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Transits (Gochara)

Transits are the most important predictive tool used in astrology both East and West. A
transit of a planet is referred to as where a planet is currently in the sky, and where it will
continue to move in the future. The astrological reference book to look up the placements
of the planets is called the planetary ephemeris. The ephemeris is the calculations of the
planetary movements. There are listings for any year. They can be referred to for past
events or future events. Astrological computer programs have this information as well.
The sign (constellation) and degrees are noted and compared to the birth chart. When the
planets transit (move) to aspect the planets in the birth chart there is a hit, and an event
occurs. The same principles of reading a birth chart will apply to the transits.
Houses of Transits
A planet that enters by transit different houses in the birth chart will begin to activate that
house and its house meanings. When transiting Jupiter enters into the fourth house there
may be an opportunity to move, or buy a new car, since the fourth house rules real estate,
and cars. Jupiter is the great benefactor and seems to bring things into our lives.
Aspects of Transits
If a transiting planet forms an aspect to a natal planet then the house the natal planet is
in will be activated as well as the houses that natal planet rules. The aspects the planets
give are the same as in the natal chart. All the planets aspect the opposite sign and the
sign they reside. Mars special aspects are 4, and 8, Jupiter aspects 5,and 9, Saturn
aspects 3 and 10. EX. If transiting Jupiter enters the fourth house and conjuncts Mars,
then the houses ruled by Mars will be involved in the event. If it is a Virgo ascendant with
Mars in the fourth, Mars would rule the eighth and third houses. The move could involve
siblings (3rd) or property inherited (8th).
Transiting Planets House Relationship to Natal Planets
When processing the effects of a transiting planet, the relationship to natal planets
regardless of the aspects will produce the effects of their spatial relationship. For example,
if transiting Saturn is 5 degrees of Taurus and natal Mars is 5 degrees of Libra, they will
be in a 6/8 relationship. Meaning if you count the signs/houses away from Saturn, Mars
will be 6 signs/houses away, when you count back around (always in forward direction) to
Saturn you will count 8 signs/houses. This will give the same meanings of what the
houses of 6 and 8 mean to these planets. Indicating with both planets as malefic forces
they could produce a serious accident (6th house) or death (8th house). Whenever a
transiting planet comes to the same degree as a natal planet then this technique must be
applied. Count to see the spatial relationship, and apply the meanings of the numbers
involved, this means the meaning of the house in number. The spatial relationships are
1/1, 2/12, 3/11, 4/10, 5/9, 6/8, 7/7.
1/1: This is the conjunction, when 2 planets are in the same sign/house. This is the most
dramatic and intense relationship of all. It will have the intensity of the 1st house. The
area of life that will be most affected will be the house they are in, all the matters ruled by
this house will come to the forefront. For example, if transiting Saturn conjoins natal Sun
in the 10th house there will be an event involving the career and social standing of this
individual. The Sun could even represent the boss and Saturn could severe the
relationship indicating trouble in their career possibly even getting fired from a job.
2/12: This relationship between planets involves receiving and giving, or acquiring and
loss. This involves the principle of the 2nd house of acquisition as well as the 12th house
of loss. For example, if transiting Jupiter is 12th from the natal Moon there could be
considerable loss financially (12th) but charitable gifts received (2nd).
3/11: Both houses 3 and 11 are upachaya houses having to do with striving for
improvement. They are competitive and goal oriented usually attaining desires, and due
to being kama houses they involve relationships, in the form of help from friendships.
Transiting Venus 11th from the natal Moon can bring help from some female friends (11th)
by exchange of ideas (3rd) or just listening when someone needs a friend.
4/10: This is extremely event oriented; you can count on change occurring with this
relationship. These are both angles and are action packed. If transiting Mars is 10th from
natal Jupiter there can be a career change (10th) that may involve a change of home life
or residence (4th).
5/9: Here we have the influence of the dharma houses giving purpose or meaning to the
life. The influx of energy here will come easily with a stroke of luck. Transiting Jupiter 9th
from natal Mercury will bring a fortunate experience involving higher learning or a trip
(9th) that is fun (5th).
6/8: This is a difficult relationship similar to the quincunx in western astrology and is
actually call a yod or the finger of God. The yod is involved in accidents or transforming
life events through suffering. Transiting Mars 6th from natal Saturn can cause an accident
(6th) that could involve death or a major life transformation (8th).
7/7: This is the opposition of 2 planets and will always carry the significance of
relationships between people. This does not only apply to marriage, but any kind of
relationship. If transiting Saturn opposes the natal Moon there may be relationship
difficulties with the mother.
These examples are of course overly simplified and there are many other factors to be
considered. Mainly the houses these relationships actually reside in, and the houses these
planets rule. But instead of conflicting information all these variables usually point to
similar things helping to confirm a prediction.
Dispositors are extremely important when making predictions. The dispositor will give the
heart and soul of what the event is about. Therefore the dispositor of the planet being set
off by the transiting planet gives the reason why the event is occurring.
For example, transiting Jupiter is hitting Mars in the fourth house and Mars is in Capricorn,
Saturn ruler of Capricorn is the dispositor of Mars, Saturn as the dispositor of Mars is in
the eighth house. The event may be a move, but the reason for the move is because of
Saturn in the eighth house. The reason for the move is (reason why) because of an
inheritance (dispositor in the 8th) of the property.
Transiting Planets prefer certain Signs/Houses
If a planet transits to its sign of exaltation, own sign, or mola tricona it will produce
stronger results for the house it is transiting. It will be weaker and more detrimental in
the debilitation sign/house.
There are some houses that the transiting planets prefer, or operate differently in. The
malefic planets Saturn, Mars, Sun, and Rahu/Ketu, do quite well in the upachaya houses
(3, 6, 10, 11). They can cause disease in the sixth house, but usually the immune system
is stronger.
Houses the transiting planets prefer:
Moon: 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11
Sun: 4, 7, 10, 11
Mercury: 2, 4, 8, 10, 11
Venus: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12
Mars: 3, 6, 11
Jupiter: 2, 5, 7, 9, 11
Saturn: 3, 6, 11
Rahu: 3, 6, 10, 11
Ketu: 3, 6, 11
Jupiter/Saturn year’s Focus
The most important transits for the year to focus on are the transits of Jupiter and Saturn.
These two planets will give the over all status of the year. Look to what house Jupiter
stays in for the year, then look to the house Saturn is influencing; the area of life these
houses rule will predominate. Then the houses they aspect will be activated. The slower
the planet moves the more lasting the imprint or experience they produce.
Stations of Transiting Planets
Therefore, the faster moving planets will produce more fleeting experiences, or everyday
casualties. It is when the faster moving planets slow down and go retrograde that their
impact is felt. The house that Mercury goes retrograde will be of major focus for over two
months because in it’s back and forth movement of retrogression it stays in the same
sign/house for over 2 months. Watch for the degree the planets will become stationary;
this will mark a very sensitive potent point that stays active till the next retrograde. When
Venus goes retrograde it remains in the same sign for 4 months, and Mars for 6 months,
so these sign/houses in that year must be analyzed. Remember when a planet slows down,
and stations its saying "stop look at me". It has something important to say.
Outer Planets Transits
The outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will have a powerful affect on planets they
conjunct or oppose. The more personal the planet being hit the more it affects the
individual personally. The personal planets are Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Venus. The
personal points to be watched are the Ascendant degree (for self) in the first house, and
the Midhaven degree (for career) in the tenth house. They are involved in long-term life
changing events. The houses they are in as well as the houses the natal planets rule come
into play in the event that transpires. There are three crossings if a natal planet is hit
within the year. Jupiter and Saturn can have three crossings from the retrograde process
but not always. The first hit is the initial incident, the second hit usually intensifies the
event the third hit finishes off and finalizes the experience. Outer planets hitting outer
planets will not be a personal experience; they will be generational, affecting a whole
group of individuals not noticed individually.
Moon as the Fast Hand in Prediction
When there is an event that is climatic and greatly life changing as in death, there will be
a number of transiting aspects transpiring. Always a number of aspects and events will be
working but the trigger that times the exact day is usually the Moon. It has been said the
outer planets are like the hour hand on a clock the inner planets like the minute hand, but
the fast hand for the seconds is the Moon. The planets in transit are the timing devices of
a chart. The Moon should always be observed every month in terms of the new Moon and
the full Moon. The house that is activated during the new Moon will give an idea of what
new projects will be initiated during that month. The houses activated during the full Moon
will reveal the outcome of the new Moon’s development. Remember the new Moon is
when the Bun and moon are conjunct; so only one sign/house is activated. A full Moon is
when the Sun and Moon are in opposition activating 2 opposing houses, two weeks
following a new Moon. Planets they are in close aspect to by conjunction or opposition
become activated and tip off events in relationship to what these planets represent in the
chart. Eclipses are especially powerful in this event, if they fall close to natal planets in the
Rahu/Ketu in Prediction
Aside from all else the nodal axis of the Moon will reveal the most pungent events of the
year. Always note what sign/houses the eclipses fall for the year. Here will be where the
most changes will evolve. Transiting Rahu and Ketu will fall in opposing signs activating
these 2 houses. There will be gains (Rahu) with losses (Ketu) associated with these
signs/houses. As mentioned before the transiting Rahu and Ketu will activate the houses
the same as in the natal chart. They always bring in a quality of fate and destiny.
Here is what to look for:
1. Houses Rahu and Ketu occupy.
2. The houses of their dispositors
3. The houses ruled by the planet that conjoins Rahu or Ketu. One or more of these
houses will be connected to the destiny and fate of the soul.
Eclipses are the result of the Sun, Moon, and Rahu/Ketu lining up. When an eclipse occurs
there will be an exact degree of the new moon eclipse. There is a new moon every month,
but the month that the nodes come into the specified degree orb for an eclipse to occur
only happens every six months. This degree when the Sun and Moon conjoin is the degree
mark to be watched for at least a year. When another transiting planet crosses that mark
an event occurs. Also if the eclipse degree falls on a natal planet in a birth chart within
three degrees it will influence the individual greatly for that year. Some think it can cause
a wipe out for what the natal planet represents in that chart. Because symbolically they
wipe out the light of the Sun. Eclipses are wild cards and are extremely unpredictable.
One thing for certain is they radically change things.
Outline Transits for Prediction
1) The first thing to look for is the house the transiting planet is transiting and will
transit for future reference.
2) The aspects a transiting planet may form to the natal planets
3) The houses activated by the ruler of the natal planet being hit by the transiting
4) The spacial relationships of transiting planets to the natal planets
5) The dispositor of the natal planet being activated by the transiting planet will reveal
the reason for the event that occurs.
6) The transiting planets can become stronger or weaker according to what sign or
house they are in.
7) Jupiter and Saturn will give the main events of the year.
8) The signs/houses a faster moving planet (Mercury, Venus, Mars) remains in during
the retrograde process will become prominent.
9) The transiting outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) will cause a life changing
event when conjuncting or opposing a natal personal planet.
10) The Moon will be the timer of the exact day an event occurs when other transits are
indicating a big event.
11) Rahu/Ketu are where the most changes will occur for the next 1 ½ years. Note
signs/houses they activate by opposition.
12) The degree of eclipses must be watched as to if it falls on a natal point in the birth
chart, and the activation of that point when a transiting planet crosses over this
sensitive point creates an event.
Secondary Transiting Influence
There is a secondary influence that can be applied. The transiting planets can be used as
to the signs they rule in your chart. The ruling planets can be further referred back to the
natal chart. When the transits form aspects to each other in the heavens these aspects
will relate personally to an individual as to the houses these transiting planets rule in a
persons chart.
For example, if Saturn and Mars are in opposition in the sky, then the houses ruled by
both Saturn and Mars in a person’s chart will become activated with the effect of this
transit. Mars aspecting Saturn will have the difficult influence of these 2 planets. A Gemini
ascendant has Mars as ruler of the sixth house and eleventh houses. When Saturn aspects
Mars there could be setbacks and disappointments in the areas of friends (11th house),
and work (6th house). Likewise Mars aspecting Saturn will also cause problems to the
houses Saturn rules. As with Gemini ascendants Saturn rules the eighth and ninth houses.
Problems with the father (9th house) or inheritances (8th house) are the possibilities.
When there are difficult transits in the sky everyone will be affected in personal ways. It is
like the Macrocosm effects always relates down to the Microcosm.
Transiting Planets Carry meanings they have natally in Transit
A transiting planet will carry the effects of its natal placements and rulership. As to the
quality of the transiting planets some look to the natal placements as to what kind of
effect it will produce. This can give a clearer idea as to specifics with prediction. For
example if transiting Saturn is in the 11th house and the ascendant is Taurus then it will
bring the 9th and 10th house meanings as well as the nature it possesses in the natal
chart, what house it is placed in natally and the aspects it receives. If Saturn is in the 3rd
aspected by Jupiter, Transiting Saturn will bring to the 11th house Its rulership of the 9th,
10th houses and the 3rd house placement as well as the influence of Jupiter’s aspect.
Therefore; Saturun’s transit can bring travel and learning (3rd , 9th house and Jupiter) to
the 11th house of friends or great gains. Saturn could bring about travel and learning (3rd,
9th) with friends (11th) for the pursuit of career goals (10th).

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