis can be transmitted if the component is prepared from a blood unit which
has been stored for less than 96 hours at +2 °C to +6 °C;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor selection
and screening procedures;

- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.


1Chapter 10: Red cells, leucocyte-depleted


A component obtained by removing the majority of leucocytes from a red cell



The leucocyte count must be less than 1 × 106 per unit. Mean counts as low as 0.05 ×
106 are achievable. Each unit should have a minimum haemoglobin content of 40 g.

Methods of preparation

Various techniques are used to produce this preparation including buffy coat depletion
and filtration. The best results are currently achieved using a combination of both these

A fully validated procedure must be established to determine optimum conditions for use
of the leucocyte depletion method.

Pre-storage filtration is recommended, preferably within 48 hours after donation.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in the
product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number;

- the ABO and RhD group;

- the date of donation;

- the name of the anticoagulant solution or the name and volume of the additive
solution (as appropriate);


- the name of the blood component;

- additional component information: leucocyte depleted. Irradiated, etc. (if

- the date of expiry and time of expiry, when required;

- the volume or weight of the blood component;

- the temperature of storage;

- blood group phenotypes other than ABO and RhD (optional);

- that the component must not be used for transfusion if there is abnormal hemolysis
or other deterioration;

- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.

Storage and stability

The same storage conditions are applied as for whole blood and red cells.

Removal of leucocytes before storage reduces the formation of microaggregates and the
release of cytokines.

Red cells leucocyte-depleted, if filtered or prepared by other methods under which the
system has been opened, have a storage life limited to 24 hours at +2 °C to +6 °C.

Quality assurance

As for whole blood, with the exceptions indicated in Table 10.


Table 10: Quality control

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
Residual <1 × 106 per unit 1% of all units with QC lab

leucocytes by count a minimum of 10
units per month
Haemoglobin min 40 g/unit 1% of all units with QC lab
a minimum of 4
units per month
Haemolysis at the <0.8% of red cell 4 units per month QC lab
end of storage mass

∗ These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested
fall within the values indicated.


Similar principles as for whole blood and other red cell components will apply.
Attention to strict control of temperature and time is required where an open system of
preparation has been used.

Indications for use

The same indications as for red cells apply. This component is indicated for patients with
known or suspected leucocyte antibodies or whose transfusion requirement is likely to be
ongoing to prevent alloimmunisation to leucocyte antigens.

This component is an acceptable alternative to CMV negative blood for prevention of

CMV transmission.

As during the preparation the component may be transferred to another bag, measures
should be taken to ensure the identification of relevant cross match samples and proper
identification of each unit equivalent.

Precautions in use

Compatibility of this component with the intended recipient must be verified by suitable
pre-transfusion testing.


Other components used in conjunction with red cells leucocyte depleted must also be
leucocyte depleted.

Red cells leucocyte depleted are not recommended in:

- various types of plasma intolerance (may not apply to units with a low plasma

- exchange transfusion in newborns unless used within 7 days of donation.


- circulatory overload;

- haemolytic transfusion reaction;

- non-haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever), less common than after
transfusion of whole blood or other red cell components;

- alloimmunisation against HLA (rarely) and red cell antigens;

- syphilis can be transmitted when this product has been stored for less than 96
hours at +4 °C;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor selection
and screening procedures;

- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;

- biochemical imbalance in massive transfusion, e.g. hyperkalaemia;

- post-transfusion purpura;

- transfusion related acute lung injury;

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.


Chapter 11: Red cells, cryopreserved


A component derived from whole blood, in which red cells are frozen, preferably within
7 days of collection, using a cryoprotectant, and stored at -80 °C or below. Before use the
cells are thawed, washed and suspended in isotonic sodium chloride solution or additive
solution for red cells.


A reconstituted unit of cryopreserved red cells is poor in protein, granulocytes and

platelets. Each reconstituted unit should have a minimum haemoglobin content of 36 g.

Methods of preparation

Two principles are in general use for preparation of cryopreserved red cells. One is a
high glycerol, the other a low glycerol technique. Both methods require a
washing/deglycerolisation procedure.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The label on the frozen units states:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number;

- the ABO and RhD group;

- the date of preparation;

- the name and volume of the cryoprotective solution;

- the name of the blood component;

- additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated, haematocrit, etc.

(if appropriate);
1 Red cells, cryopreserved

- the date of expiry (and time of expiry when required);

- the volume or weight of the blood component;

- the temperature of storage;

- blood group phenotypes other than ABO and RhD (optional);

- that the component must not be used for transfusion if there is abnormal hemolysis
or other deterioration;

- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.

After thawing and reconstitution (washing), the year of expiry should be changed to
the date (and time) of expiry, and the name and volume of the cryoprotective solution
should be changed to the name and volume of the additive solution (if any). The
temperature of storage should be changed accordingly.

Storage and stability

Red cells in frozen state

These should be constantly maintained at:

- ─ 60 °C to ─ 80 °C if stored in an electrical freezer when a high glycerol method

is used;

- ─ 140 °C to ─ 150 °C if stored in vapour phase liquid nitrogen, when a low

glycerol method is used.

The storage may be extended to at least ten years if the correct storage temperature can
be guaranteed.

Thawed reconstituted red cells

The product should be stored at +2 °C to +6 °C. The storage time should be as short as
possible after washing and never exceed 24 hours when an open system has been used.


Quality assurance

As for whole blood, with the exceptions indicated in Table 11.

Table 11: Quality control

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
Volume > 185 ml all units Processing lab

Hb (supernatant) < 0.2 g/unit all units QC lab
Hct 0.65 - 0.75 all units QC lab
Haemoglobin > 36 g/unit all units QC lab
Osmolarity < 340 mOsm/l 1% of all units with Processing lab
a minimum of 4
units per month
Leucocyte < 0.1 × 109 1% of units with a QC lab
cells/unit minimum of 4 units
per month
Sterility Sterile (see 1% of all units with QC lab
European a minimum of 4
Pharmacopoeia units per month
requirements for

Final suspending solution.
These requirements shall have been deemed to have been met if 90% of the units
tested fall within the values indicated.

Excess haemolysis should not be observed in the washing solution at the end of the
washing procedure.

Since cryopreservation allows prolonged storage, serum samples obtained at collection

should also be stored to enable future testing for newly discovered markers of
transmissible diseases.


If transport in the frozen state is unavoidable, storage conditions should be maintained.

Transport of thawed reconstituted red cells is limited by the short storage time. Storage
conditions should be maintained during transport.
1 Red cells, cryopreserved

Indications for use

Cryopreserved red cells are indicated for red cell substitution or replacement. This
component should only be used in special situations:

- transfusion of red cells to patients with rare blood types/multiple alloantibodies;

- red cells cryopreserved for at least six months are recommended for
immunisation purposes, to allow retesting of donors;

- could be considered in some cases for autologous transfusion.

Precautions in use

Compatibility of the washed red cell suspension with the intended recipient must be
verified by a suitable pretransfusion testing.

As during the preparation the component may be transferred to another bag, measures
should be taken to ensure the identification of relevant crossmatch samples and proper
identification of each unit equivalent.

When processing in an open system, the risk of bacterial contamination is increased and
therefore extra vigilance is required during transfusion.


- circulatory overload;

- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.), is possible despite careful donor

selection and screening procedures;

- alloimmunisation against red cell antigens;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.


Chapter 12: Red cells: apheresis


A component obtained by red cell apheresis of a single donor using automated cell
separation equipment.


A typical red cell apheresis consists of one or two units of red cells collected from the
same donor.

Depending on the method of preparation and the machine used, one of the possibilities
with this technology is to prepare units of red cells with predictable, reproducible and
standardized contents of red cells. Each unit should have a minimum haemoglobin
content of 40 g. Depending on the method of preparation and the machine used, the
platelet, leucocyte and plasma content may vary.

Donor selection

See Chapter 1 Selection of donors, B. Apheresis donors.

Method of preparation

Whole blood is removed from the donor, anticoagulated with a citrate-containing

solution and red cells are harvested from it alone or simultaneously with other blood
components (platelets, plasma) by the apheresis machine. The remaining blood
components are returned to the donor. Either one or two units of red cells can be
collected during a single procedure. During or after the procedure, a red cell storage
solution is added. The volume of this storage solution may be between 80 and 120 ml,
dependent on amount of red cells collected, collection hematocrit and storage
hematocrit targeted. To reduce the number of contaminating leucocytes an additional
filtration step may be included in the process.

1 Red cells: apheresis


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number. If two or more units are collected from the donor in
one session, they should in addition be numbered Apheresis unit 1, Apheresis
unit 2, etc.;

- the ABO and RhD group;

- the date of donation;

- the name of the anticoagulant solution or the name and volume of the additive
solution (as appropriate);

- the name of the blood component;

- additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated, etc. (if


- the date of expiry (and time of expiry when required);

- the volume or weight of the blood component;

- the temperature of storage;

- blood group phenotypes other than ABO and RhD (optional);

- that the component must not be used for transfusion if there is abnormal hemolysis
or other deterioration;

- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.

Storage and stability

The same storage conditions are applied as for red cells. Removal of leucocytes before
storage reduces the formation of microaggregates and release of cytokines.

1Chapter 12

If filtered or prepared by other methods under which the system has been opened, the
storage time is limited to 24 hours at +2 °C to +6 °C.

Depending on the anticoagulant/additive system, the storage time may be extended to

the approved limit of the system.

Quality assurance

As for whole blood with the additions shown in Table 12.

Table 12 : Quality control

Parameter to be Quality requirement Frequency of Control executed by

checked (specification) control
Volume to be defined by the 1% of all units Processing lab
system used
Hct 0.65 - 0.75 4 units per month QC lab
Hct (if additive 0.50 - 0.70 4 units per month QC lab
Haemoglobin minimum 40 g/unit 4 units per month QC lab

Residual < 1 x 106 per unit 1% of all units with QC lab

leucocytes* (if by count a minimum of 10
leucocyte depleted) units per month
Haemolysis at the < 0.8% of red cell 4 units per month QC lab
end of storage mass

* These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.


Similar principles as for whole blood and other red cell components will apply.
Attention to strict control of temperature and time is required when an open system of
preparation has been used.

Indications for use

Those listed for whole blood and other red cell components will apply.

When 2 units of red cells are collected in one procedure, the product is ideally
suitable for one recipient.

1 Red cells: apheresis

If leucocyte depleted, this component is an acceptable alternative to CMV negative

red cells for the prevention of CMV transmission.

Precautions in use

Compatibility of the red cells with the intended recipient must be verified by suitable
pretransfusion testing.

Red cells : apheresis is not recommended in :

- various types of plasma intolerance;
- exchange transfusions in newborns unless supplementary plasma is added;

Furthermore the same precautions should be applied as with <<Red cells>> and if
leucocyte depleted as with <<Red cells, leucocyte-depleted>>.


- circulatory overload;

- haemolytic transfusion reaction;

- non-haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever), less common when

leucocyte-depleted than after transfusion of whole blood or red cells;

- alloimmunisation against HLA (rarely after leucocyte depletion) and red cell

- syphilis can be transmitted when this product has been stored for less than 96
hours at +4 °C;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor selection
and screening procedures;

- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

- sepsis due to inadvert bacterial contamination;

- biochemical imbalance in massive transfusion; e.g. hyperkalemia;

- post-transfusion purpura;

- transfusion related acute lung injury unless red cells are washed;

1Chapter 12

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.


Chapter 13: Platelets: recovered


A component derived from fresh whole blood which contains the majority of the original
platelet content in a therapeutically effective form.


Depending on the method of preparation, the platelet content per single unit equivalent
will vary from 45 to 85 × 109 (on average 70 × 109) in 50 to 60 ml suspension medium.
Similarly, leucocyte content will vary from 0.05 to 1 × 109 and red cells from 0.2 to
1 × 109 per single unit equivalent, unless further measures are taken to reduce these

The amount of platelets in an adult "standard dose" of recovered platelets is equivalent to

the amount obtained from 4 to 6 units of whole blood.

Methods of preparation

1.a Preparation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

Principle: a unit of whole blood stored in conditions validated to maintain temperature

between +20 °C and + 24 °C up to 24 hours, is centrifuged so that an optimal number of
platelets remain in plasma and the number of leucocytes and red cells are reduced to a
defined level. The key points of the method are:

a. effectiveness of centrifugation defined as g × min;

b. temperature of the blood during centrifugation must be standardised;

c. disturbance of the component layers achieved by centrifugation must be


d. in removing the supernatant plasma the flow should not be too rapid and the
separation must be stopped at the level of 8 to 10 mm above the surface of the
red cell layer.

1Chapter 13

1.b Preparation of platelets from platelet-rich plasma

Principle: platelets in PRP are sedimented by hard spin centrifugation; the supernatant
platelet-poor plasma is removed leaving 50-70 ml of it with the platelets; finally the
platelets are allowed to disaggregate and are then resuspended.

2. Preparation of platelets from buffy coat

Principle: a whole blood unit stored between +20 °C to +24 °C for up to 24 hours is
centrifuged so that blood platelets are primarily sedimented to the buffy coat layer
together with leucocytes. The buffy coat is separated and further processed to obtain a
platelet concentrate. Either single buffy coats or 4 to 6 pooled (blood group compatible)
buffycoats are diluted with plasma or an appropriate nutrient solution. After careful
mixing, the buffy coat or buffy coat pool is centrifuged so that platelets remain in the
supernatant but red cells and leucocytes are effectively sedimented to the bottom of the
bag. The key points of the method are similar to those mentioned for PRP.

Leucocyte-depleted platelets can be prepared by filtration, pre-storage leucocyte

depletion is recommended (preferably within 6 hours after recovery). Careful
optimisation of the centrifugation conditions allow leucocyte-depleted platelets to be
produced by the buffy coat method.

A fully validated procedure must be established to determine optimum conditions for the
leucocyte depletion method used.

Where necessary, volume-reduced platelets can be prepared (see chapter 21). Washed
platelets can be prepared for patients who have had repeatedly adverse reactions after
platelet transfusion. The same is true for patients with anti-IgA antibodies, where
platelets from an IgA deficient donor are not available. Washing three times with
saline or buffered saline will decrease concentration of proteins in the supernatant
solution by more than 3 log. At the same time 10 - 20 % of platelets is lost.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number. If platelets are pooled the original donations must be

1 Platelets: recovered

- the ABO and RhD group;

- the date of donation;

- the name of the anticoagulant solution or the name and volume of the additive
solution (as appropriate);

- the name of the blood component;

- additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated, virus

inactivated, number of donations combined to make the pool, etc. (if

- the date of expiry;

- the number of platelets (average or actual, as appropriate);

- the temperature of storage;

- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.

Storage and stability

Platelets must be stored under conditions which guarantee that their viability and
haemostatic activities are optimally preserved.

Plastic bags intended for platelet storage must be sufficiently permeable to gases to
guarantee availability of oxygen to platelets. The amount of oxygen required is
dependent on the number of platelets in the product. Generally, acceptable storage is
obtained when the concentration of platelets is <1,5 × 109/ml and the pH of the
platelet product stays continuously between 6.8 and 7.4 under the storage period used.
Improved platelet bags and optimised conditions for the preparation and storage of
platelets may result in acceptable in vivo post transfusion recovery also at a higher
platelet concentration and at pH values below 6.8 or above 7.4 as validated.

Agitation of platelets during storage must be efficient enough to guarantee availability of

oxygen but be as gentle as possible. Storage temperature should be +20 °C to +24 °C.

Viability of platelets is preserved up to seven days under optimal conditions. However,

more than five days' storage of platelets is not at present recommended unless a validated
system has assured absence of bacterial contamination.

1Chapter 13

Quality assurance

Demonstration of the swirling phenomenon, based on light scattering by platelets of

normal morphology in movement, may be carried out either as a separate quality control
procedure or as a routine part of the issue and transfusion of this component.

Quality control requirements as for whole blood with the additions shown in Table 13.

Table 13 : Quality control

Parameter to be Quality requirement Frequency of control Control executed

checked (specification) by
HLA or HPA Typing as required HLA lab
(when required)
Volume > 40 ml all units Processing lab
Platelet Count* > 60 × 109/single unit 1% of all units with a QC lab
equivalent minimum of 10 units
per month

Before leucocyte
a. prepared from < 0.2 × 109/single 1% of all units with a QC lab
PRP unit equivalent minimum of 10 units
per month
b. prepared from < 0.05 × 109/single
buffy-coat unit equivalent

Residual < 0.2 × 106/single 1% of all units with a QC lab

leucocytes unit equivalent minimum of 10 units
per month
After leucocytes
pH measured (+22 6.8 to 7.4 1% of all units with a QC lab
°C) at the end of the minimum of 4 units
recommended shelf per month

∗ These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 75% of the units tested fall within the
values indicated.
∗∗ These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall within the
values indicated.
∗∗∗ Measurement of the pH in a closed system is preferable to prevent CO2 escape. Measurements
may be made at another temperature and converted by calculation for reporting pH at +22 °C.

1 Platelets: recovered

Other pH limits may be applied if they can be shown to give acceptable in vivo recovery for
the method used for the preparation and storage of platelets.


During transportation the temperature of platelet components must be kept as close as

possible to recommended storage temperature and, on receipt, unless intended for
immediate therapeutic use, they should be transferred to storage under recommended
conditions. It is recommended that they be further agitated prior to use.

Indications for use

The decision to transfuse platelets should not be based on low platelet count alone. A
mandatory indication may be considered to be the presence of severe
thrombocytopenia, with clinically significant haemorrhage attributable to the platelet
deficit. All other indications for platelet transfusion are more or less relative and
dependent on the clinical condition of the patient.

After validated leucocyte depletion, this component is an acceptable alternative to CMV

negative platelets for prevention of CMV transmission.

Precautions in use

Upon pre-storage pooling (either buffy coats or platelet suspensions) platelets may be
stored for up to 5 days following donation. If the pooling of platelets is performed
after storage, platelets should be transfused as soon as possible but no later than 6
hours after pooling.

As during the preparation the component may be transferred to another bag, measures
should be taken to ensure the identification of relevant platelet crossmatch samples
and proper identification of each unit equivalent.

Rh D negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger should preferably not
be transfused with platelets from Rh D positive donors. If platelets from Rh D positive
donors must be used in these circumstances the prevention of Rh D immunisation by
the use of Rh-immune globulin should be considered.


- non-haemolytic transfusion reactions may occur (mainly chills, fever and

urticaria). The incidence will be reduced by the use of leucocyte depleted

1Chapter 13

- alloimmunisation, especially to the HLA and HPA antigens, may occur. When
leucocyte-depleted platelets are used, the risk of HLA alloimmunisation is
reduced, provided that other transfused components are also leucocyte

- syphilis can be transmitted;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor

selection and laboratory screening procedures. However, risks of CMV
transmission can be reduced by leucocyte depletion;

- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;

- post-transfusion purpura may occur;

- transfusion related acute lung injury when platelets are suspended in plasma;

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.


Chapter 14: Platelets: apheresis


A component obtained by platelet apheresis of a single donor using automated cell

separation equipment.


Depending on the method of preparation and the machine used, the platelet yield per
procedure will vary from 200 to 800 × 109. Similarly, leucocyte and red cell
contamination of the product may vary with the procedure and type of machine used.
The method provides the ability to collect platelets from selected donors, to reduce
risk of HLA alloimmunisation and for effective treatment of patients already
alloimmunised. By reducing the number of donor exposures, the risk of viral
transmission may also be reduced.

Methods of preparation

Whole blood is removed from the donor, anticoagulated with a citrate solution and
platelets are harvested from it by the apheresis machine. The remaining blood
components are returned to the donor. To reduce the number of contaminating
leucocytes an additional centrifugation or filtration step may be included in the

With apheresis, the equivalent of platelets obtained from 3 to 13 whole blood units
can be collected from a single procedure and can be divided into several standard units
for transfusion.

Apheresis platelets can either be collected and stored in plasma or in a combination of

plasma and an appropriate nutrient solution.

Pretreatment of donors with thrombopoietin is discouraged until the safety of such

treatment has been further evaluated.

Washed platelets can be prepared for patients who have had repeatedly adverse
reactions after platelet transfusion washed platelets may be indicated. The same is true
for patients with anti-IgA antibodies, where platelets from an IgA deficient donor are
not available. Washing three times with saline or buffered saline will decrease
concentration of proteins in the supernatant solution by more than 3 log. At the same
time 10 - 20 % of platelets is lost.
1Chapter 14


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number. When two or more units are collected from the donor
in one session, they should in addition be numbered Apheresis unit 1,
Apheresis unit 2, etc.;

- the ABO and RhD group;

- the date of donation;

- the name of the anticoagulant solution or the name and volume of the additive
solution (as appropriate);

- the name of the blood component;

- additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated, virus

inactivated, etc. (if appropriate);

- the date of expiry;

- the number of platelets (average or actual, as appropriate);

- the temperature of storage;

- the relevant HLA and/or HPA type, if determined;

- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.

Storage and stability

Platelets must be stored under conditions which guarantee that their viability and
haemostatic activities are optimally preserved.

Platelet components to be stored more than 6 hours must be collected and prepared in
a functionally closed system.

1 Platelets: apheresis

Plastic bags intended for platelet storage must be sufficiently permeable to gases to
guarantee availability of oxygen to platelets. The amount of oxygen required is
dependent on the number of platelets in the product. Generally, acceptable storage is
obtained when the concentration of platelets is <1,5 × 109/ml and the pH of the
platelet product stays continuously between 6.8 and 7.4 under the storage period used.
Improved platelet bags and optimised conditions for the preparation and storage of
platelets may result in acceptable in vivo post transfusion recovery also at a higher
platelet concentration and at pH values below 6.8 or above 7.4 as validated.

Agitation of platelets during storage must be efficient enough to guarantee availability

of oxygen but be as gentle as possible.

Temperature: +20 °C to +24 °C.

Viability of platelets is preserved up to seven days under optimal conditions.

However, more than five days’ storage of platelets is not at present recommended
unless a validated system has been assured absence of bacterial contamination.

Quality assurance

Demonstration of the swirling phenomenon, based on light scattering by platelets of

normal morphology in movement, may be carried out either as a separate quality
control procedure or as a routine part of the issue and transfusion of these products.

Quality control requirements as for whole blood with the additions shown in Table 14.

1Chapter 14

Table 14: Quality control

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control

checked requirement control executed by
Volume > 40 ml per 60 all units processing lab
× 109 platelets
Platelet count∗ > 200 × 109 /unit 1% of all units with QC lab
a minimum of 10
Residual leucocytes 1% of all units with QC lab
after leucocyte <1.0 × 10 /unit
a minimum of 10
depletion* units/month

HLA or HPA Typing as required HLA lab

(when required)
pH∗∗ measured 6.8 to 7.4 1% of all units with QC lab
(+22 °C) at the end a minimum of
of the 4 units/month
recommended shelf

* The requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated. Residual leucocyte values much lower than these are
obtainable with some apheresis machines.

** Measurement of the pH in a closed system is preferable to prevent CO2 escape.

Measurements may be made at another temperature and converted by calculation for
reporting pH at +22 °C. Other pH limits may be applied if they can be shown to give
acceptable in vivo recovery for the method used for the preparation and storage of


During transportation the temperature of platelet components must be kept as close as

possible to recommended storage temperature and, on receipt, unless intended for
immediate therapeutic use, they should be transferred to storage under recommended
conditions. It is recommended that they be further agitated prior to use.

1 Platelets: apheresis

Indications for use

The decision to transfuse platelets should not be based on low platelet count alone. A
mandatory indication may be considered to be the presence of severe
thrombocytopenia, with clinically significant haemorrhage attributable to the platelet
deficit. All other indications for platelet transfusion are more or less relative and
dependent on the clinical condition of the patient. HLA and/or HPA compatible
platelets may be useful in the treatment of immunised patients. It is recommended that
these should not be obtained by apheresis of relatives of the patient or other HLA
match individual who are potential haematopoietic progenitor stem cell donors.

After validated leucocyte depletion, this component is an acceptable alternative to CMV

negative platelets for prevention of CMV transmission.

Precautions in use

Rh negative female recipients of child-bearing age or younger should not be

transfused with platelets from Rh-positive donors. If platelets from Rh D-positive
donors must be used in these circumstances the prevention of Rh D immunisation by
the use of Rh-immune globulin should be considered.

The responsible physician should be informed if a unit of apheresis platelets which

does not meet the recommended standards for platelets content must be issued for
therapeutic use.

Platelets compatibility testing may be useful in the selection of platelets for

transfusion to an immunised patient.

As during the preparation the component may be transferred to another bag, measures
should be taken to ensure the identification of relevant crossmatch samples and proper
identification of each unit equivalent.

Side effects

- non-haemolytic transfusion reactions may occur (mainly chills, fever and

urticaria). The incidence will be reduced by the use of leucocyte depleted

- alloimmunisation especially to the HLA and HPA series of antigens may occur.
When leucocyte-depleted platelets are used, the risk of HLA alloimmunisation
is reduced, provided other components used are also leucocyte depleted;

- syphilis can be transmitted;

1Chapter 14

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor

selection and laboratory screening procedures;

- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;

- post-transfusion purpura may occur;

- transfusion related acute lung injury;

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.


Chapter 15: Fresh frozen plasma


A component for transfusion prepared either from whole blood or from plasma
collected by apheresis, frozen within a period of time and to a temperature that will
adequately maintain the labile coagulation factors in a functional state.


This preparation contains normal plasma levels of stable coagulation factors, albumin
and immunoglobulins. It contains a minimum of 70% of the original Factor VIIIc and
at least similar quantities of the other labile coagulation factors and naturally
occurring inhibitors.

If fresh frozen plasma is to be used as source material for the preparation of

fractionated products, reference should be made to the European Pharmacopoeia
monograph on plasma for fractionation. Fresh frozen plasma should not contain
irregular antibodies of clinical significance.

Methods of preparation

a. Whole blood

Plasma is separated from whole blood collected using a blood bag with integral
transfer packs, employing hard spin centrifugation, preferably within 6 hours and not
more than 18 hours after collection. Plasma may also be separated from platelet rich
plasma. Freezing should take place in a system that will allow complete freezing
within one hour to a temperature below -30 °C. If plasma is to be prepared from a
single pack whole blood donation, adequate sterility precautions must be adopted.

Plasma may also be separated from whole blood, which immediately after donation
has been rapidly cooled by special device validated to maintain the temperature
between +20 °C and +24 °C and held at that temperature for up to 24 hours.

b. By apheresis

Plasma may be collected by manual or automated apheresis. The freezing process

should commence within six hours of completion of the procedure in a system which
allows complete freezing within one hour to a temperature below -30 °C. Where use is
made of a special device validated to rapidly cool the plasma to +20 °C and +24 °C
1Chapter 15

and to maintain the temperature in that range, the plasma can be held at that
temperature for up to 24 hours prior freezing.

c. Virus inactivation

Systems are currently being developed and introduced that will inactivate a wide
range of microbiological pathogens in blood components. Careful evaluation and
validation of these systems will be needed to ensure that the goal of enhanced safety
can be met.

d. Quarantine FFP

This single donor FFP is first released when the respective donor tests are negative for
HBsAg, anti-HIV and anti-HCV in a blood sample collected after more than six
months. After introduction of NAT-testing the reduction of the quarantine period
could be considered.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number. When two or more units are collected from the donor
by apheresis in one session, they should in addition be numbered Apheresis
unit 1, Apheresis unit 2, etc.;

- the ABO group;

- the date of donation;

- the name of the anticoagulant solution;

- the name of the blood component;

- additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated, quarantined,

virus inactivated, etc. (if appropriate);

- the date of expiry;

- the volume or weight of the blood component;

- the temperature of storage;

1 Fresh frozen plasma

- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.

After thawing, the date of expiry should be changed to the appropriate date (and time)
of expiry. The temperature of storage should be changed accordingly.

Storage and stability

The stability on storage is dependent on the storage temperature available. Optimal

storage temperature is at -25 °C or lower and the following are the permitted storage
times and temperatures:

- 24 months at below -25 ° C;

- 3 months at -18 °C to -25 °C.

Quality assurance

Table 15(a): Quality control

Parameter to be Quality requirement Frequency of Control

checked (specification) control executed by
ABO, Rh D∗ Grouping all units grouping lab
anti-HIV 1&2∗ Negative by approved all units screening lab
screening test
HBsAg∗ Negative by approved all units screening lab
screening test
anti-HCV Negative by approved all units screening lab
screening test
anti-HBc∗ Negative by approved all units screening lab
(when required) screening test
Syphilis∗ Negative by screening all units screening lab
(when required) test
anti-HTLV I&II∗ Negative by screening all units screening lab
(when required) test

∗ Unless performed on whole blood used as the source.

1Chapter 15

Table 15(b): Quality control

Parameter to Quality requirement Frequency of Control

be checked (specification) control executed by
Volume stated volume ± 10% all units processing lab
Factor VIIIc ≥ 70% of the average every two months. QC lab
normal value
a) pool of 6 units of
mixed blood
groups during first
month of storage.

b) pool of 6 units of
mixed blood
groups during last
month of storage.

Residual cells∗ red cells: < 6.0 × 109/l 1% of all units with a QC lab
leucocytes:< 0.1 × 109/l minimum of 4
platelets: < 50 × 109/l units/month
Leakage no leakage at any part of all units processing
container e.g. visual and receiving
inspection after pressure laboratory
in a plasma extractor,
before freezing and after
Visual changes no abnormal colour or all units "
visible clots

∗ Cell counting performed before freezing. Low levels can be achieved if specific
cellular depletions are included in the protocol.

Note: If fresh frozen plasma is regularly used as a source of a component other than
Factor VIIIc, appropriate estimations should be performed on representative
sample units to ensure continuing efficiency of the preparative procedure.

1 Fresh frozen plasma


Storage temperature should be maintained during transport. The receiving hospital

should ensure that packs have remained frozen during transit. Unless for immediate use,
the packs should be transferred at once to storage at the recommended temperature.

Indications for use

Fresh frozen plasma may be used in coagulation disorders, particularly in those

clinical situations in which a multiple coagulation deficit exists and only where no
suitable virus inactivated stable product specific clotting factor concentrate is

Fresh frozen plasma may be used in the treatment of thrombotic thrombocytopenic

purpura (TTP).

Its major use is as source material for plasma fractionation.

Precautions in use

Fresh frozen plasma should not be used simply to correct a volume deficit in the
absence of a coagulation deficit nor as a source of immunoglobulins.

Fresh frozen plasma should not be used where a suitable virus inactivated specific
clotting factor concentrate is available.

Fresh frozen plasma should not be used in a patient with intolerance to plasma

ABO blood group-compatible plasma should be used.

The product should be used immediately following thawing. It should not be refrozen.

Before use the product should be thawed in a properly controlled environment and the
integrity of the pack should be verified to exclude any defects or leakages. No
insoluble cryoprecipitate should be visible on completion of the thaw procedure.


- citrate toxicity can occur when large volumes are rapidly transfused;

- non-haemolytic transfusion reactions (mainly chills, fever and urticaria);

1Chapter 15

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor

selection and screening procedures;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;

- transfusion related acute lung injury;

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.


Chapter 16: Cryoprecipitate


A component containing the cryoglobulin fraction of plasma obtained by further

processing of fresh frozen plasma prepared from hard-spun cell free plasma and
concentrated to a final volume of 30 to 40 ml.


Contains a major portion of the Factor VIII, von Willebrand factor, fibrinogen, Factor
XIII and fibronectin present in freshly drawn and separated plasma.

Methods of preparation

The frozen plasma pack, still attached to other integral (or connected by a sterile
docking device) satellite pack(s) and/or the primary blood pack, is allowed to thaw,
either overnight at +2 °C to +6 °C or by the rapid-thaw syphon technique.

Following slow-thaw at +2 °C to +6 °C, the pack system is recentrifuged using hard

spin at the same temperature, the supernatant cryo-poor plasma then being expressed
on to the donor red cells or into a separate satellite pack. By either thawing and
separation technique, some supernatant plasma is left with the cryoprecipitate to
produce a final volume of 30 to 40 ml. The components prepared are then separated
from each other using a secure, approved method for dividing the transfer tubing
refrozen to the appropriate core temperature and held under appropriate storage

Alternatively, plasma obtained by apheresis may be used as the starting material, the
final component being prepared by the same freezing/thawing/refreezing technique.

Virus inactivation and/or quarantine of this component is a requirement in some



The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

1Chapter 16

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number. When two or more units are prepared from plasma
collected by apheresis in one session, they should in addition be numbered
Apheresis unit 1, Apheresis unit 2, etc.;

- the ABO group;

- the date of preparation;

- the name of the blood component;

- additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated, quarantined,

virus inactivated, etc. (if appropriate);

- the date of expiry;

- the volume or weight of the blood component;

- the temperature of storage;

- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.

After thawing, the date of expiry should be changed to the appropriate date (and time)
of expiry. The temperature of storage should be changed accordingly.

Storage and stability

The stability on storage is dependent on the storage temperature available. Optimal

storage temperature is -25 °C and the following are permitted storage times and

- 24 months at below -25 °C;

- 3 months at -18 °C to -25 °C.


Quality assurance

As indicated in Table 15a with the following additions:

Table 16: Quality control

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
Volume 30 to 40 ml all units Processing lab
Factor VIIIc > 70 IU per unit Every two months: QC lab
a. pool of 6 units
of mixed blood
groups during
first month of
b. pool of 6 units
of mixed blood
groups during
last month of
Fibrinogen > 140 mg per unit 1% of all units QC lab
with a minimum of
4 units per month
Von Willebrand > 100 IU per unit Every two months: QC lab
Factor a. pool of 6 units
of mixed blood
groups during
first month of
b. pool of 6 units
of mixed blood
groups during
last month of


Storage temperature should be maintained during transport. The receiving hospital

should ensure that packs have remained frozen during transit. Unless for immediate

1Chapter 16

use, the packs should be transferred at once to storage at the recommended


Indications for use

Uses include:

a. Factor VIII deficiency states (haemophilia A, Von Willebrand disease where a

suitable virus inactivated specific clotting factor concentrate is not available);

b. other complex deficiency states like disseminated intravascular coagulation;

c. fibrinogen defects (quantitative and qualitative).

Precautions in use

The pack of cryoprecipitate should be thawed in a properly controlled environment at

+37 °C immediately after removal from storage and immediately before use.
Dissolving of the precipitate should be encouraged by careful manipulation during the
thawing procedure.

At low temperatures the plastic container may fracture and during thawing the pack
should be carefully inspected for leaks, and discarded if any are found.

The pack should not be refrozen.


- non-haemolytic transfusion reactions (mainly chills, fever and urticaria);

- possibility of development of inhibitors to Factor VIII in the haemophiliac;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor

selection and screening procedures;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;

- in rare instances, haemolysis of recipient red blood cells due to high titre
alloagglutinins in the donor have been recorded;

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.

1 Cryoprecipitate

Small pool preparations

In some situations, it may be desirable to pool up to 10 single-donor cryoprecipitate

units. If this is carried out by an open technique, the pool should be used within 1
hour, and not refrozen for further storage. Appropriate labelling of the pool must
ensure that its individual constituents can be traced without difficulty.


Chapter 17: Cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma


A component prepared from plasma by the removal of cryoprecipitate.


Its content of albumin, immunoglobulins and coagulation factors is the same as that of
fresh frozen plasma, except that the levels of the labile Factors V and VIII are
markedly reduced. The fibrinogen concentration is also reduced in comparison to
fresh frozen plasma. Cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma should not contain irregular
antibodies of clinical significance.

Method of preparation

Cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma is the by-product of the preparation of

cryoprecipitate from fresh frozen plasma.

Viral inactivation and/or quarantine of this component is a requirement in some countries.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number. When two or more units are prepared from plasma
collected by apheresis in one session, they should in addition be numbered
Apheresis unit 1, Apheresis unit 2, etc.;

- the ABO and RhD group;

- the date of preparation;

- the name of the anticoagulant solution;

1 Cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma

- the name of the blood component;

- additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated, quarantined,
virus inactivated, etc. (if appropriate);

- the date of expiry;

- the volume or weight of the blood component;

- the temperature of storage;

- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.

After thawing, the date of expiry should be changed to the appropriate date (and time)
of expiry. The temperature of storage should be changed accordingly.

Storage and stability

The stability on storage is dependent on the storage temperature available. Optimal

storage temperature is –25 °C and the following are permitted storage times and

- 24 months at below –25 °C;

- 3 months at –18 °C to –25 °C.

Quality assurance

As indicated in Table 15a with the following additions:

Table 17: Quality control

Parameter to be Quality requirement Frequency of Control executed

checked control by

Volume stated volume ± 10% all units processing lab


Storage temperature should be maintained during transport. The receiving hospital

should ensure that frozen packs have remained frozen during transit. Unless for
immediate use, the packs should be transferred at once to storage at the recommended

1Chapter 17

Indications for use

Cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma is indicated in TTP only.

Precautions in use

The routine use of this material is not encouraged because of the risk of viral
transmission, and the general availability of safer alternatives.

This product should not be used in a patient with intolerance to plasma protein. Blood
group compatible plasma should be used. The product should be used immediately
following thawing: it should not be refrozen.

If cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma has been frozen after production, flocculation can

occur upon re-thawing. Before freezing and after thawing, the pack should be
carefully inspected for leaks.


- non-haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and urticaria);

- citrate toxicity can occur when large volumes are rapidly transfused;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor

selection and screening procedures;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;

- transfusion related acute lung injury;

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.


21Chapter 18: Cryopreserved platelets: apheresis


A component prepared by the freezing of platelets within 24 hours of collection, using

a cryoprotectant, storing them at -80 °C or below.


A reconstituted unit of cryopreserved platelets poor in red cells and granulocytes. The
method provides the ability to store platelets from selected donors or for autologous

Method of preparation

Two methods are in general use for preparation of cryopreserved platelets. One is a
DMSO (6% w/v), the other a very low glycerol (5% w/v), technique.

Before use the platelets are thawed and washed (or suspended) in autologous platelet
poor plasma or in isotonic sodium chloride solution.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The label on the frozen unit states:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number; When two or more units are collected from the donor
in one session, they should in addition be numbered Apheresis unit 1,
Apheresis unit 2, etc.

- the ABO and RhD group;

- the date of preparation;

- the name and volume of the cryoprotective solution;

- the name of the blood component;

1Chapter 18

- additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated, virus

inactivated, etc. (if appropriate);
- the date of expiry (and time of expiry when required);

- the volume or weight of the blood component;

- the temperature of storage;

- the HPA type (if determined);

- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.

After thawing and reconstitution (washing), the year of expiry should be changed to
the date (and time) of expiry, and the name and volume of the cryoprotective solution
should be changed to the name and volume of the additive solution (if any). The
temperature of storage should be changed accordingly.

Storage and stability

1. Platelets in the frozen state should be constantly maintained at:

- -80 °C if stored in an electrical freezer;

- -150 °C if stored in vapour phase liquid nitrogen.

If storage must be extended for more than one year, storage at -150 °C is preferred.

2. Thawed platelets should be used immediately after thawing.

If short intermediate storage is required, the product should be stored at +20 °C to

+24 °C with adequate agitation.

Quality assurance

As indicated in Table 14 with the following additions:

1 Cryopreserved platelets: apheresis

Table 18: Quality control

Parameter to be Quality requirement Frequency Control

checked of control executed
Volume 50 to 200 ml all units Processing
Platelet count > 40% of the pre-freeze platelet all units Quality lab
Residual leucocytes < 0.2 × 106 per 60 × 109 all units Quality lab
(before freezing) platelets


If transport in the frozen state is unavoidable, storage conditions should be maintained

during transportation.

Transport of thawed platelets is limited by the short storage time. Storage conditions
should be maintained during transportation.

Indications for use

Cryopreserved platelets should be reserved for the provision of HLA and/or HPA
compatible platelets where a compatible donor is not immediately available.

Precautions in use

- suitable HLA and HPA compatibility testing should be performed when


- toxicity of reagents used in its processing and cryopreservation e.g. DMSO.


- non-haemolytic transfusion reactions may occur (mainly chills, fever and


- alloimmunisation, especially to the HLA and HPA series of antigens, may

occur, but the risk is minimal;

1Chapter 18

- viral transmission is possible despite careful donor selection and laboratory

screening procedures;

- protozoal transmission may occur in rare instances;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;

- post-transfusion purpura;

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.


Chapter 19: Granulocytes: apheresis


A component consisting primarily of granulocytes suspended in plasma, obtained by

single-donor apheresis.


The principal function of granulocytes is phagocytosis of bacteria.

Method of preparation

Leucapheresis by cell separator devices. Centrifugal flow methods, either intermittent

or continuous, are used. Improved yields may be obtained by addition of a red cell
sedimenting agent such as hydroxyethyl starch, low molecular weight dextran or
modified fluid gelatin.

Pretreatment of donors with corticosteroids and G-CSF is discouraged until the safety
of such treatment has been further evaluated.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number;

- the ABO and RhD group;

- the date of donation;

- the name of the anticoagulant solution and additive solutions and/or other agents;

- the name of the blood component;

- the date of expiry (and time of expiry, when required);

1Chapter 19

- the number of granulocytes;

- le temperature of storage;

- HLA type if determined;

- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.

Storage and stability

This preparation is not suitable for storage and should be transfused as soon as
possible after collection. If unavoidable, storage should be limited to 24 hours at
+20 °C to + 24 °C.

Quality assurance

Quality control requirements as for whole blood with the additions shown in Table 19.

Table 19: Quality control

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control

checked requirement control executed by
Volume < 500 ml all units Processing
Granulocytes > 10 × 109 per unit all units Processing
HLA (when Typing As required HLA lab


The unit should be transported to the user in a suitable container at +20 °C to +24 °C.

Indications for use

Can be used in severely neutropenic patients with proven sepsis while receiving
adequate antibiotic therapy.

1 Granulocytes: apheresis

Precautions in use

As there is significant red cell contamination, compatibility testing is recommended.

Granulocytes should be exposed to an appropriate dose of ionising radiation before



- non-haemolytic transfusion reactions may occur (namely fever, chills and


- alloimmunisation to HLA and red cell antigens may occur;

- syphilis may be transmitted;

- there is a significant risk of transmission of latent viruses (CMV, EBV, etc.) to an

immunosuppressed patient;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor


- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;

- post-transfusion purpura;

- accumulation of hydroxyethyl starch in multiexposed patients;

- transfusion related acute lung injury;

- transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.


Chapter 20: Autologous predeposit transfusion

Several autologous transfusion techniques may be useful in surgery. They avoid the
risks of alloimmune complications of blood transfusion, and reduce the risk of
transfusion-associated infectious complications.

Autologous blood components can be obtained from pre-operative autologous whole

blood donations in the weeks preceding surgery. In selected conditions, red cell or
platelet concentrates can be collected using a cell separator: the equivalent of 2 to 3
red cell concentrates, or 4 to 10 standard platelet concentrate can be collected in a
single procedure.

Autologous blood components obtained from pre-operative donations should be

collected, prepared and stored in the same conditions as homologous donations. For
these reasons, predeposit donations should be done in or under the control of blood
transfusion centres or in authorised clinical departments which are subject to the same
rules and controls of this activity as blood transfusion centres.

Acute normovolemic haemodilution is the collection of blood immediately before

surgery, with blood volume compensation, leading to a haematocrit below 0.32, with
reinfusion during or after surgery.

Red cell salvage during surgery is another means of autologous transfusion. Blood
collected from operation site may be given back to the patient either after a simple
filtration, or a washing procedure. These two techniques do not allow the storage of
the collected blood. They are usually performed under the responsibility of
anesthesiologists and/or surgeons.

This chapter deals with autologous predeposit donations.

1. Selection of patients

1.1 Role of the physician in charge of the patient

In elective surgery situations where a blood transfusion is expected, the physician in

charge of the patient, usually the anesthiologist or the surgeon, may prescribe pre-
operative donations. The prescription should indicate:

- the diagnosis;

- the type and number of components required;

1 Autologous predeposit transfusion

- the date and location of the scheduled surgery.

The patient is informed of the respective risks and constraints of autologous and
homologous transfusion, and that homologous transfusion may also have to be used if

1.2 Role of the physician in charge

The physician in charge of blood collection takes the final responsibility for ensuring
that the patient's clinical condition allows preoperative blood donation.

In case of contra-indication, the physician in charge of blood collection informs the

patient and the physician in charge of the patient.

1.3 Informed consent

Patients should be informed:

- about the autologous transfusion procedure;

- about the biological tests, including virological markers, that will be performed;

- that homologous transfusion will be used in addition to autologous if needed;

- that unused units will be destroyed.

This information should lead to written informed consent being obtained.

In paediatrics, the information should be given to the child and the parents, and the
parents should give a written informed consent.

1.4 Contra-indications of predeposit donations

Predeposit donation may be carried out safely in elderly patients. However, more
careful consideration may need to be given in the case of a patient aged more than 70

Children under 10 kg should not be included in a predeposit donation programme. For

children between 10 and 20 kg, the use of volume compensation solutions is usually

Any active bacterial infection is an absolute contra-indication.

In patients with haemoglobin concentration between 100 and 110 g/l, predeposit
donation may be discussed according to the number of scheduled donations and the

1Chapter 20

etiology of the anemia. No predeposit donation should be done in patients with

haemoglobin concentration below 100 g/l.

It is recommended that patients positive for the following virological markers should
not be included in a predeposit donation programme HBV, HCV, HIV and (when
required) HTLV.

The presence of a cardiac disease is not an absolute contra-indication, and predeposit

donation may be done, subject to the assessment of a cardiologist, if needed. However
patients with certain unstable clinical conditions such as unstable angina, severe aortic
stenosis, or uncontrolled hypertension should not normally be included in a predeposit
donation programme.

1.5 Medications

Oral iron may be given to patients before the first donation and until surgery.

Any use of erythropoietin should comply with the product marketing authorisation.

2. Predeposit blood components preparation, storage and distribution

2.1 Blood typing and microbiological screening of autologous blood components

Blood typing and microbiological screening should be the same as the minimum
required for homologous components.

2.2 Preparation of autologous blood components

The methods used for the preparation should be the same as for homologous
components, but in a separate batch.

2.3 Labelling of autologous blood components

The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The label on the container states, in addition to the information valid for
allogeneic blood components, the following:

- the statement: ‘AUTOLOGOUS DONATION;

- the statement: ‘STRICTLY RESERVED FOR’:
- family name and first name, birthday and identity number of the patient.

2.4 Storage of autologous blood components

Autologous blood components are stored under the same conditions as, but separate
from, homologous components.

1 Autologous predeposit transfusion

2.5 Distribution and transfusion of autologous blood components

Release procedures must include a confirmation of identity written on the components

labels, on the prescription document and at the bedside.

Pretransfusion tests should be carried out as for homologous components.

Autologous plasma may be used as a volume expander until 72 hours after thawing,
provided that it is stored in controlled conditions between +2 °C and +6 °C. Otherwise
autologous components should be stored under the same conditions as their
homologous counterparts but clearly separated from them.

Untransfused autologous blood components must not be used for homologous

transfusion or plasma fractionation.

3. Records

Blood transfusion centres and hospitals should both maintain the following records for
every patient included in a predeposit autologous transfusion programme:

- the date and type of surgery;

- the name of the anesthesiologist or the surgeon;

- the time of transfusion, specifying whether used during surgery or post-


- the actual use of the prepared pre-operative autologous blood components;

- the concurrent use of peri-operative autologous transfusion techniques;

- the technique and the volume of autologous blood reinjected;

- the use of homologous blood components;

- the occurrence of any undesirable reaction related.


Chapter 21: Blood components for prenatal, neonatal

and infant use

For transfusions given prenatally or to infants blood components specially designed for
the purpose are required. The following features of neonates have to be considered : (1)
smaller blood volume, (2) reduced metabolic capacity, (3) higher haematocrit and (4)
immature immunological system. All the aspects are especially important in prenatal
transfusions and for small prematures. Risks of transfusion associated GvH and CMV
transmission are of significance in the situations. The risks are reduced rapidly with
increasing age of infants.

There are special national rules for pretransfusion testing of blood groups and
compatibility concerning neonates.

Methods of preparation, storage and administration of these components should be

validated to ensure that the delivered potassium load is within acceptable limits.

1. Components for intrauterine transfusions

1.1. Red Cells for intrauterine transfusion


A component prepared from whole blood by removing leucocytes and part of the
plasma as well as irradiating it.


The standard haematocrit (Hct) is 0.70 - 0.85. The leucocyte count must be less than
1 × 106 per unit. This level of leucocyte depletion prevents CMV transmission as
effectively as the use of CMV negative blood. The product should be irradiated.

Red cells are prepared from O Rh D-negative blood unless the mother has blood group
antibodies which necessitate another blood group.

To guarantee low potassium load the product should be used within five days from

1 Blood components for prenatal, neonatal
2 and infant use

Methods of preparation

The standard way of preparing the product is to start from O Rh D-negative blood and
prepare leucocyte-depleted red cells and then irradiate the unit. Starting from filtered
whole blood may offer another approach. The preferred method of preparation is
prestorage leucocyte depletion.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number;
- the ABO and RhD group;
- the date and time of preparation;
- the name of the anticoagulant or additive solution;
- the name of the blood component;
- additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated;
- the date (of expiry and time of expiry when required);
- the volume or weight of the blood component;
- the haematocrit or the haemoglobin concentration;
- the temperature of storage;
- the relevant blood group phenotype, if the antibody is other than anti-D.

Storage and stability

The component should be stored at +2 °C to +6 °C. The storage time should not be
longer than 24 hours after concentration and irradiation.

1Chapter 21

Quality assurance

As for red cells, leucocyte-depleted (Chapter 10) with the addition shown in Table

Table 21a : Quality control

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
Hct 0.70 - 0.85 4/month, if less processing
each unit laboratory


The storage conditions should be maintained during transportation.

Indication for use

Severe fetal anaemia.

Precautions in use

Monitor the speed of transfusion to avoid rapid intolerable changes in blood volume.


- circulatory overload;

- haemolytic transfusion reaction;

- syphilis can be transmitted;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor

selection and screening procedures;

- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

1 Blood components for prenatal, neonatal
2 and infant use

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination.

1.2 Platelets for intrauterine transfusion


Platelets concentrate prepared from whole blood or apheresis technique is then

processed further by removing leucocytes by filtration, irradiating it and concentrating
platelets by removing part of the supernatant solution. A few apheresis systems may
provide a leucocyte depleted component without a need for filtration or subsequent

In the case of transfusion of maternal platelets, these should be depleted of plasma and
suspended in a suitable additive solution.


The component contains from 45 to 85 × 109 (on average 70 × 109) in 50 to 60 ml of

suspension medium. The component is prepared from HPA compatible donor. The
leucocyte content is less than 1 × 106 per unit. This level of leucocyte depletion
prevents CMV transmission as effectively as use of CMV negative blood. The
component is irradiated to abolish the risk of GvH disease.

Methods of preparation

HPA compatible standard platelets or apheresis platelet unit is leucocyte depleted,

concentrated if necessary by removing part of the supernatant solution and irradiating
the unit.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number;

- the ABO and RhD group;

1Chapter 21

- the date and time of preparation;

- the name of the anticoagulant or additive solution;

- the name of the blood component;

- additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated. Virus

inactivated, plasma or supernatant reduced, etc. (if appropriate);

- the date of expiry (and time of expiry when required);

- the volume or weight of the blood component;

- the number of platelets;

- the temperature of storage;

- the relevant HPA type.

Storage and stability

The component should be prepared as soon as possible after donation and used within
6 hours of any secondary concentration process. Secondary concentration by
centrifugation should be followed by 1 hour resting period. Agitation of platelets
during storage must be efficient enough to guarantee availability of oxygen but be as
gentle as possible. Storage temperature should be + 20 °C to +24 °C.

Quality assurance

Quality control requirements as for platelets after leucocyte depletion (Table 13) with the
addition shown in Table 21b.

Table 21b:

Parameter to Quality Frequency of Control

Be checked requirement Control Executed by
Platelets 2 – 3 × 1012/l each unit processing



Containers for transporting platelets should be kept open at room temperature for 30
minutes before use. During transportation the temperature of platelet component must be
kept as close as possible to recommended storage temperature. On receipt it is
recommended that the platelet be further agitated prior to use, unless required urgently. If
stored, agitation is required at a controlled temperature of + 20 °C to + 24 °C.

Indications for use

Correction of severe thrombocytopenia due to antenatal HPA alloimmunisation.

Precautions in use

- monitor the speed of transfusion to avoid rapid intolerable changes in blood


- monitor the possible bleeding after puncture.


- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor

selection and laboratory screening procedures;

- syphilis can be transmitted;

- infection by inadvertent bacterial contamination of the component.

2. Components for neonatal exchange transfusion

Exchange transfusion is a special type of massive transfusion. Component(s) used

must be fresh enough so that metabolic and haemostatic disturbances can be avoided.

In neonatal exchange transfusions one has to take into account ABO and Rh blood
groups as well as other blood groups according to the maternal immunisation status.

Risk of CMV transmission and GvH disease must be eliminated at least in case of
small weight premature infant and where the donor of the cells is an immediate

2.1 Whole blood for exchange transfusions

CPD whole blood as defined in Chapter 4. Used within 5 days from donation. In case
of anti-D immunization O Rh D-negative blood is used.

The product is leucocyte depleted and irradiated to avoid the risk of CMV-transfusion
and GvH disease.

2.2 Reconstituted whole blood for exchange transfusion


To ascertain optimal safety and proper quality whole blood unit is reconstituted from
fresh red cells and fresh frozen plasma. Blood group compatibility with any maternal
antibodies is essential. The product is leucocyte depleted and irradiated to avoid the risk
of CMV-transfusion and GvH disease.


The haematocrit (Hct) is 0.40 - 0.50.

The product is prepared usually from 0 Rh D-negative red cells and AB Rh D-

negative fresh frozen plasma. If maternal antibody is other than anti-Rh D red cells are
selected so that it is compatible with the maternal antibody.

To guarantee low potassium load the product should be used within 5 days from red
cell donation.

The product has the same metabolic and haemostatic features as fresh whole blood
except very low platelet count. If the platelet count of the patient is very low, specific
platelet transfusion should be given.

Methods and preparation

Leucocyte depleted red cells derived from blood group compatible donor are prepared
as defined in Chapter 10. Supernatant containing additive solution and plasma are
removed after centrifugation and AB Rh D-negative fresh frozen plasma is added to
reach haematocrit of 0.40 - 0.50. The product is irradiated and used within 24 hours
since it is prepared in an open system.



The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number (the original donations must be traceable);

- the ABO and RhD group of the red cells and the plasma;

- the date and time of preparation;

- the name of the anticoagulant solution;

- the name of the blood component;

- additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated, haematocrit, etc.

(if appropriate);

- the date of expiry (and time of expiry when required);

- the volume or weight of the blood component;

- the temperature of storage;

- the relevant blood group phenotype, if the antibody is other than anti-D;

Storage and stability

The component should be stored at +2 °C to +6 °C. The storage time should not be
longer than 24 hours after reconstitution and irradiation.

Quality assurance

As for red cells, leucocyte-depleted (Chapter 10) with the addition shown in Table


Table 21c

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control

checked requirement control executed by
Hct 0.40 - 0.50 4/month, if less each processing
unit laboratory


The storage conditions should be maintained during transportation.

Indications for use

Exchange transfusion of neonates.

Massive transfusion in neonates and small infants.

Precautions in use

Monitor the speed of transfusion to avoid rapid intolerable changes in blood volume.


- circulatory overload;

- haemolytic transfusion reaction;

- alloimmunisation against HLA;

- syphilis can be transmitted;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor selection
and screening procedures;

- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination.


3. Components for neonatal (small volume) transfusion

Besides the exchange and intrauterine transfusions small volume red cell, platelet and
plasma substitution are also needed during the neonatal period. In fact babies in
special care units are among the most intensively transfused of all hospital patients.
Minimizing the number of donor exposures is therefore a central aim in designing
proper components and guiding the transfusion practice. Therefore good practice is to
divide a component unit into several sub batches and dedicate all the satellite units
from a donation for a patient. Because fresh blood and red cells are used in
intrauterine and exchange transfusions it is often thought that fresh blood is necessary
for all neonatal transfusions. There is no scientific or clinical evidence to support this
concept in case of small volume transfusions.

3.1 Red cells for paediatric use


A unit of buffy coat depleted red cells or leucocyte depleted red cells in additive
solution are divided into approximately equal volumes of 25 - 100 ml.


Properties are the same as for red cells buffy coat removed or red cells in additive
solution, buffy coat removed, or red cells leucocyte depleted.

Method of preparation

A unit of red cells, buffy coat removed (red cells : BCR) or red cells in additive
solution, buffy coat removed (red cells : AS-BCR) or red cells, leucocyte-depleted is
divided in equal volumes into 3 to 8 satellite bags by using closed or functionally
closed system.

For small prematures and for some selected patients the red cell unit is to be leucocyte
depleted and may be irradiated before or after dividing into satellite bags.



The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number. When a blood component is split into two or more
units, each sub-unit should be labelled with a unique a split sign in addition to
the unique identity number;

- the ABO and RhD group;

- the date of donation;

- the name of the anticoagulant or additive solution;

- the name of the blood component;

- additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated (if appropriate);

- the date of expiry;

- the volume or weight of the blood component.

Storage and stability

The component should be stored at +2 °C to +6 °C. The storage time should not be
longer than 35 days. If the component is irradiated, it should be used within 48 hours.

Quality assurance

As for the corresponding standard red cell product with the addition of the limits for
the volume.


Storage conditions should be maintained during transportation.


Indications for use

- anaemia of prematurity;

- to replace the blood losses of investigative sampling;

- suitable for surgical replacement for infants and other children.

Precautions in use

Transfusion rates must be carefully controlled. The volumes of around 5 ml/kg/h are
regarded as safe.


- circulatory overload;

- haemolytic transfusion reaction;

- alloimmunisation against HLA and red cell antigens;

- syphilis can be transmitted;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor

selection and screening procedures;

- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination.

3.2 Fresh frozen plasma for neonatal (paediatric) use


Fresh frozen plasma which is divided in equal volumes into satellite bags. Three to
four of such bags are dedicated to one patient.



The same as for fresh frozen plasma (Chapter 15). National requirements may require
use of plasma only from AB RhD-negative and positive donors.

Methods of preparation

Fresh frozen plasma is prepared otherwise by using the standard method (Chapter 15)
but plasma is divided into small bags in equal volumes of 50 - 100 ml by using a
closed system.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number. When a blood component is split into two or more
units, each sub-unit should be labelled with a unique a split sign in addition to
the unique identity number;

- the ABO group;

- the date of donation;

- the name of the anticoagulant solution;

- the name of the blood component;

- additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated, quarantined,

virus inactivated, etc. (if appropriate);

- the date of expiry;

- the volume or weight of the blood component;

- the temperature of storage;

- that the component must be administered through a 170-200 µ m filter.


Storage and stability

The stability on storage is dependent on the storage temperature available. Optimal

storage temperature is at –25 °C or lower and the following are the permitted storage
times and temperatures:

- 24 months at below –25 °C;

- 3 months at –18 °C to –25 °C.

Quality assurance

As for fresh frozen plasma (Chapter 15).


Storage temperature should be maintained during transport. The receiving hospital

should ensure that packs have remained frozen during transit. Unless for immediate
use, the packs should be transferred at once to storage at the recommended

Indications for use

Fresh frozen plasma may be used in coagulation defects, particularly in those clinical
situations in which a multiple coagulation deficit exists and only where no suitable
viral inactivated alternative is available.

Congenital deficiency of single clotting factors where no concentrate exists.

Precautions in use

Fresh frozen plasma should not be used simply to correct a volume deficit in the
absence of a coagulation defect nor as a source of immunoglobulins.

Fresh frozen plasma should not be used where a suitable virally inactivated alternative
product is available.

Fresh frozen plasma should not be used in a patient with intolerance to plasma


Blood group-compatible plasma should be used.


- Citrate toxicity can occur when large volumes are rapidly transfused;

- Non-haemolytic transfusion reactions (mainly chills, fever and urticaria);

- Viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor

selection and screening procedures;

- Sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;

- Transfusion related acute lung injury.

3.3 Platelets for paediatric use

Recovered platelets or apheresis platelets as such or after leucocyte depletion can be used
in the most paediatric patients. When preparing platelets for paediatric patients every
effort should be made to minimize donor exposure.

Leucocyte depletion: To avoid excessive loss of recovered platelets filtration of a

minimum of two such units is advisable. Some apheresis systems provide a leucocyte
depleted component without a need for filtration or subsequent concentration.

Volume reduction : The clinical situation of a small child may necessitate the use of
volume reduced platelets; Volume reduction to around 25 ml/unit causes in average
10 % loss of platelets. The storage time is 6 hours after volume reduction.


The storage conditions should be maintained during transportation.

Indications for use

Severe thrombocytopenia of neonates of any cause.

Precautions in use

Monitor the speed of transfusion to avoid rapid intolerable changes in blood volume



- circulatory overload;

- haemolytic transfusion reaction;

- alloimmunisation against HLA and red cell antigens;

- syphilis can be transmitted;

- viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful donor

selection and screening procedures;

- protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;

- sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination.


The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international
agreements. The following information should be shown on the label or contained in
the product information leaflet, as appropriate:

- the producer’s identification;

- the unique identity number;

- the ABO and RhD group;

- the date of donation;

- the name of the anticoagulant or additive solution;

- the name of the blood component;

- additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated, plasma or

supernatant reduced, etc. (as appropriate);

- the date of expiry (and the time of expiry when required);

- the volume or weight of the blood component;

- the number of platelets;


- the temperature of storage;

- the relevant HPA type (if determined).

Storage and stability

The component should be used within 5 days of collection, within 24 hours of any
washing procedure and within 6 hours of any concentration process. Agitation of
platelets during storage must be efficient enough to guarantee availability of oxygen
but be as gentle as possible. Storage temperature should be + 20 °C to + 24 °C.

Quality assurance

As for recovered platelets or apheresis platelets (Chapters 13 and 14), as appropriate.


Part D: Technical procedures


Chapter 22: Blood group serology

General comments

The purpose of quality control in transfusion-related blood group serology is to ensure

safety by providing a good and uniform quality and minimising errors. There must be
a special emphasis on training of staff, assessment of staff competency, equipment
maintenance and calibration. Monitoring storage conditions of test materials and
reagents and documentation of all of these is essential as well as testing repeat
samples from donors and patients to confirm results and identity. Errors may be
classified in two major categories:

a. errors of organisation due to incorrect identification of samples or mistakes in

transcription or in filing of results;

b. technical errors, due to poor quality of equipment, reagents or performance of

the tests.

Quality control intended to avoid errors of organisation is achieved by checking

periodically the respective procedures. A more rigid quality control can be applied to
the technical procedures and corresponding recommendations are given in this

A general approach in quality control of donor or patient blood group serology is to

compare ABO- and Rh-typing results with previous data. This will disclose errors of
both categories. Classification of any error should be attempted in order to obtain
more detailed information about its source.

Quality control of serological techniques should be based upon internal and external
quality controls. The internal controls are ordinarily executed by the serology
laboratory itself. Results of the controls must be recorded systematically and be
regularly reviewed by the supervisor of the laboratory. Techniques must be fully
validated before introduction and the performance should be at least equivalent to the
previously used methods.

1. Internal quality control

The quality control procedures in blood group serology are subdivided into controls
for equipment, reagents and techniques. This classification is considered to provide

1 Blood group serology

clarity, in spite of partial overlapping, especially between controls for reagents and

1.1 Quality control of equipment

Equipment used in transfusion serology, in particular centrifuges, automatic cell

washers, waterbaths, incubators, refrigerators and freezers should undergo regular
quality controls (Chapter 25). Equipment for automated blood grouping should also be
controlled systematically, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

1.2 Quality control of reagents

The quality control of reagents should detect deviation from the established minimal
quality requirements (specifications). Such requirements have been issued by the
Council of Europe for blood grouping antisera and antiglobulin reagents. Summarised
requirements are included in the tables of this chapter.

Minimum potency standards for anti-A, anti-B and IgM anti-D should be used in the
assessment of blood grouping reagents.

It is assumed that an evaluation of quality is performed on samples before purchasing

batches of commercial reagents. Prospective purchasers should expect potential
suppliers to provide them with full validation data for all reagents under evaluation.
The following control procedures serve as routine checking before use.

The quality control procedures recommended in this section may basically be applied
to reagents used for manual and automated techniques. However, reagents for blood
grouping machines may have special quality requirements and more detailed controls;
these are usually supplied by the manufacturers of the equipment.

Table 22(a): Quality control of reagent blood cells

Parameter to Quality Frequency of Control

be checked requirements control executed by
Appearance no haemolysis or turbidity each day grouping lab
in the supernatant by
visual inspection

1Chapter 22

Reactivity clearcut reactions with Each lot on first grouping lab

selected reagents against and last day of
declared RBC antigens declared shelf life

Table 22(b): Quality control of ABO-antisera

Parameter to Frequency of Control

Quality requirements
be checked control executed by
Appearance no haemolysis, Each day grouping lab
precipitate, particles or
gel-formation by visual
Reactivity and no immune haemolysis, Each new lot grouping lab
specificity rouleaux formation or
prozone phenomenon.
Clear-cut reactions with
RBC bearing weakened
expression of the
corresponding antigen(s)
no false reactions (e.g. for
anti A: use A2, A2B cells).
(See also quality control
of ABO- and Rh-typing)
Potency undiluted reagent should Each new lot grouping lab
give a 3 to 4 plus reaction
in saline tube test using a
3% RBC suspension at
room temperature. Titres
should be of 128 for anti-
A, anti-B and anti-AB
with A1 - and B cells; 64
with A2 and A2B cells

Table 22(c): Quality control of Rh-antisera

Parameter to Quality Frequency Control

be checked Requirements of control Executed by
Appearance as for ABO reagents each day grouping lab
Reactivity and as for ABO reagents each new lot grouping lab
Potency undiluted serum to give a 3 to each new lot grouping lab
4 plus reaction in the
designated test for each serum
and a titre of 16 for anti-D,

1 Blood group serology

anti-C, anti-E, anti-c, anti-e

and anti-CDE using
appropriate heterozygous red
blood cells

Table 22(d): Quality control of antiglobulin serum (broad spectrum)

used for the antiglobulin test

Parameter to Quality requirements Frequency of Control

be checked control executed by
Appearance no precipitate, particles or gel each day grouping lab
formation by visual inspection
Reactivity and a. no haemolytic activity; no each day grouping lab
specificity agglutination of unsensitised
RBC of any ABO group after
incubation, as in the cross
match, with compatible serum.
b. agglutination of RBC each day grouping lab
sensitised with anti-D serum
containing not more than 10
nanograms/ml antibody
c. agglutination of RBC
sensitised with a complement-
binding allo-antibody (eg. each new lot grouping lab
Anti-Jka) to a higher titre in the
presence than in the absence of
complement or agglutination
of RBC coated with C3b and

Table 22(e): Quality control of bovine serum albumin (BSA)

Parameter to be Quality requirements Frequency Control

checked of control executed by
Appearance no precipitate, particles or gel- each day grouping lab
formation by visual inspection.
Purity > 98% albumin as determined by each new lot grouping lab
Reactivity no agglutination of unsensitised each day grouping lab
RBC; no haemolytic activity; no

1Chapter 22

prozone or "tailing" phenomena.

Table 22(f): Quality control of proteases

Parameter to be Quality requirement Frequency Control

checked of control executed by
Reactivity no agglutination or haemolysis each new lot grouping lab
using inert AB-serum.
agglutination of cells sensitised
with a weak IgG anti-D.
Potency an IgG antibody, preferably anti- each new lot grouping lab
D, standardised to give a titre of
about 64 to 128 by the protease
technique, should show the same
titre on repeated testing with
different batches.

Table 22(g): Quality control of saline

Parameter to Quality requirements Frequency of Control

be checked control executed by
Appearance no turbidity or particles by each day grouping lab
visual inspection.
NaCl content 0.154 mol/l each new lot grouping lab
(= 9 g/l).
pH pH 6.6 - 7.6. each new lot for grouping lab
buffered saline

Reactivity no agglutination of unsensitised each new lot grouping lab

RBC; no haemolytic activity.


Table 22(h): Quality control of low ionic strength salt solutions (LISS)

Parameter to be Quality requirements Frequency of Control

checked control executed by
Appearance no turbidity or particles each day grouping lab
on visual inspection.

pH 6.7 (range 6.5-7.0). each new lot grouping lab

Conductivity 3.7 ms/cm at +23 °C each new lot grouping lab or

(range 3.44-3.75). contracting lab

1.3 Quality control of techniques

Provided that the quality of equipment and reagents fulfil the requirements, false results
are due to the technique itself, either because of inadequacy of the method or – more
often – because of "operational errors" as a consequence of inaccurate performance or
incorrect interpretation.

The quality control procedures recommended in this section are focused on the
techniques but they will of course also disclose poor quality of equipment and/or

Table 22(i): Quality Control of Techniques for the grouping of donors

Parameter to Minimal Control Frequency Control

be checked requirements for samples of control executed
testing by
1) ABO-typing Use of anti-A and one blood each test grouping
(donors and anti-B (using sample of each series or at lab
patients) duplicate reagents if of the least once a
reverse typing cannot following day
be performed). types: O,A1, B provided the
These are to be same
regarded as absolute reagents are
minimal requirements, used
made possible by the throughout
introduction of
monoclonal reagents.
2) ABO- Use of A1 and B cells. grouping
reverse-typing lab
(donors and



Table 22(i) (continued)

Parameter to Minimal Control Frequency Control

be checked requirements for samples of control executed
testing by
3) Rh D – Typing in duplicate one Rh D- pos, each test grouping
typing using two anti-D one Rh D-neg series or at lab
(donors) reagents from sample least once a
different batches; use day
of the indirect anti- provided the
globulin test for weak same
D confirmation in reagents are
donors, where used
required. If two throughout
monoclonal anti-D's
are used, they should
be from different
clones. It must be
ascertained that the
system recognises the
most important D
variants (notably D
variants class VI) as
rhesus RhD positive.
4) Rh- and Use of monospecific Positive Monoclonal grouping
other blood reagents control: RBC s: each new lab
group systems with tested lot
phenotyping antigen in Human
(donors and single dose. antisera:
patients) Negative once a day
control: RBC
without tested
5) Antiglobulin Washing the cells at addition of each grouping
testing tube least 3 times before standardised negative test lab
technique antiglobulin is added sensitised
(donors and blood cells to
patients) negative test



Table 22(i) (continued)

Parameter to Minimal Control samples Frequency Control

be checked requirements for of control executed
testing by
6) Testing for Use of A1 - and B- serum samples each test grouping
immune anti-A RBC with an amount of series lab
and anti-B immune anti-A
(donors) and immune anti-
B respectively
above and below
the accepted
agglutination titre
of anti-A and/or
7) Testing for Use of antiglobulin serum samples occasional grouping
irregular test RBC showing with known RBC- input by lab
alloantibodies homozygous alloantibodies the
(donors) expression of supervisor
important antigens of the
from blood group laboratory
systems: Rh, Kell, and
Duffy, Kidd, MNSS participatio
n in
8) Testing for Use of at least the as for 7 as for 7 grouping
irregular indirect antiglobulin lab
alloantibodies test or manual or
(patients) automated testing
with equivalent
sensitivity and RBC
with homozygous
expression of the
important antigens



Table 22(i) (continued)

Parameter to Minimal Control samples Frequency Control

be checked requirements for of control executed
testing by
9) use of at least as for 7 as for 7 grouping
Compatibility lab
testing - a saline test at room
(patients) (see temperature or
also chapter
28) - the indirect
antiglobulin test
manual or

- automated testing
with equivalent
10) Type and typing as for 7 each test grouping
screen series but lab
(patients) (see – as 1, 2, 3, and 4 at least
also chapter daily
28) – with at least
antiglobulin test,
against a panel of
cells chosen to
homozygosity for
important antigens

1.4 Quality control of antibody quantitation

For practical purposes, RBC antibody quantitation is confined to the quantitation of

anti-D. It is recommended that this be carried out by automated techniques rather than by
manual titration, the test serum being assigned an anti-D value expressed in international
units per millilitre after comparison with a curve derived from standard sera. All sera
should be tested in duplicate as a minimum, and all national and in-house standards
calibrated against the international standard for anti-D. Records should be kept of the
data derived from processing the standard sera, these figures should show no more
variance than two standard deviations. If automated technique is not available, manual
titration by antiglobulin test is recommended.


2. External quality assurance

The internal quality controls described above should be complemented by regular

external quality assurance, i.e. participation in a proficiency testing programme.

In external quality assurance, proficiency tests, coded "normal" and "problem" blood
samples are distributed from a national or regional reference laboratory to the
participants, usually at least three times a year. The exercise can be limited to
compatibility testing, since ABO-grouping, Rh-typing and –phenotyping as well as
alloantibody detection will be automatically included. The proficiency test panel may
consist of four to six blood samples, the participants being asked to test each RBC
against each serum (or plasma) for compatibility. The panel should be composed in such
a way that compatible as well as incompatible combinations occur. The proficiency test
may be completed by asking for titration of one or two of the detected antibodies.

In the reference centre the results are collated and accuracy scores determined. The
results should be communicated to all participating laboratories (in coded or uncoded
form, according to local agreement) in order to enable each laboratory to compare its
own quality standard with that of a large number of other laboratories including the
reference centre.

If no proficiency programme is available in a particular geographical area, the laboratory

should arrange mutual proficiency testing with another laboratory. Although such an
external quality control will not be as informative as participation in a comprehensive
proficiency testing programme, it will be a valuable addition to the internal quality
control procedure.


Chapter 23: Screening for infectious markers

1. General comments for all mandatory tests

The quality assurance of screening of donors for infectious markers is particularly

important and implies both general and specific approaches. Only validated tests that
have been licensed or evaluated and considered suitable by the responsible Health
Authorities may be used.

There must be special emphasis on training of staff, assessment of staff capability,

maintenance and calibration of equipment, monitoring of storage conditions of test
materials and reagents, with documentation of all these actions.

Current tests for the screening of donations are based on the detection of relevant
antigen and/or antibody gene sequences. Tests are conventionally supplied in kits
with the inclusion of negative and positive controls in each plate or run. The
minimum performance requirement is the correct determination of these controls in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions. It is further recommended that the tests
include an external weak positive control in order to allow for statistical process

Initially reactive donations must be retested in duplicate by the same assay. If any of
the repeat tests are reactive, then the donations are deemed repeatedly reactive and
samples should be sent to the appropriate laboratory for confirmation and the donation
may not be used for transfusion. In the event that the repeatedly reactive donation is
confirmed positive, the donor should be counselled and a further sample obtained to
confirm the results and identity of the donor. Ideally confirmatory tests should be as
sensitive as and more specific than those used for screening. However, some
screening tests are more sensitive than the available confirmatory tests. It is
recommended that national algorithms be developed to enable consistent resolution of
problems associated with discordant or unconfirmed results.

The specific approach to quality of the screening must rely on the following categories
of measures:

a) Internal day to day quality control covering both reagents and techniques.
Batch preacceptance testing (BPAT) of new batches of kits should be
performed as an additional quality assurance measure;

b) External quality checks, in particular confirmation of positive findings should

be carried out by an appropriate laboratory;

1 Screening for infectious markers

c) Occasional internal exercises, using a panel of sera which have been built up by
comparison with standards available;

d) External proficiency exercises, involving the testing of a panel of sera

circulated to laboratories by an approved reference institution;

e) Implementation of new techniques should involve assessments on specificity

and sensitivity carried out by screening and diagnostic reference laboratories

f) Collection of representative data may be useful to monitor test performance.

It is recommended that repeatedly reactive rates and confirmed positive results of

screening for infectious markers and epidemiological data be collected and monitored
at least on a national level as part of a haemovigilance system. This will allow
international comparisons to be made.

False positive microbiology tests might be obtained after some vaccinations.

2. Quality control of anti-HIV testing

All blood or blood components collected must be tested by an approved test which
will reliably detect the antibody to HIV-1 (anti HIV-1) and HIV-2 (anti HIV-2)
including outlying types (eg HIV-1 type O). The operating principles and
requirements are as indicated in General Comments section.

The approaches currently used to confirm HIV infection include the use of a
nationally established algorithm as well as specific assays such as Western blot or
recombinant immunoblots. Tests for HIV antigen and the use of the NAT technology
may be of value in the interpretation of doubtful anti-HIV tests. The positive
confirmatory test should be repeated on a further sample taken between 2 and 4 weeks
after the first.

Table 23(a):

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
anti-HIV I / II detection of weak each plate/run screening lab
screening positive serum

1Chapter 23

3. Quality control of HBsAg testing

All blood or blood components collected must be tested by an approved test which
will detect at least 0.5 IU/ml of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). The operating
principles and requirements are as indicated in General Comments section.
Confirmation of HBsAg reactivity must include specific neutralisation. The stage of
infection of the donor may be determined by anti-HBc (total and IgM specific) and
HBe antigen/antibody (HBeAg/anti-HBe).

Table 23(b):

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
HBsAg screening detection of 0.5 each plate/run screening lab
test IU/ml standard

4. Quality control of anti-HCV testing

All blood or blood components collected must be tested by an approved test which
will reliably detect antibody to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV). The operating principles
and requirements are as indicated in the General Comments section.

The approaches currently used to confirm HCV infection include the use of a national
established algorithm as well as specific assays such as immunoblots. Sensitive tests
for the detection of HCV antigen and genome may be of value in the confirmation of
the infection status of the donor.

Table 23(c):

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
anti-HCV detection of weak each plate/run screening lab
screening positive serum

1 Screening for infectious markers

5. Quality control of syphilis testing

There is a continuing discussion over the need for a test for syphilis on blood donors,
but the test may be used as an indicator of risk behaviours for sexually transmitted
diseases and is still required by most countries. Most centres use either a cardiolipin
test employing a lecithin-based antigen either manually or on blood grouping
machines, or a test employing a variant of the Treponema pallidum haemagglutination
assay (TPHA). An ELISA or an immunoblot test is occasionally used. Positive
syphilis screening results must ideally be confirmed by TPHA, fluorescent Treponema
antibody test (FTA), or Treponema pallidum immobilisation test (TPI).

Table 23(d):

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
Lecithin-based detection of weak minimum - start grouping lab or
reagent and TPHA pos. serum and end of run screening lab

6. Quality control of malarial antibody testing

At present, reliable and robust malaria antibody tests are not available. However, any
malarial antibody testing requirement requires integration within local approaches to
donor history taking (see Chapter 1).

Selected blood or blood components collected may be tested by a test which will
detect antibody to Plasmodium species.

The operating principles are as outlined in the General Comments section.

Confirmation of reactivity should be performed by a competent reference laboratory

able to define the infectious state of the donor. Users need to be aware that assays
may depend on the detection of heterotypic antibodies. Users must ensure that the
assay detects antibody to the Plasmodium species prevalent in their donor panel.

Table 23(e):

1Chapter 23

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
Malarial IFAT test detection of weak each run screening lab
- each antigen pos. serum (titre
7. Quality control of cytomegalovirus anti-(CMV) testing

Testing for CMV antibody is most commonly performed using ELISA and Latex
particle agglutination test. The screening of donations for anti-CMV negativity, will
enable the formation of a panel of anti-CMV negative donations for use in highly
susceptible patients. Negativity of the tests should be confirmed before a component is
labelled as CMV negative.

Table 23(f):

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
Anti-CMV neg. with each plate or run screening lab
screening test appropriate
working standard
High titre anti- pos. with each plate or run screening lab
CMV donor appropriate
screening test working standard

8. Quality control of anti-HTLV testing

In any country where anti-HTLV testing has been implemented the operating
principles and requirements are as outlined in the General Comments section.
Selected donors may be tested by an approved test which will reliably detect antibody
to human T-cell lymphotropic virus types I (anti-HTLV-I) and II (anti-HTLV-II).

Anti-HTLV I and anti-HTLV II controls should be run in BPAT.

The approach to confirmation is similar to HIV and includes nationally established

algorithms as well as specific assays including immunoblotting and NAT. Sensitive
tests for genome detection including typing may be helpful in defining the infection
status of the donor.

Table 23(g):

1 Screening for infectious markers

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
anti-HTLV I/II detection of weak each plate/run, screening lab
screening test positive serum

9. Quality control of anti-HBc testing

In any country where anti-HBc testing has been implemented, the operating principles
and requirements are similar to those indicated in General Comments.

Selected donors may be tested by an approved test that will detect antibody to
hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc). The approach to confirmation should be
dependent on a nationally established algorithm. Supplemental testing, such as anti-
HBs, may influence local decisions about the acceptability of donors.

Table 23(h):

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
anti-HBc screening detection of weak each plate/run screening lab
test positive serum

10. Quality control of Hepatitis C Virus Nucleic Acid Testing (HCV-NAT) in


According to the requirements of the relevant European Pharmacopoeia monograph,

all manufacturing pools for production of medicinal products derived from human
plasma should be tested for HCV-RNA using a validated NAT assay which includes a
suitable run control.

The Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP) recommends that a

strategy of pre-testing by manufacturers of mini-pools (of donations or of samples
representative of donations) is encouraged in order to avoid the loss of a complete
manufacturing pool and to facilitate tracing back to the donor in the event of a positive
test result.

1Chapter 23

For release of blood components, the NAT assay should detect a run control of 5000
IU/mL (defined for the single donation). For example, if donations are tested in mini-
pools of 100, a run control of 50 IU/mL should be detected in each assay run.

Table 23(i):

Parameter to be Quality Frequency of Control executed

checked requirement control by
HCV-NAT in mini- detection of 5000 internal control for NAT screening lab
pools IU*/mL HCV-RNA each NAT reaction
per donation

* As defined by WHO standards.


Chapter 24: Control of equipment

A. Environmental control

1. Routine laboratories

The same general principles apply as those suggested for permanent sessional venues.
As set out in chapter 2, section 1, the aim must be to provide a comfortable working
environment for the laboratory staff and this must also comply with health and safety
regulations. Bench design, as well as flooring, should eliminate corners which would be
difficult to clean. In addition to the control of temperature and humidity, excess noise
must be avoided by the removal to a separate site of all excessively noisy pieces of
equipment. Volatile and toxic materials must be handled in appropriate exhaust cabinets
to avoid atmospheric pollution. A temperature monitoring device should be installed and
regularly checked by the quality control division.

2. Computers and electro-mechanical devices

These items of equipment may have special requirements such as a more precise
atmospheric control or the provision of a non-standard or stabilised electrical supply.
Such requirements should be checked with the manufacturer and secured before
installation. Where special environmental control is necessary, temperature and humidity
monitoring devices, including alarms, should be installed and checked daily by the
quality control division.

3. Blood processing laboratories

At transfusion centre level, blood component production may be either a closed process,
as in the case of the separation of cells and plasma in a multiple bag system, or open, as
in the case of washed red cells. A closed process may safely be carried out in the normal
type of environment described for routine laboratories.

Open processes must be carried out under stricter environmental control either by the use
of laminar flow cabinets or in the pressurised system of a suite of clean rooms provided
with air passed into the inner cubicle through high efficiency particulate air filters.

1Chapter 24

B. Equipment control

Assessment of the performance of blood transfusion equipment must conform to Good

Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and is mandatory on three specific occasions:

i. on commissioning of new equipment, which must include full validation data by

the manufacturer, design, installation, operational and process qualification;

ii. after any repairs or adjustments which may potentially alter the function of the
equipment. Consideration should be given in the quality, safety and efficacy of
any products processed before the repair or adjustment;

iii. if ever a doubt arises that the machine is not functioning properly.

In addition to this, a schedule of routine and regular checking of machine function must
be drawn up, the interval of testing for each particular machine depending on two main
factors. These are the frequency of use of the piece of equipment, and its expected "life"
in the laboratory. Calibration must be performed regularly according to an agreed
schedule, by designated personnel, to include the checking of the equipment itself used
for routine calibration purposes.

Assessment of the efficiency of blood transfusion equipment may be either direct or

indirect. A direct assessment comes from the carrying out of pre-determined checks at
regular time intervals, aimed at the control of the proper function of the piece of
equipment. Indirect information may be obtained by other quality control on blood

Inevitably, different schedules may be designed for different types of equipment in use.
Each piece of equipment should have an individual record where the type of control, the
date at which the control was carried out and the initials of the performer are recorded.
Each person using the machine and the supervisor of the laboratory concerned should be
informed in writing of the control schedules, and a member of the quality assurance
department should check regularly that the controls have been carried out and any
remedial action taken.

In addition to the performance of a regular schedule of quality control, it must be

remembered that regular maintenance of equipment forms an essential part of quality
assurance. Many of the larger and more expensive items of laboratory equipment are
subject to maintenance contracts with the manufacturer; these maintenance contracts
should be very carefully worked out between the supplier and a legal representative of
the user, and adhered to strictly thereafter. Where no maintenance contract exists for a
piece of apparatus, collaboration between the scientific and technical staff of the
transfusion centre and the relevant engineering staff should ensure that a proper schedule
of planned preventive maintenance is drawn up for each piece of apparatus, in addition

1 Control of equipment

to the schedule of quality control measures which will be carried out by the scientific and
technical staff. The meticulous recording of maintenance and repairs is just as important
as the recording of the results of specific quality control tests for any piece of equipment.

C. Reproducibility of results

A check of reproducibility is based on two principal concepts:

a. the determination of accuracy of the equipment by the testing of a reference


b. the determination of the drift occurring during the routine day by testing of
working standards at intervals.

Since examination of reproducibility usually implies that the test concerned is

quantitative in nature, it follows that numerical values can be obtained for each type of
control applied. Graphic plotting of the results of tests for accuracy and drift should be
carried out so that a gradual deterioration in performance can be quickly identified and

Where a numerical value cannot be ascribed to the result of quality control tests,
reproducibility can best be assessed by the inclusion in the schedule of testing of
appropriate strong and weak positive controls at regular intervals.

Proper education of the personnel using blood transfusion laboratory equipment is

essential. The staff must know not only how the control tests are to be done, but why
they must be done, and they should be fully instructed not only in the performance of
quality control tests but in the rapid detection of departures from the norm. In almost
every case, normal functioning of the machine is defined by the manufacturer and
confirmed at assessment on installation. Meticulous charting of quality control results
preferably combined with statistical process controls will be the best methods of quick
recognition of deterioration in function.

Table 24 lists some of the equipment used routinely in blood transfusion practice and the
minimum requirements for their control. Other items of equipment, for example
automated blood grouping machines, automated blood processing systems, etc. require
the design of specific quality control procedures.

1Chapter 24

Table 24:

Equipment Method of control Frequency of Control

control executed by
Blood bag refrigerator, cold graphic recorder plus daily technician
room, Freezer containing independent audible
transfusates and visual alarm for
appropriate high and
low temperature
Laboratory refrigerator, (a) thermometer (a) daily technician
Laboratory freezer, (b) precision (b) every 6
incubators, water baths thermometer months technician
Blood bag centrifuge precision RPM meter at least once a engineering
plus stopwatch to year
control speed,
acceleration and

temperature daily technician

Table centrifuge RPM meter plus occasionally technician
stopwatch to control
speed, acceleration and
Antiglobulin test automatic anti-D sensitised cells every run technician
Haemoglobin photometer calibration standard Hb daily technician
quality control monthly technician
Cell counters calibration: reference daily technician

drift: working standard technician


1 Control of equipment

Table 24 (continued):

Equipment Method of control Frequency of Control

control executed by
Automatic pipettes dye- or isotope-labelled each batch of technician
protein tips
Balance Analytical-control every 6 months technician
Weights 5 mg - 100 g or after each
Preparative control change
weights 100 mg - 100 g
pH meter Control solutions each time of technician
pH 4-7, 7-10 use
Platelet agitator Thermometer daily technician
Frequency of agitation monthly technician
Laminar flow hood and air pressure meter daily user
sterile area filters particle counter tri-monthly micro-
Bacteriological plates monthly micro-biologist
Blood mixer (swing) Control weighing and bi-monthly engineering
Spring balance for bags Control weighing monthly engineering
Blood bag tube sealer Pressure on bag and every bag and technician
and sterile connecting tube weld
Blood transport In the absence of a every time of technician
container validated transport use (on
system, receipt)
thermometer or a
temperature recording


Chapter 25: Data processing systems

A. Introduction

Electronic data processing systems are being used increasingly in blood centres for
information management and storage and as tools for operational decision-making and
control. Because these uses are critical to product and quality, these systems must be
fully validated to ensure that they meet predetermined specifications for their functions,
that they correctly preserve data integrity, and that their use is properly integrated into
the centre's operating procedures. The developers of computer systems used in blood
centres should follow established principles of software engineering design to develop,
document and validate all source codes. Additional validation in the blood centre, at a
minimum, should include provision of a written description of the system elements and
their functions, and on-line performance testing of the system under at least limiting and
boundary conditions. A record should be kept of the validation testing.

B. Defining the system

A system includes people, machines and methods organized to accomplish a set of

specific functions. A blood establishment's computerised system includes : hardware,
software, peripheral devices, personnel, and documentation (e.g. manuals and Standard
Operating Procedures, SOPs). To define the system, the user, in cooperation with the
vendor or developer, should generate a written description of the system, the functions
that it is designed to perform and all human interactions. The documentation should be
current, accurate and as detailed as necessary to ensure proper operation of the system.
The documentation should include:

1. a detailed specification of the hardware, software and peripheral devices,

including their environmental requirements and limitations;

2. diagrams or flow charts of the system's operation describing all component

interfaces, and all database structures, e.g. file sizes, input and output formats,

1 Data processing systems

3. standard operating procedures (SOP's) defining when and how the system is used.
In particular, SOP's should address all manual and automated interactions with
the system including:

a. routine, maintenance and diagnostic procedures;

b. "work arounds" for system limitations;

c. procedures for handling errors and disasters.

4. training manuals, materials and procedures.

C. Testing of the system by the user

The purpose of user testing is to demonstrate that the system is correctly performing all
its specified functions in its real world environment. Testing should be part of system
installation. Testing also should be performed after any system modifications to ensure
that the changes did not cause any unintended results. Testing should follow a written
plan based on an expert assessment of the risks inherent in the system and their potential
impact on the quality of blood products. The types of risk to consider include inadequate
system design, errors that may occur in use, and loss or compromise of data. Testing
may involve the whole system or only components. The following types of basic testing
should be conducted:

1. Functional testing of components

The system components are presented with all types of expected interaction including
normal value, boundary, invalid and special case inputs. The system should produce the
correct outputs, including error messages by control programs. It is useful to perform this
testing in parallel with a reference or standard system.

2. Environmental testing

In the actual operating environment, functional tests are performed to demonstrate that:

a. the systems work properly with its hardware;

b. applications software performs properly with the operating system software;

c. proper information passes correctly through system interfaces.

1Chapter 25

D. Maintenance of the system

Maintenance activities apply to all elements of the system including hardware, software,
peripheral devices, standard operating procedures and training. Maintenance activities
include prevention, emergency management and quality assurance audits. At a

1. Vendor's recommendations should be followed for periodic use of utility and

diagnostic software programs to test system integrity;

2. The database should be checked periodically to identify and remove unwanted

data such as duplicate records, and to ensure that data entries are accurate and
properly stored;

3. Security of the database should be maintained by:

a. periodically rearranging electronic passwords (without reuse) and by

removing unnecessary or outdated access; and

b. creating records of all data changes including a retained record of the

previous data;

c. the appropriate use of programs to detect computer viruses.

4. Data should be archived periodically using a long-term stable medium, and

placed "off-site". Such archives should be challenged at least annually to verify
data retrieval;

5. Procedures should be defined for:

a. investigation and correction of discrepancies in the database; and

b. corrective actions to be taken when validation testing yields unexpected


1 Data processing systems

E. Quality assurance

The quality assurance programme should exercise oversight of the electronic data
processing systems that affect product quality. At a minimum, such oversight should

1. assuring the ongoing accuracy and completeness of all documentation on

equipment, software maintenance, and operator training;

2. performing audits periodically to verify proper accomplishment of all

performance tests, routine maintenance, change procedures, data integrity checks,
error investigations, and operator competency evaluations.


Chapter 26: Record keeping

With records of results of quality control procedures a distinction should be made

between records of results which may require prompt or almost immediate correction,
and records of results which can only be evaluated statistically or by summing up over
a certain period.

International rules and national laws on data protection have to be taken into

Examples of the former are given throughout the preceding chapters. Most typical
examples are those where a quality control procedure is prescribed for each unit of a
blood product or for each laboratory procedure.

Examples of the latter records (summary records) are given below. The director of the
transfusion service or a specially designated person should evaluate statistical variations
from the usual pattern or from given normal values. Evaluation may take place monthly
or quarterly, and annually.

Rejection or deferral of blood donors (numbers, reasons).

Donor reactions (numbers, sex, age, reaction category).

Unsatisfactory donations (numbers, category).

Positive tests for infectious markers (numbers, specific, false).

Discarded units of blood and blood components (numbers, categories, reasons).

Outdating of units of blood and blood components (for each category, the outdating as a
percentage of the number of usable units).

Transfusion complications (numbers, category) including transfusion transmitted


External complaints (number, origin, category).

Clerical errors (numbers, category).

There are a number of other records which are important in transfusion centres but which
do not deal directly with quality control. Examples are: routine working documents,
blood group documents for patients and donors, the proportion of cross-matched units to

1 Data processing systems

used (transfused) units of blood products, statistics of issue and return of blood units, etc.
Many of these records are mainly used for administrative or organisational purposes.

It is essential that the recording system ensures a continuity of documentation of all

procedures performed, from the blood donor to the recipient, i.e. each significant step
should be recorded in a manner that permits tracing in either direction of a product or
procedure from the first step to final disposition.

Specific consideration must be given to the ability to determine rapidly:

- each patient's history of transfusion including the reason for transfusion and the
record of all components;

- the identity of the donors;

- each donor's history of donation;

- the final disposition (including the identity of the recipient) of all components
from every donation.

Records of quality control procedures must include identification of the person(s)

performing the tests or procedures. Any corrective action taken must also be recorded. If
corrections in records are necessary, the original recording must not be obliterated, but
must remain legible.

Records of quality control procedures should be signed by the supervisor.

Records should be kept for a period according to local or national requirements. It is

considered that the retention period should be at least five years.

Retention of samples

Retention of donor samples for a period of time may provide useful information. The
provision of such systems is contingent on the availability of adequate human and
financial resources.


Chapter 27: Statistical process control


Statistical Process Control (SPC) is, in increase, a tool which enables an organisation
to detect change in the process and procedures which it carries out, monitoring
collected data over a period of time in a standardised fashion. The technique can be
applied to all activities in a blood centre, administrative and clerical as well as
scientific and technical. It is important to prioritise the processes to which it will be
applied due to the amount of work involved. The most valuable uses currently would
be in monitoring the performance of testing of infectious markers and leucocyte
depletion. By plotting historical and prospective data on specially constructed charts,
signs of process change can often detected at an early stage, enabling remedial action
to be taken. SPC is one of the few methods by which it can be shown that an
improvement to a process has achieved the desired result, and enables decision
making to be placed on a much more rational and scientific basis.

Feedback to the staff on their performance is essential for continuing quality.

Steps for the construction of SPC charts are the same for all applications:

- collection of historical data;

- calculation of "location and variation statistics" ( see below);
- calculation of statistical control limits for the location and variation statistics;
- constructions of the chart;
- plotting of prospective data.

Two types of data are conventionally collected:

- variable data, appropriate to anything which is measured directly such as cell

count, pH, time taken for a process, etc;
- attribute data, appropriate to anything which is counted on a "yes or no" basis.

The type of SPC chart used depends on the type of data collected.

Control charts for variable data

The major applications in a blood centre are likely to be Individual/Moving Range

charts, and Average/Range charts.

1 Statistical process control

1. Individual/Moving Range charts are used where a process is monitored by a

single measurement on the sample, of the parameter in question e.g residual leucocyte
count on a platelet preparation. Going through the steps for the construction of an SPC

- historical data are collected by measuring a random sample each day, and the
moving range established by taking the difference between each sample and its

- the location statistic is the average of the individual counts, the variation
statistic is the average moving range.

- the natural variation in a process has been defined as the process average plus
or minus 3 standard deviations. Hence the Upper Control Limit (UCL) and
Lower Control Limit (LCL) for the location statistic and variation statistics are
determined as the appropriate average plus and minus 3 standard deviations.

- The SPC chart conventionally has two distinct parts, that for the location
statistic appearing above that for the variation statistic. For each, the average is
drawn as a solid line between two dotted lines signifying the UCL and LCL.

- Prospective data are plotted on the charts in a similar way.

2. Average/Range charts are used in a situation where early statistical response to

a small process change is required, and where multiple control samples (up to 10) are
subjected to the process. A typical example might be the repeated use of a control
sample during the daily use of a cytometer. In this situation, the average daily count
on the control sample will be calculated, the location statistic being the average of the
average. Each day will show a range in the control counts, the variation statistic is the
average of these ranges. The Average/Range chart is then constructed in a similar
manner to the Individual/Moving Range chart, except that the LCL for the Range part
of the chart is, by definition, zero.

Control charts for attribute data

Attribute data will, in general, fall into one of the two groups – those counting the
number of units sampled which are defective, and those counting the incidence of non
– conformance to a requirement, each non – conformance in this latter case being
classified as a defect. For example, a completed form will be classified as defective if
it contains even one non – conformance, but may in fact contain multiple defects.

1Chapter 27

1. Attribute charts for defective (sometimes known as p-charts) are based on the
calculation of the proportion of units found defective – i.e one or more defects per unit
sampled – in sets of units sampled at intervals. The location statistic for the attribute is
calculated by dividing the total number of defectives by the total number of units
sampled, unless the sets of samples are always the same size in which case the average
of the proportion defective in each set may be taken. Since the data stem from yes/no
criteria, attribute charts do not have a variation statistic.

UCL and LCL are determined as before. In this system it is possible to arrive at a
negative value for the LCL, in which case it defaults to zero.

It should be noted that the calculation of standard deviation in a yes/no system such as
this depends on the sample size, so that an increase or decrease in the set of units
sampled will necessitate resetting of the UCL and LCL. An increase in sampling size
will generally result in convergence of UCL and LCL, making the system more
sensitive to change in the process.

Construction of the chart is carried out as above.

2. Attribute charts for defects (sometimes known as u-charts) are generally of use
when the object under investigation often has more than one non-conformance with
requirements. They thus lend themselves well to the control of clerical procedures.
Collection of historical data involves the counting of the number of defects in each
unit of a set of samples, repeated at intervals.

The location statistic is the average number of defects per unit, calculated by dividing
the total number of defects in the total number of historical samples. As before, there
is no variation statistic for attribute data.

Calculation of UCL and LCL is, again, the location statistic plus and minus 3 standard
deviations. In this system also, standard deviation depends on sample size, and any
prospective increase in this will require resetting of UCL and LCL.

The likely result will be a convergence on the average, facilitating the detection of
smaller changes in the process.

Construction of the chart follows the convention set for all SPC charts.

Interpretation of control charts

In general when plotting of prospective data on the control chart follows the pattern
established by the use of historical data in its construction, the process may be
assumed to be "in control ". Changes in the pattern form a reliable and sensitive means

1 Statistical process control

of detecting that change has taken place in the process, warranting investigations into
the cause. "Rules " have been established to give guidance to users as to when change
has occurred, those usually employed being:

Rule 1 Any point outside one of the control limits;

Rule 2 Seven consecutive points all above or all below the average line;

Rule 3 Seven consecutive points all increasing or all decreasing

(a particular indicator of drift in the process average or range).

In addition, any unusual pattern or trend within the control lines may be an indicator
of change.

Having been given warning, from the charts, that unplanned change is taking place
within the process, action should be taken to identify any special or common cause of
the change. Application of SPC is the most reliable way of confirming that measures
taken to improve the efficiency of a process are giving the desired results, by showing
reduction in variation around the mean (for measured data) or a trend toward zero
defects (for counted data).

Implementation of SPC

As well all other aspects of Quality, this demands understanding and commitment on
the part of the management of the centre. It must be included in the Quality Policy of
the centre, and a training programme introduced for senior management as well as
operational staff. Plans must be made for data collection, the introduction of charts,
and all dealing with the process changes detected, especially sudden "out-of-control
"situations. Regular review of processes against charted data should take place, with
the specific objective of improvement on a continuous basis.

Strategy for statistical sampling

To the extent feasible, the number and frequency of products sampled for quality
control, and the number of test failures per sample that will trigger an appropriate
response (e.g. investigation, or revalidation of materials and procedures) should be
based on the following considerations:

a) Tolerance of failure
A “target failure rate” should be established as the failure rate should not be
exceeded. This will assure that monitoring of aspects of quality is continuous
and that a failure rate exceeding target values will trigger appropriate corrective

b) Confidence level

1Chapter 27

A confidence level should be set for assurance that the actual failure rate lies
below the “target failure rate”.

Assurance that the actual failure lies below the “target failure rate” should be
estimated by a valid method of statistical analysis.


Part E: Transfusion practices


Chapter 28: Pretransfusion measures

1. Identification of patient at blood sampling

Samples for blood typing and compatibility testing must have a clear-cut identification.
The following rules are recommended.

The patient identification shall be indicated on the tube label immediately after the
sample is drawn. Family name and given name and birthdate will serve as a minimal
requirement for identification. Normally it should be supplemented by a unique, new
medical identification. In newborn infants, the sex and the number on the identification
wrist band is noted in addition. In patients with unknown identity, a unique series of
numbers may be used on wrist bands and attached to the patient according to specified

The identification system should link the patient identification, the operator, the blood
sample through processing, the blood product and should confirm the original patient
identification at the time of blood administration. Emphasis must be placed on error

In immediate relation to sampling, the data on the tube label must be checked either by
asking the patient to tell his/her name and birthdate, and/or by reading these or other data
on a wrist band securely attached to the patient. This identity control shall be done even
if the patient is known to the phlebotomist, who with his/her signature on the order form
shall certify that it has been performed.

Blood samples which are inappropriately labelled should always be refused for blood
typing and/or compatibility testing.

2. Blood group serological investigations

These include blood typing, antibody screening and compatibility testing before
transfusion of red cell products.

2.1 Blood typing

The ABO and Rh(D) blood type and, when needed, other blood types, shall be
performed before transfusions except in emergencies when a delay may be
life-threatening and typing may be carried out in parallel with transfusion of the blood
components. It is further recommended that antibody screening for the detection of
irregular erythrocyte antibodies be carried out in conjunction with patient blood typing.

1 Statistical process control

The normal procedure shall be to make the investigation in due time before expected
transfusions, e.g. in elective surgery.

The laboratory must have a reliable and validated procedure for blood typing which will
include double-checking of data at the time of issuing a report on the blood group, and
other serological findings, for inclusion in the patient's clinical record.

2.2 Compatibility testing

The compatibility between donor and recipient must be assured in transfusions of

components containing amounts of red cells visible to the naked eye.

Ideally compatibility testing should be carried out on repeat samples other than the one
used in initial blood typing but should, in any case, be carried out on a sample taken no
more than 4 days before the proposed transfusion for patients who have not been
transfused or pregnant during the last three months.

The basis for compatibility is a correctly determined ABO and Rh D blood type in donor
and recipient. When irregular erythrocyte antibodies are present in the patient's
circulation, only red cells which lack the corresponding antigens should be selected for

Compatibility testing between donor red cells and recipient's serum shall be done in all
cases with irregular erythrocyte antibodies. It is recommended as a routine procedure
even when no antibodies have been found but may be omitted if other measures (e.g.
type and screen, see below) are taken to guarantee safety. The compatibility testing shall
include a sufficiently reliable and validated technique to guarantee detection of irregular
erythrocyte antibodies, such as the indirect antiglobulin technique.

A type and screen procedure, where used as a replacement for compatibility testing,
must include:

1. a reliable and validated, preferably by computer, checking procedure when the

blood units are delivered;

2. test cells which cover all antigens, preferably homozygous, corresponding to the
vast majority of clinically important antibodies;

3. sufficiently sensitive techniques for the detection of erythrocyte antibodies;

4. laboratory records of tests performed and of the disposition of all units handled
(including patient identification).

A sample of the serum used for cross-matching or antibody screening should be retained
in a frozen state for a period of time determined by national regulations.


Chapter 29: Transfusion

1. Safety measures

The medical person who gives the transfusion to a patient is responsible for the
control of identity and other safety measures.

Verification of identity shall be carried out either by asking the patient to tell his/her
name and birthdate or by reading these or other identification details on a wrist-band
which has been attached to the patient according to well-specified rules.

Verification that the relevant infusion operators are being used according to
manufacturer's recommendations shall be carried out by a medical officer before
attaching the blood components unit. It is recommended that no transfusion sets be
used for more than 6 hours. Verification that there is no visible deterioration of the
blood components shall be carried out with particular emphasis on discoloration.

Verification of compatibility between patient and blood unit shall be carried out by:

1. comparing the identity information received from the patient with data on the
laboratory's certificate of compatibility testing (if appropriate);

2. checking the certificate of the patient's blood group against the blood group
denoted on the blood unit label;

3. checking that the expiry date of the blood unit has not been passed; and

4 recording the identity of the patient.

The identification number and nature of the units transfused shall be noted in the
patient's record so that the donors can be traced if necessary.

2. Clinical surveillance

During transfusion of blood components careful observation of the patient is

mandatory. This applies particularly in the first 15 minutes of the transfusion where
significant transfusion reactions are more likely to occur and in the transfusion of any
component prepared by an open system.

Blood components should be transfused within the recommended time to avoid

compromising clinical effectiveness and safety.

1 Transfusion

3. Warming of blood

Rapid transfusion of cold blood may in itself be dangerous. Any warming device used
must be controlled and monitored to ensure that the correct temperature of the blood has
been achieved.

4. Addition of medicinal products or infusion solutions to components

Because of the risk of damage to the blood components no medicinal products or

infusion solutions may be added to blood units.

5. Handling of frozen units

Frozen units have to be handled with great care since the containers may be brittle and
may easily crack at low temperatures.

After thawing of frozen plasma the content shall be inspected to ensure that all
cryoprecipitate has been dissolved and that the container is not damaged. Containers
which leak must be discarded. Thawed preparations should be transfused as soon as
possible (and must not be refrozen).

6. The risk of air embolism

During blood transfusion, air embolism is possible under some circumstances if the
operator is not sufficiently careful and skilful.

7. Transfusion complications

Transfusion complications include adverse reactions and even failure of expected

therapeutic response.

As each transfusion of blood components is a separate biological event, careful notation

and reporting of any observed reaction is the responsibility of the attending physician
(see paragraph on "side-effects" under each specific chapter).

It is important also to determine the efficacy of the transfusion of the specific component
by recording appropriate pre- and post-transfusion parameters.

1Chapter 29

Complications may occur either in direct relation to the transfusion or with a delay of
hours or days. All serious complications shall be investigated, mild reactions according
to the judgment of the responsible physician.

When a serious complication after transfusion of red cell preparations has occurred and
the patient shows chills, fever, breathing difficulties, shock, or hypotension, back pain
(which cannot be related to the patient's underlying disease) the following shall be

a. Check all identification of recipient and blood product.

b. Check that the ABO and Rh blood group of the blood unit label is compatible
with the patient's blood group certificate. If irregular antibodies outside the ABO
and Rh systems are present, check if blood of compatible blood type has been

c. A blood sample taken before the transfusion (may be available at the compatibility
testing laboratory), a blood sample taken after the transfusion, the blood unit with
the transfusion set maintained in site, and the pilot tube shall be sent for
investigation. It is recommended that this include a direct smear and a bacterial
culture test of the content of the blood unit, a serological investigation for blood
group incompatibility, and inspection of the blood unit for any damage.

In the case of repeated, febrile non-haemolytic transfusion reactions, the use of

leucocyte-poor blood for subsequent transfusions is recommended. If it happens for
prevention of febrile non-haemolytic reaction associated with platelets transfusion, non
steroid anti-inflammatory drugs should be used.

Long-term complications may occur. These include mainly alloimmunisation and

disease transmission. As this text is not intended to be comprehensive in this area readers
are advised to consult appropriate publications.

There should be cooperation between the physician and the blood banks to facilitate
investigations of possible transfusion transmitted infections and to provide medical
follow up of recipient in cases where a donor is subsequently found to have

Appropriate follow up and patient counselling is also necessary when significant

alloimmunisation against transfused cells may have taken place (see chapter 30).

1 Transfusion

8. Hospital transfusion committees

Establishment of hospital transfusion committees is to be encouraged.

A hospital blood transfusion committee should include representatives of the blood

transfusion centre and the main clinical units with a significant transfusion activity. It is
recommended that physicians, nurses and administrative personnel be represented.
The main goals of a hospital blood transfusion committee are:

- to define blood transfusion policies adapted to the local clinical activities;

- to conduct regular evaluation of blood transfusion practices;

- to analyse any undesirable events due to blood transfusion and;

- to take any corrective measures if necessary.

Similarly, systems of audit of the clinical use of components will further enhance the
efficacy of transfusion practice.


Chapter 30: Haemovigilance

1. Definition

Haemovigilance consists of the detection, gathering and analysis of information

regarding untoward and unexpected effects of blood transfusion.

It is expected that all the information provided by haemovigilance may contribute to

improving the safety of blood transfusion by:

- providing the medical community with a reliable source of information about

untoward effects of blood transfusion.

- indicating corrective measures required to prevent the recurrence of some

accidents or dysfunctions in the transfusion process.

- warning hospitals and blood transfusion services about adverse events that
could involve more individuals than a single recipient, including:

- those related to the transmission of infectious diseases;

- those related to blood bags, solutions or blood processing.

Although most haemovigilance organizations have concentrated on observation of

untoward effects in transfused patients, it should be realized that the scope of
haemovigilance may cover the entire transfusion process, from donor selection to the
transfused patients, as untoward effects may occur at any of these steps.

2. Prerequisites for implementation of a haemovigilance network

Haemovigilance should be a responsibility of the competent national authority for

blood safety. Haemovigilance networks should embody operational linkages between
hospitals, blood transfusion services, and national authorities.

1 Haemovigilance

3. Traceability of blood components

Traceability is the ability to identify the actual recipients, of every component

released, and, conversely, the ability to identify all blood donors involved in the
transfusion of a given patient. Retrospective analysis has shown that traceability is not
achieved by the simple knowledge of the patient to whom the blood component was
initially distributed. Active return of information from the clinical ward to the blood
transfusion service after the transfusion act is necessary to provide complete and
reliable information about the fate of a given blood component. Traceability
documents should include information on the existence of immediate adverse reaction.

4. Cooperation between blood transfusion services and hospitals

Reporting and analysis of untoward effects of transfusion requires close cooperation

between the blood transfusion service that provides blood components and hospital staff.
This cooperation is essential to ensure a complete investigation of any untoward event.
In the blood transfusion service, the physician involved may be the one responsible for
blood component delivery, or a physician specifically in charge of haemovigilance.
Similarly, in the health care institution, the involved person can be the physician in
charge of the patient, a physician in charge of laboratory investigations, or another
physician specifically in charge of haemovigilance.

It should be stressed that the responsibility of reporting adverse events does not imply
the responsibility for individual patient’s care.

5. Homogeneity of reporting

Reports of untoward effects should be made in the same way in all the institutions that
participate in the haemovigilance network. This implies not only the use of common
report forms, but also a common training programme ensuring among all participants
a similar way of interpretation for a given incident. In this respect, physicians
specifically in charge of hemovigilance may contribute to the homogeneity of reports.

In practice, to be achieved, homogeneity of reporting requires an active training policy

initiated inside the network.

6. Data analysis

All the reports should be carefully analysed before inclusion in the haemovigilance
data base which can be exploited at different levels: institutional, regional, national or

1Chapter 30

international. Whatever the magnitude of the network, an individual institution should

have permanent access to its own data.

7. Type of untoward effects collected in the haemovigilance network

As indicated previously, the scope of haemovigilance may be extended to all

untoward events in the transfusion process. Therefore, for a given haemovigilance
network, reports collected may concern patients’ related events:

- immediate reactions during transfusion, such as hemolysis, non hemolytic

febrile transfusion reaction, rash, erythema, urticaria, anaphylactic shock,
bacterial contamination, TRALI, etc;

- delayed untoward effects after transfusion, such as hemolysis, acute GvHD,

post-transfusion purpura, ALT increase, hemochromatosis, etc;

- virus transmission;

- occurrence of allo-immunisation against red cell, HLA or platelet antigens;

- incorrect component transfused.

For some of these events, the haemovigilance network should define rules for rapid
reporting. The blood transfusion service should be notified as soon as possible about
serious adverse events in recipient, in case these may be related to the blood
component. This to enable the blood transfusion service to undertake necessary
interventions by blocking blood components from related donors, donations or
production methods. This applies to any event that may involve several individuals,
and to serious hazards. Moreover, in case of viral transmission the extent of required
investigations should be clearly defined.

In addition to patients’ related untoward effects associated with transfusion,

haemovigilance may deal with donors and blood donation:

- untoward events observed during blood donation;

- data related to donor selection, such as frequency and causes of blood donation

- epidemiologic data on the donors found positive in marker screening.

1 Haemovigilance

8. Tracing and retrieval of potentially infectious donations (HIV, HCV or


8.1 Post-transfusion infection reported to the blood establishment

Hospitals should inform the blood establishment whenever a recipient of blood

products develops laboratory tests results and/or disease symptoms, indicating that a
blood product may have been infectious for hepatitis (B or C) or HIV. It is important
that the blood establishment is informed by the hospital, so to allow further action on
implicated donations and donors, in order to prevent harm to other recipients.

The blood establishment may request relevant clinical information from the hospital
about the infection and the recipient’s course of disease.

The blood establishment should (temporarily) block all implicated donors for further
donations, (temporarily) block all in-house products of the implicated donors and
retrieve all in-date products of the implicated donors. The relevant plasma
fractionation institute must be notified.

The blood establishment should establish a plan of investigation, the results of which
should be recorded. Test results from donations of the implicated donors may be re-
analysed, or additional or confirmatory tests on archived samples or freshly obtained
samples from the implicated donors may be performed with the aim to exclude HIV,
HCV or HBV infection in the donor(s). If such analysis reasonably excludes infection,
such donor(s) may be re-released for future donations, and (temporarily) blocked
products derived from their donations may be re-released.

Whenever an implicated donor is found with a confirmed positive test for HIV, HCV
or HBV infection, the blood establishment should act accordingly with regard to
deferral of the donor and look-back procedure on previous potentially infectious

The incident is reported to a national hemovigilance system and / or competent


8.2 Potentially infectious and / or inadvertent donations

Blood donors should be instructed to inform the blood establishment when signs or
symptoms occur after a donation, indicating that the donation may have been
infectious. A donor may also inform the blood establishment that he or she previously
donated blood, but should not have done so in the light of donor selection criteria
aimed at the health protection of recipients, e.g.: in retrospect did not fulfil criteria
mentioned in the donor questionnaire.

1Chapter 30

The blood establishment should (temporarily) block all in-house products from the
donor and retrieve all in-date products. The relevant plasma fractionation institute
must be notified.

The blood establishment should perform a risk analysis to assess whether the incident
indicates a potentially infectious blood product for recipient(s). Test results from
donations of the implicated donors may be re-analysed, or additional or confirmatory
tests on archived samples or freshly obtained samples from the donor may be

If case a confirmed HBV, HCV or HIV infection is shown in the donor, the blood
establishment should act accordingly with regard to deferral of the donor and look-
back procedure on previous potentially infectious donations.

8.3 Retrieval of blood products

The blood establishment retrieves in date blood products from the hospital(s) as a
precautionary measure in case of a quality deviation. This may be a temporary
measure and implies that certain retrieved blood products may be re-released after
proper risk analysis and/or additional testing. The measure is taken in order to prevent
harm to potential recipients.

8.4 Tracing of recipients of potentially infectious blood (look-back)

The blood establishment initiates a look-back procedure which is aimed at the tracing
of recipients of blood components from a potentially infectious blood donation and
notification of these recipient(s) by their treating physicians, whenever a blood
donation may have taken place within the window period of a (repeat) donor with a
confirmed HIV, HBV or HCV infection. Implicated donations include those within a
time frame equal to the maximum test specific window period of the infection,
preceding a negative screening test result in the donor.

The blood establishment should inform the hospital in writing about the incident and
advise the hospital to trace the recipient(s) of the implicated blood product(s) and
inform the treating physician about the potentially infectious transfusion.

It is the responsibility of the treating physician to inform the recipient about the
potentially infectious transfusion, unless there are medical arguments not to do so. If
the recipient is tested, in order to establish or to exclude the infection, the blood
establishment should be informed by the hospital about such test results. If testing of
the recipient is not performed, the blood establishment should also be informed of this
by the hospital.

1 Haemovigilance

The incident is reported to a national hemovigilance system and / or competent

8.5 Contract between the blood establishment and the hospital

The above procedures may be described in the contract(s) between the blood
establishment and the hospital(s).

9. Minimum information necessary in the reports

Confidentiality requirements should comply with the country’s regulations.

Transfused patient information

Identification should include at least date of birth, sex, and unique patient number.
Clinical signs observed should be documented, in a standardized fashion, either
specific for a given untoward effect, or the same form for every untoward effect.
Clinical outcome of an adverse reaction should be stated.

Component information

This information should include a detailed prescription of the component involved:

- unit number and adequate codes for components and donor identification;

- description of the component, including:

- the type of component, i.e. red cell, platelet or plasma;

- the type of preparation, i.e. from whole blood or from apheresis;

- other characteristics, i.e. leucodepleted, irradiated, plasma reduced, etc.;

- conditions and duration of storage prior to transfusion.

Information about severity

Severity should be graded. A suggested scale may be:

(0) : no sign;

(1) : immediate signs without vital risk and full resolution;

(2) : immediate signs with vital risk;

1Chapter 30

(3) : long term morbidity;

(4) : death of the patient.


The possible relationship between the observed untoward effect and the blood
components given should be identified. A suggested scale may be:

(0) : “no relationship” : effect apparently associated with the transfusion, but
evidence that the suspected component is not responsible;

(1) : “possible” : effect apparently associated with the transfusion, that could be
either related or not related to a non transfusion cause;

(2) : “likely” : effect not explained by any other known cause;

(3) : “sure” : effect proven or most likely to be transfusion related.

Information about the type of event

Report forms should enable differentiation between error in the transfusion process,
unexpected medical adverse event, untoward events without error.


Report form should include a brief summary describing the event as well as the
corrective actions taken.

Useful information apart from the individual reports

(1) In order to provide an evaluation of the incidence of untoward effects, each

participating institution should provide the number of blood components used per
year, together with details of all reported events.

(2) Additional information about the current guidelines in regard to the use of blood
components will be useful in comparison of results from different institutions or
even different countries.

10. Conclusion

Haemovigilance may provide useful information on the morbidity of transfusion, and

give guidance on corrective measures to prevent the recurrence of some accidents.

1 Haemovigilance

Moreover, haemovigilance must be considered as a part of total health care vigilance,

along with pharmacovigilance, and vigilance on medical devices.



In 1988, the Select Committee on Quality Assurance in Blood Transfusion Services

was requested by the Committee of Experts on Blood Transfusion and
Immunohaematology to prepare the work hereafter on the basis of the 1986
publication on Quality Control in Blood Transfusion Services as well as of experience
and practice of the laboratories and blood transfusion services represented on the

In 2002, members of the select committee of experts who have drafted this nineth edition

Prof Dr Dieter SCHÖNITZER Head of Zentralinstitut für Bluttransfusion, Anichstrasse

35, A-6020 INNSBRUCK e-mail:

Prof Dr Danielle SONDAG-THULL, Director, Blood Transfusion Service of the Red

Cross (French part) 41, rue Dos Fanchon B-4020 LIEGE e-mail:

Dr Ebbe DICKMEISS, Blood transfusion Centre, Section 2034, Rigshospitalet,

Blegdamsvej 9, DK-2100 O COPENHAGEN e-mail:

Dr Jukka KOISTINEN, MD, Professor, Deputy Director, Finnish Red Cross Blood
Transfusion Service, Kivihaantie 7,
FIN - 00310 HELSINKI 31 e-mail : jukka.koistinen@bts

Dr Christian DESAINT, Etablissement Français du Sang, 100, avenue de Suffren,

F - 75015 PARIS e-mail:

Prof Dr Peter KÜHNL, Director, Abt. Transfusionsmedizin,

Transplantationsimmunologie, Chirurg., Universitätsklinik, Martinistr. 52, D-20246
HAMBURG e-mail:

Prof Dr Gyorgy MEDGYESI, Scientific adviser, Headquarters, Hungarian National

Blood Service, 19-21, Karolina ut, BUDAPEST XI - mailing address: P.O. Box 44, H-
1518 BUDAPEST e-mail:

Dr Joan O'RIORDAN, Irish Blood Transfusion Service, National Blood Centre, St

James Street, IR-DUBLIN 8 e-mail:

Prof. Dr Giorgio REALI, Italian Bone Marrow Donor Registry, Ospedale Galliera, via
Volta 19/5, I-16128 GENOVA e-mail :


Dr Cees L. van der POEL, Secretary Medical Affairs, Stichting Sanquin

Bloedvoorziening, P.O. Box 9892, NL-1066 AN AMSTERDAM

Prof Dr Bjarte SOLHEIM, IMMI Rikshospitalett, N-0027 OSLO


Dr Magdalena LETOWSKA, Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion,

ul. Chocimska 5, PL-00957 WARSAW e-mail: or

Dr Francesco CARBONELL-UBEROS, Centro de Transfusion, Communidad

Valenciana, Av. Cid 65, E-46014 VALENCIA e-mail:

Dr Jan SÄFWENBERG, Dept. of Clinical Immunology and Transfusion Medicine,

University Hospital, SE-75185 UPPSALA e-mail:

Prof Manuel FREY-WETTSTEIN, Zurcher Blutspendedienst SRK, Hirschengraben 60,

CH-8001 ZURICH e-mail :

Dr Virge JAMES, Consultant Haematologist, Trent Centre N.B.S., Longley Lane,

Sheffield S5 7JN e-mail :

Mr Stefan SCHRECK, DG Health and Consumer Protection, G/4, EUFO 3262,

European Commission, LUXEMBOURG e-mail:

Dr Jay S. EPSTEIN, Director, Office of Blood Research and Review, Center for
Biologics, Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), HFM-300,
1401 Rockville Pike, ROCKVILLE, MD 20852-1448, USA
e-mail :

Dr Peter FLANAGAN, National Medical Director, New Zealand Blood Service,

National Office, 71, Great South Road, PO Box 26611, NZ-EPSON, AUCKLAND

Dr Peter R. GANZ, Acting Director, Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals Evaluation

Centre, Biologic and Genetic Therapies Directorate, Health Canada, Building N°6, 3rd
Floor, Room 3364, AL 0603C3, Tunney’s Pasture, OTTAWA, Ontario K1A 0L2,
CANADA e-mail:

De. Albert FARRUGIA, Head, Blood and Tissues Services, Therapeutic Goods
Administration Laboratories (TGA), PO Box 100, Woden, ACT, 2609 AUSTRALIA


Dr Isuf KALO, Regional Adviser, Technology, Pharmaceutical and Quality of Health

Systems, WHO-Europe, 8, Scherfigsvej, DK 2100 COPENHAGEN,

Dr Neelam DHINGRA, Medical Officer, Blood Transfusion Safety, WHO, 20, avenue
Appia, CH-1211 GENEVA 27, e-mail:

Karl-Friedrich BOPP, Head of Health Division, Council of Europe, F-67075
STRASBOURG Cedex. tel: 33 3 88 41 22 14,
fax: 33 3 88 41 27 26, e-mail:

Caroline HILLER, Assistant, Health Division, Council of Europe,

tel:, fax as above, e-mail:



List of definitions

Anti-IgA antibodies IgG or occasionally IgM anti-IgA produced by

a IgA-deficient patient. Severe anaphylactoid
transfusion reactions can occur in such patients.

Antibody quantitation Technique routinely used to measure the level

of antibody, i.e. anti-D (or anti-c) antibody in
maternal sera.

Antiglobulin testing technique The direct antiglobulin test (direct Coombs'

test) detects antibody or complement bound to
erythrocytes in vivo.

Apheresis Process by which one or more blood

components is selectively obtained from a
donor by withdrawing whole blood, separating
it by centrifugation or filtration into its
components, and returning those not required
to the donor.

Audit programme A systematic and independent examination to

determine whether quality activities and related
results comply with planned arrangements and
whether these arrangements are implemented
effectively and are suitable to achieve

Autologous donors Individuals may donate blood for their own use
if the need for blood can be anticipated and a
donation plan developed. Autologous blood
transfusion includes autologous predeposit
transfusion, acute normovolemic hemodilution,
intraoperative salvage, and postoperative

Blood Whole Blood collected from a single donor and

processed either for transfusion or further

Blood product Any therapeutic product derived from human

blood or plasma.


Blood component Therapeutic components of blood (red cells,

white cells, platelets, plasma) that can be
prepared by centrifugation, filtration, and
freezing using conventional blood bank

Buyant density centrifugation Technique applicable for separation based on

density differences between cells.

Cell free plasma Plasma obtained by cross-flow filtration, when

blood flows along a membrane with a pore size
allowing free passage of plasma proteins but
not of blood cells.

Cell separator An instrument for apheresis.

Counter current centrifugation Technique where cells subjected

(elutriation) simultaneously to a liquid flow and a
centrifugal force in opposite directions tend to
be separated according to their size.

CPD-Adenine Citrate-Phosphate-Dextrose with Adenine is a

preservative-anticoagulant solution used for
whole blood collection.

Cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma A component prepared from plasma by

removal of cryoprecipitate.

Cryopreserved platelets A component prepared by the freezing of

platelets within 24 hours of collection using a
cryoprotectant, storing them at -80°C or below.

Cytapheresis An apheresis procedure intended for the

collection of a cellular component of blood,
such as red cells, leucocytes or platelets.

Depth and surface filtration Technique of filtration using a filter bed of

fibres: owing to the specific properties of
platelets and granulocytes as well as the low
flexibility of lymphocytes, these cells are more
easily trapped in such a filter than red cells.

DMSO Acronym : Dimethylsulfoxide used as a cell-

cryoprotective agent for the storage of platelets
and stem cells in the frozen state.


Donor A person in normal health with a good medical

history who voluntarily gives blood or plasma
for therapeutic use.

Febrile transfusion reactions A febrile response associated with the

administration of blood.

First time donor Someone who has never donated either blood
or plasma.

G-CSF Acronym: Granulocyte-colony-stimulating


Glycerol Propanetriol, used as a cell-cryoprotective

agent for the storage of red cells in the frozen

Granulocytes A component consisting primarily of

granulocytes suspended in plasma, obtained by
single-donor apheresis.

Haematocrit Result obtained by the measurement of the

volume of red cells in blood, after
centrifugation, expressed as a percentage or as
a ratio in the SI system.

Haematopoietic progenitor cells HPC are primitive pluripotent cells capable of

self renewal as well as differentiation and
maturation into all haematopoietic lineages.
They are found in bone marrow (bone marrow
cells (BMC)), in the mononuclear cells of
circulating blood (peripheral blood stem cells
(PBSC)) and in umbilical cord blood (umbilical
stem cells (USC)).

Leucocyte depletion The removal of leucocytes from blood.

Peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) Primitive pluripotent cells capable of self
renewal as well as differentiation and
maturation into all haematopoietic lineages,
and found in the mononuclear cells of
circulating blood, (see haematopoietic
progenitor cells).

Plasma The liquid portion of anticoagulated blood

remaining after separation from the cellular


Red cells A component obtained by removal of part of

the plasma from whole blood, without further

Red cells, buffy coat removed (Red cells: A component prepared by the separation of part
BCR) of the plasma and the buffy-coat layer from red

Red cells, in additive solution (Red cells: A component derived from whole blood by
AS) centrifugation and removal of plasma with
subsequent addition to the red cells of an
appropriate nutrient solution.

Red cells, in additive solution, buffy coat A component derived from whole blood by
removed (Red cells: AS-BCR) centrifugation and removal of plasma and
buffy-coat, and subsequent resuspension of the
red cells in an appropriate nutrient solution.

Red cells, leucocyte-depleted A component obtained by removing the

majority of leucocytes from a red cell

Regular donor Someone who routinely donates their blood or

plasma (i.e. within the last two years), in
accordance with minimum time intervals, in
the same donation centre.

Rh Immune-globuline Rh immune globulin specific for D is given

routinely to Rh-negative mothers bearing Rh-
positive infants to protect them from red cell
exposure during pregnancy and delivery, and
so prevent allo-immunisation.

Repeat donor Someone who has donated before but not

within the last two years in the same donation

Replacement donor Donors recruited by patients to enable them to

undergo therapy which requires blood


Standard operating procedures (SOPs) (1) Detailed documents covering all Good
Manufacturing Practice-compliant activities,
(2) containing specifications where appropriate,
(3) process/procedure based, (4) modular, and
(5) reflecting current practice. They must be
updated as appropriate, and new techniques
must be evaluated and validated before being
introduced, to ensure conformation with quality

Thrombopoietin An cytokine that regulates specifically the

megacaryocytic lineage.

Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura - First described by MOSCHOWITZ this

(TTP) syndrome associates the classical pentad of
clinical findings: (1) fever, (2)
thrombocytopenia, (3) microangiopathic
haemolytic anemia, (4) neurologic
abnormalities, and (5) renal involvement.

Washed red cells A component derived from whole blood by

centrifugation and removal of plasma, with
subsequent washing of the red cells in an
isotonic solution.



Recommendations/Resolutions of the Council of Europe

in the blood transfusion field

Resolution (78) 29

on the harmonisation of legislations of member States relating to removal, grafting

and transplantation of human substances

Recommendation No. (79) 5

on the transport and international exchange of substances of human origin

Recommendation No. R (80) 5

on blood products for the treatment of haemophiliacs

Recommendation No. R (81) 5

on antenatal administration of anti-D immunoglobulin

Recommendation No. R (81) 14

on the assessment of the risks of transmitting infectious diseases by international

transfer of blood, its components and derivatives

Recommendation No. R (83) 8

on preventing the possible transmission of acquired immune deficiency syndrome

(AIDS) from affected blood to patients receiving blood or blood products

Recommendation No. R (84) 6

on prevention of the transmission of malaria by blood transfusion

Recommendation No. R (85) 5


on the study on the current position of training programmes for future specialists in
blood transfusion in Council of Europe member states and in Finland

Recommendation No. R (85) 12

on the screening of blood donors for the presence of Aids markers

Recommendation No. R (86) 6

on the guidelines for the preparation, quality control and use of fresh frozen plasma

Recommendation No. R (87) 25

on the common European public health policy to fight the acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS)

Recommendation No. R (88) 4

on the responsibilities of health authorities in the field of blood transfusion

Recommendation No. R (90) 3

on medical research on human beings

Recommendation No. R (90) 9

on plasma products and European self-sufficiency

Recommendation No. R (93) 4

on clinical trials involving the use of components and fractionated products derived
from human blood or plasma

Recommendation No. R (95) 14

on the protection of the health of donors and recipients in the area of blood transfusion

Resolution 812 (1983)

of the Parliamentary Assembly on Aids

Recommendation No. R (96) 11

on documentation and record-keeping to guarantee the traceability of blood and blood

products especially in hospital


Recommendation No. R (98) 2

on provision of haemotopoetic progenitor cells

Recommendation No. R (98) 10

on the use of human red blood cells for preparation of oxygen carrying substances

Recommendation No. R (2001) 4

on the possible transmission of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) by blood


Recommendation No. R (2002) 11

on the hospital’s and clinician’s role in the optimal use of blood and blood products

N.B. The figures in brackets indicate the year of adoption by the Committee of



List of publications

1976 Production and use of cellular blood components for transfusion

Study Director: B. Bucher with M. Benbunan, H. Heisto, U. Reesink

1978 Indications for the use of albumin, plasmaprotein solutions and plasma
Study Director: J. O'Riordan with M. Aebischer, J. Darnborough and I. Thoren

1980 Preparation and use of coagulation factors VIII and IX for transfusion
Study Director: R. Masure with G. Myllyla, I. Temperley and Stampli

1981 Assessment of the risks of transmitting infectious diseases by international

transfer of blood, its components and derivatives
Study Director: W. Weise with T. Nielsen, P. Skinhot, J.P. Saleun

1982 European Co-operation in the field of blood: miscellany reports on the occasion
of the 20th anniversary of the Committee of Experts on blood transfusion and
Immunohaematology 1962-1982
P. Cazal, A. André, P. Lundsgaard-Hansen, W. Weise, R. Butler,
C.P. Engelfriet, and A. Hässig

1983 Essential aspects of tissue typing

B. Bradley and S. Gore

1985 Study on the current position of training programmes for future specialists in
blood transfusion in Council of Europe member states and in Finland
Study Director: E. Freiesleben with A. André, A. Franco, B. Baysal, J. Cash.

1986 Quality control in blood transfusion services

Study Director: E. Freiesleben, R. Butler, C. Hogman, W. Wagstaff

1987 Renal transplantation: sense and sensitization

B Bradley and S Gore, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers

1988 First European Symposium on quality in blood transfusion

Résumé of lectures (publication of the Health Division of the Council of

1989 European Course on Blood transfusion (Athens, March 1988)


Compendium of lecturers (publication of the Health Division of the Council of


1990 Blood transfusion: 2nd European Course (Madrid 1990)

Compendium of lecturers (publication of the Health Division of the Council of

1992 Impact of the Aids epidemic on health care services and planning in Europe
(publication of the Health Division of the Council of Europe)

1992 Plasma products and European self-sufficiency: collection, preparation and use
Study Director: J. Leikola with W. van Aken, C. Hogman, D. Lee, M. Muglia,
H. Schmitt

1993 Blood transfusion in Europe: a "white paper". Safe and sufficient blood in
Europe by Piet J Hagen

1993 Survey of blood transfusion services of central and eastern European countries
and their co-operation with western transfusion services
Report by H.T. Heiniger

1993 The collection and use of human blood and plasma in Europe
by Prof. Dr. W G Van Aken

1995 Guidebook on the Preparation, use and quality assurance in blood components
(regularly up-dated, annex to Rec No. R (95) 15). This publication is the 9 th
edition of the Guide

1997 Collection and use of blood and plasma in Europe (member States of the
Council of Europe not members of the European Union) Study 1995
Report by Dr Rejman

1997 Activities of blood banks in relation to bone marrow transplantations

Study Director: I.M. Francklin; Group members S. Koskimies, R. Kroczek,
M. Reti, L. de Waal, R. Arrieta, F. Carbonell-Uberos

1998 Blood transfusion : half a century of contribution by the Council of Europe

Report by Prof. Dr B. Genetet

2000 Collection and use of human blood and plasma in the non-European Union
Council of Europe member States in 1997
Report by Dr Rejman

2000 Autologous blood donation and transfusion in Europe – 1997 data

Report by Prof. Politis


2001 Pathogen inactivation of labile blood products

Study Director: Prof. A. Morell
2002 Autologous blood donation and transfusion in Europe – 2000 data
Report by Prof. Politis



Principal abbreviations

AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

ALT = Alanine Amino Transferase
AS = Additive Solution
AS-BCR = Additive Solution-Buffy Coat Removed
BCR = Buffy Coat Removed
BPAT = Batch Pre-Acceptance Testing
BSA = Bovine Serum Albumin
CJD = Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease
CMV = CytoMegaloVirus
GMP = Good Manufacturing Practice
GCSF = Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor
Hb = Haemoglobin
HBcAb = Hepatitis B core Antibody
HBsAg = Hepatitis B surface Antigen
Hct = Haematocrit
HCV = Hepatitis C Virus
HLA = Human Leucocyte Antigen
HPA = Human Platelet Antigen
HPCs = Haematopoietic Progenitor Cells
HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HTLV = Human T Leukaemia Virus
LISS = Low Ionic Strength (Salt) Solution
PRP = Platelet Rich Plasma
SOPs = Standard Operating Procedures

ABO antisera, quality control............................................................................................................168
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)/ HIV infection........................................................39
Air embolism, risk in transfusion practice.........................................................................................203
Anticoagulant solutions, choice for blood component preparation......................................................53
Antiglobulin serum (broad spectrum), quality control.......................................................................169
Antiglobulin testing, quality control..................................................................................................172
Apheresis, granulocyte concentrates..................................................................................................141
Apheresis, platelet concentrates.........................................................................................................117


Apheresis, red cells............................................................................................................................106

Autoimmune diseases..........................................................................................................................38
Autologous predeposit transfusion....................................................................................................144
1 Blood component preparation...............................................................................146
2 Contra-indications of predeposit donations...........................................................145
3 Distribution of components...................................................................................147
4 Informed consent...................................................................................................145
5 Labelling of components.......................................................................................146
6 Records to be maintained......................................................................................147
7 Selection of patients..............................................................................................144
8 Storage of components..........................................................................................146
Bags for blood collection, checks pre-donation...................................................................................47
9 Choice for blood component preparation................................................................52
10 handling of filled containers....................................................................................49
Blood collection......................................................................................................................................
11 Equipment used for blood donation sessions...........................................................47
12 Premises for donor session......................................................................................47
13 Preparation of the phlebotomy site..........................................................................48
14 Proper mixing..........................................................................................................48
15 Special requirements...............................................................................................49
Blood Collection..................................................................................................................................47
Blood component preparation, principles............................................................................................52
16 Additional procedures.............................................................................................63
17 Buoyant density centrifugation................................................................................58
18 Component information and principles of labelling................................................75
19 Counter current centrifugation (elutriation).............................................................58
20 Cryoprecipitation.....................................................................................................61
21 Definitions and minimum requirements..................................................................65
22 Filtration..................................................................................................................59
23 Freezing and thawing of plasma..............................................................................61
24 Issue and transport...................................................................................................74
25 Microbiological safety.............................................................................................67
26 Preparation procedure.............................................................................................53
27 Principles of centrifugation.....................................................................................54
28 Product control........................................................................................................66
29 Separation................................................................................................................56
30 Storage....................................................................................................................69
31 Use of devices for sterile connection.......................................................................63
32 Zonal centrifugation................................................................................................58
Blood components for intrauterine transfusions................................................................................148
Blood components for neonatal and paediatric use............................................................................157
Blood components for neonatal exchange transfusion.......................................................................153
Blood components for prenatal, neonatal and infant use....................................................................148
Blood group serology........................................................................................................................166
33 External quality assurance.....................................................................................175
34 General comments.................................................................................................166


1 Internal quality control..........................................................................................166

2 Quality control of ABO anti-sera..........................................................................168
3 Quality control of bovine serum albumin (BSA)...................................................169
4 Quality control of equipment.................................................................................167
5 Quality control of LISS.........................................................................................171
6 Quality control of proteases...................................................................................170
7 Quality control of Rh-antisera...............................................................................168
8 Quality control of saline........................................................................................170
9 Quality control of techniques................................................................................171
Blood grouping of patient..................................................................................................................200
Blood samples, retention...................................................................................................................193
Centrifugation for blood component preparation.................................................................................54
Chagas disease.....................................................................................................................................39
CMV-free blood components..............................................................................................................65
Compatibility testing.........................................................................................................................201
Compatibility testing...............................................................................................................................
10 Quality control of techniques................................................................................174
Complications of transfusion.............................................................................................................203
Computers and electro-mechanical devices, environmental control..................................................183
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease...................................................................................................................35
Cross-flow filtration, in blood component preparation........................................................................59
11 Definition..............................................................................................................129
12 indications for use.................................................................................................132
13 Labelling...............................................................................................................129
14 Methods of preparation.........................................................................................129
15 Precautions in use..................................................................................................132
16 Properties..............................................................................................................129
17 Quality control......................................................................................................131
18 Side-effects............................................................................................................132
19 Small pool preparation..........................................................................................133
20 Storage and stability..............................................................................................130
21 Transport...............................................................................................................131
Cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma.......................................................................................................134
Cryopreserved platelet (apheresis).....................................................................................................137
22 Definition..............................................................................................................137
23 Indications for use.................................................................................................139
24 Labelling...............................................................................................................137
25 Method of preparation...........................................................................................137
26 Precautions in use..................................................................................................139
27 properties...............................................................................................................137
28 Quality control......................................................................................................138
29 Side-effects............................................................................................................139
30 Storage and stability..............................................................................................138
31 Transport...............................................................................................................139


Cryopreserved red cells.....................................................................................................................102

1 Definition..............................................................................................................102
2 Indications for use.................................................................................................105
3 Labelling...............................................................................................................102
4 Methods of preparation.........................................................................................102
5 Precautions in use..................................................................................................105
6 Properties..............................................................................................................102
7 Quality control......................................................................................................104
8 Side-effects............................................................................................................105
9 Storage and stability..............................................................................................103
10 Transport...............................................................................................................104
Data processing systems....................................................................................................................188
11 Definition..............................................................................................................188
12 Maintenance of the system....................................................................................190
13 Quality control......................................................................................................191
14 Testing of performance.........................................................................................189
Depth and surface filtration.................................................................................................................59
Devices for sterile connection, in blood component preparation.........................................................63
Documentation (record keeping).......................................................................................................192
Donor blood samples...........................................................................................................................50
Donor clinic documentation................................................................................................................50
Environmental control in Transfusion Services.................................................................................183
15 Reproducticibility of results..................................................................................185
Equipment control.............................................................................................................................183
Filtration (in blood component preparation)........................................................................................59
Freezing of plasma, general principles................................................................................................61
Fresh frozen plasma...........................................................................................................................123
16 Definition..............................................................................................................123
17 Indications for use.................................................................................................127
18 Labelling...............................................................................................................124
19 Methods of preparation.........................................................................................123
20 Precautions in use..................................................................................................127
21 Properties..............................................................................................................123
22 Quality control......................................................................................................125
23 Side-effects............................................................................................................127
24 Storage and stability..............................................................................................125
25 Transport...............................................................................................................127
Fresh frozen plasma for neonatal and paediatric use..........................................................................159
26 Definition..............................................................................................................159
27 Indications for use.................................................................................................161


1 Labelling...............................................................................................................160
2 Methods of preparation.........................................................................................160
3 Precautions in use..................................................................................................161
4 Properties..............................................................................................................160
5 Quality control......................................................................................................161
6 Side-effects............................................................................................................162
7 Storage and stability..............................................................................................161
8 Transport...............................................................................................................161
Frozen units, care in handling............................................................................................................203
Frozen units, care in handling..................................................................................................................
9 Cryopreserved platelets.........................................................................................137
10 Cryopreserved red cells.........................................................................................102
11 Principles for ensuring the quality of blood components........................................15
12 Basic Requirements.............................................................................................18
13 Collection, Testing and Blood processing...........................................................22
14 Complaints and Component Recall.....................................................................24
15 Documentation....................................................................................................21
16 General Principles...............................................................................................15
17 Introduction.........................................................................................................15
18 Investigation of Errors and Accidents.................................................................25
19 Personnel and organisation..................................................................................18
20 Premises, equipment and materials......................................................................19
21 Quality Management...........................................................................................18
22 Retention of samples...........................................................................................25
23 Self assessment, Internal and External Audit......................................................26
24 Storage, Issue and Transportation.......................................................................23
25 Terminology........................................................................................................16
26 Training ..............................................................................................................19
Granulocyte concentrates (apheresis)................................................................................................141
27 Definition..............................................................................................................141
28 Indications for use.................................................................................................142
29 Labelling...............................................................................................................141
30 Method of preparation...........................................................................................141
31 Precautions in use..................................................................................................143
32 Properties..............................................................................................................141
33 Quality control......................................................................................................142
34 Side-effects............................................................................................................143
35 Storage and stability..............................................................................................142
36 Transport...............................................................................................................142
37 Component information........................................................................................211
38 Cooperation between blood transfusion services and hospitals.............................207
39 Data analysis.........................................................................................................207
40 Definition..............................................................................................................206


1 Donors and blood donations, untoward effects......................................................208

2 Graduation of severity...........................................................................................211
3 Homogeneity of reporting.....................................................................................207
4 Information about imputability..............................................................................212
5 Minimum information necessary in the reports.....................................................211
6 Prerequisites for implementation of a network......................................................206
7 Traceability of blood components.........................................................................207
8 Tracing and retrieval of potentially infectious donations (HIV, HCV or HBV)....209
9 Transfused patient information..............................................................................211
10 Type of events.......................................................................................................212
11 Type of untoward effects collected in the network................................................208
Hazardous occupations........................................................................................................................30
Heart and blood vessel disease............................................................................................................35
Hospital transfusion committee.........................................................................................................205
Indications for use of blood components.................................................................................................
12 Cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma...........................................................................136
13 Cryopreserved platelet (apheresis)........................................................................121
14 Platelet concentrates (recovered from whole blood or buffy coat)........................115
15 Platelet concentrates for intrauterine transfusion...................................................153
16 Platelet concentrates for neonatal and paediatric use.............................................162
17 Red cell concentrates...............................................................................................82
18 Red cell concentrates for intrauterine transfusions................................................150
19 Red cell concentrates for neonatal (or paediatric) use...........................................159
20 Red cell concentrates-AS........................................................................................89
21 Red cell concentrates-AS-BCR...............................................................................93
22 Red cell concentrates-BCR.....................................................................................85
23 Red cells concentrates, leucocyte-depleted...........................................................100
24 Washed red cells.....................................................................................................97
25 Whole blood............................................................................................................79
26 Whole blood for neonatal exchange transfusion....................................................156
Infectious diseases...............................................................................................................................39
Irradiation of blood components..........................................................................................................63
Jaundice and hepatitis..........................................................................................................................40
Kidney disease.....................................................................................................................................36
Labelling of blood components...............................................................................................................
27 Autologous blood components..............................................................................146
28 Platelet concentrates (apheresis)............................................................................118
29 Platelet concentrates (recovered from whole blood or buffy coat)........................112
30 Platelet concentrates for intrauterine transfusions.................................................151
31 Platelet concentrates for neonatal and paediatric use.............................................163
32 Red cell concentrates...............................................................................................81


1 Red cell concentrates for intrauterine transfusions................................................149

2 Red cell concentrates for neonatal and paediatric use...........................................158
3 Red cell concentrates-AS........................................................................................87
4 Red cell concentrates-AS-BCR...............................................................................91
5 Red cell concentrates-BCR.....................................................................................84
6 Red cell concentrates, leucocyte-depleted...............................................................98
7 Washed red cells.....................................................................................................95
8 Whole blood............................................................................................................77
9 Whole blood for neonatal exchange transfusion....................................................155
Laboratories, environmental control..................................................................................................183
Leucocyte depletion of red cells..........................................................................................................98
10 of platelet concentrates for neonatal and paediatric use.........................................162
Methods of preparation of.......................................................................................................................
11 Cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma...........................................................................134
12 Platelet concentrates (apheresis)............................................................................117
13 Platelet concentrates (recovered from whole blood or buffy coat)........................111
14 Platelet concentrates for intrauterine transfusion...................................................151
15 Red cell concentrates...............................................................................................81
16 Red cell concentrates for intrauterine transfusion..................................................149
17 Red cell concentrates for neonatal and paediatric use...........................................157
18 Red cell concentrates-AS........................................................................................87
19 Red cell concentrates-AS-BCR...............................................................................91
20 Red cell concentrates-BCR.....................................................................................84
21 Red cell concentrates, leucocyte-depleted...............................................................98
22 Washed red cells.....................................................................................................95
23 Whole blood for neonatal exchange transfusion....................................................154
Plasma, cryoprecipitate-depleted.......................................................................................................134
24 definition...............................................................................................................134
25 Labelling...............................................................................................................134
26 Precautions in use..................................................................................................136
27 Properties..............................................................................................................134
28 Quality control......................................................................................................135
29 Side-effects............................................................................................................136
30 storage...................................................................................................................135
31 Transport...............................................................................................................135
Platelet concentrates (apheresis)........................................................................................................117
32 Definition..............................................................................................................117
33 Precautions in use..................................................................................................121
34 Properties..............................................................................................................117
35 Quality control (quality assurance)........................................................................119


1 Side-effects............................................................................................................121
2 Storage and stability..............................................................................................118
3 Transport...............................................................................................................120
Platelet concentrates (recovered from whole blood or buffy coat).....................................................111
4 Definition..............................................................................................................111
5 Precautions in use..................................................................................................115
6 Properties..............................................................................................................111
7 Quality control......................................................................................................114
8 Side-effects............................................................................................................115
9 Storage and stability..............................................................................................113
10 Transport...............................................................................................................115
Platelet concentrates for intrauterine transfusion...............................................................................151
11 Definition..............................................................................................................151
12 Precautions in use..................................................................................................153
13 Properties..............................................................................................................151
14 Quality control......................................................................................................152
15 Side-effects............................................................................................................153
16 Storage and stability..............................................................................................152
17 Transport...............................................................................................................153
Platelet concentrates for neonatal and paediatric use.........................................................................162
18 Indications for use.................................................................................................162
19 Precautions for use................................................................................................162
20 Quality control......................................................................................................164
21 Side-effects............................................................................................................163
22 Storage and stability..............................................................................................164
23 Transport...............................................................................................................162
24 Volume reduction..................................................................................................162
Pre-donation checks.............................................................................................................................47
Precautions in use of blood components..................................................................................................
25 Red cell concentrates...............................................................................................82
26 Red cell concentrates for intrauterine transfusion..................................................150
27 Red cell concentrates for neonatal and paediatric use...........................................159
28 Red cell concentrates-AS........................................................................................89
29 Red cell concentrates-AS-BCR...............................................................................93
30 Red cell concentrates-BCR.....................................................................................86
31 Red cell concentrates-leucocyte depleted..............................................................100
32 Washed red cells.....................................................................................................97
33 Whole blood............................................................................................................79
34 Whole blood for neonatal exchange transfusion....................................................156
Preparation of platelet concentrates from buffy coat.........................................................................112
Preparation of platelet rich plasma (PRP)..........................................................................................111
Pretransfusion measures....................................................................................................................200
35 Identification of patient blood samples..................................................................200
36 Patient antibody screening.....................................................................................201
37 Patient blood group investigation..........................................................................200
Quality control of....................................................................................................................................


1 Red cell concentrates...............................................................................................82

2 Red cell concentrates for intrauterine transfusion..................................................150
3 Red cell concentrates for neonatal and paediatric use...........................................158
4 Red cell concentrates-AS........................................................................................88
5 Red cell concentrates-AS-BCR...............................................................................92
6 Red cell concentrates-BCR.....................................................................................85
7 Red cell concentrates, leucocyte-depleted...............................................................99
8 Techniques used in blood group serology.............................................................171
9 Washed red cells.....................................................................................................96
10 Whole blood............................................................................................................78
11 Whole blood for exchange transfusion..................................................................155
Recommendation No. R (95) 15..........................................................................................................10
Record keeping..................................................................................................................................192
Red cell concentrates...........................................................................................................................81
12 Definition................................................................................................................81
13 Properties................................................................................................................81
14 Side-effects..............................................................................................................83
15 Storage and stability................................................................................................82
16 Transport.................................................................................................................82
Red cell concentrates for intrauterine transfusion..............................................................................148
17 Definition..............................................................................................................148
18 Properties..............................................................................................................148
19 Side-effects............................................................................................................150
20 Storage and stability..............................................................................................149
21 Transport...............................................................................................................150
Red cell concentrates for neonatal and paediatric use........................................................................157
22 Definition..............................................................................................................157
23 Properties..............................................................................................................157
24 Side-effects............................................................................................................159
25 Storage and stability..............................................................................................158
26 Transport...............................................................................................................158
Red cell concentrates in additive solution (AS)...................................................................................87
27 Definition................................................................................................................87
28 Properties................................................................................................................87
29 Side-effects..............................................................................................................89
30 Storage and stability................................................................................................88
31 Transport.................................................................................................................89
Red cell concentrates in additive solution, buffy coat removed (AS-BCR).........................................91
32 Definition................................................................................................................91
33 Properties................................................................................................................91
34 Side-effects..............................................................................................................94
35 Storage and stability................................................................................................92
36 Transport.................................................................................................................93
Red cell concentrates, buffy coat removed (BCR)...............................................................................84
37 Definition................................................................................................................84
38 Properties................................................................................................................84


1 Side-effects..............................................................................................................86
2 Storage and stability................................................................................................85
3 Transport.................................................................................................................85
Red cells, apheresis.................................................................................................................................
4 Definition..............................................................................................................106
5 Indications for use.................................................................................................108
6 Labelling...............................................................................................................107
7 Methods of preparation.........................................................................................106
8 Precautions in use..................................................................................................109
9 Properties..............................................................................................................106
10 Quality control......................................................................................................108
11 Side-effects............................................................................................................109
12 Storage and stability..............................................................................................107
13 Transport...............................................................................................................108
Red cells, leucocyte-depleted..............................................................................................................98
14 Definition................................................................................................................98
15 Properties................................................................................................................98
16 Side-effects............................................................................................................101
17 Storage and stability................................................................................................99
18 Transport...............................................................................................................100
Rheumatic fever...................................................................................................................................36
Safety measures in transfusion practice.............................................................................................202
Screening for infectious markers.......................................................................................................176
19 Quality control of anti-(CMV) testing...................................................................180
20 Quality control of anti-HBc testing.......................................................................181
21 Quality control of anti-HCV testing......................................................................178
22 Quality control of anti-HIV testing.......................................................................177
23 Quality control of anti-HTLV testing....................................................................180
24 Quality control of HBsAg testing..........................................................................178
25 Quality control of Hepatitis C Virus Nucleic Acid Testing (HCV-NAT)..............181
26 Quality control of malarial antibody testing..........................................................179
27 Quality control of syphilis testing.........................................................................179
Selection of donors..............................................................................................................................28
28 Apheresis donors.....................................................................................................42
29 Conditions leading to permanent deferral................................................................35
30 Conditions leading to temporary deferral................................................................36
31 Conditions requiring individual assessment............................................................38
32 Donor medical history.............................................................................................34
33 Donor screening process.........................................................................................31
34 Questionnaire..........................................................................................................31
35 vaccinations and inoculations..................................................................................37
36 Whole blood donors................................................................................................28
Side-effects in use of blood components.................................................................................................
37 of washed red cells..................................................................................................97
38 of whole blood.........................................................................................................80
39 of whole blood for neonatal exchange transfusion................................................156


Statistical process control..................................................................................................................194

1 Control charts for attribute data.............................................................................195
2 Control charts for variable data.............................................................................194
3 Implementation of SPC.........................................................................................197
4 Interpretation of control charts..............................................................................196
Storage (and stability) of blood components...........................................................................................
5 of whashed red cells................................................................................................96
6 of whole blood.........................................................................................................78
7 of whole blood for exchange transfusion...............................................................155
Thawing of..............................................................................................................................................
8 Cryopreserved red cells.........................................................................................103
Transfusion practice..........................................................................................................................202
9 Clinical surveillance..............................................................................................202
10 Warming blood......................................................................................................203
Transport of blood components (generality)............................................................................................
11 of washed red cells..................................................................................................96
12 of whole blood.........................................................................................................79
13 of whole blood for neonatal exchange transfusion................................................156
Tropical diseases.................................................................................................................................36
Type and Screen as pretransfusion measures.....................................................................................201
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease......................................................................................................41
Washed red cells..................................................................................................................................95
14 definition.................................................................................................................95
15 Properties................................................................................................................95
Whole blood........................................................................................................................................77
16 Definition................................................................................................................77
17 Methods of preparation...........................................................................................77
18 Properties................................................................................................................77
Whole blood for neonatal exchange transfusion................................................................................154
19 Definition..............................................................................................................154
20 Properties..............................................................................................................154

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