Paracetamol English
Paracetamol English
Paracetamol English
WT hat is it??
oday it is impossible to find
a household whose members
be used to treat fever in children if
their temperature is greater than
38.5 °C (101.3 °F). Paracetamol has
haven’t used the Paracetamol tablets a well-established role in pediatric
at one instance or the other! medicine as an effective analgesic
and antipyretic.
What is this Paracetamol?
Paracetamol is also used for the relief
Paracetamol or acetaminophen of pains associated with many parts of
chemically named N-acetyl-p- the body. It has analgesic properties
aminophenol, is a widely used over- comparable to those of aspirin,
the-counter analgesic (pain reliever) Available without a prescription; it has
and antipyretic (fever reducer). in recent years increasingly become a
common household drug.
Paracetamol is classified as a mild
analgesic. It is commonly used for Prior to the usage of Paracetamol as
the relief of headaches and other antipyretic drugs; Asprin was used to
minor aches and pains and is a major bring the fever down. Aspirin causes
ingredient in numerous cold and gastric irritation and it is a blood
flu remedies. In combination with thinner and thus cannot be used in
opioid analgesics, paracetamol can patients where coagulation ( clotting
also be used in the management of blood) is a concern, whereas the
of more severe pain such as post- Paracetamol does not cause gastric
surgical pain and providing palliative irritation. However, Paracetamol does
care in advanced cancer patients.. not help reduce inflammation like the
While generally safe for use at Aspirin . Paracetamol is usually taken
recommended doses (1,000 mg per by mouth in tablet or capsule form. It
single dose and up to 4,000 mg per is also available as liquids for children.
day for adults), acute overdoses of
Safe recommended doses :
paracetamol can cause potentially
fatal kidney, brain and liver damage 1,000 mg per single dose and up
and, in rare individuals, a normal to 4,000 mg per day for adults.
dose can do the same. Paracetamol usually comes in a 500mg
Medical uses tablet or capsule. It is also available
Paracetamol is approved for reducing in slow release (SR) 665mg tablets.
fever in people of all ages.The Liquid paracetamol is available for
World Health Organization (WHO) children. The dosage depends on the
recommends that paracetamol only child’s age.
The usual dose is 15mg per kg of pain or fever. It is preferable to ask
body weight. Liquid paracetamol your doctor or pharmacist if you are
comes in different strengths so it is
uncertain about how often to take
very important you check the strength
to ensure that the dose above what is your medicine.
required is not administered. Paracetamol can be taken safely
The dose may need to be reduced during pregnancy or when
if you have liver problems. breastfeeding.
FREQUENCY OF DOSE: Although paracetamol is
Paracetamol can be taken when administered to bring down
needed, that is when you feel the fever in a patient, it is advisable
pain or have fever, or it may be taken to consult your doctor if the fever
regularly to manage persistent pain
persists beyond 3 days and do
or fever. It is usually taken every 4 to
8 hours depending on the potency further investigations to rule out
of the drug and the intensity of any serious infection.
10. Acticin Drugs and Cosmetic Rules 1945
11. Fepanil (manner of labelling) mandates the
following minimum information to be
12. Dolo 650
put on the label of all OTC medicines:
13. Pararite - 500
a. Generic and Trade name
14. Paracetamol Tablets IP (500 mg)
made by Locost, Baroda b. Net contents and content of
active ingredient
Paracetamol – Paediatric Dosage: c. Date of manufacture
1. Calpal 250 mg Oral Suspension
d. Date of expiry
2. Crocin Oral Suspension e. Name and address of
3. Fepanil 250 Oral Suspension manufacturer including
4. Lotemp Oral Suspension manufacture and the license
5. Dolopar 250 Oral Suspension number
6. Paracip 250 Oral suspension f. Batch number, manufacture and
expiry date
7. P - 250 Oral Suspension
g. Maximum retail price
PARAMETERS TESTED were as per the h. Warning legend
standards prescribed in the INDIAN i. Directions for use/Dosage
PHARMACOPEIA j. Net quantity
k. Storage condition
1a) Labelling
1b) Warning Legend
Mandatory labelling Requirements of Paracetamol should carry the warning
OTC Drugs in India – Overdose causes Liver Damage
Tablets Suspensions
< 95% – Fail -0 <90% – Fail – 0
95% – minimum – 2 90% – 95% – 2
> 95% – <100% – 3 95% – <100% – 3
100% to 105% – 4 100% – 110% – 4
Assay reading is a clear indication of quality and efficacy
As per Indian Pharmacopeia (IP) presence of 95% of the active ingredient is
sufficient to meet the statutory requirement. Thus the drug which has a lower
assay reading has compromised on the quantity of the active ingredient used
thus bringing down the efficacy; more the active ingredient more effective is
the drug.
A drug with an assay reading of 95% will contain 95% of the active ingredient
and a drug with 110% assay reading contains 110% of active ingredient. 10%
excess of the active ingredient is used in the manufacturing.
The Assay results for the various brands are tabulated below
TABLETS – Range 95 - 105%
Jan Aushadhi supply (IDIMOL)* 97.97
Tamilnadu Government
Calpol 98.70
Crocin Advance 98.37
Paracip 500* 99.64
Metacin 98.05
P -500 99.60
Pacimol 99.91
Acticin 97.00
Pyrigesic 99.54
Fepanil 99.36
Locost* 98.39
Dolo – 650 101.27
Pararite - 500* 101.11
Total score by
Efficacy/ different
Brand Name Labelling Quality
Jan Aushadhi
Good Good Fair 75.00
supply (IDIMOL)*
Government Fair Good Good 82.78
Calpol Good Good Good 85.00
Crocin Advance Fair Good Good 82.78
Paracip 500* Good Good Good 85.00
Metacin Good Good Good 85.00
P -500 Good Good Good 85.00
Pacimol Good Good Good 85.00
Acticin Good Good Good 85.00
Pyrigesic Good Good Good 85.00
Fepanil Good Good Good 85.00
Locost* Good Good Good 85.00
Dolo – 650 Good Good V.Good 90.00
Pararite - 500* Good Good V.Good 90.00
9 9
Total score
Brand Efficacy / by different
Labelling Quality (MRP in
Name Potency weightage
Rs) 60ml
Paracip Good Good Fair 70 35
Fepanil Good Good Good 80 35.00
Lotemp Good Good Good 80 50.80
Dolopar Good Good V. Good 90 34
P - 250 Good Good V. Good 90 35.10
Calpal Good Good V.Good 90 35.75
Crocin Good Good V.Good 90 33.73
Identification Fail/ Pass 0/2
4 Aminophenol test Fail/ Pass 0/2
Relative substance Fail/ Pass 0/2
Uniformity of weight Fail/ Pass 0/2
Dissolution( only for Tablets) Fail/ Pass 0/4
(Range 0 to 4)
Uniformity of weight Fail/ Pass 0/2
Assay* Fail/ Pass 0/4
(Range 0 to 4)
Label as per act Fail/ Pass 0/2
Warning Legend Yes/No 2/0
*Assay range and scores are as indicated in the assay table for Tablets and
The table below indicates the price per tablet which starts from 0.24 paisa and
goes up to a maximum of Rs 2/- per tablet which is almost 8 to 9 times the price of
the lowest brand listed.
If the doctor has prescribed a
medicine by its brand name, the
pharmacist will dispense that
brand. However, if a medicine
has been prescribed by its generic
name, then the pharmacist can
dispense whatever version of the
medicine they have available,
because each version will have
the same therapeutic effect,
regardless of whether one
manufacturer makes the tablets
(the ingredient that produces the a different shape or colour.
therapeutic effect of the medicine) is
the same in both. Generic prescribing helps in lowering
the medicine cost. Sometimes we will
Medicines also contain inactive seek a particular medicine, because
ingredients, which are used to we find that size and shape of tablet
formulate the active ingredient easier to swallow, or because it is
into a tablet, liquid, cream or a different colour from your other
other preparation. These inactive medicines and stops you getting
ingredients are called excipients, confused between them, that your
and different manufacturers do not pharmacist should normally be happy
always use the same ones when to always give you that version.
formulating their product. DOCTORS CANNOT ALWAYS PRESCRIBE
This is the reason why medicines GENERIC MEDICINES
containing the same active ingredient, There are a handful of medicines that a doctor
but made by different manufacturers, must prescribe by the brand name only.
may vary in appearance.
Because different brands of these medicines
The excipients used may create small may differ significantly in the way they are
differences between them, such as in absorbed. If a different brand than usual is
colour, or the amount of time it takes taken, the blood levels of the active ingredient
for a tablet to dissolve in the gut and could stray outside the required therapeutic
be absorbed into the bloodstream, range. If the amount in the blood becomes
but these differences are rarely too low, the effect of the medicine may be
significant, which is why generic and lost; if the amount in the blood becomes too
branded medicines are (with a few high, there may an increased chance of side
exceptions) interchangeable. effects.
the gastro-intestinal tract if it is recommended on the label (example
administered through the oral route. “Keep in a cool, dry place”) to
maintain drug stability — i.e, to
• i.v/i.m: only for injections.
prevent contamination and as far
• Oral: for the drugs which can be as possible deterioration. It may be
administered through mouth. necessary to control elements such
as temperature, moisture and light. If
• Sublingual: for drugs which
not stored properly, the medicine may
should be placed under tongue.
expire well before the expiry date.
• For external use only : For drugs
• Cold — 2-8°C
meant for external use (should
not be taken internally) for • Cool — 8-25°C
example, creams, gels, etc. • Room temperature —
Temperature prevailing in a
• For nasal use only : for drugs for
working area
inhalation through the nose.
• Warm — 30 - 40°C
Special instructions • Excessive heat — above 40°C
Shake well before use - For • Ointments should be kept
suspensions like antacids (Gelucil). below 30°C. Do not freeze.
Suspensions have a tendency to settle Protection from freezing
at the bottom of the container. So,
if it is not mixed properly, the body It is indicated where there is a risk
will not be getting proper amount of of breaking the container or where
active ingredients for the therapeutic freezing leads to loss of strength or
action. potency.
Not to be refrigerated
Keep out of reach of children
For example, soft gelatin capsules
Sugar-coated and beautifully coloured should not be refrigerated.
tablets/capsules are available - for
example iron tablets. Children may Protection from light
mistake them for candy, so they must Store in a dark cupboard or use a
be stored out of reach of children. (If light-resistant container.
they are ingested in large numbers, it
may lead to drug toxicity.) Physician’s sample — not to be sold