Tor Pa 5 1920
Tor Pa 5 1920
Tor Pa 5 1920
The learning programmes are supported by quality facilities that include a full sized, air-conditioned
gymnasium, semi-olympic swimming pool, soccer fields, playgrounds, basketball courts, two tennis courts,
weight training room, dance room, drama studios, music suites, technology rooms, library area, computer
laboratories, science laboratories, and performing and visual arts centre (theatre), canteen/food court, and
house of worship for five religion includes Islam, Christian, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Technology is an
essential tool to learning and is supported by wireless access to the internet (WiFi zone), across the school.
BLIS is expected to have a lush green campus with many outdoor spaces to discover and explore. Young
learner will have the chance to chase butterflies, see nesting birds, scale climbing frames, construct water
channels, try their hand at gardening or engage with any number of activities set out by our early years team.
Outdoor time is an extension of the learning and inquiry taking place in the classrooms. Teachers are actively
involved with students during outdoor exploration, helping the children to make connections in their learning
and develop respect for nature. All the challenging requirements and quality will be the project for Architecture
Design Studio 5.
Architecture Design Studio 5 aims to practice the ability to design multi-mass buildings with mixed functions of
3-6 floors in contoured / sloping land (> 10-20%) on a city scale from analysis to pre-building design. Train
comprehensive thinking by considering the factors that influence design, based on human / cultural factors:
anthropometry, behaviour, barrier free, as well as physical environmental factors (climate, tropical), location,
sustainability and constructional factors, including completeness of utility, through architectural approaches as
an artistic-aesthetic formation and container for activities; presented verbally, in writing, graphics and in
Site Project located in Jalan Diponegoro, Bandarlampung, with perimeter 656,59 meters and area 19,406
square meters.
Site Project
Source : Google Earth 2020
Workshop Procedures
Students will be grouped into 4 (four) groups with each group supervised by 1 Peer Group Architecture
lecturer. During the assignment workshop, students will be guided directly by the supervisor with the output of
the assignment product approved by the supervisor each week. Assignments are carried out in the studio
according to the lecture schedule for one semester until the final review will be carried out at the end of the
semester examination. All assignments will be asked to be presented according to the specified schedule.
The assignment assessment is a compilation of the results of the project output and the studio / workshop
process, so that the process that starts with lecturing activities, activeness, attendance, observation,
assistance in the studio, until student independent work becomes important in determining assignment values.
Project Outputs
Presented in A2 size paper which includes:
• Conceptual and Analysis Diagram
• Structural System Plan Diagram
• Utility System Plan Diagram
• Orthographic Architectural Drawings :
• Siteplan
• Plans (for each building)
• Elevations (for each building)
• Section (Transverse and Longitude for each building)
• Outdoor and Indoor Perspective (3D image)
• Structural and Architectural Details
The task output is collected before the end of the semester, where each task will be reviewed by all Peer
Group Design lecturers to determine the presentation schedule as a form of final semester exams.
1) Ching. FDK. 2010. Arsitektur: Bentuk-Ruang & Susunannya, Terjemahan. Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.
2) Goodban, William T. & Jack J. Hayslett. 1979. Gambar dan Perencanaan Arsitektur. Penerbit
Erlangga, Jakarta.
3) Laseau, Paul. 1986. Berpikir Gambar bagi Arsitek dan Perancang. Terjemahan. Sri Rahayu. Penerbit
ITB, Bandung.
4) Walker, Theodore D. 2002. Rancangan Tapak & Pembuatan Detil Konstruksi. Edisi ketiga.
Terjemahan. Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.
5) Edward T White. 1987. Buku Sumber Konsep : sebuah Kosakata Bentuk-bentuk Arsitektural,
terjemahan. Intermatra, Bandung.
6) Krier, Rob. 1988. Architectural Composition. Rizzoli, New York.
7) Laseau, Paul. 1986. Berpikir Gambar bagi Arsitek dan Perancang. terjemahan Sri Rahaju,
Penerbit ITB, Bandung.
8) Mc Harg IL . 1976. Design with Nature, Natural History Press, New York.
9) Smithies, Kenneth. 1987. Prinsip-prinsip Perancangan dalam Arsitektur, terjemahan Aris
Oggodipuro. Intermatra, Bandung.
10) Van de Ven, Cornelis. 1991. Ruang dalam Arsitektur. terjemahan. Gramedia, Jakarta.
11) Van Dyke, Scott. 1982. From Line to Design: Design Graphics Communication. PDA Publisher,
West Lafayette.
12) White, Edward T., 1986. Tata Atur: Pengantar Merancang Arsitektur. terjemahan. ITB, Bandung.
13) Zahnd, Markus. 2009. Pendekatan dalam Perancangan Arsitektur: Metode untuk menganalisis
dan merancang arsitektur secara efektif. Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta.