2 Point Perspective
2 Point Perspective
2 Point Perspective
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In 2PP there are two vanishing points for the object (vp1 and
vp2) which form a right or 90° angle. Each vanishing point also
has its own angle to the direction of view, shown in the diagram
as the angle between the thick blue lines at the top of the circle
of view and the median line (direction of view in the visual ray
setup). If one of these angles is x°, then the other angle must
be 90°–x° — the two angles together must equal the 90° angle.
All edges and lines parallel to the horizontal edges of the cube
converge on one of these vanishing points.
There is no third vanishing point for the vertical edges and lines
parallel to them, because these are parallel to the image plane.
This is rarely a disadvantage in the 2PP drawings of architectural
verticals, such as the walls of interior rooms or exterior facades
viewed from ground level. In these limited situations the
distortion in vertical proportions is usually insignificant.
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If the circle of view is very large, the rotation can be worked out
on a reduced scale. With a compass, draw a circle of view with a
7.5cm radius (15cm or 6" wide), and mark the compass pinhole
as dv. Scribe the vertical median line over the pinhole, and
locate the viewpoint at the top. Then draw the horizon line
perpendicular to the median line and extending beyond the circle
of view on both sides. Next, lay a sheet of paper over this circle
with one corner at the viewpoint, and rotate the sheet around
this corner until you have the approximate orientation of the two
sides you want. Make sure the corner is exactly aligned with the
viewpoint, then mark the two places where the paper edges
cross the horizon line. Measure the distance (in centimeters)
from these two points to dv, and multiply by 20. You now have
the measurements of the two vanishing points from dv in a 3
meter (~10 foot) circle of view.
VP spacing
for sides of a right angled object
(1.0 = radius of 90° circle of view)
angle to dv
left VP right VP
5 0.09 11.43
10 0.18 5.67
15 0.27 3.73
20 0.36 2.75
25 0.47 2.14
30 0.58 1.73
35 0.70 1.43
40 0.84 1.19
45 1.00 1.00
50 1.19 0.84
55 1.43 0.70
60 1.73 0.58
65 2.14 0.47
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70 2.75 0.36
75 3.73 0.27
80 5.67 0.18
85 11.43 0.09
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Every vanishing line ends in two points: its vanishing point and
its intersection with the image plane (perspective rule 4). Thus
the vanishing line VG (diagram, above) must define an interior
angle VGA at its intersection with the image plane. This is the
image plane angle (x), and it is the apex of the isosceles
triangle we want to construct.
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anchor point A', align a measure bar with A', then rule off the
dimensions we require by connecting the measure bar back to
mp. Where these measure lines cross the vanishing line, we
have the measurements in correct perspective along the
vanishing line.
Thus, the arc from vp1 intersects the image plane at B; the
triangle VAB is an isosceles triangle in the ground plan between
the viewpoint and the image plane (when folded along the
horizon line into the 90° circle of view), and its base VB is the
visual ray that intersects the image plane at measure point mp1.
The arc from vp2 intersects the image plane at Y; the triangle
VXY is an isosceles triangle and its base VY is the visual ray
that intersects the image plane at measure point mp2.
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Then the vanishing point for the object edge or side (vp1) will be
located 90-x degrees from the direction of view (dv), and the
measure point will be located x/2 degrees from the dv, on the
opposite side. In the example, the front face of object BC
(shown in plan) is rotated 30° to the image plane; therefore x is
equal to 30°. This means vp1 will be rotated 60° away from the
dv on one side, and its measure point will be located mp1 or 15°
to the right. These relationships hold, no matter what orientation
the object has to the image plane.
• For faces parallel to the image plane (x = 0°), the angle of the
vanishing point to the direction of view is 90°–x = 90° (the
vanishing point is in the image plane, because the direction of
view is perpendicular to the image plane), and the measure
point is x/2 = 0° (the measure point is 0° from the direction of
view, and is therefore the principal point).
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As always, the first step is locating the anchor point and its
anchor line. This can be the back corner of a room, the front
corner of a building, or the nearest tree on a leafy walk. This
vertical defines the scale and view of the whole drawing. If
you're not sure where to put it, work out the image composition
with a few perspective sketches.
Connect the top and bottom ends of the anchor line to each of
the vanishing points (blue lines). Define the measure bars for
the front sides of the primary form, using the drawing scale
methods. The measure bar will be equal to the vertical anchor
line if the form is cubic, and different if it is rectangular.
Remember, there is no perspective foreshortening of the anchor
line, so you can use it as your unit of measurement by rotating
it into the correct orientation (as shown by the arc, below).
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Now place one end of the measure bar at the anchor point, and
a draw line from the other end of the measure bar to its
corresponding measure point. The measure bar is shown
(diagram, above) in two locations, to define the lengths on the
two sets of vanishing lines. In each case the line from the
measure bar is to the mp that was defined by the controlling
vanishing point.
Draw vanishing lines from the ends of each side edge to the
vanishing point opposite it. These new lines intersect at the top
and bottom ends of the fourth vertical edge. Construct it.
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There are often many other forms in the drawing besides the
primary form. In that case, locate the front and side verticals
first. Locate any forms or perspective details such as sidewalks,
trees or streets that are in front of or at either side of the
primary form. Finish these in outline, then go back and finish the
primary form. Last, fill in any background forms or structures
that are not occluded by the objects already in view.
I use the 2PP framework as this is still the routine basis for
architectural purposes, but the underlying geometry applies to
1PP and 3PP drawings as well.
Any inclined line defines a plan image in the ground plane. The
plane that contains both the inclined line and its plan image will
be perpendicular to the ground plane, and its image line will be
perpendicular to the horizon line (perspective rule 16). In
addition, the plan line recedes to a vanishing point already
established for horizontals (either vp1 or vp1), and this
vanishing point will also lie on the vanishing line for the plane
that contains the inclined line and its plan (perspective rule 14).
Therefore the vanishing line for the plane that contains the
inclined vanishing point (ivp) can be constructed as the vertical
line through a horizontal vanishing point (diagram below).
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• The upper end point of the inclined line (y), if it is the peak of
a gabled roof, is usually located on the midline of the wall
underneath; the midline passes through the bisection point at
the intersection of the wall diagonals (x). Then the vertical
distance ca is projected to the horizontal vanishing point vp1
from a vertical measure bar to locate c; y is at the intersection
of the vertical midline with the vanishing line from c. Then
extend ay to the vertical vanishing line (through vp1) to find the
inclined vanishing point ivp1.
• If the upper end point (y) of the inclined line is not on the
midline of the wall or vertical support (as, for example, the side
of a stairway), then it is more convenient to project the
horizontal (plan) location of its upper end point (e) with a
horizontal measure bar to the appropriate measure point, along
with a second horizontal point (d, shown in elevation) that
locates the intersection of the diagonal fy with the horizontal
ab. Once these points are located on ab, y is found at the
intersection of the vertical ex and the diagonal df, and the line
ay is constructed and extended as above.
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far side of the roof will the same distance below the horizon line
that ivp1 is above it; this can be found by an arc drawn from
vp1 through ivp1 to the vanishing line opposite. Or it can be
located by extending the line yb to the vertical vanishing line.
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3. Identify the intersection of this line with the 90° circle of view
(point x).
5. Rotate around A the visual rays that define the slope of the
desired inclined lines. In the example, a slope of 45° is
demonstrated. The intersection of these rotated visual rays with
the vertical vanishing line defines the two inclined vanishing
points, ivp1 and ivp2.
These vanishing points control all parallel inclined lines. Thus the
edges of the roof at the opposite end of the structure recede to
the matching vanishing points for the front edges: no to the
same vanishing point as ab, and np to the same vanishing point
as ac. In other words, triangle nop is parallel to triangle abc,
and all parallel planes converge to the same vanishing line
(perspective rule 14).
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The vanishing point vp2 is, of course, the vanishing point for all
lines in the plane abno that are horizontal (parallel to the
ground plane).
Lines to vp2 are gradient lines that indicate all points on the
plane at an equal height above or below the ground plane. Lines
to ivp1 are fall lines perpendicular to the gradient lines that
represent the lines of steepest descent or the direction of
gravitational pull across the plane — the direction in which water
would flow or round objects would roll down a perfectly smooth,
flat surface.
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We can find the location of the anchor point using the methods
described under scaling the drawing, but let me show you the
traditional approach. It is based on the divided distance
The point d' is the image location of the unit dimension distance
(the viewing distance, 1.5 meters) projected into perspective
depth — as measured from the ground line, not the viewpoint or
station point.
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The first step in the distance point method is to carry all the
important object points up to the anchor line with perpendicular
lines. Thus, a defines the (new) point x and b defines point y.
Then the plan orthogonals are constructed from these points
back to the principal point, as shown above (blue lines).
The next step is, for each point, to carry its plan distance from
the anchor line back to the anchor line with by an arc centered
on its orthogonal intersection (pink lines, above), the method of
rabattement or plan rotation first attested in the 17th century.
All that remains is to connect the points in the image plane. This
constructs the perspective image of the pentagon plan at an
11.5 meter distance — all without constructing any additional
vanishing points, or using a work surface larger than the 90°
circle of view radius.
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architectural blueprints
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turning the object so that the plan orientation gives the desired
direction of view.
Next, the horizon line and ground line are located in the image
area to produce the desired image composition, specifically the
height of the viewpoint to the primary form, its distance from
the viewer, and the angle of view in relation to the ground plane
(diagram, above).
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If you have a 12 foot table, push pins and lots of string (or the
specialized drafting equipiment that rescales vanishing point
locations within a small work area), you can work out the
geometry of a cube at any size, no problem. If you're lacking the
table, you can lay the support on any large bare surface, for
example a clean kitchen floor or concrete patio, and work there
— using tape instead of pins to hold the string.
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When one or both vp's are really far from the drawing surface,
it's possible to calculate the relative sizes of edges and angles in
a drawing without ever anchoring the vp's with string or ruler:
you just need to work out a few key measurements on a
calculator, and you need to know the exact distance of the two
vanishing points from the principal point (dv), which is found
either with a careful rotation around the viewpoint, or by
multiplying the radius of the 90° circle of view by the
tangent of the vanishing point angle to the direction of view.
The diagram shows all the points required for these calculations.
The procedure is simple once you understand it: go through the
instructions slowly and carefully, and you should have no
trouble. (Caution: use a metric or engineering ruler for
these tasks.)
There are two situations: the anchor line is either entirely above
(or below) the horizon line, or it straddles the horizon line.
Start with the straddled line (right side of the diagram). The key
measurements you must know in advance are: (1) the length
from dv (the direction of view) to c (the vanishing point), (2)
the length of the anchor line above (A1 to A2) and below (A2
to A3) the horizon line, and (3) the distance from the direction of
view to the anchor line (d to a).
First, determine how far to the left or right of the anchor line the
new line should be placed: this defines ab, which gives bc when
subtracted from ac. Then the ratio bc/ac tells you the length of
the new line N2-N3 in relation to the length of line A2-A3, and
the length of the new line N1-N2 in relation to the length of line
A1-A2. For example, if bc/ac equals 0.80, and the upper part of
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the anchor line A1-A2 is 2cm long, then the upper part of the
new line N1-N2 will be 0.80 * 2.0 = 1.6cm long. Repeat for the
line segment below the horizon line (N2-N3).
If the line is entirely above (or below) the horizon line (left side
of the diagram), then the ratio bc/ac is applied to the length
A1-A3 to get the top end of the new line, and to the length A2-A3
to get the bottom.
Unfortunately this method, even after you get the hang of it, still
forces you into a lot of poking of a pocket calculator, and is
hopelessly tedious and prone to error if many lines must be
inserted in your drawing. The ultimate solution is to generate a
recession grid for the distant vanishing point, and use this grid
to determine the perspective reduction for any verticals in the
First work out the angles and distances of your point of view
within a reduced (20cm) circle of view drawn on a large sheet of
paper. Carefully measure with a metric ruler the distances from
dv to the two vanishing points vp, the diagonal vanishing point
dvp and the two measure points mp, then multiply these by 15
to get them in the same scale as the 3 meter circle of view (the
scale of the perspective drawing). Locate the horizon line, dv
and the two measure points on your support.
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The shape of the cube alone tells us a lot about its distance from
us. The flattening in the "far" cube (24 meters, at right) is what
we'd expect to see in binoculars or a telescopic lens, while the
bulging in the "near" cube (3 meters, at left) mimics a wide
angle lens. This "near" cube resembles many badly done
perspective drawings, because the cube is too large relative to
the vp's.
First, extend the front edges of the primary form on either side
until they meet in two vanishing points, vp1 and vp2. Connect
these points with a straight line, which is the vanishing line for
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the primary form; if the form is level and upright to the ground,
such as a building, then this is also the horizon line.
Next, find the midpoint M on the horizon line between the two
vanishing points, using a ruler or the line bisection method.
Then draw a semicircle around the midpoint M from one
vanishing point to the other. This is the semicircle of Thales.
I claimed that the cube in this example was cube 2 meters high
viewed from 6 meters. Let's check. The direction of view (dv) is
located about 3/4ths up the front edge, so the viewing height is
about 1.5 meters above the ground. As the horizon line is
always at the same level as the viewpoint, this corresponds to
our standing height on level ground when viewing the cube.
By definition, this 1.5 meters is also the radius of the 90° circle
of view, and is also the implied viewing distance to the
finished image.
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go ahead and draw these in (blue lines) from the dv, extending
the horizon line far off the picture to one side.
A circle with center at dv through the dvp defines the 90° circle
of view, so the distance between dv and dvp is also the viewing
distance to the painting. The width of the painting is 27 feet, so
by calculation the center of projection should be about 31.5 feet
directly in front of dv. I haven't been to the Vatican chamber
where this fresco is located, but the photographs I have
examined suggest the center of projection is not in a practicable
viewing position. (It is approximately 10 feet above the floor and
several feet on the other side of the opposite wall!)
The horizon line also lets me locate the implicit location of the
painter in terms of the room represented in the fresco, which is
roughly at the height of the white robed figure to the right of the
dv (if the artist is assumed to be standing), or at the height of
the central figures at the top level (if the artist is assumed to be
From the dvp I can also determine the circle of view of the
painting. Drawing a straight line from dvp to the top of the
fresco defines a 20° angle. So the barrel vault boundary of the
fresco represents a 40° circle of view.
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The diagonals from the eaves and base trim of the windows
(orange) are a little sloppy, but my best guess puts their
intersections (and the horizon line) at the bottom of the picture.
(This construction fundamentally determines everything else, so
it should be done as carefully as possible, using as many
vanishing lines as you can find.)
The median line and direction of view (dv) are arbitrarily located
on the midline of the painting.
To find the folded viewpoint on the circle of view, move the right
angle corner of a drafting triangle up the median line until the
two edges lie on both vanishing points: the right corner is then
on the circle of view; or use the semicircle of Thales method by
bisecting the distance between the two vanishing points.
• Hopper's eye level (the horizon line) is level with the sidewalk
in front of the house, which implies that the house is at the top
of a hill and the artist was downhill from the house when
painting — how far downhill depends on whether he was seated
or standing.
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