Melioidosis - Map
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represents ‘Jardin des Plantes’ in Paris where soil cultures positive for B. pseudomallei were initially reported after an outbreak of melioidosis, which was thought to have originated from
a panda imported from China.
Represents Bologna, Italy, where B. pseudomallei in tap water (6 out of 85 specimens) was reported in 2000. However, confirmation of B. pseudomallei by any specific laboratory tests
has never been reported.
represents Chittering, southwest Western Australia, where B. pseudomallei was isolated and confirmed from a single soil specimen in 1980, following the outbreak of melioidosis in
animals. There has been no evidence of environmental B. pseudomallei in southwest Western Australia since then.
Evidence for environmental Burkholderia pseudomallei
Level of evidence Definition
1) Organism isolated from soil or water with adequate identification by culture or a B. pseudomalleispecific PCR, and
Definite (Red color, )
2) Evidence for melioidosis having been acquired in that country
1) No report identified of B. pseudomallei isolation from soil or water, and
Probable (Orange color, )
2) Evidence for melioidosis having been acquired in that country
1) Organism isolated from soil or water that was considered to be B. pseudomallei, but identification process not sufficient to exclude other, non
Possible (Yellow color, )
pathogenic environmental Burkholderia spp. such as B. thailandensis, and
2) No evidence for melioidosis having been acquired in that country
* Definitions for level of evidence in human and animal cases are under construction (please use the map for references to the
manuscripts at this moment).
Copyright © 2012 Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit. The website was funded by the Wellcome Trust of Great Britain. The content of this site is available under the
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provided the original work is properly cited. 1/1