Capital Structure Analysis of ITC LTD
Capital Structure Analysis of ITC LTD
Capital Structure Analysis of ITC LTD
Weighted Average Cost of Capital under Book Value Approach:
Market Price of Share = ₹156.8 as on 26th March
Growth Rate of Dividend for the past 3 years = 10%
Tax Rate = 30%
Dividend Paid as at 13/05/2019 = ₹5.75
Cost of Equity Share Capital (Ke)
Ke (= D1 / P0) + G
K6*e = (5.75/156.8) % + 10%
Ke = (5.75/156.8) % + 10%
Ke = 3.66% + 10%
Ke = 13.66%
Cost of Debt = Kd
Kd = I * (1 - Tax Rate) / Face Value
Kd = 0.1(1-0.3) / 1
Kd = 7%
Source Amount Cost of Capital Cost
Equity Capital 1225.86 13.66% 167.4525
Debt 7.89 7% 0.5523
Total 168.0048
Net Income Approach is best opted method as the cost of debt (Kd) shows lower
value than the cost of equity and also takes into consideration about the deductible
expenses such as taxes, etc.