Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
A. Research Background
English has been known as global language of business. It is the language for doing
International busisness. As a consequency, companies need those employess who are in relation
with foreign clients or supplier to have the skills in English, whch enable them to do their work
English as the common corporate language. To see this condition, ready or not, Indonesia as one
of develop country needs to pay attention to the skill of English which has been becoming the
English is used in indonesia in business and education field, even though English has no
wide use in society, is not used as medium of communication in official domains like
Goverment, the Law Court and the education system (as Second Language) and it is not
accorded any special status in the country`s languagge Legistation, it is still seen as priority, as
the most important of the Foreign Language to be taught (Simatupag, 1999:64). According to
Braiane (2005: 71) to equip Indonesian with an ability to communicate at the International level,
English is the first foreign language officially taught to students from junior Secondary school.
In Indonesia, English has been a language offically taught from Junior high school for three
years, Senior high school for three years and some years at University level. There has also been
a growing tendency in many big cities to teach English from the lower grades of Primary school
even Kindergarten.
Eventhough English has been taught for around ten years from Primary to University but
the English competence of Indonesian students are still low. It is no doubt that there are several
components contributing to the failure and success in learning and teaching languages. Steven
(in Long and Richards, 1987, p.15-23) for example, mentioned four basic components the
community, the profession, the teacher, and the learner. In my opinion, teacher is the key
components because the teacher has a major influence in creating the learning to produce
qualified learners. The quality improvement in education then should start from a teacher. The
process of learning will be effective if the teacher plans the lessons carefully.
learning system. A lesson plan is a step-by-step guidance that provides a structure for en
essential learning. Making achievable lesson plan of teaching skill is different from teaching
knowledge. The methodology and the approach is totally different. The Objective of learning
language is to have Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skill, in learning language, the
dominated skill that usually people recognize is speaking, as a competence. In order to make
people able to have English competence, they have to think the target language not to think in
their first language and translate it into the target language. They have to see things in English
The instructions on the lesson plan influence students` outcome. If the objective of
learning language is merely about how to know the meaning of words in first language,
understand grammar and practise simple sentences without interactional and the ability of
students producing the opinion from the way they think about something, it will not result to the
speaking but knowledge while today`s era has been a demanding to a higher thinking level. The
instructions to knowledge objectives don`t allow the students to think English and use it as their
English words, stimulate them with challenging questions as the instructions during the teaching
and learning process. Target language challenging questions will lead the students into the
thinking skill. Teachers need to figure it out how to use challenging questions on their lesson
plan in order to develop students` thinking skill. But what hapened is that not many teachers
make the qualified and achieveable lesson plan. Some of them just copy the lesson plan from
the internet or making the lesson plan in first language rather than in target language.
help teachers and students learn from one another (Latihan, 1957 as citied from Wood; Carol,
2001, Mehmet, 2006). Reviews of research findings on questioning reveal that it is an effective
skill “ to stimulate student interaction, thinking and learning” (Wilen, Isher, Hutchison”, and
Kindsvatte, 2000 as citied from Wood; Carol, 2001, Mehmet, 2006). Questioning should be
used to achieve well-defines goals. Teacher should ask questions that will require students to
concentrating on one thing long enough to develop an idea about it.(Jonathan. B, Thinking and
Deciding, Cambridge University Press, 2008, p 32). It is only by concentrating, sticking to the
question, being patient, letting all the parts of our mind come out and play, that I arrive at an
original idea. By giving my brain a chance to make association draw connections take me by
choose, to desire or believe. One way to test the presciptive theory about thinking is to try to
improve it through instruction and then show some effect of the instruction on something else.
learning process, teachers prepare what are they going to teach (content) and how they teach
through instructions. Making teachers instruction is one of ways of knowing that students doing
the thinking of the learning. One of essential techniques of classroom instruction is by using
question. The most comprehensive definition for question is suggested by Cotton (2001). He
believes that “A question is any sentence, which has an interrogative form or function”.
Moreover, he assert that “In classroom settings, teacher questions as defined as instructional
cues or stimuli that convey to students the content elements to be learned and direction fo what
According to Gattis (2002:41) a question is one of the most important tools in guiding
and extending students` learning. It an help the teachers to develop their own strategy to
enhance the students work and thinking. Therefore, it will be effective when it allows students
to become fully involed in the learning process. In tems of lesson planning, teachers signficantly
think aboout the types of questions for students. The teachers likewise need to clear the goals of
questioning to their students.. Therefore , through this process, lesson plan will help teachers to
But most teachers fail to deliver achieveable lesson plan to the students due to the lack of
the competence and emotional intelligence. Teacher should realiase the essential of teaching and
learning process in the classroom takes three elements, they are teacher, content and the
student. Teacher needs to prepare the content and conduct it with varoius ways of method,
approach and technique or strategy in order to get the feedback and response from the students,
so that students get something from the learning. In this case.It is couraged that by preparing
achieveable lesson plan with quality questions and questioning strategy, it will develop students`
thinking skill.
According to Donad & Enggem through questions, teacher can engange students actively
in the lesson in hand ad challenging their thinking. Because most of the questions are provided
to get an answer, thus the used of teachers` questions wiill stimulate students to talk while
answering the questions. At individual level, questions can be use to build the students
confidence to speak.” Gathering information is a basic human activity. We use the information
to learn, to help us solve the problems, to make our decision aand others. Questioning is the key
to gaining more informataion and without it, interpersonal skill can fail. questioning is the
fundamental to successfull communication. We all are asked and ask questions when engange in
conversation. But it is not easy to drag students to response teachers questions, especially for
those who are shy and afraid of making mistakes. These kinds of students are having low
Harvey (2000:8) states that qustioning strategy is most effective when it allows pupils to
become fully involved in the learning oproess. He states that while the lesson is planning, i is
absolutely vital that teachers think about the types of questions will be asked to students. It
also needs to be clear on what the intendeded outcomes of the questions/ answer session should
be. It means that questioning technique will help the teacher to plan questions and answer
session efefctively when the teacher plays the questions effectively based on the students need
As has been mentioned earlier, beside learning material as written on Lesson Plan,
learning environment also play its important rule in teaching and learning process. Not only
teachers need to make achievable lesson plan with qualified questions but also students need to
give feedback as the response of teachers` questions as part of interacting in teaching ang
learming process. Rusman (2017) defines learning as a process of interaction toward all
situations that exist around the students. One of the activities as the implementation of the
Based on the description of the nature of learning, it can be concluded that the purpose of
learning will be achieved if there is an interaction between students and their environment. This
statement is also accordance with Low, Chong & Ellis’s opinion that critical component of
teaching is effective communication skills. If there is a mismatch between what was intended
to be conveyed and what is conveyed, then ineffective teaching outcomes even the best
Interpersonal communication has many benefits, not only to support the success of
the students’ interaction in learning but also to establish and maintain good a relationship
make the way to success (Suranto, 2011 ). While the benefits of interpersonal communication
according to Singh and Lairopuii (2014 ) are the capability to report and work with various
people, to handle conflict, to negotiate differences, to make an objective requests effectively and
efficiently, to be open to the ideas of others and willing to express their views on important
and work environments. The statement about the important ance of communication skill is
also in accordance with Howard’s opinion that one of the most important skills is having the
ability to communicate properly within the workplace in order to ensure your ideas, wants, and
Nevertheless, many students still have the interpersonal communications skills, which is
considered low. One of the learning models that can optimize the interpersonal
communication skills are the using teachers` questioning strategy in Content Based Instruction.
2. Public Schools and Cheap Private School teach English only as knowledge not a
3. The mismatch between curriculum and the teacher`s approach in making their lesson plan
fail to make students speaking and has the ability to think the target language rather than
first language
4. The quality of teachers in making lesson plan using quaified questions are still low and
doesn`t stimulate students to think target language and develop thinking skill.
5. The mistake of conductiong teaching and learning process to learn language, more about
6. Many students are not having cofident in speaking and have low interpersonal skill.
fail to make students speaking and has the ability to think the target language rather than
first language
2. The quality of teachers in making lesson plan using quaified questions are still low and
doesn`t stimulate students to think target language and develop thinking skill.
3. The mistake of conductiong teaching and learning process to learn language, more about
4. Many students are not having cofident in speaking and have low interpersonal skill.
The writer formulate the problem into the influenfe of using teachers` questioning strategies and
1. Students, because they will be able to speak english naturally by using the method and
approach that researcher use in teaching them English as skill and also will able to
2. Teachers, because it will be easier for teachers to teach English as skill using this Lesson
3. Schools, because they will have qualified teachers in teaching English after implemeting
4. Parents, because they will have children who speak English and able to compete to the
qualified teachers who implement this method and approach on their lesson plan.
F. Hyphotesis
1. How does Teachers` Questioning Strategies infuence to develop students` thinking skill?