The CIA, The Media, and The 'ALIENS!': All Working Together
The CIA, The Media, and The 'ALIENS!': All Working Together
The CIA, The Media, and The 'ALIENS!': All Working Together
A Resource for the Awakening Human
The CIA, the X-Files, and the North Korean H-bomb: A RECENT POSTS
coordinated campaign?
The COVID-19 Hype Train: The Catalyst for
The truth is out there… but you won’t nd it in Hollywood… the NWO Transition [+ more (3/7)]
FALSE-FLAG ALERT (29 January 2020):
Engineered Viral Pandemic / Super Bowl
The 2019 Archive 2
Chabad Rabbi Greets Trump as a Jewish
King (+ a repost of “Israel’s Chief Sephardic
Rabbi con rms Putin is a Jew”)
The 2019 Archive
Alfred Lambremont Webre
David Wilcock
Deprogramming Religion
Globalist Agenda Watch 2015
…(former Hollywood bigwigs Michael Eisner and George Lucas with alien deception Globalist Agenda Watch 2016
The CIA connection to Hollywood should already be well known by any awakening person. Globalist Agenda Watch 2019
The mass media complex of which Hollywood is an integral part serves as one of the twin Globalist Disinfo
towers of globalist manipulation of the public’s perceptions and beliefs (the other tower Globalist Prophecy Watch
being the “education” system). And the CIA’s ngerprints are de nitely all over the new X- Iran
Files miniseries and its attempt to in uence the public’s beliefs about UFOs. Just 3 days Miscellaneous Ramblings
before the series premiere, the CIA released this on its website… Notes
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…So clearly, this is a coordinated campaign to put certain ideas into people’s minds. But November 2018
This question can be answered by looking at the two conspiracy dialogs o ered in the rst August 2018
1) The rst dialog is o ered at the 27:23 mark, and it features Mulder speaking with a old May 2018
doctor who was a rst-responder at the Roswell UFO crash site. April 2018
January 2018
2) The second dialog is o ered at the 32:20 mark, and it features Mulder, Scully, a November 2017
conservative TV host, and a UFO abductee talking about the overall conspiracy. October 2017
September 2017
This is the rst point of the scenario they outline… August 2017
July 2017
June 2017
“No sooner had we defeated Germany than a new threat started appearing in skies over May 2017
America, drawn to Earth by the latest threat to extinction: the H-bomb. Explosions acting April 2017
as transducers, drawing alien life forms through wormholes in spaceships using electro- March 2017
gravitic propulsion. Advanced extraterrestrial species visiting us, concerned for mankind February 2017
and the threat of our self-destruction, forestalling our annihilation through their own January 2017
self-sacri ce. The crashes at Roswell. More importantly, places like Aztec. ” December 2016
November 2016
October 2016
So the CIA/Hollywood complex is suggesting that “real, benevolent aliens” came to Earth due September 2016
to the “H-bomb,” and one of their spaceships crashed at Roswell. There are two things to August 2016
1) This narrative upholds the alien scenario that the Rockefellers, the Jesuits, and the May 2016
Vatican have been trying to sell us: that friendly, advanced aliens have shown up to help us April 2016
avoid self-destruction, especially annihilation due to a nuclear holocaust. It also supports March 2016
the scenario I wrote about in “End Times” Programming: that the globalists will use black- February 2016
budget aerospace craft and GMO humanoids to fake an “alien intervention” that stops January 2016
If the Rockefellers, Jesuits, and Vatican are trying to convince you that friendly aliens have October 2015
That either there are no aliens or they aren’t friendly. So if something looking like friendly July 2015
aliens shows up to stop a nuclear exchange this year, it is either human beings faking the June 2015
intervention or hostile aliens pretending to be nice guys by saving the day. Of these two May 2015
options, the former seems the more plausible one. April 2015
March 2015
2) This narrative is technically incorrect. The Roswell “crash” took place in 1947, but the rst February 2015
H-bomb wasn’t exploded until 1952. This raises some obvious questions… January 2015
December 2014
Was this a simple mistake made because the show’s writers didn’t know the di erence between a November 2014
ssion bomb (the kind that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and a fusion bomb (the “H-bomb”), October 2014
or was this a deliberate mistake that counted on the public not knowing the di erence? September 2014
August 2014
If this was a deliberate mistake, why did they choose to speci cally mention the “H-bomb”? July 2014
Could it be because the CIA knew what was going to happen in North Korea this month?…
With North Korea testing an H-bomb, openly threatening to use it against the US, and
preparing to re o a missile, are the globalists preparing us to see increased UFO
activity due to the increased thermonuclear threat posed by an “irrationally-governed
rogue nation”? Will this increased UFO activity lead to a full-on intervention later this
Here’s an even more direct question: when North Korea conducts either the currently-
planned or a future missile launch, will a “mysterious object” (UFO) be spotted near it before
it explodes in midair or crashes harmlessly into the ocean? Will the US be miraculously saved
from a North Korean “EMP attack” disguised as a satellite launch?
Let’s move on to the second point of the scenario they outline…
“World leaders signed secret memos directing scienti c studies of alien technology and
biochemistry. Classi ed studies were done at military installations, S4, Groom Lake, Wright
Patterson and Dulce – extracting alien tissue. Tests were done on unsuspecting human
subjects in elaborately staged abductions, in craft using alien technology recovered from
the downed saucers… including human hybridisation through gene editing and forced
implantation of alien embryos.”
So the CIA/Hollywood complex is suggesting that secret scienti c studies were done on
crashed alien spacecraft and alien corpses, and that the alien abduction phenomenon was a
human-directed e ort to blend human and alien genetics. Since they are suggesting this,
though, we know it’s a lie. What, then, is the truth they are attempting to shield with this
That the electrogravitic propulsion technology of the UFOs is human technology, and the
genetic material they are attempting to fuse with humans is of animal and synthetic
origin, not “alien.” And why would they want to hide this? Because saying that it all started
with Roswell and a government cover-up de ects attention away from what really happened
and who is really behind it.
In all likelihood, “UFO technology” originated from discoveries made in the late 1800s and
early 1900s, which was the age of Nicola Tesla and other such scienti c titans. In fact, Tesla
himself had an association with J.P. Morgan that may have led to a transfer of ideas to the
banksters. After picking his brain, they starved him of funding and likely developed his ideas
in their own secret research programs.
By November of 1944, their research bore fruit in the widely reported “foo ghter”
phenomena of World War 2…
“The term foo ghter was used by Allied aircraft pilots in World War II to describe
various UFOs or mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over both the
European and Paci c theaters of operations…
The rst sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots ying over Germany by night
reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft. The objects were
variously described as ery, and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them
as resembling Christmas tree lights and reported that they seemed to toy with the aircraft,
making wild turns before simply vanishing. Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects ew
formation with their aircraft and behaved as if under intelligent control, but never
displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmaneuvered or shot down. The
phenomenon was so widespread that the lights earned a name – in the European Theater
of Operations they were often called “kraut reballs” but for the most part called “foo-
ghters”. The military took the sightings seriously, suspecting that the mysterious sightings
might be secret German weapons, but further investigation revealed that German and
Japanese pilots had reported similar sightings.” – from Wikipedia
1) The foo ghters rst appeared over Germany. Given that Germany is an Illuminati
stronghold, that the Germans were technological leaders in that era, and that the Nazis were
funded by the London Establishment, it makes sense that the Occulted Powers based their
electrogravitic research project there.
2) The foo ghters never displayed hostile behavior. This means that they weren’t the
result of a government-level research project; they came from the people who operate above
the governments. And since World War 2 was deliberately created by the Occulted Powers,
their electrogravitic craft didn’t intervene.
3) The foo ghters were rst spotted in November of 1944, but the very rst atomic
explosion (the Trinity test) didn’t occur until July of 1945. So clearly, the UFOs didn’t show
up due to “aliens” responding to the detection of nuclear explosions.
Pondering these points, one wonders if the Roswell incident was the result of an Illuminati
electrogravitic craft crashing and being found by the US military. Did the Occulted Powers
pull strings to take it away from the military and cover it up?
Moving on to the next point of the X-Files alien scenario, here are some scattered quotes
from Mulder and O’Malley (the conservative TV host) about who is behind the scenario they
MULDER: 60 years ago we were warned about the military industrial complex gathering
too much power.
MULDER: World leaders signed secret memos directing scienti c studies of alien technology
and biochemistry.
O’MALLEY: But it’s not hard to imagine… a government hiding, hoarding… alien technology
for 70 years, at the expense of human life and the future of the planet. Driven not only by
corporate greed, but… a darker objective.
O’MALLEY: By a well-oiled and well-armed multinational group of elites that will cull, kill
and subjugate.
But as any student of this conspiracy should know by now, these four groups are NOT the
bosses; they are mere mid-level minions. Operating above all of them is the banking
complex (the commercial and central banks), and operating above the banking complex are
the real bosses and their top-level minions (the Occulted Powers):
1) the Roman Empire (the Catholic and Orthodox Churches + associated global religions and
2) the royal families,
3) the Jewish bankster families,
4) the Freemasons and other secret societies, and
5) the Ma a and other sanctioned criminal groups.
Did you notice how NONE of these ve groups was mentioned as taking part in the alien
conspiracy? And why is this? As I said before, the CIA and Hollywood don’t want you to know
what’s really going on and who’s really behind it. They want you to believe in benevolent
aliens so they can pull o the next step of their “End Times” plan to unite the world under a
theocratic dictatorship (and have us believe it’s a paradise).
The next point in the X-Files scenario we should address is its endgame. It is outlined in the
second conspiracy dialog…
O’MALLEY: But it’s not hard to imagine… a government hiding, hoarding… alien technology
for 70 years, at the expense of human life and the future of the planet. Driven not only by
corporate greed, but… a darker objective.
O’MALLEY: And then the world itself – by any means necessary, however violent… or
cruel… or e cient. By severe drought brought on by weather wars conducted secretly
using aerial contaminants and high-altitude electromagnetic waves. In a state of perpetual
war to create problem-reaction-solution scenarios to distract, enrage and enslave American
citizens at home with tools like the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act,
which abridged the Constitution in the name of national security. The militarization of
police forces in cities across the U.S. The building of prison camps by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency with no stated purpose. The corporate takeover of food and
agriculture, pharmaceuticals and health care, even the military, in clandestine agendas, to
fatten, dull, sicken and control a populace already consumed by consumerism.
O’MALLEY: A government that taps your phone, collects your data and monitors your
whereabouts – with impunity. A government preparing to use that data against you when it
strikes, and the nal takeover begins.
As you can see, they paint a scary scenario, and what they are describing is the Evil
Western Decoy NWO. This Decoy New World Order is being widely publicized in order to
scare people, and with the PROBLEM presented by this NWO creating the REACTION of fear,
the globalists are hoping that everyone will welcome the SOLUTION, which is the
multilateral / multipolar NWO being brought in by the BRICS Alliance. If you wish to
understand how the two “competing” NWOs are being used to advance the globalist agenda,
read Understanding the NWO Strategy.
The nal point to be noted about the X-Files alien scenario is what it’s lacking. See if you can
guess what that is from these two quotes — the rst is from the old doctor who was a rst-
responder at the Roswell crash…
DOCTOR: Because you weren’t even close. Warring aliens lighting each other on re and
other such nonsense.
MULDER: Alien technology being used against us. Not BY aliens, not WITH aliens, but by a
venal conspiracy of men against humanity.
What’s missing is the “secret space war” between reptilian aliens and human aliens…
The globalists have been beta-testing a number of di erent alien narratives on the fringe
alternative community over the past few decades. And according to a leading, previous
version of the alien script, the US got its alien technology by making a deal with evil reptilian
aliens. These aliens o ered the technology in exchange for permission to abduct a certain
number of humans each year. Supposedly, this reptilian / US alliance was the force behind
the evil Western New World Order, and they were being opposed by human “Nordic” aliens
who were helping the BRICS Alliance block the NWO takeover. So basically, you had two
major warring alien factions…
As you can see from the X-Files quotes, they are now speci cally ruling out any warring
factions and are seemingly ruling out reptilians too. Perhaps the globalists nally decided
that “evil space lizards” would be too hard to sell, so they settled with a slightly more
plausible scenario: that the technology came from crashed alien spacecraft, and it was used
by the government to abduct humans for human/alien genetic testing. Since the X-Files will
reach a much broader global audience than any fringe alternative media site, and since
the CIA is helping to promote the show (and by extension, its narrative), we may be
looking at the nal version of alien deception script. And as I’ve pointed out, it’s full of
holes. Good luck selling that sh*t, fellas.
More than anything, the globalists want you to believe in benevolent aliens, at least for
now. This is because they are planning to send in their electrogravitic craft and GMO
humanoids (posing as UFOs and aliens) to save us from a staged nuclear exchange this
September. They want to totally blow people’s minds, and once those minds are blown,
they will construct a new paradigm in them which will facilitate the rest of their “End
Times” agenda.
One wonders what would happen if they put on their big UFO show and the whole world
Much love…
> the CIA and Hollywood are talking about alien intervention vis-a-vis H-bombs,
> North Korea supposedly tested their rst H-bomb a month ago, and
> North Korea will be ready to re an ICBM capable of reaching the US West Coast just in
time for the Super Bowl, which is being played on the West Coast.
Can anyone see how this whole situation has been coordinated to produce a dramatic
moment? What will happen if North Korea res the missile in the direction of the West Coast
during the Super Bowl? Will the networks pause TV programming for a news alert? Will the
missile defense systems be able to stop it? If they miss it, WHO WILL SAVE THE DAY?
But will they even try this now that the plan has been outed?
(P.P.S. – Same Day) – North Korea has red their missile, so if they had any drama planned
for this launch, it was aborted. It’s also possible that this was just a warm-up for an
upcoming missile incident.
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Muslims, the Jews will use the Imam Mahdi to the Summer of Terror and the Fall into war) →
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